mmu.c 9.8 KB

  1. #include "u.h"
  2. #include "../port/lib.h"
  3. #include "mem.h"
  4. #include "dat.h"
  5. #include "fns.h"
  6. #include "io.h"
  7. #define DATASEGM(p) { 0xFFFF, SEGG|SEGB|(0xF<<16)|SEGP|SEGPL(p)|SEGDATA|SEGW }
  8. #define EXECSEGM(p) { 0xFFFF, SEGG|SEGD|(0xF<<16)|SEGP|SEGPL(p)|SEGEXEC|SEGR }
  9. #define TSSSEGM(b,p) { ((b)<<16)|sizeof(Tss),\
  10. ((b)&0xFF000000)|(((b)>>16)&0xFF)|SEGTSS|SEGPL(p)|SEGP }
  11. Segdesc gdt[NGDT] =
  12. {
  13. [NULLSEG] { 0, 0}, /* null descriptor */
  14. [KDSEG] DATASEGM(0), /* kernel data/stack */
  15. [KESEG] EXECSEGM(0), /* kernel code */
  16. [UDSEG] DATASEGM(3), /* user data/stack */
  17. [UESEG] EXECSEGM(3), /* user code */
  18. [TSSSEG] TSSSEGM(0,0), /* tss segment */
  19. };
  20. static void
  21. taskswitch(ulong pdb, ulong stack)
  22. {
  23. Tss *tss;
  24. tss = m->tss;
  25. tss->ss0 = KDSEL;
  26. tss->esp0 = stack;
  27. tss->ss1 = KDSEL;
  28. tss->esp1 = stack;
  29. tss->ss2 = KDSEL;
  30. tss->esp2 = stack;
  31. tss->cr3 = pdb;
  32. putcr3(pdb);
  33. }
  34. /*
  35. * On processors that support it, we set the PTEGLOBAL bit in
  36. * page table and page directory entries that map kernel memory.
  37. * Doing this tells the processor not to bother flushing them
  38. * from the TLB when doing the TLB flush associated with a
  39. * context switch (write to CR3). Since kernel memory mappings
  40. * are never removed, this is safe. (If we ever remove kernel memory
  41. * mappings, we can do a full flush by turning off the PGE bit in CR4,
  42. * writing to CR3, and then turning the PGE bit back on.)
  43. *
  44. * See also mmukmap below.
  45. *
  46. * Processor support for the PTEGLOBAL bit is enabled in devarch.c.
  47. */
  48. static void
  49. memglobal(void)
  50. {
  51. int i, j;
  52. ulong *pde, *pte;
  53. /* only need to do this once, on bootstrap processor */
  54. if(m->machno != 0)
  55. return;
  56. if(!m->havepge)
  57. return;
  58. pde = m->pdb;
  59. for(i=512; i<1024; i++){ /* 512: start at entry for virtual 0x80000000 */
  60. if(pde[i] & PTEVALID){
  61. pde[i] |= PTEGLOBAL;
  62. if(!(pde[i] & PTESIZE)){
  63. pte = KADDR(pde[i]&~(BY2PG-1));
  64. for(j=0; j<1024; j++)
  65. if(pte[j] & PTEVALID)
  66. pte[j] |= PTEGLOBAL;
  67. }
  68. }
  69. }
  70. }
  71. void
  72. mmuinit(void)
  73. {
  74. ulong x, *p;
  75. ushort ptr[3];
  76. memglobal();
  77. m->tss = malloc(sizeof(Tss));
  78. memset(m->tss, 0, sizeof(Tss));
  79. m->tss->iomap = 0xDFFF<<16;
  80. /*
  81. * We used to keep the GDT in the Mach structure, but it
  82. * turns out that that slows down access to the rest of the
  83. * page. Since the Mach structure is accessed quite often,
  84. * it pays off anywhere from a factor of 1.25 to 2 on real
  85. * hardware to separate them (the AMDs are more sensitive
  86. * than Intels in this regard). Under VMware it pays off
  87. * a factor of about 10 to 100.
