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  1. <HEAD>
  2. <TITLE>plan 9 man section 2</TITLE>
  3. </HEAD>
  4. <BODY>
  5. <B>[<A HREF="/sys/man/index.html">manual index</A>]</B>
  6. <H2>Plan 9 from Bell Labs - Section 2 - System and Library Calls</H2>
  7. <HR>
  8. <DL>
  9. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/0intro">0intro</A>
  10. - introduction to library functions
  11. <DD><TT> intro</TT>
  12. </DT>
  13. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/9p">9p</A>
  14. - 9P file service
  15. <DD><TT> Srv, dirread9p, emalloc9p, erealloc9p, estrdup9p, postfd, postmountsrv, readbuf, readstr, respond, threadpostmountsrv, srv</TT>
  16. </DT>
  17. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/9pcmdbuf">9pcmdbuf</A>
  18. - control message parsing
  19. <DD><TT> Cmdbuf, parsecmd, respondcmderror, lookupcmd</TT>
  20. </DT>
  21. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/9pfid">9pfid</A>
  22. - 9P fid, request tracking
  23. <DD><TT> Fid, Fidpool, allocfidpool, freefidpool, allocfid, closefid, lookupfid, removefid, Req, Reqpool, allocreqpool, freereqpool, allocreq, closereq, lookupreq, removereq</TT>
  24. </DT>
  25. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/9pfile">9pfile</A>
  26. - in-memory file hierarchy
  27. <DD><TT> Tree, alloctree, freetree, File, createfile, closefile, removefile, walkfile, opendirfile, readdirfile, closedirfile, hasperm</TT>
  28. </DT>
  29. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/abort">abort</A>
  30. - generate a fault
  31. <DD><TT> abort</TT>
  32. </DT>
  33. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/abs">abs</A>
  34. - integer absolute values
  35. <DD><TT> abs, labs</TT>
  36. </DT>
  37. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/access">access</A>
  38. - determine accessibility of file
  39. <DD><TT> access</TT>
  40. </DT>
  41. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/addpt">addpt</A>
  42. - arithmetic on points and rectangles
  43. <DD><TT> addpt, subpt, mulpt, divpt, rectaddpt, rectsubpt, insetrect, canonrect, eqpt, eqrect, ptinrect, rectinrect, rectXrect, rectclip, combinerect, Dx, Dy, Pt, Rect, Rpt</TT>
  44. </DT>
  45. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/aes">aes</A>
  46. - advanced encryption standard (rijndael)
  47. <DD><TT> setupAESstate, aesCBCencrypt, aesCBCdecrypt</TT>
  48. </DT>
  49. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/allocimage">allocimage</A>
  50. - allocating, freeing, reading, writing images
  51. <DD><TT> allocimage, allocimagemix, freeimage, nameimage, namedimage, setalpha, loadimage, cloadimage, unloadimage, readimage, writeimage, bytesperline, wordsperline</TT>
  52. </DT>
  53. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/arg">arg</A>
  54. - process option letters from argv
  55. <DD><TT> ARGBEGIN, ARGEND, ARGC, ARGF, EARGF, arginit, argopt</TT>
  56. </DT>
  57. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/arith3">arith3</A>
  58. - operations on 3-d points and planes
  59. <DD><TT> add3, sub3, neg3, div3, mul3, eqpt3, closept3, dot3, cross3, len3, dist3, unit3, midpt3, lerp3, reflect3, nearseg3, pldist3, vdiv3, vrem3, pn2f3, ppp2f3, fff2p3, pdiv4, add4, sub4</TT>
  60. </DT>
  61. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/assert">assert</A>
  62. - check program invariants
  63. <DD><TT> assert</TT>
  64. </DT>
  65. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/atof">atof</A>
  66. - convert text to numbers
  67. <DD><TT> atof, atoi, atol, atoll, charstod, strtod, strtol, strtoll, strtoul, strtoull</TT>
  68. </DT>
  69. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/auth">auth</A>
  70. -
  71. <DD><TT> amount, newns, addns, login, noworld, auth_proxy, fauth_proxy, auth_allocrpc, auth_freerpc, auth_rpc, auth_getkey, amount_getkey, auth_freeAI, auth_chuid, auth_challenge, auth_response, auth_freechal, auth_respond, auth_userpasswd, auth_getuserpasswd, auth_getinfo\- routines for authenticating users</TT>
  72. </DT>
  73. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/authsrv">authsrv</A>
  74. - routines for communicating with authentication servers
  75. <DD><TT> authdial, passtokey, nvcsum, readnvram, convT2M, convM2T, convTR2M, convM2TR, convA2M, convM2A, convPR2M, convM2PR, _asgetticket, _asrdresp</TT>
