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Initial import of linux-libre deblob scripts from

Jason Self 6 years ago
100 changed files with 91469 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 340 0
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+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 630 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# This script, suited for the kernel version named below, in kver,
+# attempts to remove only non-Free Software bits, without removing
+# Free Software that happens to be in the same file.
+# Drivers that currently require non-Free firmware are retained, but
+# firmware included in GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
+# if the deblob-check script, that knows how to do this, is present.
+# -lxoliva
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.21 extra=
+if unifdef /dev/null; then :; else
+    echo unifdef is required >&2
+    exit 1
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  echo optional deblob-check missing, will remove entire files >&2
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	elif cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if $have_check; then
+	    if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	    fi
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# First, check that files that contain firmwares and their
+# corresponding sources are present.
+for f in \
+  drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h \
+    drivers/char/ \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped \
+    drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.S \
+  drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+    drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+  drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c700.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c7xx.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+  drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S \
+  drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S \
+  sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcbinhack.h \
+    sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.asp \
+; do
+  if test ! $f; then
+    echo $f is not present, something is amiss >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+# Identify the tarball.
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,&-libre$extra," Makefile
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_FORE.*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# gpu drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# Digi RightSwitch SE-X
+clean_blob drivers/net/dgrs_firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'DGRS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DGRS drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/usb/net/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/net/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/usb/net/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SOUND_FUSION - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS461x
+clean_file sound/oss/cs461x_image.h
+# no Kconfig?!?
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c FIRMWARE_IN_THE_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c FIRMWARE_IN_THE_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c FIRMWARE_IN_THE_KERNEL
+# SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL - SB16 Advanced Signal Processor
+clean_blob sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+clean_ifdef sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp.c FIRMWARE_IN_THE_KERNEL
+# Most of this file is not matched by deblob-check because of WAIT_IDLE.
+# Just remove it.
+clean_file sound/isa/wavefront/yss225.c
+clean_ifdef sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c FIRMWARE_IN_THE_KERNEL
+exit 0

+ 2051 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2051 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-08-04
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch *.diff]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+#    --reverse-patch: Test the removed parts of a patch, rather than
+#		the added ones.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+  reverse_patch=:
+  shift;
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Same as initnc, but require the terminating semicolon.
+  defsnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    defsnc '	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] =' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "	}\\(,\\? mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx}\\)*;" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*" arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00' arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx' arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] =' arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] =' arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol" drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] =' sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*" drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do' Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 ' Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe' 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/isdn/
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol" Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1' 'net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c|net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c|include/linux/scpt.h'
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.' drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>' drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START' drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # in 2.6.22
+    initnc 'static const UQItype __clz_tab\[\] =' arch/arm26/lib/udivdi3.c
+    initnc '	static unsigned char scale\[101\] =' sound/oss/opl3sa2.c
+    initnc '} syncs\[\] =' drivers/scsi/53c7xx.c
+    initnc 'genoa_md:'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]	\.ascii	"Genoa"' arch/i386/boot/video.S
+    # in 2.6.21
+    initnc 'Vendor ID  Product ID[\n]-\+  -\+[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    defsnc 'static short [au]law2dma16\[\]' arch/ppc/8xx_io/cs4218_tdm.c
+    defsnc '	static const char minimal_ascii_table\[\]' drivers/ieee1394/csr1212.c
+    defsnc 'static u16 key_map \[256\] =' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_ir.c
+    defsnc 'static unsigned char gf64_inv\[64\] =' drivers/mtd/nand/cafe_ecc.c
+    defsnc 'static unsigned short err_pos_lut\[4096\] =' drivers/mtd/nand/cafe_ecc.c
+    defsnc 'static unsigned char testdata\[TESTDATA_LEN\] =' fs/jffs2/comprtest.c
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # This looks suspicious, but it pretty much just sets stuff to zero.
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static \(const \)\?u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {' media/video/sn9c102/sn9c102_core.c
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\(const static\|static const\) int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] =' sound/oss/pss.c
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    defsnc 'static char channel_map_madi_[sdq]s\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] =' sound/pci/rme9652/hdspm.c
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] \?=' drivers/video/atafb.c
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    defsnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] =' 'sound/ppc/beep.c|sound/oss/dmasound/dmasound_awacs.c|arch/ppc/8xx_io/cs4218_tdm.c'
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] =' arch/sh/boards/superh/microdev/led.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.27-rc* | */patch*2.6.26-git* | */git-linus.diff)
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec des3_ede_cbc_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept ':03000000020200F9[\n]:040023000205\(9B0037\|5F0073\)[\n]\(:050030000000000000CB[\n]\|:0400430002010000B6[\n]\)*'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]:\(0E06E0006400670065007400060334003700F4\|0606A000060334003700E0\)[\n]:00000001FF[\n]' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).HEX'
+    accept ':100000000C004000000000000000000000000000A4[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]\/\* DSP56001 bootstrap code \*\/' firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.bin.ihex
+    initnc 'static const u16 uda1380_reg\[UDA1380_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/uda1380.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_set[23]_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] =' drivers/hid/usbhid/usbkbd.c
+    initnc '		u8 buf, bufs\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    initnc '	static int sysdiv_to_div_x_2\[\] =' arch/powerpc/platforms/512x/clock.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_inits_\(176\|320\|352\|640\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_jpeg_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cxjpeg_\(640\|352\|320\|176\|qtable\)\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char quant\[\]\[0x88\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initnc 'static unsigned char huffman\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initc '	static const struct ov_i2c_regvals norm_76[1247]0\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac7311_jpeg_header\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 init\(Hv7131\|Ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|Pas\(106\|202\)\|Tas51[13]0\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(hv7131\|ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|pas\(106\|202\)\|tas51[13]0\)_sensor_init\(_com\)\?\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(hv7131r\|mi0360\|mo4000\|ov76\(60\|48\)\)_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable4\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 \(spca500_visual\|Clicksmart510\)_defaults\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|kodak_ez200\|pocketdv\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca501c\?_\(\(3com\|arowana\|mysterious\)_\)\?\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca501.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca505b\?_\(init\|open\)_data\(_ccd\)\?\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca505.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca508\(cs110\|_sightcam2\?\|_vista\)\?_init_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca508.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca561_init_data\[\]\[2\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca561.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca504\(_pccam600\|A_clicksmart420\)_\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|spca504_default\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(effects\|gamma\)_table\[MAX_[A-Z]*\]\[[0-9]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t631.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 tas5130a_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initnc '	static const __u8 \(read_indexs\|n\(set\)\?[0-9]*\|missing\)\[[0-9x]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initc 'static const __u8 \(mi13[12]0\|po3130\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?initQ\?VGA_\(JPG\|data\)\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    initnc 'static const struct usb_action \(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105axx\|ov7630c\|pb0330[3x]x\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 t10_dif_crc_table\[256\] =' lib/crc-t10dif.c
+    initnc 'static crb_128M_2M_block_map_t crb_128M_2M_map\[64\] =' drivers/net/netxen/netxen_hw.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] =' drivers/usb/serial/safe_serial.c
+    accept '[ 	]*\( *0\)*\( *1\)*[\n][ 	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 *2 3 4 5 6 7' 'Documentation/bt8xxgpio.txt'
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_pbox\[16 \+ 2\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static u8 sample_\(german_\(all\|old\)\|american_\(dialtone\|ringing\|busy\)\|special[123]\|silence\)\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'struct pattern {[^}]*int tone;[^}]*} pattern\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \([au]\|_4\)law_to_\([ua]law\|4bit\)\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_codec.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] =' arch/sh/boards/mach-microdev/led.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/genksyms/parse.c_shipped
+    ;;
+  */drm-modesetting-radeon.patch)
+    initnc 'static int atom_dst_to_src\[8\]\[4\] =' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/atom.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$sepx$blobseq*$sepx;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:{}]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case /$input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | */patch-* | *.diff)
+    if $reverse_patch; then
+      s=- r=+
+    else
+      s=+ r=-
+    fi
+    sedpatch="
+      /^[$r]/d;
+      /^\\(@@\\|$s$s$s\\) / {
+	i\\
+;/*end patchlet */;\\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\\/*/;
+	s/\$/*\\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ $s]//;"
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 217 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (mver, say 2.6.25) as the
+# first argument, the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional
+# argument, and the patch release (sver, say .13) as an optional third
+# argument.  mver and sver are pasted together to form kver.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$mver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$mver
+# must match mver and extra.
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+mver=$1 extra=$2 sver=$3
+kver=$mver$sver libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$mver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$mver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$mver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$mver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$mver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep "^kver=[^ ]* extra=[0-9]*$" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" = "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 633 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# This script, suited for the kernel version named below, in kver,
+# attempts to remove only non-Free Software bits, without removing
+# Free Software that happens to be in the same file.
+# Drivers that currently require non-Free firmware are retained, but
+# firmware included in GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
+# if the deblob-check script, that knows how to do this, is present.
+# -lxoliva
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.22 extra=
+if unifdef /dev/null; then :; else
+    echo unifdef is required >&2
+    exit 1
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  echo optional deblob-check missing, will remove entire files >&2
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	elif cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if $have_check; then
+	    if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	    fi
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# First, check that files that contain firmwares and their
+# corresponding sources are present.
+for f in \
+  drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h \
+    drivers/char/ \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped \
+    drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.S \
+  drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+    drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+  drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c700.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c7xx.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+  drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S \
+  drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S \
+  sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcbinhack.h \
+    sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.asp \
+; do
+  if test ! $f; then
+    echo $f is not present, something is amiss >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+# Identify the tarball.
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,&-libre$extra," Makefile
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_FORE.*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# gpu drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# Digi RightSwitch SE-X
+clean_blob drivers/net/dgrs_firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'DGRS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DGRS drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SOUND_FUSION - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS461x
+clean_file sound/oss/cs461x_image.h
+# no Kconfig?!?
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL'
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL'
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL'
+# SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL - SB16 Advanced Signal Processor
+clean_blob sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig 'SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL'
+# Most of this file is not matched by deblob-check because of WAIT_IDLE.
+# Just remove it.
+clean_file sound/isa/wavefront/yss225.c
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig 'SND_WAVEFRONT_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL'
+exit 0

+ 2051 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2051 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-08-04
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch *.diff]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+#    --reverse-patch: Test the removed parts of a patch, rather than
+#		the added ones.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+  reverse_patch=:
+  shift;
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Same as initnc, but require the terminating semicolon.
+  defsnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    defsnc '	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] =' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "	}\\(,\\? mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx}\\)*;" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*" arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00' arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx' arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] =' arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] =' arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol" drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] =' sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*" drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do' Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 ' Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe' 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/isdn/
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol" Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1' 'net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c|net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c|include/linux/scpt.h'
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.' drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>' drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START' drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # in 2.6.22
+    initnc 'static const UQItype __clz_tab\[\] =' arch/arm26/lib/udivdi3.c
+    initnc '	static unsigned char scale\[101\] =' sound/oss/opl3sa2.c
+    initnc '} syncs\[\] =' drivers/scsi/53c7xx.c
+    initnc 'genoa_md:'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]	\.ascii	"Genoa"' arch/i386/boot/video.S
+    # in 2.6.21
+    initnc 'Vendor ID  Product ID[\n]-\+  -\+[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    defsnc 'static short [au]law2dma16\[\]' arch/ppc/8xx_io/cs4218_tdm.c
+    defsnc '	static const char minimal_ascii_table\[\]' drivers/ieee1394/csr1212.c
+    defsnc 'static u16 key_map \[256\] =' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_ir.c
+    defsnc 'static unsigned char gf64_inv\[64\] =' drivers/mtd/nand/cafe_ecc.c
+    defsnc 'static unsigned short err_pos_lut\[4096\] =' drivers/mtd/nand/cafe_ecc.c
+    defsnc 'static unsigned char testdata\[TESTDATA_LEN\] =' fs/jffs2/comprtest.c
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # This looks suspicious, but it pretty much just sets stuff to zero.
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static \(const \)\?u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {' media/video/sn9c102/sn9c102_core.c
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\(const static\|static const\) int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] =' sound/oss/pss.c
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    defsnc 'static char channel_map_madi_[sdq]s\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] =' sound/pci/rme9652/hdspm.c
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] \?=' drivers/video/atafb.c
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    defsnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] =' 'sound/ppc/beep.c|sound/oss/dmasound/dmasound_awacs.c|arch/ppc/8xx_io/cs4218_tdm.c'
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] =' arch/sh/boards/superh/microdev/led.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.27-rc* | */patch*2.6.26-git* | */git-linus.diff)
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec des3_ede_cbc_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept ':03000000020200F9[\n]:040023000205\(9B0037\|5F0073\)[\n]\(:050030000000000000CB[\n]\|:0400430002010000B6[\n]\)*'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]:\(0E06E0006400670065007400060334003700F4\|0606A000060334003700E0\)[\n]:00000001FF[\n]' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).HEX'
+    accept ':100000000C004000000000000000000000000000A4[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]\/\* DSP56001 bootstrap code \*\/' firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.bin.ihex
+    initnc 'static const u16 uda1380_reg\[UDA1380_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/uda1380.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_set[23]_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] =' drivers/hid/usbhid/usbkbd.c
+    initnc '		u8 buf, bufs\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    initnc '	static int sysdiv_to_div_x_2\[\] =' arch/powerpc/platforms/512x/clock.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_inits_\(176\|320\|352\|640\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_jpeg_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cxjpeg_\(640\|352\|320\|176\|qtable\)\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char quant\[\]\[0x88\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initnc 'static unsigned char huffman\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initc '	static const struct ov_i2c_regvals norm_76[1247]0\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac7311_jpeg_header\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 init\(Hv7131\|Ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|Pas\(106\|202\)\|Tas51[13]0\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(hv7131\|ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|pas\(106\|202\)\|tas51[13]0\)_sensor_init\(_com\)\?\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(hv7131r\|mi0360\|mo4000\|ov76\(60\|48\)\)_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable4\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 \(spca500_visual\|Clicksmart510\)_defaults\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|kodak_ez200\|pocketdv\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca501c\?_\(\(3com\|arowana\|mysterious\)_\)\?\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca501.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca505b\?_\(init\|open\)_data\(_ccd\)\?\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca505.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca508\(cs110\|_sightcam2\?\|_vista\)\?_init_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca508.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca561_init_data\[\]\[2\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca561.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca504\(_pccam600\|A_clicksmart420\)_\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|spca504_default\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(effects\|gamma\)_table\[MAX_[A-Z]*\]\[[0-9]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t631.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 tas5130a_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initnc '	static const __u8 \(read_indexs\|n\(set\)\?[0-9]*\|missing\)\[[0-9x]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initc 'static const __u8 \(mi13[12]0\|po3130\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?initQ\?VGA_\(JPG\|data\)\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    initnc 'static const struct usb_action \(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105axx\|ov7630c\|pb0330[3x]x\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 t10_dif_crc_table\[256\] =' lib/crc-t10dif.c
+    initnc 'static crb_128M_2M_block_map_t crb_128M_2M_map\[64\] =' drivers/net/netxen/netxen_hw.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] =' drivers/usb/serial/safe_serial.c
+    accept '[ 	]*\( *0\)*\( *1\)*[\n][ 	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 *2 3 4 5 6 7' 'Documentation/bt8xxgpio.txt'
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_pbox\[16 \+ 2\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static u8 sample_\(german_\(all\|old\)\|american_\(dialtone\|ringing\|busy\)\|special[123]\|silence\)\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'struct pattern {[^}]*int tone;[^}]*} pattern\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \([au]\|_4\)law_to_\([ua]law\|4bit\)\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_codec.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] =' arch/sh/boards/mach-microdev/led.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/genksyms/parse.c_shipped
+    ;;
+  */drm-modesetting-radeon.patch)
+    initnc 'static int atom_dst_to_src\[8\]\[4\] =' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/atom.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$sepx$blobseq*$sepx;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:{}]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case /$input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | */patch-* | *.diff)
+    if $reverse_patch; then
+      s=- r=+
+    else
+      s=+ r=-
+    fi
+    sedpatch="
+      /^[$r]/d;
+      /^\\(@@\\|$s$s$s\\) / {
+	i\\
+;/*end patchlet */;\\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\\/*/;
+	s/\$/*\\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ $s]//;"
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 217 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (mver, say 2.6.25) as the
+# first argument, the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional
+# argument, and the patch release (sver, say .13) as an optional third
+# argument.  mver and sver are pasted together to form kver.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$mver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$mver
+# must match mver and extra.
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+mver=$1 extra=$2 sver=$3
+kver=$mver$sver libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$mver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$mver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$mver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$mver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$mver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep "^kver=[^ ]* extra=[0-9]*$" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" = "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 597 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# This version, suited for 2.6.23, avoids removing Free Software for
+# the sake of removing non-Free Software.  Drivers that currently
+# require non-Free firmware are retained, but firmware included in
+# GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ if the deblob-check
+# script, that knows how to do this, is present.  -lxoliva
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.23 extra=
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,EXTRAVERSION = -libre$extra," Makefile
+# drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig needs as last line:
+# endif # TR
+# drivers/media/Kconfig needs before endmenu
+# endif # DAB
+if [ ! -f `which unifdef` ] ; then echo "requires unifdef" ; exit ; fi
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	rm -v $1
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test -f $check; then
+	    name=$1
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    mv $name.deblob $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+	sed -i "/^config $2\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	: sed -i "/($1)/d" $2
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+# it appears by placing these files under the GPL this company
+# now has to release the source
+# There's no code in this file. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_firmware_copyright
+# There's only GPLed code in this one. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_mkfirm.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_\(FORE\).*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E ./drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR ./drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE ./drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig ./arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K ./drivers/char/Makefile
+# drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA ./drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 ./drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON ./drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 ./drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET ./drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM ./drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM ./drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# other...
+# disable -- appears to neeed other DVB bits
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_CORE ./drivers/media/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEOBUF_DVB ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_SAA7134 ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CX88 ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/Kconfig 'VIDEOBUF_DVB'
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# Digi RightSwitch SE-X
+clean_blob drivers/net/dgrs_firmware.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'DGRS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DGRS ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+# clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+# clean_mk CONFIG_E100 ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS|COPS_DAYNA|COPS_TANGENT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS ./drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM ./drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 ./drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 ./drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR ./drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH ./drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH ./drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI ./drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS ./drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 ./drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 ./drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 ./drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA ./drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN ./drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT ./drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI ./drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI ./drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT ./drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT ./drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 ./drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig ./sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' ./sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Not Removed #
+# This is not removed in debian nor gnewsense nor do I think
+# it should be removed. It's on debian's list to check out
+# I think it points at firmware, but doesn't contain any
+# (e.g. if you add the file yss225_registers.bin it will use it)
+# clean_blob sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+# VIDEO_STRADIS - Stradis 4:2:2 MPEG-2 video driver
+# This just sets a few values and a bunch of zeros. It doesn't look like
+# it was done by anything that would have upstream source code. This should 
+# probably be kept. It's removed in gnewsense, but not even mentioned
+# by debian as potential candidate. It is used by stratis.c
+# clean_blob drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+# gnewsense removes drivers/serial/jsm/jsm_neo.c but vanilla version looks ok
+# Not in kernel 2.6.23
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2100_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2200_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2300_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2322_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2400_fw.c
+# drivers/usb/net/kawethfw.h
+# sound/isa/sb/sb16/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+# sound/oss/yss225.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped 53c7xx.scr
+# sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcemb80.h
+# blobs but free source available (source listed 2nd)
+# drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped			wanxlfw.S
+# drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c				atmel.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped			53c700.scr
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped		aic79xx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h			sym_fw1.h
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h			sym_fw2.h
+# drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h			keyspan_pda.S
+# drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h			xircom_pgs.S

+ 1923 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1923 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-03-29 $Rev: 3476 $
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;"
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;"
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1"
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]"
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol"
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    initnc '	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] ='
+    initnc '	}, mem_tbl_5705\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    # arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx'
+    # arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] ='
+    # arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] ='
+    # drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol"
+    # sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] ='
+    # drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S and
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:'
+    # drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*"
+    # drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+'
+    # Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do'
+    # Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 '
+    # Documentation/scsi/sym53c8xx_2.txt and
+    # Documentation/scsi/ncr53c8xx_2.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/isdn/
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c and
+    # net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c and
+    # include/linux/sctp.h
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1'
+    # arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'
+    # drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.'
+    # drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>'
+    # drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START'
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|unsigned \(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	const static int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_capture\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_init\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_playback\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char mulaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to
+  # the beginning of the line.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *patch* | *diff*)
+    sedpatch='
+      /^[-]/d;
+      /^\(@@\|+++\) / {
+	i\
+;/*end patchlet */;\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\/*/;
+	s/$/*\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ +]//;'
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 206 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (kver) as the first argument,
+# and the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional argument.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$kver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$kver
+# must match the command-line arguments.  
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.  
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+kver=$1 extra=$2 libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$kver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$kver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$kver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$kver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep \"^$x1$\" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" != "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob)
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \(linux-$kver/.*\): \(.*\),\1/\2,p;
+  s,^Files \(linux-$kver/.*\) and libre-\1 differ,\1,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\(linux-$kver/.*\) and \1 differ,\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \(linux-$kver/.*\): \(.*\),\1/\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 615 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# This version, suited for 2.6.23, avoids removing Free Software for
+# the sake of removing non-Free Software.  Drivers that currently
+# require non-Free firmware are retained, but firmware included in
+# GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ if the deblob-check
+# script, that knows how to do this, is present.  -lxoliva
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.23 extra=1
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,EXTRAVERSION = -libre$extra," Makefile
+# drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig needs as last line:
+# endif # TR
+# drivers/media/Kconfig needs before endmenu
+# endif # DAB
+if [ ! -f `which unifdef` ] ; then echo "requires unifdef" ; exit ; fi
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test -f $check; then
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+# it appears by placing these files under the GPL this company
+# now has to release the source
+# There's no code in this file. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_firmware_copyright
+# There's only GPLed code in this one. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_mkfirm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_\(FORE\).*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# other...
+# disable -- appears to neeed other DVB bits
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_CORE drivers/media/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_SAA7134 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CX88 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-core/Kconfig 'DVB_CORE'
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# Digi RightSwitch SE-X
+clean_blob drivers/net/dgrs_firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'DGRS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DGRS drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+# clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+# clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Not Removed #
+# This is not removed in debian nor gnewsense nor do I think
+# it should be removed. It's on debian's list to check out
+# I think it points at firmware, but doesn't contain any
+# (e.g. if you add the file yss225_registers.bin it will use it)
+# clean_blob sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+# VIDEO_STRADIS - Stradis 4:2:2 MPEG-2 video driver
+# This just sets a few values and a bunch of zeros. It doesn't look like
+# it was done by anything that would have upstream source code. This should 
+# probably be kept. It's removed in gnewsense, but not even mentioned
+# by debian as potential candidate. It is used by stratis.c
+# clean_blob drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+# gnewsense removes drivers/serial/jsm/jsm_neo.c but vanilla version looks ok
+# Not in kernel 2.6.23
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2100_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2200_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2300_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2322_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2400_fw.c
+# drivers/usb/net/kawethfw.h
+# sound/isa/sb/sb16/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+# sound/oss/yss225.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped 53c7xx.scr
+# sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcemb80.h
+# blobs but free source available (source listed 2nd)
+# drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped			wanxlfw.S
+# drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c				atmel.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped			53c700.scr
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped		aic79xx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h			sym_fw1.h
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h			sym_fw2.h
+# drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h			keyspan_pda.S
+# drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h			xircom_pgs.S

+ 1964 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1964 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-05-18
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    initnc '	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] ='
+    initnc '	}, mem_tbl_5705\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    # arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx'
+    # arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] ='
+    # arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] ='
+    # drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol"
+    # sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] ='
+    # drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S and
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:'
+    # drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*"
+    # drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+'
+    # Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do'
+    # Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 '
+    # Documentation/scsi/sym53c8xx_2.txt and
+    # Documentation/scsi/ncr53c8xx_2.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/isdn/
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c and
+    # net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c and
+    # include/linux/sctp.h
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1'
+    # arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'
+    # drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.'
+    # drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>'
+    # drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START'
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	const static int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_capture\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_init\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_playback\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char mulaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$blobsep$blobseq*$blobsep;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *patch* | *diff*)
+    sedpatch='
+      /^[-]/d;
+      /^\(@@\|+++\) / {
+	i\
+;/*end patchlet */;\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\/*/;
+	s/$/*\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ +]//;'
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 214 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (kver) as the first argument,
+# and the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional argument.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$kver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$kver
+# must match the command-line arguments.  
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.  
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+kver=$1 extra=$2 libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$kver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$kver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$kver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$kver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep \"^$x1$\" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" != "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 633 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# This version, suited for 2.6.23, avoids removing Free Software for
+# the sake of removing non-Free Software.  Drivers that currently
+# require non-Free firmware are retained, but firmware included in
+# GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ if the deblob-check
+# script, that knows how to do this, is present.  -lxoliva
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.23 extra=2
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,EXTRAVERSION = -libre$extra," Makefile
+# drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig needs as last line:
+# endif # TR
+# drivers/media/Kconfig needs before endmenu
+# endif # DAB
+if [ ! -f `which unifdef` ] ; then echo "requires unifdef" ; exit ; fi
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  echo "optional deblob-check missing, will remove entire files"
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	elif cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if $have_check; then
+	    if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	    fi
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+# it appears by placing these files under the GPL this company
+# now has to release the source
+# There's no code in this file. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_firmware_copyright
+# There's only GPLed code in this one. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_mkfirm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_\(FORE\).*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# Digi RightSwitch SE-X
+clean_blob drivers/net/dgrs_firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'DGRS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DGRS drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Not Removed #
+# This is not removed in debian nor gnewsense nor do I think
+# it should be removed. It's on debian's list to check out
+# I think it points at firmware, but doesn't contain any
+# (e.g. if you add the file yss225_registers.bin it will use it)
+# clean_blob sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+# VIDEO_STRADIS - Stradis 4:2:2 MPEG-2 video driver
+# This just sets a few values and a bunch of zeros. It doesn't look like
+# it was done by anything that would have upstream source code. This should 
+# probably be kept. It's removed in gnewsense, but not even mentioned
+# by debian as potential candidate. It is used by stratis.c
+# clean_blob drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+# gnewsense removes drivers/serial/jsm/jsm_neo.c but vanilla version looks ok
+# Not in kernel 2.6.23
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2100_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2200_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2300_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2322_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2400_fw.c
+# drivers/usb/net/kawethfw.h
+# sound/isa/sb/sb16/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+# sound/oss/yss225.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped 53c7xx.scr
+# sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcemb80.h
+# blobs but free source available (source listed 2nd)
+# drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped			wanxlfw.S
+# drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c				atmel.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped			53c700.scr
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped		aic79xx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h			sym_fw1.h
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h			sym_fw2.h
+# drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h			keyspan_pda.S
+# drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h			xircom_pgs.S

+ 1983 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1983 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-07-14
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch *.diff]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    accept "	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx};" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "	}\\(,\\? mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx}\\)*;" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    # arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx'
+    # arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] ='
+    # arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] ='
+    # drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol"
+    # sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] ='
+    # drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S and
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:'
+    # drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*"
+    # drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+'
+    # Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do'
+    # Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 '
+    # Documentation/scsi/sym53c8xx_2.txt and
+    # Documentation/scsi/ncr53c8xx_2.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/isdn/
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c and
+    # net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c and
+    # include/linux/sctp.h
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1'
+    # arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'
+    # drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.'
+    # drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>'
+    # drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START'
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\(const static\|static const\) int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_capture\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_init\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_playback\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char mulaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$sepx$blobseq*$sepx;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:{}]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | patch-* | *.diff)
+    sedpatch='
+      /^[-]/d;
+      /^\(@@\|+++\) / {
+	i\
+;/*end patchlet */;\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\/*/;
+	s/$/*\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ +]//;'
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 214 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (kver) as the first argument,
+# and the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional argument.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$kver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$kver
+# must match the command-line arguments.  
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.  
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+kver=$1 extra=$2 libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$kver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$kver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$kver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$kver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep \"^$x1$\" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" != "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 631 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# This script, suited for the kernel version named below, in kver,
+# attempts to remove only non-Free Software bits, without removing
+# Free Software that happens to be in the same file.
+# Drivers that currently require non-Free firmware are retained, but
+# firmware included in GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
+# if the deblob-check script, that knows how to do this, is present.
+# -lxoliva
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.23 extra=3
+if unifdef /dev/null; then :; else
+    echo unifdef is required >&2
+    exit 1
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  echo optional deblob-check missing, will remove entire files >&2
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	elif cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if $have_check; then
+	    if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	    fi
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# First, check that files that contain firmwares and their
+# corresponding sources are present.
+for f in \
+  drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h \
+    drivers/char/ \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped \
+    drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.S \
+  drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+    drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+  drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c700.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c7xx.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+  drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S \
+  drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S \
+  sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcbinhack.h \
+    sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.asp \
+; do
+  if test ! $f; then
+    echo $f is not present, something is amiss >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+# Identify the tarball.
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,&-libre$extra," Makefile
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_FORE.*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# gpu drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# Digi RightSwitch SE-X
+clean_blob drivers/net/dgrs_firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'DGRS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DGRS drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL - SB16 Advanced Signal Processor
+clean_blob sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Most of this file is not matched by deblob-check because of WAIT_IDLE.
+# Just remove it.
+clean_file sound/isa/wavefront/yss225.c
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_WAVEFRONT_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+exit 0

+ 1992 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1992 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-07-16
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch *.diff]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    accept "	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx};" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "	}\\(,\\? mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx}\\)*;" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    # arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx'
+    # arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] ='
+    # arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] ='
+    # drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol"
+    # sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] ='
+    # drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S and
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:'
+    # drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*"
+    # drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+'
+    # Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do'
+    # Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 '
+    # Documentation/scsi/sym53c8xx_2.txt and
+    # Documentation/scsi/ncr53c8xx_2.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/isdn/
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c and
+    # net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c and
+    # include/linux/sctp.h
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1'
+    # arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'
+    # drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.'
+    # drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>'
+    # drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START'
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # This looks suspicious, but it pretty much just sets stuff to zero.
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\(const static\|static const\) int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.27-rc* | */patch*2.6.26-git*)
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec des3_ede_cbc_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept ':03000000020200F9[\n]:040023000205\(9B0037\|5F0073\)[\n]\(:050030000000000000CB[\n]\|:0400430002010000B6[\n]\)*'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]:\(0E06E0006400670065007400060334003700F4\|0606A000060334003700E0\)[\n]:00000001FF[\n]' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).HEX'
+    initnc 'static const u16 uda1380_reg\[UDA1380_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/uda1380.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$sepx$blobseq*$sepx;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:{}]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | */patch-* | *.diff)
+    sedpatch='
+      /^[-]/d;
+      /^\(@@\|+++\) / {
+	i\
+;/*end patchlet */;\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\/*/;
+	s/$/*\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ +]//;'
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 214 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (kver) as the first argument,
+# and the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional argument.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$kver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$kver
+# must match the command-line arguments.  
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.  
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+kver=$1 extra=$2 libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$kver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$kver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$kver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$kver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep \"^$x1$\" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" != "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 631 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# This script, suited for the kernel version named below, in kver,
+# attempts to remove only non-Free Software bits, without removing
+# Free Software that happens to be in the same file.
+# Drivers that currently require non-Free firmware are retained, but
+# firmware included in GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
+# if the deblob-check script, that knows how to do this, is present.
+# -lxoliva
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.23 extra=3
+if unifdef /dev/null; then :; else
+    echo unifdef is required >&2
+    exit 1
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  echo optional deblob-check missing, will remove entire files >&2
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	elif cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if $have_check; then
+	    if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	    fi
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# First, check that files that contain firmwares and their
+# corresponding sources are present.
+for f in \
+  drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h \
+    drivers/char/ \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped \
+    drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.S \
+  drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+    drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+  drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c700.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c7xx.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+  drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S \
+  drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S \
+  sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcbinhack.h \
+    sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.asp \
+; do
+  if test ! $f; then
+    echo $f is not present, something is amiss >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+# Identify the tarball.
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,&-libre$extra," Makefile
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_FORE.*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# gpu drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# Digi RightSwitch SE-X
+clean_blob drivers/net/dgrs_firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'DGRS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DGRS drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL - SB16 Advanced Signal Processor
+clean_blob sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Most of this file is not matched by deblob-check because of WAIT_IDLE.
+# Just remove it.
+clean_file sound/isa/wavefront/yss225.c
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_WAVEFRONT_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+exit 0

+ 2027 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2027 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-07-26
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch *.diff]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+#    --reverse-patch: Test the removed parts of a patch, rather than
+#		the added ones.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+  reverse_patch=:
+  shift;
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    accept "	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx};" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "	}\\(,\\? mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx}\\)*;" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx' arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] =' arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] =' arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol" drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] =' sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*" drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do' Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 ' Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe' 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/isdn/
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol" Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1' 'net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c|net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c|include/linux/scpt.h'
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.' drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>' drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START' drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # This looks suspicious, but it pretty much just sets stuff to zero.
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\(const static\|static const\) int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.27-rc* | */patch*2.6.26-git* | */git-linus.diff)
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec des3_ede_cbc_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept ':03000000020200F9[\n]:040023000205\(9B0037\|5F0073\)[\n]\(:050030000000000000CB[\n]\|:0400430002010000B6[\n]\)*'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]:\(0E06E0006400670065007400060334003700F4\|0606A000060334003700E0\)[\n]:00000001FF[\n]' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).HEX'
+    accept ':100000000C004000000000000000000000000000A4[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]\/\* DSP56001 bootstrap code \*\/' firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.bin.ihex
+    initnc 'static const u16 uda1380_reg\[UDA1380_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/uda1380.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_set[23]_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] =' drivers/hid/usbhid/usbkbd.c
+    initnc '		u8 buf, bufs\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    initnc '	static int sysdiv_to_div_x_2\[\] =' arch/powerpc/platforms/512x/clock.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_inits_\(176\|320\|352\|640\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_jpeg_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cxjpeg_\(640\|352\|320\|176\|qtable\)\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char quant\[\]\[0x88\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initnc 'static unsigned char huffman\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initc '	static const struct ov_i2c_regvals norm_76[1247]0\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac7311_jpeg_header\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 init\(Hv7131\|Ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|Pas\(106\|202\)\|Tas51[13]0\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(hv7131\|ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|pas\(106\|202\)\|tas51[13]0\)_sensor_init\(_com\)\?\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(hv7131r\|mi0360\|mo4000\|ov76\(60\|48\)\)_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable4\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 \(spca500_visual\|Clicksmart510\)_defaults\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|kodak_ez200\|pocketdv\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca501c\?_\(\(3com\|arowana\|mysterious\)_\)\?\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca501.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca505b\?_\(init\|open\)_data\(_ccd\)\?\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca505.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca508\(cs110\|_sightcam2\?\|_vista\)\?_init_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca508.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca561_init_data\[\]\[2\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca561.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca504\(_pccam600\|A_clicksmart420\)_\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|spca504_default\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(effects\|gamma\)_table\[MAX_[A-Z]*\]\[[0-9]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t631.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 tas5130a_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initnc '	static const __u8 \(read_indexs\|n\(set\)\?[0-9]*\|missing\)\[[0-9x]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initc 'static const __u8 \(mi13[12]0\|po3130\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?initQ\?VGA_\(JPG\|data\)\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    initnc 'static const struct usb_action \(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105axx\|ov7630c\|pb0330[3x]x\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 t10_dif_crc_table\[256\] =' lib/crc-t10dif.c
+    initnc 'static crb_128M_2M_block_map_t crb_128M_2M_map\[64\] =' drivers/net/netxen/netxen_hw.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] =' drivers/usb/serial/safe_serial.c
+    accept '[ 	]*\( *0\)*\( *1\)*[\n][ 	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 *2 3 4 5 6 7' 'Documentation/bt8xxgpio.txt'
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_pbox\[16 \+ 2\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static u8 sample_\(german_\(all\|old\)\|american_\(dialtone\|ringing\|busy\)\|special[123]\|silence\)\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'struct pattern {[^}]*int tone;[^}]*} pattern\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \([au]\|_4\)law_to_\([ua]law\|4bit\)\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_codec.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$sepx$blobseq*$sepx;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:{}]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case /$input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | */patch-* | *.diff)
+    if $reverse_patch; then
+      s=- r=+
+    else
+      s=+ r=-
+    fi
+    sedpatch="
+      /^[$r]/d;
+      /^\\(@@\\|$s$s$s\\) / {
+	i\\
+;/*end patchlet */;\\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\\/*/;
+	s/\$/*\\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ $s]//;"
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 217 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (mver, say 2.6.25) as the
+# first argument, the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional
+# argument, and the patch release (sver, say .13) as an optional third
+# argument.  mver and sver are pasted together to form kver.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$mver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$mver
+# must match mver and extra.
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+mver=$1 extra=$2 sver=$3
+kver=$mver$sver libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$mver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$mver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$mver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$mver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$mver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep "^kver=[^ ]* extra=[0-9]*$" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" = "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 600 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# This version, suited for 2.6.24, avoids removing Free Software for
+# the sake of removing non-Free Software.  Drivers that currently
+# require non-Free firmware are retained, but firmware included in
+# GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ if the deblob-check
+# script, that knows how to do this, is present.  -lxoliva
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.25 extra=
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,EXTRAVERSION = -libre$extra," Makefile
+# drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig needs as last line:
+# endif # TR
+# drivers/media/Kconfig needs before endmenu
+# endif # DAB
+if [ ! -f `which unifdef` ] ; then echo "requires unifdef" ; exit ; fi
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	rm -v $1
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test -f $check; then
+	    name=$1
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    mv $name.deblob $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+	sed -i "/^config $2\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	: sed -i "/($1)/d" $2
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+# it appears by placing these files under the GPL this company
+# now has to release the source
+# There's no code in this file. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_firmware_copyright
+# There's only GPLed code in this one. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_mkfirm.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_\(FORE\).*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E ./drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR ./drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE ./drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig ./arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K ./drivers/char/Makefile
+# drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA ./drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 ./drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON ./drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 ./drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET ./drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM ./drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM ./drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# other...
+# disable -- appears to neeed other DVB bits
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_CORE ./drivers/media/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEOBUF_DVB ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_SAA7134 ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CX88 ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/Kconfig 'VIDEOBUF_DVB'
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+# clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+# clean_mk CONFIG_E100 ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# TEHUTI - Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS|COPS_DAYNA|COPS_TANGENT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS ./drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM ./drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 ./drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 ./drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR ./drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH ./drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH ./drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI ./drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS ./drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 ./drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 ./drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 ./drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA ./drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN ./drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT ./drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI ./drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI ./drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT ./drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT ./drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 ./drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig ./sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' ./sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Not Removed #
+# This is not removed in debian nor gnewsense nor do I think
+# it should be removed. It's on debian's list to check out
+# I think it points at firmware, but doesn't contain any
+# (e.g. if you add the file yss225_registers.bin it will use it)
+# clean_blob sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+# VIDEO_STRADIS - Stradis 4:2:2 MPEG-2 video driver
+# This just sets a few values and a bunch of zeros. It doesn't look like
+# it was done by anything that would have upstream source code. This should 
+# probably be kept. It's removed in gnewsense, but not even mentioned
+# by debian as potential candidate. It is used by stratis.c
+# clean_blob drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+# gnewsense removes drivers/serial/jsm/jsm_neo.c but vanilla version looks ok
+# Not in kernel 2.6.23
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2100_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2200_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2300_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2322_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2400_fw.c
+# drivers/usb/net/kawethfw.h
+# sound/isa/sb/sb16/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+# sound/oss/yss225.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped 53c7xx.scr
+# sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcemb80.h
+# Not in kernel 2.6.24
+# drivers/net/dgrs_firmware.c
+# blobs but free source available (source listed 2nd)
+# drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped			wanxlfw.S
+# drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c				atmel.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped			53c700.scr
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped		aic79xx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h			sym_fw1.h
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h			sym_fw2.h
+# drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h			keyspan_pda.S
+# drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h			xircom_pgs.S

+ 1923 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1923 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-03-29 $Rev: 3476 $
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;"
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;"
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1"
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]"
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol"
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    initnc '	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] ='
+    initnc '	}, mem_tbl_5705\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    # arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx'
+    # arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] ='
+    # arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] ='
+    # drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol"
+    # sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] ='
+    # drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S and
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:'
+    # drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*"
+    # drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+'
+    # Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do'
+    # Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 '
+    # Documentation/scsi/sym53c8xx_2.txt and
+    # Documentation/scsi/ncr53c8xx_2.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/isdn/
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c and
+    # net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c and
+    # include/linux/sctp.h
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1'
+    # arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'
+    # drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.'
+    # drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>'
+    # drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START'
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|unsigned \(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	const static int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_capture\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_init\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_playback\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char mulaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to
+  # the beginning of the line.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *patch* | *diff*)
+    sedpatch='
+      /^[-]/d;
+      /^\(@@\|+++\) / {
+	i\
+;/*end patchlet */;\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\/*/;
+	s/$/*\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ +]//;'
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 206 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (kver) as the first argument,
+# and the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional argument.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$kver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$kver
+# must match the command-line arguments.  
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.  
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+kver=$1 extra=$2 libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$kver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$kver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$kver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$kver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep \"^$x1$\" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" != "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob)
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \(linux-$kver/.*\): \(.*\),\1/\2,p;
+  s,^Files \(linux-$kver/.*\) and libre-\1 differ,\1,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\(linux-$kver/.*\) and \1 differ,\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \(linux-$kver/.*\): \(.*\),\1/\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 619 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# This version, suited for 2.6.24, avoids removing Free Software for
+# the sake of removing non-Free Software.  Drivers that currently
+# require non-Free firmware are retained, but firmware included in
+# GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ if the deblob-check
+# script, that knows how to do this, is present.  -lxoliva
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.24 extra=1
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,EXTRAVERSION = -libre$extra," Makefile
+# drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig needs as last line:
+# endif # TR
+# drivers/media/Kconfig needs before endmenu
+# endif # DAB
+if [ ! -f `which unifdef` ] ; then echo "requires unifdef" ; exit ; fi
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test -f $check; then
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+# it appears by placing these files under the GPL this company
+# now has to release the source
+# There's no code in this file. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_firmware_copyright
+# There's only GPLed code in this one. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_mkfirm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_\(FORE\).*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# other...
+# disable -- appears to neeed other DVB bits
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_CORE drivers/media/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEOBUF_DVB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_SAA7134 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CX88 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'VIDEOBUF_DVB'
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+# clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+# clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TEHUTI - Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Not Removed #
+# This is not removed in debian nor gnewsense nor do I think
+# it should be removed. It's on debian's list to check out
+# I think it points at firmware, but doesn't contain any
+# (e.g. if you add the file yss225_registers.bin it will use it)
+# clean_blob sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+# VIDEO_STRADIS - Stradis 4:2:2 MPEG-2 video driver
+# This just sets a few values and a bunch of zeros. It doesn't look like
+# it was done by anything that would have upstream source code. This should 
+# probably be kept. It's removed in gnewsense, but not even mentioned
+# by debian as potential candidate. It is used by stratis.c
+# clean_blob drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+# gnewsense removes drivers/serial/jsm/jsm_neo.c but vanilla version looks ok
+# Not in kernel 2.6.23
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2100_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2200_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2300_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2322_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2400_fw.c
+# drivers/usb/net/kawethfw.h
+# sound/isa/sb/sb16/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+# sound/oss/yss225.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped 53c7xx.scr
+# sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcemb80.h
+# Not in kernel 2.6.24
+# drivers/net/dgrs_firmware.c
+# blobs but free source available (source listed 2nd)
+# drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped			wanxlfw.S
+# drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c				atmel.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped			53c700.scr
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped		aic79xx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h			sym_fw1.h
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h			sym_fw2.h
+# drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h			keyspan_pda.S
+# drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h			xircom_pgs.S

+ 1964 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1964 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-05-18
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    initnc '	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] ='
+    initnc '	}, mem_tbl_5705\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    # arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx'
+    # arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] ='
+    # arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] ='
+    # drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol"
+    # sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] ='
+    # drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S and
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:'
+    # drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*"
+    # drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+'
+    # Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do'
+    # Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 '
+    # Documentation/scsi/sym53c8xx_2.txt and
+    # Documentation/scsi/ncr53c8xx_2.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/isdn/
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c and
+    # net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c and
+    # include/linux/sctp.h
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1'
+    # arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'
+    # drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.'
+    # drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>'
+    # drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START'
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	const static int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_capture\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_init\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_playback\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char mulaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$blobsep$blobseq*$blobsep;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *patch* | *diff*)
+    sedpatch='
+      /^[-]/d;
+      /^\(@@\|+++\) / {
+	i\
+;/*end patchlet */;\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\/*/;
+	s/$/*\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ +]//;'
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 214 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (kver) as the first argument,
+# and the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional argument.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$kver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$kver
+# must match the command-line arguments.  
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.  
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+kver=$1 extra=$2 libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$kver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$kver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$kver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$kver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep \"^$x1$\" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" != "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 636 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# This version, suited for 2.6.24, avoids removing Free Software for
+# the sake of removing non-Free Software.  Drivers that currently
+# require non-Free firmware are retained, but firmware included in
+# GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ if the deblob-check
+# script, that knows how to do this, is present.  -lxoliva
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.24 extra=2
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,EXTRAVERSION = -libre$extra," Makefile
+# drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig needs as last line:
+# endif # TR
+# drivers/media/Kconfig needs before endmenu
+# endif # DAB
+if [ ! -f `which unifdef` ] ; then echo "requires unifdef" ; exit ; fi
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  echo "optional deblob-check missing, will remove entire files"
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	elif cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if $have_check; then
+	    if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	    fi
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+# it appears by placing these files under the GPL this company
+# now has to release the source
+# There's no code in this file. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_firmware_copyright
+# There's only GPLed code in this one. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_mkfirm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_\(FORE\).*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TEHUTI - Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Not Removed #
+# This is not removed in debian nor gnewsense nor do I think
+# it should be removed. It's on debian's list to check out
+# I think it points at firmware, but doesn't contain any
+# (e.g. if you add the file yss225_registers.bin it will use it)
+# clean_blob sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+# VIDEO_STRADIS - Stradis 4:2:2 MPEG-2 video driver
+# This just sets a few values and a bunch of zeros. It doesn't look like
+# it was done by anything that would have upstream source code. This should 
+# probably be kept. It's removed in gnewsense, but not even mentioned
+# by debian as potential candidate. It is used by stratis.c
+# clean_blob drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+# gnewsense removes drivers/serial/jsm/jsm_neo.c but vanilla version looks ok
+# Not in kernel 2.6.23
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2100_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2200_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2300_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2322_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2400_fw.c
+# drivers/usb/net/kawethfw.h
+# sound/isa/sb/sb16/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+# sound/oss/yss225.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped 53c7xx.scr
+# sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcemb80.h
+# Not in kernel 2.6.24
+# drivers/net/dgrs_firmware.c
+# blobs but free source available (source listed 2nd)
+# drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped			wanxlfw.S
+# drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c				atmel.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped			53c700.scr
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped		aic79xx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h			sym_fw1.h
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h			sym_fw2.h
+# drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h			keyspan_pda.S
+# drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h			xircom_pgs.S

+ 1983 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1983 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-07-14
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch *.diff]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    accept "	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx};" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "	}\\(,\\? mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx}\\)*;" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    # arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx'
+    # arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] ='
+    # arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] ='
+    # drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol"
+    # sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] ='
+    # drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S and
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:'
+    # drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*"
+    # drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+'
+    # Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do'
+    # Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 '
+    # Documentation/scsi/sym53c8xx_2.txt and
+    # Documentation/scsi/ncr53c8xx_2.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/isdn/
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c and
+    # net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c and
+    # include/linux/sctp.h
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1'
+    # arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'
+    # drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.'
+    # drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>'
+    # drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START'
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\(const static\|static const\) int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_capture\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_init\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_playback\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char mulaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$sepx$blobseq*$sepx;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:{}]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | patch-* | *.diff)
+    sedpatch='
+      /^[-]/d;
+      /^\(@@\|+++\) / {
+	i\
+;/*end patchlet */;\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\/*/;
+	s/$/*\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ +]//;'
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 214 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (kver) as the first argument,
+# and the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional argument.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$kver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$kver
+# must match the command-line arguments.  
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.  
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+kver=$1 extra=$2 libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$kver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$kver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$kver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$kver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep \"^$x1$\" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" != "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 631 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# This script, suited for the kernel version named below, in kver,
+# attempts to remove only non-Free Software bits, without removing
+# Free Software that happens to be in the same file.
+# Drivers that currently require non-Free firmware are retained, but
+# firmware included in GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
+# if the deblob-check script, that knows how to do this, is present.
+# -lxoliva
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.24 extra=3
+if unifdef /dev/null; then :; else
+    echo unifdef is required >&2
+    exit 1
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  echo optional deblob-check missing, will remove entire files >&2
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	elif cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if $have_check; then
+	    if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	    fi
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# First, check that files that contain firmwares and their
+# corresponding sources are present.
+for f in \
+  drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h \
+    drivers/char/ \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped \
+    drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.S \
+  drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+    drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+  drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c700.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c7xx.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+  drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S \
+  drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S \
+  sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcbinhack.h \
+    sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.asp \
+; do
+  if test ! $f; then
+    echo $f is not present, something is amiss >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+# Identify the tarball.
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,&-libre$extra," Makefile
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_FORE.*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# gpu drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TEHUTI - Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL - SB16 Advanced Signal Processor
+clean_blob sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Most of this file is not matched by deblob-check because of WAIT_IDLE.
+# Just remove it.
+clean_file sound/isa/wavefront/yss225.c
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_WAVEFRONT_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+exit 0

+ 1992 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1992 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-07-16
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch *.diff]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    accept "	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx};" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "	}\\(,\\? mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx}\\)*;" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    # arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx'
+    # arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] ='
+    # arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] ='
+    # drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol"
+    # sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] ='
+    # drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S and
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:'
+    # drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*"
+    # drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+'
+    # Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do'
+    # Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 '
+    # Documentation/scsi/sym53c8xx_2.txt and
+    # Documentation/scsi/ncr53c8xx_2.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/isdn/
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c and
+    # net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c and
+    # include/linux/sctp.h
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1'
+    # arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'
+    # drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.'
+    # drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>'
+    # drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START'
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # This looks suspicious, but it pretty much just sets stuff to zero.
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\(const static\|static const\) int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.27-rc* | */patch*2.6.26-git*)
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec des3_ede_cbc_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept ':03000000020200F9[\n]:040023000205\(9B0037\|5F0073\)[\n]\(:050030000000000000CB[\n]\|:0400430002010000B6[\n]\)*'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]:\(0E06E0006400670065007400060334003700F4\|0606A000060334003700E0\)[\n]:00000001FF[\n]' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).HEX'
+    initnc 'static const u16 uda1380_reg\[UDA1380_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/uda1380.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$sepx$blobseq*$sepx;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:{}]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | */patch-* | *.diff)
+    sedpatch='
+      /^[-]/d;
+      /^\(@@\|+++\) / {
+	i\
+;/*end patchlet */;\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\/*/;
+	s/$/*\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ +]//;'
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 214 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (kver) as the first argument,
+# and the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional argument.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$kver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$kver
+# must match the command-line arguments.  
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.  
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+kver=$1 extra=$2 libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$kver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$kver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$kver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$kver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep \"^$x1$\" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" != "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 631 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# This script, suited for the kernel version named below, in kver,
+# attempts to remove only non-Free Software bits, without removing
+# Free Software that happens to be in the same file.
+# Drivers that currently require non-Free firmware are retained, but
+# firmware included in GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
+# if the deblob-check script, that knows how to do this, is present.
+# -lxoliva
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.24 extra=3
+if unifdef /dev/null; then :; else
+    echo unifdef is required >&2
+    exit 1
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  echo optional deblob-check missing, will remove entire files >&2
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	elif cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if $have_check; then
+	    if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	    fi
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# First, check that files that contain firmwares and their
+# corresponding sources are present.
+for f in \
+  drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h \
+    drivers/char/ \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped \
+    drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.S \
+  drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+    drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+  drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c700.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c7xx.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+  drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S \
+  drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S \
+  sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcbinhack.h \
+    sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.asp \
+; do
+  if test ! $f; then
+    echo $f is not present, something is amiss >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+# Identify the tarball.
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,&-libre$extra," Makefile
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_FORE.*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# gpu drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TEHUTI - Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL - SB16 Advanced Signal Processor
+clean_blob sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Most of this file is not matched by deblob-check because of WAIT_IDLE.
+# Just remove it.
+clean_file sound/isa/wavefront/yss225.c
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_WAVEFRONT_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+exit 0

+ 2027 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2027 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-07-26
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch *.diff]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+#    --reverse-patch: Test the removed parts of a patch, rather than
+#		the added ones.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+  reverse_patch=:
+  shift;
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    accept "	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx};" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "	}\\(,\\? mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx}\\)*;" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx' arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] =' arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] =' arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol" drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] =' sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*" drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do' Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 ' Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe' 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/isdn/
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol" Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1' 'net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c|net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c|include/linux/scpt.h'
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.' drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>' drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START' drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # This looks suspicious, but it pretty much just sets stuff to zero.
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\(const static\|static const\) int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.27-rc* | */patch*2.6.26-git* | */git-linus.diff)
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec des3_ede_cbc_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept ':03000000020200F9[\n]:040023000205\(9B0037\|5F0073\)[\n]\(:050030000000000000CB[\n]\|:0400430002010000B6[\n]\)*'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]:\(0E06E0006400670065007400060334003700F4\|0606A000060334003700E0\)[\n]:00000001FF[\n]' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).HEX'
+    accept ':100000000C004000000000000000000000000000A4[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]\/\* DSP56001 bootstrap code \*\/' firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.bin.ihex
+    initnc 'static const u16 uda1380_reg\[UDA1380_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/uda1380.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_set[23]_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] =' drivers/hid/usbhid/usbkbd.c
+    initnc '		u8 buf, bufs\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    initnc '	static int sysdiv_to_div_x_2\[\] =' arch/powerpc/platforms/512x/clock.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_inits_\(176\|320\|352\|640\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_jpeg_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cxjpeg_\(640\|352\|320\|176\|qtable\)\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char quant\[\]\[0x88\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initnc 'static unsigned char huffman\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initc '	static const struct ov_i2c_regvals norm_76[1247]0\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac7311_jpeg_header\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 init\(Hv7131\|Ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|Pas\(106\|202\)\|Tas51[13]0\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(hv7131\|ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|pas\(106\|202\)\|tas51[13]0\)_sensor_init\(_com\)\?\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(hv7131r\|mi0360\|mo4000\|ov76\(60\|48\)\)_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable4\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 \(spca500_visual\|Clicksmart510\)_defaults\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|kodak_ez200\|pocketdv\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca501c\?_\(\(3com\|arowana\|mysterious\)_\)\?\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca501.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca505b\?_\(init\|open\)_data\(_ccd\)\?\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca505.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca508\(cs110\|_sightcam2\?\|_vista\)\?_init_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca508.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca561_init_data\[\]\[2\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca561.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca504\(_pccam600\|A_clicksmart420\)_\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|spca504_default\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(effects\|gamma\)_table\[MAX_[A-Z]*\]\[[0-9]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t631.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 tas5130a_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initnc '	static const __u8 \(read_indexs\|n\(set\)\?[0-9]*\|missing\)\[[0-9x]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initc 'static const __u8 \(mi13[12]0\|po3130\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?initQ\?VGA_\(JPG\|data\)\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    initnc 'static const struct usb_action \(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105axx\|ov7630c\|pb0330[3x]x\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 t10_dif_crc_table\[256\] =' lib/crc-t10dif.c
+    initnc 'static crb_128M_2M_block_map_t crb_128M_2M_map\[64\] =' drivers/net/netxen/netxen_hw.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] =' drivers/usb/serial/safe_serial.c
+    accept '[ 	]*\( *0\)*\( *1\)*[\n][ 	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 *2 3 4 5 6 7' 'Documentation/bt8xxgpio.txt'
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_pbox\[16 \+ 2\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static u8 sample_\(german_\(all\|old\)\|american_\(dialtone\|ringing\|busy\)\|special[123]\|silence\)\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'struct pattern {[^}]*int tone;[^}]*} pattern\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \([au]\|_4\)law_to_\([ua]law\|4bit\)\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_codec.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$sepx$blobseq*$sepx;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:{}]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case /$input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | */patch-* | *.diff)
+    if $reverse_patch; then
+      s=- r=+
+    else
+      s=+ r=-
+    fi
+    sedpatch="
+      /^[$r]/d;
+      /^\\(@@\\|$s$s$s\\) / {
+	i\\
+;/*end patchlet */;\\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\\/*/;
+	s/\$/*\\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ $s]//;"
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 217 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (mver, say 2.6.25) as the
+# first argument, the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional
+# argument, and the patch release (sver, say .13) as an optional third
+# argument.  mver and sver are pasted together to form kver.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$mver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$mver
+# must match mver and extra.
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+mver=$1 extra=$2 sver=$3
+kver=$mver$sver libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$mver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$mver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$mver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$mver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$mver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep "^kver=[^ ]* extra=[0-9]*$" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" = "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 604 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# This version, suited for 2.6.25, avoids removing Free Software for
+# the sake of removing non-Free Software.  Drivers that currently
+# require non-Free firmware are retained, but firmware included in
+# GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ if the deblob-check
+# script, that knows how to do this, is present.  -lxoliva
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.25 extra=
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,EXTRAVERSION = -libre$extra," Makefile
+# drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig needs as last line:
+# endif # TR
+# drivers/media/Kconfig needs before endmenu
+# endif # DAB
+if [ ! -f `which unifdef` ] ; then echo "requires unifdef" ; exit ; fi
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	rm -v $1
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test -f $check; then
+	    name=$1
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    mv $name.deblob $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+	sed -i "/^config $2\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	: sed -i "/($1)/d" $2
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+# it appears by placing these files under the GPL this company
+# now has to release the source
+# There's no code in this file. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_firmware_copyright
+# There's only GPLed code in this one. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_mkfirm.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_\(FORE\).*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E ./drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR ./drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE ./drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig ./arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K ./drivers/char/Makefile
+# drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA ./drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 ./drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON ./drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 ./drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 ./drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI ./drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET ./drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM ./drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM ./drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# other...
+# disable -- appears to neeed other DVB bits
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_CORE ./drivers/media/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEOBUF_DVB ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_SAA7134 ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CX88 ./drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/media/Kconfig 'VIDEOBUF_DVB'
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 ./drivers/net/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2x_init_values.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2X ./divers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+# clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+# clean_mk CONFIG_E100 ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# TEHUTI - Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON ./drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS|COPS_DAYNA|COPS_TANGENT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS ./drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM ./drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 ./drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 ./drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR ./drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH ./drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH ./drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI ./drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS ./drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 ./drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 ./drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 ./drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA ./drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN ./drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT ./drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI ./drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI ./drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT ./drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT ./drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig ./drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 ./drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig ./sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' ./sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Not Removed #
+# This is not removed in debian nor gnewsense nor do I think
+# it should be removed. It's on debian's list to check out
+# I think it points at firmware, but doesn't contain any
+# (e.g. if you add the file yss225_registers.bin it will use it)
+# clean_blob sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+# VIDEO_STRADIS - Stradis 4:2:2 MPEG-2 video driver
+# This just sets a few values and a bunch of zeros. It doesn't look like
+# it was done by anything that would have upstream source code. This should 
+# probably be kept. It's removed in gnewsense, but not even mentioned
+# by debian as potential candidate. It is used by stratis.c
+# clean_blob drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+# gnewsense removes drivers/serial/jsm/jsm_neo.c but vanilla version looks ok
+# Not in kernel 2.6.23
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2100_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2200_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2300_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2322_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2400_fw.c
+# drivers/usb/net/kawethfw.h
+# sound/isa/sb/sb16/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+# sound/oss/yss225.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped 53c7xx.scr
+# sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcemb80.h
+# Not in kernel 2.6.24
+# drivers/net/dgrs_firmware.c
+# blobs but free source available (source listed 2nd)
+# drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped			wanxlfw.S
+# drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c				atmel.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped			53c700.scr
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped		aic79xx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h			sym_fw1.h
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h			sym_fw2.h
+# drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h			keyspan_pda.S
+# drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h			xircom_pgs.S

+ 1923 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1923 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-03-29 $Rev: 3476 $
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;"
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;"
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1"
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]"
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol"
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    initnc '	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] ='
+    initnc '	}, mem_tbl_5705\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    # arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx'
+    # arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] ='
+    # arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] ='
+    # drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol"
+    # sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] ='
+    # drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S and
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:'
+    # drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*"
+    # drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+'
+    # Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do'
+    # Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 '
+    # Documentation/scsi/sym53c8xx_2.txt and
+    # Documentation/scsi/ncr53c8xx_2.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/isdn/
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c and
+    # net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c and
+    # include/linux/sctp.h
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1'
+    # arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'
+    # drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.'
+    # drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>'
+    # drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START'
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|unsigned \(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	const static int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_capture\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_init\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_playback\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char mulaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to
+  # the beginning of the line.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *patch* | *diff*)
+    sedpatch='
+      /^[-]/d;
+      /^\(@@\|+++\) / {
+	i\
+;/*end patchlet */;\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\/*/;
+	s/$/*\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ +]//;'
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 206 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (kver) as the first argument,
+# and the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional argument.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$kver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$kver
+# must match the command-line arguments.  
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.  
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+kver=$1 extra=$2 libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$kver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$kver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$kver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$kver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep \"^$x1$\" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" != "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob)
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \(linux-$kver/.*\): \(.*\),\1/\2,p;
+  s,^Files \(linux-$kver/.*\) and libre-\1 differ,\1,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\(linux-$kver/.*\) and \1 differ,\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \(linux-$kver/.*\): \(.*\),\1/\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 623 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# This version, suited for 2.6.25, avoids removing Free Software for
+# the sake of removing non-Free Software.  Drivers that currently
+# require non-Free firmware are retained, but firmware included in
+# GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ if the deblob-check
+# script, that knows how to do this, is present.  -lxoliva
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.25 extra=1
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,EXTRAVERSION = -libre$extra," Makefile
+# drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig needs as last line:
+# endif # TR
+# drivers/media/Kconfig needs before endmenu
+# endif # DAB
+if [ ! -f `which unifdef` ] ; then echo "requires unifdef" ; exit ; fi
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test -f $check; then
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+# it appears by placing these files under the GPL this company
+# now has to release the source
+# There's no code in this file. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_firmware_copyright
+# There's only GPLed code in this one. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_mkfirm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_\(FORE\).*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# other...
+# disable -- appears to neeed other DVB bits
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_CORE drivers/media/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEOBUF_DVB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_SAA7134 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CX88 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'VIDEOBUF_DVB'
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2x_init_values.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2X drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+# clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+# clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TEHUTI - Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Not Removed #
+# This is not removed in debian nor gnewsense nor do I think
+# it should be removed. It's on debian's list to check out
+# I think it points at firmware, but doesn't contain any
+# (e.g. if you add the file yss225_registers.bin it will use it)
+# clean_blob sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+# VIDEO_STRADIS - Stradis 4:2:2 MPEG-2 video driver
+# This just sets a few values and a bunch of zeros. It doesn't look like
+# it was done by anything that would have upstream source code. This should 
+# probably be kept. It's removed in gnewsense, but not even mentioned
+# by debian as potential candidate. It is used by stratis.c
+# clean_blob drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+# gnewsense removes drivers/serial/jsm/jsm_neo.c but vanilla version looks ok
+# Not in kernel 2.6.23
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2100_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2200_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2300_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2322_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2400_fw.c
+# drivers/usb/net/kawethfw.h
+# sound/isa/sb/sb16/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+# sound/oss/yss225.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped 53c7xx.scr
+# sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcemb80.h
+# Not in kernel 2.6.24
+# drivers/net/dgrs_firmware.c
+# blobs but free source available (source listed 2nd)
+# drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped			wanxlfw.S
+# drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c				atmel.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped			53c700.scr
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped		aic79xx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h			sym_fw1.h
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h			sym_fw2.h
+# drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h			keyspan_pda.S
+# drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h			xircom_pgs.S

+ 1964 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1964 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-05-18
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    initnc '	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] ='
+    initnc '	}, mem_tbl_5705\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    # arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx'
+    # arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] ='
+    # arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] ='
+    # drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol"
+    # sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] ='
+    # drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S and
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:'
+    # drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*"
+    # drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+'
+    # Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do'
+    # Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 '
+    # Documentation/scsi/sym53c8xx_2.txt and
+    # Documentation/scsi/ncr53c8xx_2.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/isdn/
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c and
+    # net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c and
+    # include/linux/sctp.h
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1'
+    # arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'
+    # drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.'
+    # drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>'
+    # drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START'
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	const static int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_capture\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_init\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_playback\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char mulaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$blobsep$blobseq*$blobsep;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *patch* | *diff*)
+    sedpatch='
+      /^[-]/d;
+      /^\(@@\|+++\) / {
+	i\
+;/*end patchlet */;\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\/*/;
+	s/$/*\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ +]//;'
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 214 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (kver) as the first argument,
+# and the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional argument.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$kver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$kver
+# must match the command-line arguments.  
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.  
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+kver=$1 extra=$2 libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$kver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$kver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$kver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$kver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep \"^$x1$\" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" != "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 640 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# This version, suited for 2.6.25, avoids removing Free Software for
+# the sake of removing non-Free Software.  Drivers that currently
+# require non-Free firmware are retained, but firmware included in
+# GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ if the deblob-check
+# script, that knows how to do this, is present.  -lxoliva
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.25 extra=2
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,EXTRAVERSION = -libre$extra," Makefile
+# drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig needs as last line:
+# endif # TR
+# drivers/media/Kconfig needs before endmenu
+# endif # DAB
+if [ ! -f `which unifdef` ] ; then echo "requires unifdef" ; exit ; fi
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  echo "optional deblob-check missing, will remove entire files"
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	elif cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if $have_check; then
+	    if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	    fi
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+# it appears by placing these files under the GPL this company
+# now has to release the source
+# There's no code in this file. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_firmware_copyright
+# There's only GPLed code in this one. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_mkfirm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_\(FORE\).*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2x_init_values.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2X drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TEHUTI - Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Not Removed #
+# This is not removed in debian nor gnewsense nor do I think
+# it should be removed. It's on debian's list to check out
+# I think it points at firmware, but doesn't contain any
+# (e.g. if you add the file yss225_registers.bin it will use it)
+# clean_blob sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+# VIDEO_STRADIS - Stradis 4:2:2 MPEG-2 video driver
+# This just sets a few values and a bunch of zeros. It doesn't look like
+# it was done by anything that would have upstream source code. This should 
+# probably be kept. It's removed in gnewsense, but not even mentioned
+# by debian as potential candidate. It is used by stratis.c
+# clean_blob drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+# gnewsense removes drivers/serial/jsm/jsm_neo.c but vanilla version looks ok
+# Not in kernel 2.6.23
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2100_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2200_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2300_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2322_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2400_fw.c
+# drivers/usb/net/kawethfw.h
+# sound/isa/sb/sb16/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+# sound/oss/yss225.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped 53c7xx.scr
+# sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcemb80.h
+# Not in kernel 2.6.24
+# drivers/net/dgrs_firmware.c
+# blobs but free source available (source listed 2nd)
+# drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped			wanxlfw.S
+# drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c				atmel.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped			53c700.scr
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped		aic79xx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h			sym_fw1.h
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h			sym_fw2.h
+# drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h			keyspan_pda.S
+# drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h			xircom_pgs.S

+ 1983 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1983 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-07-14
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch *.diff]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    accept "	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx};" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "	}\\(,\\? mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx}\\)*;" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    # arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx'
+    # arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] ='
+    # arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] ='
+    # drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol"
+    # sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] ='
+    # drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S and
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:'
+    # drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*"
+    # drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+'
+    # Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do'
+    # Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 '
+    # Documentation/scsi/sym53c8xx_2.txt and
+    # Documentation/scsi/ncr53c8xx_2.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/isdn/
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c and
+    # net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c and
+    # include/linux/sctp.h
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1'
+    # arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'
+    # drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.'
+    # drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>'
+    # drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START'
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\(const static\|static const\) int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_capture\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_init\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_playback\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char mulaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$sepx$blobseq*$sepx;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:{}]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | patch-* | *.diff)
+    sedpatch='
+      /^[-]/d;
+      /^\(@@\|+++\) / {
+	i\
+;/*end patchlet */;\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\/*/;
+	s/$/*\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ +]//;'
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 214 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (kver) as the first argument,
+# and the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional argument.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$kver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$kver
+# must match the command-line arguments.  
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.  
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+kver=$1 extra=$2 libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$kver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$kver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$kver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$kver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep \"^$x1$\" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" != "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 635 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# This script, suited for the kernel version named below, in kver,
+# attempts to remove only non-Free Software bits, without removing
+# Free Software that happens to be in the same file.
+# Drivers that currently require non-Free firmware are retained, but
+# firmware included in GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
+# if the deblob-check script, that knows how to do this, is present.
+# -lxoliva
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.25 extra=3
+if unifdef /dev/null; then :; else
+    echo unifdef is required >&2
+    exit 1
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  echo optional deblob-check missing, will remove entire files >&2
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	elif cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if $have_check; then
+	    if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	    fi
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# First, check that files that contain firmwares and their
+# corresponding sources are present.
+for f in \
+  drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h \
+    drivers/char/ \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped \
+    drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.S \
+  drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+    drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+  drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c700.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c7xx.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+  drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S \
+  drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S \
+  sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcbinhack.h \
+    sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.asp \
+; do
+  if test ! $f; then
+    echo $f is not present, something is amiss >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+# Identify the tarball.
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,&-libre$extra," Makefile
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_FORE.*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# gpu drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2x_init_values.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2X drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TEHUTI - Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL - SB16 Advanced Signal Processor
+clean_blob sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Most of this file is not matched by deblob-check because of WAIT_IDLE.
+# Just remove it.
+clean_file sound/isa/wavefront/yss225.c
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_WAVEFRONT_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+exit 0

+ 1992 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1992 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-07-16
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch *.diff]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    accept "	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx};" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "	}\\(,\\? mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx}\\)*;" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    # arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx'
+    # arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] ='
+    # arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] ='
+    # drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol"
+    # sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] ='
+    # drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S and
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:'
+    # drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*"
+    # drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+'
+    # Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do'
+    # Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 '
+    # Documentation/scsi/sym53c8xx_2.txt and
+    # Documentation/scsi/ncr53c8xx_2.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/isdn/
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c and
+    # net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c and
+    # include/linux/sctp.h
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1'
+    # arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'
+    # drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.'
+    # drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>'
+    # drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START'
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # This looks suspicious, but it pretty much just sets stuff to zero.
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\(const static\|static const\) int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.27-rc* | */patch*2.6.26-git*)
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec des3_ede_cbc_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept ':03000000020200F9[\n]:040023000205\(9B0037\|5F0073\)[\n]\(:050030000000000000CB[\n]\|:0400430002010000B6[\n]\)*'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]:\(0E06E0006400670065007400060334003700F4\|0606A000060334003700E0\)[\n]:00000001FF[\n]' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).HEX'
+    initnc 'static const u16 uda1380_reg\[UDA1380_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/uda1380.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$sepx$blobseq*$sepx;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:{}]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | */patch-* | *.diff)
+    sedpatch='
+      /^[-]/d;
+      /^\(@@\|+++\) / {
+	i\
+;/*end patchlet */;\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\/*/;
+	s/$/*\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ +]//;'
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 214 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (kver) as the first argument,
+# and the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional argument.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$kver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$kver
+# must match the command-line arguments.  
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.  
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+kver=$1 extra=$2 libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$kver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$kver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$kver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$kver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep \"^$x1$\" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" != "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 637 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# This script, suited for the kernel version named below, in kver,
+# attempts to remove only non-Free Software bits, without removing
+# Free Software that happens to be in the same file.
+# Drivers that currently require non-Free firmware are retained, but
+# firmware included in GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
+# if the deblob-check script, that knows how to do this, is present.
+# -lxoliva
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.25 extra=4
+case $1 in
+--force) die () { echo ERROR: "$@": ignored >&2; }; shift;;
+*) die () { echo "$@" >&2; exit 1; };;
+if unifdef -Utest /dev/null; then :; else
+    die unifdef is required
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  echo optional deblob-check missing, will remove entire files >&2
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		die $1 does not exist, something is wrong
+	fi
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		die $1 does not exist, something is wrong
+	elif cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		die $1 did not change, something is wrong
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if $have_check; then
+	    if test ! -f $1; then
+		die $1 does not exist, something is wrong
+	    fi
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef -U$2 $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# First, check that files that contain firmwares and their
+# corresponding sources are present.
+for f in \
+  drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h \
+    drivers/char/ \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped \
+    drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.S \
+  drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+    drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+  drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c700.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c7xx.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+  drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S \
+  drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S \
+  sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcbinhack.h \
+    sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.asp \
+; do
+  if test ! $f; then
+    die $f is not present, something is amiss
+  fi
+# Identify the tarball.
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,&-libre$extra," Makefile
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_FORE.*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# gpu drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2x_init_values.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2X drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TEHUTI - Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL'
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL'
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL'
+# SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL - SB16 Advanced Signal Processor
+clean_blob sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig 'SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL'
+# Most of this file is not matched by deblob-check because of WAIT_IDLE.
+# Just remove it.
+clean_file sound/isa/wavefront/yss225.c
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig 'SND_WAVEFRONT_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL'
+exit 0

+ 2057 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2057 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-09-07
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch *.diff]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+#    --reverse-patch: Test the removed parts of a patch, rather than
+#		the added ones.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+  reverse_patch=:
+  shift;
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Same as initnc, but require the terminating semicolon.
+  defsnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    defsnc '	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] =' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "	}\\(,\\? mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx}\\)*;" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*" arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00' arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx' arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] =' arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] =' arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol" drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] =' sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*" drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do' Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 ' Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe' 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/isdn/
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol" Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1' 'net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c|net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c|include/linux/scpt.h'
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.' drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>' drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START' drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # in 2.6.22
+    initnc 'static const UQItype __clz_tab\[\] =' arch/arm26/lib/udivdi3.c
+    initnc '	static unsigned char scale\[101\] =' sound/oss/opl3sa2.c
+    initnc '} syncs\[\] =' drivers/scsi/53c7xx.c
+    initnc 'genoa_md:'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]	\.ascii	"Genoa"' arch/i386/boot/video.S
+    # in 2.6.21
+    initnc 'Vendor ID  Product ID[\n]-\+  -\+[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    defsnc 'static short [au]law2dma16\[\]' arch/ppc/8xx_io/cs4218_tdm.c
+    defsnc '	static const char minimal_ascii_table\[\]' drivers/ieee1394/csr1212.c
+    defsnc 'static u16 key_map \[256\] =' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_ir.c
+    defsnc 'static unsigned char gf64_inv\[64\] =' drivers/mtd/nand/cafe_ecc.c
+    defsnc 'static unsigned short err_pos_lut\[4096\] =' drivers/mtd/nand/cafe_ecc.c
+    defsnc 'static unsigned char testdata\[TESTDATA_LEN\] =' fs/jffs2/comprtest.c
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # This looks suspicious, but it pretty much just sets stuff to zero.
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static \(const \)\?u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {' media/video/sn9c102/sn9c102_core.c
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    defsnc '	\(const static\|static const\) int desc_idx_table\[\] =' 'arch/arm/include/asm/hardware/iop3xx-adma.h|include/asm-arm/hardware/iop3xx-adma.h'
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] =' sound/oss/pss.c
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_\([hdl]\|l[cd]\):'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/arm/inlcude/asm/hardware/entry-macro-iomd.S|include/asm-arm/hardware/entry-macro-iomd.S'
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    defsnc 'static char channel_map_madi_[sdq]s\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] =' sound/pci/rme9652/hdspm.c
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] \?=' drivers/video/atafb.c
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    defsnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] =' 'sound/ppc/beep.c|sound/oss/dmasound/dmasound_awacs.c|arch/ppc/8xx_io/cs4218_tdm.c'
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] =' arch/sh/boards/superh/microdev/led.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.27-rc* | */patch*2.6.26-git* | */git-linus.diff)
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec des3_ede_cbc_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept ':03000000020200F9[\n]:040023000205\(9B0037\|5F0073\)[\n]\(:050030000000000000CB[\n]\|:0400430002010000B6[\n]\)*'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]:\(0E06E0006400670065007400060334003700F4\|0606A000060334003700E0\)[\n]:00000001FF[\n]' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).HEX'
+    accept ':100000000C004000000000000000000000000000A4[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]\/\* DSP56001 bootstrap code \*\/' firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.bin.ihex
+    initnc 'static const u16 uda1380_reg\[UDA1380_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/uda1380.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_set[23]_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] =' drivers/hid/usbhid/usbkbd.c
+    initnc '		u8 buf, bufs\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    initnc '	static int sysdiv_to_div_x_2\[\] =' arch/powerpc/platforms/512x/clock.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_inits_\(176\|320\|352\|640\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_jpeg_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cxjpeg_\(640\|352\|320\|176\|qtable\)\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char quant\[\]\[0x88\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initnc 'static unsigned char huffman\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initc '	\?static const struct ov_i2c_regvals norm_76[1247]0\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac7311_jpeg_header\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(start\|page[34]\)_73\(02\|11\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 init\(Hv7131\|Ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|Pas\(106\|202\)\|Tas51[13]0\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(hv7131\|ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|pas\(106\|202\)\|tas51[13]0\)_sensor_init\(_com\)\?\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc 'static \(const \)\?__u8 \(hv7131r\|mi0360\|mo4000\|ov76\([36]0\|48\)\|om6802\)_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable4\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 \(spca500_visual\|Clicksmart510\)_defaults\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|kodak_ez200\|pocketdv\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca501c\?_\(\(3com\|arowana\|mysterious\)_\)\?\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca501.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca505b\?_\(init\|open\)_data\(_ccd\)\?\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca505.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca508\(cs110\|_sightcam2\?\|_vista\)\?_init_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca508.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca561_init_data\[\]\[2\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca561.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca504\(_pccam600\|A_clicksmart420\)_\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|spca504_default\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(effects\|gamma\)_table\[MAX_[A-Z]*\]\[[0-9]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t631.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 tas5130a_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initnc '	static const __u8 \(read_indexs\|n\(set\)\?[0-9]*\|missing\)\[[0-9x]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initc 'static const __u8 \(mi13[12]0\|po3130\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?initQ\?VGA_\(JPG\|data\)\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    initnc 'static const struct usb_action \(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105axx\|ov7630c\|pb0330[3x]x\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 t10_dif_crc_table\[256\] =' lib/crc-t10dif.c
+    initnc 'static crb_128M_2M_block_map_t crb_128M_2M_map\[64\] =' drivers/net/netxen/netxen_hw.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] =' drivers/usb/serial/safe_serial.c
+    accept '[ 	]*\( *0\)*\( *1\)*[\n][ 	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 *2 3 4 5 6 7' 'Documentation/bt8xxgpio.txt'
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_pbox\[16 \+ 2\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static u8 sample_\(german_\(all\|old\)\|american_\(dialtone\|ringing\|busy\)\|special[123]\|silence\)\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'struct pattern {[^}]*int tone;[^}]*} pattern\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \([au]\|_4\)law_to_\([ua]law\|4bit\)\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_codec.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] =' arch/sh/boards/mach-microdev/led.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/genksyms/parse.c_shipped
+    accept 'irq_prio_\([hdl]\|l[cd]\):'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/arm/inlcude/asm/hardware/entry-macro-iomd.S
+    defsnc '	static const int desc_idx_table\[\] =' arch/arm/include/asm/hardware/iop3xx-adma.h
+    defsnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const __u8 \(hv7131r\|mi0360\|mo4000\|ov76\(60\|48\)\)_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] = {[*][/];' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'static const struct ath_hal ar5416hal =' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/hw.c
+    defsnc 'static \(const \)\?u32 ar\(5416\|9280\)\(Modes\(_fast_clock\)\?\|Common\|BB_RfGain\|Bank6\(TPC\)\?\|Addac\)\(_91[06]0\(1_1\)\?\|_9280\(_2\)\?\)\?\[\]\[[236]\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/initvals.h
+    ;;
+  */drm-modesetting-radeon.patch)
+    initnc 'static int atom_dst_to_src\[8\]\[4\] =' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/atom.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$sepx$blobseq*$sepx;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */*drm*.patch)
+    # linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch, nouveau-drm*.patch,
+    # drm-fedora9-rollup.patch
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] =' drivers/char/drm/intel_tv.c
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] =' drivers/char/drm/nv04_graph.c
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] =' drivers/char/drm/nv10_graph.c
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] =' 'drivers/char/drm/nv40_graph.c|.*'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:{}]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case /$input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | */patch-* | *.diff)
+    if $reverse_patch; then
+      s=- r=+
+    else
+      s=+ r=-
+    fi
+    sedpatch="
+      /^[$r]/d;
+      /^\\(@@\\|$s$s$s\\) / {
+	i\\
+;/*end patchlet */;\\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\\/*/;
+	s/\$/*\\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ $s]//;"
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 236 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (mver, say 2.6.25) as the
+# first argument, the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional
+# argument, and the patch release (sver, say .13) as an optional third
+# argument.  mver and sver are pasted together to form kver.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$mver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$mver
+# must match mver and extra.
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+# If deblob-$mver finds any unexpected situation, it will error out,
+# and then deblob-main will quit.  Pass --force to deblob-main, before
+# any other argument, for deblob-main to ignore any such situations.
+case $1 in
+--force) force=--force; shift;;
+*) force=;;
+mver=$1 extra=$2 sver=$3
+kver=$mver$sver libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$mver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$mver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$mver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$mver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$mver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep "^kver=[^ ]* extra=" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" = "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+if (cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob $force); then
+  :
+  echo $deblob failed, aborting >&2
+  exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blob.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || : # xdelta returns nonzero on success
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2; then
+  gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+  mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 635 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# This script, suited for the kernel version named below, in kver,
+# attempts to remove only non-Free Software bits, without removing
+# Free Software that happens to be in the same file.
+# Drivers that currently require non-Free firmware are retained, but
+# firmware included in GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
+# if the deblob-check script, that knows how to do this, is present.
+# -lxoliva
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.25 extra=3
+if unifdef /dev/null; then :; else
+    echo unifdef is required >&2
+    exit 1
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  echo optional deblob-check missing, will remove entire files >&2
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	elif cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if $have_check; then
+	    if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	    fi
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# First, check that files that contain firmwares and their
+# corresponding sources are present.
+for f in \
+  drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h \
+    drivers/char/ \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped \
+    drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.S \
+  drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+    drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+  drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c700.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c7xx.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+  drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S \
+  drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S \
+  sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcbinhack.h \
+    sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.asp \
+; do
+  if test ! $f; then
+    echo $f is not present, something is amiss >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+# Identify the tarball.
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,&-libre$extra," Makefile
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_FORE.*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# gpu drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2x_init_values.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2X drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TEHUTI - Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL - SB16 Advanced Signal Processor
+clean_blob sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Most of this file is not matched by deblob-check because of WAIT_IDLE.
+# Just remove it.
+clean_file sound/isa/wavefront/yss225.c
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_WAVEFRONT_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+exit 0

+ 2027 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2027 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-07-26
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch *.diff]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+#    --reverse-patch: Test the removed parts of a patch, rather than
+#		the added ones.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+  reverse_patch=:
+  shift;
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    accept "	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx};" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "	}\\(,\\? mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx}\\)*;" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx' arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] =' arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] =' arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol" drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] =' sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*" drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do' Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 ' Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe' 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/isdn/
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol" Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1' 'net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c|net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c|include/linux/scpt.h'
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.' drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>' drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START' drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # This looks suspicious, but it pretty much just sets stuff to zero.
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\(const static\|static const\) int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.27-rc* | */patch*2.6.26-git* | */git-linus.diff)
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec des3_ede_cbc_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept ':03000000020200F9[\n]:040023000205\(9B0037\|5F0073\)[\n]\(:050030000000000000CB[\n]\|:0400430002010000B6[\n]\)*'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]:\(0E06E0006400670065007400060334003700F4\|0606A000060334003700E0\)[\n]:00000001FF[\n]' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).HEX'
+    accept ':100000000C004000000000000000000000000000A4[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]\/\* DSP56001 bootstrap code \*\/' firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.bin.ihex
+    initnc 'static const u16 uda1380_reg\[UDA1380_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/uda1380.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_set[23]_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] =' drivers/hid/usbhid/usbkbd.c
+    initnc '		u8 buf, bufs\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    initnc '	static int sysdiv_to_div_x_2\[\] =' arch/powerpc/platforms/512x/clock.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_inits_\(176\|320\|352\|640\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_jpeg_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cxjpeg_\(640\|352\|320\|176\|qtable\)\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char quant\[\]\[0x88\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initnc 'static unsigned char huffman\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initc '	static const struct ov_i2c_regvals norm_76[1247]0\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac7311_jpeg_header\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 init\(Hv7131\|Ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|Pas\(106\|202\)\|Tas51[13]0\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(hv7131\|ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|pas\(106\|202\)\|tas51[13]0\)_sensor_init\(_com\)\?\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(hv7131r\|mi0360\|mo4000\|ov76\(60\|48\)\)_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable4\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 \(spca500_visual\|Clicksmart510\)_defaults\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|kodak_ez200\|pocketdv\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca501c\?_\(\(3com\|arowana\|mysterious\)_\)\?\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca501.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca505b\?_\(init\|open\)_data\(_ccd\)\?\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca505.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca508\(cs110\|_sightcam2\?\|_vista\)\?_init_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca508.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca561_init_data\[\]\[2\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca561.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca504\(_pccam600\|A_clicksmart420\)_\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|spca504_default\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(effects\|gamma\)_table\[MAX_[A-Z]*\]\[[0-9]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t631.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 tas5130a_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initnc '	static const __u8 \(read_indexs\|n\(set\)\?[0-9]*\|missing\)\[[0-9x]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initc 'static const __u8 \(mi13[12]0\|po3130\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?initQ\?VGA_\(JPG\|data\)\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    initnc 'static const struct usb_action \(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105axx\|ov7630c\|pb0330[3x]x\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 t10_dif_crc_table\[256\] =' lib/crc-t10dif.c
+    initnc 'static crb_128M_2M_block_map_t crb_128M_2M_map\[64\] =' drivers/net/netxen/netxen_hw.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] =' drivers/usb/serial/safe_serial.c
+    accept '[ 	]*\( *0\)*\( *1\)*[\n][ 	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 *2 3 4 5 6 7' 'Documentation/bt8xxgpio.txt'
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_pbox\[16 \+ 2\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static u8 sample_\(german_\(all\|old\)\|american_\(dialtone\|ringing\|busy\)\|special[123]\|silence\)\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'struct pattern {[^}]*int tone;[^}]*} pattern\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \([au]\|_4\)law_to_\([ua]law\|4bit\)\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_codec.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$sepx$blobseq*$sepx;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:{}]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case /$input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | */patch-* | *.diff)
+    if $reverse_patch; then
+      s=- r=+
+    else
+      s=+ r=-
+    fi
+    sedpatch="
+      /^[$r]/d;
+      /^\\(@@\\|$s$s$s\\) / {
+	i\\
+;/*end patchlet */;\\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\\/*/;
+	s/\$/*\\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ $s]//;"
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 217 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (mver, say 2.6.25) as the
+# first argument, the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional
+# argument, and the patch release (sver, say .13) as an optional third
+# argument.  mver and sver are pasted together to form kver.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$mver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$mver
+# must match mver and extra.
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+mver=$1 extra=$2 sver=$3
+kver=$mver$sver libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$mver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$mver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$mver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$mver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$mver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep "^kver=[^ ]* extra=[0-9]*$" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" = "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 635 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# This script, suited for the kernel version named below, in kver,
+# attempts to remove only non-Free Software bits, without removing
+# Free Software that happens to be in the same file.
+# Drivers that currently require non-Free firmware are retained, but
+# firmware included in GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
+# if the deblob-check script, that knows how to do this, is present.
+# -lxoliva
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.25 extra=3
+if unifdef /dev/null; then :; else
+    echo unifdef is required >&2
+    exit 1
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  echo optional deblob-check missing, will remove entire files >&2
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	elif cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if $have_check; then
+	    if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	    fi
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# First, check that files that contain firmwares and their
+# corresponding sources are present.
+for f in \
+  drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h \
+    drivers/char/ \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped \
+    drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.S \
+  drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+    drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+  drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c700.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c7xx.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+  drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S \
+  drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S \
+  sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcbinhack.h \
+    sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.asp \
+; do
+  if test ! $f; then
+    echo $f is not present, something is amiss >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+# Identify the tarball.
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,&-libre$extra," Makefile
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_FORE.*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# gpu drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_cp.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2x_init_values.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2X drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TEHUTI - Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL - SB16 Advanced Signal Processor
+clean_blob sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Most of this file is not matched by deblob-check because of WAIT_IDLE.
+# Just remove it.
+clean_file sound/isa/wavefront/yss225.c
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_WAVEFRONT_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+exit 0

+ 2031 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2031 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-08-01
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch *.diff]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+#    --reverse-patch: Test the removed parts of a patch, rather than
+#		the added ones.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+  reverse_patch=:
+  shift;
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    accept "	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx};" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "	}\\(,\\? mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx}\\)*;" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx' arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] =' arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] =' arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol" drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] =' sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*" drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do' Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 ' Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe' 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/isdn/
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol" Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1' 'net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c|net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c|include/linux/scpt.h'
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.' drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>' drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START' drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # This looks suspicious, but it pretty much just sets stuff to zero.
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\(const static\|static const\) int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.27-rc* | */patch*2.6.26-git* | */git-linus.diff)
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec des3_ede_cbc_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept ':03000000020200F9[\n]:040023000205\(9B0037\|5F0073\)[\n]\(:050030000000000000CB[\n]\|:0400430002010000B6[\n]\)*'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]:\(0E06E0006400670065007400060334003700F4\|0606A000060334003700E0\)[\n]:00000001FF[\n]' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).HEX'
+    accept ':100000000C004000000000000000000000000000A4[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]\/\* DSP56001 bootstrap code \*\/' firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.bin.ihex
+    initnc 'static const u16 uda1380_reg\[UDA1380_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/uda1380.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_set[23]_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] =' drivers/hid/usbhid/usbkbd.c
+    initnc '		u8 buf, bufs\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    initnc '	static int sysdiv_to_div_x_2\[\] =' arch/powerpc/platforms/512x/clock.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_inits_\(176\|320\|352\|640\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_jpeg_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cxjpeg_\(640\|352\|320\|176\|qtable\)\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char quant\[\]\[0x88\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initnc 'static unsigned char huffman\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initc '	static const struct ov_i2c_regvals norm_76[1247]0\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac7311_jpeg_header\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 init\(Hv7131\|Ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|Pas\(106\|202\)\|Tas51[13]0\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(hv7131\|ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|pas\(106\|202\)\|tas51[13]0\)_sensor_init\(_com\)\?\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(hv7131r\|mi0360\|mo4000\|ov76\(60\|48\)\)_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable4\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 \(spca500_visual\|Clicksmart510\)_defaults\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|kodak_ez200\|pocketdv\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca501c\?_\(\(3com\|arowana\|mysterious\)_\)\?\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca501.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca505b\?_\(init\|open\)_data\(_ccd\)\?\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca505.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca508\(cs110\|_sightcam2\?\|_vista\)\?_init_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca508.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca561_init_data\[\]\[2\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca561.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca504\(_pccam600\|A_clicksmart420\)_\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|spca504_default\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(effects\|gamma\)_table\[MAX_[A-Z]*\]\[[0-9]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t631.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 tas5130a_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initnc '	static const __u8 \(read_indexs\|n\(set\)\?[0-9]*\|missing\)\[[0-9x]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initc 'static const __u8 \(mi13[12]0\|po3130\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?initQ\?VGA_\(JPG\|data\)\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    initnc 'static const struct usb_action \(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105axx\|ov7630c\|pb0330[3x]x\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 t10_dif_crc_table\[256\] =' lib/crc-t10dif.c
+    initnc 'static crb_128M_2M_block_map_t crb_128M_2M_map\[64\] =' drivers/net/netxen/netxen_hw.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] =' drivers/usb/serial/safe_serial.c
+    accept '[ 	]*\( *0\)*\( *1\)*[\n][ 	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 *2 3 4 5 6 7' 'Documentation/bt8xxgpio.txt'
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_pbox\[16 \+ 2\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static u8 sample_\(german_\(all\|old\)\|american_\(dialtone\|ringing\|busy\)\|special[123]\|silence\)\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'struct pattern {[^}]*int tone;[^}]*} pattern\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \([au]\|_4\)law_to_\([ua]law\|4bit\)\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_codec.c
+    ;;
+  */drm-modesetting-radeon.patch)
+    initnc 'static int atom_dst_to_src\[8\]\[4\] =' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/atom.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$sepx$blobseq*$sepx;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:{}]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case /$input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | */patch-* | *.diff)
+    if $reverse_patch; then
+      s=- r=+
+    else
+      s=+ r=-
+    fi
+    sedpatch="
+      /^[$r]/d;
+      /^\\(@@\\|$s$s$s\\) / {
+	i\\
+;/*end patchlet */;\\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\\/*/;
+	s/\$/*\\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ $s]//;"
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 217 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (mver, say 2.6.25) as the
+# first argument, the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional
+# argument, and the patch release (sver, say .13) as an optional third
+# argument.  mver and sver are pasted together to form kver.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$mver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$mver
+# must match mver and extra.
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+mver=$1 extra=$2 sver=$3
+kver=$mver$sver libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$mver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$mver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$mver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$mver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$mver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep "^kver=[^ ]* extra=[0-9]*$" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" = "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 640 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# This version, suited for 2.6.26, avoids removing Free Software for
+# the sake of removing non-Free Software.  Drivers that currently
+# require non-Free firmware are retained, but firmware included in
+# GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ if the deblob-check
+# script, that knows how to do this, is present.  -lxoliva
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.26 extra=
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,EXTRAVERSION = -libre$extra," Makefile
+# drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig needs as last line:
+# endif # TR
+# drivers/media/Kconfig needs before endmenu
+# endif # DAB
+if [ ! -f `which unifdef` ] ; then echo "requires unifdef" ; exit ; fi
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  echo "optional deblob-check missing, will remove entire files"
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	elif cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if $have_check; then
+	    if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	    fi
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+# it appears by placing these files under the GPL this company
+# now has to release the source
+# There's no code in this file. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_firmware_copyright
+# There's only GPLed code in this one. --lxoliva
+# clean_file drivers/atm/fore200e_mkfirm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_\(FORE\).*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2x_init_values.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2X drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TEHUTI - Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+# clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Not Removed #
+# This is not removed in debian nor gnewsense nor do I think
+# it should be removed. It's on debian's list to check out
+# I think it points at firmware, but doesn't contain any
+# (e.g. if you add the file yss225_registers.bin it will use it)
+# clean_blob sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+# VIDEO_STRADIS - Stradis 4:2:2 MPEG-2 video driver
+# This just sets a few values and a bunch of zeros. It doesn't look like
+# it was done by anything that would have upstream source code. This should 
+# probably be kept. It's removed in gnewsense, but not even mentioned
+# by debian as potential candidate. It is used by stratis.c
+# clean_blob drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+# gnewsense removes drivers/serial/jsm/jsm_neo.c but vanilla version looks ok
+# Not in kernel 2.6.23
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2100_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2200_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2300_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2322_fw.c
+# drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/ql2400_fw.c
+# drivers/usb/net/kawethfw.h
+# sound/isa/sb/sb16/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+# sound/oss/yss225.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped 53c7xx.scr
+# sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcemb80.h
+# Not in kernel 2.6.24
+# drivers/net/dgrs_firmware.c
+# blobs but free source available (source listed 2nd)
+# drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode			ixp2400_rx.uc
+# drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped			wanxlfw.S
+# drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c				atmel.c
+# drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped			53c700.scr
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped		aic79xx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c		aic7xxx.seq
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h			sym_fw1.h
+# drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h			sym_fw2.h
+# drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h			keyspan_pda.S
+# drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h			xircom_pgs.S

+ 1983 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1983 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-07-14
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch *.diff]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    accept "	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx};" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "	}\\(,\\? mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx}\\)*;" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    # arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx'
+    # arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] ='
+    # arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] ='
+    # drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol"
+    # sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] ='
+    # drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S and
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:'
+    # drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*"
+    # drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+'
+    # Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do'
+    # Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 '
+    # Documentation/scsi/sym53c8xx_2.txt and
+    # Documentation/scsi/ncr53c8xx_2.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/isdn/
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c and
+    # net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c and
+    # include/linux/sctp.h
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1'
+    # arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'
+    # drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.'
+    # drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>'
+    # drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START'
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\(const static\|static const\) int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_capture\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_init\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ima_adpcm_playback\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char mulaw_main\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$sepx$blobseq*$sepx;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:{}]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | patch-* | *.diff)
+    sedpatch='
+      /^[-]/d;
+      /^\(@@\|+++\) / {
+	i\
+;/*end patchlet */;\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\/*/;
+	s/$/*\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ +]//;'
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 214 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (kver) as the first argument,
+# and the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional argument.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$kver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$kver
+# must match the command-line arguments.  
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.  
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+kver=$1 extra=$2 libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$kver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$kver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$kver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$kver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep \"^$x1$\" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" != "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 635 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# This script, suited for the kernel version named below, in kver,
+# attempts to remove only non-Free Software bits, without removing
+# Free Software that happens to be in the same file.
+# Drivers that currently require non-Free firmware are retained, but
+# firmware included in GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
+# if the deblob-check script, that knows how to do this, is present.
+# -lxoliva
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.26 extra=1
+if unifdef /dev/null; then :; else
+    echo unifdef is required >&2
+    exit 1
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  echo optional deblob-check missing, will remove entire files >&2
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	elif cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if $have_check; then
+	    if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	    fi
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# First, check that files that contain firmwares and their
+# corresponding sources are present.
+for f in \
+  drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h \
+    drivers/char/ \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped \
+    drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.S \
+  drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+    drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+  drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c700.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c7xx.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+  drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S \
+  drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S \
+  sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcbinhack.h \
+    sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.asp \
+; do
+  if test ! $f; then
+    echo $f is not present, something is amiss >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+# Identify the tarball.
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,&-libre$extra," Makefile
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_FORE.*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# gpu drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2x_init_values.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2X drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TEHUTI - Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL - SB16 Advanced Signal Processor
+clean_blob sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Most of this file is not matched by deblob-check because of WAIT_IDLE.
+# Just remove it.
+clean_file sound/isa/wavefront/yss225.c
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_WAVEFRONT_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+exit 0

