tmac.mcs 42 KB

  1. '''\" @(#)dcs:csmacros 2.3 5/2/89
  2. '''\" registers
  3. '''\" a - abstract continuation flag - 0 (no), >0 (yes - number of overflow pages)
  4. '''\" b - mercury selections counter
  5. '''\" c - distribution continuation flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes)
  6. '''\" d - distribution length calculation flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes)
  7. '''\" e - complete copy basic distribution length
  8. '''\" g - complete copy overflow distribution length
  9. '''\" h - cover sheet basic distribution length
  10. '''\" i - cover sheet overflow distribution length
  11. '''\" j - scratch
  12. '''\" k - keyword flag - 0 (none), 1 (some)
  13. '''\" l - number of vertical units per line - troff and nroff
  14. '''\" m - memorandum type flag - 1 TM, 2 IM, 3 TC
  15. '''\" n - document number counter
  16. '''\" o - title flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes - vertical size of title diversion)
  17. '''\" p - proprietary notice flag - 0 (none), 1 (default notice), 2(BR)
  18. '''\" q - scratch
  19. '''\" r - security flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes)
  20. '''\" s - software flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes)
  21. '''\" t - mark title position
  22. '''\" u - author count
  23. '''\" v - scratch
  24. '''\" w - scratch
  25. '''\" x - mark scratch position
  26. '''\" y - mark scratch position
  27. '''\" z - mark scratch position
  28. '''\" ra - release to Lucent flag - 0 (no decision), 1 (yes), 2 (no)
  29. '''\" an - length abstract footnote diversion
  30. '''\" fn - length footnote diversion
  31. '''\" as - "in abstract" flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes)
  32. '''\" ds - "in display" flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes)
  33. '''\" fs - "in footnote" flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes)
  34. '''\" bd - block center display flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes)
  35. '''\" dv - device flag - 0 (default), 1 (APS-5), 2 (i10), 3 (xerox), 4 (i300), 5 (qms1200), 6 (postscript)
  36. '''\" lp - lines per page (nroff - xerox)
  37. '''\" tp - total pages (decimal)
  38. '''\" tc - total pages (in small roman)
  39. '''\" np - page number this page (decimal)
  40. '''\" nc - page number this page (in small roman)
  41. '''\" lt - vertical size of title diversion (in lines)
  42. '''\" lo - vertical size of copy overflow trap (in lines)
  43. '''\" la - vertical size of abstract diversion
  44. '''\" a1 - vertical size of page 1 portion of abstract
  45. '''\" a2 - vertical size of overflow page portion of abstract
  46. '''\" ar - vertical size remainder of abstract
  47. '''\" fi - save current fill/no-fill (.u)
  48. '''\" in - save current indent (.i)
  49. '''\" si - standard indent - ens (for paragraphs, displays & equations)
  50. '''\" ps - initial point size (.s)
  51. '''\" ts - temp point size (only in S macro)
  52. '''\" vs - initial vertical spacing (.v)
  53. '''\" tv - temp vertical spacing (only in S macro)
  54. '''\" b1, b2 - scratch calculations
  55. '''\" g1, g2, g3, g4, g5 - complete copy overflow - additional diversion lengths
  56. '''\" i1, i2, i3, i4, i5 - cover sheet only overflow - additional diversionlengths
  57. '''\" m1 - mark scratch position
  58. '''\" :b, :c, :d, :e - scratch (lists only)
  59. '''\" :h - SA macro only
  60. '''\" ls - nested list level (lists only)
  61. '''\" dt - display type (displays & equations)
  62. '''\" fc - filing case flag
  63. '''\" wp - work project number flag
  64. '''\" en - entity flag - 1 (BL), 2 (IS), 3 (TI), 4 (CH)
  65. '''\" lg - Lucent logo flag - 0 (not defined), 1 (defined)
  66. '''\" oa - organizational approval name counter
  67. '''\" aa - ship to itds
  68. '''\" strings
  69. '''\" a) - mercury info
  70. '''\" b) - mercury info
  71. '''\" c) - mercury info
  72. '''\" e) - equation label
  73. '''\" k) - keywords
  74. '''\" m) - Mailing Label/DRAFT
  75. '''\" n) - first document number
  76. '''\" o) - proprietary classification heading
  77. '''\" p) - proprietary string 1
  78. '''\" q) - " " 2
  79. '''\" r) - " " 3
  80. '''\" s) - timestamp string
  81. '''\" t) - memo type (TM, IM, TC)
  82. '''\" u) - trailing s if multiple author
  83. '''\" v) - trailing s if multiple document number
  84. '''\" w) - trailing s if multiple filing case
  85. '''\" x) - trailing s if multiple work project number
  86. '''\" y) - used in lists
  87. '''\" z) - used in lists
  88. '''\" a( -
  89. '''\" e( - earlier document number
  90. '''\" m( - authors 1-3 sig
  91. '''\" n( - authors 4-6 sig
  92. '''\" o( - authors 7-9 sig
  93. '''\" p( - authors 10-12 sig
  94. '''\" r( - responsible person
  95. '''\" s( - S software string
  96. '''\" t( - memo type ("for Technical Memorandum", etc.)
  97. '''\" u( - organizational approval 1-3 sig
  98. '''\" v( - organizational approval 4-6 sig
  99. '''\" w( - organizational approval 7-9 sig
  100. '''\" x( - organizational approval 10-12 sig
  101. '''\" Tm - trademark
  102. '''\" lG - Lucent logo
  103. '''\" 10 - used in equations
  104. '''\" ve - csmacros version
  105. '''\" e1,e2,e3,e4 - entity info
  106. '''\" diversions
  107. '''\" aS - abstract
  108. '''\" aV - author info section
  109. '''\" cA - complete copy addressee primary
  110. '''\" cO - complete copy addressee overflow
  111. '''\" cU, cV, cW, cX, cY, cZ - complete copy addressee overflow (previously lost)
  112. '''\" dA - cover sheet addressee primary
  113. '''\" dO - cover sheet addressee overflow
  114. '''\" dU, dV, dW, dX, dY, dZ - cover sheet only addressee overflow (previously lost)
  115. '''\" dM - document number info
  116. '''\" dS - display
  117. '''\" eQ - equation
  118. '''\" fB - filing case info
  119. '''\" tI - title
  120. '''\" wO - work project number info
  121. '''\" aN - abstract footnote
  122. '''\" fN - footnote
  123. '''\"
  124. '''\" macros to collect information
  125. '''\" aC - Lucent company
  126. '''\" tS - timestamp
  127. '''\" TL - title
  128. '''\" AU - author
  129. '''\" FS - footnote start
  130. '''\" FE - footnote end
  131. '''\" AS - abstract start
  132. '''\" AE - abstract end
  133. '''\" OK - keyword info
  134. '''\" MT - document type
  135. '''\" dN - document number info
  136. '''\" oA - organization approval name
  137. '''\" eD - earlier document number
  138. '''\" fC - filing case
  139. '''\" fD - full date
  140. '''\" wP - work project info
  141. '''\" mE - mercury selections (7 argument version)
  142. '''\" mC - mercury codes (three argument version)
  143. '''\" Mc - mercury codes (one argument version)
  144. '''\" PM - proprietary marking
  145. '''\" gS - government security
  146. '''\" rA - release to Lucent employees (superceded by fA)
  147. '''\" fA - future Lucent distribution (supercedes rA)
  148. '''\" sF - software-related
  149. '''\" cC - complete copy addressee list start
  150. '''\" cD - complete copy overflow
  151. '''\" cS - cover sheet only addressee list start
  152. '''\" cT - cover sheet only overflow
  153. '''\" zZ - complete copy overflow (previously lost)
  154. '''\" fF - complete copy overflow (aux)
  155. '''\" wW - cover sheet overflow (previously lost)
  156. '''\" gG - cover sheet only overflow (aux)
  157. '''\" cE - addressee list end
  158. '''\" eE - addressee list end (aux)
  159. '''\" macros to help format document
  160. '''\" B - change to bold font
  161. '''\" I - change to italic font
  162. '''\" R - change to roman font
  163. '''\" S - set point size and vertical spacing
  164. '''\" sP - space 1 vertical space
  165. '''\" P - paragraph
  166. '''\" HC - set hyphenation indicator
  167. '''\" iN - font and size re-initialization
  168. '''\" DS - display start
  169. '''\" DE - display end
  170. '''\" EQ - equation start
  171. '''\" EN - equation end
  172. '''\" VL - variable-item list
  173. '''\" ML - marked list
  174. '''\" LI - list item
  175. '''\" LE - list end
  176. '''\" hD - header
  177. '''\" fO - footer
  178. '''\" yY - abstract overflow
  179. '''\" aT - abstract overflow trap
  180. '''\" tK - thick lines
  181. '''\" bE - empty box
  182. '''\" bX - box with X
  183. '''\" tH - title heading