  88. */
  89. memmove(m->gdt, gdt, sizeof gdt);
  90. x = (ulong)m->tss;
  91. m->gdt[TSSSEG].d0 = (x<<16)|sizeof(Tss);
  92. m->gdt[TSSSEG].d1 = (x&0xFF000000)|((x>>16)&0xFF)|SEGTSS|SEGPL(0)|SEGP;
  93. ptr[0] = sizeof(gdt)-1;
  94. x = (ulong)m->gdt;
  95. ptr[1] = x & 0xFFFF;
  96. ptr[2] = (x>>16) & 0xFFFF;
  97. lgdt(ptr);
  98. ptr[0] = sizeof(Segdesc)*256-1;
  99. x = IDTADDR;
  100. ptr[1] = x & 0xFFFF;
  101. ptr[2] = (x>>16) & 0xFFFF;
  102. lidt(ptr);
  103. /* make kernel text unwritable */
  104. for(x = KTZERO; x < (ulong)etext; x += BY2PG){
  105. p = mmuwalk(m->pdb, x, 2, 0);
  106. if(p == nil)
  107. panic("mmuinit");
  108. *p &= ~PTEWRITE;
  109. }
  110. taskswitch(PADDR(m->pdb), (ulong)m + BY2PG);
  111. ltr(TSSSEL);
  112. }
  113. void
  114. flushmmu(void)
  115. {
  116. int s;
  117. s = splhi();
  118. up->newtlb = 1;
  119. mmuswitch(up);
  120. splx(s);
  121. }
  122. static void
  123. mmuptefree(Proc* proc)
  124. {
  125. ulong *pdb;
  126. Page **last, *page;
  127. if(proc->mmupdb && proc->mmuused){
  128. pdb = (ulong*)proc->mmupdb->va;
  129. last = &proc->mmuused;
  130. for(page = *last; page; page = page->next){
  131. pdb[page->daddr] = 0;
  132. last = &page->next;
  133. }
  134. *last = proc->mmufree;
  135. proc->mmufree = proc->mmuused;
  136. proc->mmuused = 0;
  137. }
  138. }
  139. void
  140. mmuswitch(Proc* proc)
  141. {
  142. ulong *pdb;
  143. if(proc->newtlb){
  144. mmuptefree(proc);
  145. proc->newtlb = 0;
  146. }
  147. if(proc->mmupdb){
  148. pdb = (ulong*)proc->mmupdb->va;
  149. pdb[PDX(MACHADDR)] = m->pdb[PDX(MACHADDR)];
  150. taskswitch(proc->mmupdb->pa, (ulong)(proc->kstack+KSTACK));
  151. }
  152. else
  153. taskswitch(PADDR(m->pdb), (ulong)(proc->kstack+KSTACK));
  154. }
  155. void
  156. mmurelease(Proc* proc)
  157. {
  158. Page *page, *next;
  159. /*
  160. * Release any pages allocated for a page directory base or page-tables
  161. * for this process:
  162. * switch to the prototype pdb for this processor (m->pdb);
  163. * call mmuptefree() to place all pages used for page-tables (proc->mmuused)
  164. * onto the process' free list (proc->mmufree). This has the side-effect of
  165. * cleaning any user entries in the pdb (proc->mmupdb);
  166. * if there's a pdb put it in the cache of pre-initialised pdb's
  167. * for this processor (m->pdbpool) or on the process' free list;
  168. * finally, place any pages freed back into the free pool (palloc).
  169. * This routine is only called from sched() with palloc locked.
