discid 5.6 KB

  2. -----------
  3. Both forms of CDDB access require that the software compute a "disc
  4. ID" which is an identifier that is used to access the CDDB. The disc
  5. ID is a 8-digit hexadecimal (base-16) number, computed using data from
  6. a CD's Table-of-Contents (TOC) in MSF (Minute Second Frame) form. The
  7. algorithm is listed below in Appendix A.
  8. It is crucial that your software compute the disc ID correctly. If it
  9. does not generate the correct disc ID, it will not be compatible with CDDB.
  10. Moreover, if your software submits CDDB entries with bad disc IDs to the
  11. CDDB archives, it could compromise the integrity of the CDDB.
  12. [...]
  14. ----------------------------------
  15. The following is a C code example that illustrates how to generate the
  16. CDDB disc ID. [...] A text description
  17. of the algorithm follows, which should contain the necessary information
  18. to code the algorithm in any programming language.
  19. struct toc {
  20. int min;
  21. int sec;
  22. int frame;
  23. };
  24. struct toc cdtoc[100];
  25. int
  26. read_cdtoc_from_drive(void)
  27. {
  28. /* Do whatever is appropriate to read the TOC of the CD
  29. * into the cdtoc[] structure array.
  30. */
  31. return (tot_trks);
  32. }
  33. int
  34. cddb_sum(int n)
  35. {
  36. int ret;
  37. /* For backward compatibility this algorithm must not change */
  38. ret = 0;
  39. while (n > 0) {
  40. ret = ret + (n % 10);
  41. n = n / 10;
  42. }
  43. return (ret);
  44. }
  45. unsigned long
  46. cddb_discid(int tot_trks)
  47. {
  48. int i,
  49. t = 0,
  50. n = 0;
  51. /* For backward compatibility this algorithm must not change */
  52. i = 0;
  53. while (i < tot_trks) {
  54. n = n + cddb_sum((cdtoc[i].min * 60) + cdtoc[i].sec);
  55. i++;
  56. }
  57. t = ((cdtoc[tot_trks].min * 60) + cdtoc[tot_trks].sec) -
  58. ((cdtoc[0].min * 60) + cdtoc[0].sec);
  59. return ((n % 0xff) << 24 | t << 8 | tot_trks);
  60. }
  61. main()
  62. {
  63. int tot_trks;
  64. tot_trks = read_cdtoc_from_drive();
  65. printf("The discid is %08x", cddb_discid(tot_trks));
  66. }
  67. This code assumes that your compiler and architecture support 32-bit
  68. integers.
  69. The cddb_discid function computes the discid based on the CD's TOC data
  70. in MSF form. The frames are ignored for this purpose. The function is
  71. passed a parameter of tot_trks (which is the total number of tracks on
  72. the CD), and returns the discid integer number.
  73. It is assumed that cdtoc[] is an array of data structures (records)
  74. containing the fields min, sec and frame, which are the minute, second
  75. and frame offsets (the starting location) of each track. This
  76. information is read from the TOC of the CD. There are actually
  77. tot_trks + 1 "active" elements in the array, the last one being the
  78. offset of the lead-out (also known as track 0xAA).
  79. The function loops through each track in the TOC, and for each track
  80. it takes the (M * 60) + S (total offset in seconds) of the track and
  81. feeds it to cddb_sum() function, which simply adds the value of each digit
  82. in the decimal string representation of the number. A running sum of this
  83. result for each track is kept in the variable n.
  84. At the end of the loop:
  85. 1. t is calculated by subtracting the (M * 60) + S offset of the lead-out
  86. minus the (M * 60) + S offset of first track (yielding the length of
  87. the disc in seconds).
  88. 2. The result of (n modulo FFh) is left-shifted by 24 bits.
  89. 3. t is left shifted by 8.
  90. The bitwise-OR operation of result 2., 3. and the tot_trks number is
  91. used as the discid.
  92. The discid is represented in hexadecimal form for the purpose of
  93. xmcd cddb file names and the DISCID= field in the xmcd cddb file itself.
  94. If the hexadecimal string is less than 8 characters long, it is
  95. zero-padded to 8 characters (i.e., 3a8f07 becomes 003a8f07). All
  96. alpha characters in the string should be in lower case, where
  97. applicable.
  98. Important note for clients using the MS-Windows MCI interface:
  99. The Windows MCI interface does not provide the MSF location of the
  100. lead-out. Thus, you must compute the lead-out location by taking the
  101. starting position of the last track and add the length of the last track
  102. to it. However, the MCI interface returns the length of the last track
  103. as ONE FRAME SHORT of the actual length found in the CD's TOC. In most
  104. cases this does not affect the disc ID generated, because we truncate
  105. the frame count when computing the disc ID anyway. However, if the
  106. lead-out track has an actual a frame count of 0, the computed quantity
  107. (based on the MSF data returned from the MCI interface) would result in
  108. the seconds being one short and the frame count be 74. For example,
  109. a CD with the last track at an offset of 48m 32s 12f and having a
  110. track length of 2m 50s 63f has a lead-out offset of 51m 23s 0f. Windows
  111. MCI incorrectly reports the length as 2m 50s 62f, which would yield a
  112. lead-out offset of 51m 22s 74f, which causes the resulting truncated
  113. disc length to be off by one second. This will cause an incorrect disc
  114. ID to be generated. You should thus add one frame to the length of the
  115. last track when computing the location of the lead-out.
  116. The easiest way for Windows clients to compute the lead-out given information
  117. in MSF format is like this:
  118. (offset_minutes * 60 * 75) + (offset_seconds * 75) + offset_frames +
  119. (length_minutes * 60 * 75) + (length_seconds * 75) + length_frames + 1 = X
  120. Where X is the offset of the lead-out in frames. To find the lead-out in
  121. seconds, simply divide by 75 and discard the remainder.