  184. '''\" cH - continuation header
  185. '''\" dH - distribution list headers
  186. '''\" oH - overflow distribution list headers
  187. '''\" eP - eject distribution continuation page
  188. '''\" cP - continuation page
  189. '''\" dP - continuation page (aux)
  190. '''\" tP - compute pages and diversion lengths
  191. '''\" t1 - " "
  192. '''\" dL - compute basic distribution length
  193. '''\" CS - output cover sheet
  194. '''\" initialization
  195. '''\"
  196. '''\" registers
  197. .nr a 0 1
  198. .nr b 0 1
  199. .nr c 0
  200. .nr d 0
  201. .nr e 0
  202. .nr g 0
  203. .nr g1 0
  204. .nr g2 0
  205. .nr g3 0
  206. .nr g4 0
  207. .nr g5 0
  208. .nr h 6
  209. .nr i 0
  210. .nr i1 0
  211. .nr i2 0
  212. .nr i3 0
  213. .nr i4 0
  214. .nr i5 0
  215. .nr j 0
  216. .nr k 0
  217. .nr m 0
  218. .nr n 0 1
  219. .nr o 0
  220. .nr p 1
  221. .nr q 0
  222. .nr r 0
  223. .nr s 0
  224. .nr t 0
  225. .nr u 0 1
  226. .nr v 0
  227. .nr w 0
  228. .nr x 0
  229. .nr y 0
  230. .nr z 0
  231. .nr an 0
  232. .nr fn 0
  233. .nr as 0
  234. .nr ds 0
  235. .nr fs 0
  236. .nr bd 0
  237. .nr tp 0
  238. .nr tc 0
  239. .af tc i
  240. .nr np 2
  241. .nr nc 2
  242. .af nc i
  243. .nr la 0
  244. .nr a1 0
  245. .nr a2 0
  246. .nr ar 0
  247. .nr fi 0
  248. .nr in 0
  249. .nr :b 0
  250. .nr :c 0
  251. .nr :d 0
  252. .nr :e 0
  253. .nr :h 0
  254. .nr ls 0 1
  255. .nr dt 0
  256. .nr fc 0 1
  257. .nr wp 0 1
  258. .nr en 1
  259. .nr lg 0
  260. .nr ra 0
  261. .nr oa 0 1
  262. '''\" initialize lines per page
  263. .nr lp 66
  264. .if n .nr lp 65
  265. '''\" initialize device register
  266. .nr dv 0
  267. .if '\*(.T'aps' .nr dv 1
  268. .if '\*(.T'i10' .nr dv 2
  269. .if '\*(.T'X97.tim10p' .nr dv 3
  270. .if '\*(.T'X97.tim12p' .nr dv 3
  271. .if '\*(.T'X97.ti10p' .nr dv 3
  272. .if '\*(.T'X97.ti12p' .nr dv 3
  273. .if '\*(.T'i300' .nr dv 4
  274. .if '\*(.T'qms' .nr dv 5
  275. .if '\*(.T'post' .nr dv 6
  276. '''\" initialize font positions
  277. .ie \n(dv=3 \{\
  278. .fp 1 R
  279. .fp 2 I
  280. .fp 3 B
  281. .fp 4 I \}
  282. .el .ie \n(dv=5 \{\
  283. .fp 1 R
  284. .fp 2 I
  285. .fp 3 B
  286. .fp 4 S \}
  287. .el \{\
  288. .fp 1 H
  289. .fp 2 HI
  290. .fp 3 HB
  291. .fp 4 HX \}
  292. '''\" initialize units per vertical space
  293. .if t .nr l 120
  294. .if \n(dv=2 .nr l 40
  295. .if \n(dv=3 .nr l 50
  296. .if \n(dv=5 .nr l 50
  297. .if n .nr l 40
  298. '''\" initialize standard indent
  299. .nr si 5
  300. '''\" diversions
  301. .di aV
  302. .di
  303. .di dM
  304. .di
  305. .di cA
  306. .di
  307. .di cO
  308. .di
  309. .di cU
  310. .di
  311. .di cV
  312. .di
  313. .di cW
  314. .di
  315. .di cX
  316. .di
  317. .di cY
  318. .di
  319. .di cZ
  320. .di
  321. .di dA
  322. .di
  323. .di dO
  324. .di
  325. .di dU
  326. .di
  327. .di dV
  328. .di
  329. .di dW
  330. .di
  331. .di dX
  332. .di
  333. .di dY
  334. .di
  335. .di dZ
  336. .di
  337. .di fB
  338. .di
  339. .di wO
  340. .di
  341. '''\" initialize Lucent logo
  342. '''\" eventually substitute LH for Lb (DWB 2)
  343. .ie \n(dv=5 .ds lG \s10\f(ATx\fP\f\\nv\fP\s0
  344. .el .ds lG \s36\(LH\s0
  345. '''\" initialize entity strings
  346. .ds e1 "ALCATEL-LUCENT-BL
  347. .ds e2 "ALCATEL-LUCENT
  349. .ds e4 "Department Head
  350. '''\" initialize trademark symbol string
  351. .if t .ds Tm \v'-0.5m'\s-4TM\s+4\v'0.5m'
  352. .if n .ds Tm \uTM\d
  353. '''\" initialize timestamp string
  354. .ds s) 0
  355. '''\" initialize responsible person string
  356. .ds r( 0
  357. '''\" initialize earlier document number string
  358. .ds e( 0
  359. '''\" initialize csmacro version string
  360. .ds ve MCS (04/30/89)
  361. '''\" initialize point size, vertical space & indent
  362. .nr ps 10
  363. .ps \\n(ps
  364. .nr vs 12
  365. .if t .vs \\n(vsp
  366. .in 0
  367. '''\"
  368. '''\" macros to collect information
  369. '''\"
  370. .de aC \" macro for Lucent company (entity)
  371. . \" set en=1 if BL (default)
  372. . \" set en=2 if IS
  373. . \" set en=3 if TI
  374. . \" set en=4 if CH (Corporate Headquarters)
  375. .if '\\$1'BL' .nr en 1
  376. .if '\\$1'IS' .nr en 2
  377. .if '\\$1'TI' .nr en 3
  378. .if '\\$1'CH' .nr en 4
  379. .if \\n(en=1 \{\
  380. .ds e1 "ALCATEL-LUCENT-BL
  381. .ds e2 "ALCATEL-LUCENT
  383. .ds e4 "Department Head
  384. .br\}
  385. .if \\n(en=2 \{\
  386. .ds e1 "ALCATEL-LUCENT-IS
  387. .ds e2 "ALCATEL-LUCENT
  389. .ds e4 "Department Head
  390. .br\}
  391. .if \\n(en=3 \{\
  392. .ds e1 "Alcatel-Lucent, Inc.
  393. .ds e2 "Alcatel-Lucent
  394. .ds e3 "ALCATEL-LUCENT, INC.
  395. .ds e4 "Manager
  396. .br\}
  397. .if \\n(en=4 \{\
  398. .ds e1 "Alcatel-Lucent
  399. .ds e2 "Alcatel-Lucent
  400. .ds e3 " Alcatel-Lucent
  401. .ds e4 "Department Head
  402. .br \}
  403. .rm aC
  404. ..
  405. .de tS \" macro for timestamp
  406. '''\" if timestamp string=0, store arg #1 if non-empty.
  407. .if '\\*(s)'0' \{\
  408. .if !'\\$1'' \{\
  409. .ie '\\$2'1' .ds s) "D R A F T
  410. .el .ds s) "Timestamp: \\$1 \} \}
  411. ..
  412. .de TL \" macro for title
  413. .if \\nu>0 \{\
  414. .tm ERROR: coversheet file set up incorrectly - document title must be supplied before author
  415. .ab \}
  416. .br
  417. .fi
  418. .nr aa 1 \" set default to send cover to ITDS
  419. .ie !'\\n(.F'stdin' \{\
  420. . ie !'\\n(.F'-' \{\
  421. . sy /usr/lib/tmac/timestamp \\n(.F>/tmp/tp\\n($$
  422. . so /tmp/tp\\n($$
  423. . sy /bin/rm /tmp/tp\\n($$
  424. . br \} \" don't remove br - gets around troff bug
  425. . el \{\
  426. . nr aa 0
  427. . tm Coversheet not sent to library. input is '-' \} \}
  428. .el \{\
  429. . nr aa 0
  430. . tm Coversheet not sent to library. input is 'stdin' \}
  431. .ie '\\$1'' \{\
  432. . ds m) "Mailing Label \}
  433. .el \{
  434. . nr aa 0
  435. . tm Coversheet not sent to library. DRAFT document
  436. . ds m) \\s+2DRAFT\\s-2 \} \}
  437. .ll 6.0i
  438. '''\" diversion for title
  439. .di tI
  440. .rm TL
  441. ..
  442. .de AU \" macro for author info
  443. '''\" don't count author unless non-empty
  444. .if !\\$1 .nr u \\n+u
  445. .if \\nu=1 \{\
  446. .br
  447. '''\" end title diversion on first author
  448. .di
  449. .nr lt (\\n(dn)/(\\nl)
  450. .nr o \\n(dn
  451. .ll
  452. .nf \}
  453. .ta 0.3i 2.6i 3.0i 4.0i 5.4i
  454. .br
  455. '''\" append to author list
  456. .da aV
  457. \\$1 \\$3 \\$6 \\$5 \\$7
  458. .br
  459. .da
  460. '''\" end append; info for signature lines
  461. .if \\nu=1 .ds m( \\$1
  462. .if \\nu=2 .as m( \\$1
  463. .if \\nu=3 .as m( \\$1
  464. .if \\nu=4 .ds n( \\$1
  465. .if \\nu=5 .as n( \\$1
  466. .if \\nu=6 .as n( \\$1
  467. .if \\nu=7 .ds o( \\$1
  468. .if \\nu=8 .as o( \\$1
  469. .if \\nu=9 .as o( \\$1
  470. .if \\nu=10 .ds p( \\$1
  471. .if \\nu=11 .as p( \\$1
  472. .if \\nu=12 .as p( \\$1
  473. ..
  474. .de rP \" macro for responsible person
  475. .if !'\\$1'' .ds r( \\$1
  476. .rm rP
  477. ..
  478. .de FS \" macro for footnote start
  479. .if \\n(fs>0 \{\
  480. .tm Footnote within footnote - illegal.
  481. .FE \}
  482. .if \\n(ds>0 \{\
  483. .tm Footnote within display - illegal.
  484. .FE \}
  485. .nr fs 1
  486. .ev 1
  487. .br
  488. .ll 6.4i
  489. .ps 8
  490. .if t .vs 10p
  491. .fi
  492. .ie \\n(as>0 .da aN
  493. .el \{\
  494. .da fN
  495. .if \\n(fn=0 \{\
  496. .br
  497. .if n __________
  498. .if t \l'1i'
  499. .br \} \}
  500. .if \\n(.$=1 \\$1
  501. ..
  502. .de FE \" macro for footnote end
  503. .br
  504. .da
  505. .ie \\n(as>0 .nr an \\n(dn+\\n(an
  506. .el .nr fn \\n(dn+\\n(fn
  507. .ev
  508. .nr fs 0
  509. ..
  510. .de AS \" macro for abstract info
  511. .nr as 1
  512. .br
  513. .fi
  514. .ll 7.0i
  515. .ta 0.5i 1.0i 1.5i
  516. .di aS
  517. .rm AS
  518. ..
  519. .de AE \" macro for end of abstract info
  520. .br
  521. .di
  522. .nr la \\n(dn
  523. .iN
  524. .if \\n(an>0 \{\
  525. .br
  526. .da aS
  527. .br
  528. .if n __________
  529. .if t \l'1i'
  530. .br
  531. .nf
  532. .aN
  533. .rm aN
  534. .br
  535. .da
  536. .nr la \\n(la+\\n(dn \}
  537. .iN
  538. .rm iN
  539. .ll
  540. .nf
  541. .nr as 0
  542. .rm DS DE EQ EN VL ML LI LE
  543. .rm dS eQ
  544. .rm B I R S sP P
  545. .rm FS FE AE
  546. ..
