# OpenVPN Layer 2 Server ## Installing OpenVPN packages TODO ## Interface Setup TODO ## Certificate and Key Setup Instructions TODO ## Server configuration For server bridge option: First two parameters are the ip/netmask of the gateway on the bridged subnet. Next two paraters indicate the pool-start-IP and pool-end-IP, which is the part of your IP address pool that you have reserved just for VPN clients. You have to make sure the DHCP server on the company network is not handing those out to on-site systems. /etc/config/openvpn ``` config openvpn 'myvpn' option enabled '1' option dev 'tap0' option port '1194' option proto 'udp' option status '/var/log/openvpn_status.log' option log '/tmp/openvpn.log' option verb '3' option mute '5' option keepalive '10 120' option persist_key '1' option persist_tun '1' option user 'nobody' option group 'nogroup' option ca '/etc/easy-rsa/keys/ca.crt' option cert '/etc/easy-rsa/keys/myvpn.crt' option key '/etc/easy-rsa/keys/myvpn.key' option dh '/etc/easy-rsa/keys/dh2048.pem' option tls_server '1' option tls_auth '/etc/easy-rsa/keys/ta.key 0' option server_bridge '' option topology 'subnet' option client_to_client '1' list push 'persist-key' list push 'persist-tun' list push 'redirect-gateway def1' # allow your clients to access to your network list push 'route' # push DNS to your clients list push 'dhcp-option DNS' # option comp_lzo 'no' ``` ## Client setup information TODO