build.c 92 KB

  1. #include <u.h>
  2. #include <libc.h>
  3. #include <draw.h>
  4. #include <ctype.h>
  5. #include <html.h>
  6. #include "impl.h"
  7. // A stack for holding integer values
  8. enum {
  9. Nestmax = 40 // max nesting level of lists, font styles, etc.
  10. };
  11. struct Stack {
  12. int n; // next available slot (top of stack is stack[n-1])
  13. int slots[Nestmax]; // stack entries
  14. };
  15. // Parsing state
  16. struct Pstate
  17. {
  18. Pstate* next; // in stack of Pstates
  19. int skipping; // true when we shouldn't add items
  20. int skipwhite; // true when we should strip leading space
  21. int curfont; // font index for current font
  22. int curfg; // current foreground color
  23. Background curbg; // current background
  24. int curvoff; // current baseline offset
  25. uchar curul; // current underline/strike state
  26. uchar curjust; // current justify state
  27. int curanchor; // current (href) anchor id (if in one), or 0
  28. int curstate; // current value of item state
  29. int literal; // current literal state
  30. int inpar; // true when in a paragraph-like construct
  31. int adjsize; // current font size adjustment
  32. Item* items; // dummy head of item list we're building
  33. Item* lastit; // tail of item list we're building
  34. Item* prelastit; // item before lastit
  35. Stack fntstylestk; // style stack
  36. Stack fntsizestk; // size stack
  37. Stack fgstk; // text color stack
  38. Stack ulstk; // underline stack
  39. Stack voffstk; // vertical offset stack
  40. Stack listtypestk; // list type stack
  41. Stack listcntstk; // list counter stack
  42. Stack juststk; // justification stack
  43. Stack hangstk; // hanging stack
  44. };
  45. struct ItemSource
  46. {
  47. Docinfo* doc;
  48. Pstate* psstk;
  49. int nforms;
  50. int ntables;
  51. int nanchors;
  52. int nframes;
  53. Form* curform;
  54. Map* curmap;
  55. Table* tabstk;
  56. Kidinfo* kidstk;
  57. };
  58. // Some layout parameters
  59. enum {
  60. FRKIDMARGIN = 6, // default margin around kid frames
  61. IMGHSPACE = 0, // default hspace for images (0 matches IE, Netscape)
  62. IMGVSPACE = 0, // default vspace for images
  63. FLTIMGHSPACE = 2, // default hspace for float images
  64. TABSP = 5, // default cellspacing for tables
  65. TABPAD = 1, // default cell padding for tables
  66. LISTTAB = 1, // number of tabs to indent lists
  67. BQTAB = 1, // number of tabs to indent blockquotes
  68. HRSZ = 2, // thickness of horizontal rules
  69. SUBOFF = 4, // vertical offset for subscripts
  70. SUPOFF = 6, // vertical offset for superscripts
  71. NBSP = 160 // non-breaking space character
  72. };
  73. // These tables must be sorted
  74. static StringInt align_tab[] = {
  75. {L"baseline", ALbaseline},
  76. {L"bottom", ALbottom},
  77. {L"center", ALcenter},
  78. {L"char", ALchar},
  79. {L"justify", ALjustify},
  80. {L"left", ALleft},
  81. {L"middle", ALmiddle},
  82. {L"right", ALright},
  83. {L"top", ALtop}
  84. };
  85. #define NALIGNTAB (sizeof(align_tab)/sizeof(StringInt))
  86. static StringInt input_tab[] = {
  87. {L"button", Fbutton},
  88. {L"checkbox", Fcheckbox},
  89. {L"file", Ffile},
  90. {L"hidden", Fhidden},
  91. {L"image", Fimage},
  92. {L"password", Fpassword},
  93. {L"radio", Fradio},
  94. {L"reset", Freset},
  95. {L"submit", Fsubmit},
  96. {L"text", Ftext}
  97. };
  98. #define NINPUTTAB (sizeof(input_tab)/sizeof(StringInt))
  99. static StringInt clear_tab[] = {
  100. {L"all", IFcleft|IFcright},
  101. {L"left", IFcleft},
  102. {L"right", IFcright}
  103. };
  104. #define NCLEARTAB (sizeof(clear_tab)/sizeof(StringInt))
  105. static StringInt fscroll_tab[] = {
  106. {L"auto", FRhscrollauto|FRvscrollauto},
  107. {L"no", FRnoscroll},
  108. {L"yes", FRhscroll|FRvscroll},
  109. };
  110. #define NFSCROLLTAB (sizeof(fscroll_tab)/sizeof(StringInt))
  111. static StringInt shape_tab[] = {
  112. {L"circ", SHcircle},
  113. {L"circle", SHcircle},
  114. {L"poly", SHpoly},
  115. {L"polygon", SHpoly},
  116. {L"rect", SHrect},
  117. {L"rectangle", SHrect}
  118. };
  119. #define NSHAPETAB (sizeof(shape_tab)/sizeof(StringInt))
  120. static StringInt method_tab[] = {
  121. {L"get", HGet},
  122. {L"post", HPost}
  123. };
  124. #define NMETHODTAB (sizeof(method_tab)/sizeof(StringInt))
  125. static Rune* roman[15]= {
  126. L"I", L"II", L"III", L"IV", L"V", L"VI", L"VII", L"VIII", L"IX", L"X",
  127. L"XI", L"XII", L"XIII", L"XIV", L"XV"
  128. };
  129. #define NROMAN 15
  130. // List number types
  131. enum {
  132. LTdisc, LTsquare, LTcircle, LT1, LTa, LTA, LTi, LTI
  133. };
  134. enum {
  135. SPBefore = 2,
  136. SPAfter = 4,
  137. BL = 1,
  138. BLBA = (BL|SPBefore|SPAfter)
  139. };
  140. // blockbrk[tag] is break info for a block level element, or one
  141. // of a few others that get the same treatment re ending open paragraphs
  142. // and requiring a line break / vertical space before them.
  143. // If we want a line of space before the given element, SPBefore is OR'd in.
  144. // If we want a line of space after the given element, SPAfter is OR'd in.
  145. static uchar blockbrk[Numtags]= {
  146. [Taddress] BLBA, [Tblockquote] BLBA, [Tcenter] BL,
  147. [Tdir] BLBA, [Tdiv] BL, [Tdd] BL, [Tdl] BLBA,
  148. [Tdt] BL, [Tform] BLBA,
  149. // headings and tables get breaks added manually
  150. [Th1] BL, [Th2] BL, [Th3] BL,
  151. [Th4] BL, [Th5] BL, [Th6] BL,
  152. [Thr] BL, [Tisindex] BLBA, [Tli] BL, [Tmenu] BLBA,
  153. [Tol] BLBA, [Tp] BLBA, [Tpre] BLBA,
  154. [Tul] BLBA
  155. };
  156. enum {
  157. AGEN = 1
  158. };
  159. // attrinfo is information about attributes.
  160. // The AGEN value means that the attribute is generic (applies to almost all elements)
  161. static uchar attrinfo[Numattrs]= {
  162. [Aid] AGEN, [Aclass] AGEN, [Astyle] AGEN, [Atitle] AGEN,
  163. [Aonblur] AGEN, [Aonchange] AGEN, [Aonclick] AGEN,
  164. [Aondblclick] AGEN, [Aonfocus] AGEN, [Aonkeypress] AGEN,
  165. [Aonkeyup] AGEN, [Aonload] AGEN, [Aonmousedown] AGEN,
  166. [Aonmousemove] AGEN, [Aonmouseout] AGEN, [Aonmouseover] AGEN,
  167. [Aonmouseup] AGEN, [Aonreset] AGEN, [Aonselect] AGEN,
  168. [Aonsubmit] AGEN, [Aonunload] AGEN
  169. };
  170. static uchar scriptev[Numattrs]= {
  171. [Aonblur] SEonblur, [Aonchange] SEonchange, [Aonclick] SEonclick,
  172. [Aondblclick] SEondblclick, [Aonfocus] SEonfocus, [Aonkeypress] SEonkeypress,
  173. [Aonkeyup] SEonkeyup, [Aonload] SEonload, [Aonmousedown] SEonmousedown,
  174. [Aonmousemove] SEonmousemove, [Aonmouseout] SEonmouseout, [Aonmouseover] SEonmouseover,
  175. [Aonmouseup] SEonmouseup, [Aonreset] SEonreset, [Aonselect] SEonselect,
  176. [Aonsubmit] SEonsubmit, [Aonunload] SEonunload
  177. };
  178. // Color lookup table
  179. static StringInt color_tab[] = {
  180. {L"aqua", 0x00FFFF},
  181. {L"black", 0x000000},
  182. {L"blue", 0x0000CC},
  183. {L"fuchsia", 0xFF00FF},
  184. {L"gray", 0x808080},
  185. {L"green", 0x008000},
  186. {L"lime", 0x00FF00},
  187. {L"maroon", 0x800000},
  188. {L"navy", 0x000080,},
  189. {L"olive", 0x808000},
  190. {L"purple", 0x800080},
  191. {L"red", 0xFF0000},
  192. {L"silver", 0xC0C0C0},
  193. {L"teal", 0x008080},
  194. {L"white", 0xFFFFFF},
  195. {L"yellow", 0xFFFF00}
  196. };
  197. #define NCOLORS (sizeof(color_tab)/sizeof(StringInt))
  198. static StringInt *targetmap;
  199. static int targetmapsize;
  200. static int ntargets;
  201. static int buildinited = 0;
  202. #define SMALLBUFSIZE 240
  203. #define BIGBUFSIZE 2000
  204. int dbgbuild = 0;
  205. int warn = 0;
  206. static Align aalign(Token* tok);
  207. static int acolorval(Token* tok, int attid, int dflt);
  208. static void addbrk(Pstate* ps, int sp, int clr);
  209. static void additem(Pstate* ps, Item* it, Token* tok);
  210. static void addlinebrk(Pstate* ps, int clr);
  211. static void addnbsp(Pstate* ps);
  212. static void addtext(Pstate* ps, Rune* s);
  213. static Dimen adimen(Token* tok, int attid);
  214. static int aflagval(Token* tok, int attid);
  215. static int aintval(Token* tok, int attid, int dflt);
  216. static Rune* astrval(Token* tok, int attid, Rune* dflt);
  217. static int atabval(Token* tok, int attid, StringInt* tab, int ntab, int dflt);
  218. static int atargval(Token* tok, int dflt);
  219. static int auintval(Token* tok, int attid, int dflt);
  220. static Rune* aurlval(Token* tok, int attid, Rune* dflt, Rune* base);
  221. static Rune* aval(Token* tok, int attid);
  222. static void buildinit(void);
  223. static Pstate* cell_pstate(Pstate* oldps, int ishead);
  224. static void changehang(Pstate* ps, int delta);
  225. static void changeindent(Pstate* ps, int delta);
  226. static int color(Rune* s, int dflt);
  227. static void copystack(Stack* tostk, Stack* fromstk);
  228. static int dimprint(char* buf, int nbuf, Dimen d);
  229. static Pstate* finishcell(Table* curtab, Pstate* psstk);
  230. static void finish_table(Table* t);
  231. static void freeanchor(Anchor* a);
  232. static void freedestanchor(DestAnchor* da);
  233. static void freeform(Form* f);
  234. static void freeformfield(Formfield* ff);
  235. static void freeitem(Item* it);
  236. static void freepstate(Pstate* p);
  237. static void freepstatestack(Pstate* pshead);
  238. static void freescriptevents(SEvent* ehead);
  239. static void freetable(Table* t);
  240. static Map* getmap(Docinfo* di, Rune* name);
  241. static Rune* getpcdata(Token* toks, int tokslen, int* ptoki);
  242. static Pstate* lastps(Pstate* psl);
  243. static Rune* listmark(uchar ty, int n);
  244. static int listtyval(Token* tok, int dflt);
  245. static Align makealign(int halign, int valign);
  246. static Background makebackground(Rune* imgurl, int color);
  247. static Dimen makedimen(int kind, int spec);
  248. static Anchor* newanchor(int index, Rune* name, Rune* href, int target, Anchor* link);
  249. static Area* newarea(int shape, Rune* href, int target, Area* link);
  250. static DestAnchor* newdestanchor(int index, Rune* name, Item* item, DestAnchor* link);
  251. static Docinfo* newdocinfo(void);
  252. static Genattr* newgenattr(Rune* id, Rune* class, Rune* style, Rune* title, Attr* events);
  253. static Form* newform(int formid, Rune* name, Rune* action,
  254. int target, int method, Form* link);
  255. static Formfield* newformfield(int ftype, int fieldid, Form* form, Rune* name,
  256. Rune* value, int size, int maxlength, Formfield* link);
  257. static Item* newifloat(Item* it, int side);
  258. static Item* newiformfield(Formfield* ff);
  259. static Item* newiimage(Rune* src, Rune* altrep, int align, int width, int height,
  260. int hspace, int vspace, int border, int ismap, Map* map);
  261. static Item* newirule(int align, int size, int noshade, Dimen wspec);
  262. static Item* newispacer(int spkind);
  263. static Item* newitable(Table* t);
  264. static ItemSource* newitemsource(Docinfo* di);
  265. static Item* newitext(Rune* s, int fnt, int fg, int voff, int ul);
  266. static Kidinfo* newkidinfo(int isframeset, Kidinfo* link);
  267. static Option* newoption(int selected, Rune* value, Rune* display, Option* link);
  268. static Pstate* newpstate(Pstate* link);
  269. static SEvent* newscriptevent(int type, Rune* script, SEvent* link);
  270. static Table* newtable(int tableid, Align align, Dimen width, int border,
  271. int cellspacing, int cellpadding, Background bg, Token* tok, Table* link);
  272. static Tablecell* newtablecell(int cellid, int rowspan, int colspan, Align align, Dimen wspec,
  273. int hspec, Background bg, int flags, Tablecell* link);
  274. static Tablerow* newtablerow(Align align, Background bg, int flags, Tablerow* link);
  275. static Dimen parsedim(Rune* s, int ns);
  276. static void pop(Stack* stk);
  277. static void popfontsize(Pstate* ps);
  278. static void popfontstyle(Pstate* ps);
  279. static void popjust(Pstate* ps);
  280. static int popretnewtop(Stack* stk, int dflt);
  281. static int push(Stack* stk, int val);
  282. static void pushfontsize(Pstate* ps, int sz);
  283. static void pushfontstyle(Pstate* ps, int sty);
  284. static void pushjust(Pstate* ps, int j);
  285. static Item* textit(Pstate* ps, Rune* s);
  286. static Rune* removeallwhite(Rune* s);
  287. static void resetdocinfo(Docinfo* d);
  288. static void setcurfont(Pstate* ps);
  289. static void setcurjust(Pstate* ps);
  290. static void setdimarray(Token* tok, int attid, Dimen** pans, int* panslen);
  291. static Rune* stringalign(int a);
  292. static void targetmapinit(void);
  293. static int toint(Rune* s);
  294. static int top(Stack* stk, int dflt);
  295. static void trim_cell(Tablecell* c);
  296. static int validalign(Align a);
  297. static int validdimen(Dimen d);
  298. static int validformfield(Formfield* f);
  299. static int validhalign(int a);
  300. static int validptr(void* p);
  301. static int validStr(Rune* s);
  302. static int validtable(Table* t);
  303. static int validtablerow(Tablerow* r);
  304. static int validtablecol(Tablecol* c);
  305. static int validtablecell(Tablecell* c);
  306. static int validvalign(int a);
  307. static int Iconv(Fmt *f);
  308. static void
  309. buildinit(void)
  310. {
  311. fmtinstall('I', Iconv);
  312. targetmapinit();
  313. buildinited = 1;
  314. }
  315. static ItemSource*
  316. newitemsource(Docinfo* di)
  317. {
  318. ItemSource* is;
  319. Pstate* ps;
  320. ps = newpstate(nil);
  321. if(di->mediatype != TextHtml) {
  322. ps->curstate &= ~IFwrap;
  323. ps->literal = 1;
  324. pushfontstyle(ps, FntT);
  325. }
  326. is = (ItemSource*)emalloc(sizeof(ItemSource));
  327. is->doc = di;
  328. is->psstk = ps;
  329. is->nforms = 0;
  330. is->ntables = 0;
  331. is->nanchors = 0;
  332. is->nframes = 0;
  333. is->curform = nil;
  334. is->curmap = nil;
  335. is->tabstk = nil;
  336. is->kidstk = nil;
  337. return is;
  338. }
  339. static Item *getitems(ItemSource* is, uchar* data, int datalen);
  340. // Parse an html document and create a list of layout items.
  341. // Allocate and return document info in *pdi.
  342. // When caller is done with the items, it should call
  343. // freeitems on the returned result, and then
  344. // freedocinfo(*pdi).
  345. Item*
  346. parsehtml(uchar* data, int datalen, Rune* pagesrc, int mtype, int chset, Docinfo** pdi)
  347. {
  348. Item *it;
  349. Docinfo* di;
  350. ItemSource* is;
  351. di = newdocinfo();
  352. di->src = _Strdup(pagesrc);
  353. di->base = _Strdup(pagesrc);
  354. di->mediatype = mtype;
  355. di->chset = chset;
  356. *pdi = di;
  357. is = newitemsource(di);
  358. it = getitems(is, data, datalen);
  359. freepstatestack(is->psstk);
  360. free(is);
  361. return it;
  362. }
  363. // Get a group of tokens for lexer, parse them, and create
  364. // a list of layout items.
  365. // When caller is done with the items, it should call
  366. // freeitems on the returned result.
