win32sup.h 4.8 KB

  1. /*++
  2. Copyright (c) 2014 Minoca Corp.
  3. This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  4. version 3. Alternative licensing terms are available. Contact
  5. for details. See the LICENSE file at the root of this
  6. project for complete licensing information.
  7. Module Name:
  8. win32sup.h
  9. Abstract:
  10. This header contains isolated definitions for Windows support functions in
  11. the setup application. This is needed because windows.h defines don't
  12. gel nicely with Minoca OS defines.
  13. Author:
  14. Evan Green 8-Oct-2014
  15. --*/
  16. //
  17. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- Includes
  18. //
  19. //
  20. // ---------------------------------------------------------------- Definitions
  21. //
  22. //
  23. // ------------------------------------------------------ Data Type Definitions
  24. //
  25. /*++
  26. Structure Description:
  27. This structure describes a partition.
  28. Members:
  29. Partition - Stores the partition information.
  30. DiskNumber - Stores the disk number.
  31. PartitionNumber - Stores the partition number.
  32. DevicePath - Stores a pointer to the device path.
  33. --*/
  34. typedef struct _SETUP_WIN32_PARTITION_DESCRIPTION {
  36. ULONG DiskNumber;
  37. ULONG PartitionNumber;
  38. PSTR DevicePath;
  40. //
  41. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- Globals
  42. //
  43. //
  44. // -------------------------------------------------------- Function Prototypes
  45. //
  46. INT
  47. SetupWin32EnumerateDevices (
  49. PULONG DeviceCount
  50. );
  51. /*++
  52. Routine Description:
  53. This routine enumerates all devices and partitions in the system.
  54. Arguments:
  55. Devices - Supplies a pointer where an array of partition descriptions will
  56. be returned on success. The caller is responsible for freeing this
  57. array when finished (it's just a single free plus each device path).
  58. DeviceCount - Supplies a pointer where the number of elements in the
  59. array will be returned.
  60. Return Value:
  61. 0 on success.
  62. Non-zero on failure.
  63. --*/
  64. VOID
  65. SetupWin32PrintLastError (
  66. VOID
  67. );
  68. /*++
  69. Routine Description:
  70. This routine prints a description of GetLastError to standard error and
  71. also prints a newline.
  72. Arguments:
  73. None.
  74. Return Value:
  75. None.
  76. --*/
  77. PVOID
  78. SetupWin32OpenDeviceId (
  79. ULONGLONG DeviceId
  80. );
  81. /*++
  82. Routine Description:
  83. This routine opens a handle to a disk or partition ID.
  84. Arguments:
  85. DeviceId - Supplies the device ID to open.
  86. Return Value:
  87. Returns the open handle on success.
  88. NULL or (PVOID)-1 on failure.
  89. --*/
  90. VOID
  91. SetupWin32Close (
  92. PVOID Handle
  93. );
  94. /*++
  95. Routine Description:
  96. This routine closes a handle.
  97. Arguments:
  98. Handle - Supplies a pointer to the destination to open.
  99. Return Value:
  100. None.
  101. --*/
  102. ssize_t
  103. SetupWin32Read (
  104. PVOID Handle,
  105. void *Buffer,
  106. size_t ByteCount
  107. );
  108. /*++
  109. Routine Description:
  110. This routine reads from an open handle.
  111. Arguments:
  112. Handle - Supplies the handle.
  113. Buffer - Supplies a pointer where the read bytes will be returned.
  114. ByteCount - Supplies the number of bytes to read.
  115. Return Value:
  116. Returns the number of bytes read.
  117. -1 on failure.
  118. --*/
  119. ssize_t
  120. SetupWin32Write (
  121. PVOID Handle,
  122. void *Buffer,
  123. size_t ByteCount
  124. );
  125. /*++
  126. Routine Description:
  127. This routine writes data to an open handle.
  128. Arguments:
  129. Handle - Supplies the handle.
  130. Buffer - Supplies a pointer to the bytes to write.
  131. ByteCount - Supplies the number of bytes to read.
  132. Return Value:
  133. Returns the number of bytes written.
  134. -1 on failure.
  135. --*/
  137. SetupWin32Seek (
  138. PVOID Handle,
  139. LONGLONG Offset
  140. );
  141. /*++
  142. Routine Description:
  143. This routine seeks in the current file or device.
  144. Arguments:
  145. Handle - Supplies the handle.
  146. Offset - Supplies the new offset to set.
  147. Return Value:
  148. Returns the resulting file offset after the operation.
  149. -1 on failure, and errno will contain more information. The file offset
  150. will remain unchanged.
  151. --*/
  153. SetupWin32Tell (
  154. PVOID Handle
  155. );
  156. /*++
  157. Routine Description:
  158. This routine returns the current file pointer.
  159. Arguments:
  160. Handle - Supplies the handle.
  161. Return Value:
  162. Returns the file offset on success.
  163. -1 on failure, and errno will contain more information. The file offset
  164. will remain unchanged.
  165. --*/
  166. INT
  167. SetupWin32FileStat (
  168. PVOID Handle,
  169. PULONGLONG FileSize
  170. );
  171. /*++
  172. Routine Description:
  173. This routine gets details for the given open file.
  174. Arguments:
  175. Handle - Supplies the handle.
  176. FileSize - Supplies an optional pointer where the file size will be
  177. returned on success.
  178. Return Value:
  179. 0 on success.
  180. Non-zero on failure.
  181. --*/