seconds.c 11 KB

  1. /*
  2. * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
  3. * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
  4. * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No
  5. * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
  6. * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
  7. * in the LICENSE file.
  8. */
  9. /*
  10. * seconds absolute_date ... - convert absolute_date to seconds since epoch
  11. */
  12. #include <u.h>
  13. #include <libc.h>
  14. #include <ctype.h>
  15. typedef uint32_t Time;
  16. enum {
  17. AM, PM, HR24,
  18. /* token types */
  19. Month = 1,
  20. Year,
  21. Day,
  22. Timetok,
  23. Tz,
  24. Dtz,
  25. Ignore,
  26. Ampm,
  27. Maxtok = 6, /* only this many chars are stored in datetktbl */
  28. Maxdateflds = 25,
  29. };
  30. /*
  31. * macros for squeezing values into low 7 bits of "value".
  32. * all timezones we care about are divisible by 10, and the largest value
  33. * (780) when divided is 78.
  34. */
  35. #define TOVAL(tp, v) ((tp)->value = (v) / 10)
  36. #define FROMVAL(tp) ((tp)->value * 10) /* uncompress */
  37. /* keep this struct small since we have an array of them */
  38. typedef struct {
  39. char token[Maxtok];
  40. char type;
  41. uint8_t value;
  42. } Datetok;
  43. int dtok_numparsed;
  44. /* forwards */
  45. Datetok *datetoktype(char *s, int *bigvalp);
  46. static Datetok datetktbl[];
  47. static unsigned szdatetktbl;
  48. /* parse 1- or 2-digit number, advance *cpp past it */
  49. static int
  50. eatnum(char **cpp)
  51. {
  52. int c, x;
  53. char *cp;
  54. cp = *cpp;
  55. c = *cp;
  56. if (!isascii(c) || !isdigit(c))
  57. return -1;
  58. x = c - '0';
  59. c = *++cp;
  60. if (isascii(c) && isdigit(c)) {
  61. x = 10*x + c - '0';
  62. cp++;
  63. }
  64. *cpp = cp;
  65. return x;
  66. }
  67. /* return -1 on failure */
  68. int
  69. parsetime(char *time, Tm *tm)
  70. {
  71. tm->hour = eatnum(&time);
  72. if (tm->hour == -1 || *time++ != ':')
  73. return -1; /* only hour; too short */
  74. tm->min = eatnum(&time);
  75. if (tm->min == -1)
  76. return -1;
  77. if (*time++ != ':') {
  78. tm->sec = 0;
  79. return 0; /* no seconds; okay */
  80. }
  81. tm->sec = eatnum(&time);
  82. if (tm->sec == -1)
  83. return -1;
  84. /* this may be considered too strict. garbage at end of time? */
  85. return *time == '\0' || isascii(*time) && isspace(*time)? 0: -1;
  86. }
  87. /*
  88. * try to parse pre-split timestr in fields as an absolute date
  89. */
  90. int
  91. tryabsdate(char **fields, int nf, Tm *now, Tm *tm)
  92. {
  93. int i, mer = HR24, bigval = -1;
  94. int32_t flg = 0, ty;
  95. char *p;
  96. Datetok *tp;
  97. now = localtime(time(0)); /* default to local time (zone) */
  98. tm->tzoff = now->tzoff;
  99. strncpy(tm->zone, now->zone, sizeof tm->zone - 1);
  100. tm->zone[sizeof tm->zone - 1] = '\0';
  101. tm->mday = tm->mon = tm->year = -1; /* mandatory */
  102. tm->hour = tm->min = tm->sec = 0;
  103. dtok_numparsed = 0;
  104. for (i = 0; i < nf; i++) {
  105. if (fields[i][0] == '\0')
  106. continue;
  107. tp = datetoktype(fields[i], &bigval);
  108. ty = (1L << tp->type) & ~(1L << Ignore);
  109. if (flg & ty)
  110. return -1; /* repeated type */
  111. flg |= ty;
  112. switch (tp->type) {
  113. case Year:
  114. tm->year = bigval;
  115. if (tm->year < 1970 || tm->year > 2106)
  116. return -1; /* can't represent in uint32_t */