  76. </DT>
  77. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/bin">bin</A>
  78. - grouped memory allocation
  79. <DD><TT> binalloc, bingrow, binfree</TT>
  80. </DT>
  81. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/bind">bind</A>
  82. - change name space
  83. <DD><TT> bind, mount, unmount</TT>
  84. </DT>
  85. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/bio">bio</A>
  86. - buffered input/output
  87. <DD><TT> Bopen, Binit, Binits, Brdline, Brdstr, Bgetc, Bgetrune, Bgetd, Bungetc, Bungetrune, Bread, Bseek, Boffset, Bfildes, Blinelen, Bputc, Bputrune, Bprint, Bvprint, Bwrite, Bflush, Bterm, Bbuffered</TT>
  88. </DT>
  89. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/blowfish">blowfish</A>
  90. - blowfish encryption
  91. <DD><TT> setupBFstate, bfCBCencrypt, bfCBCdecrypt, bfECBencrypt, bfECBdecrypt</TT>
  92. </DT>
  93. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/brk">brk</A>
  94. - change memory allocation
  95. <DD><TT> brk, sbrk</TT>
  96. </DT>
  97. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/cachechars">cachechars</A>
  98. - font utilities
  99. <DD><TT> cachechars, agefont, loadchar, Subfont, Fontchar, Font</TT>
  100. </DT>
  101. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/chdir">chdir</A>
  102. - change working directory
  103. <DD><TT> chdir</TT>
  104. </DT>
  105. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/cleanname">cleanname</A>
  106. - clean a path name
  107. <DD><TT> cleanname</TT>
  108. </DT>
  109. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/color">color</A>
  110. - colors and color maps
  111. <DD><TT> cmap2rgb, cmap2rgba, rgb2cmap</TT>
  112. </DT>
  113. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/complete">complete</A>
  114. - file name completion
  115. <DD><TT> complete</TT>
  116. </DT>
  117. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/control">control</A>
  118. - interactive graphical controls
  119. <DD><TT> Control, Controlset, activate, closecontrol, closecontrolset, controlcalled, controlwire, createbox, createboxbox, createbutton, createcolumn, createentry, createkeyboard, createlabel, createmenu, createradiobutton, createrow, createscribble, createslider, createstack, createtab, createtext, createtextbutton, ctlerror, ctlmalloc, ctlrealloc, ctlstrdup, ctlprint, deactivate, freectlfont, freectlimage, initcontrols, namectlfont, namectlimage, newcontrolset, resizecontrolset</TT>
  120. </DT>
  121. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/cputime">cputime</A>
  122. - cpu time in this process and children
  123. <DD><TT> cputime, times</TT>
  124. </DT>
  125. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/ctime">ctime</A>
  126. - convert date and time
  127. <DD><TT> ctime, localtime, gmtime, asctime, tm2sec, timezone</TT>
  128. </DT>
  129. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/ctype">ctype</A>
  130. - ASCII character classification
  131. <DD><TT> isalpha, isupper, islower, isdigit, isxdigit, isalnum, isspace, ispunct, isprint, isgraph, iscntrl, isascii, toascii, _toupper, _tolower, toupper, tolower</TT>
  132. </DT>
  133. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/debugger">debugger</A>
  134. - machine-independent debugger functions
  135. <DD><TT> cisctrace, risctrace, ciscframe, riscframe, localaddr, symoff, fpformat, beieee80ftos, beieeesftos, beieeedftos, leieee80ftos, leieeesftos, leieeedftos, ieeesftos, ieeedftos</TT>
  136. </DT>
  137. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/des">des</A>
  138. - single and triple digital encryption standard
  139. <DD><TT> setupDESstate, des_key_setup, block_cipher, desCBCencrypt, desCBCdecrypt, desECBencrypt, desECBdecrypt, des3CBCencrypt, des3CBCdecrypt, des3ECBencrypt, des3ECBdecrypt, key_setup, des56to64, des64to56, setupDES3state, triple_block_cipher,</TT>
  140. </DT>
  141. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/dial">dial</A>
  142. - make and break network connections
  143. <DD><TT> dial, hangup, announce, listen, accept, reject, netmkaddr, setnetmtpt, getnetconninfo, freenetconninfo</TT>
  144. </DT>
  145. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/dirread">dirread</A>
  146. - read directory