  547. .de OK \" macro for keyword info
  548. .ds k)
  549. .if !\\$1 .as k) \\$1
  550. .if !\\$2 .as k); \\$2
  551. .if !\\$3 .as k); \\$3
  552. .if !\\$4 .as k); \\$4
  553. .if !\\$5 .as k); \\$5
  554. .if !\\$6 .as k); \\$6
  555. .if !\\$7 .as k); \\$7
  556. .if !\\$8 .as k); \\$8
  557. .if !\\$9 .as k); \\$9
  558. '''\" set k flag if we have some keywords
  559. .ie !\\*(k) .nr k 1
  560. .el .nr k 0
  561. .rm OK
  562. ..
  563. .de MT \" macro for document type
  564. .if '\\$1'1' \{\
  565. .nr m 1
  566. .ds t) TM
  567. .ds t( "for Technical Memorandum\}
  568. .if '\\$1'2' \{\
  569. .nr m 2
  570. .ds t) IM
  571. .ds t( "for Internal Memorandum\}
  572. .if '\\$1'3' \{\
  573. .nr m 3
  574. .ds t) TC
  575. .ds t( "for Technical Correspondence\}
  576. .rm MT
  577. ..
  578. .de dN \" macro for document number info
  579. .ie \\ns=1 .ds s( S
  580. .el .ds s(
  581. .ta 0.8i
  582. .br
  583. .da dM
  584. .if !'\\$1'' \{\
  585. \\$1\\*(t)\\*(s(
  586. .nr n \\n+n
  587. '''\" \" save first document number
  588. .if \\nn=1 .ds n) \\$1\\*(t)\\*(s( \}
  589. .br
  590. .da
  591. ..
  592. .de oA \" macro for organizational approval names(s)
  593. .nr oa \\n+(oa
  594. .if \\n(oa=1 .ds u( \\$1
  595. .if \\n(oa=2 .as u( \\$1
  596. .if \\n(oa=3 .as u( \\$1
  597. .if \\n(oa=4 .ds v( \\$1
  598. .if \\n(oa=5 .as v( \\$1
  599. .if \\n(oa=6 .as v( \\$1
  600. .if \\n(oa=7 .ds w( \\$1
  601. .if \\n(oa=8 .as w( \\$1
  602. .if \\n(oa=9 .as w( \\$1
  603. .if \\n(oa=10 .ds x( \\$1
  604. .if \\n(oa=11 .as x( \\$1
  605. .if \\n(oa=12 .as x( \\$1
  606. ..
  607. .de fC \" macro for filing case info
  608. .ta 3.5i
  609. .br
  610. .da fB
  611. .if !'\\$1'' \{\
  612. .nr fc \\n+(fc
  613. \\$1 \}
  614. .br
  615. .da
  616. ..
  617. .de fD \" macro for full date info
  618. .if !'\\$1'' .fC \\$1 \" use .fC macro underneath
  619. ..
  620. .de wP \" macro for work project info
  621. .ta 5.5i
  622. .br
  623. .da wO
  624. .if !'\\$1'' \{\
  625. .nr wp \\n+(wp
  626. \\$1 \}
  627. .br
  628. .da
  629. ..
  630. .de mC \" macro for mercury selections - three argument version
  631. .if !'\\$1'' .Mc \\$1
  632. .if !'\\$2'' .Mc \\$2
  633. .if !'\\$3'' .Mc \\$3
  634. ..
  635. .de Mc \" macro for mercury selections - one argument
  636. .ds c)
  637. .if \\nb<3 \{\
  638. .ie '\\$1'CHM' .ds c) " CHM - Chemistry and Materials
  639. .el .ie '\\$1'chm' .ds c) " CHM - Chemistry and Materials
  640. .el .ie '\\$1'CMM' .ds c) " CMM - Communications
  641. .el .ie '\\$1'cmm' .ds c) " CMM - Communications
  642. .el .ie '\\$1'CMP' .ds c) " CMP - Computing
  643. .el .ie '\\$1'cmp' .ds c) " CMP - Computing
  644. .el .ie '\\$1'ELC' .ds c) " ELC - Electronics
  645. .el .ie '\\$1'elc' .ds c) " ELC - Electronics
  646. .el .ie '\\$1'LFS' .ds c) " LFS - Life Sciences
  647. .el .ie '\\$1'lfs' .ds c) " LFS - Life Sciences
  648. .el .ie '\\$1'MAN' .ds c) " MAN - Manufacturing
  649. .el .ie '\\$1'man' .ds c) " MAN - Manufacturing
  650. .el .ie '\\$1'MAS' .ds c) " MAS - Mathematics and Statistics
  651. .el .ie '\\$1'mas' .ds c) " MAS - Mathematics and Statistics
  652. .el .ie '\\$1'MKT' .ds c) " MKT - Marketing
  653. .el .ie '\\$1'mkt' .ds c) " MKT - Marketing
  654. .el .ie '\\$1'PHY' .ds c) " PHY - Physics
  655. .el .ie '\\$1'phy' .ds c) " PHY - Physics
  656. .el .ie '\\$1'STD' .ds c) " STD - Standards
  657. .el .ie '\\$1'std' .ds c) " STD - Standards
  658. .el .ie '\\$1'PRP' .ds c) " PRP - Product Realization Process
  659. .el .ie '\\$1'prp' .ds c) " PRP - Product Realization Process
  660. .el .ie '\\$1'QLT' .ds c) " QLT - Quality
  661. .el .if '\\$1'qlt' .ds c) " QLT - Quality
  662. .ie '\\*(c)'' .tm WARNING: \\$1 - unknown mercury selection
  663. .el \{\
  664. .nr b \\n+b
  665. .if t .as a) \\*(c)
  666. .if n \{\
  667. .ie \\nb=3 \{\
  668. .rn a) b)
  669. .ds a) \\*(c) \}
  670. .el .as a) \\*(c)\}\}\}
  671. ..
  672. .de mE \" macro for mercury selections
  673. .ds a)
  674. .ds b)
  675. .ds c)
  676. '''\" either 'y' or '1' arguments honored
  677. .nr q 0
  678. .if '\\$1'y' .nr q 1
  679. .if '\\$1'1' .nr q 1
  680. .if \\nq=1 \{\
  681. .as a) " CHM - Chemistry and Materials
  682. .nr b \\n+b \}
  683. .nr q 0
  684. .if '\\$2'y' .nr q 1
  685. .if '\\$2'1' .nr q 1
  686. .if \\nq=1 \{\
  687. .as a) " CMM - Communications
  688. .nr b \\n+b
  689. .if n \{\
  690. .if \\nb=2 .rn a) b) \} \}
  691. .nr q 0
  692. .if '\\$3'y' .nr q 1
  693. .if '\\$3'1' .nr q 1
  694. .if \\nq=1 \{\
  695. .as a) " CMP - Computing
  696. .nr b \\n+b
  697. .if t \{\
  698. .if \\nb=3 .rn a) b) \}
  699. .if n \{\
  700. .if \\nb=2 .rn a) b) \} \}
  701. .nr q 0
  702. .if '\\$4'y' .nr q 1
  703. .if '\\$4'1' .nr q 1
  704. .if \\nq=1 \{\
  705. .as a) " ELC - Electronics
  706. .nr b \\n+b
  707. .if t \{\
  708. .if \\nb=3 .rn a) b) \}
  709. .if n \{\
  710. .if \\nb=4 \{\
  711. .rn b) c)
  712. .rn a) b) \}
  713. .if \\nb=2 .rn a) b) \} \}
  714. .nr q 0
  715. .if '\\$5'y' .nr q 1
  716. .if '\\$5'1' .nr q 1
  717. .if \\nq=1 \{\
  718. .as a) " LFS - Life Sciences
  719. .nr b \\n+b
  720. .if t \{\
  721. .if \\nb=3 .rn a) b) \}
  722. .if n \{\
  723. .if \\nb=4 \{\
  724. .rn b) c)
  725. .rn a) b) \}
  726. .if \\nb=2 .rn a) b) \} \}
  727. .nr q 0
  728. .if '\\$6'y' .nr q 1
  729. .if '\\$6'1' .nr q 1
  730. .if \\nq=1 \{\
  731. .as a) " MAS - Mathematics and Statistics
  732. .nr b \\n+b
  733. .if t \{\
  734. .if \\nb=3 .rn a) b) \}
  735. .if n \{\
  736. .if \\nb=4 \{\
  737. .rn b) c)
  738. .rn a) b) \}
  739. .if \\nb=2 .rn a) b) \} \}
  740. .if \\nb<6 \{\
  741. .nr q 0
  742. .if '\\$7'y' .nr q 1
  743. .if '\\$7'1' .nr q 1
  744. .if \\nq=1 \{\
  745. .as a) " PHY - Physics
  746. .nr b \\n+b
  747. .if t \{\
  748. .if \\nb=3 .rn a) b) \}
  749. .if n \{\
  750. .if \\nb=4 \{\
  751. .rn b) c)
  752. .rn a) b) \}
  753. .if \\nb=2 .rn a) b) \} \} \}
  754. .if t \{\
  755. .if \\nb=3 .rn b) a) \}
  756. .if n \{\
  757. .if \\nb=4 \{\
  758. .rn b) a)
  759. .rn c) b) \}
  760. .if \\nb=2 .rn b) a) \}
  761. .rm mE
  762. ..
  763. .de eD \" macro for earlier document number
  764. .if !'\\$1'' .ds e( \\$1
  765. .rm eD
  766. ..
  767. .de PM \" macro for proprietary marking
  768. . \" arg 1 - RS or BR or IR or TR or R - restricted
  769. .if '\\$1'RS' .nr p 2
  770. .if '\\$1'BR' .nr p 2
  771. .if '\\$1'IR' .nr p 2
  772. .if '\\$1'TR' .nr p 2
  773. .if '\\$1'R' .nr p 2
  774. .rm PM
  775. ..
  776. .de gS \" macro for government security classified
  777. .nr r 1
  778. .rm gS
  779. ..
  780. .de rA \" macros for release to Lucent employees
  781. . \" superceded by .fA macro 072087
  782. .nr ra 1
  783. .rm rA
  784. ..