  170. */
  171. taskswitch(PADDR(m->pdb), (ulong)m + BY2PG);
  172. mmuptefree(proc);
  173. if(proc->mmupdb){
  174. if(m->pdbcnt > 10){
  175. proc->mmupdb->next = proc->mmufree;
  176. proc->mmufree = proc->mmupdb;
  177. }
  178. else{
  179. proc->mmupdb->next = m->pdbpool;
  180. m->pdbpool = proc->mmupdb;
  181. m->pdbcnt++;
  182. }
  183. proc->mmupdb = 0;
  184. }
  185. for(page = proc->mmufree; page; page = next){
  186. next = page->next;
  187. if(--page->ref)
  188. panic("mmurelease: page->ref %d\n", page->ref);
  189. pagechainhead(page);
  190. }
  191. if(proc->mmufree && palloc.r.p)
  192. wakeup(&palloc.r);
  193. proc->mmufree = 0;
  194. }
  195. static Page*
  196. mmupdballoc(void)
  197. {
  198. int s;
  199. Page *page;
  200. s = splhi();
  201. if(m->pdbpool == 0){
  202. spllo();
  203. page = newpage(0, 0, 0);
  204. page->va = VA(kmap(page));
  205. memmove((void*)page->va, m->pdb, BY2PG);
  206. }
  207. else{
  208. page = m->pdbpool;
  209. m->pdbpool = page->next;
  210. m->pdbcnt--;
  211. }
  212. splx(s);
  213. return page;
  214. }
  215. void
  216. putmmu(ulong va, ulong pa, Page*)
  217. {
  218. int pdbx;
  219. Page *page;
  220. ulong *pdb, *pte;
  221. int s;
  222. if(up->mmupdb == 0)
  223. up->mmupdb = mmupdballoc();
  224. pdb = (ulong*)up->mmupdb->va;
  225. pdbx = PDX(va);
  226. if(PPN(pdb[pdbx]) == 0){
  227. if(up->mmufree == 0){
  228. page = newpage(1, 0, 0);
  229. page->va = VA(kmap(page));
  230. }
  231. else {
  232. page = up->mmufree;
  233. up->mmufree = page->next;
  234. memset((void*)page->va, 0, BY2PG);
  235. }
  236. pdb[pdbx] = PPN(page->pa)|PTEUSER|PTEWRITE|PTEVALID;
  237. page->daddr = pdbx;
  238. page->next = up->mmuused;
  239. up->mmuused = page;
  240. }
  241. pte = KADDR(PPN(pdb[pdbx]));
  242. pte[PTX(va)] = pa|PTEUSER;
  243. s = splhi();
  244. pdb[PDX(MACHADDR)] = m->pdb[PDX(MACHADDR)];
  245. mmuflushtlb(up->mmupdb->pa);
  246. splx(s);
  247. }
  248. ulong*
  249. mmuwalk(ulong* pdb, ulong va, int level, int create)
  250. {
  251. ulong pa, *table;
  252. /*
  253. * Walk the page-table pointed to by pdb and return a pointer
  254. * to the entry for virtual address va at the requested level.
  255. * If the entry is invalid and create isn't requested then bail
  256. * out early. Otherwise, for the 2nd level walk, allocate a new
  257. * page-table page and register it in the 1st level.
  258. */
  259. table = &pdb[PDX(va)];
  260. if(!(*table & PTEVALID) && create == 0)
  261. return 0;
  262. switch(level){
  263. default:
  264. return 0;
  265. case 1:
  266. return table;
  267. case 2:
  268. if(*table & PTESIZE)
  269. panic("mmuwalk2: va %luX entry %luX\n", va, *table);
  270. if(!(*table & PTEVALID)){
  271. pa = PADDR(xspanalloc(BY2PG, BY2PG, 0));
  272. *table = pa|PTEWRITE|PTEVALID;
  273. }
  274. table = KADDR(PPN(*table));
  275. return &table[PTX(va)];
  276. }
  277. }
  278. static Lock mmukmaplock;
  279. int
  280. mmukmapsync(ulong va)
  281. {
  282. Mach *mach0;
  283. ulong entry, *pte;
  284. mach0 = MACHP(0);
  285. ilock(&mmukmaplock);
  286. if((pte = mmuwalk(mach0->pdb, va, 1, 0)) == nil){
  287. iunlock(&mmukmaplock);
  288. return 0;
