map 13 KB

  1. .TH MAP 7
  2. .SH NAME
  3. map, mapdemo \- draw maps on various projections
  5. .B map
  6. .I projection
  7. [
  8. .I option ...
  9. ]
  10. .PP
  11. .B mapdemo
  12. .PP
  14. .I Map
  15. prepares on the standard output a
  16. map suitable for display by any
  17. plotting filter described in
  18. .IR plot (1).
  19. A menu of projections is produced in response to an unknown
  20. .IR projection .
  21. .I Mapdemo
  22. is a short course in mapping.
  23. .PP
  24. The default data for
  25. .I map
  26. are world shorelines.
  27. Option
  28. .B -f
  29. accesses more detailed data
  30. classified by feature.
  31. .TP
  32. .BR -f " [ \fIfeature\fR ... ]"
  33. Features are ranked 1 (default) to 4 from major to minor.
  34. Higher-numbered ranks include all lower-numbered ones.
  35. Features are
  36. .RS
  37. .TF country[1-3]
  38. .TP
  39. .BR shore [ 1 - 4 ]
  40. seacoasts, lakes, and islands; option
  41. .B -f
  42. always shows
  43. .B shore1
  44. .TP
  45. .BR ilake [ 1 - 2 ]
  46. intermittent lakes
  47. .TP
  48. .BR river [ 1 - 4 ]
  49. rivers
  50. .TP
  51. .BR iriver [ 1 - 3 ]
  52. intermittent rivers
  53. .TP
  54. .BR canal [ 1 - 3 ]
  55. .BR 3 =irrigation
  56. canals
  57. .TP
  58. .BR glacier
  59. .TP
  60. .BR iceshelf [ 12 ]
  61. .TP
  62. .BR reef
  63. .TP
  64. .BR saltpan [ 12 ]
  65. .TP
  66. .BR country [ 1 - 3 ]
  67. .BR 2 =disputed
  68. boundaries,
  69. .BR 3 =indefinite
  70. boundaries
  71. .TP
  72. .BR state
  73. states and provinces (US and Canada only)
  74. .PD
  75. .RE
  76. .PP
  77. In other options
  78. coordinates are in degrees, with north latitude
  79. and west longitude counted as positive.
  80. .TP 0
  81. .BI -l " S N E W"
  82. Set the southern and northern latitude
  83. and the eastern and western longitude limits.
  84. Missing arguments are filled out from the list
  85. \-90, 90, \-180, 180,
  86. or lesser limits suitable to the
  87. projection at hand.
  88. .TP
  89. .BI -k " S N E W
  90. Set the scale as if for a map with limits
  91. .B -l
  92. .I "S N E W"\f1.
  93. Do not consider any
  94. .B -l
  95. or
  96. .B -w
  97. option in setting scale.
  98. .TP
  99. .BI -o " lat lon rot"
  100. Orient the map in a nonstandard position.
  101. Imagine a transparent gridded sphere around the globe.
  102. Turn the overlay about the North Pole
  103. so that the Prime Meridian (longitude 0)
  104. of the overlay coincides with meridian
  105. .I lon
  106. on the globe.
  107. Then tilt the North Pole of the
  108. overlay along its Prime Meridian to latitude
  109. .I lat
  110. on the globe.
  111. Finally again turn the
  112. overlay about its `North Pole' so
  113. that its Prime Meridian coincides with the previous position
  114. of meridian
  115. .IR rot .
  116. Project the map in
  117. the standard form appropriate to the overlay, but presenting
  118. information from the underlying globe.
  119. Missing arguments are filled out from the list
  120. 90, 0, 0.
  121. In the absence of
  122. .BR - o ,
  123. the orientation is 90, 0,
  124. .IR m ,
  125. where
  126. .I m
  127. is the middle of the longitude range.
  128. .TP
  129. .BI -w " S N E W"
  130. Window the map by the specified latitudes
  131. and longitudes in the tilted, rotated coordinate system.
  132. Missing arguments are filled out from the list \-90, 90, \-180, 180.
  133. (It is wise to give an encompassing
  134. .B -l
  135. option with
  136. .BR -w .