  785. .de fA \" macro for future Lucent distribution
  786. . \" arg 1 = 'y' or 'Y' or 'n' or 'N'
  787. .if '\\$1'y' .nr ra 1
  788. .if '\\$1'Y' .nr ra 1
  789. .if '\\$1'n' .nr ra 2
  790. .if '\\$1'N' .nr ra 2
  791. .rm fA
  792. ..
  793. .de sF \" macro for software-related document
  794. .nr s 1
  795. .rm sF
  796. ..
  797. .de cI
  798. .rm cI
  799. ..
  800. .de dL \" macro for calculating basic distribution length
  801. '''\" call once only - from .cC, .cS, or .CS
  802. .if \\nd=0 \{\
  803. .nr d 1
  804. '''\" calculate space considerations
  805. '''\" basic distribution length - to be tailored - set e and h
  806. .if \\nr=0 .nr e \\ne+2
  807. .if \\nu<=3 .nr e \\ne+3
  808. .if \\nu<=6 .nr e \\ne+3
  809. .if \\nu<=9 .nr e \\ne+3
  810. .if (((\\n(oa>0)&(\\n(oa<=3)):((\\nn<=3)&(\\n(oa=0))) .nr e \\ne+3
  811. .if (((\\n(oa>0)&(\\n(oa<=6)):((\\nn<=6)&(\\n(oa=0))) .nr e \\ne+3
  812. .if (((\\n(oa>0)&(\\n(oa<=9)):((\\nn<=9)&(\\n(oa=0))) .nr e \\ne+3
  813. '''\" nroff: if p=2, 1 extra line under Org Approval
  814. .if n .if \\np=2 .nr e \\ne-1
  815. '''\" Future Lucent Distribution handling
  816. .if ((\\n(ra<2)&(\\np=2)) \{\
  817. .nr ra 2
  818. .tm WARNING: Future Alcatel-Lucent Distribution by ITDS - PROPRIETARY (RESTRICTED) document MAY NOT BE RELEASED without appropriate approval for each request; coversheet has been modified accordingly\}
  819. .if \\n(ra=0 \{\
  820. .tm WARNING: Future Alcatel-Lucent Distribution by ITDS: missing or invalid .fA macro; indicate desired action by checking yes or no box on page 2 of coversheet; next time include .fA macro with y or n argument \}
  821. '''\" at least 3 lines for Future Lucent Distribution section (more for nroff negative and ra=0)
  822. '''\" \" next 2 lines for yes/no boxes; remove when .fA macro becomes mandatory
  823. .if t .if \\n(ra=0 .nr e \\ne-4
  824. .if n .if \\n(ra=0 .nr e \\ne-5
  825. .if \\n(ra=1 .nr e \\ne-3
  826. .if t .if \\n(ra=2 .nr e \\ne-3
  827. .if n .if \\n(ra=2 .nr e \\ne-4
  828. '''\" increment number on next two lines to drop text lower on page 2
  829. .if t .nr e \\ne+23
  830. .if n .nr e \\ne+21
  831. .if n \{\
  832. '''\" if page 2 text changes, change values in next 3 lines
  833. .if \\ne<4 \{\
  834. .tm ERROR: insufficient space to format cover sheet; use "docsend -Taps" \
  835. for APS-5, "docsend -Ti10" for imagen, or "docsend -TX97" - \
  836. or use stockroom cover sheet
  837. .ab \}
  838. .ie \\ne<8 .nr e 0
  839. .el .nr e \\ne-7 \}
  840. .nr h \\ne
  841. .br \}
  842. .rm dL
  843. ..
  844. .de cC \" macro for handling complete copy addressees
  845. .dL
  846. .ta 2.0i
  847. .nf
  848. .br
  849. .ie \\ne>0 \{\
  850. .da cA
  851. .dt \\nev cD \}
  852. .el .da cO
  853. .rm cC
  854. ..
  855. .de cD \" macro for handling complete copy address overflow
  856. .ta 2.0i
  857. .br
  858. .da
  859. .da cO
  860. .nr lo 56-\\n(lt
  861. .dt \\n(lo zZ
  862. ..
  863. .de zZ \" macro for handling previously lost complete copy address overflow
  864. . \" provide 5 additional continuation pages (6 in all - approx 350 names)
  865. .ie "\\n(.z"cO" .fF "g" "cU"
  866. .el .ie "\\n(.z"cU" .fF "g1" "cV"
  867. .el .ie "\\n(.z"cV" .fF "g2" "cW"
  868. .el .ie "\\n(.z"cW" .fF "g3" "cX"
  869. .el .ie "\\n(.z"cX" .fF "g4" "cY"
  870. .el .if "\\n(.z"cY" .fF "g5" "cZ"
  871. ..
  872. .de fF \" aux macro for handling previously lost complete copy address overflow
  873. .ta 2.0i
  874. .br
  875. .da
  876. .ie \\n(dn>0 \{\
  877. .nr \\$1 (\\n(dn)/\\nl+4
  878. .da \\$2
  879. .nr lo 56-\\n(lt
  880. .dt \\n(lo zZ \}
  881. .el \{\
  882. .nr \\$1 0
  883. .da cZ \}
  884. ..
  885. .de cS \" macro for handling cover sheet only addresses
  886. .dL
  887. .ta 2.0i
  888. .nf
  889. .br
  890. .ie \\nh>0 \{\
  891. .da dA
  892. .dt \\nhv cT \}
  893. .el .da dO
  894. .rm cS
  895. ..
  896. .de cT \" macro for handling cover sheet address overflow
  897. .ta 2.0i
  898. .br
  899. .da
  900. .da dO
  901. .nr lo 56-\\n(lt
  902. .dt \\n(lo wW
  903. ..
  904. .de wW \" macro for handling previously lost cover sheet only address overflow
  905. . \" provide 5 additional continuation pages (6 in all - approx 350 names)
  906. .ie "\\n(.z"dO" .gG "i" "dU"
  907. .el .ie "\\n(.z"dU" .gG "i1" "dV"
  908. .el .ie "\\n(.z"dV" .gG "i2" "dW"
  909. .el .ie "\\n(.z"dW" .gG "i3" "dX"
  910. .el .ie "\\n(.z"dX" .gG "i4" "dY"
  911. .el .if "\\n(.z"dY" .gG "i5" "dZ"
  912. ..
  913. .de gG \" aux macro for handling previously lost cover sheet only address overflow
  914. .ta 2.0i
  915. .br
  916. .da
  917. .ie \\n(dn>0 \{\
  918. .nr \\$1 (\\n(dn)/\\nl+4
  919. .da \\$2
  920. .nr lo 56-\\n(lt
  921. .dt \\n(lo wW \}
  922. .el \{\
  923. .nr \\$1 0
  924. .da dZ \}
  925. ..
  926. .de cE \" macro for ending all distribution diversions
  927. .br
  928. .ie "\\n(.z"cA" \{\
  929. .da
  930. .rm cD \}
  931. .el .ie "\\n(.z"cO" .eE "g" "cD"
  932. .el .ie "\\n(.z"cU" .eE "g1" "cD"
  933. .el .ie "\\n(.z"cV" .eE "g2" "cD"
  934. .el .ie "\\n(.z"cW" .eE "g3" "cD"
  935. .el .ie "\\n(.z"cX" .eE "g4" "cD"
  936. .el .ie "\\n(.z"cY" .eE "g5" "cD"
  937. .el .ie "\\n(.z"cZ" \{\
  938. .da
  939. .rm cD \}
  940. .el .ie "\\n(.z"dA" \{\
  941. .da
  942. .rm cT \}
  943. .el .ie "\\n(.z"dO" .eE "i" "cT"
  944. .el .ie "\\n(.z"dU" .eE "i1" "cT"
  945. .el .ie "\\n(.z"dV" .eE "i2" "cT"
  946. .el .ie "\\n(.z"dW" .eE "i3" "cT"
  947. .el .ie "\\n(.z"dX" .eE "i4" "cT"
  948. .el .ie "\\n(.z"dY" .eE "i5" "cT"
  949. .el .if "\\n(.z"dZ" \{\
  950. .da
  951. .rm cT \}
  952. ..
  953. .de eE \" aux macro for ending all distribution diversions
  954. .da
  955. .ie \\n(dn>0 .nr \\$1 (\\n(dn)/\\nl+4
  956. .el .nr \\$1 0
  957. .rm \\$2
  958. ..
  959. '''\"
  960. '''\" macros to help format document
  961. '''\"
  962. .deB
  963. .ie\\n(.$ .nr ;G \\n(.f
  964. .el.ft 3
  965. .if\\n(.$ .if !\\n(.$-2 \&\f3\\$1\fP\\$2
  966. .if\\n(.$-2 \{.ds }i
  967. .if\\n(.f2 .ds }i \^
  968. .ds}I \&\f3\\$1\fP\\$2\\*(}i
  969. 'br\}
  970. .if\\n(.$-2 .if !\\n(.$-4 \\*(}I\f3\\$3\fP\\$4
  971. .if\\n(.$-4 .if !\\n(.$-6 \\*(}I\f3\\$3\fP\\$4\\*(}i\f3\\$5\fP\\$6
  972. .if\\n(.$ .ft \\n(;G
  973. ..
  974. .deI
  975. .ie\\n(.$ .nr ;G \\n(.f
  976. .el.ft 2
  977. .if\\n(.$ .if !\\n(.$-1 \&\f2\\$1
  978. .if\\n(.$-1 \{.ds }i \^
  979. .if\\n(.f2 .ds }i
  980. .ds}I \&
  981. .if\w\\$1 .ds }I \&\f2\\$1\fP\\*(}i
  982. 'br\}
  983. .if\\n(.$-1 .if !\\n(.$-3 \\*(}I\\$2\f2\\$3
  984. .if\\n(.$-3 .if !\\n(.$-5 \\*(}I\\$2\f2\\$3\fP\\*(}i\\$4\f2\\$5
  985. .if\\n(.$-5 \\*(}I\\$2\f2\\$3\fP\\*(}i\\$4\f2\\$5\fP\\*(}i\\$6
  986. .if\\n(.$ .ft \\n(;G
  987. ..
  988. .deRI
  989. .nr;G \\n(.f
  990. .}S 1 2 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
  991. ..
  992. .deRB
  993. .nr;G \\n(.f
  994. .}S 1 3 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
  995. ..