+ 1992 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1992 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-07-16
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch *.diff]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    accept "	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx};" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "	}\\(,\\? mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx}\\)*;" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    # arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol"
+    # arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx'
+    # arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] ='
+    # arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] ='
+    # drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol"
+    # sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] ='
+    # drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S and
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:'
+    # drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*"
+    # drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+'
+    # Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do'
+    # Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 '
+    # Documentation/scsi/sym53c8xx_2.txt and
+    # Documentation/scsi/ncr53c8xx_2.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/isdn/
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c and
+    # net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c and
+    # include/linux/sctp.h
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1'
+    # arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'
+    # drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.'
+    # drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>'
+    # drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START'
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # This looks suspicious, but it pretty much just sets stuff to zero.
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\(const static\|static const\) int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.27-rc* | */patch*2.6.26-git*)
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec des3_ede_cbc_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept ':03000000020200F9[\n]:040023000205\(9B0037\|5F0073\)[\n]\(:050030000000000000CB[\n]\|:0400430002010000B6[\n]\)*'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]:\(0E06E0006400670065007400060334003700F4\|0606A000060334003700E0\)[\n]:00000001FF[\n]' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).HEX'
+    initnc 'static const u16 uda1380_reg\[UDA1380_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/uda1380.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$sepx$blobseq*$sepx;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:{}]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | */patch-* | *.diff)
+    sedpatch='
+      /^[-]/d;
+      /^\(@@\|+++\) / {
+	i\
+;/*end patchlet */;\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\/*/;
+	s/$/*\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ +]//;'
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 214 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (kver) as the first argument,
+# and the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional argument.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$kver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$kver
+# must match the command-line arguments.  
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.  
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+kver=$1 extra=$2 libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$kver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$kver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$kver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$kver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep \"^$x1$\" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" != "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 637 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# This script, suited for the kernel version named below, in kver,
+# attempts to remove only non-Free Software bits, without removing
+# Free Software that happens to be in the same file.
+# Drivers that currently require non-Free firmware are retained, but
+# firmware included in GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
+# if the deblob-check script, that knows how to do this, is present.
+# -lxoliva
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.26 extra=2
+case $1 in
+--force) die () { echo ERROR: "$@": ignored >&2; }; shift;;
+*) die () { echo "$@" >&2; exit 1; };;
+if unifdef -Utest /dev/null; then :; else
+    die unifdef is required
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  echo optional deblob-check missing, will remove entire files >&2
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		die $1 does not exist, something is wrong
+	fi
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		die $1 does not exist, something is wrong
+	elif cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		die $1 did not change, something is wrong
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if $have_check; then
+	    if test ! -f $1; then
+		die $1 does not exist, something is wrong
+	    fi
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef -U$2 $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# First, check that files that contain firmwares and their
+# corresponding sources are present.
+for f in \
+  drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h \
+    drivers/char/ \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped \
+    drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.S \
+  drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+    drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+  drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c700.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c7xx.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+  drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S \
+  drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S \
+  sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcbinhack.h \
+    sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.asp \
+; do
+  if test ! $f; then
+    die $f is not present, something is amiss
+  fi
+# Identify the tarball.
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,&-libre$extra," Makefile
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_FORE.*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# gpu drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2x_init_values.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2X drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TEHUTI - Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL'
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL'
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL'
+# SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL - SB16 Advanced Signal Processor
+clean_blob sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig 'SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL'
+# Most of this file is not matched by deblob-check because of WAIT_IDLE.
+# Just remove it.
+clean_file sound/isa/wavefront/yss225.c
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig 'SND_WAVEFRONT_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL'
+exit 0

+ 2057 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2057 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-09-07
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch *.diff]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+#    --reverse-patch: Test the removed parts of a patch, rather than
+#		the added ones.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+  reverse_patch=:
+  shift;
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Same as initnc, but require the terminating semicolon.
+  defsnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    defsnc '	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] =' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "	}\\(,\\? mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx}\\)*;" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*" arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00' arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx' arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] =' arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] =' arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol" drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] =' sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*" drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do' Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 ' Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe' 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/isdn/
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol" Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1' 'net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c|net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c|include/linux/scpt.h'
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.' drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>' drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START' drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # in 2.6.22
+    initnc 'static const UQItype __clz_tab\[\] =' arch/arm26/lib/udivdi3.c
+    initnc '	static unsigned char scale\[101\] =' sound/oss/opl3sa2.c
+    initnc '} syncs\[\] =' drivers/scsi/53c7xx.c
+    initnc 'genoa_md:'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]	\.ascii	"Genoa"' arch/i386/boot/video.S
+    # in 2.6.21
+    initnc 'Vendor ID  Product ID[\n]-\+  -\+[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    defsnc 'static short [au]law2dma16\[\]' arch/ppc/8xx_io/cs4218_tdm.c
+    defsnc '	static const char minimal_ascii_table\[\]' drivers/ieee1394/csr1212.c
+    defsnc 'static u16 key_map \[256\] =' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_ir.c
+    defsnc 'static unsigned char gf64_inv\[64\] =' drivers/mtd/nand/cafe_ecc.c
+    defsnc 'static unsigned short err_pos_lut\[4096\] =' drivers/mtd/nand/cafe_ecc.c
+    defsnc 'static unsigned char testdata\[TESTDATA_LEN\] =' fs/jffs2/comprtest.c
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # This looks suspicious, but it pretty much just sets stuff to zero.
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static \(const \)\?u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {' media/video/sn9c102/sn9c102_core.c
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    defsnc '	\(const static\|static const\) int desc_idx_table\[\] =' 'arch/arm/include/asm/hardware/iop3xx-adma.h|include/asm-arm/hardware/iop3xx-adma.h'
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] =' sound/oss/pss.c
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_\([hdl]\|l[cd]\):'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/arm/inlcude/asm/hardware/entry-macro-iomd.S|include/asm-arm/hardware/entry-macro-iomd.S'
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    defsnc 'static char channel_map_madi_[sdq]s\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] =' sound/pci/rme9652/hdspm.c
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] \?=' drivers/video/atafb.c
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    defsnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] =' 'sound/ppc/beep.c|sound/oss/dmasound/dmasound_awacs.c|arch/ppc/8xx_io/cs4218_tdm.c'
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] =' arch/sh/boards/superh/microdev/led.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.27-rc* | */patch*2.6.26-git* | */git-linus.diff)
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec des3_ede_cbc_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept ':03000000020200F9[\n]:040023000205\(9B0037\|5F0073\)[\n]\(:050030000000000000CB[\n]\|:0400430002010000B6[\n]\)*'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]:\(0E06E0006400670065007400060334003700F4\|0606A000060334003700E0\)[\n]:00000001FF[\n]' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).HEX'
+    accept ':100000000C004000000000000000000000000000A4[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]\/\* DSP56001 bootstrap code \*\/' firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.bin.ihex
+    initnc 'static const u16 uda1380_reg\[UDA1380_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/uda1380.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_set[23]_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] =' drivers/hid/usbhid/usbkbd.c
+    initnc '		u8 buf, bufs\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    initnc '	static int sysdiv_to_div_x_2\[\] =' arch/powerpc/platforms/512x/clock.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_inits_\(176\|320\|352\|640\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_jpeg_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cxjpeg_\(640\|352\|320\|176\|qtable\)\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char quant\[\]\[0x88\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initnc 'static unsigned char huffman\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initc '	\?static const struct ov_i2c_regvals norm_76[1247]0\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac7311_jpeg_header\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(start\|page[34]\)_73\(02\|11\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 init\(Hv7131\|Ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|Pas\(106\|202\)\|Tas51[13]0\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(hv7131\|ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|pas\(106\|202\)\|tas51[13]0\)_sensor_init\(_com\)\?\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc 'static \(const \)\?__u8 \(hv7131r\|mi0360\|mo4000\|ov76\([36]0\|48\)\|om6802\)_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable4\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 \(spca500_visual\|Clicksmart510\)_defaults\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|kodak_ez200\|pocketdv\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca501c\?_\(\(3com\|arowana\|mysterious\)_\)\?\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca501.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca505b\?_\(init\|open\)_data\(_ccd\)\?\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca505.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca508\(cs110\|_sightcam2\?\|_vista\)\?_init_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca508.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca561_init_data\[\]\[2\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca561.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca504\(_pccam600\|A_clicksmart420\)_\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|spca504_default\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(effects\|gamma\)_table\[MAX_[A-Z]*\]\[[0-9]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t631.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 tas5130a_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initnc '	static const __u8 \(read_indexs\|n\(set\)\?[0-9]*\|missing\)\[[0-9x]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initc 'static const __u8 \(mi13[12]0\|po3130\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?initQ\?VGA_\(JPG\|data\)\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    initnc 'static const struct usb_action \(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105axx\|ov7630c\|pb0330[3x]x\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 t10_dif_crc_table\[256\] =' lib/crc-t10dif.c
+    initnc 'static crb_128M_2M_block_map_t crb_128M_2M_map\[64\] =' drivers/net/netxen/netxen_hw.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] =' drivers/usb/serial/safe_serial.c
+    accept '[ 	]*\( *0\)*\( *1\)*[\n][ 	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 *2 3 4 5 6 7' 'Documentation/bt8xxgpio.txt'
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_pbox\[16 \+ 2\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static u8 sample_\(german_\(all\|old\)\|american_\(dialtone\|ringing\|busy\)\|special[123]\|silence\)\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'struct pattern {[^}]*int tone;[^}]*} pattern\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \([au]\|_4\)law_to_\([ua]law\|4bit\)\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_codec.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] =' arch/sh/boards/mach-microdev/led.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/genksyms/parse.c_shipped
+    accept 'irq_prio_\([hdl]\|l[cd]\):'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/arm/inlcude/asm/hardware/entry-macro-iomd.S
+    defsnc '	static const int desc_idx_table\[\] =' arch/arm/include/asm/hardware/iop3xx-adma.h
+    defsnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const __u8 \(hv7131r\|mi0360\|mo4000\|ov76\(60\|48\)\)_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] = {[*][/];' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'static const struct ath_hal ar5416hal =' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/hw.c
+    defsnc 'static \(const \)\?u32 ar\(5416\|9280\)\(Modes\(_fast_clock\)\?\|Common\|BB_RfGain\|Bank6\(TPC\)\?\|Addac\)\(_91[06]0\(1_1\)\?\|_9280\(_2\)\?\)\?\[\]\[[236]\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/initvals.h
+    ;;
+  */drm-modesetting-radeon.patch)
+    initnc 'static int atom_dst_to_src\[8\]\[4\] =' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/atom.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$sepx$blobseq*$sepx;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */*drm*.patch)
+    # linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch, nouveau-drm*.patch,
+    # drm-fedora9-rollup.patch
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] =' drivers/char/drm/intel_tv.c
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] =' drivers/char/drm/nv04_graph.c
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] =' drivers/char/drm/nv10_graph.c
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] =' 'drivers/char/drm/nv40_graph.c|.*'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:{}]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case /$input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | */patch-* | *.diff)
+    if $reverse_patch; then
+      s=- r=+
+    else
+      s=+ r=-
+    fi
+    sedpatch="
+      /^[$r]/d;
+      /^\\(@@\\|$s$s$s\\) / {
+	i\\
+;/*end patchlet */;\\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\\/*/;
+	s/\$/*\\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ $s]//;"
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 236 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (mver, say 2.6.25) as the
+# first argument, the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional
+# argument, and the patch release (sver, say .13) as an optional third
+# argument.  mver and sver are pasted together to form kver.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$mver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$mver
+# must match mver and extra.
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+# If deblob-$mver finds any unexpected situation, it will error out,
+# and then deblob-main will quit.  Pass --force to deblob-main, before
+# any other argument, for deblob-main to ignore any such situations.
+case $1 in
+--force) force=--force; shift;;
+*) force=;;
+mver=$1 extra=$2 sver=$3
+kver=$mver$sver libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$mver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$mver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$mver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$mver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$mver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep "^kver=[^ ]* extra=" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" = "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+if (cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob $force); then
+  :
+  echo $deblob failed, aborting >&2
+  exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blob.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || : # xdelta returns nonzero on success
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2; then
+  gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+  mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 635 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# This script, suited for the kernel version named below, in kver,
+# attempts to remove only non-Free Software bits, without removing
+# Free Software that happens to be in the same file.
+# Drivers that currently require non-Free firmware are retained, but
+# firmware included in GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
+# if the deblob-check script, that knows how to do this, is present.
+# -lxoliva
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.26 extra=1
+if unifdef /dev/null; then :; else
+    echo unifdef is required >&2
+    exit 1
+check=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  echo optional deblob-check missing, will remove entire files >&2
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+function clean_file {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -v $1
+function check_changed {
+	if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	elif cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+		echo $1 did not change, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	mv $1.deblob $1
+function clean_blob {
+	#$1 = filename
+	if $have_check; then
+	    if test ! -f $1; then
+		echo $1 does not exist, something is wrong >&2
+		exit 1
+	    fi
+	    name=$1
+	    echo Removing blobs from $name
+	    set fnord "$@" -d
+	    shift 2
+	    $check "$@" $name > $name.deblob
+	    check_changed $name
+	else
+	    clean_file $1
+	fi
+function clean_kconfig {
+        #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+        echo Marking config $2 as depending on NONFREE in $1
+	sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+function clean_mk {
+	#$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+	# We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+	# sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+	# check_changed $2
+	if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	else
+	    echo $2 does not contain matches for $1
+	    exit 1
+	fi
+function clean_ifdef {
+	#$1 = filename $2 = macro to -U
+	echo unifdefing $1 with -U$2
+	unifdef $1 -U$2 > $1.deblob
+	check_changed $1
+# First, check that files that contain firmwares and their
+# corresponding sources are present.
+for f in \
+  drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h \
+    drivers/char/ \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped \
+    drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.S \
+  drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+    drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+  drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c700.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c7xx.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+  drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.S \
+  drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h \
+    drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs.S \
+  sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcbinhack.h \
+    sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.asp \
+; do
+  if test ! $f; then
+    echo $f is not present, something is amiss >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+# Identify the tarball.
+sed -i "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,&-libre$extra," Makefile
+# Removed ATM Drivers #
+# ATM_AMBASSADOR -  Madge Ambassador (Collage PCI 155 Server)
+clean_blob drivers/atm/
+# ATM_FORE200E_SBA - SBA-200E
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_FORE.*'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_file drivers/atm/
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+# Removed char Drivers #
+# COMPUTONE - Computone IntelliPort Plus serial
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/fip_firm.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+# DSP56001 Device Driver
+clean_blob drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+clean_kconfig arch/m68k/Kconfig 'ATARI_DSP56K'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATARI_DSP56K drivers/char/Makefile
+# gpu drm
+# DRM_MGA - Matrox g200/g400
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/mga_ucode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_R128 - ATI Rage 128
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# DRM_RADEON - ATI Radeon
+clean_blob drivers/char/drm/radeon_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/char/drm/Makefile
+# Removed Media Drivers #
+# dvb/dvb-usb
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+# DVB_TDA10021 - Philips TDA10021 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10021'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_TDA8083 - Philips TDA8083 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA8083'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1820 - VLSI VES1820 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1820'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1820 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# DVB_VES1X93 - VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_VES1X93'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb/ttpci
+# DVB_AV7110 - AV7110 cards
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_AV - Budget cards with analog video inputs
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_AV'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_PATCH'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_AV drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_PATCH drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# DVB_BUDGET_CI - Budget cards with onboard CI connector
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_BUDGET_CI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BUDGET_CI drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+# dvb/ttusb-budget
+# DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-dspbootcode.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+# video
+# USB_PWC - USB Philips Cameras
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pwc/Kconfig 'USB_PWC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_PWC drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# VIDEO_CPIA - CPiA Video For Linux
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2patch.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_PP'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA_USB'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_PP drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA_USB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabfirmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+# video/usbvideo
+# USB_IBMCAM - USB IBM (Xirlink) C-it Camera support
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_IBMCAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IBMCAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# USB_VICAM - USB 3com HomeConnect (aka vicam)
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# Removed net Drivers #
+# ACENIC - Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+# ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support
+# This adds restrictions on top of GPLv2, but after deblobbing,
+# nothing copyrightable remains.
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+# BNX2 - Broadcom NetXtremeII
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2x_init_values.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2X drivers/net/Makefile
+# CASSINI - Sun Cassini
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+# E100 - Intel(R) PRO/100+
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/e100.c
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+# MYRI_SBUS - MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+# TEHUTI - Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI drivers/net/Makefile
+# TIGON3 - Broadcom Tigon3
+patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 <<\EOF # patches/linux-2.6-tg3-clean.patch
+--- drivers/net/tg3.c
++++ drivers/net/tg3.c
+@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
+  * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Jeff Garzik (
+  * Copyright (C) 2004 Sun Microsystems Inc.
+  * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- * Firmware is:
+- *	Derived from proprietary unpublished source code,
+- *	Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
+- *
+- *	Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this firmware
+- *	data in hexadecimal or equivalent format, provided this copyright
+- *	notice is accompanying it.
+  */
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c -s 9
+if $have_check; then
+  sed -i 's:\(\/\*(DEBLOBBED)\*\/\),:\1:' drivers/net/tg3.c 
+  clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+  clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+# TYPHOON - 3cr990 series Typhoon
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+# COPS - COPS LocalTalk PC
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+# YAM - YAM driver for AX.25
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+# 3C359 - 3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# SMCTR - SMC ISA/MCA adapter
+# No need to remove these, they don't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+# clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.h
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/smctr_firmware.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+# USB_KAWETH - USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kawethfw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# Removed s390 Drivers #
+# QETH - Gigabit Ethernet device support
+clean_blob drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/s390/net/Kconfig 'QETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_QETH drivers/s390/net/Makefile
+# Removed SCSI Drivers #
+# SCSI_QLOGICPTI - PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+# Removed USB Drivers #
+# misc
+# USB_EMI26 - EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+# This file is not under the GPL, better remove it all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi26_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_EMI62 - EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface
+# No need to remove this, it doesn't contain non-Free code.
+# clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+# This file are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_m.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/misc/emi62_fw_s.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# USB_SISUSBVGA - USB 2.0 SVGA dongle support (Net2280/SiS315)
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/sisusb_init.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Kconfig 'USB_SISUSBVGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA drivers/usb/misc/sisusbvga/Makefile
+# serial
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_mpr_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X - USB Keyspan USA-18X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa18x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19 - USB Keyspan USA-19 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qi_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19qw_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W - USB Keyspan USA-19W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa19w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28 - USB Keyspan USA-28 Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xa_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28xb_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X - USB Keyspan USA-28X Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa28x_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+# USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W - USB Keyspan USA-49W Firmware
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49w_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_usa49wlc_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down2.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_boot2.h
+clean_file drivers/usb/serial/io_fw_down3.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_TI - USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_3410.h
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_fw_5052.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Removed video Drivers #
+# FB_ASILIANT - Asiliant (Chips) 69000 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/asiliantfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_ASILIANT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT drivers/video/Makefile
+# FB_CT65550 - Chips 65550 display support
+clean_blob drivers/video/chipsfb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/video/Kconfig 'FB_CT65550'
+clean_mk CONFIG_FB_CT65550 drivers/video/Makefile
+# Removed Sound Drivers #
+# SND_CS46XX - Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# Blobs containing comments, not recognized by deblob-check
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+# sed -i '/cs46xx\/ \\/d' sound/pci/Makefile
+# SND_KORG1212 - Korg 1212 IO
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c CONFIG_SND_KORG1212_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212-firmware.h
+# SND_MAESTRO3 - ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/maestro3.c CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_YMFPCI - Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_image.h
+clean_ifdef sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL - SB16 Advanced Signal Processor
+clean_blob sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp_codecs.h
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_SB16_CSP_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+# Most of this file is not matched by deblob-check because of WAIT_IDLE.
+# Just remove it.
+clean_file sound/isa/wavefront/yss225.c
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig SND_WAVEFRONT_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL
+exit 0

+ 2031 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2031 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2008-08-01
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-vv] [-s S] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        [*.tar* patch-* *.patch *.diff]
+# Look for too-long undocumented sequences of numbers (generally blobs
+# in disguise) in source files.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#		Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+#    --reverse-patch: Test the removed parts of a patch, rather than
+#		the added ones.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, but that
+#		are known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+  reverse_patch=:
+  shift;
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  sed '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  sed -n '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  sed -n '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_both;" "p;" "b list_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_matches;" "" "b print_marked_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_matches;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b list_blobs;" "p;" "p;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p; d; # sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_blobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_marked_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_cblobs;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;" "" "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "b print_both;" "" "b print_matches;"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  -- | -l | --list-blobs) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sedmain "
+q 1;"
+  }
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--) shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we recognize them as blobs
+  # with full context.
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+  "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4 -c` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed positive test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 -s 4` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed negative test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success
+  fi
+  $pass
+  exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*;\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1\\([^*]\\|[*][*]*[^*/]\\|[*]*[\\n]\\)*[*]*[*][/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\n]*\\\\[\\n]\\)*[^\\n\\\\]*$eol" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not implemented yet.
+  blob () {
+    :
+  }
+  case /$1 in
+  /drivers/net/tg3.c)
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    accept "	static const u32 test_pat\[4\]\[6\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx};" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "	}\\(,\\? mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\] = {$sepx$blobpat*$sepx}\\)*;" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    ;;
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static u8 firmware\[\]={[\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n]};'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record xircom_pgs_firmware\[\] ='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static const struct ezusb_hex_record keyspan_pda_firmware\[\] ='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '	\.long	0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_save_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned int spu_restore_code\[\]  __attribute__((__aligned__(128))) ='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '	\.initial_reg_values	= (struct ixp2000_reg_value \[\]) {'
+    initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    # checked:
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    # arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n]	\.byte	0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n]  \.long  0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*"
+    # arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00'
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n]	\.byte 0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n]         \.byte  8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*$eol" arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '	memcpy(src, "\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00".*PROGxxxx' arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\] =' arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __flsm1_tab\[256\] =' arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    accept '#define _MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE	\\[\n]	\(0,\)\+'"$eol" drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment.h
+    initc '	static int      init_values_b\[\] =' sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept '   [/][*] \(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\) [*][/][\n]   {[\n]      {'"$blobpat*" drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'for i in [ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do' Documentation/specialix.txt
+    accept '         :   3600000   3400000   3200000   3000000   2800000 ' Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '00 00[\n]64 01[\n]8e 0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe fe' 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0[\n]'"$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept 'default nvram data:'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0x0458     0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x102c     0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x041e     0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '  (gdb) x\/100x \$25[\n]  0x507d2434:     0x507d2434      0x00000000      0x08048000      0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '      1  0  0  0  0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/isdn/
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol" Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept '[ *	]*0                   1                   2                   3[\n][ *	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1' 'net/ipv4/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c|net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c|include/linux/scpt.h'
+    accept ' \*  1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    ocomment '	[/][*] Configure the PCI bus bursts and FIFO thresholds.' drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '[/][*] the original LUT values from Alex van Kaam <darkside@chello\.nl>' drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    initc 'static const unsigned char init\[\] = {[^;]*MODE=0 ;.*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START' drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    # in 2.6.23 only
+    accept " Psize    Ipps       Tput     Rxint     Txint    Done     Ndone[\\n] ---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+$eol"
+    initnc 'static u_short ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned char invert5\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char alpa2target\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char target2alpa\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define INIT_THREAD [{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static uint tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static short dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short DACVolTable\[101\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values = ([\\n]	\\([0-9]\\+ => \\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|'0x[0-9a-f]\\+'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(, \\|[\\n]\\)\\)*);"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # This looks suspicious, but it pretty much just sets stuff to zero.
+    initnc 'static __u8 mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static uint32_t onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    initc 'static uint32_t cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE\/sizeof(uint32_t)\] __read_mostly ='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static const u8 SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\] = {'
+    initnc '	static const u8 jpeg_header\[589\] = {'
+    accept '[	]\{1,2\}err = sn9c102_write_const_regs(cam\(,[ 	\n]\+{0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F], 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]}\)*);'
+    # too lax?
+    initnc 'static yyconst \(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short \)\?int\)\) yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const \(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned \)\?\(short\( int\)\?\|char\)\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(\|	\)static \(const \|\)\(unsigned \(short\|char\)\|struct SiS_[^ ]*\) SiS[^[]*\(\[[] [*0-9]*\]\)\+ *='
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirOnes = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirSatTest = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_Hrtf_t A3dHrirDImpulse = {'
+    initnc 'static const a3d_ItdDline_t A3dItdDlineZeros = {'
+    initnc 'static auxxEqCoeffSet_t asEqCoefsNormal = {'
+    initnc 'static xtalk_dline_t const alXtalkDlineTest = {'
+    initnc 'static struct nand_ecclayout rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo = {'
+    initnc 'static const s16 tempLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 viaLUT\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { int xres, yres, left, right, upper, lower, hslen, vslen, vfreq; } timmings\[\] __initdata = {'
+    initnc 'static struct platinum_regvals platinum_reg_init_[0-9]* = {'
+    initnc '} sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* = {'
+    initnc 'static u32 LABELPATCHES\[\] __attribute((unused)) ='
+    initnc 'static dbdev_tab_t dbdev_tab\[\] ='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static char fm_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'unsigned int snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE {'
+    initnc '		static unsigned char const data_bit\[64\] ='
+    initnc '		static const u8 data_sbit\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\.RightCoefs ='
+    initnc '	#define WakeupSeq    {'
+    initnc '	SetRate44100\[\] ='
+    initnc '	const short period\[32\] ='
+    initnc '	\(const static\|static const\) int desc_idx_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int prop_bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static char logSlopeTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc '	static const struct mc7_timing_params mc7_timings\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs170\[7 \* 8\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 cs3[13]a\[8 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 dramsr13\[12 \* 5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 log10\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 sdramtype\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned int avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\] ='
+    initnc '	static const unsigned short ac97_defaults\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\] ='
+    initnc '	static u16 tables\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u32 logMagTable\[128\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 init_bufs\[13\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	static u8 sine \[\] ='
+    initnc '	static u_short geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable1\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char CRCTable2\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char default_colors\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char iso_regs\[8\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char log_scale\[101\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char msg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char static_pad\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_alaw2ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static unsigned char table_ulaw2alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u32 reg_boundaries\[\] ='
+    initnc '	u8 b\[\] ='
+    initnc '	uint8_t tx\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char saa7111_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc '	unsigned char sas_pcd_m_pg\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} modedb\[5\] ='
+    initnc '	} reg_tbl\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] ='
+    initnc '	} vm_devices\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code distfix\[32\] ='
+    initnc '    static const code lenfix\[512\] ='
+    initnc '  int poly\[\]='
+    initnc '  static const unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  static unsigned char asso_values\[\] ='
+    initnc '  } cards_ds\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc '    static const unsigned short d\(base\|ext\)\[32\] ='
+    initnc '#define OV511_QUANTABLESIZE	64'
+    initnc 'BYTE BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'BYTE SRAMTable\[\]\[ 60 \] ='
+    accept 'irq_prio_[hdlc]*:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initc '__u8 _ascebc\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_tolower\[256\] ='
+    initc '__u8 _ebc_toupper\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'char dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\] ='
+    initnc 'const struct aper_size_info_16 agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'const u16 crc_itu_t_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 byte_rev_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const u8 crc7_syndrome_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'const unsigned char INIT_2\[127\] ='
+    initnc 'int snd_sf_vol_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static	u_char	irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static Byte_t RData\[RDATASIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static __const__ __u16 gx_coeff\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121ntsc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static __u8 init7121pal\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static byte capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\] ='
+    initnc 'static char channel_map_madi_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\] ='
+    initnc 'static char coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static char ecc_syndrome_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static char mix_cvt\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static char opl3_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const RegInitializer initData\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const __u32 crc_c\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const char zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\] ='
+    initnc 'static const fixp_t cos_table\[46\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int init_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const int mobile_vid_table\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s16 snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(\|legacy\)\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 budtab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_32 u3_sizes\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct aper_size_info_8 via_generic_sizes\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct color clut_vga16\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata mobilevrm_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct mV_pos __initdata vrm85_mV\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct menelaus_vtg_value vcore_values\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct opl4_region regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct regval regval_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 Sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 count_lut\[\] ='
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 stufftab\[5 \* 256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 tkip_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8753_reg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 SS[0-3]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 S[1-8]\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 T[0-5]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 Tm\[24\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bass_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp0222\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp1110\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp3033\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 camellia_sp4404\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 crc32c_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 db_table\[101\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 mds\[4\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 pc2\[1024\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 s[1-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 sb8\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u32 treble_table\[41\]\[5\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 [CT][0-7]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sbox[1-4]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static const u8 Tr\[4\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 aes_sbox\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 calc_sb_tbl\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 exp_to_poly\[492\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 parity\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 pc1\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 poly_to_exp\[255\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 q[01]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 ratio_lut\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rs\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 setup\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siubit\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char irq_to_siureg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u_char nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const uint8_t parity\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char \(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_mobilevrm\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char __initdata mV_vrm85\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char bitcounts\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char blue\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char chktab[hl]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char comet_miireg2offset\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char green\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hash_table_ops\[64\*4\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char hid_keyboard\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char mts_direction\[256\/8\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char red\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?unsigned char sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char vol_cvt_datt\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int MulIdx\[16\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned int crctab32\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short crc_flex_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short logtable\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short wd7000_iobase\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short x86_keycodes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static const unsigned table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int MV300_reg_8bit\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static int fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int initial_lfsr\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int log_tbl\[129\] ='
+    initnc 'static int logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_fmtuner\[\]  ='
+    initnc 'static int miro_tunermap\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int register_size\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\] ='
+    initnc 'static int reverse6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static short attack_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short beep_wform\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static short decay_time_tbl\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static short isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec anubis_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec camellia_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec cast6_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec serpent_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tf_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec tnepres_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xeta_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_dec_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec xtea_enc_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct comp_testvec deflate_decomp_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec aes_xcbc128_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec crc32c_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec hmac_sha256_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec sha512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp256_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp384_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec wp512_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct ovcamchip_regvals regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval_list ov7670_default_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct s_c2 SetRate48000\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct tea6420_multiplex TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS+1\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_16_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_24_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_100\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct wm_info i810_wm_8_133\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct { struct fb_bitfield red, green, blue, transp; int bits_per_pixel; } colors\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsPipes\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqCoefsZeros\[50\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 asEqOutStateZeros\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 default_key_map \[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static u16 eq_levels\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32  crc32tab\[\] __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) ='
+    initnc 'static u32 ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 adwDecim8\[33\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 h_prescale\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u32 v_gain\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 act_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5706_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2_5708_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 flit_desc_map\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 ini_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 init_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mac_reader\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static u8 opera1_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 rco_time_value\[\]\[8\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 saa7113_init_regs\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 tas3004_treble_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 w1_crc8_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_long ident_map\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm1\[56\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm2\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm3\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm4\[48\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm5\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar perm6\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint16_t crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static uint8_t lpfcAlpaArray\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static \(const \)\?uint8_t seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char a2232_65EC02code\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char banner_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bootlogo_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8260\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char bus2core_8280\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char caseorder\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char crystal_key\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char dsp_ulaw\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char expressiontab\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char header2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char hidp_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char irq_xlate\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char nkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char pan_volumes\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char parm_block\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rfcomm_crc_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char rwa_unlock\[\] __initdata ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char seqprog\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char splash_bits\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char sunkbd_keycode\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ufs_fragtable_other\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char ulaw_dsp\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vga_font\[cmapsz\] \(BTDATA \|\)='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char voltab[12]\[128\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char vpd89_data\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned char xtkbd_keycode\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int ac3_bitrates\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int bitrates\[3\]\[16\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int master_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int mixer_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int pan_table\[63\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_bass_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int snapper_treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int treble_volume_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned int valid_mem\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short fcstab\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short init[1234]\[128\] \/\*__devinitdata\*\/ ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE\*2\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short rc_ioport\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short translations\[\]\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned short treble_parm\[12\]\[9\] ='
+    initnc 'struct RGBColors TextCLUT\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'struct VgaRegs GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS+1\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh  spitz_battery_levels_noac\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct battery_thresh spitz_battery_levels_acin\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct fb_bitfield rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\] ='
+    initnc 'struct mode_registers std_modes\[\] ='
+    initnc 'struct vmode_attr vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc16_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 const crc_ccitt_table\[256\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_compose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u16 hfsplus_decompose_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short plain_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\] ='
+    initnc 'u_short shift_map\[NR_KEYS\] *='
+    initnc 'uint patch_2[0f]00\[\] ='
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '} euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\] ='
+    initnc '} freq\[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_h_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} hps_v_coeff_tab \[\] ='
+    initnc '} init_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} maven_gamma\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mem_table\[\] ='
+    initnc '} mxb_saa7740_init\[\] ='
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '} qam256_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} qam64_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} sil_port\[\] ='
+    initnc '} vsb_snr_tab\[\] ='
+    initnc '} yss225_registers\[\] __devinitdata ='
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.27-rc* | */patch*2.6.26-git* | */git-linus.diff)
+    accept '	\.section __ex_table,"a"'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec des3_ede_cbc_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n]	\.byte 0x09, 0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\(;\?	\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept ':03000000020200F9[\n]:040023000205\(9B0037\|5F0073\)[\n]\(:050030000000000000CB[\n]\|:0400430002010000B6[\n]\)*'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]:\(0E06E0006400670065007400060334003700F4\|0606A000060334003700E0\)[\n]:00000001FF[\n]' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).HEX'
+    accept ':100000000C004000000000000000000000000000A4[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]\/\* DSP56001 bootstrap code \*\/' firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.bin.ihex
+    initnc 'static const u16 uda1380_reg\[UDA1380_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/uda1380.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_set[23]_keycode\[512\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned short atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\] =' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode\[256\] =' drivers/hid/usbhid/usbkbd.c
+    initnc '		u8 buf, bufs\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    initnc 'static struct dvb_pll_desc [^\n]* =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    initnc '	static int sysdiv_to_div_x_2\[\] =' arch/powerpc/platforms/512x/clock.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_inits_\(176\|320\|352\|640\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cx_jpeg_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 cxjpeg_\(640\|352\|320\|176\|qtable\)\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char quant\[\]\[0x88\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initnc 'static unsigned char huffman\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initc '	static const struct ov_i2c_regvals norm_76[1247]0\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 pac7311_jpeg_header\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 init\(Hv7131\|Ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|Pas\(106\|202\)\|Tas51[13]0\)\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(hv7131\|ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|pas\(106\|202\)\|tas51[13]0\)_sensor_init\(_com\)\?\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(hv7131r\|mi0360\|mo4000\|ov76\(60\|48\)\)_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable4\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 \(spca500_visual\|Clicksmart510\)_defaults\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|kodak_ez200\|pocketdv\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca501c\?_\(\(3com\|arowana\|mysterious\)_\)\?\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca501.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca505b\?_\(init\|open\)_data\(_ccd\)\?\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca505.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca508\(cs110\|_sightcam2\?\|_vista\)\?_init_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca508.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca561_init_data\[\]\[2\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca561.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 spca504\(_pccam600\|A_clicksmart420\)_\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 qtable_\(creative_pccam\|spca504_default\)\[2\]\[64\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 \(effects\|gamma\)_table\[MAX_[A-Z]*\]\[[0-9]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t631.c
+    initnc 'static const __u8 tas5130a_sensor_init\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initnc '	static const __u8 \(read_indexs\|n\(set\)\?[0-9]*\|missing\)\[[0-9x]*\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initc 'static const __u8 \(mi13[12]0\|po3130\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?initQ\?VGA_\(JPG\|data\)\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    initnc 'static const struct usb_action \(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105axx\|ov7630c\|pb0330[3x]x\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\] =' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 t10_dif_crc_table\[256\] =' lib/crc-t10dif.c
+    initnc 'static crb_128M_2M_block_map_t crb_128M_2M_map\[64\] =' drivers/net/netxen/netxen_hw.c
+    initnc 'static const __u16 crc10_table\[256\] =' drivers/usb/serial/safe_serial.c
+    accept '[ 	]*\( *0\)*\( *1\)*[\n][ 	]*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 *2 3 4 5 6 7' 'Documentation/bt8xxgpio.txt'
+    initnc '	static int exp_lut\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_pbox\[16 \+ 2\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 bf_sbox\[256 \* 4\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static u8 sample_\(german_\(all\|old\)\|american_\(dialtone\|ringing\|busy\)\|special[123]\|silence\)\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'struct pattern {[^}]*int tone;[^}]*} pattern\[\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \([au]\|_4\)law_to_\([ua]law\|4bit\)\[256\] =' drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_codec.c
+    ;;
+  */drm-modesetting-radeon.patch)
+    initnc 'static int atom_dst_to_src\[8\]\[4\] =' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/atom.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static u64 vec2off\[68\] =' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "			interrupts = <\\(0x\\)\\?3 \\(0x\\)\\?0 \\(0x\\)\\?0  $blobpat*>;" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static const u32 crctab32\[\] =' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static const u64 sha512_K\[80\] =' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static struct hash_testvec \(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static struct cipher_testvec \(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\] =' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= [{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static const u8 speedtab \[3\]\[12\] =' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static u8 cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6 - XFER_UDMA_0 + 1\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 \(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\] =' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2131_config1\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] =' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16 e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\) e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] =' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11[ABG] ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 1000, 2, 139, 1 },	' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =[*][/];' scripts/kconfig/
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^\n []*\[\] =' scripts/kconfig/
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static struct mse2snr_tab \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} \(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '} itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '} \(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '} snr_tab\[\] =' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 biphase_tbl\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '	static const u8 mpeg_hdr_data\[\] =' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static u32 reg_init_initialize\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '	} vals\[\] =' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static const u32 \(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\] =' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob '^unsigned char \(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\) = '"$sepx$blobseq*$sepx;" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '} pll_table\[\] =' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "  { 0x00014284,  19688 },[\n]  { 0x00011104,  20400 },[\n]  { $blobpat* }," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static const u16 wm9713_reg\[\] =' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc ';[/][*]@@ -[0-9]*,[0-9]* +[0-9]*,[0-9]* @@ static uchar sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\] = {[*][/];'
+    accept '	\$3 = {{pge = {{ste = {\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\) =\|<repeats [0-9]\+ times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats 11 times>}'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static yyconst flex_int\(16\|32\)_t yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\] ='
+    initnc 'static const yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\) yy[^[]*\[\] ='
+    initnc '	int bcomm_irq\[3\*16\] ='
+    initnc '	static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static unsigned long shmedia_opcode_table\[64\] ='
+    initnc 'u_char const data_sizes_16\[32\] ='
+    initnc 'static u_char const data_sizes_32\[32\] ='
+    initnc '		\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*= {'
+    initnc 'static struct [^\n]*_testvec [^\n]*_tv_template\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct nic_qp_map nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 mt2266_init2\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval ov_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct regval stk1125_initvals\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static u8 bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct arb_line write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD + 1\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    initnc 'uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\) ' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    accept '     \( 49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*     \( 49,\)*'"$eol"
+    initnc 'static const unsigned char wm_vol\[256\] ='
+    accept 'domain<N> <cpumask> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36'"$eol"
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    accept '	24 => \[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    accept '		'"'"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*	\]\(, [0-9]\+ => \[\)\?'"$eol"
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */nouveau-drm*.patch)
+    initnc '\(static uint32_t\|}\) nv04_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    initnc 'static int nv10_graph_ctx_regs \[\] ='
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static uint32_t nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-lirc.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char map_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const unsigned char __clz_tab\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch)
+    initnc 'const u\(8\|16\|32\) b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const s8 \(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static struct iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct gain_entry gain_table\[2\]\[108\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq\[\] ='
+    initnc '	static const u8 t\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_agc\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u16 rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5111\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5112a\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_rf rfregs_5413\[\] ='
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11A '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11B '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_11G '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_TURBO '
+    oprepline '#define AR5K_RATES_XR '
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini ar5212_ini\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const struct ath5k_ini_mode rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '		} blinkrates\[\] ='
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_agc\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static const u8 rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\] =' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '   sudo modprobe ath5k debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\. etc \]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+       540 000c 0000 0000'
+    oprepline '	{ 1, MODULATION_XR, 3000, 1, 150, 3 },'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch)
+    initnc 'static const u32 filter_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    # drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static const u16 e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\] ='
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]\\+[xX\$]\\?\\|[ 	\\n]*[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	]\\+[\$]\\?\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with the exact specified
+# length, or longer.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns without being named.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)*{\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]*\\|$comment\\)*}\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\);\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	]\+\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*[ ]*:\\([^:{}]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+# intervening line breaks.
+# Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sedmain () {
+  falsepos=`sed 's,^\\\|,,;s,^,\\\\(,;s,$,\\\\),' < "$falsepos_name"`
+  if test -s "$falsepos_name"; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob;
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g;
+  b falsepos;
+  else
+    falsepos="$^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  sedmain="
+/^;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4;
+  d;
+/^;[/][*]begin /!{
+  : internal_error
+  i\\
+Internal error at
+  p;
+  q 2;
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H;
+  n;
+  b read_more;
+s/^\(;[/][*]begin [^\n]*[\n]\)*//;
+s/\\($bol;[/][*]\\(end [^\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//;
+/$blobseq/!b clean;
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobfseq/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p;
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches;
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+  p;
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches;
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs;
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs;
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs;
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  s/^$falsepos//;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//;
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs;
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol;
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both;
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//;
+  p;
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to match
+  s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+  s/$blobfseq/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g;
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches;
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobseq/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    h;
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)[^\\n]*$blobseq.*/\\1/;
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      P;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+      x;
+      b list_blobs_match_loop;
+    }
+    G;
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+  }
+  h;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/;
+  p;
+  g;
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+/^[^\\n]*$blobseq/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs;
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h;
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobseq\\).*//;
+  p;
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//;
+    x;
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop;
+  }
+  x;
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol;
+$v:narrowed to blob
+s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobfseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g;
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both;
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  falsepos_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-falsepos-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$falsepos_name"
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    if test -n "$1"; then
+      echo -n "\\|$1" >> $falsepos_name
+    fi
+  }
+  set_except "$input"
+  set_sed_cmd "$input"
+  rm -f "$falsepos_name"
+  tempfiles=
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.gz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case /$input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo \";/**/;\"; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | */patch-* | *.diff)
+    if $reverse_patch; then
+      s=- r=+
+    else
+      s=+ r=-
+    fi
+    sedpatch="
+      /^[$r]/d;
+      /^\\(@@\\|$s$s$s\\) / {
+	i\\
+;/*end patchlet */;\\
+;/*begin patchlet */;
+	s/^/;\\/*/;
+	s/\$/*\\/;/;
+      };
+      s/^[ $s]//;"
+    cmd='sed "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  if test "$rm" != "rm -f" || test ! `echo "$sedmain" | wc -c` -lt 1024; then
+    scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-sedmain-XXXXXX`
+    tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+    echo "$sedmain" > $scriptname
+    cmd="sed -n -f \"$scriptname\""
+  else
+    cmd='sed -n "$sedmain"'
+  fi
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  test $# != 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 217 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# - prepare a linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre Linux
+# tarball.  It expects the Linux release (mver, say 2.6.25) as the
+# first argument, the libre sub-release (extra) as the second optional
+# argument, and the patch release (sver, say .13) as an optional third
+# argument.  mver and sver are pasted together to form kver.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$mver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$mver
+# must match mver and extra.
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar.bz2, and
+# an uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-$kver-libre$extra.tar out
+# of linux-$kver.tar is created as linux-$kver-libre$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-$kver-libre$extra.patch.  This patch file
+# contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so its
+# distribution is discouraged.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+mver=$1 extra=$2 sver=$3
+kver=$mver$sver libre=libre$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo $0 | sed 's,/[^/]*$,,'`
+if test ! -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar.bz2 does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$mver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$mver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$mver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$mver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$mver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep "^kver=[^ ]* extra=[0-9]*$" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" = "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.tar already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.patch already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver; then
+  echo linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d linux-$kver-$libre; then
+  echo linux-$kver-$libre already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -d orig-linux-$kver; then
+  echo orig-linux-$kver already exists >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap "status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2 linux-$kver-$libre.patch linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.tar.bz2 into linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver linux-$kver.tar
+bunzip2 < linux-$kver.tar.bz2 > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracing linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-$kver-$libre
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Deblobbing within linux-$kver-$libre
+(cd linux-$kver-$libre && /bin/sh ../$deblob) || exit 1
+rm -f linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blog.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-$kver-$libre
+echo Generating linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre > linux-$kver-$libre.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-$kver-$libre |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and \\1-$libre/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver-$libre linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta || :
+echo Compressing linux-$kver-$libre.tar and linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+bzip2 -9 linux-$kver-$libre.tar linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta
+trap "status=$?; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.tar.bz2.sign
+gpg -a --detach-sign linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2
+mv linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.asc linux-$kver-$libre.xdelta.bz2.sign
+echo All set, please review linux-$kver-$libre.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 1829 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1829 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2009 Rubén Rodríguez <>
+#    This program is part of GNU Linux-libre, a GNU project that
+#    publishes scripts to clean up Linux so as to make it suitable for
+#    use in the GNU Project and in Free System Distributions.
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# This script, suited for the kernel version named below, in kver,
+# attempts to remove only non-Free Software bits, without removing
+# Free Software that happens to be in the same file.
+# Drivers that currently require non-Free firmware are retained, but
+# firmware included in GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
+# if the deblob-check script, that knows how to do this, is present.
+# -lxoliva
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# gen-kernel
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.27 extra=
+case $1 in
+  echo "WARNING: Using the force, ignored errors will be" >&2
+  die () {
+    echo ERROR: "$@" >&2
+    errors=:
+  }
+  forced=: errors=false
+  shift
+  ;;
+  die () {
+    echo ERROR: "$@" >&2
+    echo Use --force to ignore
+    exit 1
+  }
+  forced=false errors=false
+  ;;
+check=`echo "$0" | sed 's,[^/]*$,,;s,^$,.,;s,/*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  if $forced; then
+    die deblob-check script missing, will remove entire files
+  else
+    die deblob-check script missing
+  fi
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+filetest () {
+  if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
+    die $1 does not exist, something is wrong && return 1
+  fi
+announce () {
+  echo
+  echo "$@"
+clean_file () {
+  #$1 = filename
+  filetest $1 || return
+  rm $1
+  echo $1: removed
+check_changed () {
+  #$1 = filename
+  if cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+    rm $1.deblob
+    die $1 did not change, something is wrong && return 1
+  fi
+  mv $1.deblob $1
+clean_blob () {
+  #$1 = filename
+  filetest $1 || return
+  if $have_check; then
+    name=$1
+    set fnord "$@" -d
+    shift 2
+    $check "$@" -i linux-$kver $name > $name.deblob
+    check_changed $name && echo $name: removed blobs
+  else
+    clean_file $1
+  fi
+dummy_blob () {
+  #$1 = filename
+  if test -f $1; then
+    die $1 exists, something is wrong && return
+  elif test ! -f firmware/Makefile; then
+    die firmware/Makefile does not exist, something is wrong && return
+  fi
+  clean_sed "s,`echo $1 | sed s,^firmware/,,`,\$(DEBLOBBED),g" \
+    firmware/Makefile "dropped $1"
+clean_fw () {
+  #$1 = firmware text input, $2 = firmware output
+  filetest $1 || return
+  if test -f $2; then
+    die $2 exists, something is wrong && return
+  fi
+  clean_blob $1 -s 4
+  dummy_blob $2
+drop_fw_file () {
+  #$1 = firmware text input, $2 = firmware output
+  filetest $1 || return
+  if test -f $2; then
+    die $2 exists, something is wrong && return
+  fi
+  clean_file $1
+  dummy_blob $2
+clean_kconfig () {
+  #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+  case $1 in
+  -f)
+    shift
+    ;;
+  *)
+    if $have_check; then
+      return
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  filetest $1 || return
+  sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+  check_changed $1 && echo $1: marked config $2 as depending on NONFREE
+clean_mk () {
+  #$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+  # We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+  # sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+  # echo $2: removed $1 support
+  # check_changed $2
+  filetest $2 || return
+  if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    die $2 does not contain matches for $1
+  fi
+clean_sed () {
+  #$1 = sed-script $2 = file $3 = comment
+  filetest $2 || return
+  sed -e "$1" "$2" > "$2".deblob || {
+    die $2: failed: ${3-applied sed script $1} && return 1; }
+  check_changed $2 && echo $2: ${3-applied sed script $1}
+reject_firmware () {
+  #$1 = file $2 = pre sed pattern
+  filetest $1 || return
+  clean_sed "$2"'
+' "$1" 'disabled non-Free firmware-loading machinery'
+maybe_reject_firmware () {
+  #$1 = file $2 = pre sed pattern
+  filetest $1 || return
+  clean_sed "$2"'
+' "$1" 'retain Free firmware-loading machinery, disabling non-Free one'
+undefine_macro () {
+  #$1 - macro name
+  #$2 - substitution
+  #$3 - message
+  #rest - file names
+  macro=$1 repl=$2 msg=$3; shift 3
+  for f in "$@"; do
+    clean_sed "
+s,^#define $macro .*\$,/*(DEBLOBBED)*/,;
+" "$f" "$msg"
+  done
+undefault_firmware () {
+  #$1 - pattern such that $1_DEFAULT_FIRMWARE is #defined to non-Free firmware
+  #$@ other than $1 - file names
+  macro="$1"_DEFAULT_FIRMWARE; shift
+  undefine_macro "$macro" "\"/*(DEBLOBBED)*/\"" \
+    "disabled non-Free firmware" "$@"
+# First, check that files that contain firmwares and their
+# corresponding sources are present.
+for f in \
+  drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h \
+    drivers/char/ \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped \
+    drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.S \
+  drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+    drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+  drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c700.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/53c7xx_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c7xx.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+  firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.bin.ihex \
+    firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.asm \
+  firmware/keyspan_pda/keyspan_pda.HEX \
+    firmware/keyspan_pda/keyspan_pda.S \
+  firmware/keyspan_pda/xircom_pgs.HEX \
+    firmware/keyspan_pda/xircom_pgs.S \
+  sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h \
+    sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.asp \
+; do
+  if test ! $f; then
+    die $f is not present, something is amiss && return
+  fi
+# Identify the tarball.
+grep -q 'EXTRAVERSION.*-gnu' Makefile ||
+clean_sed "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,&-gnu$extra,
+" Makefile 'added -gnu to EXTRAVERSION'
+grep -q Linux-libre README ||
+clean_sed '
+1,3 s,Linux kernel release.*kernel\.org.*,GNU Linux-libre <>,
+2,5 s,Linux version [0-9.]*,GNU Linux-libre,
+1,20 s,\(operating system \)\?Unix,Unix kernel,
+WHAT IS GNU Linux-libre?\
+  GNU Linux-libre is a Free version of the kernel Linux (see below),\
+  suitable for use with the GNU Operating System in 100% Free\
+  GNU/Linux-libre System Distributions.\
+  It removes non-Free components from Linux, that are disguised as\
+  source code or distributed in separate files.  It also disables\
+  run-time requests for non-Free components, shipped separately or as\
+  part of Linux, and documentation pointing to them, so as to avoid\
+  (Free-)baiting users into the trap of non-Free Software.\
+  Linux-libre started within the gNewSense GNU/Linux distribution.\
+  It was later adopted by Jeff Moe, who coined its name, and in 2008\
+  it became a project maintained by FSF Latin America.  In 2012, it\
+  became part of the GNU Project.\
+  The GNU Linux-libre project takes a minimal-changes approach to\
+  cleaning up Linux, making no effort to substitute components that\
+  need to be removed with functionally equivalent Free ones.\
+  Nevertheless, we encourage and support efforts towards doing so.\
+  Our mascot is Freedo, a light-blue penguin that has just come out\
+  of the shower.  Although we like penguins, GNU is a much greater\
+  contribution to the entire system, so its mascot deserves more\
+  promotion.  See our web page for their images.\
+' README 'added blurb about GNU Linux-libre'
+# Add reject_firmware and maybe_reject_firmware
+grep -q _LINUX_LIBRE_FIRMWARE_H include/linux/firmware.h ||
+clean_sed '$i\
+#include <linux/device.h>\
+static inline int\
+report_missing_free_firmware(const char *name, const char *what)\
+	printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free %s\\n", name,\
+	       what ? what : "firmware");\
+	return -EINVAL;\
+static inline int\
+reject_firmware(const struct firmware **fw,\
+		const char *name, struct device *device)\
+	const struct firmware *xfw = NULL;\
+	int retval;\
+	report_missing_free_firmware(dev_name(device), NULL);\
+	retval = request_firmware(&xfw, NONFREE_FIRMWARE, device);\
+	if (!retval)\
+		release_firmware(xfw);\
+	return -EINVAL;\
+static inline int\
+maybe_reject_firmware(const struct firmware **fw,\
+		      const char *name, struct device *device)\
+	if (strstr (name, NONFREE_FIRMWARE))\
+		return reject_firmware(fw, name, device);\
+	else\
+		return request_firmware(fw, name, device);\
+static inline void\
+discard_rejected_firmware(const struct firmware *fw, void *context)\
+	release_firmware(fw);\
+static inline int\
+reject_firmware_nowait(struct module *module, int uevent,\
+		       const char *name, struct device *device,\
+		       void *context,\
+		       void (*cont)(const struct firmware *fw,\
+				    void *context))\
+	int retval;\
+	report_missing_free_firmware(dev_name(device), NULL);\
+	retval = request_firmware_nowait(module, uevent, NONFREE_FIRMWARE,\
+					 device, NULL,\
+					 discard_rejected_firmware);\
+	if (retval)\
+		return retval;\
+	return -EINVAL;\
+static inline int\
+maybe_reject_firmware_nowait(struct module *module, int uevent,\
+			     const char *name, struct device *device,\
+			     void *context,\
+			     void (*cont)(const struct firmware *fw,\
+					  void *context))\
+	if (strstr (name, NONFREE_FIRMWARE))\
+		return reject_firmware_nowait(module, uevent, name,\
+					      device, context, cont);\
+	else\
+		return request_firmware_nowait(module, uevent, name,\
+					       device, context, cont);\
+#endif /* _LINUX_LIBRE_FIRMWARE_H */\
+' include/linux/firmware.h 'added non-Free firmware notification support'
+# Arch #
+# x86
+announce MICROCODE - "Intel IA32 CPU microcode support"
+reject_firmware arch/x86/kernel/microcode.c
+clean_blob arch/x86/kernel/microcode.c
+clean_kconfig arch/x86/Kconfig 'MICROCODE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MICROCODE arch/x86/kernel/Makefile
+# arm
+announce IXP4XX_NPE - "IXP4xx Network Processor Engine support"
+reject_firmware arch/arm/mach-ixp4xx/ixp4xx_npe.c
+clean_blob Documentation/arm/IXP4xx
+announce ARCH_NETX - "Hilscher NetX based"
+clean_sed '
+s,\([" ]\)request_firmware(,\1reject_firmware(,
+' arch/arm/mach-netx/xc.c 'disabled non-Free firmware-loading machinery'
+clean_blob arch/arm/mach-netx/xc.c
+clean_kconfig arch/arm/Kconfig 'ARCH_NETX'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ARCH_NETX arch/arm/Makefile
+# ATM #
+announce ATM_AMBASSADOR - "Madge Ambassador, Collage PCI 155 Server"
+reject_firmware drivers/atm/ambassador.c
+clean_blob drivers/atm/ambassador.c
+clean_fw firmware/atmsar11.HEX firmware/atmsar11.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+announce ATM_FORE200E - "FORE Systems 200E-series"
+reject_firmware drivers/atm/fore200e.c
+clean_blob drivers/atm/fore200e.c
+clean_blob Documentation/networking/fore200e.txt
+clean_blob drivers/atm/.gitignore
+clean_blob Documentation/dontdiff
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_FORE200E'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+# char #
+announce COMPUTONE - "Computone IntelliPort Plus serial"
+drop_fw_file firmware/intelliport2.bin.ihex firmware/intelliport2.bin
+reject_firmware drivers/char/ip2/ip2main.c
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/ip2main.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+announce CYCLADES - "Cyclades async mux support"
+reject_firmware drivers/char/cyclades.c
+clean_blob drivers/char/cyclades.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'CYCLADES'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CYCLADES drivers/char/Makefile
+announce ISI - "Multi-Tech multiport card support"
+reject_firmware drivers/char/isicom.c
+clean_blob drivers/char/isicom.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'ISI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ISI drivers/char/Makefile
+announce MOXA_INTELLIO - "Moxa Intellio support"
+reject_firmware drivers/char/moxa.c
+clean_blob drivers/char/moxa.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'MOXA_INTELLIO'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MOXA_INTELLIO drivers/char/Makefile
+# gpu drm
+announce DRM_MGA - "Matrox g200/g400"
+clean_blob drivers/gpu/drm/mga/mga_ucode.h
+clean_blob drivers/gpu/drm/mga/mga_warp.c
+clean_kconfig -f drivers/gpu/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/gpu/drm/Makefile
+announce DRM_R128 - "ATI Rage 128"
+clean_sed '
+/^static void r128_cce_load_microcode(drm_r128_private_t \* dev_priv)/i\
+#define r128_cce_load_microcode(dev_priv) \\\
+  do { \\\
+    DRM_ERROR("Missing Free microcode!\\n"); \\\
+    dev->dev_private = (void *)dev_priv; \\\
+    r128_do_cleanup_cce(dev); \\\
+    return -EINVAL; \\\
+  } while (0)
+' drivers/gpu/drm/r128/r128_cce.c 'report missing Free microcode'
+clean_blob drivers/gpu/drm/r128/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig -f drivers/gpu/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/gpu/drm/Makefile
+announce DRM_RADEON - "ATI Radeon"
+clean_sed '
+/^static void radeon_cp_load_microcode(drm_radeon_private_t \* dev_priv)/i\
+#define radeon_cp_load_microcode(dev_priv) \\\
+  do { \\\
+    DRM_ERROR("Missing Free microcode!\\n"); \\\
+    radeon_do_cleanup_cp(dev); \\\
+    return -EINVAL; \\\
+  } while (0)
+' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_cp.c 'report missing Free microcode'
+clean_blob drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_cp.c
+clean_blob drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig -f drivers/gpu/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/gpu/drm/Makefile
+# Media #
+# media/tuner
+announce MEDIA_TUNER_XC2028 - "XCeive xc2028/xc3028 tuners"
+undefault_firmware 'XC\(2028\|3028L\)' \
+  drivers/media/common/tuners/tuner-xc2028.h \
+  drivers/media/video/saa7134/saa7134-cards.c \
+  drivers/media/video/ivtv/ivtv-driver.c \
+  drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-driver.c \
+  drivers/media/video/cx88/cx88-cards.c \
+  drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-cards.c \
+  drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dib0700_devices.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/common/tuners/tuner-xc2028.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/common/tuners/Kconfig 'MEDIA_TUNER_XC2028'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MEDIA_TUNER_XC2028 drivers/media/common/tuners/Makefile
+announce MEDIA_TUNER_XC5000 - "Xceive XC5000 silicon tuner"
+undefine_macro 'XC5000_DEFAULT_FIRMWARE_SIZE' 0 \
+  'removed non-Free firmware size' drivers/media/common/tuners/xc5000.c
+undefault_firmware 'XC5000' drivers/media/common/tuners/xc5000.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/common/tuners/xc5000.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/common/tuners/Kconfig 'MEDIA_TUNER_XC5000'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MEDIA_TUNER_XC5000 drivers/media/common/tuners/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB - "Support for various USB DVB devices"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvb-usb-firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_AF9005 - "Afatech AF9005 DVB-T USB1.1"
+clean_file drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_sed '
+s,^	deb_info("load init script\\n");$,	{\n		err("Missing Free init script\\n");\n		return scriptlen = ret = -EINVAL;\n		,;
+' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-fe.c 'report missing Free init script'
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-fe.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_B2C2_FLEXCOP - "Technisat/B2C2 FlexCopII(b) and FlexCopIII adapters"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/b2c2/flexcop-fe-tuner.c
+announce DVB_BT8XX - "BT8xx based PCI cards"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/bt8xx/dvb-bt8xx.c
+announce DVB_USB_A800 - "AVerMedia AverTV DVB-T USB 2.0 (A800)"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/a800.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_A800'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_A800 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_AF9005 - "Afatech AF9005 DVB-T USB1.1 support"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_CXUSB - "Conexant USB2.0 hybrid reference design support"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_CXUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_CXUSB drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_DIB0700 - "DiBcom DiB0700 USB DVB devices"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dib0700_devices.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_DIB0700'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_DIB0700 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_DIBUSB_MB - "DiBcom USB DVB-T devices (based on the DiB3000M-B)"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dibusb-mb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_DIBUSB_MB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_DIBUSB_MB drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_DIBUSB_MC - "DiBcom USB DVB-T devices (based on the DiB3000M-C/P)"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dibusb-mc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_DIBUSB_MC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_DIBUSB_MC drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_DIGITV - "Nebula Electronics uDigiTV DVB-T USB2.0 support"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/digitv.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_DIGITV'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_DIGITV drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_DTT200U - "WideView WT-200U and WT-220U (pen) DVB-T USB2.0 support (Yakumo/Hama/Typhoon/Yuan)"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtt200u.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_DTT200U'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_DTT200U drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_DW2102 - "DvbWorld DVB-S/S2 USB2.0 support"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_DW2102'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_DW2102 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_GP8PSK - "GENPIX 8PSK->USB module support"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/gp8psk.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/gp8psk.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_GP8PSK'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_GP8PSK drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_M920X - "Uli m920x DVB-T USB2.0 support"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_M920X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_M920X drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_NOVA_T_USB2 - "Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-T usb2 DVB-T USB2.0 support"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nova-t-usb2.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_NOVA_T_USB2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_NOVA_T_USB2 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_OPERA1 - "Opera1 DVB-S USB2.0 receiver"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/opera1.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/opera1.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_OPERA1'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_OPERA1 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_TTUSB2 - "Pinnacle 400e DVB-S USB2.0 support"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/ttusb2.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_TTUSB2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_TTUSB2 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_UMT_010 - "HanfTek UMT-010 DVB-T USB2.0 support"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/umt-010.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_UMT_010'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_UMT_010 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_VP702X - "TwinhanDTV StarBox and clones DVB-S USB2.0 support"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/vp702x.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_VP702X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_VP702X drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_VP7045 - "TwinhanDTV Alpha/MagicBoxII, DNTV tinyUSB2, Beetle USB2.0 support"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/vp7045.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_VP7045'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_VP7045 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+announce DVB_BCM3510 - "Broadcom BCM3510"
+undefault_firmware 'BCM3510' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/bcm3510.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/bcm3510.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/bcm3510.h
+clean_sed '
+/You.ll need a firmware/,/dvb-fe-bcm/d;
+' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/bcm3510.c \
+  "removed non-Free firmware notes"
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_BCM3510'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BCM3510 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+announce DVB_NXT200X - "NxtWave Communications NXT2002/NXT2004 based"
+undefault_firmware 'NXT200[24]' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/nxt200x.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/nxt200x.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/nxt200x.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_NXT200X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_NXT200X drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+announce DVB_OR51132 - "Oren OR51132 based"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51132.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51132.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_OR51132'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_OR51132 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+announce DVB_OR51211 - "Oren OR51211 based"
+undefault_firmware 'OR51211' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51211.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51211.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51211.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51211.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_OR51211'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_OR51211 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+announce DVB_SP8870 - "Spase sp8870"
+undefault_firmware 'SP8870' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp8870.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp8870.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp8870.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp8870.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends 'DVB_SP8870'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_SP8870 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+announce DVB_SP887X - "Spase sp887x based"
+undefault_firmware 'SP887X' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp887x.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp887x.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp887x.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp887x.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_SP887X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_SP887X drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+announce DVB_TDA10048 - "Philips TDA10048HN based"
+undefine_macro 'TDA10048_DEFAULT_FIRMWARE_SIZE' 0 \
+  'removed non-Free firmware size' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+undefault_firmware 'TDA10048' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10048'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10048 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+announce DVB_TDA1004X - "Philips TDA10045H/TDA10046H"
+undefault_firmware 'TDA1004[56]' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda1004x.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda1004x.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda1004x.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda1004x.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends 'DVB_TDA1004X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA1004X drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb
+announce DVB_AV7110 - "AV7110 cards"
+# The bootcode is actually Free Software under GPLv2, but since it's
+# being distributed without source code, we're taking it out for now.
+clean_sed '
+s,^	\/\* boot \*\/$,	printk(KERN_ERR "dvb-ttpci: av7110_bootarm(): Missing Free bootcode\\n");\n	return -EINVAL;\n\n&,
+' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c 'report missing Free bootcode'
+clean_sed '
+s,mwdebi(.*bootcode.*$,/* & */,
+' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c 'adjust bootcode loader'
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_sed '
+/^config DVB_AV7110_FIRMWARE_FILE$/, /^config / {
+  /^	default.*dvb-ttpci-01/ s,".*","/*(DEBLOBBED)*/",;
+}' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'removed default firmware'
+clean_kconfig -f drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110_FIRMWARE'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+announce DVB_BUDGET_AV - "Budget cards with analog video inputs"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+announce DVB_BUDGET_CI - "Budget cards with onboard CI connector"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+announce DVB_DRX397XD - "Micronas DRX3975D/DRX3977D based"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/drx397xD.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/drx397xD_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_DRX397XD'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_DRX397XD drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+announce DVB_PLUTO2 - "Pluto2 cards"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/pluto2/pluto2.c
+announce DVB_SIANO_SMS1XXX - "Siano SMS1XXX USB dongle support"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/siano/smscoreapi.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/siano/smsusb.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/siano/smscoreapi.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/siano/smsusb.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/siano/sms-cards.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/siano/Kconfig 'DVB_SIANO_SMS1XXX'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_SIANO_SMS1XXX drivers/media/dvb/siano/Makefile
+announce DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - "Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices"
+drop_fw_file firmware/ttusb-budget/dspbootcode.bin.ihex firmware/ttusb-budget/dspbootcode.bin
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+announce DVB_TTUSB_DEC - "Technotrend/Hauppauge USB DEC devices"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-dec/ttusb_dec.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-dec/ttusb_dec.c
+clean_blob Documentation/dvb/ttusb-dec.txt
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-dec/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_DEC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_DEC drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-dec/Makefile
+# video
+announce VIDEO_BT848 - "BT848 Video For Linux"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/bt8xx/bttv-cards.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/bt8xx/bttv-cards.c
+clean_blob Documentation/video4linux/bttv/README
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/bt8xx/Kconfig 'VIDEO_BT848'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_BT848 drivers/media/video/bt8xx/Makefile
+announce VIDEO_CPIA2 - "CPiA2 Video For Linux"
+clean_fw firmware/cpia2/stv0672_vp4.bin.ihex firmware/cpia2/stv0672_vp4.bin
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2_core.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2_core.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/cpia2/Makefile
+announce VIDEO_CX18 - "Conexant cx23418 MPEG encoder support"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-firmware.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-firmware.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-firmware.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cx18/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CX18'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CX18 drivers/media/video/cx18/Makefile
+announce VIDEO_CX23885 - "Conexant cx23885 (2388x successor) support"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/cx23885/cx23885-417.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cx23885/cx23885-417.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cx23885/cx23885-dvb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cx23885/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CX23885'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CX23885 drivers/media/video/cx23885/Makefile
+announce VIDEO_CX25840 - "Conexant CX2584x audio/video decoders"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/cx25840/cx25840-firmware.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cx25840/cx25840-firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cx25840/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CX25840'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CX25840 drivers/media/video/cx25840/Makefile
+announce VIDEO_CX88_BLACKBIRD - "Blackbird MPEG encoder support (cx2388x + cx23416)"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/cx88/cx88-blackbird.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cx88/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CX88_BLACKBIRD'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CX88_BLACKBIRD drivers/media/video/cx88/Makefile
+announce VIDEO_CX88_DVB - "DVB/ATSC Support for cx2388x based TV cards"
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cx88/cx88-dvb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cx88/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CX88_DVB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CX88_DVB drivers/media/video/cx88/Makefile
+announce VIDEO_IVTV - "Conexant cx23416/cx23415 MPEG encoder/decoder support"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/ivtv/ivtv-firmware.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/ivtv/ivtv-firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/ivtv/Kconfig 'VIDEO_IVTV'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_IVTV drivers/media/video/ivtv/Makefile
+announce VIDEO_PVRUSB2 - "Hauppauge WinTV-PVR USB2 support"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/pvrusb2/pvrusb2-hdw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pvrusb2/pvrusb2-devattr.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pvrusb2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_PVRUSB2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_PVRUSB2 drivers/media/video/pvrusb2/Makefile
+announce "VIDEO_CX23885, VIDEO_CX88_BLACKBIRD, VIDEO_IVTV, VIDEO_PVRUSB2" - "See above"
+clean_blob include/media/cx2341x.h
+announce VIDEO_SAA7134_DVB - "DVB/ATSC Support for saa7134 based TV cards"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/saa7134/saa7134-dvb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/saa7134/Kconfig 'VIDEO_SAA7134_DVB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_SAA7134_DVB drivers/media/video/saa7134/Makefile
+announce USB_DABUSB - "DABUSB driver"
+clean_fw firmware/dabusb/bitstream.bin.ihex firmware/dabusb/bitstream.bin
+clean_fw firmware/dabusb/firmware.HEX firmware/dabusb/firmware.fw
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/dabusb.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabusb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+announce USB_S2255 - "USB Sensoray 2255 video capture device"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/s2255drv.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/s2255drv.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'USB_S2255'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_S2255 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+announce USB_VICAM - "USB 3com HomeConnect, AKA vicam"
+drop_fw_file firmware/vicam/firmware.H16 firmware/vicam/firmware.fw
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# net #
+announce ACENIC - "Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit"
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_sed '
+s,	\(ace_load_firmware[^;]*\),	if ((ecode = \1)) goto init_error,
+' drivers/net/acenic.c 'check for error in firmware loading'
+clean_sed '
+/^static int __devinit ace_load_firmware([^;]*$/,/^}$/{
+  /^}$/i\
+	printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free firwmare\\n", ap->name);\
+	return -EINVAL;
+}' drivers/net/acenic.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+announce ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - "Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support"
+# This file requires prior acceptance of the GPL before you can even
+# run the code in it.  It's not clear whether this is a further
+# requirement that would make the distribution incompatible with the
+# GPL, but since nothing remains after we remove the blob, it's
+# irrelevant whether the explicit acceptance would be a problem.
+clean_file drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_file drivers/net/
+clean_sed '
+/Load Rx\/Tx firmware/i\
+	printk (KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", dev->name);\
+	return -EINVAL;
+' drivers/net/starfire.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+announce BNX2 - "Broadcom NetXtremeII"
+clean_file drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_file drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_sed '
+/ bnx2_init_cpus(/i\
+	printk (KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", bp->dev->name);\
+	return -EINVAL;\
+#define bnx2_init_cpus(bp) (-EINVAL)
+' drivers/net/bnx2.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+announce BNX2X - "Broadcom NetXtremeII 10Gb support"
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2x_init_values.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2x_init.h
+clean_sed '
+/^#include "bnx2x_init\.h"/,/^$/{
+  /^$/i\
+#define bnx2x_init_block(bp, start, end) \\\
+  return (printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", bp->dev->name),\\\
+	  -EINVAL)
+}' drivers/net/bnx2x_main.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2x_hsi.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2X drivers/net/Makefile
+announce CASSINI - "Sun Cassini"
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_sed '
+/^static void cas_saturn_firmware_load(/,/^}$/{
+  /patch = cas_saturn_patch/{
+    s,cas_saturn_patch;,NULL;,;
+    p;
+    i\
+	printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", cp->dev->name);\
+	return;\
+    d;
+  }
+}' drivers/net/cassini.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+announce CHELSIO_T3 - "Chelsio AEL 2005 support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CHELSIO_T3'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CHELSIO_T3 drivers/net/cxgb3/Makefile
+announce E100 - "Intel PRO/100+"
+clean_sed '
+/^static void e100_setup_ucode([^;]*$/,/^}$/{
+  /^	} ucode_opts\[\] = {$/,/^	}[,;]/ {
+    s,D[^,]*_RCVBUNDLE_UCODE,/*(DEBLOBBED)*/{0},g;
+  }
+  /^	for ([^;]*ucode_opts[^{]*) {$/,/^	}$/ {
+    /^	}$/ i\
+	}\
+		DPRINTK(DRV, ERR, "Missing Free firmware, proceeding without\\n");\
+		goto noloaducode;
+  }
+' drivers/net/e100.c 'report missing Free firmware for some variants'
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+announce MYRI_SBUS - "MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet"
+clean_file drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_sed '
+  i\
+	printk(KERN_ERR "Missing Free firmware\\n");\
+	goto err_free_irq;
+}' drivers/net/myri_sbus.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_sbus.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+announce MYRI10GE - "Myricom Myri-10G Ethernet support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/myri10ge/myri10ge.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri10ge/myri10ge.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI10GE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI10GE drivers/net/myri10ge/Makefile
+announce SPIDER_NET - "Spider Gigabit Ethernet driver"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/spider_net.c
+clean_sed 's,spider_fw\.bin,DEBLOBBED.bin,g' \
+  drivers/net/spider_net.c 'removed non-Free firmware notes'
+clean_blob drivers/net/spider_net.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'SPIDER_NET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SPIDER_NET drivers/net/Makefile
+announce TEHUTI - "Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet"
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_sed '
+  i\
+		ERR("%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", priv->ndev->name);\
+}' drivers/net/tehuti.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI drivers/net/Makefile
+announce TIGON3 - "Broadcom Tigon3"
+clean_sed '
+/^static int tg3_load_firmware_cpu([^;]*$/,/^}/{
+  /^	err = 0;/{
+    i\
+	printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Missing Free firmware for %s, hoping it works anyway\\n",\
+	       tp->dev->name);
+  }
+}' drivers/net/tg3.c 'report missing Free firmware, proceed without it'
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+announce TYPHOON - "3cr990 series Typhoon"
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_sed '
+  /typhoon_firmware_image/{
+    i\
+	printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", tp->name);\
+	err = -EINVAL;\
+	goto err_out;
+    d;
+  }
+}' drivers/net/typhoon.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+announce COPS - "COPS LocalTalk PC"
+clean_sed '
+  i\
+		printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Missing Free firmware.\\n", dev->name);\
+		return;
+' drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+clean_file drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_file drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+announce YAM - "YAM driver for AX.25"
+clean_file drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_file drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_sed '
+/add_mcs(bits_\(12\|96\)00, bitrate)/{
+  i\
+		printk(KERN_ERR "yam: Missing Free firmware\\n");
+  s:add_mcs(bits_\(12\|96\)00, bitrate):NULL:
+}' drivers/net/hamradio/yam.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# irda
+announce USB_IRDA - "IrDA USB dongles"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/irda/irda-usb.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/irda/irda-usb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/irda/Kconfig 'USB_IRDA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IRDA drivers/net/irda/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+announce PCMCIA_SMC91C92 - "SMC 91Cxx PCMCIA"
+clean_sed '
+/^\(static int \)\?osi_setup([^;]*$/,/^}$/{
+  s/^\(.*\)[/][*] Download.*firmware [*][/]/\1printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", dev->name);\n\1rc = -EINVAL;\n\1goto free_cfg_mem;\n&/
+}' drivers/net/pcmcia/smc91c92_cs.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_sed '
+/^\(static int \)\?smc91c92_resume([^;]*$/,/^}$/{
+  s/^\(.*\)[/][*] Download.*firmware [*][/]/\1printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", dev->name);\n\1return -EINVAL;\n&/
+}' drivers/net/pcmcia/smc91c92_cs.c 'report another missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/smc91c92_cs.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# CIS files are not software.
+# announce PCCARD - "PCCard (PCMCIA/CardBus) support"
+# reject_firmware drivers/pcmcia/ds.c
+# clean_kconfig drivers/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCCARD'
+# clean_mk CONFIG_PCCARD drivers/pcmcia/Makefile
+# announce PCMCIA_3C574 - "3Com 3c574 PCMCIA support"
+# clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/3c574_cs.c
+# clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_3C574'
+# clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_3C574 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# announce PCMCIA_3C589 - "3Com 3c589 PCMCIA support"
+# clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/3c589_cs.c
+# clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_3C589'
+# clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_3C589 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# announce PCMCIA_PCNET - "NE2000 compatible PCMCIA support"
+# clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/pcnet_cs.c
+# clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_PCNET'
+# clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_PCNET drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+announce 3C359 - "3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter"
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_sed '
+/^\(static int \)\?xl_hw_reset([^;]*$/,/^}/{
+  /start = .*mc_size/i\
+		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", dev->name);\
+		return -EINVAL;
+}' drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+announce SMCTR - "SMC ISA/MCA adapter"
+drop_fw_file firmware/tr_smctr.bin.ihex firmware/tr_smctr.bin
+reject_firmware drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+announce TMS380TR - "Generic TMS380 Token Ring ISA/PCI adapter support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/tokenring/tms380tr.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/tms380tr.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'TMS380TR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TMS380TR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+announce USB_KAWETH - "USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support"
+drop_fw_file firmware/kaweth/new_code.bin.ihex firmware/kaweth/new_code.bin
+drop_fw_file firmware/kaweth/new_code_fix.bin.ihex firmware/kaweth/new_code_fix.bin
+drop_fw_file firmware/kaweth/trigger_code.bin.ihex firmware/kaweth/trigger_code.bin
+drop_fw_file firmware/kaweth/trigger_code_fix.bin.ihex firmware/kaweth/trigger_code_fix.bin
+reject_firmware drivers/net/usb/kaweth.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kaweth.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# wireless
+announce ATMEL "Atmel at76c50x chipset  802.11b support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'ATMEL'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATMEL drivers/net/wireless/Makefile
+announce B43 - "Broadcom 43xx wireless support (mac80211 stack)"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/b43/main.c
+# Major portions of firwmare filenames not deblobbed.
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/b43/main.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/b43/Kconfig 'B43'
+clean_mk CONFIG_B43 drivers/net/wireless/b43/Makefile
+announce B43LEGACY - "Broadcom 43xx-legacy wireless support (mac80211 stack)"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/main.c
+# Major portions of firwmare filenames not deblobbed.
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/main.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/Kconfig 'B43LEGACY'
+clean_mk CONFIG_B43LEGACY drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/Makefile
+announce PCMCIA_SPECTRUM - "Symbol Spectrum24 Trilogy PCMCIA card support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/spectrum_cs.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/spectrum_cs.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SPECTRUM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SPECTRUM drivers/net/wireless/Makefile
+announce IPW2100 - "Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 Network Connection"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/ipw2100.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/ipw2100.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'IPW2100'
+clean_mk CONFIG_IPW2100 drivers/net/wireless/Makefile
+announce IPW2200 - "Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG and 2915ABG Network Connection"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/ipw2200.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/ipw2200.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'IPW2200'
+clean_mk CONFIG_IPW2200 drivers/net/wireless/Makefile
+announce IWL3945 - "Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG/BG Network Connection"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl3945-base.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-3945.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Kconfig 'IWL3945'
+clean_mk CONFIG_IWL3945 drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Makefile
+announce IWLAGN - "Intel Wireless WiFi Next Gen AGN"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Kconfig 'IWLAGN'
+clean_mk CONFIG_IWLAGN drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Makefile
+announce IWL4965 - "Intel Wireless WiFi 4965AGN"
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-4965.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Kconfig 'IWL4965'
+clean_mk CONFIG_IWL4965 drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Makefile
+announce IWL5000 - "Intel Wireless WiFi 5000AGN"
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-5000.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Kconfig 'IWL5000'
+clean_mk CONFIG_IWL5000 drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Makefile
+announce LIBERTAS_CS - "Marvell Libertas 8385 CompactFlash 802.11b/g cards"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_cs.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_cs.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'LIBERTAS_CS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_LIBERTAS_CS drivers/net/wireless/libertas/Makefile
+announce LIBERTAS_SDIO - "Marvell Libertas 8385 and 8686 SDIO 802.11b/g cards"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'LIBERTAS_SDIO'
+clean_mk CONFIG_LIBERTAS_SDIO drivers/net/wireless/libertas/Makefile
+announce LIBERTAS_USB - "Marvell Libertas 8388 USB 802.11b/g cards"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/libertas/README
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'LIBERTAS_USB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_LIBERTAS_USB drivers/net/wireless/libertas/Makefile
+announce P54_PCI - "Prism54 PCI support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54pci.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54pci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/p54/Kconfig 'P54_PCI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_P54_PCI drivers/net/wireless/p54/Makefile
+announce P54_USB - "Prism54 USB support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54usb.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54usb.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54usb.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/p54/Kconfig 'P54_USB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_P54_USB drivers/net/wireless/p54/Makefile
+announce PRISM54 - "Intersil Prism GT/Duette/Indigo PCI/Cardbus"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/prism54/islpci_dev.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/prism54/islpci_dev.c
+clean_sed '
+/^config PRISM54$/,/^config /{
+  /If you enable this/,/^$/d;
+}' drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'removed firmware notes'
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'PRISM54'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PRISM54 drivers/net/wireless/prism54/Makefile
+announce RT2X00_LIB_FIRMWARE - "Ralink driver firmware support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/Kconfig 'RT2X00_LIB_FIRMWARE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_FIRMWARE drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/Makefile
+announce RT61PCI - "Ralink rt2501/rt61 (PCI/PCMCIA) support"
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt61pci.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt61pci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/Kconfig 'RT61PCI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_RT61PCI drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/Makefile
+announce RT73USB - "Ralink rt2501/rt73 (USB) support"
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt73usb.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt73usb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/Kconfig 'RT73USB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_RT73USB drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/Makefile
+announce USB_ZD1201 - "USB ZD1201 based Wireless device support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/zd1201.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/zd1201.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'USB_ZD1201'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_ZD1201 drivers/net/wireless/Makefile
+announce ZD1211RW - "ZyDAS ZD1211/ZD1211B USB-wireless support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/zd_usb.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/zd_usb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/Kconfig 'ZD1211RW'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ZD1211RW drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/Makefile
+# bluetooth
+announce BT_HCIBCM203X - "HCI BCM203x USB driver"
+reject_firmware drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.c
+clean_blob drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/bluetooth/Kconfig 'BT_HCIBCM203X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BT_HCIBCM203X drivers/bluetooth/Makefile
+announce BT_HCIBFUSB - "HCI BlueFRITZ! USB driver"
+reject_firmware drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c
+clean_blob drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/bluetooth/Kconfig 'BT_HCIBFUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BT_HCIBFUSB drivers/bluetooth/Makefile
+announce BT_HCIBT3C - "HCI BT3C (PC Card) driver"
+reject_firmware drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c
+clean_blob drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/bluetooth/Kconfig 'BT_HCIBT3C'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BT_HCIBT3C drivers/bluetooth/Makefile
+# ISDN #
+announce ISDN_DIVAS - "Support Eicon DIVA Server cards"
+clean_blob drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/cardtype.h
+clean_blob drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsp_defs.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/Kconfig 'ISDN_DIVAS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ISDN_DIVAS drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/Makefile
+# Serial #
+# CIS files are not software.
+# announce SERIAL_8250_CS - "8250/16550 PCMCIA device support"
+# clean_blob drivers/serial/serial_cs.c
+# clean_kconfig drivers/serial/Kconfig 'SERIAL_8250_CS'
+# clean_mk CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_CS drivers/serial/Makefile
+announce SERIAL_ICOM - "IBM Multiport Serial Adapter"
+reject_firmware drivers/serial/icom.c
+clean_blob drivers/serial/icom.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/serial/Kconfig 'SERIAL_ICOM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SERIAL_ICOM drivers/serial/Makefile
+announce SERIAL_QE - "Freescale QUICC Engine serial port support"
+reject_firmware drivers/serial/ucc_uart.c
+clean_blob drivers/serial/ucc_uart.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/serial/Kconfig 'SERIAL_QE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SERIAL_QE drivers/serial/Makefile
+# SCSI #
+announce SCSI_QLOGICPTI - "PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver"
+clean_file drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_sed '
+/^static int __devinit qlogicpti_load_firmware([^;]*$/,/^}$/{
+  /[&]sbus_risc_code01/{
+    i\
+	printk(KERN_ERR "qlogicpti%d: Missing Free firmware\\n", qpti->qpti_id);\
+	return -EINVAL;
+  }
+  s,[&]sbus_risc_code01\[0\],NULL,
+  s,sbus_risc_code_length01,0,
+}' drivers/scsi/qlogicpti.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+announce SCSI_ADVANSYS - "AdvanSys SCSI"
+clean_sed '
+/^\(static ASC_CNT \)\?AscLoadMicroCode([^;]*$/,/^}$/{
+  /^}$/{
+    p;
+    i\
+#define AscLoadMicroCode(x1,x2,x3,x4) ((x1),(x2),(x3),(x4),printk(KERN_ERR "advansys: Missing Free firmware\\n"), -1)
+    d;
+  }
+/^\(static int \)\?AdvLoadMicrocode([^;]*$/,/^}$/{
+  /^}$/{
+    p;
+    i\
+#define AdvLoadMicrocode(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) ((x1),(x2),(x3),(x4),(x5),printk(KERN_ERR "advansys: Missing Free firmware\\n"), ASC_IERR_MCODE_CHKSUM)
+    d;
+  }
+s/\([ 	(]\)_\(asc_mcode\|adv_asc3\(550\|8C\(08\|16\)00\)\)_buf,/\1NULL,/;
+s/\([ 	]\)_\(asc_mcode\|adv_asc3\(550\|8C\(08\|16\)00\)\)_size\([,)]\)/\1(unsigned short)0\5/;
+s/\([ 	]\)_\(asc_mcode\|adv_asc3\(550\|8C\(08\|16\)00\)\)_chksum\([,)]\)/\1(ADV_DCNT)0\5/;
+' drivers/scsi/advansys.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+announce SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - "Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI"
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_sed '
+  /risc_code_size = [*]/{
+    i\
+	if (!risc_code_address) {\
+		printk(KERN_ERR "scsi(%li): Missing Free firmware\\n", ha->host_no);\
+		return -EINVAL;\
+	}
+  }
+  /risc_code_size = [*]/{
+    i\
+	if (!risc_code_address) {\
+		printk(KERN_ERR "scsi(%li): Missing Free firmware\\n", ha->host_no);\
+		err = -EINVAL;\
+		goto out;\
+	}
+  }
+}' drivers/scsi/qla1280.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+announce SCSI_AIC94XX - "Adaptec AIC94xx SAS/SATA support"
+reject_firmware drivers/scsi/aic94xx/aic94xx_seq.c
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/aic94xx/aic94xx_seq.c
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/aic94xx/aic94xx_seq.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/aic94xx/Kconfig 'SCSI_AIC94XX'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_AIC94XX drivers/scsi/aic94xx/Makefile
+announce SCSI_QLA_FC - "QLogic QLA2XXX Fibre Channel Support"
+reject_firmware drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_gbl.h
+reject_firmware drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_init.c
+reject_firmware drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c
+clean_sed '
+/^config SCSI_QLA_FC$/,/^config /{
+  /^	By default, firmware/i\
+  /^	By default, firmware/,/ftp:[/][/].*firmware[/]/d
+}' drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/Kconfig 'removed firmware notes'
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLA_FC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLA_FC drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/Makefile
+# USB #
+# atm
+announce USB_CXACRU - "Conexant AccessRunner USB support"
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/atm/Kconfig 'USB_CXACRU'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_CXACRU drivers/usb/atm/Makefile
+announce USB_SPEEDTOUCH - "Speedtouch USB support"
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/atm/speedtch.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/atm/speedtch.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/atm/Kconfig 'USB_SPEEDTOUCH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SPEEDTOUCH drivers/usb/atm/Makefile
+announce USB_UEAGLEATM - "ADI 930 and eagle USB DSL modem"
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/atm/Kconfig 'USB_UEAGLEATM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_UEAGLEATM drivers/usb/atm/Makefile
+# misc
+announce USB_EMI26 - "EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface"
+# These files are not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+drop_fw_file firmware/emi26/bitstream.HEX firmware/emi26/bitstream.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/emi26/firmware.HEX firmware/emi26/firmware.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/emi26/loader.HEX firmware/emi26/loader.fw
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+announce USB_EMI62 - "EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface"
+# These files are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+drop_fw_file firmware/emi62/bitstream.HEX firmware/emi62/bitstream.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/emi62/loader.HEX firmware/emi62/loader.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/emi62/midi.HEX firmware/emi62/midi.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/emi62/spdif.HEX firmware/emi62/spdif.fw
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+announce USB_ISIGHTFW - "iSight firmware loading support"
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/misc/isight_firmware.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/isight_firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_ISIGHTFW'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_ISIGHTFW drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# serial
+announce USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN - "USB Keyspan USA-xxx Serial Driver"
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/mpr.HEX firmware/keyspan/mpr.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa18x.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa18x.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa19.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa19.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa19qi.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa19qi.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa19qw.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa19qw.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa19w.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa19w.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa28.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa28.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa28xa.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa28xa.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa28xb.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa28xb.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa28x.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa28x.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa49w.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa49w.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa49wlc.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa49wlc.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/serial/keyspan.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/keyspan.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+announce USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_PDA - "USB Keyspan PDA Single Port Serial Driver"
+clean_sed '
+' drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.c 'accept Free firmware'
+announce USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - "USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver"
+clean_fw firmware/edgeport/boot.H16 firmware/edgeport/boot.fw
+clean_fw firmware/edgeport/boot2.H16 firmware/edgeport/boot2.fw
+clean_fw firmware/edgeport/down.H16 firmware/edgeport/down.fw
+clean_fw firmware/edgeport/down2.H16 firmware/edgeport/down2.fw
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/serial/io_edgeport.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/io_edgeport.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+announce USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - "USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)"
+clean_fw firmware/edgeport/down3.bin.ihex firmware/edgeport/down3.bin
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/serial/io_ti.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/io_ti.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+announce USB_SERIAL_TI - "USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver"
+drop_fw_file firmware/ti_3410.fw.ihex firmware/ti_3410.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/ti_5052.fw.ihex firmware/ti_5052.fw
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/serial/ti_usb_3410_5052.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_usb_3410_5052.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+announce USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - "USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver"
+clean_fw firmware/whiteheat.HEX firmware/whiteheat.fw
+clean_fw firmware/whiteheat_loader.HEX firmware/whiteheat_loader.fw
+clean_fw firmware/whiteheat_loader_debug.HEX firmware/whiteheat_loader_debug.fw
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Sound #
+announce SND_CS46XX - "Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x"
+# This appears to have been extracted from some non-Free driver
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# The following blobs are definitely extracted from non-Free drivers.
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_sed '
+/^\(int \)\?snd_cs46xx_download_image([^;]*$/,/^}$/{
+  /for.*BA1_MEMORY_COUNT/i\
+#if 0
+  /^}$/{
+    i\
+	snd_printk(KERN_ERR "cs46xx: Missing Free firmware\\n");\
+	return -EINVAL;\
+  }
+s/cs46xx_dsp_load_module(chip, [&]cwc\(4630\|async\|snoop\)_module)/(snd_printk(KERN_ERR "cs46xx: Missing Free firmware\\n"),-EINVAL)/
+' sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_lib.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_lib.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+clean_mk 'CONFIG_SND_CS46XX' sound/pci/cs46xx/Makefile
+announce SND_KORG1212 - "Korg 1212 IO"
+drop_fw_file firmware/korg/k1212.dsp.ihex firmware/korg/k1212.dsp
+reject_firmware sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_KORG1212'
+clean_mk 'CONFIG_SND_KORG1212' sound/pci/korg1212/Makefile
+announce SND_MAESTRO3 - "ESS Allegro/Maestro3"
+drop_fw_file firmware/ess/maestro3_assp_kernel.fw.ihex firmware/ess/maestro3_assp_kernel.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/ess/maestro3_assp_minisrc.fw.ihex firmware/ess/maestro3_assp_minisrc.fw
+reject_firmware sound/pci/maestro3.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/maestro3.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_MAESTRO3'
+clean_mk 'CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3' sound/pci/Makefile
+announce SND_YMFPCI - "Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754"
+drop_fw_file firmware/yamaha/ds1_ctrl.fw.ihex firmware/yamaha/ds1_ctrl.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/yamaha/ds1_dsp.fw.ihex firmware/yamaha/ds1_dsp.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/yamaha/ds1e_ctrl.fw.ihex firmware/yamaha/ds1e_ctrl.fw
+reject_firmware sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_YMFPCI'
+clean_mk 'CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI' sound/pci/ymfpci/Makefile
+announce SND_SB16_CSP - "SB16 Advanced Signal Processor"
+drop_fw_file firmware/sb16/alaw_main.csp.ihex firmware/sb16/alaw_main.csp
+drop_fw_file firmware/sb16/mulaw_main.csp.ihex firmware/sb16/mulaw_main.csp
+drop_fw_file firmware/sb16/ima_adpcm_init.csp.ihex firmware/sb16/ima_adpcm_init.csp
+drop_fw_file firmware/sb16/ima_adpcm_capture.csp.ihex firmware/sb16/ima_adpcm_capture.csp
+drop_fw_file firmware/sb16/ima_adpcm_playback.csp.ihex firmware/sb16/ima_adpcm_playback.csp
+reject_firmware sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp.c
+clean_blob sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp.c
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig 'SND_SB16_CSP'
+clean_mk 'CONFIG_SND_SB16_CSP' sound/isa/sb/Makefile
+announce SND_WAVEFRONT - "Turtle Beach Maui,Tropez,Tropez+ (Wavefront)"
+clean_blob sound/isa/wavefront/yss225.c
+clean_sed '
+/firmware = &yss225_registers_firmware/i\
+	snd_printk(KERN_ERR "FX: Missing Free firmware\\n");\
+	err = -EINVAL;\
+	goto out;
+' sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+reject_firmware sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+clean_blob sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+reject_firmware sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_synth.c
+clean_blob sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_synth.c
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig 'SND_WAVEFRONT'
+clean_mk 'CONFIG_SND_WAVEFRONT' sound/isa/wavefront/Makefile
+announce SND_VX_LIB - Digigram VX soundcards
+reject_firmware sound/drivers/vx/vx_hwdep.c
+clean_blob sound/drivers/vx/vx_hwdep.c
+clean_kconfig sound/drivers/Kconfig 'SND_VX_LIB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_VX_LIB sound/drivers/vx/Makefile
+announce SND_DARLA20 - "(Echoaudio) Darla20"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/darla20.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_DARLA20'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_DARLA20 sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_DARLA24 - "(Echoaudio) Darla24"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/darla24.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_DARLA24'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_DARLA24 sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_ECHO3G - "(Echoaudio) 3G cards"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/echo3g.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_ECHO3G'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_ECHO3G sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_GINA20 - "(Echoaudio) Gina20"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/gina20.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_GINA20'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_GINA20 sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_GINA24 - "(Echoaudio) Gina24"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/gina24.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_GINA24'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_GINA24 sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_INDIGO - "(Echoaudio) Indigo"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/indigo.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_INDIGO'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_INDIGO sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_INDIGODJ - "(Echoaudio) Indigo DJ"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/indigodj.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_INDIGODJ'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_INDIGODJ sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_INDIGOIO - "(Echoaudio) Indigo IO"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/indigoio.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_INDIGOIO'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_INDIGOIO sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_LAYLA20 - "(Echoaudio) Layla20"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/layla20.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_LAYLA20'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_LAYLA20 sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_LAYLA24 - "(Echoaudio) Layla24"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/layla24.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_LAYLA24'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_LAYLA24 sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_MIA - "(Echoaudio) Mia"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/mia.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_MIA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_MIA sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_MONA - "(Echoaudio) Mona"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/mona.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_MONA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_MONA sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_'<(Echoaudio)>' - "(Echoaudio) all of the above "
+reject_firmware sound/pci/echoaudio/echoaudio.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/echoaudio.c
+announce SND_EMU10K1 - "Emu10k1 (SB Live!, Audigy, E-mu APS)"
+reject_firmware sound/pci/emu10k1/emu10k1_main.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/emu10k1/emu10k1_main.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_EMU10K1'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_EMU10K1 sound/pci/emu10k1/Makefile
+announce SND_MIXART - "Digigram miXart"
+reject_firmware sound/pci/mixart/mixart_hwdep.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/mixart/mixart_hwdep.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_MIXART'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_MIXART sound/pci/mixart/Makefile
+announce SND_PCXHR - "Digigram PCXHR"
+reject_firmware sound/pci/pcxhr/pcxhr_hwdep.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/pcxhr/pcxhr_hwdep.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_PCXHR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_PCXHR sound/pci/pcxhr/Makefile
+announce SND_RIPTIDE - "Conexant Riptide"
+reject_firmware sound/pci/riptide/riptide.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/riptide/riptide.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_RIPTIDE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_RIPTIDE sound/pci/riptide/Makefile
+announce SND_HDSP - "RME Hammerfall DSP Audio"
+reject_firmware sound/pci/rme9652/hdsp.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/rme9652/hdsp.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_HDSP'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_HDSP sound/pci/rme9652/Makefile
+announce SND_AICA - "Dreamcast Yamaha AICA sound"
+reject_firmware sound/sh/aica.c
+clean_blob sound/sh/aica.c
+clean_kconfig sound/sh/Kconfig 'SND_AICA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_AICA sound/sh/Makefile
+announce SOUND_MSNDCLAS - "Support for Turtle Beach MultiSound Classic, Tahiti, Monterey"
+clean_blob sound/oss/msnd_classic.h
+clean_kconfig sound/oss/Kconfig 'SOUND_MSNDCLAS'
+clean_sed '
+/^config MSNDCLAS_INIT_FILE$/, /^config / {
+  /^	default.*msndinit\.bin/ s,".*","/*(DEBLOBBED)*/",;
+/^config MSNDCLAS_PERM_FILE$/, /^config / {
+  /^	default.*msndperm\.bin/ s,".*","/*(DEBLOBBED)*/",;
+}' sound/oss/Kconfig 'removed default firmware'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SOUND_MSNDCLAS sound/oss/Makefile
+announce SOUND_MSNDPIN - "Support for Turtle Beach MultiSound Pinnacle"
+clean_blob sound/oss/msnd_pinnacle.h
+clean_kconfig sound/oss/Kconfig 'SOUND_MSNDPIN'
+clean_sed '
+/^config MSNDPIN_INIT_FILE$/, /^config / {
+  /^	default.*pndspini\.bin/ s,".*","/*(DEBLOBBED)*/",;
+/^config MSNDPIN_PERM_FILE$/, /^config / {
+  /^	default.*pndsperm\.bin/ s,".*","/*(DEBLOBBED)*/",;
+}' sound/oss/Kconfig 'removed default firmware'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SOUND_MSNDPIN sound/oss/Makefile
+announce SOUND_SSCAPE - "Ensoniq SoundScape support"
+clean_blob sound/oss/sscape.c
+clean_kconfig sound/oss/Kconfig 'SOUND_SSCAPE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SOUND_SSCAPE sound/oss/Makefile
+announce SOUND_TRIX - "MediaTrix AudioTrix Pro support"
+clean_blob sound/oss/trix.c
+clean_kconfig sound/oss/Kconfig 'SOUND_TRIX'
+clean_sed '
+/^config TRIX_BOOT_FILE$/, /^config / {
+  /^	default.*trxpro\.hex/ s,".*","/*(DEBLOBBED)*/",;
+}' sound/oss/Kconfig 'removed default firmware'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SOUND_TRIX sound/oss/Makefile
+announce SOUND_TRIX - "See above,"
+announce SOUND_PAS - "ProAudioSpectrum 16 support,"
+announce SOUND_SB - "100% Sound Blaster compatibles (SB16/32/64, ESS, Jazz16) support"
+clean_blob sound/oss/sb_common.c
+clean_kconfig sound/oss/Kconfig 'SOUND_PAS'
+clean_kconfig sound/oss/Kconfig 'SOUND_SB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SOUND_PAS sound/oss/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_SOUND_SB sound/oss/Makefile
+announce SOUND_PSS - "PSS (AD1848, ADSP-2115, ESC614) support"
+clean_sed 's,^\( [*] .*synth"\)\.$,\1/*.,' sound/oss/pss.c 'avoid nested comments'
+clean_blob sound/oss/pss.c
+clean_kconfig sound/oss/Kconfig 'SOUND_PSS'
+clean_sed '
+/^config PSS_BOOT_FILE$/, /^config / {
+  /^	default.*dsp001\.ld/ s,".*","/*(DEBLOBBED)*/",;
+}' sound/oss/Kconfig 'removed default firmware'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SOUND_PSS sound/oss/Makefile
+# Documentation #
+announce Documentation - "non-Free firmware scripts and documentation"
+clean_blob Documentation/dvb/avermedia.txt
+clean_blob Documentation/dvb/opera-firmware.txt
+clean_blob Documentation/sound/alsa/ALSA-Configuration.txt
+clean_blob Documentation/sound/oss/MultiSound
+clean_blob Documentation/sound/oss/PSS
+clean_blob Documentation/sound/oss/PSS-updates
+clean_blob Documentation/sound/oss/README.OSS
+clean_file Documentation/dvb/get_dvb_firmware
+clean_file Documentation/video4linux/
+clean_sed s,usb8388,whatever,g drivers/base/Kconfig 'removed blob name'
+clean_blob firmware/WHENCE
+if $errors; then
+  echo errors above were ignored because of --force >&2
+exit 0