  137. Otherwise for small windows computing time
  138. varies inversely with area!)
  139. .TP
  140. .BI -d " n"
  141. For speed, plot only every
  142. .IR n th
  143. point.
  144. .TP
  145. .B -r
  146. Reverse left and right
  147. (good for star charts and inside-out views).
  148. .ns
  149. .TP
  150. .B -v
  151. Verso.
  152. Switch to a normally suppressed sheet of the map, such as the
  153. back side of the earth in orthographic projection.
  154. .TP
  155. .B -s1
  156. .br
  157. .ns
  158. .TP
  159. .B -s2
  160. Superpose; outputs for a
  161. .B -s1
  162. map (no closing) and a
  163. .B -s2
  164. map (no opening) may be concatenated.
  165. .TP
  166. .BI -g " dlat dlon res"
  167. Grid spacings are
  168. .IR dlat ,
  169. .IR dlon .
  170. Zero spacing means no grid.
  171. Missing
  172. .I dlat
  173. is taken to be zero.
  174. Missing
  175. .I dlon
  176. is taken the same as
  177. .IR dlat .
  178. Grid lines are drawn to a resolution of
  179. .I res
  180. (2° or less by default).
  181. In the absence of
  182. .BR - g ,
  183. grid spacing is 10°.
  184. .TP
  185. .BI -p " lat lon extent"
  186. Position the point
  187. .I lat, lon
  188. at the center of the plotting area.
  189. Scale the map so that the height (and width) of the
  190. nominal plotting area is
  191. .I extent
  192. times the size of one degree of latitude
  193. at the center.
  194. By default maps are scaled and positioned
  195. to fit within the plotting area.
  196. An
  197. .I extent
  198. overrides option
  199. .BR -k .
  200. .TP
  201. .BI -c " x y rot"
  202. After all other positioning and scaling operations
  203. have been performed, rotate the image
  204. .I rot
  205. degrees counterclockwise about the center
  206. and move the center to position
  207. .IR x ,
  208. .IR y ,
  209. where the nominal plotting area is
  210. .RI \-1≤ x ≤1,
  211. .RI \-1≤ y ≤1.
  212. Missing arguments are taken to be 0.
  213. .BR -x
  214. Allow the map to extend outside the nominal plotting area.
  215. .TP
  216. .BR -m " [ \fIfile\fP ... ]"
  217. Use
  218. map data from named files.
  219. If no files are named, omit map data.
  220. Names that do not exist as pathnames are looked up in
  221. a standard directory, which contains, in addition to the
  222. data for
  223. .BR -f ,
  224. .RS
  225. .LP
  226. .TF counties
  227. .TP
  228. .B world
  229. World Data Bank I (default)
  230. .TP
  231. .B states
  232. US map from Census Bureau
  233. .TP
  234. .B counties
  235. US map from Census Bureau
  236. .PD
  237. .RE
  238. .IP
  239. The environment variables
  240. .B MAP
  241. and
  242. .B MAPDIR
  243. change the default
  244. map and default directory.
  245. .TP
  246. .BI -b " \fR[\fPlat0 lon0 lat1 lon1\fR... ]"
  247. Suppress the drawing of the normal boundary
  248. (defined by options
  249. .BR -l
  250. and
  251. .BR -w ).
  252. Coordinates, if present, define the vertices of a
  253. polygon to which the map is clipped.
  254. If only two vertices are given, they are taken to be the
  255. diagonal of a rectangle.
  256. To draw the polygon, give its vertices as a
  257. .B -u
  258. track.
  259. .TP
  260. .BI -t " file ..."
  261. The
  262. .I files
  263. contain lists of points,
  264. given as latitude-longitude pairs in degrees.
  265. If the first file is named
  266. .LR - ,
  267. the standard input is taken instead.
  268. The points of each list are plotted as connected `tracks'.
  269. .IP
  270. Points in a track file may be followed by label strings.
  271. A label breaks the track.
  272. A label may be prefixed by
  273. \fL"\fR,
  274. .LR : ,
  275. or
  276. .L !
