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-# About
-### Features
-- AMD 64 bit
-- Modern, simplified syscall system
-- GCC toolchain means you can use gdb(!)
-- Compile in Linux or OSX using Harvey's headers and libs, no need to change anything else
-- Fast compilation of the whole system
-- All Plan9 userland apps available
-- Plans to add X11 with rio-like multiplexing, tty driver, new fileserver, native toolchain and more
-- Build binaries that will run on Linux and Harvey with no changes.
-- Go programming language port in progress.
-### About the Name
-So, why "Harvey"? Mostly because we liked it, but there are at least 3 other good reasons:
-1. <a href="">Harvey</a> is a movie, <a href="">Plan 9</a> is a movie too.
-1. Harvey is a rabbit, Glenda is a bunny.
-1. Most importantly: in the movie, those who believed in Harvey were thought to be insane, but eventually found not to be.
-## Team
-- Álvaro Jurado
-- Aki Nyrhinen
-- Dan Cross
-- David du Colombier
-- Hank Donnay
-- John Floren
-- Keith Poole
-- Rafael Fernández
-- Ron Minnich
-- Sevki Hasirci

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-This code of conduct outlines our rules and expectations for everybody participating in the Harvey community.
-= Mailing list and chat etiquette =
-We have a friendly and productive atmosphere on our mailing lists, development / code review tools and IRC chat rooms. Our principles evolve around the following:
-* It's not the user's fault if something goes wrong.
-* Attempt collaboration before conflict.
-* People who intentionally insult others (users, developers, corporations, other projects, or the Harvey project itself) will be dealt with. See policy below.
-* We are dealing with hardware with lots of undocumented pitfalls. It is quite possible that you did everything right, but Harvey or its tools still won’t work for you.
-Refrain from insulting anyone or the group they belong to. Remember that people might be sensitive to other things than you are.
-Most of our community members are not native English speakers, thus misunderstandings can (and do) happen. Always assume that others are friendly and may have picked less-than-stellar wording by accident.
-If you feel that you have been treated unfairly, we want to hear about it so we can handle the situation. Please contact our arbitration team directly: They will listen to you. If you don't get a response within a few days, your mail was probably lost. Please resend your mail to another member of the arbitration team in that case.
-= Unacceptable Behavior =
-Unacceptable behaviors include: intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning speech or actions by any participant in our community online, at all related events and in one-on-one communications carried out in the context of community business. Community event venues may be shared with members of the public; please be respectful to all patrons of these locations.
-Examples of behaviors we do not accept in our community: 
-* harmful or prejudicial verbal or written comments related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability;
-* inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual advances;
-* deliberate intimidation, stalking or following;
-* harassing photography or recording;
-* sustained disruption of talks or other events.
-Using this code of conduct aggressively against other people in the community might also be harassment. Be considerate when enforcing the code of conduct and always try to listen to both sides before passing judgment.
-= Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior =
-Unacceptable behavior from any community member, including sponsors and those with decision-making authority, will not be tolerated.
-Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.
-If a community member engages in unacceptable behavior, the community organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including a temporary ban or permanent expulsion from the community without warning (and without refund in the case of a paid event). Community organizers can be part of the arbitration team, or organizers of events and online communities.
-= If You Witness or Are Subject to Unacceptable Behavior =
-If you are subject to or witness unacceptable behavior, or have any other concerns, please notify someone from the arbitration team immediately.
-= Addressing Grievances =
-If you feel you have been falsely or unfairly accused of violating this Code of Conduct, you should notify the arbitration team with a concise description of your grievance.
-= Scope =
-We expect all community participants (contributors, paid or otherwise; sponsors; and other guests) to abide by this Code of Conduct in all community venues—online and in-person—as well as in all one-on-one communications pertaining to community business.
-= Contact info =
-Our arbitration team consists of the following people
-* Ronald Minnich <>
-= License and attribution =
-This Code of Conduct is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. It is based on

