abaco 1011 B

  1. .TH ABACO 1
  2. .SH NAME
  3. abaco, readweb \- browse the World-Wide Web
  5. .B abaco
  6. [
  7. .B -p
  8. ] [
  9. .B -c
  10. .I ncols
  11. ] [
  12. .B -m
  13. .I mtpt
  14. ] [
  15. .B -t
  16. .I charset
  17. ] [
  18. .I url
  19. ]
  20. .PP
  21. .B readweb
  22. [
  23. .I url
  24. ]
  26. .I Abaco
  27. is a lightweight web browser with the appearance of
  28. .IR acme (1)
  29. with
  30. .I ncols
  31. columns (one by default).
  32. Given a
  33. .IR url ,
  34. it will start by displaying that page.
  35. Clicking mouse button 3 on a link
  36. opens it in a new
  37. .I abaco
  38. window.
  39. .B -t
  40. selects an alternate character set;
  41. .B -m
  42. an alternate mount point for
  43. .IR webfs .
  44. Normally the standard error of subshells is closed,
  45. but
  46. .B -p
  47. prevents this.
  48. .PP
  49. .I Readweb
  50. imports the outside network, if necessary,
  51. starts
  52. .I webfs
  53. and
  54. .I webcookies
  55. and finally
  56. .IR abaco .
  57. .\" .SH EXAMPLES
  58. .SH FILES
  59. .TP 15
  60. .B /mnt/web
  61. default
  62. .I webfs
  63. mount point
  64. .SH SOURCE
  65. .B /sys/src/cmd/abaco
  66. .br
  67. .B /rc/bin/readweb
  68. .SH SEE ALSO
  69. .IR vnc (1),
  70. .IR webcookies (4),
  71. .IR webfs (4),
  72. .SH BUGS
  73. .I Abaco
  74. is a work in progress;
  75. many features of giant web browsers are absent.