mmaptest.c 111 KB

  1. /*++
  2. Copyright (c) 2014 Minoca Corp.
  3. This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  4. version 3. Alternative licensing terms are available. Contact
  5. for details. See the LICENSE file at the root of this
  6. project for complete licensing information.
  7. Module Name:
  8. mmaptest.c
  9. Abstract:
  10. This module implements the tests used to verify that memory map operations
  11. are working.
  12. Author:
  13. Chris Stevens 10-Mar-2014
  14. Environment:
  15. User Mode
  16. --*/
  17. //
  18. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- Includes
  19. //
  20. #include <minoca/lib/types.h>
  21. #include <assert.h>
  22. #include <errno.h>
  23. #include <fcntl.h>
  24. #include <getopt.h>
  25. #include <stdio.h>
  26. #include <stdlib.h>
  27. #include <string.h>
  28. #include <sys/stat.h>
  29. #include <sys/wait.h>
  30. #include <sys/time.h>
  31. #include <time.h>
  32. #include <unistd.h>
  33. #include <signal.h>
  34. #include <sys/mman.h>
  35. //
  36. // --------------------------------------------------------------------- Macros
  37. //
  38. #define DEBUG_PRINT(...) \
  39. if (MemoryMapTestVerbosity >= TestVerbosityDebug) { \
  40. printf(__VA_ARGS__); \
  41. }
  42. #define PRINT(...) \
  43. if (MemoryMapTestVerbosity >= TestVerbosityNormal) { \
  44. printf(__VA_ARGS__); \
  45. }
  46. #define PRINT_ERROR(...) fprintf(stderr, "\nmmaptest: " __VA_ARGS__)
  47. //
  48. // ---------------------------------------------------------------- Definitions
  49. //
  52. #define MEMORY_MAP_TEST_USAGE \
  53. "Usage: mmaptest [options] \n" \
  54. "This utility test memory map functionality. Options are:\n" \
  55. " -c, --file-count <count> -- Set the number of files to create.\n" \
  56. " -s, --file-size <size> -- Set the size of each file in bytes.\n" \
  57. " -i, --iterations <count> -- Set the number of operations to perform.\n" \
  58. " -p, --threads <count> -- Set the number of threads to spin up.\n" \
  59. " -t, --test -- Set the test to perform. Valid values are all, \n" \
  60. " basic, private, shared, shmprivate, and shmshared.\n" \
  61. " --debug -- Print lots of information about what's happening.\n" \
  62. " --quiet -- Print only errors.\n" \
  63. " --no-cleanup -- Leave test files around for debugging.\n" \
  64. " --help -- Print this help text and exit.\n" \
  65. " --version -- Print the test version and exit.\n" \
  66. #define MEMORY_MAP_TEST_OPTIONS_STRING "c:s:i:t:p:ndqhV"
  68. #define DEFAULT_FILE_COUNT 20
  69. #define DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE (1024 * 17)
  71. #define DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT 1
  72. //
  73. // ------------------------------------------------------ Data Type Definitions
  74. //
  75. typedef enum _MEMORY_MAP_TEST_ACTION {
  76. MemoryMapTestActionMap,
  77. MemoryMapTestActionUnmap,
  78. MemoryMapTestActionMappedWrite,
  79. MemoryMapTestActionMappedRead,
  80. MemoryMapTestActionSync,
  81. MemoryMapTestActionFileWrite,
  82. MemoryMapTestActionFileRead,
  83. MemoryMapTestActionCount
  85. typedef enum _TEST_VERBOSITY {
  86. TestVerbosityQuiet,
  87. TestVerbosityNormal,
  88. TestVerbosityDebug
  90. typedef enum _MEMORY_MAP_TEST_TYPE {
  91. MemoryMapTestAll,
  92. MemoryMapTestBasic,
  93. MemoryMapTestPrivate,
  94. MemoryMapTestShared,
  95. MemoryMapTestShmPrivate,
  96. MemoryMapTestShmShared
  98. typedef
  99. ULONG
  101. INT FileSize
  102. );
  103. /*++
  104. Routine Description:
  105. This routine prototype represents a function that gets called to perform
  106. a basic memory map test.
  107. Arguments:
  108. FileSize - Supplies the size of the file to create, if needed.
  109. Return Value:
  110. Returns the number of failures encountered during the test.
  111. --*/
  112. //
  113. // ----------------------------------------------- Internal Function Prototypes
  114. //
  115. ULONG
  116. MemoryMapTestCreateFiles (
  118. INT FileCount
  119. );
  120. VOID
  121. MemoryMapTestDestroyFiles (
  123. INT FileCount
  124. );
  125. ULONG
  126. RunMemoryMapBasicTests (
  127. INT FileCount,
  128. INT FileSize,
  129. INT Iterations
  130. );
  131. ULONG
  132. RunMemoryMapPrivateTest (
  133. INT FileCount,
  134. INT FileSize,
  135. INT Iterations
  136. );
  137. ULONG
  138. RunMemoryMapSharedTest (
  139. INT FileCount,
  140. INT FileSize,
  141. INT Iterations
  142. );
  143. ULONG
  144. RunMemoryMapShmPrivateTest (
  145. INT FileCount,
  146. INT FileSize,
  147. INT Iterations
  148. );
  149. ULONG
  150. RunMemoryMapShmSharedTest (
  151. INT FileCount,
  152. INT FileSize,
  153. INT Iterations
  154. );
  155. static
  156. VOID
  157. MemoryMapTestExpectedSignalHandler (
  158. INT SignalNumber,
  159. siginfo_t *SignalInformation,
  160. PVOID Context
  161. );
  162. static
  163. VOID
  164. MemoryMapTestUnexpectedSignalHandler (
  165. INT SignalNumber,
  166. siginfo_t *SignalInformation,
  167. PVOID Context
  168. );
  169. ULONG
  170. PrintTestTime (
  171. struct timeval *StartTime
  172. );
  173. ULONG
  174. MemoryMapEmptyTest (
  175. INT FileSize
  176. );
  177. ULONG
  178. MemoryMapTruncateTest (
  179. INT FileSize
  180. );
  181. ULONG
  182. MemoryMapReadOnlyTest (
  183. INT FileSize
  184. );
  185. ULONG
  186. MemoryMapNoAccessTest (
  187. INT FileSize
  188. );
  189. ULONG
  190. MemoryMapAnonymousTest (
  191. INT FileSize
  192. );
  193. ULONG
  194. MemoryMapSharedAnonymousTest (
  195. INT FileSize
  196. );
  197. //
  198. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- Globals
  199. //
  200. //
  201. // Higher levels here print out more stuff.
  202. //
  203. TEST_VERBOSITY MemoryMapTestVerbosity = TestVerbosityNormal;
  204. //
  205. // Set this boolean to skip cleaning up files.
  206. //
  207. BOOL MemoryMapTestNoCleanup = FALSE;
  208. struct option MemoryMapTestLongOptions[] = {
  209. {"file-count", required_argument, 0, 'c'},
  210. {"file-size", required_argument, 0, 's'},
  211. {"iterations", required_argument, 0, 'i'},
  212. {"threads", required_argument, 0, 'p'},
  213. {"test", required_argument, 0, 't'},
  214. {"no-cleanup", no_argument, 0, 'n'},
  215. {"debug", no_argument, 0, 'd'},
  216. {"quiet", no_argument, 0, 'q'},
  217. {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
  218. {"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'},
  219. {NULL, 0, 0, 0},
  220. };
  221. //
  222. // Define an array of basic memory map tests.
  223. //
  224. PMEMORY_MAP_BASIC_TEST_ROUTINE MemoryMapBasicTests[] = {
  225. MemoryMapEmptyTest,
  226. MemoryMapTruncateTest,
  227. MemoryMapReadOnlyTest,
  228. MemoryMapNoAccessTest,
  229. MemoryMapAnonymousTest,
  230. MemoryMapSharedAnonymousTest
  231. };
  232. //
  233. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ Functions
  234. //
  235. int
  236. main (
  237. int ArgumentCount,
  238. char **Arguments
  239. )
  240. /*++
  241. Routine Description:
  242. This routine implements the memory map test program.
  243. Arguments:
  244. ArgumentCount - Supplies the number of elements in the arguments array.
  245. Arguments - Supplies an array of strings. The array count is bounded by the
  246. previous parameter, and the strings are null-terminated.
  247. Return Value:
  248. 0 on success.
  249. Non-zero on failure.
  250. --*/
  251. {
  252. PSTR AfterScan;
  253. pid_t Child;
  254. INT ChildIndex;
  255. pid_t *Children;
  256. BOOL DestroyFiles;
  257. INT Failures;
  258. INT FileCount;
  259. INT FileSize;
  260. BOOL IsParent;
  261. INT Iterations;
  262. INT Option;
  263. INT Status;
  265. INT Threads;
  266. Children = NULL;
  267. DestroyFiles = FALSE;
  268. Failures = 0;
  269. FileCount = DEFAULT_FILE_COUNT;
  270. FileSize = DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE;
  271. Iterations = DEFAULT_OPERATION_COUNT;
  272. Test = MemoryMapTestAll;
  273. Threads = DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT;
  274. Status = 0;
  275. setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
  276. setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
  277. srand(time(NULL));
  278. //
  279. // Process the control arguments.
  280. //
  281. while (TRUE) {
  282. Option = getopt_long(ArgumentCount,
  283. Arguments,
  285. MemoryMapTestLongOptions,
  286. NULL);
  287. if (Option == -1) {
  288. break;
  289. }
  290. if ((Option == '?') || (Option == ':')) {
  291. Status = 1;
  292. goto MainEnd;
  293. }
  294. switch (Option) {
  295. case 'c':
  296. FileCount = strtol(optarg, &AfterScan, 0);
  297. if ((FileCount <= 0) || (AfterScan == optarg)) {
  298. PRINT_ERROR("Invalid file count %s.\n", optarg);
  299. Status = 1;
  300. goto MainEnd;
  301. }
  302. break;
  303. case 's':
  304. FileSize = strtol(optarg, &AfterScan, 0);
  305. if ((FileSize < 0) || (AfterScan == optarg)) {
  306. PRINT_ERROR("Invalid file size %s.\n", optarg);
  307. Status = 1;
  308. goto MainEnd;
  309. }
  310. break;
  311. case 'i':
  312. Iterations = strtol(optarg, &AfterScan, 0);
  313. if ((Iterations < 0) || (AfterScan == optarg)) {
  314. PRINT_ERROR("Invalid iteration count %s.\n", optarg);
  315. Status = 1;
  316. goto MainEnd;
  317. }
  318. break;
  319. case 'n':
  320. MemoryMapTestNoCleanup = TRUE;
  321. break;
  322. case 'p':
  323. Threads = strtol(optarg, &AfterScan, 0);
  324. if ((Threads <= 0) || (AfterScan == optarg)) {
  325. PRINT_ERROR("Invalid thread count %s.\n", optarg);
  326. Status = 1;
  327. goto MainEnd;
  328. }
  329. break;
  330. case 't':
  331. if (strcasecmp(optarg, "all") == 0) {
  332. Test = MemoryMapTestAll;
  333. } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "basic") == 0) {
  334. Test = MemoryMapTestBasic;
  335. } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "private") == 0) {
  336. Test = MemoryMapTestPrivate;
  337. } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "shared") == 0) {
  338. Test = MemoryMapTestShared;
  339. } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "shmprivate") == 0) {
  340. Test = MemoryMapTestShmPrivate;
  341. } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "shmshared") == 0) {
  342. Test = MemoryMapTestShmShared;
  343. } else {
  344. PRINT_ERROR("Invalid test: %s.\n", optarg);
  345. Status = 1;
  346. goto MainEnd;
  347. }
  348. break;
  349. case 'd':
  350. MemoryMapTestVerbosity = TestVerbosityDebug;
  351. break;
  352. case 'q':
  353. MemoryMapTestVerbosity = TestVerbosityQuiet;
  354. break;
  355. case 'V':
  356. printf("Minoca mmaptest version %d.%d\n",
  359. return 1;
  360. case 'h':
  361. printf(MEMORY_MAP_TEST_USAGE);
  362. return 1;
  363. default:
  364. assert(FALSE);
  365. Status = 1;
  366. goto MainEnd;
  367. }
  368. }
  369. //
  370. // Create any files that are necessary for the test.
  371. //
  372. DestroyFiles = TRUE;
  373. Failures += MemoryMapTestCreateFiles(Test, FileCount);
  374. if (Failures != 0) {
  375. goto MainEnd;
  376. }
  377. IsParent = TRUE;
  378. if (Threads > 1) {
  379. Children = malloc(sizeof(pid_t) * (Threads - 1));
  380. if (Children == NULL) {
  381. Status = ENOMEM;
  382. goto MainEnd;
  383. }
  384. memset(Children, 0, sizeof(pid_t) * (Threads - 1));
  385. for (ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < Threads - 1; ChildIndex += 1) {
  386. Child = fork();
  387. //
  388. // If this is the child, break out and run the tests.
  389. //
  390. if (Child == 0) {
  391. srand(time(NULL) + ChildIndex);
  392. IsParent = FALSE;
  393. break;
  394. }
  395. Children[ChildIndex] = Child;
  396. }
  397. }
  398. //
  399. // Run the tests.
  400. //
  401. if ((Test == MemoryMapTestAll) || (Test == MemoryMapTestBasic)) {
  402. Failures += RunMemoryMapBasicTests(FileCount, FileSize, Iterations);
  403. }
  404. if ((Test == MemoryMapTestAll) || (Test == MemoryMapTestPrivate)) {
  405. Failures += RunMemoryMapPrivateTest(FileCount, FileSize, Iterations);
  406. }
  407. if ((Test == MemoryMapTestAll) || (Test == MemoryMapTestShared)) {
  408. Failures += RunMemoryMapSharedTest(FileCount, FileSize, Iterations);
  409. }
  410. if ((Test == MemoryMapTestAll) || (Test == MemoryMapTestShmPrivate)) {
  411. Failures += RunMemoryMapShmPrivateTest(FileCount, FileSize, Iterations);
  412. }
  413. if ((Test == MemoryMapTestAll) || (Test == MemoryMapTestShmShared)) {
  414. Failures += RunMemoryMapShmSharedTest(FileCount, FileSize, Iterations);
  415. }
  416. //
  417. // Wait for any children.
  418. //
  419. if (IsParent != FALSE) {
  420. if (Threads > 1) {
  421. for (ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < Threads - 1; ChildIndex += 1) {
  422. Child = waitpid(Children[ChildIndex], &Status, 0);
  423. if (Child == -1) {
  424. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to wait for child %d: %s.\n",
  425. Children[ChildIndex],
  426. strerror(errno));
  427. Status = errno;
  428. } else {
  429. assert(Child == Children[ChildIndex]);
  430. if (!WIFEXITED(Status)) {
  431. PRINT_ERROR("Child %d returned with status %x\n",
  432. Status);
  433. Failures += 1;
  434. }
  435. Failures += WEXITSTATUS(Status);
  436. Status = 0;
  437. }
  438. }
  439. }
  440. //
  441. // If this is a child, just report back the number of failures to the
  442. // parent.