  147. <DD><TT> dirread, dirreadall</TT>
  148. </DT>
  149. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/disk">disk</A>
  150. - generic disk device interface
  151. <DD><TT> opendisk, Disk</TT>
  152. </DT>
  153. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/draw">draw</A>
  154. - graphics functions PB L
  155. <DD><TT> Image, draw, gendraw, drawreplxy, drawrepl, replclipr, line, poly, fillpoly, bezier, bezspline, fillbezier, fillbezspline, ellipse, fillellipse, arc, fillarc, icossin, icossin2, border, string, stringn, runestring, runestringn, stringbg, stringnbg, runestringbg, runestringnbg, _string, ARROW, drawsetdebug</TT>
  156. </DT>
  157. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/dsa">dsa</A>
  158. - digital signature algorithm
  159. <DD><TT> dsagen, dsasign, dsaverify, dsapuballoc, dsapubfree, dsaprivalloc, dsaprivfree, dsasigalloc, dsasigfree, dsaprivtopub</TT>
  160. </DT>
  161. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/dup">dup</A>
  162. - duplicate an open file descriptor
  163. <DD><TT> dup</TT>
  164. </DT>
  165. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/elgamal">elgamal</A>
  166. - elgamal encryption
  167. <DD><TT> eggen, egencrypt, egdecrypt, egsign, egverify, egpuballoc, egpubfree, egprivalloc, egprivfree, egsigalloc, egsigfree, egprivtopub</TT>
  168. </DT>
  169. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/encode">encode</A>
  170. - encoding byte arrays as strings
  171. <DD><TT> dec64, enc64, dec32, enc32, dec16, enc16, encodefmt</TT>
  172. </DT>
  173. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/encrypt">encrypt</A>
  174. - DES encryption
  175. <DD><TT> encrypt, decrypt, netcrypt</TT>
  176. </DT>
  177. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/errstr">errstr</A>
  178. - description of last system call error
  179. <DD><TT> errstr, rerrstr, werrstr</TT>
  180. </DT>
  181. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/event">event</A>
  182. - graphics events
  183. <DD><TT> event, einit, estart, estartfn, etimer, eread, emouse, ekbd, ecanread, ecanmouse, ecankbd, ereadmouse, eatomouse, eresized, egetrect, edrawgetrect, emenuhit, emoveto, esetcursor, Event, Mouse, Menu</TT>
  184. </DT>
  185. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/exec">exec</A>
  186. - execute a file
  187. <DD><TT> exec, execl, _clock, _privates, _nprivates</TT>
  188. </DT>
  189. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/exits">exits</A>
  190. - terminate process, process cleanup
  191. <DD><TT> exits, _exits, atexit, atexitdont, terminate</TT>
  192. </DT>
  193. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/exp">exp</A>
  194. - exponential, logarithm, power, square root
  195. <DD><TT> exp, log, log10, pow, pow10, sqrt</TT>
  196. </DT>
  197. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/fauth">fauth</A>
  198. - set up authentication on a file descriptor to a file server
  199. <DD><TT> fauth</TT>
  200. </DT>
  201. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/fcall">fcall</A>
  202. - interface to Plan 9 File protocol
  203. <DD><TT> Fcall, convS2M, convD2M, convM2S, convM2D, fcallfmt, dirfmt, dirmodefmt, read9pmsg, statcheck, sizeS2M, sizeD2M</TT>
  204. </DT>
  205. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/fd2path">fd2path</A>
  206. - return file name associated with file descriptor
  207. <DD><TT> fd2path</TT>
  208. </DT>
  209. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/fgetc">fgetc</A>
  210. - Stdio input and output
  211. <DD><TT> fgetc, getc, getchar, fputc, putc, putchar, ungetc, fgets, gets, fputs, puts, fread, fwrite</TT>
  212. </DT>
  213. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/flate">flate</A>
  214. - deflate compression
  215. <DD><TT> deflateinit, deflate, deflatezlib, deflateblock, deflatezlibblock, inflateinit, inflate, inflatezlib, inflateblock, inflatezlibblock, flateerr, mkcrctab, blockcrc, adler32</TT>
  216. </DT>
  217. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/floor">floor</A>
  218. - absolute value, remainder, floor, ceiling functions
  219. <DD><TT> fabs, fmod, floor, ceil</TT>
  220. </DT>
  221. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/fmtinstall">fmtinstall</A>
  222. - support for user-defined print formats and output routines