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-# Community
-Our community is growing in members and interest.
-Now Harvey has many people around its community, looking, experimenting,
-testing... but in order to set main lines and goals, there is a bunch of people
-in what we usual call "core team" making decisions, improving the system, testing
-and resolving problems across all the source.
-That doesn't mean you couldn't help us, through Gerrit you can submit patches,
-new programs or improvements that we will review and possibly accept. Every hand
-is welcome.
-Below there are some links useful to participate in our community and become a Harvey enthusiast
-that could be interesting for you. For writing in mailing list, you need to request
-an invitation. Once you're in it, you can request an invitation to Slack channels.
-## Mailing lists 
-* <a href="!forum/harvey">Harvey OS</a>
-## Wiki 
-* <a href="">Harvey wiki</a>
-## Harvey-OS Man Pages
-* <a href="">Harvey OS manual</a>
-## Blog
-* <a href="">Harvey official blog</a>
-## Slack
-* <a href="">Harvey Slack channels</a>


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-# FAQ
-### Flank spare ribs corned beef pork belly 
-swine fatback frankfurter andouille tenderloin turkey. Hamburger andouille flank salami biltong. Tenderloin turkey venison doner ham hock, filet mignon short loin fatback. Pork andouille shankle bresaola pork chop boudin leberkas swine, tail salami flank meatloaf. 
-### Bacon corned beef kevin boudin capicola 
-tri-tip chuck ham bresaola spare ribs biltong jowl strip steak tenderloin. Corned beef prosciutto doner, drumstick picanha shoulder fatback pig chicken chuck turducken porchetta pancetta swine. Alcatra salami swine sausage short loin kevin landjaeger ground round meatball ball tip picanha ham hock beef ribs.
-### Bacon ipsum dolor amet chuck ipsum ut ad duis magna 
-aliquip shoulder. Sirloin short ribs dolore fatback. Sunt irure porchetta, biltong exercitation cillum excepteur ball tip. Qui hamburger shank deserunt, sed chicken short loin dolore tri-tip quis in. Dolor in veniam nulla in bresaola ut sunt jowl tri-tip velit. Laboris andouille minim ball tip, pork meatball ex shank t-bone ea consectetur cillum flank officia. Meatball tri-tip ham veniam turkey eiusmod t-bone consequat bresaola anim pig ball tip. 

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-#  Getting started with Harvey OS 
-This is Plan 9 for amd64 built with gcc (and soon, I hope, clang).
-This file is a quick list of instructions to get you started quickly.
-To build harvey and play with it, you need to have git, golang, qemu, gcc,
-binutils and bison installed. On a Debian, Ubuntu or other .deb system,
-you should be able to get going with
-	sudo aptitude install git golang build-essential bison qemu-system
-We use for code-review. If you want to submit changes, go to
-and check out the repository from gerrithub rather than github. The clone
-command will probably look something like this:
-	git clone ssh://
-you'll need to run a few commands inside the top-level directory to get set
-up for code-review:
-	cd harvey
-	curl -Lo .git/hooks/commit-msg
-	chmod u+x .git/hooks/commit-msg
-	git config remote.origin.push HEAD:refs/for/master
-You're now all set, you can build the whole thing just by running
-	./BUILD all
-which should take maybe a minute.
-Once building is complete, you can try booting the kernel with qemu
-	(cd sys/src/9/k10 && sh ../../../../util/QRUN)
-Next you should find a bug somewhere in harvey and fix it. In general, the
-util/build tool "just works" in any subdirectory, so you can also build just
-the stuff you are looking at, too, eg.
-	cd sys/src/cmd/aux
-	build aux.json
-Let's say you found a bug and the files you needed to change were
-sys/src/9/ip/tcp.c and sys/src/9/ip/ipaux.c. To submit this for review, you do
-	git add sys/src/9/ip/tcp.c
-	git add sys/src/9/ip/ipaux.c
-	git diff --staged # to check that the patch still makes sense
-	git commit -m 'your description of the patch'
-	git push
-Note the lack of qualifiers in the last push command. It is important,
-because it needs to be pushed to "origin HEAD:refs/for/master" for review
-(and not to master). This will generate a code-review change request, others
-will review it, and if it looks good we will merge it to the mainline repo
-If your patch needs further work (you notice something wrong with it yourself,
-or someone suggests changes), you can just edit the affected files and then
-amend the change list as follows
-	git add sys/src/9/ip/tcp.c
-	git commit --amend
-	git push
-More information on using Gerrit can be found on the website.
-Getting ninep to serve your files
-The currently recommended way of doing this is to run ninep/ufs as the file
-server for harvey. You can get ninep/ufs in the following way
-	cd util
-	mkdir go
-	cd go
-	export GOPATH=$(pwd)
-	go get
-	go get
-	go get
-	go install
-	cp bin/ufs ..
-After these, you have util/ufs, and you can use
-	(export HARVEY=$(pwd) && cd sys/src/9/k10 && sh ../../../../util/GO9PRUN)
-to boot with ufs serving the harvey directory for your harvey instance. Once
-harvey is up, you can telnet onto it with
-	util/telnet localhost:5555
-Where 5555 is forwarded to the harvey instance. This gives you a prompt 
-without any security. Once you have the prompt, you can mount the harvey
-directory as your root like this ( is what qemu has as the host)
-	srv tcp!!5640 k
-	mount -a /srv/k /