+ 6087 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6087 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2012-03-24
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright 2008-2012 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is part of GNU Linux-libre, a GNU project that
+# publishes scripts to clean up Linux so as to make it suitable for
+# use in the GNU Project and in Free System Distributions.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-v] [-v] [-s S] [--reverse-patch] \
+#        [--use-...|--gen-flex] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        *.tar* patch-* [-i prefix/] *.patch *.diff...
+# Look for and report too-long undocumented sequences of numbers
+# (generally blobs in disguise) in source files, as well as requests
+# for loading non-Free firmware.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+#	        Must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#    --reverse-patch: Test the removed parts of a patch, rather than
+#		the added ones.
+#    --use-awk: Choose the internal GNU awk script for the bulk of the
+#		work.  This is the default option, if GNU awk is found.
+#		The awk interpreter is named gawk, unless AWK is set.
+#    --use-sed: Choose the internal GNU sed script for the bulk of the
+#		work.  This is the default option, if GNU awk is not
+#		found.
+#    --use-python: Choose the internal python script.  This is not
+#		recommended, because the regular expressions we use
+#		invoke exponential behavior in the python engine.
+#    --use-perl: Choose the internal perl script.  This is not
+#		recommended, because our regular expressions exceed
+#		some limits hard-coded into perl.
+#    --save-script-input: Save the input that would have been fed to
+#		any of the engines above.
+#    --gen-flex: Generate a flex input file with all known blob and
+#		false positive patterns.  It would have been a fast
+#		regular expression processor if only the flex program
+#		completed in reasonable time.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or actual blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, even those
+#		known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# file options:
+# --: Don't process command-line options any further.  All following
+#		arguments are taken as filenames.
+# -i --implied-prefix --prefix: prepend the given prefix to each filename
+#		listed after this option, when configuring false positives
+#		and negatives.
+# *.tar*: iterate over all files in the named tar file.
+# *.patch, patch-*, *.diff: Look for blobs in the [ +] parts of the
+# 		*patch, unless --reverse-patch is given, in which case
+# 		the [ -] parts will be used.
+# Anything else is assumed to be a source file.
+# *.gz | *.bz2 | *.xz | *.lz: Decompress automatically.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+case ${LANG+set} in set) LANG=C; export LANG;; esac
+rm="rm -f"
+for echo in 'echo' 'printf %s\n'; do
+  case `$echo '\nx'` in
+  '\nx') break;;
+  esac
+case `$echo '\nx'` in
+'\nx') ;; *) echo Cannot find out what echo to use >&2; exit 1;;
+for echo_n in "echo -n" "printf %s"; do
+  case `$echo_n '\na'; $echo_n '\nb'` in
+  '\na\nb') break;;
+  esac
+case `$echo_n a; $echo_n b` in
+'ab') ;; *) echo Cannot find out an echo -n equivalent to use >&2; exit 1;;
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    vp="2"
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    vp="1"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  vp="0"
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+  reverse_patch=:
+  shift;
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--implied-prefix | --prefix| -i)
+  prefix=$2
+  case $prefix in
+  /*/) ;;
+  */) prefix=/$prefix ;;
+  /*) prefix=$prefix/ ;;
+  *) prefix=/$prefix/ ;;
+  esac
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  ;;
+set_eqscript_main () {
+  $set_main_cmd "$@"
+set_eqscript_cmd () {
+  set_eqscript_main "list_blob"
+set_sed_cmd () {
+  set_sed_main "
+q 1"
+set_flex_cmd () {
+  set_flex_main
+set_save_script_input_cmd () {
+  set_save_script_input_main
+if (${PYTHON-python} --version) > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+  # Python will exhibit exponential behavior processing some regular
+  # expressions, but we may have already fixed them all.  (see
+  # for details)
+  set_main_cmd=set_python_main
+elif (${AWK-gawk} --re-interval --version) > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+  # GNU awk works fine, but it requires --re-interval to accept regexp
+  # ranges, which we rely on to match blobs.  We could expand the blob
+  # on our own, but, yuck.
+  set_main_cmd=set_awk_main
+elif (${PERL-false} --version) > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+  # Don't choose perl by default.  Besides the potential for
+  # exponential behavior, we exceed some internal recursion limits.
+  set_main_cmd=set_perl_main
+  # Sed takes GBs of RAM to compile all the huge regexps in the sed
+  # script we generate with all known false positives and blobs in
+  # Linux.  However, it is somewhat faster than GNU awk and even
+  # python for long runs.
+  # Try it: deblob-check --use-sed linux-2.6.32.tar.bz2
+  set_cmd=set_sed_cmd
+case $1 in
+  shift;
+  set_cmd=set_eqscript_cmd;
+  set_main_cmd=set_python_main;
+  ;;
+  shift;
+  set_cmd=set_eqscript_cmd;
+  set_main_cmd=set_perl_main;
+  ;;
+  shift;
+  set_cmd=set_eqscript_cmd;
+  set_main_cmd=set_awk_main;
+  ;;
+  shift;
+  set_cmd=set_sed_cmd;
+  ;;
+  shift;
+  set_cmd=set_flex_cmd;
+  ;;
+  shift;
+  set_cmd=set_save_script_input_cmd;
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  ${SED-sed} -e '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  ${SED-sed} -n -e '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  ${SED-sed} -n -e '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b list_both" "p" "b list_matches"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "replace_blob = print_blob = without_falsepos"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b print_marked_matches" "" "b print_marked_matches"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "replace_falsepos = print_falsepos"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b print_matches" "" "b print_matches"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "print_falsepos"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b list_blobs" "p" "p"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "replace_blob = print_blob = print_falsepos = print_nomatch"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p
+# sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "print_blob = print_falsepos = print_nomatch"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b print_marked_blobs"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "replace_blob = print_blob"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b print_blobs"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "print_blob"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b print_marked_cblobs"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "with_context = replace_blob = print_blob"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b print_cblobs"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "with_context = print_blob"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "" "" "
+q 1"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "list_falsepos"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "
+q 1" "" "
+q 1"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "list_blob = list_falsepos"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b print_both" "" "b print_matches"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "print_blob = print_falsepos"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  --list-blobs | -l) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -- | --implied-prefix | --prefix | -i) ;;
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+  sawdashdash=t
+  shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+ allpass=:
+ for tool in awk perl python sed; do
+  echo testing $tool...
+  targs="-s 4 -i /deblob-check-testsuite/ --use-$tool"
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we
+  # recognize them as blobs with full context.
+  test="positive context"
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+    "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+    "= {
+1, 2, 3, 4
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 $targs -C` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed $test test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  test=negative
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+    "accept(1, 2, 3,
+4, 5, 6)" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 $targs` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed $test test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we print only the lines with blobs.
+  test="only blob"
+  odd=:
+  for string in \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+	"1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+	"  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+	".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+	"#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\" \
+    "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+	"   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000," \
+1, 2, 3, 4; 5, 6, 7, 8;
+9, 10, 11" \
+::: - :::
+1, 2, 3, 4; 5, 6, 7, 8;" \
+    "= {
+1, 2, 3, 4
+}" \
+	"blob()
+::: - :::
+1, 2, 3, 4" \
+    "a blobeol y
+x" \
+	"a blobeol y
+x" \
+  ; do
+    if $odd; then
+      input=$string odd=false
+      continue
+    fi
+    case `echo "$input" | $0 $targs -B` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *)
+      echo "failed $test test for:
+$input" >&2
+      pass=false
+      ;;
+    esac
+    odd=:
+  done
+  $odd || { echo "internal testsuite failure in $test" >&2; }
+  # Make sure we deblob only the blobs.
+  test="deblobs"
+  odd=:
+  for string in \
+    "= { 1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4' }" \
+	"= { /*(DEBLOBBED)*/' }" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+	"  '\\x/*(DEBLOBBED)*/\"" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+	".long /*(DEBLOBBED)*/" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+	"#define X { /*(DEBLOBBED)*/, /* comment */ \\" \
+    "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+	"   /*(DEBLOBBED)*/," \
+1, 2, 3, 4; 5, 6; 7, 8, 9, 10;
+9, 10, 11" \
+      "/*(DEBLOBBED)*/
+::: - :::
+/*(DEBLOBBED)*/; 5, 6; /*(DEBLOBBED)*/;" \
+    "= {
+accept() blob() x blob(
+) y
+}" \
+	"accept() /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ x /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ y" \
+    "= {
+accept() blob() x blob(
+w) y
+}" \
+	"accept() /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ x /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ y" \
+    "a blobeol y
+x" \
+	"a /*(DEBLOBBED)*/x" \
+  ; do
+    if $odd; then
+      input=$string odd=false
+      continue
+    fi
+    case `echo "$input" | $0 $targs -b` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *)
+      echo "failed $test test for:
+$input" >&2
+      pass=false
+      ;;
+    esac
+    odd=:
+  done
+  $odd || { echo "internal testsuite failure in $test" >&2; }
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success for $tool
+  else
+    allpass=$pass
+  fi
+ done
+ $allpass
+ exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  blob "$blobseq"
+  # We leave out the initial and final letters of request_firmware so
+  # that deblobbing turns them into r/*DEBLOBBED*/e, a syntax error.
+  blobna 'equest_firmwar'
+  blobna 'equest_ihex_firmwar'
+  blobna 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[ 	]*[(][^\n;]*[)][ 	]*[;]\([ 	\n]*MODULE_FIRMWARE[ 	]*[(][^\n;]*[)][ 	]*[;]\)*'
+  blobna '\([.]\|->\)firmware[ 	\n]*=[^=]'
+  blobna 'mod_firmware_load' # sound/
+  blobname '[.]\(fw\|bin[0-9]*\|hex\|frm\|co[dx]\|dat\|elf\|xlx\|rfb\|ucode\|img\|sbcf\|ctx\(prog\|vals\)\|z77\|wfw\)["]'
+  # Ideally we'd whitelist URLs that don't recommend non-Free
+  # Software, but there are just too many URLs in Linux, and most are
+  # fine, so we just blacklist when we find undesirable URLs.
+  # Please report if you find any inappropriate URL in Linux-libre
+  # deblobbed documentation, sources or run-time log messages.
+  # blobna '\(f\|ht\)tp:[/]\([/]\+[^/ \n ]\+\)\+'
+  case $prefix$1 in
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static[ ]u8[ ]firmware\[\]=[{][\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n][}][;]'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ezusb_hex_record[ ]xircom_pgs_firmware\[\][ ]='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ezusb_hex_record[ ]keyspan_pda_firmware\[\][ ]='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '[	]\.long[	]0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '[	]\.long[	]0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]spu_save_code\[\][ ][ ]__attribute__[(][(]__aligned__[(]128[)][)][)][ ]='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]spu_restore_code\[\][ ][ ]__attribute__[(][(]__aligned__[(]128[)][)][)][ ]='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '[	]\.initial_reg_values[	]=[ ][(]struct[ ]ixp2000_reg_value[ ]\[\][)][ ][{]'
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '[	]\.initial_reg_values[	]=[ ][(]struct[ ]ixp2000_reg_value[ ]\[\][)][ ][{]'
+    # checked:
+    accept '[	][$]3[ ]=[ ][{][{]pge[ ]=[ ][{][{]ste[ ]=[ ][{]\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\)[ ]=\|<repeats[ ][0-9]\+[ ]times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats[ ]11[ ]times>[}]$'
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n][	]\.byte[	]0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n][ ][ ]\.long[ ][ ]0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*" arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00' arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n][	]\.byte[ ]0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"'$' arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]\.byte[ ][ ]0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*"'$' arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]\.byte[ ][ ]8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*"'$' arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '[	]\.section[ ]__ex_table,["]a["]'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '[	]memcpy[(]src,[ ]["]\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00["].*PROGxxxx' arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\][ ]=' arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]__flsm1_tab\[256\][ ]=' arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    accept '#define[ ]_MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE[	]\\[\n][	]\(0,\)\+$' 'drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment\.h\|include/linux/map_to_7segment\.h'
+    initc '[	]static[ ]int[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]init_values_b\[\][ ]=' sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\][ ]=' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n][	]\.byte[ ]0x09,[ ]0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\([;]\?[	]\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\([;]\?[	]\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][/][*][ ]\(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\)[ ][*][/][\n][ ][ ][ ][{][\n][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][{]'"$blobpat*" drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'for[ ]i[ ]in[ ][ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do' 'Documentation/specialix\.txt|Documentation/serial/specialix\.txt'
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]:[ ][ ][ ]3600000[ ][ ][ ]3400000[ ][ ][ ]3200000[ ][ ][ ]3000000[ ][ ][ ]2800000[ ]' Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '00[ ]00[\n]64[ ]01[\n]8e[ ]0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe[ ]fe' 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0f[ ]00[ ]08[ ]08[ ]64[ ]00[ ]0a[ ]00[ ]-[ ]id[ ]0[\n]'"$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept 'default[ ]nvram[ ]data:'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0x0458[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x102c[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x041e[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '[ ][ ][(]gdb[)][ ]x[/]100x[ ][$]25[\n][ ][ ]0x507d2434:[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]0x507d2434[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]0x00000000[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]0x08048000[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]1[ ][ ]0[ ][ ]0[ ][ ]0[ ][ ]0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/isdn/
+    accept 'domain<N>[ ]<cpumask>[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]10[ ]11[ ]12[ ]13[ ]14[ ]15[ ]16[ ]17[ ]18[ ]19[ ]20[ ]21[ ]22[ ]23[ ]24[ ]25[ ]26[ ]27[ ]28[ ]29[ ]30[ ]31[ ]32[ ]33[ ]34[ ]35[ ]36$' Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept '[ *	]*0[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]1[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]2[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]3[\n][ *	]*0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1' 'net/\(netfilter\|ipv4\)/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c|net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c|include/linux/scpt.h'
+    accept '[ ][*][ ][ ]1[ ]1[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]1[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0' arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    ocomment '[	][/][*][ ]Configure[ ]the[ ]PCI[ ]bus[ ]bursts[ ]and[ ]FIFO[ ]thresholds.' drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '[/][*][ ]the[ ]original[ ]LUT[ ]values[ ]from[ ]Alex[ ]van[ ]Kaam[ ]<darkside@chello\.nl>' drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    initc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]init\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*MODE=0[ ][;].*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START' drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]cipher_testvec[ ]\(aes\|anubis\|bf\|camellia\|cts_mode\|des3_ede\|cast6\|salsa20_stream\|serpent\|tf\|tnepres\|xeta\|x\?tea\)\(_\(cbc\|ctr\(_rfc3686\)\?\|xts\)\)\?_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]comp_testvec[ ]\(deflate\|lzo\)_\(de\)\?comp_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]hash_testvec[ ]\(aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\|hmac_sha2\(24\|56\)\|\(sha\|wp\)\(256\|384\|512\)\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    # initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ \n	]*=[ ][{"]' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?RegInitializer[ ]initData\[\][ ]__initdata[ ]=' 'drivers/ide/ali14xx\.c\|drivers/ide/legacy/ali14xx\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]setup\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/ide/delkin_cb\.c\|drivers/ide/pci/delkin_cb\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6[ ]-[ ]XFER_UDMA_0[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' 'drivers/ide/sis5513\.c\|drivers/ide/pci/sis5513\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(act\|ini\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\][ ]=' 'drivers/ide/sis5513\.c\|drivers/ide/pci/sis5513\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]speedtab[ ]\[3\]\[12\][ ]=' 'drivers/ide/umc8672\.c\|drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]\(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\][ ]=' net/wireless/b43/phy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/zr36060\.c\|drivers/media/video/zoran/zr36060\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/zr36060\.c\|drivers/media/video/zoran/zr36060\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]tas3004_treble_table\[\][ ]=' sound/aoa/codecs/tas-basstreble.h
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]test_pat\[4\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "[	][}]\\(,\\?[ ]mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\][ ]=[ ][{]$sepx$blobpat*$sepx[}]\\)*[;]" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    # end of generic checked expressions.
+    # version-specific checked bits start here
+    # removed in 2.6.28
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]irq_xlate\[32\][ ]=' arch/sparc/kernel/sun4m_irq.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/hid/hid-input.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(read_indexs\|n\(set\)\?[0-9]*\(_other\)\?\|missing\)\[[0-9x]*\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u_char[ ]nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/nand_ecc.c
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_\(11[ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\)[ ]' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath_hal[ ]ar5416hal[ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/hw.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]INIT_2\[127\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap/lcd_sx1.c
+    # removed in 2.6.24
+    accept "[ ]Psize[ ][ ][ ][ ]Ipps[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]Tput[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]Rxint[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]Txint[ ][ ][ ][ ]Done[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]Ndone[\\n][ ]---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+"'$'
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_short[ ]ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]__initdata[ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]invert5\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]alpa2target\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]target2alpa\[\][ ]='
+    oprepline '#define[ ]INIT_THREAD[ ][{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static[ ]uint[ ]tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]short[ ]dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]DACVolTable\[101\][ ]='
+    # removed in 2.6.23
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]UQItype[ ]__clz_tab\[\][ ]=' arch/arm26/lib/udivdi3.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]scale\[101\][ ]=' sound/oss/opl3sa2.c
+    initnc '[}][ ]syncs\[\][ ]=' drivers/scsi/53c7xx.c
+    initnc 'genoa_md:'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n][	]\.ascii[	]["]Genoa["]' arch/i386/boot/video.S
+    # removed in 2.6.22
+    initnc 'Vendor[ ]ID[ ][ ]Product[ ]ID[\n]-\+[ ][ ]-\+[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    defsnc 'static[ ]short[ ][au]law2dma16\[\]' arch/ppc/8xx_io/cs4218_tdm.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]minimal_ascii_table\[\]' drivers/ieee1394/csr1212.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]key_map[ ]\[256\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_ir.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]gf64_inv\[64\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/cafe_ecc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]err_pos_lut\[4096\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/cafe_ecc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]testdata\[TESTDATA_LEN\][ ]=' fs/jffs2/comprtest.c
+    # added in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values[ ]=[ ][(][\\n][	]\\([0-9]\\+[ ]=>[ ]\\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|\\'0x[0-9a-f]\\+\\'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(,[ ]\\|[\\n]\\)\\)*[)][;]"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '[	]int[ ]bcomm_irq\[3[*]16\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]int8[ ]countLeadingZerosHigh\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nic_qp_map[ ]nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval[ ]ov_initvals\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval[ ]stk1125_initvals\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]arb_line[ ]read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x_init_opts.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]arb_line[ ]write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x_init_opts.h
+    initnc '[	][	][}][ ]blinkrates\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini[ ]ar5212_ini\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_mode[ ]rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/initvals.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5111\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/rfbuffer.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5112\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/rfbuffer.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5112a\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/rfbuffer.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5413\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/rfbuffer.h
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static[ ]u64[ ]vec2off\[68\][ ]=' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "[	][	][	]interrupts[ ]=[ ]<\\(0x\\)\\?3[ ]\\(0x\\)\\?0[ ]\\(0x\\)\\?0[ ][ ]$blobpat*>[;]" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]crctab32\[\][ ]=' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]mse2snr_tab[ ]\(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]\(VSB\|QAM\(64\|256\)\?\)_mod_tab\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522\(_dig\)\?\.c'
+    initnc '[}][ ]itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '[}][ ]\(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '[}][ ]snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]reg_init_initialize\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\][ ]=' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_mode[ ]rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm9713_reg\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # new in 2.6.27
+    accept '[	]\.section[ ]__ex_table,["]a["]'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n][	]\.byte[ ]0x09,[ ]0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\([;]\?[	]\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\([;]\?[	]\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept ':03000000020200F9[\n]:040023000205\(9B0037\|5F0073\)[\n]\(:050030000000000000CB[\n]\|:0400430002010000B6[\n]\)*'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]:\(0E06E0006400670065007400060334003700F4\|0606A000060334003700E0\)[\n]:00000001FF' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).HEX'
+    accept ':100000000C004000000000000000000000000000A4[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n][/][*][ ]DSP56001[ ]bootstrap[ ]code[ ][*][/]' firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.bin.ihex
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]uda1380_reg\[UDA1380_CACHEREGNUM\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/uda1380.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\][ ]=' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]usb_kbd_keycode\[256\][ ]=' drivers/hid/usbhid/usbkbd.c
+    initnc '[	][	]u8[ ]buf,[ ]bufs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_pll_desc[ ][^\n]*[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]int[ ]sysdiv_to_div_x_2\[\][ ]=' arch/powerpc/platforms/512x/clock.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cx_inits_\(176\|320\|352\|640\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cx_jpeg_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cxjpeg_\(640\|352\|320\|176\|qtable\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]quant\[\]\[0x88\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]huffman\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initc '[	]\?static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]norm_76[1247]0\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pac7311_jpeg_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(start\|page[34]\)_73\(02\|11\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/gspca/pac73\(02\|11\)\.c'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]init\(Hv7131\|Ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|Pas\(106\|202\)\|Tas51[13]0\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(hv7131\|ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|pas\(106\|202\)\|tas51[13]0\)_sensor_init\(_com\)\?\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mt9v111\|sp80708\|hv7131[rd]\|mi0360b\?\|mo4000\|ov76\([36]0\|48\)\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]qtable4\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]\(spca500_visual\|Clicksmart510\)_defaults\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]qtable_\(creative_pccam\|kodak_ez200\|pocketdv\)\[2\]\[64\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]spca501c\?_\(\(3com\|arowana\|mysterious\)_\)\?\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca501.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__u16\|u8\)[ ]spca505b\?_\(init\|open\)_data\(_ccd\)\?\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca505.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u16[ ]spca508\(cs110\|_sightcam2\?\|_vista\)\?_init_data\[\]\[[23]\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca508.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]\(spca561\|rev72a\)_init_data3\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca561.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__u16\|struct[ ]cmd\)[ ]spca504\(_pccam600\|A_clicksmart420\)_\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\(\[3\]\)\?[ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]qtable_\(creative_pccam\|spca504_default\)\[2\]\[64\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(effects\|gamma\)_table\[\(MAX_[A-Z]*\|[A-Z]*_MAX\)\]\[[0-9]*\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t631.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]tas5130a_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]usb_action[ ]\(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105a\(xx\)\?\|ov7630c\|mt9v111_[13]\|pb0330\([3x]x\)\?\|mi0360soc\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_\(agc\|ofdm\|power_cck\(_ch14\)\?\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]t10_dif_crc_table\[256\][ ]=' lib/crc-t10dif.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]crb_128M_2M_block_map_t[ ]crb_128M_2M_map\[64\][ ]=' drivers/net/netxen/netxen_hw.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]crc10_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/usb/serial/safe_serial.c
+    accept '[ 	]*\([ ]*0\)*\([ ]*1\)*[\n][ 	]*0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]*2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7' Documentation/bt8xxgpio.txt
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]int[ ]exp_lut\[256\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]bf_pbox\[16[ ][+][ ]2\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]bf_sbox\[256[ ][*][ ]4\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]sample_\(german_\(all\|old\)\|american_\(dialtone\|ringing\|busy\)\|special[123]\|silence\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'struct[ ]pattern[ ][{][^}]*int[ ]tone[;][^}]*[}][ ]pattern\[\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\([au]\|_4\)law_to_\([ua]law\|4bit\)\[256\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_codec.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]banner_table\[\][ ]=' arch/sh/boards/mach-microdev/led.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]desc_idx_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/include/asm/hardware/iop3xx-adma.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]ar\(5416\|9280\)\(Modes\(_fast_clock\)\?\|Common\|BB_RfGain\|Bank6\(TPC\)\?\|Addac\)\(_91[06]0\(_\?1_1\)\?\|_9280\(_2\)\?\)\?\[\]\[[236]\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/\(ar\(5008\|9001\)_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    # new in 2.6.28
+    accept '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]char[ ]\(inv\)\?parity\[256\][ ]=[ ][{][	 \n01,]*[}][;]' 'Documentation/mtd/nand_ecc\.txt\|drivers/mtd/nand/nand_ecc\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]\(bitsperbyte\|addressbits\)\[256\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/nand_ecc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pinmux_cfg_reg[ ]pinmux_config_regs\[\][ ]=' 'arch/sh/kernel/cpu/sh2a/pinmux-sh7203\.c\|arch/arm/mach-shmobile/pfc-sh73[67]7\.c'
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]e_keymap\[\][ ]=' drivers/hid/hid-lg.c
+    defsnc 'DEFINE_DEFAULT_PDR[(]0x0161,[ ]256,' drivers/net/wireless/hermes_dld.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]isink_cur\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/wm8350-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]\(converge_speed_ipb\?\|LAMBDA_table\[4\]\)\[101\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]addrinctab\[33\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(default_intra_quant_table\|\(val\|bits\)_[ad]c_\(lu\|chro\)minance\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]zz\[64\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc '[	]u16[ ]pack\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(initial\|channel\)_registers\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/go7007/wis-\(ov7640\|saa7113\|tw2804\).c'
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]MTO_One_Exchange_Time_Tbl_[ls]\[MTO_MAX_FRAG_TH_LEVELS\]\[MTO_MAX_DATA_RATE_LEVELS\][ ]=' drivers/staging/winbond/mto.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]\(al2230_txvga_data\|w89rf242_txvga_old_mapping\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/winbond/reg.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]UINT16[ ]crc16tab\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/wlan-ng/hfa384x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(UINT32\|u32\)[ ]wep_crc32_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/wlan-ng/p80211wep.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]wm_vol\[256\][ ]=' 'sound/pci/ice1712/\(phase\|aureon\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8900_reg_defaults\[WM8900_MAXREG\][ ]=' sound/soc/wm8900.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]\(clk_sys_ratios\|bclk_divs\)\[\][ ]=' 'sound/soc/wm890[34]\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(leadtek\|twinhan\|a_link\|msi\|mygictv\|kworld\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]\(snr_table\|af9013_snr\)[ ]\(qpsk\|qam\(16\|64\)\)_snr_\(table\|lut\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]\(regdesc\|af9013_reg_bit\)[ ]\(ofsm_init\|tuner_init_\(env77h11d5\|mt2060\(_2\)\?\|mxl500\(3d\|5\)\|qt1010\|mc44s803\|unknown\|tda18271\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]stv0288_earda_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/eds1547.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]serit_sp1511lhb_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/si21xx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]stv0288_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/stv0288.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_b\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2400pci.c
+    # request_firmware matches for 2.6.28
+    accept 'D:[ ]Firmware[ ]loader[ ][(]request_firmware[)]' CREDITS
+    accept 'FIRMWARE[ ]LOADER[ ][(]request_firmware[)]' MAINTAINERS
+    accept '[	]-[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]hotplug[ ]interface[ ]info.' Documentation/00-INDEX
+    accept 'This[ ]driver[ ]requires[ ]a[ ]patch[ ]for[ ]firmware_class[^\n]*[\n]request_firmware_nowait[ ]function\.' Documentation/dell_rbu.txt
+    accept '\([ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]hotplug[ ]interface:[\n][ ]--*[\n].*[ ]\)\?-[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(][)][ ]is[ ]also[ ]provided[ ]for[ ]convenience' Documentation/firmware_class/README
+    accept 'Still,[ ]there[ ]are[ ]kernel[ ]threads[ ]that[ ]may[ ]want.*For[ ]example,[ ]if[ ]request_.*_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]fail[ ]regardless' Documentation/power/freezing-of-tasks.txt
+    accept 'Also,[ ]there[ ]may[ ]be[ ]some[ ]operations,.*calling[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]from[ ]their[ ].resume[(][)][ ]routines' Documentation/power/notifiers.txt
+    accept 'There[ ]is[ ]an[ ]USB[ ]interface[ ]for[ ]downloading[/]uploading.*request_firmware[ ]interface\.' Documentation/video4linux/si470x.txt
+    accept '[	]-[ ]move[ ]firmware[ ]loading[ ]to[ ]request_firmware[(][)]' drivers/staging/slicoss/README
+    accept 'config[ ]FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL.*let[ ]firmware[ ]be[ ]loaded[ ]from[ ]userspace\.' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '[	 ]*and[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]in[ ]the[ ]source' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '\(static[ ]int[\n ]\)\?_request_firmware[(]const[ ]struct[ ]firmware[ ][*][*]firmware_p,[^{]*[\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}][\n]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[\n ]request_firmware_work_func[(]void[ ][*]arg[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*ret[ ]=[ ]_request_firmware[(][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}][\n]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[/][*][*][\n][ ][*][ ]request_firmware:[ ]-[ ]send[ ]firmware[ ][^{]*[\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}][\n]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[/][*][*][\n][ ][*][ ]request_firmware_nowait\(:\|[ ]-\)[ ]asynchronous[ ]version[^{]*[\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}][\n]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'EXPORT_SYMBOL[(]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[)][;]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'int[ ]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(][^;]*[)][;]' include/linux/firmware.h
+    accept 'static[ ]inline[ ]int[ ]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(][^{]*[)][\n][{][\n][	]return[ ]-EINVAL[;][\n][}]' include/linux/firmware.h
+    accept 'static[ ]inline[ ]int[\n]\(maybe_\)\?reject_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(][^{;]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]' include/linux/firmware.h
+    accept 'static[ ]inline[ ]int[ ]request_ihex_firmware\?[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}][\n]' include/linux/ihex.h
+    ocomment '[/][*][ ]Optional[ ]firmware\([^\n]*[\n][ ][*]\)*[^\n]*[ ]MODULE_FIRMWARE[(][)]'
+    oprepline '#define[ ]MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]_firmware[)]' include/linux/module.h
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]Sample[ ]code[ ]on[ ]how[ ]to[ ]use[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]from[ ]drivers\.' samples/firmware_class/firmware_sample_driver.c
+    accept '[	]\(retval\|error\)[ ]=[ ]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(][^;]*["]sample_driver_fw["],[^;]*[)][;]' samples/firmware_class/firmware_sample_driver.c
+    ocomment '[	][/][*][ ]request_firmware[ ]blocks[ ]until[ ]userspace[ ]finished' samples/firmware_class/firmware_sample_driver.c
+    accept '[	][	][ 	]*["][ ]request_firmware_nowait[ ]failed' samples/firmware_class/firmware_sample_driver.c
+    # We used to remove these in early versions of Linux-libre.
+    # They're now believed to be mere initialization data, rather than
+    # code disguised as such, and they're not long enough so as to
+    # render the software non-Free.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]tda10021_inittab\[0x40\]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]tda8083_init_tab[ ]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]ves1820_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]init_1[89]93_w\?tab[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]saa7113_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]philips_sd1878_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]Kiara_table_entry[ ]Kiara_table\[PSZ_MAX\]\[6\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]KiaraRomTable[ ]\[8\]\[2\]\[16\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]Timon_table_entry[ ]Timon_table\[PSZ_MAX\]\[PWC_FPS_MAX_TIMON\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]TimonRomTable[ ]\[16\]\[2\]\[16\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]struct_initData[ ]initData\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8187b_reg_table\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_dev.c
+    defsnc 'unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\|IPA_PDU_HEADER\|\(READ\|WRITE\)_CCW\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/qeth_core_mpc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]camera_ncm03j_magic\[\][ ]=' 'arch/sh/boards/\(board-ap325rxa\.c\|mach-ap325rxa/setup\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]\(sync\|magic[0-3]\)_data\[\][ ]=' arch/sh/boards/mach-migor/lcd_qvga.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]camera_ov772x_magic\[\][ ]=' arch/sh/boards/mach-migor/setup.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]chips_init_reg[ ]chips_init_[sgacfx]r\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/video/\(asiliant\|chips\)fb.c'
+    # This one is quite suspicious, but it's small enough (64 bytes
+    # total) that it's believable that it could be actual source code.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cx11646_fw1\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    # Hunting down non-Free firmware-loading code and instructions.
+    # Firmware names are to be caught anywhere.
+    # 2.6.26 but not later
+    blobname 'atmsar1[12]\.\(x\|start\|regions\|data\|bin[12]\?\)' 'drivers/atm/\(Makefile\|ambassador\.c\)'
+    blob '#\(define\|include\)[ ]UCODE2\?[(][^\n]*' drivers/atm/ambassador.c
+    blob 'static[ ]\(u32\|region\)[ ]__devinitdata[ ]ucode_\(start\|\(regions\|data\)\[\]\)[ ]=[^;]*[;]' drivers/atm/ambassador.c
+    blob '\(#\(ifdef[ ]AMB_NEW_MICROCODE\|else\|endif\)[\n]#\(define\|include\)[ ]UCODE2\?[(][^\n]*[\n]\)\+\([\n]*static[ ]\(u32\|region\)[ ]__devinitdata[ ]ucode_\(start\|\(regions\|data\)\[\]\)[ ]=[^;]*[;]\)*' drivers/atm/ambassador.c
+    blobname '\(pca\|sba\)200e\(_ecd\)\?\.\(data\|bin[12]\?\)' 'drivers/atm/\(Makefile\|fore200e\(_mkfirm\)\?\.c\)'
+    blobna '[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*PCA-200E[ ]firmware[ ][*][/]' drivers/atm/fore200e_mkfirm.c
+    blobna '_fore200e_\(pca\|sba\)_fw_\(data\|size\)' drivers/atm/fore200e.c
+    blob '#ifdef[ ]CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E_\(PCA\|SBA\)\([\n]extern[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]\(char\|int\)[ ]*_fore200e_\(pca\|sba\)_fw_\(data\[\]\|size\)[;]\)\+[\n]#endif\([\n]\+#ifdef[ ]CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E_\(PCA\|SBA\)\([\n]extern[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]\(char\|int\)[ ]*_fore200e_\(pca\|sba\)_fw_\(data\[\]\|size\)[;]\)\+[\n]#endif\)*' drivers/atm/fore200e.c
+    # 2.6.27 but not later
+    blob 'cas_saturn_patch_t[ ]cas_saturn_patch\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' drivers/net/cassini.h
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]firmware[ ]files[ ]--[ ]the[ ]same[ ]names[ ]which[ ]appear[ ]in[ ]MODULE_FIRMWARE[(][)]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    # 2.6.28 or earlier
+    blobname 'atmsar11\.fw' drivers/atm/ambassador.c
+    blob '\(#ifdef[ ]__\(LITTLE\|BIG\)_ENDIAN[\n]\)\?#define[ ]FW_EXT[ ]["]\(_ecd\)\?\.bin2\?["]\([\n]#else[\n]#define[ ]FW_EXT[ ]["]\(_ecd\)\?\.bin2\?["]\)*\([\n]#endif\)\?' drivers/atm/fore200e.c
+    blobna 'sprintf[(][^;]*fore200[^;]*FW_EXT[^;]*[)][;]' drivers/atm/fore200e.c
+    blobname '\(pc\|sb\)a200e\(_ecd\)\?\.bin[12]\?' drivers/atm/fore200e.c
+    blobna 'The[ ]supplied[ ]firmware[ ]images.*http:[/][/][^\n]*\(fore\|FORE_Systems\).*Rebuild[ ]and[ ]re-install[^.]*\.' Documentation/networking/fore200e.txt
+    blobname 'intelliport2\.bin' drivers/char/ip2/ip2main.c
+    blob 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]warp_g[24]00_t2\?gzs\?a\?f\?\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^{};]*[}][;]\([\n][\n]*static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]warp_g[24]00_t2\?gzs\?a\?f\?\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^{};]*[}][;]\)*' drivers/gpu/drm/mga/mga_ucode.h
+    blob '\(#define[ ]WARP_UCODE_\(SIZE\|INSTALL\)[(][ ]*which\([^\n]*\\[ 	]*[\n]\)*[^\n]*\|static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]mga_warp_g[24]00_microcode_size[ ]=[^;]*[;]\|static[ ]int[ ]mga_warp_install_g[24]00_microcode[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]\)\([\n][\n]*\(#define[ ]WARP_UCODE_\(SIZE\|INSTALL\)[(][ ]*which\([^\n]*\\[ 	]*[\n]\)*[^\n]*\|static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]mga_warp_g[24]00_microcode_size[ ]=[^;]*[;]\|static[ ]int[ ]mga_warp_install_g[24]00_microcode[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]\)\)*' drivers/gpu/drm/mga/mga_warp.c
+    blobna '\(case[ ]MGA_CARD_TYPE_G[^:]*:[ 	\n]*\)\+return[ ][^;]*mga_warp[^;]*microcode[^;]*[;]\([ 	\n]*\(case[ ]MGA_CARD_TYPE_G[^:]*:[ 	\n]*\)\+return[ ][^;]*mga_warp[^;]*microcode[^;]*[;][ 	]*\)*' drivers/gpu/drm/mga/mga_warp.c
+    blob 'static[ ]u32[ ]r128_cce_microcode\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' drivers/gpu/drm/r128/r128_cce.c
+    blob 'static[ ]void[ ]r128_cce_load_microcode[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]' drivers/gpu/drm/r128/r128_cce.c
+    # blobna 'R128_WRITE[(]R128_PM4_MICROCODE_DATA[HL],[\n	 ]*r128_cce_microcode\[i[ ][*][ ]2\([ ][+][ ]1\)\?\][)]\([;][\n 	]*R128_WRITE[(]R128_PM4_MICROCODE_DATA[HL],[\n	 ]*r128_cce_microcode\[i[ ][*][ ]2\([ ][+][ ]1\)\?\][)]\)*' drivers/gpu/drm/r128/r128_cce.c
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]R[SV0-9]*[05]_\(c\|pf\)p_microcode\[\]\(\[[23]\]\)\?[ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]\([\n][\n]*static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]R[SV0-9]*[05]_\(c\|pf\)p_microcode\[\]\(\[[23]\]\)\?[ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]\)*' 'drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/\(radeon\|r600\)_microcode\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]void[ ]r\(adeon\|[167]00\)_cp_load_microcode[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*cp_microcode[^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]' 'drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r\(\(adeon\|600\)_cp\|100\)\.c'
+    # blobna 'RADEON_WRITE[(]R\(ADEON\|600\)_CP_\(ME_RAM\|PFP_UCODE\)_DATA[HL]\?,[\n	 ]*R[SV0-9]*[05]_\(c\|pf\)p_microcode\[i\]\(\[[012]\]\)\?[)]\([;][\n 	]*RADEON_WRITE[(]R\(ADEON\|600\)_CP_\(ME_RAM\|PFP_UCODE\)_DATA[HL]\?,[\n	 ]*R[SV0-9]*[05]_\(c\|pf\)p_microcode\[i\]\(\[[012]\]\)\?[)]\)*' 'drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/\(radeon\|r600\)_cp\.c'
+    blob 'sub[ ]\(sp887[0x]\|tda1004\(5\|6\(lifeview\)\?\)\|av7110\|dec\(2\(00\|54\)0t\|3000s\)\|opera1\|vp7041\|dibusb\|nxt200[24]\|cx\(23\(1xx\|885\)\|18\)\|pvrusb2\|or51\(211\|132_\(qam\|vsb\)\)\|bluebird\|mpc718\|af9015\|ngene\)[ ]*[{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]\([\n]\+sub[ ]\(sp887[0x]\|tda1004\(5\|6\(lifeview\)\?\)\|av7110\|dec\(2\(00\|54\)0t\|3000s\)\|opera1\|vp7041\|dibusb\|nxt200[24]\|cx\(23\(1xx\|885\)\|18\)\|pvrusb2\|or51\(211\|132_\(qam\|vsb\)\)\|bluebird\|mpc718\|af9015\|ngene\)[ ]*[{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]\)*' Documentation/dvb/get_dvb_firmware
+    blobna 'Please[ ]use[^\n]*firmware[^\n]*sp887x[^\n]*\([\n][^\n]\+\)\+' Documentation/dvb/avermedia.txt
+    blob 'To[ ]extract[ ]the[ ]firmware[^\n]*Opera[ ]DVB-S1[ ]USB-Box.*[/]lib[/]firmware[/][ ]\.' Documentation/dvb/opera-firmware.txt
+    blobname '\(dvb-usb-opera[^\n]*\.fw\|2830S[^\n]*2\.sys\)' Documentation/dvb/opera-firmware.txt
+    blob 'Getting[ ]the[ ]Firmware\([\n][^\n]\+\)*' Documentation/dvb/ttusb-dec.txt
+    blob '[/][*][\n 	]*File[ ]automatically[ ]generated[ ]by[ ]createinit\.py[ ]using[ ]data[\n 	]*extracted[ ]from[ ]AF05BDA\.sys.*[}][;]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+    blob '#include[ ]["]af9005-script\.h["]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-fe.c
+    blobna '[\n][	]scriptlen[ ]=[ ]sizeof[(]script[)][^;]*[;][\n][	]for[^{]*scriptlen[^{]*[{][^}]*[^\n	}]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-fe.c
+    accept 'struct[ ]\(sp8870\|tda1004x\)_config[\n][{][^}]*[(][*]request_firmware[)][^}]*[\n][}][;]' 'drivers/media/dvb/frontends/\(sp8870\|tda1004x\)\.h'
+    blob '[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*get_dvb_firmware[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\([\n]\(#define[ ]\(\([^\n 	]*_DEFAULT\|NONFREE\)_FIRMWARE\|["][^"]*["]\)[ ]\([^\n]\|[\\][\n]\)*\|[/][*][(]DEBLOBBED[)][*][/]\)\)*' 'drivers/media/dvb/frontends/\(nxt200x\|or51211\|sp887[0x]\|tda1004[8x]\)\.c'
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-sp8870\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp8870.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-tda1004[56]\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda1004x.c
+    # This bootcode is actually Free Software under GPLv2, but since it's
+    # being distributed without source code, we're taking it out.
+    blob 'static[ ]u8[ ]bootcode\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+    blobname 'dvb-ttpci-01\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]nexusca_stv0297_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]philips_su1278_tt_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]dvbc_philips_tdm1316l_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+    blobname 'ttusb-budget[/]dspbootcode\.bin' drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+    blobname 'cpia2[/]stv0672_vp4\.bin' drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2_core.c
+    blobname 'dabusb[/]\(firmware\.fw\|bitstream\.bin\)' drivers/media/video/dabusb.c
+    blob 'static[ ]u32[ ]tigon2\?Fw\(Text\|Rodata\|Data\)\[[(]MAX_\(TEXT\|RODATA\|DATA\)_LEN[/]4[)][ ][+][ ]1\][ ]__devinitdata[ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]\([\n]static[ ]u32[ ]tigon2\?Fw\(Text\|Rodata\|Data\)\[[(]MAX_\(TEXT\|RODATA\|DATA\)_LEN[/]4[)][ ][+][ ]1\][ ]__devinitdata[ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]\)*' drivers/net/acenic_firwmare.h
+    blob '#define[ ]tigon2\?Fw[^ ]*\(Addr\|Len\)[ ]0x[^\n]*\([\n]#define[ ]tigon2\?Fw[^ ]*\(Addr\|Len\)[ ]0x[^\n]*\)\+' drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+    blob '\([/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*Do[ ]not[ ]try[ ]to[ ]clear[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/][\n][	]\)\?ace_clear[^;]*[;][\n]\([^}]*[{][^}]*ace_copy[^}]*tigon2\?Fw[^}]*[}]\)*[\n]\+[	]return[ ]0[;][\n][}]' drivers/net/acenic.c
+    blob 'if[ ][(]\(ACE_IS_TIGON_I[(]ap[)]\|ap->version[ ]==[ ]2\)[)][\n][	][	]writel[(]tigon2\?FwStartAddr,[ ][&]regs->Pc[)][;]\([\n][	]if[ ][(]\(ACE_IS_TIGON_I[(]ap[)]\|ap->version[ ]==[ ]2\)[)][\n][	][	]writel[(]tigon2\?FwStartAddr,[ ][&]regs->Pc[)][;]\)*' drivers/net/acenic.c
+    blob '#include[ ]["]starfire_firmware\.h["]' drivers/net/starfire.c
+    blob '[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*Load[ ]Rx[/]Tx[ ]firmware[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\([\n][	]for[ ][(][^)]*FIRMWARE_[RT]X_SIZE[^)]*[)][\n][	][	]writel[^;]*firmware_[rt]x[^;]*[;]\)\+' drivers/net/starfire.c
+    blob 'static[ ]\(u8\|const[ ]u32\|struct[ ]fw_info\)[ ]bnx2_\(\(COM\|CP\|[RT]XP\|TPAT\)_b0[69]Fw\(Text\|Data\|Rodata\)\|\(xi_\)\?rv2p_proc[12]\|\(com\|cp\|[rt]xp\|tpat\)_fw_0[69]\)\(\[[^]};]*\]\)*[ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]\([\n][\n]*static[ ]\(u8\|const[ ]u32\|struct[ ]fw_info\)[ ]bnx2_\(\(COM\|CP\|[RT]XP\|TPAT\)_b0[69]Fw\(Text\|Data\|Rodata\)\|\(xi_\)\?rv2p_proc[12]\|\(com\|cp\|[rt]xp\|tpat\)_fw_0[69]\)\(\[[^]};]*\]\)*[ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]\)*' 'drivers/net/bnx2_fw2\?.h'
+    blob '#include[ ]["]bnx2_fw\.h["][\n][\n]*#include[ ]["]bnx2_fw2\.h["]' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    blob 'static[ ]void[\n]load_rv2p_fw[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    blob 'static[ ]int[\n]bnx2_init_cpus[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    # init_data_e1h? might actually be just data, but it doesn't
+    # really matter.
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(init\?\|[tucx]sem_\(int_table\|pram\)\)_data_e1h\?\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]\([\n][\n]*static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(init\?\|[tucx]sem_\(int_table\|pram\)\)_data_e1h\?\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]\)*' drivers/net/bnx2x_init_values.h
+    blob 'static[ ]\(void[ ]\|const[ ]u32[ ][*]\)bnx2x_\(sel_blob\|init_wr_wb\|init_block\)[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]\([\n][\n]*static[ ]\(void[ ]\|const[ ]u32[ ][*]\)bnx2x_\(sel_blob\|init_wr_wb\|init_block\)[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]\)*' 'drivers/net/bnx2x_init\(_ops\)\?\.h'
+    blobname 'sun[/]cassini\.bin' drivers/net/cassini.c
+    blobna 'static[ ]u16[ ]\(sr\|twinax\)_edc\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' drivers/net/cxgb3/ael1002.c
+    blobna 'for[ ][(][^\n]*ARRAY_SIZE[(]\(sr\|twinax\)_edc[)][^\n]*[)][\n][^;]*mdio_write[^;]*[;]' drivers/net/cxgb3/ael1002.c
+    blobname '\(cxgb3[/]\)\?t3\(fw\|\(%c\|.\)_p\(rotocol_\)\?sram\)-\(%d\|[0-9]*\)\.\(%d\|[0-9]*\)\.\(%d\|[0-9]*\)\.bin' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    blob '\([/][*][*]\+[/][\n]*\)*\([/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*Micro[ ]code[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*8086:[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\([\n]*[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\)*\|#define[ ][ ]*D10\(1M\(_B\)\?\|1S\|2_E\)_\(CPUSAVER_\(TIMER\|BUNDLE\|MIN_SIZE\)_DWORD\|RCVBUNDLE_UCODE\)[ 	][^\n]*\([\\][\n][^\n]*\)*\)\([\n]*[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+\([^/*]\|[/][\n]*[/][*]\+\)[^*]*\)*[*]*Micro[ ]code[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*8086:[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\([\n]*[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\)*\|[\n][\n]*#define[ ][ ]*D10\(1M\(_B\)\?\|1S\|2_E\)_\(CPUSAVER_\(TIMER\|BUNDLE\|MIN_SIZE\)_DWORD\|RCVBUNDLE_UCODE\)[ 	]\(\\[\n]\|[^\n]\)*\)*' drivers/net/e100.c
+    blobna '\([/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/][\n]*[	][	]\)\(ucode\[opts->\(timer\|bundle\|min_size\)_dword\][ ].=[ ][^;]*[;][\n][\n]*[	][	]\)*[^}]*UCODE_SIZE[^}]*cb_ucode[^}]*return[;][\n][	][}]' drivers/net/e100.c
+    blob 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]__devinitdata[ ]lanai4_\(code\|data\)\[[0-9]*\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' drivers/net/myri_code.h
+    blob '#include[ ]["]myri_code\.h["]' drivers/net/myri_sbus.c
+    blobna '\([/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/][\n	 ]*\)\?for[ ][(][^\n]*sizeof[(]lanai4_\(code\|data\)[^\n]*[)][\n][^\n]*sbus_writeb[^;]*lanai4_\(code\|data\)[^;]*lanai4_code_off[^;]*[;]\([\n	 ]*\([/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/][\n	 ]*\)\?for[ ][(][^\n]*sizeof[(]lanai4_\(code\|data\)[^\n]*[)][\n][^\n]*sbus_writeb[^;]*lanai4_\(code\|data\)[^;]*lanai4_\(code\|data\)_off[^;]*[;]\)*' drivers/net/myri_sbus.c
+    blob 'static[ ]u32[ ]s_firmLoad\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+    blobna 'bdx_tx_push_desc_safe[^;]*s_firmLoad[^;]*[;]' drivers/net/tehuti.c
+    blobna 'for[ ][(][^\n]*ARRAY_SIZE[(]s_firmLoad[)][^\n]*[)][\n	 ]*s_firmLoad[^;]*=[^;]*s_firmLoad[^;]*[;]' drivers/net/tehuti.c
+    blob '[ ][*][ ]Firmware[ ]is:[\n][ ][*][	]Derived[ ]from[ ]proprietary[^/]*notice[ ]is[ ]accompanying[ ]it\.[\n][ ][*][/]' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    blobna 'Derived[ ]from[ ]proprietary[ ]unpublished[ ]source[ ]code' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    blob '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]tg3\(Tso5\?\)\?Fw\(Text\|Rodata\|Data\)\[[^{]*\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]\([\n][\n]*\(static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]tg3\(Tso5\?\)\?Fw\(Text\|Rodata\|Data\)\[[^{]*\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]\|#if[ ]0\([ ][/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\)\?[\n]\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]tg3\(Tso5\?\)\?Fw\(Text\|Rodata\|Data\)\[[^{]*\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;][\n]#endif\)\)*' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]typhoon_firmware_image\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+    blobna 'licensed[^\n]*strictly[ ]for[ ]use[^\n]*[\n]*[^\n]*COPS[ ]LocalTalk' 'drivers/net/appletalk/cops_\(ff\|lt\)drv\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]ffdrv_code\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]unsgined[ ]char[ ]ltdrv_code\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+    blob '#include[ ]["]cops_\(lt\|ff\)drv\.h["][ 	]*\([/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*Firmware[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\)\?\([\n][\n]*#include[ ]["]cops_\(lt\|ff\)drv\.h["][ 	]*\([/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*Firmware[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\)\?\)*' drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+    blob 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]bits_1200\[\][ ]*=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+    blob 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]bits_9600\[\][ ]*=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+    blob '#include[ ]["]yam\(96\|12\)00\.h["]\([\n][\n]*#include[ ]["]yam\(96\|12\)00\.h["]\)*' drivers/net/hamradio/yam.c
+    blobna 'static[ ]const[ ]u_char[ ]__Xilinx7OD\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+    blob '#include[ ]["]ositech\.h["]' drivers/net/pcmcia/smc91c92_cs.c
+    blobna '\([/][*][ ]Download[ ]the[ ]Seven[ ]of[ ]Diamonds[ ]firmware[^/]*[*][/][\n	 ]*\)\?for[ ]*[(][^\n]*__Xilinx7OD[^{}]*[{][\n][	 ]*outb[ ]*[(]__Xilinx7OD[^}]*[}]' drivers/net/pcmcia/smc91c92_cs.c
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]microcode\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][ ]*[;]' drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+    blob '#include[ ]["]3c359_microcode\.h["]' drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+    blobna 'start[ ]=[ ][(]0xFFFF[ ]-[ ][(]mc_size[)][^;]*[;][\n 	]*[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/][\n 	]*printk[(]KERN_INFO[ ]["]3C359:[ ]Uploading[ ]Microcode:[ ]["][)][;][\n 	]*for[ ][(][^{]*\(mc_size[^{]*[)][ ][{][^}]*writeb[(]microcode\[\|[)][ ][{][^}]*writeb[(]microcode\[mc_size\)[^}]*[}]\([\n][ 	]*printk[^\n]*[;][\n 	]*for[ ][(][^{]*\(mc_size[^{]*[)][ ][{][^}]*writeb[(]microcode\[\|[)][ ][{][^}]*writeb[(]microcode\[mc_size\)[^}]*[}]\)*' drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+    blobname 'tr_smctr\.bin' drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+    blobname 'kaweth[/]\(new\|trigger\)_code\(_fix\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/usb/kaweth.c
+    blobname '\(agere\|prism\)_\(sta\|ap\)_fw\.bin' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(orinico/\)\?\(orinoco\|fw\)\.c'
+    blobname 'symbol_sp24t_\(prim\|sec\)_fw' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(\(orinico/\)\?orinoco\.c\|spectrum_cs\.c\)'
+    blob 'unsigned[ ]short[ ]sbus_risc_code01\[\][ ]__devinitdata[ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+    blob '#include[ ]["]qlogicpti_asm\.c["]' drivers/scsi/qlogicpti.c
+    blob '\([/][*][ ]Microcode[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/][\n]*\)\?static[ ]\(u\(nsigned[ ]\)\?char\|unsigned[ ]short\|ADV_DCNT\)[ ]_\(asc_mcode\|adv_asc3\(550\|8C\(08\|16\)00\)\)_\(buf\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}]\|size[ ]=[ ]sizeof[^;]*\|chksum[ ]=[ ]0x[^;]*\)[;]\([ 	]*[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\)\?\([\n][\n]*\([/][*][ ]Microcode[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/][\n]*\)\?static[ ]\(u\(nsigned[ ]\)\?char\|unsigned[ ]short\|ADV_DCNT\)[ ]_\(asc_mcode\|adv_asc3\(550\|8C\(08\|16\)00\)\)_\(buf\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}]\|size[ ]=[ ]sizeof[^;]*\|chksum[ ]=[ ]0x[^;]*\)[;]\([ 	]*[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\)\?\)*' drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+    blob '\(#ifdef[ ]UNIQUE_FW_NAME[\n]\)\?static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]\(risc\|fw12\(80e\|160\)i\)_code01\[\][ ]=[ ][{]\([\n]#else[\n]static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]risc_code01\[\][ ]=[ ][{][\n]#endif[\n]\)\?[^}]*[}][;]\([\n][\n]*\(#ifdef[ ]UNIQUE_FW_NAME[\n]\)\?static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]\(risc_code\|fw12\(80e\|160\)i\)_length01[ ]=[ ][^;]*[;]\([\n]#else[\n]static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]risc_code_length01[ ]=[ ][^;]*[;][\n]#endif\)\?\)\?' 'drivers/scsi/ql1\(04\|2\(8\|16\)\)0_fw\.h'
+    blobname 'emi26[/]\(bitstream\|firmware\|loader\)\.fw' drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+    blobname 'emi62[/]\(bitstream\|midi\|spdif\|loader\)\.fw' drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+    blobname 'keyspan[/]\(mpr\|usa\(18x\|19\(q[iw]\|w\)\?\|28\(x\(a\|b\)\?\)\?\|49w\(lc\)\?\)\)\.fw' drivers/usb/serial/keyspan.c
+    accept '[	][	]fw_name[ ]=[ ]["]keyspan_pda[/]\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\)\.fw["][;]' drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.c
+    blobna 'fw_name[ ]=[ ][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*\([/][*]KEYSPAN_PDA[*][/]\)\?request_ihex_firmware' drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.c
+    accept '[	]if[ ][(][/][*]KEYSPAN_PDA[*][/]request_ihex_firmware' drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.c
+    blobname 'edgeport[/]\(boot\|down\)2\?\.fw' drivers/usb/serial/io_edgeport.c
+    blobname 'edgeport[/]down3\.bin' drivers/usb/serial/io_ti.c
+    blobname 'ti_\(usb-\)\?\(%d\|3410\|5052\)\.\(fw\|bin\)' drivers/usb/serial/ti_usb_3410_5052.c
+    blobname 'whiteheat\(_loader\(_debug\)\?\)\?\.fw' drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat.c
+    blob 'static[ ]struct[ ]BA1struct[ ]BA1Struct[ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+    blob 'static[ ]u32[ ]cwc\(4630\|async\|snoop\)_\(code\|parameter\)\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' 'sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc\(4630\|async\|snoop\)\.h'
+    # cwcbinhack appears to have been created by hand.
+    # cwcdma has sources (not verified) in cwcdma.asp.
+    accept 'static[ ]u32[ ]cwc\(binhack\|dma\)_code\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' 'sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc\(binhack\|dma\)\.h'
+    blob '#include[ ]["]\(cs46xx_image\|imgs[/]cwc\(4630\|async\|snoop\)\)\.h["]\([\n][\n]*#include[ ]["]\(cs46xx_image\|imgs[/]cwc\(4630\|async\|snoop\)\)\.h["]\)*' sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_lib.c
+    blobname 'korg[/]k1212\.dsp' sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c
+    blobname 'ess[/]maestro3_assp_\(kernel\|minisrc\)\.fw' sound/pci/maestro3.c
+    blobname 'yamaha[/]ds1e\?_\(ctrl\|dsp\)\.fw' sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c
+    blobname 'sb16[/]\(\(a\|mu\)law_main\|ima_adpcm_\(init\|capture\|playback\)\)\.csp' sound/isa/sb/sb16_dsp.c
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ][{][^}]*[}][ ]yss225_registers\[\][ ]__devinitdata[ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' sound/isa/wavefront/yss225.c
+    blobname 'yamaha[/]yss225_registers\.bin' sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+    blobna 'firmware[ ]=[ ][&]yss225_registers_firmware[;]' sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]firmware[ ]yss225_registers_firmware[ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+    blobna '\(ospath[	 ]*-[ ]Pathname[^\n]*ICS2115[^-]*wavefront\.os\|Note:[ ]the[ ]firmware[ ]file[ ]["]wavefront\.os["]\)[^-]*[/]lib[/]firmware\.\([^.]*after[ ]upgrading[ ]the[ ]kernel\)\?' Documentation/sound/alsa/ALSA-Configuration.txt
+    blobname 'wavefront\.os' sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_synth.c
+    blobna 'and[\n]require[ ]the[ ]use[ ]of[^\n]*propr\?ietary[^:]*' Documentation/arm/IXP4xx
+    blob 'If[ ]you[ ]need[ ]to[ ]use[ ]any[ ]of[ ]the[ ]above[^\n]*download[^:]*:[\n 	]*http:[^\n]*ixp4[^\n]*' Documentation/arm/IXP4xx
+    blobname 'xc\(%d\|[0-9]*\)\.bin' arch/arm/mach-netx/include/mach/xc.h
+    accept 'int[ ]xc_request_firmware[(]struct[ ]xc[ ]*[*][ ]*x[)][;]' arch/arm/mach-netx/include/mach/xc.h
+    accept 'int[ ]xc_request_firmware[(]struct[ ]xc[ ]*[*][ ]*x[)][\n][{]' arch/arm/mach-netx/xc.c
+    accept '[	][	]dev_err[(]x->dev,[ ]["]request_firmware[ ]failed\\n["][)][;]' arch/arm/mach-netx/xc.c
+    accept 'EXPORT_SYMBOL[(]xc_request_firmware[)][;]' arch/arm/mach-netx/xc.c
+    accept '[	][	]if[ ][(]xc_request_firmware[(]priv->xc[)][)][ ][{]' drivers/net/netx-eth.c
+    blobname 'iop_fw_load_[sm]pu' arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/iop_fw_load.c
+    accept 'int[ ]iop_fw_load_[sm]pu[(]' arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/iop_fw_load.c
+    accept '[	]retval[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[^;]*[&]iop_[sm]pu_device' arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/iop_fw_load.c
+    accept 'EXPORT_SYMBOL[(]iop_fw_load_[sm]pu[)][;]' arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/iop_fw_load.c
+    accept '[/][*][ ]fake[ ]device[ ]for[ ]request_firmware[ ][*][/]' arch/x86/kernel/microcode_core.c
+    blobname 'amd-ucode[/]microcode_amd\.bin' arch/x86/kernel/microcode_amd.c
+    blobname 'intel-ucode[/]\([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]\|%02x\)-\([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]\|%02x\)-\([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]\|%02x\)' 'arch/x86/kernel/microcode\(_intel\)\?\.c'
+    blobname 'BCM2033-\(MD\.hex\|FW\.bin\)' drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.c
+    blobname 'bfubase\.frm' drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c
+    blobname 'BT3CPCC\.bin' drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c
+    blobname 'cyzfirm\.bin' drivers/char/cyclades.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]dsp56k[/]bootstrap\.bin["][)][;]' drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+    blobna 'const[ ]char[ ]fw_name\[\][ ]=[ ]["]dsp56k[/]bootstrap\.bin["][;][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*request_firmware[^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw,[ ]fw_name,[ ]' drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+    accept '[	]const[ ]char[ ]fw_name\[\][ ]=[ ]["]dsp56k[/]bootstrap\.bin["][;][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw,[ ]fw_name,[ ]' drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+    blobname 'isi\(6\(08\|\(08\|16\)em\)\|46\(08\|16\)\)\.bin' drivers/char/isicom.c
+    blobname 'c\(218t\|p204\|320t\)unx\.cod' drivers/char/moxa.c
+    accept '[	][	]printk[(]KERN_ERR[ ]["]MOXA:[ ]request_firmware[ ]failed' drivers/char/moxa.c
+    # This driver enables the user to update the non-Free BIOS, but it
+    # only issues a firmware request if specifically told to.  It
+    # doesn't require any non-Free firwmare to function, and it
+    # doesn't actually recommend users to perform updates, so I'm
+    # leaving it in.
+    accept '[	][	][	]req_firm_rc[ ]=[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(][^;]*,[ ]["]dell_rbu["],' drivers/firmware/dell_rbu.c
+    accept '[	]*["]dell_rbu:%s[ ]request_firmware_nowait["]' drivers/firmware/dell_rbu.c
+    blobname 'xc3028-v27\.fw' drivers/media/common/tuners/tuner-xc2028.h
+    blobname 'xc3028L-v36\.fw' drivers/media/common/tuners/tuner-xc2028.h
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-xc5000-1\.1\.fw' drivers/media/common/tuners/xc5000.c
+    blobname '4210\(100[12]\|%4X\)\.sb' drivers/net/irda/irda-usb.c
+    blobna '[/][*][ 	\n*]*[ ]Known[ ]firmware[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*\(STIR421x\|4210\(100[12]\|%4X\)\.sb\)[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/net/irda/irda-usb.c
+    blobname 'myri10ge_\(rss_\)\?ethp\?_z8e\.dat' drivers/net/myri10ge.c
+    blobna 'If[ ]the[ ]driver[ ]can[ ]neither[ ]enable[ ]ECRC[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*myri10ge_\(rss_\)\?ethp\?_z8e\.dat[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/net/myri10ge.c
+    blobname 'spider_fw\.bin' drivers/net/spider_net.h
+    blobname 'tms380tr\.bin' drivers/net/tokenring/tms380tr.c
+    blobname 'atmel_at76c50\(2\([de]\|_3com\)\?\|4a\?\(_2958\)\?\|6\)\(\.bin\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c
+    accept '[	]*priv->firmware[ ]=[ ]\(NULL\|new_firmware\)[;]' drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c
+    blobname 'b43\(legacy\)\?\(%s\)\?[/]\(%s\|ucode\([2459]\|1[1345]\)\|pcm5\|[abn]0g[01]initvals\(5\|1[13]\)\)\.fw' 'drivers/net/wireless/b43\(legacy\)\?/main.c'
+    blobname 'pcm5\.fw' drivers/net/wireless/b43/main.c
+    blobna 'b43legacyerr[(][^;]*must[ ]go[ ]to[ ]http[^;]*b43#devicefirmware[^;]*[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/main.c
+    blobna 'You[ ]must[ ]go[ ]to[^;]*b43#devicefirmware[^;]*[^";)]' drivers/net/wireless/b43/main.c
+    blobna 'http:[/][/]wireless[^ ";)]*b43#devicefirmware' drivers/net/wireless/b43/main.c
+    blob '#define[ ]IPW2100_FW_\(\(\(MAJOR\|MINOR\)_VERSION\|\(MAJOR\|MINOR\)[(]x[)]\)\|VERSION\)\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*\([\n][\n]*#define[ ]IPW2100_FW_\(\(\(MAJOR\|MINOR\)_VERSION\|\(MAJOR\|MINOR\)[(]x[)]\)\|VERSION\)\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*\)*' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    blobname 'ipw2100-\(["]\([^"\n]\|[\\][\n]\)*["]\([^"]\|[\\]["]\)*\)\+' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    blobname '__stringify[(]IPW2100_FW_MINOR_VERSION[)]' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    accept '[ ]*Portions[ ]of[ ]ipw2100_\(do_\)\?mod_firmware_load[, 	]*\(ipw2100_\(do_\)\?mod_firmware_load[, 	and\n]*\)*' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    accept '[	]ipw2100_mod_firmware_load[(]fw[)][;]' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    accept 'static[ ]int[ ]ipw2100_mod_firmware_load[(]' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    blobna 'if[ ][(]IPW2100_FW_MAJOR[^{]*[{][^}]*[	][}]' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    blobname '["]["][ ]x[ ]["]\.fw["]' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    accept '[/][*][ ]Call[ ]this[ ]function[ ]from[ ]process[ ]context[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*request_firmware' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2200.c'
+    blobname 'ipw2200-\(i\?bss\|sniffer\)\.fw' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2200.c'
+    accept '[	][	]IPW_ERROR[(]["]%s[ ]request_firmware[ ]failed' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2200.c'
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-\(3945\|4965\|[156]000\(G2[AB]\)\?\|1[03]0\|6050\)["][ ]IWL\(3945\|4965\|[156]000\(G2[AB]\)\?\|1[03]0\|6050\)_UCODE_API[ ]["]\.ucode' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl\(3945-base\|-\(3945\|4965\|[156]000\)\)\.[ch]'
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-3945-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-3945.h
+    blobname '#api[ ]["]\.ucode["]' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-\(3945.h\|\(4965\|[156]000\)\.c\)'
+    accept '#define\([ ]_\?IWL3945_MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]api[)]\)\+' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-3945.h
+    accept '[	][ ][*][ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]is[ ]synchronous' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl\(3945-base\|-agn\)\.c'
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-4965-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-4965.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-5\(00\|15\)0-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-5000.c
+    blobname '%s%[dus]%s["],[\n 	]*name_pre,[ ]\(\(priv->fw_\)\?index\|tag\|idx\),[ ]["]\.ucode' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl\(3945-base\|-agn\).c'
+    blobname 'libertas_cs\(_helper\)\?\.fw' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_cs.c
+    blobname 'sd\(8385\|868[68]\)\(_helper\)\?\.bin\(["],[\n][	]*\.firmware[ 	]=[ ]["]sd\(8385\|868[68]\)\.bin\)\?' 'drivers/\(net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio\.c\|bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio\.c\)'
+    blobname 'sd\(8385\|868[68]\)\(_helper\)\?\.bin' 'drivers/\(net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio\.c\|bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio\.c\)'
+    accept '[	]*card->firmware[ ]=[ ]\(if_sdio\|lbs_fw\|fw_name\)' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio.c
+    blobname 'usb8388\(-5\.126\.0\.p5\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+    blob '[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*usb8388\(-5\.126\.0\.p5\)\?\.bin[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+    accept '[	][	]lbs_pr_err[(]["]request_firmware\([(][)]\)\?[ ]failed' 'drivers/net/wireless/if_\(spi\|usb\)\.c'
+    blobna 'o\.[ ]Copy[ ]the[ ]firmware[ ]image[^\n]*usb8388\([^\n]\|[\n][ 	]*[^ 	\n]\)*' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/README
+    blobna '\[fw_name=usb8388[^]]*\]' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/README
+    blobname 'usb8388\.bin' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]So,[ ]for[ ]example,[ ]you[ ]might[ ]set[ ]CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE=["]whatever\.bin["]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]kernel\.[ ]Then[ ]any[ ]request_firmware[(]\(["]whatever\.bin["]\)[)]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    blobname 'lbtf_usb\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas_tf/if_usb.c
+    blobname 'isl38\(86\|87\|90\)\(pci\|usb\(_bare\)\?\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54\(pci\.c\|usb\.[ch]\)'
+    blob '[/][*][ ]for[ ]isl3886[ ]register[ ]definitions[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54usb.h
+    blobna 'If[ ]you[ ]enable[ ]this\([^\n]\|[\n][ 	]*[^ 	\n]\)*isl3890\([^\n]\|[\n][ 	]*[^ 	\n]\)*' drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig
+    blobname 'isl38\(77\|86\|90\)' drivers/net/wireless/prism54/islpci_dev.c
+    blobname 'rt2[56]61s\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt61pci.h
+    blobname 'rt73\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt73usb.h
+    blobname 'zd1201\(-ap\)\?\.fw' drivers/net/wireless/zd1201.c
+    blobname 'zd1211[/]zd1211b\?_\(u\([rb]\|phr\)\?\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/zd1211/zd_usb.c
+    # ??? gotta introduce some means to match false-positives
+    # including post context containing blobs, so that the macro name
+    # is not flagged or deblobbed, but the blob name is.
+    # blobna 'PCMCIA_\([PM]FC_\)\?DEVICE_CIS_\(MANF_CARD\|PROD_ID[1-4]*\)'
+    # accept '[	]    PCMCIA_\([PM]FC_\)\?DEVICE_CIS_\(MANF_CARD\|PROD_ID[1-4]*\)[(][^)]*, ["][/][*][(]DEBLOBBED[)][*][/]["][)]'
+    # accept '#define PCMCIA_\([PM]FC_\)\?DEVICE_CIS_\(MANF_CARD\|PROD_ID[1-4]*\)[(]' include/pcmcia/device_id.h
+    # These are not software; they're Free, but GPLed without in-tree sources.
+    # blobname '\(cis[/]\)\?3CCFEM556\.cis' drivers/net/pcmcia/3c574_cs.c
+    # blobname '\(cis[/]\)\?3CXEM556\.cis' drivers/net/pcmcia/3c589_cs.c
+    # blobname '\(cis[/]\)\?\(PCMLM28\|DP83903\|LA-PCM\|PE520\|NE2K\|PE-200\|tamarack\)\.cis' drivers/net/pcmcia/pcnet_cs.c
+    # blobname '\(cis[/]\)\?\(PCMLM28\|DP83903\|3C\(CF\|X\)EM556\|MT5634ZLX\|COMpad[24]\|RS-COM-2P\|GLOBETROTTER\)\.cis' drivers/serial/serial_cs.c
+    # These are not software; they're Free, but GPLed without textual sources.
+    # It is safe to assume that these binaries *are* sources, since they
+    # can be trivially converted back to a textual form, without loss.
+    # blobname '\(cis[/]\)\?SW_\([78]xx\|555\)_SER\.cis' drivers/serial/serial_cs.c
+    accept '[	]\(ds_\)\?\(dev_\)\?dbg[(]\(1[,][ ]\)\?\([&]dev->dev,[ ]\)\?["]trying[ ]to[ ]load[ ]\(CIS[ ]file\|firmware\)[ ]%s[\\]n["],[ ]filename[)][;][\n]*[	]if[ ][(]\(strlen[(]filename[)][^\n]*\([{][^}]*[	][}]\|[)][\n][	]*return[^\n]*[;]\)[\n]*[	]snprintf[(]path,[ ]\(20\|sizeof[(]path[)]\),[^\n]*,[ ]filename[)][;][\n]*[	]if[ ][(]request_firmware[(][&]fw,[ ]path\|request_firmware[(][&]fw,[ ]filename\),[ ][&]dev->dev[)][^\n]*[)][ ][{][\n][	]*if[ ][(]fw->size[ ]>=[ ]CISTPL_MAX_CIS_SIZE[)]' drivers/pcmcia/ds.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]\(cis[/]\)\?\(PCMLM28\|DP83903\|3C\(CF\|X\)EM556\|MT5634ZLX\|COMpad[24]\|RS-COM-2P\|GLOBETROTTER\|SW_\([78]xx\|555\)_SER\)\.cis["][)][;]\([\n]MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]\(cis[/]\)\?\(PCMLM28\|DP83903\|3C\(CF\|X\)EM556\|MT5634ZLX\|COMpad[24]\|RS-COM-2P\|GLOBETROTTER\|SW_\([78]xx\|555\)_SER\)\.cis["][)][;]\)*' drivers/serial/serial_cs.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]\(cis[/]\)\?\(PCMLM28\|DP83903\|LA-PCM\|PE520\|NE2K\|PE-200\|tamarack\)\.cis["][)][;]\([\n]MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]\(cis[/]\)\?\(PCMLM28\|DP83903\|LA-PCM\|PE520\|NE2K\|PE-200\|tamarack\)\.cis["][)][;]\)*' drivers/net/pcnet_cs.c
+    # This enables but does not encourage firmware updates.
+    accept '[	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]asd_ha->bios_image,[\n 	]*filename_ptr,[\n 	]*[&]asd_ha->pcidev->dev[)][;]' drivers/scsi/aic94xx/aic94xx_init.c
+    blobname 'aic94xx-seq\.fw' drivers/scsi/aic94xx/aic94xx_seq.h
+    # This enables but does not encourage firmware updates.
+    accept '[	]if[(]request_firmware[(]&fw_entry,[ ]fname,[ ]&ioa_cfg->pdev->dev[)][)]' drivers/scsi/ipr.c
+    accept '[	]res[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(]&fw,[ ]["]sas_addr["],[ ]&shost->shost_gendev[)][;]' drivers/scsi/libsas/sas_scsi_host.c
+    blobname 'ql\(2\([12345]00\|322\)\|8[12]00\)_fw\.bin' drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c
+    blobna 'By[ ]default,[ ]firmware[ ]for[ ]the[ ]ISP[ ]parts\([^\n]\|[\n]*[	]\)*ql2[12345]00_fw\.bin\([^\n]\|[\n]*[	]\)*ftp:[/][/][^\n]*firmware[/]' drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/Kconfig
+    blobname 'icom_\(asc\|res_dce\|call_setup\)\.bin' drivers/serial/icom.c
+    blobname 'fsl_qe_ucode_uart_\(%u\|[0-9]*\)_\(%u\|[0-9]*\)\(%u\|[0-9]*\)\.bin' drivers/serial/ucc_uart.c
+    blobname 'atmel_at76c50\(3-\(i386[13]\|rfmd\(-acc\)\?\)\|5\(a\(mx\)\?\)\?-rfmd\(2958\)\?\)\.bin' 'drivers/\(\(staging\|net/wireless\)/at76_usb/at76_usb\.c\|at76c50x-usb\.c\)'
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]go7007_usb_board[ ]board_\(matrix_\(ii\|reload\|revolution\)\|star_trek\|px_tv402u\|xmen\|lifeview_lr192\|endura\|adlink_mpg24\|sensoray_2250\)[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.flags[ 	]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.main_info[ 	]*=[ ][{][\n][	][	]\.firmware[ 	]*=[ ]' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-usb.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]go7007_board_info[ ]board_voyager[ ]=[ ][{][\n][	]\.firmware[	 ]*=[ ]' drivers/staging/go7007/saa7134-go7007.c
+    blobname 'go7007\(fw\|tv\)\.bin' 'drivers/staging/go7007/\(go7007-\(driver\|usb\)\|saa7134-go7007\)\.c'
+    blobname 'cxacru-\(%s\|fw\|bp\|cf\)\.bin' drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c
+    blobname 'speedtch-\(%d\|[0-9]*\)\.bin\(\.\(%x\|\(0x\)\?[0-9a-fA-F]*\)\(\.\(%02x\|[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]\)\)\?\)\?' drivers/usb/atm/speedtch.c
+    blobname 'ueagle-atm[/]' drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+    blobname '\(adi930\|eagle\(I*\|IV\)\)\.fw' drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+    blobname 'DSP[49e][ip]\.bin' drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+    blobname '930-fpga\.bin' drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+    blobname 'CMV[x9ae][yip]\.bin\(\.v2\)\?' drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+    blobname 'isight\.fw' drivers/usb/misc/isight_firwmare.c
+    blobname '\(i1480-\(pre-phy\|usb\|phy\)\|ptc\)-0\.0\.bin' drivers/uwb/i1480/dfu/usb.c
+    accept '[	]retval[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw_entry,[ ]["]metronome\.wbf["],[ ][&]dev->dev[)][;]' drivers/video/metronomefb.c
+    blobname '\(vx[/]\)\?\(bx_1_v\(xp\|p4\)\.b56\|x1_\(1_v\(x[2p]\|p4\)\|2_v22\)\.xlx\|bd56\(002\|3v2\|3s3\)\.boot\|l_1_v\(x[2p]\|p4\|22\)\.d56\)' sound/drivers/vx/vx_hwdep.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?darla20_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/darla20.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?darla24_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/darla24.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(\(loader\|echo3g\)_dsp\|3g_asic\)\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/echo3g.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?gina20_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/gina20.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(\(loader\|gina24_3[06]1\)_dsp\|gina24_3[06]1_asic\)\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/gina24.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(loader\|indigo\)_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/indigo.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(loader\|indigo_dj\)_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/indigodj.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(loader\|indigo_io\)_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/indigoio.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?layla20_\(dsp\|asic\)\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/layla20.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(\(loader\|layla24\)_dsp\|layla24_\(1\|2[AS]\)_asic\)\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/layla24.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(loader\|mia\)_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/mia.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(\(loader\|mona_3[06]1\)_dsp\|mona_3[06]1\(_1\)\?_asic_\(48\|96\)\|mona_2_asic\)\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/gina24.mona
+    blobname 'ea[/]%s' sound/pci/echoaudio/echoaudio.c
+    blobname 'emu[/]\(hana\|\(audio\|micro\)_dock\|emu\(0404\|1010\(b\|_notebook\)\)\)\.fw' sound/pci/emu10k1/emu10k1_main.c
+    blobname '\(mixart[/]\)\?miXart8\(AES\)\?\.\(xlx\|elf\)' sound/pci/mixart/mixart_hwdep.c
+    blobname '\(pcxhr[/]\)\?\(x[ic]_1_882\|[ebd]321_512\|xlxint\|\(xlxc\|dsp[ebd]\)\(882\|1\?222\|924\)\(e\|hr\)\?\)\(\.dat\|\.[ebd]56\)' sound/pci/pcxhr/pcxhr_hwdep.c
+    blobna 'You[ ]need[ ]to[ ]install[\n]*riptide\.hex[\n]\.[\n]' Documentation/sound/alsa/ALSA-Configuration.txt
+    blobname 'riptide\.hex' sound/pci/riptide/riptide.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]union[ ]firmware_version[ ]firmware_versions\[\][ ]=' sound/pci/riptide/riptide.c
+    blobna 'chip->firmware[ ]=[ ]firmware[;]' sound/pci/riptide/riptide.c
+    blobname '\(multi\|digi\)face_firmware\(_rev11\)\?\.bin' sound/pci/rme9652/hdsp.c
+    blobname 'aica_firmware\.bin' sound/sh/aica.c
+    accept '[ ][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*Caution:[ ]This[ ]API[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*request_firmware.' sound/sound_firmware.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[ ]do_mod_firmware_load[(]' sound/sound_firmware.c
+    accept 'int[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]' sound/sound_firmware.c
+    accept '[	]r[ ]=[ ]do_mod_firmware_load[(]' sound/sound_firmware.c
+    accept 'EXPORT_SYMBOL[(]mod_firmware_load[)][;]' sound/sound_firmware.c
+    accept 'extern[ ]int[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]' sound/oss/sound_firmware.h
+    accept '[	]INITCODESIZE[ ]=[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]INITCODEFILE,[ ][&]INITCODE[)][;]' sound/oss/msnd_pinnacle.c
+    accept '[	]PERMCODESIZE[ ]=[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]PERMCODEFILE,[ ][&]PERMCODE[)][;]' sound/oss/msnd_pinnacle.c
+    blobname '\([/]etc[/]sound[/]\|turtlebeach[/]\)\?pndsp\(ini\|erm\)\.bin' '\(sound/oss/msnd_pinnacle.h\|Documentation/sound/alsa/ALSA-Configuration.txt\)'
+    blobname '\([/]etc[/]sound[/]\|turtlebeach[/]\)\?msnd\(init\|perm\)\.bin' '\(sound/oss/msnd_classic.h\|Documentation/sound/alsa/ALSA-Configuration.txt\)'
+    blobna '\(Important[ ]Notes[ ]-[ ]Read[ ]Before[ ]Using\|Obtaining[ ]and[ ]Creating[ ]Firmware[ ]Files\)[\n]#[ ][ ]~*\([^\n]\|[\n]#[ ]*\([\n]#[ ]*\([\n]#[ ]*For[ ]the[^\n]*[\n]#[ ]*~*[\n]\)\?\)\?[^\n ]\)*\.' Documentation/sound/oss/MultiSound
+    accept '[	]len[ ]=[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]fn,[ ][&]data[)][;][\n][	]if[ ][^{]*[ ][{][\n][	][	 ]*printk[(]KERN_ERR[ ]["]sscape:' sound/oss/sscape.c
+    blobname '[/]sndscape[/]\(scope\.cod\|sndscape\.co\([?dx01234]\|%d\)\)' sound/oss/sscape.c
+    accept '[	][	]trix_boot_len[ ]=[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]' sound/oss/trix.c
+    blobname '\([/]etc[/]sound[/]\)\?trxpro\.bin' sound/oss/trix.c
+    accept '[	][	]smw_ucodeLen[ ]=[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]' sound/oss/sb_common.c
+    blobname '\([/]etc[/]sound[/]\)\?midi0001\.bin' sound/oss/sb_common.c
+    blobname '\([/]etc[/]sound[/]\|turtlebeach[/]\)\?msnd\(init\|perm\)\.bin' sound/oss/Kconfig
+    blob 'When[ ]the[ ]module[ ]is[ ]loaded[^\n]*\([\n][^\n]*\)*[/]pss_synth[^\n]*\([\n][^\n]*\)*' Documentation/sound/oss/PSS
+    blob 'pss_firmware[ \n	]*This[ ]parameter[^\n]*\([\n][^\n]*\)*[/]pss_synth[^\n]*\([\n][^\n]\+\)*' Documentation/sound/oss/PSS-updates
+    accept '[	][	]pss_synthLen[ ]=[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]pss_firmware,[ ][(]void[ ][*][)][ ][&]pss_synth[)][;]' sound/oss/pss.c
+    accept '[	]*if[ ]\?[(]\(!\|fw_load[ ][&][&][ ]\)\?pss_synth' sound/oss/pss.c
+    accept '[	]*if[ ][(]!pss_download_boot[(]devc,[ ]pss_synth,[ ]pss_synthLen,' sound/oss/pss.c
+    accept '[	]*vfree[(]pss_synth[)][;]' sound/oss/pss.c
+    blobna 'to[ ]allow[ ]the[ ]user[ ][^/"]*fir[em]ware[ ]file[^/"]*["][^"*]*["]' sound/oss/pss.c
+    blobname '\([/]etc[/]sound[/]\)\?pss_synth' sound/oss/pss.c
+    accept '[	][$][(]obj[)][/]bin2hex[ ]pss_synth' sound/oss/Makefile
+    accept '[	][ ]*echo[ ][\'"'"']static[ ]\(unsigned[ ]char[ ][*][ ]*\|int[ ]\)pss_synth\(Len\)\?[ ]=[ ]\(NULL\|0\)[;]' sound/oss/Makefile
+    accept '[	]\.request_firmware[ ]=[ ]NULL,' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    accept '[	 ]*["]request_firmware[ ]\(fatal[ ]error\|unable[ ]to[ ]locate\|:[ ]Failed[ ]to[ ]find\)' drivers/media/video/pvrusb2/pvrusb2-hdw.c
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]NOTE[ ]:[ ]the[ ]pointer[ ]to[ ]the[ ]firmware[ ]data[ ]given[ ]by[ ]request_firmware[(][)]' drivers/media/video/pvrusb2-hdw.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(dw\(210[124]\|3101\)\|s630\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]gp8psk_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/gp8psk.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-gp8psk-0[12]\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/gp8psk.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]opera1_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nova-t-usb2.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-opera-\(fpga-\)\?-01\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/opera1.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-af9013\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-bcm3510-01\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/bcm3510.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-cx24116\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/cx24116.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-nxt2002\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/nxt200x.c
+    blob '[/][*][\n][ ][*][ ]This[ ]driver[ ]needs[ ]two[ ]external[ ]firmware[ ]files[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*dvb-fe-or51132-\(vsb\|qam\)\.fw[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51132.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-or51132-\(vsb\|qam\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51132.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-or51211\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51211.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-sp887x\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp887x.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-tda10048-1\.0\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    blobname '\(\(dvb\|tdmb\|isdbt\)_nova\|cmmb_vega\)_12mhz\(_b0\)\?\.inp' drivers/media/dvb/siano/smscoreapi.c
+    blobname '\(dvb[th]\(_bda\)\?\|tdmb\)_stellar_usb\.inp' drivers/media/dvb/siano/smsusb.c
+    blobname 'dvb-ttusb-dec-\(2000t\|2540t\|3000s\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-dec/ttusb_dec.c
+    blob 'For[ ]the[ ]WinTV[/]PVR[^:]*firmware[^:]*:[\n]hcwamc\.rbf[^\n]*\([\n][^\n][^\n]*\)*' Documentation/video4linux/bttv/README
+    blobname 'hcwamc\.rbf' drivers/media/video/bt8xx/bttv-cards.c
+    blobna 'The[ ]hcwamc\.rbf[ ]firmware[ ]file[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/media/video/bt8xx/bttv-cards.c
+    blobname 'v4l-cx23418-dig\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-firmware.c
+    blobname 'v4l-cx23418-[ac]pu\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-firwmare.c
+    blobname 'v4l-cx23885-enc\.fw' 'drivers/media/video/cx23\(1xx\|885\)/cx23885-417.c'
+    blobname 'v4l-\(cx23\(885\|1xx\)-avcore-01\|cx25840\)\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx25840/cx25840-firmware.c
+    blobname 'v4l-cx2341x-\(enc\|dec\)\.fw' include/media/cr2341x.h
+    blobname 'v4l-cx2341x-init\.mpg' drivers/media/video/ivtv/ivtv-firwmare.c
+    blobname 'v4l-pvrusb2-\(2[49]\|73\)xxx-01\.fw' drivers/media/video/pvrusb2/pvrusb2-devattr.c
+    blobname 'f2255usb\.bin' drivers/media/video/s2255drv.c
+    blobname 'drx397xD\.\(A2\|B1\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/drx397xD_fw.h
+    accept '#define[ ]DIB0700_DEFAULT_DEVICE_PROPERTIES[ ]\\[\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^\n",]*,[ ]\\[\n]\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dib0700_devices.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-dib0700-1\.[12]0\.fw' 'drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dib0700_\(devices\|core\)\.c'
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]nova_t_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nova-t-usb2.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-nova-t-usb2-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nova-t-usb2.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]umt_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/umt-010.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-umt-010-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/umt-010.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]ttusb2_properties\(_s2400\)\?[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/ttusb2.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(pctv-400e\|tt-s2400\)-01\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/ttusb2.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]cxusb_bluebird_\(lgh064f\|dee1601\|lgz201\|dtt7579\|nano2_needsfirmware\)_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-bluebird-0[12]\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]\(dtt200u\|wt220u\(_\(fc\|zl0353\|miglia\)\)\?\)_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtt200u.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(dtt200u-01\|wt220u-\(02\|fc03\|\(zl0353\|miglia\)-01\)\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtt200u.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]vp7045_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/vp7045.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-vp7045-01\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/vp7045.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]\(dibusb\(1_1\(_an2235\)\?\|2_0b\)\|artec_t1_usb2\)_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dibusb-mb.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(dibusb-\(5\.0\.0\.11\|an2235-01\|6\.0\.0\.8\)\|adstech-usb2-02\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dibusb-mb.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]a800_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/a800.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-avertv-a800-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/a800.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]af9005_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005.c
+    blobname 'af9005\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005.c
+    accept '[	][	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]af9015_download_firmware,[\n][	][	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-af9015\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]dibusb_mc_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dibusb-mc.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-dibusb-6\.0\.0\.8\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dibusb-mc.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]\(megasky\|digivox_mini_ii\|tvwalkertwin\|dposh\)_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(\(megasky\|digivox\)-02\|tvwalkert\|dposh-01\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]vp702x_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/vp702x.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-vp702x-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/vp702x.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]digitv_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/digitv.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-digitv-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/digitv.c
+    blob 'Driver:[ ]\(acenic\|ADAPTEC_STARFIRE\|cxgb3\|e100\|tigon3\|korg1212\|maestro3\|ymfpci\|smctr\|kaweth\|ttusb-budget\|keyspan\|emi26\|emi62\|t[iu]_usb_3410_5052\|whiteheat\|ip2\|CPiA2\|DABUSB\|USB_VICAM\|USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT\(_TI\)\?\|SND_SB16_CSP\|CASSINI\|ambassador\|SCSI_\(ADVANSYS\|QLOGIC\(_1280\|PTI\)\)\|TEHUTI\|TYPHOON\|YAM\|3C359\|PCMCIA_\(PCNET\|SMC91C92\|3C5\(89\|74\)\)\|MYRI_SBUS\|BNX2\|bnx2x\|wavefront\|SERIAL_8250_CS\|mga\|r128\|radeon\|ib_qib\)\([ ]--*\|:\)[ ]\([^\n]\|[\n]*[^\n\-]\)*\([\n][\n]--*[\n][\n]\?Driver:[ ]\(acenic\|ADAPTEC_STARFIRE\|cxgb3\|e100\|tigon3\|korg1212\|maestro3\|ymfpci\|smctr\|kaweth\|ttusb-budget\|keyspan\|emi26\|emi62\|t[iu]_usb_3410_5052\|whiteheat\|ip2\|CPiA2\|DABUSB\|USB_VICAM\|USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT\(_TI\)\?\|SND_SB16_CSP\|CASSINI\|ambassador\|SCSI_\(ADVANSYS\|QLOGIC\(_1280\|PTI\)\)\|TEHUTI\|TYPHOON\|YAM\|3C359\|PCMCIA_\(PCNET\|SMC91C92\|3C5\(89\|74\)\)\|MYRI_SBUS\|BNX2\|bnx2x\|wavefront\|SERIAL_8250_CS\|mga\|r128\|radeon\|ib_qib\)\([ ]--*\|:\)[ ]\([^\n]\|[\n]*[^\n\-]\)*\)*' firmware/WHENCE
+    blobname 'sms1xxx-\(stellar\|nova-[ab]\|hcw-55xxx\)-dvbt-0[12]\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/siano/sms-cards.c
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ]mv[ ]["][$]ofile["][ ]["][$]ofile\.elf["]' arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ][$]objbin[/]mktree[ ]["][$]ofile\.elf["]' arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper
+    accept '[	]rm[ ]-f[ ]["][$]ofile\.elf["]' arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ][$][{]CROSS[}]objcopy[ ]-O[ ]binary[ ]["][$]ofile["][ ]["][$]ofile\.bin["]' arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ]dd[ ]if=["][$]ofile\.bin["][ ]of=["][$]ofile\.bin["]' arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ]odir=["][$][(]dirname[ ]["][$]ofile\.bin["][)]["]' arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ]gzip[ ]--force[ ]-9[ ]--stdout[ ]["][$]ofile\.bin["][ ]>[ ]["][$]odir[/]otheros\.bld["]' arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper
+    accept '[	]\.incbin[	]["]arch[/]x86[/]kernel[/]acpi[/]realmode[/]wakeup\.bin["]' arch/x86/kernel/acpi/wakeup_rm.S
+    accept '[;]set[ ]executable[ ]["]2232\.bin["]' drivers/char/
+    blobname 'di\(\(dn\|pr\)load\|diva\(pp\)\?\|hscx\|v110\|modem\|fax\|_etsi\|_\(1tr6\|belg\|franc\|atel\|ni\|5ess\|japan\|swed\)\|dspdld\)\.\(bin\|s[xyqm]\|p\)' drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/cardtype.h
+    blobname 'dsp\(dload\|dqsig\|dvmdm\|dvfax\)\.bin' drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsp_defs.h
+    blobname 'vicam[/]firmware\.fw' drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+    accept '#include[ ]["]ixp2400_[rt]x\.ucode["]' drivers/net/ixp2000/ixpdev.c
+    # New in 2.6.29
+    blobname 'acenic[/]tg[12]\.bin' drivers/net/acenic.c
+    blobname 'adaptec[/]starfire_[rt]x\.bin' drivers/net/starfire.c
+    blobname 'e100[/]d10\(1[ms]\|2e\)_ucode\.bin' drivers/net/e100.c
+    blobname 'tigon[/]tg3\(_tso5\?\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    blobname '\(ti_usb-v\(%04x\|[0-9a-f]*\)-p\(%04x\|[0-9a-f]*\)\|mts_\(cdma\|gsm\|edge\)\)\.\(bin\|fw\)' drivers/usb/serial/ti_usb_3410_5052.c
+    blobname 'iw\?\(2400\|6050\)m\?-fw-\(sdio\|usb\)-\(\(["][ ]I2400M_FW_VERSION[ ]["]\|[0-9.]*\)\.sbcf\|[^". \n]*\)' 'drivers/net/wimax/i2400m/\(sdio\|usb\)\.c'
+    blob '3\.[ ]Installing[ ]the[ ]firmware[^\n]*\([\n][\n]*[ ][ ][ ][^\n]*\)*[\n]*[$][^\n]*i2400m-fw[^\n]*\([\n][\n]*[ ][ ][ ][^\n]*\)*' Documentation/wimax/README.i2400m
+    blob '6\.1\.[ ]Driver[ ]complains[^\n]*i2400m-fw[^\n]*\([\n][\n]*\([ ][ ][ ]\|i2400m_usb\)[^\n]*\)*' Documentation/wimax/README.i2400m
+    accept '[	][	]ranges[ ]=[ ]<'"$blobpat*"'>[;]' 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(mpc8572ds\|p2020ds\|katmai\)\.dts'
+    accept '\(div_table_\(clz\|inv\|ix\)\|zero_l\):\([\n][	]\.\(byte[	]-\?[0-9]*\|long[	]0x[0-9A-F]*\)\)*' arch/sh/lib/udivsi3_i4i.S
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]crypto_[fi][tl]_tab\[4\]\[256\][ ]=' crypto/aes_generic.c
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]every[ ]driver[ ]which[ ]uses[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]and[ ]ships[ ]its' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]filter_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_tv.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(avermedia\(_ks\)\?\|digittrade\|trekstor\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]__u8[ ]lgdt3304_\(vsb8\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/lgdt3304.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(init\|c\)_table\[\]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s921_core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]stb0899_tab[ ]stb0899_\(cn\|dvbs2\?rf\|quant\|est\)_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/stb0899_drv.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]stb6100_lkup[ ]lkup\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/stb6100.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]ov\(534\|772x\)_reg_initdata\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mi\(0360\|13[12]0\)\|po\(1200\|3130\)\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?_\?[iI]nit\(Q\?V\|SX\)GA\(_\(JPG\|data\)\)\?\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u\(32\|_int32_t\)[ ]ar928[05]\(Common\|Modes\(_\(fast_clock\|backoff_[12]3db_rxgain\|\(original\|high_power\)_[tr]x_\?gain\)\)\?\)_928\(0_2\|5\(_1_2\)\?\)\[\]\[[236]\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/\(ar9002_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]channel_tbl\[15\]\[9\][ ]=' drivers/staging/agnx/rf.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[\n]gain_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/agnx/rf.c
+    accept '<[frs]:[0-9]*x[0-9]*>[\n][01 \n]*' 'drivers/staging/asus_oled/\(linux\(_fr\?\)\?\|tux\(_r2\?\)\?\|zig\).txt'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(aud\|vid\)_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/s2250-board.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]vid_regs_fp\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/s2250-board.c
+    blobname 's2250\(_loader\)\?\.fw' drivers/staging/go7007/s2250-loader.c
+    blobna 'me_xilinx_download' 'drivers/staging/meilhaus/.*'
+    accept 'int[ ]me_xilinx_download[(]' 'drivers/staging/meilhaus/mefirmware\.[ch]'
+    blobname 'me46[01]0\(_bosch\)\?\.bin' drivers/staging/meilhaus/me4600_device.c
+    accept '\([	]if[ ][(]me4600_device->base\.info\.pci\.device_id[ ]==[ ]PCI_DEVICE_ID_MEILHAUS_ME4610[)][ ][{][	][/][/]Jekyll[ ]<=>[ ]me4610\|#ifdef[ ]BOSCH\|#else[ ][/][/]~BOSCH\)[\n][	][	]err[ ]=[\n][	][	][ ][ ][ ][ ]me_xilinx_download[(]me4600_device' drivers/staging/meilhaus/me4600_device.c
+    blobname 'me6000\.bin' drivers/staging/meilhaus/me6000_device.c
+    accept '[	][/][*][ ]Download[ ]the[ ]xilinx[ ]firmware[ ][*][/][\n][	]err[ ]=[ ]me_xilinx_download[(]me6000_device' drivers/staging/meilhaus/me6000_device.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]grtpkts\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/mimio/mimio.c
+    defsnc 'u16_t[ ]zgTkipSbox\(Lower\|Upper\)\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/80211core/ctkip.c
+    accept '[ 	]*[/][*][ ]*0\([ ]*[123]\)*[ ]*[*][/][\n][ 	]*[/][*][ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9\([ ][0-9]\)*[ ][*][/]' drivers/staging/otus/80211core/ctxrx.c
+    defsnc 'u32_t[ ]crc32_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/80211core/cwep.c
+    blob 'const[ ]u32_t[ ]zc\(DK\|P2\)\?Fw\(Buf\)\?Image\(SPI\)\?\(\[\][ ]*=[ ]*[{][^;]*[}]\|Size[ ]*=[ ]*[0-9]*\)[;]\([\n][\n]*const[ ]u32_t[ ]zc\(DK\|P2\)\?Fw\(Buf\)\?Image\(SPI\)\?\(\[\][ ]*=[ ]*[{][^;]*[}]\|Size[ ]*=[ ]*[0-9]*\)[;]\)*' 'drivers/staging/otus/hal/hp.*fwu.*\.c'
+    blob 'extern[ ]const[ ]u32_t[ ]zc\(DK\|P2\)\?Fw\(Buf\)\?Image\(SPI\)\?\(\[\]\|Size\)[;]\([\n]extern[ ]const[ ]u32_t[ ]zc\(DK\|P2\)\?Fw\(Buf\)\?Image\(SPI\)\?\(\[\]\|Size\)[;]\)*' drivers/staging/otus/hal/hpmain.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]u32_t[ ]eepromBoardData\[15\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/hal/hpmain.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32_t[ ]channel_frequency_11A\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/ioctl.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32_t[ ]\(ar5416Modes\|otusBank\)\[\]\[[36]\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/hal/otus.ini
+    defsnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]static[ ]UINT32[ ]MD5Table\[64\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/md5\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]uint32[ ][FR]Sb\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/\(md5\|cmm_aes\)\.c'
+    defsnc '\(UCHAR\|u8\)[ ]RateSwitchTable\(11B\?G\?\(N[123]S\(ForABand\)\?\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/mlme\.c'
+    defsnc '\(UCHAR\|u8\)[ 	]*ZeroSsid\[32\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/mlme\.c'
+    defsnc '\(RTMP_RF_REGS\|struct[ ]rt_rtmp_rf_regs\)[ ]RF2850RegTable\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/\(mlme\.c\|cmm_asic\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(FREQUENCY_ITEM\|struct[ ]rt_frequency_item\)[ ]FreqItems3020\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/\(mlme\.c\|cmm_asic\.c\)'
+    blob '\(UCHAR\|u8\)[ ]FirmwareImage\(_\(2870\|30[79]0\)\)\?[ ]\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][ ][;]' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0/common/firmware\(_3070\)\?\.h'
+    defsnc 'ULONG[ ][ ]*BIT32\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/rtmp_init\.c'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]ccitt_16Table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3090\)/common/rtmp_init\.c'
+    blobna '\(pFirmwareImage[ ]=\([ ]FirmwareImage\(_\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0\)\?\|[\n 	]*[(]\(PUCHAR\|u8[ ][*]\)[)][&][\n 	]*FirmwareImage\(_\(28\|30\)70\)\?\[FIRMWAREIMAGE\(V[12]\)\?_LENGTH\]\)\|File[lL]ength[ ]=[ ]\(sizeof[(]FirmwareImage[)]\|FIRMWAREIMAGE\(V[12]\|_MAX\)\?_LENGTH\)\)[;]\([\n	 ]*\(pFirmwareImage[ ]=\([ ]FirmwareImage\(_\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0\)\?\|[\n 	]*[(]\(PUCHAR\|u8[ ][*]\)[)][&][\n 	]*FirmwareImage\(_\(28\|30\)70\)\?\[FIRMWAREIMAGE\(V[12]\)\?_LENGTH\]\)\|File[lL]ength[ ]=[ ]\(sizeof[(]FirmwareImage[)]\|FIRMWAREIMAGE\(V[12]\|_MAX\)\?_LENGTH\)\)[;]\)*' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|30[79]0\)/common/rtmp_init\.c'
+    blobname 'rate\.bin' drivers/staging/rt2870/rtmp_init.c
+    defsnc '\(U\(INT\|CHAR\)\|u\(32\|8\)\)[ ]\(Tkip_Sbox_\(Lower\|Upper\)\|SboxTable\)\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/common/\(rtmp\|cmm\)_tkip\.c'
+    defsnc '\(UINT\|u32\)[ ]FCSTAB_32\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/common/\(rtmp\|cmm\)_wep\.c'
+    accept '[ ]*#[ ]*define[ ]\(STA_PROFILE\|CARD_INFO\)_PATH[	]*["][/]etc[/]Wireless[/]RT\(28[67]\|307\)0STA[/]RT\(28[67]\|307\)0STA\(Card\)\?\.dat["]' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/rt_linux\.h'
+    blobname '\([/]etc[/]Wireless[/]\)\?\(RT\(28[67]\|307\)0STA[/]\)\?\(RT\(28[67]\|307\)0STA\|rt28[67]0\)\.bin' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/rt_linux\.h'
+    blobname '\([/]etc[/]Wireless[/]\)\?\(RT28[67]0STA[/]\)\?e2p\.bin' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/rt_ate\.[hc]'
+    defsnc '\([ ][ ][ ][ ]\|[	]\)u_int32_t[ ]ralinkrate\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/rt_linux\.c'
+    defsnc 'unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(QUALITY\|STRENGTH\)_MAP\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8180_core.c
+    defsnc 'u\(8\|16\|32\)[ ]rtl8225\(\(a\|bcd\?\)_rxgain\|agc\|tx_\(gain_cck\|power\)_ofdm\|tx_power_cck\(_ch14\)\?\)\[\]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8180_rtl8225.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u\(8\|16\|32\)[ ]\(rtl8225\(z2\)\?_\(threshold\|gain_\(a\|bg\)\|chan\|rxgain\|agc\|tx_\(gain_cck\|power\)_ofdm\|tx_power_cck\(_ch14\)\?\)\|ZEBRA2_CCK_OFDM_GAIN_SETTING\)\[\][ ]\?=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8180_rtl8225z2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]short[ ]rtl8255_agc\[\]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8180_rtl8255.c
+    defsnc '[ ]\?static[ ]u\(8\|32\)[ ]\(MAC_REG_TABLE\[\]\[2\]\|[ ]*ZEBRA_\(AGC\|RF_RX_GAIN_TABLE\)\[\]\|OFDM_CONFIG\[\]\)=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    accept '[	]-[ ]move[ ]firmware[ ]loading[ ]to[ ]request_firmware[(][)]' drivers/staging/slicoss/README
+    blobname '\(\(oasis\|gb\)_rcv\|slic_\(oasis\|mojave\)\)\.bin' drivers/staging/slicoss/slicoss.c
+    blob 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]xilinx_firm\(_4610\)\?\[\][ ]=[ ][{]'"$sepx$blobpat*$sepx"'[}][;]' 'drivers/staging/me4000/me4\(00\|61\)0_firmware\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]struct[ ]PHY_UCODE[ ]PhyUcode\[\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' drivers/staging/sxg/sxgphycode.h
+    blob 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]SaharaUCode\[2\]\[57972\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' drivers/staging/sxg/saharadbgdownload.h
+    blob '#include[ ]["]\(sxgphycode\(-1\.2\)\?\|saharadbgdownload\)\.h["]\([\n][\n]*#include[ ]["]\(sxgphycode\(-1\.2\)\?\|saharadbgdownload\)\.h["]\)*' drivers/staging/sxg/sxg.c
+    blob 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(Mojave\|Oasis\)UCode\[2\]\[65536\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' 'drivers/staging/slicoss/\(gb\|oasis\(dbg\)\?\)download\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(GB\|Oasis\)RcvUCode\[2560\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' 'drivers/staging/slicoss/\(gb\|oasis\)rcvucode\.h'
+    blob '#include[ ]["]\(gb\|oasis\)\(dbg\)\?\(download\|rcvucode\)\.h["]\([\n][\n]*#include[ ]["]\(gb\|oasis\)\(dbg\)\?\(download\|rcvucode\)\.h["]\)*' drivers/staging/slicoss/slicoss.c
+    blobna 'instruction[ ]=[ ][^;]*\(Oasis\|GB\|Mojave\)\(Rcv\)\?UCode[^:}]*[;]' drivers/staging/slicoss/slicoss.c
+    blobna 'seq_printf[(]seq[,][ ]["][^"]*%s[ ]%s[^"]*["][,][ 	\n]*\(GB_RCV\|MOJAVE_\)UCODE_VERS_STRING[,][ ]\(GB_RCV\|MOJAVE_\)UCODE_VERS_DATE[)][;]\([ 	\n]*seq_printf[(]seq[,][ ]["][^"]*%s[ ]%s[^"]*["][,][ 	\n]*\(GB_RCV\|MOJAVE_\)UCODE_VERS_STRING[,][ ]\(GB_RCV\|MOJAVE_\)UCODE_VERS_DATE[)][;]\)*' drivers/staging/slicoss/slicoss.c
+    blobna 'numsects[ ]=[ ][OM]NumSections[;][\n][	]*for[ ][(][^;]*[;][^;]*[;][^;{]*[)][ ][{][\n][^}]*[\n][	][	][}]' drivers/staging/slicoss/slicoss.c
+    # post 2.6.29 patches
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]atom_dst_to_src\[8\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/atom.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]map_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/input/lirc/lirc_ttusbir.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]au8522_register_config[ ]lpfilter_coef\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522_decoder.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]jpeg_head\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init_ov\(7[27]2x\|965x\(_2\)\?\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]probe_tb\[\]\[4\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]eeprom_data\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/gspca/tv8532.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]uint32_t\|[}]\)[ ]nv04_graph_ctx_regs[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/char/drm/nv04_graph.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]nv10_graph_ctx_regs[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/char/drm/nv10_graph.c
+    # This looks suspicious, but it pretty much just sets stuff to zero.
+    initnc 'static[ ]__u8[ ]mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static[ ]uint32_t[ ]onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE[/]sizeof[(]uint32_t[)]\][ ]__read_mostly[ ]='
+    initc 'static[ ]uint32_t[ ]cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE[/]sizeof[(]uint32_t[)]\][ ]__read_mostly[ ]='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\][ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u8[ ]jpeg_header\[589\][ ]=[ ][{]' media/video/sn9c102/sn9c102_core.c
+    accept '[	][	]\?err[ ]=[ ]sn9c102_write_const_regs[(]cam\(,[ 	\n]\+[{]0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F],[ ]0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][}]\)*[)][;]'
+    # too lax?
+    defsnc 'static[ ]yyconst[ ]\(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short[ ]\)\?int\)\)[ ]yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned[ ]\)\?\(short\([ ]int\)\?\|char\)\)[ ]yy[^[]*\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc '\([	]\)\?static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(unsigned[ ]\(short\|char\)\|struct[ ]SiS_[^ ]*\)[ ]SiS[^[]*\(\[[][ *0-9]*\]\)\+[ ]*='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]a3d_Hrtf_t[ ]A3dHrirZeros[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]a3d_Hrtf_t[ ]A3dHrirImpulse[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]a3d_Hrtf_t[ ]A3dHrirOnes[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]a3d_Hrtf_t[ ]A3dHrirSatTest[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]a3d_Hrtf_t[ ]A3dHrirDImpulse[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]a3d_ItdDline_t[ ]A3dItdDlineZeros[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]auxxEqCoeffSet_t[ ]asEqCoefsNormal[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]xtalk_dline_t[ ]const[ ]alXtalkDline\(Test\|Zeros\)[ ]=' sound/pci/au88x0/au88x0_xtalk.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]tempLUT\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]viaLUT\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ][{][ ]int[ ]xres,[ ]yres,[ ]left,[ ]right,[ ]upper,[ ]lower,[ ]hslen,[ ]vslen,[ ]vfreq[;][ ][}][ ]timmings\[\][ ]__initdata[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]platinum_regvals[ ]platinum_reg_init_[0-9]*[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc '[}][ ]sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\][ ]__devinitdata[ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_pll_desc[ ][^\n]*[ ]=[ ][{]' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]LABELPATCHES\[\][ ]__attribute[(][(]unused[)][)][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]dbdev_tab_t[ ]dbdev_tab\[\][ ]='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static[ ]char[ ]fm_volume_table\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'unsigned[ ]int[ ]snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define[ ]OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE[ ][{]'
+    initnc '[	][	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]const[ ]data_bit\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	][	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]data_sbit\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]\.RightCoefs[ ]='
+    initnc '[	]#define[ ]WakeupSeq[ ][ ][ ][ ][{]'
+    initnc '[	]SetRate44100\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]const[ ]short[ ]period\[32\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[	]\(const[ ]static\|static[ ]const\)[ ]int[ ]desc_idx_table\[\][ ]=' 'arch/arm/include/asm/hardware/iop3xx-adma.h|include/asm-arm/hardware/iop3xx-adma.h'
+    initnc '[	]int[ ]prop_bcomm_irq\[3[*]16\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]char[ ]logSlopeTable\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]mc7_timing_params[ ]mc7_timings\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]biphase_tbl\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]cs170\[7[ ][*][ ]8\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]cs3[13]a\[8[ ][*][ ]4\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]dramsr13\[12[ ][*][ ]5\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]log10\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/zd_chip.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]mpeg_hdr_data\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]sdramtype\[13\]\[5\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]t\[\][ ]=' drivers/bcma/sprom.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]ac97_defaults\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]int[ ]exp_lut\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]u16[ ]jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]u16[ ]tables\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]u32[ ]logMagTable\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]init_bufs\[13\]\[5\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]u_short[ ]geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]CRCTable1\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]CRCTable2\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]default_colors\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]iso_regs\[8\]\[4\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]log_scale\[101\][ ]=' sound/oss/pss.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]msg\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]static_pad\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]table_alaw2ulaw\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]table_ulaw2alaw\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[	]\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]reg_boundaries\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    initnc '[	]u8[ ]b\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]uint8_t[ ]tx\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]unsigned[ ]char[ ]saa7111_regs\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]unsigned[ ]char[ ]sas_pcd_m_pg\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	][}][ ]modedb\[5\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]reg_tbl\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    initnc '[	][}][ ]vals\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	][}][ ]vm_devices\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]static[ ]const[ ]code[ ]distfix\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]static[ ]const[ ]code[ ]lenfix\[512\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[ ][ ]int[ ]poly\[\]=' drivers/net/pcmcia/nmclan_cs.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]asso_values\[\][ ]=' scripts/genksyms/keywords.c_shipped
+    defsnc '[ ][ ]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]asso_values\[\][ ]=' scripts/kconfig/zconf.hash.c_shipped
+    initnc '[ ][ ][}][ ]cards_ds\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]static[ ]const[ ]int8[ ]countLeadingZerosHigh\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]d\(base\|ext\)\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc '#define[ ]OV511_QUANTABLESIZE[	]64'
+    initnc 'BYTE[ ]BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'BYTE[ ]SRAMTable\[\]\[[ ]60[ ]\][ ]='
+    accept 'irq_prio_\([hdl]\|l[cd]\):'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/arm/inlcude/asm/hardware/entry-macro-iomd.S|include/asm-arm/hardware/entry-macro-iomd.S'
+    initc '__u8[ ]_ascebc\[256\][ ]='
+    initc '__u8[ ]_ebc_tolower\[256\][ ]='
+    initc '__u8[ ]_ebc_toupper\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t[ ]aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'char[ ]dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'char[ ]dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]aper_size_info_16[ ]agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\][ ]='
+    initnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]crc_itu_t_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]byte_rev_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]crc7_syndrome_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'int[ ]snd_sf_vol_table\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[	]u_char[	]irq_to_siubit\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[	]u_char[	]irq_to_siureg\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]Byte_t[ ]RData\[RDATASIZE\][ ]=' drivers/tty/rocket.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]__const__[ ]__u16[ ]gx_coeff\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]__u8[ ]init7121ntsc\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]__u8[ ]init7121pal\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]byte[ ]capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]char[ ]channel_map_madi_[sdq]s\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\][ ]=' sound/pci/rme9652/hdspm.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]char[ ]coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT[ ][*][ ]4\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]char[ ]ecc_syndrome_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]char[ ]isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]char[ ]isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]char[ ]mix_cvt\[101\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]char[ ]opl3_volume_table\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]crc10_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u32[ ]crc_c\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]fixp_t[ ]cos_table\[46\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]init_seq\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]mobile_vid_table\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]budtab\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]aper_size_info_8[ ]via_generic_sizes\[9\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]color[ ]clut_vga16\[16\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]gain_entry[ ]gain_table\[2\]\[108\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/iwl-4965.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]mV_pos[ ]__\(cpu\)\?initdata[ ]mobilevrm_mV\[32\][ ]=' arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/longhaul.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]mV_pos[ ]__\(cpu\)\?initdata[ ]vrm85_mV\[32\][ ]=' arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/longhaul.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]menelaus_vtg_value[ ]vcore_values\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]opl4_region[ ]regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]regval[ ]regval_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_5222\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_5225_2527\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_5226\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2522\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2523\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2524\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2525\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2528\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_noseq\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_seq\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]Sbox\[256\][ ]=' # 'drivers/staging/rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware.c' and elsewhere
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]count_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/misc/tsl2550.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rtl8225\(bcd\|z2\)_rxgain\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl818[07]/rtl8225\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]stufftab\[5[ ][*][ ]256\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/gigaset/isocdata.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tkip_sbox\[256\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8753_reg\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8753.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]SS[0-3]\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]S[1-8]\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]T[0-5]\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]Tm\[24\]\[8\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]bass_table\[41\]\[5\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]bf_sbox\[256[ ][*][ ]4\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp0222\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp1110\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp3033\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp4404\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]crc32c_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]db_table\[101\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]mds\[4\]\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]pc2\[1024\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]s[1-7]\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]sb8\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]treble_table\[41\]\[5\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u64[ ][CT][0-7]\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u64[ ]sbox[1-4]\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u64[ ]sha512_K\[80\][ ]=' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]Tr\[4\]\[8\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]aes_sbox\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]calc_sb_tbl\[512\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]exp_to_poly\[492\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]parity\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]pc1\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]poly_to_exp\[255\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]q[01]\[256\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]ratio_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/misc/tsl2550.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rs\[256\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225_\(agc\|tx_\(power\|gain\)_cck\(_ch14\|_ofdm\)\?\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl818[07]/rtl8225\.c'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u_char[ ]irq_to_siubit\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u_char[ ]irq_to_siureg\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]uint8_t[ ]parity\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]__\(cpu\)\?initdata[ ]mV_mobilevrm\[32\][ ]=' arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/longhaul.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]__\(cpu\)\?initdata[ ]mV_vrm85\[32\][ ]=' arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/longhaul.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]bitcounts\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]blue\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]chktab[hl]\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]comet_miireg2offset\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?unsigned[ ]char[ ]euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]green\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]hash_table_ops\[64[*]4\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]hid_keyboard\[256\][ ]=' drivers/hid/hid-input.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]mts_direction\[256[/]8\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]red\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?unsigned[ ]char[ ]sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vol_cvt_datt\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]MulIdx\[16\]\[16\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]crctab32\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]crc_flex_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]logtable\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]wd7000_iobase\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]x86_keycodes\[256\][ ]=' drivers/tty/vt/keyboard.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]MV300_reg_8bit\[256\][ ]\?=' drivers/video/atafb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\][ ]=' drivers/net/s2io.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]initial_lfsr\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]log_tbl\[129\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]miro_fmtuner\[\][ ][ ]=' drivers/media/video/bt8xx/bt-cards.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]miro_tunermap\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/bt8xx/bt-cards.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]register_size\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]reverse6\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]short[ ]attack_time_tbl\[128\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]short[ ]beep_wform\[256\][ ]=' 'sound/ppc/beep.c|sound/oss/dmasound/dmasound_awacs.c|arch/ppc/8xx_io/cs4218_tdm.c'
+    initnc 'static[ ]short[ ]decay_time_tbl\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]short[ ]isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]iw\?l\(3945\)\?_tx_power[ ]power_gain_table\[2\]\[IW\?L_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/iwl-3945.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]ovcamchip_regvals[ ]regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval_list[ ]ov7670_default_regs\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]s_c2[ ]SetRate48000\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]tea6420_multiplex[ ]TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS[+]1\]\[2\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]wm_info[ ]i810_wm_16_100\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]wm_info[ ]i810_wm_16_133\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]wm_info[ ]i810_wm_24_100\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]wm_info[ ]i810_wm_24_133\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]wm_info[ ]i810_wm_8_100\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]wm_info[ ]i810_wm_8_133\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ][{][ ]struct[ ]fb_bitfield[ ]red,[ ]green,[ ]blue,[ ]transp[;][ ]int[ ]bits_per_pixel[;][ ][}][ ]colors\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]asEqCoefsPipes\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]asEqCoefsZeros\[50\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]asEqOutStateZeros\[48\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]default_key_map[ ]\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]eq_levels\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u32[ ][ ]crc32tab\[\][ ]__attribute__[ ][(][(]aligned[(]8[)][)][)][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]adwDecim8\[33\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]h_prescale\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]v_gain\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]bnx2_570[68]_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\][ ]=' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]flit_desc_map\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u8[ ]init_tab[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/dvb/frontends/cx2270\(0\|2\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mac_reader\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mt2131_config1\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mt2131_config1\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mt2266_init2\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mt2266_init2\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]opera1_inittab\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]saa7113_init_regs\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]w1_crc8_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_char[ ]const[ ]data_sizes_32\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_long[ ]ident_map\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_short[ ]alt_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_short[ ]altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_short[ ]ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_short[ ]ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]*='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_short[ ]shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_short[ ]shift_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]*='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uchar[ ]perm1\[56\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uchar[ ]perm2\[48\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uchar[ ]perm3\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uchar[ ]perm4\[48\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uchar[ ]perm5\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uchar[ ]perm6\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uchar[ ]sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uint16_t[ ]crc_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uint8_t[ ]lpfcAlpaArray\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?uint8_t[ ]seqprog\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]a2232_65EC02code\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/generic_serial/ser_a2232fw.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]banner_table\[\][ ]=' arch/sh/boards/superh/microdev/led.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(__attribute__[ ][(][(]aligned[(]16[)][)][)][ ]\)\?bootlogo_bits\[\][ ]=' arch/m68k/platform/68328/bootlogo.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]bus2core_8260\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]bus2core_8280\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]caseorder\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]crystal_key\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]dsp_ulaw\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]expressiontab\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]header2\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]hidp_keycode\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]nkbd_keycode\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]pan_volumes\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]parm_block\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]rfcomm_crc_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]rwa_unlock\[\][ ]__initdata[ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]seqprog\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]splash_bits\[\][ ]=' arch/m68k/platform/68EZ328/bootlogo.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]sunkbd_keycode\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]ufs_fragtable_other\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]ulaw_dsp\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]usb_kbd_keycode\[256\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vga_font\[cmapsz\][ ]\(BTDATA[ ]\)\?=' arch/sparc/kernel/btext.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]voltab[12]\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vpd89_data\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]xtkbd_keycode\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]ac3_bitrates\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]bass_volume_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]bitrates\[3\]\[16\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]master_volume_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]mixer_volume_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]pan_table\[63\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]snapper_bass_volume_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]snapper_treble_volume_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]treble_volume_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]valid_mem\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]long[ ]arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]long[ ]shmedia_opcode_table\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]fcstab\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]init[1234]\[128\][ ][/][*]__devinitdata[*][/][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE[*]2\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]rc_ioport\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/tty/riscom8.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]translations\[\]\[256\][ ]=' drivers/tty/vt/consolemap.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]treble_parm\[12\]\[9\][ ]='
+    initnc 'struct[ ]RGBColors[ ]TextCLUT\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'struct[ ]VgaRegs[ ]GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS[+]1\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]battery_thresh[ ][ ]*\(spitz\|sharpsl\)_battery_levels_\(noac\|acin\)\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-pxa/sharpsl_pm.c
+    initnc 'struct[ ]fb_bitfield[ ]rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\][ ]='
+    initnc 'struct[ ]mode_registers[ ]std_modes\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'struct[ ]vmode_attr[ ]vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\][ ]='
+    initnc 'u16[ ]const[ ]crc16_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'u16[ ]const[ ]crc_ccitt_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'u16[ ]hfsplus_compose_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'u16[ ]hfsplus_decompose_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'u_char[ ]const[ ]data_sizes_16\[32\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'u_short[ ]\(plain\|shift\(_ctrl\)\?\|alt\(gr\)\?\|ctrl\(_alt\)\?\)_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]*=' drivers/tty/vt/defkeymap.c_shipped
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\)[ ]e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\)[ ]e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '[}][ ]euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[}][ ]freq\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[}][ ]hps_h_coeff_tab[ ]\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[}][ ]hps_v_coeff_tab[ ]\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[}][ ]init_tab\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[}][ ]maven_gamma\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[}][ ]mem_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[}][ ]mxb_saa7740_init\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[}][ ]pll_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    initnc '[}][ ]qam256_snr_tab\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[}][ ]qam64_snr_tab\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[}][ ]sil_port\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[}][ ]vsb_snr_tab\[\][ ]='
+    # new in 2.6.30
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]sync\[\][ ]=' Documentation/networking/timestamping/timestamping.c
+    blob 'The[ ]driver[ ]requires[ ]firmware[ ]files[ ]["]turtlebeach\([^\n]*[^\n.][\n]\)*directory.' Documentation/sound/alsa/ALSA-Configuration.txt
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]sdp3430_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-3430sdp.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]char[ ]_[zs]b_findmap\[\][ ]=' arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.c
+    initnc '[	][{][ ]CnINT2MSKR0,[ ]CnINT2MSKCR0[ ],[ ]32,' arch/sh/kernel/cpu/sh4a/setup-sh7786.c
+    blobname 'solos-\(\(db-\)\?FPGA\|Firmware\)\.bin' drivers/atm/solos-pci.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]__initdata[ ]i2c_clk_div\[50\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-imx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]mpc_i2c_divider[ ]mpc_i2c_dividers_\(52xx\|8xxx\)\[\][ ]\(__devinitconst[ ]\)\?=' drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-mpc.c
+    accept '[	]const[ ]char[ ]\*fw_name[ ]=[ ]["]av7110[/]bootcode\.bin["][;]' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+    accept '[	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][^;]*[)][;][\n][	]if[ ][(]ret[)][ ][{][^}]*[}][\n][\n][	]mwdebi[(]av7110,[ ]DEBISWAB,[ ]DPRAM_BASE' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_fw.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]av7110[/]bootcode\.bin["][)][;]' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]jpeg_head\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]nand_oob_128[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/nand_base.c
+    blobname 'bnx2[/]bnx2-\(mips\|rv2p\)-[-0-9a-z.]*\.fw' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    accept 'static[ ]void[\n]load_rv2p_fw[(][^{)]*const[ ]struct[ ]bnx2_mips_fw_file_entry' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[\n]bnx2_init_cpus[(][^{]*[)][\n][{][\n][	]const[ ]struct[ ]bnx2_mips_fw_file'
+    blobname 'yam[/]\(12\|96\)00\.bin' drivers/net/hamradio/yam.c
+    blobname 'myricom[/]lanai\.bin' drivers/net/myri_sbus.c
+    blobname '3com[/]3C359\.bin' drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+    blobname '3com[/]typhoon\.bin' drivers/net/typhoon.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]ar9170_phy_init[ ]ar5416_phy_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/phy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]ar9170_rf_init[ ]ar9170_rf_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/phy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ar9170_phy_freq_entry[ ]ar9170_phy_freq_params\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/phy.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[ ]ar9170_usb_request_firmware[(]' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/usb.c
+    accept '[	]\(err[ ]=\|return\)[ ]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(][^\n]*["]ar9170\(-[12]\)\?\.fw["],' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/usb.c
+    accept '[	]err[ ]=[ ]ar9170_usb_request_firmware[(]' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/usb.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]ar9170\(-[12]\)\?\.fw["][)][;]\([\n]MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]ar9170\(-[12]\)\?\.fw["][)][;]\)*' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/usb.c
+    blobname 'slicoss[/]\(oasis\|gb\)\(rcvucode\|download\)\.sys' drivers/staging/slicoss/slicoss.c
+    blobname 'sxg[/]sahara\(dbg\)\?downloadB\.sys' drivers/staging/sxg/sxg.c
+    blobname 'qlogic[/]isp1000\.bin' drivers/scsi/qlogicpti.c
+    blobname 'advansys[/]\(3550\|38C\(08\|16\)00\|mcode\)\.bin' drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+    blobname 'qlogic[/]\(1040\|1280\|12160\)\.bin' drivers/scsi/qla1280.c
+    blobname 'yamaha[/]yss225_registers\.bin' sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini[ ]rf\([52]413\|2425\)_ini_common_end\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rfbuffer[ ]rfb_\(511[12]a\?\|5413\|231[67]\|24\(1[37]\|25\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/rfbuffer.h
+    accept '#define\([ ]_\?IWL\(4965\|[156]000\(G2[AB]\)\?\|1[03]0\|5150\|6050\)_MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]api[)]\)\+' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-\([156]000\|4965\)\.c'
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-1000-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-1000.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-60[05]0-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-6000.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]gspi\(%d\|[0-9]\+\)\(_hlp\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_spi.c
+    blobname 'mwl8k[/]\(helper\|fmimage\)_\(%u\|[0-9]\+\)\.fw' drivers/net/wireless/mwl8k.c
+    blobname '3826\.arm' 'drivers/\(net/wireless/p54/p54spi\|staging/stlc45xx/stlc45xx\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]p54spi_eeprom\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54spi_eeprom.h
