ts 945 B

  1. # trimslice dual-core cortex-a9
  2. dev
  3. root
  4. cons
  5. env
  6. pipe
  7. proc
  8. mnt
  9. srv
  10. dup
  11. arch
  12. ssl
  13. tls
  14. bridge log
  15. sdp thwack unthwack
  16. cap
  17. kprof
  18. # aoe
  19. # sd
  20. fs
  21. # flash
  22. ether netif
  23. ip arp chandial ip ipv6 ipaux iproute netlog nullmedium pktmedium ptclbsum inferno
  24. # draw screen
  25. # dss
  26. # kbmap
  27. # kbin
  28. # mouse
  29. uart
  30. # usb
  31. link
  32. archtegra
  33. ethermedium
  34. # flashtegra ecc
  35. loopbackmedium
  36. netdevmedium
  37. ether8169 ethermii
  38. # usbohci
  39. # usbehci usbehcitegra
  40. ip
  41. tcp
  42. udp
  43. ipifc
  44. icmp
  45. icmp6
  46. ipmux
  47. gre
  48. esp
  49. misc
  50. pci
  51. rdb
  52. coproc
  53. v7-arch
  54. caches
  55. caches-v7
  56. cache-l2-pl310
  57. # mouse
  58. # sdaoe sdscsi
  59. syscall
  60. syscallfmt
  61. uarti8250
  62. ucalloc
  63. ucallocb
  64. # hardware fp; can't get 5l to generate the right opcodes
  65. # vfp3
  66. # emulated fp
  67. fpi
  68. fpiarm
  69. fpimem
  70. softfpu
  71. port
  72. int cpuserver = 1;
  73. int i8250freq = 3686000;
  74. boot cpu
  75. tcp
  76. bootdir
  77. boot$CONF.out boot
  78. /arm/bin/ip/ipconfig ipconfig
  79. /arm/bin/auth/factotum factotum
  80. /arm/bin/usb/usbd
  81. nvram