ocserv.conf.template 15 KB

  1. ############################################################################
  2. # NOTE: Do not modify this file to configure ocserv. Add new directives #
  3. # in /etc/ocserv/ocserv.conf.local and these will be included in ocserv's #
  4. # configuration #
  5. ############################################################################
  6. # User authentication method. Could be set multiple times and in that case
  7. # all should succeed.
  8. # Options: certificate, pam.
  9. #auth = "certificate"
  10. #auth = "pam"
  11. # The gid-min option is used by auto-select-group option, in order to
  12. # select the minimum group ID.
  13. #auth = "pam[gid-min=1000]"
  14. # The plain option requires specifying a password file which contains
  15. # entries of the following format.
  16. # "username:groupname:encoded-password"
  17. # One entry must be listed per line, and 'ocpasswd' can be used
  18. # to generate password entries.
  19. auth = "|AUTH|"
  20. # A banner to be displayed on clients
  21. banner = "Welcome to OpenWRT"
  22. #isolate-workers = true
  23. # When the server has a dynamic DNS address (that may change),
  24. # should set that to true to ask the client to resolve again on
  25. # reconnects.
  26. listen-host-is-dyndns = |DYNDNS|
  27. # Use listen-host to limit to specific IPs or to the IPs of a provided
  28. # hostname.
  29. #listen-host = [IP|HOSTNAME]
  30. # Limit the number of clients. Unset or set to zero for unlimited.
  31. #max-clients = 1024
  32. max-clients = |MAX_CLIENTS|
  33. # Limit the number of client connections to one every X milliseconds
  34. # (X is the provided value). Set to zero for no limit.
  35. rate-limit-ms = 100
  36. # Limit the number of identical clients (i.e., users connecting
  37. # multiple times). Unset or set to zero for unlimited.
  38. max-same-clients = |MAX_SAME|
  39. # TCP and UDP port number
  40. tcp-port = |PORT|
  41. |UDP|udp-port = |PORT|
  42. # Stats report time. The number of seconds after which each
  43. # worker process will report its usage statistics (number of
  44. # bytes transferred etc). This is useful when accounting like
  45. # radius is in use.
  46. #stats-report-time = 360
  47. # Stats reset time. The period of time statistics kept by main/sec-mod
  48. # processes will be reset. These are the statistics shown by cmd
  49. # 'occtl show stats'. For daily: 86400, weekly: 604800
  50. # This is unrelated to stats-report-time.
  51. server-stats-reset-time = 604800
  52. # Keepalive in seconds
  53. keepalive = 32400
  54. # Dead peer detection in seconds.
  55. dpd = |DPD|
  56. # Dead peer detection for mobile clients. The needs to
  57. # be much higher to prevent such clients being awaken too
  58. # often by the DPD messages, and save battery.
  59. # (clients that send the X-AnyConnect-Identifier-DeviceType)
  60. mobile-dpd = 1800
  61. # If using DTLS, and no UDP traffic is received for this
  62. # many seconds, attempt to send future traffic over the TCP
  63. # connection instead, in an attempt to wake up the client
  64. # in the case that there is a NAT and the UDP translation
  65. # was deleted. If this is unset, do not attempt to use this
  66. # recovery mechanism.
  67. switch-to-tcp-timeout = 25
  68. # MTU discovery (DPD must be enabled)
  69. try-mtu-discovery = false
  70. # The key and the certificates of the server
  71. # The key may be a file, or any URL supported by GnuTLS (e.g.,
  72. # tpmkey:uuid=xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx;storage=user
  73. # or pkcs11:object=my-vpn-key;object-type=private)
  74. #
  75. # There may be multiple certificate and key pairs and each key
  76. # should correspond to the preceding certificate.
  77. server-cert = /etc/ocserv/server-cert.pem
  78. server-key = /etc/ocserv/server-key.pem
  79. # Diffie-Hellman parameters. Only needed if you require support
  80. # for the DHE ciphersuites (by default this server supports ECDHE).
  81. # Can be generated using:
  82. # certtool --generate-dh-params --outfile /path/to/dh.pem
  83. #dh-params = /path/to/dh.pem
  84. # If you have a certificate from a CA that provides an OCSP
  85. # service you may provide a fresh OCSP status response within
  86. # the TLS handshake. That will prevent the client from connecting
  87. # independently on the OCSP server.