  277. and is terminated by a newline.
  278. An unprefixed string or a string prefixed with
  279. .L
  280. "
  281. is displayed at the designated point.
  282. The first word of a
  283. .L :
  284. or
  285. .L !
  286. string names a special symbol (see option
  287. .BR -y ).
  288. An optional numerical second word is a scale factor
  289. for the size of the symbol, 1 by default.
  290. A
  291. .L :
  292. symbol is aligned with its top to the north; a
  293. .L !
  294. symbol is aligned vertically on the page.
  295. .TP
  296. .BI -u " file ..."
  297. Same as
  298. .BR -t ,
  299. except the tracks are
  300. unbroken lines.
  301. .RB ( -t
  302. tracks appear as dot-dashed lines if the plotting filter supports them.)
  303. .TP
  304. .BI -y " file
  305. The
  306. .I file
  307. contains
  308. .IR plot (6)-style
  309. data for
  310. .L :
  311. or
  312. .L !
  313. labels in
  314. .B -t
  315. or
  316. .B -u
  317. files.
  318. Each symbol is defined by a comment
  319. .BI : name
  320. then a sequence of
  321. .L m
  322. and
  323. .L v
  324. commands.
  325. Coordinates (0,0) fall on the plotting point.
  326. Default scaling is as if the nominal plotting range were
  327. .LR "ra -1 -1 1 1" ;
  328. .L ra
  329. commands in
  330. .I file
  331. change the scaling.
  332. .SS Projections
  333. Equatorial projections centered on the Prime Meridian
  334. (longitude 0).
  335. Parallels are straight horizontal lines.
  336. .PP
  337. .PD 0
  338. .TP 1.5i
  339. .B mercator
  340. equally spaced straight meridians, conformal,
  341. straight compass courses
  342. .TP
  343. .B sinusoidal
  344. equally spaced parallels,
  345. equal-area, same as
  346. .LR "bonne 0" .
  347. .TP
  348. .BI cylequalarea " lat0"
  349. equally spaced straight meridians, equal-area,
  350. true scale on
  351. .I lat0
  352. .TP
  353. .B cylindrical
  354. central projection on tangent cylinder
  355. .TP
  356. .BI rectangular " lat0"
  357. equally spaced parallels, equally spaced straight meridians, true scale on
  358. .I lat0
  359. .TP
  360. .BI gall " lat0"
  361. parallels spaced stereographically on prime meridian, equally spaced straight
  362. meridians, true scale on
  363. .I lat0
  364. .TP
  365. .B mollweide
  366. (homalographic) equal-area, hemisphere is a circle
  367. .br
  368. .B gilbert()
  369. sphere conformally mapped on hemisphere and viewed orthographically
  370. .TP
  371. .B gilbert
  372. globe mapped conformally on hemisphere, viewed orthographically
  373. .PD
  374. .PP
  375. Azimuthal projections centered on the North Pole.
  376. Parallels are concentric circles.
  377. Meridians are equally spaced radial lines.
  378. .PP
  379. .PD 0
  380. .TP 1.5i
  381. .B azequidistant
  382. equally spaced parallels,
  383. true distances from pole
  384. .TP
  385. .B azequalarea
  386. equal-area
  387. .TP
  388. .B gnomonic
  389. central projection on tangent plane,
  390. straight great circles
  391. .TP
  392. .BI perspective " dist"
  393. viewed along earth's axis
  394. .I dist
  395. earth radii from center of earth
  396. .TP
  397. .B orthographic
  398. viewed from infinity
  399. .TP
  400. .B stereographic
  401. conformal, projected from opposite pole
  402. .TP
  403. .B laue
  404. .IR radius " = tan(2\(mu" colatitude ),
  405. used in X-ray crystallography
  406. .TP
  407. .BI fisheye " n"
  408. stereographic seen from just inside medium with refractive index
  409. .I n
  410. .TP
  411. .BI newyorker " r"
  412. .IR radius " = log(" colatitude / r ):
  413. .I New Yorker
  414. map from viewing pedestal of radius
  415. .I r
  416. degrees
  417. .PD
  418. .PP
  419. Polar conic projections symmetric about the Prime Meridian.
  420. Parallels are segments of concentric circles.
  421. Except in the Bonne projection,
  422. meridians are equally spaced radial
  423. lines orthogonal to the parallels.