  289. }
  290. if(!(*pte & PTESIZE) && mmuwalk(mach0->pdb, va, 2, 0) == nil){
  291. iunlock(&mmukmaplock);
  292. return 0;
  293. }
  294. entry = *pte;
  295. if(!(m->pdb[PDX(va)] & PTEVALID))
  296. m->pdb[PDX(va)] = entry;
  297. if(up && up->mmupdb){
  298. ((ulong*)up->mmupdb->va)[PDX(va)] = entry;
  299. mmuflushtlb(up->mmupdb->pa);
  300. }
  301. else
  302. mmuflushtlb(PADDR(m->pdb));
  303. iunlock(&mmukmaplock);
  304. return 1;
  305. }
  306. ulong
  307. mmukmap(ulong pa, ulong va, int size)
  308. {
  309. Mach *mach0;
  310. ulong ova, pae, *table, pgsz, *pte, x;
  311. int pse, sync;
  312. mach0 = MACHP(0);
  313. if((mach0->cpuiddx & 0x08) && (getcr4() & 0x10))
  314. pse = 1;
  315. else
  316. pse = 0;
  317. sync = 0;
  318. pa = PPN(pa);
  319. if(va == 0)
  320. va = (ulong)KADDR(pa);
  321. else
  322. va = PPN(va);
  323. ova = va;
  324. pae = pa + size;
  325. ilock(&mmukmaplock);
  326. while(pa < pae){
  327. table = &mach0->pdb[PDX(va)];
  328. /*
  329. * Possibly already mapped.
  330. */
  331. if(*table & PTEVALID){
  332. if(*table & PTESIZE){
  333. /*
  334. * Big page. Does it fit within?
  335. * If it does, adjust pgsz so the correct end can be
  336. * returned and get out.
  337. * If not, adjust pgsz up to the next 4MB boundary
  338. * and continue.
  339. */
  340. x = PPN(*table);
  341. if(x != pa)
  342. panic("mmukmap1: pa %luX entry %luX\n",
  343. pa, *table);
  344. x += 4*MB;
  345. if(pae <= x){
  346. pa = pae;
  347. break;
  348. }
  349. pgsz = x - pa;
  350. pa += pgsz;
  351. va += pgsz;
  352. continue;
  353. }
  354. else{
  355. /*
  356. * Little page. Walk to the entry.
  357. * If the entry is valid, set pgsz and continue.
  358. * If not, make it so, set pgsz, sync and continue.
  359. */
  360. pte = mmuwalk(mach0->pdb, va, 2, 0);
  361. if(pte && *pte & PTEVALID){
  362. x = PPN(*pte);
  363. if(x != pa)
  364. panic("mmukmap2: pa %luX entry %luX\n",
  365. pa, *pte);
  366. pgsz = BY2PG;
  367. pa += pgsz;
  368. va += pgsz;
  369. sync++;
  370. continue;
  371. }
  372. }
  373. }
  374. /*
  375. * Not mapped. Check if it can be mapped using a big page -
  376. * starts on a 4MB boundary, size >= 4MB and processor can do it.
  377. * If not a big page, walk the walk, talk the talk.
  378. * Sync is set.
  379. *
  380. * If we're creating a kernel mapping, we know that it will never
  381. * expire and thus we can set the PTEGLOBAL bit to make the entry
  382. * persist in the TLB across flushes. If we do add support later for
  383. * unmapping kernel addresses, see devarch.c for instructions on
  384. * how to do a full TLB flush.
  385. */
  386. if(pse && (pa % (4*MB)) == 0 && (pae >= pa+4*MB)){
  388. if((va&KZERO) && m->havepge)
  389. *table |= PTEGLOBAL;
  390. pgsz = 4*MB;
  391. }
  392. else{
  393. pte = mmuwalk(mach0->pdb, va, 2, 1);
  395. if((va&KZERO) && m->havepge)
  396. *pte |= PTEGLOBAL;
  397. pgsz = BY2PG;
  398. }
  399. pa += pgsz;
  400. va += pgsz;
  401. sync++;
  402. }
  403. iunlock(&mmukmaplock);
  404. /*
  405. * If something was added
  406. * then need to sync up.
  407. */
  408. if(sync)
  409. mmukmapsync(ova);
  410. return pa;
  411. }