+    blobname '\(comedi[/]\)\?jr3pci\.idm' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/jr3_pci.c
+    blobname 'usbdux\(fast\)\?_firmware\.\(hex\|bin\)' 'drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/usbdux\(fast\)\?\.c'
+    blobname 'RT30xxEEPROM\.bin' drivers/staging/rt3070/common/eeprom.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]default_cal_\(channels\|rssi\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/stlc45xx/stlc45xx.c
+    accept '[	][	]stlc45xx_error[(]["]request_firmware[(][)][ ]failed' drivers/staging/stlc45xx/stlc45xx.c
+    blob 'static[ ]struct[ ]phy_ucode[	]PhyUcode\[\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' drivers/staging/sxg/sxgphycode-1.2.h
+    accept 'device[ ]drivers[ ]which[ ]predate[ ]the[ ]common[ ]use[ ]of[ ]request_firmware[(][)]' firmware/README.AddingFirmware
+    accept 'As[ ]we[ ]update[ ]those[ ]drivers[ ]to[ ]use[ ]request_firmware[(][)]' firmware/README.AddingFirmware
+    blob 'This[ ]directory[ ]is[ ]_NOT_[ ]for[ ]adding[ ]arbitrary[ ]new[ ]firmware[ ]images.*git[ ]pull[ ]request[ ]to:[\n][^\n]*\(infradead\.org\|decadent\.org\.uk\)>' firmware/README.AddingFirmware
+    blobna 'linux-firmware\.git' firmware/README.AddingFirmware
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(loader\|indigo_djx\)_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/indigodjx.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(loader\|indigo_iox\)_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/indigoiox.c
+    # blobname 'cis[/]LA-PCM\.cis' drivers/net/pcmcia/pcnet_cs.c
+    blobname 'ositech[/]Xilinx7OD\.bin' drivers/net/pcmcia/smc91c92_cs.c
+    blobname 'tehuti[/]\(firmware\|bdx\)\.bin' drivers/net/tehuti.c
+    accept '[ 	]*["]b43-open%s[/]%s\.fw["]' drivers/net/wireless/b43/main.c
+    blobname '\(nx\(romimg\|3fw\(ct\|mn\)\)\|phanfw\)\.bin' 'drivers/net/netxen/netxen_nic\(_\(hw\|init\)\.c\|\.h\)'
+    # New in 2.6.31
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]page[ ]tables[ ]as[ ]follows:[\n][ ][*][\n][ ][*][ ][ ][ ]3[ ]3[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[\n][ ][*][ ][ ][ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0' arch/arm/include/asm/pgtable.h
+    defsnc '\([	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]snum_init\[\][ ]=[ ][{]\|static[ ]void[ ]qe_snums_init[(]void[)]\)[\n][	][	]0x04,[ ]0x05,' arch/powerpc/sysdev/qe_lib/qe.c
+    accept '[.]LgoS4:[\n][	][.]word[	][.]LmtoS4-\.LgoS4\([\n][	]\.\(long\|word\|byte\)[	][01]\(,0\)*\)*' arch/s390/kernel/sclp.S
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]sh_clk_div6_divisors\[64\][ ]=' '\(arch/sh/kernel/cpu/clock-\|drivers/sh/clk/\)cpg\.c'
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]*1[ ]1\([ ]0\)*[ ]1\([ ]0\)*' arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]scrubrate[ ]scrubrates\[\][ ]=' drivers/edac/amd64_edac.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]r\([35]\|s6\)00_reg_safe_bm\[[0-9]*\][ ]=' 'drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r\(300\|v515\|s600\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]keyboard_layout_map_t[ ]keyboard_layout_maps\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/siano/smsir.c
+    blobname 'dvb-cx18-mpc718-mt352\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-dvb.c
+    defsnc '[	]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(y\|uv\)QuanTable51[18]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/\(ov511\|gspca/ov519\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]bridge_start_ov965x_\(\([qs]\?v\|x\)ga\|cif\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(int\|s16\)[ ]hsv_\(red\|green\|blue\)_[xy]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(u16\|struct[ ]i2c_reg_u16\)[ ]\(bridge\|mt9\(v\(11[12]\|011\)\|m001\)\)_init\[\]\(\[2\]\)\?[ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(u8\|struct[ ]i2c_reg_u8\)[ ]\(soi968\|ov\(76[67]0\|965[05]\)\|hv7131r\)_init\[\]\(\[2\]\)\?[ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]onenand_oob_128[ ]=' drivers/mtd/onenand/onenand_base.c
+    blob '#define[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION\|COMPILE_FLAGS\)[ 	]*[0-9]\+\([\n]#define[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION\|COMPILE_FLAGS\)[ 	]*[0-9]\+\)*' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_hsi\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]int[ ]\(__devinit[ ]\)\?bnx2x_check_firmware[(]struct[ ]bnx2x[ ][*]bp[)][\n][{][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobna 'if[ ][(][(]fw_ver\[[0-3]\][ ]!=[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION[)]\([ ][|][|][\n][ 	]*[(]fw_ver\[[0-3]\][ ]!=[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION[)]\)*[)][ ][{][^{}]*[}]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobna 'sprintf[(]fw_file_name[ ][+][ ]offset,[ ]["]%d[.]%d[.]%d[.]%d[.]fw["]\(,[\n][ 	]*BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION\)*[)][;]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobna 'rc[ ]=[ ]bnx2x_check_firmware[(]bp[)][;]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    defsnc 'crb_128M_2M_map\[64\][ ]__cacheline_aligned_in_smp[ ]=' 'drivers/net/\(netxen/netxen_nic_hw.c\|qlcnic/qlcnic_hw.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals\(_3070\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(prism54/islpci_dev\.c\|rt2x00/rt2800usb\.c\)'
+    blobname 'wl1251-\(fw\|nvs\)\.bin' 'drivers/net/wireless/wl12\(51\|xx\)/wl1251.h'
+    blobname 'iwmc3200wifi-\([ul]mac\|calib\)-sdio\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/iwmc3200wifi/sdio.c
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]MCS_DATA_RATE\[2\]\[2\]\[77\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rtl8192su/ieee80211/rtl819x_HTProc\.c\|rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware\.c\)'
+    blob 'u8[ ]Rtl8192SUFw\(Img\|Main\|Data\)Array\[\(Img\|Main\|Data\)ArrayLength\][ ]=[ ][{]'"$sepx$blobpat*$sepx"'[}][;]\([\n][\n]*u8[ ]Rtl8192SUFw\(Img\|Main\|Data\)Array\[\(Img\|Main\|Data\)ArrayLength\][ ]=[ ][{]'"$sepx$blobpat*$sepx"'[}][;]\)*' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192SU_HWImg.c
+    blobname 'RTL8192SU[/]\(rtl8192sfw\.bin\|\(boot\|main\|data\)\.img\)' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192S_firmware.c
+    blobna 'case[ ]FW_SOURCE_HEADER_FILE:[\n]#if[ ]1[\n]#define[^#]*[\n]#endif[\n][	][	][	]break[;]' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192S_firmware.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]Rtl8192SU\(PHY_\(REG\|ChangeTo\)_\([12]T[12]R\)\?\|Radio[AB]_\(\(\(to\)\?[12]T\|GM\)_\)\?\|MAC\(PHY\|_[12]T\)_\|AGCTAB_\)Array\(_PG\)\?\[\(PHY_\(REG\|ChangeTo\)_\([12]T[12]R\)\?\|Radio[AB]_\(\(\(to\)\?[12]T\|GM\)_\)\?\|MAC\(PHY\|_[12]T\)_\|AGCTAB_\)Array\(_PG\)\?Length\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/rtl92SU_HWImg.c
+    blob 'u8[ ]Rtl8192PciEFw\(Boot\|Main\|Data\)ArrayDTM\[\(Boot\|Main\|Data\)ArrayLengthDTM\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192S_FwImgDTM.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?u32[ ]Rtl8192PciE\(PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|\(Radio[ABCD]\|MACPHY\|AGCTAB\)_\)Array\(_PG\)\?\(DTM\)\?\[\(\(PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|\(Radio[ABCD]\|MACPHY\|AGCTAB\)_\)Array\(_PG\)\?Length\(DTM\)\?\)\?\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/rtl8192S_FwImgDTM.h
+    blobna '\([&]\|sizeof[(]\)rtl8190_fw\(boot\|main\|data\)_array\(\[0\]\|[)]\)\(,[ 	\n]*\([&]\|sizeof[(]\)rtl8190_fw\(boot\|main\|data\)_array\(\[0\]\|[)]\)\)*' 'drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r819\(2S\|xU\)_firmware\.c'
+    blobname 'RTL8192U[/]\(boot\|main\|data\)\.img' 'drivers/staging/rtl8192s\?u/r819xU_firmware\.c'
+    blob 'u8[ ]rtl8190_fw\(boot\|main\|data\)_array\[\][ ]=[ ]\?[{][^}]*[}][;]' 'drivers/staging/rtl8192s\?u/r8192xU_firmware_img\.c'
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]Rtl8192Usb\(PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|\(Radio[ABCD]\|MACPHY\|AGCTAB\)_\)Array\(_PG\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/rtl819xU_firmware_img.c
+    defsnc 'BYTE[ ]\(sbox\|dot[23]\)_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6655/aes_ccmp.c
+    defsnc '\(BYTE\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]byVT3253\(InitTab\|B0\(_AGC4\?\)\?\)_\(RFMD\(2959\)\?\|AIROHA2230\|UW2451\|AGC\)\[CB_VT3253\(B0\(_AGC4\?\)\?\)\?\(\(_INIT\)\?_FOR_\(RFMD\(2959\)\?\|AIROHA2230\|UW2451\|AGC\)\)\?\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6655/baseband.c
+    defsnc 'SCountryTable[ ]ChannelRuleTab\[CCODE_MAX[+]1\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6655/card.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]long[ ]frequency_list\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6655/iwctl.c
+    accept '#define[ ]CONFIG_PATH[ ]*["][/]etc[/]vntconfiguration[.]dat["]' drivers/staging/vt6655/device_cfg.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(DWORD\|unsigned[ ]long\)[ ]s_adwCrc32Table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6655/tcrc.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]\(BYTE\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]TKIP_Sbox_\(Lower\|Upper\)\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6655/tkip.c
+    blobname 'prism2_ru\.\(hex\|fw\)' drivers/staging/wlan-ng/prism2fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8960_reg\[WM8960_CACHEREGNUM\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8960.c
+    blob '#include[ ]["]me4\(00\|61\)0_firmware\.h["]\([\n][\n]*#include[ ]["]me4\(00\|61\)0_firmware\.h["]\)*' drivers/staging/me4000/me4000.c
+    blobna 'firm[ ]=[ ][^;]*xilinx_firm[^;]*[;]' drivers/staging/me4000/me4000.c
+    # end of new in 2.6.31
+    accept '[ 	]*ramdisk[ ]=[ ]["][/]boot[/][^ ]*initrd[^ ]*\.img["]' Documentation/ia64/xen.txt
+    # in drm-*.patch, post-2.6.31
+    blobname 'matrox[/]g[24]00_warp\.fw' drivers/gpu/drm/mga/mga_warp.c
+    blobname 'r128[/]r128_cce\.bin' drivers/gpu/drm/r128/r128_cce.c
+    blobname 'radeon[/]R\([123]0\|[45]2\|S6[09]\)0_cp\.bin' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r100.c
+    blobname 'radeon[/]\(R\([67]0\|V6[1237]\|S7[1378]\)[05]\|CEDAR\|REDWOOD\|JUNIPER\|CYPRESS\|%s\)_\(pfp\|rlc\|me\)\.bin' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r600.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]r[67]xx_default_state\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r600_blit_shaders.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]nv17_tv_norm_params[ ]nv17_tv_norms\[NUM_TV_NORMS\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nv17_tv_modes.c
+    # New in or modified for 2.6.32
+    blobname '\(cxgb3[/]\)\?ael20\(05_\(opt\|twx\)\|20_twx\)_edc\.bin' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]aper_size_info_32[ ]u3_sizes\[8\?\][ ]=' drivers/char/agp/uninorth-agp.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]atkbd_set[23]_keycode\[\(512\|ATKBD_KEYMAP_SIZE\)\][ ]=' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]common_modes\[17\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_connectors.c
+    defsnc '[	][	]*\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]phy_reg[ ]phy_reg_init\(_0\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    accept '[	][	]*struct[ ]phy_reg[ ]phy_reg_init_1\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*0x8300[^;]*[}][;]' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    blob 'static[ ]void[ ]rtl8168d_[12]_hw_phy_config[(]void[ ]__iomem[ ][*]ioaddr[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    blobna 'rtl8168d_[12]_hw_phy_config[(]ioaddr[)][;]' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    blobna 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]phy_reg_init_[12]\[\][ ]=[ ][{][\n 	{}0-9a-fx]*0x06,[ ]0xf8f9[\n 	{}0-9a-fx]*[}][;]' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    # This loads firmware to be flashed from filename provided through ethtool.
+    accept 'int[ ]be_load_fw[(]struct[ ]be_adapter[ ][^\n;{]*[)][ \n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*request_firmware[^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]' drivers/net/benet/be_main.c
+    defsnc '[	]u8[ ]init_hash_seed\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/qlge/qlge_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u_int32_t[ ]ar9287\(Common\|Modes\(_\([tr]x_gain\)\)\?\)_9287_1_[01]\[\]\[[236]\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u_int32_t[ ]ar9271\(Common\|Modes\)_9271\(_1_0\)\?\[\]\[[26]\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]lpphy_min_sig_sq_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_lpphy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]lpphy_\(rev\(01\|2plus\)_noise_scale\|crs_gain_nft\|iqlo_cal\|rev[01]_ofdm_cck_gain\|\(a0_\)\?gain\|sw_control\)_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_lpphy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]lpphy_\(\(rev01_ps\|tx_power\)_control\|\(a0_\)\?gain_\(idx\|value\)\|papd_\(eps\|mult\)\)_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_lpphy.c
+    blobname 'v4l-saa7164-1\.0\.[23]\.fw' drivers/media/video/saa7164/saa7164-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]n4_\(om6802\|other\|tas5130a\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc '[	][	]\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]struct[ ]sensor_w_data[ ]\(cif\|vga\)_sensor[01]_init_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/mr97310a.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]jlj_command[ ]start_commands\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jeilinj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]init_code\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/friio-fe.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]va1j5jf8007[ts]_\(2[05]mhz_\)\?prepare_bufs\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/dvb/pt1/va1j5jf8007[st]\.c'
+    accept '[	 ]\+request_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]hit[ ]an[ ]OOPS' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]long[ ]limiter_times\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/radio/si4713-i2c.c
+    blobname 'c[tb]fw\(_\(fc\|cna\)\)\?\.bin' drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad_fwimg.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]\(VDCDC[1x]\|LDO[12]\)_VSEL_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/regulator/tps650\(23\|7x\)-regulator\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]lms283gf05_seq[ ]disp_\(init\|pwdn\)seq\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/backlight/lms283gf05.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]csc_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/msm/mdp_csc_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?struct[ ]mdp_table_entry[ ]mdp_\(\(upscale\|gaussian_blur\)_table\|downscale_[xy]_table_PT[2468]TO\(PT[468]\|1\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/msm/mdp_scale_tables.c
+    accept '[	][	]card->firmware[ ]=[ ]data->firmware[;]'  drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c
+    accept '[	]isar->firmware[ ]=[ ][&]load_firmware[;]' drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/mISDNisar.c
+    blobname 'isdn[/]ISAR\.BIN' drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/speedfax.c
+    blobname '\(sep[/]\)\?\(cache\|resident\)\.image\.bin' drivers/staging/sep/sep_driver.c
+    blobname 'RTL8192E[/]\(boot\|main\|data\)\.img' drivers/staging/rtl8192e/r819xE_firmware.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?u32[ ]Rtl8190PciE\?\(AGCTAB_\|PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|Radio[ABCD]_\)Array\[\(AGCTAB_\|PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|Radio[ABCD]_\)ArrayLength\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rtl8192e/r819xE_phy\.c\|rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware_img.c\)'
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]File:[ ]main_usb\.c\([\n][ ][*]\([^\n/]*\|[^*\n/][/]*\)*\)*[\n][ ][*][/]\([\n][\n]*#\(undef[ ][^\n]*\|include[ ]["][^\n]*["]\)\)*[\n][\n]*#include[ ]["]firmware\.h["]' drivers/staging/vt6656/main_usb.c
+    blob 'const[ ]BYTE[ ]abyFirmware\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' drivers/staging/vt6656/firmware.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]*ChannelRuleTab\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6656/channel.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?struct[ ]register_address_value_pair[\n]\(preview_snapshot_mode\|noise_reduction\)_reg_settings_array\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/dream/camera/mt9d112_reg.c
+    blobname '\([/]tmp[/]\)\?RT30xxEEPROM\.bin' 'drivers/staging/rt3090/\(common/ee_efuse\.c\|rtmp_def\.h\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]UINT8[ ]WPS_DH_\([PRX]\|RRModP\)_VALUE\[1\(9[23]\|84\)\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rt3090/common/crypt_biginteger.c
+    defsnc '\(CH_FREQ_MAP\|struct[ ]rt_ch_freq_map\)[ ]CH_HZ_ID_MAP\[\][ ]\?=' 'drivers/staging/\(rt2860\|rt3090\)/common/rt_channel\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]UINT32[ ]SHA256_K\[64\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rt3090/common/crpt_sha2.c
+    defsnc '\(DOT11_REGULATORY_INFORMATION\|struct[ ]rt_dot11_regulatory_information\)[ ]\(USA\|Europe\|Japan\)RegulatoryInfo\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rt3090\|rt2860\)/common/spectrum\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]USHORT[ ]Sbox\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rt3090/sta/rtmp_ckipmic.c
+    blob '#include[ 	]*["]\(\.\.[/]\(\.\.[/]rt\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0[/]\(common[/]\)\?\)\?\)\?firmware\(_\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0\)\?\.h["]\([\n][\n]*#include[ 	]*["]\(\.\.[/]\(\.\.[/]rt\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0[/]\(common[/]\)\?\)\?\)\?firmware\(_\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0\)\?\.h["]\)' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]\|309\)0/common/rtmp_\(init\|mcu\)\.c'
+    blobna 'FIRMWAREIMAGE_LENGTH[ ]==' drivers/staging/rt3090/common/rtmp_mcu.c
+    defsnc 'int[ ]wm831x_isinkv_values\[WM831X_ISINK_MAX_ISEL[ ][+][ ][1]\][ ]=' drivers/mfd/wm831x-core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]hwecc4_2048[ ]__initconst[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/davinci_nand.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8974_reg\[WM8974_CACHEREGNUM\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8974.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u\(8\|16\)[ ]ak464[28]_reg\[\(AK4642_CACHEREGNUM\)\?\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/ak4642.c
+    accept 'int[ ]snd_hda_load_patch[(][^\n;{]*[)][ \n][{][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*hda_codec[^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*request_firmware[^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]' sound/pci/hda/hda_hwdep.c
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ]Bit[ 0-7]*' Documentation/input/sentelic.txt
+    accept 'The[ ]hd-audio[ ]driver[ ]reads[ ]the[ ]file[ ]via[ ]request_firmware[(][)]\.' Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio.txt
+    blob 'SD8688[ ]firmware:[\n]*\([/]lib[/]firmware[^\n]*[\n]*\)*The[ ]images[^:]*:[\n]*[^\n]*[/]linux-firmware[^\n]*' Documentation/btmrvl.txt
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]ibm405ex_fbdv_multi_bits\[\][ ]=' arch/powerpc/boot/4xx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]zoom2_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-zoom2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]ad714x_platf\(or\|ro\)m_data[ ]ad714[27]_\(\(spi\|i2c\)_\)\?platf\(or\|ro\)m_data[ ]=' arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/stamp.c
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]lgs8g75_initdat\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/lgs8gxx.c
+    blob 'static[ ]int[ ]lgs8g75_init_data[(][^\n;{]*[)][ \n][{][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*lgs8g75_initdat[^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/lgs8gxx.c
+    defsc 'static[ ]struct[ ]idxdata[ ]tbl_common\(_[a-e]\|5\|_\?3B\?\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/gspca/gl860/gl860-\(mi2020\|mi1320\|ov9655\|ov2640\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]validx[ ]tbl_\(commm\?on\|init_\(at_startup\|post_alt\)\|sensor_settings_common\(_[ab]\|1\)\|big\(_[abc]\|[123]\)\|640\|800\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/gspca/gl860/gl860-\(mi2020\|mi1320\|ov9655\|ov2640\).c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ][*]tbl_\(640\|800\|1280\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/gspca/gl860/gl860-\(mi1320\|ov9655\).c'
+    accept '[<][<]\([/]Subtype[/]Type1\)\?[/]BaseFont[^ ]*[/]FontDescriptor[ ][0-9][0-9]*[ ]0[ ]R\([/]Type[/]Font\)\?[\n]\?[/]FirstChar[ ][0-9][0-9]*[/]LastChar[ ][0-9][0-9]*[/]Widths\[[\n][0-9 \n]*\]' 'Documentation/DocBook/v4l/.*\.pdf'
+    # New in 2.6.33
+    accept '[ ]*just[ ]run[ ]["]cat[ ][/]sys[/]firmware[/]acpi[/]tables[/]DSDT[ ]>[ ][/]tmp[/]dsdt[.]dat["]' Documentation/acpi/method-customizing.txt
+    accept '[ ]*b[)][ ]disassemble[ ]the[ ]table[ ]by[ ]running[ ]["]iasl[ ]-d[ ]dsdt[.]dat["][.]' Documentation/acpi/method-customizing.txt
+    accept '[ ]*x=["]7999\([ ][0-9]\+\)\+["]' Documentation/blockdev/drbd/DRBD-8.3-data-packets.svg
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]zoom_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-zoom-peripherals.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]x[48]_vectors\[\][ ]=' drivers/edac/amd64_edac.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]\(y\|uv\)_static_hcoeffs\[N_HORIZ_\(Y\|UV\)_TAPS[ ][*][ ]N_PHASES\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_overlay.c
+    accept '[	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]ec168_download_firmware,[\n][	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/ec168.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-ec168\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/ec168.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]dib0090_defaults\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib0090.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-ds3000\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    blob '[/][*][ ]\(as[ ]of[ ][^\n]*[ ]current[ ]DS3000[ ]firmware\|DS3000[ ]FW\)[^/]*[*][/]\([\n][/][*]\([ ]\(as[ ]of[ ][^\n]*[ ]current[ ]DS3000[ ]firmware\|DS3000[ ]FW\)[^/]*\|[(]DEBLOBBED[)]\)[*][/]\)*' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]ds3000_dvbs2\?_init_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]dvbs2_snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]cnr[ ]cnr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mb86a16.c
+    defsnc 'u8[ ]lgtdqcs001f_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/mantis/mantis_vp1033.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov9640_reg[ ]ov9640_regs_dflt\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov9640.c
+    defsnc '\(const[ ]static\|static[ ]const\)[ ]struct[ ]rj54n1_reg_val[ ]bank_[4578]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/rj54n1cb0c.c
+    blob '#define[ ]_FW_NAME[(]api[)][ ]DRV_NAME[ ]["][.]["][ ]#api[ ]["]\.fw["]' drivers/media/video/iwmc3200top.h
+    blob '#define[ ]FW_FILE_VERSION\([	]*[\\][\n][	]__stringify[(]BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION[)]\([ ]["][.]["]\)\?\)\+' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x/\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobname '\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x-e[12]h\?-["][ ]FW_FILE_VERSION[ ]["]\.fw' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x/\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobname '\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x-e[12]h\?-\([0-9.%d]*\.fw\)\?' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x/\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blob '#define[ ]FW_VERSION\([ 	]__stringify[(]FW_VERSION_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|MICRO\)[)]\([ ]["][.]["]\)\?\([	]*[\\][\n]\)\?\)\+' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    blobname 'cxgb3[/]t3fw-["][ ]FW_VERSION[ ]["]\.bin' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    blob '#define[ ]TPSRAM_VERSION\([ 	]__stringify[(]TP_VERSION_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|MICRO\)[)]\([ ]["][.]["]\)\?\([	]*[\\][\n]\)\?\)\+' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    blobname 'cxgb3[/]t3\(%c\|[bc]\)_psram-["][ ]TPSRAM_VERSION[ ]["]\.bin' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rsshash\[40\][ ]=' drivers/net/igb/igb_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_3\(02\)\?x\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800lib.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]conf_drv_settings[ ]default_conf[ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1271_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u16[ ]bios_to_linux_keycode\[256\][ ]\(__initconst[ ]\)\?=' drivers/platform/x86/dell-wmi.c
+    accept '[	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]pm8001_ha->fw_image,' drivers/scsi/pm8001/pm8001_ctl.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vpdb0_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]vesa_mode_table[ ]vesa_mode\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sm7xx/smtcfb.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]ModeInit[ ]VGAMode\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sm7xx/smtcfb.h
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]hcf_8[ ]fw_image_[1234]_data\[\][ ]=[^;]*[;]\([ ]*[/][*][ ]fw_image_[1234]_data[ ][*][/]\)\?' 'drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/\(ap\|sta\)_h25\?\.c'
+    blobname '[/]etc[/]agere[/]fw\.bin' drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/wl_profile.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]long[ ]chan_freq_list\[\]\[MAX_CHAN_FREQ_MAP_ENTRIES\][ ]=' drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/wl_util.c
+    blob 'The[ ]ssinit[ ]program.*nsoniq.*sndscape.*sound[ ]weird\.' Documentation/sound/oss/README.OSS
+    blobname 'scope\.cod' 'sound/isa/\(Kconfig\|sscape\.c\)'
+    blobname '\(sndscape\|soundscape\)\.co\([?dx01234]\|%d\)' 'sound/isa/\(Kconfig\|sscape\.c\)\|Documentation/sound/oss/README\.OSS'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(adcm1700\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    blobname 'ath3k-1\.fw' drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c
+    blobname 'nouveau[/]nv\([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]\|%02x\)\.ctx\(prog\|vals\)' 'drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/\(nv50_graph\|nouveau_grctx\)\.c'
+    # New in 2.6.34
+    blobname 'mts_mt9234\(mu\|zba\)\.fw' drivers/usb/serial/ti_usb_3410_5052.c
+    blobname 'cxgb4[/]t4fw\.bin' drivers/net/cxgb4/cxgb4_main.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]reg_ranges\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/cxgb4/cxgb4_main.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\][ ]=' drivers/net/cxgb4/t4_hw.c
+    # above in -rc5
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]epll_div\[\]\[5\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-s5p6440/clock.c
+    accept '[	]aru->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw[;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ar9170/usb.c
+    accept '[	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw_entry,[ ]["]broadsheet\.wbf["],[ ]dev[)][;]' drivers/video/broadsheetfb.c
+    # above in -rc2, below in -rc1
+    accept '\(#[ ]\)\?\(Usage:[ ]cxacru-cf\.py[ ][<]\|Warning:\|Note:[ ]support[ ]for\)[ ]cxacru-cf\.bin' 'Documentation/networking/cxacru\(-cf\.py\|\.txt\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]cdce_reg[ ]cdce_y1_27000\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-davinci/cdce949.c
+    defsnc '[	]u16[ ]map\[\][ ]=' drivers/hwmon/asc7621.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]az6027_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/az6027.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-az6027-03\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/az6027.c
+    accept '[	]p7500->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-p7500\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]ITUDecoderSetup\[4\]\[16\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ngene/ngene-core.c
+    blobname 'ngene_1[5678]\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/ngene/ngene-core.c
+    blobname 'sms1xxx-hcw-55xxx-i\?sdbt-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/siano/sms-cards.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u8[ ]samsung_smt_7020_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/cx88/cx88-dvb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init\(_2\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534_9.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]bridge_start_\([qs]\?v\|x\)ga\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534_9.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]init_command[ ]\(spy\|cif\|ms350\|genius\|vivitar\)_start_commands\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c2028.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]n4_lt168g\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mi\(0360\|13[12]0\)\|po\(1200\|3130\)\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?_\?[iI]nit\(Q\?V\|SX\)GA\(_\(JPG\|data\)\)\?\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]gamma_tb\[6\]\[16\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    blobname 'tlg2300_firmware\.bin' drivers/media/video/tlg2300/pd-main.c
+    defsnc '[	]u8[ ]pattern\[42\][ ]=' drivers/net/ksz884x.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]b43_ntab_framelookup\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]\(b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev\(0_1_2\|3plus_2ghz\|\([34]\|5plus\)_5ghz\)\|txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa\(_\(rev\)\?[56]g\?\)\?\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]tbl_iqcal_gainparams\[2\]\[9\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]nphy_txiqcal_ladder[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]loscale\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    blobname 'isl38\(86\|87\|90\)\(pci\|usb\(_bare\)\?\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54\(pci\.c\|usb\.[ch]\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]conf_drv_settings[ ]default_conf[ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1271_main.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]grtpkts\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/mimio/mimio.c
+    blobname 'rt\(28[67]0\|30[79][01]\)\.bin' drivers/staging/rt2860/common/rtmp_mcu.c
+    accept '[	]adapter->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw[;]' drivers/staging/rt2860/common/rtmp_mcu.c
+    blobna '[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*RTL8192SU[/]rtl8192sfw\.bin[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192S_firmware.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]keyspan_pda[/]\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\)\.fw["][)][;]' drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.c
+    # It's not clear that wm2000_anc.bin is pure data.
+    # Check with developer, clean up for now.
+    blobname 'wm2000_anc\.bin' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    blob '[ ][*][ ]The[ ]download[ ]image[ ]for[ ]the[ ]WM2000[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*[<][ ]file[^*\n]*[\n][ ][*][/]' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    # accept '[ ][*][ ].wm2000_anc\.bin.[ ]by[ ]default' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    # accept '[ ][*][ 	]*[<][ ]file[ ]\+[>]wm2000_anc\.bin' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    # accept '[	]filename[ ]=[ ]["]wm2000_anc\.bin["][;]' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]\(clk_sys_ratios\|bclk_divs\)\[\][ ]=' 'sound/soc/wm890[34]\.c'
+    defsnc '[}][ ]clock_cfgs\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8955.c
+    blobname 'siu_spb\.bin' sound/soc/sh/siu_dai.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]poxxxx_\(init\(_common\|Q\?VGA\|_end_1\|_start_3\)\|gamma\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    defsnc 'crb_128M_2M_map\[64\][ ]__cacheline_aligned_in_smp[ ]=' 'drivers/net/\(netxen/netxen_nic_hw.c\|qlcnic/qlcnic_hw.c\)'
+    # New in 2.6.35
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]gsm_fcs8\[256\][ ]=' drivers/char/n_gsm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(reset_atetm\|atetm_[12]port\|portsel_\(port[12]\|2port\)\)\[BIT2BYTE[(]LEN_\(ETM\|PORT_SEL\)[)]\][ ]=' drivers/infiniband/hw/qib/qib_iba7322.c
+    blobname 'qlogic[/]sd7220[.]fw' drivers/infiniband/hw/qib/qib_sd7220.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]est3_modes\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]v_table[ ]v_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_dma.c
+    blobname 'orinoco_ezusb_fw' drivers/net/wireless/orinoco/orinoco_usb.c
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ar9300_eeprom[ ]ar9300_default[ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_eeprom.c
+    blobname 'ar9271[.]fw' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept '[	]hif_dev->firmware[ ]=[ ]NULL[;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Modes_\(\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_ob_db\|high_power\)_tx_gain_table_2p[02]\[\]\[5\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9\(300\|200_merlin\)_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_core\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_table_\(merlin_\)\?2p[02]\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar928\(5Modes_XE2\|7Modes_9287_1\)_0_\(normal\|high\)_power\[\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar92\(87Common_9287_1_[01]\|71Common_9271\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar92\(87\|71\)Modes_\(\(normal\|high\)_power_\)\?\([tr]x_gain_\)\?92\(87_1_[01]\|71\(_ANI_reg\)\?\)\[\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]ath_max_4ms_framelen\[4\]\[32\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/xmit.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(gc0307\|po2030n\|soi768\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?struct[ ]crb_128M_2M_block_map[ ]crb_128M_2M_map\[64\][ ]=' 'drivers/scsi/\(qla2xxx/qla_nx\.c\|qla4xxx/ql4_nx\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]BUCK[123]_\(suspend_\)\?table\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/88pm8607.c
+    defsnc '[	]*static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]sha256_zero\[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/crypto/n2_core.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]XGI\(fb_vrate\|_TV_filter\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/XGI_main.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_\(MD\|[CEV]G\)A_DAC\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_setmode.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_[ME]CLKDataStruct[ ]XGI\(3[34]0\|27\)\(New\)\?_[ME]CLKData\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI340_CR6[BE]\[8\]\[4\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI340_CR6F\[8\]\[32\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI330\(New\)\?_SR15\(_1\)\?\[8\]\[8\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI330_cr40_1\[15\]\[8\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_StStruct[ ]XGI330_SModeIDTable\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_ExtStruct[ ][ ]XGI330_EModeIDTable\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_StandTableStruct[ ]XGI330_StandTable\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\([/][*]\)\?\(static[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI330_LCDDataStruct[ ][ ]XGI_\(\(St2\?\|Ext\)LCD\(1024x768\|1280x1024\)\|NoScaling\)Data\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI330_TVDataStruct[ ][ ]XGI_\(St\|Ext\)\(PAL\|NTSC\|YPbPr\(525[ip]\|750p\)\)Data\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI330_\(NTSC\|PAL\|HiTV\(Ext\|St[12]\|Text\)\|YPbPr\(750p\|525[ip]\)\)Timing\[\][ ][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI330_HiTVGroup3\(Data\|Simu\|Text\)\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI330_Ren\(525\|750\)pGroup3\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_PanelDelayTblStruct[ ]XGI330_PanelDelayTbl\[\]' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI330_LVDSDataStruct[ ][ ]XGI\(330\)\?_LVDS\(320x480\|800x600\|1024x768\|1280x\(1024\|768[NS]\?\)\|1400x1050\|640x480\)Data_[12]\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_LVDSCRT1DataStruct[ ][ ]XGI_CHTVCRT1[UO]\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_ModeResInfoStruct[ ]XGI330_ModeResInfo\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_DRAMType\[17\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_SDRDRAM_TYPE\[13\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_DDRDRAM_TYPE20\[12\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    blobname 'TIInit_\(\(%d\|[0-9]\+\)[.]\)\+bts' drivers/staging/ti-st/st_kim.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int16[ ]mdp_scale_\(pixel_repeat\|0p[2468]_to_[08]p[0468]\)_C[0123]\[MDP_SCALE_COEFF_NUM\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/mdp_ppp_v31.c
+    # qseed_table2 is kind of suspicious, but there's some regularity
+    # to it that makes me think it's just data.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]uint32[ ]vg_qseed_table2\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/mdp4_util.c
+    defsnc 'char[ ]gc_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/mdp4_util.c
+    defsnc 'uint32[ ]igc_\(video\|rgb\)_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/mdp4_util.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]word[ ]convert_8_to_16_tbl\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/ebi2_tmd20.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]sharp_spi_data[ ]init_sequence\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/lcdc_sharp_wvga_pt.c
+    blobname 'xc3028L\?-v[0-9]\+\.fw' drivers/staging/tm6000/tm6000-cards.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]chs_entry[ ]chs_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/sm_ftl.c
+    blobname 'asihpi[/]dsp\(%04x\|[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]\)\.bin' sound/pci/asihpi/hpidspcd.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]long[ ]ident_map\[32\][ ]=' kernel/exec_domain.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]uint[ ]patch_2000\[\][ ]__initdata[ ]=' arch/powerpc/sysdev/micropatch
+    # Are these ucode patches really data?!?  They were taken as such
+    # since gNewSense started cleaning up Linux, but they look awfully
+    # suspicious to me.
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?uint[ ]patch_2[0ef]00\[\][ ]\(__initdata[ ]\)\?=' arch/powerpc/sysdev/micropatch.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]epll_div\[\]\[4\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/clock.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-6000g2[ab]-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-6000.c
+    blobna '[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*[(]f2255usb\.bin[)][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/media/video/s2255drv.c
+    # New in 2.6.36:
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]qi_lb60_ecclayout_[12]gb[ ]=' arch/mips/jz4740/board-qi_lb60.c
+    blobname 'qt602240\.fw' drivers/input/touchscreen/qt602240_ts.c
+    blobname 'lgs8g75\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/lgs8gxx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ucbus_write_cmd[ ]\(icx098bq\|lz24bp\)_start_[012]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sq930x.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]capconfig\[4\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sq930x.c
+    blobname 'ar7010\(_1_1\)\?[.]fw' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]sa2400_rf_rssi_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8180_sa2400.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]pwm_lookup_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/platform/x86/compal-laptop.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]tps6586x_\(ldo4\|sm2\|dvm\)_voltages\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps6586x-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]muxonechan\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/adv_pci1710.c
+    defsnc 'int[ ]tones\[2048\][ ]=' drivers/staging/easycap/easycap_testcard.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]map_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/lirc/lirc_ttusbir.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]jpeg_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-jpeg.h
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]solo_osd_font\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-osd-font.h
+    defsnc '[	]unsigned[ ]char[ ]regs\[128\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-tw28.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vid_vop_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-v4l2-enc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rop_\(map1\|action\|info\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/tidspbridge/dynload/reloc_table_c6000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tramp_\(map\|action\|info\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/tidspbridge/dynload/tramp_table_c6000.c
+    defsnc 'unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(sbox\|dot[23]\)_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6655/aes_ccmp.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pll_map[ ]pll_value\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/via/hw.c
+    defsnc '[	][	]degrade_factor\[CPU_LOAD_IDX_MAX\]\[DEGRADE_SHIFT[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' kernel/sched.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]expected_result\[FIFO_SIZE\][ ]=' samples/kfifo/bytestream-example.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]expected_result\[FIFO_SIZE\][ ]=' samples/kfifo/inttype-example.c
+    blobname 'haup-ir-blaster\.bin' drivers/input/lirc/lirc_zilog.c
+    # New in 2.6.37, up to -rc5.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]epll_div\[\]\[6\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-s5pv210/clock.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]titan_gpio_cfg[ ]titan_gpio_table\[\][ ]=' arch/mips/ar7/gpio.c
+    blobname 'sdma-%s-to%d\.bin' drivers/dma/imx-sdma.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]def_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/tuners/tda18218.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]lme2510c\?_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*\([	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]lme2510_download_firmware,[\n]\)\?[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-lme2510c\?-\(lg\|s7395\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]s7395_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rca_initdata\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/xirlink_cit.c
+    blobname 'NXP7164-2010-03-10\.1\.fw' drivers/media/video/saa7164/saa7164-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]fsmc_ecc4_lp_layout[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/fsmc_nand.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pxa3xx_nand_timing[ ]timing\[\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/pxa3xx_nand.c
+    blobname 'ctfw_cna\.bin' drivers/net/bna/cna.h
+    accept '[#]define[ ]CARL9170FW_NAME[ 	]\+["]carl9170-1\.fw["]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/carl9170.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]carl9170_phy_init[ ]ar5416_phy_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/phy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]carl9170_rf_initvals[ ]carl9170_rf_initval\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/phy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]carl9170_phy_freq_entry[ ]carl9170_phy_freq_params\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/phy.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]CARL9170FW_NAME[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/usb.c
+    accept '[	]return[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(][^\n]*,[ ]CARL9170FW_NAME,' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/usb.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-100-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-1000.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-130-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-6000.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]cf83\(05\|8[15]\)\(_helper\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_cs.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]sd\(8385\|8686\(_v[89]\)\|8688\)\(_helper\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]gspi\(8385\|8686\(_v9\)\?\|8688\)\(_helper\|_hlp\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_spi.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]usb\(8388\(_v[59]\)\?\|8682\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+    accept '[	][/][*][ ]Try[ ]user-specified[ ]firmware[ ]first[ ][*][/][\n][	]if[ ][(]fwname[)][\n][	][	]return[ ]request_firmware' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+    accept '[	][	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(]\(helper,[ ]user_helper\|mainfw,[ ]user_mainfw\)' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]\(ldo5\|buck1\)_voltage_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/lp3972.c
+    accept '\([ ][*][ ]\(format\|information\)[^\n]*\|[#]define[ ]REG_DATA_FILE_A\?G[ ]*\)["]\([.][/]\)\?regulatoryData_A\?G\.bin["]' drivers/staging/ath6kl/include/common/regulatory/reg_dbschema.h
+    blobname 'ath6k[/]AR6003[/]hw[12]\.0[/]\(otp\|athwlan\)\.bin\.z77' drivers/staging/ath6kl/os/linux/include/ar6000_drv.h
+    blobname 'ath6k[/]AR6003[/]hw[12]\.0[/]\(athtcmd_ram\|device\|data\.patch\|endpointping\|bdata\.\(SD3[12]\|WB31\|CUSTOM\)\)\.bin' drivers/staging/ath6kl/os/linux/include/ar6000_drv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]DDR_SET_NODE[ ]asT3\(LP\)\?B\?_DDRSetting\(80\|100\|133\|160\)MHz\[\][ ]\?=' drivers/staging/bcm/DDRInit.c
+    blobname '\([/]lib[/]firmware[/]\)\?macxvi200\.bin' drivers/staging/bcm/Macros.h
+    accept '-[ ]On-chip[ ]firmware[ ]loaded[ ]using[ ]standard[ ]request_firmware[(][)]' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211\(/brcmfmac\)\?/README'
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm43xx\(_hdr\)\?-0[-0-9]*\.fw' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/README'
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm4329-fullmac-4[-0-9]*\.\(bin\|txt\)' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmfmac/README'
+    blob 'Firmware[ ]installation[\n]=\+\([\n]\+[^\n=][^\n]*\)\+\([/]lib[/]firmware[/]brcm\|\.fw\)[^\n]*\([\n][^\n=][^\n]*\)*\([\n][\n][^=\n][^\n]*[\n][^=\n][^\n]*\([\n][^\n=][^\n]*\)*\)*' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211\(/brcmfmac\)\?/README'
+    defsnc '[	]u16[ ]nrate_list\[4\]\[8\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmfmac/wl_iw\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_basic_t[ ]chan_info_all\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_cmn\.c'
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]ltrn_list\[PHY_LTRN_LIST_LEN\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_cmn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_cmn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 's8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_cmn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_cmn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_t[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_table_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]lcnphy_23bitgaincode_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy_t[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_radio_regs_t[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs_2064\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u16[ \n]*LCNPHY_txdigfiltcoeffs_\(cck\|ofdm\)\[LCNPHY_NUM_TX_DIG_FILTERS_\(CCK\|OFDM\)\][\n 	]*\[LCNPHY_NUM_DIG_FILT_COEFFS[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?nphy_ipa_txrxgain_t[ ]nphy_ipa_rxcal_gaintbl_2GHz\(_rev7\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?chan_info_nphy_\(radio\)\?205[5x7]\(_rev5\)\?_t[ ]chan_info_nphy\(rev[3-9]\(n6\)\?\)\?_205[5-7]\(_A1\|v\([5-8]\|11\)\|_rev[4-8]\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?radio_\(20xx_\)\?regs_t[ ]regs_\(SYN_\|[RT]X_\)\?205[5-7]\(_A1\|_rev\([4-8]\|11\)\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tbl_iqcal_gainparams_nphy\[2\]\[NPHY_IQCAL_NUMGAINS\]\[8\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]nphy_tpc_\(5GHz_\)\?txgain\(_[ei]pa\)\?\(\(_[25]g\)\?\(_\(2057\)\?\(rev\([3-7]\|4n6\)\?\)\?\)\?\|_HiPwrEPA\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]nphy_tpc_loscale\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u8[ ]pad_all_gain_codes_2057\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]nphy_papd_scaltbl\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '[	]s32[ ]poll_results\[8\]\[4\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '[	]nphy_txiqcal_ladder_t[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_gain_\(idx_\|val_\)\?tbl_\(rev[01]\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\|5G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_5G\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_gain_val_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(min_sig_sq\|noise_scale\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_sw_ctrl_tbl_\(4313_\)\?\(bt_\)\?\(epa_\)\?\(p250_\)\?rev0\(_combo\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_spur_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(unsup_mcs\|iq_local\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]lcnphy_tx_gain_tbl_entry[ ]dot11lcnphy_[25]GHz_\(extPA_\)\?gaintable_rev0\[128\][ ]='  'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_papd_compdelta_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]frame_struct_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]frame_lut_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]\(tmap\|tdtrn\)_tbl_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]pilot_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]tdi_tbl[24]0_ant[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]chanest_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]mcs_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]noise_var_tbl[01]\?_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]\(est\|adj\)_pwr_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]\(gainctrl\|iq\)_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]loft_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]ant_swctrl_tbl_rev3\(_[1-3]\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]mcs_tbl_rev3\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]papd_comp_rfpwr_tbl_core[01]_rev3\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]papd_\(comp_epsilon\|cal_scalars\)_tbl_core[01]_rev[37]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm43xx' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/sys/wl_mac80211\.c'
+    blobname '%s\(_hdr\)\?-%d\.fw' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/sys/wl_mac80211\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]crc8_table\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(util/bcmutils\.c\|brcmutil/utils\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]crc16_table\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(util/bcmutils\.c\|brcmutil/utils\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]crc32_table\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(util/bcmutils\.c\|brcmutil/utils\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]pmu0_xtaltab0_t[ ]pmu0_xtaltab0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/util/hndpmu\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]pmu1_xtaltab0_t[ ]pmu1_xtaltab0\(_880\(_4329\)\?\|_1760\|_1440\|_960\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/util/hndpmu\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]log_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(util/qmath\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_qmath\.c\)'
+    blobname 'ft[12]000\.img' drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-pcmcia/ft1000_hw.c
+    blobname 'ft3000\.img' drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_usb.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]u8[ ]ConnectionMsg\[\][ ]='  drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_chdev.c
+    blobname 'fw_sst_0\(80a\|82f\)\.bin' drivers/staging/intel_sst/intel_sst_common.h
+    # This appends a .bin extension, but without loading the firmware
+    # above, it will never arise, so leave it alone for now.
+    accept '[	]len[ ][+]=[ ]snprintf[(]buf[ ][+][ ]len[,][ ]sizeof[(]buf[)][ ]-[ ]len,[ ]["][.]bin["][)][;]' drivers/staging/intel_sst/intel_sst_dsp.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]sc_reg_access[ ]\(sc_acces[,][ ]\)\?sc_access\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/intel_sst/intelmid_v[012]_control\.c'
+    defsnc '[	]BYTE[ ]data_ptr\[36\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/keucr/\(ms\|s[dm]\)scsi\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]BYTE[ ]ecctable\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/keucr/smilecc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]MAC_REG_TABLE\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ][ ]*ZEBRA_AGC\[\][ 	]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]ZEBRA_RF_RX_GAIN_TABLE\[\][ 	]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]f_array\[122328\][ ]=[ ][{]'"$sepx$blobpat*"',[\n][}][;]' drivers/staging/rtl8712/farray.h
+    blob 'static[ ]u32[ ]rtl871x_open_fw[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*f_array[^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]' drivers/staging/rtl8712/hal_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]long[ ]frequency_list\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8712/rtl871x_ioctl_linux.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]Sbox1\[2\]\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8712/rtl871x_security.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]sbox_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8712/rtl871x_security.c
+    accept '[	]119,[ ]62,[ ]6,[\n][	]0,[ ]16,[ ]20,[ ]17,[ ]32,[ ]48,[ ]0,\([\n][	][0-9]\+,\([ ][0-9]\+,\)*\)*[\n][	]0,[ ]119' drivers/staging/speakup/speakupmap.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]\(h_prescale\|v_gain\)\[64\][ ]=' drivers/staging/stradis/stradis.c
+    accept '[/][*][ ]*\([ 1-4][0-9][ ][ ]\)*\(5[0-6][ ][ ]\)*[*][/]' drivers/staging/vt6656/channel.c
+    blobname 'west[ ]bridge[ ]fw' drivers/staging/westbridge/astoria/device/cyasdevice.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]gsm_fcs8\[256\][ ]=' drivers/tty/n_gsm.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]dispc_v_coef[ ]coef_v\(up\|down\)_3tap\[8\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c
+    blobname 'c[bt]fw_\(fc\|cna\)\.bin' drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad_im.h
+    # New in 2.6.38
+    blobname '%s%04x%s["][,][ ]["]fw_sst_["][,][ 	\n]*sst_drv_ctx->pci_id[,][ ]["]\.bin' drivers/staging/intel_sst/intel_sst_common.h
+    accept '[*][ ]*0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1' arch/x86/crypto/aesni-intel_asm.S
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]aead_testvec[ ]\(aes_gcm_rfc4106\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/testmgr.h'
+    blobname '\(sep[/]\)\?\extapp\.image\.bin' drivers/staging/sep/sep_driver.c
+    blobname 'radeon[/]\(BARTS\|BTC\|TURKS\|CAICOS\|%s\)_\(pfp\|rlc\|m[ec]\)\.bin' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/ni.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(barts\|turks\|caicos\)_io_mc_regs\[BTC_IO_MC_REGS_SIZE\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/ni.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]types\[0x80\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nv50_vram.c
+    blobname '\(nouveau[/]\)\?fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_graph.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]v_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_dma.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]nec_8048_init_seq\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-nec-nl8048hl11-01b.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]mc13892_sw1\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/mc13892-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]dcdc[12]_voltages\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps6524x-regulator.c
+    defsnc '[	]\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u8[ ]init_hash_seed\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/qlge/qlge_main.c
+    blobname 'vxge[/]X3fw\(-pxe\)\?\.ncf' drivers/net/vxge/vxge-main.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ]\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?int[ ]poly\[\]=' drivers/net/pcmcia/nmclan_cs.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?int[ ]fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\][ ]=' drivers/net/s2io.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]efuse_map[ ]RTL8712_SDIO_EFUSE_TABLE\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/efuse.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ofdmswing_table\[OFDM_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]cckswing_table_ch\(1ch13\|14\)\[CCK_TABLE_SIZE\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8192cfw\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/sw.c
+    # This looks like pure data.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]reserved_page_packet\[TOTAL_RESERVED_PKT_LEN\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192[cd]e/fw.c'
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]RTL8192CE\(PHY_REG\|_\?RADIO[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\([21]T_\?ARRAY\|ARRAY_PG\)\[\(PHY_REG\|RADIO[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\([21]T_\?ARRAY_\?\|ARRAY_PG\)LENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/table.c
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ar9300_eeprom[ ]ar9300_[hx]11[236][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_eeprom.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]b43_nphy_channeltab_entry_rev3[ ]b43_nphy_channeltab_rev\([34568]\|7_9\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/radio_2056.c
+    blobname '["]softing-4[.]6[/]["]' drivers/net/can/softing/softing_platform.h
+    blobname '\(softing-4[.]6[/]\)\?\(\(b\|ld\)card2\?\|can\(card\|sja\|crd2\)\)\.bin' drivers/net/can/softing/softing_cs.c
+    blobna 'which[ ]you[ ]can[ ]get[ ]at[\n][	][ ][ ]http:[/][/][^\n]*[/]socketcan[/][\n][^-]*firmware[ ]version' drivers/net/can/softing/Kconfig
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regdata[ ]mb86a20s_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mb86a20s.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regdata[ ]s921_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s921.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]regval_list[ ]ov2640_init_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov2640.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]norm_7660\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_regvals[ ]bridge_ov7660\[2\]\[10\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]fr_tb\[2\]\[6\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]\(brit\|contrast\|colors\)_7660\[\]\[\(6\|7\|31\)\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    blobname 'radio-wl1273-fw\.bin' drivers/media/radio/radio-wl1273.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]scrubrates\[\][ ]=' drivers/edac/amd64_edac.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]uint8_t[ ]branch_table\[32\][ ]=' lib/xz/xz_dec_bcj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]_pll_div[ ]codec_master_pll_div\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/alc5623.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]coeff_div\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8737.c
+    blobname 'rpm_firmware\(_rev11\)\?\.bin' sound/pci/rme9652/hdsp.c
+    blobname 'mwl8k[/]fmimage_8366_ap-["][ ][#]api[ ]["]\.fw' drivers/net/wireless/mwl8k.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8168d-[12]\.fw' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    # New in
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]DEFINE_TEST_\(OK\|FAIL\)[(][^)]*[)][ ]=' lib/test-kstrtox.c
+    # New in 2.6.39
+    blobna 'printk[(]KERN_ERR[ ]["]r8712u:[ ]Install[^\n"]*firmware[\\]n["][)][;]' drivers/staging/rtl8712/hal_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]phy_reg[ ]exynos4_sataphy_\(cmu\|\(com\)\?lane\)\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-exynos4/dev-ahci.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]clk_pll_\(freq_\)\?table[ ]tegra_pll_[adpxm]_\(freq_\)\?table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra2_clocks.c
+    initnc '\.irp[ ]idx' arch/x86/include/asm/entry_arch.h
+    initnc '\.irp[ ]idx' arch/x86/kernel/entry_64.S
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]types\[256\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_vram.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]__u8[ ]keytouch_fixed_rdesc\[\][ ]=' drivers/hid/hid-keytouch.c
+    blobname 'dib9090\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dib0700_devices.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]\(dw\(210[24]\|3101\)\|s6[3x]0\)_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\|size_of_priv\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    accept '[	]\(p1100\|s660\)->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(p1100\|s660\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-lme2510c\?-s0194\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]technisat_usb2_devices[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\|identify_state\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/technisat-usb2.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-SkyStar_USB_HD_FW_v17_63\.HEX\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/technisat-usb2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]dib0090_pll[ ]dib0090_\(p1g_\)\?pll_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib0090.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]sine[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]fe_info\[44\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib9000.c
+    blobname 'dvb-netup-altera-01\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx23885/cx23885-cards.c
+    # These are suspicious, but the regularity suggests data.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(nw80[012]\|spacecam2\?\|cvideopro\|dlink\|ds3303\|kr651\|kritter\|mustek\|proscope\|twinkle\|dvcv6\)_start\(_\([12]\|q\?vga\)\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/nw80x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init_7\(67\|72\)x\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]color_tb\[\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]isprsz_coef[ ]filter_coefs[ ]=' drivers/media/video/omap3isp/ispresizer.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov9740_reg[ ]ov9740_defaults\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov9740.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]therm_tbl\[\][ ]=' drivers/mfd/twl4030-madc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]nandv2_hw_eccoob_\(largepage\|4k\)[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/mxc_nand.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485\(\(C\|_c\)ommon_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain\)\?_1_[01]\(_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_core\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485_1_[01]_\(mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485\(M\|_m\)odes_\(high\|low\|green\)\(est\)\?_\(power\|ob_db\)_tx_gain_1_[01]\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u\(8\|16\|32\)[ ]b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\?\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\(_r3\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]nphy_gain_ctl_workaround_entry[ ]nphy_gain_ctl_workaround\[2\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    blobname '\(ti-connectivity[/]\)\?wl1271-\(fw\(-2\|-ap\)\?\|nvs\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1271.h
+    accept '#define\([ ]_\?IWL\(4965\|[156]000\(G2[AB]\)\?\|1[03]0\|5150\|6050\|20[03]\?0\)_MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]api[)]\)\+' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-\([1256]000\|4965\)\.c'
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8192cufw\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu.sw
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8712u\.bin' drivers/staging/rtl8712/hal_init.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]\(RTL\|Rtl\)8192CU\(PHY_REG\|_\?\(RADIO\|Radio\)[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\([21]T\(_HP\)\?_\?\(ARRAY\|Array\)\|\(ARRAY\|Array\)_PG\)\(_HP\)\?\[RTL8192CU\(PHY_REG\|\(RADIO\|Radio\)[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\([21]T\(_HP\)\?_\?\(ARRAY\|Array\)_\?\|\(ARRAY\|Array\)_PG\)\(_HP\)\?\(LENGTH\|Length\)\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/table.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8105e-1\.fw' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(A_INT32\|s32\)[ ]wmi_rateTable\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/ath6kl/wmi/wmi.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]struct[ ]\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config[ ]\([{][^}]*[}][ ]\)\?\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config\(PAL\|NTSC\)\?\[\(256\)\?\][ ]=' drivers/staging/easycap/easycap_low.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]ccktxbbgain_struct[ ]rtl8192_cck_txbbgain_\(ch14_\)\?table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192e/r8192E_dm.c
+    defsnc '[	]unsigned[ ]char[ ]data_ptr\[36\][ ]=' drivers/usb/storage/ene_ub6250.c
+    blobname 'ene-ub6250[/]sd_\(init[12]\|rdwr\)\.bin' drivers/usb/storage/ene_ub6250.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]hdmi_timings[ ]cea_vesa_timings\[OMAP_HDMI_TIMINGS_NB\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap2/dss/hdmi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pll_config[ ]\(cle266\|k800\|cx700\|vx855\)_pll_config\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/via/hw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]char[ ]channel_map_unity_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\][ ]=' sound/pci/rme9652/hdspm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]log_volume_table\[128\][ ]=' sound/usb/6fire/control.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ][{][^}]*[}][\n]init_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/usb/6fire/control.c
+    blobname '6fire[/]dmx6fire\(l2\|ap\|cf\)\.\(ihx\|bin\)' sound/usb/6fire/firmware.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]BIT_REVERSE_TABLE\[256\][ ]=' sound/usb/6fire/firmware.c
+    initnc '[/][*][\n][ ][*][ ]\(cfa_coef\|gamma\|luma_enhance\|noise_filter\)_table\.h[\n][ ][*]\([^\n]*[\n][ ][*]\)*[/]' 'drivers/media/video/omap3isp/\(cfa_coef\|gamma\|luma_enhance\|noise_filter\)_table\.h'
+    blobna 'rocess_sigma_firmwar'
+    defsnc 'int[ ]process_sigma_firmware[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*\(request\|maybe_reject\)_firmware' drivers/firmware/sigma.c
+    accept 'EXPORT_SYMBOL[(]process_sigma_firmware[)]' drivers/firmware/sigma.c
+    accept 'extern[ ]int[ ]process_sigma_firmware[(][^)]*[)][;]' include/linux/sigma.h
+    blobname 'maxtouch\.fw' drivers/input/touchscreen/atmel_mxt_ts.c
+    blobname 'fm\(c\|_[rt]x\)_ch8\(_[0-9a-f]*\.[0-9]*\.bts\)\?' drivers/media/radio/wl128x/fmdrv_common.h
+    blobname '%s_%x\.%d\.bts' drivers/media/radio/wl128x/fmdrv_common.c
+    blobname 'vntwusb\.fw' drivers/staging/vt6656/firmware.c
+    # New in 3.0.
+    accept 'resume[/]restore[,][ ]but[ ]they[ ]cannot[ ]do[ ]it[ ]by[ ]calling[ ]request_firmware[(][)]' Documentation/power/notifiers.txt
+    accept '[	][	][	]interrupts[ ]=[ ]<\([\n][	][	][	][	]0xe[0-7][ ]0[ ]0[ ]0\)*>[;]' arch/powerpc/boot/dts/p1022ds.dts
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ]gzip[ ]-n[ ]--force[ ]-9[ ]--stdout[ ]["][$]ofile\.bin["][ ]>[ ]["][$]odir[/]otheros\.bld["]' arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper
+    defsnc 'uint32_t[ ]nva3_pcopy_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nva3_copy.fuc.h
+    defsnc 'uint32_t[ ]nvc0_pcopy_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_copy.fuc.h
+    accept '[	]struct[ ]nvc0_graph_fuc[ ]fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_graph.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]sht15_crc8_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/hwmon/sht15.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]stv0288_bsbe1_d01a_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/bsbe1-d01a.h
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]reg_val_mask[ ]tab\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/dvb/frontends/cxd2820r_\(c\|t2\)\.c'
+    blobname 'drxd-a2-1\.1\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/drxd_hard.c
+    blobname 'drxd-b1-1\.1\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/drxd_hard.c
+    blob '[/][*][	]if[ ][(]\(reject\|request\)_firmware[(][&]state->fw[,][ ]["]drxd\.fw["][,][ ]state->dev[)]<0[)][ ][*][/]'
+    blobname 'drxd\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/drxd_hard.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]char[ ]init_values\[38\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/usbvision/usbvision-core.c
+    blobna 'www\.elandigitalsys[^\n]*download' drivers/mmc/host/Kconfig
+    blobname 'vub_\(default\.bin\|%04X%04X\)' drivers/mmc/host/vub300.c
+    blobna 'snprintf[(]vub300->vub_name[ ][+][^\n]*[,][ ]["]\.bin["][)][;]' drivers/mmc/host/vub300.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]flexonenand_oob_128[ ]=' drivers/mtd/onenand/onenand_base.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9340Modes_\(\(low\(est\)\?\|high\|mixed\)_ob_db\|high_power\|ub124\)_tx_gain_table_1p0\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9340_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9340_1p0_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_core\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9340_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9340_1p0_\(mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9340_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9340Common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_table_1p0\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9340_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]mwifiex_data_rates\[MWIFIEX_SUPPORTED_RATES_EXT\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/cfp.c
+    accept '[	]\.helper[	][	]=[ ]NULL[,][\n][	]*\.firmware' drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c
+    blobname 'mrvl[/]sd8787_uapsta\(_w1\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/main.h
+    blobname 'sd8787\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sdio.c
+    blobna 'Copy[ ]sd8787\.bin[ ]to[^.]*[.]' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/README
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8192sefw\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/sw.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]rtl8192sephy_reg_2t2rarray\[PHY_REG_2T2RARRAYLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]rtl8192sephy_changeto_1t[12]rarray\[PHY_CHANGETO_1T[12]RARRAYLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]rtl8192sephy_reg_array_pg\[PHY_REG_ARRAY_PGLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]rtl8192seradioa_1t_array\[RADIOA_1T_ARRAYLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]rtl8192semac_2t_array\[MAC_2T_ARRAYLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]rtl8192seagctab_array\[AGCTAB_ARRAYLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.c
+    accept 'Place[ ]isci_firmware\.bin[ ]in' drivers/scsi/isci/firmware/README
+    # This is not a code blob, it is just small data structures described in create_fw.[ch].
+    accept 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]blob_name\[\][ ]=[ ]["]isci_firmware\.bin["]' drivers/scsi/isci/create_fw.h
+    accept '[	][	]orom[ ]=[ ]isci_request_firmware' drivers/scsi/isci/init.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]ISCI_FW_NAME[)][;]' drivers/scsi/isci/init.c
+    accept 'struct[ ]isci_orom[ ][*]isci_request_firmware[(]' 'drivers/scsi/isci/probe_roms\.[ch]'
+    accept '[	]if[ ][(]request_firmware[(][&]fw[,][ ]ISCI_FW_NAME[,]' drivers/scsi/isci/probe_roms.c
+    accept '#define[ ]ISCI_FW_NAME[	][	]["]isci[/]isci_firmware\.bin["]' drivers/scsi/isci/probe_roms.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]XGI_ExtStruct[ ]XGI330_EModeIDTable\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pll_limit[ ]\(cle266\|k800\|cx700\|vx855\)_pll_limits\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/via/hw.c
+    accept '[	][	]-e[ ]["][$]tmp_dir[/]lib[/]modules[/][$]KERNELRELEASE[/]modules\.dep\.bin["]' scripts/
+    blobname 'wm8958_\(enh_eq\|mbc\(_vss\)\?\)\.wfw' sound/soc/codecs/wm8958-dsp2.c
+    blobname 'htc_\(7010\|9271\)\.fw' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8168e-[12]\.fw' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ephy_info[ ]e_info_8168e\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    blobname 'ti-connectivity[/]wl128x-fw\(-ap\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl12xx.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]tg3_tso_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    blobname 'ath6k[/]AR6003[/]hw2\.1\.1[/]\(otp\|athwlan\|athtcmd_ram\|device\|data\.patch\|endpointping\|bdata\.\(SD3[12]\|WB31\|CUSTOM\)\)\.bin' drivers/staging/ath6kl/os/linux/include/ar6000_drv.h
+    accept '[	]nvc0_graph_init_fuc[(]dev[,][ ]0x4\(09\|1a\)000[,][ ][&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)c[,][ ][&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)d[)][;]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_graph.c
+    accept '[	][	 ]*nvc0_graph_destroy_fw[(]&priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd][)][;]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_graph.c
+    accept '[	][	 ]*\(if[ ][(]\|[ ][ ][ ][ ]\)nvc0_graph_create_fw[(]dev[,][ ]["]fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd]["][,][ ][&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd][)]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_graph.c
+    blobname 'nouveau[/]\(nv%02x_\)\?%s' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_graph.c
+    blobname 'radeon[/]SUMO2\?_\(pfp\|me\)\.bin' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r600.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-\(105\|20[03]\?0\)-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-2000.c
+    blobname '__stringify[(]api[)][ ]["]\.ucode["]' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-\(3945.h\|\(4965\|[1256]000\)\.c\)'
+    # New in 3.1
+    blobname 'sdma-imx25\.bin' arch/arm/mach-imx/mm-imx25.c
+    blobname 'sdma-imx31-to[12]\.bin' arch/arm/mach-imx/mm-imx31.c
+    blobname 'sdma-imx35-to[12]\.bin' arch/arm/mach-imx/mm-imx35.c
+    blobname 'sdma-imx5[13]\.bin' arch/arm/mach-mx5/mm.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm43xx' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/mac80211_if\.c'
+    blobname '%s\(_hdr\)\?-%d\.fw' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/mac80211_if\.c'
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm4329-fullmac-4\.\(bin\|txt\)' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmfmac/bcmchip\.h'
+    blobname 'mrvl[/]sd8787_uapsta\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sdio.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]omap3_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/twl-common.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]InitRegs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SMapI[ ]m_RF_Cal_Map\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd_maps.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SMap2[ ]m_\(Main\|Cal\)_PLL_Map\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd_maps.h
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]For[ ]example,[ ]you[ ]might[ ]set[ ]CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE=["]whatever\.bin["]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]Then[ ]any[ ]request_firmware[(]\(["]whatever\.bin["]\)[)]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-xc4000-1.4.fw' drivers/media/common/tuners/xc4000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SMap2\?[ ]*m_\(GainTaper\|RF_Cal_DC_Over_DT\|CID_Target\)_Map\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd_maps.h
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval_list[ ]ov5642_default_regs_\(init\|finalise\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov5642.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]hdmiphy_conf\(27\(_027\)\?\|74\(_175\|_25\)\|148_5\)\[32\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-tv/hdmiphy_drv.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]filter_y_vert_tap4\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-tv/mixer_reg.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]char[ ][*][ ]const[ ]vui_sar_idc\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/v4l2-ctrls.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9331_\(1p[12]_\(baseband\|mac\)_postamble\|modes_\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_\(ob_db\|power\)_tx_gain_1p[12]\)\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9330_1p1_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9331_\(1p[12]_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_core\|common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_1p[12]\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9330_1p1_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u\(16\|32\)[ ]b43_httab_0x\(1[2abcf]\(_0x\(1\?c\|[12]4\)0\)\?\|2[0-7]\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_phy_ht.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]targetchnl_5g\[TARGET_CHNL_NUM_5G\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/phy.c
+    defsnc '[	]u8[ ]channel_\(5g\|all\|info\)\[\(45\|59\)\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/phy.c
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8192defw[.]bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/sw.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]rtl8192de_\(phy_reg\|radio[ab]\|mac\|agctab\)_\(\(2t\(_int_pa\)\?\|[25]g\)\?array\|array_pg\)\[\(PHY_REG\|RADIO[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\(\(2T\(_INT_PA\)\?_\|[25]G_\)\?ARRAY\|ARRAY_PG_\)LENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/table.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_basic[ ]chan_info_all\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_cmn\.c'
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_table_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs_2064\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]nphy_ipa_txrxgain[ ]nphy_ipa_rxcal_gaintbl_2GHz\(_rev7\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_2055[ ]chan_info_nphy_2055\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio205x[ ]chan_info_nphyrev\(3_2056\|4_2056_A1\|5_2056v5\|6_2056v6\|5n6_2056v7\|6_2056v\(8\|11\)\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio2057[ ]chan_info_nphyrev\(7_2057_rev4\|8_2057_rev[78]\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio2057_rev5[ \n]chan_info_nphyrev\(8_2057_rev5\|9_2057_rev5v1\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]radio_\(20xx_\)\?regs[ \n]regs_\(2055\|\(SYN\|[TR]X\)_205\(6\(_A1\|_rev\([5678]\|11\)\)\?\)\|2057_rev\([4578]\|5v1\)\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]nphy_txiqcal_ladder[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]struct[ ]lcnphy_tx_gain_tbl_entry[ \n]dot11lcnphy_[25]GHz_\(extPA_\)\?gaintable_rev0\[128\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]raw_edid\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/gma500/mrst_hdmi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]net2272_test_packet\[\][ ]=' drivers/usb/gadget/net2272.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]seq_setting\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/backlight/ams369fg06.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]adav80x_default_regs\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/adav80x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]sta32x_regs\[STA32X_REGISTER_COUNT\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/sta32x.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]mclk_ratios\[3\]\[7\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/sta32x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]vid_to_voltage\[32\][ ]=' tools/power/cpupower/debug/i386/dump_psb.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-terratec-h5-drxk\.fw' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    blobname 's5pc110-mfc\.fw' drivers/media/video/s5p-mfc/s5p_mfc_ctrl.c
+    blobname 'adau1701\.bin' sound/soc/codecs/adau1701.c
+    accept '[	]return[ ]process_sigma_firmware[(]codec->control_data[,][ ]ADAU1701_FIRMWARE[)]' sound/soc/codecs/adau1701.c
+    # Sources for these are in the corresponding .fuc files.
+    defsnc 'uint32_t[ ]nvc0_grgpc_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_grgpc.fuc.h
+    defsnc 'uint32_t[ ]nvc0_grhub_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_grhub.fuc.h
+    defsnc '[	][	][	]interrupts[ ]=[ ]<\([\n][	]*0x[ef][0-9a-f][ ]0[ ]0[ ]0\)*>[;]' 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/p\(2040\|3041\|4080\|5020\)si\.dtsi'
+    blobname 'dvb-netup-altera-04\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx23885/cx23885-cards.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8168e-3\.fw' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ephy_info[ ]e_info_8168e_1\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-135-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-2000.c
+    blobname 'c[bt]2\?fw\(_\(fc\|cna\)\)\?\.bin' drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad.c
+    blobname 'ene-ub6250[/]\(ms_\(init\|rdwr\)\|msp_rdwr\)\.bin' drivers/usb/storage/ene_ub6250.c
+    accept '[	][	]*dsp_code->pvt->firmware[ ]=[ ]' sound/pci/asihpi/hpidspcd.c
+    # New in 3.2
+    blobname 'ath6k[/]AR600[0-9.]*[/]hw[0-9.]*[/][^/"]*\.\(bin\|z77\)' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/core.h
+    accept 'userspace[,][ ]using[ ]the[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]function' Documentation/power/suspend-and-cpuhotplug.txt
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]sh_keysc_info[ ]keysc_platdata[ ]=[ ]' arch/arm/mach-shmobile/board-kota2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]rir_offset\[MAX_RIR_RANGES\]\[MAX_RIR_WAY\][ ]=' drivers/edac/sb_edac.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]tda10071_reg_val_mask[ ]tab2\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10071.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(ov965x\|ov971x\|ov562x\)_init\(_2\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534_9.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]DQT\[17\]\[130\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/topro.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]cmd[ ]tp6810_late_start\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/topro.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]cmd[ ]sensor_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/topro.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]gamma_tb\[NGAMMA\]\[3\]\[1024\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/topro.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]s5k6aa_regval[ ]s5k6aa_analog_config\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5k6aa.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(ar5416Modes\(_91[06]0\)\?\|ar9280Modes\(_\(backoff_[12]3db\|original\)_rxgain\|_\(high_power\|original\)_tx_gain\)\?_9280_2\|ar9285Modes\(\(_\(high_power\|original\)_tx_gain\)\?_9285_1_2\|_XE2_0_\(normal\|high\)_power\)\|ar9287Modes\(_[tr]x_gain\)\?_9287_1_1\|ar9271Modes\(_\(normal\|high\)_power_tx_gain\)\?_9271\(_ANI_reg\)\?\)\[\]\[5\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar\(5008\|9002\)_initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(ar9\(462\|580\)_\([12]p0_\)\?\(\(baseband\|mac\|radio\)_core\(_emulation\)\?\|\(common_\)\?\(wo_xlna_\|mixed_\)\?rx_gain_table\(_ar9280\)\?\(_[12]p0\)*\)\|ar9200_ar9280_2p0_radio_core\(_1p0\)\?\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9\(462\|580\)_[12]p0_initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9\(462\|580\)_\([12]p0_\)\?\(\(tx_gain_table_\)\?\(baseband\|mac\|radio\)_postamble\(_emulation\)\?\|\(modes_\)\?\(high\|low\(est\)\?\|mixed\|green\)_\(ob_db\|power\)_tx_gain_table\(_[12]p0\)\?\)\[\]\[5\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9\(462\|580\)_[12]p0_initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s32[ ]wmi_rate_tbl\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/wmi.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]lcn_tx_iir_filter[ ]tx_iir_filters_\(cck\|ofdm\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]b43_httab_0x1a_0xc0_late\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_phy_ht.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u\(16\|32\)[ ]b43_lcntab_0x[01][0-9a-f]\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc '[	]b43_lcntab_tx_gain_tbl_2ghz_ext_pa_rev0\[B43_LCNTAB_TX_GAIN_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]b43_lcntab_sw_ctl_4313_epa_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]VCORE_VSEL_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps65023-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]channel_list[ ]ChannelPlan\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192e/dot11d.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]Rtl8192PciE\(PHY_REG_1T2R\|Radio[AB]_\|AGCTAB_\)Array\[\(PHY_REG_1T2R\|Radio[AB]_\|AGCTAB_\)ArrayLengthPciE\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192e/r8192E_hwimg.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ 	]CCKSwingTable_\(Ch1_Ch13\|Ch14\)\[CCK_Table_length\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192e/rtl_dm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]XGINew_DDRDRAM_TYPE20\[12\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]XGINew_\(MDA\|[CEV]GA\)_DAC\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_setmode.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]\(power\|emif[01]\)_pins\[\][ ]=' drivers/pinctrl/pinmux-u300.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]pll_div[ ]codec_\(master\|slave\)_pll_div\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/rt5631.c
+    accept '[	]it913x_config\.firmware[ ]=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/it913x.c
+    accept '[	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]it913x_download_firmware[,][\n][	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]["]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/it913x.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-it9137-01\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/it913x.c
+    blobname '%s[/]bdata\.%s\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/init.c
+    blobna 'Used[ ][(]for[ ]now[)][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*["]bdata\.bin["][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/init.c
+    blobname 'mrvl[/]pcie8766_uapsta\.bin' 'drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/pcie\.[ch]'
+    blobname 'usbduxsigma_firmware\.bin' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/usbduxsigma.c
+    blobname 'as102_data[12]_[sd]t\.hex' drivers/staging/media/as102/as102_fw.c
+    blob 'u8[ ]Rtl8192PciEFw\(Boot\|Main\|Data\)Array\[\(Boot\|Main\|Data\)ArrayLengthPciE\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/staging/rtl8192e/r8192E_hwimg.c
+    blobna '\([&]\|sizeof[(]\)Rtl8192PciEFw\(Boot\|Main\|Data\)Array\(\[0\]\|[)]\)\(,[ 	\n]*\([&]\|sizeof[(]\)Rtl8192PciEFw\(Boot\|Main\|Data\)Array\(\[0\]\|[)]\)\)*' drivers/staging/rtl8192e/r8192E_firmware.c
+    blobname 'imx[/]sdma[/]sdma-imx5[13]\.bin' 'arch/arm/boot/dts/imx5[13]-\(babbage\|ard\|evk\|qsb\|smd\)\.dts'
+    blobname 'libertas[/]usb8388_olpc\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8192cfwU\(_B\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/sw.c
+    blobname 'ti-connectivity[/]wl12[78]x-fw-3\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl12xx.h
+    blobname 'pcxhr[/]%s' sound/pci/pcxhr/pcxhr_hwdep.c
+    blobname 'mrvl[/]sd8797_uapsta\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sdio.h
+    blobname 's5p-mfc\.fw' drivers/media/video/s5p-mfc/s5p_mfc_ctrl.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8168f-[12]\.fw' drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.c
+    accept '[	]bp->firmware[ ]=[ ]NULL[;]' drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_main.c
+    blobna '[/][*][\n][ ][*][ ]AMD[ ]microcode[ ]firmware[ ]naming[ ]convention[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*amd-ucode[/][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' arch/x86/kernel/microcode_amd.c
+    blobname 'amd-ucode[/]microcode_amd_fam\(%\.2x\|[0-9a-f]*\)h\.bin' arch/x86/kernel/microcode_amd.c
+    # New in 3.3.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_mod_vals[ ]reg_mod_vals_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/hd29l2_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]adctable[ ]tab[1-8]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/it913x-fe-priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]af9013_coeff[ ]coeff_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]qtbl_\(lu\|chro\)minance\[4\]\[64\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-jpeg/jpeg-core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]hactblg0\[162\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-jpeg/jpeg-core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]b43_ntab_antswctl2g_r3\[4\]\[32\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]nphy_gain_ctl_workaround_entry[ ]nphy_gain_ctl_\(workaround\[2\]\[4\]\|wa_phy6_radio11_ghz2\)[ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]da9052_chg_current_lim\[2\]\[DA9052_CHG_LIM_COLS\][ ]=' drivers/power/da9052-battery.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]const[ ]vc_tbl\[3\]\[68\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/power/da9052-battery.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]PIO2_CHANNEL_BANK\[32\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vme/devices/vme_pio2.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]sirfsoc_baudrate_to_regv[ ]baudrate_to_regv\[\][ ]=' drivers/tty/serial/sirfsoc_uart.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]dispc_coef[ ]coef[35]_M\(1[123469]\|2[26]\|32\)\[8\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc_coefs.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]__clz_tab\[\][ ]=' lib/clz_tab.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]cs42l73_mclk_div[ ]cs42l73_mclk_coeffs\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/cs42l73.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8995_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8995.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]_process_sigma_firmware[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*\(request\|maybe_reject\)_firmware' sound/soc/codecs/sigmadsp.c
+    defsnc 'int[ ]process_sigma_firmware\(_regmap\)\?[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*_process_sigma_firmware' sound/soc/codecs/sigmadsp.c
+    accept 'EXPORT_SYMBOL[(]process_sigma_firmware_regmap[)]' sound/soc/codecs/sigmadsp.c
+    accept 'extern[ ]int[ ]process_sigma_firmware_regmap[(][^)]*[)][;]' sound/soc/codecs/sigmadsp.h
+    defsnc '[	]interrupts[ ]=[ ]<\([\n][	]*0x[ef][0-9a-f][ ]0[ ]0[ ]0\)*>[;]' 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/fsl/\(pq3\|qoriq\)-mpic\.dtsi'
+    # These appear to be identifiers within the device itself,
+    # used to get information from it.
+    accept '#define[ ]LANCER_\(FW_DUMP\|VPD_[PV]F\)_FILE[	]*["][/]\(dbg[/]dump\.bin\|vpd[/]ntr_[pv]f\.vpd\)["]' drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_cmds.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]dib0090_wbd_slope[ ]dib7090e_wbd_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dib0700_devices.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-it9135-0[12]\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/it913x.c
+    accept '[	]*props->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw_it913\(5_v[12]\|7\)' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/it913x.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-hauppauge-hvr930c-drxk\.fw' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]brcmfmac\.\(bin\|txt\)' drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_sdio.c
+    ;;
+  */*freedo*.patch | */*logo*.patch)
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_libre_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */brcm80211.patch)
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm4329-fullmac-4\.\(bin\|txt\)' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmfmac/bcmchip\.h'
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm43xx' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/sys/wl_mac80211\.c'
+    blobname '%s\(_hdr\)\?-%d\.fw' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/sys/wl_mac80211\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_basic[ ]chan_info_all\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_cmn\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs_2064\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_table_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]lcnphy_23bitgaincode_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u16[ \n]*LCNPHY_txdigfiltcoeffs_\(cck\|ofdm\)\[LCNPHY_NUM_TX_DIG_FILTERS_\(CCK\|OFDM\)\][\n 	]*\[LCNPHY_NUM_DIG_FILT_COEFFS[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]nphy_ipa_txrxgain[ ]nphy_ipa_rxcal_gaintbl_2GHz\(_rev7\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_2055[ ]chan_info_nphy_2055\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?chan_info_nphy_\(radio\)\?205[5x7]\(_rev5\)\?_t[ ]chan_info_nphy\(rev[3-9]\(n6\)\?\)\?_205[5-7]\(_A1\|v\([5-8]\|11\)\|_rev[4-8]\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio205x[ ]chan_info_nphyrev\(3_2056\|4_2056_A1\|5_2056v5\|6_2056v6\|5n6_2056v7\|6_2056v\(8\|11\)\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio2057[ ]chan_info_nphyrev\(7_2057_rev4\|8_2057_rev[78]\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio2057_rev5[ \n]chan_info_nphyrev\(8_2057_rev5\|9_2057_rev5v1\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]radio_\(20xx_\)\?regs[ \n]regs_\(2055\|\(SYN\|[TR]X\)_205\(6\(_A1\|_rev\([5678]\|11\)\)\?\)\|2057_rev\([4578]\|5v1\)\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tbl_iqcal_gainparams_nphy\[2\]\[NPHY_IQCAL_NUMGAINS\]\[8\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]nphy_tpc_\(5GHz_\)\?txgain\(_[ei]pa\)\?\(\(_[25]g\)\?\(_\(2057\)\?\(rev\([3-7]\|4n6\)\?\)\?\)\?\|_HiPwrEPA\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]nphy_tpc_loscale\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u8[ ]pad_all_gain_codes_2057\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]nphy_papd_scaltbl\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '[	]s32[ ]poll_results\[8\]\[4\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]nphy_txiqcal_ladder[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_gain_\(idx_\|val_\)\?tbl_\(rev[01]\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\|5G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_5G\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_gain_val_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(min_sig_sq\|noise_scale\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_sw_ctrl_tbl_\(4313_\)\?\(bt_\)\?\(epa_\)\?\(p250_\)\?rev0\(_combo\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_spur_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(unsup_mcs\|iq_local\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]lcnphy_tx_gain_tbl_entry[ ]dot11lcnphy_[25]GHz_\(extPA_\)\?gaintable_rev0\[128\][ ]='  'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_papd_compdelta_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]log_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(util/qmath\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_qmath\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]struct[ ]lcnphy_tx_gain_tbl_entry[ \n]dot11lcnphy_[25]GHz_\(extPA_\)\?gaintable_rev0\[128\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]frame_struct_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]frame_lut_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]\(tmap\|tdtrn\)_tbl_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]pilot_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]tdi_tbl[24]0_ant[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]chanest_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]mcs_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]noise_var_tbl[01]\?_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]\(est\|adj\)_pwr_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]\(gainctrl\|iq\)_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]loft_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]ant_swctrl_tbl_rev3\(_[1-3]\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]mcs_tbl_rev3\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]papd_comp_rfpwr_tbl_core[01]_rev3\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]papd_\(comp_epsilon\|cal_scalars\)_tbl_core[01]_rev[37]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    ;;
+  */patch*-3.1.*)
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]ak4642_reg\[AK4642_CACHEREGNUM\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/ak4642.c
+    accept '[	 ]\+request_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]hit[ ]an[ ]OOPS' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    ;;
+  */media-DiBcom*.patch)
+    accept '[	 ]\+request_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]hit[ ]an[ ]OOPS' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-3.1-rc*)
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]t\[\][ ]=' drivers/bcma/sprom.c
+    accept '[	 ]\+request_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]hit[ ]an[ ]OOPS' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]reserved_page_packet\[TOTAL_RESERVED_PKT_LEN\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192[cd]e/fw\.c'
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]ltrn_list\[PHY_LTRN_LIST_LEN\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_cmn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_cmn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 's8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_cmn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_cmn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_t[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_table_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]lcnphy_23bitgaincode_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy_t[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_radio_regs_t[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs_2064\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 's8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'u16[ \n]*LCNPHY_txdigfiltcoeffs_\(cck\|ofdm\)\[LCNPHY_NUM_TX_DIG_FILTERS_\(CCK\|OFDM\)\][ \n]*\[LCNPHY_NUM_DIG_FILT_COEFFS[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_radio_regs_t[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs_2064\[\][ ]='     defsnc 's8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'u16[ \n]*LCNPHY_txdigfiltcoeffs_\(cck\|ofdm\)\[LCNPHY_NUM_TX_DIG_FILTERS_\(CCK\|OFDM\)\][ \n]*\[LCNPHY_NUM_DIG_FILT_COEFFS[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'nphy_ipa_txrxgain_t[ ]nphy_ipa_rxcal_gaintbl_2GHz\(_rev7\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_nphy_\(radio\)\?205[5x7]\(_rev5\)\?_t[ ]chan_info_nphy\(rev[3-9]\(n6\)\?\)\?_205[5-7]\(_A1\|v\([5-8]\|11\)\|_rev[4-8]\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'radio_\(20xx_\)\?regs_t[ ]regs_\(SYN_\|[RT]X_\)\?205[5-7]\(_A1\|_rev\([4-8]\|11\)\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tbl_iqcal_gainparams_nphy\[2\]\[NPHY_IQCAL_NUMGAINS\]\[8\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]nphy_tpc_\(5GHz_\)\?txgain\(_[ei]pa\)\?\(\(_[25]g\)\?\(_\(2057\)\?\(rev\([3-7]\|4n6\)\?\)\?\)\?\|_HiPwrEPA\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]nphy_tpc_loscale\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]pad_all_gain_codes_2057\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]nphy_papd_scaltbl\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '[	]s32[ ]poll_results\[8\]\[4\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '[	]nphy_txiqcal_ladder_t[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_gain_\(idx_\|val_\)\?tbl_\(rev[01]\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\|5G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_5G\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_gain_val_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(min_sig_sq\|noise_scale\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_sw_ctrl_tbl_\(4313_\)\?\(bt_\)\?\(epa_\)\?\(p250_\)\?rev0\(_combo\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_spur_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(unsup_mcs\|iq_local\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]lcnphy_tx_gain_tbl_entry[ ]dot11lcnphy_[25]GHz_\(extPA_\)\?gaintable_rev0\[128\][ ]='  'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_papd_compdelta_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]frame_struct_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]frame_lut_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]\(tmap\|tdtrn\)_tbl_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]pilot_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]tdi_tbl[24]0_ant[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]chanest_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]mcs_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]noise_var_tbl[01]\?_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]\(est\|adj\)_pwr_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]\(gainctrl\|iq\)_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]loft_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]ant_swctrl_tbl_rev3\(_[1-3]\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]mcs_tbl_rev3\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]papd_comp_rfpwr_tbl_core[01]_rev3\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]papd_\(comp_epsilon\|cal_scalars\)_tbl_core[01]_rev[37]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]crc8_table\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(util/bcmutils\.c\|brcmutil/utils\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]crc16_table\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(util/bcmutils\.c\|brcmutil/utils\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]crc32_table\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(util/bcmutils\.c\|brcmutil/utils\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]log_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(util/qmath\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_qmath\.c\)'
+    defsnc '[	]unsigned[ ]char[ ]data_ptr\[36\][ ]=' drivers/usb/storage/ene_ub6250.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ]static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?unsigned[ ]char[ ]asso_values\[\][ ]=' scripts/genksyms/keywords.c_shipped
+    defsnc 'static[ ]yyconst[ ]\(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short[ ]\)\?int\)\)[ ]yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned[ ]\)\?\(short\([ ]int\)\?\|char\)\)[ ]yy[^[]*\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]struct[ ]cipher_testvec[ ]\(aes\|anubis\|bf\|camellia\|cts_mode\|des3_ede\|cast6\|salsa20_stream\|serpent\|tf\|tnepres\|xeta\|x\?tea\)\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]config[ ]FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL[*][/][;].*let[ ]firmware[ ]be[ ]loaded[ ]from[ ]userspace\.' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\(static[ ]int[\n ]\)\?_request_firmware[(]const[ ]struct[ ]firmware[ ][*][*]firmware_p,' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	 ]*and[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]in[ ]the[ ]source' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]vp7045_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/vp7045.c
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov9740_reg[ ]ov9740_defaults\[\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/ov9740.c
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    # for reverse patch
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]sdp3430_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-3430sdp.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]zoom_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-zoom-peripherals.c
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]So,[ ]for[ ]example,[ ]you[ ]might[ ]set[ ]CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE=["]whatever\.bin["]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]kernel\.[ ]Then[ ]any[ ]request_firmware[(]\(["]whatever\.bin["]\)[)]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '[	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw[,][ ]name[,]' drivers/firmware/sigma.c
+    accept '[	][	]pr_debug[(]["]%s:[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]failed' drivers/firmware/sigma.c
+    defsnc '[	]u16[ ]nrate_list\[4\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmfmac/wl_iw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_basic_t[ ]chan_info_all\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_cmn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]pmu0_xtaltab0_t[ ]pmu0_xtaltab0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/hndpmu.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]pmu1_xtaltab0_t[ ]pmu1_xtaltab0\(_880\(_4329\)\?\|_1760\|_1440\|_960\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/hndpmu.c
+    accept '[;]set[ ]executable[ ]["]2232\.bin["]' drivers/char/
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]a2232_65EC02code\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/generic_serial/ser_a2232fw.h
+    defsnc '[	]BYTE[ ]data_ptr\[36\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/keucr/\(ms\|s[dm]\)scsi\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]word[ ]convert_8_to_16_tbl\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/ebi2_tmd20.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]sharp_spi_data[ ]init_sequence\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/lcdc_sharp_wvga_pt.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]uint32[ ]vg_qseed_table2\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/mdp4_util.c
+    defsnc 'char[ ]gc_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/mdp4_util.c
+    defsnc 'uint32[ ]igc_\(video\|rgb\)_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/mdp4_util.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?struct[ ]mdp_table_entry[ ]mdp_\(\(upscale\|gaussian_blur\)_table\|downscale_[xy]_table_PT[2468]TO\(PT[468]\|1\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/msm/mdp_scale_tables.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int16[ ]mdp_scale_\(pixel_repeat\|0p[2468]_to_[08]p[0468]\)_C[0123]\[MDP_SCALE_COEFF_NUM\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/mdp_ppp_v31.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]rc_ioport\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/tty/riscom8.c
+    # this was a bug in an earlier deblob
+    accept '#define[ ]WL_4329_NVRAM_FILE[ ]["][^"]*["]' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmfmac/wl_cfg80211.c
+    # New in 3.1
+    blobname 'sdma-imx25\.bin' arch/arm/mach-imx/mm-imx25.c
+    blobname 'sdma-imx31-to[12]\.bin' arch/arm/mach-imx/mm-imx31.c
+    blobname 'sdma-imx35-to[12]\.bin' arch/arm/mach-imx/mm-imx35.c
+    blobname 'sdma-imx5[13]\.bin' arch/arm/mach-mx5/mm.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm43xx' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/mac80211_if.c
+    blobname '%s\(_hdr\)\?-%d\.fw' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/mac80211_if.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm4329-fullmac-4\.\(bin\|txt\)' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmfmac/bcmchip.h
+    blobname 'mrvl[/]sd8787_uapsta\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sdio.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]omap3_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/twl-common.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]InitRegs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SMapI[ ]m_RF_Cal_Map\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd_maps.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SMap2[ ]m_\(Main\|Cal\)_PLL_Map\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd_maps.h
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]For[ ]example,[ ]you[ ]might[ ]set[ ]CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE=["]whatever\.bin["]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]Then[ ]any[ ]request_firmware[(]\(["]whatever\.bin["]\)[)]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-xc4000-1.4.fw' drivers/media/common/tuners/xc4000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SMap2\?[ ]*m_\(GainTaper\|RF_Cal_DC_Over_DT\|CID_Target\)_Map\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd_maps.h
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval_list[ ]ov5642_default_regs_\(init\|finalise\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov5642.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]hdmiphy_conf\(27\|74\(_175\|_25\)\|148_5\)\[32\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-tv/hdmiphy_drv.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]filter_y_vert_tap4\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-tv/mixer_reg.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]char[ ][*][ ]const[ ]vui_sar_idc\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/v4l2-ctrls.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9331_\(1p[12]_\(baseband\|mac\)_postamble\|modes_\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_\(ob_db\|power\)_tx_gain_1p[12]\)\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9330_1p1_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9331_\(1p[12]_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_core\|common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_1p[12]\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9330_1p1_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u\(16\|32\)[ ]b43_httab_0x\(1[2abcf]\(_0x\(1\?c\|[12]4\)0\)\?\|2[0-7]\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_phy_ht.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]targetchnl_5g\[TARGET_CHNL_NUM_5G\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/phy.c
+    defsnc '[	]u8[ ]channel_\(5g\|all\|info\)\[\(45\|59\)\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/phy.c
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8192defw[.]bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/sw.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]rtl8192de_\(phy_reg\|radio[ab]\|mac\|agctab\)_\(\(2t\(_int_pa\)\?\|[25]g\)\?array\|array_pg\)\[\(PHY_REG\|RADIO[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\(\(2T\(_INT_PA\)\?_\|[25]G_\)\?ARRAY\|ARRAY_PG_\)LENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/table.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]chan_info_basic[ ]chan_info_all\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_cmn.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_table_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs_2064\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'u16[]LCNPHY_txdigfiltcoeffs_\(cck\|ofdm\)\[LCNPHY_NUM_TX_DIG_FILTERS_\(CCK\|OFDM\)\][\n 	]*\[LCNPHY_NUM_DIG_FILT_COEFFS[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]nphy_ipa_txrxgain[ ]nphy_ipa_rxcal_gaintbl_2GHz\(_rev7\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_2055[ ]chan_info_nphy_2055\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio205x[ ]chan_info_nphyrev\(3_2056\|4_2056_A1\|5_2056v5\|6_2056v6\|5n6_2056v7\|6_2056v\(8\|11\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio2057[ ]chan_info_nphyrev\(7_2057_rev4\|8_2057_rev[78]\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio2057_rev5[ ]chan_info_nphyrev\(8_2057_rev5\|9_2057_rev5v1\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]radio_\(20xx_\)\?regs[ ]regs_\(2055\|\(SYN\|[TR]X\)_205\(6\(_A1\|_rev\([5678]\|11\)\)\?\)\|2057_rev\([4578]\|5v1\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]nphy_txiqcal_ladder[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]lcnphy_tx_gain_tbl_entry[ \n]dot11lcnphy_[25]GHz_\(extPA_\)\?gaintable_rev0\[128\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]raw_edid\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/gma500/mrst_hdmi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]net2272_test_packet\[\][ ]=' drivers/usb/gadget/net2272.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]seq_setting\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/backlight/ams369fg06.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]adav80x_default_regs\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/adav80x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]sta32x_regs\[STA32X_REGISTER_COUNT\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/sta32x.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]mclk_ratios\[3\]\[7\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/sta32x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]vid_to_voltage\[32\][ ]=' tools/power/cpupower/debug/i386/dump_psb.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-terratec-h5-drxk\.fw' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    blobname 's5pc110-mfc\.fw' drivers/media/video/s5p-mfc/s5p_mfc_ctrl.c
+    blobname 'adau1701\.bin' sound/soc/codecs/adau1701.c
+    accept '[	]return[ ]process_sigma_firmware[(]codec->control_data[,][ ]ADAU1701_FIRMWARE[)]' sound/soc/codecs/adau1701.c
+    # Sources for these are in the corresponding .fuc files.
+    defsnc 'uint32_t[ ]nvc0_grgpc_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_grgpc.fuc.h
+    defsnc 'uint32_t[ ]nvc0_grhub_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_grhub.fuc.h
+    defsnc '[	][	][	]interrupts[ ]=[ ]<\([\n][	]*0x[ef][0-9a-f][ ]0[ ]0[ ]0\)*>[;]' 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/p\(2040\|3041\|4080\|5020\)si\.dtsi'
+    blobname 'dvb-netup-altera-04\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx23885/cx23885-cards.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8168e-3\.fw' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ephy_info[ ]e_info_8168e_1\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-135-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-2000.c
+    blobname 'c[bt]2\?fw\(_\(fc\|cna\)\)\?\.bin' drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad.c
+    blobname 'ene-ub6250[/]\(ms_\(init\|rdwr\)\|msp_rdwr\)\.bin' drivers/usb/storage/ene_ub6250.c
+    accept '[	][	]*dsp_code->pvt->firmware[ ]=[ ]' sound/pci/asihpi/hpidspcd.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-3.0-rc*)
+    accept '[	][	]-e[ ]["][$]tmp_dir[/]lib[/]modules[/][$]KERNELRELEASE[/]modules\.dep\.bin["]' scripts/
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.39-rc*)
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]lme2510c\?_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*\([	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]lme2510_download_firmware,[\n]\)\?[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]\(u8\|struct[ ]i2c_reg_u8\)[ ]\(soi968\|ov\(76[67]0\|965[05]\)\|hv7131r\)_init\[\]\(\[2\]\)\?[ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mt9v111\|sp80708\|hv7131[rd]\|mi0360b\?\|mo4000\|ov76\([36]0\|48\)\|om6802\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'int[ ]tones\[2048\][ ]=' drivers/staging/easycap/easycap_testcard.c
+    defsnc '[	]BYTE[ ]data_ptr\[36\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/keucr/\(ms\|s[dm]\)scsi\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?u32[ ]Rtl8190PciE\?\(AGCTAB_\|PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|Radio[ABCD]_\)Array\[\(AGCTAB_\|PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|Radio[ABCD]_\)ArrayLength\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rtl8192e/r819xE_phy\.c\|rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware_img.c\)'
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]Rtl8192Usb\(PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|\(Radio[ABCD]\|MACPHY\|AGCTAB\)_\)Array\(_PG\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/rtl819xU_firmware_img.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vid_vop_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-v4l2-enc.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_DRAMType\[17\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_SDRDRAM_TYPE\[13\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_DDRDRAM_TYPE20\[12\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_[ME]CLKDataStruct[ ]XGI\(3[34]0\|27\)\(New\)\?_[ME]CLKData\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pll_map[ ]pll_value\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/via/hw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]char[ ]channel_map_madi_[sdq]s\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\][ ]=' sound/pci/rme9652/hdspm.c
+    # The above match the reversed patch
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]bootlogo_bits\[\][ ]=' arch/m68k/platform/68328/bootlogo.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]splash_bits\[\][ ]=' arch/m68k/platform/68EZ328/bootlogo.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]qi_lb60_ecclayout_[12]gb[ ]=' arch/mips/jz4740/board-qi_lb60.c
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]page[ ]tables[ ]as[ ]follows:[\n][ ][*][\n][ ][*][ ][ ][ ]3[ ]3[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[\n][ ][*][ ][ ][ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0' arch/arm/include/asm/pgtable.h
+    accept '[	]\.incbin[	]["]arch[/]x86[/]kernel[/]acpi[/]realmode[/]wakeup\.bin["]' arch/x86/kernel/acpi/wakeup_rm.S
+    accept '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?\(static[ ]inline[ ]\)\?\(int[ ]\)\?request_firmware[(]const[ ]struct[ ]firmware[ ][*][*]\(firmware_p\|fw\),' 'drivers/base/firmware_class\.c\|include/linux/firmware\.h'
+    accept '[ 	]*return[ ]_request_firmware[(]firmware_p,' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]int[\n ]request_firmware_work_func[(]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '\(static[ ]inline[ ]\)\?\(int[ ]\)\?request_firmware_nowait[(]' 'drivers/base/firmware_class\.c\|include/linux/firmware\.h'
+    accept '[	]p7500->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    accept '[	]\+request_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]hit[ ]an[ ]OOPS' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_pll_desc[ ][^\n]*[ ]=[ ][{]' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power[ ]power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/iwl-3945.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]gain_entry[ ]gain_table\[2\]\[108\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/iwl-4965.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ofdmswing_table\[OFDM_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]cckswing_table_ch\(1ch13\|14\)\[CCK_TABLE_SIZE\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]reserved_page_packet\[TOTAL_RESERVED_PKT_LEN\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_basic_t[ ]chan_info_all\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_cmn.c
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]ltrn_list\[PHY_LTRN_LIST_LEN\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_cmn.c
+    defsnc 's8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_cmn.c
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_t[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_table_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]lcnphy_23bitgaincode_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_rssi\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy_t[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_radio_regs_t[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs_2064\[\][ ]='     defsnc 's8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcm.c
+    defsnc 'u16[ \n]*LCNPHY_txdigfiltcoeffs_\(cck\|ofdm\)\[LCNPHY_NUM_TX_DIG_FILTERS_\(CCK\|OFDM\)\][ \n]*\[LCNPHY_NUM_DIG_FILT_COEFFS[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'nphy_ipa_txrxgain_t[ ]nphy_ipa_rxcal_gaintbl_2GHz\(_rev7\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_nphy_\(radio\)\?205[5x7]\(_rev5\)\?_t[ ]chan_info_nphy\(rev[3-9]\(n6\)\?\)\?_205[5-7]\(_A1\|v\([5-8]\|11\)\|_rev[4-8]\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'radio_\(20xx_\)\?regs_t[ ]regs_\(SYN_\|[RT]X_\)\?205[5-7]\(_A1\|_rev\([4-8]\|11\)\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tbl_iqcal_gainparams_nphy\[2\]\[NPHY_IQCAL_NUMGAINS\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]nphy_tpc_\(5GHz_\)\?txgain\(_[ei]pa\)\?\(\(_[25]g\)\?\(_\(2057\)\?\(rev\([3-7]\|4n6\)\?\)\?\)\?\|_HiPwrEPA\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]nphy_tpc_loscale\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]pad_all_gain_codes_2057\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]nphy_papd_scaltbl\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc '[	]s32[ ]poll_results\[8\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc '[	]nphy_txiqcal_ladder_t[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_gain_\(idx_\|val_\)\?tbl_\(rev[01]\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\|5G\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_5G\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_gain_val_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(min_sig_sq\|noise_scale\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_sw_ctrl_tbl_\(4313_\)\?\(bt_\)\?\(epa_\)\?\(p250_\)\?rev0\(_combo\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_spur_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(unsup_mcs\|iq_local\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]lcnphy_tx_gain_tbl_entry[ ]dot11lcnphy_[25]GHz_\(extPA_\)\?gaintable_rev0\[128\][ ]='  drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_papd_compdelta_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]frame_struct_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]frame_lut_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]\(tmap\|tdtrn\)_tbl_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]pilot_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]tdi_tbl[24]0_ant[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]chanest_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]mcs_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]noise_var_tbl[01]\?_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]\(est\|adj\)_pwr_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]\(gainctrl\|iq\)_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]loft_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]ant_swctrl_tbl_rev3\(_[1-3]\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]mcs_tbl_rev3\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]papd_comp_rfpwr_tbl_core[01]_rev3\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]papd_\(comp_epsilon\|cal_scalars\)_tbl_core[01]_rev[37]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm43xx' drivers/staging/brcm80211/sys/wl_mac80211.c
+    blobname '%s\(_hdr\)\?-%d\.fw' drivers/staging/brcm80211/sys/wl_mac80211.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]crc8_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/bcmutils.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]crc16_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/bcmutils.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]crc32_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/bcmutils.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]pmu0_xtaltab0_t[ ]pmu0_xtaltab0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/hndpmu.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]pmu1_xtaltab0_t[ ]pmu1_xtaltab0\(_880\(_4329\)\?\|_1760\|_1440\|_960\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/hndpmu.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]log_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/qmath.c
+    accept '[;]set[ ]executable[ ]["]2232\.bin["]' drivers/char/
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]a2232_65EC02code\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/generic_serial/ser_a2232fw.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]jpeg_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-jpeg.h
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]solo_osd_font\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-osd-font.h
+    defsnc '[	]unsigned[ ]char[ ]regs\[128\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-tw28.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]rc_ioport\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/tty/riscom8.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]Byte_t[ ]RData\[RDATASIZE\][ ]=' drivers/tty/rocket.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]DEFINE_TEST_\(OK\|FAIL\)[(][^)]*[)][ ]=' lib/test-kstrtox.c
+    accept '[ *	]*0[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]1[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]2[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]3[\n][ *	]*0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1' 'net/\(netfilter\|ipv4\)/ipvs/ip_vs_sync\.c\|net/sctp/sm_make_chunk\.c\|include/linux/scpt\.h\|drivers/staging/rt3090/common/igmp_snoop\.c'
+    accept '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]int[ ]do_mod_firmware_load[(]' sound/sound_firmware.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]yyconst[ ]\(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short[ ]\)\?int\)\)[ ]yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned[ ]\)\?\(short\([ ]int\)\?\|char\)\)[ ]yy[^[]*\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]\(yy\)\?const[ ]\(yytype\|flex\)_u\?int\(8\|16\|32\)\(_t\)\?[ ]yy[^\n []*\[[0-9]*\][ ]=\([*][/][;]\)\?' '.*\.tab\.c_shipped'
+    # New in 2.6.39 below, present in earlier versions above
+    blobna 'printk[(]KERN_ERR[ ]["]r8712u:[ ]Install[^\n"]*firmware[\\]n["][)][;]' drivers/staging/rtl8712/hal_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]phy_reg[ ]exynos4_sataphy_\(cmu\|\(com\)\?lane\)\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-exynos4/dev-ahci.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]clk_pll_\(freq_\)\?table[ ]tegra_pll_[adpxm]_\(freq_\)\?table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra2_clocks.c
+    initnc '\.irp[ ]idx' arch/x86/include/asm/entry_arch.h
+    initnc '\.irp[ ]idx' arch/x86/kernel/entry_64.S
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]types\[256\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_vram.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]__u8[ ]keytouch_fixed_rdesc\[\][ ]=' drivers/hid/hid-keytouch.c
+    blobname 'dib9090\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dib0700_devices.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]\(dw\(210[24]\|3101\)\|s6[3x]0\)_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\|size_of_priv\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    accept '[	]\(p1100\|s660\)->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(p1100\|s660\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-lme2510c\?-s0194\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]technisat_usb2_devices[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\|identify_state\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/technisat-usb2.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-SkyStar_USB_HD_FW_v17_63\.HEX\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/technisat-usb2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]dib0090_pll[ ]dib0090_\(p1g_\)\?pll_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib0090.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]sine[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]fe_info\[44\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib9000.c
+    blobname 'dvb-netup-altera-01\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx23885/cx23885-cards.c
+    # These are suspicious, but the regularity suggests data.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(nw80[012]\|spacecam2\?\|cvideopro\|dlink\|ds3303\|kr651\|kritter\|mustek\|proscope\|twinkle\|dvcv6\)_start\(_\([12]\|q\?vga\)\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/nw80x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init_7\(67\|72\)x\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]color_tb\[\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]isprsz_coef[ ]filter_coefs[ ]=' drivers/media/video/omap3isp/ispresizer.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov9740_reg[ ]ov9740_defaults\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov9740.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]therm_tbl\[\][ ]=' drivers/mfd/twl4030-madc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]nandv2_hw_eccoob_\(largepage\|4k\)[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/mxc_nand.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485\(\(C\|_c\)ommon_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain\)\?_1_[01]\(_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_core\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485_1_[01]_\(mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485\(M\|_m\)odes_\(high\|low\|green\)\(est\)\?_\(power\|ob_db\)_tx_gain_1_[01]\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u\(8\|16\|32\)[ ]b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\?\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\(_r3\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]nphy_gain_ctl_workaround_entry[ ]nphy_gain_ctl_workaround\[2\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    blobname '\(ti-connectivity[/]\)\?wl1271-\(fw\(-2\|-ap\)\?\|nvs\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1271.h
+    accept '#define\([ ]_\?IWL\(4965\|[156]000\(G2[AB]\)\?\|1[03]0\|5150\|6050\|20[03]\?0\)_MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]api[)]\)\+' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-\([1256]000\|4965\)\.c'
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8192cufw\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu.sw
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8712u\.bin' drivers/staging/rtl8712/hal_init.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]\(RTL\|Rtl\)8192CU\(PHY_REG\|_\?\(RADIO\|Radio\)[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\([21]T\(_HP\)\?_\?\(ARRAY\|Array\)\|\(ARRAY\|Array\)_PG\)\(_HP\)\?\[RTL8192CU\(PHY_REG\|\(RADIO\|Radio\)[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\([21]T\(_HP\)\?_\?\(ARRAY\|Array\)_\?\|\(ARRAY\|Array\)_PG\)\(_HP\)\?\(LENGTH\|Length\)\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/table.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8105e-1\.fw' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(A_INT32\|s32\)[ ]wmi_rateTable\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/ath6kl/wmi/wmi.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]struct[ ]\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config[ ]\([{][^}]*[}][ ]\)\?\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config\(PAL\|NTSC\)\?\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/easycap/easycap_low.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]ccktxbbgain_struct[ ]rtl8192_cck_txbbgain_\(ch14_\)\?table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192e/r8192E_dm.c
+    defsnc '[	]unsigned[ ]char[ ]data_ptr\[36\][ ]=' drivers/usb/storage/ene_ub6250.c
+    blobname 'ene-ub6250[/]sd_\(init[12]\|rdwr\)\.bin' drivers/usb/storage/ene_ub6250.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]hdmi_timings[ ]cea_vesa_timings\[OMAP_HDMI_TIMINGS_NB\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap2/dss/hdmi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pll_config[ ]\(cle266\|k800\|cx700\|vx855\)_pll_config\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/via/hw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]char[ ]channel_map_unity_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\][ ]=' sound/pci/rme9652/hdspm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]log_volume_table\[128\][ ]=' sound/usb/6fire/control.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ][{][^}]*[}][\n]init_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/usb/6fire/control.c
+    blobname '6fire[/]dmx6fire\(l2\|ap\|cf\)\.\(ihx\|bin\)' sound/usb/6fire/firmware.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]BIT_REVERSE_TABLE\[256\][ ]=' sound/usb/6fire/firmware.c
+    initnc '[/][*][\n][ ][*][ ]\(cfa_coef\|gamma\|luma_enhance\|noise_filter\)_table\.h[\n][ ][*]\([^\n]*[\n][ ][*]\)*[/]' 'drivers/media/video/omap3isp/\(cfa_coef\|gamma\|luma_enhance\|noise_filter\)_table\.h'
+    blobna 'rocess_sigma_firmwar'
+    defsnc 'int[ ]process_sigma_firmware[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*request_firmware' drivers/firmware/sigma.c
+    accept 'EXPORT_SYMBOL[(]process_sigma_firmware[)]' drivers/firmware/sigma.c
+    accept 'extern[ ]int[ ]process_sigma_firmware[(][^)]*[)][;]' include/linux/sigma.h
+    blobname 'maxtouch\.fw' drivers/input/touchscreen/atmel_mxt_ts.c
+    blobname 'fm\(c\|_[rt]x\)_ch8\(_[0-9a-f]*\.[0-9]*\.bts\)\?' drivers/media/radio/wl128x/fmdrv_common.h
+    blobname '%s_%x\.%d\.bts' drivers/media/radio/wl128x/fmdrv_common.c
+    ;;
+  */rtl8180*.patch)
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]sa2400_rf_rssi_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8180_sa2400.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.38-rc*)
+    # New in 2.6.38
+    blobname '%s%04x%s["][,][ ]["]fw_sst_["][,][ 	\n]*sst_drv_ctx->pci_id[,][ ]["]\.bin' drivers/staging/intel_sst/intel_sst_common.h
+    accept '[*][ ]*0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1' arch/x86/crypto/aesni-intel_asm.S
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]aead_testvec[ ]\(aes_gcm_rfc4106\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/testmgr.h'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config[ ]\([{][^}]*[}][ ]\)\?\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config\(PAL\|NTSC\)\?\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/easycap/easycap_low.c
+    blobname '\(sep[/]\)\?\extapp\.image\.bin' drivers/staging/sep/sep_driver.c
+    blobname 'radeon[/]\(BARTS\|BTC\|TURKS\|CAICOS\|%s\)_\(pfp\|rlc\|m[ec]\)\.bin' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/ni.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(barts\|turks\|caicos\)_io_mc_regs\[BTC_IO_MC_REGS_SIZE\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/ni.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]types\[0x80\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nv50_vram.c
+    blobname '\(nouveau[/]\)\?fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_graph.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]v_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_dma.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]nec_8048_init_seq\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-nec-nl8048hl11-01b.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]mc13892_sw1\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/mc13892-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]dcdc[12]_voltages\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps6524x-regulator.c
+    defsnc '[	]\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u8[ ]init_hash_seed\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/qlge/qlge_main.c
+    blobname 'vxge[/]X3fw\(-pxe\)\.ncf' drivers/net/vxge/vxge-main.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ]\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?int[ ]poly\[\]=' drivers/net/pcmcia/nmclan_cs.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?int[ ]fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\][ ]=' drivers/net/s2io.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]efuse_map[ ]RTL8712_SDIO_EFUSE_TABLE\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/efuse.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ofdmswing_table\[OFDM_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]cckswing_table_ch\(1ch13\|14\)\[CCK_TABLE_SIZE\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8192cfw\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/sw.c
+    # This looks like pure data.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]reserved_page_packet\[TOTAL_RESERVED_PKT_LEN\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/fw.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]RTL8192CE\(PHY_REG\|_\?RADIO[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\([21]T_\?ARRAY\|ARRAY_PG\)\[\(PHY_REG\|RADIO[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\([21]T_\?ARRAY_\?\|ARRAY_PG\)LENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/table.c
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ar9300_eeprom[ ]ar9300_[hx]11[236][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_eeprom.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485_1_0_\(mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485\(Common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain\)\?_1_0\(_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_core\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485Modes_\(high\|low\)\(est\)\?_\(power\|ob_db\)_tx_gain_1_0\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]b43_nphy_channeltab_entry_rev3[ ]b43_nphy_channeltab_rev\([34568]\|7_9\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/radio_2056.c
+    blobname '["]softing-4[.]6[/]["]' drivers/net/can/softing/softing_platform.h
+    blobname '\(softing-4[.]6[/]\)\?\(\(b\|ld\)card2\?\|can\(card\|sja\|crd2\)\)\.bin' drivers/net/can/softing/softing_cs.c
+    blobna 'which[ ]you[ ]can[ ]get[ ]at[\n][	][ ][ ]http:[/][/][^\n]*[/]socketcan[/][\n][^-]*firmware[ ]version' drivers/net/can/softing/Kconfig
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regdata[ ]mb86a20s_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mb86a20s.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regdata[ ]s921_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s921.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]regval_list[ ]ov2640_init_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov2640.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]norm_7660\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_regvals[ ]bridge_ov7660\[2\]\[10\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]fr_tb\[2\]\[6\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]\(brit\|contrast\|colors\)_7660\[\]\[\(6\|7\|31\)\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    blobname 'radio-wl1273-fw\.bin' drivers/media/radio/radio-wl1273.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]scrubrates\[\][ ]=' drivers/edac/amd64_edac.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]uint8_t[ ]branch_table\[32\][ ]=' lib/xz/xz_dec_bcj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]_pll_div[ ]codec_master_pll_div\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/alc5623.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]coeff_div\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8737.c
+    blobname 'rpm_firmware\(_rev11\)\?\.bin' sound/pci/rme9652/hdsp.c
+    blobname 'mwl8k[/]fmimage_8366_ap-["][ ][#]api[ ]["]\.fw' drivers/net/wireless/mwl8k.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8168d-[12]\.fw' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    # Above is for patterns new in 2.6.38, below is for older patterns.