  424. .PP
  425. .PD 0
  426. .TP 1.5i
  427. .BI conic " lat0"
  428. central projection on cone tangent at
  429. .I lat0
  430. .TP
  431. .BI simpleconic " lat0 lat1"
  432. equally spaced parallels, true scale on
  433. .I lat0
  434. and
  435. .I lat1
  436. .TP
  437. .BI lambert " lat0 lat1"
  438. conformal, true scale on
  439. .I lat0
  440. and
  441. .I lat1
  442. .TP
  443. .BI albers " lat0 lat1"
  444. equal-area, true scale on
  445. .I lat0
  446. and
  447. .I lat1
  448. .TP
  449. .BI bonne " lat0"
  450. equally spaced parallels, equal-area,
  451. parallel
  452. .I lat0
  453. developed from tangent cone
  454. .PD
  455. .PP
  456. Projections with bilateral symmetry about
  457. the Prime Meridian
  458. and the equator.
  459. .PP
  460. .PD 0
  461. .TP 1.5i
  462. .B polyconic
  463. parallels developed from tangent cones,
  464. equally spaced along Prime Meridian
  465. .TP
  466. .B aitoff
  467. equal-area projection of globe onto 2-to-1
  468. ellipse, based on
  469. .I azequalarea
  470. .TP
  471. .B lagrange
  472. conformal, maps whole sphere into a circle
  473. .TP
  474. .BI bicentric " lon0"
  475. points plotted at true azimuth from two
  476. centers on the equator at longitudes
  477. .IR ±lon0 ,
  478. great circles are straight lines
  479. (a stretched
  480. .IR gnomonic
  481. )
  482. .TP
  483. .BI elliptic " lon0"
  484. points plotted at true distance from
  485. two centers on the equator at longitudes
  486. .I ±lon0
  487. .TP
  488. .B globular
  489. hemisphere is circle,
  490. circular arc meridians equally spaced on equator,
  491. circular arc parallels equally spaced on 0- and 90-degree meridians
  492. .TP
  493. .B vandergrinten
  494. sphere is circle,
  495. meridians as in
  496. .IR globular ,
  497. circular arc parallels resemble
  498. .I mercator
  499. .PD
  500. .PP
  501. Doubly periodic conformal projections.
  502. .PP
  503. .TP 1.5i
  504. .B guyou
  505. W and E hemispheres are square
  506. .PD 0
  507. .TP
  508. .B square
  509. world is square with Poles
  510. at diagonally opposite corners
  511. .TP
  512. .B tetra
  513. map on tetrahedron with edge
  514. tangent to Prime Meridian at S Pole,
  515. unfolded into equilateral triangle
  516. .TP
  517. .B hex
  518. world is hexagon centered
  519. on N Pole, N and S hemispheres are equilateral
  520. triangles
  521. .PD
  522. .PP
  523. Miscellaneous projections.
  524. .PP
  525. .PD 0
  526. .TP 1.5i
  527. .BI harrison " dist angle"
  528. oblique perspective from above the North Pole,
  529. .I dist
  530. earth radii from center of earth, looking
  531. along the Date Line
  532. .I angle
  533. degrees off vertical
  534. .TP
  535. .BI trapezoidal " lat0 lat1"
  536. equally spaced parallels,
  537. straight meridians equally spaced along parallels,
  538. true scale at
  539. .I lat0
  540. and
  541. .I lat1
  542. on Prime Meridian
  543. .PD
  544. .br
  545. .B lune(lat,angle)
  546. conformal, polar cap above latitude
  547. .I lat
  548. maps to convex lune with given
  549. .I angle
  550. at 90\(deE and 90\(deW
  551. .PP
  552. Retroazimuthal projections.
  553. At every point the angle between vertical and a straight line to
  554. `Mecca', latitude
  555. .I lat0
  556. on the prime meridian,
  557. is the true bearing of Mecca.
