sortientry.c 7.3 KB

  1. #include "stdinc.h"
  2. #include "dat.h"
  3. #include "fns.h"
  4. typedef struct IEBuck IEBuck;
  5. typedef struct IEBucks IEBucks;
  6. enum
  7. {
  8. ClumpChunks = 32*1024
  9. };
  10. struct IEBuck
  11. {
  12. u32int head; /* head of chain of chunks on the disk */
  13. u32int used; /* usage of the last chunk */
  14. u64int total; /* total number of bytes in this bucket */
  15. u8int *buf; /* chunk of entries for this bucket */
  16. };
  17. struct IEBucks
  18. {
  19. Part *part;
  20. u64int off; /* offset for writing data in the partition */
  21. u32int chunks; /* total chunks written to fd */
  22. u64int max; /* max bytes entered in any one bucket */
  23. int bits; /* number of bits in initial bucket sort */
  24. int nbucks; /* 1 << bits, the number of buckets */
  25. u32int size; /* bytes in each of the buckets chunks */
  26. u32int usable; /* amount usable for IEntry data */
  27. u8int *buf; /* buffer for all chunks */
  28. IEBuck *bucks;
  29. };
  30. #define U32GET(p) (((p)[0]<<24)|((p)[1]<<16)|((p)[2]<<8)|(p)[3])
  31. #define U32PUT(p,v) (p)[0]=(v)>>24;(p)[1]=(v)>>16;(p)[2]=(v)>>8;(p)[3]=(v)
  32. static IEBucks *initIEBucks(Part *part, int bits, u32int size);
  33. static int flushIEBuck(IEBucks *ib, int b, int reset);
  34. static int flushIEBucks(IEBucks *ib);
  35. static u32int sortIEBuck(IEBucks *ib, int b);
  36. static u64int sortIEBucks(IEBucks *ib);
  37. static int sprayIEntry(IEBucks *ib, IEntry *ie);
  38. static u32int readArenaInfo(IEBucks *ib, Arena *arena, u64int a);
  39. static u32int readIEBuck(IEBucks *ib, int b);
  40. static void freeIEBucks(IEBucks *ib);
  41. /*
  42. * build a sorted file with all Ientries which should be in ix.
  43. * assumes the arenas' directories are up to date.
  44. * reads each, converts the entries to index entries,
  45. * and sorts them.
  46. */
  47. u64int
  48. sortRawIEntries(Index *ix, Part *tmp, u64int *base)
  49. {
  50. IEBucks *ib;
  51. u64int clumps, sorted;
  52. u32int n;
  53. int i, ok;
  54. //ZZZ should allow configuration of bits, bucket size
  55. ib = initIEBucks(tmp, 8, 64*1024);
  56. if(ib == nil){
  57. setErr(EOk, "can't create sorting buckets: %R");
  58. return TWID64;
  59. }
  60. ok = 1;
  61. clumps = 0;
  62. for(i = 0; i < ix->narenas; i++){
  63. n = readArenaInfo(ib, ix->arenas[i], ix->amap[i].start);
  64. if(n == TWID32){
  65. ok = 0;
  66. break;
  67. }
  68. clumps += n;
  69. }
  70. if(ok){
  71. fprint(2, "got %lld clumps - starting sort\n", clumps);
  72. sorted = sortIEBucks(ib);
  73. *base = (u64int)ib->chunks * ib->size;
  74. if(sorted != clumps){
  75. fprint(2, "sorting messed up: clumps=%lld sorted=%lld\n", clumps, sorted);
  76. ok = 0;
  77. }
  78. }
  79. freeIEBucks(ib);
  80. if(!ok)
  81. return TWID64;
  82. return clumps;
  83. }
  84. /*
  85. * read in all of the arena's clump directory,
  86. * convert to IEntry format, and bucket sort based
  87. * on the first few bits.