  367. static Item*
  368. getitems(ItemSource* is, uchar* data, int datalen)
  369. {
  370. int i;
  371. int j;
  372. int nt;
  373. int pt;
  374. int doscripts;
  375. int tokslen;
  376. int toki;
  377. int h;
  378. int sz;
  379. int method;
  380. int n;
  381. int nblank;
  382. int norsz;
  383. int bramt;
  384. int sty;
  385. int nosh;
  386. int oldcuranchor;
  387. int dfltbd;
  388. int v;
  389. int hang;
  390. int isempty;
  391. int tag;
  392. int brksp;
  393. int target;
  394. uchar brk;
  395. uchar flags;
  396. uchar align;
  397. uchar al;
  398. uchar ty;
  399. uchar ty2;
  400. Pstate* ps;
  401. Pstate* nextps;
  402. Pstate* outerps;
  403. Table* curtab;
  404. Token* tok;
  405. Token* toks;
  406. Docinfo* di;
  407. Item* ans;
  408. Item* img;
  409. Item* ffit;
  410. Item* tabitem;
  411. Rune* s;
  412. Rune* t;
  413. Rune* name;
  414. Rune* enctype;
  415. Rune* usemap;
  416. Rune* prompt;
  417. Rune* equiv;
  418. Rune* val;
  419. Rune* nsz;
  420. Rune* script;
  421. Map* map;
  422. Form* frm;
  423. Iimage* ii;
  424. Kidinfo* kd;
  425. Kidinfo* ks;
  426. Kidinfo* pks;
  427. Dimen wd;
  428. Option* option;
  429. Table* tab;
  430. Tablecell* c;
  431. Tablerow* tr;
  432. Formfield* field;
  433. Formfield* ff;
  434. Rune* href;
  435. Rune* src;
  436. Rune* scriptsrc;
  437. Rune* bgurl;
  438. Rune* action;
  439. Background bg;
  440. if(!buildinited)
  441. buildinit();
  442. doscripts = 0; // for now
  443. ps = is->psstk;
  444. curtab = is->tabstk;
  445. di = is->doc;
  446. toks = _gettoks(data, datalen, di->chset, di->mediatype, &tokslen);
  447. toki = 0;
  448. for(; toki < tokslen; toki++) {
  449. tok = &toks[toki];
  450. if(dbgbuild > 1)
  451. fprint(2, "build: curstate %ux, token %T\n", ps->curstate, tok);
  452. tag = tok->tag;
  453. brk = 0;
  454. brksp = 0;
  455. if(tag < Numtags) {
  456. brk = blockbrk[tag];
  457. if(brk&SPBefore)
  458. brksp = 1;
  459. }
  460. else if(tag < Numtags + RBRA) {
  461. brk = blockbrk[tag - RBRA];
  462. if(brk&SPAfter)
  463. brksp = 1;
  464. }
  465. if(brk) {
  466. addbrk(ps, brksp, 0);
  467. if(ps->inpar) {
  468. popjust(ps);
  469. ps->inpar = 0;
  470. }
  471. }
  472. // check common case first (Data), then switch statement on tag
  473. if(tag == Data) {
  474. // Lexing didn't pay attention to SGML record boundary rules:
  475. // \n after start tag or before end tag to be discarded.
  476. // (Lex has already discarded all \r's).
  477. // Some pages assume this doesn't happen in <PRE> text,
  478. // so we won't do it if literal is true.
  479. // BUG: won't discard \n before a start tag that begins
  480. // the next bufferful of tokens.
  481. s = tok->text;
  482. n = _Strlen(s);
  483. if(!ps->literal) {
  484. i = 0;
  485. j = n;
  486. if(toki > 0) {
  487. pt = toks[toki - 1].tag;
  488. // IE and Netscape both ignore this rule (contrary to spec)
  489. // if previous tag was img
  490. if(pt < Numtags && pt != Timg && j > 0 && s[0] == '\n')
  491. i++;
  492. }
  493. if(toki < tokslen - 1) {
  494. nt = toks[toki + 1].tag;
  495. if(nt >= RBRA && nt < Numtags + RBRA && j > i && s[j - 1] == '\n')
  496. j--;
  497. }
  498. if(i > 0 || j < n) {
  499. t = s;
  500. s = _Strsubstr(s, i, j);
  501. free(t);
  502. n = j-i;
  503. }
  504. }
  505. if(ps->skipwhite) {
  506. _trimwhite(s, n, &t, &nt);
  507. if(t == nil) {
  508. free(s);
  509. s = nil;
  510. }
  511. else if(t != s) {
  512. t = _Strndup(t, nt);
  513. free(s);
  514. s = t;
  515. }
  516. if(s != nil)
  517. ps->skipwhite = 0;
  518. }
  519. tok->text = nil; // token doesn't own string anymore
  520. if(s != nil)
  521. addtext(ps, s);
  522. }
  523. else
  524. switch(tag) {
  525. // Some abbrevs used in following DTD comments
  526. // %text = #PCDATA
  527. // | TT | I | B | U | STRIKE | BIG | SMALL | SUB | SUP
  528. // | EM | STRONG | DFN | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE
  529. // | A | IMG | APPLET | FONT | BASEFONT | BR | SCRIPT | MAP
  531. // %block = P | UL | OL | DIR | MENU | DL | PRE | DL | DIV | CENTER
  533. // %flow = (%text | %block)*
  534. // %body.content = (%heading | %text | %block | ADDRESS)*
  535. // <!ELEMENT A - - (%text) -(A)>
  536. // Anchors are not supposed to be nested, but you sometimes see
  537. // href anchors inside destination anchors.
  538. case Ta:
  539. if(ps->curanchor != 0) {
  540. if(warn)
  541. fprint(2, "warning: nested <A> or missing </A>\n");
  542. ps->curanchor = 0;
  543. }
  544. name = aval(tok, Aname);
  545. href = aurlval(tok, Ahref, nil, di->base);
  546. // ignore rel, rev, and title attrs
  547. if(href != nil) {
  548. target = atargval(tok, di->target);
  549. di->anchors = newanchor(++is->nanchors, name, href, target, di->anchors);
  550. if(name != nil)
  551. name = _Strdup(name); // for DestAnchor construction, below
  552. ps->curanchor = is->nanchors;
  553. ps->curfg = push(&ps->fgstk, di->link);
  554. ps->curul = push(&ps->ulstk, ULunder);
  555. }
  556. if(name != nil) {
  557. // add a null item to be destination
  558. additem(ps, newispacer(ISPnull), tok);
  559. di->dests = newdestanchor(++is->nanchors, name, ps->lastit, di->dests);
  560. }
  561. break;
  562. case Ta+RBRA :
  563. if(ps->curanchor != 0) {
  564. ps->curfg = popretnewtop(&ps->fgstk, di->text);
  565. ps->curul = popretnewtop(&ps->ulstk, ULnone);
  566. ps->curanchor = 0;
  567. }
  568. break;
  569. // <!ELEMENT APPLET - - (PARAM | %text)* >
  570. // We can't do applets, so ignore PARAMS, and let
  571. // the %text contents appear for the alternative rep
  572. case Tapplet:
  573. case Tapplet+RBRA:
  574. if(warn && tag == Tapplet)
  575. fprint(2, "warning: <APPLET> ignored\n");
  576. break;
  577. // <!ELEMENT AREA - O EMPTY>
  578. case Tarea:
  579. map = di->maps;
  580. if(map == nil) {
  581. if(warn)
  582. fprint(2, "warning: <AREA> not inside <MAP>\n");
  583. continue;
  584. }
  585. map->areas = newarea(atabval(tok, Ashape, shape_tab, NSHAPETAB, SHrect),
  586. aurlval(tok, Ahref, nil, di->base),
  587. atargval(tok, di->target),
  588. map->areas);
  589. setdimarray(tok, Acoords, &map->areas->coords, &map->areas->ncoords);
  590. break;
  591. // <!ELEMENT (B|STRONG) - - (%text)*>
  592. case Tb:
  593. case Tstrong:
  594. pushfontstyle(ps, FntB);
  595. break;
  596. case Tb+RBRA:
  597. case Tcite+RBRA:
  598. case Tcode+RBRA:
  599. case Tdfn+RBRA:
  600. case Tem+RBRA:
  601. case Tkbd+RBRA:
  602. case Ti+RBRA:
  603. case Tsamp+RBRA:
  604. case Tstrong+RBRA:
  605. case Ttt+RBRA:
  606. case Tvar+RBRA :
  607. case Taddress+RBRA:
  608. popfontstyle(ps);
  609. break;
  610. // <!ELEMENT BASE - O EMPTY>
  611. case Tbase:
  612. t = di->base;
  613. di->base = aurlval(tok, Ahref, di->base, di->base);
  614. if(t != nil)
  615. free(t);
  616. di->target = atargval(tok, di->target);
  617. break;
  619. case Tbasefont:
  620. ps->adjsize = aintval(tok, Asize, 3) - 3;
  621. break;
  622. // <!ELEMENT (BIG|SMALL) - - (%text)*>
  623. case Tbig:
  624. case Tsmall:
  625. sz = ps->adjsize;
  626. if(tag == Tbig)
  627. sz += Large;
  628. else
  629. sz += Small;
  630. pushfontsize(ps, sz);
  631. break;
  632. case Tbig+RBRA:
  633. case Tsmall+RBRA:
  634. popfontsize(ps);
  635. break;
  636. // <!ELEMENT BLOCKQUOTE - - %body.content>
  637. case Tblockquote:
  638. changeindent(ps, BQTAB);
  639. break;
  640. case Tblockquote+RBRA:
  641. changeindent(ps, -BQTAB);
  642. break;
  643. // <!ELEMENT BODY O O %body.content>
  644. case Tbody:
  645. ps->skipping = 0;
  646. bg = makebackground(nil, acolorval(tok, Abgcolor, di->background.color));
  647. bgurl = aurlval(tok, Abackground, nil, di->base);
  648. if(bgurl != nil) {
  649. if(di->backgrounditem != nil)
  650. freeitem((Item*)di->backgrounditem);
  651. // really should remove old item from di->images list,
  652. // but there should only be one BODY element ...
  653. di->backgrounditem = (Iimage*)newiimage(bgurl, nil, ALnone, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil);
  654. di->backgrounditem->nextimage = di->images;
  655. di->images = di->backgrounditem;
  656. }
  657. ps->curbg = bg;
  658. di->background = bg;
  659. di->text = acolorval(tok, Atext, di->text);
  660. di->link = acolorval(tok, Alink, di->link);
  661. di->vlink = acolorval(tok, Avlink, di->vlink);
  662. di->alink = acolorval(tok, Aalink, di->alink);
  663. if(di->text != ps->curfg) {
  664. ps->curfg = di->text;
  665. ps->fgstk.n = 0;
  666. }
  667. break;
  668. case Tbody+RBRA:
  669. // HTML spec says ignore things after </body>,
  670. // but IE and Netscape don't
  671. // ps.skipping = 1;
  672. break;
  673. // <!ELEMENT BR - O EMPTY>
  674. case Tbr:
  675. addlinebrk(ps, atabval(tok, Aclear, clear_tab, NCLEARTAB, 0));
  676. break;
  677. // <!ELEMENT CAPTION - - (%text;)*>
  678. case Tcaption:
  679. if(curtab == nil) {
  680. if(warn)
  681. fprint(2, "warning: <CAPTION> outside <TABLE>\n");
  682. continue;
  683. }
  684. if(curtab->caption != nil) {
  685. if(warn)
  686. fprint(2, "warning: more than one <CAPTION> in <TABLE>\n");
  687. continue;
  688. }
  689. ps = newpstate(ps);
  690. curtab->caption_place = atabval(tok, Aalign, align_tab, NALIGNTAB, ALtop);
  691. break;
  692. case Tcaption+RBRA:
  693. nextps = ps->next;
  694. if(curtab == nil || nextps == nil) {
  695. if(warn)
  696. fprint(2, "warning: unexpected </CAPTION>\n");
  697. continue;
  698. }
  699. curtab->caption = ps->items->next;
  700. free(ps);
  701. ps = nextps;
  702. break;
  703. case Tcenter:
  704. case Tdiv:
  705. if(tag == Tcenter)
  706. al = ALcenter;
  707. else
  708. al = atabval(tok, Aalign, align_tab, NALIGNTAB, ps->curjust);
  709. pushjust(ps, al);
  710. break;
  711. case Tcenter+RBRA:
  712. case Tdiv+RBRA:
  713. popjust(ps);
  714. break;
  715. // <!ELEMENT DD - O %flow >
  716. case Tdd:
  717. if(ps->hangstk.n == 0) {
  718. if(warn)
  719. fprint(2, "warning: <DD> not inside <DL\n");
  720. continue;
  721. }
  722. h = top(&ps->hangstk, 0);
  723. if(h != 0)
  724. changehang(ps, -10*LISTTAB);
  725. else
  726. addbrk(ps, 0, 0);
  727. push(&ps->hangstk, 0);
  728. break;
  729. //<!ELEMENT (DIR|MENU) - - (LI)+ -(%block) >
  730. //<!ELEMENT (OL|UL) - - (LI)+>
  731. case Tdir:
  732. case Tmenu:
  733. case Tol:
  734. case Tul:
  735. changeindent(ps, LISTTAB);
  736. push(&ps->listtypestk, listtyval(tok, (tag==Tol)? LT1 : LTdisc));
  737. push(&ps->listcntstk, aintval(tok, Astart, 1));
  738. break;
  739. case Tdir+RBRA:
  740. case Tmenu+RBRA:
  741. case Tol+RBRA:
  742. case Tul+RBRA:
  743. if(ps->listtypestk.n == 0) {
  744. if(warn)
  745. fprint(2, "warning: %T ended no list\n", tok);
  746. continue;
  747. }
  748. addbrk(ps, 0, 0);
  749. pop(&ps->listtypestk);
  750. pop(&ps->listcntstk);
  751. changeindent(ps, -LISTTAB);
  752. break;
  753. // <!ELEMENT DL - - (DT|DD)+ >
  754. case Tdl:
  755. changeindent(ps, LISTTAB);
  756. push(&ps->hangstk, 0);
  757. break;
  758. case Tdl+RBRA:
  759. if(ps->hangstk.n == 0) {
  760. if(warn)
  761. fprint(2, "warning: unexpected </DL>\n");
  762. continue;
  763. }
  764. changeindent(ps, -LISTTAB);
  765. if(top(&ps->hangstk, 0) != 0)
  766. changehang(ps, -10*LISTTAB);
  767. pop(&ps->hangstk);
  768. break;
  769. // <!ELEMENT DT - O (%text)* >
  770. case Tdt:
  771. if(ps->hangstk.n == 0) {
  772. if(warn)
  773. fprint(2, "warning: <DT> not inside <DL>\n");
  774. continue;
  775. }
  776. h = top(&ps->hangstk, 0);
  777. pop(&ps->hangstk);
  778. if(h != 0)
  779. changehang(ps, -10*LISTTAB);
  780. changehang(ps, 10*LISTTAB);
  781. push(&ps->hangstk, 1);
  782. break;
  783. // <!ELEMENT FONT - - (%text)*>
  784. case Tfont:
  785. sz = top(&ps->fntsizestk, Normal);
  786. if(_tokaval(tok, Asize, &nsz, 0)) {
  787. if(_prefix(L"+", nsz))
  788. sz = Normal + _Strtol(nsz+1, nil, 10) + ps->adjsize;
  789. else if(_prefix(L"-", nsz))
  790. sz = Normal - _Strtol(nsz+1, nil, 10) + ps->adjsize;
  791. else if(nsz != nil)
  792. sz = Normal + (_Strtol(nsz, nil, 10) - 3);
  793. }
  794. ps->curfg = push(&ps->fgstk, acolorval(tok, Acolor, ps->curfg));
  795. pushfontsize(ps, sz);
  796. break;
  797. case Tfont+RBRA:
  798. if(ps->fgstk.n == 0) {
  799. if(warn)
  800. fprint(2, "warning: unexpected </FONT>\n");
  801. continue;
  802. }
  803. ps->curfg = popretnewtop(&ps->fgstk, di->text);
  804. popfontsize(ps);
  805. break;
  806. // <!ELEMENT FORM - - %body.content -(FORM) >
  807. case Tform:
  808. if(is->curform != nil) {
  809. if(warn)
  810. fprint(2, "warning: <FORM> nested inside another\n");
  811. continue;
  812. }
  813. action = aurlval(tok, Aaction, di->base, di->base);
  814. s = aval(tok, Aid);
  815. name = astrval(tok, Aname, s);
  816. if(s)
  817. free(s);
  818. target = atargval(tok, di->target);
  819. method = atabval(tok, Amethod, method_tab, NMETHODTAB, HGet);
  820. if(warn && _tokaval(tok, Aenctype, &enctype, 0) &&
  821. _Strcmp(enctype, L"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
  822. fprint(2, "form enctype %S not handled\n", enctype);
  823. frm = newform(++is->nforms, name, action, target, method, di->forms);
  824. di->forms = frm;
  825. is->curform = frm;
  826. break;
  827. case Tform+RBRA:
  828. if(is->curform == nil) {
  829. if(warn)
  830. fprint(2, "warning: unexpected </FORM>\n");
  831. continue;
  832. }
  833. // put fields back in input order
  834. is->curform->fields = (Formfield*)_revlist((List*)is->curform->fields);
  835. is->curform = nil;
  836. break;
  837. // <!ELEMENT FRAME - O EMPTY>
  838. case Tframe:
  839. ks = is->kidstk;
  840. if(ks == nil) {
  841. if(warn)
  842. fprint(2, "warning: <FRAME> not in <FRAMESET>\n");
  843. continue;
  844. }
  845. ks->kidinfos = kd = newkidinfo(0, ks->kidinfos);
  846. kd->src = aurlval(tok, Asrc, nil, di->base);
  847. kd->name = aval(tok, Aname);
  848. if(kd->name == nil)
  849. kd->name = runesmprint("_fr%d", ++is->nframes);
  850. kd->marginw = auintval(tok, Amarginwidth, 0);
  851. kd->marginh = auintval(tok, Amarginheight, 0);
  852. kd->framebd = auintval(tok, Aframeborder, 1);
  853. kd->flags = atabval(tok, Ascrolling, fscroll_tab, NFSCROLLTAB, kd->flags);
  854. norsz = aflagval(tok, Anoresize);
  855. if(norsz)
  856. kd->flags |= FRnoresize;
  857. break;
  859. case Tframeset:
  860. ks = newkidinfo(1, nil);
  861. pks = is->kidstk;
  862. if(pks == nil)
  863. di->kidinfo = ks;
  864. else {
  865. ks->next = pks->kidinfos;
  866. pks->kidinfos = ks;
  867. }
  868. ks->nextframeset = pks;
  869. is->kidstk = ks;
  870. setdimarray(tok, Arows, &ks->rows, &ks->nrows);
  871. if(ks->nrows == 0) {
  872. ks->rows = (Dimen*)emalloc(sizeof(Dimen));
  873. ks->nrows = 1;
  874. ks->rows[0] = makedimen(Dpercent, 100);
  875. }
  876. setdimarray(tok, Acols, &ks->cols, &ks->ncols);
  877. if(ks->ncols == 0) {
  878. ks->cols = (Dimen*)emalloc(sizeof(Dimen));
  879. ks->ncols = 1;
  880. ks->cols[0] = makedimen(Dpercent, 100);
  881. }
  882. break;
  883. case Tframeset+RBRA:
  884. if(is->kidstk == nil) {
  885. if(warn)
  886. fprint(2, "warning: unexpected </FRAMESET>\n");
  887. continue;
  888. }
  889. ks = is->kidstk;
  890. // put kids back in original order
  891. // and add blank frames to fill out cells
  892. n = ks->nrows*ks->ncols;
  893. nblank = n - _listlen((List*)ks->kidinfos);
  894. while(nblank-- > 0)
  895. ks->kidinfos = newkidinfo(0, ks->kidinfos);
  896. ks->kidinfos = (Kidinfo*)_revlist((List*)ks->kidinfos);
  897. is->kidstk = is->kidstk->nextframeset;
  898. if(is->kidstk == nil) {
  899. // end input
  900. ans = nil;
  901. goto return_ans;
  902. }
  903. break;
  904. // <!ELEMENT H1 - - (%text;)*>, etc.