  443. //
  444. } else {
  445. if (Failures > 100) {
  446. exit(100);
  447. } else {
  448. exit(Failures);
  449. }
  450. }
  451. MainEnd:
  452. //
  453. // Destroy any files that were needed for the test, if necessary.
  454. //
  455. if ((MemoryMapTestNoCleanup == FALSE) && (DestroyFiles != FALSE)) {
  456. MemoryMapTestDestroyFiles(Test, FileCount);
  457. }
  458. if (Children != NULL) {
  459. free(Children);
  460. }
  461. if (Status != 0) {
  462. PRINT_ERROR("Error: %d.\n", Status);
  463. }
  464. if (Failures != 0) {
  465. PRINT_ERROR("\n *** %d failures in mmaptest ***\n", Failures);
  466. return Failures;
  467. }
  468. return 0;
  469. }
  470. //
  471. // --------------------------------------------------------- Internal Functions
  472. ULONG
  473. MemoryMapTestCreateFiles (
  475. INT FileCount
  476. )
  477. /*++
  478. Routine Description:
  479. This routine creates any files that are necessary for the given test.
  480. Arguments:
  481. Test - Supplies the type of test being run.
  482. FileCount - Supplies the number of files to be used during the test.
  483. Return Value:
  484. Returns the number of failures encountered when creating files.
  485. --*/
  486. {
  487. ULONG Failures;
  488. INT File;
  489. INT FileIndex;
  490. CHAR FileName[16];
  491. INT OpenFlags;
  492. Failures = 0;
  493. if ((Test == MemoryMapTestAll) || (Test == MemoryMapTestPrivate)) {
  494. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  495. snprintf(FileName,
  496. sizeof(FileName),
  497. "mmpt-%06x",
  498. FileIndex);
  499. OpenFlags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
  500. File = open(FileName,
  501. OpenFlags,
  503. if (File < 0) {
  504. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to open file %s (flags %x): %s.\n",
  505. FileName,
  506. OpenFlags,
  507. strerror(errno));
  508. Failures += 1;
  509. goto MemoryMapTestCreateFilesEnd;
  510. }
  511. if (close(File) != 0) {
  512. Failures += 1;
  513. goto MemoryMapTestCreateFilesEnd;
  514. }
  515. }
  516. }
  517. if ((Test == MemoryMapTestAll) || (Test == MemoryMapTestShared)) {
  518. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  519. snprintf(FileName,
  520. sizeof(FileName),
  521. "mmst-%06x",
  522. FileIndex);
  523. OpenFlags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
  524. File = open(FileName,
  525. OpenFlags,
  527. if (File < 0) {
  528. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to open file %s (flags %x): %s.\n",
  529. FileName,
  530. OpenFlags,
  531. strerror(errno));
  532. Failures += 1;
  533. goto MemoryMapTestCreateFilesEnd;
  534. }
  535. if (close(File) != 0) {
  536. Failures += 1;
  537. goto MemoryMapTestCreateFilesEnd;
  538. }
  539. }
  540. }
  541. if ((Test == MemoryMapTestAll) || (Test == MemoryMapTestShmPrivate)) {
  542. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  543. snprintf(FileName,
  544. sizeof(FileName),
  545. "shmpt-%06x",
  546. FileIndex);
  547. OpenFlags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
  548. File = shm_open(FileName,
  549. OpenFlags,
  551. if (File < 0) {
  552. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to open shared memory object %s "
  553. "(flags %x): %s.\n",
  554. FileName,
  555. OpenFlags,
  556. strerror(errno));
  557. Failures += 1;
  558. goto MemoryMapTestCreateFilesEnd;
  559. }
  560. if (close(File) != 0) {
  561. Failures += 1;
  562. goto MemoryMapTestCreateFilesEnd;
  563. }
  564. }
  565. }
  566. if ((Test == MemoryMapTestAll) || (Test == MemoryMapTestShmShared)) {
  567. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  568. snprintf(FileName,
  569. sizeof(FileName),
  570. "shmst-%06x",
  571. FileIndex);
  572. OpenFlags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
  573. File = shm_open(FileName,
  574. OpenFlags,
  576. if (File < 0) {
  577. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to open shared memory object %s "
  578. "(flags %x): %s.\n",
  579. FileName,
  580. OpenFlags,
  581. strerror(errno));
  582. Failures += 1;
  583. goto MemoryMapTestCreateFilesEnd;
  584. }
  585. if (close(File) != 0) {
  586. Failures += 1;
  587. goto MemoryMapTestCreateFilesEnd;
  588. }
  589. }
  590. }
  591. MemoryMapTestCreateFilesEnd:
  592. return Failures;
  593. }
  594. VOID
  595. MemoryMapTestDestroyFiles (
  597. INT FileCount
  598. )
  599. /*++
  600. Routine Description:
  601. This routine destroys any files that were necessary for the given test.
  602. Arguments:
  603. Test - Supplies the type of test being run.
  604. FileCount - Supplies the number of files used during the test.
  605. Return Value:
  606. None.
  607. --*/
  608. {
  609. INT FileIndex;
  610. CHAR FileName[16];
  611. INT Result;
  612. if ((Test == MemoryMapTestAll) || (Test == MemoryMapTestPrivate)) {
  613. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  614. snprintf(FileName,
  615. sizeof(FileName),
  616. "mmpt-%06x",
  617. FileIndex);
  618. Result = unlink(FileName);
  619. if ((Result != 0) && (errno != ENOENT)) {
  620. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unlink %s: %s.\n",
  621. FileName,
  622. strerror(errno));
  623. }
  624. }
  625. }
  626. if ((Test == MemoryMapTestAll) || (Test == MemoryMapTestShared)) {
  627. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  628. snprintf(FileName,
  629. sizeof(FileName),
  630. "mmst-%06x",
  631. FileIndex);
  632. Result = unlink(FileName);
  633. if ((Result != 0) && (errno != ENOENT)) {
  634. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unlink %s: %s.\n",
  635. FileName,
  636. strerror(errno));
  637. }
  638. }
  639. }
  640. if ((Test == MemoryMapTestAll) || (Test == MemoryMapTestShmPrivate)) {
  641. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  642. snprintf(FileName,
  643. sizeof(FileName),
  644. "shmpt-%06x",
  645. FileIndex);
  646. Result = shm_unlink(FileName);
  647. if ((Result != 0) && (errno != ENOENT)) {
  648. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unlink %s: %s.\n",
  649. FileName,
  650. strerror(errno));
  651. }
  652. }
  653. }
  654. if ((Test == MemoryMapTestAll) || (Test == MemoryMapTestShmShared)) {
  655. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  656. snprintf(FileName,
  657. sizeof(FileName),
  658. "shmst-%06x",
  659. FileIndex);
  660. Result = shm_unlink(FileName);
  661. if ((Result != 0) && (errno != ENOENT)) {
  662. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unlink %s: %s.\n",
  663. FileName,
  664. strerror(errno));
  665. }
  666. }
  667. }
  668. return;
  669. }
  670. ULONG
  671. RunMemoryMapBasicTests (
  672. INT FileCount,
  673. INT FileSize,
  674. INT Iterations
  675. )
  676. /*++
  677. Routine Description:
  678. This routine executes the memory map basic test.
  679. Arguments:
  680. FileCount - Supplies the number of files to work with.
  681. FileSize - Supplies the size of each file.
  682. Iterations - Supplies the number of iterations to perform.
  683. Return Value:
  684. Returns the number of failures in the test suite.
  685. --*/
  686. {
  687. ULONG Failures;
  688. INT Iteration;
  689. INT Percent;
  690. pid_t Process;
  691. INT Test;
  692. INT TestCount;
  694. Failures = 0;
  695. //
  696. // Announce the test.
  697. //
  698. Process = getpid();
  699. PRINT("Process %d Running memory map basic tests with %d iterations.\n",
  700. Process,
  701. Iterations);
  702. Percent = Iterations / 100;
  703. if (Percent == 0) {
  704. Percent = 1;
  705. }
  706. //
  707. // Determine how many basic tests there are.
  708. //
  709. TestCount = sizeof(MemoryMapBasicTests) / sizeof(MemoryMapBasicTests[0]);
  710. //
  711. // For each iteration, pick a random test and execute it.
  712. //
  713. for (Iteration = 0; Iteration < Iterations; Iteration += 1) {
  714. Test = rand() % TestCount;
  715. TestRoutine = MemoryMapBasicTests[Test];
  716. Failures += TestRoutine(FileSize);
  717. if ((Iteration % Percent) == 0) {
  718. PRINT("b");
  719. }
  720. }
  721. PRINT("\n");
  722. return Failures;
  723. }
  724. ULONG
  725. RunMemoryMapPrivateTest (
  726. INT FileCount,
  727. INT FileSize,
  728. INT Iterations
  729. )
  730. /*++
  731. Routine Description:
  732. This routine executes the memory map private consistency test.
  733. Arguments:
  734. FileCount - Supplies the number of files to work with.
  735. FileSize - Supplies the size of each file.
  736. Iterations - Supplies the number of iterations to perform.
  737. Return Value:
  738. Returns the number of failures in the test suite.
  739. --*/
  740. {
  742. unsigned ActionSeed;
  743. size_t BytesComplete;
  744. INT ExpectedValue;
  745. ULONG Failures;
  746. INT File;
  747. PINT FileBuffer;
  748. INT FileIndex;
  749. CHAR FileName[16];
  750. PINT FileOffset;
  751. INT FillIndex;
  752. INT Iteration;
  753. PINT *MapBuffer;
  754. INT MaxSimultaneousFiles;
  755. INT OpenFlags;
  756. INT Percent;
  757. pid_t Process;
  758. INT Result;
  759. struct sigaction SignalAction;
  760. INT SimultaneousFiles;
  761. struct timeval StartTime;
  762. size_t TotalBytesComplete;
  763. Failures = 0;
  764. FileBuffer = NULL;
  765. FileOffset = NULL;
  766. MapBuffer = NULL;
  767. //
  768. // Set up the signal handler.
  769. //
  770. SignalAction.sa_sigaction = MemoryMapTestUnexpectedSignalHandler;
  771. sigemptyset(&(SignalAction.sa_mask));
  772. SignalAction.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
  773. sigaction(SIGSEGV, &SignalAction, NULL);
  774. sigaction(SIGBUS, &SignalAction, NULL);
  775. //
  776. // Record the test start time.
  777. //
  778. Result = gettimeofday(&StartTime, NULL);
  779. if (Result != 0) {
  780. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to get time of day: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  781. Failures += 1;
  782. goto RunMemoryMapPrivateTestEnd;
  783. }
  784. //
  785. // Announce the test.
  786. //
  787. Process = getpid();
  788. PRINT("Process %d Running memory map private test with %d files of %d "
  789. "bytes each. %d iterations.\n",
  790. Process,
  791. FileCount,
  792. FileSize,
  793. Iterations);
  794. Percent = Iterations / 100;
  795. if (Percent == 0) {
  796. Percent = 1;
  797. }
  798. MaxSimultaneousFiles = 0;
  799. SimultaneousFiles = 0;
  800. FileBuffer = malloc(FileSize);
  801. if (FileBuffer == NULL) {
  802. Failures += 1;
  803. goto RunMemoryMapPrivateTestEnd;
  804. }
  805. FileOffset = malloc(FileCount * sizeof(INT));
  806. if (FileOffset == NULL) {
  807. Failures += 1;
  808. goto RunMemoryMapPrivateTestEnd;
  809. }
  810. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  811. FileOffset[FileIndex] = -1;
  812. }
  813. MapBuffer = malloc(FileCount * sizeof(PINT));
  814. if (MapBuffer == NULL) {
  815. Failures += 1;
  816. goto RunMemoryMapPrivateTestEnd;
  817. }
  818. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  819. MapBuffer[FileIndex] = MAP_FAILED;
  820. }
  821. FileSize = ALIGN_RANGE_UP(FileSize, sizeof(INT));
  822. //
  823. // Get a separate seed for the random actions.
  824. //
  825. ActionSeed = time(NULL);
  826. //
  827. // Perform the memory map operations. This test writes an entire private
  828. // memory mapped file with incremental values and then tests that any file
  829. // reads return the same values.
  830. //
  831. for (Iteration = 0; Iteration < Iterations; Iteration += 1) {
  832. //
  833. // Pick a random file and a random action.
  834. //
  835. FileIndex = rand() % FileCount;
  836. snprintf(FileName,
  837. sizeof(FileName),
  838. "mmpt-%06x",
  839. FileIndex);
  840. Action = rand_r(&ActionSeed) % MemoryMapTestActionCount;
  841. //
  842. // If the file has yet to be created, then the action must be map.
  843. //
  844. if (MapBuffer[FileIndex] == MAP_FAILED) {
  845. Action = MemoryMapTestActionMap;
  846. //
  847. // Otherwise if the file is set to be mapped again, go unmap it first.
  848. //
  849. } else if (Action == MemoryMapTestActionMap) {
  850. Action = MemoryMapTestActionUnmap;
  851. }
  852. switch (Action) {
  853. case MemoryMapTestActionMap:
  854. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] == MAP_FAILED);
  855. SimultaneousFiles += 1;
  856. if (SimultaneousFiles > MaxSimultaneousFiles) {
  857. MaxSimultaneousFiles = SimultaneousFiles;
  858. }
  859. //
  860. // Open the file read/write.
  861. //
  862. OpenFlags = O_RDWR;
  863. File = open(FileName, OpenFlags);
  864. if (File < 0) {
  865. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to open file %s (flags %x): %s.\n",
  866. FileName,
  867. OpenFlags,
  868. strerror(errno));
  869. Failures += 1;
  870. continue;
  871. }
  872. //
  873. // Use ftruncate to make the file bigger so that access to the
  874. // mmapped region succeeds.
  875. //
  876. Result = ftruncate(File, FileSize);
  877. if (Result != 0) {
  878. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to ftruncate file %s: %s.\n",
  879. FileName,
  880. strerror(errno));
  881. Failures += 1;
  882. }
  883. //
  884. // Mmap the file privately with read/write permissions.
  885. //
  886. MapBuffer[FileIndex] = mmap(0,
  887. FileSize,
  890. File,
  891. 0);
  892. //
  893. // Close the file.
  894. //
  895. if (close(File) != 0) {
  896. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to close: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  897. Failures += 1;
  898. }
  899. //
  900. // Increment the failure count if the mapping failed.