  996. .deIR
  997. .nr;G \\n(.f
  998. .}S 2 1 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
  999. ..
  1000. .deIB
  1001. .nr;G \\n(.f
  1002. .}S 2 3 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
  1003. ..
  1004. .deBR
  1005. .nr;G \\n(.f
  1006. .}S 3 1 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
  1007. ..
  1008. .deBI
  1009. .nr;G \\n(.f
  1010. .}S 3 2 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6"
  1011. ..
  1012. .de}S
  1013. .ds}i
  1014. .if\\$12 .if !\\$5 .ds }i\^
  1015. .ie!\\$4 .}S \\$2 \\$1 "\\$3\f\\$1\\$4\\*(}i" "\\$5" "\\$6" "\\$7" "\\$8" "\\$9"
  1016. .el\\$3
  1017. .ft\\n(;G
  1018. ..
  1019. .deR
  1020. .ft1
  1021. .ul0
  1022. ..
  1023. .de S \" set point size and vertical spacing
  1024. .ie \\n(.$=0 \{\
  1025. .ps
  1026. .if t .vs \}
  1027. .el \{\
  1028. .ie \w\(ts\\$1\(ts \{\
  1029. .ie 0\\$1-99 .nr ts \\n(ps
  1030. .el .nr ts \\$1 \}
  1031. .el .nr ts \\n(.s
  1032. .ps \\n(ts
  1033. .if \\n(.$=1 .if t \{\
  1034. .nr tv \\n(.s+2
  1035. .vs \\n(tvp \}
  1036. .if \\n(.$>1 .if t \{\
  1037. .ie \w\(ts\\$2\(ts \{\
  1038. .ie 0\\$2-99 .nr tv \\n(.s+2
  1039. .el .nr tv \\$2 \}
  1040. .el .nr tv \\n(.v
  1041. .vs \\n(tvp \} \}
  1042. ..
  1043. .de sP \" space 1 blank line (vertical space)
  1044. .if n .sp 1
  1045. .if t .sp 0.5
  1046. ..
  1047. .de P \" paragraph - (default - left-adjusted)
  1048. . \" arg #1=0 - left-adjusted
  1049. . \" arg #1=1 - indent standard amount
  1050. .ne 1.1
  1051. .sP
  1052. .if (\\n(.$>0)&(0\\$1=1) .ti +\\n(sin
  1053. ..
  1054. .de HC \" set hyphenation indicator
  1055. .ev0
  1056. .hc\\$1
  1057. .ev
  1058. .ev1
  1059. .hc\\$1
  1060. .ev
  1061. .ev2
  1062. .hc\\$1
  1063. .ev
  1064. ..
  1065. .de SA \" macro for right-adjustment
  1066. .if \\n(.$ \{\
  1067. .if \\$1-1 .tm WARNING: SA: bad arg:\\$1
  1068. .nr :h 0\\$1 \}
  1069. 'na
  1070. .if \\n(:h 'ad
  1071. ..
  1072. .de iN \" macro for font and size re-initialization
  1073. .ft 1
  1074. .ps \\n(ps
  1075. .if t .vs \\n(vsp
  1076. ..
  1077. .de DS \" macro for display start
  1078. .if \\n(ds>0 \{\
  1079. .tm Display within display - illegal.
  1080. .DE \}
  1081. .if \\n(fs>0 \{\
  1082. .tm Display within footnote - illegal.
  1083. .FE \}
  1084. .nr in \\n(.i
  1085. .nr fi \\n(.u
  1086. .br
  1087. .ev 2
  1088. .br
  1089. .ll 7.0i
  1090. .nf
  1091. .in \\n(inu
  1092. .sP
  1093. .if \\n(.$>1 \{\
  1094. .if '\\$2'F' .nr dt 4
  1095. .if '\\$2'1' .nr dt 4
  1096. .if \\n(dt=4 .fi \}
  1097. .if \\n(.$>2 .ll-0\\$3
  1098. .nr dt 0
  1099. .nr bd 0
  1100. .if '\\$1'I' .nr dt 1
  1101. .if '\\$1'1' .nr dt 1
  1102. .if \\n(dt=1 .in \\n(sin
  1103. .if '\\$1'C' .nr dt 2
  1104. .if '\\$1'2' .nr dt 2
  1105. .if \\n(dt=2 .ce 1000
  1106. .if '\\$1'CB' .nr dt 3
  1107. .if '\\$1'3' .nr dt 3
  1108. .if \\n(dt=3 \{\
  1109. .nr bd 1
  1110. .di dS \}
  1111. .nr ds 1
  1112. ..
  1113. .de DE \" macro for display end
  1114. .br
  1115. .ie \\n(ds=0 .tm DE: no active DS
  1116. .el \{\
  1117. .ce 0
  1118. .if \\n(bd>0 \{\
  1119. .di
  1120. .if \\n(dl>\\n(bd .nr bd \\n(dl
  1121. .if \\n(bd<\\n(.l .in (\\n(.lu-\\n(bdu)/2u
  1122. .nr dt \\n(.l-\\n(.i
  1123. .ta \\n(dtuR
  1124. .dS
  1125. .br \}
  1126. .nr bd 0
  1127. .nr ds 0
  1128. .nr dt 0
  1129. .ev
  1130. .in \\n(inu
  1131. .sP
  1132. .ie \\n(fi=0 .nf
  1133. .el .fi \}
  1134. ..
  1135. .de EQ \" macro for equation start
  1136. .ds e) \\$1
  1137. .di eQ
  1138. ..
  1139. .de EN \" macro for equation end
  1140. \!.br
  1141. .br
  1142. .di
  1143. .lt \\n(.lu
  1144. .pc
  1145. .if \w\(ts\\*(10\\*(e)\(ts \{\
  1146. .ie \\n(bd>0 \{\
  1147. .if \\n(bd<\w\(ts\\*(10\(ts .nr bd \w\(ts\\*(10\(ts
  1148. \!\\*(10\h'\\\\n(.lu-\w\(ts\\*(10\\*(e)u\(ts-\\\\n(.iu'\\*(e)
  1149. .br \}
  1150. .el .ie \\n(dt=2 .tl \(ts\(ts\\*(10\(ts\\*(e)\(ts
  1151. .el .ie \\n(dt=1 .tl \(ts\h'\\n(sin'\\*(10\(ts\(ts\\*(e)\(ts
  1152. .el .if \\n(dt=0 .tl \(ts\\*(10\(ts\(ts\\*(e)\(ts
  1153. 'br\}
  1154. .pc%
  1155. .lt
  1156. ..
  1157. .de VL \" macro for variable-item lists
  1158. .if \\n(ls>0 \{\
  1159. .tm VL: lists may not be nested
  1160. .LE \}
  1161. .ie \\n(.$<1 .tm WARNING: VL: text-indent not defined
  1162. .el \{\
  1163. .nr in \\n(.i
  1164. .nr :b \\n(.iu+0\\$1n
  1165. .nr :c \\n(.iu+0\\$2n
  1166. .ds y) \&
  1167. .ie \\n(.$=3 .nr :d 1
  1168. .el .nr :d 0
  1169. .if \\n(:d=1 .sP
  1170. .fi
  1171. .nr ls +1
  1172. .br \}
  1173. ..
  1174. .de ML \" macro for marked list
  1175. .if \\n(ls>0 \{\
  1176. .tm ML: lists may not be nexted
  1177. .LE \}
  1178. .ie \\n(.$<1 .tm ML: mark not defined
  1179. .el \{\
  1180. .nr in \\n(.i
  1181. .ds y) \\$1
  1182. .ie (\\n(.$>1)&(\\$2>0) .nr :b \\n(.iu+0\\$2n
  1183. .el .nr :b \\n(.iu+\w\(ts\\*(y)\(tsu+1n
  1184. .nr :c \\n(:bu-1n-\w\(ts\\*(y)\(tsu
  1185. .ie \\n(.$=3 .nr :d 1
  1186. .el .nr :d 0
  1187. .if \\n(:d=1 .sP
  1188. .fi
  1189. .in \\n(:bu
  1190. .nr ls +1
  1191. .br \}
  1192. ..
  1193. .de BL \" macro for bullet list - using marked list
  1194. .ie \\n(.$=2 .ML \\(bu \\$1 \\$2
  1195. .el .ie \\n(.$=1 .ML \\(bu \\$1
  1196. .el .ML \\(bu
  1197. ..
  1198. .de LI \" macro for list item
  1199. .ie \\n(ls=0 .tm LI: no active lists
  1200. .el \{\
  1201. .ds z) \\*(y)
  1202. .if \\n(.$=1 .ds z) \\$1
  1203. .if \\n(.$=2 .ds z) \\$1\&\\*(z)
  1204. .if \\n(:d=0 .sP
  1205. .in \\n(:bu
  1206. .ti \\n(:cu
  1207. .nr :e \w\(ts\\*(z)\(ts
  1208. \\*(z)\h'\\n(:bu-\\n(:cu-\\n(:eu'\c \}
  1209. ..
  1210. .de LE \" macro for list end
  1211. .ie \\n(ls=0 .tm LE: no active list
  1212. .el \{\
  1213. .br
  1214. .nr ls -1
  1215. 'in \\n(inu
  1216. 'ti \\n(inu
  1217. .if \\n(.$>0 .sP \}
  1218. ..
  1219. .de hD \" header macro
  1220. '''\" page offset 0.6i for XEROX & DASI; 0.25i for all other devices
  1221. '''\" cut marks for APS only
  1222. .po 0.25i
  1223. .if \\n(dv=3 .po 0.6i
  1224. .if n .po 0.6i
  1225. .if \\n(dv=1 .tl '\(rn''\(rn'
  1226. .if t 'sp|0.2i
  1227. .if n 'sp|1
  1228. ..
  1229. .de fO \" footer macro
  1230. .if t .pl 11.0i
  1231. .if n .pl \\n(lp
  1232. 'bp
  1233. ..
  1234. .de yY \" macro for abstract overflow - line -1
  1235. .aT
  1236. .rm yY
  1237. ..