  88. # You can update this response periodically using:
  89. # ocsptool --ask --load-cert=your_cert --load-issuer=your_ca --outfile response
  90. # Make sure that you replace the following file in an atomic way.
  91. #ocsp-response = /path/to/ocsp.der
  92. # In case PKCS #11 or TPM keys are used the PINs should be available
  93. # in files. The srk-pin-file is applicable to TPM keys only, and is the
  94. # storage root key.
  95. #pin-file = /path/to/pin.txt
  96. #srk-pin-file = /path/to/srkpin.txt
  97. # The Certificate Authority that will be used to verify
  98. # client certificates (public keys) if certificate authentication
  99. # is set.
  100. #ca-cert = /etc/ocserv/ca.pem
  101. # The object identifier that will be used to read the user ID in the client
  102. # certificate. The object identifier should be part of the certificate's DN
  103. # Useful OIDs are:
  104. # CN =, UID = 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1
  105. #cert-user-oid = 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1
  106. # The object identifier that will be used to read the user group in the
  107. # client certificate. The object identifier should be part of the certificate's
  108. # DN. Useful OIDs are:
  109. # OU (organizational unit) =
  110. #cert-group-oid =
  111. # The revocation list of the certificates issued by the 'ca-cert' above.
  112. #crl = /etc/ocserv/crl.pem
  113. # Uncomment this to enable compression negotiation (LZS, LZ4).
  114. |COMPRESSION|compression = true
  115. # GnuTLS priority string
  116. tls-priorities = "NORMAL:%SERVER_PRECEDENCE:%COMPAT:-VERS-SSL3.0"
  117. # To enforce perfect forward secrecy (PFS) on the main channel.
  118. #tls-priorities = "NORMAL:%SERVER_PRECEDENCE:%COMPAT:-VERS-SSL3.0:-RSA"
  119. # The time (in seconds) that a client is allowed to stay connected prior
  120. # to authentication
  121. auth-timeout = 240
  122. # The time (in seconds) that a client is allowed to stay idle (no traffic)
  123. # before being disconnected. Unset to disable.
  124. #idle-timeout = 1200
  125. # The time (in seconds) that a mobile client is allowed to stay idle (no
  126. # traffic) before being disconnected. Unset to disable.
  127. #mobile-idle-timeout = 2400
  128. # The time (in seconds) that a client is not allowed to reconnect after
  129. # a failed authentication attempt.
  130. min-reauth-time = 360
  131. # Banning clients in ocserv works with a point system. IP addresses
  132. # that get a score over that configured number are banned for
  133. # min-reauth-time seconds. By default a wrong password attempt is 10 points,
  134. # a KKDCP POST is 1 point, and a connection is 1 point. Note that
  135. # due to difference processes being involved the count of points
  136. # will not be real-time precise.
  137. #
  138. # Score banning cannot be reliably used when receiving proxied connections
  139. # locally from an HTTP server (i.e., when listen-clear-file is used).
  140. #
  141. # Set to zero to disable.
  142. max-ban-score = 80
  143. # The time (in seconds) that all score kept for a client is reset.
  144. ban-reset-time = 1200
  145. # In case you'd like to change the default points.
  146. #ban-points-wrong-password = 10
  147. #ban-points-connection = 1
  148. #ban-points-kkdcp = 1
  149. # Cookie timeout (in seconds)
  150. # Once a client is authenticated he's provided a cookie with
  151. # which he can reconnect. That cookie will be invalidated if not
  152. # used within this timeout value. This cookie remains valid, during
  153. # the user's connected time, and after user disconnection it
  154. # remains active for this amount of time. That setting should allow a
  155. # reasonable amount of time for roaming between different networks.
  156. cookie-timeout = 300
  157. # If this is enabled (not recommended) the cookies will stay
  158. # valid even after a user manually disconnects, and until they
  159. # expire. This may improve roaming with some broken clients.
  160. #persistent-cookies = true
  161. # Whether roaming is allowed, i.e., if true a cookie is
  162. # restricted to a single IP address and cannot be re-used
  163. # from a different IP.
