#71 Integrity check of LibreCMC images?

opened 5 years ago by balduin · 1 comments
balduin commented 5 years ago

How can I verify binary LibreCMC images? Do you offer hash checksums (MD5, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3) for LibreCMC images or something else to verify the integrity of the images?

How can I verify binary LibreCMC images? Do you offer hash checksums (MD5, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3) for LibreCMC images or something else to verify the integrity of the images?
RISCI_ATOM commented 5 years ago

Each image directory has a sha256sum file with a signature file (sha256sum.sig). The sha256sum file is singed with the primary developer key[1] found on the contact page.

[1] dev_key

Each image directory has a sha256sum file with a signature file (sha256sum.sig). The sha256sum file is singed with the primary developer key[1] found on the contact page. [1] [dev_key](https://librecmc.org/librecmc/res/keys/bob@librecmc.org.asc)
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