  901. //
  902. if (MapBuffer[FileIndex] == MAP_FAILED) {
  903. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to map file %s rw + private: %s.\n",
  904. FileName,
  905. strerror(errno));
  906. Failures += 1;
  907. continue;
  908. }
  909. break;
  910. case MemoryMapTestActionUnmap:
  911. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  912. //
  913. // Unmap the file.
  914. //
  915. Result = munmap(MapBuffer[FileIndex], FileSize);
  916. if (Result != 0) {
  917. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unmap %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  918. Failures += 1;
  919. continue;
  920. }
  921. MapBuffer[FileIndex] = MAP_FAILED;
  922. FileOffset[FileIndex] = -1;
  923. SimultaneousFiles -= 1;
  924. break;
  925. case MemoryMapTestActionMappedWrite:
  926. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  927. FileOffset[FileIndex] = rand();
  928. DEBUG_PRINT("Writing file %s, Value %x.\n",
  929. FileName,
  930. FileOffset[FileIndex]);
  931. for (FillIndex = 0;
  932. FillIndex < FileSize / sizeof(INT);
  933. FillIndex += 1) {
  934. MapBuffer[FileIndex][FillIndex] = FileOffset[FileIndex] +
  935. FillIndex;
  936. }
  937. break;
  938. case MemoryMapTestActionMappedRead:
  939. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  940. DEBUG_PRINT("Reading file %s, Value should be %x.\n",
  941. FileName,
  942. FileOffset[FileIndex]);
  943. //
  944. // If the mapped section has been written to, then the buffer
  945. // should always read the incrementing random values. Otherwise the
  946. // file should be all zero's.
  947. //
  948. for (FillIndex = 0;
  949. FillIndex < FileSize / sizeof(INT);
  950. FillIndex += 1) {
  951. if (FileOffset[FileIndex] == -1) {
  952. ExpectedValue = 0;
  953. } else {
  954. ExpectedValue = FileOffset[FileIndex] + FillIndex;
  955. }
  956. if (MapBuffer[FileIndex][FillIndex] != ExpectedValue) {
  957. PRINT_ERROR("Mapped read file %s index %x came back %x, "
  958. "should have been %x.\n",
  959. FileName,
  960. FillIndex,
  961. MapBuffer[FileIndex][FillIndex],
  962. ExpectedValue);
  963. Failures += 1;
  964. }
  965. }
  966. break;
  967. case MemoryMapTestActionSync:
  968. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  969. DEBUG_PRINT("Syncing file %s, Value should be %x.\n",
  970. FileName,
  971. FileOffset[FileIndex]);
  972. Result = msync(MapBuffer[FileIndex], FileSize, MS_SYNC);
  973. if (Result != 0) {
  974. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to msync file %s: %s.\n",
  975. FileName,
  976. strerror(errno));
  977. Failures += 1;
  978. continue;
  979. }
  980. break;
  981. case MemoryMapTestActionFileWrite:
  982. //
  983. // Open the file and write to it using the file I/O APIs.
  984. //
  985. OpenFlags = O_WRONLY;
  986. File = open(FileName, OpenFlags);
  987. if (File < 0) {
  988. if (errno != ENOENT) {
  989. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to open file %s (flags %x): %s.\n",
  990. FileName,
  991. OpenFlags,
  992. strerror(errno));
  993. Failures += 1;
  994. }
  995. continue;
  996. }
  997. //
  998. // Fill the file buffer with 0's and write it out to the file. The
  999. // memory mappings are marked private, so none of their prior
  1000. // writes should get erased by this action.
  1001. //
  1002. for (FillIndex = 0;
  1003. FillIndex < FileSize / sizeof(INT);
  1004. FillIndex += 1) {
  1005. FileBuffer[FillIndex] = 0;
  1006. }
  1007. DEBUG_PRINT("Writing to file %s.\n", FileName);
  1008. do {
  1009. BytesComplete = write(File, FileBuffer, FileSize);
  1010. } while ((BytesComplete < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
  1011. if (BytesComplete != FileSize) {
  1012. PRINT_ERROR("Write failed. Wrote %d of %d bytes: %s.\n",
  1013. BytesComplete,
  1014. FileSize,
  1015. strerror(errno));
  1016. Failures += 1;
  1017. }
  1018. if (close(File) != 0) {
  1019. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to close: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  1020. Failures += 1;
  1021. }
  1022. break;
  1023. case MemoryMapTestActionFileRead:
  1024. //
  1025. // Open the file and read from it using the file I/O APIs.
  1026. //
  1027. OpenFlags = O_RDONLY;
  1028. File = open(FileName, OpenFlags);
  1029. if (File < 0) {
  1030. if (errno != ENOENT) {
  1031. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to open file %s (flags %x): %s.\n",
  1032. FileName,
  1033. OpenFlags,
  1034. strerror(errno));
  1035. Failures += 1;
  1036. }
  1037. continue;
  1038. }
  1039. DEBUG_PRINT("Reading from file %s.\n", FileName);
  1040. //
  1041. // Fill the file buffer with junk and read it in.
  1042. //
  1043. for (FillIndex = 0;
  1044. FillIndex < FileSize / sizeof(INT);
  1045. FillIndex += 1) {
  1046. FileBuffer[FillIndex] = 0xFEEDF00D;
  1047. }
  1048. TotalBytesComplete = 0;
  1049. while (TotalBytesComplete < FileSize) {
  1050. do {
  1051. BytesComplete = read(File,
  1052. FileBuffer + TotalBytesComplete,
  1053. FileSize - TotalBytesComplete);
  1054. } while ((BytesComplete < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
  1055. if (BytesComplete <= 0) {
  1056. PRINT_ERROR("Read failed. Read %d (%d total) of "
  1057. "%d bytes: %s.\n",
  1058. BytesComplete,
  1059. TotalBytesComplete,
  1060. FileSize,
  1061. strerror(errno));
  1062. Failures += 1;
  1063. break;
  1064. }
  1065. TotalBytesComplete += BytesComplete;
  1066. }
  1067. //
  1068. // The result should either be -2 or 0. The mappings were done
  1069. // privately, so any mapped writes should not have had an effect.
  1070. //
  1071. for (FillIndex = 0;
  1072. FillIndex < FileSize / sizeof(INT);
  1073. FillIndex += 1) {
  1074. if (FileBuffer[FillIndex] != 0) {
  1075. PRINT_ERROR("Read data file %s index %x came back %x, "
  1076. "should have been 0.\n",
  1077. FileName,
  1078. FillIndex,
  1079. FileBuffer[FillIndex]);
  1080. Failures += 1;
  1081. }
  1082. }
  1083. if (close(File) != 0) {
  1084. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to close: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  1085. Failures += 1;
  1086. }
  1087. break;
  1088. default:
  1089. assert(FALSE);
  1090. break;
  1091. }
  1092. if ((Iteration % Percent) == 0) {
  1093. PRINT("p");
  1094. }
  1095. }
  1096. //
  1097. // Unmap all the files that remain mapped.
  1098. //
  1099. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  1100. if (MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED) {
  1101. Result = munmap(MapBuffer[FileIndex], FileSize);
  1102. if (Result != 0) {
  1103. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unmap %p: %s.\n",
  1104. MapBuffer[FileIndex],
  1105. strerror(errno));
  1106. Failures += 1;
  1107. }
  1108. }
  1109. }
  1110. PRINT("\nMax usage: %d files, %I64d bytes.\n",
  1111. MaxSimultaneousFiles,
  1112. (ULONGLONG)MaxSimultaneousFiles * (ULONGLONG)FileSize);
  1113. Failures += PrintTestTime(&StartTime);
  1114. RunMemoryMapPrivateTestEnd:
  1115. if (FileBuffer != NULL) {
  1116. free(FileBuffer);
  1117. }
  1118. if (FileOffset != NULL) {
  1119. free(FileOffset);
  1120. }
  1121. if (MapBuffer != NULL) {
  1122. free(MapBuffer);
  1123. }
  1124. return Failures;
  1125. }
  1126. ULONG
  1127. RunMemoryMapSharedTest (
  1128. INT FileCount,
  1129. INT FileSize,
  1130. INT Iterations
  1131. )
  1132. /*++
  1133. Routine Description:
  1134. This routine executes the memory map shared consistency test.
  1135. Arguments:
  1136. FileCount - Supplies the number of files to work with.
  1137. FileSize - Supplies the size of each file.
  1138. Iterations - Supplies the number of iterations to perform.
  1139. Return Value:
  1140. Returns the number of failures in the test suite.
  1141. --*/
  1142. {
  1144. unsigned ActionSeed;
  1145. ssize_t BytesComplete;
  1146. ULONG Failures;
  1147. INT File;
  1148. INT FileIndex;
  1149. CHAR FileName[16];
  1150. INT Iteration;
  1151. PBYTE *MapBuffer;
  1152. INT MaxSimultaneousFiles;
  1153. INT Offset;
  1154. INT OpenFlags;
  1155. INT Percent;
  1156. pid_t Process;
  1157. INT Result;
  1158. struct sigaction SignalAction;
  1159. INT SimultaneousFiles;
  1160. struct timeval StartTime;
  1161. BYTE Value;
  1162. Failures = 0;
  1163. MapBuffer = NULL;
  1164. //
  1165. // Set up the signal handler.
  1166. //
  1167. SignalAction.sa_sigaction = MemoryMapTestUnexpectedSignalHandler;
  1168. sigemptyset(&(SignalAction.sa_mask));
  1169. SignalAction.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
  1170. sigaction(SIGSEGV, &SignalAction, NULL);
  1171. sigaction(SIGBUS, &SignalAction, NULL);
  1172. //
  1173. // Record the test start time.
  1174. //
  1175. Result = gettimeofday(&StartTime, NULL);
  1176. if (Result != 0) {
  1177. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to get time of day: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  1178. Failures += 1;
  1179. goto RunMemoryMapSharedTestEnd;
  1180. }
  1181. //
  1182. // Announce the test.
  1183. //
  1184. Process = getpid();
  1185. PRINT("Process %d Running memory map shared test with %d files of %d "
  1186. "bytes each. %d iterations.\n",
  1187. Process,
  1188. FileCount,
  1189. FileSize,
  1190. Iterations);
  1191. Percent = Iterations / 100;
  1192. if (Percent == 0) {
  1193. Percent = 1;
  1194. }
  1195. MaxSimultaneousFiles = 0;
  1196. SimultaneousFiles = 0;
  1197. MapBuffer = malloc(FileCount * sizeof(PINT));
  1198. if (MapBuffer == NULL) {
  1199. Failures += 1;
  1200. goto RunMemoryMapSharedTestEnd;
  1201. }
  1202. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  1203. MapBuffer[FileIndex] = MAP_FAILED;
  1204. }
  1205. FileSize = ALIGN_RANGE_UP(FileSize, sizeof(INT));
  1206. //
  1207. // Get a separate seed for the random actions.
  1208. //
  1209. ActionSeed = time(NULL);
  1210. //
  1211. // Perform the memory map operations. This test picks a random offset and
  1212. // writes the low byte of the offset to the offet's location in a file.
  1213. // Memory mapped regions of the file that are mapped shared are then tested
  1214. // at random offsets to determine if the correct value, or 0, is stored
  1215. // there.
  1216. //
  1217. for (Iteration = 0; Iteration < Iterations; Iteration += 1) {
  1218. //
  1219. // Pick a random file and a random action.
  1220. //
  1221. FileIndex = rand() % FileCount;
  1222. snprintf(FileName,
  1223. sizeof(FileName),
  1224. "mmst-%06x",
  1225. FileIndex);
  1226. Action = rand_r(&ActionSeed) % MemoryMapTestActionCount;
  1227. //
  1228. // If the file has yet to be created, then the action must be map.
  1229. //
  1230. if (MapBuffer[FileIndex] == MAP_FAILED) {
  1231. Action = MemoryMapTestActionMap;
  1232. //
  1233. // Otherwise if the file is set to be mapped again, go unmap it first.
  1234. //
  1235. } else if (Action == MemoryMapTestActionMap) {
  1236. Action = MemoryMapTestActionUnmap;
  1237. }
  1238. switch (Action) {
  1239. case MemoryMapTestActionMap:
  1240. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] == MAP_FAILED);
  1241. SimultaneousFiles += 1;
  1242. if (SimultaneousFiles > MaxSimultaneousFiles) {
  1243. MaxSimultaneousFiles = SimultaneousFiles;
  1244. }
  1245. //
  1246. // Open the file read/write.
  1247. //
  1248. OpenFlags = O_RDWR;
  1249. File = open(FileName, OpenFlags);
  1250. if (File < 0) {
  1251. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to open file %s (flags %x): %s.\n",
  1252. FileName,
  1253. OpenFlags,
  1254. strerror(errno));
  1255. Failures += 1;
  1256. continue;
  1257. }
  1258. //
  1259. // Use ftruncate to make the file bigger so that access to the
  1260. // mmapped region succeeds.
  1261. //
  1262. Result = ftruncate(File, FileSize);
  1263. if (Result != 0) {
  1264. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to ftruncate file %s: %s.\n",
  1265. FileName,
  1266. strerror(errno));
  1267. Failures += 1;
  1268. }
  1269. //
  1270. // Mmap the file privately with read/write permissions.
  1271. //
  1272. MapBuffer[FileIndex] = mmap(0,
  1273. FileSize,
  1275. MAP_SHARED,
  1276. File,
  1277. 0);
  1278. //
  1279. // Close the file.
  1280. //
  1281. if (close(File) != 0) {
  1282. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to close: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  1283. Failures += 1;
  1284. }
  1285. //
  1286. // Increment the failure count if the mapping failed.
  1287. //
  1288. if (MapBuffer[FileIndex] == MAP_FAILED) {
  1289. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to map file %s rw + private: %s.\n",
  1290. FileName,
  1291. strerror(errno));
  1292. Failures += 1;
  1293. continue;
  1294. }
  1295. break;
  1296. case MemoryMapTestActionUnmap:
  1297. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  1298. //
  1299. // Unmap the file.