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\(\][ ]=[ ][{]\)\?\([*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pas202_sensor_init\[\]\[8\(\][ ]=[ ][{]\)\?\([*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Modes_\(\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_ob_db\|high_power\)_tx_gain_table_2p[02]\[\]\[5\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    initc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ar9300_eeprom[ ]ar9300_default[ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_eeprom.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]b43_ntab_framestruct\[\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?int[ ]tones\[2048\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/staging/easycap/easycap_testcard.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]\(yy\)\?const[ ]\(yytype\|flex\)_u\?int\(8\|16\|32\)\(_t\)\?[ ]yy[^\n []*\[[0-9]*\][ ]=\([*][/][;]\)\?' '.*\.tab\.c_shipped'
+    initnc "[	][	][	]interrupts[ ]=[ ]<\\(0x\\)\\?3[ ]\\(0x\\)\\?0[ ]\\(0x\\)\\?0[ ][ ]$blobpat*>[;]" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    accept '[	]p7500->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mt9v111\|sp80708\|hv7131[rd]\|mi0360b\?\|mo4000\|ov76\([36]0\|48\)\|om6802\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\)[ ]e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\][ ]=' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    defsnc '[	][	]*\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]phy_reg[ ]phy_reg_init\(_0\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_mode[ ]rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/initvals.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rfbuffer[ ]rfb_\(511[12]a\?\|5413\|231[67]\|24\(1[37]\|25\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/rfbuffer.h
+    accept '[	]hif_dev->firmware[ ]=[ ]NULL[;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u\(8\|16\|32\)[ ]b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225\(z2\)\?_\(agc\|ofdm\|\(tx_\)\?\(power\|gain\)_cck\(_ch14\|_ofdm\)\?\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl818[07]/rtl8225\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rtl8225\(bcd\|z2\)_rxgain\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl818[07]/rtl8225\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]sa2400_rf_rssi_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8180_sa2400.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8187b_reg_table\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_dev.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]u8[ ]ConnectionMsg\[\][ ]='  drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_chdev.c
+    accept '[	]len[ ][+]=[ ]snprintf[(]buf[ ][+][ ]len[,][ ]sizeof[(]buf[)][ ]-[ ]len,[ ]["][.]bin["][)][;]' drivers/staging/intel_sst/intel_sst_dsp.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vid_vop_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-v4l2-enc.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]\(cis[/]\)\?\(PCMLM28\|DP83903\|3C\(CF\|X\)EM556\|MT5634ZLX\|COMpad[24]\|RS-COM-2P\|GLOBETROTTER\|SW_\([78]xx\|555\)_SER\)\.cis["][)][;]\([\n]MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]\(cis[/]\)\?\(PCMLM28\|DP83903\|3C\(CF\|X\)EM556\|MT5634ZLX\|COMpad[24]\|RS-COM-2P\|GLOBETROTTER\|SW_\([78]xx\|555\)_SER\)\.cis["][)][;]\)*' drivers/serial/serial_cs.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]v_table[ ]v_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_dma.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(init\|c\)_table\[\]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s921_core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(u16\|struct[ ]i2c_reg_u16\)[ ]\(bridge\|mt9\(v\(11[12]\|011\)\|m001\)\)_init\[\]\(\[2\]\)\?[ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]struct_initData[ ]initData\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+    defsnc '[	]\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]reg_boundaries\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_mode[ ]rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]\(h_prescale\|v_gain\)\[64\][ ]=' drivers/staging/stradis/stradis.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.38*)
+    # New in
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]DEFINE_TEST_\(OK\|FAIL\)[(][^)]*[)][ ]=' lib/test-kstrtox.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.37-rc*) # up to -rc8-git3
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]epll_div\[\]\[6\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-s5pv210/clock.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]titan_gpio_cfg[ ]titan_gpio_table\[\][ ]=' arch/mips/ar7/gpio.c
+    blobname 'sdma-%s-to%d\.bin' drivers/dma/imx-sdma.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]def_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/tuners/tda18218.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]lme2510c\?_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*\([	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]lme2510_download_firmware,[\n]\)\?[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-lme2510c\?-\(lg\|s7395\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]s7395_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rca_initdata\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/xirlink_cit.c
+    blobname 'NXP7164-2010-03-10\.1\.fw' drivers/media/video/saa7164/saa7164-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]fsmc_ecc4_lp_layout[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/fsmc_nand.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pxa3xx_nand_timing[ ]timing\[\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/pxa3xx_nand.c
+    blobname 'ctfw_cna\.bin' drivers/net/bna/cna.h
+    accept '[#]define[ ]CARL9170FW_NAME[ 	]\+["]carl9170-1\.fw["]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/carl9170.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]carl9170_phy_init[ ]ar5416_phy_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/phy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]carl9170_rf_initvals[ ]carl9170_rf_initval\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/phy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]carl9170_phy_freq_entry[ ]carl9170_phy_freq_params\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/phy.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]CARL9170FW_NAME[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/usb.c
+    accept '[	]return[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(][^\n]*,[ ]CARL9170FW_NAME,' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/usb.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-100-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-1000.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-130-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-6000.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]cf83\(05\|8[15]\)\(_helper\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_cs.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]sd\(8385\|8686\(_v[89]\)\|8688\)\(_helper\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]gspi\(8385\|8686\(_v9\)\?\|8688\)\(_helper\|_hlp\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_spi.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]usb\(8388\(_v[59]\)\?\|8682\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+    accept '[	][/][*][ ]Try[ ]user-specified[ ]firmware[ ]first[ ][*][/][\n][	]if[ ][(]fwname[)][\n][	][	]return[ ]request_firmware' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+    accept '[	][	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(]\(helper,[ ]user_helper\|mainfw,[ ]user_mainfw\)' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]\(ldo5\|buck1\)_voltage_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/lp3972.c
+    accept '\([ ][*][ ]\(format\|information\)[^\n]*\|[#]define[ ]REG_DATA_FILE_A\?G[ ]*\)["]\([.][/]\)\?regulatoryData_A\?G\.bin["]' drivers/staging/ath6kl/include/common/regulatory/reg_dbschema.h
+    blobname 'ath6k[/]AR6003[/]hw[12]\.0[/]\(otp\|athwlan\)\.bin\.z77' drivers/staging/ath6kl/os/linux/include/ar6000_drv.h
+    blobname 'ath6k[/]AR6003[/]hw[12]\.0[/]\(athtcmd_ram\|device\|data\.patch\|endpointping\|bdata\.\(SD3[12]\|WB31\|CUSTOM\)\)\.bin' drivers/staging/ath6kl/os/linux/include/ar6000_drv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]A_INT32[ ]wmi_rateTable\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/ath6kl/wmi/wmi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]DDR_SET_NODE[ ]asT3\(LP\)\?B\?_DDRSetting\(80\|100\|133\|160\)MHz\[\][ ]\?=' drivers/staging/bcm/DDRInit.c
+    blobname '\([/]lib[/]firmware[/]\)\?macxvi200\.bin' drivers/staging/bcm/Macros.h
+    accept '-[ ]On-chip[ ]firmware[ ]loaded[ ]using[ ]standard[ ]request_firmware[(][)]' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211\(/brcmfmac\)\?/README'
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm43xx\(_hdr\)-0[-0-9]*\.fw' drivers/staging/brcm80211/README
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm4329-fullmac-4[-0-9]*\.bin' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmfmac/README
+    blob 'Firmware[ ]installation[\n]=\+\([\n]\+[^\n=][^\n]*\)\+\([/]lib[/]firmware[/]brcm\|\.fw\)[^\n]*\([\n][^\n=][^\n]*\)*\([\n][\n][^=\n][^\n]*[\n][^=\n][^\n]*\([\n][^\n=][^\n]*\)*\)*' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211\(/brcmfmac\)\?/README'
+    defsnc '[	]u16[ ]nrate_list\[4\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmfmac/wl_iw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_basic_t[ ]chan_info_all\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_cmn.c
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]ltrn_list\[PHY_LTRN_LIST_LEN\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_cmn.c
+    defsnc 's8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_cmn.c
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_t[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_table_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]lcnphy_23bitgaincode_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_rssi\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy_t[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_radio_regs_t[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs_2064\[\][ ]='     defsnc 's8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcm.c
+    defsnc 'u16[ \n]*LCNPHY_txdigfiltcoeffs_\(cck\|ofdm\)\[LCNPHY_NUM_TX_DIG_FILTERS_\(CCK\|OFDM\)\][ \n]*\[LCNPHY_NUM_DIG_FILT_COEFFS[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'nphy_ipa_txrxgain_t[ ]nphy_ipa_rxcal_gaintbl_2GHz\(_rev7\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_nphy_\(radio\)\?205[5x7]\(_rev5\)\?_t[ ]chan_info_nphy\(rev[3-9]\(n6\)\?\)\?_205[5-7]\(_A1\|v\([5-8]\|11\)\|_rev[4-8]\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'radio_\(20xx_\)\?regs_t[ ]regs_\(SYN_\|[RT]X_\)\?205[5-7]\(_A1\|_rev\([4-8]\|11\)\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tbl_iqcal_gainparams_nphy\[2\]\[NPHY_IQCAL_NUMGAINS\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]nphy_tpc_\(5GHz_\)\?txgain\(_[ei]pa\)\?\(\(_[25]g\)\?\(_\(2057\)\?\(rev\([3-7]\|4n6\)\?\)\?\)\?\|_HiPwrEPA\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]nphy_tpc_loscale\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]pad_all_gain_codes_2057\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]nphy_papd_scaltbl\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc '[	]s32[ ]poll_results\[8\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc '[	]nphy_txiqcal_ladder_t[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_gain_\(idx_\|val_\)\?tbl_\(rev[01]\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\|5G\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_5G\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_gain_val_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(min_sig_sq\|noise_scale\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_sw_ctrl_tbl_\(4313_\)\?\(bt_\)\?\(epa_\)\?\(p250_\)\?rev0\(_combo\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_spur_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(unsup_mcs\|iq_local\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]lcnphy_tx_gain_tbl_entry[ ]dot11lcnphy_[25]GHz_\(extPA_\)\?gaintable_rev0\[128\][ ]='  drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_papd_compdelta_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]frame_struct_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]frame_lut_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]\(tmap\|tdtrn\)_tbl_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]pilot_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]tdi_tbl[24]0_ant[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]chanest_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]mcs_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]noise_var_tbl[01]\?_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]\(est\|adj\)_pwr_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]\(gainctrl\|iq\)_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]loft_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]ant_swctrl_tbl_rev3\(_[1-3]\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]mcs_tbl_rev3\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]papd_comp_rfpwr_tbl_core[01]_rev3\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]papd_\(comp_epsilon\|cal_scalars\)_tbl_core[01]_rev[37]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm43xx' drivers/staging/brcm80211/sys/wl_mac80211.c
+    blobname '%s\(_hdr\)\?-%d\.fw' drivers/staging/brcm80211/sys/wl_mac80211.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]crc8_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/bcmutils.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]crc16_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/bcmutils.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]crc32_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/bcmutils.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]pmu0_xtaltab0_t[ ]pmu0_xtaltab0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/hndpmu.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]pmu1_xtaltab0_t[ ]pmu1_xtaltab0\(_880\(_4329\)\?\|_1760\|_1440\|_960\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/hndpmu.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]log_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/qmath.c
+    blobname 'ft[12]000\.img' drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-pcmcia/ft1000_hw.c
+    blobname 'ft3000\.img' drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_hw.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]u8[ ]ConnectionMsg\[\][ ]='  drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_chdev.c
+    blobname 'fw_sst_0\(80a\|82f\)\.bin' drivers/staging/intel_sst/intel_sst_common.h
+    # This appends a .bin extension, but without loading the firmware
+    # above, it will never arise, so leave it alone for now.
+    accept '[	]len[ ][+]=[ ]snprintf[(]buf[ ][+][ ]len[,][ ]sizeof[(]buf[)][ ]-[ ]len,[ ]["][.]bin["][)][;]' drivers/staging/intel_sst/intel_sst_dsp.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]sc_reg_access[ ]\(sc_acces[,][ ]\)\?sc_access\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/intel_sst/intelmid_v[012]_control\.c'
+    defsnc '[	]BYTE[ ]data_ptr\[36\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/keucr/\(ms\|s[dm]\)scsi\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]BYTE[ ]ecctable\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/keucr/smilecc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]MAC_REG_TABLE\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ][ ]*ZEBRA_AGC\[\][ 	]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]ZEBRA_RF_RX_GAIN_TABLE\[\][ 	]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]f_array\[122328\][ ]=[ ][{]'"$sepx$blobpat*"',[\n][}][;]' drivers/staging/rtl8712/farray.h
+    blob 'static[ ]u32[ ]rtl871x_open_fw[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*f_array\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]' drivers/staging/rtl8712/hal_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]long[ ]frequency_list\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8712/rtl871x_ioctl_linux.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]Sbox1\[2\]\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8712/rtl871x_security.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]sbox_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8712/rtl871x_security.c
+    accept '[	]119,[ ]62,[ ]6,[\n][	]0,[ ]16,[ ]20,[ ]17,[ ]32,[ ]48,[ ]0,\([\n][	][0-9]\+,\([ ][0-9]\+,\)*\)*[\n][	]0,[ ]119' drivers/staging/speakup/speakupmap.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]\(h_prescale\|v_gain\)\[64\][ ]=' drivers/staging/stradis/stradis.c
+    accept '[/][*][ ]*\([ 1-4][0-9][ ][ ]\)*\(5[0-6][ ][ ]\)*[*][/]' drivers/staging/vt6656/channel.c
+    blobname 'west[ ]bridge[ ]fw' drivers/staging/westbridge/astoria/device/cyasdevice.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]gsm_fcs8\[256\][ ]=' drivers/tty/n_gsm.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]dispc_v_coef[ ]coef_v\(up\|down\)_3tap\[8\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c
+    blobname 'c[bt]fw_\(fc\|cna\)\.bin' drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad_im.h
+    # Above is for patterns new in 2.6.37, below is for older patterns.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]epll_div\[\]\[5\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-s5p6440/clock.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]clk_pll_table[ ]tegra_pll_[pxm]_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra2_clocks.c
+    blobname '\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x-e[12]h\?-["][ ]FW_FILE_VERSION[ ]["]\.fw' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x/\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobname '\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x-e[12]h\?-\([0-9.%d]*\.fw\)\?' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x/\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobname 'v4l-cx23885-enc\.fw' 'drivers/media/video/cx23\(1xx\|885\)/cx23885-417.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(adcm1700\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mt9v111\|sp80708\|hv7131r\|mi0360b\?\|mo4000\|ov76\([36]0\|48\)\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]int[ ]be_load_fw[(][^\n;{]*[)][*][/][;][\n][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*request_firmware' drivers/net/benet/be_main.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]ar9170\(-[12]\)\?\.fw["][)][;]\([\n]MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]ar9170\(-[12]\)\?\.fw["][)][;]\)*' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/usb.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Modes_\(\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_ob_db\|high_power\)_tx_gain_table_2p[02]\[\]\[5\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9\(300\|200_merlin\)_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_core\[\]\[2\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    accept '#define\([ ]_\?IWL\(4965\|[156]000\(G2[AB]\)\?\|1[03]0\|5150\|6050\)_MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]api[)]\)\+' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-\([156]000\|4965\)\.c'
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-\(3945\|4965\|[156]000\(G2[AB]\)\?\|1[03]0\|6050\)["][ ]IWL\(3945\|4965\|[156]000\(G2[AB]\)\?\|1[03]0\|6050\)_UCODE_API[ ]["]\.ucode' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl\(3945-base\|-\(3945\|4965\|[156]000\)\)\.[ch]'
+    blobname '%s%[dus]%s["],[\n 	]*name_pre,[ ]\(\(priv->fw_\)\?index\|tag\),[ ]["]\.ucode' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl\(3945-base\|-agn\).c'
+    blobname 'libertas_cs\(_helper\)\?\.fw' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_cs.c
+    blobname 'sd\(8385\|868[68]\)\(_helper\)\?\.bin\(["],[\n][	]*\.firmware[ 	]=[ ]["]sd\(8385\|868[68]\)\.bin\)\?' 'drivers/\(net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio\.c\|bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio\.c\)'
+    blobname 'wl1251-\(fw\|nvs\)\.bin' 'drivers/net/wireless/wl12\(51\|xx\)/wl1251.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]sh_clk_div6_divisors\[64\][ ]=' '\(arch/sh/kernel/cpu/clock-\|drivers/sh/clk/\)cpg\.c'
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?\(static[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI340_CR6F\[8\]\[32\][ ]*=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]translations\[\]\[256\][ ]=' drivers/tty/vt/consolemap.c
+    defsnc 'u_short[ ]\(plain\|shift\(_ctrl\)\?\|alt\(gr\)\?\|ctrl\(_alt\)\?\)_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]*=' drivers/tty/vt/defkeymap.c_shipped
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]x86_keycodes\[256\][ ]=' drivers/tty/vt/keyboard.c
+    defsnc '\([	]\)\?static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(unsigned[ ]\(short\|char\)\|struct[ ]SiS_[^ ]*\)[ ]SiS[^[]*\(\[[][ *0-9]*\]\)\+[ ]*='
+    defsnc '[ ][ ]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]asso_values\[\][ ]=' scripts/kconfig/zconf.hash.c_shipped
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)[ ]yy[^\n []*\[\][ ]=' '.*\.lex\.c_shipped'
+    initnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)[ ]yy[^\n []*\[\][ ]=[*][/][;]' '.*\.tab\.c_shipped'
+    blobname 'TIInit_\(\(%d\|[0-9]\+\)[.]\)\+bts' drivers/staging/ti-st/st_kim.c
+    blob '#define[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION\|COMPILE_FLAGS\)[ 	]*[0-9]\+\([\n]#define[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION\|COMPILE_FLAGS\)[ 	]*[0-9]\+\)*' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_hsi\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]int[ ]\(__devinit[ ]\)\?bnx2x_check_firmware[(]struct[ ]bnx2x[ ][*]bp[)][\n][{][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobna 'rc[ ]=[ ]bnx2x_check_firmware[(]bp[)][;]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(leadtek\|twinhan\|a_link\|msi\|mygictv\|kworld\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(avermedia\(_ks\)\?\|digittrade\|trekstor\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]__u8[ ]lgdt3304_\(vsb8\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/lgdt3304.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_table_\(merlin_\)\?2p[02]\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    accept '[	]*card->firmware[ ]=[ ]\(if_sdio\|lbs_fw\|fw_name\)' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio.c
+    defsnc '\(preview_snapshot_mode\|noise_reduction\)_reg_settings_array\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/dream/camera/mt9d112_reg.c
+    defsnc 'u16_t[ ]zgTkipSbox\(Lower\|Upper\)\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/80211core/ctkip.c
+    accept '[ 	]*[/][*][ ]*0\([ ]*[123]\)*[ ]*[*][/][\n][ 	]*[/][*][ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9\([ ][0-9]\)*[ ][*][/]' drivers/staging/otus/80211core/ctxrx.c
+    defsnc 'u32_t[ ]crc32_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/80211core/cwep.c
+    blob 'extern[ ]const[ ]u32_t[ ]zc\(DK\|P2\)\?Fw\(Buf\)\?Image\(SPI\)\?\(\[\]\|Size\)[;]\([\n]extern[ ]const[ ]u32_t[ ]zc\(DK\|P2\)\?Fw\(Buf\)\?Image\(SPI\)\?\(\[\]\|Size\)[;]\)*' drivers/staging/otus/hal/hpmain.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]u32_t[ ]eepromBoardData\[15\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/hal/hpmain.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32_t[ ]\(ar5416Modes\|otusBank\)\[\]\[[36]\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/hal/otus.ini
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32_t[ ]channel_frequency_11A\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/ioctl.c
+    defsnc '[ ]\?static[ ]u\(8\|32\)[ ]\(MAC_REG_TABLE\[\]\[2\]\|[ ]*ZEBRA_\(AGC\|RF_RX_GAIN_TABLE\)\[\]\|OFDM_CONFIG\[\]\)=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]Sbox\[256\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/ieee80211/ieee80211_crypt_tkip.c
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]MCS_DATA_RATE\[2\]\[2\]\[77\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rtl8192su/ieee80211/rtl819x_HTProc\.c\|rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]Rtl8192SU\(PHY_\(REG\|ChangeTo\)_\([12]T[12]R\)\?\|Radio[AB]_\(\(\(to\)\?[12]T\|GM\)_\)\?\|MAC\(PHY\|_[12]T\)_\|AGCTAB_\)Array\(_PG\)\?\[\(PHY_\(REG\|ChangeTo\)_\([12]T[12]R\)\?\|Radio[AB]_\(\(\(to\)\?[12]T\|GM\)_\)\?\|MAC\(PHY\|_[12]T\)_\|AGCTAB_\)Array\(_PG\)\?Length\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/rtl92SU_HWImg.c
+    blob '[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*RTL8192SU[/]rtl1892swf\.bin[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192S_firmware.c
+    blob 'u8[ ]Rtl8192SUFw\(Img\|Main\|Data\)Array\[\(Img\|Main\|Data\)ArrayLength\][ ]=[ ][{]'"$sepx$blobpat*$sepx"'[}][;]\([\n][\n]*u8[ ]Rtl8192SUFw\(Img\|Main\|Data\)Array\[\(Img\|Main\|Data\)ArrayLength\][ ]=[ ][{]'"$sepx$blobpat*$sepx"'[}][;]\)*' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192SU_HWImg.c
+    blobname 'RTL8192SU[/]\(rtl8192sfw\.bin\|\(boot\|main\|data\)\.img\)' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192S_firmware.c
+    blobna 'case[ ]FW_SOURCE_HEADER_FILE:[\n]#if[ ]1[\n]#define[^#]*[\n]#endif[\n][	][	][	]break[;]' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192S_firmware.c
+    blobna '\([&]\|sizeof[(]\)rtl8190_fw\(boot\|main\|data\)_array\(\[0\]\|[)]\)\(,[ 	\n]*\([&]\|sizeof[(]\)rtl8190_fw\(boot\|main\|data\)_array\(\[0\]\|[)]\)\)*' 'drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r819\(2S\|xU\)_firmware\.c'
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(gc0307\|po2030n\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]\(=[ ][{]\)\?\([*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    accept '[*][ ]drivers[/]staging[/]ft1000[/]ft1000-\(pcmcia\|usb\)[/]ft[13]000\.img:[ ]Removed\.' 'patch-libre.*'
+    initc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ar9300_eeprom[ ]ar9300_default[ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_eeprom.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8753_reg\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8753.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.36.*)
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Modes_\(\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_ob_db\|high_power\)_tx_gain_table_2p[02]\[\]\[5\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9\(300\|200_merlin\)_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_core\[\]\[2\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.36-rc*)
+    accept 'FIRMWARE[ ]LOADER[ ][(]request_firmware[)]' MAINTAINERS
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]__\(cpu\)\?initdata[ ]mV_vrm85\[32\][ ]=' arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/longhaul.h
+    accept '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?\(static[ ]int[\n ]\)\?_request_firmware[(]const[ ]struct[ ]firmware[ ][*][*]firmware_p,' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[\n ]request_firmware_work_func[(]void[ ][*]arg[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*ret[ ]=[ ]_request_firmware[(][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}][\n]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?request_firmware_nowait[(]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	]task[ ]=[ ]kthread_run[(]request_firmware_work_func' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    defsnc '[	]*static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]sha256_zero\[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/crypto/n2_core.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]est3_modes\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]r[67]xx_default_state\[\][ ]=\([*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r600_blit_shaders.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-p7500\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(\(megasky\|digivox\)-02\|tvwalkert\|dposh-01\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]struct[ ]regdesc[ ]\(ofsm_init\|tuner_init_\(env77h11d5\|mt2060\(_2\)\?\|mxl500\(3d\|5\)\|qt1010\|mc44s803\|unknown\|tda18271\)\)\[\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    blobname 'sms1xxx-hcw-55xxx-i\?sdbt-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/siano/sms-cards.c
+    blobname 'sms1xxx-\(stellar\|nova-[ab]\|hcw-55xxx\)-dvbt-0[12]\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/siano/sms-cards.c
+    initc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]struct[ ]idxdata[ ]tbl_common\(_[a-e]\|5\|_\?3B\?\)\[\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/media/video/gspca/gl860/gl860-\(mi2020\|mi1320\|ov9655\|ov2640\)\.c'
+    blobname 'bnx2[/]bnx2-\(mips\|rv2p\)-[-0-9a-z.]*\.fw' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]arb_line[ ]read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x_init_opts.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]arb_line[ ]write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x_init_opts.h
+    blob '#define[ ]FW_FILE_VERSION\([	]*[\\][\n][	]__stringify[(]BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION[)]\([ ]["][.]["]\)\?\)\+' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x/\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobname 'bnx2x-e1h\?-["][ ]FW_FILE_VERSION[ ]["]\.fw' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x/\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobname 'bnx2x-e1h\?-\([0-9.%d]*\.fw\)\?' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x/\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]void[ ]get_regs[(]struct[ ]net_device[ ][*]dev,\([^\n]*[*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/net/cxgb4/cxgb4_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]ar\(5416\|9280\)\(Modes\(_fast_clock\)\?\|Common\|BB_RfGain\|Bank6\(TPC\)\?\|Addac\)\(_91[06]0\(_\?1_1\)\?\|_9280\(_2\)\?\)\?\[\]\[[236]\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/\(ar\(5008\|9001\)_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u\(32\|_int32_t\)[ ]ar928[05]\(Common\|Modes\(_\(fast_clock\|backoff_[12]3db_rxgain\|\(original\|high_power\)_[tr]x_\?gain\)\)\?\)_928\(0_2\|5\(_1_2\)\?\)\[\]\[[236]\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/\(ar9002_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar928\(5Modes_XE2\|7Modes_9287_1\)_0_\(normal\|high\)_power\[\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar92\(87Common_9287_1_[01]\|71Common_9271\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar92\(87\|71\)Modes_\(\(normal\|high\)_power_\)\?\([tr]x_gain_\)\?92\(87_1_[01]\|71\(_ANI_reg\)\?\)\[\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Modes_\(\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_ob_db\|high_power\)_tx_gain_table_2p[02]\[\]\[5\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9\(300\|200_merlin\)_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_core\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_table_\(merlin_\)\?2p[02]\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    blobname 'ar9271[.]fw' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[ ]ipw2100_mod_firmware_load[(]' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    accept '[	]*card->firmware[ ]=[ ]\(if_sdio\|lbs_fw\|fw_name\)' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio.c
+    blobname 'rt\(28[67]0\|30[79][01]\)\.bin' drivers/staging/rt2860/common/rtmp_mcu.c
+    blob '#define[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION\|COMPILE_FLAGS\)[ 	]*[0-9]\+\([\n]#define[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION\|COMPILE_FLAGS\)[ 	]*[0-9]\+\)*' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_hsi\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]int[ ]__devinit[ ]bnx2x_check_firmware[(]struct[ ]bnx2x[ ][*]bp[)][\n][{][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobna 'if[ ][(][(]fw_ver\[[0-3]\][ ]!=[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION[)]\([ ][|][|][\n][ 	]*[(]fw_ver\[[0-3]\][ ]!=[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION[)]\)*[)][ ][{][^{}]*[}]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobna 'sprintf[(]fw_file_name[ ][+][ ]offset,[ ]["]%d[.]%d[.]%d[.]%d[.]fw["]\(,[\n][ 	]*BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION\)*[)][;]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobna 'rc[ ]=[ ]bnx2x_check_firmware[(]bp[)][;]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?struct[ ]crb_128M_2M_block_map[ ]crb_128M_2M_map\[64\][ ]=' 'drivers/scsi/\(qla2xxx/qla_nx\.c\|qla4xxx/ql4_nx\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]MCS_DATA_RATE\[2\]\[2\]\[77\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rtl8192su/ieee80211/rtl819x_HTProc\.c\|rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]Rtl8192SU\(PHY_\(REG\|ChangeTo\)_\([12]T[12]R\)\?\|Radio[AB]_\(\(\(to\)\?[12]T\|GM\)_\)\?\|MAC\(PHY\|_[12]T\)_\|AGCTAB_\)Array\(_PG\)\?\[\(PHY_\(REG\|ChangeTo\)_\([12]T[12]R\)\?\|Radio[AB]_\(\(\(to\)\?[12]T\|GM\)_\)\?\|MAC\(PHY\|_[12]T\)_\|AGCTAB_\)Array\(_PG\)\?Length\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/rtl92SU_HWImg.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]*ChannelRuleTab\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6656/channel.c
+    defsnc '\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_DRAMType\[17\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_SDRDRAM_TYPE\[13\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_DDRDRAM_TYPE20\[12\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_\(MD\|[CEV]G\)A_DAC\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_setmode.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI340_CR6F\[8\]\[32\][ ]*=\([{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h 
+    blobname 'sd\(8385\|868[68]\)\(_helper\)\?\.bin' 'drivers/\(net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio\.c\|bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio\.c\)'
+    accept '[	]p7500->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-p7500\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    accept '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]\(megasky\|digivox_mini_ii\|tvwalkertwin\|dposh\)_properties[ ]=[ ][{]\([*][/][;]\)\?[\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(\(megasky\|digivox\)-02\|tvwalkert\|dposh-01\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]usb_action[ ]\(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105a\(xx\)\?\|ov7630c\|mt9v111_[13]\|pb0330\([3x]x\)\?\|mi0360soc\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    blobname 'myri10ge_\(rss_\)\?ethp\?_z8e\.dat' drivers/net/myri10ge.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-6000g2[ab]-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-6000.c
+    blobname '#api[ ]["]\.ucode["]' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-\(3945.h\|\(4965\|[156]000\)\.c\)'
+    blobname 'c[tb]fw\(_\(fc\|cna\)\)\?\.bin' drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad_fwimg.c
+    blobna 'seq_printf[(]seq[,][ ]["][^"]*%s[ ]%s[^"]*["][,][ 	\n]*\(GB_RCV\|MOJAVE_\)UCODE_VERS_STRING[,][ ]\(GB_RCV\|MOJAVE_\)UCODE_VERS_DATE[)][;]\([ 	\n]*seq_printf[(]seq[,][ ]["][^"]*%s[ ]%s[^"]*["][,][ 	\n]*\(GB_RCV\|MOJAVE_\)UCODE_VERS_STRING[,][ ]\(GB_RCV\|MOJAVE_\)UCODE_VERS_DATE[)][;]\)*' drivers/staging/slicoss/slicoss.c
+    blobname 'slicoss[/]\(oasis\|gb\)\(rcvucode\|download\)\.sys' drivers/staging/slicoss/slicoss.c
+    blobname 'CMV[x9ae][yip]\.bin\(\.v2\)\?' drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+    blobname 'v4l-cx2341x-\(enc\|dec\)\.fw' include/media/cr2341x.h
+    blobname 'yam[/]\(12\|96\)00\.bin' drivers/net/hamradio/yam.c
+    blob 'If[ ]you[ ]need[ ]to[ ]use[ ]any[ ]of[ ]the[ ]above[^\n]*download[^:]*:[\n 	]*http:[^\n]*ixp4[^\n]*' Documentation/arm/IXP4xx
+    # New in 2.6.36-rc3:
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]clk_pll_table[ ]tegra_pll_[px]_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra2_clocks.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]qi_lb60_ecclayout_[12]gb[ ]=' arch/mips/jz4740/board-qi_lb60.c
+    blobname 'qt602240\.fw' drivers/input/touchscreen/qt602240_ts.c
+    blobname 'lgs8g75\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/lgs8gxx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ucbus_write_cmd[ ]\(icx098bq\|lz24bp\)_start_[012]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sq930x.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]capconfig\[4\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sq930x.c
+    blobname 'ar7010\(_1_1\)\?[.]fw' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]sa2400_rf_rssi_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8180_sa2400.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]pwm_lookup_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/platform/x86/compal-laptop.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]tps6586x_\(ldo4\|sm2\|dvm\)_voltages\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps6586x-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]muxonechan\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/adv_pci1710.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config[ ][{][^}]*[}][ ]\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/easycap/easycap_low.c
+    defsnc 'int[ ]tones\[2048\][ ]=' drivers/staging/easycap/easycap_testcard.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]map_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/lirc/lirc_ttusbir.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]jpeg_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-jpeg.h
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]solo_osd_font\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-osd-font.h
+    defsnc '[	]unsigned[ ]char[ ]regs\[128\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-tw28.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vid_vop_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-v4l2-enc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rop_\(map1\|action\|info\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/tidspbridge/dynload/reloc_table_c6000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tramp_\(map\|action\|info\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/tidspbridge/dynload/tramp_table_c6000.c
+    defsnc 'unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(sbox\|dot[23]\)_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6655/aes_ccmp.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pll_map[ ]pll_value\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/via/hw.c
+    defsnc '[	][	]degrade_factor\[CPU_LOAD_IDX_MAX\]\[DEGRADE_SHIFT[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' kernel/sched.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]expected_result\[FIFO_SIZE\][ ]=' samples/kfifo/bytestream-example.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]expected_result\[FIFO_SIZE\][ ]=' samples/kfifo/inttype-example.c
+    blobname 'haup-ir-blaster\.bin' drivers/input/lirc/lirc_zilog.c
+    ;;
+  */hid-support*.patch)
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]hid_keyboard\[256\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/hid/hid-input.c
+    ;;
+  */sched*)
+    accept 'CPU[ ]\+before[ ]\+after[\n]\([\n][01][0-9][ ]\+:[ ][0-9]\+[ ]\+:[ ][67]\)*'
+    defsnc '[	][	]degrade_factor\[CPU_LOAD_IDX_MAX\]\[DEGRADE_SHIFT[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' kernel/sched.c
+    accept '\(All[ ]CPUS[ ]idle[ ]for[ ]10[ ]seconds[ ][(]HZ=1000[)]\|One[ ]CPU[ ]busy[ ]rest[ ]idle[ ]for[ ]10[ ]seconds\|All[ ]CPUs[ ]busy[ ]for[ ]10[ ]seconds\)[\n][0-9 \n]*'
+    accept 'domainstats:[ ]*domain0[\n][ ]*cpu[ ]*cnt[ ]*bln[ ]*fld[ ]*imb[ ]*gain[ ]*hgain[ ]*nobusyq[ ]*nobusyg[\n 0-9:]*'    
+    ;;
+  */*-loongson.patch)
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]Sbox\[256\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/ieee80211/ieee80211_crypt_tkip.c
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225.c
+    defsnc 'u8[ ]rtl8225_tx_power_cck\(_ch14\)\?\[\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225.c
+    defsnc 'u8[ ]rtl8225_agc\[\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]MAC_REG_TABLE\[\]\[3\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225z2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ][ ]*ZEBRA_AGC\[\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225z2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]ZEBRA_RF_RX_GAIN_TABLE\[\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225z2.c
+    defsnc 'u8[ ]ZEBRA2_CCK_OFDM_GAIN_SETTING\[\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225z2.c
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225z2.c
+    defsnc 'u8[ ]rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\(_ch14\)\?\[\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225z2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]vesa_mode_table[ ]vesa_mode\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sm7xx/smtcfb.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]ModeInit[ ]VGAMode\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sm7xx/smtcfb.h
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.34-rc*)
+    # New in 2.6.34, should be duplicated in the main pattern set.
+    blobname 'cxgb4[/]t4fw\.bin' drivers/net/cxgb4/cxgb4_main.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]reg_ranges\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/cxgb4/cxgb4_main.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\][ ]=' drivers/net/cxgb4/t4_hw.c
+    # above in -rc5
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]epll_div\[\]\[5\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-s5p6440/clock.c
+    accept '[	]aru->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw[;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ar9170/usb.c
+    accept '[	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw_entry,[ ]["]broadsheet\.wbf["],[ ]dev[)][;]' drivers/video/broadsheetfb.c
+    # above in -rc2, below in -rc1
+    accept '#[ ]\(Usage:[ ]cxacru-cf\.py[ ][<]\|Warning:\|Note:[ ]support[ ]for\)[ ]cxacru-cf\.bin' 'Documentation/networking/cxacru\(-cf\.py\|\.txt\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]cdce_reg[ ]cdce_y1_27000\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-davinci/cdce949.c
+    defsnc '[	]u16[ ]map\[\][ ]=' drivers/hwmon/asc7621.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]az6027_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/az6027.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-az6027-03\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/az6027.c
+    accept '[	]p7500->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-p7500\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]ITUDecoderSetup\[4\]\[16\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ngene/ngene-core.c
+    blobname 'ngene_1[5678]\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/ngene/ngene-core.c
+    blobname 'sms1xxx-hcw-55xxx-i\?sdbt-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/siano/sms-cards.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]samsung_smt_7020_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/cx88/cx88-dvb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init\(_2\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534_9.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]bridge_start_\([qs]\?v\|x\)ga\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534_9.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]init_command[ ]\(spy\|cif\|ms350\|genius\|vivitar\)_start_commands\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c2028.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]n4_lt168g\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mi\(0360\|13[12]0\)\|po\(1200\|3130\)\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?_\?[iI]nit\(Q\?V\|SX\)GA\(_\(JPG\|data\)\)\?\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]gamma_tb\[6\]\[16\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    blobname 'tlg2300_firmware\.bin' drivers/media/video/tlg2300/pd-main.c
+    defsnc '[	]u8[ ]pattern\[42\][ ]=' drivers/net/ksz884x.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]b43_ntab_framelookup\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]\(b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev\(0_1_2\|3plus_2ghz\|\([34]\|5plus\)_5ghz\)\|txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa\(_\(rev\)\?[56]g\?\)\?\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]tbl_iqcal_gainparams\[2\]\[9\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]nphy_txiqcal_ladder[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]loscale\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    blobname 'isl38\(86\|87\|90\)\(pci\|usb\(_bare\)\?\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54\(pci\.c\|usb\.[ch]\)'
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]struct[ ]conf_drv_settings[ ]default_conf[ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1271_main.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]grtpkts\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/mimio/mimio.c
+    blobname 'rt\(28[67]0\|30[79][01]\)\.bin' drivers/staging/rt2860/common/rtmp_mcu.c
+    accept '[	]adapter->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw[;]' drivers/staging/rt2860/common/rtmp_mcu.c
+    blob '[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*RTL8192SU[/]rtl1892swf\.bin[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192S_firmware.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]keyspan_pda[/]\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\)\.fw["][)][;]' drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.c
+    # It's not clear that wm2000_anc.bin is pure data.
+    # Check with developer, clean up for now.
+    blobname 'wm2000_anc\.bin' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    blob '[ ][*][ ]The[ ]download[ ]image[ ]for[ ]the[ ]WM2000[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*[<][ ]file[^*\n]*[\n][ ][*][/]' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    # accept '[ ][*][ ].wm2000_anc\.bin.[ ]by[ ]default' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    # accept '[ ][*][ 	]*[<][ ]file[ ]\+[>]wm2000_anc\.bin' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    # accept '[	]filename[ ]=[ ]["]wm2000_anc\.bin["][;]' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]\(clk_sys_ratios\|bclk_divs\)\[\][ ]=' 'sound/soc/wm890[34]\.c'
+    defsnc '[}][ ]clock_cfgs\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8955.c
+    blobname 'siu_spb\.bin' sound/soc/sh/siu_dai.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]poxxxx_init\(_common\|Q\?VGA\|_end_1\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    defsnc 'crb_128M_2M_map\[64\][ ]__cacheline_aligned_in_smp[ ]=' 'drivers/net/\(netxen/netxen_nic_hw.c\|qlcnic/qlcnic_hw.c\)'
+    # Pattern present prior to 2.6.34, or already adjusted for 2.6.34 in
+    # the main pattern set.
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ]Bit[ 0-7]*' Documentation/input/sentelic.txt
+    accept 'The[ ]hd-audio[ ]driver[ ]reads[ ]the[ ]file[ ]via[ ]request_firmware[(][)]\.' Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio.txt
+    accept '[	]\.section[ ]__ex_table,["]a["]'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp0222\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp1110\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp3033\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp4404\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(start\|page3\)_7302\[\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7302.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pas202_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(adcm1700\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    blob 'sub[ ]\(sp887[0x]\|tda1004\(5\|6\(lifeview\)\?\)\|av7110\|dec\(2\(00\|54\)0t\|3000s\)\|opera1\|vp7041\|dibusb\|nxt200[24]\|cx\(23\(1xx\|885\)\|18\)\|pvrusb2\|or51\(211\|132_\(qam\|vsb\)\)\|bluebird\|mpc718\|af9015\|ngene\)[ ]*[{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]\([\n]\+sub[ ]\(sp887[0x]\|tda1004\(5\|6\(lifeview\)\?\)\|av7110\|dec\(2\(00\|54\)0t\|3000s\)\|opera1\|vp7041\|dibusb\|nxt200[24]\|cx\(23\(1xx\|885\)\|18\)\|pvrusb2\|or51\(211\|132_\(qam\|vsb\)\)\|bluebird\|mpc718\|af9015\|ngene\)[ ]*[{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]\)*' Documentation/dvb/get_dvb_firmware
+    accept '\([/][*][*][\n]\)\?[ ][*][ ]request_firmware_nowait\(:\|[ ]-\)[ ]asynchronous[ ]version[ ]of[ ]request_firmware' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    blobname 'b43\(legacy\)\?\(%s\)\?[/]\(%s\|ucode\([2459]\|1[1345]\)\|pcm5\|[abn]0g[01]initvals\(5\|1[13]\)\)\.fw' 'drivers/net/wireless/b43\(legacy\)\?/main.c'
+    blobname '\(sep[/]\)\?\(cache\|resident\)\.image\.bin' drivers/staging/sep/sep_driver.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(mi1320\|po3130\)_initVGA_data\[\]\[4\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]request_firmware_work_func' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init_ov965x\(_2\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]bridge_start_ov965x_\(\([qs]\?v\|x\)ga\|cif\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]\(__u16\|struct[ ]cmd\)[ ]spca504\(_pccam600\|A_clicksmart420\)_\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\(\[3\]\)\?[ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    # above is in -rc1, below in -rc2
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pinmux_cfg_reg[ ]pinmux_config_regs\[\][ ]=' 'arch/sh/kernel/cpu/sh2a/pinmux-sh7203\.c\|arch/arm/mach-shmobile/pfc-sh73[67]7\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]ratio_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/misc/tsl2550.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]count_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/misc/tsl2550.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[ ]ar9170_usb_request_firmware[(]' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/usb.c
+    accept '[	]\(err[ ]=\|return\)[ ]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(][^\n]*["]ar9170\(-[12]\)\?\.fw["],' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/usb.c
+    accept '[	]err[ ]=[ ]ar9170_usb_request_firmware[(]' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/usb.c
+    blobname '%s%[du]%s["],[\n 	]*name_pre,[ ]\(priv->fw_\)\?index,[ ]["]\.ucode' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl\(3945-base\|-agn\).c'
+    accept '#include[ ]["]ixp2400_[rt]x\.ucode["]' drivers/net/ixp2000/ixpdev.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.33-rc*)
+    accept 'static[ ]inline[ ]int[\n]\(maybe_\)\?reject_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(][^{;]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*\([\n]\+[}]\)\?' include/linux/firmware.h
+    accept '[	][	]ranges[ ]=[ ]<'"$blobpat*"'>[;]' 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(mpc8572ds\|p2020ds\|katmai\)\.dts'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]camera_ncm03j_magic\[\][ ]=' 'arch/sh/boards/\(board-ap325rxa\.c\|mach-ap325rxa/setup\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vga_font\[cmapsz\][ ]\(BTDATA[ ]\)\?=' arch/sparc/kernel/btext.c
+    accept '[	][	][	]req_firm_rc[ ]=[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(][^;]*,[ ]["]dell_rbu["],' drivers/firmware/dell_rbu.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]nv17_tv_norm_params[ ]nv17_tv_norms\[NUM_TV_NORMS\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nv17_tv_modes.c
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]stufftab\[5[ ][*][ ]256\][ ]=[ ][{]\([*][/][;]\)\?[\n]' drivers/isdn/gigaset/isocdata.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(start\|page[34]\)_73\(02\|11\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/gspca/pac73\(02\|11\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals\(_3070\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/prism54/islpci_dev.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]uint32[ ][FR]Sb\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/\(md5\|cmm_aes\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]Sbox\[256\][ ]=' # 'drivers/staging/rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware.c' and elsewhere
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]MCS_DATA_RATE\[2\]\[2\]\[77\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rtl8192su/ieee80211/rtl819x_HTProc\.c\|rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?u32[ ]Rtl8190PciE\?\(AGCTAB_\|PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|Radio[ABCD]_\)Array\[\(AGCTAB_\|PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|Radio[ABCD]_\)ArrayLength\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rtl8192e/r819xE_phy\.c\|rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware_img.c\)'
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]Rtl8192Usb\(PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|\(Radio[ABCD]\|MACPHY\|AGCTAB\)_\)Array\(_PG\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/rtl819xU_firmware_img.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]asso_values\[\][ ]=' scripts/genksyms/keywords.c_shipped
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]request_firmware_work_func[(]void[ ][*]arg[)][*][/][;][\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)\+\([	]ret[ ]=[ ]_request_firmware[(]\|request_firmware_nowait[(]\)\?' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]af9015_properties\(\[\]\)\?[ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;][\n][	][	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]bridge_start_ov965x\[\]\[2\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;][\n]' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]bridge_start_ov965x_\(\([qs]\?v\|x\)ga\|cif\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mt9v111\|sp80708\|hv7131r\|mi0360\|mo4000\|ov76\([36]0\|48\)\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=[ ][{]\([*][/][;]\)\?[\n]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]ar\(5416\|9280\)\(Modes\(_fast_clock\)\?\|Common\|BB_RfGain\|Bank6\(TPC\)\?\|Addac\)\(_91[06]0\(1_1\)\?\|_9280\(_2\)\?\)\?\[\]\[[236]\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;][\n]' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/initvals.h
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]u_int32_t[ ]ar9271\(Common\|Modes\)_9271_1_0\[\]\[[26]\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;][\n]' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/initvals.h
+    defsnc '\(U\(INT\|CHAR\)\|u\(32\|8\)\)[ ]\(Tkip_Sbox_\(Lower\|Upper\)\|SboxTable\)\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/common/\(rtmp\|cmm\)_tkip\.c'
+    defsnc '\(RTMP_RF_REGS\|struct[ ]rt_rtmp_rf_regs\)[ ]RF2850RegTable\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/\(mlme\.c\|cmm_asic\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(FREQUENCY_ITEM\|struct[ ]rt_frequency_item\)[ ]FreqItems3020\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/\(mlme\.c\|cmm_asic\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(UINT\|u32\)[ ]FCSTAB_32\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/common/\(rtmp\|cmm\)_wep\.c'
+    defsnc '\(UCHAR\|u8\)[ ]RateSwitchTable\(11B\?G\?\(N[123]S\(ForABand\)\?\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/mlme\.c'
+    defsnc '\(UCHAR\|u8\)[ 	]*ZeroSsid\[32\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/mlme\.c'
+    defsnc '\(CH_FREQ_MAP\|struct[ ]rt_ch_freq_map\)[ ]CH_HZ_ID_MAP\[\][ ]\?=' 'drivers/staging/\(rt2860\|rt3090\)/common/rt_channel\.c'
+    defsnc '\(DOT11_REGULATORY_INFORMATION\|struct[ ]rt_dot11_regulatory_information\)[ ]\(USA\|Europe\|Japan\)RegulatoryInfo\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rt3090\|rt2860\)/common/spectrum\.c'
+    defsnc '\([ ][ ][ ][ ]\|[	]\)u_int32_t[ ]ralinkrate\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/rt_linux\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]uint32_t\|[}]\)[ ]nv04_graph_ctx_regs[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/char/drm/nv04_graph.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]nv10_graph_ctx_regs[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/char/drm/nv10_graph.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]\(dw\(210[24]\|3101\)\|s6[3x]0\)_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\|size_of_priv\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]zoom2_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-zoom2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(leadtek\|twinhan\|a_link\|msi\|mygictv\|kworld\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]usb_action[ ]\(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105axx\|ov7630c\|pb0330[3x]x\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\][ ]=[ ][{]\([*][/][;]\)\?[\n]' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]log10\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/zd_chip.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]static[ ]UINT32[ ]MD5Table\[64\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/md5\.c'
+    defsnc 'ULONG[ ][ ]*BIT32\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/rtmp_init\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]UINT8[ ]WPS_DH_\([PRX]\|RRModP\)_VALUE\[1\(9[23]\|84\)\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rt3090/common/crypt_biginteger.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]UINT32[ ]SHA256_K\[64\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rt3090/common/crpt_sha2.c
+    accept '[ *	]*0[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]1[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]2[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]3[\n][ *	]*0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1' 'net/\(netfilter\|ipv4\)/ipvs/ip_vs_sync\.c\|net/sctp/sm_make_chunk\.c\|include/linux/scpt\.h\|drivers/staging/rt3090/common/igmp_snoop\.c'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]ccitt_16Table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3090\)/common/rtmp_init\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]USHORT[ ]Sbox\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rt3090/sta/rtmp_ckipmic.c
+    accept '[	]len[ ]=[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]fn,[ ][&]data[)][;][\n][	]if[ ][^{]*[ ][{][\n][	][	 ]*printk[(]KERN_ERR[ ]["]sscape:' sound/oss/sscape.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]wm_vol\[256\][ ]=' 'sound/pci/ice1712/\(phase\|aureon\)\.c'
+    accept '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?\(static[ ]inline[ ]\)\?int[ ]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(]\(const[ ]struct[ ]firmware[ ][*][*]\|[\n][	]struct[ ]module[ ][*]\)' include/linux/firmware.h
+    blobname 'isl38\(77\|86\|90\)' drivers/net/wireless/prism54/islpci_dev.c
+    accept '[ ]*#[ ]*define[ ]\(STA_PROFILE\|CARD_INFO\)_PATH[	]*["][/]etc[/]Wireless[/]RT\(28[67]\|307\)0STA[/]RT\(28[67]\|307\)0STA\(Card\)\?\.dat["]' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/rt_linux\.h'
+    accept '#include[ ]["]rf\.h["][\n]#include[ ]["]firmware\.h["]' drivers/staging/vt6656/main_usb.c
+    blob '#include[ 	]*["]\(\.\.[/]\(\.\.[/]rt30[79]0[/]\)\?\)\?firmware\.h["]' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]\|309\)0/common/rtmp_\(init\|mcu\)\.c'
+    blobna 'Derived[ ]from[ ]proprietary[ ]unpublished[ ]source[ ]code' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    blobname 'atmel_at76c50\(2\([de]\|_3com\)\?\|4a\?\(_2958\)\?\|6\)\(\.bin\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c
+    blobna '\(pFirmwareImage[ ]=\([ ]FirmwareImage\(_\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0\)\?\|[\n 	]*[(]\(PUCHAR\|u8[ ][*]\)[)][&][\n 	]*FirmwareImage\(_\(28\|30\)70\)\?\[FIRMWAREIMAGE\(V[12]\)\?_LENGTH\]\)\|File[lL]ength[ ]=[ ]\(sizeof[(]FirmwareImage[)]\|FIRMWAREIMAGE\(V[12]\|_MAX\)\?_LENGTH\)\)[;]\([\n	 ]*\(pFirmwareImage[ ]=\([ ]FirmwareImage\(_\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0\)\?\|[\n 	]*[(]\(PUCHAR\|u8[ ][*]\)[)][&][\n 	]*FirmwareImage\(_\(28\|30\)70\)\?\[FIRMWAREIMAGE\(V[12]\)\?_LENGTH\]\)\|File[lL]ength[ ]=[ ]\(sizeof[(]FirmwareImage[)]\|FIRMWAREIMAGE\(V[12]\|_MAX\)\?_LENGTH\)\)[;]\)*' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|30[79]0\)/common/rtmp_init\.c'
+    blobname '\(nx\(romimg\|3fw\(ct\|mn\)\)\|phanfw\)\.bin' 'drivers/net/netxen/netxen_nic\(_\(hw\|init\)\.c\|\.h\)'
+    # The above are covered by the main Linux patterns.  The patterns
+    # below are to be kept in sync in the 2.6.33 block within the main
+    # Linux patterns, until 2.6.33 is released.
+    accept '[ ]*just[ ]run[ ]["]cat[ ][/]sys[/]firmware[/]acpi[/]tables[/]DSDT[ ]>[ ][/]tmp[/]dsdt[.]dat["]' Documentation/acpi/method-customizing.txt
+    accept '[ ]*b[)][ ]disassemble[ ]the[ ]table[ ]by[ ]running[ ]["]iasl[ ]-d[ ]dsdt[.]dat["][.]' Documentation/acpi/method-customizing.txt
+    accept '[ ]*x=["]7999\([ ][0-9]\+\)\+["]' Documentation/blockdev/drbd/DRBD-8.3-data-packets.svg
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]zoom_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-zoom-peripherals.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]x[48]_vectors\[\][ ]=' drivers/edac/amd64_edac.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]\(y\|uv\)_static_hcoeffs\[N_HORIZ_\(Y\|UV\)_TAPS[ ][*][ ]N_PHASES\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_overlay.c
+    accept '[	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]ec168_download_firmware,[\n][	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/ec168.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-ec168\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/ec168.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]dib0090_defaults\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib0090.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]dib0090_pll[ ]dib0090_pll_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib0090.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-ds3000\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    blob '[/][*][ ]\(as[ ]of[ ][^\n]*[ ]current[ ]DS3000[ ]firmware\|DS3000[ ]FW\)[^/]*[*][/]\([\n][/][*]\([ ]\(as[ ]of[ ][^\n]*[ ]current[ ]DS3000[ ]firmware\|DS3000[ ]FW\)[^/]*\|[(]DEBLOBBED[)]\)[*][/]\)*' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]ds3000_dvbs2\?_init_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]dvbs2_snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]cnr[ ]cnr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mb86a16.c
+    defsnc 'u8[ ]lgtdqcs001f_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/mantis/mantis_vp1033.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov9640_reg[ ]ov9640_regs_dflt\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov9640.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]static[ ]struct[ ]rj54n1_reg_val[ ]bank_[4578]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/rj54n1cb0c.c
+    blob '#define[ ]_FW_NAME[(]api[)][ ]DRV_NAME[ ]["][.]["][ ]#api[ ]["]\.fw["]' drivers/media/video/iwmc3200top.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]nandv2_hw_eccoob_largepage[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/mxc_nand.c
+    blob '#define[ ]FW_FILE_VERSION\([	]*[\\][\n][	]__stringify[(]BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION[)]\([ ]["][.]["]\)\?\)\+' drivers/net/bnx2x_main.c
+    blobname 'bnx2x-e1h\?-["][ ]FW_FILE_VERSION[ ]["]\.fw' drivers/net/bnx2x_main.c
+    blob '#define[ ]FW_VERSION\([ ]__stringify[(]FW_VERSION_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|MICRO\)[)]\([ ]["][.]["]\)\?\([	]*[\\][\n]\)\?\)\+' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    blobname 'cxgb3[/]t3fw-["][ ]FW_VERSION[ ]["]\.bin' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    blob '#define[ ]TPSRAM_VERSION\([ ]__stringify[(]TP_VERSION_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|MICRO\)[)]\([ ]["][.]["]\)\?\([	]*[\\][\n]\)\?\)\+' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    blobname 'cxgb3[/]t3\(%c\|[bc]\)_psram-["][ ]TPSRAM_VERSION[ ]["]\.bin' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rsshash\[40\][ ]=' drivers/net/igb/igb_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_302x\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800lib.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]conf_drv_settings[ ]default_conf[ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1271_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]bios_to_linux_keycode\[256\][ ]=' drivers/platform/x86/dell-wmi.c
+    accept '[	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]pm8001_ha->fw_image,' drivers/scsi/pm8001/pm8001_ctl.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vpdb0_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]vesa_mode_table[ ]vesa_mode\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sm7xx/smtcfb.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]ModeInit[ ]VGAMode\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sm7xx/smtcfb.h
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]hcf_8[ ]fw_image_[1234]_data\[\][ ]=[^;]*[;]\([ ]*[/][*][ ]fw_image_[1234]_data[ ][*][/]\)\?' 'drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/\(ap\|sta\)_h25\?\.c'
+    blobname '[/]etc[/]agere[/]fw\.bin' drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/wl_profile.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]long[ ]chan_freq_list\[\]\[MAX_CHAN_FREQ_MAP_ENTRIES\][ ]=' drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/wl_util.c
+    blobname 'scope\.cod' 'sound/isa/\(Kconfig\|sscape\.c\)'
+    blobname 'sndscape\.co\([?dx01234]\|%d\)' 'sound/\(isa/\(Kconfig\|sscape\.c\)\|oss/README\.OSS\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(adcm1700\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    blobname 'ath3k-1\.fw' drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.27*|*/patch*-2.6.31.*)
+    accept '[	]request_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]hit[ ]an[ ]OOPS' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.30*)
+    initnc '[}][ ]bclk_divs\[\][ ]=[ ][{]' sound/soc/codecs/wm8903.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.28-rc*)
+    # new in 2.6.28
+    accept '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]char[ ]\(inv\)\?parity\[256\][ ]=[ ][{][	 \n01,]*[}][;]' 'Documentation/mtd/nand_ecc\.txt\|drivers/mtd/nand/nand_ecc\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]\(bitsperbyte\|addressbits\)\[256\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/nand_ecc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pinmux_cfg_reg[ ]pinmux_config_regs\[\][ ]=' arch/sh/kernel/cpu/sh2a/pinmux-sh7203.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]e_keymap\[\][ ]=' drivers/hid/hid-lg.c
+    defsnc '[	][	]*struct[ ]phy_reg[ ]phy_reg_init_[01]\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    defsnc 'DEFINE_DEFAULT_PDR[(]0x0161,[ ]256,' drivers/net/wireless/hermes_dld.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]isink_cur\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/wm8350-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]\(converge_speed_ipb\?\|LAMBDA_table\[4\]\)\[101\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]addrinctab\[33\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(default_intra_quant_table\|\(val\|bits\)_[ad]c_\(lu\|chro\)minance\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]zz\[64\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc '[	]u16[ ]pack\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(initial\|channel\)_registers\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/go7007/wis-\(ov7640\|saa7113\|tw2804\).c'
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]MTO_One_Exchange_Time_Tbl_[ls]\[MTO_MAX_FRAG_TH_LEVELS\]\[MTO_MAX_DATA_RATE_LEVELS\][ ]=' drivers/staging/winbond/mto.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]\(al2230_txvga_data\|w89rf242_txvga_old_mapping\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/winbond/reg.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]UINT16[ ]crc16tab\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/wlan-ng/hfa384x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]UINT32[ ]wep_crc32_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/wlan-ng/p80211wep.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]wm_vol\[256\][ ]=' sound/pci/ice1712/phase.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8900_reg_defaults\[WM8900_MAXREG\][ ]=' sound/soc/wm8900.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]\(clk_sys_ratios\|bclk_divs\)\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/wm8903.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(leadtek\|twinhan\|a_link\|msi\|mygictv\|kworld\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]snr_table[ ]\(qpsk\|qam\(16\|64\)\)_snr_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regdesc[ ]\(ofsm_init\|tuner_init_\(env77h11d5\|mt2060\(_2\)\?\|mxl500\(3d\|5\)\|qt1010\|mc44s803\|unknown\|tda18271\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]stv0288_earda_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/eds1547.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]serit_sp1511lhb_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/si21xx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]stv0288_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/stv0288.c
+    blobname 'haup-ir-blaster\.bin' drivers/input/lirc/lirc_zilog.c
+    # Non-Free license in entire file.
+    blob 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]xilinx_firm\(_4610\)\?\[\][ ]=[ ][{]'"$sepx$blobpat*$sepx"'[}][;]' 'drivers/staging/me4000/me4\(00\|61\)0_firmware\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]struct[ ]PHY_UCODE[ ]PhyUcode\[\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' drivers/staging/sxg/sxgphycode.h
+    blob 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]SaharaUCode\[2\]\[57972\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' drivers/staging/sxg/saharadbgdownload.h
+    blob '#include[ ]["]saharadbgdownload\.h["]' drivers/staging/sxg/sxg.c
+    blob 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(Mojave\|Oasis\)UCode\[2\]\[65536\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' 'drivers/staging/slicoss/\(gb\|oasis\(dbg\)\?\)download\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(GB\|Oasis\)RcvUCode\[2560\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' 'drivers/staging/slicoss/\(gb\|oasis\)rcvucode\.h'
+    # ok from earlier releases
+    accept 'for[ ]i[ ]in[ ][ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do' 'Documentation/specialix.txt|Documentation/serial/specialix.txt'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]yyconst[ ]flex_int\(16\|32\)_t[ ]yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\][ ]=' '.*\.lex\.c_shipped'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)[ ]yy[^\n []*\[\][ ]=' '.*\.lex\.c_shipped'
+    initnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)[ ]yy[^\n []*\[\][ ]=[*][/][;]' '.*\.tab\.c_shipped'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]cipher_testvec[ ]\(aes\|anubis\|bf\|camellia\|cts_mode\|des3_ede\|cast6\|salsa20_stream\|serpent\|tf\|tnepres\|xeta\|x\?tea\)\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]comp_testvec[ ]\(deflate\|lzo\)_\(de\)\?comp_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]hash_testvec[ ]\(aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\|hmac_sha2\(24\|56\)\|\(sha\|wp\)\(256\|384\|512\)\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?RegInitializer[ ]initData\[\][ ]__initdata[ ]=' 'drivers/ide/ali14xx\.c\|drivers/ide/legacy/ali14xx\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]setup\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/ide/pci/delkin_cb\.c\|drivers/ide/delkin_cb\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6[ ]-[ ]XFER_UDMA_0[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' 'drivers/ide/sis5513\.c\|drivers/ide/pci/sis5513\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(act\|ini\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\][ ]=' 'drivers/ide/sis5513\.c\|drivers/ide/pci/sis5513\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]speedtab[ ]\[3\]\[12\][ ]=' 'drivers/ide/umc8672\.c\|drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672\.c'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(effects\|gamma\)_table\[\(MAX_[A-Z]*\|[A-Z]*_MAX\)\]\[[0-9]*\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t631.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]\(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\][ ]=' net/wireless/b43/phy.c
+    accept '#define[ ]_MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE[	]\\[\n][	]\(0,\)\+$' 'drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment\.h\|include/linux/map_to_7segment\.h'
+    accept '[ *	]*0[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]1[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]2[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]3[\n][ *	]*0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1' 'net/\(netfilter\|ipv4\)/ipvs/ip_vs_sync\.c\|net/sctp/sm_make_chunk\.c\|include/linux/scpt\.h\|drivers/staging/rt3090/common/igmp_snoop\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]wm_vol\[256\][ ]=' sound/pci/ice1712/phase.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/zr36060\.c\|drivers/media/video/zoran/zr36060\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/zr36060\.c\|drivers/media/video/zoran/zr36060\.c'
+    # These are removed in 2.6.28, they're here so --reverse-patch tests pass.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]irq_xlate\[32\][ ]=' arch/sparc/kernel/sun4m_irq.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/hid/hid-input.c
+    initc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(read_indexs\|n\(set\)\?[0-9]*\|missing\)\[[0-9x]*\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u_char[ ]nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/nand_ecc.c
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_\(11[ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\)[ ]' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath_hal[ ]ar5416hal[ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/hw.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]INIT_2\[127\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap/lcd_sx1.c
+    initc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]ov7630_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.27-rc* | */patch*-2.6.26-git* | */git-linus.diff)
+    accept '[	]\.section[ ]__ex_table,["]a["]'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]cipher_testvec[ ]des3_ede_cbc_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n][	]\.byte[ ]0x09,[ ]0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\([;]\?[	]\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\([;]\?[	]\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept ':03000000020200F9[\n]:040023000205\(9B0037\|5F0073\)[\n]\(:050030000000000000CB[\n]\|:0400430002010000B6[\n]\)*'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]:\(0E06E0006400670065007400060334003700F4\|0606A000060334003700E0\)[\n]:00000001FF[\n]' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).HEX'
+    accept ':100000000C004000000000000000000000000000A4[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n][/][*][ ]DSP56001[ ]bootstrap[ ]code[ ][*][/]' firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.bin.ihex
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]uda1380_reg\[UDA1380_CACHEREGNUM\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/uda1380.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]atkbd_set[23]_keycode\[512\][ ]=' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\][ ]=' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]usb_kbd_keycode\[256\][ ]=' drivers/hid/usbhid/usbkbd.c
+    initnc '[	][	]u8[ ]buf,[ ]bufs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_pll_desc[ ][^\n]*[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]int[ ]sysdiv_to_div_x_2\[\][ ]=' arch/powerpc/platforms/512x/clock.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cx_inits_\(176\|320\|352\|640\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cx_jpeg_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cxjpeg_\(640\|352\|320\|176\|qtable\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]quant\[\]\[0x88\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]huffman\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initc '[	]\?static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]norm_76[1247]0\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pac7311_jpeg_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(start\|page[34]\)_73\(02\|11\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]init\(Hv7131\|Ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|Pas\(106\|202\)\|Tas51[13]0\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(hv7131\|ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|pas\(106\|202\)\|tas51[13]0\)_sensor_init\(_com\)\?\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?__u8[ ]\(hv7131r\|mi0360\|mo4000\|ov76\([36]0\|48\)\|om6802\)_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]qtable4\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]\(spca500_visual\|Clicksmart510\)_defaults\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]qtable_\(creative_pccam\|kodak_ez200\|pocketdv\)\[2\]\[64\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]spca501c\?_\(\(3com\|arowana\|mysterious\)_\)\?\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca501.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__u16\|u8\)[ ]spca505b\?_\(init\|open\)_data\(_ccd\)\?\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca505.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]spca508\(cs110\|_sightcam2\?\|_vista\)\?_init_data\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca508.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]spca561_init_data\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca561.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]spca504\(_pccam600\|A_clicksmart420\)_\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]qtable_\(creative_pccam\|spca504_default\)\[2\]\[64\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(effects\|gamma\)_table\[MAX_[A-Z]*\]\[[0-9]*\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t631.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]tas5130a_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(read_indexs\|n\(set\)\?[0-9]*\(_other\)\?\|missing\)\[[0-9x]*\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(mi13[12]0\|po3130\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?initQ\?VGA_\(JPG\|data\)\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]usb_action[ ]\(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105axx\|ov7630c\|pb0330[3x]x\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_agc\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]t10_dif_crc_table\[256\][ ]=' lib/crc-t10dif.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]crb_128M_2M_block_map_t[ ]crb_128M_2M_map\[64\][ ]=' drivers/net/netxen/netxen_hw.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]crc10_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/usb/serial/safe_serial.c
+    accept '[ 	]*\([ ]*0\)*\([ ]*1\)*[\n][ 	]*0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]*2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7' 'Documentation/bt8xxgpio.txt'
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]int[ ]exp_lut\[256\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]bf_pbox\[16[ ][+][ ]2\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]bf_sbox\[256[ ][*][ ]4\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]sample_\(german_\(all\|old\)\|american_\(dialtone\|ringing\|busy\)\|special[123]\|silence\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'struct[ ]pattern[ ][{][^}]*int[ ]tone[;][^}]*[}][ ]pattern\[\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\([au]\|_4\)law_to_\([ua]law\|4bit\)\[256\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_codec.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]banner_table\[\][ ]=' arch/sh/boards/mach-microdev/led.c
+    initnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]\(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned[ ]\)\?\(short\([ ]int\)\?\|char\)\)[ ]yy[^[]*\[\][ ]=[*][/][;]' scripts/genksyms/parse.c_shipped
+    accept 'irq_prio_\([hdl]\|l[cd]\):'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/arm/inlcude/asm/hardware/entry-macro-iomd.S
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]desc_idx_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/include/asm/hardware/iop3xx-adma.h
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(hv7131r\|mi0360\|mo4000\|ov76\(60\|48\)\)_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath_hal[ ]ar5416hal[ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/hw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]ar\(5416\|9280\)\(Modes\(_fast_clock\)\?\|Common\|BB_RfGain\|Bank6\(TPC\)\?\|Addac\)\(_91[06]0\(1_1\)\?\|_9280\(_2\)\?\)\?\[\]\[[236]\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/initvals.h
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-gspca-git.patch)
+    # Probably for 2.6.28 or .29.
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]ov\(534\|772x\)_reg_initdata\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mi\(0360\|13[12]0\)\|po\(1200\|3130\)\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?_\?[iI]nit\(Q\?V\|SX\)GA\(_\(JPG\|data\)\)\?\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    # Already in 2.6.27.
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]initOv6650\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc '[	][/][*][ ]Some[ ]more[ ]unknown[ ]stuff[ ][*][/]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]ov7648_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    # No merge needed
+    defsnc '#if[ ]0[\n][	][{]0x30,[ ]0x0154,[ ]0x0008[}],' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    ;;
+  */linux*alsa*.patch)
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]tas3004_treble_table\[\][ ]=' sound/aoa/codecs/tas-basstreble.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]wm_vol\[256\][ ]=' sound/pci/ice1712/phase.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8900_reg_defaults\[WM8900_MAXREG\][ ]=' sound/soc/wm8900.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]\(clk_sys_ratios\|bclk_divs\)\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/wm8903.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static[ ]u64[ ]vec2off\[68\][ ]=' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "[	][	][	]interrupts[ ]=[ ]<\\(0x\\)\\?3[ ]\\(0x\\)\\?0[ ]\\(0x\\)\\?0[ ][ ]$blobpat*>[;]" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]crctab32\[\][ ]=' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u64[ ]sha512_K\[80\][ ]=' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]hash_testvec[ ]\(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]cipher_testvec[ ]\(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '[	][	]\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*=[ ][{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]speedtab[ ]\[3\]\[12\][ ]=' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6[ ]-[ ]XFER_UDMA_0[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mt2131_config1\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mt2266_init2\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16[ ]e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\)[ ]e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_11[ABG][ ]' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '[	][{][ ]1,[ ]MODULATION_XR,[ ]1000,[ ]2,[ ]139,[ ]1[ ][}],[	]' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_mode[ ]rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]yyconst[ ]flex_int\(16\|32\)_t[ ]yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\][ ]=' '.*\.lex\.c_shipped'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)[ ]yy[^\n []*\[\][ ]=' '.*\.lex\.c_shipped'
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]mse2snr_tab[ ]\(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]\(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '[}][ ]itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '[}][ ]\(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '[}][ ]snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]biphase_tbl\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]mpeg_hdr_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]reg_init_initialize\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '[	][}][ ]vals\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\][ ]=' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob 'unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\)[ ]=[ ]'"$sepx$blobpat*$sepx[;]" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '[}][ ]pll_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "[ ][ ][{][ ]0x00014284,[ ][ ]19688[ ][}],[\n][ ][ ][{][ ]0x00011104,[ ][ ]20400[ ][}],[\n][ ][ ][{][ ]$blobpat*[ ][}]," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm9713_reg\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]uchar[ ]sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]'
+    accept '[	][$]3[ ]=[ ][{][{]pge[ ]=[ ][{][{]ste[ ]=[ ][{]\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\)[ ]=\|<repeats[ ][0-9]\+[ ]times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats[ ]11[ ]times>[}]$'
+    initnc 'static[ ]yyconst[ ]flex_int\(16\|32\)_t[ ]yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)[ ]yy[^[]*\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]int[ ]bcomm_irq\[3[*]16\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]int8[ ]countLeadingZerosHigh\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]long[ ]shmedia_opcode_table\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'u_char[ ]const[ ]data_sizes_16\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_char[ ]const[ ]data_sizes_32\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	][	]\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ][^\n]*_testvec[ ][^\n]*_tv_template\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nic_qp_map[ ]nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mt2266_init2\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval[ ]ov_initvals\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval[ ]stk1125_initvals\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]arb_line[ ]read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]arb_line[ ]write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]='
+    initnc 'uint16_t[ ]e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]='
+    initnc 'uint16_t[ ]e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]='
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\)[ ]' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '[	][	][}][ ]blinkrates\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini[ ]ar5212_ini\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5111\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5112\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5112a\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5413\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225_agc\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\][ ]='
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]\([ ]49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]\([ ]49,\)*$'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]wm_vol\[256\][ ]='
+    accept 'domain<N>[ ]<cpumask>[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]10[ ]11[ ]12[ ]13[ ]14[ ]15[ ]16[ ]17[ ]18[ ]19[ ]20[ ]21[ ]22[ ]23[ ]24[ ]25[ ]26[ ]27[ ]28[ ]29[ ]30[ ]31[ ]32[ ]33[ ]34[ ]35[ ]36$'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    accept '[	]24[ ]=>[ ]\[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*[	]\]\(,[ ][0-9]\+[ ]=>[ ]\[\)\?$'
+    accept '[	][	]'"[']"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*[	]\]\([,][ ][0-9]\+[ ]=>[ ]\[\)\?$'
+    initnc 'const[ ]u\(8\|16\|32\)[ ]b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\][ ]='
+    ;;
+  */*drm*.patch)
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]cayman_io_mc_regs\[BTC_IO_MC_REGS_SIZE\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/ni.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]v_table[ ]v_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_dma.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]est3_modes\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]r[67]xx_default_state\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r600_blit_shaders.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]nv17_tv_norm_params[ ]nv17_tv_norms\[NUM_TV_NORMS\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nv17_tv_modes.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]atom_dst_to_src\[8\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/atom.c
+    blobname 'matrox[/]g[24]00_warp\.fw' drivers/gpu/drm/mga/mga_warp.c
+    blobname 'r128[/]r128_cce\.bin' drivers/gpu/drm/r128/r128_cce.c
+    blobname 'radeon[/]R\([123]0\|[45]2\|S6[09]\)0_cp\.bin' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r100.c
+    blobname 'radeon[/]\(R\(60\|V6[1237]\|S7[1378]\)[05]\|%s\)_\(pfp\|me\)\.bin' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r600.c
+    # linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch, nouveau-drm*.patch,
+    # drm-fedora9-rollup.patch
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]filter_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/char/drm/intel_tv.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]uint32_t\|[}]\)[ ]nv04_graph_ctx_regs[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/char/drm/nv04_graph.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]nv1[07]_graph_ctx_regs[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/char/drm/nv10_graph.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]common_modes\[17\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_connectors.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]types\[256\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_vram.c
+    # drm-upgrayedd.patch
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]\(y\|uv\)_static_hcoeffs\[N_HORIZ_\(Y\|UV\)_TAPS[ ][*][ ]N_PHASES\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_overlay.c
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free Software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static[ ]uint32_t[ ]nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/char/drm/nv40_graph.c|.*'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6*-lirc.patch | */lirc-*.patch)
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]map_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/input/lirc/lirc_ttusbir.c
+    blobname 'haup-ir-blaster\.bin' drivers/input/lirc/lirc_zilog.c
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6*-at76.patch)
+    blobname 'atmel_at76c50\(3-\(i386[13]\|rfmd\(-acc\)\?\)\|5\(a\(mx\)\?\)\?-rfmd\(2958\)\?\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/at76_usb/at76_usb.c
+    ;;
+  */v4l1*.patch)
+    accept '[(]at[ ]which[ ]point[ ]it[ ]should[ ]use[ ]request_firmware'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-v4l-dvb*.patch)
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]hid_keyboard\[256\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/hid/hid-input.c
+  # post 2.6.37 fixes start here
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]dib0090_pll[ ]dib0090_p1g_pll_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib0090.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]sine\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]fe_info\[44\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib9000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]regval_list[ ]ov2640_init_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov2640.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]technisat_usb2_devices[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*\([	]\.identify_state[ ]*=[ ]technisat_usb2_identify_state,[\n]\)\?[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/technisat-usb2.c
+    # present in 2.6.37
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]lme2510c\?_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*\([	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]lme2510_download_firmware,[\n]\)\?[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    accept '[	]\+request_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]hit[ ]an[ ]OOPS' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    # post 2.6.35 fixes start here
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]def_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/tuners/tda18218.c
+    accept '[	]p7500->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]lme2510c\?_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*\([	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]lme2510_download_firmware,[\n]\)\?[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-lme2510c\?-\(lg\|s7395\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]s7395_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.h
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]struct[ ]regdesc[ ]\(ofsm_init\|tuner_init_\(env77h11d5\|mt2060\(_2\)\?\|mxl500\(3d\|5\)\|qt1010\|mc44s803\|unknown\|tda18271\)\)\[\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    blobname 'lgs8g75\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/lgs8gxxx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regdata[ ]mb86a20s_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mb86a20s.c
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ][*][/][;][\n][	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]["][/][*][(]DEBLOBBED[)][*][/]["],[\n][	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]m920x_firmware_download' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regdata[ ]s921_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s921.c
+    blobname 'v4l-cx23885-enc\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx23885/cx23885-417.c
+    initc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]struct[ ]idxdata[ ]tbl_common\(_[a-e]\|5\|_\?3B\?\)\[\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/media/video/gspca/gl860/gl860-\(mi2020\|mi1320\|ov9655\|ov2640\)\.c'
+    initc '[	]\?static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]norm_7660\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_regvals[ ]bridge_ov7660\[2\]\[10\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]fr_tb\[2\]\[6\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]brit_7660\[\]\[7\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]contrast_7660\[\]\[31\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]colors_7660\[\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\(\][ ]=[ ][{]\)\?\([*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pas202_sensor_init\[\]\[8\(\][ ]=[ ][{]\)\?\([*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mt9v111\|sp80708\|hv7131[rd]\|mi0360b\?\|mo4000\|ov76\([36]0\|48\)\|om6802\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ucbus_write_cmd[ ]\(icx098bq\|lz24bp\)_start_[012]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sq930x.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]capconfig\[4\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sq930x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rca_initdata\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/xirlink_cit.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]usb_action[ ]\(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105a\(xx\)\?\|ov7630c\|mt9v111_[13]\|pb0330\([3x]x\)\?\|mi0360soc\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    blobname 'NXP7164-2010-03-10\.1\.fw' drivers/media/video/saa7164/saa7164-fw.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]map_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/input/lirc/lirc_ttusbir.c
+    blobname 'haup-ir-blaster\.bin' drivers/input/lirc/lirc_zilog.c
+    # removed bits
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(leadtek\|twinhan\|a_link\|msi\|mygictv\|kworld\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(avermedia\(_ks\)\?\|digittrade\|trekstor\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]keyboard_layout_map_t[ ]keyboard_layout_maps\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/siano/smsir.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(u16\|struct[ ]i2c_reg_u16\)[ ]\(bridge\|mt9\(v\(11[12]\|011\)\|m001\)\)_init\[\]\(\[2\]\)\?[ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(gc0307\|po2030n\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]\(=[ ][{]\)\?\([*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]poxxxx_init\(_common\|Q\?VGA\|_end_1\)\[\]\[4\][ ]\(=[ ][{]\)\?\([*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    # post 2.6.33 fixes start here
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]i2c_reg_u8[ ]ov9655_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(gc0307\|po2030n\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    # rebase-gspca-to-latest 2.6.33ish starts here
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init\(_2\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534_9.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]bridge_start_\([qs]\?v\|x\)ga\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534_9.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(start\|page3\)_7302\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7302.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]init_command[ ]\(spy\|cif\|ms350\|genius\|vivitar\)_start_commands\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c2028.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]initOv6650\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]ov6650_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=[*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pas202_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(adcm1700\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]hv7131r_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]po1030_sensor_param1\[\]\[8\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(mi1320\|po3130\)_initVGA_data\[\]\[4\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]poxxxx_init\(_common\|Q\?VGA\|_end_1\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]gamma_tb\[6\]\[16\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    # rebase-gspca-to-latest ends here
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(avermedia\(_ks\)\?\|digittrade\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]au8522_register_config[ ]lpfilter_coef\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522_decoder.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]mse2snr_tab[ ]\(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]\(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]jpeg_head\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init_ov965x\(_2\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]probe_tb\[\]\[4\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__u16\|u8\)[ ]spca505b\?_\(init\|open\)_data\(_ccd\)\?\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca505.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]n4_lt168g\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(read_indexs\|n\(set\)\?[0-9]*\(_other\)\?\|missing\)\[[0-9x]*\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]eeprom_data\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/gspca/tv8532.c
+    initnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]spca508_vista_init_data\[\]\[3\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca508.c
+    defsc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]mi1310_socinitVGA_JPG\[\]\[4\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    initc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mi\(0360\|13[12]0\)\|po\(1200\|3130\)\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?_\?[iI]nit\(Q\?V\|SX\)GA\(_\(JPG\|data\)\)\?\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]__clz_tab\[\][ ]='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev*.patch | \
+  */linux-2.6.27-net-r8169-2.6.28.patch)
+    defsnc '[	][	]*struct[ ]phy_reg[ ]phy_reg_init_[01]\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch | */linux-2.6-ath5k.patch | \
+  */git-wireless-dev.patch | */linux-2.6-zd1211rw-mac80211.patch)
+    initnc 'const[ ]u\(8\|16\|32\)[ ]b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]\(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power[ ]power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]gain_entry[ ]gain_table\[2\]\[108\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_5222\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_5225_2527\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt73usb.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_5226\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt73usb.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2522\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2523\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2524\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2525\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2528\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt73usb.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_noseq\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_seq\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]t\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225_agc\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5111\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5112\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5112a\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5413\[\][ ]='
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_11A[ ]'
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_11B[ ]'
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_11G[ ]'
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_TURBO[ ]'
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_XR[ ]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini[ ]ar5212_ini\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_mode[ ]rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '[	][	][}][ ]blinkrates\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_agc\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ]sudo[ ]modprobe[ ]ath5k[ ]debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\.[ ]etc[ ]\]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]540[ ]000c[ ]0000[ ]0000'
+    oprepline '[	][{][ ]1,[ ]MODULATION_XR,[ ]3000,[ ]1,[ ]150,[ ]3[ ][}],'
+    # Fedora 8ish kernel-xen builds
+    initnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]crc_itu_t_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tkip_sbox\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_mode[ ]ar5211_ini_mode\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_mode[ ]ar5212_rf511[12]_ini_mode\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]log10\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]rf_vals_abg_5222\[\][ ]='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    ;;
+  */deblob-check-testsuite/*)
+    accept 'accept[(][^)]*[)]'
+    blobname 'blob[(][^)]*[)]'
+    blobname 'blobeol[^\n]*[\n]'
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([ 	\\n]*\\(\\([ 	\\n]\\|[,:{}LlUu\"\'\\\\][,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]*\\)[xX\$]\\?\\|[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	][ 	]*[\$]\\?\\)\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with at least the number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n=]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]\\|$comment\\)*[{]\\([^;]\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]\\|$comment\\)*[}]\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)[;]\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	][^\n]*\([\\][\n][^\n]*\)*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*:\\([^:{}]\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sed_main () {
+  falsepos=`${SED-sed} -n 's,^[+]\^*,,p' < "$regex_name" |
+    ${SED-sed} -n -e 's,[$]$,\\\\([\\\\n]\\\\|$\\\\),' \
+	-e '1h; 1!H; ${g;s,[\n],\\\\|,g;s,^\(..*\)$,\\\\(\1\\\\),;p;}'`
+  blobs=`${SED-sed} -n 's,^[-],,p' < "$regex_name" |
+    ${SED-sed} -n -e 's,[$]$,\\\\([\\\\n]\\\\|$\\\\),' \
+	-e '1h; 1!H; ${g;s,[\n],\\\\|,g;s,^\(..*\)$,\\\\(\1\\\\),;p;}'`
+  # Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+  # intervening line breaks.
+  sblobctx="\\(\\([^\\n]\\|[/][*](DEBLOB-\\nBED)[*][/]\\)*$blobs\\)\\+"
+  # Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+  lblobctx="\\($initblob\\|$defineblob\\|$asmblob\\|$sblobctx\\)"
+  if test "X$falsepos" != X; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g
+  b falsepos
+  else
+    falsepos="$.^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  $echo "#! /bin/sed -nf
+/^[\\n]\\?;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4
+  d
+# /^;[/][*]begin /!{
+#   : internal_error
+#   $v:internal_error
+#   s,.*,Internal error at\\n&[\\n]/*(DEBLOB-\\nERROR)*/,;
+#   q 2
+# }
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H
+  n
+  b read_more
+$v:read all
+s/^\\(;[/][*]begin [^\\n]*[\\n]\\)*//
+s/\\($bol[\n]\?;[/][*]\\(end [^\\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//
+/$blobs/!b clean
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobs/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  # s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g
+  s/$blobs/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g
+  p
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobs/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)/\\1\/*(DEBLOB-\\nBED)*\//
+    h
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\).*/\\1/
+    $v:matched false positive
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      b print_blobs_match_loop
+    }
+    G
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+  /^$falsepos[/][*](DEBLOB-\\nBED)[*][/]/! {
+    s/^$falsepos//
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+/^\([^\\n]\|[/][*](DEBLOB-\\nBED)[*][/]\)*$blobs/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobs\\).*//
+  $v:matched non-blob header
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+::: $file :::
+: print_blobs_output_false_positive
+/[^\\n]*[/][*](DEBLOB-[\\n]BED)[*][/]/ {
+  P
+  s,^[^\\n]*[\\n],,
+  b print_blobs_output_false_positive
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobs/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)/\\1\/*(DEBLOB-\\nBED)*\//
+    h
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\).*/\\1/
+    $v:matched false positive
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    }
+    G
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+  /^$falsepos[/][*](DEBLOB-\\nBED)[*][/]/! {
+    s/^falsepos//
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+/^\([^\\n]\|[/][*](DEBLOB-\\nBED)[*][/]\)*$blobs/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobs\\).*//
+  $v:matched non-blob header
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+::: $file :::
+: print_marked_blobs_output_false_positive
+/[^\\n]*[/][*](DEBLOB-[\\n]BED)[*][/]/ {
+  P
+  s,^[^\\n]*[\\n],,
+  b print_marked_blobs_output_false_positive
+$v:narrowed to blob
+# s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobs/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)/\\1\/*(DEBLOB-\\nBED)*\//
+    h
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\).*/\\1/
+    $v:matched false positive
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop
+    }
+    G
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+  /^$falsepos[/][*](DEBLOB-\\nBED)[*][/]/! {
+    s/^$falsepos//
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//
+  $v:matched non-blob header
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+::: $file :::
+: print_cblobs_output_false_positive
+/[^\\n]*[/][*](DEBLOB-[\\n]BED)[*][/]/ {
+  P
+  s,^[^\\n]*[\\n],,
+  b print_cblobs_output_false_positive
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobs/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)/\\1\/*(DEBLOB-\\nBED)*\//
+    h
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\).*/\\1/
+    $v:matched false positive
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    }
+    G
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+  /^$falsepos[/][*](DEBLOB-\\nBED)[*][/]/! {
+    s/^$falsepos//
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//
+  $v:matched non-blob header
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+::: $file :::
+: print_marked_cblobs_output_false_positive
+/[^\\n]*[/][*](DEBLOB-[\\n]BED)[*][/]/ {
+  P
+  s,^[^\\n]*[\\n],,
+  b print_marked_cblobs_output_false_positive
+$v:narrowed to blob
+# s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobs\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobs\\).*//
+  $v:matched non-blob header
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//
+  p
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:narrowed to match
+  # s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g
+  s/$blobs/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobs/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)/\\1\/*(DEBLOB-\\nBED)*\//
+    h
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\).*/\\1\\n/
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      P
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      b list_blobs_match_loop
+    }
+    G
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+  h
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/
+  p
+  g
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+/^[^\\n]*$blobs/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobs\\).*//
+  p
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:narrowed to blob
+# s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobs\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobs\\).*//
+  p
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:narrowed to blob
+# s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both
+" > "$scriptname"
+  scriptcmd='${SED-sed} -n -f "$scriptname"'
+  case $vp in
+  [01]) xv= ;;
+  2) xv='# ';;
+  esac
+  sedunbreak='
+: restart
+/[/][*](DEBLOB-$/ {
+  N
+  /[/][*](DEBLOB-[\n]ERROR)[*][/]/{q 1;}'"
+  b restart
+  scriptcmd2='${SED-sed} -n -e "$sedunbreak"'
+set_flex_main () {
+  adjust_rx='
+s,[+]$, { falsepos (); },
+s,[-]$, { blob (); },
+  echo '%%' > "$scriptname"
+  ${SED-sed} "$adjust_rx" < "$regex_name" >> "$scriptname"
+  echo '\n|. { unmatched (); }
+int falsepos () {}
+int blob () {}
+int unmatched () {}
+' >> "$scriptname"
+  scriptcmd=false
+set_python_main () {
+  adjust_rx='
+  cat >> "$scriptname" <<EOF
+#! /usr/bin/python
+import sys
+import re
+# Should we replace blobs and false positives with replacement?
+replace_blob = 0
+replace_falsepos = 0
+replacement = '/*(DEBLOBBED)*/'
+# Should we print lines containing blobs, false positives, and neither?
+print_blob = 0
+with_context = 0
+print_falsepos = 0
+print_nomatch = 0
+# Should we print the input stack if we find blobs or false positives?
+list_blob = 0
+list_falsepos = 0
+# Should we forget everything we know about false positives?
+falsepos = None
+no_falsepos = 0
+verbose = $vp
+# Which of the defaults above should we override?
+$@ = 1
+  if test "X$DEBLOB_CHECK_PYTHON_REGEX" = Xdebug; then
+    ${SED-sed} -e 's,^[+-],,' -e "$adjust_rx" \
+	-e "s,.*,re.compile (r'&'),g" \
+	< "$regex_name" >> "$scriptname"
+  fi
+  ${SED-sed} -n 's,^[+],,p' < "$regex_name" |
+    ${SED-sed} -n -e "$adjust_rx" -e 's,\^,,' \
+	-e '1h; 1!H; $ { g; s,[\n],|,g; '"\
+s,^\\(.*\\)\$,falsepos = r'(?P<falsepos>\\1)',;\
+"' p;}' >> "$scriptname"
+  ${SED-sed} -n 's,^[-],,p' < "$regex_name" |
+    ${SED-sed} -n -e "$adjust_rx" \
+	-e '1h; 1!H; $ { g; s,[\n],|,g; '"\
+s,^\\(.*\\)\$,blob = r'(?P<blob>\\1)',;\
+"' p;}' >> "$scriptname"
+  echo "\\($initblob\\|$defineblob\\|$asmblob\\)" |
+    ${SED-sed} -e "$adjust_rx" \
+        -e "s,^\\(.*\\)\$,cblob = r'(?P<cblob>\\1)'," >> "$scriptname"
+  cat >> "$scriptname" <<\EOF
+if no_falsepos or falsepos is None:
+    falsepos = r'(?!)'
+rx = '^%s|%s' % (falsepos, blob)
+if with_context:
+    rx += '|^' + cblob
+rxc = re.compile('(?<=.)(?:%s)' % rx, re.M | re.S)
+filenames = None
+s = '\n'
+for line in sys.stdin:
+    # Read into s all lines between begin and end.  An empty line, without
+    # even the '\n', flags the end of the input.
+    if line[:3] == ';/*' and line[-4:] == '*/;\n':
+        if line[3:9] == 'begin ':
+            nextfilenames = (line[9:-4], filenames)
+            if s == '\n':
+                filenames = nextfilenames
+                del nextfilenames
+                continue
+        elif line[3:7] == 'end ':
+	    #if print_blob and not print_nomatch:
+	    # from time import time
+	    # sys.stderr.write('%i %i %s\n' % (time(), len(s), filenames[0]))
+            assert line[7:-4] == filenames[0]
+            nextfilenames = filenames[1]
+        else:
+            assert filenames != None
+            s += line
+            continue
+    else:
+        assert filenames != None
+        s += line
+        continue
+    if verbose:
+            print('looking for matches')
+            sfilenames = filenames
+            while filenames != None:
+                if filenames[1] is None:
+                    print(filenames[0])
+                else:
+                    print(filenames[0] + ' within')
+                filenames = filenames[1]
+            filenames = sfilenames
+    if s[-1] == '\n':
+        s = s[:-1]
+    pp = 1
+    p = pend = 0
+    match = (s, p)
+    while match != None:
+        firstmatch = match
+        blobs = falses = 0
+        while 1:
+            if verbose:
+                print('found match')
+            what = match.lastgroup
+            if what == 'cblob':
+                if verbose: print('match is a blob context')
+                pend = s.find ('\n', match.end()) + 1
+                if pend == 0:
+                    pend = len(s)
+                p = match.start() + 1
+                blob_p = 2
+            else:
+                blob_p = what == 'blob'
+                assert blob_p or what == 'falsepos'
+                if blob_p:
+                    if verbose: print('match is a blob')
+                    blobs += 1
+                else:
+                    if verbose: print('match is a false positive')
+                    falses += 1
+                if blob_p and replace_blob or not blob_p and replace_falsepos:
+                    s = s[:match.start(what)] + replacement + s[match.end(what):]
+                    p = match.start(what) + len(replacement)
+                    if pend > match.start(what):
+                        pend += p - match.end(what)
+                else:
+                    p = match.end(what)
+                if p > pend:
+                    pend = s.find ('\n', p) + 1
+                    if (pend == 0):
+                        pend = len(s)
+            match = (s, p)
+            if match is None or match.start () >= pend or \
+	       (blob_p and not print_blob and not falses) or \
+	       (not blob_p and not print_falsepos and not blobs):
+                break
+        if print_nomatch:
+            sys.stdout.write (s[pp:firstmatch.start() + 1])
+            pp = firstmatch.start() + 1
+        else:
+            pp = s.rfind ('\n', 0, firstmatch.start () + 1) + 1
+        if print_blob and blobs or print_falsepos and falses:
+            if not print_nomatch:
+                sfilenames = filenames
+                while filenames != None:
+                    print('::: ' + filenames[0] + ' :::')
+                    filenames = filenames[1]
+                filenames = sfilenames
+            sys.stdout.write (s[pp:pend])
+            pp = pend
+        if list_blob and blobs or list_falsepos and falses:
+            while filenames != None:
+                if filenames[1] is None:
+                    print(filenames[0])
+                else:
+                    print (filenames[0] + ' within')
+                filenames = filenames[1]
+            exit (1)
+    if print_nomatch:
+        sys.stdout.write(s[pp:])
+    if verbose:
+        print('no further matches')
+    s = '\n'
+    filenames = nextfilenames
+    del nextfilenames
+assert filenames is None
+exit (0)
+  scriptcmd="${PYTHON-python} "'"$scriptname"'
+set_perl_main () {
+  adjust_rx='
+  # Add $ before arguments
+  set `echo "$@" | sed 's,\(^\|= *\),&$,g'`
+  cat >> "$scriptname" <<\EOF
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# Should we replace blobs and false positives with replacement?
+my $replace_blob = 0;
+my $replace_falsepos = 0;
+my $replacement = '/*(DEBLOBBED)*/';
+# Should we print lines containing blobs, false positives, and neither?
+my $print_blob = 0;
+my $with_context = 0;
+my $print_falsepos = 0;
+my $print_nomatch = 0;
+# Should we print the input stack and exit if we find blobs or false positives?
+my $list_blob = 0;
+my $list_falsepos = 0;
+# Should we forget everything we know about false positives?
+my $falsepos;
+my $no_falsepos = 0;
+  cat >> "$scriptname" <<EOF
+my \$verbose = $vp;
+# Which of the defaults above should we override?
+$@ = 1;
+  ${SED-sed} -n 's,^[+],,p' < "$regex_name" |
+    ${SED-sed} -n -e "$adjust_rx" -e 's,\^,,' \
+	-e '1h; 1!H; $ { g; s,[\n],|,g; '"\
+s,^\\(.*\\)\$,\$falsepos = qr'(?<falsepos>\\1)'ms;,;\
+"' p;}' >> "$scriptname"
+  ${SED-sed} -n 's,^[-],,p' < "$regex_name" |
+    ${SED-sed} -n -e "$adjust_rx" \
+	-e '1h; 1!H; $ { g; s,[\n],|,g; '"\
+s,^\\(.*\\)\$,my \$blob = qr'(?<blob>\\1)'ms;,;\
+"' p;}' >> "$scriptname"
+  echo "\\($initblob\\|$defineblob\\|$asmblob\\)" |
+    ${SED-sed} -e "$adjust_rx" \
+        -e "s,^\\(.*\\)\$,my \$cblob = qr'(?<cblob>\\1)'ms if \$with_context;," >> "$scriptname"
+  cat >> "$scriptname" <<\EOF
+$falsepos = qr/(?<falsepos>(?!))/ if $no_falsepos || ! defined $falsepos;
+my $rx = qr/^$falsepos|$blob/ms;
+$rx = qr/$rx|^$cblob/ms if $with_context;
+my @filenames;
+my $nfilenames = 0;
+my $nextnfilenames;
+my $s = '';
+while (<STDIN>) {
+    # Read into s all lines between begin and end.  An empty line, without
+    # even the '\n', flags the end of the input.
+    if (m:^[;][/][*](begin|end) (.*)[*][/][;]$:) {
+	if ($1 eq 'begin') {
+	    print "entering $2\n" if $verbose;
+	    $filenames[$nfilenames] = $2;
+	    $nextnfilenames = $nfilenames + 1;
+	    if ($s eq '') {
+		$nfilenames = $nextnfilenames;
+		next;
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    $nextnfilenames = $nfilenames - 1;
+	    print "processing $filenames[$nextnfilenames]\n" if $verbose;
+	}
+    } else {
+	$s .= $_;
+	next;
+    }
+    if ($verbose) {
+	print "looking for matches in\n";
+	for (my $i = $nfilenames; --$i > 0; ) {
+	    print $filenames[$i], " within\n";
+	}
+	print $filenames[0], "\n";
+    }
+    $s =~ s/[\n]$//;
+    my $pp = my $p = 0;
+    my $matchfound = substr ($s, $p) =~ /$rx/o;
+    while ($matchfound) {
+	print "found first match\n" if $verbose;
+	my $firstmatchstart = $-[0] + $p;
+	my $blobs = my $falses = 0;
+	my $matchstart = $-[0] + $p;
+	my $pend = -1;
+	my $blob_p;
+	do {{
+	    my $matchend = $+[0] + $p;
+	    print "found match $matchstart..$matchend\n" if $verbose;
+	    print "$&" if $verbose > 1;
+	    if (defined $+{'cblob'}) {
+		print "match is a blob context\n" if ($verbose);
+		$pend = index ($s, "\n", $matchend) + 1;
+		$pend = length $s if !$pend;
+	    }
+	    if (defined $+{'falsepos'}) {
+		print "match is a false positive\n" if ($verbose);
+		# $matchend -= $+[0] - $+[1];
+		$blob_p = 0;
+		$falses++;
+	    } elsif (defined $+{'blob'}) {
+		$blob_p = 1;
+		$blobs++;
+		print "match is a blob at $matchstart\n" if ($verbose);
+	    } else {
+		$blob_p = 2;
+		$p = $matchstart;
+		print "searching up to $pend\n" if $verbose;
+		next;
+	    }
+	    if ($blob_p ? $replace_blob : $replace_falsepos) {
+		substr ($s, $matchstart, $matchend - $matchstart,
+			$replacement);
+		$p = $matchstart + length $replacement;
+		$pend += $p - $matchend if $pend >= $matchstart;
+	    } else {
+		$p = $matchend;
+	    }
+	    $pend = index ($s, "\n", $p) + 1 if $p >= $pend;
+	    $pend = length $s if !$pend;
+	    print "searching up to $pend\n" if $verbose;
+	    $p--;
+	}} while (($matchfound = (substr ($s, $p) =~ /(?<=.)$rx/mso))
+		  && ($matchstart = $-[0] + $p) < $pend
+		  && !($blob_p
+		       ? (!$print_blob && !$falses)
+		       : (!$print_falsepos && !$blobs)));
+	print "last match before $pend\n" if $verbose;
+	if ($print_nomatch) {
+	    print substr ($s, $pp, $firstmatchstart - $pp);
+	    $pp = $firstmatchstart;
+	} elsif (($print_blob || $print_falsepos) && $firstmatchstart > 0) {
+	    $pp = rindex ($s, "\n", $firstmatchstart - 1) + 1;
+	}
+	if (($print_blob && $blobs) || ($print_falsepos && $falses)) {
+	    if (!$print_nomatch) {
+		for (my $i = $nfilenames; $i-- > 0;) {
+		    print "::: ", $filenames[$i], " :::\n";
+		}
+	    }
+	    print substr ($s, $pp, $pend - $pp);
+	    $pp = $pend;
+	}
+	if (($list_blob && $blobs) || ($list_falsepos && $falses)) {
+	    for (my $i = $nfilenames; --$i > 0;) {
+		print $filenames[$i], " within ";
+	    }
+	    print $filenames[0], "\n";
+	    exit (1);
+	}
+    }
+    print substr ($s, $pp) if $print_nomatch;
+    print "no further matches\n" if $verbose;
+    $s = '';
+    $nfilenames = $nextnfilenames;
+exit (0);
+  scriptcmd="${PERL-perl} "'"$scriptname"'
+set_awk_main () {
+  adjust_rx='
+  case " = $@ = " in
+  *" = no_falsepos = "*) falsepos='$.^';;
+  *) falsepos=`
+    ${SED-sed} -n 's,^[+],,p' < "$regex_name" |
+    ${SED-sed} -n -e "$adjust_rx" -e 's,\^,,' \
+	-e '1h; 1!H; $ { g; s,[\n],|,g; p;}'
+    `
+     case $falsepos in "") falsepos='$.^';; esac;;
+  esac
+  blob=`
+    ${SED-sed} -n 's,^[-],,p' < "$regex_name" |
+    ${SED-sed} -n -e "$adjust_rx" \
+	-e '1h; 1!H; $ { g; s,[\n],|,g; p;}'`
+  case " = $@ = " in
+  *" = with_context = "*) cblob=`
+    $echo "\\($initblob\\|$defineblob\\|$asmblob\\)" |
+    ${SED-sed} -e "$adjust_rx"
+   `;;
+  *) cblob='$.^';;
+  esac
+  xrs= nrs="# " eor="RT" eormatch='RT ~ ' eornl='[\n]' eornlsz=1
+  # Uncomment the line below to disable the use of a regular
+  # expression for the awk Record Separator, a GNU awk extension.
+  # Using this extension appears to save a lot of memory for long
+  # deblob-check runs.
+  # xrs="# " nrs= eor='$0' eormatch='' eornl= eornlsz=0
+  cat >> "$scriptname" <<EOF
+#! /bin/gawk --re-interval -f
+    # Should we replace blobs and false positives with replacement?
+    replace_blob = 0;
+    replace_falsepos = 0;
+    replacement = "/*(DEBLOBBED)*/";
+    # Should we print lines containing blobs, false positives, and neither?
+    print_blob = 0;
+    with_context = 0;
+    print_falsepos = 0;
+    print_nomatch = 0;
+    # Should we print the input stack and exit if we find blobs or
+    # false positives?
+    list_blob = 0;
+    list_falsepos = 0;
+    # Should we forget everything we know about false positives?
+    no_falsepos = 0;
+    verbose = $vp;
+    nfilenames = 0;
+    s = "\n";
+    # Which of the defaults above should we override?
+    $@ = 1;
+    # requires GNU awk RS extension:
+$xrs	RS = "[;][/][*](begin|end) [^\n]*[*][/][;][\n]";
+# requires GNU awk RS extension:
+$xrs { s = s \$0; }
+# does not require GNU awk RS extension:
+$nrs !/^[;][/][*].*[*][/][;]$/ {
+$nrs	 s = s \$0 "\n";
+$nrs	 next;
+$nrs }
+$eormatch /^[;][/][*]begin .*[*][/][;]$eornl$/ {
+    filenames[nfilenames] = substr($eor, 10, length ($eor) - 12 - $eornlsz);
+    if (verbose) print "entering " nfilenames ": " filenames[nfilenames];
+    nextnfilenames = nfilenames + 1;
+    if (s == "\n") {
+	nfilenames = nextnfilenames;
+	next;
+    }
+$eormatch /^[;][/][*]end .*[*][/][;]$eornl$/ {
+    nextnfilenames = nfilenames - 1;
+    if (verbose)
+	print "got to the end of " nextnfilenames ": " filenames[nextnfilenames];
+    if (verbose) {
+	print "looking for matches";
+	for (i = nfilenames; --i > 0;)
+	    print filenames[i] " within";
+	print filenames[0]
+    }
+    s = substr (s, 1, length (s) - 1)
+    pp = 2;
+    p = pend = 1;
+    if (verbose > 1) print "searching starting at", substr (s, p, 10)
+    matchfound = match (substr (s, p),
+			/[\n]($falsepos)|[\n]($cblob)|.($blob)/);
+    while (matchfound) {
+	blobs = falses = 0;
+	firstmatchstart = RSTART + p;
+	for (;;) {
+	    matchstart = RSTART + p - 1;
+	    matchlen = RLENGTH;
+	    if (verbose) {
+		print "found match", matchstart, matchlen;
+		if (verbose > 1)
+		    print substr (s, matchstart + 1, matchlen - 1);
+	    }
+	    if (match (substr (s, matchstart, matchlen), /^[\n]($falsepos)/) == 1) {
+		matchlen = RLENGTH;
+		if (verbose) print "match is a false positive of length", matchlen;
+		blob_p = 0;
+		falses++;
+	    } else if (match (substr (s, matchstart, matchlen), /^.($blob)/) == 1) {
+		matchlen = RLENGTH;
+		if (verbose) print "match is a blob of length", matchlen;
+		blob_p = 1;
+		blobs++;
+	    } else if (match (substr (s, matchstart, matchlen), /^[\n]($cblob)$/) == 1) {
+		if (verbose) print "match is a blob context";
+		pend = index (substr (s, matchstart + matchlen), "\n");
+		if (pend)
+		    pend += matchstart + matchlen;
+		else
+		    pend = length (s);
+		p = matchstart + 1;
+		blob_p = 2;
+		if (verbose > 1) print "range is:", substr (s, p, pend - p);
+	    }
+	    if (blob_p < 2) {
+		if (blob_p ? replace_blob : replace_falsepos) {
+		    s = substr (s, 1, matchstart)		\\
+			replacement				\\
+			substr (s, matchstart + matchlen);
+		    p = matchstart + length (replacement) - 1;
+		    pend += (p + 1 - matchstart - matchlen);
+		} else
+		    p = matchstart + matchlen - 1;
+		if (p >= pend) {
+		    i = index (substr (s, p + 1), "\n");
+		    if (i)
+			pend = p + 1 + i;
+		    else
+			pend = length (s)
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (verbose) print "search until", pend;
+	    if (!(matchfound = match (substr (s, p),
+				      /[\n]($falsepos)|[\n]($cblob)|.($blob)/)) ||
+		p + RSTART >= pend ||
+		(blob_p ?
+		 (!print_blob && !falses) :
+		 (!print_falsepos && !blobs)))
+		break;
+	}
+	if (print_nomatch)
+	    printf "%s", substr (s, pp, firstmatchstart - pp);
+	else if (print_blob || print_falsepos) {
+	    lastline = substr (s, pp, firstmatchstart - pp);
+	    sub (/.*[\n]/, "", lastline);
+	    if (verbose) print "lastline: " lastline "\\\\n"
+	    firstmatchstart -= length (lastline);
+	}
+	pp = firstmatchstart;
+	if (verbose) print "match set range:", pp, pend
+	if ((print_blob && blobs) || (print_falsepos && falses)) {
+	    if (!print_nomatch)
+		for (i = nfilenames; i-- > 0;)
+		    print "::: " filenames[i] " :::";
+	    printf "%s", substr (s, pp, pend - pp);
+	    pp = pend;
+	}
+	if ((list_blob && blobs) || (list_falsepos && falses)) {
+	    for (i = nfilenames; --i > 0;)
+		print filenames[i] " within";
+	    print filenames[0];
+	    exit (1);
+	}
+    }
+    if (print_nomatch)
+	printf "%s", substr (s, pp)
+    if (verbose)
+	print "no further matches";
+    s = "\n";
+    nfilenames = nextnfilenames;
+    next;
+  scriptcmd="${AWK-gawk} --re-interval -f "'"$scriptname"'
+set_flex_main () {
+  adjust_rx='
+s,[+]$, { falsepos (); },
+s,[-]$, { blob (); },
+  echo '%%' > "$scriptname"
+  ${SED-sed} "$adjust_rx" < "$regex_name" >> "$scriptname"
+  echo '\n|. { unmatched (); }
+int falsepos () {}
+int blob () {}
+int unmatched () {}
+' >> "$scriptname"
+  scriptcmd=false
+set_save_script_input_main () {
+  savename=`mktemp -t deblob-check-input-XXXXXX`
+  scriptcmd="{ echo saving input in $savename && cat > $savename && echo done; }"
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    $echo "+^$1" >> $regex_name
+  }
+  # Add $1 to falseneg.  Unlike addx, it is NOT implicitly anchored to
+  # the beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow
+  # the falseneg matches to files that match it.
+  badx () {
+    $echo "-$1" >> $regex_name
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*[;]\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Same as initnc, but require the terminating semicolon.
+  defsnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*[;]" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;/]\\+\\($comment\\|[/][^/*;]\\)\\+\\)*[^;/]*[;]\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Same as initc, but require the terminating semicolon.
+  defsc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;/]\\+\\($comment\\|[/][^/*;]\\)\\+\\)*[^;/]*[;]" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1[/]*\\([*]*[^*/][/]*\\)*[*]\+[/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\\\\\n]*[\\\\][\\n]\\)*[^\\\\\\n]*$" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not anchored.
+  blobna () {
+    badx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 as a blob anywhere.  $2 is just for documentation purposes.
+  blobname () {
+    badx "$1"
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  The expectation is a match in the
+  # beginning of line, but we don't do anchoring of blob patterns ATM.
+  blob () {
+    badx "$1" $2
+  }
+  regex_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-regex-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$regex_name"
+  set_except "$input"
+  # Check that all regular expressions match our requirements.
+  ${SED-sed} -n '
+/\([^\\]\|^\)\(\\\\\)*\([{(|)}?+^$"'"'"'; 	]\)\|^$/{
+  g
+  i\
+BAD regular expression:
+  p
+  q 1
+}' $regex_name >&2 || exit 1
+  scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-script-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+  scriptcmd=false
+  scriptcmd2=
+  $set_cmd "$input"
+  for f in $tempfiles; do
+    case $f in "$scriptname") ;;
+    *) rm -f "$f" ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  tempfiles="$scriptname"
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.xz) cmd='unxz' ;;
+  *.lz) cmd='lzip -d' ;;
+  *.gz | *.tgz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case /$input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | *.patch.*z* | */patch-* | *.diff | *.diff.*z*)
+    if $reverse_patch; then
+      s=- r=+
+    else
+      s=+ r=-
+    fi
+    sedpatch="
+      /^[$r]/b testlastline;
+      # /^[*!]/ {
+      # 	s,^,context diffs are not properly supported\\n,;
+      # 	W /dev/stderr
+      # 	d;
+      # }
+      /^\\(@@ \\|$s$s$s \\|[^$s @]\\|$\\)/ {
+	x;
+	/^@@ /{
+	  s,^,;/*end ,;
+	  s,\\([\\n]\\|$\\),*/;&,;
+	  i\\
+	  P;
+	  s,^[^\\n]*\\([\\n]\\|$\\),,;
+	}
+	x;
+      }
+      /^\\($s$s$s \\|[^$s @]\\|$\\)/ {
+	x;
+	/^$s$s$s /{
+	  s,^$s$s$s,;/*end,;
+	  s,\\([\\n]\\|$\\),*/;&,;
+	  i\\
+	  P;
+	  s,^[^\\n]*\\([\\n]\\|$\\),,;
+	}
+	x;
+      }
+      /^$s$s$s / {
+	H;
+	x;
+	s,^[\\n],,;
+	s,^\\(.*\\)[\\n]\\([^\\n]*\\)$,\\2\\n\\1,;
+	x;
+	s,^$s$s$s \\(.*\\)$,;/*begin \\1*/;,;
+	p;
+	d;
+      }
+      /^@@ / {
+        H;
+	x;
+	s,^[\\n],,;
+	s,^\\(.*\\)[\\n]\\([^\\n]*\\)$,\\2\\n\\1,;
+	x;
+	# A number of patterns for patches depend on the ;/*@@ lines for
+	# context.
+	s,^.*$,;/*begin &*/;\\n;/*&*/;,;
+	p;
+	d;
+      }
+      s,^[ !$s],,
+      p;
+      :testlastline
+      $ {
+	x;
+	/^@@ /{
+	  s,^,;/*end ,;
+	  s,\\([\\n]\\|$\\),*/;&,;
+	  i\\
+	  P;
+	  s,^[^\\n]*\\([\\n]\\|$\\),,;
+	}
+	/^$s$s$s /{
+	  s,^$s$s$s,;/*end,;
+	  s,\\([\\n]\\|$\\),*/;&,;
+	  i\\
+	  P;
+	  s,^[^\\n]*\\([\\n]\\|$\\),,;
+	}
+	x;
+      }
+      d;"
+    cmd='${SED-sed} "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  set "$@" "$scriptcmd"
+  case $scriptcmd2 in "" | cat) ;;
+  *) set "$@" "$scriptcmd2"
+  esac
+  # test $# = 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  case $process_arg in
+  "") ;;
+  --implied-prefix | --prefix | -i)
+    prefix=$file
+    case $prefix in
+    /*/) ;;
+    */) prefix=/$prefix ;;
+    /*) prefix=$prefix/ ;;
+    *) prefix=/$prefix/ ;;
+    esac
+    process_arg=
+    continue
+    ;;
+  *)
+    echo Internal error with process_arg=$process_arg >&2
+    exit 1
+    ;;
+  esac
+  case $sawdashdash$file in
+  --implied-prefix | --prefix | -i)
+    process_arg=$file
+    continue
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+case $process_arg in
+"") ;;
+  echo Missing argument to $process_arg >&2
+  exit 1
+  ;;
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 316 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is part of GNU Linux-libre, a GNU project that
+# publishes scripts to clean up Linux so as to make it suitable for
+# use in the GNU Project and in Free System Distributions.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# deblob-main - prepare a GNU Linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre
+# Linux tarball.  It expects the Linux release (mver, say 3.0) as the
+# first argument, the gnu sub-release (extra) as the second optional
+# argument, and the patch release (sver, say .13) as an optional third
+# argument.  mver and sver are pasted together to form kver.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$mver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$mver
+# must match mver and extra.
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-libre-$kver-gnu$extra.tar.bz2.
+# An uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-libre-$kver-gnu$extra.tar
+# out of linux-$kver.tar is put in linux-libre-$kver-gnu$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# xdelta version 3 uses different command line syntax, and it switched
+# to the more standardized but less efficient vcdiff file format.
+# This script will also produce a vcdiff file if xdelta3 is present,
+# and it expects the xdelta program to use the version 1 syntax.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-libre-$kver-gnu$extra.patch.  This patch
+# file contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so
+# its distribution is discouraged.
+# The tar files and binary deltas are finally compressed with bzip2,
+# and optionally with lzip and xz too, if the compressors are
+# available.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+# If deblob-$mver finds any unexpected situation, it will error out,
+# and then deblob-main will quit.  Pass --force to deblob-main, before
+# any other argument, for deblob-main to ignore any such situations.
+case $1 in
+--force) force=--force; shift;;
+*) force=;;
+mver=$1 extra=$2 sver=$3
+kver=$mver$sver gnu=gnu$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo "$0" | sed 's,[^/]*$,,;s,^$,.,;s,/*$,,'`
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  zext=tar     zcmd=
+elif test -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  zext=tar.bz2 zcmd=bunzip2
+elif test -f linux-$kver.tar.xz; then
+  zext=tar.xz  zcmd=unxz
+elif test -f linux-$kver.tar.lz; then
+  zext=tar.lz  zcmd="lzip -d"
+elif test -f linux-$kver.tar.gz; then
+  zext=tar.gz  zcmd=gunzip
+elif test -f linux-$kver.tgz; then
+  zext=tgz     zcmd=gunzip
+  echo linux-$kver.tar not found, tried .bz2, .xz, .lz, .gz and .tgz too >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$mver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$mver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$mver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$mver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$mver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep "^kver=[^ ]* extra=" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" = "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+for f in \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.bz2 \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.bz2.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.bz2.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.xz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.xz.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.xz.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.lz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.lz.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.lz.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.patch \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.bz2 \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.bz2.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.bz2.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.xz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.xz.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.xz.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.lz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.lz.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.lz.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.bz2 \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.bz2.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.bz2.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.xz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.xz.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.xz.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.lz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.lz.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.lz.sign \
+; do
+  if test -f $f; then
+    echo $f already exists >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  cleanup="$cleanup $f"
+for d in \
+  linux-$kver \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu \
+  orig-linux-$kver \
+; do
+  if test -d $d; then
+    echo $d already exists >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  cleanup="$cleanup $d"
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap 'status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf $cleanup; (exit $status); exit' 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+if test -n "$zcmd"; then
+  echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.$zext into linux-$kver.tar
+  rm -rf linux-$kver.tar
+  cleanup="$cleanup linux-$kver.tar"
+  $zcmd < linux-$kver.$zext > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracting linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+rm -rf linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-libre-$kver-$gnu linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-libre-$kver-$gnu
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-libre-$kver-$gnu
+rm -f linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log.tmp
+echo Deblobbing within linux-libre-$kver-$gnu, saving output to linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log
+# We can't just pipe deblob into tee, for then we fail to detect
+# error conditions.  Use file renaming to tell whether we succeeded.
+if (cd linux-libre-$kver-$gnu && /bin/sh ../$deblob $force) 2>&1; then
+  mv linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log.tmp linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log
+fi | tee linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log.tmp
+if test ! -f linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log; then
+  mv linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log.tmp linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log
+  echo $deblob failed, aborting >&2
+  exit 1
+rm -f linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blob.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-libre-$kver-$gnu
+echo Generating linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-libre-$kver-$gnu > linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-libre-$kver-$gnu |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and linux-libre-$kver-$gnu/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-libre-$kver-$gnu linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating vcdiff between linux-$kver.tar and linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+xdelta3 -e -9 -S djw -s linux-$kver.tar linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff || : # don't fail if xdelta3 is not present
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta || : # xdelta returns nonzero on success
+echo Compressing binary deltas and linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+if test -f linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff; then
+  bzip2 -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff
+  xz -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff || :
+  lzip -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff || :
+  rm -f linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff
+if test -f linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta; then
+  bzip2 -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta
+  xz -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta || :
+  lzip -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta || :
+  rm -f linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta
+bzip2 -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+xz -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar || :
+lzip -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar || :
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+for f in \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.bz2 \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.xz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.lz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.bz2 \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.xz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.lz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.bz2 \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.xz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.lz \
+; do
+  if test -f $f; then
+    gpg -a --detach-sign $f
+    mv $f.asc $f.sign
+  fi
+rm -f linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+trap 'status=$?; (exit $status); exit' 0 1 2 15
+echo All set, please review linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.patch
+exit 0

