factor 1019 B

  1. .TH FACTOR 1
  2. .CT 1 numbers
  3. .SH NAME
  4. factor, primes \- factor a number, generate large primes
  6. .B factor
  7. [
  8. .I number
  9. ]
  10. .PP
  11. .B primes
  12. [
  13. .I start
  14. [
  15. .I finish
  16. ]
  17. ]
  19. .I Factor
  20. prints
  21. .I number
  22. and its prime factors,
  23. each repeated the proper number of times.
  24. The number must be positive and less than
  25. .if n 2**54
  26. .if t 2\u\s754\s0\d
  27. (about
  28. .if n 1.8e16)
  29. .if t 1.8\(mu10\u\s716\s0\d\|).
  30. .PP
  31. If no
  32. .I number
  33. is given,
  34. .I factor
  35. reads a stream of numbers from the standard input and factors them.
  36. It exits on any input not a positive integer.
  37. Maximum running time is proportional to
  38. .if n sqrt(n).
  39. .if t .I \(sr\o'n\(rn'\f1.
  40. .PP
  41. .PP
  42. .I Primes
  43. prints the prime numbers ranging from
  44. .I start
  45. to
  46. .IR finish ,
  47. where
  48. .I start
  49. and
  50. .I finish
  51. are positive numbers less than
  52. .if n 2**56.
  53. .if t 2\u\s756\s0\d.
  54. If
  55. .I finish
  56. is missing,
  57. .I primes
  58. prints without end;
  59. if
  60. .I start
  61. is missing, it reads the starting number from the
  62. standard input.
  63. .SH SOURCE
  64. .B /sys/src/cmd/factor.c
  65. .br
  66. .B /sys/src/cmd/primes.c