123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174 |
- -- This is an implementation of a job sheduling mechanism. It guarantees that
- -- coexisting jobs will execute primarily in order of least expiry, and
- -- secondarily in order of first registration.
- -- These functions implement an intrusive singly linked list of one or more
- -- elements where the first element has a pointer to the last. The next pointer
- -- is stored with key list_next. The pointer to the last is with key list_end.
- local function list_init(first)
- first.list_end = first
- end
- local function list_append(first, append)
- first.list_end.list_next = append
- first.list_end = append
- end
- local function list_append_list(first, first_append)
- first.list_end.list_next = first_append
- first.list_end = first_append.list_end
- end
- -- The jobs are stored in a map from expiration times to linked lists of jobs
- -- as above. The expiration times are also stored in an array representing a
- -- binary min heap, which is a particular arrangement of binary tree. A parent
- -- at index i has children at indices i*2 and i*2+1. Out-of-bounds indices
- -- represent nonexistent children. A parent is never greater than its children.
- -- This structure means that, if there is at least one job, the next expiration
- -- time is the first item in the array.
- -- Push element on a binary min-heap,
- -- "bubbling up" the element by swapping with larger parents.
- local function heap_push(heap, element)
- local index = #heap + 1
- while index > 1 do
- local parent_index = math.floor(index / 2)
- local parent = heap[parent_index]
- if element < parent then
- heap[index] = parent
- index = parent_index
- else
- break
- end
- end
- heap[index] = element
- end
- -- Pop smallest element from the heap,
- -- "sinking down" the last leaf on the last layer of the heap
- -- by swapping with the smaller child.
- local function heap_pop(heap)
- local removed_element = heap[1]
- local length = #heap
- local element = heap[length]
- heap[length] = nil
- length = length - 1
- if length > 0 then
- local index = 1
- while true do
- local old_index = index
- local smaller_element = element
- local left_index = index * 2
- local right_index = index * 2 + 1
- if left_index <= length then
- local left_element = heap[left_index]
- if left_element < smaller_element then
- index = left_index
- smaller_element = left_element
- end
- end
- if right_index <= length then
- if heap[right_index] < smaller_element then
- index = right_index
- end
- end
- if old_index ~= index then
- heap[old_index] = heap[index]
- else
- break
- end
- end
- heap[index] = element
- end
- return removed_element
- end
- local job_map = {}
- local expiries = {}
- -- Adds an individual job with the given expiry.
- -- The worst-case complexity is O(log n), where n is the number of distinct
- -- expiration times.
- local function add_job(expiry, job)
- local list = job_map[expiry]
- if list then
- list_append(list, job)
- else
- list_init(job)
- job_map[expiry] = job
- heap_push(expiries, expiry)
- end
- end
- -- Removes the next expiring jobs and returns the linked list of them.
- -- The worst-case complexity is O(log n), where n is the number of distinct
- -- expiration times.
- local function remove_first_jobs()
- local removed_expiry = heap_pop(expiries)
- local removed = job_map[removed_expiry]
- job_map[removed_expiry] = nil
- return removed
- end
- local time = 0.0
- local time_next = math.huge
- core.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
- time = time + dtime
- if time < time_next then
- return
- end
- -- Remove the expired jobs.
- local expired = remove_first_jobs()
- -- Remove other expired jobs and append them to the list.
- while true do
- time_next = expiries[1] or math.huge
- if time_next > time then
- break
- end
- list_append_list(expired, remove_first_jobs())
- end
- -- Run the callbacks afterward to prevent infinite loops with core.after(0, ...).
- local last_expired = expired.list_end
- while true do
- core.set_last_run_mod(expired.mod_origin)
- expired.func(unpack(expired.args, 1, expired.args.n))
- if expired == last_expired then
- break
- end
- expired = expired.list_next
- end
- end)
- local job_metatable = {__index = {}}
- local function dummy_func() end
- function job_metatable.__index:cancel()
- self.func = dummy_func
- self.args = {n = 0}
- end
- function core.after(after, func, ...)
- assert(tonumber(after) and not core.is_nan(after) and type(func) == "function",
- "Invalid core.after invocation")
- local new_job = {
- mod_origin = core.get_last_run_mod(),
- func = func,
- args = {
- n = select("#", ...),
- ...
- },
- }
- local expiry = time + after
- add_job(expiry, new_job)
- time_next = math.min(time_next, expiry)
- return setmetatable(new_job, job_metatable)
- end