  1300. //
  1301. Result = munmap(MapBuffer[FileIndex], FileSize);
  1302. if (Result != 0) {
  1303. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unmap %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  1304. Failures += 1;
  1305. continue;
  1306. }
  1307. MapBuffer[FileIndex] = MAP_FAILED;
  1308. SimultaneousFiles -= 1;
  1309. break;
  1310. case MemoryMapTestActionMappedWrite:
  1311. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  1312. Offset = rand() % FileSize;
  1313. DEBUG_PRINT("Writing file %s at offset %x.\n", FileName, Offset);
  1314. MapBuffer[FileIndex][Offset] = (BYTE)Offset;
  1315. break;
  1316. case MemoryMapTestActionMappedRead:
  1317. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  1318. Offset = rand() % FileSize;
  1319. DEBUG_PRINT("Reading file %s at offset %x.\n", FileName, Offset);
  1320. Value = MapBuffer[FileIndex][Offset];
  1321. if ((Value != 0) && (Value != (BYTE)Offset)) {
  1322. PRINT_ERROR("Read data file %s at offset %x came back %x, "
  1323. "should have been %x or 0.\n",
  1324. FileName,
  1325. Offset,
  1326. Value,
  1327. (BYTE)Offset);
  1328. Failures += 1;
  1329. }
  1330. break;
  1331. case MemoryMapTestActionSync:
  1332. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  1333. DEBUG_PRINT("Syncing file %s.\n", FileName);
  1334. Result = msync(MapBuffer[FileIndex], FileSize, MS_SYNC);
  1335. if (Result != 0) {
  1336. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to msync file %s: %s.\n",
  1337. FileName,
  1338. strerror(errno));
  1339. Failures += 1;
  1340. continue;
  1341. }
  1342. break;
  1343. case MemoryMapTestActionFileWrite:
  1344. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  1345. //
  1346. // Open the file and write to it using the file I/O APIs.
  1347. //
  1348. OpenFlags = O_WRONLY;
  1349. File = open(FileName, OpenFlags);
  1350. if (File < 0) {
  1351. if (errno != ENOENT) {
  1352. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to open file %s (flags %x): %s.\n",
  1353. FileName,
  1354. OpenFlags,
  1355. strerror(errno));
  1356. Failures += 1;
  1357. }
  1358. continue;
  1359. }
  1360. Offset = rand() % FileSize;
  1361. Result = lseek(File, Offset, SEEK_SET);
  1362. if (Result < 0) {
  1363. PRINT_ERROR("Seek on file %s offset %d failed.\n",
  1364. FileName,
  1365. Offset);
  1366. Failures += 1;
  1367. }
  1368. DEBUG_PRINT("Writing to file %s at offset %x.\n", FileName, Offset);
  1369. do {
  1370. BytesComplete = write(File, &Offset, 1);
  1371. } while ((BytesComplete < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
  1372. if (BytesComplete != 1) {
  1373. PRINT_ERROR("Write failed. Wrote %d of 1 byte: %s.\n",
  1374. BytesComplete,
  1375. strerror(errno));
  1376. Failures += 1;
  1377. }
  1378. if (close(File) != 0) {
  1379. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to close: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  1380. Failures += 1;
  1381. }
  1382. //
  1383. // If the write succeeded and the mapped buffer at this offset
  1384. // does not match the low byte of the offset, then something is
  1385. // wrong.
  1386. //
  1387. if ((BytesComplete == 1) &&
  1388. (MapBuffer[FileIndex][Offset] != (BYTE)Offset)) {
  1389. PRINT_ERROR("Wrote to %s at offset %x with value %x, but "
  1390. "mapped buffer read %x.\n",
  1391. FileName,
  1392. Offset,
  1393. (BYTE)Offset,
  1394. MapBuffer[FileIndex][Offset]);
  1395. Failures += 1;
  1396. }
  1397. break;
  1398. case MemoryMapTestActionFileRead:
  1399. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  1400. //
  1401. // Open the file and read from it using the file I/O APIs.
  1402. //
  1403. OpenFlags = O_RDONLY;
  1404. File = open(FileName, OpenFlags);
  1405. if (File < 0) {
  1406. if (errno != ENOENT) {
  1407. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to open file %s (flags %x): %s.\n",
  1408. FileName,
  1409. OpenFlags,
  1410. strerror(errno));
  1411. Failures += 1;
  1412. }
  1413. continue;
  1414. }
  1415. Offset = rand() % FileSize;
  1416. Result = lseek(File, Offset, SEEK_SET);
  1417. if (Result < 0) {
  1418. PRINT_ERROR("Seek on file %s offset %d failed.\n",
  1419. FileName,
  1420. Offset);
  1421. Failures += 1;
  1422. }
  1423. DEBUG_PRINT("Reading from file %s at offset %x.\n",
  1424. FileName,
  1425. Offset);
  1426. Value = 0;
  1427. do {
  1428. BytesComplete = read(File, &Value, 1);
  1429. } while ((BytesComplete < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
  1430. if (close(File) != 0) {
  1431. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to close: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  1432. Failures += 1;
  1433. }
  1434. if (BytesComplete < 0) {
  1435. PRINT_ERROR("Read failed. Read %d of 1 bytes: %s.\n",
  1436. BytesComplete,
  1437. strerror(errno));
  1438. Failures += 1;
  1439. break;
  1440. }
  1441. //
  1442. // The value should be 0 or the low byte of the offset.
  1443. //
  1444. if ((BytesComplete == 1) &&
  1445. ((Value != 0) && (Value != (BYTE)Offset))) {
  1446. PRINT_ERROR("Read file %s at offset %x. Read value %x but "
  1447. "expected 0 or %x.\n",
  1448. FileName,
  1449. Offset,
  1450. Value,
  1451. (BYTE)Offset);
  1452. Failures += 1;
  1453. }
  1454. //
  1455. // The value should match what the mapped buffer sees unless the
  1456. // value is 0 and the mapped buffer is now equal to the low by
  1457. // of the offset.
  1458. //
  1459. if ((BytesComplete == 1) &&
  1460. (Value != MapBuffer[FileIndex][Offset]) &&
  1461. ((Value != 0) ||
  1462. (MapBuffer[FileIndex][Offset] != (BYTE)Offset))) {
  1463. PRINT_ERROR("Read file %s at offset %x. Read value %x but "
  1464. "expected %x.\n",
  1465. FileName,
  1466. Offset,
  1467. Value,
  1468. MapBuffer[FileIndex][Offset]);
  1469. Failures += 1;
  1470. }
  1471. break;
  1472. default:
  1473. assert(FALSE);
  1474. break;
  1475. }
  1476. if ((Iteration % Percent) == 0) {
  1477. PRINT("s");
  1478. }
  1479. }
  1480. //
  1481. // Unmap all the files that remain mapped.
  1482. //
  1483. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  1484. if (MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED) {
  1485. Result = munmap(MapBuffer[FileIndex], FileSize);
  1486. if (Result != 0) {
  1487. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unmap %p: %s.\n",
  1488. MapBuffer[FileIndex],
  1489. strerror(errno));
  1490. Failures += 1;
  1491. }
  1492. }
  1493. }
  1494. PRINT("\nMax usage: %d files, %I64d bytes.\n",
  1495. MaxSimultaneousFiles,
  1496. (ULONGLONG)MaxSimultaneousFiles * (ULONGLONG)FileSize);
  1497. Failures += PrintTestTime(&StartTime);
  1498. RunMemoryMapSharedTestEnd:
  1499. if (MapBuffer != NULL) {
  1500. free(MapBuffer);
  1501. }
  1502. return Failures;
  1503. }
  1504. ULONG
  1505. RunMemoryMapShmPrivateTest (
  1506. INT FileCount,
  1507. INT FileSize,
  1508. INT Iterations
  1509. )
  1510. /*++
  1511. Routine Description:
  1512. This routine executes the memory map shared memory object private test.
  1513. Arguments:
  1514. FileCount - Supplies the number of files to work with.
  1515. FileSize - Supplies the size of each file.
  1516. Iterations - Supplies the number of iterations to perform.
  1517. Return Value:
  1518. Returns the number of failures in the test suite.
  1519. --*/
  1520. {
  1522. unsigned ActionSeed;
  1523. size_t BytesComplete;
  1524. INT ExpectedValue;
  1525. ULONG Failures;
  1526. INT File;
  1527. PINT FileBuffer;
  1528. INT FileIndex;
  1529. CHAR FileName[16];
  1530. PINT FileOffset;
  1531. INT FillIndex;
  1532. INT Iteration;
  1533. PINT *MapBuffer;
  1534. INT MaxSimultaneousObjects;
  1535. INT OpenFlags;
  1536. INT Percent;
  1537. pid_t Process;
  1538. INT Result;
  1539. struct sigaction SignalAction;
  1540. INT SimultaneousObjects;
  1541. struct timeval StartTime;
  1542. size_t TotalBytesComplete;
  1543. Failures = 0;
  1544. FileBuffer = NULL;
  1545. FileOffset = NULL;
  1546. MapBuffer = NULL;
  1547. //
  1548. // Set up the signal handler.
  1549. //
  1550. SignalAction.sa_sigaction = MemoryMapTestUnexpectedSignalHandler;
  1551. sigemptyset(&(SignalAction.sa_mask));
  1552. SignalAction.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
  1553. sigaction(SIGSEGV, &SignalAction, NULL);
  1554. sigaction(SIGBUS, &SignalAction, NULL);
  1555. //
  1556. // Record the test start time.
  1557. //
  1558. Result = gettimeofday(&StartTime, NULL);
  1559. if (Result != 0) {
  1560. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to get time of day: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  1561. Failures += 1;
  1562. goto RunMemoryMapShmPrivateTestEnd;
  1563. }
  1564. //
  1565. // Announce the test.
  1566. //
  1567. Process = getpid();
  1568. PRINT("Process %d Running shared memory object private test with %d files "
  1569. "of %d bytes each. %d iterations.\n",
  1570. Process,
  1571. FileCount,
  1572. FileSize,
  1573. Iterations);
  1574. Percent = Iterations / 100;
  1575. if (Percent == 0) {
  1576. Percent = 1;
  1577. }
  1578. MaxSimultaneousObjects = 0;
  1579. SimultaneousObjects = 0;
  1580. FileBuffer = malloc(FileSize);
  1581. if (FileBuffer == NULL) {
  1582. Failures += 1;
  1583. goto RunMemoryMapShmPrivateTestEnd;
  1584. }
  1585. FileOffset = malloc(FileCount * sizeof(INT));
  1586. if (FileOffset == NULL) {
  1587. Failures += 1;
  1588. goto RunMemoryMapShmPrivateTestEnd;
  1589. }
  1590. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  1591. FileOffset[FileIndex] = -1;
  1592. }
  1593. MapBuffer = malloc(FileCount * sizeof(PINT));
  1594. if (MapBuffer == NULL) {
  1595. Failures += 1;
  1596. goto RunMemoryMapShmPrivateTestEnd;
  1597. }
  1598. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  1599. MapBuffer[FileIndex] = MAP_FAILED;
  1600. }
  1601. FileSize = ALIGN_RANGE_UP(FileSize, sizeof(INT));
  1602. //
  1603. // Get a separate seed for the random actions.
  1604. //
  1605. ActionSeed = time(NULL);
  1606. //
  1607. // Perform the memory map operations. This test writes an entire shared
  1608. // memory object with incremental values and then tests that any file
  1609. // reads return the same values.
  1610. //
  1611. for (Iteration = 0; Iteration < Iterations; Iteration += 1) {
  1612. //
  1613. // Pick a random shared memory object and a random action.
  1614. //
  1615. FileIndex = rand() % FileCount;
  1616. snprintf(FileName,
  1617. sizeof(FileName),
  1618. "shmpt-%06x",
  1619. FileIndex);
  1620. Action = rand_r(&ActionSeed) % MemoryMapTestActionCount;
  1621. //
  1622. // If the file has yet to be created, then the action must be map.
  1623. //
  1624. if (MapBuffer[FileIndex] == MAP_FAILED) {
  1625. Action = MemoryMapTestActionMap;
  1626. //
  1627. // Otherwise if the file is set to be mapped again, go unmap it first.
  1628. //
  1629. } else if (Action == MemoryMapTestActionMap) {
  1630. Action = MemoryMapTestActionUnmap;
  1631. }
  1632. switch (Action) {
  1633. case MemoryMapTestActionMap:
  1634. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] == MAP_FAILED);
  1635. SimultaneousObjects += 1;
  1636. if (SimultaneousObjects > MaxSimultaneousObjects) {
  1637. MaxSimultaneousObjects = SimultaneousObjects;
  1638. }
  1639. //
  1640. // Open the shared memory object read/write.
  1641. //
  1642. OpenFlags = O_RDWR;
  1643. File = shm_open(FileName, OpenFlags, 0);
  1644. if (File < 0) {
  1645. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to open shm object %s (flags %x): %s.\n",
  1646. FileName,
  1647. OpenFlags,
  1648. strerror(errno));
  1649. Failures += 1;
  1650. continue;
  1651. }
  1652. //
  1653. // Use ftruncate to make the shared memory object bigger so that
  1654. // access to the mmapped region succeeds.
  1655. //
  1656. Result = ftruncate(File, FileSize);
  1657. if (Result != 0) {
  1658. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to ftruncate shm object %s: %s.\n",
  1659. FileName,
  1660. strerror(errno));
  1661. Failures += 1;
  1662. }
  1663. //
  1664. // Mmap the shared memory object privately with read/write
  1665. // permissions.
  1666. //
  1667. MapBuffer[FileIndex] = mmap(0,
  1668. FileSize,
  1670. MAP_PRIVATE,
  1671. File,
  1672. 0);
  1673. //
  1674. // Close the file.
  1675. //
  1676. if (close(File) != 0) {
  1677. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to close: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  1678. Failures += 1;
  1679. }
  1680. //
  1681. // Increment the failure count if the mapping failed.
  1682. //
  1683. if (MapBuffer[FileIndex] == MAP_FAILED) {
  1684. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to map shm object %s rw + private: %s.\n",
  1685. FileName,
  1686. strerror(errno));
  1687. Failures += 1;
  1688. continue;
  1689. }
  1690. break;
  1691. case MemoryMapTestActionUnmap:
  1692. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  1693. //
  1694. // Unmap the file.
  1695. //
  1696. Result = munmap(MapBuffer[FileIndex], FileSize);
  1697. if (Result != 0) {
  1698. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unmap %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  1699. Failures += 1;
  1700. continue;
  1701. }
  1702. MapBuffer[FileIndex] = MAP_FAILED;
  1703. FileOffset[FileIndex] = -1;
  1704. SimultaneousObjects -= 1;
  1705. break;
  1706. case MemoryMapTestActionMappedWrite:
  1707. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  1708. FileOffset[FileIndex] = rand();
  1709. DEBUG_PRINT("Writing shm object %s, Value %x.\n",
  1710. FileName,
  1711. FileOffset[FileIndex]);
  1712. for (FillIndex = 0;
  1713. FillIndex < FileSize / sizeof(INT);
  1714. FillIndex += 1) {
  1715. MapBuffer[FileIndex][FillIndex] = FileOffset[FileIndex] +
  1716. FillIndex;
  1717. }
  1718. break;
  1719. case MemoryMapTestActionMappedRead:
  1720. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  1721. DEBUG_PRINT("Reading shm object %s, Value should be %x.\n",
  1722. FileName,
  1723. FileOffset[FileIndex]);
  1724. //
  1725. // If the mapped section has been written to, then the buffer
  1726. // should always read the incrementing random values. Otherwise the
  1727. // file should be all zero's.