  164. deny-roaming = false
  165. # ReKey time (in seconds)
  166. # ocserv will ask the client to refresh keys periodically once
  167. # this amount of seconds is elapsed. Set to zero to disable (note
  168. # that, some clients fail if rekey is disabled).
  169. rekey-time = 172800
  170. # ReKey method
  171. # Valid options: ssl, new-tunnel
  172. # ssl: Will perform an efficient rehandshake on the channel allowing
  173. # a seamless connection during rekey.
  174. # new-tunnel: Will instruct the client to discard and re-establish the channel.
  175. # Use this option only if the connecting clients have issues with the ssl
  176. # option.
  177. rekey-method = ssl
  178. # Script to call when a client connects and obtains an IP
  179. # Parameters are passed on the environment.
  180. # REASON, USERNAME, GROUPNAME, HOSTNAME (the hostname selected by client),
  181. # DEVICE, IP_REAL (the real IP of the client), IP_LOCAL (the local IP
  182. # in the P-t-P connection), IP_REMOTE (the VPN IP of the client),
  183. # ID (a unique numeric ID); REASON may be "connect" or "disconnect".
  184. # These scripts are not needed if you have setup an interface for all vpns+
  185. # devices.
  186. #connect-script = /usr/bin/ocserv-script
  187. #disconnect-script = /usr/bin/ocserv-script
  188. # UTMP
  189. use-utmp = false
  190. # Whether to enable support for the occtl tool (i.e., either through D-BUS,
  191. # or via a unix socket).
  192. use-occtl = true
  193. # socket file used for IPC with occtl. You only need to set that,
  194. # if you use more than a single servers.
  195. occtl-socket-file = /var/run/occtl.socket
  196. # PID file. It can be overriden in the command line.
  197. pid-file = /var/run/ocserv.pid
  198. # The default server directory. Does not require any devices present.
  199. chroot-dir = /var/lib/ocserv
  200. # socket file used for IPC, will be appended with .PID
  201. # It must be accessible within the chroot environment (if any)
  202. #socket-file = /var/run/ocserv-socket
  203. socket-file = ocserv-socket
  204. # The user the worker processes will be run as. It should be
  205. # unique (no other services run as this user).
  206. run-as-user = ocserv
  207. run-as-group = ocserv
  208. # Set the protocol-defined priority (SO_PRIORITY) for packets to
  209. # be sent. That is a number from 0 to 6 with 0 being the lowest
  210. # priority. Alternatively this can be used to set the IP Type-
  211. # Of-Service, by setting it to a hexadecimal number (e.g., 0x20).
  212. # This can be set per user/group or globally.
  213. #net-priority = 3
  214. # Set the VPN worker process into a specific cgroup. This is Linux
  215. # specific and can be set per user/group or globally.
  216. #cgroup = "cpuset,cpu:test"
  217. #
  218. # Network settings
  219. #
  220. # The name of the tun device
  221. device = vpns
  222. # Whether the generated IPs will be predictable, i.e., IP stays the
  223. # same for the same user when possible.
  224. predictable-ips = |PREDICTABLE_IPS|
  225. # The default domain to be advertised
  227. # The pool of addresses that leases will be given from.
  228. ipv4-network = |IPV4ADDR|
  229. ipv4-netmask = |NETMASK|
  230. # The advertized DNS server. Use multiple lines for
  231. # multiple servers.
  232. # dns = fc00::4be0
  233. #dns =
  234. # The NBNS server (if any)
  235. #nbns =
  236. # The IPv6 subnet that leases will be given from.
  237. |ENABLE_IPV6|ipv6-network = |IPV6ADDR|
  238. # The domains over which the provided DNS should be used. Use
  239. # multiple lines for multiple domains.
  241. # Prior to leasing any IP from the pool ping it to verify that
  242. # it is not in use by another (unrelated to this server) host.
  243. ping-leases = |PING_LEASES|
  244. # Whether to tunnel all DNS queries via the VPN. This is the default
  245. # when a default route is set.