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

+ 1828 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1828 @@
+#    Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Alexandre Oliva <>
+#    Copyright (C) 2008 Jeff Moe
+#    Copyright (C) 2009 Rubén Rodríguez <>
+#    This program is part of GNU Linux-libre, a GNU project that
+#    publishes scripts to clean up Linux so as to make it suitable for
+#    use in the GNU Project and in Free System Distributions.
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# deblob - remove non-free blobs from the vanilla linux kernel
+# This script, suited for the kernel version named below, in kver,
+# attempts to remove only non-Free Software bits, without removing
+# Free Software that happens to be in the same file.
+# Drivers that currently require non-Free firmware are retained, but
+# firmware included in GPLed sources is replaced with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/
+# if the deblob-check script, that knows how to do this, is present.
+# -lxoliva
+# See also:
+# svn://
+# gen-kernel
+# Thanks to Brian Brazil @ gnewsense
+# For each kver release, start extra with an empty string, then count
+# from 1 if changes are needed that require rebuilding the tarball.
+kver=2.6.27 extra=1
+case $1 in
+  echo "WARNING: Using the force, ignored errors will be" >&2
+  die () {
+    echo ERROR: "$@" >&2
+    errors=:
+  }
+  forced=: errors=false
+  shift
+  ;;
+  die () {
+    echo ERROR: "$@" >&2
+    echo Use --force to ignore
+    exit 1
+  }
+  forced=false errors=false
+  ;;
+check=`echo "$0" | sed 's,[^/]*$,,;s,^$,.,;s,/*$,,'`/deblob-check
+if [ ! -f $check ] ; then
+  if $forced; then
+    die deblob-check script missing, will remove entire files
+  else
+    die deblob-check script missing
+  fi
+  have_check=false
+  have_check=:
+  [ -x $check ] || check="/bin/sh $check"
+filetest () {
+  if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
+    die $1 does not exist, something is wrong && return 1
+  fi
+announce () {
+  echo
+  echo "$@"
+clean_file () {
+  #$1 = filename
+  filetest $1 || return
+  rm $1
+  echo $1: removed
+check_changed () {
+  #$1 = filename
+  if cmp $1.deblob $1 > /dev/null; then
+    rm $1.deblob
+    die $1 did not change, something is wrong && return 1
+  fi
+  mv $1.deblob $1
+clean_blob () {
+  #$1 = filename
+  filetest $1 || return
+  if $have_check; then
+    name=$1
+    set fnord "$@" -d
+    shift 2
+    if $check "$@" -i linux-$kver $name > $name.deblob; then
+      if [ ! -s $name.deblob ]; then
+	die got an empty file after removing blobs from $name
+      fi
+    else
+      die failed removing blobs from $name
+    fi
+    check_changed $name && echo $name: removed blobs
+  else
+    clean_file $1
+  fi
+dummy_blob () {
+  #$1 = filename
+  if test -f $1; then
+    die $1 exists, something is wrong && return
+  elif test ! -f firmware/Makefile; then
+    die firmware/Makefile does not exist, something is wrong && return
+  fi
+  clean_sed "s,`echo $1 | sed s,^firmware/,,`,\$(DEBLOBBED),g" \
+    firmware/Makefile "dropped $1"
+clean_fw () {
+  #$1 = firmware text input, $2 = firmware output
+  filetest $1 || return
+  if test -f $2; then
+    die $2 exists, something is wrong && return
+  fi
+  clean_blob $1 -s 4
+  dummy_blob $2
+drop_fw_file () {
+  #$1 = firmware text input, $2 = firmware output
+  filetest $1 || return
+  if test -f $2; then
+    die $2 exists, something is wrong && return
+  fi
+  clean_file $1
+  dummy_blob $2
+clean_kconfig () {
+  #$1 = filename $2 = things to remove
+  case $1 in
+  -f)
+    shift
+    ;;
+  *)
+    if $have_check; then
+      return
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  filetest $1 || return
+  sed "/^config \\($2\\)\$/{p;i\
+	depends on NONFREE
+d;}" $1 > $1.deblob
+  check_changed $1 && echo $1: marked config $2 as depending on NONFREE
+clean_mk () {
+  #$1 = config $2 = Makefile name
+  # We don't clean up Makefiles any more --lxoliva
+  # sed -i "/\\($1\\)/d" $2
+  # echo $2: removed $1 support
+  # check_changed $2
+  filetest $2 || return
+  if sed -n "/\\($1\\)/p" $2 | grep . > /dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    die $2 does not contain matches for $1
+  fi
+clean_sed () {
+  #$1 = sed-script $2 = file $3 = comment
+  filetest $2 || return
+  sed -e "$1" "$2" > "$2".deblob || {
+    die $2: failed: ${3-applied sed script $1} && return 1; }
+  check_changed $2 && echo $2: ${3-applied sed script $1}
+reject_firmware () {
+  #$1 = file $2 = pre sed pattern
+  filetest $1 || return
+  clean_sed "$2"'
+' "$1" 'disabled non-Free firmware-loading machinery'
+maybe_reject_firmware () {
+  #$1 = file $2 = pre sed pattern
+  filetest $1 || return
+  clean_sed "$2"'
+' "$1" 'retain Free firmware-loading machinery, disabling non-Free one'
+undefine_macro () {
+  #$1 - macro name
+  #$2 - substitution
+  #$3 - message
+  #rest - file names
+  macro=$1 repl=$2 msg=$3; shift 3
+  for f in "$@"; do
+    clean_sed "
+s,^#define $macro .*\$,/*(DEBLOBBED)*/,;
+" "$f" "$msg"
+  done
+undefault_firmware () {
+  #$1 - pattern such that $1_DEFAULT_FIRMWARE is #defined to non-Free firmware
+  #$@ other than $1 - file names
+  macro="$1"_DEFAULT_FIRMWARE; shift
+  undefine_macro "$macro" "\"/*(DEBLOBBED)*/\"" \
+    "disabled non-Free firmware" "$@"
+# First, check that files that contain firmwares and their
+# corresponding sources are present.
+for f in \
+  drivers/char/ser_a2232fw.h \
+    drivers/char/ \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode \
+    drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.uc \
+  drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped \
+    drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.S \
+  drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+    drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic79xx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_seq.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx_seq.c \
+    drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old/aic7xxx.seq \
+  drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h_shipped \
+    drivers/scsi/53c700.scr \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw1.h \
+  drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+    drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/sym_fw2.h \
+  firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.bin.ihex \
+    firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.asm \
+  firmware/keyspan_pda/keyspan_pda.HEX \
+    firmware/keyspan_pda/keyspan_pda.S \
+  firmware/keyspan_pda/xircom_pgs.HEX \
+    firmware/keyspan_pda/xircom_pgs.S \
+  sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.h \
+    sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcdma.asp \
+; do
+  filetest $f
+# Identify the tarball.
+grep -q 'EXTRAVERSION.*-gnu' Makefile ||
+clean_sed "s,^EXTRAVERSION.*,&-gnu$extra,
+" Makefile 'added -gnu to EXTRAVERSION'
+grep -q Linux-libre README ||
+clean_sed '
+1,3 s,Linux kernel release.*kernel\.org.*,GNU Linux-libre <>,
+2,5 s,Linux version [0-9.]*,GNU Linux-libre,
+1,20 s,\(operating system \)\?Unix,Unix kernel,
+WHAT IS GNU Linux-libre?\
+  GNU Linux-libre is a Free version of the kernel Linux (see below),\
+  suitable for use with the GNU Operating System in 100% Free\
+  GNU/Linux-libre System Distributions.\
+  It removes non-Free components from Linux, that are disguised as\
+  source code or distributed in separate files.  It also disables\
+  run-time requests for non-Free components, shipped separately or as\
+  part of Linux, and documentation pointing to them, so as to avoid\
+  (Free-)baiting users into the trap of non-Free Software.\
+  Linux-libre started within the gNewSense GNU/Linux distribution.\
+  It was later adopted by Jeff Moe, who coined its name, and in 2008\
+  it became a project maintained by FSF Latin America.  In 2012, it\
+  became part of the GNU Project.\
+  The GNU Linux-libre project takes a minimal-changes approach to\
+  cleaning up Linux, making no effort to substitute components that\
+  need to be removed with functionally equivalent Free ones.\
+  Nevertheless, we encourage and support efforts towards doing so.\
+  Our mascot is Freedo, a light-blue penguin that has just come out\
+  of the shower.  Although we like penguins, GNU is a much greater\
+  contribution to the entire system, so its mascot deserves more\
+  promotion.  See our web page for their images.\
+' README 'added blurb about GNU Linux-libre'
+# Add reject_firmware and maybe_reject_firmware
+grep -q _LINUX_LIBRE_FIRMWARE_H include/linux/firmware.h ||
+clean_sed '$i\
+#include <linux/device.h>\
+static inline int\
+report_missing_free_firmware(const char *name, const char *what)\
+	printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free %s\\n", name,\
+	       what ? what : "firmware");\
+	return -EINVAL;\
+static inline int\
+reject_firmware(const struct firmware **fw,\
+		const char *name, struct device *device)\
+	const struct firmware *xfw = NULL;\
+	int retval;\
+	report_missing_free_firmware(dev_name(device), NULL);\
+	retval = request_firmware(&xfw, NONFREE_FIRMWARE, device);\
+	if (!retval)\
+		release_firmware(xfw);\
+	return -EINVAL;\
+static inline int\
+maybe_reject_firmware(const struct firmware **fw,\
+		      const char *name, struct device *device)\
+	if (strstr (name, NONFREE_FIRMWARE))\
+		return reject_firmware(fw, name, device);\
+	else\
+		return request_firmware(fw, name, device);\
+static inline void\
+discard_rejected_firmware(const struct firmware *fw, void *context)\
+	release_firmware(fw);\
+static inline int\
+reject_firmware_nowait(struct module *module, int uevent,\
+		       const char *name, struct device *device,\
+		       void *context,\
+		       void (*cont)(const struct firmware *fw,\
+				    void *context))\
+	int retval;\
+	report_missing_free_firmware(dev_name(device), NULL);\
+	retval = request_firmware_nowait(module, uevent, NONFREE_FIRMWARE,\
+					 device, NULL,\
+					 discard_rejected_firmware);\
+	if (retval)\
+		return retval;\
+	return -EINVAL;\
+static inline int\
+maybe_reject_firmware_nowait(struct module *module, int uevent,\
+			     const char *name, struct device *device,\
+			     void *context,\
+			     void (*cont)(const struct firmware *fw,\
+					  void *context))\
+	if (strstr (name, NONFREE_FIRMWARE))\
+		return reject_firmware_nowait(module, uevent, name,\
+					      device, context, cont);\
+	else\
+		return request_firmware_nowait(module, uevent, name,\
+					       device, context, cont);\
+#endif /* _LINUX_LIBRE_FIRMWARE_H */\
+' include/linux/firmware.h 'added non-Free firmware notification support'
+# Arch #
+# x86
+announce MICROCODE - "Intel IA32 CPU microcode support"
+reject_firmware arch/x86/kernel/microcode.c
+clean_blob arch/x86/kernel/microcode.c
+clean_kconfig arch/x86/Kconfig 'MICROCODE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MICROCODE arch/x86/kernel/Makefile
+# arm
+announce IXP4XX_NPE - "IXP4xx Network Processor Engine support"
+reject_firmware arch/arm/mach-ixp4xx/ixp4xx_npe.c
+clean_blob Documentation/arm/IXP4xx
+announce ARCH_NETX - "Hilscher NetX based"
+clean_sed '
+s,\([" ]\)request_firmware(,\1reject_firmware(,
+' arch/arm/mach-netx/xc.c 'disabled non-Free firmware-loading machinery'
+clean_blob arch/arm/mach-netx/xc.c
+clean_kconfig arch/arm/Kconfig 'ARCH_NETX'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ARCH_NETX arch/arm/Makefile
+# ATM #
+announce ATM_AMBASSADOR - "Madge Ambassador, Collage PCI 155 Server"
+reject_firmware drivers/atm/ambassador.c
+clean_blob drivers/atm/ambassador.c
+clean_fw firmware/atmsar11.HEX firmware/atmsar11.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_AMBASSADOR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_AMBASSADOR drivers/atm/Makefile
+announce ATM_FORE200E - "FORE Systems 200E-series"
+reject_firmware drivers/atm/fore200e.c
+clean_blob drivers/atm/fore200e.c
+clean_blob Documentation/networking/fore200e.txt
+clean_blob drivers/atm/.gitignore
+clean_blob Documentation/dontdiff
+clean_kconfig drivers/atm/Kconfig 'ATM_FORE200E'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E drivers/atm/Makefile
+# char #
+announce COMPUTONE - "Computone IntelliPort Plus serial"
+drop_fw_file firmware/intelliport2.bin.ihex firmware/intelliport2.bin
+reject_firmware drivers/char/ip2/ip2main.c
+clean_blob drivers/char/ip2/ip2main.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'COMPUTONE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COMPUTONE drivers/char/Makefile
+announce CYCLADES - "Cyclades async mux support"
+reject_firmware drivers/char/cyclades.c
+clean_blob drivers/char/cyclades.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'CYCLADES'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CYCLADES drivers/char/Makefile
+announce ISI - "Multi-Tech multiport card support"
+reject_firmware drivers/char/isicom.c
+clean_blob drivers/char/isicom.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'ISI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ISI drivers/char/Makefile
+announce MOXA_INTELLIO - "Moxa Intellio support"
+reject_firmware drivers/char/moxa.c
+clean_blob drivers/char/moxa.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/char/Kconfig 'MOXA_INTELLIO'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MOXA_INTELLIO drivers/char/Makefile
+# gpu drm
+announce DRM_MGA - "Matrox g200/g400"
+clean_blob drivers/gpu/drm/mga/mga_ucode.h
+clean_blob drivers/gpu/drm/mga/mga_warp.c
+clean_kconfig -f drivers/gpu/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_MGA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_MGA drivers/gpu/drm/Makefile
+announce DRM_R128 - "ATI Rage 128"
+clean_sed '
+/^static void r128_cce_load_microcode(drm_r128_private_t \* dev_priv)/i\
+#define r128_cce_load_microcode(dev_priv) \\\
+  do { \\\
+    DRM_ERROR("Missing Free microcode!\\n"); \\\
+    dev->dev_private = (void *)dev_priv; \\\
+    r128_do_cleanup_cce(dev); \\\
+    return -EINVAL; \\\
+  } while (0)
+' drivers/gpu/drm/r128/r128_cce.c 'report missing Free microcode'
+clean_blob drivers/gpu/drm/r128/r128_cce.c
+clean_kconfig -f drivers/gpu/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_R128'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_R128 drivers/gpu/drm/Makefile
+announce DRM_RADEON - "ATI Radeon"
+clean_sed '
+/^static void radeon_cp_load_microcode(drm_radeon_private_t \* dev_priv)/i\
+#define radeon_cp_load_microcode(dev_priv) \\\
+  do { \\\
+    DRM_ERROR("Missing Free microcode!\\n"); \\\
+    radeon_do_cleanup_cp(dev); \\\
+    return -EINVAL; \\\
+  } while (0)
+' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_cp.c 'report missing Free microcode'
+clean_blob drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_cp.c
+clean_blob drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_microcode.h
+clean_kconfig -f drivers/gpu/drm/Kconfig 'DRM_RADEON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DRM_RADEON drivers/gpu/drm/Makefile
+# Media #
+# media/tuner
+announce MEDIA_TUNER_XC2028 - "XCeive xc2028/xc3028 tuners"
+undefault_firmware 'XC\(2028\|3028L\)' \
+  drivers/media/common/tuners/tuner-xc2028.h \
+  drivers/media/video/saa7134/saa7134-cards.c \
+  drivers/media/video/ivtv/ivtv-driver.c \
+  drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-driver.c \
+  drivers/media/video/cx88/cx88-cards.c \
+  drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-cards.c \
+  drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dib0700_devices.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/common/tuners/tuner-xc2028.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/common/tuners/Kconfig 'MEDIA_TUNER_XC2028'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MEDIA_TUNER_XC2028 drivers/media/common/tuners/Makefile
+announce MEDIA_TUNER_XC5000 - "Xceive XC5000 silicon tuner"
+undefine_macro 'XC5000_DEFAULT_FIRMWARE_SIZE' 0 \
+  'removed non-Free firmware size' drivers/media/common/tuners/xc5000.c
+undefault_firmware 'XC5000' drivers/media/common/tuners/xc5000.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/common/tuners/xc5000.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/common/tuners/Kconfig 'MEDIA_TUNER_XC5000'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MEDIA_TUNER_XC5000 drivers/media/common/tuners/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB - "Support for various USB DVB devices"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvb-usb-firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_B2C2_FLEXCOP - "Technisat/B2C2 FlexCopII(b) and FlexCopIII adapters"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/b2c2/flexcop-fe-tuner.c
+announce DVB_BT8XX - "BT8xx based PCI cards"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/bt8xx/dvb-bt8xx.c
+announce DVB_USB_A800 - "AVerMedia AverTV DVB-T USB 2.0 (A800)"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/a800.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_A800'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_A800 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_AF9005 - "Afatech AF9005 DVB-T USB1.1 support"
+clean_file drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+clean_sed '
+s,^	deb_info("load init script\\n");$,	{\n		err("Missing Free init script\\n");\n		return scriptlen = ret = -EINVAL;\n		,;
+' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-fe.c 'report missing Free init script'
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-fe.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_AF9005'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_AF9005 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_CXUSB - "Conexant USB2.0 hybrid reference design support"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_CXUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_CXUSB drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_DIB0700 - "DiBcom DiB0700 USB DVB devices"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dib0700_devices.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_DIB0700'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_DIB0700 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_DIBUSB_MB - "DiBcom USB DVB-T devices (based on the DiB3000M-B)"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dibusb-mb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_DIBUSB_MB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_DIBUSB_MB drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_DIBUSB_MC - "DiBcom USB DVB-T devices (based on the DiB3000M-C/P)"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dibusb-mc.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_DIBUSB_MC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_DIBUSB_MC drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_DIGITV - "Nebula Electronics uDigiTV DVB-T USB2.0 support"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/digitv.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_DIGITV'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_DIGITV drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_DTT200U - "WideView WT-200U and WT-220U (pen) DVB-T USB2.0 support (Yakumo/Hama/Typhoon/Yuan)"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtt200u.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_DTT200U'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_DTT200U drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_DW2102 - "DvbWorld DVB-S/S2 USB2.0 support"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_DW2102'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_DW2102 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_GP8PSK - "GENPIX 8PSK->USB module support"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/gp8psk.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/gp8psk.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_GP8PSK'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_GP8PSK drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_M920X - "Uli m920x DVB-T USB2.0 support"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_M920X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_M920X drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_NOVA_T_USB2 - "Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-T usb2 DVB-T USB2.0 support"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nova-t-usb2.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_NOVA_T_USB2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_NOVA_T_USB2 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_OPERA1 - "Opera1 DVB-S USB2.0 receiver"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/opera1.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/opera1.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_OPERA1'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_OPERA1 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_TTUSB2 - "Pinnacle 400e DVB-S USB2.0 support"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/ttusb2.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_TTUSB2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_TTUSB2 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_UMT_010 - "HanfTek UMT-010 DVB-T USB2.0 support"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/umt-010.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_UMT_010'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_UMT_010 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_VP702X - "TwinhanDTV StarBox and clones DVB-S USB2.0 support"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/vp702x.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_VP702X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_VP702X drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+announce DVB_USB_VP7045 - "TwinhanDTV Alpha/MagicBoxII, DNTV tinyUSB2, Beetle USB2.0 support"
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/vp7045.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Kconfig 'DVB_USB_VP7045'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_USB_VP7045 drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/Makefile
+# dvb/frontends
+announce DVB_BCM3510 - "Broadcom BCM3510"
+undefault_firmware 'BCM3510' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/bcm3510.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/bcm3510.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/bcm3510.h
+clean_sed '
+/You.ll need a firmware/,/dvb-fe-bcm/d;
+' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/bcm3510.c \
+  "removed non-Free firmware notes"
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_BCM3510'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_BCM3510 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+announce DVB_NXT200X - "NxtWave Communications NXT2002/NXT2004 based"
+undefault_firmware 'NXT200[24]' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/nxt200x.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/nxt200x.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/nxt200x.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_NXT200X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_NXT200X drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+announce DVB_OR51132 - "Oren OR51132 based"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51132.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51132.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_OR51132'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_OR51132 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+announce DVB_OR51211 - "Oren OR51211 based"
+undefault_firmware 'OR51211' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51211.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51211.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51211.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51211.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_OR51211'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_OR51211 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+announce DVB_SP8870 - "Spase sp8870"
+undefault_firmware 'SP8870' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp8870.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp8870.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp8870.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp8870.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends 'DVB_SP8870'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_SP8870 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+announce DVB_SP887X - "Spase sp887x based"
+undefault_firmware 'SP887X' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp887x.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp887x.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp887x.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp887x.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_SP887X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_SP887X drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+announce DVB_TDA10048 - "Philips TDA10048HN based"
+undefine_macro 'TDA10048_DEFAULT_FIRMWARE_SIZE' 0 \
+  'removed non-Free firmware size' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+undefault_firmware 'TDA10048' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_TDA10048'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA10048 drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+announce DVB_TDA1004X - "Philips TDA10045H/TDA10046H"
+undefault_firmware 'TDA1004[56]' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda1004x.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda1004x.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda1004x.h
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda1004x.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends 'DVB_TDA1004X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TDA1004X drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+# dvb
+announce DVB_AV7110 - "AV7110 cards"
+# The bootcode is actually Free Software under GPLv2, but since it's
+# being distributed without source code, we're taking it out for now.
+clean_sed '
+s,^	\/\* boot \*\/$,	printk(KERN_ERR "dvb-ttpci: av7110_bootarm(): Missing Free bootcode\\n");\n	return -EINVAL;\n\n&,
+' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c 'report missing Free bootcode'
+clean_sed '
+s,mwdebi(.*bootcode.*$,/* & */,
+' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c 'adjust bootcode loader'
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+clean_sed '
+/^config DVB_AV7110_FIRMWARE_FILE$/, /^config / {
+  /^	default.*dvb-ttpci-01/ s,".*","/*(DEBLOBBED)*/",;
+}' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'removed default firmware'
+clean_kconfig -f drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110_FIRMWARE'
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Kconfig 'DVB_AV7110'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_AV7110 drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/Makefile
+announce DVB_BUDGET_AV - "Budget cards with analog video inputs"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+announce DVB_BUDGET_CI - "Budget cards with onboard CI connector"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+announce DVB_DRX397XD - "Micronas DRX3975D/DRX3977D based"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/frontends/drx397xD.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/frontends/drx397xD_fw.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Kconfig 'DVB_DRX397XD'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_DRX397XD drivers/media/dvb/frontends/Makefile
+announce DVB_PLUTO2 - "Pluto2 cards"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/pluto2/pluto2.c
+announce DVB_SIANO_SMS1XXX - "Siano SMS1XXX USB dongle support"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/siano/smscoreapi.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/siano/smsusb.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/siano/smscoreapi.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/siano/smsusb.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/siano/sms-cards.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/siano/Kconfig 'DVB_SIANO_SMS1XXX'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_SIANO_SMS1XXX drivers/media/dvb/siano/Makefile
+announce DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET - "Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices"
+drop_fw_file firmware/ttusb-budget/dspbootcode.bin.ihex firmware/ttusb-budget/dspbootcode.bin
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/Makefile
+announce DVB_TTUSB_DEC - "Technotrend/Hauppauge USB DEC devices"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-dec/ttusb_dec.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-dec/ttusb_dec.c
+clean_blob Documentation/dvb/ttusb-dec.txt
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-dec/Kconfig 'DVB_TTUSB_DEC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_DVB_TTUSB_DEC drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-dec/Makefile
+# video
+announce VIDEO_BT848 - "BT848 Video For Linux"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/bt8xx/bttv-cards.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/bt8xx/bttv-cards.c
+clean_blob Documentation/video4linux/bttv/README
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/bt8xx/Kconfig 'VIDEO_BT848'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_BT848 drivers/media/video/bt8xx/Makefile
+announce VIDEO_CPIA2 - "CPiA2 Video For Linux"
+clean_fw firmware/cpia2/stv0672_vp4.bin.ihex firmware/cpia2/stv0672_vp4.bin
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2_core.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2_core.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cpia2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CPIA2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA2 drivers/media/video/cpia2/Makefile
+announce VIDEO_CX18 - "Conexant cx23418 MPEG encoder support"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-firmware.c
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-firmware.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-firmware.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cx18/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CX18'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CX18 drivers/media/video/cx18/Makefile
+announce VIDEO_CX23885 - "Conexant cx23885 (2388x successor) support"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/cx23885/cx23885-417.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cx23885/cx23885-417.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cx23885/cx23885-dvb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cx23885/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CX23885'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CX23885 drivers/media/video/cx23885/Makefile
+announce VIDEO_CX25840 - "Conexant CX2584x audio/video decoders"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/cx25840/cx25840-firmware.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cx25840/cx25840-firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cx25840/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CX25840'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CX25840 drivers/media/video/cx25840/Makefile
+announce VIDEO_CX88_BLACKBIRD - "Blackbird MPEG encoder support (cx2388x + cx23416)"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/cx88/cx88-blackbird.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cx88/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CX88_BLACKBIRD'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CX88_BLACKBIRD drivers/media/video/cx88/Makefile
+announce VIDEO_CX88_DVB - "DVB/ATSC Support for cx2388x based TV cards"
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/cx88/cx88-dvb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/cx88/Kconfig 'VIDEO_CX88_DVB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_CX88_DVB drivers/media/video/cx88/Makefile
+announce VIDEO_IVTV - "Conexant cx23416/cx23415 MPEG encoder/decoder support"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/ivtv/ivtv-firmware.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/ivtv/ivtv-firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/ivtv/Kconfig 'VIDEO_IVTV'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_IVTV drivers/media/video/ivtv/Makefile
+announce VIDEO_PVRUSB2 - "Hauppauge WinTV-PVR USB2 support"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/pvrusb2/pvrusb2-hdw.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/pvrusb2/pvrusb2-devattr.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/pvrusb2/Kconfig 'VIDEO_PVRUSB2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_PVRUSB2 drivers/media/video/pvrusb2/Makefile
+announce "VIDEO_CX23885, VIDEO_CX88_BLACKBIRD, VIDEO_IVTV, VIDEO_PVRUSB2" - "See above"
+clean_blob include/media/cx2341x.h
+announce VIDEO_SAA7134_DVB - "DVB/ATSC Support for saa7134 based TV cards"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/saa7134/saa7134-dvb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/saa7134/Kconfig 'VIDEO_SAA7134_DVB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_VIDEO_SAA7134_DVB drivers/media/video/saa7134/Makefile
+announce USB_DABUSB - "DABUSB driver"
+clean_fw firmware/dabusb/bitstream.bin.ihex firmware/dabusb/bitstream.bin
+clean_fw firmware/dabusb/firmware.HEX firmware/dabusb/firmware.fw
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/dabusb.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/dabusb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/Kconfig 'USB_DABUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_DABUSB drivers/media/video/Makefile
+announce USB_S2255 - "USB Sensoray 2255 video capture device"
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/s2255drv.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/s2255drv.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/Kconfig 'USB_S2255'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_S2255 drivers/media/video/Makefile
+announce USB_VICAM - "USB 3com HomeConnect, AKA vicam"
+drop_fw_file firmware/vicam/firmware.H16 firmware/vicam/firmware.fw
+reject_firmware drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_blob drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Kconfig 'USB_VICAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_VICAM drivers/media/video/usbvideo/Makefile
+# net #
+announce ACENIC - "Alteon AceNIC/3Com 3C985/NetGear GA620 Gigabit"
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+clean_sed '
+s,	\(ace_load_firmware[^;]*\),	if ((ecode = \1)) goto init_error,
+' drivers/net/acenic.c 'check for error in firmware loading'
+clean_sed '
+/^static int __devinit ace_load_firmware([^;]*$/,/^}$/{
+  /^}$/i\
+	printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free firwmare\\n", ap->name);\
+	return -EINVAL;
+}' drivers/net/acenic.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/acenic.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ACENIC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ACENIC drivers/net/Makefile
+announce ADAPTEC_STARFIRE - "Adaptec Starfire/DuraLAN support"
+# This file requires prior acceptance of the GPL before you can even
+# run the code in it.  It's not clear whether this is a further
+# requirement that would make the distribution incompatible with the
+# GPL, but since nothing remains after we remove the blob, it's
+# irrelevant whether the explicit acceptance would be a problem.
+clean_file drivers/net/starfire_firmware.h
+clean_file drivers/net/
+clean_sed '
+/Load Rx\/Tx firmware/i\
+	printk (KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", dev->name);\
+	return -EINVAL;
+' drivers/net/starfire.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/starfire.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'ADAPTEC_STARFIRE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ADAPTEC_STARFIRE drivers/net/Makefile
+announce BNX2 - "Broadcom NetXtremeII"
+clean_file drivers/net/bnx2_fw.h
+clean_file drivers/net/bnx2_fw2.h
+clean_sed '
+/ bnx2_init_cpus(/i\
+	printk (KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", bp->dev->name);\
+	return -EINVAL;\
+#define bnx2_init_cpus(bp) (-EINVAL)
+' drivers/net/bnx2.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2 drivers/net/Makefile
+announce BNX2X - "Broadcom NetXtremeII 10Gb support"
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2x_init_values.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2x_init.h
+clean_sed '
+/^#include "bnx2x_init\.h"/,/^$/{
+  /^$/i\
+#define bnx2x_init_block(bp, start, end) \\\
+  return (printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", bp->dev->name),\\\
+	  -EINVAL)
+}' drivers/net/bnx2x_main.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/bnx2x_hsi.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'BNX2X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BNX2X drivers/net/Makefile
+announce CASSINI - "Sun Cassini"
+clean_blob drivers/net/cassini.h
+clean_sed '
+/^static void cas_saturn_firmware_load(/,/^}$/{
+  /patch = cas_saturn_patch/{
+    s,cas_saturn_patch;,NULL;,;
+    p;
+    i\
+	printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", cp->dev->name);\
+	return;\
+    d;
+  }
+}' drivers/net/cassini.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CASSINI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CASSINI drivers/net/Makefile
+announce CHELSIO_T3 - "Chelsio AEL 2005 support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'CHELSIO_T3'
+clean_mk CONFIG_CHELSIO_T3 drivers/net/cxgb3/Makefile
+announce E100 - "Intel PRO/100+"
+clean_sed '
+/^static void e100_setup_ucode([^;]*$/,/^}$/{
+  /^	} ucode_opts\[\] = {$/,/^	}[,;]/ {
+    s,D[^,]*_RCVBUNDLE_UCODE,/*(DEBLOBBED)*/{0},g;
+  }
+  /^	for ([^;]*ucode_opts[^{]*) {$/,/^	}$/ {
+    /^	}$/ i\
+	}\
+		DPRINTK(DRV, ERR, "Missing Free firmware, proceeding without\\n");\
+		goto noloaducode;
+  }
+' drivers/net/e100.c 'report missing Free firmware for some variants'
+clean_blob drivers/net/e100.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'E100'
+clean_mk CONFIG_E100 drivers/net/Makefile
+announce MYRI_SBUS - "MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet"
+clean_file drivers/net/myri_code.h
+clean_sed '
+  i\
+	printk(KERN_ERR "Missing Free firmware\\n");\
+	goto err_free_irq;
+}' drivers/net/myri_sbus.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri_sbus.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI_SBUS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS drivers/net/Makefile
+announce MYRI10GE - "Myricom Myri-10G Ethernet support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/myri10ge/myri10ge.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/myri10ge/myri10ge.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'MYRI10GE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_MYRI10GE drivers/net/myri10ge/Makefile
+announce SPIDER_NET - "Spider Gigabit Ethernet driver"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/spider_net.c
+clean_sed 's,spider_fw\.bin,DEBLOBBED.bin,g' \
+  drivers/net/spider_net.c 'removed non-Free firmware notes'
+clean_blob drivers/net/spider_net.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'SPIDER_NET'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SPIDER_NET drivers/net/Makefile
+announce TEHUTI - "Tehuti Networks 10G Ethernet"
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+clean_sed '
+  i\
+		ERR("%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", priv->ndev->name);\
+}' drivers/net/tehuti.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/tehuti.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TEHUTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TEHUTI drivers/net/Makefile
+announce TIGON3 - "Broadcom Tigon3"
+clean_sed '
+/^static int tg3_load_firmware_cpu([^;]*$/,/^}/{
+  /^	err = 0;/{
+    i\
+	printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Missing Free firmware for %s, hoping it works anyway\\n",\
+	       tp->dev->name);
+  }
+}' drivers/net/tg3.c 'report missing Free firmware, proceed without it'
+clean_blob drivers/net/tg3.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TIGON3'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TIGON3 drivers/net/Makefile
+announce TYPHOON - "3cr990 series Typhoon"
+clean_blob drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+clean_sed '
+  /typhoon_firmware_image/{
+    i\
+	printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", tp->name);\
+	err = -EINVAL;\
+	goto err_out;
+    d;
+  }
+}' drivers/net/typhoon.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/Kconfig 'TYPHOON'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TYPHOON drivers/net/Makefile
+# appletalk
+announce COPS - "COPS LocalTalk PC"
+clean_sed '
+  i\
+		printk(KERN_INFO "%s: Missing Free firmware.\\n", dev->name);\
+		return;
+' drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+clean_file drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+clean_file drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/appletalk/Kconfig 'COPS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_COPS drivers/net/appletalk/Makefile
+# hamradio
+announce YAM - "YAM driver for AX.25"
+clean_file drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+clean_file drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+clean_sed '
+/add_mcs(bits_\(12\|96\)00, bitrate)/{
+  i\
+		printk(KERN_ERR "yam: Missing Free firmware\\n");
+  s:add_mcs(bits_\(12\|96\)00, bitrate):NULL:
+}' drivers/net/hamradio/yam.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/hamradio/yam.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/hamradio/Kconfig 'YAM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_YAM drivers/net/hamradio/Makefile
+# irda
+announce USB_IRDA - "IrDA USB dongles"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/irda/irda-usb.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/irda/irda-usb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/irda/Kconfig 'USB_IRDA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_IRDA drivers/net/irda/Makefile
+# pcmcia
+announce PCMCIA_SMC91C92 - "SMC 91Cxx PCMCIA"
+clean_sed '
+/^\(static int \)\?osi_setup([^;]*$/,/^}$/{
+  s/^\(.*\)[/][*] Download.*firmware [*][/]/\1printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", dev->name);\n\1rc = -EINVAL;\n\1goto free_cfg_mem;\n&/
+}' drivers/net/pcmcia/smc91c92_cs.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_sed '
+/^\(static int \)\?smc91c92_resume([^;]*$/,/^}$/{
+  s/^\(.*\)[/][*] Download.*firmware [*][/]/\1printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", dev->name);\n\1return -EINVAL;\n&/
+}' drivers/net/pcmcia/smc91c92_cs.c 'report another missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/smc91c92_cs.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SMC91C92'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SMC91C92 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# CIS files are not software.
+# announce PCCARD - "PCCard (PCMCIA/CardBus) support"
+# reject_firmware drivers/pcmcia/ds.c
+# clean_kconfig drivers/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCCARD'
+# clean_mk CONFIG_PCCARD drivers/pcmcia/Makefile
+# announce PCMCIA_3C574 - "3Com 3c574 PCMCIA support"
+# clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/3c574_cs.c
+# clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_3C574'
+# clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_3C574 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# announce PCMCIA_3C589 - "3Com 3c589 PCMCIA support"
+# clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/3c589_cs.c
+# clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_3C589'
+# clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_3C589 drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# announce PCMCIA_PCNET - "NE2000 compatible PCMCIA support"
+# clean_blob drivers/net/pcmcia/pcnet_cs.c
+# clean_kconfig drivers/net/pcmcia/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_PCNET'
+# clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_PCNET drivers/net/pcmcia/Makefile
+# tokenring
+announce 3C359 - "3Com 3C359 Token Link Velocity XL adapter"
+clean_file drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+clean_sed '
+/^\(static int \)\?xl_hw_reset([^;]*$/,/^}/{
+  /start = .*mc_size/i\
+		printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Missing Free firmware\\n", dev->name);\
+		return -EINVAL;
+}' drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig '3C359'
+clean_mk CONFIG_3C359 drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+announce SMCTR - "SMC ISA/MCA adapter"
+drop_fw_file firmware/tr_smctr.bin.ihex firmware/tr_smctr.bin
+reject_firmware drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'SMCTR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SMCTR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+announce TMS380TR - "Generic TMS380 Token Ring ISA/PCI adapter support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/tokenring/tms380tr.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/tokenring/tms380tr.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/tokenring/Kconfig 'TMS380TR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_TMS380TR drivers/net/tokenring/Makefile
+# usb
+announce USB_KAWETH - "USB KLSI KL5USB101-based ethernet device support"
+drop_fw_file firmware/kaweth/new_code.bin.ihex firmware/kaweth/new_code.bin
+drop_fw_file firmware/kaweth/new_code_fix.bin.ihex firmware/kaweth/new_code_fix.bin
+drop_fw_file firmware/kaweth/trigger_code.bin.ihex firmware/kaweth/trigger_code.bin
+drop_fw_file firmware/kaweth/trigger_code_fix.bin.ihex firmware/kaweth/trigger_code_fix.bin
+reject_firmware drivers/net/usb/kaweth.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/usb/kaweth.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/usb/Kconfig 'USB_KAWETH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_KAWETH drivers/net/usb/Makefile
+# wireless
+announce ATMEL "Atmel at76c50x chipset  802.11b support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'ATMEL'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ATMEL drivers/net/wireless/Makefile
+announce B43 - "Broadcom 43xx wireless support (mac80211 stack)"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/b43/main.c
+# Major portions of firwmare filenames not deblobbed.
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/b43/main.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/b43/Kconfig 'B43'
+clean_mk CONFIG_B43 drivers/net/wireless/b43/Makefile
+announce B43LEGACY - "Broadcom 43xx-legacy wireless support (mac80211 stack)"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/main.c
+# Major portions of firwmare filenames not deblobbed.
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/main.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/Kconfig 'B43LEGACY'
+clean_mk CONFIG_B43LEGACY drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/Makefile
+announce PCMCIA_SPECTRUM - "Symbol Spectrum24 Trilogy PCMCIA card support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/spectrum_cs.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/spectrum_cs.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'PCMCIA_SPECTRUM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PCMCIA_SPECTRUM drivers/net/wireless/Makefile
+announce IPW2100 - "Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 Network Connection"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/ipw2100.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/ipw2100.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'IPW2100'
+clean_mk CONFIG_IPW2100 drivers/net/wireless/Makefile
+announce IPW2200 - "Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG and 2915ABG Network Connection"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/ipw2200.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/ipw2200.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'IPW2200'
+clean_mk CONFIG_IPW2200 drivers/net/wireless/Makefile
+announce IWL3945 - "Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG/BG Network Connection"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl3945-base.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-3945.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Kconfig 'IWL3945'
+clean_mk CONFIG_IWL3945 drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Makefile
+announce IWLAGN - "Intel Wireless WiFi Next Gen AGN"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-agn.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Kconfig 'IWLAGN'
+clean_mk CONFIG_IWLAGN drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Makefile
+announce IWL4965 - "Intel Wireless WiFi 4965AGN"
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-4965.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Kconfig 'IWL4965'
+clean_mk CONFIG_IWL4965 drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Makefile
+announce IWL5000 - "Intel Wireless WiFi 5000AGN"
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwl-5000.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Kconfig 'IWL5000'
+clean_mk CONFIG_IWL5000 drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/Makefile
+announce LIBERTAS_CS - "Marvell Libertas 8385 CompactFlash 802.11b/g cards"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_cs.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_cs.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'LIBERTAS_CS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_LIBERTAS_CS drivers/net/wireless/libertas/Makefile
+announce LIBERTAS_SDIO - "Marvell Libertas 8385 and 8686 SDIO 802.11b/g cards"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'LIBERTAS_SDIO'
+clean_mk CONFIG_LIBERTAS_SDIO drivers/net/wireless/libertas/Makefile
+announce LIBERTAS_USB - "Marvell Libertas 8388 USB 802.11b/g cards"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/libertas/README
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'LIBERTAS_USB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_LIBERTAS_USB drivers/net/wireless/libertas/Makefile
+announce P54_PCI - "Prism54 PCI support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54pci.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54pci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/p54/Kconfig 'P54_PCI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_P54_PCI drivers/net/wireless/p54/Makefile
+announce P54_USB - "Prism54 USB support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54usb.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54usb.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54usb.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/p54/Kconfig 'P54_USB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_P54_USB drivers/net/wireless/p54/Makefile
+announce PRISM54 - "Intersil Prism GT/Duette/Indigo PCI/Cardbus"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/prism54/islpci_dev.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/prism54/islpci_dev.c
+clean_sed '
+/^config PRISM54$/,/^config /{
+  /If you enable this/,/^$/d;
+}' drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'removed firmware notes'
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'PRISM54'
+clean_mk CONFIG_PRISM54 drivers/net/wireless/prism54/Makefile
+announce RT2X00_LIB_FIRMWARE - "Ralink driver firmware support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/Kconfig 'RT2X00_LIB_FIRMWARE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_FIRMWARE drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/Makefile
+announce RT61PCI - "Ralink rt2501/rt61 (PCI/PCMCIA) support"
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt61pci.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt61pci.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/Kconfig 'RT61PCI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_RT61PCI drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/Makefile
+announce RT73USB - "Ralink rt2501/rt73 (USB) support"
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt73usb.h
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt73usb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/Kconfig 'RT73USB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_RT73USB drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/Makefile
+announce USB_ZD1201 - "USB ZD1201 based Wireless device support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/zd1201.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/zd1201.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig 'USB_ZD1201'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_ZD1201 drivers/net/wireless/Makefile
+announce ZD1211RW - "ZyDAS ZD1211/ZD1211B USB-wireless support"
+reject_firmware drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/zd_usb.c
+clean_blob drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/zd_usb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/Kconfig 'ZD1211RW'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ZD1211RW drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/Makefile
+# bluetooth
+announce BT_HCIBCM203X - "HCI BCM203x USB driver"
+reject_firmware drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.c
+clean_blob drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/bluetooth/Kconfig 'BT_HCIBCM203X'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BT_HCIBCM203X drivers/bluetooth/Makefile
+announce BT_HCIBFUSB - "HCI BlueFRITZ! USB driver"
+reject_firmware drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c
+clean_blob drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/bluetooth/Kconfig 'BT_HCIBFUSB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BT_HCIBFUSB drivers/bluetooth/Makefile
+announce BT_HCIBT3C - "HCI BT3C (PC Card) driver"
+reject_firmware drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c
+clean_blob drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/bluetooth/Kconfig 'BT_HCIBT3C'
+clean_mk CONFIG_BT_HCIBT3C drivers/bluetooth/Makefile
+# ISDN #
+announce ISDN_DIVAS - "Support Eicon DIVA Server cards"
+clean_blob drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/cardtype.h
+clean_blob drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsp_defs.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/Kconfig 'ISDN_DIVAS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_ISDN_DIVAS drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/Makefile
+# Serial #
+# CIS files are not software.
+# announce SERIAL_8250_CS - "8250/16550 PCMCIA device support"
+# clean_blob drivers/serial/serial_cs.c
+# clean_kconfig drivers/serial/Kconfig 'SERIAL_8250_CS'
+# clean_mk CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_CS drivers/serial/Makefile
+announce SERIAL_ICOM - "IBM Multiport Serial Adapter"
+reject_firmware drivers/serial/icom.c
+clean_blob drivers/serial/icom.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/serial/Kconfig 'SERIAL_ICOM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SERIAL_ICOM drivers/serial/Makefile
+announce SERIAL_QE - "Freescale QUICC Engine serial port support"
+reject_firmware drivers/serial/ucc_uart.c
+clean_blob drivers/serial/ucc_uart.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/serial/Kconfig 'SERIAL_QE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SERIAL_QE drivers/serial/Makefile
+# SCSI #
+announce SCSI_QLOGICPTI - "PTI Qlogic, ISP Driver"
+clean_file drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+clean_sed '
+/^static int __devinit qlogicpti_load_firmware([^;]*$/,/^}$/{
+  /[&]sbus_risc_code01/{
+    i\
+	printk(KERN_ERR "qlogicpti%d: Missing Free firmware\\n", qpti->qpti_id);\
+	return -EINVAL;
+  }
+  s,[&]sbus_risc_code01\[0\],NULL,
+  s,sbus_risc_code_length01,0,
+}' drivers/scsi/qlogicpti.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qlogicpti.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGICPTI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGICPTI drivers/scsi/Makefile
+announce SCSI_ADVANSYS - "AdvanSys SCSI"
+clean_sed '
+/^\(static ASC_CNT \)\?AscLoadMicroCode([^;]*$/,/^}$/{
+  /^}$/{
+    p;
+    i\
+#define AscLoadMicroCode(x1,x2,x3,x4) ((x1),(x2),(x3),(x4),printk(KERN_ERR "advansys: Missing Free firmware\\n"), -1)
+    d;
+  }
+/^\(static int \)\?AdvLoadMicrocode([^;]*$/,/^}$/{
+  /^}$/{
+    p;
+    i\
+#define AdvLoadMicrocode(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) ((x1),(x2),(x3),(x4),(x5),printk(KERN_ERR "advansys: Missing Free firmware\\n"), ASC_IERR_MCODE_CHKSUM)
+    d;
+  }
+s/\([ 	(]\)_\(asc_mcode\|adv_asc3\(550\|8C\(08\|16\)00\)\)_buf,/\1NULL,/;
+s/\([ 	]\)_\(asc_mcode\|adv_asc3\(550\|8C\(08\|16\)00\)\)_size\([,)]\)/\1(unsigned short)0\5/;
+s/\([ 	]\)_\(asc_mcode\|adv_asc3\(550\|8C\(08\|16\)00\)\)_chksum\([,)]\)/\1(ADV_DCNT)0\5/;
+' drivers/scsi/advansys.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_ADVANSYS'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_ADVANSYS drivers/scsi/Makefile
+announce SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 - "Qlogic QLA 1240/1x80/1x160 SCSI"
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1280_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql1040_fw.h
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/ql12160_fw.h
+clean_sed '
+  /risc_code_size = [*]/{
+    i\
+	if (!risc_code_address) {\
+		printk(KERN_ERR "scsi(%li): Missing Free firmware\\n", ha->host_no);\
+		return -EINVAL;\
+	}
+  }
+  /risc_code_size = [*]/{
+    i\
+	if (!risc_code_address) {\
+		printk(KERN_ERR "scsi(%li): Missing Free firmware\\n", ha->host_no);\
+		err = -EINVAL;\
+		goto out;\
+	}
+  }
+}' drivers/scsi/qla1280.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLOGIC_1280'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 drivers/scsi/Makefile
+announce SCSI_AIC94XX - "Adaptec AIC94xx SAS/SATA support"
+reject_firmware drivers/scsi/aic94xx/aic94xx_seq.c
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/aic94xx/aic94xx_seq.c
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/aic94xx/aic94xx_seq.h
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/aic94xx/Kconfig 'SCSI_AIC94XX'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_AIC94XX drivers/scsi/aic94xx/Makefile
+announce SCSI_QLA_FC - "QLogic QLA2XXX Fibre Channel Support"
+reject_firmware drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_gbl.h
+reject_firmware drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_init.c
+reject_firmware drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c
+clean_sed '
+/^config SCSI_QLA_FC$/,/^config /{
+  /^	By default, firmware/i\
+  /^	By default, firmware/,/ftp:[/][/].*firmware[/]/d
+}' drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/Kconfig 'removed firmware notes'
+clean_blob drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/Kconfig 'SCSI_QLA_FC'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SCSI_QLA_FC drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/Makefile
+# USB #
+# atm
+announce USB_CXACRU - "Conexant AccessRunner USB support"
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/atm/Kconfig 'USB_CXACRU'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_CXACRU drivers/usb/atm/Makefile
+announce USB_SPEEDTOUCH - "Speedtouch USB support"
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/atm/speedtch.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/atm/speedtch.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/atm/Kconfig 'USB_SPEEDTOUCH'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SPEEDTOUCH drivers/usb/atm/Makefile
+announce USB_UEAGLEATM - "ADI 930 and eagle USB DSL modem"
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/atm/Kconfig 'USB_UEAGLEATM'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_UEAGLEATM drivers/usb/atm/Makefile
+# misc
+announce USB_EMI26 - "EMI 2|6 USB Audio interface"
+# These files are not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+drop_fw_file firmware/emi26/bitstream.HEX firmware/emi26/bitstream.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/emi26/firmware.HEX firmware/emi26/firmware.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/emi26/loader.HEX firmware/emi26/loader.fw
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI26'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI26 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+announce USB_EMI62 - "EMI 6|2m USB Audio interface"
+# These files are probably not under the GPL, better remove them all.
+drop_fw_file firmware/emi62/bitstream.HEX firmware/emi62/bitstream.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/emi62/loader.HEX firmware/emi62/loader.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/emi62/midi.HEX firmware/emi62/midi.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/emi62/spdif.HEX firmware/emi62/spdif.fw
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_EMI62'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_EMI62 drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+announce USB_ISIGHTFW - "iSight firmware loading support"
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/misc/isight_firmware.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/misc/isight_firmware.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/misc/Kconfig 'USB_ISIGHTFW'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_ISIGHTFW drivers/usb/misc/Makefile
+# serial
+announce USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN - "USB Keyspan USA-xxx Serial Driver"
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/mpr.HEX firmware/keyspan/mpr.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_MPR'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa18x.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa18x.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA18X'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa19.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa19.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa19qi.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa19qi.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QI'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa19qw.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa19qw.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19QW'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa19w.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa19w.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA19W'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa28.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa28.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa28xa.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa28xa.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XA'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa28xb.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa28xb.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28XB'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa28x.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa28x.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA28X'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa49w.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa49w.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49W'
+drop_fw_file firmware/keyspan/usa49wlc.HEX firmware/keyspan/usa49wlc.fw
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_USA49WLC'
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/serial/keyspan.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/keyspan.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+announce USB_SERIAL_KEYSPAN_PDA - "USB Keyspan PDA Single Port Serial Driver"
+clean_sed '
+' drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.c 'accept Free firmware'
+announce USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT - "USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver"
+clean_fw firmware/edgeport/boot.H16 firmware/edgeport/boot.fw
+clean_fw firmware/edgeport/boot2.H16 firmware/edgeport/boot2.fw
+clean_fw firmware/edgeport/down.H16 firmware/edgeport/down.fw
+clean_fw firmware/edgeport/down2.H16 firmware/edgeport/down2.fw
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/serial/io_edgeport.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/io_edgeport.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+announce USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI - "USB Inside Out Edgeport Serial Driver (TI devices)"
+clean_fw firmware/edgeport/down3.bin.ihex firmware/edgeport/down3.bin
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/serial/io_ti.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/io_ti.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+announce USB_SERIAL_TI - "USB TI 3410/5052 Serial Driver"
+drop_fw_file firmware/ti_3410.fw.ihex firmware/ti_3410.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/ti_5052.fw.ihex firmware/ti_5052.fw
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/serial/ti_usb_3410_5052.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/ti_usb_3410_5052.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_TI'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_TI drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+announce USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT - "USB ConnectTech WhiteHEAT Serial Driver"
+clean_fw firmware/whiteheat.HEX firmware/whiteheat.fw
+clean_fw firmware/whiteheat_loader.HEX firmware/whiteheat_loader.fw
+clean_fw firmware/whiteheat_loader_debug.HEX firmware/whiteheat_loader_debug.fw
+reject_firmware drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat.c
+clean_blob drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat.c
+clean_kconfig drivers/usb/serial/Kconfig 'USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT'
+clean_mk CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_WHITEHEAT drivers/usb/serial/Makefile
+# Sound #
+announce SND_CS46XX - "Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x"
+# This appears to have been extracted from some non-Free driver
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+# The following blobs are definitely extracted from non-Free drivers.
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc4630.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcasync.h
+clean_file sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwcsnoop.h
+clean_sed '
+/^\(int \)\?snd_cs46xx_download_image([^;]*$/,/^}$/{
+  /for.*BA1_MEMORY_COUNT/i\
+#if 0
+  /^}$/{
+    i\
+	snd_printk(KERN_ERR "cs46xx: Missing Free firmware\\n");\
+	return -EINVAL;\
+  }
+s/cs46xx_dsp_load_module(chip, [&]cwc\(4630\|async\|snoop\)_module)/(snd_printk(KERN_ERR "cs46xx: Missing Free firmware\\n"),-EINVAL)/
+' sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_lib.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+clean_blob sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_lib.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_CS46XX'
+clean_mk 'CONFIG_SND_CS46XX' sound/pci/cs46xx/Makefile
+announce SND_KORG1212 - "Korg 1212 IO"
+drop_fw_file firmware/korg/k1212.dsp.ihex firmware/korg/k1212.dsp
+reject_firmware sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_KORG1212'
+clean_mk 'CONFIG_SND_KORG1212' sound/pci/korg1212/Makefile
+announce SND_MAESTRO3 - "ESS Allegro/Maestro3"
+drop_fw_file firmware/ess/maestro3_assp_kernel.fw.ihex firmware/ess/maestro3_assp_kernel.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/ess/maestro3_assp_minisrc.fw.ihex firmware/ess/maestro3_assp_minisrc.fw
+reject_firmware sound/pci/maestro3.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/maestro3.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_MAESTRO3'
+clean_mk 'CONFIG_SND_MAESTRO3' sound/pci/Makefile
+announce SND_YMFPCI - "Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754"
+drop_fw_file firmware/yamaha/ds1_ctrl.fw.ihex firmware/yamaha/ds1_ctrl.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/yamaha/ds1_dsp.fw.ihex firmware/yamaha/ds1_dsp.fw
+drop_fw_file firmware/yamaha/ds1e_ctrl.fw.ihex firmware/yamaha/ds1e_ctrl.fw
+reject_firmware sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_YMFPCI'
+clean_mk 'CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI' sound/pci/ymfpci/Makefile
+announce SND_SB16_CSP - "SB16 Advanced Signal Processor"
+drop_fw_file firmware/sb16/alaw_main.csp.ihex firmware/sb16/alaw_main.csp
+drop_fw_file firmware/sb16/mulaw_main.csp.ihex firmware/sb16/mulaw_main.csp
+drop_fw_file firmware/sb16/ima_adpcm_init.csp.ihex firmware/sb16/ima_adpcm_init.csp
+drop_fw_file firmware/sb16/ima_adpcm_capture.csp.ihex firmware/sb16/ima_adpcm_capture.csp
+drop_fw_file firmware/sb16/ima_adpcm_playback.csp.ihex firmware/sb16/ima_adpcm_playback.csp
+reject_firmware sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp.c
+clean_blob sound/isa/sb/sb16_csp.c
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig 'SND_SB16_CSP'
+clean_mk 'CONFIG_SND_SB16_CSP' sound/isa/sb/Makefile
+announce SND_WAVEFRONT - "Turtle Beach Maui,Tropez,Tropez+ (Wavefront)"
+clean_blob sound/isa/wavefront/yss225.c
+clean_sed '
+/firmware = &yss225_registers_firmware/i\
+	snd_printk(KERN_ERR "FX: Missing Free firmware\\n");\
+	err = -EINVAL;\
+	goto out;
+' sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c 'report missing Free firmware'
+reject_firmware sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+clean_blob sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+reject_firmware sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_synth.c
+clean_blob sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_synth.c
+clean_kconfig sound/isa/Kconfig 'SND_WAVEFRONT'
+clean_mk 'CONFIG_SND_WAVEFRONT' sound/isa/wavefront/Makefile
+announce SND_VX_LIB - Digigram VX soundcards
+reject_firmware sound/drivers/vx/vx_hwdep.c
+clean_blob sound/drivers/vx/vx_hwdep.c
+clean_kconfig sound/drivers/Kconfig 'SND_VX_LIB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_VX_LIB sound/drivers/vx/Makefile
+announce SND_DARLA20 - "(Echoaudio) Darla20"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/darla20.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_DARLA20'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_DARLA20 sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_DARLA24 - "(Echoaudio) Darla24"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/darla24.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_DARLA24'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_DARLA24 sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_ECHO3G - "(Echoaudio) 3G cards"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/echo3g.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_ECHO3G'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_ECHO3G sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_GINA20 - "(Echoaudio) Gina20"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/gina20.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_GINA20'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_GINA20 sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_GINA24 - "(Echoaudio) Gina24"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/gina24.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_GINA24'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_GINA24 sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_INDIGO - "(Echoaudio) Indigo"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/indigo.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_INDIGO'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_INDIGO sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_INDIGODJ - "(Echoaudio) Indigo DJ"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/indigodj.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_INDIGODJ'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_INDIGODJ sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_INDIGOIO - "(Echoaudio) Indigo IO"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/indigoio.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_INDIGOIO'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_INDIGOIO sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_LAYLA20 - "(Echoaudio) Layla20"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/layla20.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_LAYLA20'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_LAYLA20 sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_LAYLA24 - "(Echoaudio) Layla24"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/layla24.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_LAYLA24'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_LAYLA24 sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_MIA - "(Echoaudio) Mia"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/mia.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_MIA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_MIA sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_MONA - "(Echoaudio) Mona"
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/mona.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_MONA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_MONA sound/pci/echoaudio/Makefile
+announce SND_'<(Echoaudio)>' - "(Echoaudio) all of the above "
+reject_firmware sound/pci/echoaudio/echoaudio.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/echoaudio/echoaudio.c
+announce SND_EMU10K1 - "Emu10k1 (SB Live!, Audigy, E-mu APS)"
+reject_firmware sound/pci/emu10k1/emu10k1_main.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/emu10k1/emu10k1_main.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_EMU10K1'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_EMU10K1 sound/pci/emu10k1/Makefile
+announce SND_MIXART - "Digigram miXart"
+reject_firmware sound/pci/mixart/mixart_hwdep.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/mixart/mixart_hwdep.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_MIXART'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_MIXART sound/pci/mixart/Makefile
+announce SND_PCXHR - "Digigram PCXHR"
+reject_firmware sound/pci/pcxhr/pcxhr_hwdep.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/pcxhr/pcxhr_hwdep.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_PCXHR'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_PCXHR sound/pci/pcxhr/Makefile
+announce SND_RIPTIDE - "Conexant Riptide"
+reject_firmware sound/pci/riptide/riptide.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/riptide/riptide.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_RIPTIDE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_RIPTIDE sound/pci/riptide/Makefile
+announce SND_HDSP - "RME Hammerfall DSP Audio"
+reject_firmware sound/pci/rme9652/hdsp.c
+clean_blob sound/pci/rme9652/hdsp.c
+clean_kconfig sound/pci/Kconfig 'SND_HDSP'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_HDSP sound/pci/rme9652/Makefile
+announce SND_AICA - "Dreamcast Yamaha AICA sound"
+reject_firmware sound/sh/aica.c
+clean_blob sound/sh/aica.c
+clean_kconfig sound/sh/Kconfig 'SND_AICA'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SND_AICA sound/sh/Makefile
+announce SOUND_MSNDCLAS - "Support for Turtle Beach MultiSound Classic, Tahiti, Monterey"
+clean_blob sound/oss/msnd_classic.h
+clean_kconfig sound/oss/Kconfig 'SOUND_MSNDCLAS'
+clean_sed '
+/^config MSNDCLAS_INIT_FILE$/, /^config / {
+  /^	default.*msndinit\.bin/ s,".*","/*(DEBLOBBED)*/",;
+/^config MSNDCLAS_PERM_FILE$/, /^config / {
+  /^	default.*msndperm\.bin/ s,".*","/*(DEBLOBBED)*/",;
+}' sound/oss/Kconfig 'removed default firmware'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SOUND_MSNDCLAS sound/oss/Makefile
+announce SOUND_MSNDPIN - "Support for Turtle Beach MultiSound Pinnacle"
+clean_blob sound/oss/msnd_pinnacle.h
+clean_kconfig sound/oss/Kconfig 'SOUND_MSNDPIN'
+clean_sed '
+/^config MSNDPIN_INIT_FILE$/, /^config / {
+  /^	default.*pndspini\.bin/ s,".*","/*(DEBLOBBED)*/",;
+/^config MSNDPIN_PERM_FILE$/, /^config / {
+  /^	default.*pndsperm\.bin/ s,".*","/*(DEBLOBBED)*/",;
+}' sound/oss/Kconfig 'removed default firmware'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SOUND_MSNDPIN sound/oss/Makefile
+announce SOUND_SSCAPE - "Ensoniq SoundScape support"
+clean_blob sound/oss/sscape.c
+clean_kconfig sound/oss/Kconfig 'SOUND_SSCAPE'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SOUND_SSCAPE sound/oss/Makefile
+announce SOUND_TRIX - "MediaTrix AudioTrix Pro support"
+clean_blob sound/oss/trix.c
+clean_kconfig sound/oss/Kconfig 'SOUND_TRIX'
+clean_sed '
+/^config TRIX_BOOT_FILE$/, /^config / {
+  /^	default.*trxpro\.hex/ s,".*","/*(DEBLOBBED)*/",;
+}' sound/oss/Kconfig 'removed default firmware'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SOUND_TRIX sound/oss/Makefile
+announce SOUND_TRIX - "See above,"
+announce SOUND_PAS - "ProAudioSpectrum 16 support,"
+announce SOUND_SB - "100% Sound Blaster compatibles (SB16/32/64, ESS, Jazz16) support"
+clean_blob sound/oss/sb_common.c
+clean_kconfig sound/oss/Kconfig 'SOUND_PAS'
+clean_kconfig sound/oss/Kconfig 'SOUND_SB'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SOUND_PAS sound/oss/Makefile
+clean_mk CONFIG_SOUND_SB sound/oss/Makefile
+announce SOUND_PSS - "PSS (AD1848, ADSP-2115, ESC614) support"
+clean_sed 's,^\( [*] .*synth"\)\.$,\1/*.,' sound/oss/pss.c 'avoid nested comments'
+clean_blob sound/oss/pss.c
+clean_kconfig sound/oss/Kconfig 'SOUND_PSS'
+clean_sed '
+/^config PSS_BOOT_FILE$/, /^config / {
+  /^	default.*dsp001\.ld/ s,".*","/*(DEBLOBBED)*/",;
+}' sound/oss/Kconfig 'removed default firmware'
+clean_mk CONFIG_SOUND_PSS sound/oss/Makefile
+# Documentation #
+announce Documentation - "non-Free firmware scripts and documentation"
+clean_blob Documentation/dvb/avermedia.txt
+clean_blob Documentation/dvb/opera-firmware.txt
+clean_blob Documentation/sound/alsa/ALSA-Configuration.txt
+clean_blob Documentation/sound/oss/MultiSound
+clean_blob Documentation/sound/oss/PSS
+clean_blob Documentation/sound/oss/PSS-updates
+clean_blob Documentation/sound/oss/README.OSS
+clean_file Documentation/dvb/get_dvb_firmware
+clean_file Documentation/video4linux/
+clean_sed s,usb8388,whatever,g drivers/base/Kconfig 'removed blob name'
+clean_blob firmware/WHENCE
+if $errors; then
+  echo errors above were ignored because of --force >&2
+exit 0