  223. <DD><TT> fmtinstall, dofmt, dorfmt, fmtprint, fmtvprint, fmtrune, fmtstrcpy, fmtrunestrcpy, fmtfdinit, fmtfdflush, fmtstrinit, fmtstrflush, runefmtstrinit, runefmtstrflush, errfmt</TT>
  224. </DT>
  225. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/fopen">fopen</A>
  226. - standard buffered input/output package
  227. <DD><TT> fopen, freopen, fdopen, fileno, fclose, sopenr, sopenw, sclose, fflush, setvbuf, setbuf, fgetpos, ftell, fsetpos, fseek, rewind, feof, ferror, clearerr</TT>
  228. </DT>
  229. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/fork">fork</A>
  230. - manipulate process resources
  231. <DD><TT> fork, rfork</TT>
  232. </DT>
  233. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/fprintf">fprintf</A>
  234. - print formatted output
  235. <DD><TT> fprintf, printf, sprintf, snprintf, vfprintf, vprintf, vsprintf, vsnprintf</TT>
  236. </DT>
  237. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/frame">frame</A>
  238. - frames of text
  239. <DD><TT> frinit, frsetrects, frinittick, frclear, frcharofpt, frptofchar, frinsert, frdelete, frselect, frtick, frselectpaint, frdrawsel, frdrawsel0, frgetmouse</TT>
  240. </DT>
  241. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/frexp">frexp</A>
  242. - split into mantissa and exponent
  243. <DD><TT> frexp, ldexp, modf</TT>
  244. </DT>
  245. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/fscanf">fscanf</A>
  246. - scan formatted input
  247. <DD><TT> fscanf, scanf, sscanf, vfscanf</TT>
  248. </DT>
  249. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/fversion">fversion</A>
  250. - initialize 9P connection and negotiate version
  251. <DD><TT> fversion</TT>
  252. </DT>
  253. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/genrandom">genrandom</A>
  254. - random number generation
  255. <DD><TT> genrandom, prng</TT>
  256. </DT>
  257. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/getcallerpc">getcallerpc</A>
  258. - fetch return PC of current function
  259. <DD><TT> getcallerpc</TT>
  260. </DT>
  261. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/getenv">getenv</A>
  262. - access environment variables
  263. <DD><TT> getenv, putenv</TT>
  264. </DT>
  265. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/getfcr">getfcr</A>
  266. - control floating point
  267. <DD><TT> getfcr, setfcr, getfsr, setfsr</TT>
  268. </DT>
  269. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/getfields">getfields</A>
  270. - break a string into fields
  271. <DD><TT> getfields, gettokens, tokenize</TT>
  272. </DT>
  273. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/getpid">getpid</A>
  274. - get process ids
  275. <DD><TT> getpid, getppid</TT>
  276. </DT>
  277. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/getuser">getuser</A>
  278. - get user or system name
  279. <DD><TT> getuser, sysname</TT>
  280. </DT>
  281. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/getwd">getwd</A>
  282. - get current directory
  283. <DD><TT> getwd</TT>
  284. </DT>
  285. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/graphics">graphics</A>
  286. - interactive graphics
  287. <DD><TT> Display, Point, Rectangle, Cursor, initdraw, geninitdraw, drawerror, initdisplay, closedisplay, getdefont, getwindow, gengetwindow, flushimage, bufimage, lockdisplay, unlockdisplay, cursorswitch, cursorset, openfont, buildfont, freefont, Pfmt, Rfmt, strtochan, chantostr, chantodepth</TT>
  288. </DT>
  289. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/html">html</A>
  290. - HTML parser
  291. <DD><TT> parsehtml, printitems, validitems, freeitems, freedocinfo, dimenkind, dimenspec, targetid, targetname, fromStr, toStr</TT>
  292. </DT>
  293. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/httpd">httpd</A>
  294. - routines for creating an http server
  295. <DD><TT> HConnect, HContent, HContents, HETag, HFields, Hio, Htmlesc, HttpHead, HttpReq, HRange, HSPairs, hmydomain, hversion, htmlesc, halloc, hbodypush, hbuflen, hcheckcontent, hclose, hdate2sec, hdatefmt, hfail, hflush, hgetc, hgethead, hinit, hiserror, hload, hlower, hmkcontent, hmkhfields, hmkmimeboundary, hmkspairs, hmoved, hokheaders, hparseheaders, hparsequery, hparsereq, hprint, hputc, hreadbuf, hredirected, hreqcleanup, hrevhfields, hrevspairs, hstrdup, http11, httpfmt, httpunesc, hunallowed, hungetc, hunload, hurlfmt, hurlunesc, hvprint, hwrite, hxferenc,</TT>
