mlmgr 2.5 KB

  1. .TH MLMGR 1
  2. .SH NAME
  3. ml, mlmgr, mlowner \- unmoderated mailing lists
  5. .B upas/mlmgr -c
  6. .I listname
  7. .PP
  8. .B upas/mlmgr -ar
  9. .I listname
  10. .I address
  11. .PP
  12. .B upas/ml
  13. [
  14. .B -r
  15. .I replyto-address
  16. ]
  17. .I addressfile
  18. .I listname
  19. .PP
  20. .B upas/mlowner
  21. .I addressfile
  22. .I listname
  24. .I Mlmgr
  25. creates and updates unmoderated mailing lists.
  26. The
  27. .B -c
  28. option creates mail directories for both
  29. .I listname
  30. and
  31. .IB listname -owner\f1,\fP
  32. each containing a
  33. .B pipeto
  34. file.
  35. Messages mailed to
  36. .I listname
  37. are sent to all members of the mailing list.
  38. Any
  39. .B Reply-to:
  40. and
  41. .B Precedence:
  42. fields are
  43. removed from the messages and new ones are added
  44. directing replies to
  45. .I listname
  46. and specifying bulk precedence. The envelope address for
  47. error replies is set to
  48. .BR /dev/null .
  49. .PP
  50. The mailing list membership is the file
  51. .BR /mail/box/\fIlistname\fP/address-list .
  52. This file is an add/remove log. Each line
  53. represents a single address. Lines beginning
  54. with a hash
  55. .RB ( # )
  56. are comments.
  57. Lines beginning with an exclamation point
  58. .RB ( ! )
  59. are removals.
  60. All other lines are additions.
  61. .PP
  62. Addition and removal entries can be appended using the
  63. .B -a
  64. and
  65. .B -r
  66. options to
  67. .IR mlmgr .
  68. However, they are normally appended as a consequence of
  69. user requests.
  70. .PP
  71. To be added or removed from the list, a user
  72. may send a message to
  73. .IB listname -owner
  74. containing a key word in
  75. the header or body. The key words are:
  76. .IP
  77. subscribe - add my
  78. .B From:
  79. address to the list
  80. .IP
  81. remove - remove my
  82. .B From:
  83. address from the list
  84. .IP
  85. unsubscribe - remove my
  86. .B From:
  87. address from the list
  88. .PP
  89. Addition and removal events cause notification messages to
  90. be sent to the added/removed address. In the case of
  91. addition, the message describes how to be removed.
  92. .PP
  93. .I Ml
  94. and
  95. .I mlowner
  96. are the programs that receive messages for
  97. .I listname
  98. and
  99. .IB listname -owner
  100. respectively.
  101. Appropriate calls to them are inserted in the
  102. .B pipeto
  103. files created by
  104. .IR mlmgr .
  105. .PP
  106. .IR Ml 's
  107. .B -r
  108. option
  109. sets the
  110. .B Reply-to:
  111. field in the mail sent out by
  112. .I ml.
  113. .SH FILES
  114. .TF /mail/box/\fI<listname>\fP/address-list
  115. .TP
  116. .B /mail/box/\fI<listname>\fP
  117. list's mailbox directory
  118. .TP
  119. .B /mail/box/\fI<listname>\fP-owner
  120. owner's mailbox directory
  121. .TP
  122. .B /mail/box/\fI<listname>\fP/address-list
  123. log of mailing list deletions and additions
  124. .SH SOURCE
  125. .TP
  126. .B /sys/src/cmd/upas/ml
  127. .SH "SEE ALSO"
  128. .IR aliasmail (8),
  129. .IR faces (1),
  130. .IR filter (1),
  131. .IR mail (1),
  132. .IR marshal (1),
  133. .IR nedmail (1),
  134. .IR qer (8),
  135. .IR rewrite (6),
  136. .IR send (8),
  137. .IR smtp (8),
  138. .IR upasfs (4)