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-#  Harvey OS Manual 
-## Bacon ipsum dolor amet
-Bacon ipsum dolor amet chuck ipsum ut ad, duis magna aliquip shoulder. Sirloin short ribs dolore fatback. Sunt irure porchetta, biltong exercitation cillum excepteur ball tip. Qui hamburger shank deserunt, sed chicken short loin dolore tri-tip quis in. Dolor in veniam nulla in bresaola ut sunt jowl tri-tip velit. Laboris andouille minim ball tip, pork meatball ex shank t-bone ea consectetur cillum flank officia. Meatball tri-tip ham veniam turkey eiusmod t-bone consequat bresaola anim pig ball tip.
-Eiusmod sunt velit pastrami nisi porchetta exercitation pork drumstick labore fugiat. Minim bacon dolore shankle fatback. Pork belly cupim doner jowl, meatloaf ham chicken turducken ut andouille bresaola ribeye officia tail ground round. Ipsum et pork, chuck id strip steak pig eu commodo turducken. Beef minim fatback tongue ribeye cupidatat short loin enim capicola velit commodo t-bone chuck swine. Pig reprehenderit biltong chuck laborum turkey cillum laboris sausage prosciutto ut. Reprehenderit spare ribs ham chicken, sint andouille pork loin eu chuck lorem sed hamburger duis.
-### T-bone nostrud biltong sirloin 
-pig filet mignon in shoulder ham hock pariatur irure ex in fatback. Corned beef bacon sirloin porchetta rump. Chuck cupidatat enim, fugiat picanha frankfurter ham. Sed short loin aute velit tri-tip t-bone pastrami. Nulla ribeye kielbasa ea, shoulder consectetur elit nisi rump cupim porchetta anim shankle swine tempor.
-### Labore t-bone swine ham consectetur velit officia 
-reprehenderit eu est incididunt occaecat tongue drumstick cillum. Aliqua bacon short loin picanha. Strip steak commodo non, tenderloin ad aliquip lorem in meatball nostrud sausage. Aliquip excepteur frankfurter fatback anim rump incididunt bacon cupim nostrud ut.

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-# Download 
-Harvey is currently under very active development, to the point that
-a release could just become obsolete overnight.
-For source code access, you should go to our [github page](
-or go see [](
-for code review.






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-# Harvey OS
-<div class="lazy">
-  <img src="img/harvey-os-logo.png" alt="Harvey OS logo"></img>
-## What is Harvey?
-Harvey is an effort to get the <a href="">Plan 9</a> code working with <a href="">gcc</a> and <a href="">clang</a>.
-Our aim is to provide a modern, distributed, 64 bit operating system that does away with Unix's wrinkles and allows for new ways of working.
-## News & events
-* [FOSDEM 2016](news#harvey-at-FOSDEM-2016)
-* [Things you can do now in Harvey](news#things-you-can-do-now-in-harvey)
-* [Using gdb to debug Harvey](news#debugging-harvey-gdb)
-* [APE is ready](news#ape-is-ready)
-* [Broken scheduler, working scheduler](news#broken-scheduler)
-* [USENIX presentation slides available](news#usenix-2015-materials)
-* [Developers wanted!](news#developers-wanted)
-<h2>Code status</h2>
-<div class="lazy">
-  <a href="">
-    <img alt="travis badge" src="" data-src="">
-  </a>
-  <a href="">
-    <img alt="coverity badge" src="" data-src="">
-  </a>