  117. /* convert 4-digit year to 1900 origin */
  118. if (tm->year >= 1900)
  119. tm->year -= 1900;
  120. break;
  121. case Day:
  122. tm->mday = bigval;
  123. break;
  124. case Month:
  125. tm->mon = tp->value - 1; /* convert to zero-origin */
  126. break;
  127. case Timetok:
  128. if (parsetime(fields[i], tm) < 0)
  129. return -1;
  130. break;
  131. case Dtz:
  132. case Tz:
  133. tm->tzoff = FROMVAL(tp);
  134. /* tm2sec needs the name in upper case */
  135. strncpy(tm->zone, fields[i], sizeof tm->zone - 1);
  136. tm->zone[sizeof tm->zone - 1] = '\0';
  137. for (p = tm->zone; *p; p++)
  138. if (isascii(*p) && islower(*p))
  139. *p = toupper(*p);
  140. break;
  141. case Ignore:
  142. break;
  143. case Ampm:
  144. mer = tp->value;
  145. break;
  146. default:
  147. return -1; /* bad token type: CANTHAPPEN */
  148. }
  149. }
  150. if (tm->year == -1 || tm->mon == -1 || tm->mday == -1)
  151. return -1; /* missing component */
  152. if (mer == PM)
  153. tm->hour += 12;
  154. return 0;
  155. }
  156. int
  157. prsabsdate(char *timestr, Tm *now, Tm *tm)
  158. {
  159. int nf;
  160. char *fields[Maxdateflds];
  161. static char delims[] = "- \t\n/,";
  162. nf = gettokens(timestr, fields, nelem(fields), delims+1);
  163. if (nf > nelem(fields))
  164. return -1;
  165. if (tryabsdate(fields, nf, now, tm) < 0) {
  166. char *p = timestr;
  167. /*
  168. * could be a DEC-date; glue it all back together, split it
  169. * with dash as a delimiter and try again. Yes, this is a
  170. * hack, but so are DEC-dates.
  171. */
  172. while (--nf > 0) {
  173. while (*p++ != '\0')
  174. ;
  175. p[-1] = ' ';
  176. }
  177. nf = gettokens(timestr, fields, nelem(fields), delims);
  178. if (nf > nelem(fields) || tryabsdate(fields, nf, now, tm) < 0)
  179. return -1;
  180. }
  181. return 0;
  182. }
  183. int
  184. validtm(Tm *tm)
  185. {
  186. if (tm->year < 0 || tm->mon < 0 || tm->mon > 11 ||
  187. tm->mday < 1 || tm->hour < 0 || tm->hour >= 24 ||
  188. tm->min < 0 || tm->min > 59 ||
  189. tm->sec < 0 || tm->sec > 61) /* allow 2 leap seconds */
  190. return 0;
  191. return 1;
  192. }
  193. Time
  194. seconds(char *timestr)
  195. {
  196. Tm date;
  197. memset(&date, 0, sizeof date);
  198. if (prsabsdate(timestr, localtime(time(0)), &date) < 0)
  199. return -1;
  200. return validtm(&date)? tm2sec(&date): -1;
  201. }
  202. int
  203. convert(char *timestr)
  204. {
  205. char *copy;
  206. Time tstime;
  207. copy = strdup(timestr);
  208. if (copy == nil)
  209. sysfatal("out of memory");
  210. tstime = seconds(copy);
  211. free(copy);
  212. if (tstime == -1) {
  213. fprint(2, "%s: `%s' not a valid date\n", argv0, timestr);
  214. return 1;
  215. }
  216. print("%lud\n", tstime);
  217. return 0;
  218. }
  219. static void
  220. usage(void)
  221. {
  222. fprint(2, "usage: %s date-time ...\n", argv0);
  223. exits("usage");
  224. }
  225. void
  226. main(int argc, char **argv)
  227. {
  228. int i, sts;
  229. sts = 0;
  230. ARGBEGIN{
  231. default:
  232. usage();
  233. }ARGEND
  234. if (argc == 0)
  235. usage();
  236. for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
  237. sts |= convert(argv[i]);
  238. exits(sts != 0? "bad": 0);
  239. }
  240. /*
  241. * Binary search -- from Knuth (6.2.1) Algorithm B. Special case like this
  242. * is WAY faster than the generic bsearch().
