mkfile 2.4 KB

  1. # Changes made in this directory are invisible to the
  2. # external web server. To publish changed documents
  3. # to the external web server, mk install or name.install
  4. # To publish changed ps/pdf files, see the install rule.
  5. < /sys/doc/fonts
  6. NPROC = 1
  7. ALL=\
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  10. contents\
  11. 9\
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  14. auth\
  15. comp\
  16. prog4\
  17. ape\
  18. acidpaper\
  19. acid\
  20. mk\
  21. mkfiles\
  22. asm\
  23. 8½/8½\
  24. rc\
  25. sam/sam\
  26. acme/acme\
  27. plumb\
  28. utf\
  29. compiler\
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  31. fs/fs\
  32. venti/venti\
  33. il/il\
  34. lexnames\
  35. sleep\
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  38. spin\
  39. port\
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  61. colophon.ps:D: /sys/lib/man/colophon
  62. troff $prereq | lp -dstdout > $target
  63. cleanps $target
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  73. if(~ $stem comp utf 9 contents) mac=($mac -mnihongo)
  74. { echo $FONTS; cat $stem.ms } | pic | tbl | eqn |
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  78. %.html: /$objtype/bin/htmlroff /sys/lib/tmac/tmac.s
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  80. cp contents.html index.html
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  83. pdf:V: $PDF
  84. ^(8½|acme|fs|il|net|sam|venti)/([^/]*\.(pdf|ps|html))'$':R:
  85. cd $stem1
  86. mk $stem2
  87. ^(8½|acme|fs|il|net|sam|venti)\.html'$':R: \1/\1.html
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  96. 9fs other
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  98. whatis stem
  99. whatis files
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  108. # nothing