  905. case Th1:
  906. case Th2:
  907. case Th3:
  908. case Th4:
  909. case Th5:
  910. case Th6:
  911. bramt = 1;
  912. if(ps->items == ps->lastit)
  913. bramt = 0;
  914. addbrk(ps, bramt, IFcleft|IFcright);
  915. sz = Verylarge - (tag - Th1);
  916. if(sz < Tiny)
  917. sz = Tiny;
  918. pushfontsize(ps, sz);
  919. sty = top(&ps->fntstylestk, FntR);
  920. if(tag == Th1)
  921. sty = FntB;
  922. pushfontstyle(ps, sty);
  923. pushjust(ps, atabval(tok, Aalign, align_tab, NALIGNTAB, ps->curjust));
  924. ps->skipwhite = 1;
  925. break;
  926. case Th1+RBRA:
  927. case Th2+RBRA:
  928. case Th3+RBRA:
  929. case Th4+RBRA:
  930. case Th5+RBRA:
  931. case Th6+RBRA:
  932. addbrk(ps, 1, IFcleft|IFcright);
  933. popfontsize(ps);
  934. popfontstyle(ps);
  935. popjust(ps);
  936. break;
  937. case Thead:
  938. // HTML spec says ignore regular markup in head,
  939. // but Netscape and IE don't
  940. // ps.skipping = 1;
  941. break;
  942. case Thead+RBRA:
  943. ps->skipping = 0;
  944. break;
  945. // <!ELEMENT HR - O EMPTY>
  946. case Thr:
  947. al = atabval(tok, Aalign, align_tab, NALIGNTAB, ALcenter);
  948. sz = auintval(tok, Asize, HRSZ);
  949. wd = adimen(tok, Awidth);
  950. if(dimenkind(wd) == Dnone)
  951. wd = makedimen(Dpercent, 100);
  952. nosh = aflagval(tok, Anoshade);
  953. additem(ps, newirule(al, sz, nosh, wd), tok);
  954. addbrk(ps, 0, 0);
  955. break;
  956. case Ti:
  957. case Tcite:
  958. case Tdfn:
  959. case Tem:
  960. case Tvar:
  961. case Taddress:
  962. pushfontstyle(ps, FntI);
  963. break;
  964. // <!ELEMENT IMG - O EMPTY>
  965. case Timg:
  966. map = nil;
  967. oldcuranchor = ps->curanchor;
  968. if(_tokaval(tok, Ausemap, &usemap, 0)) {
  969. if(!_prefix(L"#", usemap)) {
  970. if(warn)
  971. fprint(2, "warning: can't handle non-local map %S\n", usemap);
  972. }
  973. else {
  974. map = getmap(di, usemap+1);
  975. if(ps->curanchor == 0) {
  976. di->anchors = newanchor(++is->nanchors, nil, nil, di->target, di->anchors);
  977. ps->curanchor = is->nanchors;
  978. }
  979. }
  980. }
  981. align = atabval(tok, Aalign, align_tab, NALIGNTAB, ALbottom);
  982. dfltbd = 0;
  983. if(ps->curanchor != 0)
  984. dfltbd = 2;
  985. src = aurlval(tok, Asrc, nil, di->base);
  986. if(src == nil) {
  987. if(warn)
  988. fprint(2, "warning: <img> has no src attribute\n");
  989. ps->curanchor = oldcuranchor;
  990. continue;
  991. }
  992. img = newiimage(src,
  993. aval(tok, Aalt),
  994. align,
  995. auintval(tok, Awidth, 0),
  996. auintval(tok, Aheight, 0),
  997. auintval(tok, Ahspace, IMGHSPACE),
  998. auintval(tok, Avspace, IMGVSPACE),
  999. auintval(tok, Aborder, dfltbd),
  1000. aflagval(tok, Aismap),
  1001. map);
  1002. if(align == ALleft || align == ALright) {
  1003. additem(ps, newifloat(img, align), tok);
  1004. // if no hspace specified, use FLTIMGHSPACE
  1005. if(!_tokaval(tok, Ahspace, &val, 0))
  1006. ((Iimage*)img)->hspace = FLTIMGHSPACE;
  1007. }
  1008. else {
  1009. ps->skipwhite = 0;
  1010. additem(ps, img, tok);
  1011. }
  1012. if(!ps->skipping) {
  1013. ((Iimage*)img)->nextimage = di->images;
  1014. di->images = (Iimage*)img;
  1015. }
  1016. ps->curanchor = oldcuranchor;
  1017. break;
  1018. // <!ELEMENT INPUT - O EMPTY>
  1019. case Tinput:
  1020. ps->skipwhite = 0;
  1021. if(is->curform == nil) {
  1022. if(warn)
  1023. fprint(2, "<INPUT> not inside <FORM>\n");
  1024. continue;
  1025. }
  1026. is->curform->fields = field = newformfield(
  1027. atabval(tok, Atype, input_tab, NINPUTTAB, Ftext),
  1028. ++is->curform->nfields,
  1029. is->curform,
  1030. aval(tok, Aname),
  1031. aval(tok, Avalue),
  1032. auintval(tok, Asize, 0),
  1033. auintval(tok, Amaxlength, 1000),
  1034. is->curform->fields);
  1035. if(aflagval(tok, Achecked))
  1036. field->flags = FFchecked;
  1037. switch(field->ftype) {
  1038. case Ftext:
  1039. case Fpassword:
  1040. case Ffile:
  1041. if(field->size == 0)
  1042. field->size = 20;
  1043. break;
  1044. case Fcheckbox:
  1045. if(field->name == nil) {
  1046. if(warn)
  1047. fprint(2, "warning: checkbox form field missing name\n");
  1048. continue;
  1049. }
  1050. if(field->value == nil)
  1051. field->value = _Strdup(L"1");
  1052. break;
  1053. case Fradio:
  1054. if(field->name == nil || field->value == nil) {
  1055. if(warn)
  1056. fprint(2, "warning: radio form field missing name or value\n");
  1057. continue;
  1058. }
  1059. break;
  1060. case Fsubmit:
  1061. if(field->value == nil)
  1062. field->value = _Strdup(L"Submit");
  1063. if(field->name == nil)
  1064. field->name = _Strdup(L"_no_name_submit_");
  1065. break;
  1066. case Fimage:
  1067. src = aurlval(tok, Asrc, nil, di->base);
  1068. if(src == nil) {
  1069. if(warn)
  1070. fprint(2, "warning: image form field missing src\n");
  1071. continue;
  1072. }
  1073. // width and height attrs aren't specified in HTML 3.2,
  1074. // but some people provide them and they help avoid
  1075. // a relayout
  1076. field->image = newiimage(src,
  1077. astrval(tok, Aalt, L"Submit"),
  1078. atabval(tok, Aalign, align_tab, NALIGNTAB, ALbottom),
  1079. auintval(tok, Awidth, 0), auintval(tok, Aheight, 0),
  1080. 0, 0, 0, 0, nil);
  1081. ii = (Iimage*)field->image;
  1082. ii->nextimage = di->images;
  1083. di->images = ii;
  1084. break;
  1085. case Freset:
  1086. if(field->value == nil)
  1087. field->value = _Strdup(L"Reset");
  1088. break;
  1089. case Fbutton:
  1090. if(field->value == nil)
  1091. field->value = _Strdup(L" ");
  1092. break;
  1093. }
  1094. ffit = newiformfield(field);
  1095. additem(ps, ffit, tok);
  1096. if(ffit->genattr != nil)
  1097. field->events = ffit->genattr->events;
  1098. break;
  1099. // <!ENTITY ISINDEX - O EMPTY>
  1100. case Tisindex:
  1101. ps->skipwhite = 0;
  1102. prompt = astrval(tok, Aprompt, L"Index search terms:");
  1103. target = atargval(tok, di->target);
  1104. additem(ps, textit(ps, prompt), tok);
  1105. frm = newform(++is->nforms,
  1106. nil,
  1107. di->base,
  1108. target,
  1109. HGet,
  1110. di->forms);
  1111. di->forms = frm;
  1112. ff = newformfield(Ftext,
  1113. 1,
  1114. frm,
  1115. _Strdup(L"_ISINDEX_"),
  1116. nil,
  1117. 50,
  1118. 1000,
  1119. nil);
  1120. frm->fields = ff;
  1121. frm->nfields = 1;
  1122. additem(ps, newiformfield(ff), tok);
  1123. addbrk(ps, 1, 0);
  1124. break;
  1125. // <!ELEMENT LI - O %flow>
  1126. case Tli:
  1127. if(ps->listtypestk.n == 0) {
  1128. if(warn)
  1129. fprint(2, "<LI> not in list\n");
  1130. continue;
  1131. }
  1132. ty = top(&ps->listtypestk, 0);
  1133. ty2 = listtyval(tok, ty);
  1134. if(ty != ty2) {
  1135. ty = ty2;
  1136. push(&ps->listtypestk, ty2);
  1137. }
  1138. v = aintval(tok, Avalue, top(&ps->listcntstk, 1));
  1139. if(ty == LTdisc || ty == LTsquare || ty == LTcircle)
  1140. hang = 10*LISTTAB - 3;
  1141. else
  1142. hang = 10*LISTTAB - 1;
  1143. changehang(ps, hang);
  1144. addtext(ps, listmark(ty, v));
  1145. push(&ps->listcntstk, v + 1);
  1146. changehang(ps, -hang);
  1147. ps->skipwhite = 1;
  1148. break;
  1149. // <!ELEMENT MAP - - (AREA)+>
  1150. case Tmap:
  1151. if(_tokaval(tok, Aname, &name, 0))
  1152. is->curmap = getmap(di, name);
  1153. break;
  1154. case Tmap+RBRA:
  1155. map = is->curmap;
  1156. if(map == nil) {
  1157. if(warn)
  1158. fprint(2, "warning: unexpected </MAP>\n");
  1159. continue;
  1160. }
  1161. map->areas = (Area*)_revlist((List*)map->areas);
  1162. break;
  1163. case Tmeta:
  1164. if(ps->skipping)
  1165. continue;
  1166. if(_tokaval(tok, Ahttp_equiv, &equiv, 0)) {
  1167. val = aval(tok, Acontent);
  1168. n = _Strlen(equiv);
  1169. if(!_Strncmpci(equiv, n, L"refresh"))
  1170. di->refresh = val;
  1171. else if(!_Strncmpci(equiv, n, L"content-script-type")) {
  1172. n = _Strlen(val);
  1173. if(!_Strncmpci(val, n, L"javascript")
  1174. || !_Strncmpci(val, n, L"jscript1.1")
  1175. || !_Strncmpci(val, n, L"jscript"))
  1176. di->scripttype = TextJavascript;
  1177. else {
  1178. if(warn)
  1179. fprint(2, "unimplemented script type %S\n", val);
  1180. di->scripttype = UnknownType;
  1181. }
  1182. }
  1183. }
  1184. break;
  1185. // Nobr is NOT in HMTL 4.0, but it is ubiquitous on the web
  1186. case Tnobr:
  1187. ps->skipwhite = 0;
  1188. ps->curstate &= ~IFwrap;
  1189. break;
  1190. case Tnobr+RBRA:
  1191. ps->curstate |= IFwrap;
  1192. break;
  1193. // We do frames, so skip stuff in noframes
  1194. case Tnoframes:
  1195. ps->skipping = 1;
  1196. break;
  1197. case Tnoframes+RBRA:
  1198. ps->skipping = 0;
  1199. break;
  1200. // We do scripts (if enabled), so skip stuff in noscripts
  1201. case Tnoscript:
  1202. if(doscripts)
  1203. ps->skipping = 1;
  1204. break;
  1205. case Tnoscript+RBRA:
  1206. if(doscripts)
  1207. ps->skipping = 0;
  1208. break;
  1209. // <!ELEMENT OPTION - O ( //PCDATA)>
  1210. case Toption:
  1211. if(is->curform == nil || is->curform->fields == nil) {
  1212. if(warn)
  1213. fprint(2, "warning: <OPTION> not in <SELECT>\n");
  1214. continue;
  1215. }
  1216. field = is->curform->fields;
  1217. if(field->ftype != Fselect) {
  1218. if(warn)
  1219. fprint(2, "warning: <OPTION> not in <SELECT>\n");
  1220. continue;
  1221. }
  1222. val = aval(tok, Avalue);
  1223. option = newoption(aflagval(tok, Aselected), val, nil, field->options);
  1224. field->options = option;
  1225. option->display = getpcdata(toks, tokslen, &toki);
  1226. if(val == nil)
  1227. option->value = _Strdup(option->display);
  1228. break;
  1229. // <!ELEMENT P - O (%text)* >
  1230. case Tp:
  1231. pushjust(ps, atabval(tok, Aalign, align_tab, NALIGNTAB, ps->curjust));
  1232. ps->inpar = 1;
  1233. ps->skipwhite = 1;
  1234. break;
  1235. case Tp+RBRA:
  1236. break;
  1237. // <!ELEMENT PARAM - O EMPTY>
  1238. // Do something when we do applets...
  1239. case Tparam:
  1240. break;
  1241. // <!ELEMENT PRE - - (%text)* -(IMG|BIG|SMALL|SUB|SUP|FONT) >
  1242. case Tpre:
  1243. ps->curstate &= ~IFwrap;
  1244. ps->literal = 1;
  1245. ps->skipwhite = 0;
  1246. pushfontstyle(ps, FntT);
  1247. break;
  1248. case Tpre+RBRA:
  1249. ps->curstate |= IFwrap;
  1250. if(ps->literal) {
  1251. popfontstyle(ps);
  1252. ps->literal = 0;
  1253. }
  1254. break;
  1255. // <!ELEMENT SCRIPT - - CDATA>
  1256. case Tscript:
  1257. if(doscripts) {
  1258. if(!di->hasscripts) {
  1259. if(di->scripttype == TextJavascript) {
  1260. // TODO: initialize script if nec.