  1728. //
  1729. for (FillIndex = 0;
  1730. FillIndex < FileSize / sizeof(INT);
  1731. FillIndex += 1) {
  1732. if (FileOffset[FileIndex] == -1) {
  1733. ExpectedValue = 0;
  1734. } else {
  1735. ExpectedValue = FileOffset[FileIndex] + FillIndex;
  1736. }
  1737. if (MapBuffer[FileIndex][FillIndex] != ExpectedValue) {
  1738. PRINT_ERROR("Mapped read shm object %s index %x came back"
  1739. "%x, should have been %x.\n",
  1740. FileName,
  1741. FillIndex,
  1742. MapBuffer[FileIndex][FillIndex],
  1743. ExpectedValue);
  1744. Failures += 1;
  1745. }
  1746. }
  1747. break;
  1748. case MemoryMapTestActionSync:
  1749. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  1750. DEBUG_PRINT("Syncing shm object %s, Value should be %x.\n",
  1751. FileName,
  1752. FileOffset[FileIndex]);
  1753. Result = msync(MapBuffer[FileIndex], FileSize, MS_SYNC);
  1754. if (Result != 0) {
  1755. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to msync shm object %s: %s.\n",
  1756. FileName,
  1757. strerror(errno));
  1758. Failures += 1;
  1759. continue;
  1760. }
  1761. break;
  1762. case MemoryMapTestActionFileWrite:
  1763. //
  1764. // Open the shared memory object and write to it using the file
  1765. // I/O APIs.
  1766. //
  1767. OpenFlags = O_RDWR;
  1768. File = shm_open(FileName, OpenFlags, 0);
  1769. if (File < 0) {
  1770. if (errno != ENOENT) {
  1771. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to open shm object %s (flags %x): "
  1772. "%s.\n",
  1773. FileName,
  1774. OpenFlags,
  1775. strerror(errno));
  1776. Failures += 1;
  1777. }
  1778. continue;
  1779. }
  1780. //
  1781. // Fill the file buffer with 0's and write it out to the file. The
  1782. // memory mappings are marked private, so none of their prior
  1783. // writes should get erased by this action.
  1784. //
  1785. for (FillIndex = 0;
  1786. FillIndex < FileSize / sizeof(INT);
  1787. FillIndex += 1) {
  1788. FileBuffer[FillIndex] = 0;
  1789. }
  1790. DEBUG_PRINT("Writing to shm object %s.\n", FileName);
  1791. do {
  1792. BytesComplete = write(File, FileBuffer, FileSize);
  1793. } while ((BytesComplete < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
  1794. if (BytesComplete != FileSize) {
  1795. PRINT_ERROR("Write failed. Wrote %d of %d bytes: %s.\n",
  1796. BytesComplete,
  1797. FileSize,
  1798. strerror(errno));
  1799. Failures += 1;
  1800. }
  1801. if (close(File) != 0) {
  1802. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to close: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  1803. Failures += 1;
  1804. }
  1805. break;
  1806. case MemoryMapTestActionFileRead:
  1807. //
  1808. // Open the shared memory object and read from it using the file
  1809. // I/O APIs.
  1810. //
  1811. OpenFlags = O_RDONLY;
  1812. File = shm_open(FileName, OpenFlags, 0);
  1813. if (File < 0) {
  1814. if (errno != ENOENT) {
  1815. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to open shm object %s (flags %x): "
  1816. "%s.\n",
  1817. FileName,
  1818. OpenFlags,
  1819. strerror(errno));
  1820. Failures += 1;
  1821. }
  1822. continue;
  1823. }
  1824. DEBUG_PRINT("Reading from shm object %s.\n", FileName);
  1825. //
  1826. // Fill the file buffer with junk and read it in.
  1827. //
  1828. for (FillIndex = 0;
  1829. FillIndex < FileSize / sizeof(INT);
  1830. FillIndex += 1) {
  1831. FileBuffer[FillIndex] = 0xFEEDF00D;
  1832. }
  1833. TotalBytesComplete = 0;
  1834. while (TotalBytesComplete < FileSize) {
  1835. do {
  1836. BytesComplete = read(File,
  1837. FileBuffer + TotalBytesComplete,
  1838. FileSize - TotalBytesComplete);
  1839. } while ((BytesComplete < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
  1840. if (BytesComplete <= 0) {
  1841. PRINT_ERROR("Read failed. Read %d (%d total) of "
  1842. "%d bytes: %s.\n",
  1843. BytesComplete,
  1844. TotalBytesComplete,
  1845. FileSize,
  1846. strerror(errno));
  1847. Failures += 1;
  1848. break;
  1849. }
  1850. TotalBytesComplete += BytesComplete;
  1851. }
  1852. //
  1853. // The result should either be -2 or 0. The mappings were done
  1854. // privately, so any mapped writes should not have had an effect.
  1855. //
  1856. for (FillIndex = 0;
  1857. FillIndex < FileSize / sizeof(INT);
  1858. FillIndex += 1) {
  1859. if (FileBuffer[FillIndex] != 0) {
  1860. PRINT_ERROR("Read data shm object %s index %x came back "
  1861. "%x, should have been 0.\n",
  1862. FileName,
  1863. FillIndex,
  1864. FileBuffer[FillIndex]);
  1865. Failures += 1;
  1866. }
  1867. }
  1868. if (close(File) != 0) {
  1869. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to close: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  1870. Failures += 1;
  1871. }
  1872. break;
  1873. default:
  1874. assert(FALSE);
  1875. break;
  1876. }
  1877. if ((Iteration % Percent) == 0) {
  1878. PRINT("p");
  1879. }
  1880. }
  1881. //
  1882. // Unmap all the files that remain mapped.
  1883. //
  1884. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  1885. if (MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED) {
  1886. Result = munmap(MapBuffer[FileIndex], FileSize);
  1887. if (Result != 0) {
  1888. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unmap %p: %s.\n",
  1889. MapBuffer[FileIndex],
  1890. strerror(errno));
  1891. Failures += 1;
  1892. }
  1893. }
  1894. }
  1895. PRINT("\nMax usage: %d shm objects, %I64d bytes.\n",
  1896. MaxSimultaneousObjects,
  1897. (ULONGLONG)MaxSimultaneousObjects * (ULONGLONG)FileSize);
  1898. Failures += PrintTestTime(&StartTime);
  1899. RunMemoryMapShmPrivateTestEnd:
  1900. if (FileBuffer != NULL) {
  1901. free(FileBuffer);
  1902. }
  1903. if (FileOffset != NULL) {
  1904. free(FileOffset);
  1905. }
  1906. if (MapBuffer != NULL) {
  1907. free(MapBuffer);
  1908. }
  1909. return Failures;
  1910. }
  1911. ULONG
  1912. RunMemoryMapShmSharedTest (
  1913. INT FileCount,
  1914. INT FileSize,
  1915. INT Iterations
  1916. )
  1917. /*++
  1918. Routine Description:
  1919. This routine executes the memory map shared consistency test.
  1920. Arguments:
  1921. FileCount - Supplies the number of files to work with.
  1922. FileSize - Supplies the size of each file.
  1923. Iterations - Supplies the number of iterations to perform.
  1924. Return Value:
  1925. Returns the number of failures in the test suite.
  1926. --*/
  1927. {
  1929. unsigned ActionSeed;
  1930. size_t BytesComplete;
  1931. ULONG Failures;
  1932. INT File;
  1933. INT FileIndex;
  1934. CHAR FileName[16];
  1935. INT Iteration;
  1936. PBYTE *MapBuffer;
  1937. INT MaxSimultaneousObjects;
  1938. INT Offset;
  1939. INT OpenFlags;
  1940. INT Percent;
  1941. pid_t Process;
  1942. INT Result;
  1943. struct sigaction SignalAction;
  1944. INT SimultaneousObjects;
  1945. struct timeval StartTime;
  1946. BYTE Value;
  1947. Failures = 0;
  1948. MapBuffer = NULL;
  1949. //
  1950. // Set up the signal handler.
  1951. //
  1952. SignalAction.sa_sigaction = MemoryMapTestUnexpectedSignalHandler;
  1953. sigemptyset(&(SignalAction.sa_mask));
  1954. SignalAction.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
  1955. sigaction(SIGSEGV, &SignalAction, NULL);
  1956. sigaction(SIGBUS, &SignalAction, NULL);
  1957. //
  1958. // Record the test start time.
  1959. //
  1960. Result = gettimeofday(&StartTime, NULL);
  1961. if (Result != 0) {
  1962. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to get time of day: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  1963. Failures += 1;
  1964. goto RunMemoryMapShmSharedTestEnd;
  1965. }
  1966. //
  1967. // Announce the test.
  1968. //
  1969. Process = getpid();
  1970. PRINT("Process %d Running shared memroy object shared test with %d files "
  1971. "of %d bytes each. %d iterations.\n",
  1972. Process,
  1973. FileCount,
  1974. FileSize,
  1975. Iterations);
  1976. Percent = Iterations / 100;
  1977. if (Percent == 0) {
  1978. Percent = 1;
  1979. }
  1980. MaxSimultaneousObjects = 0;
  1981. SimultaneousObjects = 0;
  1982. MapBuffer = malloc(FileCount * sizeof(PINT));
  1983. if (MapBuffer == NULL) {
  1984. Failures += 1;
  1985. goto RunMemoryMapShmSharedTestEnd;
  1986. }
  1987. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  1988. MapBuffer[FileIndex] = MAP_FAILED;
  1989. }
  1990. FileSize = ALIGN_RANGE_UP(FileSize, sizeof(INT));
  1991. //
  1992. // Get a separate seed for the random actions.
  1993. //
  1994. ActionSeed = time(NULL);
  1995. //
  1996. // Perform the memory map operations. This test picks a random offset and
  1997. // writes the low byte of the offset to the offet's location in a shared
  1998. // memory object. Memory mapped regions of the object that are mapped
  1999. // shared are then tested at random offsets to determine if the correct
  2000. // value, or 0, is stored there.
  2001. //
  2002. for (Iteration = 0; Iteration < Iterations; Iteration += 1) {
  2003. //
  2004. // Pick a random file and a random action.
  2005. //
  2006. FileIndex = rand() % FileCount;
  2007. snprintf(FileName,
  2008. sizeof(FileName),
  2009. "shmst-%06x",
  2010. FileIndex);
  2011. Action = rand_r(&ActionSeed) % MemoryMapTestActionCount;
  2012. //
  2013. // If the file has yet to be created, then the action must be map.
  2014. //
  2015. if (MapBuffer[FileIndex] == MAP_FAILED) {
  2016. Action = MemoryMapTestActionMap;
  2017. //
  2018. // Otherwise if the file is set to be mapped again, go unmap it first.
  2019. //
  2020. } else if (Action == MemoryMapTestActionMap) {
  2021. Action = MemoryMapTestActionUnmap;
  2022. }
  2023. switch (Action) {
  2024. case MemoryMapTestActionMap:
  2025. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] == MAP_FAILED);
  2026. SimultaneousObjects += 1;
  2027. if (SimultaneousObjects > MaxSimultaneousObjects) {
  2028. MaxSimultaneousObjects = SimultaneousObjects;
  2029. }
  2030. //
  2031. // Open the shared memory object read/write.
  2032. //
  2033. OpenFlags = O_RDWR;
  2034. File = shm_open(FileName, OpenFlags, 0);
  2035. if (File < 0) {
  2036. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to open shm object %s (flags %x): %s.\n",
  2037. FileName,
  2038. OpenFlags,
  2039. strerror(errno));
  2040. Failures += 1;
  2041. continue;
  2042. }
  2043. //
  2044. // Use ftruncate to make the shared memory object bigger so that
  2045. // access to the mapped region succeeds.
  2046. //
  2047. Result = ftruncate(File, FileSize);
  2048. if (Result != 0) {
  2049. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to ftruncate shm object %s: %s.\n",
  2050. FileName,
  2051. strerror(errno));
  2052. Failures += 1;
  2053. }
  2054. //
  2055. // Mmap the file privately with read/write permissions.
  2056. //
  2057. MapBuffer[FileIndex] = mmap(0,
  2058. FileSize,
  2060. MAP_SHARED,
  2061. File,
  2062. 0);
  2063. //
  2064. // Close the file.
  2065. //
  2066. if (close(File) != 0) {
  2067. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to close: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  2068. Failures += 1;
  2069. }
  2070. //
  2071. // Increment the failure count if the mapping failed.
  2072. //
  2073. if (MapBuffer[FileIndex] == MAP_FAILED) {
  2074. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to map shm object %s rw + private: %s.\n",
  2075. FileName,
  2076. strerror(errno));
  2077. Failures += 1;
  2078. continue;
  2079. }
  2080. break;
  2081. case MemoryMapTestActionUnmap:
  2082. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  2083. //
  2084. // Unmap the shared memory object.
  2085. //
  2086. Result = munmap(MapBuffer[FileIndex], FileSize);
  2087. if (Result != 0) {
  2088. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unmap %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  2089. Failures += 1;
  2090. continue;
  2091. }
  2092. MapBuffer[FileIndex] = MAP_FAILED;
  2093. SimultaneousObjects -= 1;
  2094. break;
  2095. case MemoryMapTestActionMappedWrite:
  2096. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  2097. Offset = rand() % FileSize;
  2098. DEBUG_PRINT("Writing shm object %s at offset %x.\n",
  2099. FileName,
  2100. Offset);
  2101. MapBuffer[FileIndex][Offset] = (BYTE)Offset;
  2102. break;
  2103. case MemoryMapTestActionMappedRead:
  2104. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  2105. Offset = rand() % FileSize;
  2106. DEBUG_PRINT("Reading shm object %s at offset %x.\n",
  2107. FileName,
  2108. Offset);
  2109. Value = MapBuffer[FileIndex][Offset];
  2110. if ((Value != 0) && (Value != (BYTE)Offset)) {
  2111. PRINT_ERROR("Read data shm object %s at offset %x came back "
  2112. "%x, should have been %x or 0.\n",
  2113. FileName,
  2114. Offset,
  2115. Value,
  2116. (BYTE)Offset);
  2117. Failures += 1;
  2118. }
  2119. break;
  2120. case MemoryMapTestActionSync:
  2121. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  2122. DEBUG_PRINT("Syncing shm object %s.\n", FileName);
  2123. Result = msync(MapBuffer[FileIndex], FileSize, MS_SYNC);
  2124. if (Result != 0) {
  2125. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to msync shm object %s: %s.\n",
  2126. FileName,
  2127. strerror(errno));
  2128. Failures += 1;
  2129. continue;
  2130. }
  2131. break;
  2132. case MemoryMapTestActionFileWrite:
  2133. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  2134. //
  2135. // Open the file and write to it using the file I/O APIs.