  1238. .de aT \" macro for abstract overflow trap
  1239. . \" register a counts overflow pages
  1240. .if \\na>0 \{\
  1241. .ft 2
  1242. .ce
  1243. (continued)
  1244. .ft 1 \}
  1245. .if t .pl 11.0i
  1246. .if n .pl \\n(lp
  1247. .nr a \\n+a
  1248. .rn aT xX
  1249. 'bp
  1250. .rn xX aT
  1251. .if n .wh -2 aT
  1252. .if t .wh -0.55i aT
  1253. .cH
  1254. .tH
  1255. .if t 'sp 0.05i
  1256. .ce
  1257. .ft 3
  1258. Abstract (continued)
  1259. .ft 1
  1260. .in 0.2i
  1261. 'sp 1
  1262. ..
  1263. .de tK \" macro for thick lines
  1264. .ps 24
  1265. \l'7.5i'
  1266. .ps
  1267. ..
  1268. .de bE \" macro for empty box
  1269. .ps 12
  1270. .if t \\(sq
  1271. .if n [ ]
  1272. .ps
  1273. ..
  1274. .de bX \" macro for box with x
  1275. .ps 12
  1276. .if t \\o'\(mu\(sq'
  1277. .if n [x]
  1278. .ps
  1279. ..
  1280. .de tH \" macro for Title heading and text
  1281. . \" called from aT and eP and CS
  1282. .tK
  1283. .if t 'sp 0.05i
  1284. '''\" mark t - Title heading
  1285. .mk t
  1286. .ft 3
  1287. Title:
  1288. .ft 1
  1289. 'sp|\\ntu
  1290. .in 0.7i
  1291. .tI
  1292. .in 0
  1293. .ta 0.5i
  1294. .nr q \\no/\\nl
  1295. .ie \\nq>2 'sp|\\ntu+\\nq
  1296. .el 'sp|\\ntu+2
  1297. .tK
  1298. . \" m1 - mark end of title section - save
  1299. .mk m1
  1300. ..
  1301. .de cH \" macro for abstract or distribution list continuation header
  1302. . \" called from aT and eP
  1303. . \" calculate this page number
  1304. .nr np \\n(np+1
  1305. .nf
  1306. .in 0
  1307. .ft 3
  1308. .ta 7.5iR
  1309. .nr tc \\n(tp
  1310. .nr nc \\n(np
  1311. \\*(n)\f2 (page \\n(nc of \\n(tc)
  1312. .ft1
  1313. .if t 'sp 0.1i
  1314. ..
  1315. .de dH \" macro for distribution list headers
  1316. . \" called from cP and CS
  1317. .ft 3
  1318. .ta 1.0i 4.75i
  1319. \\$1 \\$2
  1320. .if t .sp 0.05i
  1321. .ft 1
  1322. .ta 0.5i 1.0i
  1323. ..
  1324. .de oH \" macro for final overflow distribution list headers
  1325. . \" called from cP
  1326. .if \\$1>4 .if \\$2>4 .dH "Complete Copy (continued)" "Cover Sheet Only (continued)"
  1327. .if \\$1>4 .if !\\$2>4 .dH "Complete Copy (continued)" ""
  1328. .if !\\$1>4 .if \\$2>4 .dH "" "Cover Sheet Only (continued)"
  1329. ..
  1330. .de eP \" macro for ejecting distribution continuation page
  1331. . \" called from cP
  1332. 'bp
  1333. .wh 0 hD
  1334. '''\" put out continuation page header & title section
  1335. .cH
  1336. .tH
  1337. ..
  1338. .de cP \" macro for continuation (distribution list) page
  1339. . \" called from CS
  1340. . \" if any distribution overflow will fit before next trap, set v=2
  1341. .ie \\nv<=\\n(.t .nr v 1
  1342. .el .nr v 0
  1343. .if \\nv=1 .if \\nw<=\\n(.t .nr v 2
  1344. . \" check whether continuation page needs to be ejected
  1345. .in 0
  1346. .if \\nc=1 \{\
  1347. . \" - if no abstract overflow
  1348. .if \\na=0 .eP
  1349. .if \\na>0 \{\
  1350. . \" - or if abstract overflow - but not enough room for list overflow
  1351. .ie \\nv<2 .eP
  1352. . \" just a thick line if abstract overflow AND enough room for list
  1353. .el .tK \}
  1354. .ie \\ne=0 \{\
  1355. .if \\ng>4 .if \\ni>4 .dH "Complete Copy" "Cover Sheet Only"
  1356. .if \\ng>4 .if !\\ni>4 .dH "Complete Copy" ""
  1357. .if !\\ng>4 .if \\ni>4 .dH "" "Cover Sheet Only" \}
  1358. .el .oH \\ng \\ni
  1359. .mk z
  1360. .nr q \\n(.t/\\nl
  1361. '''\" put out complete copy list overflow
  1362. .in 0.2i
  1363. .cO
  1364. .in 0
  1365. .rm cO
  1366. .if !\\n(g1=0 \{\
  1367. .ft 2
  1368. .ti 1.25i
  1369. (continued)
  1370. .ft 1 \}
  1371. .mk x
  1372. .sp|\\nzu
  1373. .in 4.0i
  1374. '''\" put out cover sheet list overflow
  1375. .dO
  1376. .rm dO
  1377. .if !\\n(i1=0 \{\
  1378. .ft 2
  1379. .ti 5.00i
  1380. (continued)
  1381. .ft 1 \}
  1382. .mk y
  1383. .if ((\\n(g1>0):(\\n(i1>0)) .dP "\\n(g1" "\\n(i1" "cU" "\\n(g2" "dU" "\\n(i2"
  1384. .if ((\\n(g2>0):(\\n(i2>0)) .dP "\\n(g2" "\\n(i2" "cV" "\\n(g3" "dV" "\\n(i3"
  1385. .if ((\\n(g3>0):(\\n(i3>0)) .dP "\\n(g3" "\\n(i3" "cW" "\\n(g4" "dW" "\\n(i4"
  1386. .if ((\\n(g4>0):(\\n(i4>0)) .dP "\\n(g4" "\\n(i4" "cX" "\\n(g5" "dX" "\\n(i5"
  1387. .if ((\\n(g5>0):(\\n(i5>0)) \{\
  1388. .eP
  1389. .oH \\n(g5 \\n(i5
  1390. .mk z
  1391. .in 0.2i
  1392. .cY
  1393. .in 0
  1394. .rm cY
  1395. .mk x
  1396. .sp|\\nzu
  1397. .in 4.0i
  1398. .dY
  1399. .rm dY
  1400. .mk y \}
  1401. .in 0
  1402. .if \\nx-\\ny .sp|\\nxu
  1403. .tK \}
  1404. ..
  1405. .de dP \" macro to handle one continuation page
  1406. .eP
  1407. .oH \\$1 \\$2
  1408. .mk z
  1409. .in 0.2i
  1410. .\\$3
  1411. .in 0
  1412. .rm \\$3
  1413. .if !\\$4=0 \{\
  1414. .ft 2
  1415. .ti 1.25i
  1416. (continued)
  1417. .ft 1 \}
  1418. .mk x
  1419. .sp|\\nzu
  1420. .in 4.0i
  1421. .\\$5
  1422. .rm \\$5
  1423. .if !\\$6=0 \{\
  1424. .ft 2
  1425. .ti 5.00i
  1426. (continued)
  1427. .ft 1 \}
  1428. .mk y
  1429. ..
  1430. .de tP \" macro to compute total pages and diversion lengths
  1431. '''\" calculate vert. units needed to handle cc overflow (if any)
  1432. '''\" called from CS macro
  1433. .ie \\ng>4 .nr v (\\ng)*\\nl
  1434. .el .nr v 0
  1435. '''\" also for cs overflow (if any)
  1436. .ie \\ni>4 .nr w (\\ni)*\\nl
  1437. .el .nr w 0
  1438. .ie \\nv>\\nw .nr j \\nv
  1439. .el .nr j \\nw
  1440. . \" set c=1 if either g or i >0
  1441. .if \\ng>4 .nr c 1
  1442. .if \\ni>4 .nr c 1
  1443. . \" calculate total pages in job (default 2)
  1444. .nr tp 2
  1445. . \" a1 - page 1 portion abstract (units)
  1446. .nr a1 \\nyu-\\nxu-1v
  1447. .ie \\n(la>\\n(a1 \{\
  1448. . \" ar - remainder abstract (units)
  1449. .nr ar \\n(la-\\n(a1
  1450. .nr tp \\n(tp+1
  1451. . \" a2 - available continuation page space
  1452. . \" m1 is mark after thick line following title/date
  1453. . \" 2v are lines for Abstract (continued) and one blank line
  1454. .if t .nr a2 11.0i-\\n(m1-3v
  1455. .if n .nr a2 \\n(lpv-\\n(m1-3v
  1456. .t1 \}
  1457. .el .if \\nc>0 .nr tp \\n(tp+1
  1458. .if ((\\n(g1>4):(\\n(i1>4)) .nr tp \\n(tp+1
  1459. .if ((\\n(g2>4):(\\n(i2>4)) .nr tp \\n(tp+1
  1460. .if ((\\n(g3>4):(\\n(i3>4)) .nr tp \\n(tp+1
  1461. .if ((\\n(g4>4):(\\n(i4>4)) .nr tp \\n(tp+1
  1462. .if ((\\n(g5>4):(\\n(i5>4)) .nr tp \\n(tp+1
  1463. ..
  1464. .de t1
  1465. .ie \\n(ar>\\n(a2 \{\
  1466. .nr ar \\n(ar-\\n(a2
  1467. .nr tp \\n(tp+1
  1468. .t1 \}
  1469. .el .if \\n(ar+\\nj>\\n(a2 .nr tp \\n(tp+1
  1470. ..
