aan 1.6 KB

  1. .TH AAN 1
  2. .SH NAME
  3. aan \- always available network
  5. .B aan
  6. [
  7. .B -d
  8. ]
  9. [
  10. .B -c
  11. ]
  12. [
  13. .B -m maxto
  14. ]
  15. .I dialstring
  16. |
  17. handle
  19. .I Aan
  20. tunnels traffic between a client and a server through a persistent
  21. network connection. If the connection breaks (voluntarily or
  22. due to networking problems), the aan client re-establishes the
  23. connection by redialing the server.
  24. .PP
  25. .I Aan
  26. uses a unique protocol to make sure no data is ever lost even
  27. when the connection breaks.
  28. After a reconnection,
  29. .I aan
  30. retransmits all unacknowledged data between client and server.
  31. .PP
  32. A connection can be broken voluntarily (e.g. by roaming over IP networks),
  33. or a connection can break when the IP service is unreliable.
  34. In either case
  35. .I aan
  36. re-establishes the client's connection automatically.
  37. .PP
  38. When the server part has not heard from the client in
  39. .I maxto
  40. seconds, the server part of
  41. .I aan
  42. exits. The default
  43. .I maxto
  44. is one day.
  45. The client side (option
  46. .BR -c )
  47. calls the server by its
  48. .IR dialstring ,
  49. while
  50. the server side listens on
  51. .IR handle .
  52. .PP
  53. .I Aan
  54. is usually run automatically through the
  55. .B -p
  56. option of
  57. .IR import (4).
  59. Assume the server part of aan is encapsulated in exportfs on the
  60. machine
  61. .B sob
  62. and started through
  63. .B aux/listen
  64. as follows:
  65. .IP
  66. .EX
  67. netdir=`{echo $3 | sed 's;/[0-9]+$;!*!0;'}
  68. exec exportfs -a -A $netdir
  69. .EE
  70. .PP
  71. Then machine
  72. .BR astro6 's
  73. name space can be imported through
  74. .I aan
  75. using this command:
  76. .IP
  77. .EX
  78. import -p /net/tcp!astro6 / /mnt/term
  79. .EE
  80. .SH FILES
  81. .TP
  82. .B /sys/log/aan
  83. Log file
  84. .SH SOURCE
  85. .B /sys/src/cmd/aan.c
  86. .SH SEE ALSO
  87. .IR import (4),
  88. .IR exportfs (4)