  2136. //
  2137. OpenFlags = O_RDWR;
  2138. File = shm_open(FileName, OpenFlags, 0);
  2139. if (File < 0) {
  2140. if (errno != ENOENT) {
  2141. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to open shm object %s (flags %x): "
  2142. "%s.\n",
  2143. FileName,
  2144. OpenFlags,
  2145. strerror(errno));
  2146. Failures += 1;
  2147. }
  2148. continue;
  2149. }
  2150. Offset = rand() % FileSize;
  2151. Result = lseek(File, Offset, SEEK_SET);
  2152. if (Result < 0) {
  2153. PRINT_ERROR("Seek on shm object %s offset %d failed.\n",
  2154. FileName,
  2155. Offset);
  2156. Failures += 1;
  2157. break;
  2158. }
  2159. DEBUG_PRINT("Writing to shm object %s at offset %x.\n",
  2160. FileName,
  2161. Offset);
  2162. do {
  2163. BytesComplete = write(File, &Offset, 1);
  2164. } while ((BytesComplete < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
  2165. if (BytesComplete != 1) {
  2166. PRINT_ERROR("Write failed. Wrote %d of 1 byte: %s.\n",
  2167. BytesComplete,
  2168. strerror(errno));
  2169. Failures += 1;
  2170. }
  2171. if (close(File) != 0) {
  2172. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to close: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  2173. Failures += 1;
  2174. break;
  2175. }
  2176. //
  2177. // If the write succeeded and the mapped buffer at this offset
  2178. // does not match the low byte of the offset, then something is
  2179. // wrong.
  2180. //
  2181. if ((BytesComplete == 1) &&
  2182. (MapBuffer[FileIndex][Offset] != (BYTE)Offset)) {
  2183. PRINT_ERROR("Wrote to %s at offset %x with value %x, but "
  2184. "mapped buffer read %x.\n",
  2185. FileName,
  2186. Offset,
  2187. (BYTE)Offset,
  2188. MapBuffer[FileIndex][Offset]);
  2189. Failures += 1;
  2190. }
  2191. break;
  2192. case MemoryMapTestActionFileRead:
  2193. assert(MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED);
  2194. //
  2195. // Open the file and read from it using the file I/O APIs.
  2196. //
  2197. OpenFlags = O_RDONLY;
  2198. File = shm_open(FileName, OpenFlags, 0);
  2199. if (File < 0) {
  2200. if (errno != ENOENT) {
  2201. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to open shm object %s (flags %x): "
  2202. "%s.\n",
  2203. FileName,
  2204. OpenFlags,
  2205. strerror(errno));
  2206. Failures += 1;
  2207. }
  2208. continue;
  2209. }
  2210. Offset = rand() % FileSize;
  2211. Result = lseek(File, Offset, SEEK_SET);
  2212. if (Result < 0) {
  2213. PRINT_ERROR("Seek on shm object %s offset %d failed.\n",
  2214. FileName,
  2215. Offset);
  2216. Failures += 1;
  2217. break;
  2218. }
  2219. DEBUG_PRINT("Reading from shm object %s at offset %x.\n",
  2220. FileName,
  2221. Offset);
  2222. Value = 0;
  2223. do {
  2224. BytesComplete = read(File, &Value, 1);
  2225. } while ((BytesComplete < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
  2226. if (close(File) != 0) {
  2227. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to close: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  2228. Failures += 1;
  2229. break;
  2230. }
  2231. if (BytesComplete < 0) {
  2232. PRINT_ERROR("Read failed. Read %d of 1 bytes: %s.\n",
  2233. BytesComplete,
  2234. strerror(errno));
  2235. Failures += 1;
  2236. break;
  2237. }
  2238. //
  2239. // The value should be 0 or the low byte of the offset.
  2240. //
  2241. if ((BytesComplete == 1) &&
  2242. ((Value != 0) && (Value != (BYTE)Offset))) {
  2243. PRINT_ERROR("Read shm object %s at offset %x. Read value %x "
  2244. "but expected 0 or %x.\n",
  2245. FileName,
  2246. Offset,
  2247. Value,
  2248. (BYTE)Offset);
  2249. Failures += 1;
  2250. }
  2251. //
  2252. // The value should match what the mapped buffer sees unless the
  2253. // value is 0 and the mapped buffer is now equal to the low by
  2254. // of the offset.
  2255. //
  2256. if ((BytesComplete == 1) &&
  2257. (Value != MapBuffer[FileIndex][Offset]) &&
  2258. ((Value != 0) ||
  2259. (MapBuffer[FileIndex][Offset] != (BYTE)Offset))) {
  2260. PRINT_ERROR("Read shm object %s at offset %x. Read value %x "
  2261. "but expected %x.\n",
  2262. FileName,
  2263. Offset,
  2264. Value,
  2265. MapBuffer[FileIndex][Offset]);
  2266. Failures += 1;
  2267. }
  2268. break;
  2269. default:
  2270. assert(FALSE);
  2271. break;
  2272. }
  2273. if ((Iteration % Percent) == 0) {
  2274. PRINT("s");
  2275. }
  2276. }
  2277. //
  2278. // Unmap all the files that remain mapped.
  2279. //
  2280. for (FileIndex = 0; FileIndex < FileCount; FileIndex += 1) {
  2281. if (MapBuffer[FileIndex] != MAP_FAILED) {
  2282. Result = munmap(MapBuffer[FileIndex], FileSize);
  2283. if (Result != 0) {
  2284. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unmap %p: %s.\n",
  2285. MapBuffer[FileIndex],
  2286. strerror(errno));
  2287. Failures += 1;
  2288. }
  2289. }
  2290. }
  2291. PRINT("\nMax usage: %d shm objects, %I64d bytes.\n",
  2292. MaxSimultaneousObjects,
  2293. (ULONGLONG)MaxSimultaneousObjects * (ULONGLONG)FileSize);
  2294. Failures += PrintTestTime(&StartTime);
  2295. RunMemoryMapShmSharedTestEnd:
  2296. if (MapBuffer != NULL) {
  2297. free(MapBuffer);
  2298. }
  2299. return Failures;
  2300. }
  2301. static
  2302. VOID
  2303. MemoryMapTestExpectedSignalHandler (
  2304. INT SignalNumber,
  2305. siginfo_t *SignalInformation,
  2306. PVOID Context
  2307. )
  2308. /*++
  2309. Routine Description:
  2310. This routine handles expected signals generated by the memory map tests.
  2311. Arguments:
  2312. SignalNumber - Supplies the signal number.
  2313. SignalInformation - Supplies a pointer to the signal information.
  2314. Context - Supplies a pointer to the signal context.
  2315. Return Value:
  2316. None.
  2317. --*/
  2318. {
  2319. DEBUG_PRINT("Caught expected signal %d, code %d in process %d.\n",
  2320. SignalNumber,
  2321. SignalInformation->si_code,
  2322. SignalInformation->si_pid);
  2323. exit(SignalNumber);
  2324. return;
  2325. }
  2326. static
  2327. VOID
  2328. MemoryMapTestUnexpectedSignalHandler (
  2329. INT SignalNumber,
  2330. siginfo_t *SignalInformation,
  2331. PVOID Context
  2332. )
  2333. /*++
  2334. Routine Description:
  2335. This routine handles unexpected signals generated by the memory map tests.
  2336. Arguments:
  2337. SignalNumber - Supplies the signal number.
  2338. SignalInformation - Supplies a pointer to the signal information.
  2339. Context - Supplies a pointer to the signal context.
  2340. Return Value:
  2341. None.
  2342. --*/
  2343. {
  2344. PRINT_ERROR("Caught unexpected signal %d, code %d in process %d.\n",
  2345. SignalNumber,
  2346. SignalInformation->si_code,
  2347. SignalInformation->si_pid);
  2348. exit(0);
  2349. return;
  2350. }
  2351. ULONG
  2352. PrintTestTime (
  2353. struct timeval *StartTime
  2354. )
  2355. /*++
  2356. Routine Description:
  2357. This routine prints the total time it took to run the test, given the
  2358. starting time of the test.
  2359. Arguments:
  2360. StartTime - Supplies a pointer to the test's start time.
  2361. Return Value:
  2362. Returns the number of failures.
  2363. --*/
  2364. {
  2365. struct timeval EndTime;
  2366. ULONG Failures;
  2367. INT Result;
  2368. struct timeval TotalTime;
  2369. Failures = 0;
  2370. //
  2371. // Record the end time and display the total time, in seconds.
  2372. //
  2373. Result = gettimeofday(&EndTime, NULL);
  2374. if (Result != 0) {
  2375. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to get time of day: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
  2376. Failures += 1;
  2377. goto PrintTestTimeEnd;
  2378. }
  2379. TotalTime.tv_sec = EndTime.tv_sec - StartTime->tv_sec;
  2380. TotalTime.tv_usec = EndTime.tv_usec - StartTime->tv_usec;
  2381. if (TotalTime.tv_usec < 0) {
  2382. TotalTime.tv_sec -= 1;
  2383. TotalTime.tv_usec += 1000000;
  2384. }
  2385. PRINT("Time: %d.%06d seconds.\n", TotalTime.tv_sec, TotalTime.tv_usec);
  2386. PrintTestTimeEnd:
  2387. return Failures;
  2388. }
  2389. ULONG
  2390. MemoryMapEmptyTest (
  2391. INT FileSize
  2392. )
  2393. /*++
  2394. Routine Description:
  2395. This routine tests access to an empty file that has been memory mapped.
  2396. Arguments:
  2397. FileSize - Supplies the size of the file to create, if any.
  2398. Return Value:
  2399. Returns the number of failures encountered.
  2400. --*/
  2401. {
  2402. pid_t Child;
  2403. struct sigaction ExpectedSignalAction;
  2404. ULONG Failures;
  2405. INT File;
  2406. CHAR FileName[16];
  2407. PBYTE MapBuffer;
  2408. INT OpenFlags;
  2409. pid_t Process;
  2410. INT Result;
  2411. BOOL SharedMemoryObject;
  2412. INT Status;
  2413. BYTE Value;
  2414. pid_t WaitChild;
  2415. Failures = 0;
  2416. File = -1;
  2417. MapBuffer = MAP_FAILED;
  2418. //
  2419. // Create a file or shared memory object private to this process.
  2420. //
  2421. Process = getpid();
  2422. snprintf(FileName,
  2423. sizeof(FileName),
  2424. "mmbt-%06x",
  2425. Process);
  2426. //
  2427. // Determine whether to test a file or shared memory object.
  2428. //
  2429. OpenFlags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
  2430. if ((rand() % 2) == 0) {
  2431. SharedMemoryObject = TRUE;
  2432. File = shm_open(FileName,
  2433. OpenFlags,
  2435. } else {
  2436. SharedMemoryObject = FALSE;
  2437. DEBUG_PRINT("Creating file %s.\n", FileName);
  2438. File = open(FileName, OpenFlags, MEMORY_MAP_TEST_CREATE_PERMISSIONS);
  2439. }
  2440. if (File < 0) {
  2441. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to create file %s (flags %x): %s.\n",
  2442. FileName,
  2443. OpenFlags,
  2444. strerror(errno));
  2445. Failures += 1;
  2446. goto MemoryMapEmptyTestEnd;
  2447. }
  2448. //
  2449. // Test access beyond the end of the file. It should SIGBUS.
  2450. //
  2451. DEBUG_PRINT("Testing access beyond end of file %s.\n", FileName);
  2452. MapBuffer = mmap(0, FileSize, PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, File, 0);
  2453. if (MapBuffer == MAP_FAILED) {
  2454. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to map file %s starting at offset 0 for %x "
  2455. "bytes: %s\n",
  2456. FileName,
  2457. FileSize,
  2458. strerror(errno));
  2459. Failures += 1;
  2460. goto MemoryMapEmptyTestEnd;
  2461. }
  2462. //
  2463. // Set up the signal handler expecting a SIGBUS fault.
  2464. //
  2465. ExpectedSignalAction.sa_sigaction = MemoryMapTestExpectedSignalHandler;
  2466. sigemptyset(&(ExpectedSignalAction.sa_mask));
  2467. ExpectedSignalAction.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
  2468. sigaction(SIGBUS, &ExpectedSignalAction, NULL);
  2469. //
  2470. // Fork to have the child try to write to the section.
  2471. //
  2472. Child = fork();
  2473. if (Child == 0) {
  2474. sigaction(SIGBUS, &ExpectedSignalAction, NULL);
  2475. *MapBuffer = 0x1;
  2476. PRINT_ERROR("Wrote to mapping at %p for empty file %s.\n",
  2477. MapBuffer,
  2478. FileName);
  2479. exit(0);
  2480. } else {
  2481. WaitChild = waitpid(Child, &Status, 0);
  2482. if (WaitChild == -1) {
  2483. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to wait for child %d: %s.\n",
  2484. Child,
  2485. strerror(errno));
  2486. } else {
  2487. assert(WaitChild == Child);
  2488. if (WEXITSTATUS(Status) != SIGBUS) {
  2489. PRINT_ERROR("Child %d exited with status %d, expected %d.\n",
  2490. Child,
  2491. WEXITSTATUS(Status),
  2492. SIGBUS);
  2493. Failures += 1;
  2494. }
  2495. }
  2496. }
  2497. //
  2498. // Fork to have the child try to read from the section.