  1471. '''\"
  1472. '''\" main macro to handle output of cover sheet
  1473. '''\"
  1474. .de CS
  1475. .if \\nu=0 \{\
  1476. .tm ERROR: author must be supplied
  1477. .ab \}
  1478. .if \\no=0 \{\
  1479. .tm ERROR: document title must be supplied
  1480. .ab \}
  1481. .if \\nm=0 \{\
  1482. .tm ERROR: memorandum type undefined or unknown
  1483. .ab \}
  1484. .if ((\\nm=1)&(\\np=1)) .if \\nb=0 \{\
  1485. .tm ERROR: must have at least one mercury classification with technical memorandum
  1486. .ab \}
  1487. .if \\nn=0 \{\
  1488. .tm ERROR: document number must be supplied
  1489. .ab \}
  1490. .if \\n(la=0 .if \\nm<3 \{\
  1491. .tm ERROR: abstract must be supplied for technical and internal memoranda
  1492. .ab \}
  1493. .if \\nb>3 \{\
  1494. .tm ERROR: no more than 3 mercury classifications may be selected
  1495. .ab \}
  1496. .if \\n(fc=0 \{\
  1497. .if \\n(en<3 \{\
  1498. .tm ERROR: filing case must be supplied
  1499. .ab \}
  1500. .if \\n(en=3 \{\
  1501. .tm ERROR: full date must be supplied
  1502. .ab \}\}
  1503. .if \\n(wp=0 \{\
  1504. .tm ERROR: work project number must be supplied
  1505. .ab \}
  1506. .dL
  1507. .ll 7.5i
  1508. .iN
  1509. .if \\n(nl .bp
  1510. .in 0
  1511. .hD
  1512. '''\" put out 1 blank line where timestamp used to be
  1513. .sp1
  1514. .if t .sp 0.05i
  1515. .nf
  1516. .ps 16
  1517. .ft 3
  1518. . \" put out page 1 heading
  1519. '''\" if Lucent logo not defined, put out Lucent string
  1520. '''\" also put out memorandum type
  1521. .ie ((\\n(dv=5)) \{\
  1522. .ie '\f(AT'' .nr lg 0
  1523. .el .nr lg 1 \}
  1524. .el \{\
  1525. .ie '\*(lG'' .nr lg 0
  1526. .el .nr lg 1 \}
  1527. .ie ((\\n(lg=0)) \{\
  1528. .ta 7.5iR
  1529. \\*(e2 Document Cover Sheet
  1530. .wh 0 hD
  1531. .if t .sp 0.1i
  1532. \\*(t(\}
  1533. .el \{\
  1534. .ta 7.5iR
  1535. Document Cover Sheet
  1536. .wh 0 hD
  1537. .if t .sp 0.1i
  1538. .if \\n(dv=5 \{\
  1539. .ft P
  1540. .nr v \n(.f
  1541. .ft P \}
  1542. .ta 0.25i 7.5iR
  1543. \\*(lG \\*(t(\}
  1544. .ft 1
  1545. .ps 10
  1546. .tH
  1547. .if t .sp 0.05i
  1548. .ft 3
  1549. .ie \\nu>1 .ds u) s
  1550. .el .ds u)
  1551. .if !\\n(en=3 \{\
  1552. .ta 0.5i 2.75i 4.0i 4.7i
  1553. Author\\*(u) Location Ext. Company (if other than \\*(e1)
  1554. .br \}
  1555. .if \\n(en=3 \{\
  1556. .ta 0.5i 2.75i 4.0i 5.0i
  1557. Author\\*(u) Location Ext. Company (if other than
  1558. .if t \\*(e3)
  1559. .if n \\*(e3)
  1560. .br \}
  1561. .ft 1
  1562. '''\" output author info
  1563. .aV
  1564. .if !'\\*(r('0' \{\
  1565. .ta 0.3i 2.6i
  1566. \\*(r( (Responsible \\*(e1 Person)\}
  1567. .rm aV AU
  1568. .tK
  1569. .if t .sp 0.05i
  1570. .ft 3
  1571. .ie \\nn>1 .ds v) s
  1572. .el .ds v)
  1573. .ie \\n(fc>1 .ds w) s
  1574. .el .ds w)
  1575. .ie \\n(wp>1 .ds x) s
  1576. .el .ds x)
  1577. .ta 1.0i 3.3i 5.55i
  1578. .if \\n(en=1 \{\
  1579. Document No\\*(v). Filing Case No\\*(w). Project No\\*(x).
  1580. .br \}
  1581. .if \\n(en=2 \{\
  1582. Document No\\*(v). Filing Case No\\*(w). Project No\\*(x).
  1583. .br \}
  1584. .if \\n(en=3 \{\
  1585. .if t .ta 1.0i 3.4i 4.7i
  1586. .if n .ta 1.0i 3.4i 4.5i
  1587. Document No\\*(v). Full Date Time Charge (or Project Code) No\\*(x).
  1588. .br \}
  1589. .if \\n(en=4 \{\
  1590. .if t .ta 1.0i 3.4i 5.2i
  1591. .if n .ta 1.0i 3.4i 5.0i
  1592. Document No\\*(v). Filing Case No\\*(w). Time Charge (or Case) No\\*(x).
  1593. .br \}
  1594. .ft 1
  1595. .if t .sp 0.05i
  1596. .mk t
  1597. '''\" output document number
  1598. .dM
  1599. .rm dN dM
  1600. .mk x
  1601. .sp|\\ntu
  1602. '''\" output filing case info (or full date)
  1603. .fB
  1604. .rm fB fC
  1605. .mk y
  1606. .sp|\\ntu
  1607. '''\" output work project number info
  1608. .wO
  1609. .rm wO wP
  1610. .mk z
  1611. .if \\ny>\\nx .nr x \\ny
  1612. .if \\nz>\\nx .nr x \\nz
  1613. .sp|\\nxu
  1614. .tK
  1615. '''\" output keywords if they exist
  1616. .if \\nk>0 \{\
  1617. .ft 3
  1618. Keywords:
  1619. .ft 1
  1620. .if t .sp 0.05i
  1621. .in 0.2i
  1622. .fi
  1623. \\*(k)
  1624. .nf
  1625. .in 0
  1626. .tK \}
  1627. '''\" output mercury info if it exists
  1628. .if \\nb>0 \{\
  1629. .ft 3
  1630. MERCURY Announcement Bulletin Sections
  1631. .ft 1
  1632. .if t \{\
  1633. .sp 0.05i
  1634. .ta 0.6i 3.1i 5.6i
  1635. .ps 8
  1636. \\*(a)
  1637. .ps \}
  1638. .if n \{\
  1639. .ta 0.5i 4.1i
  1640. .if \\nb>2 \\*(b)
  1641. \\*(a)
  1642. .ps \}
  1643. .tK \}
  1644. .ps 10
  1645. .ft 3
  1646. Abstract
  1647. .ft 1
  1648. .mk x
  1649. .if t \{\
  1650. .nr b1 \\nx/\\n(.v+1
  1651. .nr b2 (\\n(b1*\\n(.v)-\\nx
  1652. .sp \\n(b2u
  1653. .mk x \}
  1654. '''\" calculate position (19v includes 2v to print version at bottom of page)
  1655. '''\" followed by timestamp and 1v line
  1656. .nr y \\n(lpv-19v-\\n(fnu
  1657. .sp|\\nyu
  1658. .sp -1
  1659. .tP
  1660. '''\" handle abstract page 1 continuation
  1661. .ie \\n(la>\\n(a1 \{\
  1662. .ce
  1663. .ft2
  1664. (continued on page iii)
  1665. .ft1
  1666. .br \}
  1667. .el .sp1
  1668. .tK
  1669. .ps 8
  1670. .if t .vs 10p
  1671. .nr z 0
  1672. .if '\\$1'' .nr z 1
  1673. .if !'\\$2'' .nr z 1
  1674. .if !'\\$3'' .nr z 1
  1675. .if !'\\$4'' .nr z 1
  1676. .if !'\\$5'' .nr z 1
  1677. .if !'\\$6'' .nr z 1
  1678. .if \\nz=1 \{\
  1679. .tm WARNING: provide total document page count in first argument of .CS macro; all other arguments ignored; do NOT include coversheet pages in this count. \}
  1680. .nr z 0
  1681. .if !'\\$1'' .nr z \\nz+\\$1
  1682. .nr z \\nz+\\n(tp
  1683. .tm Total Pages = \\nz
  1684. .ie '\*(.T'X97.tim10p'\{\
  1685. Total Pages (including document cover sheet): \\s+2\\nz\\s-2
  1686. .if !\\*(e('0' \{\
  1687. Supersedes or amends document number \\*(e(. \}
  1688. .el .sp1 \}
  1689. .el \{\
  1690. \f3Total Pages\f1 (including document cover sheet): \\s+2\\nz\\s-2
  1691. .if !'\\*(e('0' \{\
  1692. \f3Supersedes\f1 or amends document number \\*(e(. \}
  1693. .el .sp1 \}
  1694. .ps
  1695. .if t .vs
  1696. .if \\n(fn>0 \{\
  1697. .br
  1698. .nf
  1699. .fN
  1700. .rm fN
  1701. .br \}
  1702. .mk z
  1703. .if t .sp 0.67i
  1704. .if n .sp 4
  1705. '''\" output proprietary notice if it exists
  1706. .if \\np=1 \{\
  1708. .ds p) "Use pursuant to Company Instructions
  1709. .ds q)
  1710. .ds r)
  1711. .ft 2
  1712. .if n .ti 14
  1713. .if t .ti 1.65i
  1714. \\*(o)
  1715. .ft 1
  1716. .if n .ti 5
  1717. .if t .ti 1.25i
  1718. \\*(p) \}
  1719. .if \\np=2 \{\
  1721. .ds p) "Solely for authorized persons having a need to know
  1722. .ds q) "pursuant to Company Instructions
  1723. .ft 2
  1724. .if n .ti 10
  1725. .if t .ti 1.25i
  1726. \\*(o)
  1727. .ft 1
  1728. .if n .ti 0
  1729. .if t .ti 0.875i
  1730. \\*(p)
  1731. .if n .ti 10
  1732. .if t .ti 1.375i
  1733. \\*(q) \}
  1734. '''\" output csmacros version
  1735. .sp |\\nzu+11v
  1736. .ta 7.5iR
  1737. \\s8\\*(ve\\s0
  1738. '''\" put out timestamp (if non-empty) and company identifier
  1739. .ie !'\\*(s)'0' \{\
  1740. \\s8\\*(s)\\s0 \\*(e3 \}
  1741. .el " \\*(e3
  1742. .sp|\\nzu
  1743. .sp1
  1744. .ft 3
  1745. .ti 5.25i
  1746. \\*(m)
  1747. .ft 1
  1748. .sp|\\nxu
  1749. .in 0.2i
  1750. .nf
  1751. '''\" abstract
  1752. .if \\n(la>\\n(a1 \{\
  1753. .if n .wh -1 yY
  1754. .if t .wh -0.25i yY \}
  1755. .pl \\nyu
  1756. .ta 0.5i 1.0i 1.5i 2.0i 2.5i
  1757. '''\" output the abstract
  1758. .aS
  1759. .rm aS
  1760. .if !\\n(la>\\n(a1 .sp-1
  1761. .rn aT xX
  1762. .if t .wh -0.25i fO
  1763. .if n .wh -1 fO
  1764. '''\" output continuation pages
  1765. .cP
  1766. 'bp
  1767. .ft 1
  1768. .in 0
  1769. .wh 0 hD
  1770. .nf
  1771. .ft 3
  1772. .ta 7.5iR
  1773. .nr tc \\n(tp
  1774. Initial Distribution Specifications \\*(n)\f2 (page ii of \\n(tc)\f3
  1775. .ft 1
  1776. .tK
  1777. .if \\ne>0 \{\
  1778. .dH " Complete Copy" " Cover Sheet Only"
  1779. .mk z
  1780. '''\" put out complete copy list
  1781. .in 0.2i
  1782. .cA
  1783. .in 0
  1784. .rm cA
  1785. .if !\\ng=0 \{\
  1786. .ft 2
  1787. .ti 1.25i
  1788. (continued)
  1789. .ft 1 \}
  1790. .sp|\\nzu
  1791. .in 4.0i
  1792. '''\" put out cover sheet list
  1793. .dA
  1794. .rm dA
  1795. .if !\\ni=0 \{\
  1796. .ft 2
  1797. .ti 5.00i
  1798. (continued)
  1799. .ft 1 \}
  1800. .in 0
  1801. '''\" starter space value - then tailor according to basic distribution length
  1802. .sp|5
  1803. .sp \\ne
  1804. .tK \}
  1805. '''\" put out security section if selected
  1806. .if \\nr=1 \{\
  1807. \f3Government Security Classified\f1
  1808. .ft 1
  1809. .if t .sp -0.05i
  1810. .tK \}
  1811. \f3Future Alcatel-Lucent Distribution by ITDS\f1
  1812. .if \\n(ra>0 \{\
  1813. .ti 0.5i
  1814. .if t .sp 0.05i
  1815. .ie \\n(ra=2 \{\
  1816. .if t \f3DO NOT RELEASE\f1 to any Alcatel-Lucent employee without appropriate approval for each request.