  1261. // initjscript(di);
  1262. di->hasscripts = 1;
  1263. }
  1264. }
  1265. }
  1266. if(!di->hasscripts) {
  1267. if(warn)
  1268. fprint(2, "warning: <SCRIPT> ignored\n");
  1269. ps->skipping = 1;
  1270. }
  1271. else {
  1272. scriptsrc = aurlval(tok, Asrc, nil, di->base);
  1273. script = nil;
  1274. if(scriptsrc != nil) {
  1275. if(warn)
  1276. fprint(2, "warning: non-local <SCRIPT> ignored\n");
  1277. free(scriptsrc);
  1278. }
  1279. else {
  1280. script = getpcdata(toks, tokslen, &toki);
  1281. }
  1282. if(script != nil) {
  1283. if(warn)
  1284. fprint(2, "script ignored\n");
  1285. free(script);
  1286. }
  1287. }
  1288. break;
  1289. case Tscript+RBRA:
  1290. ps->skipping = 0;
  1291. break;
  1292. // <!ELEMENT SELECT - - (OPTION+)>
  1293. case Tselect:
  1294. if(is->curform == nil) {
  1295. if(warn)
  1296. fprint(2, "<SELECT> not inside <FORM>\n");
  1297. continue;
  1298. }
  1299. field = newformfield(Fselect,
  1300. ++is->curform->nfields,
  1301. is->curform,
  1302. aval(tok, Aname),
  1303. nil,
  1304. auintval(tok, Asize, 0),
  1305. 0,
  1306. is->curform->fields);
  1307. is->curform->fields = field;
  1308. if(aflagval(tok, Amultiple))
  1309. field->flags = FFmultiple;
  1310. ffit = newiformfield(field);
  1311. additem(ps, ffit, tok);
  1312. if(ffit->genattr != nil)
  1313. field->events = ffit->genattr->events;
  1314. // throw away stuff until next tag (should be <OPTION>)
  1315. s = getpcdata(toks, tokslen, &toki);
  1316. if(s != nil)
  1317. free(s);
  1318. break;
  1319. case Tselect+RBRA:
  1320. if(is->curform == nil || is->curform->fields == nil) {
  1321. if(warn)
  1322. fprint(2, "warning: unexpected </SELECT>\n");
  1323. continue;
  1324. }
  1325. field = is->curform->fields;
  1326. if(field->ftype != Fselect)
  1327. continue;
  1328. // put options back in input order
  1329. field->options = (Option*)_revlist((List*)field->options);
  1330. break;
  1331. // <!ELEMENT (STRIKE|U) - - (%text)*>
  1332. case Tstrike:
  1333. case Tu:
  1334. ps->curul = push(&ps->ulstk, (tag==Tstrike)? ULmid : ULunder);
  1335. break;
  1336. case Tstrike+RBRA:
  1337. case Tu+RBRA:
  1338. if(ps->ulstk.n == 0) {
  1339. if(warn)
  1340. fprint(2, "warning: unexpected %T\n", tok);
  1341. continue;
  1342. }
  1343. ps->curul = popretnewtop(&ps->ulstk, ULnone);
  1344. break;
  1345. // <!ELEMENT STYLE - - CDATA>
  1346. case Tstyle:
  1347. if(warn)
  1348. fprint(2, "warning: unimplemented <STYLE>\n");
  1349. ps->skipping = 1;
  1350. break;
  1351. case Tstyle+RBRA:
  1352. ps->skipping = 0;
  1353. break;
  1354. // <!ELEMENT (SUB|SUP) - - (%text)*>
  1355. case Tsub:
  1356. case Tsup:
  1357. if(tag == Tsub)
  1358. ps->curvoff += SUBOFF;
  1359. else
  1360. ps->curvoff -= SUPOFF;
  1361. push(&ps->voffstk, ps->curvoff);
  1362. sz = top(&ps->fntsizestk, Normal);
  1363. pushfontsize(ps, sz - 1);
  1364. break;
  1365. case Tsub+RBRA:
  1366. case Tsup+RBRA:
  1367. if(ps->voffstk.n == 0) {
  1368. if(warn)
  1369. fprint(2, "warning: unexpected %T\n", tok);
  1370. continue;
  1371. }
  1372. ps->curvoff = popretnewtop(&ps->voffstk, 0);
  1373. popfontsize(ps);
  1374. break;
  1375. // <!ELEMENT TABLE - - (CAPTION?, TR+)>
  1376. case Ttable:
  1377. ps->skipwhite = 0;
  1378. tab = newtable(++is->ntables,
  1379. aalign(tok),
  1380. adimen(tok, Awidth),
  1381. aflagval(tok, Aborder),
  1382. auintval(tok, Acellspacing, TABSP),
  1383. auintval(tok, Acellpadding, TABPAD),
  1384. makebackground(nil, acolorval(tok, Abgcolor, ps->curbg.color)),
  1385. tok,
  1386. is->tabstk);
  1387. is->tabstk = tab;
  1388. curtab = tab;
  1389. break;
  1390. case Ttable+RBRA:
  1391. if(curtab == nil) {
  1392. if(warn)
  1393. fprint(2, "warning: unexpected </TABLE>\n");
  1394. continue;
  1395. }
  1396. isempty = (curtab->cells == nil);
  1397. if(isempty) {
  1398. if(warn)
  1399. fprint(2, "warning: <TABLE> has no cells\n");
  1400. }
  1401. else {
  1402. ps = finishcell(curtab, ps);
  1403. if(curtab->rows != nil)
  1404. curtab->rows->flags = 0;
  1405. finish_table(curtab);
  1406. }
  1407. ps->skipping = 0;
  1408. if(!isempty) {
  1409. tabitem = newitable(curtab);
  1410. al = curtab->align.halign;
  1411. switch(al) {
  1412. case ALleft:
  1413. case ALright:
  1414. additem(ps, newifloat(tabitem, al), tok);
  1415. break;
  1416. default:
  1417. if(al == ALcenter)
  1418. pushjust(ps, ALcenter);
  1419. addbrk(ps, 0, 0);
  1420. if(ps->inpar) {
  1421. popjust(ps);
  1422. ps->inpar = 0;
  1423. }
  1424. additem(ps, tabitem, curtab->tabletok);
  1425. if(al == ALcenter)
  1426. popjust(ps);
  1427. break;
  1428. }
  1429. }
  1430. if(is->tabstk == nil) {
  1431. if(warn)
  1432. fprint(2, "warning: table stack is wrong\n");
  1433. }
  1434. else
  1435. is->tabstk = is->tabstk->next;
  1436. curtab->next = di->tables;
  1437. di->tables = curtab;
  1438. curtab = is->tabstk;
  1439. if(!isempty)
  1440. addbrk(ps, 0, 0);
  1441. break;
  1442. // <!ELEMENT (TH|TD) - O %body.content>
  1443. // Cells for a row are accumulated in reverse order.
  1444. // We push ps on a stack, and use a new one to accumulate
  1445. // the contents of the cell.
  1446. case Ttd:
  1447. case Tth:
  1448. if(curtab == nil) {
  1449. if(warn)
  1450. fprint(2, "%T outside <TABLE>\n", tok);
  1451. continue;
  1452. }
  1453. if(ps->inpar) {
  1454. popjust(ps);
  1455. ps->inpar = 0;
  1456. }
  1457. ps = finishcell(curtab, ps);
  1458. tr = nil;
  1459. if(curtab->rows != nil)
  1460. tr = curtab->rows;
  1461. if(tr == nil || !tr->flags) {
  1462. if(warn)
  1463. fprint(2, "%T outside row\n", tok);
  1464. tr = newtablerow(makealign(ALnone, ALnone),
  1465. makebackground(nil, curtab->background.color),
  1466. TFparsing,
  1467. curtab->rows);
  1468. curtab->rows = tr;
  1469. }
  1470. ps = cell_pstate(ps, tag == Tth);
  1471. flags = TFparsing;
  1472. if(aflagval(tok, Anowrap)) {
  1473. flags |= TFnowrap;
  1474. ps->curstate &= ~IFwrap;
  1475. }
  1476. if(tag == Tth)
  1477. flags |= TFisth;
  1478. c = newtablecell(curtab->cells==nil? 1 : curtab->cells->cellid+1,
  1479. auintval(tok, Arowspan, 1),
  1480. auintval(tok, Acolspan, 1),
  1481. aalign(tok),
  1482. adimen(tok, Awidth),
  1483. auintval(tok, Aheight, 0),
  1484. makebackground(nil, acolorval(tok, Abgcolor, tr->background.color)),
  1485. flags,
  1486. curtab->cells);
  1487. curtab->cells = c;
  1488. ps->curbg = c->background;
  1489. if(c->align.halign == ALnone) {
  1490. if(tr->align.halign != ALnone)
  1491. c->align.halign = tr->align.halign;
  1492. else if(tag == Tth)
  1493. c->align.halign = ALcenter;
  1494. else
  1495. c->align.halign = ALleft;
  1496. }
  1497. if(c->align.valign == ALnone) {
  1498. if(tr->align.valign != ALnone)
  1499. c->align.valign = tr->align.valign;
  1500. else
  1501. c->align.valign = ALmiddle;
  1502. }
  1503. c->nextinrow = tr->cells;
  1504. tr->cells = c;
  1505. break;
  1506. case Ttd+RBRA:
  1507. case Tth+RBRA:
  1508. if(curtab == nil || curtab->cells == nil) {
  1509. if(warn)
  1510. fprint(2, "unexpected %T\n", tok);
  1511. continue;
  1512. }
  1513. ps = finishcell(curtab, ps);
  1514. break;
  1515. // <!ELEMENT TEXTAREA - - ( //PCDATA)>
  1516. case Ttextarea:
  1517. if(is->curform == nil) {
  1518. if(warn)
  1519. fprint(2, "<TEXTAREA> not inside <FORM>\n");
  1520. continue;
  1521. }
  1522. field = newformfield(Ftextarea,
  1523. ++is->curform->nfields,
  1524. is->curform,
  1525. aval(tok, Aname),
  1526. nil,
  1527. 0,
  1528. 0,
  1529. is->curform->fields);
  1530. is->curform->fields = field;
  1531. field->rows = auintval(tok, Arows, 3);
  1532. field->cols = auintval(tok, Acols, 50);
  1533. field->value = getpcdata(toks, tokslen, &toki);
  1534. if(warn && toki < tokslen - 1 && toks[toki + 1].tag != Ttextarea + RBRA)
  1535. fprint(2, "warning: <TEXTAREA> data ended by %T\n", &toks[toki + 1]);
  1536. ffit = newiformfield(field);
  1537. additem(ps, ffit, tok);
  1538. if(ffit->genattr != nil)
  1539. field->events = ffit->genattr->events;
  1540. break;
  1541. // <!ELEMENT TITLE - - ( //PCDATA)* -(%head.misc)>
  1542. case Ttitle:
  1543. di->doctitle = getpcdata(toks, tokslen, &toki);
  1544. if(warn && toki < tokslen - 1 && toks[toki + 1].tag != Ttitle + RBRA)
  1545. fprint(2, "warning: <TITLE> data ended by %T\n", &toks[toki + 1]);
  1546. break;
  1547. // <!ELEMENT TR - O (TH|TD)+>
  1548. // rows are accumulated in reverse order in curtab->rows
  1549. case Ttr:
  1550. if(curtab == nil) {
  1551. if(warn)
  1552. fprint(2, "warning: <TR> outside <TABLE>\n");
  1553. continue;
  1554. }
  1555. if(ps->inpar) {
  1556. popjust(ps);
  1557. ps->inpar = 0;
  1558. }
  1559. ps = finishcell(curtab, ps);
  1560. if(curtab->rows != nil)
  1561. curtab->rows->flags = 0;
  1562. curtab->rows = newtablerow(aalign(tok),
  1563. makebackground(nil, acolorval(tok, Abgcolor, curtab->background.color)),
  1564. TFparsing,
  1565. curtab->rows);
  1566. break;
  1567. case Ttr+RBRA:
  1568. if(curtab == nil || curtab->rows == nil) {
  1569. if(warn)
  1570. fprint(2, "warning: unexpected </TR>\n");
  1571. continue;
  1572. }
  1573. ps = finishcell(curtab, ps);
  1574. tr = curtab->rows;
  1575. if(tr->cells == nil) {
  1576. if(warn)
  1577. fprint(2, "warning: empty row\n");
  1578. curtab->rows = tr->next;
  1579. tr->next = nil;
  1580. }
  1581. else
  1582. tr->flags = 0;
  1583. break;
  1584. // <!ELEMENT (TT|CODE|KBD|SAMP) - - (%text)*>
  1585. case Ttt:
  1586. case Tcode:
  1587. case Tkbd:
  1588. case Tsamp:
  1589. pushfontstyle(ps, FntT);
  1590. break;
  1591. // Tags that have empty action
  1592. case Tabbr:
  1593. case Tabbr+RBRA:
  1594. case Tacronym:
  1595. case Tacronym+RBRA:
  1596. case Tarea+RBRA:
  1597. case Tbase+RBRA:
  1598. case Tbasefont+RBRA:
  1599. case Tbr+RBRA:
  1600. case Tdd+RBRA:
  1601. case Tdt+RBRA:
  1602. case Tframe+RBRA:
  1603. case Thr+RBRA:
  1604. case Thtml:
  1605. case Thtml+RBRA:
  1606. case Timg+RBRA:
  1607. case Tinput+RBRA:
  1608. case Tisindex+RBRA:
  1609. case Tli+RBRA:
  1610. case Tlink:
  1611. case Tlink+RBRA:
  1612. case Tmeta+RBRA:
  1613. case Toption+RBRA:
  1614. case Tparam+RBRA:
  1615. case Ttextarea+RBRA:
  1616. case Ttitle+RBRA:
  1617. break;
  1618. // Tags not implemented
  1619. case Tbdo:
  1620. case Tbdo+RBRA:
  1621. case Tbutton:
  1622. case Tbutton+RBRA:
  1623. case Tdel:
  1624. case Tdel+RBRA:
  1625. case Tfieldset:
  1626. case Tfieldset+RBRA:
  1627. case Tiframe:
  1628. case Tiframe+RBRA:
  1629. case Tins:
  1630. case Tins+RBRA:
  1631. case Tlabel:
  1632. case Tlabel+RBRA:
  1633. case Tlegend:
  1634. case Tlegend+RBRA:
  1635. case Tobject:
  1636. case Tobject+RBRA:
  1637. case Toptgroup:
  1638. case Toptgroup+RBRA:
  1639. case Tspan:
  1640. case Tspan+RBRA:
  1641. if(warn) {
  1642. if(tag > RBRA)
  1643. tag -= RBRA;
  1644. fprint(2, "warning: unimplemented HTML tag: %S\n", tagnames[tag]);
  1645. }
  1646. break;
  1647. default:
  1648. if(warn)
  1649. fprint(2, "warning: unknown HTML tag: %S\n", tok->text);
  1650. break;
  1651. }
  1652. }
  1653. // some pages omit trailing </table>
  1654. while(curtab != nil) {
  1655. if(warn)
  1656. fprint(2, "warning: <TABLE> not closed\n");
  1657. if(curtab->cells != nil) {
  1658. ps = finishcell(curtab, ps);
  1659. if(curtab->cells == nil) {
  1660. if(warn)
  1661. fprint(2, "warning: empty table\n");
  1662. }
  1663. else {
  1664. if(curtab->rows != nil)
  1665. curtab->rows->flags = 0;
  1666. finish_table(curtab);
  1667. ps->skipping = 0;
  1668. additem(ps, newitable(curtab), curtab->tabletok);
  1669. addbrk(ps, 0, 0);
  1670. }
  1671. }
  1672. if(is->tabstk != nil)
  1673. is->tabstk = is->tabstk->next;
  1674. curtab->next = di->tables;
  1675. di->tables = curtab;
  1676. curtab = is->tabstk;
  1677. }
  1678. outerps = lastps(ps);
  1679. ans = outerps->items->next;
  1680. freeitem(outerps->items);
  1681. // note: ans may be nil and di->kids not nil, if there's a frameset!
  1682. outerps->items = newispacer(ISPnull);
  1683. outerps->lastit = outerps->items;
  1684. is->psstk = ps;
  1685. if(ans != nil && di->hasscripts) {
  1686. // TODO evalscript(nil);
  1687. ;
  1688. }
  1689. return_ans:
  1690. if(dbgbuild) {
  1691. assert(validitems(ans));
  1692. if(ans == nil)
  1693. fprint(2, "getitems returning nil\n");
  1694. else
  1695. printitems(ans, "getitems returning:");
  1696. }
  1697. return ans;
  1698. }
  1699. // Concatenate together maximal set of Data tokens, starting at toks[toki+1].
  1700. // Lexer has ensured that there will either be a following non-data token or
  1701. // we will be at eof.
  1702. // Return emallocd trimmed concatenation, and update *ptoki to last used toki
  1703. static Rune*
  1704. getpcdata(Token* toks, int tokslen, int* ptoki)
  1705. {
  1706. Rune* ans;
  1707. Rune* p;
  1708. Rune* trimans;
  1709. int anslen;
  1710. int trimanslen;
  1711. int toki;
  1712. Token* tok;
  1713. ans = nil;
  1714. anslen = 0;
  1715. // first find length of answer
  1716. toki = (*ptoki) + 1;
  1717. while(toki < tokslen) {
  1718. tok = &toks[toki];
  1719. if(tok->tag == Data) {
  1720. toki++;
  1721. anslen += _Strlen(tok->text);
  1722. }
  1723. else
  1724. break;
  1725. }
  1726. // now make up the initial answer
  1727. if(anslen > 0) {
  1728. ans = _newstr(anslen);
  1729. p = ans;
  1730. toki = (*ptoki) + 1;
  1731. while(toki < tokslen) {
  1732. tok = &toks[toki];
  1733. if(tok->tag == Data) {
  1734. toki++;
  1735. p = _Stradd(p, tok->text, _Strlen(tok->text));
  1736. }
  1737. else
  1738. break;
  1739. }
  1740. *p = 0;
  1741. _trimwhite(ans, anslen, &trimans, &trimanslen);
  1742. if(trimanslen != anslen) {
  1743. p = ans;
  1744. ans = _Strndup(trimans, trimanslen);
  1745. free(p);
  1746. }
  1747. }
  1748. *ptoki = toki-1;
  1749. return ans;
  1750. }
  1751. // If still parsing head of curtab->cells list, finish it off
  1752. // by transferring the items on the head of psstk to the cell.
  1753. // Then pop the psstk and return the new psstk.
  1754. static Pstate*
  1755. finishcell(Table* curtab, Pstate* psstk)
  1756. {
  1757. Tablecell* c;
  1758. Pstate* psstknext;
  1759. c = curtab->cells;
  1760. if(c != nil) {
  1761. if((c->flags&TFparsing)) {
  1762. psstknext = psstk->next;
  1763. if(psstknext == nil) {
  1764. if(warn)
  1765. fprint(2, "warning: parse state stack is wrong\n");
  1766. }
  1767. else {
  1768. c->content = psstk->items->next;
  1769. c->flags &= ~TFparsing;
  1770. freepstate(psstk);
  1771. psstk = psstknext;
  1772. }
  1773. }
  1774. }
  1775. return psstk;
  1776. }
  1777. // Make a new Pstate for a cell, based on the old pstate, oldps.
  1778. // Also, put the new ps on the head of the oldps stack.
  1779. static Pstate*
  1780. cell_pstate(Pstate* oldps, int ishead)
  1781. {
  1782. Pstate* ps;
  1783. int sty;
  1784. ps = newpstate(oldps);
  1785. ps->skipwhite = 1;
  1786. ps->curanchor = oldps->curanchor;
  1787. copystack(&ps->fntstylestk, &oldps->fntstylestk);
  1788. copystack(&ps->fntsizestk, &oldps->fntsizestk);
  1789. ps->curfont = oldps->curfont;
  1790. ps->curfg = oldps->curfg;
  1791. ps->curbg = oldps->curbg;
  1792. copystack(&ps->fgstk, &oldps->fgstk);
  1793. ps->adjsize = oldps->adjsize;
  1794. if(ishead) {
  1795. sty = ps->curfont%NumSize;
  1796. ps->curfont = FntB*NumSize + sty;
  1797. }
  1798. return ps;
  1799. }
  1800. // Return a new Pstate with default starting state.
  1801. // Use link to add it to head of a list, if any.
  1802. static Pstate*
  1803. newpstate(Pstate* link)
  1804. {
  1805. Pstate* ps;
  1806. ps = (Pstate*)emalloc(sizeof(Pstate));
  1807. ps->curfont = DefFnt;
  1808. ps->curfg = Black;
  1809. ps->curbg.image = nil;
  1810. ps->curbg.color = White;
  1811. ps->curul = ULnone;
  1812. ps->curjust = ALleft;
  1813. ps->curstate = IFwrap;
  1814. ps->items = newispacer(ISPnull);
  1815. ps->lastit = ps->items;
  1816. ps->prelastit = nil;
  1817. ps->next = link;
  1818. return ps;
  1819. }
  1820. // Return last Pstate on psl list
  1821. static Pstate*
  1822. lastps(Pstate* psl)
  1823. {
  1824. assert(psl != nil);
  1825. while(psl->next != nil)
  1826. psl = psl->next;
  1827. return psl;
  1828. }
  1829. // Add it to end of ps item chain, adding in current state from ps.