  558. .PP
  559. .PD 0
  560. .TP 1.5i
  561. .BI mecca " lat0"
  562. equally spaced vertical meridians
  563. .TP
  564. .BI homing " lat0"
  565. distances to Mecca are true
  566. .PD
  567. .PP
  568. Maps based on the spheroid.
  569. Of geodetic quality, these projections do not make sense
  570. for tilted orientations.
  571. For descriptions, see corresponding maps above.
  572. .PP
  573. .PD 0
  574. .TP 1.5i
  575. .B sp_mercator
  576. .TP
  577. .BI sp_albers " lat0 lat1"
  579. .TP
  580. .L
  581. map perspective 1.025 -o 40.75 74
  582. A view looking down on New York from 100 miles
  583. (0.025 of the 4000-mile earth radius) up.
  584. The job can be done faster by limiting the map so as not to `plot'
  585. the invisible part of the world:
  586. .LR "map perspective 1.025 -o 40.75 74 -l 20 60 30 100".
  587. A circular border can be forced by adding option
  588. .LR "-w 77.33" .
  589. (Latitude 77.33° falls just inside a polar cap of
  590. opening angle arccos(1/1.025) = 12.6804°.)
  591. .TP
  592. .L
  593. map mercator -o 49.25 -106 180
  594. An `equatorial' map of the earth
  595. centered on New York.
  596. The pole of the map is placed 90\(de away (40.75+49.25=90)
  597. on the
  598. other side of the earth.
  599. A 180° twist around the pole of the map arranges that the
  600. `Prime Meridian' of the map runs from the pole of the
  601. map over the North Pole to New York
  602. instead of down the back side of the earth.
  603. The same effect can be had from
  604. .L
  605. map mercator -o 130.75 74
  606. .TP
  607. .L
  608. map albers 28 45 -l 20 50 60 130 -m states
  609. A customary curved-latitude map of the United States.
  610. .TP
  611. .L
  612. map harrison 2 30 -l -90 90 120 240 -o 90 0 0
  613. A fan view covering 60° on either
  614. side of the Date Line, as seen from one earth radius
  615. above the North Pole gazing at the
  616. earth's limb, which is 30° off vertical.
  617. The
  618. .B -o
  619. option overrides the default
  620. .BR "-o 90 0 180" ,
  621. which would rotate
  622. the scene to behind the observer.
  623. .SH FILES
  624. .TF /lib/map/[1-4]??
  625. .TP
  626. .B /lib/map/[1-4]??
  627. World Data Bank II, for
  628. .B -f
  629. .TP
  630. .B /lib/map/*
  631. maps for
  632. .B -m
  633. .TP
  634. .B /lib/map/*.x
  635. map indexes
  636. .TP
  637. .B /bin/aux/mapd
  638. Map driver program
  639. .SH SOURCE
  640. .B /sys/src/cmd/map
  641. .SH "SEE ALSO"
  642. .IR map (6),
  643. .IR plot (1)
  645. `Map seems to be empty'\(ema coarse survey found
  646. zero extent within the
  647. .B -l
  648. and
  649. .BR -w
  650. bounds; for maps of limited extent
  651. the grid resolution,
  652. .IR res ,
  653. or the limits may have to be refined.
  654. .SH BUGS
  655. Windows (option
  656. .BR -w )
  657. cannot cross the Date Line.
  658. No borders appear along edges arising from
  659. visibility limits.
  660. Segments that cross a border are dropped, not clipped.
  661. Excessively large scale or
  662. .B -d
  663. setting may cause long line segments to be dropped.
  664. .I Map
  665. tries to draw grid lines dotted and
  666. .B -t
  667. tracks dot-dashed.
  668. As very few plotting filters properly support
  669. curved textured lines, these lines are likely to
  670. appear solid.
  671. The west-longitude-positive convention
  672. betrays Yankee chauvinism.
  673. .I Gilbert
  674. should be a map from sphere to sphere, independent of
  675. the mapping from sphere to plane.