libsec.h 9.9 KB

  1. /*
  2. * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
  3. * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
  4. * distribution and at No
  5. * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
  6. * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
  7. * in the LICENSE file.
  8. */
  9. /*
  10. * AES definitions
  11. */
  12. enum
  13. {
  14. AESbsize= 16,
  15. AESmaxkey= 32,
  16. AESmaxrounds= 14
  17. };
  18. typedef struct AESstate AESstate;
  19. struct AESstate
  20. {
  21. u32 setup;
  22. int rounds;
  23. int keybytes;
  24. u32 ctrsz;
  25. u8 key[AESmaxkey]; /* unexpanded key */
  26. u32 ekey[4*(AESmaxrounds + 1)]; /* encryption key */
  27. u32 dkey[4*(AESmaxrounds + 1)]; /* decryption key */
  28. u8 ivec[AESbsize]; /* initialization vector */
  29. u8 mackey[3 * AESbsize]; /* 3 XCBC mac 96 keys */
  30. };
  31. /* block ciphers */
  32. void aes_encrypt(u32 rk[], int Nr, u8 pt[16],
  33. u8 ct[16]);
  34. void aes_decrypt(u32 rk[], int Nr, u8 ct[16],
  35. u8 pt[16]);
  36. void setupAESstate(AESstate *s, u8 key[], int keybytes,
  37. u8 *ivec);
  38. void aesCBCencrypt(u8 *p, int len, AESstate *s);
  39. void aesCBCdecrypt(u8 *p, int len, AESstate *s);
  40. void aesCTRdecrypt(u8 *p, int len, AESstate *s);
  41. void aesCTRencrypt(u8 *p, int len, AESstate *s);
  42. void setupAESXCBCstate(AESstate *s);
  43. u8 * aesXCBCmac(u8 *p, int len, AESstate *s);
  44. /*
  45. * Blowfish Definitions
  46. */
  47. enum
  48. {
  49. BFbsize = 8,
  50. BFrounds= 16
  51. };
  52. /* 16-round Blowfish */
  53. typedef struct BFstate BFstate;
  54. struct BFstate
  55. {
  56. u32 setup;
  57. u8 key[56];
  58. u8 ivec[8];
  59. u32 pbox[BFrounds+2];
  60. u32 sbox[1024];
  61. };
  62. void setupBFstate(BFstate *s, u8 key[], int keybytes,
  63. u8 *ivec);
  64. void bfCBCencrypt(u8*, int, BFstate*);
  65. void bfCBCdecrypt(u8*, int, BFstate*);
  66. void bfECBencrypt(u8*, int, BFstate*);
  67. void bfECBdecrypt(u8*, int, BFstate*);
  68. /*
  69. * DES definitions
  70. */
  71. enum
  72. {
  73. DESbsize= 8
  74. };
  75. /* single des */
  76. typedef struct DESstate DESstate;
  77. struct DESstate
  78. {
  79. u32 setup;
  80. u8 key[8]; /* unexpanded key */
  81. u32 expanded[32]; /* expanded key */
  82. u8 ivec[8]; /* initialization vector */
  83. };
  84. void setupDESstate(DESstate *s, u8 key[8], u8 *ivec);
  85. void des_key_setup(u8[8], u32[32]);
  86. void block_cipher(u32*, u8*, int);
  87. void desCBCencrypt(u8*, int, DESstate*);
  88. void desCBCdecrypt(u8*, int, DESstate*);
  89. void desECBencrypt(u8*, int, DESstate*);
  90. void desECBdecrypt(u8*, int, DESstate*);
  91. /* for backward compatibility with 7-byte DES key format */
  92. void des56to64(u8 *k56, u8 *k64);
  93. void des64to56(u8 *k64, u8 *k56);
  94. void key_setup(u8[7], u32[32]);
  95. /* triple des encrypt/decrypt orderings */
  96. enum {
  97. DES3E= 0,
  98. DES3D= 1,
  99. DES3EEE= 0,
  100. DES3EDE= 2,
  101. DES3DED= 5,
  102. DES3DDD= 7