  296. </DT>
  297. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/hypot">hypot</A>
  298. - Euclidean distance
  299. <DD><TT> hypot</TT>
  300. </DT>
  301. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/intmap">intmap</A>
  302. - integer to data structure maps
  303. <DD><TT> Intmap, allocmap, freemap, insertkey, caninsertkey, lookupkey, deletekey</TT>
  304. </DT>
  305. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/ioproc">ioproc</A>
  306. - slave I/O processes for threaded programs
  307. <DD><TT> closeioproc, iocall, ioclose, iointerrupt, iodial, ioopen, ioproc, ioread, ioreadn, iowrite</TT>
  308. </DT>
  309. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/iounit">iounit</A>
  310. - return size of atomic I/O unit for file descriptor
  311. <DD><TT> iounit</TT>
  312. </DT>
  313. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/ip">ip</A>
  314. - Internet protocol
  315. <DD><TT> eipfmt, parseip, parseipmask, v4parseip, v4parsecidr, parseether, myipaddr, myetheraddr, maskip, equivip4, equivip6, defmask, isv4, v4tov6, v6tov4, nhgetv, nhgetl, nhgets, hnputv, hnputl, hnputs, ptclbsum, readipifc</TT>
  316. </DT>
  317. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/isalpharune">isalpharune</A>
  318. - Unicode character classes and cases
  319. <DD><TT> isalpharune, islowerrune, isspacerune, istitlerune, isupperrune, tolowerrune, totitlerune, toupperrune</TT>
  320. </DT>
  321. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/keyboard">keyboard</A>
  322. - keyboard control
  323. <DD><TT> initkeyboard, ctlkeyboard, closekeyboard</TT>
  324. </DT>
  325. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/lock">lock</A>
  326. - spin locks, queueing rendezvous locks, reader-writer locks, rendezvous points, and reference counts
  327. <DD><TT> lock, canlock, unlock, qlock, canqlock, qunlock, rlock, canrlock, runlock, wlock, canwlock, wunlock, rsleep, rwakeup, rwakeupall incref, decref</TT>
  328. </DT>
  329. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/mach">mach</A>
  330. - machine-independent access to executable files
  331. <DD><TT> crackhdr, machbytype, machbyname, newmap, setmap, findseg, unusemap, loadmap, attachproc, get1, get2, get4, get8, put1, put2, put4, put8, beswab, beswal, beswav, leswab, leswal, leswav</TT>
  332. </DT>
  333. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/malloc">malloc</A>
  334. - memory allocator
  335. <DD><TT> malloc, mallocalign, mallocz, free, realloc, calloc, msize, setmalloctag, setrealloctag, getmalloctag, getrealloctag, malloctopoolblock</TT>
  336. </DT>
  337. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/matrix">matrix</A>
  338. - Geometric transformations
  339. <DD><TT> ident, matmul, matmulr, determinant, adjoint, invertmat, xformpoint, xformpointd, xformplane, pushmat, popmat, rot, qrot, scale, move, xform, ixform, persp, look, viewport</TT>
  340. </DT>
  341. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/memdraw">memdraw</A>
  342. - drawing routines for memory-resident images
  343. <DD><TT> Memimage, Memdata, Memdrawparam, memimageinit, wordaddr, byteaddr, memimagemove, allocmemimage, allocmemimaged, readmemimage, creadmemimage, writememimage, freememimage, memsetchan, loadmemimage, cloadmemimage, unloadmemimage, memfillcolor, memarc, mempoly, memellipse, memfillpoly, memimageline, memimagedraw, drawclip, memlinebbox, memlineendsize, allocmemsubfont, openmemsubfont, freememsubfont, memsubfontwidth, getmemdefont, memimagestring, iprint, hwdraw</TT>
  344. </DT>
  345. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/memlayer">memlayer</A>
  346. - windows of memory-resident images
  347. <DD><TT> memdraw, memlalloc, memldelete, memlexpose, memlfree, memlhide, memline, memlnorefresh, memload, memunload, memlorigin, memlsetrefresh, memltofront, memltofrontn, memltorear, memltorearn</TT>
  348. </DT>
  349. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/memory">memory</A>
  350. - memory operations
  351. <DD><TT> memccpy, memchr, memcmp, memcpy, memmove, memset</TT>
  352. </DT>
  353. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/mktemp">mktemp</A>