  243. */
  244. Datetok *
  245. datebsearch(char *key, Datetok *base, unsigned nel)
  246. {
  247. int cmp;
  248. Datetok *last = base + nel - 1, *pos;
  249. while (last >= base) {
  250. pos = base + ((last - base) >> 1);
  251. cmp = key[0] - pos->token[0];
  252. if (cmp == 0) {
  253. cmp = strncmp(key, pos->token, Maxtok);
  254. if (cmp == 0)
  255. return pos;
  256. }
  257. if (cmp < 0)
  258. last = pos - 1;
  259. else
  260. base = pos + 1;
  261. }
  262. return 0;
  263. }
  264. Datetok *
  265. datetoktype(char *s, int *bigvalp)
  266. {
  267. char *cp = s;
  268. char c = *cp;
  269. static Datetok t;
  270. Datetok *tp = &t;
  271. if (isascii(c) && isdigit(c)) {
  272. int len = strlen(cp);
  273. if (len > 3 && (cp[1] == ':' || cp[2] == ':'))
  274. tp->type = Timetok;
  275. else {
  276. if (bigvalp != nil)
  277. *bigvalp = atoi(cp); /* won't fit in tp->value */
  278. if (len == 4)
  279. tp->type = Year;
  280. else if (++dtok_numparsed == 1)
  281. tp->type = Day;
  282. else
  283. tp->type = Year;
  284. }
  285. } else if (c == '-' || c == '+') {
  286. int val = atoi(cp + 1);
  287. int hr = val / 100;
  288. int min = val % 100;
  289. val = hr*60 + min;
  290. TOVAL(tp, c == '-'? -val: val);
  291. tp->type = Tz;
  292. } else {
  293. char lowtoken[Maxtok+1];
  294. char *ltp = lowtoken, *endltp = lowtoken+Maxtok;
  295. /* copy to lowtoken to avoid modifying s */
  296. while ((c = *cp++) != '\0' && ltp < endltp)
  297. *ltp++ = (isascii(c) && isupper(c)? tolower(c): c);
  298. *ltp = '\0';
  299. tp = datebsearch(lowtoken, datetktbl, szdatetktbl);
  300. if (tp == nil) {
  301. tp = &t;
  302. tp->type = Ignore;
  303. }
  304. }
  305. return tp;
  306. }
  307. /*
  308. * to keep this table reasonably small, we divide the lexval for Tz and Dtz
  309. * entries by 10 and truncate the text field at MAXTOKLEN characters.
  310. * the text field is not guaranteed to be NUL-terminated.
  311. */
  312. static Datetok datetktbl[] = {
  313. /* text token lexval */
  314. "acsst", Dtz, 63, /* Cent. Australia */
  315. "acst", Tz, 57, /* Cent. Australia */
  316. "adt", Dtz, -18, /* Atlantic Daylight Time */
  317. "aesst", Dtz, 66, /* E. Australia */
  318. "aest", Tz, 60, /* Australia Eastern Std Time */
  319. "ahst", Tz, 60, /* Alaska-Hawaii Std Time */
  320. "am", Ampm, AM,
  321. "apr", Month, 4,
  322. "april", Month, 4,
  323. "ast", Tz, -24, /* Atlantic Std Time (Canada) */
  324. "at", Ignore, 0, /* "at" (throwaway) */
  325. "aug", Month, 8,
  326. "august", Month, 8,
  327. "awsst", Dtz, 54, /* W. Australia */
  328. "awst", Tz, 48, /* W. Australia */
  329. "bst", Tz, 6, /* British Summer Time */
  330. "bt", Tz, 18, /* Baghdad Time */
  331. "cadt", Dtz, 63, /* Central Australian DST */
  332. "cast", Tz, 57, /* Central Australian ST */
  333. "cat", Tz, -60, /* Central Alaska Time */
  334. "cct", Tz, 48, /* China Coast */
  335. "cdt", Dtz, -30, /* Central Daylight Time */
  336. "cet", Tz, 6, /* Central European Time */
  337. "cetdst", Dtz, 12, /* Central European Dayl.Time */
  338. "cst", Tz, -36, /* Central Standard Time */
  339. "dec", Month, 12,
  340. "decemb", Month, 12,
  341. "dnt", Tz, 6, /* Dansk Normal Tid */
  342. "dst", Ignore, 0,
  343. "east", Tz, -60, /* East Australian Std Time */
  344. "edt", Dtz, -24, /* Eastern Daylight Time */
  345. "eet", Tz, 12, /* East. Europe, USSR Zone 1 */
  346. "eetdst", Dtz, 18, /* Eastern Europe */
  347. "est", Tz, -30, /* Eastern Standard Time */
