level.c 2.5 KB

  1. #include <u.h>
  2. #include <libc.h>
  3. #include <bio.h>
  4. #include <draw.h>
  5. #include "mahjongg.h"
  6. void
  7. consumeline(Biobuf *b)
  8. {
  9. while(Bgetc(b) != '\n')
  10. ;
  11. }
  12. /* parse a level file */
  13. int
  14. parse(char *layout)
  15. {
  16. Biobuf *b;
  17. int x = 0, y = 0, depth = 0;
  18. char c;
  19. b = Bopen(layout, OREAD);
  20. if(b == nil) {
  21. fprint(2, "could not open file %s: %r\n", layout);
  22. return 0;
  23. }
  24. level.remaining = 0;
  25. while((c = Bgetc(b)) > 0) {
  26. switch(c) {
  27. case '\n':
  28. x = 0;
  29. y = (y+1) % Ly;
  30. if(!y)
  31. depth++;
  32. break;
  33. case '.':
  34. orig.board[depth][x][y].which = 0;
  35. x++;
  36. break;
  37. case '1':
  38. orig.remaining++;
  39. case '2':
  40. case '3':
  41. case '4':
  42. orig.board[depth][x++][y].which = c-48;
  43. break;
  44. default:
  45. consumeline(b);
  46. break;
  47. }
  48. }
  49. Bterm(b);
  50. return 1;
  51. }
  52. int
  53. indextype(int type)
  54. {
  55. int t;
  56. if(type < 108)
  57. t = (type/36)*Facey * 9 + ((type%36)/4)*Facex;
  58. else if(type < 112)
  59. t = Seasons;
  60. else if(type < 128)
  61. t = 3*Facey + (((type+12)%36)/4)*Facex;
  62. else if(type < 132)
  63. t = Flowers;
  64. else
  65. t = 4*Facey + (((type+28)%36)/4)*Facex;
  66. return t;
  67. }
  68. Point
  69. indexpt(int type)
  70. {
  71. Point p;
  72. /* the first 108 bricks are 4 of each, 36 per line:
  73. * x = (index%36)/4
  74. * y = (index)/36
  75. * then multiply by the size of a single tile.
  76. * the next 4 are the seasons, so x = index%4...
  77. *
  78. * and so on...
  79. */
  80. if(type < 108) {
  81. p = Pt(((type%36)/4)*Facex, (type/36)*Facey);
  82. } else if(type < 112) {
  83. p = Pt((type%4)*Facex, 3*Facey);
  84. } else if(type < 128) {
  85. p = Pt((((type+12)%36)/4)*Facex, 3*Facey);
  86. } else if(type < 132) {
  87. p = Pt(((type+4)%4)*Facex, 4*Facey);
  88. } else {
  89. p = Pt((((type+28)%36)/4)*Facex, 4*Facey);
  90. }
  91. return p;
  92. }
  93. /* use the seed to generate a replayable game */
  94. void
  95. generate(uint seed)
  96. {
  97. Point p;
  98. int x, y, d, n;
  99. int order[144];
  100. srand(seed);
  101. for (x = 0; x < Tiles; x++)
  102. order[x] = x;
  103. for(x = 0; x < Tiles; x++) {
  104. n = order[x];
  105. y = nrand(Tiles);
  106. order[x] = order[y];
  107. order[y] = n;
  108. }
  109. n = 0;
  110. for(d = 0; d < Depth; d++)
  111. for(y = 0; y < Ly; y++)
  112. for(x = 0; x < Lx; x++)
  113. if(orig.board[d][x][y].which == 1) {
  114. orig.board[d][x][y].type = indextype(order[n]);
  115. p = indexpt(order[n++]);
  116. orig.board[d][x][y].start = p;
  117. orig.board[d][x+1][y].start = p;
  118. orig.board[d][x][y+1].start = p;
  119. orig.board[d][x+1][y+1].start = p;
  120. }
  121. if(n != orig.remaining)
  122. fprint(2, "level improperly generated: %d elements, should have %d\n", n, orig.remaining);
  123. orig.c.d = -1;
  124. orig.c.p = Pt(0, 0);
  125. orig.l.d = -1;
  126. orig.l.p = Pt(0, 0);
  127. orig.done = 0;
  128. level = orig;
  129. }