  1830. // Also, if tok is not nil, scan it for generic attributes and assign
  1831. // the genattr field of the item accordingly.
  1832. static void
  1833. additem(Pstate* ps, Item* it, Token* tok)
  1834. {
  1835. int aid;
  1836. int any;
  1837. Rune* i;
  1838. Rune* c;
  1839. Rune* s;
  1840. Rune* t;
  1841. Attr* a;
  1842. SEvent* e;
  1843. if(ps->skipping) {
  1844. if(warn)
  1845. fprint(2, "warning: skipping item: %I\n", it);
  1846. return;
  1847. }
  1848. it->anchorid = ps->curanchor;
  1849. it->state |= ps->curstate;
  1850. if(tok != nil) {
  1851. any = 0;
  1852. i = nil;
  1853. c = nil;
  1854. s = nil;
  1855. t = nil;
  1856. e = nil;
  1857. for(a = tok->attr; a != nil; a = a->next) {
  1858. aid = a->attid;
  1859. if(!attrinfo[aid])
  1860. continue;
  1861. switch(aid) {
  1862. case Aid:
  1863. i = a->value;
  1864. break;
  1865. case Aclass:
  1866. c = a->value;
  1867. break;
  1868. case Astyle:
  1869. s = a->value;
  1870. break;
  1871. case Atitle:
  1872. t = a->value;
  1873. break;
  1874. default:
  1875. assert(aid >= Aonblur && aid <= Aonunload);
  1876. e = newscriptevent(scriptev[a->attid], a->value, e);
  1877. break;
  1878. }
  1879. a->value = nil;
  1880. any = 1;
  1881. }
  1882. if(any)
  1883. it->genattr = newgenattr(i, c, s, t, e);
  1884. }
  1885. ps->curstate &= ~(IFbrk|IFbrksp|IFnobrk|IFcleft|IFcright);
  1886. ps->prelastit = ps->lastit;
  1887. ps->lastit->next = it;
  1888. ps->lastit = it;
  1889. }
  1890. // Make a text item out of s,
  1891. // using current font, foreground, vertical offset and underline state.
  1892. static Item*
  1893. textit(Pstate* ps, Rune* s)
  1894. {
  1895. assert(s != nil);
  1896. return newitext(s, ps->curfont, ps->curfg, ps->curvoff + Voffbias, ps->curul);
  1897. }
  1898. // Add text item or items for s, paying attention to
  1899. // current font, foreground, baseline offset, underline state,
  1900. // and literal mode. Unless we're in literal mode, compress
  1901. // whitespace to single blank, and, if curstate has a break,
  1902. // trim any leading whitespace. Whether in literal mode or not,
  1903. // turn nonbreaking spaces into spacer items with IFnobrk set.
  1904. //
  1905. // In literal mode, break up s at newlines and add breaks instead.
  1906. // Also replace tabs appropriate number of spaces.
  1907. // In nonliteral mode, break up the items every 100 or so characters
  1908. // just to make the layout algorithm not go quadratic.
  1909. //
  1910. // addtext assumes ownership of s.
  1911. static void
  1912. addtext(Pstate* ps, Rune* s)
  1913. {
  1914. int n;
  1915. int i;
  1916. int j;
  1917. int k;
  1918. int col;
  1919. int c;
  1920. int nsp;
  1921. Item* it;
  1922. Rune* ss;
  1923. Rune* p;
  1924. Rune buf[SMALLBUFSIZE];
  1925. assert(s != nil);
  1926. n = runestrlen(s);
  1927. i = 0;
  1928. j = 0;
  1929. if(ps->literal) {
  1930. col = 0;
  1931. while(i < n) {
  1932. if(s[i] == '\n') {
  1933. if(i > j) {
  1934. // trim trailing blanks from line
  1935. for(k = i; k > j; k--)
  1936. if(s[k - 1] != ' ')
  1937. break;
  1938. if(k > j)
  1939. additem(ps, textit(ps, _Strndup(s+j, k-j)), nil);
  1940. }
  1941. addlinebrk(ps, 0);
  1942. j = i + 1;
  1943. col = 0;
  1944. }
  1945. else {
  1946. if(s[i] == '\t') {
  1947. col += i - j;
  1948. nsp = 8 - (col%8);
  1949. // make ss = s[j:i] + nsp spaces
  1950. ss = _newstr(i-j+nsp);
  1951. p = _Stradd(ss, s+j, i-j);
  1952. p = _Stradd(p, L" ", nsp);
  1953. *p = 0;
  1954. additem(ps, textit(ps, ss), nil);
  1955. col += nsp;
  1956. j = i + 1;
  1957. }
  1958. else if(s[i] == NBSP) {
  1959. if(i > j)
  1960. additem(ps, textit(ps, _Strndup(s+j, i-j)), nil);
  1961. addnbsp(ps);
  1962. col += (i - j) + 1;
  1963. j = i + 1;
  1964. }
  1965. }
  1966. i++;
  1967. }
  1968. if(i > j) {
  1969. if(j == 0 && i == n) {
  1970. // just transfer s over
  1971. additem(ps, textit(ps, s), nil);
  1972. }
  1973. else {
  1974. additem(ps, textit(ps, _Strndup(s+j, i-j)), nil);
  1975. free(s);
  1976. }
  1977. }
  1978. }
  1979. else { // not literal mode
  1980. if((ps->curstate&IFbrk) || ps->lastit == ps->items)
  1981. while(i < n) {
  1982. c = s[i];
  1983. if(c >= 256 || !isspace(c))
  1984. break;
  1985. i++;
  1986. }
  1987. p = buf;
  1988. for(j = i; i < n; i++) {
  1989. assert(p+i-j < buf+SMALLBUFSIZE-1);
  1990. c = s[i];
  1991. if(c == NBSP) {
  1992. if(i > j)
  1993. p = _Stradd(p, s+j, i-j);
  1994. if(p > buf)
  1995. additem(ps, textit(ps, _Strndup(buf, p-buf)), nil);
  1996. p = buf;
  1997. addnbsp(ps);
  1998. j = i + 1;
  1999. continue;
  2000. }
  2001. if(c < 256 && isspace(c)) {
  2002. if(i > j)
  2003. p = _Stradd(p, s+j, i-j);
  2004. *p++ = ' ';
  2005. while(i < n - 1) {
  2006. c = s[i + 1];
  2007. if(c >= 256 || !isspace(c))
  2008. break;
  2009. i++;
  2010. }
  2011. j = i + 1;
  2012. }
  2013. if(i - j >= 100) {
  2014. p = _Stradd(p, s+j, i+1-j);
  2015. j = i + 1;
  2016. }
  2017. if(p-buf >= 100) {
  2018. additem(ps, textit(ps, _Strndup(buf, p-buf)), nil);
  2019. p = buf;
  2020. }
  2021. }
  2022. if(i > j && j < n) {
  2023. assert(p+i-j < buf+SMALLBUFSIZE-1);
  2024. p = _Stradd(p, s+j, i-j);
  2025. }
  2026. // don't add a space if previous item ended in a space
  2027. if(p-buf == 1 && buf[0] == ' ' && ps->lastit != nil) {
  2028. it = ps->lastit;
  2029. if(it->tag == Itexttag) {
  2030. ss = ((Itext*)it)->s;
  2031. k = _Strlen(ss);
  2032. if(k > 0 && ss[k] == ' ')
  2033. p = buf;
  2034. }
  2035. }
  2036. if(p > buf)
  2037. additem(ps, textit(ps, _Strndup(buf, p-buf)), nil);
  2038. free(s);
  2039. }
  2040. }
  2041. // Add a break to ps->curstate, with extra space if sp is true.
  2042. // If there was a previous break, combine this one's parameters
  2043. // with that to make the amt be the max of the two and the clr
  2044. // be the most general. (amt will be 0 or 1)
  2045. // Also, if the immediately preceding item was a text item,
  2046. // trim any whitespace from the end of it, if not in literal mode.
  2047. // Finally, if this is at the very beginning of the item list
  2048. // (the only thing there is a null spacer), then don't add the space.
  2049. static void
  2050. addbrk(Pstate* ps, int sp, int clr)
  2051. {
  2052. int state;
  2053. Rune* l;
  2054. int nl;
  2055. Rune* r;
  2056. int nr;
  2057. Itext* t;
  2058. Rune* s;
  2059. state = ps->curstate;
  2060. clr = clr|(state&(IFcleft|IFcright));
  2061. if(sp && !(ps->lastit == ps->items))
  2062. sp = IFbrksp;
  2063. else
  2064. sp = 0;
  2065. ps->curstate = IFbrk|sp|(state&~(IFcleft|IFcright))|clr;
  2066. if(ps->lastit != ps->items) {
  2067. if(!ps->literal && ps->lastit->tag == Itexttag) {
  2068. t = (Itext*)ps->lastit;
  2069. _splitr(t->s, _Strlen(t->s), notwhitespace, &l, &nl, &r, &nr);
  2070. // try to avoid making empty items
  2071. // but not crucial f the occasional one gets through
  2072. if(nl == 0 && ps->prelastit != nil) {
  2073. ps->lastit = ps->prelastit;
  2074. ps->lastit->next = nil;
  2075. ps->prelastit = nil;
  2076. }
  2077. else {
  2078. s = t->s;
  2079. if(nl == 0) {
  2080. // need a non-nil pointer to empty string
  2081. // (_Strdup(L"") returns nil)
  2082. t->s = emalloc(sizeof(Rune));
  2083. t->s[0] = 0;
  2084. }
  2085. else
  2086. t->s = _Strndup(l, nl);
  2087. if(s)
  2088. free(s);
  2089. }
  2090. }
  2091. }
  2092. }
  2093. // Add break due to a <br> or a newline within a preformatted section.
  2094. // We add a null item first, with current font's height and ascent, to make
  2095. // sure that the current line takes up at least that amount of vertical space.
  2096. // This ensures that <br>s on empty lines cause blank lines, and that
  2097. // multiple <br>s in a row give multiple blank lines.
  2098. // However don't add the spacer if the previous item was something that
  2099. // takes up space itself.
  2100. static void
  2101. addlinebrk(Pstate* ps, int clr)
  2102. {
  2103. int obrkstate;
  2104. int b;
  2105. // don't want break before our null item unless the previous item
  2106. // was also a null item for the purposes of line breaking
  2107. obrkstate = ps->curstate&(IFbrk|IFbrksp);
  2108. b = IFnobrk;
  2109. if(ps->lastit != nil) {
  2110. if(ps->lastit->tag == Ispacertag) {
  2111. if(((Ispacer*)ps->lastit)->spkind == ISPvline)
  2112. b = IFbrk;
  2113. }
  2114. }
  2115. ps->curstate = (ps->curstate&~(IFbrk|IFbrksp))|b;
  2116. additem(ps, newispacer(ISPvline), nil);
  2117. ps->curstate = (ps->curstate&~(IFbrk|IFbrksp))|obrkstate;
  2118. addbrk(ps, 0, clr);
  2119. }
  2120. // Add a nonbreakable space
  2121. static void
  2122. addnbsp(Pstate* ps)
  2123. {
  2124. // if nbsp comes right where a break was specified,
  2125. // do the break anyway (nbsp is being used to generate undiscardable
  2126. // space rather than to prevent a break)
  2127. if((ps->curstate&IFbrk) == 0)
  2128. ps->curstate |= IFnobrk;
  2129. additem(ps, newispacer(ISPhspace), nil);
  2130. // but definitely no break on next item
  2131. ps->curstate |= IFnobrk;
  2132. }
  2133. // Change hang in ps.curstate by delta.
  2134. // The amount is in 1/10ths of tabs, and is the amount that
  2135. // the current contiguous set of items with a hang value set
  2136. // is to be shifted left from its normal (indented) place.
  2137. static void
  2138. changehang(Pstate* ps, int delta)
  2139. {
  2140. int amt;
  2141. amt = (ps->curstate&IFhangmask) + delta;
  2142. if(amt < 0) {
  2143. if(warn)
  2144. fprint(2, "warning: hang went negative\n");
  2145. amt = 0;
  2146. }
  2147. ps->curstate = (ps->curstate&~IFhangmask)|amt;
  2148. }
  2149. // Change indent in ps.curstate by delta.
  2150. static void
  2151. changeindent(Pstate* ps, int delta)
  2152. {
  2153. int amt;
  2154. amt = ((ps->curstate&IFindentmask) >> IFindentshift) + delta;
  2155. if(amt < 0) {
  2156. if(warn)
  2157. fprint(2, "warning: indent went negative\n");
  2158. amt = 0;
  2159. }
  2160. ps->curstate = (ps->curstate&~IFindentmask)|(amt << IFindentshift);
  2161. }
  2162. // Push val on top of stack, and also return value pushed
  2163. static int
  2164. push(Stack* stk, int val)
  2165. {
  2166. if(stk->n == Nestmax) {
  2167. if(warn)
  2168. fprint(2, "warning: build stack overflow\n");
  2169. }
  2170. else
  2171. stk->slots[stk->n++] = val;
  2172. return val;
  2173. }
  2174. // Pop top of stack
  2175. static void
  2176. pop(Stack* stk)
  2177. {
  2178. if(stk->n > 0)
  2179. --stk->n;
  2180. }
  2181. //Return top of stack, using dflt if stack is empty
  2182. static int
  2183. top(Stack* stk, int dflt)
  2184. {
  2185. if(stk->n == 0)
  2186. return dflt;
  2187. return stk->slots[stk->n-1];
  2188. }
  2189. // pop, then return new top, with dflt if empty
  2190. static int
  2191. popretnewtop(Stack* stk, int dflt)
  2192. {
  2193. if(stk->n == 0)
  2194. return dflt;
  2195. stk->n--;
  2196. if(stk->n == 0)
  2197. return dflt;
  2198. return stk->slots[stk->n-1];
  2199. }
  2200. // Copy fromstk entries into tostk
  2201. static void
  2202. copystack(Stack* tostk, Stack* fromstk)
  2203. {
  2204. int n;
  2205. n = fromstk->n;
  2206. tostk->n = n;
  2207. memmove(tostk->slots, fromstk->slots, n*sizeof(int));
  2208. }
  2209. static void
  2210. popfontstyle(Pstate* ps)
  2211. {
  2212. pop(&ps->fntstylestk);
  2213. setcurfont(ps);
  2214. }
  2215. static void
  2216. pushfontstyle(Pstate* ps, int sty)
  2217. {
  2218. push(&ps->fntstylestk, sty);
  2219. setcurfont(ps);
  2220. }
  2221. static void
  2222. popfontsize(Pstate* ps)
  2223. {
  2224. pop(&ps->fntsizestk);
  2225. setcurfont(ps);
  2226. }
  2227. static void
  2228. pushfontsize(Pstate* ps, int sz)
  2229. {
  2230. push(&ps->fntsizestk, sz);
  2231. setcurfont(ps);
  2232. }
  2233. static void
  2234. setcurfont(Pstate* ps)
  2235. {
  2236. int sty;
  2237. int sz;
  2238. sty = top(&ps->fntstylestk, FntR);
  2239. sz = top(&ps->fntsizestk, Normal);
  2240. if(sz < Tiny)
  2241. sz = Tiny;
  2242. if(sz > Verylarge)
  2243. sz = Verylarge;
  2244. ps->curfont = sty*NumSize + sz;
  2245. }
  2246. static void
  2247. popjust(Pstate* ps)
  2248. {
  2249. pop(&ps->juststk);
  2250. setcurjust(ps);
  2251. }
  2252. static void
  2253. pushjust(Pstate* ps, int j)
  2254. {
  2255. push(&ps->juststk, j);
  2256. setcurjust(ps);
  2257. }
  2258. static void
  2259. setcurjust(Pstate* ps)
  2260. {
  2261. int j;
  2262. int state;
  2263. j = top(&ps->juststk, ALleft);
  2264. if(j != ps->curjust) {
  2265. ps->curjust = j;
  2266. state = ps->curstate;
  2267. state &= ~(IFrjust|IFcjust);
  2268. if(j == ALcenter)
  2269. state |= IFcjust;
  2270. else if(j == ALright)
  2271. state |= IFrjust;
  2272. ps->curstate = state;
  2273. }
  2274. }
  2275. // Do final rearrangement after table parsing is finished
  2276. // and assign cells to grid points
  2277. static void
  2278. finish_table(Table* t)
  2279. {
  2280. int ncol;
  2281. int nrow;
  2282. int r;
  2283. Tablerow* rl;
  2284. Tablecell* cl;
  2285. int* rowspancnt;
  2286. Tablecell** rowspancell;
  2287. int ri;
  2288. int ci;
  2289. Tablecell* c;
  2290. Tablecell* cnext;
  2291. Tablerow* row;
  2292. Tablerow* rownext;
  2293. int rcols;
  2294. int newncol;
  2295. int k;
  2296. int j;
  2297. int cspan;
  2298. int rspan;
  2299. int i;
  2300. rl = t->rows;
  2301. t->nrow = nrow = _listlen((List*)rl);
  2302. t->rows = (Tablerow*)emalloc(nrow * sizeof(Tablerow));
  2303. ncol = 0;
  2304. r = nrow - 1;
  2305. for(row = rl; row != nil; row = rownext) {
  2306. // copy the data from the allocated Tablerow into the array slot
  2307. t->rows[r] = *row;
  2308. rownext = row->next;
  2309. row = &t->rows[r];
  2310. r--;
  2311. rcols = 0;
  2312. c = row->cells;
  2313. // If rowspan is > 1 but this is the last row,
  2314. // reset the rowspan
  2315. if(c != nil && c->rowspan > 1 && r == nrow-2)
  2316. c->rowspan = 1;
  2317. // reverse row->cells list (along nextinrow pointers)
  2318. row->cells = nil;
  2319. while(c != nil) {
  2320. cnext = c->nextinrow;
  2321. c->nextinrow = row->cells;
  2322. row->cells = c;
  2323. rcols += c->colspan;
  2324. c = cnext;
  2325. }
  2326. if(rcols > ncol)
  2327. ncol = rcols;
  2328. }
  2329. t->ncol = ncol;
  2330. t->cols = (Tablecol*)emalloc(ncol * sizeof(Tablecol));
  2331. // Reverse cells just so they are drawn in source order.