  354. - make a unique file name
  355. <DD><TT> mktemp</TT>
  356. </DT>
  357. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/mouse">mouse</A>
  358. - mouse control
  359. <DD><TT> initmouse, readmouse, closemouse, moveto, cursorswitch, getrect, drawgetrect, menuhit, setcursor</TT>
  360. </DT>
  361. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/mp">mp</A>
  362. - extended precision arithmetic
  363. <DD><TT> mpsetminbits, mpnew, mpfree, mpbits, mpnorm, mpcopy, mpassign, mprand, strtomp, mpfmt,mptoa, betomp, mptobe, letomp, mptole, mptoui, uitomp, mptoi, itomp, uvtomp, mptouv, vtomp, mptov, mpdigdiv, mpadd, mpsub, mpleft, mpright, mpmul, mpexp, mpmod, mpdiv, mpcmp, mpextendedgcd, mpinvert, mpsignif, mplowbits0, mpvecdigmuladd, mpvecdigmulsub, mpvecadd, mpvecsub, mpveccmp, mpvecmul, mpmagcmp, mpmagadd, mpmagsub, crtpre, crtin, crtout, crtprefree, crtresfree</TT>
  364. </DT>
  365. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/muldiv">muldiv</A>
  366. - high-precision multiplication and division
  367. <DD><TT> muldiv, umuldiv</TT>
  368. </DT>
  369. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/nan">nan</A>
  370. - not-a-number and infinity functions
  371. <DD><TT> NaN, Inf, isNaN, isInf</TT>
  372. </DT>
  373. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/ndb">ndb</A>
  374. - network database
  375. <DD><TT> ndbopen, ndbcat, ndbchanged, ndbclose, ndbreopen, ndbsearch, ndbsnext, ndbgetvalue, ndbfree, ipattr, ndbgetipaddr, ndbipinfo, csipinfo, ndbhash, ndbparse, csgetvalue, ndbfindattr, dnsquery, ndbdiscard, ndbconcatenate, ndbreorder, ndbsubstitute, ndbgetval, csgetval, ndblookval</TT>
  376. </DT>
  377. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/notify">notify</A>
  378. - handle asynchronous process notification
  379. <DD><TT> notify, noted, atnotify</TT>
  380. </DT>
  381. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/object">object</A>
  382. - object file interpretation functions
  383. <DD><TT> objtype, readobj, objtraverse, isar, nextar, readar</TT>
  384. </DT>
  385. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/open">open</A>
  386. - open a file for reading or writing, create file
  387. <DD><TT> open, create, close</TT>
  388. </DT>
  389. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/perror">perror</A>
  390. - system error messages
  391. <DD><TT> perror, syslog, sysfatal</TT>
  392. </DT>
  393. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/pipe">pipe</A>
  394. - create an interprocess channel
  395. <DD><TT> pipe</TT>
  396. </DT>
  397. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/plumb">plumb</A>
  398. - plumb messages
  399. <DD><TT> eplumb, plumbfree, plumbopen, plumbsend, plumbsendtext, plumblookup, plumbpack, plumbpackattr, plumbaddattr, plumbdelattr, plumbrecv, plumbunpack, plumbunpackpartial, plumbunpackattr, Plumbmsg</TT>
  400. </DT>
  401. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/pool">pool</A>
  402. - general memory management routines
  403. <DD><TT> poolalloc, poolallocalignspan, poolfree, poolmsize, poolrealloc, poolcompact, poolcheck, poolblockcheck, pooldump</TT>
  404. </DT>
  405. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/postnote">postnote</A>
  406. - send a note to a process or process group
  407. <DD><TT> postnote</TT>
  408. </DT>
  409. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/prime">prime</A>
  410. - prime number generation
  411. <DD><TT> genprime, gensafeprime, genstrongprime, DSAprimes, probably_prime, smallprimetest</TT>
  412. </DT>
  413. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/print">print</A>
  414. - print formatted output
  415. <DD><TT> print, fprint, sprint, snprint, seprint, smprint, runesprint, runesnprint, runeseprint, runesmprint, vfprint, vsnprint, vseprint, vsmprint, runevsnprint, runevseprint, runevsmprint</TT>
  416. </DT>
  417. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/privalloc">privalloc</A>
  418. - per-process private storage management
  419. <DD><TT> privalloc, privfree</TT>
  420. </DT>
  421. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/proto">proto</A>
  422. - parse and process a proto file listing
  423. <DD><TT> rdproto</TT>
  424. </DT>