  246. #tunnel-all-dns = true
  247. # Unset to assign the default MTU of the device
  248. # mtu =
  249. # Unset to enable bandwidth restrictions (in bytes/sec). The
  250. # setting here is global, but can also be set per user or per group.
  251. #rx-data-per-sec = 40000
  252. #tx-data-per-sec = 40000
  253. # The number of packets (of MTU size) that are available in
  254. # the output buffer. The default is low to improve latency.
  255. # Setting it higher will improve throughput.
  256. #output-buffer = 10
  257. # Routes to be forwarded to the client. If you need the
  258. # client to forward routes to the server, you may use the
  259. # config-per-user/group or even connect and disconnect scripts.
  260. #
  261. # To set the server as the default gateway for the client just
  262. # comment out all routes from the server.
  263. #route =
  264. #route =
  265. #route = fef4:db8:1000:1001::/64
  266. # Configuration files that will be applied per user connection or
  267. # per group. Each file name on these directories must match the username
  268. # or the groupname.
  269. # The options allowed in the configuration files are dns, nbns,
  270. # ipv?-network, ipv4-netmask, ipv6-prefix, rx/tx-per-sec, iroute, route,
  271. # net-priority and cgroup.
  272. #
  273. # Note that the 'iroute' option allows to add routes on the server
  274. # based on a user or group. The syntax depends on the input accepted
  275. # by the commands route-add-cmd and route-del-cmd (see below).
  276. config-per-user = /etc/ocserv/config-per-user/
  277. config-per-group = /etc/ocserv/config-per-group/
  278. # When config-per-xxx is specified and there is no group or user that
  279. # matches, then utilize the following configuration.
  280. #default-user-config = /etc/ocserv/defaults/user.conf
  281. #default-group-config = /etc/ocserv/defaults/group.conf
  282. # Groups that a client is allowed to select from.
  283. # A client may belong in multiple groups, and in certain use-cases
  284. # it is needed to switch between them. For these cases the client can
  285. # select prior to authentication. Add multiple entries for multiple groups.
  286. #select-group = group1
  287. #select-group = group2[My group 2]
  288. #select-group = tost[The tost group]
  289. # The name of the group that if selected it would allow to use
  290. # the assigned by default group.
  291. #default-select-group = DEFAULT
  292. # Instead of specifying manually all the allowed groups, you may instruct
  293. # ocserv to scan all available groups and include the full list. That
  294. # option is only functional on plain authentication.
  295. #auto-select-group = true
  296. # The system command to use to setup a route. %{R} will be replaced with the
  297. # route/mask and %{D} with the (tun) device.
  298. #
  299. # The following example is from linux systems. %{R} should be something
  300. # like
  301. #route-add-cmd = "/usr/sbin/ip route add %{R} dev %{D}"
  302. #route-del-cmd = "/usr/sbin/ip route delete %{R} dev %{D}"
  303. route-add-cmd = "/sbin/route add -net %{RI} dev %{D}"
  304. route-del-cmd = "/sbin/route del -net %{RI} dev %{D}"
  305. # This option allows to forward a proxy. The special strings '%{U}'
  306. # and '%{G}', if present will be replaced by the username and group name.
  307. #proxy-url = http://example.com/
  308. #proxy-url = http://example.com/%{U}/%{G}/hello
  309. #
  310. # The following options are for (experimental) AnyConnect client
  311. # compatibility.
  312. # Client profile xml. A sample file exists in doc/profile.xml.
  313. # This file must be accessible from inside the worker's chroot.
  314. # It is not used by the openconnect client.
  315. #user-profile = profile.xml
  316. # Binary files that may be downloaded by the CISCO client. Must
  317. # be within any chroot environment.
  318. #binary-files = /path/to/binaries
  319. # Unless set to false it is required for clients to present their
  320. # certificate even if they are authenticating via a previously granted
  321. # cookie and complete their authentication in the same TCP connection.
  322. # Legacy CISCO clients do not do that, and thus this option should be
  323. # set for them.
  324. cisco-client-compat = |CISCO_COMPAT|
  325. #Advanced options
  326. # Option to allow sending arbitrary custom headers to the client after
  327. # authentication and prior to VPN tunnel establishment.
  328. #custom-header = "X-My-Header: hi there"
  329. expose-iroutes = true