  2332. // Also, trim their contents so they don't end in whitespace.
  2333. t->cells = (Tablecell*)_revlist((List*)t->cells);
  2334. for(c = t->cells; c != nil; c= c->next)
  2335. trim_cell(c);
  2336. t->grid = (Tablecell***)emalloc(nrow * sizeof(Tablecell**));
  2337. for(i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
  2338. t->grid[i] = (Tablecell**)emalloc(ncol * sizeof(Tablecell*));
  2339. // The following arrays keep track of cells that are spanning
  2340. // multiple rows; rowspancnt[i] is the number of rows left
  2341. // to be spanned in column i.
  2342. // When done, cell's (row,col) is upper left grid point.
  2343. rowspancnt = (int*)emalloc(ncol * sizeof(int));
  2344. rowspancell = (Tablecell**)emalloc(ncol * sizeof(Tablecell*));
  2345. for(ri = 0; ri < nrow; ri++) {
  2346. row = &t->rows[ri];
  2347. cl = row->cells;
  2348. ci = 0;
  2349. while(ci < ncol || cl != nil) {
  2350. if(ci < ncol && rowspancnt[ci] > 0) {
  2351. t->grid[ri][ci] = rowspancell[ci];
  2352. rowspancnt[ci]--;
  2353. ci++;
  2354. }
  2355. else {
  2356. if(cl == nil) {
  2357. ci++;
  2358. continue;
  2359. }
  2360. c = cl;
  2361. cl = cl->nextinrow;
  2362. cspan = c->colspan;
  2363. rspan = c->rowspan;
  2364. if(ci + cspan > ncol) {
  2365. // because of row spanning, we calculated
  2366. // ncol incorrectly; adjust it
  2367. newncol = ci + cspan;
  2368. t->cols = (Tablecol*)erealloc(t->cols, newncol * sizeof(Tablecol));
  2369. rowspancnt = (int*)erealloc(rowspancnt, newncol * sizeof(int));
  2370. rowspancell = (Tablecell**)erealloc(rowspancell, newncol * sizeof(Tablecell*));
  2371. k = newncol-ncol;
  2372. memset(t->cols+ncol, 0, k*sizeof(Tablecol));
  2373. memset(rowspancnt+ncol, 0, k*sizeof(int));
  2374. memset(rowspancell+ncol, 0, k*sizeof(Tablecell*));
  2375. for(j = 0; j < nrow; j++) {
  2376. t->grid[j] = (Tablecell**)erealloc(t->grid[j], newncol * sizeof(Tablecell*));
  2377. memset(t->grid[j], 0, k*sizeof(Tablecell*));
  2378. }
  2379. t->ncol = ncol = newncol;
  2380. }
  2381. c->row = ri;
  2382. c->col = ci;
  2383. for(i = 0; i < cspan; i++) {
  2384. t->grid[ri][ci] = c;
  2385. if(rspan > 1) {
  2386. rowspancnt[ci] = rspan - 1;
  2387. rowspancell[ci] = c;
  2388. }
  2389. ci++;
  2390. }
  2391. }
  2392. }
  2393. }
  2394. free(rowspancnt);
  2395. free(rowspancell);
  2396. }
  2397. // Remove tail of cell content until it isn't whitespace.
  2398. static void
  2399. trim_cell(Tablecell* c)
  2400. {
  2401. int dropping;
  2402. Rune* s;
  2403. Rune* x;
  2404. Rune* y;
  2405. int nx;
  2406. int ny;
  2407. Item* p;
  2408. Itext* q;
  2409. Item* pprev;
  2410. dropping = 1;
  2411. while(c->content != nil && dropping) {
  2412. p = c->content;
  2413. pprev = nil;
  2414. while(p->next != nil) {
  2415. pprev = p;
  2416. p = p->next;
  2417. }
  2418. dropping = 0;
  2419. if(!(p->state&IFnobrk)) {
  2420. if(p->tag == Itexttag) {
  2421. q = (Itext*)p;
  2422. s = q->s;
  2423. _splitr(s, _Strlen(s), notwhitespace, &x, &nx, &y, &ny);
  2424. if(nx != 0 && ny != 0) {
  2425. q->s = _Strndup(x, nx);
  2426. free(s);
  2427. }
  2428. break;
  2429. }
  2430. }
  2431. if(dropping) {
  2432. if(pprev == nil)
  2433. c->content = nil;
  2434. else
  2435. pprev->next = nil;
  2436. freeitem(p);
  2437. }
  2438. }
  2439. }
  2440. // Caller must free answer (eventually).
  2441. static Rune*
  2442. listmark(uchar ty, int n)
  2443. {
  2444. Rune* s;
  2445. Rune* t;
  2446. int n2;
  2447. int i;
  2448. s = nil;
  2449. switch(ty) {
  2450. case LTdisc:
  2451. case LTsquare:
  2452. case LTcircle:
  2453. s = _newstr(1);
  2454. s[0] = (ty == LTdisc)? 0x2022 // bullet
  2455. : ((ty == LTsquare)? 0x220e // filled square
  2456. : 0x2218); // degree
  2457. s[1] = 0;
  2458. break;
  2459. case LT1:
  2460. s = runesmprint("%d.", n);
  2461. break;
  2462. case LTa:
  2463. case LTA:
  2464. n--;
  2465. i = 0;
  2466. if(n < 0)
  2467. n = 0;
  2468. s = _newstr((n <= 25)? 2 : 3);
  2469. if(n > 25) {
  2470. n2 = n%26;
  2471. n /= 26;
  2472. if(n2 > 25)
  2473. n2 = 25;
  2474. s[i++] = n2 + (ty == LTa)? 'a' : 'A';
  2475. }
  2476. s[i++] = n + (ty == LTa)? 'a' : 'A';
  2477. s[i++] = '.';
  2478. s[i] = 0;
  2479. break;
  2480. case LTi:
  2481. case LTI:
  2482. if(n >= NROMAN) {
  2483. if(warn)
  2484. fprint(2, "warning: unimplemented roman number > %d\n", NROMAN);
  2485. n = NROMAN;
  2486. }
  2487. t = roman[n - 1];
  2488. n2 = _Strlen(t);
  2489. s = _newstr(n2+1);
  2490. for(i = 0; i < n2; i++)
  2491. s[i] = (ty == LTi)? tolower(t[i]) : t[i];
  2492. s[i++] = '.';
  2493. s[i] = 0;
  2494. break;
  2495. }
  2496. return s;
  2497. }
  2498. // Find map with given name in di.maps.
  2499. // If not there, add one, copying name.
  2500. // Ownership of map remains with di->maps list.
  2501. static Map*
  2502. getmap(Docinfo* di, Rune* name)
  2503. {
  2504. Map* m;
  2505. for(m = di->maps; m != nil; m = m->next) {
  2506. if(!_Strcmp(name, m->name))
  2507. return m;
  2508. }
  2509. m = (Map*)emalloc(sizeof(Map));
  2510. m->name = _Strdup(name);
  2511. m->areas = nil;
  2512. m->next = di->maps;
  2513. di->maps = m;
  2514. return m;
  2515. }
  2516. // Transfers ownership of href to Area
  2517. static Area*
  2518. newarea(int shape, Rune* href, int target, Area* link)
  2519. {
  2520. Area* a;
  2521. a = (Area*)emalloc(sizeof(Area));
  2522. a->shape = shape;
  2523. a->href = href;
  2524. a->target = target;
  2525. a->next = link;
  2526. return a;
  2527. }
  2528. // Return string value associated with attid in tok, nil if none.
  2529. // Caller must free the result (eventually).
  2530. static Rune*
  2531. aval(Token* tok, int attid)
  2532. {
  2533. Rune* ans;
  2534. _tokaval(tok, attid, &ans, 1); // transfers string ownership from token to ans
  2535. return ans;
  2536. }
  2537. // Like aval, but use dflt if there was no such attribute in tok.
  2538. // Caller must free the result (eventually).
  2539. static Rune*
  2540. astrval(Token* tok, int attid, Rune* dflt)
  2541. {
  2542. Rune* ans;
  2543. if(_tokaval(tok, attid, &ans, 1))
  2544. return ans; // transfers string ownership from token to ans
  2545. else
  2546. return _Strdup(dflt);
  2547. }
  2548. // Here we're supposed to convert to an int,
  2549. // and have a default when not found
  2550. static int
  2551. aintval(Token* tok, int attid, int dflt)
  2552. {
  2553. Rune* ans;
  2554. if(!_tokaval(tok, attid, &ans, 0) || ans == nil)
  2555. return dflt;
  2556. else
  2557. return toint(ans);
  2558. }
  2559. // Like aintval, but result should be >= 0
  2560. static int
  2561. auintval(Token* tok, int attid, int dflt)
  2562. {
  2563. Rune* ans;
  2564. int v;
  2565. if(!_tokaval(tok, attid, &ans, 0) || ans == nil)
  2566. return dflt;
  2567. else {
  2568. v = toint(ans);
  2569. return v >= 0? v : 0;
  2570. }
  2571. }
  2572. // int conversion, but with possible error check (if warning)
  2573. static int
  2574. toint(Rune* s)
  2575. {
  2576. int ans;
  2577. Rune* eptr;
  2578. ans = _Strtol(s, &eptr, 10);
  2579. if(warn) {
  2580. if(*eptr != 0) {
  2581. eptr = _Strclass(eptr, notwhitespace);
  2582. if(eptr != nil)
  2583. fprint(2, "warning: expected integer, got %S\n", s);
  2584. }
  2585. }
  2586. return ans;
  2587. }
  2588. // Attribute value when need a table to convert strings to ints
  2589. static int
  2590. atabval(Token* tok, int attid, StringInt* tab, int ntab, int dflt)
  2591. {
  2592. Rune* aval;
  2593. int ans;
  2594. ans = dflt;
  2595. if(_tokaval(tok, attid, &aval, 0)) {
  2596. if(!_lookup(tab, ntab, aval, _Strlen(aval), &ans)) {
  2597. ans = dflt;
  2598. if(warn)
  2599. fprint(2, "warning: name not found in table lookup: %S\n", aval);
  2600. }
  2601. }
  2602. return ans;
  2603. }
  2604. // Attribute value when supposed to be a color
  2605. static int
  2606. acolorval(Token* tok, int attid, int dflt)
  2607. {
  2608. Rune* aval;
  2609. int ans;
  2610. ans = dflt;
  2611. if(_tokaval(tok, attid, &aval, 0))
  2612. ans = color(aval, dflt);
  2613. return ans;
  2614. }
  2615. // Attribute value when supposed to be a target frame name
  2616. static int
  2617. atargval(Token* tok, int dflt)
  2618. {
  2619. int ans;
  2620. Rune* aval;
  2621. ans = dflt;
  2622. if(_tokaval(tok, Atarget, &aval, 0)){
  2623. ans = targetid(aval);
  2624. }
  2625. return ans;
  2626. }
  2627. // special for list types, where "i" and "I" are different,
  2628. // but "square" and "SQUARE" are the same
  2629. static int
  2630. listtyval(Token* tok, int dflt)
  2631. {
  2632. Rune* aval;
  2633. int ans;
  2634. int n;
  2635. ans = dflt;
  2636. if(_tokaval(tok, Atype, &aval, 0)) {
  2637. n = _Strlen(aval);
  2638. if(n == 1) {
  2639. switch(aval[0]) {
  2640. case '1':
  2641. ans = LT1;
  2642. break;
  2643. case 'A':
  2644. ans = LTA;
  2645. break;
  2646. case 'I':
  2647. ans = LTI;
  2648. break;
  2649. case 'a':
  2650. ans = LTa;
  2651. break;
  2652. case 'i':
  2653. ans = LTi;
  2654. default:
  2655. if(warn)
  2656. fprint(2, "warning: unknown list element type %c\n", aval[0]);
  2657. }
  2658. }
  2659. else {
  2660. if(!_Strncmpci(aval, n, L"circle"))
  2661. ans = LTcircle;
  2662. else if(!_Strncmpci(aval, n, L"disc"))
  2663. ans = LTdisc;
  2664. else if(!_Strncmpci(aval, n, L"square"))
  2665. ans = LTsquare;
  2666. else {
  2667. if(warn)
  2668. fprint(2, "warning: unknown list element type %S\n", aval);
  2669. }
  2670. }
  2671. }
  2672. return ans;
  2673. }
  2674. // Attribute value when value is a URL, possibly relative to base.
  2675. // FOR NOW: leave the url relative.
  2676. // Caller must free the result (eventually).
  2677. static Rune*
  2678. aurlval(Token* tok, int attid, Rune* dflt, Rune* base)
  2679. {
  2680. Rune* ans;
  2681. Rune* url;
  2682. USED(base);
  2683. ans = nil;
  2684. if(_tokaval(tok, attid, &url, 0) && url != nil)
  2685. ans = removeallwhite(url);
  2686. if(ans == nil)
  2687. ans = _Strdup(dflt);
  2688. return ans;
  2689. }
  2690. // Return copy of s but with all whitespace (even internal) removed.
  2691. // This fixes some buggy URL specification strings.
  2692. static Rune*
  2693. removeallwhite(Rune* s)
  2694. {
  2695. int j;
  2696. int n;
  2697. int i;
  2698. int c;
  2699. Rune* ans;
  2700. j = 0;
  2701. n = _Strlen(s);
  2702. for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  2703. c = s[i];
  2704. if(c >= 256 || !isspace(c))
  2705. j++;
  2706. }
  2707. if(j < n) {
  2708. ans = _newstr(j);
  2709. j = 0;
  2710. for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  2711. c = s[i];
  2712. if(c >= 256 || !isspace(c))
  2713. ans[j++] = c;
  2714. }
  2715. ans[j] = 0;
  2716. }
  2717. else
  2718. ans = _Strdup(s);
  2719. return ans;
  2720. }
  2721. // Attribute value when mere presence of attr implies value of 1,
  2722. // but if there is an integer there, return it as the value.
  2723. static int
  2724. aflagval(Token* tok, int attid)
  2725. {
  2726. int val;
  2727. Rune* sval;
  2728. val = 0;
  2729. if(_tokaval(tok, attid, &sval, 0)) {
  2730. val = 1;
  2731. if(sval != nil)
  2732. val = toint(sval);
  2733. }
  2734. return val;
  2735. }
  2736. static Align
  2737. makealign(int halign, int valign)
  2738. {
  2739. Align al;
  2740. al.halign = halign;
  2741. al.valign = valign;
  2742. return al;
  2743. }
  2744. // Make an Align (two alignments, horizontal and vertical)
  2745. static Align
  2746. aalign(Token* tok)
  2747. {
  2748. return makealign(
  2749. atabval(tok, Aalign, align_tab, NALIGNTAB, ALnone),
  2750. atabval(tok, Avalign, align_tab, NALIGNTAB, ALnone));
  2751. }
  2752. // Make a Dimen, based on value of attid attr
  2753. static Dimen
  2754. adimen(Token* tok, int attid)
  2755. {
  2756. Rune* wd;
  2757. if(_tokaval(tok, attid, &wd, 0))
  2758. return parsedim(wd, _Strlen(wd));
  2759. else
  2760. return makedimen(Dnone, 0);
  2761. }
  2762. // Parse s[0:n] as num[.[num]][unit][%|*]
  2763. static Dimen
  2764. parsedim(Rune* s, int ns)
  2765. {
  2766. int kind;
  2767. int spec;
  2768. Rune* l;
  2769. int nl;
  2770. Rune* r;
  2771. int nr;
  2772. int mul;
  2773. int i;
  2774. Rune* f;
  2775. int nf;
  2776. int Tkdpi;
  2777. Rune* units;
  2778. kind = Dnone;
  2779. spec = 0;
  2780. _splitl(s, ns, L"^0-9", &l, &nl, &r, &nr);
  2781. if(nl != 0) {
  2782. spec = 1000*_Strtol(l, nil, 10);
  2783. if(nr > 0 && r[0] == '.') {
  2784. _splitl(r+1, nr-1, L"^0-9", &f, &nf, &r, &nr);
  2785. if(nf != 0) {
  2786. mul = 100;
  2787. for(i = 0; i < nf; i++) {
  2788. spec = spec + mul*(f[i]-'0');
  2789. mul = mul/10;
  2790. }
  2791. }
  2792. }
  2793. kind = Dpixels;
  2794. if(nr != 0) {
  2795. if(nr >= 2) {
  2796. Tkdpi = 100;
  2797. units = r;
  2798. r = r+2;
  2799. nr -= 2;
  2800. if(!_Strncmpci(units, 2, L"pt"))
  2801. spec = (spec*Tkdpi)/72;
  2802. else if(!_Strncmpci(units, 2, L"pi"))
  2803. spec = (spec*12*Tkdpi)/72;
  2804. else if(!_Strncmpci(units, 2, L"in"))
  2805. spec = spec*Tkdpi;
  2806. else if(!_Strncmpci(units, 2, L"cm"))
  2807. spec = (spec*100*Tkdpi)/254;
  2808. else if(!_Strncmpci(units, 2, L"mm"))
  2809. spec = (spec*10*Tkdpi)/254;
  2810. else if(!_Strncmpci(units, 2, L"em"))
  2811. spec = spec*15;
  2812. else {
  2813. if(warn)
  2814. fprint(2, "warning: unknown units %C%Cs\n", units[0], units[1]);
  2815. }
  2816. }
  2817. if(nr >= 1) {
  2818. if(r[0] == '%')
  2819. kind = Dpercent;
  2820. else if(r[0] == '*')
  2821. kind = Drelative;
  2822. }
  2823. }
  2824. spec = spec/1000;
  2825. }
  2826. else if(nr == 1 && r[0] == '*') {
  2827. spec = 1;
  2828. kind = Drelative;
  2829. }
  2830. return makedimen(kind, spec);
  2831. }
  2832. static void
  2833. setdimarray(Token* tok, int attid, Dimen** pans, int* panslen)
  2834. {
  2835. Rune* s;
  2836. Dimen* d;
  2837. int k;
  2838. int nc;
  2839. Rune* a[SMALLBUFSIZE];
  2840. int an[SMALLBUFSIZE];
  2841. if(_tokaval(tok, attid, &s, 0)) {
  2842. nc = _splitall(s, _Strlen(s), L", ", a, an, SMALLBUFSIZE);
  2843. if(nc > 0) {
  2844. d = (Dimen*)emalloc(nc * sizeof(Dimen));
  2845. for(k = 0; k < nc; k++) {
  2846. d[k] = parsedim(a[k], an[k]);
  2847. }
  2848. *pans = d;
  2849. *panslen = nc;
  2850. return;
  2851. }
  2852. }
  2853. *pans = nil;
  2854. *panslen = 0;
  2855. }
  2856. static Background
  2857. makebackground(Rune* imageurl, int color)
  2858. {
  2859. Background bg;
  2860. bg.image = imageurl;
  2861. bg.color = color;
  2862. return bg;
  2863. }
  2864. static Item*
  2865. newitext(Rune* s, int fnt, int fg, int voff, int ul)
  2866. {
  2867. Itext* t;
  2868. assert(s != nil);
  2869. t = (Itext*)emalloc(sizeof(Itext));
  2870. t->tag = Itexttag;
  2871. t->s = s;
  2872. t->fnt = fnt;
  2873. t->fg = fg;
  2874. t->voff = voff;
  2875. t->ul = ul;
  2876. return (Item*)t;
  2877. }
  2878. static Item*
  2879. newirule(int align, int size, int noshade, Dimen wspec)
  2880. {
  2881. Irule* r;
  2882. r = (Irule*)emalloc(sizeof(Irule));
  2883. r->tag = Iruletag;
  2884. r->align = align;
  2885. r->size = size;
  2886. r->noshade = noshade;
  2887. r->wspec = wspec;
  2888. return (Item*)r;
  2889. }
  2890. // Map is owned elsewhere.