  425. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/pushssl">pushssl</A>
  426. - attach SSL version 2 encryption to a communication channel
  427. <DD><TT> pushssl</TT>
  428. </DT>
  429. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/pushtls">pushtls</A>
  430. - attach TLS1 or SSL3 encryption to a communication channel
  431. <DD><TT> pushtls, tlsClient, tlsServer, initThumbprints, freeThumbprints, okThumbprint, readcert, readcertchain</TT>
  432. </DT>
  433. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/qball">qball</A>
  434. - 3-d rotation controller
  435. <DD><TT> qball</TT>
  436. </DT>
  437. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/qsort">qsort</A>
  438. - quicker sort
  439. <DD><TT> qsort</TT>
  440. </DT>
  441. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/quaternion">quaternion</A>
  442. - Quaternion arithmetic
  443. <DD><TT> qtom, mtoq, qadd, qsub, qneg, qmul, qdiv, qunit, qinv, qlen, slerp, qmid, qsqrt</TT>
  444. </DT>
  445. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/quote">quote</A>
  446. - quoted character strings
  447. <DD><TT> quotestrdup, quoterunestrdup, unquotestrdup, unquoterunestrdup, quotestrfmt, quoterunestrfmt, quotefmtinstall, doquote, needsrcquote</TT>
  448. </DT>
  449. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/rand">rand</A>
  450. - random number generator
  451. <DD><TT> rand, lrand, frand, nrand, lnrand, srand, truerand, ntruerand, fastrand, nfastrand</TT>
  452. </DT>
  453. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/rc4">rc4</A>
  454. - alleged rc4 encryption
  455. <DD><TT> setupRC4state, rc4, rc4skip, rc4back</TT>
  456. </DT>
  457. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/read">read</A>
  458. - read or write file
  459. <DD><TT> read, readn, write, pread, pwrite</TT>
  460. </DT>
  461. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/readcolmap">readcolmap</A>
  462. - access display color map
  463. <DD><TT> RGB, readcolmap, writecolmap</TT>
  464. </DT>
  465. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/readv">readv</A>
  466. - scatter/gather read and write
  467. <DD><TT> readv, writev, preadv, pwritev</TT>
  468. </DT>
  469. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/regexp">regexp</A>
  470. - regular expression
  471. <DD><TT> regcomp, regcomplit, regcompnl, regexec, regsub, rregexec, rregsub, regerror</TT>
  472. </DT>
  473. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/remove">remove</A>
  474. - remove a file
  475. <DD><TT> remove</TT>
  476. </DT>
  477. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/rendezvous">rendezvous</A>
  478. - user level process synchronization
  479. <DD><TT> rendezvous</TT>
  480. </DT>
  481. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/rsa">rsa</A>
  482. - RSA encryption algorithm
  483. <DD><TT> asn1dump, asn1toRSApriv, decodePEM, rsadecrypt, rsaencrypt, rsagen, rsaprivalloc, rsaprivfree, rsaprivtopub, rsapuballoc, rsapubfree, X509toRSApub, X509gen, X509verify</TT>
  484. </DT>
  485. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/rune">rune</A>
  486. - rune/UTF conversion
  487. <DD><TT> runetochar, chartorune, runelen, runenlen, fullrune, utfecpy, utflen, utfnlen, utfrune, utfrrune, utfutf</TT>
  488. </DT>
  489. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/runestrcat">runestrcat</A>
  490. - rune string operations
  491. <DD><TT> runestrcat, runestrncat, runestrcmp, runestrncmp, runestrcpy, runestrncpy, runestrecpy, runestrlen, runestrchr, runestrrchr, runestrdup, runestrstr</TT>
  492. </DT>
  493. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/scribble">scribble</A>
  494. - character recognition
  495. <DD><TT> scribblealloc, recognize</TT>
  496. </DT>
  497. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/scsi">scsi</A>
  498. - SCSI device operations
  499. <DD><TT> openscsi, scsiready, scsi, scsicmd, scsierror</TT>
  500. </DT>
  501. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/sechash">sechash</A>
  502. - cryptographically secure hashes
  503. <DD><TT> md4, md5, sha1, hmac_md5, hmac_sha1, md5pickle, md5unpickle, sha1pickle, sha1unpickle</TT>
  504. </DT>
  505. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/seek">seek</A>
  506. - change file offset
  507. <DD><TT> seek</TT>
  508. </DT>