  103. };
  104. typedef struct DES3state DES3state;
  105. struct DES3state
  106. {
  107. u32 setup;
  108. u8 key[3][8]; /* unexpanded key */
  109. u32 expanded[3][32]; /* expanded key */
  110. u8 ivec[8]; /* initialization vector */
  111. };
  112. void setupDES3state(DES3state *s, u8 key[3][8], u8 *ivec);
  113. void triple_block_cipher(u32 keys[3][32], u8*, int);
  114. void des3CBCencrypt(u8*, int, DES3state*);
  115. void des3CBCdecrypt(u8*, int, DES3state*);
  116. void des3ECBencrypt(u8*, int, DES3state*);
  117. void des3ECBdecrypt(u8*, int, DES3state*);
  118. /*
  119. * digests
  120. */
  121. enum
  122. {
  123. SHA1dlen= 20, /* SHA digest length */
  124. SHA2_224dlen= 28, /* SHA-224 digest length */
  125. SHA2_256dlen= 32, /* SHA-256 digest length */
  126. SHA2_384dlen= 48, /* SHA-384 digest length */
  127. SHA2_512dlen= 64, /* SHA-512 digest length */
  128. MD4dlen= 16, /* MD4 digest length */
  129. MD5dlen= 16, /* MD5 digest length */
  130. AESdlen= 16, /* TODO: see rfc */
  131. Hmacblksz = 64, /* in bytes; from rfc2104 */
  132. };
  133. typedef struct DigestState DigestState;
  134. struct DigestState
  135. {
  136. u64 len;
  137. union {
  138. u32 state[8];
  139. u64 bstate[8];
  140. };
  141. u8 buf[256];
  142. int blen;
  143. char malloced;
  144. char seeded;
  145. };
  146. typedef struct DigestState SHAstate; /* obsolete name */
  147. typedef struct DigestState SHA1state;
  148. typedef struct DigestState SHA2_224state;
  149. typedef struct DigestState SHA2_256state;
  150. typedef struct DigestState SHA2_384state;
  151. typedef struct DigestState SHA2_512state;
  152. typedef struct DigestState MD5state;
  153. typedef struct DigestState MD4state;
  154. typedef struct DigestState AEShstate;
  155. DigestState* md4(u8*, u32, u8*, DigestState*);
  156. DigestState* md5(u8*, u32, u8*, DigestState*);
  157. DigestState* sha1(u8*, u32, u8*, DigestState*);
  158. DigestState* sha2_224(u8*, u32, u8*, DigestState*);
  159. DigestState* sha2_256(u8*, u32, u8*, DigestState*);
  160. DigestState* sha2_384(u8*, u32, u8*, DigestState*);
  161. DigestState* sha2_512(u8*, u32, u8*, DigestState*);
  162. DigestState* aes(u8*, u32, u8*, DigestState*);
  163. DigestState* hmac_x(u8 *p, u32 len, u8 *key,
  164. u32 klen,
  165. u8 *digest, DigestState *s,
  166. DigestState*(*x)(u8*, u32, u8*, DigestState*),
  167. int xlen);
  168. DigestState* hmac_md5(u8*, u32, u8*, u32,
  169. u8*,
  170. DigestState*);
  171. DigestState* hmac_sha1(u8*, u32, u8*, u32,
  172. u8*,
  173. DigestState*);
  174. DigestState* hmac_sha2_224(u8*, u32, u8*, u32,
  175. u8*, DigestState*);
  176. DigestState* hmac_sha2_256(u8*, u32, u8*, u32,
  177. u8*, DigestState*);
  178. DigestState* hmac_sha2_384(u8*, u32, u8*, u32,
  179. u8*, DigestState*);
  180. DigestState* hmac_sha2_512(u8*, u32, u8*, u32,
  181. u8*, DigestState*);
  182. DigestState* hmac_aes(u8*, u32, u8*, u32,
  183. u8*,
  184. DigestState*);
  185. char* md5pickle(MD5state*);
  186. MD5state* md5unpickle(char*);
