1.5 KB

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. set -e
  3. : ${CC?"Need to set CC as clang, gcc or a specific version like clang-3.6"}
  4. : ${ARCH?"Need to set ARCH as aarch64, amd64 or riscv"}
  5. # make sure Go is gone
  6. sudo rm -rf /opt/hostedtoolcache/go/
  7. # fetch official Go toolchain release as per
  8. TARFILE="go$GO_VERSION.$OS-$ARCH.tar.gz"
  9. wget "$TARFILE" -nv # too verbose otherwise
  10. sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf "$TARFILE"
  11. # For some reason, GOROOT was set in GitHub's CI, so we enforce it
  12. export GOROOT=/usr/local/go/
  13. export PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH
  14. # please keep me for debugging CI ;)
  15. which go
  16. go env
  17. pwd # in case you get lost
  18. # bootstrap Harvey build utilities - what you do on your host OS otherwise
  19. ./
  20. # GO_MOD_PATH_UROOT=`grep go.mod | cut -d " " -f 2`
  21. # GO_MOD_PATH_HARVEY=`grep go.mod | cut -d " " -f 2`
  22. # echo u-root version: $GO_MOD_PATH_UROOT
  23. # echo Harvey version: $GO_MOD_PATH_HARVEY
  24. # TODO Is all of this still necessary?
  25. # not that we really want this, but yea... Go modules
  26. #mkdir -p ~/go/src/
  27. #cp -r ~/go/pkg/mod/$GO_MOD_PATH_UROOT ~/go/src/
  28. #chmod +w ~/go/src/ -R
  29. #(cd ~/go/src/ && dep ensure)
  30. #cp -r ~/go/pkg/mod/$GO_MOD_PATH_HARVEY ~/go/src/
  31. #chmod +w ~/go/src/ -R
  32. # extend PATH to include the build tool and u-root
  33. PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/$(go env GOHOSTOS)_$(go env GOHOSTARCH)/bin:~/go/bin
  34. # finally build Harvey :-)
  35. build build.json