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-# News & events
-<a name="FOSDEM 2016"></a>
-## Harvey at FOSDEM 2016
-January 30/31, 2016
-European members of core team were at FOSDEM2016.
-Changing impressions, suggestions, debating mainlines, drinking beer, meeting people...
-We assisted to some devrooms and lightning talks, all of them interesting.
-Here there are a couple of pictures trying to show Harvey as it was at that moment.
-![Preparing Harvey](img/fosdem2016/photo_2016-02-11_00-27-30.jpg)
-Building and preparing the system
-![Harvey at big screen](img/fosdem2016/photo_2016-02-11_00-27-40.jpg)
-Running Harvey! (Left to right: Keith, Sevki, Álvaro and Rafael)
-<a name="Factotum, Fossil disk, Go and drawterming Harvey"></a>
-## Things you can do now in Harvey
-December 20, 2015
-Many new things have been changed or implemented last months. We were working a lot and now, even for our own eyes, we went far away than we thought at the begining, almost a year ago. But we want more, so remember: we need programmers. Are you ready to join Harvey?
-Harvey has now an almost stable kernel:
->What means you can start to do programs and experiments in it.
-We are able to use [drawterm]( with Harvey:
->Don't forget to try mclock, courtesy of John DeGood.
-Factotum is working:
->Well, if you don't know what it means, you should to read [some lines]( about it first.
-System console are now splitted in three types:
->And all of them out of kernel in user space, thanks to Giacomo Tesio. Just check the code to see how they work and the purpose of everyone.
-Now we are able to play with Go programming language:
->There are some limitations, This is a work in progress. Never quite graceful to Ron Minnich for this and many other things.
-Harvey has now Fossil and Venti:
->So you can set up a disk (real and virtual) for your system installation. Check our wiki to see how to do it. Courtesy of Rafael Fernández, who fought hard with Fossil.
-And don't forget you can come to meet us in [Fosdem 2016](, you will recognize us for our Harvey T-Shirts. Do you want one of them? check [here](
-<a name="debugging-harvey-gdb"></a>
-## Using gdb to debug Harvey
-August 8, 2015
-A page has been added to the wiki which describes how to debug Harvey using gdb.  See [Debugging Harvey in gdb]( for details.
-<a name="ape-is-ready"></a>
-## APE is ready
-August 6, 2015
-APE (the [ANSI/POSIX Environment]( has been finally given the green light:
->ANSI people, it's your time. Let's go, doors are opened. Ape is working.
->Improvements, suggestions are welcome. Ports can be done. Wiki is ready in github.
-This means a whole host of ports can be on their way fueled by POSIX -sort of- compliance:
->  There are some aspects of required POSIX behavior that are impossible or very hard to simulate in Plan 9.
->  Experience has shown, however, that the simulation is adequate for the vast majority of programs.
-A quick [getting started with APE]( guide is being drafted in the wiki.
-<a name="broken-scheduler"></a>
-## Broken scheduler, working scheduler
-August 1, 2015	
-Despite the hot summer, Harvey has been progressing steadily during these months. So, a big THANK YOU to everyone involved, you all rock!
-Obviously, it can't all be happy days: resident guru Aki Nyrhinen has just proved how things can easily fall into chaos by detecting a major defect in Harvey's core. Straight from the horse's mouth:
->it turns out that the scheduler in harvey is badly broken.
->it does not do time sharing at all, among other things.
->it also crashes instantly if squidboy is enabled (>1 core).
->the procs aren't really reusable at all, because the kernel structures are apparently infested with pointers to the procs when one does an exit.
->there's a lot to be fixed here.
-Undeterred by the mess, and in a question of hours, the fire has been put out:
->Alright, after 4 hours of furious editing and undoing damage to the boot code, I've got harvey booting up with the ndnr() in squidboy commented out.
-Some (thorough?) measurements after the fix:
