lnfs 1006 B

  1. .TH LNFS 4
  2. .SH NAME
  3. lnfs \- long name file system
  5. .B lnfs
  6. [
  7. .B -r
  8. ]
  9. [
  10. .B -s
  11. .I srvname
  12. ]
  13. .I mountpoint
  15. .I Lnfs
  16. starts a process that mounts itself (see
  17. .IR bind (2))
  18. on
  19. .IR mountpoint .
  20. It presents a filtered view of the files under the mount
  21. point, allowing users to use long file names
  22. on file servers that do not support file names
  23. longer than 27 bytes.
  24. .PP
  25. The names used in the underlying file system are
  26. the base32 encoding of the md5 hash of the longer
  27. file name. The user need not know the mapping
  28. since
  29. .I lnfs
  30. does all the work.
  31. .I Lnfs
  32. maintains a file
  33. .B .longnames
  34. in the directory
  35. .I mountpoint
  36. to record the long file names.
  37. .PP
  38. The options are:
  39. .TP
  40. .B -r
  41. allow only read access to the file system
  42. .TP
  43. .B -s
  44. provide a service name,
  45. .IR srvname ,
  46. to post in
  47. .BR /srv .
  48. Without this option, no posting is performed.
  49. .SH FILES
  50. .B .longnames
  51. .SH SOURCE
  52. .B /sys/src/cmd/lnfs.c
  53. .SH BUGS
  54. This exists only to shame us into getting a real long
  55. name file server working.