  1817. .if n \{\
  1818. \f3DO NOT RELEASE\f1 to any Alcatel-Lucent employee without appropriate approval
  1819. .br
  1820. .ti 1.0i
  1821. for each request.\}\}
  1822. .el \{\
  1823. \f3RELEASE\f1 to any Alcatel-Lucent employee (excluding contract employees).
  1824. .br \}\}
  1825. '''\" next 41 lines for yes/no boxes; remove when .fA macro becomes mandatory
  1826. .if \\n(ra=0 \{\
  1827. .if t \{\
  1828. .mk z
  1829. .ti 0.1i
  1830. .bE
  1831. .sp|\\nzu
  1832. .ti 0.25i
  1833. Yes, \f3RELEASE\f1 to any Alcatel-Lucent employee (excluding
  1834. .sp|\\nzu
  1835. .ti 4.1i
  1836. .bE
  1837. .sp|\\nzu
  1838. .ti 4.25i
  1839. No, \f3DO NOT RELEASE\f1 to any Alcatel-Lucent employee
  1840. .mk z
  1841. .ti 0.35i
  1842. contract employees).
  1843. .sp|\\nzu
  1844. .ti 4.35i
  1845. without obtaining appropriate approval.\}
  1846. .if n \{\
  1847. .mk z
  1848. .ti 0.1i
  1849. .bE
  1850. .sp|\\nzu
  1851. .ti 0.4i
  1852. Yes, \f3RELEASE\f1 to any Alcatel-Lucent employee
  1853. .sp|\\nzu
  1854. .ti 4.1i
  1855. .bE
  1856. .sp|\\nzu
  1857. .ti 4.4i
  1858. No, \f3DO NOT RELEASE\f1 to any Alcatel-Lucent
  1859. .mk z
  1860. .ti 0.5i
  1861. (except contract employees).
  1862. .ti 4.5i
  1863. .sp|\\nzu
  1864. employee without obtaining
  1865. .ti 4.5i
  1866. appropriate approval.\}\}
  1867. .if t .sp -0.05i
  1868. .tK
  1869. .ft 3
  1870. Author Signature\\*(u)
  1871. .ft 1
  1872. .sp1
  1873. .ta 2.625i 5.25i
  1874. \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i'
  1875. .ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i
  1876. \\*(m(
  1877. .if \\nu>3 \{\
  1878. .sp1
  1879. .ta 2.635i 5.25i
  1880. \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i'
  1881. .ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i
  1882. \\*(n( \}
  1883. .if \\nu>6 \{\
  1884. .sp1
  1885. .ta 2.635i 5.25i
  1886. \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i'
  1887. .ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i
  1888. \\*(o( \}
  1889. .if \\nu>9 \{\
  1890. .sp1
  1891. .ta 2.635i 5.25i
  1892. \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i'
  1893. .ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i
  1894. \\*(p( \}
  1895. .if t .sp -0.1i
  1896. .tK
  1897. '''\" output organizational approval section
  1898. .ie \\np>1 \{\
  1899. .if t \{\
  1900. \f3Organizational Approval\f1 (\\*(e4 approval \f3required\f1 for \f2\\*(o)\f1.) \}
  1901. .if n \{\
  1902. \f3Organizational Approval\f1
  1903. .ti 0.5i
  1904. \\*(e4 approval \f3required\f1 for \f2\\*(o)\f1. \}
  1905. .br \}
  1906. .el \{\
  1907. \f3Organizational Approval\f1 (Optional) \}
  1908. .sp 1
  1909. .ta 2.625i 5.25i
  1910. \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i'
  1911. .ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i
  1912. \\*(u(
  1913. .if ((\\n(oa>3):((\\nn>3)&(\\n(oa=0))) \{\
  1914. .sp1
  1915. .ta 2.625i 5.25i
  1916. \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i'
  1917. .ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i
  1918. \\*(v( \}
  1919. .if ((\\n(oa>6):((\\nn>6)&(\\n(oa=0))) \{\
  1920. .sp 1
  1921. .ta 2.625i 5.25i
  1922. \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i'
  1923. .ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i
  1924. \\*(w( \}
  1925. .if ((\\n(oa>9):((\\nn>9)&(\\n(oa=0))) \{\
  1926. .sp 1
  1927. .ta 2.625i 5.25i
  1928. \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i'
  1929. .ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i
  1930. \\*(x( \}
  1931. .if t .sp -0.1i
  1932. .tK
  1933. '''\" recipient section always output
  1934. .ft 3
  1935. For Use by Recipient of Cover Sheet:
  1936. .ft 1
  1937. .if t \{\
  1938. .ps-3
  1939. .vs-4
  1940. .sp1
  1941. .mk z
  1942. Computing network users may order copies via the \f2library -1\f1 command;
  1943. for information, type \f2man library\f1 after the UNIX\(rg system prompt.
  1944. .sp1
  1945. .rn fo xx
  1946. Otherwise:
  1947. Enter PAN if Alcatel-Lucent-BL (or SS# if non-Alcatel-Lucent-BL). \l'1.5i'
  1948. Return this sheet to any ITDS location.
  1949. .sp|\\nzu
  1950. .in 4.0i
  1951. Internal Technical Document Service
  1952. .sp1
  1953. .ta 0.9i 1.8i 2.7i
  1954. ( ) AK 2H-28 ( ) IH 7M-103 ( ) DR 2F-19 ( ) NW-ITDS
  1955. ( ) ALC 1B-102 ( ) MV 3L-19 ( ) INH 1C-114 ( ) PR 5-2120
  1956. ( ) CB 1L-220 ( ) WH 3E-204 ( ) IW 2Z-156
  1957. ( ) HO 4F-112 ( ) MT 2C-131
  1958. .br \}
  1959. .if n \{\
  1960. Computing network users may order copies via the \f2library -1\f1 command;
  1961. for information, type \f2man library\f1 after the UNIX system prompt.
  1962. Otherwise:
  1963. .sp1
  1964. .mk z
  1965. .rn fo xx
  1966. 1 Enter PAN if Alcatel-Lucent-BL (or SS# if
  1967. non-Alcatel-Lucent-BL).
  1968. \l'2.0i'
  1969. 2 Return this sheet to any
  1970. ITDS location.
  1971. .sp|\\nzu
  1972. .in 4.0i
  1973. Internal Technical Document Service
  1974. .sp1
  1975. .ta 1.75i
  1976. .if \\n(en=1 \{\
  1977. ( ) AK 2H-28 ( ) IH 7M-103
  1978. ( ) ALC 1B-102 ( ) MV 3L-19
  1979. ( ) CB 1L-220 ( ) WH 3E-204
  1980. ( ) HO 4F-112 \}
  1981. .if \\n(en=2 \{\
  1982. ( ) DR 2F-19
  1983. ( ) INH 1C-114
  1984. ( ) IW 2Z-156
  1985. ( ) MT 2C-131 \}
  1986. .if \\n(en=3 \{\
  1987. ( ) NW-ITDS \}
  1988. .if \\n(en=4 \{\
  1989. ( ) PR5-2120 \}
  1990. .br \}
  1991. .if \\n(aa \{\
  1992. . sy pwd >/tmp/sx\\n($$
  1993. . sy sed "s/^/cd /" /tmp/sx\\n($$ >/tmp/sc\\n($$
  1994. . sy echo "/usr/lib/tmac/sendcover" \\n(.F \\n(qq >>/tmp/sc\\n($$
  1995. . sy echo "rm" /tmp/sx\\n($$ /tmp/sc\\n($$>>/tmp/sc\\n($$
  1996. . sy sh /tmp/sc\\n($$&
  1997. . br \}
  1998. .rr a b c e g h i j k
  1999. .rr l m n o p q r s t
  2000. .rr u v w x y z
  2001. .rr an fn as ds fs bd dv lp
  2002. .rr tp np la a1 a2 ar fi
  2003. .rr in si ps ts vs tv b1 b2 m1
  2004. .rr :b :c :d :e ls dt fc wp
  2005. .rr g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
  2006. .rm a) b) c) e) k) n) o) p) q)
  2007. .rm r) s) t) u) v) w) x) y) z)
  2008. .rm a( b( m( n( o( p( s( t(
  2009. .rm tc nc Tm 10 ve
  2010. .rm hD fO aT tK bE bX tH cH
  2011. .rm dH eP cP tP t1 CS tI tS cE
  2012. .rm cZ dZ eE fF gG oH dP
  2013. ..
  2014. '''\" end of csmacros