->Boot faster.
->CPU at 13% as usual (we still have pending a new random).
->No weird behaviours.
->Nice job!
-<a name="usenix-2015-materials"></a>
-## USENIX presentation slides available 
-July 20, 2015
-Here are Harvey's [presentation slides](docs/Harvey-Usenix-2015-ATC-BOF-slides.pdf) at USENIX 2015 ATC BOF.
-We will update this note when we can link to a video of the talk.
-<a name="developers-wanted"></a>
-## Looking for developers!
-July 15, 2015
-For the next couple of months, the project is looking for developers to step up and help get Harvey ready for prime time.
-> "I think the big goal for the next two months, the single most important goal, is to move a needle: we want more people contributing"
-There still exist areas for continued development, and YOU can make a difference. This experience can make for an ideal project for Operating System courses and the like. Please talk to us!
-> "For new people: we have troubles with sdiahci.c, ahci driver. So we haven't local disk for now. It's not blocking at all, but other improvements depends on it. But, what would you like to do with Harvey meanwhile?"
-<a name="usenix-2015"></a>
-##Harvey at USENIX 2015
-July 8, 2015
-It's usenix and we have a BOF tomorrow night, so we have to get the
-minicluster going. Five AMD Persimmon boards in a stack and 1 Minnow
-We had really high hopes for the minnow max but it is a bit of a
-disappointment. Super neat size -- see the little blue box hanging
-from an ethernet cable in the 5th picture? It was kind of exciting to
-see so much in such a small box.
-We've concluded that to make this board usable for Harvey we're going
-to need to swap out UEFI for some other firmware. it took us 15
-minutes just to walk through enough of the commands and dialogues to
-realize we can only boot from a FAT-formatted SD card. FAT
-formatted. 2015. What's wrong with this picture?
-So then tried PXE boot. See John taking a movie of the TV? It's
-because when UEFI pxeboot fails, it puts the failure frame up for 1/30
-second and clears it. So John took a movie, and then we watched the
-movie frame by frame to see the error. 
-Then we hit the next problem: once we
-got the special version of GRUB booting over the LAN, it told
-us we wouldn't have a visible console. We need a console.
-The AMD stack, with three coreboot nodes and two AMI BIOS nodes,
-worked better. The only thing that went wrong is that the AMI BIOS
-breaks pxelinux.0 -- it loads and gets to some point, and then instant
-reset. We can still boot harvey on the AMI BIOS nodes, but only from a USB stick. 
-We'll be reflashing these too. 
-![mini cluster](img/usenix2015/mini-cluster.jpg)
-Harvey mini-cluster ready to fire up (or catch fire)
-![boffins to blame](img/usenix2015/boffins-to-blame.jpg)
-John on the floor, trying to make the minnowmax boot
-Harvey, Aki on the chair making Harvey build on a mac and boot off of one.
-![video of error](img/usenix2015/video-of-error.jpg)
-John decided taking a video of the boot sequence would
-be the best way to capture the sub-second error message.

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- * Side navigation
- *
- * Scrollspy and affixed enhanced navigation to highlight sections and secondary
- * sections of docs content.
- */
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+ 0 - 21

@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-site_name: Harvey OS
-site_description: A 64 bit Operating System based on Plan 9 from Bell Labs and NIX, under GPL
-site_favicon: img/favicon.png
-# copyright
-# google_analytics
-  - Home:
-  - About: 
-#  - Usenix:
-  - News:
-  - Download:
-  - Community:
-  - Blog :
-#  - Documentation: 
-#    - FAQ: docs/
-#    - Getting started: docs/
-#    - Manual: docs/
-theme: journal 
-theme_dir: harvey-theme 

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-[ x"$HARVEY" != x ] && cd $HARVEY/web
-mkdocs serve && exit 0 
-echo "#### we need mkdocs: use pip install mkdocs"

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