  88. */
  89. static u32int
  90. readArenaInfo(IEBucks *ib, Arena *arena, u64int a)
  91. {
  92. IEntry ie;
  93. ClumpInfo *ci, *cis;
  94. u32int clump;
  95. int i, n, ok;
  96. //ZZZ remove fprint?
  97. if(arena->clumps)
  98. fprint(2, "reading directory for arena=%s with %d entries\n", arena->name, arena->clumps);
  99. cis = MKN(ClumpInfo, ClumpChunks);
  100. ok = 1;
  101. memset(&ie, 0, sizeof(IEntry));
  102. for(clump = 0; clump < arena->clumps && ok; clump += n){
  103. n = ClumpChunks;
  104. if(n > arena->clumps - clump)
  105. n = arena->clumps - clump;
  106. if(readClumpInfos(arena, clump, cis, n) != n){
  107. setErr(EOk, "arena directory read failed: %R");
  108. ok = 0;
  109. break;
  110. }
  111. for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
  112. ci = &cis[i];
  113. ie.ia.type = ci->type;
  114. ie.ia.size = ci->uncsize;
  115. ie.ia.addr = a;
  116. a += ci->size + ClumpSize;
  117. ie.ia.blocks = (ci->size + ClumpSize + (1 << ABlockLog) - 1) >> ABlockLog;
  118. scoreCp(ie.score, ci->score);
  119. if(!sprayIEntry(ib, &ie)){
  120. setErr(EOk, "can't put entry into bucket: %R");
  121. ok = 0;
  122. break;
  123. }
  124. }
  125. }
  126. free(cis);
  127. if(!ok)
  128. return TWID32;
  129. return clump;
  130. }
  131. /*
  132. * initialize the external bucket sorting data structures
  133. */
  134. static IEBucks*
  135. initIEBucks(Part *part, int bits, u32int size)
  136. {
  137. IEBucks *ib;
  138. int i;
  139. ib = MKZ(IEBucks);
  140. if(ib == nil){
  141. setErr(EOk, "out of memory");
  142. return nil;
  143. }
  144. ib->bits = bits;
  145. ib->nbucks = 1 << bits;
  146. ib->size = size;
  147. ib->usable = (size - U32Size) / IEntrySize * IEntrySize;
  148. ib->bucks = MKNZ(IEBuck, ib->nbucks);
  149. if(ib->bucks == nil){
  150. setErr(EOk, "out of memory allocation sorting buckets");
  151. freeIEBucks(ib);
  152. return nil;
  153. }
  154. ib->buf = MKN(u8int, size * (1 << bits));
  155. if(ib->buf == nil){
  156. setErr(EOk, "out of memory allocating sorting buckets' buffers");
  157. freeIEBucks(ib);
  158. return nil;
  159. }
  160. for(i = 0; i < ib->nbucks; i++){
  161. ib->bucks[i].head = TWID32;
  162. ib->bucks[i].buf = &ib->buf[i * size];
  163. }
  164. ib->part = part;
  165. return ib;
  166. }
  167. static void
  168. freeIEBucks(IEBucks *ib)
  169. {
  170. if(ib == nil)
  171. return;
  172. free(ib->bucks);
  173. free(ib->buf);
  174. free(ib);
  175. }
  176. /*
  177. * initial sort: put the entry into the correct bucket
  178. */
  179. static int
  180. sprayIEntry(IEBucks *ib, IEntry *ie)
  181. {
  182. u32int n;
  183. int b;
  184. b = hashBits(ie->score, ib->bits);
  185. n = ib->bucks[b].used;
  186. packIEntry(ie, &ib->bucks[b].buf[n]);
  187. n += IEntrySize;
  188. ib->bucks[b].used = n;
  189. if(n + IEntrySize <= ib->usable)
  190. return 1;
  191. return flushIEBuck(ib, b, 1);
  192. }
  193. /*
  194. * finish sorting:
  195. * for each bucket, read it in and sort it
  196. * write out the the final file
  197. */
  198. static u64int