  187. char* sha1pickle(SHA1state*);
  188. SHA1state* sha1unpickle(char*);
  189. /*
  190. * random number generation
  191. */
  192. void genrandom(u8 *buf, int nbytes);
  193. void prng(u8 *buf, int nbytes);
  194. u32 fastrand(void);
  195. u32 nfastrand(u32);
  196. /*
  197. * primes
  198. */
  199. void genprime(mpint *p, int n, int accuracy); /* generate n-bit probable prime */
  200. void gensafeprime(mpint *p, mpint *alpha, int n, int accuracy); /* prime & generator */
  201. void genstrongprime(mpint *p, int n, int accuracy); /* generate n-bit strong prime */
  202. void DSAprimes(mpint *q, mpint *p, u8 seed[SHA1dlen]);
  203. int probably_prime(mpint *n, int nrep); /* miller-rabin test */
  204. int smallprimetest(mpint *p); /* returns -1 if not prime, 0 otherwise */
  205. /*
  206. * rc4
  207. */
  208. typedef struct RC4state RC4state;
  209. struct RC4state
  210. {
  211. u8 state[256];
  212. u8 x;
  213. u8 y;
  214. };
  215. void setupRC4state(RC4state*, u8*, int);
  216. void rc4(RC4state*, u8*, int);
  217. void rc4skip(RC4state*, int);
  218. void rc4back(RC4state*, int);
  219. /*
  220. * rsa
  221. */
  222. typedef struct RSApub RSApub;
  223. typedef struct RSApriv RSApriv;
  224. typedef struct PEMChain PEMChain;
  225. /* public/encryption key */
  226. struct RSApub
  227. {
  228. mpint *n; /* modulus */
  229. mpint *ek; /* exp (encryption key) */
  230. };
  231. /* private/decryption key */
  232. struct RSApriv
  233. {
  234. RSApub pub;
  235. mpint *dk; /* exp (decryption key) */
  236. /* precomputed values to help with chinese remainder theorem calc */
  237. mpint *p;
  238. mpint *q;
  239. mpint *kp; /* dk mod p-1 */
  240. mpint *kq; /* dk mod q-1 */
  241. mpint *c2; /* (inv p) mod q */
  242. };
  243. struct PEMChain{
  244. PEMChain*next;
  245. u8 *pem;
  246. int pemlen;
  247. };
  248. RSApriv* rsagen(int nlen, int elen, int rounds);
  249. RSApriv* rsafill(mpint *n, mpint *e, mpint *d, mpint *p, mpint *q);
  250. mpint* rsaencrypt(RSApub *k, mpint *in, mpint *out);
  251. mpint* rsadecrypt(RSApriv *k, mpint *in, mpint *out);
  252. RSApub* rsapuballoc(void);
  253. void rsapubfree(RSApub*);
  254. RSApriv* rsaprivalloc(void);
  255. void rsaprivfree(RSApriv*);
  256. RSApub* rsaprivtopub(RSApriv*);
  257. RSApub* X509toRSApub(u8*, int, char*, int);
  258. u8 * RSApubtoasn1(RSApub*, int*);
  259. RSApub* asn1toRSApub(u8*, int);
  260. RSApriv* asn1toRSApriv(u8*, int);
  261. void asn1dump(u8 *der, int len);
  262. u8 * decodePEM(char *s, char *type, int *len,
  263. char **new_s);
  264. PEMChain* decodepemchain(char *s, char *type);
  265. u8 * X509gen(RSApriv *priv, char *subj,
  266. u32 valid[2],
  267. int *certlen);
  268. u8 * X509req(RSApriv *priv, char *subj, int *certlen);
  269. char* X509verify(u8 *cert, int ncert, RSApub *pk);
  270. void X509dump(u8 *cert, int ncert);
  271. /*
  272. * elgamal
  273. */
  274. typedef struct EGpub EGpub;
  275. typedef struct EGpriv EGpriv;
  276. typedef struct EGsig EGsig;