  2891. static Item*
  2892. newiimage(Rune* src, Rune* altrep, int align, int width, int height,
  2893. int hspace, int vspace, int border, int ismap, Map* map)
  2894. {
  2895. Iimage* i;
  2896. int state;
  2897. state = 0;
  2898. if(ismap)
  2899. state = IFsmap;
  2900. i = (Iimage*)emalloc(sizeof(Iimage));
  2901. i->tag = Iimagetag;
  2902. i->state = state;
  2903. i->imsrc = src;
  2904. i->altrep = altrep;
  2905. i->align = align;
  2906. i->imwidth = width;
  2907. i->imheight = height;
  2908. i->hspace = hspace;
  2909. i->vspace = vspace;
  2910. i->border = border;
  2911. i->map = map;
  2912. i->ctlid = -1;
  2913. return (Item*)i;
  2914. }
  2915. static Item*
  2916. newiformfield(Formfield* ff)
  2917. {
  2918. Iformfield* f;
  2919. f = (Iformfield*)emalloc(sizeof(Iformfield));
  2920. f->tag = Iformfieldtag;
  2921. f->formfield = ff;
  2922. return (Item*)f;
  2923. }
  2924. static Item*
  2925. newitable(Table* tab)
  2926. {
  2927. Itable* t;
  2928. t = (Itable*)emalloc(sizeof(Itable));
  2929. t->tag = Itabletag;
  2930. t->table = tab;
  2931. return (Item*)t;
  2932. }
  2933. static Item*
  2934. newifloat(Item* it, int side)
  2935. {
  2936. Ifloat* f;
  2937. f = (Ifloat*)emalloc(sizeof(Ifloat));
  2938. f->tag = Ifloattag;
  2939. f->state = IFwrap;
  2940. f->item = it;
  2941. f->side = side;
  2942. return (Item*)f;
  2943. }
  2944. static Item*
  2945. newispacer(int spkind)
  2946. {
  2947. Ispacer* s;
  2948. s = (Ispacer*)emalloc(sizeof(Ispacer));
  2949. s->tag = Ispacertag;
  2950. s->spkind = spkind;
  2951. return (Item*)s;
  2952. }
  2953. // Free one item (caller must deal with next pointer)
  2954. static void
  2955. freeitem(Item* it)
  2956. {
  2957. Iimage* ii;
  2958. Genattr* ga;
  2959. if(it == nil)
  2960. return;
  2961. switch(it->tag) {
  2962. case Itexttag:
  2963. free(((Itext*)it)->s);
  2964. break;
  2965. case Iimagetag:
  2966. ii = (Iimage*)it;
  2967. free(ii->imsrc);
  2968. free(ii->altrep);
  2969. break;
  2970. case Iformfieldtag:
  2971. freeformfield(((Iformfield*)it)->formfield);
  2972. break;
  2973. case Itabletag:
  2974. freetable(((Itable*)it)->table);
  2975. break;
  2976. case Ifloattag:
  2977. freeitem(((Ifloat*)it)->item);
  2978. break;
  2979. }
  2980. ga = it->genattr;
  2981. if(ga != nil) {
  2982. free(ga->id);
  2983. free(ga->class);
  2984. free(ga->style);
  2985. free(ga->title);
  2986. freescriptevents(ga->events);
  2987. }
  2988. free(it);
  2989. }
  2990. // Free list of items chained through next pointer
  2991. void
  2992. freeitems(Item* ithead)
  2993. {
  2994. Item* it;
  2995. Item* itnext;
  2996. it = ithead;
  2997. while(it != nil) {
  2998. itnext = it->next;
  2999. freeitem(it);
  3000. it = itnext;
  3001. }
  3002. }
  3003. static void
  3004. freeformfield(Formfield* ff)
  3005. {
  3006. Option* o;
  3007. Option* onext;
  3008. if(ff == nil)
  3009. return;
  3010. free(ff->name);
  3011. free(ff->value);
  3012. for(o = ff->options; o != nil; o = onext) {
  3013. onext = o->next;
  3014. free(o->value);
  3015. free(o->display);
  3016. }
  3017. free(ff);
  3018. }
  3019. static void
  3020. freetable(Table* t)
  3021. {
  3022. int i;
  3023. Tablecell* c;
  3024. Tablecell* cnext;
  3025. if(t == nil)
  3026. return;
  3027. // We'll find all the unique cells via t->cells and next pointers.
  3028. // (Other pointers to cells in the table are duplicates of these)
  3029. for(c = t->cells; c != nil; c = cnext) {
  3030. cnext = c->next;
  3031. freeitems(c->content);
  3032. }
  3033. if(t->grid != nil) {
  3034. for(i = 0; i < t->nrow; i++)
  3035. free(t->grid[i]);
  3036. free(t->grid);
  3037. }
  3038. free(t->rows);
  3039. free(t->cols);
  3040. freeitems(t->caption);
  3041. free(t);
  3042. }
  3043. static void
  3044. freeform(Form* f)
  3045. {
  3046. if(f == nil)
  3047. return;
  3048. free(f->name);
  3049. free(f->action);
  3050. // Form doesn't own its fields (Iformfield items do)
  3051. free(f);
  3052. }
  3053. static void
  3054. freeforms(Form* fhead)
  3055. {
  3056. Form* f;
  3057. Form* fnext;
  3058. for(f = fhead; f != nil; f = fnext) {
  3059. fnext = f->next;
  3060. freeform(f);
  3061. }
  3062. }
  3063. static void
  3064. freeanchor(Anchor* a)
  3065. {
  3066. if(a == nil)
  3067. return;
  3068. free(a->name);
  3069. free(a->href);
  3070. free(a);
  3071. }
  3072. static void
  3073. freeanchors(Anchor* ahead)
  3074. {
  3075. Anchor* a;
  3076. Anchor* anext;
  3077. for(a = ahead; a != nil; a = anext) {
  3078. anext = a->next;
  3079. freeanchor(a);
  3080. }
  3081. }
  3082. static void
  3083. freedestanchor(DestAnchor* da)
  3084. {
  3085. if(da == nil)
  3086. return;
  3087. free(da->name);
  3088. free(da);
  3089. }
  3090. static void
  3091. freedestanchors(DestAnchor* dahead)
  3092. {
  3093. DestAnchor* da;
  3094. DestAnchor* danext;
  3095. for(da = dahead; da != nil; da = danext) {
  3096. danext = da->next;
  3097. freedestanchor(da);
  3098. }
  3099. }
  3100. static void
  3101. freearea(Area* a)
  3102. {
  3103. if(a == nil)
  3104. return;
  3105. free(a->href);
  3106. free(a->coords);
  3107. }
  3108. static void freekidinfos(Kidinfo* khead);
  3109. static void
  3110. freekidinfo(Kidinfo* k)
  3111. {
  3112. if(k->isframeset) {
  3113. free(k->rows);
  3114. free(k->cols);
  3115. freekidinfos(k->kidinfos);
  3116. }
  3117. else {
  3118. free(k->src);
  3119. free(k->name);
  3120. }
  3121. free(k);
  3122. }
  3123. static void
  3124. freekidinfos(Kidinfo* khead)
  3125. {
  3126. Kidinfo* k;
  3127. Kidinfo* knext;
  3128. for(k = khead; k != nil; k = knext) {
  3129. knext = k->next;
  3130. freekidinfo(k);
  3131. }
  3132. }
  3133. static void
  3134. freemap(Map* m)
  3135. {
  3136. Area* a;
  3137. Area* anext;
  3138. if(m == nil)
  3139. return;
  3140. free(m->name);
  3141. for(a = m->areas; a != nil; a = anext) {
  3142. anext = a->next;
  3143. freearea(a);
  3144. }
  3145. free(m);
  3146. }
  3147. static void
  3148. freemaps(Map* mhead)
  3149. {
  3150. Map* m;
  3151. Map* mnext;
  3152. for(m = mhead; m != nil; m = mnext) {
  3153. mnext = m->next;
  3154. freemap(m);
  3155. }
  3156. }
  3157. void
  3158. freedocinfo(Docinfo* d)
  3159. {
  3160. if(d == nil)
  3161. return;
  3162. free(d->src);
  3163. free(d->base);
  3164. freeitem((Item*)d->backgrounditem);
  3165. free(d->refresh);
  3166. freekidinfos(d->kidinfo);
  3167. freeanchors(d->anchors);
  3168. freedestanchors(d->dests);
  3169. freeforms(d->forms);
  3170. freemaps(d->maps);
  3171. // tables, images, and formfields are freed when
  3172. // the items pointing at them are freed
  3173. free(d);
  3174. }
  3175. // Currently, someone else owns all the memory
  3176. // pointed to by things in a Pstate.
  3177. static void
  3178. freepstate(Pstate* p)
  3179. {
  3180. free(p);
  3181. }
  3182. static void
  3183. freepstatestack(Pstate* pshead)
  3184. {
  3185. Pstate* p;
  3186. Pstate* pnext;
  3187. for(p = pshead; p != nil; p = pnext) {
  3188. pnext = p->next;
  3189. free(p);
  3190. }
  3191. }
  3192. static int
  3193. Iconv(Fmt *f)
  3194. {
  3195. Item* it;
  3196. Itext* t;
  3197. Irule* r;
  3198. Iimage* i;
  3199. Ifloat* fl;
  3200. int state;
  3201. Formfield* ff;
  3202. Rune* ty;
  3203. Tablecell* c;
  3204. Table* tab;
  3205. char* p;
  3206. int cl;
  3207. int hang;
  3208. int indent;
  3209. int bi;
  3210. int nbuf;
  3211. char buf[BIGBUFSIZE];
  3212. it = va_arg(f->args, Item*);
  3213. bi = 0;
  3214. nbuf = sizeof(buf);
  3215. state = it->state;
  3216. nbuf = nbuf-1;
  3217. if(state&IFbrk) {
  3218. cl = state&(IFcleft|IFcright);
  3219. p = "";
  3220. if(cl) {
  3221. if(cl == (IFcleft|IFcright))
  3222. p = " both";
  3223. else if(cl == IFcleft)
  3224. p = " left";
  3225. else
  3226. p = " right";
  3227. }
  3228. bi = snprint(buf, nbuf, "brk(%d%s)", (state&IFbrksp)? 1 : 0, p);
  3229. }
  3230. if(state&IFnobrk)
  3231. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, " nobrk");
  3232. if(!(state&IFwrap))
  3233. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, " nowrap");
  3234. if(state&IFrjust)
  3235. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, " rjust");
  3236. if(state&IFcjust)
  3237. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, " cjust");
  3238. if(state&IFsmap)
  3239. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, " smap");
  3240. indent = (state&IFindentmask) >> IFindentshift;
  3241. if(indent > 0)
  3242. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, " indent=%d", indent);
  3243. hang = state&IFhangmask;
  3244. if(hang > 0)
  3245. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, " hang=%d", hang);
  3246. switch(it->tag) {
  3247. case Itexttag:
  3248. t = (Itext*)it;
  3249. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, " Text '%S', fnt=%d, fg=%x", t->s, t->fnt, t->fg);
  3250. break;
  3251. case Iruletag:
  3252. r = (Irule*)it;
  3253. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, "Rule size=%d, al=%S, wspec=", r->size, stringalign(r->align));
  3254. bi += dimprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, r->wspec);
  3255. break;
  3256. case Iimagetag:
  3257. i = (Iimage*)it;
  3258. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi,
  3259. "Image src=%S, alt=%S, al=%S, w=%d, h=%d hsp=%d, vsp=%d, bd=%d, map=%S",
  3260. i->imsrc, i->altrep? i->altrep : L"", stringalign(i->align), i->imwidth, i->imheight,
  3261. i->hspace, i->vspace, i->border, i->map? i->map->name : L"");
  3262. break;
  3263. case Iformfieldtag:
  3264. ff = ((Iformfield*)it)->formfield;
  3265. if(ff->ftype == Ftextarea)
  3266. ty = L"textarea";
  3267. else if(ff->ftype == Fselect)
  3268. ty = L"select";
  3269. else {
  3270. ty = _revlookup(input_tab, NINPUTTAB, ff->ftype);
  3271. if(ty == nil)
  3272. ty = L"none";
  3273. }
  3274. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, "Formfield %S, fieldid=%d, formid=%d, name=%S, value=%S",
  3275. ty, ff->fieldid, ff->form->formid, ff->name? ff->name : L"",
  3276. ff->value? ff->value : L"");
  3277. break;
  3278. case Itabletag:
  3279. tab = ((Itable*)it)->table;
  3280. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, "Table tableid=%d, width=", tab->tableid);
  3281. bi += dimprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, tab->width);
  3282. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, ", nrow=%d, ncol=%d, ncell=%d, totw=%d, toth=%d\n",
  3283. tab->nrow, tab->ncol, tab->ncell, tab->totw, tab->toth);
  3284. for(c = tab->cells; c != nil; c = c->next)
  3285. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, "Cell %d.%d, at (%d,%d) ",
  3286. tab->tableid, c->cellid, c->row, c->col);
  3287. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, "End of Table %d", tab->tableid);
  3288. break;
  3289. case Ifloattag:
  3290. fl = (Ifloat*)it;
  3291. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, "Float, x=%d y=%d, side=%S, it=%I",
  3292. fl->x, fl->y, stringalign(fl->side), fl->item);
  3293. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, "\n\t");
  3294. break;
  3295. case Ispacertag:
  3296. p = "";
  3297. switch(((Ispacer*)it)->spkind) {
  3298. case ISPnull:
  3299. p = "null";
  3300. break;
  3301. case ISPvline:
  3302. p = "vline";
  3303. break;
  3304. case ISPhspace:
  3305. p = "hspace";
  3306. break;
  3307. }
  3308. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, "Spacer %s ", p);
  3309. break;
  3310. }
  3311. bi += snprint(buf+bi, nbuf-bi, " w=%d, h=%d, a=%d, anchor=%d\n",
  3312. it->width, it->height, it->ascent, it->anchorid);
  3313. buf[bi] = 0;
  3314. return fmtstrcpy(f, buf);
  3315. }
  3316. // String version of alignment 'a'
  3317. static Rune*
  3318. stringalign(int a)
  3319. {
  3320. Rune* s;
  3321. s = _revlookup(align_tab, NALIGNTAB, a);
  3322. if(s == nil)
  3323. s = L"none";
  3324. return s;
  3325. }
  3326. // Put at most nbuf chars of representation of d into buf,
  3327. // and return number of characters put
  3328. static int
  3329. dimprint(char* buf, int nbuf, Dimen d)
  3330. {
  3331. int n;
  3332. int k;
  3333. n = 0;
  3334. n += snprint(buf, nbuf, "%d", dimenspec(d));
  3335. k = dimenkind(d);
  3336. if(k == Dpercent)
  3337. buf[n++] = '%';
  3338. if(k == Drelative)
  3339. buf[n++] = '*';
  3340. return n;
  3341. }
  3342. void
  3343. printitems(Item* items, char* msg)
  3344. {
  3345. Item* il;
  3346. fprint(2, "%s\n", msg);
  3347. il = items;
  3348. while(il != nil) {
  3349. fprint(2, "%I", il);
  3350. il = il->next;
  3351. }
  3352. }
  3353. static Genattr*
  3354. newgenattr(Rune* id, Rune* class, Rune* style, Rune* title, SEvent* events)
  3355. {
  3356. Genattr* g;
  3357. g = (Genattr*)emalloc(sizeof(Genattr));
  3358. g->id = id;
  3359. g->class = class;
  3360. g->style = style;
  3361. g->title = title;
  3362. g->events = events;
  3363. return g;
  3364. }
  3365. static Formfield*
  3366. newformfield(int ftype, int fieldid, Form* form, Rune* name,
  3367. Rune* value, int size, int maxlength, Formfield* link)
  3368. {
  3369. Formfield* ff;
  3370. ff = (Formfield*)emalloc(sizeof(Formfield));
  3371. ff->ftype = ftype;
  3372. ff->fieldid = fieldid;
  3373. ff->form = form;
  3374. ff->name = name;
  3375. ff->value = value;
  3376. ff->size = size;
  3377. ff->maxlength = maxlength;
  3378. ff->ctlid = -1;
  3379. ff->next = link;
  3380. return ff;
  3381. }
  3382. // Transfers ownership of value and display to Option.