+ 7264 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7264 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# deblob-check version 2013-05-03a
+# Inspired in gNewSense's find-firmware script.
+# Written by Alexandre Oliva <>
+# Check for newer
+# versions.
+# Copyright 2008-2013 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is part of GNU Linux-libre, a GNU project that
+# publishes scripts to clean up Linux so as to make it suitable for
+# use in the GNU Project and in Free System Distributions.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-v] [-v] [-s S] [--reverse-patch] \
+#        [--use-...|--gen-flex] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
+#        *.tar* patch-* [-i prefix/] *.patch *.diff...
+# Look for and report too-long undocumented sequences of numbers
+# (generally blobs in disguise) in source files, as well as requests
+# for loading non-Free firmware.
+# The order of command line flags is significant.  Flags given out of
+# the order above won't be handled correctly, sorry.
+# -s --sensitivity: Specifies the number of consecutive integral or
+#		character constants that trigger the blob detector.
+#	        Must be followed by a blank and a number.
+#    --reverse-patch: Test the removed parts of a patch, rather than
+#		the added ones.
+#    --use-awk: Choose the internal GNU awk script for the bulk of the
+#		work.  This is the default option, if GNU awk is found.
+#		The awk interpreter is named gawk, unless AWK is set.
+#    --use-sed: Choose the internal GNU sed script for the bulk of the
+#		work.  This is the default option, if GNU awk is not
+#		found.
+#    --use-python: Choose the internal python script.  This is not
+#		recommended, because the regular expressions we use
+#		invoke exponential behavior in the python engine.
+#    --use-perl: Choose the internal perl script.  This is not
+#		recommended, because our regular expressions exceed
+#		some limits hard-coded into perl.
+#    --save-script-input: Save the input that would have been fed to
+#		any of the engines above.
+#    --gen-flex: Generate a flex input file with all known blob and
+#		false positive patterns.  It would have been a fast
+#		regular expression processor if only the flex program
+#		completed in reasonable time.
+# The default sensitivity is 32 constants.
+# The sensitivity, if present, must be the first option.  The action
+# selection, if present, must be the first argument, except for the
+# sensitivity and verbosity.
+# The default can be overridden with one of:
+# -l --list-blobs: list files that contain sequences that match the
+#		blob detector test and that are not known to be false
+#		positives.  This is the default option.
+# -d --deblob --mark-blobs: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test and that
+#		are NOT known to be false positives with
+#		/*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -D --cat: print the processed input, as it would have been fed to
+#		the blob detector script.  Use -S to save the sed
+#		script used to process it, and search for `sedcat:' in
+#		comments to locate the relevant adaptation points.
+# -b --print-marked-blobs: like -d, but print only the matching
+#		sequences.
+# -B --print-blobs: like -b, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -c --print-marked-blobs-with-context: like -b, but try to maximize
+#		the context around the blobs.  This maximization will
+#		sometimes disregard known false positives, if they
+#		happen to be contained within the extended match.
+#		This is probably an indication that the false positive
+#		matching rule could be improved.
+# -C --print-blobs-with-context: like -B, but try to maximize the
+#		context around the blobs.
+# -X --print-all-matches: print all blobs, be they known false
+#		positives or actual blobs.
+# -x --list-all-matches: list files that contain sequences that appear
+#		to be blobs, be they known false positives or not.
+# -p --mark-false-positives: print the processed input, replacing
+#		sequences that match the blob detector test, even those
+#		known to be false positives, with /*(DEBLOBBED)*/.
+# -P --list-false-positives: list files that contain false positives.
+# -f --print-marked-false-positives: like -p, but print only the
+#		matching sequences.
+# -F --print-false-positives: like -f, but do not deblob the sequences.
+# -t --test: run (very minimal) self-test.
+# -V --version: print a version number
+# -h -? -H --help: print short or long help message
+# debugging options:
+# -S --save-scripts: save scripts and temporary files.
+# -v --verbose: increase verbosity level, for internal debugging.  May
+#		be given at most twice.
+# file options:
+# --: Don't process command-line options any further.  All following
+#		arguments are taken as filenames.
+# -i --implied-prefix --prefix: prepend the given prefix to each filename
+#		listed after this option, when configuring false positives
+#		and negatives.
+# *.tar*: iterate over all files in the named tar file.
+# *.patch, patch-*, *.diff: Look for blobs in the [ +] parts of the
+# 		*patch, unless --reverse-patch is given, in which case
+# 		the [ -] parts will be used.
+# Anything else is assumed to be a source file.
+# *.gz | *.bz2 | *.xz | *.lz: Decompress automatically.
+# The exit status is only significant for the --list options: it will
+# be true if nothing was found, and false otherwise.
+: # Mark the end of the help message.
+# TODO:
+# - Improve handling of command-line arguments, so as to not make the
+# order relevant.
+# - Add an option for the user to feed their own false positive
+# patterns.
+# - Add support to recognize known blobs (or other non-Free
+# signatures, really), to speed up the scanning of files containing
+# blobs, and to avoid attempts to disguise blobs.
+# - Factor out the code in the various print_* and list_* parts of the
+# sed script, at least in the shell sources.  Make sure they're all
+# included and expanded in a saved --cat script though.
+# - Add support for file name tagging in patterns, such that blobs or
+# false positives are recognized only when handling the specific
+# filename, be it stand-alone, as part of a patch or a tarball.  This
+# should help avoid recognition of actual blobs as false positives
+# just because there's a symbol with a different name elsewhere.
+#   It is convenient that the patterns provided by the user to
+# recognize file names can be empty (for backward compatibility), but
+# this should ideally be phased out in favor of more precise matches.
+# It's important that files can be recognized with leading tarball or
+# patch names, that the filename used within the tarball contain
+# leading garbage, and even that a partial pathname be recognizable
+# (say recognize drivers/net/whatever.c when the input file is named
+# ../net/whatever.c).
+#   Rather than using regular expressions to recognize multiple files
+# it's convenient (but not quite essential) that filename patterns be
+# specifiable as regular expressions, rather than simple filenames,
+# but there are other ways around this.
+#   Maintaining begin/end markers in a stack-like fashion as part of
+# the processed stream, and using the names in them as (optional) part
+# of the recognition patterns, would enable us to do it.
+#   Introducing annotations next to the false positives (and recognized
+# blobs) as an early part of the process may speed things up and
+# enable fast processing, but how to introduce the annotations quickly
+# in the first place?  Given patterns such as
+#   \(\(file1\)\(.*\)\(pat1\)\|\(file2\)\(.*\)\(pat2\)\|...\)
+# how do we get sed to introduce a marker that contains file2 right
+# before or right after pat2, without turning a big efficient regexp
+# into a slowish sequence of s/// commands?
+# - Re-check and narrow false-positive patterns to make sure they
+# apply only to the relevant content.
+# - Scripting abilities, so as to be able to automate the removal of
+# source files or of blobs from source files in a tarball without
+# having to extract the entire tarball (as in tar --update/--delete)
+# would be nice.  Carrying over removed files automatically into
+# patches would also be great, and this sort of script would be
+# perfect to document what has been done to a tarball plus a set of
+# patches.  Something like deblob.script:
+#   tarball linux-2.6.24.tar.bz2
+#   delete net/wireloss/freedom.c drivers/me/crazy.c
+#   deblob include/linux/slab-blob-kfree.h
+#   deconfig drivers/char/drm DRM_IS_BAD
+#   patch patch-2.6.25-rc7.bz2
+#   delete arch/power/over/you.c
+# such that the deletes from an earlier file would carry over into the
+# subsequent ones, and new tarballs and patch files would be generated
+# with the libre- prefix in their basename, and the xdeltas between
+# the original files and the modified files would be minimal, and
+# redundant with this script and the input script while at that.
+# - Improve documentation of the code.
+# - Write a decent testsuite.
+# - Insert your idea here. :-)
+# Yeah, lots of stuff to do.  Want to help?
+# This makes it much faster, and mostly immune to non-ASCII stuff, as
+# long as a 8-bit-safe sed is used.  Probably a safe assumption these
+# days.
+LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL
+rm="rm -f"
+for echo in 'echo' 'printf %s\n'; do
+  case `$echo '\nx'` in
+  '\nx') break;;
+  esac
+case `$echo '\nx'` in
+'\nx') ;; *) echo Cannot find out what echo to use >&2; exit 1;;
+for echo_n in "echo -n" "printf %s"; do
+  case `$echo_n '\na'; $echo_n '\nb'` in
+  '\na\nb') break;;
+  esac
+case `$echo_n a; $echo_n b` in
+'ab') ;; *) echo Cannot find out an echo -n equivalent to use >&2; exit 1;;
+case $1 in
+--save-scripts | -S)
+  shift
+  rm="echo preserving"
+  ;;
+# Choose verbosity level for sed script debugging and performance
+# analysis.
+case $1 in
+--verbose | -v)
+  shift
+  case $1 in
+  --verbose | -v)
+    shift
+    v="i\\
+    vp="2"
+    ;;
+  *)
+    v="P;i\\
+    vp="1"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  v="# "
+  vp="0"
+  ;;
+sens=31 # 32 - 1
+case $1 in
+--sensitivity | -s)
+  sens=$2;
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  if test "$sens" -gt 0 2>/dev/null; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo invalid sensitivity: $sens >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  sens=`expr $sens - 1`
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+  reverse_patch=:
+  shift;
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--implied-prefix | --prefix| -i)
+  prefix=$2
+  case $prefix in
+  /*/) ;;
+  */) prefix=/$prefix ;;
+  /*) prefix=$prefix/ ;;
+  *) prefix=/$prefix/ ;;
+  esac
+  shift 2 || exit 1
+  ;;
+set_eqscript_main () {
+  $set_main_cmd "$@"
+set_eqscript_cmd () {
+  set_eqscript_main "list_blob"
+set_sed_cmd () {
+  set_sed_main "
+q 1"
+set_flex_cmd () {
+  set_flex_main
+set_save_script_input_cmd () {
+  set_save_script_input_main
+if (${PYTHON-python} --version) > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+  # Python will exhibit exponential behavior processing some regular
+  # expressions, but we may have already fixed them all.  (see
+  # for details)
+  set_main_cmd=set_python_main
+elif (${AWK-gawk} --re-interval --version) > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+  # GNU awk works fine, but it requires --re-interval to accept regexp
+  # ranges, which we rely on to match blobs.  We could expand the blob
+  # on our own, but, yuck.
+  set_main_cmd=set_awk_main
+elif (${PERL-false} --version) > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+  # Don't choose perl by default.  Besides the potential for
+  # exponential behavior, we exceed some internal recursion limits.
+  set_main_cmd=set_perl_main
+  # Sed takes GBs of RAM to compile all the huge regexps in the sed
+  # script we generate with all known false positives and blobs in
+  # Linux.  However, it is somewhat faster than GNU awk and even
+  # python for long runs.
+  # Try it: deblob-check --use-sed linux-2.6.32.tar.bz2
+  set_cmd=set_sed_cmd
+case $1 in
+  shift;
+  set_cmd=set_eqscript_cmd;
+  set_main_cmd=set_python_main;
+  ;;
+  shift;
+  set_cmd=set_eqscript_cmd;
+  set_main_cmd=set_perl_main;
+  ;;
+  shift;
+  set_cmd=set_eqscript_cmd;
+  set_main_cmd=set_awk_main;
+  ;;
+  shift;
+  set_cmd=set_sed_cmd;
+  ;;
+  shift;
+  set_cmd=set_flex_cmd;
+  ;;
+  shift;
+  set_cmd=set_save_script_input_cmd;
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+--version | -V)
+  ${SED-sed} -e '/^# '$name' version /,/^# Written by/ { s/^# //; p; }; d' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+-\? | -h)
+  ${SED-sed} -n -e '/^# usage:/,/# -h/ { /^# -/,/^$/{s/^# \(-.*\):.*/\1/p; d; }; s/^\(# \?\)\?//p; }' < $0 &&
+  echo
+  echo "run \`$name --help | more' for full usage"
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--help | -H)
+  ${SED-sed} -n -e '/^# '$name' version /,/^[^#]/ s/^\(# \?\)\?//p' < $0
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+--test | -t)
+  test_mode=:
+  ;;
+--mark-false-positives | -p)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b list_both" "p" "b list_matches"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "replace_blob = print_blob = without_falsepos"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-false-positives | -f)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b print_marked_matches" "" "b print_marked_matches"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "replace_falsepos = print_falsepos"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-false-positives | -F)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b print_matches" "" "b print_matches"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "print_falsepos"
+  }
+  ;;
+--deblob | --mark-blobs | -d)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b list_blobs" "p" "p"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "replace_blob = print_blob = print_falsepos = print_nomatch"
+  }
+  ;;
+--cat | -D)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main \
+      "# sedcat: Actual blob detected, but there may be false positives." \
+      "# sedcat: No blob whatsoever found." \
+      "# sedcat: False positives found." \
+      "p
+# sedcat: Just print stuff, remove this line to run the actual script."
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "print_blob = print_falsepos = print_nomatch"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs | -b)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b print_marked_blobs"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "replace_blob = print_blob"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs | -B)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b print_blobs"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "print_blob"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-marked-blobs-with-context | -c)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b print_marked_cblobs"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "with_context = replace_blob = print_blob"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-blobs-with-context | -C)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b print_cblobs"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "with_context = print_blob"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-false-positives | -P)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "" "" "
+q 1"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "list_falsepos"
+  }
+  ;;
+--list-all-matches | -x)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "
+q 1" "" "
+q 1"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "list_blob = list_falsepos"
+  }
+  ;;
+--print-all-matches | -X)
+  shift;
+  set_sed_cmd () {
+    set_sed_main "b print_both" "" "b print_matches"
+  }
+  set_eqscript_cmd () {
+    set_eqscript_main "print_blob = print_falsepos"
+  }
+  ;;
+  case $1 in
+  --list-blobs | -l) shift;;
+  esac
+  case $1 in
+  -- | --implied-prefix | --prefix | -i) ;;
+  -*)
+    if test ! -f "$1"; then
+      echo "$name: \`$1' given too late or out of the proper sequence." >&2
+      echo "$name: The order of arguments is significant, see the usage." >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+case $1 in
+  sawdashdash=t
+  shift;;
+if $test_mode; then
+ allpass=:
+ for tool in awk perl python sed; do
+  echo testing $tool...
+  targs="-s 4 -i /deblob-check-testsuite/ --use-$tool"
+  pass=:
+  # Exercise some nasty inputs to see that we
+  # recognize them as blobs with full context.
+  test="positive context"
+  for string in \
+    "1,2,3,4" \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+    "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+    "= {
+1, 2, 3, 4
+}" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 $targs -C` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *) echo "failed $test test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we do not recognize these as blobs.
+  test=negative
+  for string in \
+    "#define X { 1, 2 }
+#define Y { 3, 4 }" \
+    " 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 " \
+    "accept(1, 2, 3,
+4, 5, 6)" \
+  ; do
+    case `echo "$string" | $0 $targs` in
+    "") ;;
+    *) echo "failed $test test for:
+$string" >&2
+       pass=false;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # Make sure we print only the lines with blobs.
+  test="only blob"
+  odd=:
+  for string in \
+    "= {
+1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'
+}" \
+	"1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4'" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+	"  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+	".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+	"#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\" \
+    "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+	"   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000," \
+1, 2, 3, 4; 5, 6, 7, 8;
+9, 10, 11" \
+::: - :::
+1, 2, 3, 4; 5, 6, 7, 8;" \
+    "= {
+1, 2, 3, 4
+}" \
+	"blob()
+::: - :::
+1, 2, 3, 4" \
+    "a blobeol y
+x" \
+	"a blobeol y
+x" \
+  ; do
+    if $odd; then
+      input=$string odd=false
+      continue
+    fi
+    case `echo "$input" | $0 $targs -B` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *)
+      echo "failed $test test for:
+$input" >&2
+      pass=false
+      ;;
+    esac
+    odd=:
+  done
+  $odd || { echo "internal testsuite failure in $test" >&2; }
+  # Make sure we deblob only the blobs.
+  test="deblobs"
+  odd=:
+  for string in \
+    "= { 1, 0x2, 03, L'\x4' }" \
+	"= { /*(DEBLOBBED)*/' }" \
+    "=
+  '\\x1', '\\002'
+  ,
+  {
+    { \"\\x3\", },
+    \"\\004\"
+  },
+};" \
+	"  '\\x/*(DEBLOBBED)*/\"" \
+    ".long 1,2
+     .long \$3,\$4" \
+	".long /*(DEBLOBBED)*/" \
+    "#define X { 1, 2, \\
+		 3, 4, /* comment */ \\
+	       }" \
+	"#define X { /*(DEBLOBBED)*/, /* comment */ \\" \
+    "= {
+ * multi-line
+ * comment
+ */
+ {
+   0x4c00c000, 0x00000000, 0x00060000, 0x00000000,
+ },
+}" \
+	"   /*(DEBLOBBED)*/," \
+1, 2, 3, 4; 5, 6; 7, 8, 9, 10;
+9, 10, 11" \
+      "/*(DEBLOBBED)*/
+::: - :::
+/*(DEBLOBBED)*/; 5, 6; /*(DEBLOBBED)*/;" \
+    "= {
+accept() blob() x blob(
+) y
+}" \
+	"accept() /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ x /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ y" \
+    "= {
+accept() blob() x blob(
+w) y
+}" \
+	"accept() /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ x /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ y" \
+    "a blobeol y
+x" \
+	"a /*(DEBLOBBED)*/x" \
+  ; do
+    if $odd; then
+      input=$string odd=false
+      continue
+    fi
+    case `echo "$input" | $0 $targs -b` in
+    "::: - :::
+$string") ;;
+    *)
+      echo "failed $test test for:
+$input" >&2
+      pass=false
+      ;;
+    esac
+    odd=:
+  done
+  $odd || { echo "internal testsuite failure in $test" >&2; }
+  # How did we do?
+  if $pass; then
+    echo success for $tool
+  else
+    allpass=$pass
+  fi
+ done
+ $allpass
+ exit
+# Call addx as needed to set up more patterns to be recognized as
+# false positives.  Takes the input filename in $1.
+set_except () {
+  blob "$blobseq"
+  # We leave out the initial and final letters of request_firmware so
+  # that deblobbing turns them into r/*DEBLOBBED*/e, a syntax error.
+  blobna 'equest_firmwar'
+  blobna 'equest_ihex_firmwar'
+  blobna 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[ 	]*[(][^\n;]*[)][ 	]*[;]\([ 	\n]*MODULE_FIRMWARE[ 	]*[(][^\n;]*[)][ 	]*[;]\)*'
+  blobna '\([.]\|->\)firmware[ 	\n]*=[^=]'
+  blobna 'mod_firmware_load' # sound/
+  blobname '[.]\(fw\|bin[0-9]*\|hex\|frm\|co[dx]\|dat\|elf\|xlx\|rfb\|ucode\|img\|sbcf\|ctx\(prog\|vals\)\|z77\|wfw\)["]'
+  # Ideally we'd whitelist URLs that don't recommend non-Free
+  # Software, but there are just too many URLs in Linux, and most are
+  # fine, so we just blacklist when we find undesirable URLs.
+  # Please report if you find any inappropriate URL in Linux-libre
+  # deblobbed documentation, sources or run-time log messages.
+  # blobna '\(f\|ht\)tp:[/]\([/]\+[^/ \n ]\+\)\+'
+  case $prefix$1 in
+  */*linux*.tar* | */*kernel*.tar* | */*linux-*.*/*)
+    # false alarms, contain source
+    # drivers/net/wan/wanxlfw.inc_shipped -> wanxlfw.S
+    accept 'static[ ]u8[ ]firmware\[\]=[{][\n]0x60,\(0x00,\)*0x16,\(0x00,\)*\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*[\n]0x23,0xFC,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xF9,0x00,0xD4,0x61,0x00,0x06,0x74,0x33,0xFC,\([\n]\(0x[0-9A-F][0-9A-F],\)*\)*0x00[\n][}][;]'
+    # drivers/usb/serial/xircom_pgs_fw.h -> xircom_pgs.S
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ezusb_hex_record[ ]xircom_pgs_firmware\[\][ ]='
+    # drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda_fw_h -> keyspan_pda.S
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ezusb_hex_record[ ]keyspan_pda_firmware\[\][ ]='
+    # arch/m68k/ifpsp060/*.sa -> src/*.s
+    accept '[	]\.long[	]0x60ff0000,0x02360000,0x60ff0000,0x16260000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    accept '[	]\.long[	]0x60ff0000,0x17400000,0x60ff0000,0x15f40000[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_save_dump.h_shipped -> spu_save.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]spu_save_code\[\][ ][ ]__attribute__[(][(]__aligned__[(]128[)][)][)][ ]='
+    # arch/powerpc/platforms/cell/spufs/spu_restore_dump.h_shipped -> spu_restore.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]spu_restore_code\[\][ ][ ]__attribute__[(][(]__aligned__[(]128[)][)][)][ ]='
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode -> ixp2400_tx.uc
+    initnc '[	]\.initial_reg_values[	]=[ ][(]struct[ ]ixp2000_reg_value[ ]\[\][)][ ][{]' drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode
+    # drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode -> ixp2400_rx.uc
+    initnc '[	]\.initial_reg_values[	]=[ ][(]struct[ ]ixp2000_reg_value[ ]\[\][)][ ][{]' drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode
+    # checked:
+    accept '[	][$]3[ ]=[ ][{][{]pge[ ]=[ ][{][{]ste[ ]=[ ][{]\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\)[ ]=\|<repeats[ ][0-9]\+[ ]times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats[ ]11[ ]times>[}]$'
+    accept '__clz_tab:[\n][	]\.byte[	]0\(,[0-5]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept 'PITBL:[\n][ ][ ]\.long[ ][ ]0xC0040000,0xC90FDAA2,'"$blobpat*" arch/sparc/lib/divdi3.S
+    accept '\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\(\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+\\[\n]\)*\(0x[0F][0F],\)\+0x00' arch/m68k/mac/mac_penguin.S
+    accept '\.lowcase:[\n][	]\.byte[ ]0x00\(,0x0[1-7]\)\+'"$sepx$blobpat*"'$' arch/s390/kernel/head.S
+    accept '_zb_findmap:[\n][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]\.byte[ ][ ]0\(,[123],0\)\+,4'"$sepx$blobpat*"'$' arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '_sb_findmap:[\n][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]\.byte[ ][ ]8\(,0,[123]\)\+,0'"$sepx$blobpat*"'$' arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.S
+    accept '[	]\.section[ ]__ex_table,["]a["]'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    accept '[	]memcpy[(]src,[ ]["]\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00["].*PROGxxxx' arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]cpu_745x\[2\]\[16\][ ]=' arch/ppc/platforms/ev64260.c
+    initnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]__flsm1_tab\[256\][ ]=' arch/alpha/lib/fls.c
+    accept '#define[ ]_MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE[	]\\[\n][	]\(0,\)\+$' 'drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment\.h\|include/linux/map_to_7segment\.h'
+    initc '[	]static[ ]int[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]init_values_b\[\][ ]=' sound/oss/ad1848.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]atkbd_set2_keycode\[512\][ ]=' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n][	]\.byte[ ]0x09,[ ]0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\([;]\?[	]\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\([;]\?[	]\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'drivers/usb/serial/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][/][*][ ]\(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\)[ ][*][/][\n][ ][ ][ ][{][\n][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][{]'"$blobpat*" drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/*.ppm
+    accept 'for[ ]i[ ]in[ ][ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do' 'Documentation/specialix\.txt|Documentation/serial/specialix\.txt'
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]:[ ][ ][ ]3600000[ ][ ][ ]3400000[ ][ ][ ]3200000[ ][ ][ ]3000000[ ][ ][ ]2800000[ ]' Documentation/cpu-freq/cpufreq-stats.txt
+    accept '00[ ]00[\n]64[ ]01[\n]8e[ ]0b[\n][\n][0-9a-f \n]*fe[ ]fe' 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0f[ ]00[ ]08[ ]08[ ]64[ ]00[ ]0a[ ]00[ ]-[ ]id[ ]0[\n]'"$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept 'default[ ]nvram[ ]data:'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'Documentation/scsi/\(sym\|ncr\)53c8xx_2.txt'
+    accept '0x0458[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]0x7025[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    accept '0x102c[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x041e[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    accept '[ ][ ][(]gdb[)][ ]x[/]100x[ ][$]25[\n][ ][ ]0x507d2434:[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]0x507d2434[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]0x00000000[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]0x08048000[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]0x080a4f8c'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/uml/UserModeLinux-HOWTO.txt
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]1[ ][ ]0[ ][ ]0[ ][ ]0[ ][ ]0x308'"$sepx$blobpat*" Documentation/isdn/
+    accept 'domain<N>[ ]<cpumask>[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]10[ ]11[ ]12[ ]13[ ]14[ ]15[ ]16[ ]17[ ]18[ ]19[ ]20[ ]21[ ]22[ ]23[ ]24[ ]25[ ]26[ ]27[ ]28[ ]29[ ]30[ ]31[ ]32[ ]33[ ]34[ ]35[ ]36$' Documentation/sched-stats.txt
+    accept '[ *	]*0[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]1[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]2[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]3[\n][ *	]*0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1' 'net/\(netfilter\|ipv4\)/ipvs/ip_vs_sync.c|net/sctp/sm_make_chunk.c|include/linux/scpt.h'
+    accept '[ ][*][ ][ ]1[ ]1[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]1[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0[ ]0' arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    ocomment '[	][/][*][ ]Configure[ ]the[ ]PCI[ ]bus[ ]bursts[ ]and[ ]FIFO[ ]thresholds.' drivers/net/fealnx.c
+    ocomment '[/][*][ ]the[ ]original[ ]LUT[ ]values[ ]from[ ]Alex[ ]van[ ]Kaam[ ]<darkside@chello\.nl>' drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    initc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]init\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*MODE=0[ ][;].*SAA_7114_NTSC_HSYNC_START' drivers/media/video/saa7114.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]cipher_testvec[ ]\(aes\|anubis\|bf\|camellia\|cts_mode\|des3_ede\|cast6\|salsa20_stream\|serpent\|tf\|tnepres\|xeta\|x\?tea\)\(_\(cbc\|ctr\(_rfc3686\)\?\|xts\)\)\?_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]comp_testvec[ ]\(deflate\|lzo\)_\(de\)\?comp_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]hash_testvec[ ]\(aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\|hmac_sha2\(24\|56\)\|\(sha\|wp\)\(256\|384\|512\)\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    # initnc '[ 	]*\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ \n	]*=[ ][{"]' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?RegInitializer[ ]initData\[\][ ]__initdata[ ]=' 'drivers/ide/ali14xx\.c\|drivers/ide/legacy/ali14xx\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]setup\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/ide/delkin_cb\.c\|drivers/ide/pci/delkin_cb\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6[ ]-[ ]XFER_UDMA_0[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' 'drivers/ide/sis5513\.c\|drivers/ide/pci/sis5513\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(act\|ini\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\][ ]=' 'drivers/ide/sis5513\.c\|drivers/ide/pci/sis5513\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]speedtab[ ]\[3\]\[12\][ ]=' 'drivers/ide/umc8672\.c\|drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]\(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\][ ]=' net/wireless/b43/phy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/zr36060\.c\|drivers/media/video/zoran/zr36060\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/zr36060\.c\|drivers/media/video/zoran/zr36060\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]tas3004_treble_table\[\][ ]=' sound/aoa/codecs/tas-basstreble.h
+    # This file contains firmwares that we deblob with high
+    # sensitivity, so make sure the sequences of numbers that are not
+    # blobs are not deblobbed.  FIXME: we should have patterns to
+    # recognize the blobs instead.
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]test_pat\[4\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    accept "[	][}]\\(,\\?[ ]mem_tbl_5\\(70x\\|705\\|755\\|906\\)\\[\\][ ]=[ ][{]$sepx$blobpat*$sepx[}]\\)*[;]" drivers/net/tg3.c
+    # end of generic checked expressions.
+    # version-specific checked bits start here
+    # removed in 2.6.28
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]irq_xlate\[32\][ ]=' arch/sparc/kernel/sun4m_irq.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/hid/hid-input.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(read_indexs\|n\(set\)\?[0-9]*\(_other\)\?\|missing\)\[[0-9x]*\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u_char[ ]nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/nand_ecc.c
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_\(11[ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\)[ ]' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath_hal[ ]ar5416hal[ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/hw.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]INIT_2\[127\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap/lcd_sx1.c
+    # removed in 2.6.24
+    accept "[ ]Psize[ ][ ][ ][ ]Ipps[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]Tput[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]Rxint[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]Txint[ ][ ][ ][ ]Done[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]Ndone[\\n][ ]---------------------------------------------------------------\\([\\n][ 0-9]\\+\\)\\+"'$'
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_short[ ]ataplain_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]__initdata[ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]invert5\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]alpa2target\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]target2alpa\[\][ ]='
+    oprepline '#define[ ]INIT_THREAD[ ][{0},]\+[ 	]*\\[\n][ 	]*[{0},]\+'
+    initnc 'static[ ]uint[ ]tas300\(1c\|4\)_\(master\|mixer\|treble\|bass\)_tab\[\]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]short[ ]dmasound_[au]law2dma16\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]DACVolTable\[101\][ ]='
+    # removed in 2.6.23
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]UQItype[ ]__clz_tab\[\][ ]=' arch/arm26/lib/udivdi3.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]scale\[101\][ ]=' sound/oss/opl3sa2.c
+    initnc '[}][ ]syncs\[\][ ]=' drivers/scsi/53c7xx.c
+    initnc 'genoa_md:'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n][	]\.ascii[	]["]Genoa["]' arch/i386/boot/video.S
+    # removed in 2.6.22
+    initnc 'Vendor[ ]ID[ ][ ]Product[ ]ID[\n]-\+[ ][ ]-\+[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/sn9c102.txt
+    defsnc 'static[ ]short[ ][au]law2dma16\[\]' arch/ppc/8xx_io/cs4218_tdm.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]minimal_ascii_table\[\]' drivers/ieee1394/csr1212.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]key_map[ ]\[256\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_ir.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]gf64_inv\[64\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/cafe_ecc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]err_pos_lut\[4096\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/cafe_ecc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]testdata\[TESTDATA_LEN\][ ]=' fs/jffs2/comprtest.c
+    # added in 2.6.25
+    accept "%canned_values[ ]=[ ][(][\\n][	]\\([0-9]\\+[ ]=>[ ]\\[[ 	\\n]\\+\\(\\([0-9]\\+\\|\\'0x[0-9a-f]\\+\\'\\),[ 	\\n]*\\)*\\]\\(,[ ]\\|[\\n]\\)\\)*[)][;]"
+    # from 2.6.25-rc* patches
+    initnc '[	]int[ ]bcomm_irq\[3[*]16\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]int8[ ]countLeadingZerosHigh\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nic_qp_map[ ]nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval[ ]ov_initvals\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/usb/stkwebcam/stk-sensor.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval[ ]stk1125_initvals\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/usb/stkwebcam/stk-webcam.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]arb_line[ ]read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x_init_opts.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]arb_line[ ]write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x_init_opts.h
+    initnc '[	][	][}][ ]blinkrates\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini[ ]ar5212_ini\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_mode[ ]rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/initvals.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5111\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/rfbuffer.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5112\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/rfbuffer.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5112a\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/rfbuffer.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5413\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/rfbuffer.h
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static[ ]u64[ ]vec2off\[68\][ ]=' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "[	][	][	]interrupts[ ]=[ ]<\\(0x\\)\\?3[ ]\\(0x\\)\\?0[ ]\\(0x\\)\\?0[ ][ ]$blobpat*>[;]" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]crctab32\[\][ ]=' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]mse2snr_tab[ ]\(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]\(VSB\|QAM\(64\|256\)\?\)_mod_tab\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522\(_dig\)\?\.c'
+    initnc '[}][ ]itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '[}][ ]\(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '[}][ ]snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]reg_init_initialize\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\][ ]=' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_mode[ ]rf24\(13\|25\)_ini_mode_end\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm9713_reg\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    # new in 2.6.27
+    accept '[	]\.section[ ]__ex_table,["]a["]'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n][	]\.byte[ ]0x09,[ ]0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\([;]\?[	]\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\([;]\?[	]\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept ':03000000020200F9[\n]:040023000205\(9B0037\|5F0073\)[\n]\(:050030000000000000CB[\n]\|:0400430002010000B6[\n]\)*'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]:\(0E06E0006400670065007400060334003700F4\|0606A000060334003700E0\)[\n]:00000001FF' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).HEX'
+    accept ':100000000C004000000000000000000000000000A4[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n][/][*][ ]DSP56001[ ]bootstrap[ ]code[ ][*][/]' firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.bin.ihex
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]uda1380_reg\[UDA1380_CACHEREGNUM\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/uda1380.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\][ ]=' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]usb_kbd_keycode\[256\][ ]=' drivers/hid/usbhid/usbkbd.c
+    initnc '[	][	]u8[ ]buf,[ ]bufs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_pll_desc[ ][^\n]*[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]int[ ]sysdiv_to_div_x_2\[\][ ]=' arch/powerpc/platforms/512x/clock.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cx_inits_\(176\|320\|352\|640\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cx_jpeg_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cxjpeg_\(640\|352\|320\|176\|qtable\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]quant\[\]\[0x88\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]huffman\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initc '[	]\?static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]norm_76[1247]0\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pac7311_jpeg_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(start\|page[34]\)_73\(02\|11\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/gspca/pac73\(02\|11\)\.c'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]init\(Hv7131\|Ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|Pas\(106\|202\)\|Tas51[13]0\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(hv7131\|ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|pas\(106\|202\)\|tas51[13]0\)_sensor_init\(_com\)\?\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mt9v111\|sp80708\|hv7131[rd]\|mi0360b\?\|mo4000\|ov76\([36]0\|48\)\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]qtable4\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]\(spca500_visual\|Clicksmart510\)_defaults\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]qtable_\(creative_pccam\|kodak_ez200\|pocketdv\)\[2\]\[64\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]spca501c\?_\(\(3com\|arowana\|mysterious\)_\)\?\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca501.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__u16\|u8\)[ ]spca505b\?_\(init\|open\)_data\(_ccd\)\?\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca505.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u16[ ]spca508\(cs110\|_sightcam2\?\|_vista\)\?_init_data\[\]\[[23]\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca508.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]\(spca561\|rev72a\)_init_data3\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca561.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__u16\|struct[ ]cmd\)[ ]spca504\(_pccam600\|A_clicksmart420\)_\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\(\[3\]\)\?[ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]qtable_\(creative_pccam\|spca504_default\)\[2\]\[64\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(effects\|gamma\)_table\[\(MAX_[A-Z]*\|[A-Z]*_MAX\)\]\[[0-9]*\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t631.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]tas5130a_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]usb_action[ ]\(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105a\(xx\)\?\|ov7630c\|mt9v111_[13]\|pb0330\([3x]x\)\?\|mi0360soc\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_\(agc\|ofdm\|power_cck\(_ch14\)\?\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]t10_dif_crc_table\[256\][ ]=' lib/crc-t10dif.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]crb_128M_2M_block_map_t[ ]crb_128M_2M_map\[64\][ ]=' drivers/net/netxen/netxen_hw.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]crc10_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/usb/serial/safe_serial.c
+    accept '[ 	]*\([ ]*0\)*\([ ]*1\)*[\n][ 	]*0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]*2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7' Documentation/bt8xxgpio.txt
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]int[ ]exp_lut\[256\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]bf_pbox\[16[ ][+][ ]2\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]bf_sbox\[256[ ][*][ ]4\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]sample_\(german_\(all\|old\)\|american_\(dialtone\|ringing\|busy\)\|special[123]\|silence\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'struct[ ]pattern[ ][{][^}]*int[ ]tone[;][^}]*[}][ ]pattern\[\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\([au]\|_4\)law_to_\([ua]law\|4bit\)\[256\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_codec.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]banner_table\[\][ ]=' arch/sh/boards/mach-microdev/led.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]desc_idx_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/include/asm/hardware/iop3xx-adma.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]ar\(5416\|9280\)\(Modes\(_fast_clock\)\?\|Common\|BB_RfGain\|Bank6\(TPC\)\?\|Addac\)\(_91[06]0\(_\?1_1\)\?\|_9280\(_2\)\?\)\?\[\]\[[236]\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/\(ar\(5008\|9001\)_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    # new in 2.6.28
+    accept '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]char[ ]\(inv\)\?parity\[256\][ ]=[ ][{][	 \n01,]*[}][;]' 'Documentation/mtd/nand_ecc\.txt\|drivers/mtd/nand/nand_ecc\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]\(bitsperbyte\|addressbits\)\[256\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/nand_ecc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pinmux_cfg_reg[ ]pinmux_config_regs\[\][ ]=' 'arch/sh/kernel/cpu/sh2a/pinmux-sh7203\.c\|arch/arm/mach-shmobile/pfc-sh73[67]7\.c'
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]e_keymap\[\][ ]=' drivers/hid/hid-lg.c
+    defsnc 'DEFINE_DEFAULT_PDR[(]0x0161,[ ]256,' drivers/net/wireless/hermes_dld.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]isink_cur\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/wm8350-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]\(converge_speed_ipb\?\|LAMBDA_table\[4\]\)\[101\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]addrinctab\[33\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(default_intra_quant_table\|\(val\|bits\)_[ad]c_\(lu\|chro\)minance\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]zz\[64\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc '[	]u16[ ]pack\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(initial\|channel\)_registers\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/go7007/wis-\(ov7640\|saa7113\|tw2804\).c'
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]MTO_One_Exchange_Time_Tbl_[ls]\[MTO_MAX_FRAG_TH_LEVELS\]\[MTO_MAX_DATA_RATE_LEVELS\][ ]=' drivers/staging/winbond/mto.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]\(al2230_txvga_data\|w89rf242_txvga_old_mapping\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/winbond/reg.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]UINT16[ ]crc16tab\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/wlan-ng/hfa384x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(UINT32\|u32\)[ ]wep_crc32_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/wlan-ng/p80211wep.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]wm_vol\[256\][ ]=' 'sound/pci/ice1712/\(phase\|aureon\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8900_reg_defaults\[WM8900_MAXREG\][ ]=' sound/soc/wm8900.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]\(clk_sys_ratios\|bclk_divs\)\[\][ ]=' 'sound/soc/wm890[34]\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(leadtek\|twinhan\|a_link\|msi\|mygictv\|kworld\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]\(snr_table\|af9013_snr\)[ ]\(qpsk\|qam\(16\|64\)\)_snr_\(table\|lut\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]\(regdesc\|af9013_reg_bit\)[ ]\(ofsm_init\|tuner_init_\(env77h11d5\|mt2060\(_2\)\?\|mxl500\(3d\|5\)\|qt1010\|mc44s803\|unknown\|tda18271\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]stv0288_earda_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/eds1547.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]serit_sp1511lhb_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/si21xx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]stv0288_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/stv0288.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_b\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2400pci.c
+    # request_firmware matches for 2.6.28
+    accept 'D:[ ]Firmware[ ]loader[ ][(]request_firmware[)]' CREDITS
+    accept 'FIRMWARE[ ]LOADER[ ][(]request_firmware[)]' MAINTAINERS
+    accept '[	]-[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]hotplug[ ]interface[ ]info.' Documentation/00-INDEX
+    accept 'This[ ]driver[ ]requires[ ]a[ ]patch[ ]for[ ]firmware_class[^\n]*[\n]request_firmware_nowait[ ]function\.' Documentation/dell_rbu.txt
+    accept '\([ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]hotplug[ ]interface:[\n][ ]--*[\n].*[ ]\)\?-[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(][)][ ]is[ ]also[ ]provided[ ]for[ ]convenience' Documentation/firmware_class/README
+    accept 'Still,[ ]there[ ]are[ ]kernel[ ]threads[ ]that[ ]may[ ]want.*For[ ]example,[ ]if[ ]request_.*_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]fail[ ]regardless' Documentation/power/freezing-of-tasks.txt
+    accept 'Also,[ ]there[ ]may[ ]be[ ]some[ ]operations,.*calling[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]from[ ]their[ ].resume[(][)][ ]routines' Documentation/power/notifiers.txt
+    accept 'There[ ]is[ ]an[ ]USB[ ]interface[ ]for[ ]downloading[/]uploading.*request_firmware[ ]interface\.' Documentation/video4linux/si470x.txt
+    accept '[	]-[ ]move[ ]firmware[ ]loading[ ]to[ ]request_firmware[(][)]' drivers/staging/slicoss/README
+    accept 'config[ ]FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL.*let[ ]firmware[ ]be[ ]loaded[ ]from[ ]userspace\.' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '[	 ]*and[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]in[ ]the[ ]source' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '\(static[ ]\(int\|void\)[\n ]\)\?_request_firmware\(_prepare\|_cleanup\)\?[(]const[ ]struct[ ]firmware[ ][*][*]\?firmware\(_p\)\?[,)][^{]*[\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}][\n]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[\n ]request_firmware_work_func[(]void[ ][*]arg[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*ret[ ]=[ ]_request_firmware[(][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}][\n]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[/][*][*][\n][ ][*][ ]request_firmware:[ ]-[ ]send[ ]firmware[ ][^{]*[\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}][\n]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[/][*][*][\n][ ][*][ ]request_firmware_nowait\(:\|[ ]-\)[ ]asynchronous[ ]version[^{]*[\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}][\n]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'EXPORT_SYMBOL[(]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[)][;]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'int[ ]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(][^;]*[)][;]' include/linux/firmware.h
+    accept 'static[ ]inline[ ]int[ ]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(][^{]*[)][\n][{][\n][	]return[ ]-EINVAL[;][\n][}]' include/linux/firmware.h
+    accept 'static[ ]inline[ ]int[\n]\(maybe_\)\?reject_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(][^{;]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]' include/linux/firmware.h
+    accept 'static[ ]inline[ ]int[ ]request_ihex_firmware\?[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}][\n]' include/linux/ihex.h
+    ocomment '[/][*][ ]Optional[ ]firmware\([^\n]*[\n][ ][*]\)*[^\n]*[ ]MODULE_FIRMWARE[(][)]'
+    oprepline '#define[ ]MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]_firmware[)]' include/linux/module.h
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]Sample[ ]code[ ]on[ ]how[ ]to[ ]use[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]from[ ]drivers\.' samples/firmware_class/firmware_sample_driver.c
+    accept '[	]\(retval\|error\)[ ]=[ ]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(][^;]*["]sample_driver_fw["],[^;]*[)][;]' samples/firmware_class/firmware_sample_driver.c
+    ocomment '[	][/][*][ ]request_firmware[ ]blocks[ ]until[ ]userspace[ ]finished' samples/firmware_class/firmware_sample_driver.c
+    accept '[	][	][ 	]*["][ ]request_firmware_nowait[ ]failed' samples/firmware_class/firmware_sample_driver.c
+    # We used to remove these in early versions of Linux-libre.
+    # They're now believed to be mere initialization data, rather than
+    # code disguised as such, and they're not long enough so as to
+    # render the software non-Free.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]tda10021_inittab\[0x40\]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]tda8083_init_tab[ ]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]ves1820_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]init_1[89]93_w\?tab[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]saa7113_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]philips_sd1878_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]Kiara_table_entry[ ]Kiara_table\[PSZ_MAX\]\[6\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]KiaraRomTable[ ]\[8\]\[2\]\[16\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]Timon_table_entry[ ]Timon_table\[PSZ_MAX\]\[PWC_FPS_MAX_TIMON\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]TimonRomTable[ ]\[16\]\[2\]\[16\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]struct_initData[ ]initData\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8187b_reg_table\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_dev.c
+    defsnc 'unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\|IPA_PDU_HEADER\|\(READ\|WRITE\)_CCW\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/qeth_core_mpc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]camera_ncm03j_magic\[\][ ]=' 'arch/sh/boards/\(board-ap325rxa\.c\|mach-ap325rxa/setup\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]\(sync\|magic[0-3]\)_data\[\][ ]=' arch/sh/boards/mach-migor/lcd_qvga.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]camera_ov772x_magic\[\][ ]=' arch/sh/boards/mach-migor/setup.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]chips_init_reg[ ]chips_init_[sgacfx]r\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/video/\(asiliant\|chips\)fb.c'
+    # This one is quite suspicious, but it's small enough (64 bytes
+    # total) that it's believable that it could be actual source code.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cx11646_fw1\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    # Hunting down non-Free firmware-loading code and instructions.
+    # Firmware names are to be caught anywhere.
+    # 2.6.26 but not later
+    blobname 'atmsar1[12]\.\(x\|start\|regions\|data\|bin[12]\?\)' 'drivers/atm/\(Makefile\|ambassador\.c\)'
+    blob '#\(define\|include\)[ ]UCODE2\?[(][^\n]*' drivers/atm/ambassador.c
+    blob 'static[ ]\(u32\|region\)[ ]__devinitdata[ ]ucode_\(start\|\(regions\|data\)\[\]\)[ ]=[^;]*[;]' drivers/atm/ambassador.c
+    blob '\(#\(ifdef[ ]AMB_NEW_MICROCODE\|else\|endif\)[\n]#\(define\|include\)[ ]UCODE2\?[(][^\n]*[\n]\)\+\([\n]*static[ ]\(u32\|region\)[ ]__devinitdata[ ]ucode_\(start\|\(regions\|data\)\[\]\)[ ]=[^;]*[;]\)*' drivers/atm/ambassador.c
+    blobname '\(pca\|sba\)200e\(_ecd\)\?\.\(data\|bin[12]\?\)' 'drivers/atm/\(Makefile\|fore200e\(_mkfirm\)\?\.c\)'
+    blobna '[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*PCA-200E[ ]firmware[ ][*][/]' drivers/atm/fore200e_mkfirm.c
+    blobna '_fore200e_\(pca\|sba\)_fw_\(data\|size\)' drivers/atm/fore200e.c
+    blob '#ifdef[ ]CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E_\(PCA\|SBA\)\([\n]extern[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]\(char\|int\)[ ]*_fore200e_\(pca\|sba\)_fw_\(data\[\]\|size\)[;]\)\+[\n]#endif\([\n]\+#ifdef[ ]CONFIG_ATM_FORE200E_\(PCA\|SBA\)\([\n]extern[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]\(char\|int\)[ ]*_fore200e_\(pca\|sba\)_fw_\(data\[\]\|size\)[;]\)\+[\n]#endif\)*' drivers/atm/fore200e.c
+    # 2.6.27 but not later
+    blob 'cas_saturn_patch_t[ ]cas_saturn_patch\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' drivers/net/cassini.h
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]firmware[ ]files[ ]--[ ]the[ ]same[ ]names[ ]which[ ]appear[ ]in[ ]MODULE_FIRMWARE[(][)]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    # 2.6.28 or earlier
+    blobname 'atmsar11\.fw' drivers/atm/ambassador.c
+    blob '\(#ifdef[ ]__\(LITTLE\|BIG\)_ENDIAN[\n]\)\?#define[ ]FW_EXT[ ]["]\(_ecd\)\?\.bin2\?["]\([\n]#else[\n]#define[ ]FW_EXT[ ]["]\(_ecd\)\?\.bin2\?["]\)*\([\n]#endif\)\?' drivers/atm/fore200e.c
+    blobna 'sprintf[(][^;]*fore200[^;]*FW_EXT[^;]*[)][;]' drivers/atm/fore200e.c
+    blobname '\(pc\|sb\)a200e\(_ecd\)\?\.bin[12]\?' drivers/atm/fore200e.c
+    blobna 'The[ ]supplied[ ]firmware[ ]images.*http:[/][/][^\n]*\(fore\|FORE_Systems\).*Rebuild[ ]and[ ]re-install[^.]*\.' Documentation/networking/fore200e.txt
+    blobname 'intelliport2\.bin' drivers/char/ip2/ip2main.c
+    blob 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]warp_g[24]00_t2\?gzs\?a\?f\?\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^{};]*[}][;]\([\n][\n]*static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]warp_g[24]00_t2\?gzs\?a\?f\?\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^{};]*[}][;]\)*' drivers/gpu/drm/mga/mga_ucode.h
+    blob '\(#define[ ]WARP_UCODE_\(SIZE\|INSTALL\)[(][ ]*which\([^\n]*\\[ 	]*[\n]\)*[^\n]*\|static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]mga_warp_g[24]00_microcode_size[ ]=[^;]*[;]\|static[ ]int[ ]mga_warp_install_g[24]00_microcode[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]\)\([\n][\n]*\(#define[ ]WARP_UCODE_\(SIZE\|INSTALL\)[(][ ]*which\([^\n]*\\[ 	]*[\n]\)*[^\n]*\|static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]mga_warp_g[24]00_microcode_size[ ]=[^;]*[;]\|static[ ]int[ ]mga_warp_install_g[24]00_microcode[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]\)\)*' drivers/gpu/drm/mga/mga_warp.c
+    blobna '\(case[ ]MGA_CARD_TYPE_G[^:]*:[ 	\n]*\)\+return[ ][^;]*mga_warp[^;]*microcode[^;]*[;]\([ 	\n]*\(case[ ]MGA_CARD_TYPE_G[^:]*:[ 	\n]*\)\+return[ ][^;]*mga_warp[^;]*microcode[^;]*[;][ 	]*\)*' drivers/gpu/drm/mga/mga_warp.c
+    blob 'static[ ]u32[ ]r128_cce_microcode\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' drivers/gpu/drm/r128/r128_cce.c
+    blob 'static[ ]void[ ]r128_cce_load_microcode[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]' drivers/gpu/drm/r128/r128_cce.c
+    # blobna 'R128_WRITE[(]R128_PM4_MICROCODE_DATA[HL],[\n	 ]*r128_cce_microcode\[i[ ][*][ ]2\([ ][+][ ]1\)\?\][)]\([;][\n 	]*R128_WRITE[(]R128_PM4_MICROCODE_DATA[HL],[\n	 ]*r128_cce_microcode\[i[ ][*][ ]2\([ ][+][ ]1\)\?\][)]\)*' drivers/gpu/drm/r128/r128_cce.c
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]R[SV0-9]*[05]_\(c\|pf\)p_microcode\[\]\(\[[23]\]\)\?[ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]\([\n][\n]*static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]R[SV0-9]*[05]_\(c\|pf\)p_microcode\[\]\(\[[23]\]\)\?[ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]\)*' 'drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/\(radeon\|r600\)_microcode\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]void[ ]r\(adeon\|[167]00\)_cp_load_microcode[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*cp_microcode[^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]' 'drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r\(\(adeon\|600\)_cp\|100\)\.c'
+    # blobna 'RADEON_WRITE[(]R\(ADEON\|600\)_CP_\(ME_RAM\|PFP_UCODE\)_DATA[HL]\?,[\n	 ]*R[SV0-9]*[05]_\(c\|pf\)p_microcode\[i\]\(\[[012]\]\)\?[)]\([;][\n 	]*RADEON_WRITE[(]R\(ADEON\|600\)_CP_\(ME_RAM\|PFP_UCODE\)_DATA[HL]\?,[\n	 ]*R[SV0-9]*[05]_\(c\|pf\)p_microcode\[i\]\(\[[012]\]\)\?[)]\)*' 'drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/\(radeon\|r600\)_cp\.c'
+    blob 'sub[ ]\(sp887[0x]\|tda1004\(5\|6\(lifeview\)\?\)\|av7110\|dec\(2\(00\|54\)0t\|3000s\)\|opera1\|vp7041\|dibusb\|nxt200[24]\|cx\(23\(1xx\|885\)\|18\)\|pvrusb2\|or51\(211\|132_\(qam\|vsb\)\)\|bluebird\|mpc718\|af9015\|ngene\)[ ]*[{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]\([\n]\+sub[ ]\(sp887[0x]\|tda1004\(5\|6\(lifeview\)\?\)\|av7110\|dec\(2\(00\|54\)0t\|3000s\)\|opera1\|vp7041\|dibusb\|nxt200[24]\|cx\(23\(1xx\|885\)\|18\)\|pvrusb2\|or51\(211\|132_\(qam\|vsb\)\)\|bluebird\|mpc718\|af9015\|ngene\)[ ]*[{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]\)*' Documentation/dvb/get_dvb_firmware
+    blobna 'Please[ ]use[^\n]*firmware[^\n]*sp887x[^\n]*\([\n][^\n]\+\)\+' Documentation/dvb/avermedia.txt
+    blob 'To[ ]extract[ ]the[ ]firmware[^\n]*Opera[ ]DVB-S1[ ]USB-Box.*[/]lib[/]firmware[/][ ]\.' Documentation/dvb/opera-firmware.txt
+    blobname '\(dvb-usb-opera[^\n]*\.fw\|2830S[^\n]*2\.sys\)' Documentation/dvb/opera-firmware.txt
+    blob 'Getting[ ]the[ ]Firmware\([\n][^\n]\+\)*' Documentation/dvb/ttusb-dec.txt
+    blob '[/][*][\n 	]*File[ ]automatically[ ]generated[ ]by[ ]createinit\.py[ ]using[ ]data[\n 	]*extracted[ ]from[ ]AF05BDA\.sys.*[}][;]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-script.h
+    blob '#include[ ]["]af9005-script\.h["]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-fe.c
+    blobna '[\n][	]scriptlen[ ]=[ ]sizeof[(]script[)][^;]*[;][\n][	]for[^{]*scriptlen[^{]*[{][^}]*[^\n	}]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005-fe.c
+    accept 'struct[ ]\(sp8870\|tda1004x\)_config[\n][{][^}]*[(][*]request_firmware[)][^}]*[\n][}][;]' 'drivers/media/dvb/frontends/\(sp8870\|tda1004x\)\.h'
+    blob '[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*get_dvb_firmware[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\([\n]\(#define[ ]\(\([^\n 	]*_DEFAULT\|NONFREE\)_FIRMWARE\|["][^"]*["]\)[ ]\([^\n]\|[\\][\n]\)*\|[/][*][(]DEBLOBBED[)][*][/]\)\)*' 'drivers/media/dvb/frontends/\(nxt200x\|or51211\|sp887[0x]\|tda1004[8x]\)\.c'
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-sp8870\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp8870.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-tda1004[56]\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda1004x.c
+    # This bootcode is actually Free Software under GPLv2, but since it's
+    # being distributed without source code, we're taking it out.
+    blob 'static[ ]u8[ ]bootcode\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+    blobname 'dvb-ttpci-01\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]nexusca_stv0297_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]philips_su1278_tt_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]dvbc_philips_tdm1316l_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+    blobname 'ttusb-budget[/]dspbootcode\.bin' drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-budget/dvb-ttusb-budget.c
+    blobname 'cpia2[/]stv0672_vp4\.bin' drivers/media/video/cpia2/cpia2_core.c
+    blobname 'dabusb[/]\(firmware\.fw\|bitstream\.bin\)' drivers/media/video/dabusb.c
+    blob 'static[ ]u32[ ]tigon2\?Fw\(Text\|Rodata\|Data\)\[[(]MAX_\(TEXT\|RODATA\|DATA\)_LEN[/]4[)][ ][+][ ]1\][ ]__devinitdata[ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]\([\n]static[ ]u32[ ]tigon2\?Fw\(Text\|Rodata\|Data\)\[[(]MAX_\(TEXT\|RODATA\|DATA\)_LEN[/]4[)][ ][+][ ]1\][ ]__devinitdata[ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]\)*' drivers/net/acenic_firwmare.h
+    blob '#define[ ]tigon2\?Fw[^ ]*\(Addr\|Len\)[ ]0x[^\n]*\([\n]#define[ ]tigon2\?Fw[^ ]*\(Addr\|Len\)[ ]0x[^\n]*\)\+' drivers/net/acenic_firmware.h
+    blob '\([/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*Do[ ]not[ ]try[ ]to[ ]clear[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/][\n][	]\)\?ace_clear[^;]*[;][\n]\([^}]*[{][^}]*ace_copy[^}]*tigon2\?Fw[^}]*[}]\)*[\n]\+[	]return[ ]0[;][\n][}]' drivers/net/acenic.c
+    blob 'if[ ][(]\(ACE_IS_TIGON_I[(]ap[)]\|ap->version[ ]==[ ]2\)[)][\n][	][	]writel[(]tigon2\?FwStartAddr,[ ][&]regs->Pc[)][;]\([\n][	]if[ ][(]\(ACE_IS_TIGON_I[(]ap[)]\|ap->version[ ]==[ ]2\)[)][\n][	][	]writel[(]tigon2\?FwStartAddr,[ ][&]regs->Pc[)][;]\)*' drivers/net/acenic.c
+    blob '#include[ ]["]starfire_firmware\.h["]' drivers/net/starfire.c
+    blob '[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*Load[ ]Rx[/]Tx[ ]firmware[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\([\n][	]for[ ][(][^)]*FIRMWARE_[RT]X_SIZE[^)]*[)][\n][	][	]writel[^;]*firmware_[rt]x[^;]*[;]\)\+' drivers/net/starfire.c
+    blob 'static[ ]\(u8\|const[ ]u32\|struct[ ]fw_info\)[ ]bnx2_\(\(COM\|CP\|[RT]XP\|TPAT\)_b0[69]Fw\(Text\|Data\|Rodata\)\|\(xi_\)\?rv2p_proc[12]\|\(com\|cp\|[rt]xp\|tpat\)_fw_0[69]\)\(\[[^]};]*\]\)*[ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]\([\n][\n]*static[ ]\(u8\|const[ ]u32\|struct[ ]fw_info\)[ ]bnx2_\(\(COM\|CP\|[RT]XP\|TPAT\)_b0[69]Fw\(Text\|Data\|Rodata\)\|\(xi_\)\?rv2p_proc[12]\|\(com\|cp\|[rt]xp\|tpat\)_fw_0[69]\)\(\[[^]};]*\]\)*[ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]\)*' 'drivers/net/bnx2_fw2\?.h'
+    blob '#include[ ]["]bnx2_fw\.h["][\n][\n]*#include[ ]["]bnx2_fw2\.h["]' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    blob 'static[ ]void[\n]load_rv2p_fw[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    blob 'static[ ]int[\n]bnx2_init_cpus[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    # init_data_e1h? might actually be just data, but it doesn't
+    # really matter.
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(init\?\|[tucx]sem_\(int_table\|pram\)\)_data_e1h\?\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]\([\n][\n]*static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(init\?\|[tucx]sem_\(int_table\|pram\)\)_data_e1h\?\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]\)*' drivers/net/bnx2x_init_values.h
+    blob 'static[ ]\(void[ ]\|const[ ]u32[ ][*]\)bnx2x_\(sel_blob\|init_wr_wb\|init_block\)[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]\([\n][\n]*static[ ]\(void[ ]\|const[ ]u32[ ][*]\)bnx2x_\(sel_blob\|init_wr_wb\|init_block\)[(][^{]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]\)*' 'drivers/net/bnx2x_init\(_ops\)\?\.h'
+    blobname 'sun[/]cassini\.bin' drivers/net/cassini.c
+    blobna 'static[ ]u16[ ]\(sr\|twinax\)_edc\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' drivers/net/cxgb3/ael1002.c
+    blobna 'for[ ][(][^\n]*ARRAY_SIZE[(]\(sr\|twinax\)_edc[)][^\n]*[)][\n][^;]*mdio_write[^;]*[;]' drivers/net/cxgb3/ael1002.c
+    blobname '\(cxgb3[/]\)\?t3\(fw\|\(%c\|.\)_p\(rotocol_\)\?sram\)-\(%d\|[0-9]*\)\.\(%d\|[0-9]*\)\.\(%d\|[0-9]*\)\.bin' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    blob '\([/][*][*]\+[/][\n]*\)*\([/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*Micro[ ]code[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*8086:[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\([\n]*[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\)*\|#define[ ][ ]*D10\(1M\(_B\)\?\|1S\|2_E\)_\(CPUSAVER_\(TIMER\|BUNDLE\|MIN_SIZE\)_DWORD\|RCVBUNDLE_UCODE\)[ 	][^\n]*\([\\][\n][^\n]*\)*\)\([\n]*[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+\([^/*]\|[/][\n]*[/][*]\+\)[^*]*\)*[*]*Micro[ ]code[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*8086:[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\([\n]*[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\)*\|[\n][\n]*#define[ ][ ]*D10\(1M\(_B\)\?\|1S\|2_E\)_\(CPUSAVER_\(TIMER\|BUNDLE\|MIN_SIZE\)_DWORD\|RCVBUNDLE_UCODE\)[ 	]\(\\[\n]\|[^\n]\)*\)*' drivers/net/e100.c
+    blobna '\([/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/][\n]*[	][	]\)\(ucode\[opts->\(timer\|bundle\|min_size\)_dword\][ ].=[ ][^;]*[;][\n][\n]*[	][	]\)*[^}]*UCODE_SIZE[^}]*cb_ucode[^}]*return[;][\n][	][}]' drivers/net/e100.c
+    blob 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]__devinitdata[ ]lanai4_\(code\|data\)\[[0-9]*\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' drivers/net/myri_code.h
+    blob '#include[ ]["]myri_code\.h["]' drivers/net/myri_sbus.c
+    blobna '\([/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/][\n	 ]*\)\?for[ ][(][^\n]*sizeof[(]lanai4_\(code\|data\)[^\n]*[)][\n][^\n]*sbus_writeb[^;]*lanai4_\(code\|data\)[^;]*lanai4_code_off[^;]*[;]\([\n	 ]*\([/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/][\n	 ]*\)\?for[ ][(][^\n]*sizeof[(]lanai4_\(code\|data\)[^\n]*[)][\n][^\n]*sbus_writeb[^;]*lanai4_\(code\|data\)[^;]*lanai4_\(code\|data\)_off[^;]*[;]\)*' drivers/net/myri_sbus.c
+    blob 'static[ ]u32[ ]s_firmLoad\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' drivers/net/tehuti_fw.h
+    blobna 'bdx_tx_push_desc_safe[^;]*s_firmLoad[^;]*[;]' drivers/net/tehuti.c
+    blobna 'for[ ][(][^\n]*ARRAY_SIZE[(]s_firmLoad[)][^\n]*[)][\n	 ]*s_firmLoad[^;]*=[^;]*s_firmLoad[^;]*[;]' drivers/net/tehuti.c
+    blob '[ ][*][ ]Firmware[ ]is:[\n][ ][*][	]Derived[ ]from[ ]proprietary[^/]*notice[ ]is[ ]accompanying[ ]it\.[\n][ ][*][/]' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    blobna 'Derived[ ]from[ ]proprietary[ ]unpublished[ ]source[ ]code' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    blob '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]tg3\(Tso5\?\)\?Fw\(Text\|Rodata\|Data\)\[[^{]*\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]\([\n][\n]*\(static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]tg3\(Tso5\?\)\?Fw\(Text\|Rodata\|Data\)\[[^{]*\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]\|#if[ ]0\([ ][/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\)\?[\n]\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]tg3\(Tso5\?\)\?Fw\(Text\|Rodata\|Data\)\[[^{]*\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;][\n]#endif\)\)*' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]typhoon_firmware_image\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/net/typhoon-firmware.h
+    blobna 'licensed[^\n]*strictly[ ]for[ ]use[^\n]*[\n]*[^\n]*COPS[ ]LocalTalk' 'drivers/net/appletalk/cops_\(ff\|lt\)drv\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]ffdrv_code\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ffdrv.h
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]unsgined[ ]char[ ]ltdrv_code\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/net/appletalk/cops_ltdrv.h
+    blob '#include[ ]["]cops_\(lt\|ff\)drv\.h["][ 	]*\([/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*Firmware[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\)\?\([\n][\n]*#include[ ]["]cops_\(lt\|ff\)drv\.h["][ 	]*\([/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*Firmware[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\)\?\)*' drivers/net/appletalk/cops.c
+    blob 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]bits_1200\[\][ ]*=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/net/hamradio/yam1200.h
+    blob 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]bits_9600\[\][ ]*=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/net/hamradio/yam9600.h
+    blob '#include[ ]["]yam\(96\|12\)00\.h["]\([\n][\n]*#include[ ]["]yam\(96\|12\)00\.h["]\)*' drivers/net/hamradio/yam.c
+    blobna 'static[ ]const[ ]u_char[ ]__Xilinx7OD\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/net/pcmcia/ositech.h
+    blob '#include[ ]["]ositech\.h["]' drivers/net/pcmcia/smc91c92_cs.c
+    blobna '\([/][*][ ]Download[ ]the[ ]Seven[ ]of[ ]Diamonds[ ]firmware[^/]*[*][/][\n	 ]*\)\?for[ ]*[(][^\n]*__Xilinx7OD[^{}]*[{][\n][	 ]*outb[ ]*[(]__Xilinx7OD[^}]*[}]' drivers/net/pcmcia/smc91c92_cs.c
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]microcode\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][ ]*[;]' drivers/net/tokenring/3c359_microcode.h
+    blob '#include[ ]["]3c359_microcode\.h["]' drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+    blobna 'start[ ]=[ ][(]0xFFFF[ ]-[ ][(]mc_size[)][^;]*[;][\n 	]*[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/][\n 	]*printk[(]KERN_INFO[ ]["]3C359:[ ]Uploading[ ]Microcode:[ ]["][)][;][\n 	]*for[ ][(][^{]*\(mc_size[^{]*[)][ ][{][^}]*writeb[(]microcode\[\|[)][ ][{][^}]*writeb[(]microcode\[mc_size\)[^}]*[}]\([\n][ 	]*printk[^\n]*[;][\n 	]*for[ ][(][^{]*\(mc_size[^{]*[)][ ][{][^}]*writeb[(]microcode\[\|[)][ ][{][^}]*writeb[(]microcode\[mc_size\)[^}]*[}]\)*' drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+    blobname 'tr_smctr\.bin' drivers/net/tokenring/smctr.c
+    blobname 'kaweth[/]\(new\|trigger\)_code\(_fix\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/usb/kaweth.c
+    blobname '\(agere\|prism\)_\(sta\|ap\)_fw\.bin' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(orinico/\)\?\(orinoco\|fw\)\.c'
+    blobname 'symbol_sp24t_\(prim\|sec\)_fw' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(\(orinico/\)\?orinoco\.c\|spectrum_cs\.c\)'
+    blob 'unsigned[ ]short[ ]sbus_risc_code01\[\][ ]__devinitdata[ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/scsi/qlogicpti_asm.c
+    blob '#include[ ]["]qlogicpti_asm\.c["]' drivers/scsi/qlogicpti.c
+    blob '\([/][*][ ]Microcode[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/][\n]*\)\?static[ ]\(u\(nsigned[ ]\)\?char\|unsigned[ ]short\|ADV_DCNT\)[ ]_\(asc_mcode\|adv_asc3\(550\|8C\(08\|16\)00\)\)_\(buf\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}]\|size[ ]=[ ]sizeof[^;]*\|chksum[ ]=[ ]0x[^;]*\)[;]\([ 	]*[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\)\?\([\n][\n]*\([/][*][ ]Microcode[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/][\n]*\)\?static[ ]\(u\(nsigned[ ]\)\?char\|unsigned[ ]short\|ADV_DCNT\)[ ]_\(asc_mcode\|adv_asc3\(550\|8C\(08\|16\)00\)\)_\(buf\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}]\|size[ ]=[ ]sizeof[^;]*\|chksum[ ]=[ ]0x[^;]*\)[;]\([ 	]*[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]\)\?\)*' drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+    blob '\(#ifdef[ ]UNIQUE_FW_NAME[\n]\)\?static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]\(risc\|fw12\(80e\|160\)i\)_code01\[\][ ]=[ ][{]\([\n]#else[\n]static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]risc_code01\[\][ ]=[ ][{][\n]#endif[\n]\)\?[^}]*[}][;]\([\n][\n]*\(#ifdef[ ]UNIQUE_FW_NAME[\n]\)\?static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]\(risc_code\|fw12\(80e\|160\)i\)_length01[ ]=[ ][^;]*[;]\([\n]#else[\n]static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]risc_code_length01[ ]=[ ][^;]*[;][\n]#endif\)\?\)\?' 'drivers/scsi/ql1\(04\|2\(8\|16\)\)0_fw\.h'
+    blobname 'emi26[/]\(bitstream\|firmware\|loader\)\.fw' drivers/usb/misc/emi26.c
+    blobname 'emi62[/]\(bitstream\|midi\|spdif\|loader\)\.fw' drivers/usb/misc/emi62.c
+    blobname 'keyspan[/]\(mpr\|usa\(18x\|19\(q[iw]\|w\)\?\|28\(x\(a\|b\)\?\)\?\|49w\(lc\)\?\)\)\.fw' drivers/usb/serial/keyspan.c
+    accept '[	][	]fw_name[ ]=[ ]["]keyspan_pda[/]\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\)\.fw["][;]' drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.c
+    blobna 'fw_name[ ]=[ ][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*\([/][*]KEYSPAN_PDA[*][/]\)\?request_ihex_firmware' drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.c
+    accept '[	]if[ ][(][/][*]KEYSPAN_PDA[*][/]request_ihex_firmware' drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.c
+    blobname 'edgeport[/]\(boot\|down\)2\?\.fw' drivers/usb/serial/io_edgeport.c
+    blobname 'edgeport[/]down3\.bin' drivers/usb/serial/io_ti.c
+    blobname 'ti_\(usb-\)\?\(%d\|3410\|5052\)\.\(fw\|bin\)' drivers/usb/serial/ti_usb_3410_5052.c
+    blobname 'whiteheat\(_loader\(_debug\)\?\)\?\.fw' drivers/usb/serial/whiteheat.c
+    blob 'static[ ]struct[ ]BA1struct[ ]BA1Struct[ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_image.h
+    blob 'static[ ]u32[ ]cwc\(4630\|async\|snoop\)_\(code\|parameter\)\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' 'sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc\(4630\|async\|snoop\)\.h'
+    # cwcbinhack appears to have been created by hand.
+    # cwcdma has sources (not verified) in cwcdma.asp.
+    accept 'static[ ]u32[ ]cwc\(binhack\|dma\)_code\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' 'sound/pci/cs46xx/imgs/cwc\(binhack\|dma\)\.h'
+    blob '#include[ ]["]\(cs46xx_image\|imgs[/]cwc\(4630\|async\|snoop\)\)\.h["]\([\n][\n]*#include[ ]["]\(cs46xx_image\|imgs[/]cwc\(4630\|async\|snoop\)\)\.h["]\)*' sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx_lib.c
+    blobname 'korg[/]k1212\.dsp' sound/pci/korg1212/korg1212.c
+    blobname 'ess[/]maestro3_assp_\(kernel\|minisrc\)\.fw' sound/pci/maestro3.c
+    blobname 'yamaha[/]ds1e\?_\(ctrl\|dsp\)\.fw' sound/pci/ymfpci/ymfpci_main.c
+    blobname 'sb16[/]\(\(a\|mu\)law_main\|ima_adpcm_\(init\|capture\|playback\)\)\.csp' sound/isa/sb/sb16_dsp.c
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ][{][^}]*[}][ ]yss225_registers\[\][ ]__devinitdata[ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' sound/isa/wavefront/yss225.c
+    blobname 'yamaha[/]yss225_registers\.bin' sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+    blobna 'firmware[ ]=[ ][&]yss225_registers_firmware[;]' sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]firmware[ ]yss225_registers_firmware[ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+    blobna '\(ospath[	 ]*-[ ]Pathname[^\n]*ICS2115[^-]*wavefront\.os\|Note:[ ]the[ ]firmware[ ]file[ ]["]wavefront\.os["]\)[^-]*[/]lib[/]firmware\.\([^.]*after[ ]upgrading[ ]the[ ]kernel\)\?' Documentation/sound/alsa/ALSA-Configuration.txt
+    blobname 'wavefront\.os' sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_synth.c
+    blobna 'and[\n]require[ ]the[ ]use[ ]of[^\n]*propr\?ietary[^:]*' Documentation/arm/IXP4xx
+    blob 'If[ ]you[ ]need[ ]to[ ]use[ ]any[ ]of[ ]the[ ]above[^\n]*download[^:]*:[\n 	]*http:[^\n]*ixp4[^\n]*' Documentation/arm/IXP4xx
+    blobname 'xc\(%d\|[0-9]*\)\.bin' arch/arm/mach-netx/include/mach/xc.h
+    accept 'int[ ]xc_request_firmware[(]struct[ ]xc[ ]*[*][ ]*x[)][;]' arch/arm/mach-netx/include/mach/xc.h
+    accept 'int[ ]xc_request_firmware[(]struct[ ]xc[ ]*[*][ ]*x[)][\n][{]' arch/arm/mach-netx/xc.c
+    accept '[	][	]dev_err[(]x->dev,[ ]["]request_firmware[ ]failed\\n["][)][;]' arch/arm/mach-netx/xc.c
+    accept 'EXPORT_SYMBOL[(]xc_request_firmware[)][;]' arch/arm/mach-netx/xc.c
+    accept '[	][	]if[ ][(]xc_request_firmware[(]priv->xc[)][)][ ][{]' drivers/net/netx-eth.c
+    blobname 'iop_fw_load_[sm]pu' arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/iop_fw_load.c
+    accept 'int[ ]iop_fw_load_[sm]pu[(]' arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/iop_fw_load.c
+    accept '[	]retval[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[^;]*[&]iop_[sm]pu_device' arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/iop_fw_load.c
+    accept 'EXPORT_SYMBOL[(]iop_fw_load_[sm]pu[)][;]' arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/iop_fw_load.c
+    accept '[/][*][ ]fake[ ]device[ ]for[ ]request_firmware[ ][*][/]' arch/x86/kernel/microcode_core.c
+    blobname 'amd-ucode[/]microcode_amd\.bin' arch/x86/kernel/microcode_amd.c
+    blobname 'intel-ucode[/]\([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]\|%02x\)-\([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]\|%02x\)-\([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]\|%02x\)' 'arch/x86/kernel/microcode\(_intel\)\?\.c'
+    blobname 'BCM2033-\(MD\.hex\|FW\.bin\)' drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.c
+    blobname 'bfubase\.frm' drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c
+    blobname 'BT3CPCC\.bin' drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c
+    blobname 'cyzfirm\.bin' drivers/char/cyclades.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]dsp56k[/]bootstrap\.bin["][)][;]' drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+    blobna 'const[ ]char[ ]fw_name\[\][ ]=[ ]["]dsp56k[/]bootstrap\.bin["][;][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*request_firmware[^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw,[ ]fw_name,[ ]' drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+    accept '[	]const[ ]char[ ]fw_name\[\][ ]=[ ]["]dsp56k[/]bootstrap\.bin["][;][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw,[ ]fw_name,[ ]' drivers/char/dsp56k.c
+    blobname 'isi\(6\(08\|\(08\|16\)em\)\|46\(08\|16\)\)\.bin' drivers/char/isicom.c
+    blobname 'c\(218t\|p204\|320t\)unx\.cod' drivers/char/moxa.c
+    accept '[	][	]printk[(]KERN_ERR[ ]["]MOXA:[ ]request_firmware[ ]failed' drivers/char/moxa.c
+    # This driver enables the user to update the non-Free BIOS, but it
+    # only issues a firmware request if specifically told to.  It
+    # doesn't require any non-Free firwmare to function, and it
+    # doesn't actually recommend users to perform updates, so I'm
+    # leaving it in.
+    accept '[	][	][	]req_firm_rc[ ]=[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(][^;]*,[ ]["]dell_rbu["],' drivers/firmware/dell_rbu.c
+    accept '[	]*["]dell_rbu:%s[ ]request_firmware_nowait["]' drivers/firmware/dell_rbu.c
+    blobname 'xc3028-v27\.fw' drivers/media/common/tuners/tuner-xc2028.h
+    blobname 'xc3028L-v36\.fw' drivers/media/common/tuners/tuner-xc2028.h
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-xc5000-1\.1\.fw' drivers/media/common/tuners/xc5000.c
+    blobname '4210\(100[12]\|%4X\)\.sb' drivers/net/irda/irda-usb.c
+    blobna '[/][*][ 	\n*]*[ ]Known[ ]firmware[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*\(STIR421x\|4210\(100[12]\|%4X\)\.sb\)[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/net/irda/irda-usb.c
+    blobname 'myri10ge_\(rss_\)\?ethp\?_z8e\.dat' drivers/net/myri10ge.c
+    blobna 'If[ ]the[ ]driver[ ]can[ ]neither[ ]enable[ ]ECRC[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*myri10ge_\(rss_\)\?ethp\?_z8e\.dat[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/net/myri10ge.c
+    blobname 'spider_fw\.bin' drivers/net/spider_net.h
+    blobname 'tms380tr\.bin' drivers/net/tokenring/tms380tr.c
+    blobname 'atmel_at76c50\(2\([de]\|_3com\)\?\|4a\?\(_2958\)\?\|6\)\(\.bin\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c
+    accept '[	]*priv->firmware[ ]=[ ]\(NULL\|new_firmware\)[;]' drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c
+    blobname 'b43\(legacy\)\?\(%s\)\?[/]\(%s\|ucode\([2459]\|1[1345]\)\|pcm5\|[abn]0g[01]initvals\(5\|1[13]\)\)\.fw' 'drivers/net/wireless/b43\(legacy\)\?/main.c'
+    blobname 'pcm5\.fw' drivers/net/wireless/b43/main.c
+    blobna 'b43legacyerr[(][^;]*must[ ]go[ ]to[ ]http[^;]*b43#devicefirmware[^;]*[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/main.c
+    blobna 'You[ ]must[ ]go[ ]to[^;]*b43#devicefirmware[^;]*[^";)]' drivers/net/wireless/b43/main.c
+    blobna 'http:[/][/]wireless[^ ";)]*b43#devicefirmware' drivers/net/wireless/b43/main.c
+    blob '#define[ ]IPW2100_FW_\(\(\(MAJOR\|MINOR\)_VERSION\|\(MAJOR\|MINOR\)[(]x[)]\)\|VERSION\)\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*\([\n][\n]*#define[ ]IPW2100_FW_\(\(\(MAJOR\|MINOR\)_VERSION\|\(MAJOR\|MINOR\)[(]x[)]\)\|VERSION\)\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*[^\n]*\)*' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    blobname 'ipw2100-\(["]\([^"\n]\|[\\][\n]\)*["]\([^"]\|[\\]["]\)*\)\+' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    blobname '__stringify[(]IPW2100_FW_MINOR_VERSION[)]' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    accept '[ ]*Portions[ ]of[ ]ipw2100_\(do_\)\?mod_firmware_load[, 	]*\(ipw2100_\(do_\)\?mod_firmware_load[, 	and\n]*\)*' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    accept '[	]ipw2100_mod_firmware_load[(]fw[)][;]' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    accept 'static[ ]int[ ]ipw2100_mod_firmware_load[(]' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    blobna 'if[ ][(]IPW2100_FW_MAJOR[^{]*[{][^}]*[	][}]' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    blobname '["]["][ ]x[ ]["]\.fw["]' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    accept '[/][*][ ]Call[ ]this[ ]function[ ]from[ ]process[ ]context[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*request_firmware' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2200.c'
+    blobname 'ipw2200-\(i\?bss\|sniffer\)\.fw' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2200.c'
+    accept '[	][	]IPW_ERROR[(]["]%s[ ]request_firmware[ ]failed' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2200.c'
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-\(3945\|4965\|[156]000\(G2[AB]\)\?\|1[03]0\|6050\)["][ ]IWL\(3945\|4965\|[156]000\(G2[AB]\)\?\|1[03]0\|6050\)_UCODE_API[ ]["]\.ucode' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl\(3945-base\|-\(3945\|4965\|[156]000\)\)\.[ch]'
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-3945-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-3945.h
+    blobname '#api[ ]["]\.ucode["]' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-\(3945.h\|\(4965\|[156]000\)\.c\)'
+    accept '#define\([ ]_\?IWL3945_MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]api[)]\)\+' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-3945.h
+    accept '[	][ ][*][ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]is[ ]synchronous' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl\(3945-base\|-agn\)\.c'
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-4965-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-4965.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-5\(00\|15\)0-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-5000.c
+    blobname '%s%[dus]%s["],[\n 	]*name_pre,[ ]\(\(priv->fw_\)\?index\|tag\|idx\),[ ]["]\.ucode' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl\(3945-base\|-agn\).c'
+    blobname 'libertas_cs\(_helper\)\?\.fw' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_cs.c
+    blobname 'sd\(8385\|868[68]\)\(_helper\)\?\.bin\(["],[\n][	]*\.firmware[ 	]=[ ]["]sd\(8385\|868[68]\)\.bin\)\?' 'drivers/\(net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio\.c\|bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio\.c\)'
+    blobname 'sd\(8385\|868[68]\)\(_helper\)\?\.bin' 'drivers/\(net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio\.c\|bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio\.c\)'
+    accept '[	]*card->firmware[ ]=[ ]\(if_sdio\|lbs_fw\|fw_name\)' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio.c
+    blobname 'usb8388\(-5\.126\.0\.p5\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+    blob '[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*usb8388\(-5\.126\.0\.p5\)\?\.bin[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+    accept '[	][	]lbs_pr_err[(]["]request_firmware\([(][)]\)\?[ ]failed' 'drivers/net/wireless/if_\(spi\|usb\)\.c'
+    blobna 'o\.[ ]Copy[ ]the[ ]firmware[ ]image[^\n]*usb8388\([^\n]\|[\n][ 	]*[^ 	\n]\)*' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/README
+    blobna '\[fw_name=usb8388[^]]*\]' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/README
+    blobname 'usb8388\.bin' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]So,[ ]for[ ]example,[ ]you[ ]might[ ]set[ ]CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE=["]whatever\.bin["]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]kernel\.[ ]Then[ ]any[ ]request_firmware[(]\(["]whatever\.bin["]\)[)]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    blobname 'lbtf_usb\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas_tf/if_usb.c
+    blobname 'isl38\(86\|87\|90\)\(pci\|usb\(_bare\)\?\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54\(pci\.c\|usb\.[ch]\)'
+    blob '[/][*][ ]for[ ]isl3886[ ]register[ ]definitions[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54usb.h
+    blobna 'If[ ]you[ ]enable[ ]this\([^\n]\|[\n][ 	]*[^ 	\n]\)*isl3890\([^\n]\|[\n][ 	]*[^ 	\n]\)*' drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig
+    blobname 'isl38\(77\|86\|90\)' drivers/net/wireless/prism54/islpci_dev.c
+    blobname 'rt2[56]61s\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt61pci.h
+    blobname 'rt73\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt73usb.h
+    blobname 'zd1201\(-ap\)\?\.fw' drivers/net/wireless/zd1201.c
+    blobname 'zd1211[/]zd1211b\?_\(u\([rb]\|phr\)\?\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/zd1211/zd_usb.c
+    # ??? gotta introduce some means to match false-positives
+    # including post context containing blobs, so that the macro name
+    # is not flagged or deblobbed, but the blob name is.
+    # blobna 'PCMCIA_\([PM]FC_\)\?DEVICE_CIS_\(MANF_CARD\|PROD_ID[1-4]*\)'
+    # accept '[	]    PCMCIA_\([PM]FC_\)\?DEVICE_CIS_\(MANF_CARD\|PROD_ID[1-4]*\)[(][^)]*, ["][/][*][(]DEBLOBBED[)][*][/]["][)]'
+    # accept '#define PCMCIA_\([PM]FC_\)\?DEVICE_CIS_\(MANF_CARD\|PROD_ID[1-4]*\)[(]' include/pcmcia/device_id.h
+    # These are not software; they're Free, but GPLed without in-tree sources.
+    # blobname '\(cis[/]\)\?3CCFEM556\.cis' drivers/net/pcmcia/3c574_cs.c
+    # blobname '\(cis[/]\)\?3CXEM556\.cis' drivers/net/pcmcia/3c589_cs.c
+    # blobname '\(cis[/]\)\?\(PCMLM28\|DP83903\|LA-PCM\|PE520\|NE2K\|PE-200\|tamarack\)\.cis' drivers/net/pcmcia/pcnet_cs.c
+    # blobname '\(cis[/]\)\?\(PCMLM28\|DP83903\|3C\(CF\|X\)EM556\|MT5634ZLX\|COMpad[24]\|RS-COM-2P\|GLOBETROTTER\)\.cis' drivers/serial/serial_cs.c
+    # These are not software; they're Free, but GPLed without textual sources.
+    # It is safe to assume that these binaries *are* sources, since they
+    # can be trivially converted back to a textual form, without loss.
+    # blobname '\(cis[/]\)\?SW_\([78]xx\|555\)_SER\.cis' drivers/serial/serial_cs.c
+    accept '[	]\(ds_\)\?\(dev_\)\?dbg[(]\(1[,][ ]\)\?\([&]dev->dev,[ ]\)\?["]trying[ ]to[ ]load[ ]\(CIS[ ]file\|firmware\)[ ]%s[\\]n["],[ ]filename[)][;][\n]*[	]if[ ][(]\(strlen[(]filename[)][^\n]*\([{][^}]*[	][}]\|[)][\n][	]*return[^\n]*[;]\)[\n]*[	]snprintf[(]path,[ ]\(20\|sizeof[(]path[)]\),[^\n]*,[ ]filename[)][;][\n]*[	]if[ ][(]request_firmware[(][&]fw,[ ]path\|request_firmware[(][&]fw,[ ]filename\),[ ][&]dev->dev[)][^\n]*[)][ ][{][\n][	]*if[ ][(]fw->size[ ]>=[ ]CISTPL_MAX_CIS_SIZE[)]' drivers/pcmcia/ds.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]\(cis[/]\)\?\(PCMLM28\|DP83903\|3C\(CF\|X\)EM556\|MT5634ZLX\|COMpad[24]\|RS-COM-2P\|GLOBETROTTER\|SW_\([78]xx\|555\)_SER\)\.cis["][)][;]\([\n]MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]\(cis[/]\)\?\(PCMLM28\|DP83903\|3C\(CF\|X\)EM556\|MT5634ZLX\|COMpad[24]\|RS-COM-2P\|GLOBETROTTER\|SW_\([78]xx\|555\)_SER\)\.cis["][)][;]\)*' drivers/serial/serial_cs.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]\(cis[/]\)\?\(PCMLM28\|DP83903\|LA-PCM\|PE520\|NE2K\|PE-200\|tamarack\)\.cis["][)][;]\([\n]MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]\(cis[/]\)\?\(PCMLM28\|DP83903\|LA-PCM\|PE520\|NE2K\|PE-200\|tamarack\)\.cis["][)][;]\)*' drivers/net/pcnet_cs.c
+    # This enables but does not encourage firmware updates.
+    accept '[	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]asd_ha->bios_image,[\n 	]*filename_ptr,[\n 	]*[&]asd_ha->pcidev->dev[)][;]' drivers/scsi/aic94xx/aic94xx_init.c
+    blobname 'aic94xx-seq\.fw' drivers/scsi/aic94xx/aic94xx_seq.h
+    # This enables but does not encourage firmware updates.
+    accept '[	]if[(]request_firmware[(]&fw_entry,[ ]fname,[ ]&ioa_cfg->pdev->dev[)][)]' drivers/scsi/ipr.c
+    accept '[	]res[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(]&fw,[ ]["]sas_addr["],[ ]&shost->shost_gendev[)][;]' drivers/scsi/libsas/sas_scsi_host.c
+    blobname 'ql\(2\([12345]00\|322\)\|8[12]00\)_fw\.bin' drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c
+    blobna 'By[ ]default,[ ]firmware[ ]for[ ]the[ ]ISP[ ]parts\([^\n]\|[\n]*[	]\)*ql2[12345]00_fw\.bin\([^\n]\|[\n]*[	]\)*ftp:[/][/][^\n]*firmware[/]' drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/Kconfig
+    blobname 'icom_\(asc\|res_dce\|call_setup\)\.bin' drivers/serial/icom.c
+    blobname 'fsl_qe_ucode_uart_\(%u\|[0-9]*\)_\(%u\|[0-9]*\)\(%u\|[0-9]*\)\.bin' drivers/serial/ucc_uart.c
+    blobname 'atmel_at76c50\(3-\(i386[13]\|rfmd\(-acc\)\?\)\|5\(a\(mx\)\?\)\?-rfmd\(2958\)\?\)\.bin' 'drivers/\(\(staging\|net/wireless\)/at76_usb/at76_usb\.c\|at76c50x-usb\.c\)'
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]go7007_usb_board[ ]board_\(matrix_\(ii\|reload\|revolution\)\|star_trek\|px_tv402u\|xmen\|lifeview_lr192\|endura\|adlink_mpg24\|sensoray_2250\)[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.flags[ 	]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.main_info[ 	]*=[ ][{][\n][	][	]\.firmware[ 	]*=[ ]' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-usb.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]go7007_board_info[ ]board_voyager[ ]=[ ][{][\n][	]\.firmware[	 ]*=[ ]' drivers/staging/go7007/saa7134-go7007.c
+    blobname 'go7007\(fw\|tv\)\.bin' 'drivers/staging/go7007/\(go7007-\(driver\|usb\)\|saa7134-go7007\)\.c'
+    blobname 'cxacru-\(%s\|fw\|bp\|cf\)\.bin' drivers/usb/atm/cxacru.c
+    blobname 'speedtch-\(%d\|[0-9]*\)\.bin\(\.\(%x\|\(0x\)\?[0-9a-fA-F]*\)\(\.\(%02x\|[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]\)\)\?\)\?' drivers/usb/atm/speedtch.c
+    blobname 'ueagle-atm[/]' drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+    blobname '\(adi930\|eagle\(I*\|IV\)\)\.fw' drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+    blobname 'DSP[49e][ip]\.bin' drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+    blobname '930-fpga\.bin' drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+    blobname 'CMV[x9ae][yip]\.bin\(\.v2\)\?' drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+    blobname 'isight\.fw' drivers/usb/misc/isight_firwmare.c
+    blobname '\(i1480-\(pre-phy\|usb\|phy\)\|ptc\)-0\.0\.bin' drivers/uwb/i1480/dfu/usb.c
+    accept '[	]retval[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw_entry,[ ]["]metronome\.wbf["],[ ][&]dev->dev[)][;]' drivers/video/metronomefb.c
+    blobname '\(vx[/]\)\?\(bx_1_v\(xp\|p4\)\.b56\|x1_\(1_v\(x[2p]\|p4\)\|2_v22\)\.xlx\|bd56\(002\|3v2\|3s3\)\.boot\|l_1_v\(x[2p]\|p4\|22\)\.d56\)' sound/drivers/vx/vx_hwdep.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?darla20_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/darla20.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?darla24_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/darla24.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(\(loader\|echo3g\)_dsp\|3g_asic\)\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/echo3g.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?gina20_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/gina20.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(\(loader\|gina24_3[06]1\)_dsp\|gina24_3[06]1_asic\)\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/gina24.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(loader\|indigo\)_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/indigo.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(loader\|indigo_dj\)_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/indigodj.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(loader\|indigo_io\)_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/indigoio.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?layla20_\(dsp\|asic\)\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/layla20.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(\(loader\|layla24\)_dsp\|layla24_\(1\|2[AS]\)_asic\)\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/layla24.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(loader\|mia\)_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/mia.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(\(loader\|mona_3[06]1\)_dsp\|mona_3[06]1\(_1\)\?_asic_\(48\|96\)\|mona_2_asic\)\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/gina24.mona
+    blobname 'ea[/]%s' sound/pci/echoaudio/echoaudio.c
+    blobname 'emu[/]\(hana\|\(audio\|micro\)_dock\|emu\(0404\|1010\(b\|_notebook\)\)\)\.fw' sound/pci/emu10k1/emu10k1_main.c
+    blobname '\(mixart[/]\)\?miXart8\(AES\)\?\.\(xlx\|elf\)' sound/pci/mixart/mixart_hwdep.c
+    blobname '\(pcxhr[/]\)\?\(x[ic]_1_882\|[ebd]321_512\|xlxint\|\(xlxc\|dsp[ebd]\)\(882\|1\?222\|924\)\(e\|hr\)\?\)\(\.dat\|\.[ebd]56\)' sound/pci/pcxhr/pcxhr_hwdep.c
+    blobna 'You[ ]need[ ]to[ ]install[\n]*riptide\.hex[\n]\.[\n]' Documentation/sound/alsa/ALSA-Configuration.txt
+    blobname 'riptide\.hex' sound/pci/riptide/riptide.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]union[ ]firmware_version[ ]firmware_versions\[\][ ]=' sound/pci/riptide/riptide.c
+    blobna 'chip->firmware[ ]=[ ]firmware[;]' sound/pci/riptide/riptide.c
+    blobname '\(multi\|digi\)face_firmware\(_rev11\)\?\.bin' sound/pci/rme9652/hdsp.c
+    blobname 'aica_firmware\.bin' sound/sh/aica.c
+    accept '[ ][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*Caution:[ ]This[ ]API[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*request_firmware.' sound/sound_firmware.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[ ]do_mod_firmware_load[(]' sound/sound_firmware.c
+    accept 'int[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]' sound/sound_firmware.c
+    accept '[	]r[ ]=[ ]do_mod_firmware_load[(]' sound/sound_firmware.c
+    accept 'EXPORT_SYMBOL[(]mod_firmware_load[)][;]' sound/sound_firmware.c
+    accept 'extern[ ]int[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]' sound/oss/sound_firmware.h
+    accept '[	]INITCODESIZE[ ]=[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]INITCODEFILE,[ ][&]INITCODE[)][;]' sound/oss/msnd_pinnacle.c
+    accept '[	]PERMCODESIZE[ ]=[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]PERMCODEFILE,[ ][&]PERMCODE[)][;]' sound/oss/msnd_pinnacle.c
+    blobname '\([/]etc[/]sound[/]\|turtlebeach[/]\)\?pndsp\(ini\|erm\)\.bin' '\(sound/oss/msnd_pinnacle.h\|Documentation/sound/alsa/ALSA-Configuration.txt\)'
+    blobname '\([/]etc[/]sound[/]\|turtlebeach[/]\)\?msnd\(init\|perm\)\.bin' '\(sound/oss/msnd_classic.h\|Documentation/sound/alsa/ALSA-Configuration.txt\)'
+    blobna '\(Important[ ]Notes[ ]-[ ]Read[ ]Before[ ]Using\|Obtaining[ ]and[ ]Creating[ ]Firmware[ ]Files\)[\n]#[ ][ ]~*\([^\n]\|[\n]#[ ]*\([\n]#[ ]*\([\n]#[ ]*For[ ]the[^\n]*[\n]#[ ]*~*[\n]\)\?\)\?[^\n ]\)*\.' Documentation/sound/oss/MultiSound
+    accept '[	]len[ ]=[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]fn,[ ][&]data[)][;][\n][	]if[ ][^{]*[ ][{][\n][	][	 ]*printk[(]KERN_ERR[ ]["]sscape:' sound/oss/sscape.c
+    blobname '[/]sndscape[/]\(scope\.cod\|sndscape\.co\([?dx01234]\|%d\)\)' sound/oss/sscape.c
+    accept '[	][	]trix_boot_len[ ]=[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]' sound/oss/trix.c
+    blobname '\([/]etc[/]sound[/]\)\?trxpro\.bin' sound/oss/trix.c
+    accept '[	][	]smw_ucodeLen[ ]=[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]' sound/oss/sb_common.c
+    blobname '\([/]etc[/]sound[/]\)\?midi0001\.bin' sound/oss/sb_common.c
+    blobname '\([/]etc[/]sound[/]\|turtlebeach[/]\)\?msnd\(init\|perm\)\.bin' sound/oss/Kconfig
+    blob 'When[ ]the[ ]module[ ]is[ ]loaded[^\n]*\([\n][^\n]*\)*[/]pss_synth[^\n]*\([\n][^\n]*\)*' Documentation/sound/oss/PSS
+    blob 'pss_firmware[ \n	]*This[ ]parameter[^\n]*\([\n][^\n]*\)*[/]pss_synth[^\n]*\([\n][^\n]\+\)*' Documentation/sound/oss/PSS-updates
+    accept '[	][	]pss_synthLen[ ]=[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]pss_firmware,[ ][(]void[ ][*][)][ ][&]pss_synth[)][;]' sound/oss/pss.c
+    accept '[	]*if[ ]\?[(]\(!\|fw_load[ ][&][&][ ]\)\?pss_synth' sound/oss/pss.c
+    accept '[	]*if[ ][(]!pss_download_boot[(]devc,[ ]pss_synth,[ ]pss_synthLen,' sound/oss/pss.c
+    accept '[	]*vfree[(]pss_synth[)][;]' sound/oss/pss.c
+    blobna 'to[ ]allow[ ]the[ ]user[ ][^/"]*fir[em]ware[ ]file[^/"]*["][^"*]*["]' sound/oss/pss.c
+    blobname '\([/]etc[/]sound[/]\)\?pss_synth' sound/oss/pss.c
+    accept '[	][$][(]obj[)][/]bin2hex[ ]pss_synth' sound/oss/Makefile
+    accept '[	][ ]*echo[ ][\'"'"']static[ ]\(unsigned[ ]char[ ][*][ ]*\|int[ ]\)pss_synth\(Len\)\?[ ]=[ ]\(NULL\|0\)[;]' sound/oss/Makefile
+    accept '[	]\.request_firmware[ ]=[ ]NULL,' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    accept '[	 ]*["]request_firmware[ ]\(fatal[ ]error\|unable[ ]to[ ]locate\|:[ ]Failed[ ]to[ ]find\)' drivers/media/video/pvrusb2/pvrusb2-hdw.c
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]NOTE[ ]:[ ]the[ ]pointer[ ]to[ ]the[ ]firmware[ ]data[ ]given[ ]by[ ]request_firmware[(][)]' drivers/media/video/pvrusb2-hdw.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(dw\(210[124]\|3101\)\|s630\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]gp8psk_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/gp8psk.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-gp8psk-0[12]\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/gp8psk.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]opera1_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nova-t-usb2.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-opera-\(fpga-\)\?-01\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/opera1.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-af9013\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-bcm3510-01\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/bcm3510.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-cx24116\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/cx24116.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-nxt2002\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/nxt200x.c
+    blob '[/][*][\n][ ][*][ ]This[ ]driver[ ]needs[ ]two[ ]external[ ]firmware[ ]files[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*dvb-fe-or51132-\(vsb\|qam\)\.fw[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51132.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-or51132-\(vsb\|qam\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51132.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-or51211\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/or51211.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-sp887x\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/sp887x.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-tda10048-1\.0\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    blobname '\(\(dvb\|tdmb\|isdbt\)_nova\|cmmb_vega\)_12mhz\(_b0\)\?\.inp' drivers/media/dvb/siano/smscoreapi.c