  509. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/segattach">segattach</A>
  510. - map/unmap a segment in virtual memory
  511. <DD><TT> segattach, segdetach, segfree</TT>
  512. </DT>
  513. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/segbrk">segbrk</A>
  514. - change memory allocation
  515. <DD><TT> segbrk</TT>
  516. </DT>
  517. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/segflush">segflush</A>
  518. - flush instruction and data caches
  519. <DD><TT> segflush</TT>
  520. </DT>
  521. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/setjmp">setjmp</A>
  522. - non-local goto
  523. <DD><TT> setjmp, longjmp, notejmp</TT>
  524. </DT>
  525. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/sin">sin</A>
  526. - trigonometric functions
  527. <DD><TT> sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2</TT>
  528. </DT>
  529. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/sinh">sinh</A>
  530. - hyperbolic functions
  531. <DD><TT> sinh, cosh, tanh</TT>
  532. </DT>
  533. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/sleep">sleep</A>
  534. - delay, ask for delayed note
  535. <DD><TT> sleep, alarm</TT>
  536. </DT>
  537. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/stat">stat</A>
  538. - get and put file status
  539. <DD><TT> stat, fstat, wstat, fwstat, dirstat, dirfstat, dirwstat, dirfwstat, nulldir</TT>
  540. </DT>
  541. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/strcat">strcat</A>
  542. - string operations
  543. <DD><TT> strcat, strncat, strcmp, strncmp, cistrcmp, cistrncmp, strcpy, strncpy, strecpy, strlen, strchr, strrchr, strpbrk, strspn, strcspn, strtok, strdup, strstr, cistrstr</TT>
  544. </DT>
  545. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/string">string</A>
  546. - extensible strings
  547. <DD><TT> s_alloc, s_append, s_array, s_copy, s_error, s_free, s_incref, s_memappend, s_nappend, s_new, s_newalloc, s_parse, s_reset, s_restart, s_terminate, s_tolower, s_putc, s_unique, s_grow, s_read, s_read_line, s_getline</TT>
  548. </DT>
  549. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/stringsize">stringsize</A>
  550. - graphical size of strings
  551. <DD><TT> stringsize, stringwidth, stringnwidth, runestringsize, runestringwidth, runestringnwidth</TT>
  552. </DT>
  553. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/subfont">subfont</A>
  554. - subfont manipulation
  555. <DD><TT> allocsubfont, freesubfont, installsubfont, lookupsubfont, uninstallsubfont, subfontname, readsubfont, readsubfonti, writesubfont, stringsubfont, strsubfontwidth, mkfont</TT>
  556. </DT>
  557. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/symbol">symbol</A>
  558. - symbol table access functions
  559. <DD><TT> syminit, getsym, symbase, pc2sp, pc2line, textseg, line2addr, lookup, findlocal, getauto, findsym, localsym, globalsym, textsym, file2pc, fileelem, filesym, fileline, fnbound</TT>
  560. </DT>
  561. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/thread">thread</A>
  562. - thread and proc management
  563. <DD><TT> alt, chancreate, chanfree, chaninit, chanprint, mainstacksize, proccreate, procdata, procexec, procexecl, procrfork, recv, recvp, recvul, send, sendp, sendul, nbrecv, nbrecvp, nbrecvul, nbsend, nbsendp, nbsendul, threadcreate, threaddata, threadexits, threadexitsall, threadgetgrp, threadgetname, threadint, threadintgrp, threadkill, threadkillgrp, threadmain, threadnotify, threadid, threadpid, threadsetgrp, threadsetname, threadwaitchan, yield</TT>
  564. </DT>
  565. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/time">time</A>
  566. - time in seconds and nanoseconds since epoch
  567. <DD><TT> time, nsec</TT>
  568. </DT>
  569. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/tmpfile">tmpfile</A>
  570. - Stdio temporary files
  571. <DD><TT> tmpfile, tmpnam</TT>
  572. </DT>
  573. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/wait">wait</A>
  574. - wait for a process to exit
  575. <DD><TT> await, wait, waitpid</TT>
  576. </DT>
  577. <DT><A HREF="/magic/man2html/2/window">window</A>
  578. - window management
  579. <DD><TT> Screen, allocscreen, publicscreen, freescreen, allocwindow, bottomwindow, bottomnwindows, topwindow, topnwindows, originwindow</TT>
  580. </DT>
  581. </DL>