  3383. static Option*
  3384. newoption(int selected, Rune* value, Rune* display, Option* link)
  3385. {
  3386. Option *o;
  3387. o = (Option*)emalloc(sizeof(Option));
  3388. o->selected = selected;
  3389. o->value = value;
  3390. o->display = display;
  3391. o->next = link;
  3392. return o;
  3393. }
  3394. static Form*
  3395. newform(int formid, Rune* name, Rune* action, int target, int method, Form* link)
  3396. {
  3397. Form* f;
  3398. f = (Form*)emalloc(sizeof(Form));
  3399. f->formid = formid;
  3400. f->name = name;
  3401. f->action = action;
  3402. f->target = target;
  3403. f->method = method;
  3404. f->nfields = 0;
  3405. f->fields = nil;
  3406. f->next = link;
  3407. return f;
  3408. }
  3409. static Table*
  3410. newtable(int tableid, Align align, Dimen width, int border,
  3411. int cellspacing, int cellpadding, Background bg, Token* tok, Table* link)
  3412. {
  3413. Table* t;
  3414. t = (Table*)emalloc(sizeof(Table));
  3415. t->tableid = tableid;
  3416. t->align = align;
  3417. t->width = width;
  3418. t->border = border;
  3419. t->cellspacing = cellspacing;
  3420. t->cellpadding = cellpadding;
  3421. t->background = bg;
  3422. t->caption_place = ALbottom;
  3423. t->caption_lay = nil;
  3424. t->tabletok = tok;
  3425. t->tabletok = nil;
  3426. t->next = link;
  3427. return t;
  3428. }
  3429. static Tablerow*
  3430. newtablerow(Align align, Background bg, int flags, Tablerow* link)
  3431. {
  3432. Tablerow* tr;
  3433. tr = (Tablerow*)emalloc(sizeof(Tablerow));
  3434. tr->align = align;
  3435. tr->background = bg;
  3436. tr->flags = flags;
  3437. tr->next = link;
  3438. return tr;
  3439. }
  3440. static Tablecell*
  3441. newtablecell(int cellid, int rowspan, int colspan, Align align, Dimen wspec, int hspec,
  3442. Background bg, int flags, Tablecell* link)
  3443. {
  3444. Tablecell* c;
  3445. c = (Tablecell*)emalloc(sizeof(Tablecell));
  3446. c->cellid = cellid;
  3447. c->lay = nil;
  3448. c->rowspan = rowspan;
  3449. c->colspan = colspan;
  3450. c->align = align;
  3451. c->flags = flags;
  3452. c->wspec = wspec;
  3453. c->hspec = hspec;
  3454. c->background = bg;
  3455. c->next = link;
  3456. return c;
  3457. }
  3458. static Anchor*
  3459. newanchor(int index, Rune* name, Rune* href, int target, Anchor* link)
  3460. {
  3461. Anchor* a;
  3462. a = (Anchor*)emalloc(sizeof(Anchor));
  3463. a->index = index;
  3464. a->name = name;
  3465. a->href = href;
  3466. a->target = target;
  3467. a->next = link;
  3468. return a;
  3469. }
  3470. static DestAnchor*
  3471. newdestanchor(int index, Rune* name, Item* item, DestAnchor* link)
  3472. {
  3473. DestAnchor* d;
  3474. d = (DestAnchor*)emalloc(sizeof(DestAnchor));
  3475. d->index = index;
  3476. d->name = name;
  3477. d->item = item;
  3478. d->next = link;
  3479. return d;
  3480. }
  3481. static SEvent*
  3482. newscriptevent(int type, Rune* script, SEvent* link)
  3483. {
  3484. SEvent* ans;
  3485. ans = (SEvent*)emalloc(sizeof(SEvent));
  3486. ans->type = type;
  3487. ans->script = script;
  3488. ans->next = link;
  3489. return ans;
  3490. }
  3491. static void
  3492. freescriptevents(SEvent* ehead)
  3493. {
  3494. SEvent* e;
  3495. SEvent* nexte;
  3496. e = ehead;
  3497. while(e != nil) {
  3498. nexte = e->next;
  3499. free(e->script);
  3500. free(e);
  3501. e = nexte;
  3502. }
  3503. }
  3504. static Dimen
  3505. makedimen(int kind, int spec)
  3506. {
  3507. Dimen d;
  3508. if(spec&Dkindmask) {
  3509. if(warn)
  3510. fprint(2, "warning: dimension spec too big: %d\n", spec);
  3511. spec = 0;
  3512. }
  3513. d.kindspec = kind|spec;
  3514. return d;
  3515. }
  3516. int
  3517. dimenkind(Dimen d)
  3518. {
  3519. return (d.kindspec&Dkindmask);
  3520. }
  3521. int
  3522. dimenspec(Dimen d)
  3523. {
  3524. return (d.kindspec&Dspecmask);
  3525. }
  3526. static Kidinfo*
  3527. newkidinfo(int isframeset, Kidinfo* link)
  3528. {
  3529. Kidinfo* ki;
  3530. ki = (Kidinfo*)emalloc(sizeof(Kidinfo));
  3531. ki->isframeset = isframeset;
  3532. if(!isframeset) {
  3533. ki->flags = FRhscrollauto|FRvscrollauto;
  3534. ki->marginw = FRKIDMARGIN;
  3535. ki->marginh = FRKIDMARGIN;
  3536. ki->framebd = 1;
  3537. }
  3538. ki->next = link;
  3539. return ki;
  3540. }
  3541. static Docinfo*
  3542. newdocinfo(void)
  3543. {
  3544. Docinfo* d;
  3545. d = (Docinfo*)emalloc(sizeof(Docinfo));
  3546. resetdocinfo(d);
  3547. return d;
  3548. }
  3549. static void
  3550. resetdocinfo(Docinfo* d)
  3551. {
  3552. memset(d, 0, sizeof(Docinfo));
  3553. d->background = makebackground(nil, White);
  3554. d->text = Black;
  3555. d->link = Blue;
  3556. d->vlink = Blue;
  3557. d->alink = Blue;
  3558. d->target = FTself;
  3559. d->chset = ISO_8859_1;
  3560. d->scripttype = TextJavascript;
  3561. d->frameid = -1;
  3562. }
  3563. // Use targetmap array to keep track of name <-> targetid mapping.
  3564. // Use real malloc(), and never free
  3565. static void
  3566. targetmapinit(void)
  3567. {
  3568. int l;
  3569. targetmapsize = 10;
  3570. l = targetmapsize*sizeof *targetmap;
  3571. targetmap = emalloc(l);
  3572. memset(targetmap, 0, l);
  3573. targetmap[0].key = _Strdup(L"_top");
  3574. targetmap[0].val = FTtop;
  3575. targetmap[1].key = _Strdup(L"_self");
  3576. targetmap[1].val = FTself;
  3577. targetmap[2].key = _Strdup(L"_parent");
  3578. targetmap[2].val = FTparent;
  3579. targetmap[3].key = _Strdup(L"_blank");
  3580. targetmap[3].val = FTblank;
  3581. ntargets = 4;
  3582. }
  3583. int
  3584. targetid(Rune* s)
  3585. {
  3586. int i;
  3587. int n;
  3588. n = _Strlen(s);
  3589. if(n == 0)
  3590. return FTself;
  3591. for(i = 0; i < ntargets; i++)
  3592. if(_Strcmp(s, targetmap[i].key) == 0)
  3593. return targetmap[i].val;
  3594. if(i == targetmapsize) {
  3595. targetmapsize += 10;
  3596. targetmap = erealloc(targetmap, targetmapsize*sizeof(StringInt));
  3597. }
  3598. targetmap[i].key = _Strdup(s);
  3599. targetmap[i].val = i;
  3600. ntargets++;
  3601. return i;
  3602. }
  3603. Rune*
  3604. targetname(int targid)
  3605. {
  3606. int i;
  3607. for(i = 0; i < ntargets; i++)
  3608. if(targetmap[i].val == targid)
  3609. return targetmap[i].key;
  3610. return L"?";
  3611. }
  3612. // Convert HTML color spec to RGB value, returning dflt if can't.
  3613. // Argument is supposed to be a valid HTML color, or "".
  3614. // Return the RGB value of the color, using dflt if s
  3615. // is nil or an invalid color.
  3616. static int
  3617. color(Rune* s, int dflt)
  3618. {
  3619. int v;
  3620. Rune* rest;
  3621. if(s == nil)
  3622. return dflt;
  3623. if(_lookup(color_tab, NCOLORS, s, _Strlen(s), &v))
  3624. return v;
  3625. if(s[0] == '#')
  3626. s++;
  3627. v = _Strtol(s, &rest, 16);
  3628. if(*rest == 0)
  3629. return v;
  3630. return dflt;
  3631. }
  3632. // Debugging
  3633. #define HUGEPIX 10000
  3634. // A "shallow" validitem, that doesn't follow next links
  3635. // or descend into tables.
  3636. static int
  3637. validitem(Item* i)
  3638. {
  3639. int ok;
  3640. Itext* ti;
  3641. Irule* ri;
  3642. Iimage* ii;
  3643. Ifloat* fi;
  3644. int a;
  3645. ok = (i->tag >= Itexttag && i->tag <= Ispacertag) &&
  3646. (i->next == nil || validptr(i->next)) &&
  3647. (i->width >= 0 && i->width < HUGEPIX) &&
  3648. (i->height >= 0 && i->height < HUGEPIX) &&
  3649. (i->ascent > -HUGEPIX && i->ascent < HUGEPIX) &&
  3650. (i->anchorid >= 0) &&
  3651. (i->genattr == nil || validptr(i->genattr));
  3652. // also, could check state for ridiculous combinations
  3653. // also, could check anchorid for within-doc-range
  3654. if(ok)
  3655. switch(i->tag) {
  3656. case Itexttag:
  3657. ti = (Itext*)i;
  3658. ok = validStr(ti->s) &&
  3659. (ti->fnt >= 0 && ti->fnt < NumStyle*NumSize) &&
  3660. (ti->ul == ULnone || ti->ul == ULunder || ti->ul == ULmid);
  3661. break;
  3662. case Iruletag:
  3663. ri = (Irule*)i;
  3664. ok = (validvalign(ri->align) || validhalign(ri->align)) &&
  3665. (ri->size >=0 && ri->size < HUGEPIX);
  3666. break;
  3667. case Iimagetag:
  3668. ii = (Iimage*)i;
  3669. ok = (ii->imsrc == nil || validptr(ii->imsrc)) &&
  3670. (ii->width >= 0 && ii->width < HUGEPIX) &&
  3671. (ii->height >= 0 && ii->height < HUGEPIX) &&
  3672. (ii->imwidth >= 0 && ii->imwidth < HUGEPIX) &&
  3673. (ii->imheight >= 0 && ii->imheight < HUGEPIX) &&
  3674. (ii->altrep == nil || validStr(ii->altrep)) &&
  3675. (ii->map == nil || validptr(ii->map)) &&
  3676. (validvalign(ii->align) || validhalign(ii->align)) &&
  3677. (ii->nextimage == nil || validptr(ii->nextimage));
  3678. break;
  3679. case Iformfieldtag:
  3680. ok = validformfield(((Iformfield*)i)->formfield);
  3681. break;
  3682. case Itabletag:
  3683. ok = validptr((Itable*)i);
  3684. break;
  3685. case Ifloattag:
  3686. fi = (Ifloat*)i;
  3687. ok = (fi->side == ALleft || fi->side == ALright) &&
  3688. validitem(fi->item) &&
  3689. (fi->item->tag == Iimagetag || fi->item->tag == Itabletag);
  3690. break;
  3691. case Ispacertag:
  3692. a = ((Ispacer*)i)->spkind;
  3693. ok = a==ISPnull || a==ISPvline || a==ISPhspace || a==ISPgeneral;
  3694. break;
  3695. default:
  3696. ok = 0;
  3697. }
  3698. return ok;
  3699. }
  3700. // "deep" validation, that checks whole list of items,
  3701. // and descends into tables and floated tables.
  3702. // nil is ok for argument.
  3703. int
  3704. validitems(Item* i)
  3705. {
  3706. int ok;
  3707. Item* ii;
  3708. ok = 1;
  3709. while(i != nil && ok) {
  3710. ok = validitem(i);
  3711. if(ok) {
  3712. if(i->tag == Itabletag) {
  3713. ok = validtable(((Itable*)i)->table);
  3714. }
  3715. else if(i->tag == Ifloattag) {
  3716. ii = ((Ifloat*)i)->item;
  3717. if(ii->tag == Itabletag)
  3718. ok = validtable(((Itable*)ii)->table);
  3719. }
  3720. }
  3721. if(!ok) {
  3722. fprint(2, "invalid item: %I\n", i);
  3723. }
  3724. i = i->next;
  3725. }
  3726. return ok;
  3727. }
  3728. static int
  3729. validformfield(Formfield* f)
  3730. {
  3731. int ok;
  3732. ok = (f->next == nil || validptr(f->next)) &&
  3733. (f->ftype >= 0 && f->ftype <= Ftextarea) &&
  3734. f->fieldid >= 0 &&
  3735. (f->form == nil || validptr(f->form)) &&
  3736. (f->name == nil || validStr(f->name)) &&
  3737. (f->value == nil || validStr(f->value)) &&
  3738. (f->options == nil || validptr(f->options)) &&
  3739. (f->image == nil || validitem(f->image)) &&
  3740. (f->events == nil || validptr(f->events));
  3741. // when all built, should have f->fieldid < f->form->nfields,
  3742. // but this may be called during build...
  3743. return ok;
  3744. }
  3745. // "deep" validation -- checks cell contents too
  3746. static int
  3747. validtable(Table* t)
  3748. {
  3749. int ok;
  3750. int i, j;
  3751. Tablecell* c;
  3752. ok = (t->next == nil || validptr(t->next)) &&
  3753. t->nrow >= 0 &&
  3754. t->ncol >= 0 &&
  3755. t->ncell >= 0 &&
  3756. validalign(t->align) &&
  3757. validdimen(t->width) &&
  3758. (t->border >= 0 && t->border < HUGEPIX) &&
  3759. (t->cellspacing >= 0 && t->cellspacing < HUGEPIX) &&
  3760. (t->cellpadding >= 0 && t->cellpadding < HUGEPIX) &&
  3761. validitems(t->caption) &&
  3762. (t->caption_place == ALtop || t->caption_place == ALbottom) &&
  3763. (t->totw >= 0 && t->totw < HUGEPIX) &&
  3764. (t->toth >= 0 && t->toth < HUGEPIX) &&
  3765. (t->tabletok == nil || validptr(t->tabletok));
  3766. // during parsing, t->rows has list;
  3767. // only when parsing is done is t->nrow set > 0
  3768. if(ok && t->nrow > 0 && t->ncol > 0) {
  3769. // table is "finished"
  3770. for(i = 0; i < t->nrow && ok; i++)
  3771. ok = validtablerow(t->rows+i);
  3772. for(j = 0; j < t->ncol && ok; j++)
  3773. ok = validtablecol(t->cols+j);
  3774. for(c = t->cells; c != nil && ok; c = c->next)
  3775. ok = validtablecell(c);
  3776. for(i = 0; i < t->nrow && ok; i++)
  3777. for(j = 0; j < t->ncol && ok; j++)
  3778. ok = validptr(t->grid[i][j]);
  3779. }
  3780. return ok;
  3781. }
  3782. static int
  3783. validvalign(int a)
  3784. {
  3785. return a == ALnone || a == ALmiddle || a == ALbottom || a == ALtop || a == ALbaseline;
  3786. }
  3787. static int
  3788. validhalign(int a)
  3789. {
  3790. return a == ALnone || a == ALleft || a == ALcenter || a == ALright ||
  3791. a == ALjustify || a == ALchar;
  3792. }
  3793. static int
  3794. validalign(Align a)
  3795. {
  3796. return validhalign(a.halign) && validvalign(a.valign);
  3797. }
  3798. static int
  3799. validdimen(Dimen d)
  3800. {
  3801. int ok;
  3802. int s;
  3803. ok = 0;
  3804. s = d.kindspec&Dspecmask;
  3805. switch(d.kindspec&Dkindmask) {
  3806. case Dnone:
  3807. ok = s==0;
  3808. break;
  3809. case Dpixels:
  3810. ok = s < HUGEPIX;
  3811. break;
  3812. case Dpercent:
  3813. case Drelative:
  3814. ok = 1;
  3815. break;
  3816. }
  3817. return ok;
  3818. }
  3819. static int
  3820. validtablerow(Tablerow* r)
  3821. {
  3822. return (r->cells == nil || validptr(r->cells)) &&
  3823. (r->height >= 0 && r->height < HUGEPIX) &&
  3824. (r->ascent > -HUGEPIX && r->ascent < HUGEPIX) &&
  3825. validalign(r->align);
  3826. }
  3827. static int
  3828. validtablecol(Tablecol* c)
  3829. {
  3830. return c->width >= 0 && c->width < HUGEPIX
  3831. && validalign(c->align);
  3832. }
  3833. static int
  3834. validtablecell(Tablecell* c)
  3835. {
  3836. int ok;
  3837. ok = (c->next == nil || validptr(c->next)) &&
  3838. (c->nextinrow == nil || validptr(c->nextinrow)) &&
  3839. (c->content == nil || validptr(c->content)) &&
  3840. (c->lay == nil || validptr(c->lay)) &&
  3841. c->rowspan >= 0 &&
  3842. c->colspan >= 0 &&
  3843. validalign(c->align) &&
  3844. validdimen(c->wspec) &&
  3845. c->row >= 0 &&
  3846. c->col >= 0;
  3847. if(ok) {
  3848. if(c->content != nil)
  3849. ok = validitems(c->content);
  3850. }
  3851. return ok;
  3852. }
  3853. static int
  3854. validptr(void* p)
  3855. {
  3856. // TODO: a better job of this.
  3857. // For now, just dereference, which cause a bomb
  3858. // if not valid
  3859. static char c;
  3860. c = *((char*)p);
  3861. return 1;
  3862. }
  3863. static int
  3864. validStr(Rune* s)
  3865. {
  3866. return s != nil && validptr(s);
  3867. }