  277. /* public/encryption key */
  278. struct EGpub
  279. {
  280. mpint *p; /* modulus */
  281. mpint *alpha; /* generator */
  282. mpint *key; /* (encryption key) alpha**secret mod p */
  283. };
  284. /* private/decryption key */
  285. struct EGpriv
  286. {
  287. EGpub pub;
  288. mpint *secret; /* (decryption key) */
  289. };
  290. /* signature */
  291. struct EGsig
  292. {
  293. mpint *r, *s;
  294. };
  295. EGpriv* eggen(int nlen, int rounds);
  296. mpint* egencrypt(EGpub *k, mpint *in, mpint *out); /* deprecated */
  297. mpint* egdecrypt(EGpriv *k, mpint *in, mpint *out);
  298. EGsig* egsign(EGpriv *k, mpint *m);
  299. int egverify(EGpub *k, EGsig *sig, mpint *m);
  300. EGpub* egpuballoc(void);
  301. void egpubfree(EGpub*);
  302. EGpriv* egprivalloc(void);
  303. void egprivfree(EGpriv*);
  304. EGsig* egsigalloc(void);
  305. void egsigfree(EGsig*);
  306. EGpub* egprivtopub(EGpriv*);
  307. /*
  308. * dsa
  309. */
  310. typedef struct DSApub DSApub;
  311. typedef struct DSApriv DSApriv;
  312. typedef struct DSAsig DSAsig;
  313. /* public/encryption key */
  314. struct DSApub
  315. {
  316. mpint *p; /* modulus */
  317. mpint *q; /* group order, q divides p-1 */
  318. mpint *alpha; /* group generator */
  319. mpint *key; /* (encryption key) alpha**secret mod p */
  320. };
  321. /* private/decryption key */
  322. struct DSApriv
  323. {
  324. DSApub pub;
  325. mpint *secret; /* (decryption key) */
  326. };
  327. /* signature */
  328. struct DSAsig
  329. {
  330. mpint *r, *s;
  331. };
  332. DSApriv* dsagen(DSApub *opub); /* opub not checked for consistency! */
  333. DSAsig* dsasign(DSApriv *k, mpint *m);
  334. int dsaverify(DSApub *k, DSAsig *sig, mpint *m);
  335. DSApub* dsapuballoc(void);
  336. void dsapubfree(DSApub*);
  337. DSApriv* dsaprivalloc(void);
  338. void dsaprivfree(DSApriv*);
  339. DSAsig* dsasigalloc(void);
  340. void dsasigfree(DSAsig*);
  341. DSApub* dsaprivtopub(DSApriv*);
  342. DSApriv* asn1toDSApriv(u8*, int);
  343. /*
  344. * TLS
  345. */
  346. typedef struct Thumbprint{
  347. struct Thumbprint *next;
  348. u8 sha1[SHA1dlen];
  349. } Thumbprint;
  350. typedef struct TLSconn{
  351. char dir[40]; /* connection directory */
  352. u8 *cert; /* certificate (local on input, remote on output) */
  353. u8 *sessionID;
  354. int certlen;
  355. int sessionIDlen;
  356. int (*trace)(char*fmt, ...);
  357. PEMChain*chain; /* optional extra certificate evidence for servers to present */
  358. char *sessionType;
  359. u8 *sessionKey;
  360. int sessionKeylen;
  361. char *sessionConst;
  362. } TLSconn;
  363. /* tlshand.c */
  364. int tlsClient(int fd, TLSconn *c);
  365. int tlsServer(int fd, TLSconn *c);
  366. /* thumb.c */
  367. Thumbprint* initThumbprints(char *ok, char *crl);
  368. void freeThumbprints(Thumbprint *ok);
  369. int okThumbprint(u8 *sha1, Thumbprint *ok);
  370. /* readcert.c */
  371. u8 *readcert(char *filename, int *pcertlen);
  372. PEMChain*readcertchain(char *filename);