  2499. //
  2500. Child = fork();
  2501. if (Child == 0) {
  2502. sigaction(SIGBUS, &ExpectedSignalAction, NULL);
  2503. Value = *MapBuffer;
  2504. PRINT_ERROR("Read %x from mapping at %p for empty file %s.\n",
  2505. Value,
  2506. MapBuffer,
  2507. FileName);
  2508. exit(0);
  2509. } else {
  2510. WaitChild = waitpid(Child, &Status, 0);
  2511. if (WaitChild == -1) {
  2512. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to wait for child %d: %s.\n",
  2513. Child,
  2514. strerror(errno));
  2515. } else {
  2516. assert(WaitChild == Child);
  2517. if (WEXITSTATUS(Status) != SIGBUS) {
  2518. PRINT_ERROR("Child %d exited with status %d, expected %d.\n",
  2519. Child,
  2520. WEXITSTATUS(Status),
  2521. SIGBUS);
  2522. Failures += 1;
  2523. }
  2524. }
  2525. }
  2526. MemoryMapEmptyTestEnd:
  2527. if (MapBuffer != MAP_FAILED) {
  2528. Result = munmap(MapBuffer, FileSize);
  2529. if (Result != 0) {
  2530. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unmap file %s at %p: %s.\n",
  2531. FileName,
  2532. MapBuffer,
  2533. strerror(errno));
  2534. Failures += 1;
  2535. }
  2536. }
  2537. if (File >= 0) {
  2538. Result = close(File);
  2539. if (Result != 0) {
  2540. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to close file %s: %s.\n",
  2541. FileName,
  2542. strerror(errno));
  2543. Failures += 1;
  2544. }
  2545. if (SharedMemoryObject != FALSE) {
  2546. Result = shm_unlink(FileName);
  2547. } else {
  2548. Result = unlink(FileName);
  2549. }
  2550. if (Result != 0) {
  2551. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unlink file %s: %s.\n",
  2552. FileName,
  2553. strerror(errno));
  2554. Failures += 1;
  2555. }
  2556. }
  2557. return Failures;
  2558. }
  2559. ULONG
  2560. MemoryMapTruncateTest (
  2561. INT FileSize
  2562. )
  2563. /*++
  2564. Routine Description:
  2565. This routine tests writing to a file beyond the point of truncation.
  2566. Arguments:
  2567. FileSize - Supplies the size of the file to use.
  2568. Return Value:
  2569. Returns the number of failures encountered.
  2570. --*/
  2571. {
  2572. pid_t Child;
  2573. struct sigaction ExpectedSignalAction;
  2574. ULONG Failures;
  2575. INT File;
  2576. CHAR FileName[16];
  2577. PBYTE MapBuffer;
  2578. INT NewFileSize;
  2579. INT OpenFlags;
  2580. LONG PageSize;
  2581. pid_t Process;
  2582. INT Result;
  2583. BOOL SharedMemoryObject;
  2584. INT Status;
  2585. struct sigaction UnexpectedSignalAction;
  2586. BYTE Value;
  2587. pid_t WaitChild;
  2588. Failures = 0;
  2589. File = -1;
  2590. MapBuffer = MAP_FAILED;
  2591. //
  2592. // Create a file private to this process.
  2593. //
  2594. Process = getpid();
  2595. snprintf(FileName,
  2596. sizeof(FileName),
  2597. "mmbt-%06x",
  2598. Process);
  2599. //
  2600. // Determine whether to create a file or shared memory object.
  2601. //
  2602. OpenFlags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
  2603. if ((rand() % 2) == 0) {
  2604. SharedMemoryObject = TRUE;
  2605. DEBUG_PRINT("Creating shm object %s.\n", FileName);
  2606. File = shm_open(FileName,
  2607. OpenFlags,
  2609. } else {
  2610. SharedMemoryObject = FALSE;
  2611. DEBUG_PRINT("Creating file %s.\n", FileName);
  2612. File = open(FileName, OpenFlags, MEMORY_MAP_TEST_CREATE_PERMISSIONS);
  2613. }
  2614. if (File < 0) {
  2615. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to create file %s (flags %x): %s.\n",
  2616. FileName,
  2617. OpenFlags,
  2618. strerror(errno));
  2619. Failures += 1;
  2620. goto MemoryMapTruncateFileTestEnd;
  2621. }
  2622. //
  2623. // Map the whole file read/write.
  2624. //
  2625. MapBuffer = mmap(0, FileSize, PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, File, 0);
  2626. if (MapBuffer == MAP_FAILED) {
  2627. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to map file %s starting at offset 0 for %x "
  2628. "bytes: %s\n",
  2629. FileName,
  2630. FileSize,
  2631. strerror(errno));
  2632. Failures += 1;
  2633. goto MemoryMapTruncateFileTestEnd;
  2634. }
  2635. //
  2636. // Use ftruncate to extend the file size to the supplied size.
  2637. //
  2638. DEBUG_PRINT("Testing file access after truncate.\n");
  2639. Result = ftruncate(File, FileSize);
  2640. if (Result != 0) {
  2641. PRINT_ERROR("ftruncate failed to increase file size to %x: %s.\n",
  2642. FileSize,
  2643. strerror(errno));
  2644. Failures += 1;
  2645. goto MemoryMapTruncateFileTestEnd;
  2646. }
  2647. //
  2648. // Initialize the unexpected signal handler and try to write to the last
  2649. // byte of the file.
  2650. //
  2651. UnexpectedSignalAction.sa_sigaction = MemoryMapTestUnexpectedSignalHandler;
  2652. sigemptyset(&(UnexpectedSignalAction.sa_mask));
  2653. UnexpectedSignalAction.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
  2654. sigaction(SIGBUS, &UnexpectedSignalAction, NULL);
  2655. *(MapBuffer + FileSize - 0x1) = 0x1;
  2656. //
  2657. // Trucate the file down by a page so that the last byte is no longer
  2658. // mapped. Keep in mind that only whole pages beyond the end of the new
  2659. // file size get unmapped.
  2660. //
  2661. PageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
  2662. NewFileSize = FileSize - PageSize;
  2663. Result = ftruncate(File, NewFileSize);
  2664. if (Result != 0) {
  2665. PRINT_ERROR("ftruncate failed to decrease file size from %x to %x: "
  2666. "%s.\n",
  2667. FileSize,
  2668. NewFileSize,
  2669. strerror(errno));
  2670. Failures += 1;
  2671. goto MemoryMapTruncateFileTestEnd;
  2672. }
  2673. //
  2674. // Writing within the new file size should still work.
  2675. //
  2676. *(MapBuffer + NewFileSize - 0x1) = 0x1;
  2677. //
  2678. // Now set up for an expected fault.
  2679. //
  2680. ExpectedSignalAction.sa_sigaction = MemoryMapTestExpectedSignalHandler;
  2681. sigemptyset(&(ExpectedSignalAction.sa_mask));
  2682. ExpectedSignalAction.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
  2683. //
  2684. // Fork to have the child try to write to the last byte in the orignal
  2685. // file size.
  2686. //
  2687. Child = fork();
  2688. if (Child == 0) {
  2689. sigaction(SIGBUS, &ExpectedSignalAction, NULL);
  2690. *(MapBuffer + FileSize - 0x1) = 0x1;
  2691. PRINT_ERROR("Wrote beyond the end of file %s with mapping at %p.\n",
  2692. FileName,
  2693. MapBuffer);
  2694. exit(0);
  2695. } else {
  2696. WaitChild = waitpid(Child, &Status, 0);
  2697. if (WaitChild == -1) {
  2698. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to wait for child %d: %s.\n",
  2699. Child,
  2700. strerror(errno));
  2701. } else {
  2702. assert(WaitChild == Child);
  2703. if (WEXITSTATUS(Status) != SIGBUS) {
  2704. PRINT_ERROR("Child %d exited with status %d, expected %d.\n",
  2705. Child,
  2706. WEXITSTATUS(Status),
  2707. SIGBUS);
  2708. Failures += 1;
  2709. }
  2710. }
  2711. }
  2712. //
  2713. // Fork to have the child try to read from the last byte in the orignal
  2714. // file size.
  2715. //
  2716. Child = fork();
  2717. if (Child == 0) {
  2718. sigaction(SIGBUS, &ExpectedSignalAction, NULL);
  2719. Value = *(MapBuffer + FileSize - 0x1);
  2720. PRINT_ERROR("Read %x from beyond the end of file %s with mapping at "
  2721. "%p.\n",
  2722. Value,
  2723. FileName,
  2724. MapBuffer);
  2725. exit(0);
  2726. } else {
  2727. WaitChild = waitpid(Child, &Status, 0);
  2728. if (WaitChild == -1) {
  2729. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to wait for child %d: %s.\n",
  2730. Child,
  2731. strerror(errno));
  2732. } else {
  2733. assert(WaitChild == Child);
  2734. if (WEXITSTATUS(Status) != SIGBUS) {
  2735. PRINT_ERROR("Child %d exited with status %d, expected %d.\n",
  2736. Child,
  2737. WEXITSTATUS(Status),
  2738. SIGBUS);
  2739. Failures += 1;
  2740. }
  2741. }
  2742. }
  2743. MemoryMapTruncateFileTestEnd:
  2744. if (MapBuffer != MAP_FAILED) {
  2745. Result = munmap(MapBuffer, FileSize);
  2746. if (Result != 0) {
  2747. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unmap file %s at %p: %s.\n",
  2748. FileName,
  2749. MapBuffer,
  2750. strerror(errno));
  2751. Failures += 1;
  2752. }
  2753. }
  2754. if (File >= 0) {
  2755. Result = close(File);
  2756. if (Result != 0) {
  2757. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to close file %s: %s.\n",
  2758. FileName,
  2759. strerror(errno));
  2760. Failures += 1;
  2761. }
  2762. if (SharedMemoryObject != FALSE) {
  2763. Result = shm_unlink(FileName);
  2764. } else {
  2765. Result = unlink(FileName);
  2766. }
  2767. if (Result != 0) {
  2768. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unlink file %s: %s.\n",
  2769. FileName,
  2770. strerror(errno));
  2771. Failures += 1;
  2772. }
  2773. }
  2774. return Failures;
  2775. }
  2776. ULONG
  2777. MemoryMapReadOnlyTest (
  2778. INT FileSize
  2779. )
  2780. /*++
  2781. Routine Description:
  2782. This routine tests writing to a read-only memory mapped section.
  2783. Arguments:
  2784. FileSize - Supplies the size of the file to use, if needed.
  2785. Return Value:
  2786. Returns the number of errors encountered.
  2787. --*/
  2788. {
  2789. pid_t Child;
  2790. struct sigaction ExpectedSignalAction;
  2791. ULONG Failures;
  2792. INT File;
  2793. CHAR FileName[16];
  2794. PBYTE MapBuffer;
  2795. INT OpenFlags;
  2796. pid_t Process;
  2797. INT Result;
  2798. BOOL SharedMemoryObject;
  2799. INT Status;
  2800. struct sigaction UnexpectedSignalAction;
  2801. BYTE Value;
  2802. pid_t WaitChild;
  2803. Failures = 0;
  2804. File = -1;
  2805. MapBuffer = MAP_FAILED;
  2806. //
  2807. // Create a file private to this process.
  2808. //
  2809. Process = getpid();
  2810. snprintf(FileName,
  2811. sizeof(FileName),
  2812. "mmbt-%06x",
  2813. Process);
  2814. //
  2815. // Determine whether to create a regular file or shared memory object.
  2816. //
  2817. OpenFlags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
  2818. if ((rand() % 2) == 0) {
  2819. SharedMemoryObject = TRUE;
  2820. DEBUG_PRINT("Creating shm object %s.\n", FileName);
  2821. File = shm_open(FileName,
  2822. OpenFlags,
  2824. } else {
  2825. SharedMemoryObject = FALSE;
  2826. DEBUG_PRINT("Creating file %s.\n", FileName);
  2827. File = open(FileName, OpenFlags, MEMORY_MAP_TEST_CREATE_PERMISSIONS);
  2828. }
  2829. if (File < 0) {
  2830. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to create file %s (flags %x): %s.\n",
  2831. FileName,
  2832. OpenFlags,
  2833. strerror(errno));
  2834. Failures += 1;
  2835. goto MemoryMapReadOnlyFileTestEnd;
  2836. }
  2837. //
  2838. // Map the whole file read-only.
  2839. //
  2840. MapBuffer = mmap(0, FileSize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, File, 0);
  2841. if (MapBuffer == MAP_FAILED) {
  2842. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to map file %s starting at offset 0 for %x "
  2843. "bytes: %s\n",
  2844. FileName,
  2845. FileSize,
  2846. strerror(errno));
  2847. Failures += 1;
  2848. goto MemoryMapReadOnlyFileTestEnd;
  2849. }
  2850. //
  2851. // Use ftruncate to extend the file size to the supplied size.
  2852. //
  2853. DEBUG_PRINT("Testing read-only mapping write access.\n");
  2854. Result = ftruncate(File, FileSize);
  2855. if (Result != 0) {
  2856. PRINT_ERROR("ftruncate failed to increase file size to %x: %s.\n",
  2857. FileSize,
  2858. strerror(errno));
  2859. Failures += 1;
  2860. goto MemoryMapReadOnlyFileTestEnd;
  2861. }
  2862. //
  2863. // Initialize the unexpected signal handler and try a read from the memory
  2864. // map.
  2865. //
  2866. UnexpectedSignalAction.sa_sigaction = MemoryMapTestUnexpectedSignalHandler;
  2867. sigemptyset(&(UnexpectedSignalAction.sa_mask));
  2868. UnexpectedSignalAction.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
  2869. sigaction(SIGSEGV, &UnexpectedSignalAction, NULL);
  2870. Value = *MapBuffer;
  2871. DEBUG_PRINT("Successfully read %x from buffer %p for file %s.\n",
  2872. Value,
  2873. MapBuffer,
  2874. FileName);
  2875. //
  2876. // Now set up for an expected fault.
  2877. //
  2878. ExpectedSignalAction.sa_sigaction = MemoryMapTestExpectedSignalHandler;
  2879. sigemptyset(&(ExpectedSignalAction.sa_mask));
  2880. ExpectedSignalAction.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
  2881. //
  2882. // Fork to have the child try to write to the first byte in the file.
  2883. //
  2884. Child = fork();
  2885. if (Child == 0) {
  2886. sigaction(SIGSEGV, &ExpectedSignalAction, NULL);
  2887. *MapBuffer = 0x1;
  2888. PRINT_ERROR("Wrote to a read-only mapping at %p for file %s.\n",
  2889. MapBuffer,
  2890. FileName);
  2891. exit(0);
  2892. } else {
  2893. WaitChild = waitpid(Child, &Status, 0);
  2894. if (WaitChild == -1) {
  2895. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to wait for child %d: %s.\n",
  2896. Child,
  2897. strerror(errno));
  2898. } else {
  2899. assert(WaitChild == Child);
  2900. if (WEXITSTATUS(Status) != SIGSEGV) {
  2901. PRINT_ERROR("Child %d exited with status %d, expected %d.\n",
  2902. Child,
  2903. WEXITSTATUS(Status),
  2904. SIGSEGV);
  2905. Failures += 1;
  2906. }
  2907. }
  2908. }
  2909. MemoryMapReadOnlyFileTestEnd:
  2910. if (MapBuffer != MAP_FAILED) {
  2911. Result = munmap(MapBuffer, FileSize);
  2912. if (Result != 0) {
  2913. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unmap file %s at %p: %s.\n",
  2914. FileName,
  2915. MapBuffer,
  2916. strerror(errno));
  2917. Failures += 1;
  2918. }
  2919. }
  2920. if (File >= 0) {
  2921. Result = close(File);
  2922. if (Result != 0) {
  2923. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to close file %s: %s.\n",
  2924. FileName,
  2925. strerror(errno));
  2926. Failures += 1;
  2927. }
  2928. if (SharedMemoryObject != FALSE) {
  2929. Result = shm_unlink(FileName);
  2930. } else {
  2931. Result = unlink(FileName);
  2932. }
  2933. if (Result != 0) {
  2934. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unlink file %s: %s.\n",
  2935. FileName,
  2936. strerror(errno));
  2937. Failures += 1;
  2938. }
  2939. }
  2940. return Failures;
  2941. }
  2942. ULONG
  2943. MemoryMapNoAccessTest (
  2944. INT FileSize
  2945. )
  2946. /*++
  2947. Routine Description:
  2948. This routine tests access of a file that is memory mapped with no access
  2949. permissions.
