tel 941 B

  1. .TH TEL 1
  2. .SH NAME
  3. tel, iwhois \- look in phone book
  5. .B tel
  6. .I key ...
  7. .PP
  8. .B iwhois
  9. .IR name [ \fL@\f2domain ]
  11. .I Tel
  12. looks up
  13. .I key
  14. in a private telephone book,
  15. .BR $home/lib/tel ,
  16. and in the public telephone book,
  17. .BR /lib/tel .
  18. It uses
  19. .IR grep
  20. (with the
  21. .B -i
  22. option to ignore case differences), so the key may be any part of a
  23. name or number. Customarily, the telephone book contains names,
  24. userids, home numbers, and office numbers of users. It also contains
  25. a directory of area codes and miscellaneous people of general
  26. interest.
  27. .PP
  28. .I Iwhois
  29. looks up names in the Internet NIC's personnel database.
  30. .I Name
  31. should be a surname optionally followed by a comma and given name.
  32. A different server can be chosen by appending to the name an
  33. .B @
  34. followed by the server's domain name.
  35. .SH FILES
  36. .TF /lib/tel
  37. .TP
  38. .B /lib/tel
  39. Public telephone number database.
  40. .SH SOURCE
  41. .B /rc/bin/tel
  42. .br
  43. .B /rc/bin/iwhois