  199. sortIEBucks(IEBucks *ib)
  200. {
  201. u64int tot;
  202. u32int n;
  203. int i;
  204. if(!flushIEBucks(ib))
  205. return TWID64;
  206. for(i = 0; i < ib->nbucks; i++)
  207. ib->bucks[i].buf = nil;
  208. ib->off = (u64int)ib->chunks * ib->size;
  209. free(ib->buf);
  210. fprint(2, "ib->max = %lld\n", ib->max);
  211. fprint(2, "ib->chunks = %ud\n", ib->chunks);
  212. ib->buf = MKN(u8int, ib->max + U32Size);
  213. if(ib->buf == nil){
  214. setErr(EOk, "out of memory allocating final sorting buffer; try more buckets");
  215. return TWID64;
  216. }
  217. tot = 0;
  218. for(i = 0; i < ib->nbucks; i++){
  219. n = sortIEBuck(ib, i);
  220. if(n == TWID32)
  221. return TWID64;
  222. tot += n;
  223. }
  224. return tot;
  225. return 1;
  226. }
  227. /*
  228. * sort from bucket b of ib into the output file to
  229. */
  230. static u32int
  231. sortIEBuck(IEBucks *ib, int b)
  232. {
  233. u32int n;
  234. n = readIEBuck(ib, b);
  235. if(n == TWID32)
  236. return TWID32;
  237. qsort(ib->buf, n, IEntrySize, ientryCmp);
  238. if(!writePart(ib->part, ib->off, ib->buf, n * IEntrySize)){
  239. setErr(EOk, "can't write sorted bucket: %R");
  240. return TWID32;
  241. }
  242. ib->off += n * IEntrySize;
  243. return n;
  244. }
  245. /*
  246. * write out a single bucket
  247. */
  248. static int
  249. flushIEBuck(IEBucks *ib, int b, int reset)
  250. {
  251. u32int n;
  252. if(ib->bucks[b].used == 0)
  253. return 1;
  254. n = ib->bucks[b].used;
  255. U32PUT(&ib->bucks[b].buf[n], ib->bucks[b].head);
  256. n += U32Size;
  257. if(!writePart(ib->part, (u64int)ib->chunks * ib->size, ib->bucks[b].buf, n)){
  258. setErr(EOk, "can't write sorting bucket to file: %R");
  259. return 0;
  260. }
  261. ib->bucks[b].head = ib->chunks++;
  262. ib->bucks[b].total += ib->bucks[b].used;
  263. if(reset)
  264. ib->bucks[b].used = 0;
  265. return 1;
  266. }
  267. /*
  268. * write out all of the buckets, and compute
  269. * the maximum size of any bucket
  270. */
  271. static int
  272. flushIEBucks(IEBucks *ib)
  273. {
  274. int i;
  275. for(i = 0; i < ib->nbucks; i++){
  276. if(!flushIEBuck(ib, i, 0))
  277. return 0;
  278. if(ib->bucks[i].total > ib->max)
  279. ib->max = ib->bucks[i].total;
  280. }
  281. return 1;
  282. }
  283. /*
  284. * read in the chained buffers for bucket b,
  285. * and return it's total number of IEntries
  286. */
  287. static u32int
  288. readIEBuck(IEBucks *ib, int b)
  289. {
  290. u32int head, n, m;
  291. head = ib->bucks[b].head;
  292. n = 0;
  293. m = ib->bucks[b].used;
  294. if(m == 0)
  295. m = ib->usable;
  296. fprint(2, "%d total = %lld\n", b, ib->bucks[b].total);
  297. while(head != TWID32){
  298. if(!readPart(ib->part, (u64int)head * ib->size, &ib->buf[n], m + U32Size)){
  299. fprint(2, "n = %ud\n", n);
  300. setErr(EOk, "can't read index sort bucket: %R");
  301. return TWID32;
  302. }
  303. n += m;
  304. head = U32GET(&ib->buf[n]);
  305. m = ib->usable;
  306. }
  307. fprint(2, "n = %ud\n", n);
  308. return n / IEntrySize;
  309. }