  348. "feb", Month, 2,
  349. "februa", Month, 2,
  350. "fri", Ignore, 5,
  351. "friday", Ignore, 5,
  352. "fst", Tz, 6, /* French Summer Time */
  353. "fwt", Dtz, 12, /* French Winter Time */
  354. "gmt", Tz, 0, /* Greenwish Mean Time */
  355. "gst", Tz, 60, /* Guam Std Time, USSR Zone 9 */
  356. "hdt", Dtz, -54, /* Hawaii/Alaska */
  357. "hmt", Dtz, 18, /* Hellas ? ? */
  358. "hst", Tz, -60, /* Hawaii Std Time */
  359. "idle", Tz, 72, /* Intl. Date Line, East */
  360. "idlw", Tz, -72, /* Intl. Date Line, West */
  361. "ist", Tz, 12, /* Israel */
  362. "it", Tz, 22, /* Iran Time */
  363. "jan", Month, 1,
  364. "januar", Month, 1,
  365. "jst", Tz, 54, /* Japan Std Time,USSR Zone 8 */
  366. "jt", Tz, 45, /* Java Time */
  367. "jul", Month, 7,
  368. "july", Month, 7,
  369. "jun", Month, 6,
  370. "june", Month, 6,
  371. "kst", Tz, 54, /* Korea Standard Time */
  372. "ligt", Tz, 60, /* From Melbourne, Australia */
  373. "mar", Month, 3,
  374. "march", Month, 3,
  375. "may", Month, 5,
  376. "mdt", Dtz, -36, /* Mountain Daylight Time */
  377. "mest", Dtz, 12, /* Middle Europe Summer Time */
  378. "met", Tz, 6, /* Middle Europe Time */
  379. "metdst", Dtz, 12, /* Middle Europe Daylight Time*/
  380. "mewt", Tz, 6, /* Middle Europe Winter Time */
  381. "mez", Tz, 6, /* Middle Europe Zone */
  382. "mon", Ignore, 1,
  383. "monday", Ignore, 1,
  384. "mst", Tz, -42, /* Mountain Standard Time */
  385. "mt", Tz, 51, /* Moluccas Time */
  386. "ndt", Dtz, -15, /* Nfld. Daylight Time */
  387. "nft", Tz, -21, /* Newfoundland Standard Time */
  388. "nor", Tz, 6, /* Norway Standard Time */
  389. "nov", Month, 11,
  390. "novemb", Month, 11,
  391. "nst", Tz, -21, /* Nfld. Standard Time */
  392. "nt", Tz, -66, /* Nome Time */
  393. "nzdt", Dtz, 78, /* New Zealand Daylight Time */
  394. "nzst", Tz, 72, /* New Zealand Standard Time */
  395. "nzt", Tz, 72, /* New Zealand Time */
  396. "oct", Month, 10,
  397. "octobe", Month, 10,
  398. "on", Ignore, 0, /* "on" (throwaway) */
  399. "pdt", Dtz, -42, /* Pacific Daylight Time */
  400. "pm", Ampm, PM,
  401. "pst", Tz, -48, /* Pacific Standard Time */
  402. "sadt", Dtz, 63, /* S. Australian Dayl. Time */
  403. "sast", Tz, 57, /* South Australian Std Time */
  404. "sat", Ignore, 6,
  405. "saturd", Ignore, 6,
  406. "sep", Month, 9,
  407. "sept", Month, 9,
  408. "septem", Month, 9,
  409. "set", Tz, -6, /* Seychelles Time ?? */
  410. "sst", Dtz, 12, /* Swedish Summer Time */
  411. "sun", Ignore, 0,
  412. "sunday", Ignore, 0,
  413. "swt", Tz, 6, /* Swedish Winter Time */
  414. "thu", Ignore, 4,
  415. "thur", Ignore, 4,
  416. "thurs", Ignore, 4,
  417. "thursd", Ignore, 4,
  418. "tue", Ignore, 2,
  419. "tues", Ignore, 2,
  420. "tuesda", Ignore, 2,
  421. "ut", Tz, 0,
  422. "utc", Tz, 0,
  423. "wadt", Dtz, 48, /* West Australian DST */
  424. "wast", Tz, 42, /* West Australian Std Time */
  425. "wat", Tz, -6, /* West Africa Time */
  426. "wdt", Dtz, 54, /* West Australian DST */
  427. "wed", Ignore, 3,
  428. "wednes", Ignore, 3,
  429. "weds", Ignore, 3,
  430. "wet", Tz, 0, /* Western Europe */
  431. "wetdst", Dtz, 6, /* Western Europe */
  432. "wst", Tz, 48, /* West Australian Std Time */
  433. "ydt", Dtz, -48, /* Yukon Daylight Time */
  434. "yst", Tz, -54, /* Yukon Standard Time */
  435. "zp4", Tz, -24, /* GMT +4 hours. */
  436. "zp5", Tz, -30, /* GMT +5 hours. */
  437. "zp6", Tz, -36, /* GMT +6 hours. */
  438. };
  439. static unsigned szdatetktbl = nelem(datetktbl);