bitsyload 2.8 KB

  2. .SH NAME
  3. bitsyload, light, pencal, keyboard, params, prompter \- bitsy-specific utilities
  5. .PP
  6. .B bitsy/bitsyload
  7. .B k|r
  8. [
  9. .I file
  10. ]
  11. .PP
  12. .B bitsy/light
  13. [
  14. .I intensity
  15. ]
  16. .PP
  17. .B bitsy/params
  18. [
  19. .B \-f
  20. ]
  21. .PP
  22. .B bitsy/pencal
  23. .PP
  24. .B bitsy/keyboard
  25. [
  26. .B \-n
  27. ]
  28. .PP
  29. .B bitsy/prompter
  30. [
  31. .B \-n
  32. ]
  33. .I file
  35. .PP
  36. .I Bitsyload
  37. erases a section of flash memory on the Bitsy (iPAQ 3650 or 3830)
  38. and copies new
  39. information into it, using the format required by the Compaq
  40. boot loader. The required first argument is the destination, either
  41. .B k
  42. for
  43. .B /dev/flash/kernel
  44. or
  45. .B r
  46. for
  47. .BR /dev/flash/ramdisk .
  48. The optional second argument is the name of the file
  49. to load. The default kernel file is
  50. .B /sys/src/9/bitsy/9bitsy
  51. and the default ramdisk file is
  52. .BR /sys/src/9/bitsy/ramdisk .
  53. .PP
  54. .I Light
  55. sets the intensity of the display backlight.
  56. The
  57. values for
  58. .I intensity
  59. are:
  60. .IP on
  61. set intensity to maximum, the default
  62. .IP off
  63. turn off backlight
  64. .IP \fIn\fP
  65. sets the intensity to
  66. .IR n ,
  67. where
  68. .I n
  69. is a value between 0 and 128. Intensity 0 doesn't
  70. turn off the backlight, it just sets it to the dimmest
  71. value.
  72. .PP
  73. .I Pencal
  74. calibrates the display with the touch screen on a Bitsy.
  75. It loops prompting the user with crosses whose center that the user
  76. must touch with the stylus. After a consistent set of touches,
  77. it writes the calibration both to the kernel and to standard out.
  78. It is normally called by the bitsy's
  79. .BR /bin/cpurc .
  80. .PP
  81. .I Params
  82. copies the contents of the file
  83. .BR /dev/tmpparams ,
  84. into the flash partition,
  85. .BR /dev/flash/params ,
  86. or if the
  87. .B -f
  88. flag it set copies in the opposite direction.
  89. .PP
  90. .I Keyboard
  91. creates a virtual on-screen keyboard and, unless the
  92. .B -n
  93. option is specified, a scribble area.
  94. A user inputs characters by tapping the keys or
  95. by drawing characters in the
  96. scribble area (see
  97. .IR scribble (2)).
  98. It is usually run as the keyboard command for
  99. .IR rio (1)
  100. using
  101. .BR rio 's
  102. .B -k
  103. option.
  104. .PP
  105. .I Prompter
  106. is a small editor used to configure parameters when a Bitsy boots.
  107. It displays the file and starts up a keyboard and scribble pad for
  108. input.
  109. Clicking with the stylus in the text selects where input characters will go.
  110. Pressing Button 5 (top left side of the Bitsy) or typing the
  111. .B Esc
  112. key on the keyboard causes
  113. .I prompter
  114. to write back the updated file and exit;
  115. .B Del
  116. causes
  117. .I prompter
  118. to exit without writing the file.
  119. The
  120. .B -n
  121. flag suppresses the scribble area.
  122. .SH EXAMPLE
  123. .PP
  124. .IR Prompter ,
  125. .IR params ,
  126. and
  127. .I calibrate
  128. are used in only one place, the Bitsy's
  129. .BR /rc/bin/cpurc :
  130. .sp
  131. .EX
  132. # set variables
  133. ramfs
  134. bitsy/params -f
  135. if(! grep -s '^calibrate=' /tmp/tmpparams)
  136. bitsy/pencal >>/tmp/tmpparams
  137. if not {
  138. eval `{grep '^calibrate=' /tmp/tmpparams}
  139. echo calibrate $calibrate > '#m/mousectl'
  140. }
  141. bitsy/prompter /tmp/tmpparams
  142. bitsy/params
  143. . /tmp/tmpparams
  144. .EE
  145. .SH SOURCE
  146. .B /sys/src/cmd/bitsy