mkpaqfs 892 B

  1. .TH MKPAQFS 8
  2. .SH NAME
  3. mkpaqfs \- make a compressed read-only file system
  5. .B mkpaqfs
  6. [
  7. .B -u
  8. ] [
  9. .B -b
  10. .I blocksize
  11. ] [
  12. .B -l
  13. .I label
  14. ] [
  15. .B -o
  16. .I file
  17. ] [
  18. .I source
  19. ]
  21. .I Mkpaqfs
  22. copies files from the file tree
  23. .I source
  24. (default
  25. .BR . )
  26. to a the
  27. .IR paqfs (4)
  28. file system archive
  29. .IR file .
  30. .PP
  31. The files and directory structure are divided into
  32. .I blocksize
  33. (default
  34. .BR 4096 )
  35. byte blocks.
  36. Larger blocks make large files more compact but take longer to access.
  37. .I Blocksize
  38. must be in the range of 512 bytes to 52K bytes.
  39. If the
  40. .B -u
  41. option is set, the blocks are not compressed.
  42. Otherwise each block is compressed using the
  43. .IR flate (2)
  44. compression algorithm.
  45. The
  46. .B -l
  47. option embeds a label of up to 32 bytes within the file header and may be
  48. useful for identifying the file system.
  49. .SH SOURCE
  50. .B /sys/src/cmd/paqfs/mkpaqfs.c
  51. .SH "SEE ALSO"
  52. .IR paqfs (4)