  2950. Arguments:
  2951. FileSize - Supplies the size of the file to use, if needed.
  2952. Return Value:
  2953. Returns the number of errors encountered.
  2954. --*/
  2955. {
  2956. pid_t Child;
  2957. struct sigaction ExpectedSignalAction;
  2958. ULONG Failures;
  2959. INT File;
  2960. CHAR FileName[16];
  2961. PBYTE MapBuffer;
  2962. INT OpenFlags;
  2963. pid_t Process;
  2964. INT Result;
  2965. BOOL SharedMemoryObject;
  2966. INT Status;
  2967. BYTE Value;
  2968. pid_t WaitChild;
  2969. Failures = 0;
  2970. File = -1;
  2971. MapBuffer = MAP_FAILED;
  2972. //
  2973. // Create a file private to this process.
  2974. //
  2975. Process = getpid();
  2976. snprintf(FileName,
  2977. sizeof(FileName),
  2978. "mmbt-%06x",
  2979. Process);
  2980. OpenFlags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
  2981. if ((rand() % 2) == 0) {
  2982. SharedMemoryObject = TRUE;
  2983. DEBUG_PRINT("Creating shm object %s.\n", FileName);
  2984. File = shm_open(FileName,
  2985. OpenFlags,
  2987. } else {
  2988. SharedMemoryObject = FALSE;
  2989. DEBUG_PRINT("Creating file %s.\n", FileName);
  2990. File = open(FileName, OpenFlags, MEMORY_MAP_TEST_CREATE_PERMISSIONS);
  2991. }
  2992. if (File < 0) {
  2993. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to create file %s (flags %x): %s.\n",
  2994. FileName,
  2995. OpenFlags,
  2996. strerror(errno));
  2997. Failures += 1;
  2998. goto MemoryMapNoAccessFileTestEnd;
  2999. }
  3000. //
  3001. // Map the whole file with no access permissions..
  3002. //
  3003. MapBuffer = mmap(0, FileSize, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE, File, 0);
  3004. if (MapBuffer == MAP_FAILED) {
  3005. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to map file %s starting at offset 0 for %x "
  3006. "bytes: %s\n",
  3007. FileName,
  3008. FileSize,
  3009. strerror(errno));
  3010. Failures += 1;
  3011. goto MemoryMapNoAccessFileTestEnd;
  3012. }
  3013. //
  3014. // Use ftruncate to extend the file size to the supplied size.
  3015. //
  3016. DEBUG_PRINT("Testing no access mapping access.\n");
  3017. Result = ftruncate(File, FileSize);
  3018. if (Result != 0) {
  3019. PRINT_ERROR("ftruncate failed to increase file size to %x: %s.\n",
  3020. FileSize,
  3021. strerror(errno));
  3022. Failures += 1;
  3023. goto MemoryMapNoAccessFileTestEnd;
  3024. }
  3025. //
  3026. // Set up for an expected fault.
  3027. //
  3028. ExpectedSignalAction.sa_sigaction = MemoryMapTestExpectedSignalHandler;
  3029. sigemptyset(&(ExpectedSignalAction.sa_mask));
  3030. ExpectedSignalAction.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
  3031. sigaction(SIGSEGV, &ExpectedSignalAction, NULL);
  3032. //
  3033. // Fork to have the child try to write to the first byte in the file.
  3034. //
  3035. Child = fork();
  3036. if (Child == 0) {
  3037. sigaction(SIGSEGV, &ExpectedSignalAction, NULL);
  3038. *MapBuffer = 0x1;
  3039. PRINT_ERROR("Wrote to a no-access mapping at %p for file %s.\n",
  3040. MapBuffer,
  3041. FileName);
  3042. exit(0);
  3043. } else {
  3044. WaitChild = waitpid(Child, &Status, 0);
  3045. if (WaitChild == -1) {
  3046. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to wait for child %d: %s.\n",
  3047. Child,
  3048. strerror(errno));
  3049. } else {
  3050. assert(WaitChild == Child);
  3051. if (WEXITSTATUS(Status) != SIGSEGV) {
  3052. PRINT_ERROR("Child %d exited with status %d, expected %d.\n",
  3053. Child,
  3054. WEXITSTATUS(Status),
  3055. SIGSEGV);
  3056. Failures += 1;
  3057. }
  3058. }
  3059. }
  3060. //
  3061. // Fork to have the child try to read the first byte in the file.
  3062. //
  3063. Child = fork();
  3064. if (Child == 0) {
  3065. sigaction(SIGSEGV, &ExpectedSignalAction, NULL);
  3066. Value = *MapBuffer;
  3067. PRINT_ERROR("Read %x from a no-access mapping at %p for file %s.\n",
  3068. Value,
  3069. MapBuffer,
  3070. FileName);
  3071. exit(0);
  3072. } else {
  3073. WaitChild = waitpid(Child, &Status, 0);
  3074. if (WaitChild == -1) {
  3075. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to wait for child %d: %s.\n",
  3076. Child,
  3077. strerror(errno));
  3078. } else {
  3079. assert(WaitChild == Child);
  3080. if (WEXITSTATUS(Status) != SIGSEGV) {
  3081. PRINT_ERROR("Child %d exited with status %d, expected %d.\n",
  3082. Child,
  3083. WEXITSTATUS(Status),
  3084. SIGSEGV);
  3085. Failures += 1;
  3086. }
  3087. }
  3088. }
  3089. MemoryMapNoAccessFileTestEnd:
  3090. if (MapBuffer != MAP_FAILED) {
  3091. Result = munmap(MapBuffer, FileSize);
  3092. if (Result != 0) {
  3093. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unmap file %s at %p: %s.\n",
  3094. FileName,
  3095. MapBuffer,
  3096. strerror(errno));
  3097. Failures += 1;
  3098. }
  3099. }
  3100. if (File >= 0) {
  3101. Result = close(File);
  3102. if (Result != 0) {
  3103. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to close file %s: %s.\n",
  3104. FileName,
  3105. strerror(errno));
  3106. Failures += 1;
  3107. }
  3108. if (SharedMemoryObject != FALSE) {
  3109. Result = shm_unlink(FileName);
  3110. } else {
  3111. Result = unlink(FileName);
  3112. }
  3113. if (Result != 0) {
  3114. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to unlink file %s: %s.\n",
  3115. FileName,
  3116. strerror(errno));
  3117. Failures += 1;
  3118. }
  3119. }
  3120. return Failures;
  3121. }
  3122. ULONG
  3123. MemoryMapAnonymousTest (
  3124. INT FileSize
  3125. )
  3126. /*++
  3127. Routine Description:
  3128. This routine tests anonymous memory mapped sections that are not backed
  3129. by a file.
  3130. Arguments:
  3131. FileSize - Supplies the size of the file to use, if needed.
  3132. Return Value:
  3133. Returns the number of errors encountered.
  3134. --*/
  3135. {
  3136. pid_t Child;
  3137. ULONG Failures;
  3138. PBYTE MapBuffer;
  3139. INT Result;
  3140. INT Status;
  3141. BYTE Value;
  3142. pid_t WaitChild;
  3143. Failures = 0;
  3144. //
  3145. // Create an anonymous memory mapping of the given size.
  3146. //
  3147. DEBUG_PRINT("Creating an anonymous memory mapping.\n");
  3148. MapBuffer = mmap(0,
  3149. FileSize,
  3152. -1,
  3153. 0);
  3154. if (MapBuffer == MAP_FAILED) {
  3155. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to create anonymous memory mapping of size 0x%x "
  3156. "bytes: %s.\n",
  3157. FileSize,
  3158. strerror(errno));
  3159. Failures += 1;
  3160. goto MemoryMapAnonymousTestEnd;
  3161. }
  3162. //
  3163. // Read the memory mapping to make sure it reads zero.
  3164. //
  3165. if ((*MapBuffer != 0) || (*(MapBuffer + 1) != 0)) {
  3166. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to read zero from anonymous mapping.\n");
  3167. Failures += 1;
  3168. }
  3169. //
  3170. // Write to the memory mapping.
  3171. //
  3172. *MapBuffer = 0x1;
  3173. //
  3174. // Fork to have the child read the first byte to validate it shares with
  3175. // the parent. Then have the child write the second byte so the parent can
  3176. // validate that it's mapping did not change.
  3177. //
  3178. Child = fork();
  3179. if (Child == 0) {
  3180. Failures = 0;
  3181. Value = *MapBuffer;
  3182. if (Value != 0x1) {
  3183. PRINT_ERROR("Anonymous child failed to read first byte. Expected "
  3184. "1, read %x.\n",
  3185. Value);
  3186. Failures += 1;
  3187. }
  3188. Value = *(MapBuffer + 1);
  3189. if (Value != 0) {
  3190. PRINT_ERROR("Anonymous child failed to read first byte. Expected "
  3191. "0, read %x.\n",
  3192. Value);
  3193. Failures += 1;
  3194. }
  3195. *(MapBuffer + 1) = 0x2;
  3196. exit(Failures);
  3197. } else {
  3198. WaitChild = waitpid(Child, &Status, 0);
  3199. if (WaitChild == -1) {
  3200. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to wait for child %d: %s.\n",
  3201. Child,
  3202. strerror(errno));
  3203. } else {
  3204. assert(WaitChild == Child);
  3205. if (!WIFEXITED(Status)) {
  3206. PRINT_ERROR("Child %d returned with status %x\n",
  3207. Status);
  3208. Failures += 1;
  3209. }
  3210. Failures += WEXITSTATUS(Status);
  3211. }
  3212. }
  3213. //
  3214. // Because the mapping was private, the parent should be able to re-read
  3215. // the second byte and see a 0 and not a 2.
  3216. //
  3217. Value = *(MapBuffer + 1);
  3218. if (Value != 0) {
  3219. PRINT_ERROR("Anonymous parent failed to read 0 from mapping %p. Read "
  3220. "%x.\n",
  3221. MapBuffer + 1,
  3222. Value);
  3223. Failures += 1;
  3224. }
  3225. MemoryMapAnonymousTestEnd:
  3226. if (MapBuffer != MAP_FAILED) {
  3227. Result = munmap(MapBuffer, FileSize);
  3228. if (Result != 0) {
  3229. PRINT_ERROR("Anonymous failed to unmap memory map at %p: %s.\n",
  3230. MapBuffer,
  3231. strerror(errno));
  3232. Failures += 1;
  3233. }
  3234. }
  3235. return Failures;
  3236. }
  3237. ULONG
  3238. MemoryMapSharedAnonymousTest (
  3239. INT FileSize
  3240. )
  3241. /*++
  3242. Routine Description:
  3243. This routine tests shared anonymous memory mapped sections that are not
  3244. backed by a file.
  3245. Arguments:
  3246. FileSize - Supplies the size of the file to use, if needed.
  3247. Return Value:
  3248. Returns the number of errors encountered.
  3249. --*/
  3250. {
  3251. pid_t Child;
  3252. ULONG Failures;
  3253. PBYTE MapBuffer;
  3254. INT Result;
  3255. INT Status;
  3256. BYTE Value;
  3257. pid_t WaitChild;
  3258. Failures = 0;
  3259. //
  3260. // Create an anonymous memory mapping of the given size.
  3261. //
  3262. DEBUG_PRINT("Creating an anonymous shared memory mapping.\n");
  3263. MapBuffer = mmap(0,
  3264. FileSize,
  3267. -1,
  3268. 0);
  3269. if (MapBuffer == MAP_FAILED) {
  3270. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to create shared anonymous memory mapping of size "
  3271. "0x%x bytes: %s.\n",
  3272. FileSize,
  3273. strerror(errno));
  3274. Failures += 1;
  3275. goto MemoryMapSharedAnonymousTestEnd;
  3276. }
  3277. //
  3278. // Read the memory mapping to make sure it reads zero.
  3279. //
  3280. if ((*MapBuffer != 0) || (*(MapBuffer + 1) != 0)) {
  3281. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to read zero from shared anonymous mapping.\n");
  3282. Failures += 1;
  3283. }
  3284. //
  3285. // Write to the memory mapping.
  3286. //
  3287. *MapBuffer = 0x1;
  3288. //
  3289. // Fork to have the child read the first byte to validate it shares with
  3290. // the parent. Then have the child write the second byte so the parent can
  3291. // validate that it's mapping changed.
  3292. //
  3293. Child = fork();
  3294. if (Child == 0) {
  3295. Failures = 0;
  3296. Value = *MapBuffer;
  3297. if (Value != 0x1) {
  3298. PRINT_ERROR("Shared anonymous child failed to read first byte. "
  3299. "Expected 1, read %x.\n",
  3300. Value);
  3301. Failures += 1;
  3302. }
  3303. Value = *(MapBuffer + 1);
  3304. if (Value != 0) {
  3305. PRINT_ERROR("Shared anonymous child failed to read first byte. "
  3306. "Expected 0, read %x.\n",
  3307. Value);
  3308. Failures += 1;
  3309. }
  3310. *(MapBuffer + 1) = 0x2;
  3311. exit(Failures);
  3312. } else {
  3313. WaitChild = waitpid(Child, &Status, 0);
  3314. if (WaitChild == -1) {
  3315. PRINT_ERROR("Failed to wait for child %d: %s.\n",
  3316. Child,
  3317. strerror(errno));
  3318. } else {
  3319. assert(WaitChild == Child);
  3320. if (!WIFEXITED(Status)) {
  3321. PRINT_ERROR("Child %d returned with status %x\n",
  3322. Status);
  3323. Failures += 1;
  3324. }
  3325. Failures += WEXITSTATUS(Status);
  3326. }
  3327. }
  3328. //
  3329. // Because the mapping was private, the parent should be able to re-read
  3330. // the second byte and see a 0 and not a 2.
  3331. //
  3332. Value = *(MapBuffer + 1);
  3333. if (Value != 0x2) {
  3334. PRINT_ERROR("Shared anonymous parent failed to read 0x2 from mapping "
  3335. "%p. Read %x.\n",
  3336. MapBuffer + 1,
  3337. Value);
  3338. Failures += 1;
  3339. }
  3340. MemoryMapSharedAnonymousTestEnd:
  3341. if (MapBuffer != MAP_FAILED) {
  3342. Result = munmap(MapBuffer, FileSize);
  3343. if (Result != 0) {
  3344. PRINT_ERROR("Shared anonymous failed to unmap memory map at %p: "
  3345. "%s.\n",
  3346. MapBuffer,
  3347. strerror(errno));
  3348. Failures += 1;
  3349. }
  3350. }
  3351. return Failures;
  3352. }