+    blobname '\(dvb[th]\(_bda\)\?\|tdmb\)_stellar_usb\.inp' drivers/media/dvb/siano/smsusb.c
+    blobname 'dvb-ttusb-dec-\(2000t\|2540t\|3000s\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-dec/ttusb_dec.c
+    blob 'For[ ]the[ ]WinTV[/]PVR[^:]*firmware[^:]*:[\n]hcwamc\.rbf[^\n]*\([\n][^\n][^\n]*\)*' Documentation/video4linux/bttv/README
+    blobname 'hcwamc\.rbf' drivers/media/video/bt8xx/bttv-cards.c
+    blobna 'The[ ]hcwamc\.rbf[ ]firmware[ ]file[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/media/video/bt8xx/bttv-cards.c
+    blobname 'v4l-cx23418-dig\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-firmware.c
+    blobname 'v4l-cx23418-[ac]pu\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-firwmare.c
+    blobname 'v4l-cx23885-enc\.fw' 'drivers/media/video/cx23\(1xx\|885\)/cx23885-417.c'
+    blobname 'v4l-\(cx23\(885\|1xx\)-avcore-01\|cx25840\)\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx25840/cx25840-firmware.c
+    blobname 'v4l-cx2341x-\(enc\|dec\)\.fw' include/media/cr2341x.h
+    blobname 'v4l-cx2341x-init\.mpg' drivers/media/video/ivtv/ivtv-firwmare.c
+    blobname 'v4l-pvrusb2-\(2[49]\|73\)xxx-01\.fw' drivers/media/video/pvrusb2/pvrusb2-devattr.c
+    blobname 'f2255usb\.bin' drivers/media/video/s2255drv.c
+    blobname 'drx397xD\.\(A2\|B1\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/drx397xD_fw.h
+    accept '#define[ ]DIB0700_DEFAULT_DEVICE_PROPERTIES[ ]\\[\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^\n",]*,[ ]\\[\n]\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dib0700_devices.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-dib0700-1\.[12]0\.fw' 'drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dib0700_\(devices\|core\)\.c'
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]nova_t_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nova-t-usb2.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-nova-t-usb2-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/nova-t-usb2.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]umt_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/umt-010.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-umt-010-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/umt-010.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]ttusb2_properties\(_s2400\)\?[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/ttusb2.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(pctv-400e\|tt-s2400\)-01\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/ttusb2.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]cxusb_bluebird_\(lgh064f\|dee1601\|lgz201\|dtt7579\|nano2_needsfirmware\)_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-bluebird-0[12]\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]\(dtt200u\|wt220u\(_\(fc\|zl0353\|miglia\)\)\?\)_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtt200u.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(dtt200u-01\|wt220u-\(02\|fc03\|\(zl0353\|miglia\)-01\)\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dtt200u.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]vp7045_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/vp7045.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-vp7045-01\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/vp7045.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]\(dibusb\(1_1\(_an2235\)\?\|2_0b\)\|artec_t1_usb2\)_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dibusb-mb.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(dibusb-\(5\.0\.0\.11\|an2235-01\|6\.0\.0\.8\)\|adstech-usb2-02\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dibusb-mb.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]a800_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/a800.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-avertv-a800-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/a800.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]af9005_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005.c
+    blobname 'af9005\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9005.c
+    accept '[	][	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]af9015_download_firmware,[\n][	][	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-af9015\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]dibusb_mc_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dibusb-mc.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-dibusb-6\.0\.0\.8\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dibusb-mc.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]\(megasky\|digivox_mini_ii\|tvwalkertwin\|dposh\)_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(\(megasky\|digivox\)-02\|tvwalkert\|dposh-01\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]vp702x_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/vp702x.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-vp702x-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/vp702x.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]digitv_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/digitv.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-digitv-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/digitv.c
+    blob 'Driver:[ ]\(acenic\|ADAPTEC_STARFIRE\|cxgb3\|e100\|tigon3\|korg1212\|maestro3\|ymfpci\|smctr\|kaweth\|ttusb-budget\|keyspan\|emi26\|emi62\|t[iu]_usb_3410_5052\|whiteheat\|ip2\|CPiA2\|DABUSB\|USB_VICAM\|USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT\(_TI\)\?\|SND_SB16_CSP\|CASSINI\|ambassador\|SCSI_\(ADVANSYS\|QLOGIC\(_1280\|PTI\)\)\|TEHUTI\|TYPHOON\|YAM\|3C359\|PCMCIA_\(PCNET\|SMC91C92\|3C5\(89\|74\)\)\|MYRI_SBUS\|BNX2\|bnx2x\|wavefront\|SERIAL_8250_CS\|mga\|r128\|radeon\|ib_qib\)\([ ]--*\|:\)[ ]\([^\n]\|[\n]*[^\n\-]\)*\([\n][\n]--*[\n][\n]\?Driver:[ ]\(acenic\|ADAPTEC_STARFIRE\|cxgb3\|e100\|tigon3\|korg1212\|maestro3\|ymfpci\|smctr\|kaweth\|ttusb-budget\|keyspan\|emi26\|emi62\|t[iu]_usb_3410_5052\|whiteheat\|ip2\|CPiA2\|DABUSB\|USB_VICAM\|USB_SERIAL_EDGEPORT\(_TI\)\?\|SND_SB16_CSP\|CASSINI\|ambassador\|SCSI_\(ADVANSYS\|QLOGIC\(_1280\|PTI\)\)\|TEHUTI\|TYPHOON\|YAM\|3C359\|PCMCIA_\(PCNET\|SMC91C92\|3C5\(89\|74\)\)\|MYRI_SBUS\|BNX2\|bnx2x\|wavefront\|SERIAL_8250_CS\|mga\|r128\|radeon\|ib_qib\)\([ ]--*\|:\)[ ]\([^\n]\|[\n]*[^\n\-]\)*\)*' firmware/WHENCE
+    blobname 'sms1xxx-\(stellar\|nova-[ab]\|hcw-55xxx\)-dvbt-0[12]\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/siano/sms-cards.c
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ]mv[ ]["][$]ofile["][ ]["][$]ofile\.elf["]' arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ][$]objbin[/]mktree[ ]["][$]ofile\.elf["]' arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper
+    accept '[	]rm[ ]-f[ ]["][$]ofile\.elf["]' arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ][$][{]CROSS[}]objcopy[ ]-O[ ]binary[ ]["][$]ofile["][ ]["][$]ofile\.bin["]' arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ]dd[ ]if=["][$]ofile\.bin["][ ]of=["][$]ofile\.bin["]' arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ]odir=["][$][(]dirname[ ]["][$]ofile\.bin["][)]["]' arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ]gzip[ ]--force[ ]-9[ ]--stdout[ ]["][$]ofile\.bin["][ ]>[ ]["][$]odir[/]otheros\.bld["]' arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper
+    accept '[	]\.incbin[	]["]arch[/]x86[/]kernel[/]acpi[/]realmode[/]wakeup\.bin["]' arch/x86/kernel/acpi/wakeup_rm.S
+    accept '[;]set[ ]executable[ ]["]2232\.bin["]' drivers/char/
+    blobname 'di\(\(dn\|pr\)load\|diva\(pp\)\?\|hscx\|v110\|modem\|fax\|_etsi\|_\(1tr6\|belg\|franc\|atel\|ni\|5ess\|japan\|swed\)\|dspdld\)\.\(bin\|s[xyqm]\|p\)' drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/cardtype.h
+    blobname 'dsp\(dload\|dqsig\|dvmdm\|dvfax\)\.bin' drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/dsp_defs.h
+    blobname 'vicam[/]firmware\.fw' drivers/media/video/usbvideo/vicam.c
+    accept '#include[ ]["]ixp2400_[rt]x\.ucode["]' drivers/net/ixp2000/ixpdev.c
+    # New in 2.6.29
+    blobname 'acenic[/]tg[12]\.bin' drivers/net/acenic.c
+    blobname 'adaptec[/]starfire_[rt]x\.bin' drivers/net/starfire.c
+    blobname 'e100[/]d10\(1[ms]\|2e\)_ucode\.bin' drivers/net/e100.c
+    blobname 'tigon[/]tg3\(_tso5\?\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    blobname '\(ti_usb-v\(%04x\|[0-9a-f]*\)-p\(%04x\|[0-9a-f]*\)\|mts_\(cdma\|gsm\|edge\)\)\.\(bin\|fw\)' drivers/usb/serial/ti_usb_3410_5052.c
+    blobname 'iw\?\(2400\|6050\)m\?-fw-\(sdio\|usb\)-\(\(["][ ]I2400M_FW_VERSION[ ]["]\|[0-9.]*\)\.sbcf\|[^". \n]*\)' 'drivers/net/wimax/i2400m/\(sdio\|usb\)\.c'
+    blob '3\.[ ]Installing[ ]the[ ]firmware[^\n]*\([\n][\n]*[ ][ ][ ][^\n]*\)*[\n]*[$][^\n]*i2400m-fw[^\n]*\([\n][\n]*[ ][ ][ ][^\n]*\)*' Documentation/wimax/README.i2400m
+    blob '6\.1\.[ ]Driver[ ]complains[^\n]*i2400m-fw[^\n]*\([\n][\n]*\([ ][ ][ ]\|i2400m_usb\)[^\n]*\)*' Documentation/wimax/README.i2400m
+    accept '[	][	]ranges[ ]=[ ]<'"$blobpat*"'>[;]' 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(mpc8572ds\|p2020ds\|katmai\)\.dts'
+    accept '\(div_table_\(clz\|inv\|ix\)\|zero_l\):\([\n][	]\.\(byte[	]-\?[0-9]*\|long[	]0x[0-9A-F]*\)\)*' arch/sh/lib/udivsi3_i4i.S
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]crypto_[fi][tl]_tab\[4\]\[256\][ ]=' crypto/aes_generic.c
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]every[ ]driver[ ]which[ ]uses[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]and[ ]ships[ ]its' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]filter_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_tv.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(avermedia\(_ks\)\?\|digittrade\|trekstor\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]__u8[ ]lgdt3304_\(vsb8\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/lgdt3304.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(init\|c\)_table\[\]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s921_core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]stb0899_tab[ ]stb0899_\(cn\|dvbs2\?rf\|quant\|est\)_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/stb0899_drv.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]stb6100_lkup[ ]lkup\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/stb6100.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]ov\(534\|772x\)_reg_initdata\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mi\(0360\|13[12]0\)\|po\(1200\|3130\)\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?_\?[iI]nit\(Q\?V\|SX\)GA\(_\(JPG\|data\)\)\?\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u\(32\|_int32_t\)[ ]ar928[05]\(Common\|Modes\(_\(fast_clock\|backoff_[12]3db_rxgain\|\(original\|high_power\)_[tr]x_\?gain\)\)\?\)_928\(0_2\|5\(_1_2\)\?\)\[\]\[[236]\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/\(ar9002_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]channel_tbl\[15\]\[9\][ ]=' drivers/staging/agnx/rf.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[\n]gain_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/agnx/rf.c
+    accept '<[frs]:[0-9]*x[0-9]*>[\n][01 \n]*' 'drivers/staging/asus_oled/\(linux\(_fr\?\)\?\|tux\(_r2\?\)\?\|zig\).txt'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(aud\|vid\)_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/s2250-board.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]vid_regs_fp\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/s2250-board.c
+    blobname 's2250\(_loader\)\?\.fw' drivers/staging/go7007/s2250-loader.c
+    blobna 'me_xilinx_download' 'drivers/staging/meilhaus/.*'
+    accept 'int[ ]me_xilinx_download[(]' 'drivers/staging/meilhaus/mefirmware\.[ch]'
+    blobname 'me46[01]0\(_bosch\)\?\.bin' drivers/staging/meilhaus/me4600_device.c
+    accept '\([	]if[ ][(]me4600_device->base\.info\.pci\.device_id[ ]==[ ]PCI_DEVICE_ID_MEILHAUS_ME4610[)][ ][{][	][/][/]Jekyll[ ]<=>[ ]me4610\|#ifdef[ ]BOSCH\|#else[ ][/][/]~BOSCH\)[\n][	][	]err[ ]=[\n][	][	][ ][ ][ ][ ]me_xilinx_download[(]me4600_device' drivers/staging/meilhaus/me4600_device.c
+    blobname 'me6000\.bin' drivers/staging/meilhaus/me6000_device.c
+    accept '[	][/][*][ ]Download[ ]the[ ]xilinx[ ]firmware[ ][*][/][\n][	]err[ ]=[ ]me_xilinx_download[(]me6000_device' drivers/staging/meilhaus/me6000_device.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]grtpkts\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/mimio/mimio.c
+    defsnc 'u16_t[ ]zgTkipSbox\(Lower\|Upper\)\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/80211core/ctkip.c
+    accept '[ 	]*[/][*][ ]*0\([ ]*[123]\)*[ ]*[*][/][\n][ 	]*[/][*][ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9\([ ][0-9]\)*[ ][*][/]' drivers/staging/otus/80211core/ctxrx.c
+    defsnc 'u32_t[ ]crc32_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/80211core/cwep.c
+    blob 'const[ ]u32_t[ ]zc\(DK\|P2\)\?Fw\(Buf\)\?Image\(SPI\)\?\(\[\][ ]*=[ ]*[{][^;]*[}]\|Size[ ]*=[ ]*[0-9]*\)[;]\([\n][\n]*const[ ]u32_t[ ]zc\(DK\|P2\)\?Fw\(Buf\)\?Image\(SPI\)\?\(\[\][ ]*=[ ]*[{][^;]*[}]\|Size[ ]*=[ ]*[0-9]*\)[;]\)*' 'drivers/staging/otus/hal/hp.*fwu.*\.c'
+    blob 'extern[ ]const[ ]u32_t[ ]zc\(DK\|P2\)\?Fw\(Buf\)\?Image\(SPI\)\?\(\[\]\|Size\)[;]\([\n]extern[ ]const[ ]u32_t[ ]zc\(DK\|P2\)\?Fw\(Buf\)\?Image\(SPI\)\?\(\[\]\|Size\)[;]\)*' drivers/staging/otus/hal/hpmain.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]u32_t[ ]eepromBoardData\[15\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/hal/hpmain.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32_t[ ]channel_frequency_11A\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/ioctl.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32_t[ ]\(ar5416Modes\|otusBank\)\[\]\[[36]\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/hal/otus.ini
+    defsnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]static[ ]UINT32[ ]MD5Table\[64\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/md5\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]uint32[ ][FR]Sb\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/\(md5\|cmm_aes\)\.c'
+    defsnc '\(UCHAR\|u8\)[ ]RateSwitchTable\(11B\?G\?\(N[123]S\(ForABand\)\?\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/mlme\.c'
+    defsnc '\(UCHAR\|u8\)[ 	]*ZeroSsid\[32\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/mlme\.c'
+    defsnc '\(RTMP_RF_REGS\|struct[ ]rt_rtmp_rf_regs\)[ ]RF2850RegTable\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/\(mlme\.c\|cmm_asic\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(FREQUENCY_ITEM\|struct[ ]rt_frequency_item\)[ ]FreqItems3020\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/\(mlme\.c\|cmm_asic\.c\)'
+    blob '\(UCHAR\|u8\)[ ]FirmwareImage\(_\(2870\|30[79]0\)\)\?[ ]\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][ ][;]' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0/common/firmware\(_3070\)\?\.h'
+    defsnc 'ULONG[ ][ ]*BIT32\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/rtmp_init\.c'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]ccitt_16Table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3090\)/common/rtmp_init\.c'
+    blobna '\(pFirmwareImage[ ]=\([ ]FirmwareImage\(_\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0\)\?\|[\n 	]*[(]\(PUCHAR\|u8[ ][*]\)[)][&][\n 	]*FirmwareImage\(_\(28\|30\)70\)\?\[FIRMWAREIMAGE\(V[12]\)\?_LENGTH\]\)\|File[lL]ength[ ]=[ ]\(sizeof[(]FirmwareImage[)]\|FIRMWAREIMAGE\(V[12]\|_MAX\)\?_LENGTH\)\)[;]\([\n	 ]*\(pFirmwareImage[ ]=\([ ]FirmwareImage\(_\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0\)\?\|[\n 	]*[(]\(PUCHAR\|u8[ ][*]\)[)][&][\n 	]*FirmwareImage\(_\(28\|30\)70\)\?\[FIRMWAREIMAGE\(V[12]\)\?_LENGTH\]\)\|File[lL]ength[ ]=[ ]\(sizeof[(]FirmwareImage[)]\|FIRMWAREIMAGE\(V[12]\|_MAX\)\?_LENGTH\)\)[;]\)*' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|30[79]0\)/common/rtmp_init\.c'
+    blobname 'rate\.bin' drivers/staging/rt2870/rtmp_init.c
+    defsnc '\(U\(INT\|CHAR\)\|u\(32\|8\)\)[ ]\(Tkip_Sbox_\(Lower\|Upper\)\|SboxTable\)\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/common/\(rtmp\|cmm\)_tkip\.c'
+    defsnc '\(UINT\|u32\)[ ]FCSTAB_32\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/common/\(rtmp\|cmm\)_wep\.c'
+    accept '[ ]*#[ ]*define[ ]\(STA_PROFILE\|CARD_INFO\)_PATH[	]*["][/]etc[/]Wireless[/]RT\(28[67]\|307\)0STA[/]RT\(28[67]\|307\)0STA\(Card\)\?\.dat["]' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/rt_linux\.h'
+    blobname '\([/]etc[/]Wireless[/]\)\?\(RT\(28[67]\|307\)0STA[/]\)\?\(RT\(28[67]\|307\)0STA\|rt28[67]0\)\.bin' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/rt_linux\.h'
+    blobname '\([/]etc[/]Wireless[/]\)\?\(RT28[67]0STA[/]\)\?e2p\.bin' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/rt_ate\.[hc]'
+    defsnc '\([ ][ ][ ][ ]\|[	]\)u_int32_t[ ]ralinkrate\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/rt_linux\.c'
+    defsnc 'unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(QUALITY\|STRENGTH\)_MAP\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8180_core.c
+    defsnc 'u\(8\|16\|32\)[ ]rtl8225\(\(a\|bcd\?\)_rxgain\|agc\|tx_\(gain_cck\|power\)_ofdm\|tx_power_cck\(_ch14\)\?\)\[\]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8180_rtl8225.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u\(8\|16\|32\)[ ]\(rtl8225\(z2\)\?_\(threshold\|gain_\(a\|bg\)\|chan\|rxgain\|agc\|tx_\(gain_cck\|power\)_ofdm\|tx_power_cck\(_ch14\)\?\)\|ZEBRA2_CCK_OFDM_GAIN_SETTING\)\[\][ ]\?=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8180_rtl8225z2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]short[ ]rtl8255_agc\[\]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8180_rtl8255.c
+    defsnc '[ ]\?static[ ]u\(8\|32\)[ ]\(MAC_REG_TABLE\[\]\[2\]\|[ ]*ZEBRA_\(AGC\|RF_RX_GAIN_TABLE\)\[\]\|OFDM_CONFIG\[\]\)=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    accept '[	]-[ ]move[ ]firmware[ ]loading[ ]to[ ]request_firmware[(][)]' drivers/staging/slicoss/README
+    blobname '\(\(oasis\|gb\)_rcv\|slic_\(oasis\|mojave\)\)\.bin' drivers/staging/slicoss/slicoss.c
+    blob 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]xilinx_firm\(_4610\)\?\[\][ ]=[ ][{]'"$sepx$blobpat*$sepx"'[}][;]' 'drivers/staging/me4000/me4\(00\|61\)0_firmware\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]struct[ ]PHY_UCODE[ ]PhyUcode\[\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' drivers/staging/sxg/sxgphycode.h
+    blob 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]SaharaUCode\[2\]\[57972\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' drivers/staging/sxg/saharadbgdownload.h
+    blob '#include[ ]["]\(sxgphycode\(-1\.2\)\?\|saharadbgdownload\)\.h["]\([\n][\n]*#include[ ]["]\(sxgphycode\(-1\.2\)\?\|saharadbgdownload\)\.h["]\)*' drivers/staging/sxg/sxg.c
+    blob 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(Mojave\|Oasis\)UCode\[2\]\[65536\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' 'drivers/staging/slicoss/\(gb\|oasis\(dbg\)\?\)download\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(GB\|Oasis\)RcvUCode\[2560\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' 'drivers/staging/slicoss/\(gb\|oasis\)rcvucode\.h'
+    blob '#include[ ]["]\(gb\|oasis\)\(dbg\)\?\(download\|rcvucode\)\.h["]\([\n][\n]*#include[ ]["]\(gb\|oasis\)\(dbg\)\?\(download\|rcvucode\)\.h["]\)*' drivers/staging/slicoss/slicoss.c
+    blobna 'instruction[ ]=[ ][^;]*\(Oasis\|GB\|Mojave\)\(Rcv\)\?UCode[^:}]*[;]' drivers/staging/slicoss/slicoss.c
+    blobna 'seq_printf[(]seq[,][ ]["][^"]*%s[ ]%s[^"]*["][,][ 	\n]*\(GB_RCV\|MOJAVE_\)UCODE_VERS_STRING[,][ ]\(GB_RCV\|MOJAVE_\)UCODE_VERS_DATE[)][;]\([ 	\n]*seq_printf[(]seq[,][ ]["][^"]*%s[ ]%s[^"]*["][,][ 	\n]*\(GB_RCV\|MOJAVE_\)UCODE_VERS_STRING[,][ ]\(GB_RCV\|MOJAVE_\)UCODE_VERS_DATE[)][;]\)*' drivers/staging/slicoss/slicoss.c
+    blobna 'numsects[ ]=[ ][OM]NumSections[;][\n][	]*for[ ][(][^;]*[;][^;]*[;][^;{]*[)][ ][{][\n][^}]*[\n][	][	][}]' drivers/staging/slicoss/slicoss.c
+    # post 2.6.29 patches
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]atom_dst_to_src\[8\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/atom.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]map_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/input/lirc/lirc_ttusbir.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]au8522_register_config[ ]lpfilter_coef\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522_decoder.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]jpeg_head\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init_ov\(7[27]2x\|965x\(_2\)\?\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]probe_tb\[\]\[4\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]eeprom_data\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/gspca/tv8532.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]uint32_t\|[}]\)[ ]nv04_graph_ctx_regs[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/char/drm/nv04_graph.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]nv10_graph_ctx_regs[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/char/drm/nv10_graph.c
+    # This looks suspicious, but it pretty much just sets stuff to zero.
+    initnc 'static[ ]__u8[ ]mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+    # quite suspicious
+    # arch/parisc/kernel/perf_images.h
+    initc 'static[ ]uint32_t[ ]onyx_images\[\]\[PCXU_IMAGE_SIZE[/]sizeof[(]uint32_t[)]\][ ]__read_mostly[ ]='
+    initc 'static[ ]uint32_t[ ]cuda_images\[\]\[PCXW_IMAGE_SIZE[/]sizeof[(]uint32_t[)]\][ ]__read_mostly[ ]='
+    # These are regarded as ok
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\][ ]=[ ][{]' drivers/media/usb/sn9c102/sn9c102_config.h
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u8[ ]jpeg_header\[589\][ ]=[ ][{]' media/video/sn9c102/sn9c102_core.c
+    accept '[	][	]\?err[ ]=[ ]sn9c102_write_const_regs[(]cam\(,[ 	\n]\+[{]0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F],[ ]0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][}]\)*[)][;]'
+    # too lax?
+    defsnc 'static[ ]yyconst[ ]\(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short[ ]\)\?int\)\)[ ]yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned[ ]\)\?\(short\([ ]int\)\?\|char\)\)[ ]yy[^[]*\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc '\([	]\)\?static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(unsigned[ ]\(short\|char\)\|struct[ ]SiS_[^ ]*\)[ ]SiS[^[]*\(\[[][ *0-9]*\]\)\+[ ]*='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]a3d_Hrtf_t[ ]A3dHrirZeros[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]a3d_Hrtf_t[ ]A3dHrirImpulse[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]a3d_Hrtf_t[ ]A3dHrirOnes[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]a3d_Hrtf_t[ ]A3dHrirSatTest[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]a3d_Hrtf_t[ ]A3dHrirDImpulse[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]a3d_ItdDline_t[ ]A3dItdDlineZeros[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]auxxEqCoeffSet_t[ ]asEqCoefsNormal[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]xtalk_dline_t[ ]const[ ]alXtalkDline\(Test\|Zeros\)[ ]=' sound/pci/au88x0/au88x0_xtalk.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]rtc_from4_nand_oobinfo[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]tempLUT\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]viaLUT\[\][ ]=' drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ][{][ ]int[ ]xres,[ ]yres,[ ]left,[ ]right,[ ]upper,[ ]lower,[ ]hslen,[ ]vslen,[ ]vfreq[;][ ][}][ ]timmings\[\][ ]__initdata[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]platinum_regvals[ ]platinum_reg_init_[0-9]*[ ]=[ ][{]'
+    defsnc '[}][ ]sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\][ ]\(__devinitdata[ ]\)\?=' drivers/video/sis/sis_main.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_pll_desc[ ][^\n]*[ ]=[ ][{]' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]LABELPATCHES\[\][ ]__attribute[(][(]unused[)][)][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]dbdev_tab_t[ ]dbdev_tab\[\][ ]='
+    accept '\(EXP\|LOG\|ATAN\)TBL:'"$sepx$blobpat*"
+    initnc 'static[ ]char[ ]fm_volume_table\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'unsigned[ ]int[ ]snd_gf1_scale_table\[SNDRV_GF1_SCALE_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]='
+    # remaining after original deblob_2_6_24, not fully checked
+    oprepline '#define[ ]OV51[18]_\(Y\|UV\)QUANTABLE[ ][{]'
+    initnc '[	][	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]const[ ]data_bit\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	][	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]data_sbit\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]\.RightCoefs[ ]='
+    defsnc '[	]#define[ ]WakeupSeq[ ][ ][ ][ ][{]' drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/eepro.c
+    initnc '[	]SetRate44100\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]const[ ]short[ ]period\[32\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[	]\(const[ ]static\|static[ ]const\)[ ]int[ ]desc_idx_table\[\][ ]=' 'arch/arm/include/asm/hardware/iop3xx-adma.h|include/asm-arm/hardware/iop3xx-adma.h'
+    initnc '[	]int[ ]prop_bcomm_irq\[3[*]16\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]char[ ]logSlopeTable\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]uc_\(dup\|word\)_table\[\]\[2\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]mc7_timing_params[ ]mc7_timings\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]biphase_tbl\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]cs170\[7[ ][*][ ]8\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]cs3[13]a\[8[ ][*][ ]4\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]dramsr13\[12[ ][*][ ]5\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]log10\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/zd_chip.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]mpeg_hdr_data\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]sdramtype\[13\]\[5\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]t\[\][ ]=' drivers/bcma/sprom.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]ac97_defaults\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]int[ ]exp_lut\[256\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u16[ ]jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\][ ]=' drivers/media/pci/meye/meye.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u16[ ]tables\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/pci/meye/meye.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]u32[ ]logMagTable\[128\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]init_bufs\[13\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/media/pci/cx88/cx88-cards.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u_short[ ]geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\][ ]=' drivers/block/xd.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]CRCTable1\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]CRCTable2\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]default_colors\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]iso_regs\[8\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/usb/cpia2/cpia2_usb.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]log_scale\[101\][ ]=' sound/oss/pss.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]msg\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]static_pad\[\][ ]=' drivers/s390/crypto/zcrypt_msgtype6.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]table_alaw2ulaw\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/telephony/ixj.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]table_ulaw2alaw\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/telephony/ixj.c
+    defsnc '[	]\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]reg_boundaries\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    defsnc '[	]u8[ ]b\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/usb/ttusb-dec/ttusbdecfe.c
+    initnc '[	]uint8_t[ ]tx\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[	]unsigned[ ]char[ ]saa7111_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/parport/w9966.c
+    initnc '[	]unsigned[ ]char[ ]sas_pcd_m_pg\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	][}][ ]modedb\[5\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]reg_tbl\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    initnc '[	][}][ ]vals\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	][}][ ]vm_devices\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]static[ ]const[ ]code[ ]distfix\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]static[ ]const[ ]code[ ]lenfix\[512\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[ ][ ]int[ ]poly\[\]=' drivers/net/pcmcia/nmclan_cs.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]asso_values\[\][ ]=' scripts/genksyms/keywords.c_shipped
+    defsnc '[ ][ ]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]asso_values\[\][ ]=' scripts/kconfig/zconf.hash.c_shipped
+    initnc '[ ][ ][}][ ]cards_ds\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]static[ ]const[ ]int8[ ]countLeadingZerosHigh\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]d\(base\|ext\)\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc '#define[ ]OV511_QUANTABLESIZE[	]64'
+    initnc 'BYTE[ ]BtCard::SRAMTable_\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'BYTE[ ]SRAMTable\[\]\[[ ]60[ ]\][ ]='
+    accept 'irq_prio_\([hdl]\|l[cd]\):'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/arm/inlcude/asm/hardware/entry-macro-iomd.S|include/asm-arm/hardware/entry-macro-iomd.S'
+    initc '__u8[ ]_ascebc\[256\][ ]='
+    initc '__u8[ ]_ebc_tolower\[256\][ ]='
+    initc '__u8[ ]_ebc_toupper\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'adapter_tag_info_t[ ]aic7[9x]xx_tag_info\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'char[ ]dmasound_alaw2dma8\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'char[ ]dmasound_ulaw2dma8\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]aper_size_info_16[ ]agp3_generic_sizes\[AGP_GENERIC_SIZES_ENTRIES\][ ]='
+    initnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]crc_itu_t_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]byte_rev_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]crc7_syndrome_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'int[ ]snd_sf_vol_table\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[	]u_char[	]irq_to_siubit\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[	]u_char[	]irq_to_siureg\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]Byte_t[ ]RData\[RDATASIZE\][ ]=' drivers/tty/rocket.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]__const__[ ]__u16[ ]gx_coeff\[256\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]__u8[ ]init7121ntsc\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/saa7121.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]__u8[ ]init7121pal\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/saa7121.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]byte[ ]capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capidtmf.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]char[ ]channel_map_madi_[sdq]s\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\][ ]=' sound/pci/rme9652/hdspm.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]char[ ]coefficients\[NM_TOTAL_COEFF_COUNT[ ][*][ ]4\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]char[ ]ecc_syndrome_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]char[ ]isdn_audio_alaw_to_ulaw\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]char[ ]isdn_audio_ulaw_to_alaw\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]char[ ]mix_cvt\[101\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]char[ ]opl3_volume_table\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]crc10_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u32[ ]crc_c\[256\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]fixp_t[ ]cos_table\[46\][ ]=' include/linux/fixp-arith.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]init_seq\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]mobile_vid_table\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]snd_opl4_pitch_map\[0x600\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]budtab\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]aper_size_info_8[ ]via_generic_sizes\[9\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]color[ ]clut_vga16\[16\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]gain_entry[ ]gain_table\[2\]\[108\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/iwl-4965.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]mV_pos[ ]__\(cpu\)\?initdata[ ]mobilevrm_mV\[32\][ ]=' arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/longhaul.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]mV_pos[ ]__\(cpu\)\?initdata[ ]vrm85_mV\[32\][ ]=' arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/longhaul.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]menelaus_vtg_value[ ]vcore_values\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]opl4_region[ ]regions_[0-9a-frums]*\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]regval[ ]regval_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_5222\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_5225_2527\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_5226\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2522\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2523\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2524\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2525\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2528\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_noseq\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_seq\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]Sbox\[256\][ ]=' # 'drivers/staging/rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware.c' and elsewhere
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]count_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/misc/tsl2550.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rtl8225\(bcd\|z2\)_rxgain\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl818[07]/rtl8225\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]stufftab\[5[ ][*][ ]256\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/gigaset/isocdata.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tkip_sbox\[256\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8753_reg\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8753.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]SS[0-3]\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]S[1-8]\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]T[0-5]\[256\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]Tm\[24\]\[8\][ ]=' crypto/cast6_generic.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]bass_table\[41\]\[5\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]bf_sbox\[256[ ][*][ ]4\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp0222\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp1110\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp3033\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp4404\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]crc32c_table\[256\][ ]=' crypto/crc32c.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]db_table\[101\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]m8xx_size_to_gray\[M8XX_SIZES_NO\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]mds\[4\]\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]pc2\[1024\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]s[1-7]\[256\][ ]=' crypto/cast5_generic.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]sb8\[256\][ ]=' crypto/cast5_generic.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]tfrc_calc_x_lookup\[TFRC_CALC_X_ARRSIZE\]\[2\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]treble_table\[41\]\[5\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u64[ ][CT][0-7]\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u64[ ]sbox[1-4]\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u64[ ]sha512_K\[80\][ ]=' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]Tr\[4\]\[8\][ ]=' crpto/cast6_generic.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]aes_sbox\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]calc_sb_tbl\[512\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]exp_to_poly\[492\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]legal_ansi_char_array\[0x40\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]parity\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]pc1\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]poly_to_exp\[255\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]q[01]\[256\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]ratio_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/misc/tsl2550.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rs\[256\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225_\(agc\|tx_\(power\|gain\)_cck\(_ch14\|_ofdm\)\?\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl818[07]/rtl8225\.c'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u_char[ ]irq_to_siubit\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u_char[ ]irq_to_siureg\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]uint8_t[ ]parity\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(UV\|Y\)_QUANTABLE\[64\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]__\(cpu\)\?initdata[ ]mV_mobilevrm\[32\][ ]=' arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/longhaul.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]__\(cpu\)\?initdata[ ]mV_vrm85\[32\][ ]=' arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/longhaul.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]barco_p1\[2\]\[9\]\[7\]\[3\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]bitcounts\[256\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/gigaset/isocdata.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]blue\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]chktab[hl]\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]comet_miireg2offset\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?unsigned[ ]char[ ]euc2sjisibm_g3upper_map\[\]\[2\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]green\[256\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]hash_table_ops\[64[*]4\][ ]=' drivers/media/usb/pwc/pwc-dec23.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]hid_keyboard\[256\][ ]=' drivers/hid/hid-input.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]mts_direction\[256[/]8\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]red\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?unsigned[ ]char[ ]sjisibm2euc_map\[\]\[2\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vol_cvt_datt\[128\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]MulIdx\[16\]\[16\][ ]=' drivers/media/usb/pwc/pwc-dec23.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]crctab32\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]crc_flex_table\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]logtable\[256\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-core/dvb_math.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]wd7000_iobase\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]x86_keycodes\[256\][ ]=' drivers/tty/vt/keyboard.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]MV300_reg_8bit\[256\][ ]\?=' drivers/video/atafb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\][ ]=' drivers/net/s2io.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]initial_lfsr\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]log_tbl\[129\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]miro_fmtuner\[\][ ][ ]=' drivers/media/video/bt8xx/bt-cards.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]miro_tunermap\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/bt8xx/bt-cards.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]register_size\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]reserve_list\[MAX_RES_ARGS\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]reverse6\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]short[ ]attack_time_tbl\[128\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]short[ ]beep_wform\[256\][ ]=' 'sound/ppc/beep.c|sound/oss/dmasound/dmasound_awacs.c|arch/ppc/8xx_io/cs4218_tdm.c'
+    initnc 'static[ ]short[ ]decay_time_tbl\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]short[ ]isdn_audio_[ua]law_to_s16\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]iw\?l\(3945\)\?_tx_power[ ]power_gain_table\[2\]\[IW\?L_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/iwl-3945.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]ovcamchip_regvals[ ]regvals_init_\(76be\|7[16]20\|7x10\)\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval_list[ ]ov7670_default_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/i2c/ov7670.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]s_c2[ ]SetRate48000\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]tea6420_multiplex[ ]TEA6420_line\[MXB_AUDIOS[+]1\]\[2\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]wm_info[ ]i810_wm_16_100\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]wm_info[ ]i810_wm_16_133\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]wm_info[ ]i810_wm_24_100\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]wm_info[ ]i810_wm_24_133\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]wm_info[ ]i810_wm_8_100\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]wm_info[ ]i810_wm_8_133\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ][{][ ]struct[ ]fb_bitfield[ ]red,[ ]green,[ ]blue,[ ]transp[;][ ]int[ ]bits_per_pixel[;][ ][}][ ]colors\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]asEqCoefsPipes\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]asEqCoefsZeros\[50\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]asEqOutStateZeros\[48\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]default_key_map[ ]\[256\][ ]=' drivers/media/pci/ttpci/av7110_ir.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]eq_levels\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u32[ ][ ]crc32tab\[\][ ]__attribute__[ ][(][(]aligned[(]8[)][)][)][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-core/dvb_filter.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]adwDecim8\[33\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]h_prescale\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]v_gain\[64\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\][ ]=' drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/bttv-driver.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/b2c2/flexcop-fe-tuner.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]bnx2_570[68]_stats_len_arr\[BNX2_NUM_STATS\][ ]=' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]flit_desc_map\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u8[ ]init_tab[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/dvb/frontends/cx2270\(0\|2\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mac_reader\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mt2131_config1\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2131.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mt2131_config1\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mt2266_init2\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mt2266.c # <= 2.6.25
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mt2266_init2\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]opera1_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/opera1.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]saa7113_init_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/pci/ttpci/av7110_v4l.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/b2c2/flexcop-fe-tuner.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]w1_crc8_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/w1/w1_io.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_char[ ]const[ ]data_sizes_32\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_long[ ]ident_map\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_short[ ]alt_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_short[ ]altgr_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_short[ ]ctrl_alt_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_short[ ]ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]*='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_short[ ]shift_ctrl_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_short[ ]shift_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]*='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uchar[ ]perm1\[56\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uchar[ ]perm2\[48\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uchar[ ]perm3\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uchar[ ]perm4\[48\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uchar[ ]perm5\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uchar[ ]perm6\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uchar[ ]sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uint16_t[ ]crc_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]uint8_t[ ]lpfcAlpaArray\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?uint8_t[ ]seqprog\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]V110_OffMatrix_9600\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]V110_OnMatrix_9600\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]a2232_65EC02code\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/generic_serial/ser_a2232fw.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]atkbd_set3_keycode\[512\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]banner_table\[\][ ]=' arch/sh/boards/superh/microdev/led.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(__attribute__[ ][(][(]aligned[(]16[)][)][)][ ]\)\?bootlogo_bits\[\][ ]=' arch/m68k/platform/68328/bootlogo.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]bus2core_8260\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]bus2core_8280\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]caseorder\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]crystal_key\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]dsp_ulaw\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]expressiontab\[128\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]header2\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/usb/zr364xx/zr364xx.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]hidp_keycode\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]nkbd_keycode\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]pan_volumes\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]parm_block\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]raw3270_ebcgraf\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]rfcomm_crc_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]rwa_unlock\[\][ ]__initdata[ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]seqprog\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]snd_opl4_volume_table\[128\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]splash_bits\[\][ ]=' arch/m68k/platform/68EZ328/bootlogo.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]sunkbd_keycode\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]ufs_fragtable_8fpb\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]ufs_fragtable_other\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]ulaw_dsp\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]usb_kbd_keycode\[256\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vga_font\[cmapsz\][ ]\(BTDATA[ ]\)\?=' arch/sparc/kernel/btext.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]voltab[12]\[128\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vpd89_data\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]xtkbd_keycode\[256\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]ac3_bitrates\[32\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-core/dvb_filter.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]bass_volume_table\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]bitrates\[3\]\[16\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-core/dvb_filter.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]isa_dma_port\[8\]\[7\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]master_volume_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]mixer_volume_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]pan_table\[63\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]snapper_bass_volume_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]snapper_treble_volume_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]treble_volume_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]valid_mem\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]long[ ]arthur_to_linux_signals\[32\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]long[ ]shmedia_opcode_table\[64\][ ]=' arch/sh/kernel/traps_64.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]nv\([34]\|10\)TableP\(FIFO\|GRAPH\|RAMIN\)\[\]\[2\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]fcstab\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]init[1234]\[128\][ ][/][*]__devinitdata[*][/][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]log_table\[LOG_TABLE_SIZE[*]2\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]rc_ioport\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/tty/riscom8.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]translations\[\]\[256\][ ]=' drivers/tty/vt/consolemap.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]treble_parm\[12\]\[9\][ ]='
+    initnc 'struct[ ]RGBColors[ ]TextCLUT\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'struct[ ]VgaRegs[ ]GenVgaTextRegs\[NREGS[+]1\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]battery_thresh[ ][ ]*\(spitz\|sharpsl\)_battery_levels_\(noac\|acin\)\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-pxa/sharpsl_pm.c
+    initnc 'struct[ ]fb_bitfield[ ]rgb_bitfields\[\]\[4\][ ]='
+    initnc 'struct[ ]mode_registers[ ]std_modes\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'struct[ ]vmode_attr[ ]vmode_attrs\[VMODE_MAX\][ ]='
+    initnc 'u16[ ]const[ ]crc16_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'u16[ ]const[ ]crc_ccitt_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'u16[ ]hfsplus_compose_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'u16[ ]hfsplus_decompose_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'u_char[ ]const[ ]data_sizes_16\[32\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'u_short[ ]\(plain\|shift\(_ctrl\)\?\|alt\(gr\)\?\|ctrl\(_alt\)\?\)_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]*=' drivers/tty/vt/defkeymap.c_shipped
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\)[ ]e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\)[ ]e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    initnc '[}][ ]euc2sjisibm_jisx0212_map\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[}][ ]freq\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[}][ ]hps_h_coeff_tab[ ]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/saa7146/saa7146_hlp.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]hps_v_coeff_tab[ ]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/saa7146/saa7146_hlp.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]init_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-frontends/s5h1409.c
+    initnc '[}][ ]maven_gamma\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[}][ ]mem_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/ethernet/8390/smc-mca.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]mxb_saa7740_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/pci/saa7146/mxb.c
+    initnc '[}][ ]pll_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]qam256_snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-frontends/s5h1409.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]qam64_snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-frontends/s5h1409.c
+    initnc '[}][ ]sil_port\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[}][ ]vsb_snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-frontends/s5h1409.c
+    # new in 2.6.30
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]sync\[\][ ]=' Documentation/networking/timestamping/timestamping.c
+    blob 'The[ ]driver[ ]requires[ ]firmware[ ]files[ ]["]turtlebeach\([^\n]*[^\n.][\n]\)*directory.' Documentation/sound/alsa/ALSA-Configuration.txt
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]sdp3430_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-3430sdp.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]char[ ]_[zs]b_findmap\[\][ ]=' arch/s390/kernel/bitmap.c
+    initnc '[	][{][ ]CnINT2MSKR0,[ ]CnINT2MSKCR0[ ],[ ]32,' arch/sh/kernel/cpu/sh4a/setup-sh7786.c
+    blobname 'solos-\(\(db-\)\?FPGA\|Firmware\)\.bin' drivers/atm/solos-pci.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]__initdata[ ]i2c_clk_div\[50\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-imx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]mpc_i2c_divider[ ]mpc_i2c_dividers_\(52xx\|8xxx\)\[\][ ]\(__devinitconst[ ]\)\?=' drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-mpc.c
+    accept '[	]const[ ]char[ ]\*fw_name[ ]=[ ]["]av7110[/]bootcode\.bin["][;]' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+    accept '[	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][^;]*[)][;][\n][	]if[ ][(]ret[)][ ][{][^}]*[}][\n][\n][	]mwdebi[(]av7110,[ ]DEBISWAB,[ ]DPRAM_BASE' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_fw.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]av7110[/]bootcode\.bin["][)][;]' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]jpeg_head\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]nand_oob_128[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/nand_base.c
+    blobname 'bnx2[/]bnx2-\(mips\|rv2p\)-[-0-9a-z.]*\.fw' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    accept 'static[ ]void[\n]load_rv2p_fw[(][^{)]*const[ ]struct[ ]bnx2_mips_fw_file_entry' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[\n]bnx2_init_cpus[(][^{]*[)][\n][{][\n][	]const[ ]struct[ ]bnx2_mips_fw_file'
+    blobname 'yam[/]\(12\|96\)00\.bin' drivers/net/hamradio/yam.c
+    blobname 'myricom[/]lanai\.bin' drivers/net/myri_sbus.c
+    blobname '3com[/]3C359\.bin' drivers/net/tokenring/3c359.c
+    blobname '3com[/]typhoon\.bin' drivers/net/typhoon.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]ar9170_phy_init[ ]ar5416_phy_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/phy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]ar9170_rf_init[ ]ar9170_rf_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/phy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ar9170_phy_freq_entry[ ]ar9170_phy_freq_params\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/phy.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[ ]ar9170_usb_request_firmware[(]' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/usb.c
+    accept '[	]\(err[ ]=\|return\)[ ]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(][^\n]*["]ar9170\(-[12]\)\?\.fw["],' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/usb.c
+    accept '[	]err[ ]=[ ]ar9170_usb_request_firmware[(]' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/usb.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]ar9170\(-[12]\)\?\.fw["][)][;]\([\n]MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]ar9170\(-[12]\)\?\.fw["][)][;]\)*' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/usb.c
+    blobname 'slicoss[/]\(oasis\|gb\)\(rcvucode\|download\)\.sys' drivers/staging/slicoss/slicoss.c
+    blobname 'sxg[/]sahara\(dbg\)\?downloadB\.sys' drivers/staging/sxg/sxg.c
+    blobname 'qlogic[/]isp1000\.bin' drivers/scsi/qlogicpti.c
+    blobname 'advansys[/]\(3550\|38C\(08\|16\)00\|mcode\)\.bin' drivers/scsi/advansys.c
+    blobname 'qlogic[/]\(1040\|1280\|12160\)\.bin' drivers/scsi/qla1280.c
+    blobname 'yamaha[/]yss225_registers\.bin' sound/isa/wavefront/wavefront_fx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini[ ]rf\([52]413\|2425\)_ini_common_end\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rfbuffer[ ]rfb_\(511[12]a\?\|5413\|231[67]\|24\(1[37]\|25\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/rfbuffer.h
+    accept '#define\([ ]_\?IWL\(4965\|[156]000\(G2[AB]\)\?\|1[03]0\|5150\|6050\)_MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]api[)]\)\+' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-\([156]000\|4965\)\.c'
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-1000-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-1000.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-60[05]0-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-6000.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]gspi\(%d\|[0-9]\+\)\(_hlp\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_spi.c
+    blobname 'mwl8k[/]\(helper\|fmimage\)_\(%u\|[0-9]\+\)\.fw' drivers/net/wireless/mwl8k.c
+    blobname '3826\.arm' 'drivers/\(net/wireless/p54/p54spi\|staging/stlc45xx/stlc45xx\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]p54spi_eeprom\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54spi_eeprom.h
+    blobname '\(comedi[/]\)\?jr3pci\.idm\(["]\.[\n][ ][*][/]\)\?' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/jr3_pci.c
+    blobname 'usbdux\(fast\)\?_firmware\.\(hex\|bin\)' 'drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/usbdux\(fast\)\?\.c'
+    blobname 'RT30xxEEPROM\.bin' drivers/staging/rt3070/common/eeprom.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]default_cal_\(channels\|rssi\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/stlc45xx/stlc45xx.c
+    accept '[	][	]stlc45xx_error[(]["]request_firmware[(][)][ ]failed' drivers/staging/stlc45xx/stlc45xx.c
+    blob 'static[ ]struct[ ]phy_ucode[	]PhyUcode\[\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' drivers/staging/sxg/sxgphycode-1.2.h
+    accept 'device[ ]drivers[ ]which[ ]predate[ ]the[ ]common[ ]use[ ]of[ ]request_firmware[(][)]' firmware/README.AddingFirmware
+    accept 'As[ ]we[ ]update[ ]those[ ]drivers[ ]to[ ]use[ ]request_firmware[(][)]' firmware/README.AddingFirmware
+    blob 'This[ ]directory[ ]is[ ]_NOT_[ ]for[ ]adding[ ]arbitrary[ ]new[ ]firmware[ ]images.*git[ ]pull[ ]request[ ]to:[\n][^\n]*\(infradead\.org\|decadent\.org\.uk\)>' firmware/README.AddingFirmware
+    blobna 'linux-firmware\.git' firmware/README.AddingFirmware
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(loader\|indigo_djx\)_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/indigodjx.c
+    blobname '\(ea[/]\)\?\(loader\|indigo_iox\)_dsp\.fw' sound/pci/echoaudio/indigoiox.c
+    # blobname 'cis[/]LA-PCM\.cis' drivers/net/pcmcia/pcnet_cs.c
+    blobname 'ositech[/]Xilinx7OD\.bin' drivers/net/pcmcia/smc91c92_cs.c
+    blobname 'tehuti[/]\(firmware\|bdx\)\.bin' drivers/net/tehuti.c
+    accept '[ 	]*["]b43-open%s[/]%s\.fw["]' drivers/net/wireless/b43/main.c
+    blobname '\(nx\(romimg\|3fw\(ct\|mn\)\)\|phanfw\)\.bin' 'drivers/net/netxen/netxen_nic\(_\(hw\|init\)\.c\|\.h\)'
+    # New in 2.6.31
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]page[ ]tables[ ]as[ ]follows:[\n][ ][*][\n][ ][*][ ][ ][ ]3[ ]3[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[\n][ ][*][ ][ ][ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0' arch/arm/include/asm/pgtable.h
+    defsnc '\([	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]snum_init\[\][ ]=[ ][{]\|static[ ]void[ ]qe_snums_init[(]void[)]\)[\n][	][	]0x04,[ ]0x05,' arch/powerpc/sysdev/qe_lib/qe.c
+    accept '[.]LgoS4:[\n][	][.]word[	][.]LmtoS4-\.LgoS4\([\n][	]\.\(long\|word\|byte\)[	][01]\(,0\)*\)*' arch/s390/kernel/sclp.S
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]sh_clk_div6_divisors\[64\][ ]=' '\(arch/sh/kernel/cpu/clock-\|drivers/sh/clk/\)cpg\.c'
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]*1[ ]1\([ ]0\)*[ ]1\([ ]0\)*' arch/x86/lguest/boot.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]scrubrate[ ]scrubrates\[\][ ]=' drivers/edac/amd64_edac.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]r\([35]\|s6\)00_reg_safe_bm\[[0-9]*\][ ]=' 'drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r\(300\|v515\|s600\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]keyboard_layout_map_t[ ]keyboard_layout_maps\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/siano/smsir.c
+    blobname 'dvb-cx18-mpc718-mt352\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-dvb.c
+    defsnc '[	]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(y\|uv\)QuanTable51[18]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/\(ov511\|gspca/ov519\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]bridge_start_ov965x_\(\([qs]\?v\|x\)ga\|cif\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(int\|s16\)[ ]hsv_\(red\|green\|blue\)_[xy]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(u16\|struct[ ]i2c_reg_u16\)[ ]\(bridge\|mt9\(v\(11[12]\|011\)\|m001\)\)_init\[\]\(\[2\]\)\?[ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(u8\|struct[ ]i2c_reg_u8\)[ ]\(soi968\|ov\(76[67]0\|965[05]\)\|hv7131r\)_init\[\]\(\[2\]\)\?[ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]onenand_oob_128[ ]=' drivers/mtd/onenand/onenand_base.c
+    blob '#define[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION\|COMPILE_FLAGS\)[ 	]*[0-9]\+\([\n]#define[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION\|COMPILE_FLAGS\)[ 	]*[0-9]\+\)*' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_hsi\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]int[ ]\(__devinit[ ]\)\?bnx2x_check_firmware[(]struct[ ]bnx2x[ ][*]bp[)][\n][{][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobna 'if[ ][(][(]fw_ver\[[0-3]\][ ]!=[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION[)]\([ ][|][|][\n][ 	]*[(]fw_ver\[[0-3]\][ ]!=[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION[)]\)*[)][ ][{][^{}]*[}]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobna 'sprintf[(]fw_file_name[ ][+][ ]offset,[ ]["]%d[.]%d[.]%d[.]%d[.]fw["]\(,[\n][ 	]*BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION\)*[)][;]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobna 'rc[ ]=[ ]bnx2x_check_firmware[(]bp[)][;]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    defsnc 'crb_128M_2M_map\[64\][ ]__cacheline_aligned_in_smp[ ]=' 'drivers/net/\(netxen/netxen_nic_hw.c\|qlcnic/qlcnic_hw.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals\(_3070\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(prism54/islpci_dev\.c\|rt2x00/rt2800usb\.c\)'
+    blobname 'wl1251-\(fw\|nvs\)\.bin' 'drivers/net/wireless/wl12\(51\|xx\)/wl1251.h'
+    blobname 'iwmc3200wifi-\([ul]mac\|calib\)-sdio\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/iwmc3200wifi/sdio.c
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]MCS_DATA_RATE\[2\]\[2\]\[77\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rtl8192su/ieee80211/rtl819x_HTProc\.c\|rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware\.c\)'
+    blob 'u8[ ]Rtl8192SUFw\(Img\|Main\|Data\)Array\[\(Img\|Main\|Data\)ArrayLength\][ ]=[ ][{]'"$sepx$blobpat*$sepx"'[}][;]\([\n][\n]*u8[ ]Rtl8192SUFw\(Img\|Main\|Data\)Array\[\(Img\|Main\|Data\)ArrayLength\][ ]=[ ][{]'"$sepx$blobpat*$sepx"'[}][;]\)*' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192SU_HWImg.c
+    blobname 'RTL8192SU[/]\(rtl8192sfw\.bin\|\(boot\|main\|data\)\.img\)' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192S_firmware.c
+    blobna 'case[ ]FW_SOURCE_HEADER_FILE:[\n]#if[ ]1[\n]#define[^#]*[\n]#endif[\n][	][	][	]break[;]' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192S_firmware.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]Rtl8192SU\(PHY_\(REG\|ChangeTo\)_\([12]T[12]R\)\?\|Radio[AB]_\(\(\(to\)\?[12]T\|GM\)_\)\?\|MAC\(PHY\|_[12]T\)_\|AGCTAB_\)Array\(_PG\)\?\[\(PHY_\(REG\|ChangeTo\)_\([12]T[12]R\)\?\|Radio[AB]_\(\(\(to\)\?[12]T\|GM\)_\)\?\|MAC\(PHY\|_[12]T\)_\|AGCTAB_\)Array\(_PG\)\?Length\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/rtl92SU_HWImg.c
+    blob 'u8[ ]Rtl8192PciEFw\(Boot\|Main\|Data\)ArrayDTM\[\(Boot\|Main\|Data\)ArrayLengthDTM\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192S_FwImgDTM.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?u32[ ]Rtl8192PciE\(PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|\(Radio[ABCD]\|MACPHY\|AGCTAB\)_\)Array\(_PG\)\?\(DTM\)\?\[\(\(PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|\(Radio[ABCD]\|MACPHY\|AGCTAB\)_\)Array\(_PG\)\?Length\(DTM\)\?\)\?\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/rtl8192S_FwImgDTM.h
+    blobna '\([&]\|sizeof[(]\)rtl8190_fw\(boot\|main\|data\)_array\(\[0\]\|[)]\)\(,[ 	\n]*\([&]\|sizeof[(]\)rtl8190_fw\(boot\|main\|data\)_array\(\[0\]\|[)]\)\)*' 'drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r819\(2S\|xU\)_firmware\.c'
+    blobname 'RTL8192U[/]\(boot\|main\|data\)\.img' 'drivers/staging/rtl8192s\?u/r819xU_firmware\.c'
+    blob 'u8[ ]rtl8190_fw\(boot\|main\|data\)_array\[\][ ]=[ ]\?[{][^}]*[}][;]' 'drivers/staging/rtl8192s\?u/r8192xU_firmware_img\.c'
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]Rtl8192Usb\(PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|\(Radio[ABCD]\|MACPHY\|AGCTAB\)_\)Array\(_PG\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/rtl819xU_firmware_img.c
+    defsnc 'BYTE[ ]\(sbox\|dot[23]\)_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6655/aes_ccmp.c
+    defsnc '\(BYTE\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]byVT3253\(InitTab\|B0\(_AGC4\?\)\?\)_\(RFMD\(2959\)\?\|AIROHA2230\|UW2451\|AGC\)\[CB_VT3253\(B0\(_AGC4\?\)\?\)\?\(\(_INIT\)\?_FOR_\(RFMD\(2959\)\?\|AIROHA2230\|UW2451\|AGC\)\)\?\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6655/baseband.c
+    defsnc 'SCountryTable[ ]ChannelRuleTab\[CCODE_MAX[+]1\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6655/card.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]long[ ]frequency_list\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6655/iwctl.c
+    accept '#define[ ]CONFIG_PATH[ ]*["][/]etc[/]vntconfiguration[.]dat["]' drivers/staging/vt6655/device_cfg.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(DWORD\|unsigned[ ]long\)[ ]s_adwCrc32Table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6655/tcrc.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]\(BYTE\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]TKIP_Sbox_\(Lower\|Upper\)\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6655/tkip.c
+    blobname 'prism2_ru\.\(hex\|fw\)' drivers/staging/wlan-ng/prism2fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8960_reg\[WM8960_CACHEREGNUM\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8960.c
+    blob '#include[ ]["]me4\(00\|61\)0_firmware\.h["]\([\n][\n]*#include[ ]["]me4\(00\|61\)0_firmware\.h["]\)*' drivers/staging/me4000/me4000.c
+    blobna 'firm[ ]=[ ][^;]*xilinx_firm[^;]*[;]' drivers/staging/me4000/me4000.c
+    # end of new in 2.6.31
+    accept '[ 	]*ramdisk[ ]=[ ]["][/]boot[/][^ ]*initrd[^ ]*\.img["]' Documentation/ia64/xen.txt
+    # in drm-*.patch, post-2.6.31
+    blobname 'matrox[/]g[24]00_warp\.fw' drivers/gpu/drm/mga/mga_warp.c
+    blobname 'r128[/]r128_cce\.bin' drivers/gpu/drm/r128/r128_cce.c
+    blobname 'radeon[/]R\([123]0\|[45]2\|S6[09]\)0_cp\.bin' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r100.c
+    blobname 'radeon[/]\(R\([67]0\|V6[1237]\|S7[1378]\)[05]\|CEDAR\|REDWOOD\|JUNIPER\|CYPRESS\|%s\)_\(pfp\|rlc\|me\)\.bin' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r600.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]r[67]xx_default_state\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r600_blit_shaders.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]nv17_tv_norm_params[ ]nv17_tv_norms\[NUM_TV_NORMS\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nv17_tv_modes.c
+    # New in or modified for 2.6.32
+    blobname '\(cxgb3[/]\)\?ael20\(05_\(opt\|twx\)\|20_twx\)_edc\.bin' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]aper_size_info_32[ ]u3_sizes\[8\?\][ ]=' drivers/char/agp/uninorth-agp.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]atkbd_set[23]_keycode\[\(512\|ATKBD_KEYMAP_SIZE\)\][ ]=' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]common_modes\[17\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_connectors.c
+    defsnc '[	][	]*\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]phy_reg[ ]phy_reg_init\(_0\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    accept '[	][	]*struct[ ]phy_reg[ ]phy_reg_init_1\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*0x8300[^;]*[}][;]' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    blob 'static[ ]void[ ]rtl8168d_[12]_hw_phy_config[(]void[ ]__iomem[ ][*]ioaddr[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    blobna 'rtl8168d_[12]_hw_phy_config[(]ioaddr[)][;]' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    blobna 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]phy_reg_init_[12]\[\][ ]=[ ][{][\n 	{}0-9a-fx]*0x06,[ ]0xf8f9[\n 	{}0-9a-fx]*[}][;]' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    # This loads firmware to be flashed from filename provided through ethtool.
+    accept 'int[ ]be_load_fw[(]struct[ ]be_adapter[ ][^\n;{]*[)][ \n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*request_firmware[^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]' drivers/net/benet/be_main.c
+    defsnc '[	]u8[ ]init_hash_seed\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/qlge/qlge_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u_int32_t[ ]ar9287\(Common\|Modes\(_\([tr]x_gain\)\)\?\)_9287_1_[01]\[\]\[[236]\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u_int32_t[ ]ar9271\(Common\|Modes\)_9271\(_1_0\)\?\[\]\[[26]\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]lpphy_min_sig_sq_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_lpphy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]lpphy_\(rev\(01\|2plus\)_noise_scale\|crs_gain_nft\|iqlo_cal\|rev[01]_ofdm_cck_gain\|\(a0_\)\?gain\|sw_control\)_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_lpphy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]lpphy_\(\(rev01_ps\|tx_power\)_control\|\(a0_\)\?gain_\(idx\|value\)\|papd_\(eps\|mult\)\)_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_lpphy.c
+    blobname 'v4l-saa7164-1\.0\.[23]\.fw' drivers/media/video/saa7164/saa7164-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]n4_\(om6802\|other\|tas5130a\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc '[	][	]\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]struct[ ]sensor_w_data[ ]\(cif\|vga\)_sensor[01]_init_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/mr97310a.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]jlj_command[ ]start_commands\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jeilinj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]init_code\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/friio-fe.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]va1j5jf8007[ts]_\(2[05]mhz_\)\?prepare_bufs\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/dvb/pt1/va1j5jf8007[st]\.c'
+    accept '[	 ]\+request_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]hit[ ]an[ ]OOPS' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]long[ ]limiter_times\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/radio/si4713-i2c.c
+    blobname 'c[tb]fw\(_\(fc\|cna\)\)\?\.bin' drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad_fwimg.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]\(VDCDC[1x]\|LDO[12]\)_VSEL_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/regulator/tps650\(23\|7x\)-regulator\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]lms283gf05_seq[ ]disp_\(init\|pwdn\)seq\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/backlight/lms283gf05.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]csc_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/msm/mdp_csc_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?struct[ ]mdp_table_entry[ ]mdp_\(\(upscale\|gaussian_blur\)_table\|downscale_[xy]_table_PT[2468]TO\(PT[468]\|1\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/msm/mdp_scale_tables.c
+    accept '[	][	]card->firmware[ ]=[ ]data->firmware[;]'  drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c
+    accept '[	]isar->firmware[ ]=[ ][&]load_firmware[;]' drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/mISDNisar.c
+    blobname 'isdn[/]ISAR\.BIN' drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/speedfax.c
+    blobname '\(sep[/]\)\?\(cache\|resident\)\.image\.bin' drivers/staging/sep/sep_driver.c
+    blobname 'RTL8192E[/]\(boot\|main\|data\)\.img' drivers/staging/rtl8192e/r819xE_firmware.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?u32[ ]Rtl8190PciE\?\(AGCTAB_\|PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|Radio[ABCD]_\)Array\[\(AGCTAB_\|PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|Radio[ABCD]_\)ArrayLength\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rtl8192e/r819xE_phy\.c\|rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware_img.c\)'
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]File:[ ]main_usb\.c\([\n][ ][*]\([^\n/]*\|[^*\n/][/]*\)*\)*[\n][ ][*][/]\([\n][\n]*#\(undef[ ][^\n]*\|include[ ]["][^\n]*["]\)\)*[\n][\n]*#include[ ]["]firmware\.h["]' drivers/staging/vt6656/main_usb.c
+    blob 'const[ ]BYTE[ ]abyFirmware\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' drivers/staging/vt6656/firmware.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]*ChannelRuleTab\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6656/channel.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?struct[ ]register_address_value_pair[\n]\(preview_snapshot_mode\|noise_reduction\)_reg_settings_array\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/dream/camera/mt9d112_reg.c
+    blobname '\([/]tmp[/]\)\?RT30xxEEPROM\.bin' 'drivers/staging/rt3090/\(common/ee_efuse\.c\|rtmp_def\.h\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]UINT8[ ]WPS_DH_\([PRX]\|RRModP\)_VALUE\[1\(9[23]\|84\)\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rt3090/common/crypt_biginteger.c
+    defsnc '\(CH_FREQ_MAP\|struct[ ]rt_ch_freq_map\)[ ]CH_HZ_ID_MAP\[\][ ]\?=' 'drivers/staging/\(rt2860\|rt3090\)/common/rt_channel\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]UINT32[ ]SHA256_K\[64\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rt3090/common/crpt_sha2.c
+    defsnc '\(DOT11_REGULATORY_INFORMATION\|struct[ ]rt_dot11_regulatory_information\)[ ]\(USA\|Europe\|Japan\)RegulatoryInfo\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rt3090\|rt2860\)/common/spectrum\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]USHORT[ ]Sbox\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rt3090/sta/rtmp_ckipmic.c
+    blob '#include[ 	]*["]\(\.\.[/]\(\.\.[/]rt\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0[/]\(common[/]\)\?\)\?\)\?firmware\(_\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0\)\?\.h["]\([\n][\n]*#include[ 	]*["]\(\.\.[/]\(\.\.[/]rt\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0[/]\(common[/]\)\?\)\?\)\?firmware\(_\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0\)\?\.h["]\)' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]\|309\)0/common/rtmp_\(init\|mcu\)\.c'
+    blobna 'FIRMWAREIMAGE_LENGTH[ ]==' drivers/staging/rt3090/common/rtmp_mcu.c
+    defsnc 'int[ ]wm831x_isinkv_values\[WM831X_ISINK_MAX_ISEL[ ][+][ ][1]\][ ]=' drivers/mfd/wm831x-core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]hwecc4_2048[ ]__initconst[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/davinci_nand.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8974_reg\[WM8974_CACHEREGNUM\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8974.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u\(8\|16\)[ ]ak464[28]_reg\[\(AK4642_CACHEREGNUM\)\?\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/ak4642.c
+    accept 'int[ ]snd_hda_load_patch[(][^\n;{]*[)][ \n][{][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*hda_codec[^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*request_firmware[^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]' sound/pci/hda/hda_hwdep.c
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ]Bit[ 0-7]*' Documentation/input/sentelic.txt
+    accept 'The[ ]hd-audio[ ]driver[ ]reads[ ]the[ ]file[ ]via[ ]request_firmware[(][)]\.' Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio.txt
+    blob 'SD8688[ ]firmware:[\n]*\([/]lib[/]firmware[^\n]*[\n]*\)*The[ ]images[^:]*:[\n]*[^\n]*[/]linux-firmware[^\n]*' Documentation/btmrvl.txt
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]ibm405ex_fbdv_multi_bits\[\][ ]=' arch/powerpc/boot/4xx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]zoom2_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-zoom2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]ad714x_platf\(or\|ro\)m_data[ ]ad714[27]_\(\(spi\|i2c\)_\)\?platf\(or\|ro\)m_data[ ]=' arch/blackfin/mach-bf537/boards/stamp.c
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]lgs8g75_initdat\[\][ ]=[ ][{][^;]*[}][;]' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/lgs8gxx.c
+    blob 'static[ ]int[ ]lgs8g75_init_data[(][^\n;{]*[)][ \n][{][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*lgs8g75_initdat[^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/lgs8gxx.c
+    defsc 'static[ ]struct[ ]idxdata[ ]tbl_common\(_[a-e]\|5\|_\?3B\?\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/gspca/gl860/gl860-\(mi2020\|mi1320\|ov9655\|ov2640\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]validx[ ]tbl_\(commm\?on\|init_\(at_startup\|post_alt\)\|sensor_settings_common\(_[ab]\|1\)\|big\(_[abc]\|[123]\)\|640\|800\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/gspca/gl860/gl860-\(mi2020\|mi1320\|ov9655\|ov2640\).c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ][*]tbl_\(640\|800\|1280\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/gspca/gl860/gl860-\(mi1320\|ov9655\).c'
+    accept '[<][<]\([/]Subtype[/]Type1\)\?[/]BaseFont[^ ]*[/]FontDescriptor[ ][0-9][0-9]*[ ]0[ ]R\([/]Type[/]Font\)\?[\n]\?[/]FirstChar[ ][0-9][0-9]*[/]LastChar[ ][0-9][0-9]*[/]Widths\[[\n][0-9 \n]*\]' 'Documentation/DocBook/v4l/.*\.pdf'
+    # New in 2.6.33
+    accept '[ ]*just[ ]run[ ]["]cat[ ][/]sys[/]firmware[/]acpi[/]tables[/]DSDT[ ]>[ ][/]tmp[/]dsdt[.]dat["]' Documentation/acpi/method-customizing.txt
+    accept '[ ]*b[)][ ]disassemble[ ]the[ ]table[ ]by[ ]running[ ]["]iasl[ ]-d[ ]dsdt[.]dat["][.]' Documentation/acpi/method-customizing.txt
+    accept '[ ]*x=["]7999\([ ][0-9]\+\)\+["]' Documentation/blockdev/drbd/DRBD-8.3-data-packets.svg
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]zoom_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-zoom-peripherals.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]x[48]_vectors\[\][ ]=' drivers/edac/amd64_edac.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]\(y\|uv\)_static_hcoeffs\[N_HORIZ_\(Y\|UV\)_TAPS[ ][*][ ]N_PHASES\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_overlay.c
+    accept '[	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]ec168_download_firmware,[\n][	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/ec168.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-ec168\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/ec168.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]dib0090_defaults\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib0090.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-ds3000\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    blob '[/][*][ ]\(as[ ]of[ ][^\n]*[ ]current[ ]DS3000[ ]firmware\|DS3000[ ]FW\)[^/]*[*][/]\([\n][/][*]\([ ]\(as[ ]of[ ][^\n]*[ ]current[ ]DS3000[ ]firmware\|DS3000[ ]FW\)[^/]*\|[(]DEBLOBBED[)]\)[*][/]\)*' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]ds3000_dvbs2\?_init_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]dvbs2_snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]cnr[ ]cnr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mb86a16.c
+    defsnc 'u8[ ]lgtdqcs001f_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/mantis/mantis_vp1033.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov9640_reg[ ]ov9640_regs_dflt\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov9640.c
+    defsnc '\(const[ ]static\|static[ ]const\)[ ]struct[ ]rj54n1_reg_val[ ]bank_[4578]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/rj54n1cb0c.c
+    blob '#define[ ]_FW_NAME[(]api[)][ ]DRV_NAME[ ]["][.]["][ ]#api[ ]["]\.fw["]' drivers/media/video/iwmc3200top.h
+    blob '#define[ ]FW_FILE_VERSION\([	]*[\\][\n][	]__stringify[(]BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION[)]\([ ]["][.]["]\)\?\)\+' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x/\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobname '\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x-e[12]h\?-["][ ]FW_FILE_VERSION[ ]["]\.fw' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x/\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobname '\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x-e[12]h\?-\([0-9.%d]*\.fw\)\?' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x/\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blob '#define[ ]FW_VERSION\([ 	]__stringify[(]FW_VERSION_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|MICRO\)[)]\([ ]["][.]["]\)\?\([	]*[\\][\n]\)\?\)\+' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    blobname 'cxgb3[/]t3fw-["][ ]FW_VERSION[ ]["]\.bin' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    blob '#define[ ]TPSRAM_VERSION\([ 	]__stringify[(]TP_VERSION_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|MICRO\)[)]\([ ]["][.]["]\)\?\([	]*[\\][\n]\)\?\)\+' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    blobname 'cxgb3[/]t3\(%c\|[bc]\)_psram-["][ ]TPSRAM_VERSION[ ]["]\.bin' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rsshash\[40\][ ]=' drivers/net/igb/igb_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_3\(02\)\?x\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800lib.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]conf_drv_settings[ ]default_conf[ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1271_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u16[ ]bios_to_linux_keycode\[256\][ ]\(__initconst[ ]\)\?=' drivers/platform/x86/dell-wmi.c
+    accept '[	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]pm8001_ha->fw_image,' drivers/scsi/pm8001/pm8001_ctl.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vpdb0_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]vesa_mode_table[ ]vesa_mode\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sm7xx/smtcfb.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]ModeInit[ ]VGAMode\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sm7xx/smtcfb.h
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]hcf_8[ ]fw_image_[1234]_data\[\][ ]=[^;]*[;]\([ ]*[/][*][ ]fw_image_[1234]_data[ ][*][/]\)\?' 'drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/\(ap\|sta\)_h25\?\.c'
+    blobname '[/]etc[/]agere[/]fw\.bin' drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/wl_profile.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]long[ ]chan_freq_list\[\]\[MAX_CHAN_FREQ_MAP_ENTRIES\][ ]=' drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/wl_util.c
+    blob 'The[ ]ssinit[ ]program.*nsoniq.*sndscape.*sound[ ]weird\.' Documentation/sound/oss/README.OSS
+    blobname 'scope\.cod' 'sound/isa/\(Kconfig\|sscape\.c\)'
+    blobname '\(sndscape\|soundscape\)\.co\([?dx01234]\|%d\)' 'sound/isa/\(Kconfig\|sscape\.c\)\|Documentation/sound/oss/README\.OSS'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(adcm1700\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    blobname 'ath3k-1\.fw' drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c
+    blobname 'nouveau[/]nv\([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]\|%02x\)\.ctx\(prog\|vals\)' 'drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/\(nv50_graph\|nouveau_grctx\)\.c'
+    # New in 2.6.34
+    blobname 'mts_mt9234\(mu\|zba\)\.fw' drivers/usb/serial/ti_usb_3410_5052.c
+    blobname 'cxgb4[/]t4fw\.bin' 'drivers/\(net/cxgb4/cxgb4_main\.c\|scsi/csiostor/csio_hw\.h\)'
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]reg_ranges\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/cxgb4/cxgb4_main.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\][ ]=' drivers/net/cxgb4/t4_hw.c
+    # above in -rc5
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]epll_div\[\]\[5\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-s5p6440/clock.c
+    accept '[	]aru->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw[;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ar9170/usb.c
+    accept '[	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw_entry,[ ]["]broadsheet\.wbf["],[ ]dev[)][;]' drivers/video/broadsheetfb.c
+    # above in -rc2, below in -rc1
+    accept '\(#[ ]\)\?\(Usage:[ ]cxacru-cf\.py[ ][<]\|Warning:\|Note:[ ]support[ ]for\)[ ]cxacru-cf\.bin' 'Documentation/networking/cxacru\(-cf\.py\|\.txt\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]cdce_reg[ ]cdce_y1_27000\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-davinci/cdce949.c
+    defsnc '[	]u16[ ]map\[\][ ]=' drivers/hwmon/asc7621.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]az6027_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/az6027.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-az6027-03\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/az6027.c
+    accept '[	]p7500->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-p7500\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]ITUDecoderSetup\[4\]\[16\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ngene/ngene-core.c
+    blobname 'ngene_1[5678]\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/ngene/ngene-core.c
+    blobname 'sms1xxx-hcw-55xxx-i\?sdbt-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/siano/sms-cards.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u8[ ]samsung_smt_7020_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/cx88/cx88-dvb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init\(_2\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534_9.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]bridge_start_\([qs]\?v\|x\)ga\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534_9.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]init_command[ ]\(spy\|cif\|ms350\|genius\|vivitar\)_start_commands\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c2028.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]n4_lt168g\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mi\(0360\|13[12]0\)\|po\(1200\|3130\)\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?_\?[iI]nit\(Q\?V\|SX\)GA\(_\(JPG\|data\)\)\?\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]gamma_tb\[6\]\[16\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    blobname 'tlg2300_firmware\.bin' drivers/media/video/tlg2300/pd-main.c
+    defsnc '[	]u8[ ]pattern\[42\][ ]=' drivers/net/ksz884x.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]b43_ntab_framelookup\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]\(b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev\(0_1_2\|3plus_2ghz\|\([34]\|5plus\)_5ghz\)\|txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa\(_\(rev\)\?[56]g\?\)\?\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]tbl_iqcal_gainparams\[2\]\[9\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]nphy_txiqcal_ladder[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]loscale\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    blobname 'isl38\(86\|87\|90\)\(pci\|usb\(_bare\)\?\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54\(pci\.c\|usb\.[ch]\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]conf_drv_settings[ ]default_conf[ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1271_main.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]grtpkts\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/mimio/mimio.c
+    blobname 'rt\(28[67]0\|30[79][01]\)\.bin' drivers/staging/rt2860/common/rtmp_mcu.c
+    accept '[	]adapter->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw[;]' drivers/staging/rt2860/common/rtmp_mcu.c
+    blobna '[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*RTL8192SU[/]rtl8192sfw\.bin[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192S_firmware.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]keyspan_pda[/]\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\)\.fw["][)][;]' drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.c
+    # It's not clear that wm2000_anc.bin is pure data.
+    # Check with developer, clean up for now.
+    blobname 'wm2000_anc\.bin' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    blob '[ ][*][ ]The[ ]download[ ]image[ ]for[ ]the[ ]WM2000[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*[<][ ]file[^*\n]*[\n][ ][*][/]' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    # accept '[ ][*][ ].wm2000_anc\.bin.[ ]by[ ]default' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    # accept '[ ][*][ 	]*[<][ ]file[ ]\+[>]wm2000_anc\.bin' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    # accept '[	]filename[ ]=[ ]["]wm2000_anc\.bin["][;]' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]\(clk_sys_ratios\|bclk_divs\)\[\][ ]=' 'sound/soc/wm890[34]\.c'
+    defsnc '[}][ ]clock_cfgs\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8955.c
+    blobname 'siu_spb\.bin' sound/soc/sh/siu_dai.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]poxxxx_\(init\(_common\|Q\?VGA\|_end_1\|_start_3\)\|gamma\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    defsnc 'crb_128M_2M_map\[64\][ ]__cacheline_aligned_in_smp[ ]=' 'drivers/net/\(netxen/netxen_nic_hw.c\|qlcnic/qlcnic_hw.c\)'
+    # New in 2.6.35
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]gsm_fcs8\[256\][ ]=' drivers/char/n_gsm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(reset_atetm\|atetm_[12]port\|portsel_\(port[12]\|2port\)\)\[BIT2BYTE[(]LEN_\(ETM\|PORT_SEL\)[)]\][ ]=' drivers/infiniband/hw/qib/qib_iba7322.c
+    blobname 'qlogic[/]sd7220[.]fw' drivers/infiniband/hw/qib/qib_sd7220.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]est3_modes\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]v_table[ ]v_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_dma.c
+    blobname 'orinoco_ezusb_fw' drivers/net/wireless/orinoco/orinoco_usb.c
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ar9300_eeprom[ ]ar9300_default[ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_eeprom.c
+    accept '[	]hif_dev->firmware[ ]=[ ]NULL[;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Modes_\(\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_ob_db\|high_power\)_tx_gain_table_2p[02]\[\]\[5\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9\(300\|200_merlin\)_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_core\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_table_\(merlin_\)\?2p[02]\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar928\(5Modes_XE2\|7Modes_9287_1\)_0_\(normal\|high\)_power\[\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar92\(87Common_9287_1_[01]\|71Common_9271\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar92\(87\|71\)Modes_\(\(normal\|high\)_power_\)\?\([tr]x_gain_\)\?92\(87_1_[01]\|71\(_ANI_reg\)\?\)\[\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]ath_max_4ms_framelen\[4\]\[32\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/xmit.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(gc0307\|po2030n\|soi768\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?struct[ ]crb_128M_2M_block_map[ ]crb_128M_2M_map\[64\][ ]=' 'drivers/scsi/\(qla2xxx/qla_nx\.c\|qla4xxx/ql4_nx\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]BUCK[123]_\(suspend_\)\?table\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/88pm8607.c
+    defsnc '[	]*static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]sha256_zero\[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/crypto/n2_core.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]XGI\(fb_vrate\|_TV_filter\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/XGI_main.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_\(MD\|[CEV]G\)A_DAC\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_setmode.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_[ME]CLKData\(Struct\)\?[ ]XGI\(3[34]0\|27\)\(New\)\?_[ME]CLKData\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI340_CR6[BE]\[8\]\[4\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI340_CR6F\[8\]\[32\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI330\(New\)\?_SR15\(_1\)\?\[8\]\[8\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI330_cr40_1\[15\]\[8\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_StStruct[ ]XGI330_SModeIDTable\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_ExtStruct[ ][ ]\?XGI330_EModeIDTable\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?\(XGI\|SiS\)_StandTable\(Struct\|_S\)[ ]XGI330_StandTable\(\[\]\)\?[ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\([/][*]\)\?\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?\(XGI330\|SiS\)_LCDData\(Struct\)\?[ ][ ]\?XGI_\(\(St2\?\|Ext\)LCD\(1024x768\|1280x1024\)\|NoScaling\)Data\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI330_TVDataStruct[ ][ ]XGI_\(St\|Ext\)\(PAL\|NTSC\|YPbPr\(525[ip]\|750p\)\)Data\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI330_\(NTSC\|PAL\|HiTV\(Ext\|St[12]\|Text\)\|YPbPr\(750p\|525[ip]\)\)Timing\[\][ ][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI330_HiTVGroup3\(Data\|Simu\|Text\)\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI330_Ren\(525\|750\)pGroup3\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_PanelDelayTblStruct[ ]XGI330_PanelDelayTbl\[\]' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?\(XGI330\|SiS\)_LVDSData\(Struct\)\?[ ][ ]\?XGI\(330\)\?_LVDS\(320x480\|800x600\|1024x768\|1280x\(1024\|768[NS]\?\)\|1400x1050\|640x480\)Data_[12]\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_LVDSCRT1DataStruct[ ][ ]XGI_CHTVCRT1[UO]\(NTSC\|PAL\)\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_ModeResInfo\(Struct\|_S\)[ ]XGI330_ModeResInfo\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_DRAMType\[17\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_SDRDRAM_TYPE\[13\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_DDRDRAM_TYPE20\[12\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    blobname 'TIInit_\(\(%d\|[0-9]\+\)[.]\)\+bts' drivers/staging/ti-st/st_kim.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int16[ ]mdp_scale_\(pixel_repeat\|0p[2468]_to_[08]p[0468]\)_C[0123]\[MDP_SCALE_COEFF_NUM\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/mdp_ppp_v31.c
+    # qseed_table2 is kind of suspicious, but there's some regularity
+    # to it that makes me think it's just data.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]uint32[ ]vg_qseed_table2\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/mdp4_util.c
+    defsnc 'char[ ]gc_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/mdp4_util.c
+    defsnc 'uint32[ ]igc_\(video\|rgb\)_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/mdp4_util.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]word[ ]convert_8_to_16_tbl\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/ebi2_tmd20.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]sharp_spi_data[ ]init_sequence\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/lcdc_sharp_wvga_pt.c
+    blobname 'xc3028L\?-v[0-9]\+\.fw' drivers/staging/tm6000/tm6000-cards.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]chs_entry[ ]chs_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/sm_ftl.c
+    blobname 'asihpi[/]dsp\(%04x\|[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]\)\.bin' sound/pci/asihpi/hpidspcd.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]long[ ]ident_map\[32\][ ]=' kernel/exec_domain.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]uint[ ]patch_2000\[\][ ]__initdata[ ]=' arch/powerpc/sysdev/micropatch
+    # Are these ucode patches really data?!?  They were taken as such
+    # since gNewSense started cleaning up Linux, but they look awfully
+    # suspicious to me.
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?uint[ ]patch_2[0ef]00\[\][ ]\(__initdata[ ]\)\?=' arch/powerpc/sysdev/micropatch.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]epll_div\[\]\[4\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/clock.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-6000g2[ab]-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-6000.c
+    blobna '[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*[(]f2255usb\.bin[)][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/media/video/s2255drv.c
+    # New in 2.6.36:
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]qi_lb60_ecclayout_[12]gb[ ]=' arch/mips/jz4740/board-qi_lb60.c
+    blobname 'qt602240\.fw' drivers/input/touchscreen/qt602240_ts.c
+    blobname 'lgs8g75\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/lgs8gxx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ucbus_write_cmd[ ]\(icx098bq\|lz24bp\)_start_[012]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sq930x.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]capconfig\[4\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sq930x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]sa2400_rf_rssi_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8180_sa2400.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]pwm_lookup_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/platform/x86/compal-laptop.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]tps6586x_\(ldo4\|sm2\|dvm\)_voltages\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps6586x-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]muxonechan\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/adv_pci1710.c
+    defsnc 'int[ ]tones\[2048\][ ]=' drivers/staging/easycap/easycap_testcard.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]map_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/lirc/lirc_ttusbir.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]jpeg_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-jpeg.h
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]solo_osd_font\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-osd-font.h
+    defsnc '[	]unsigned[ ]char[ ]regs\[128\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-tw28.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vid_vop_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-v4l2-enc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rop_\(map1\|action\|info\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/tidspbridge/dynload/reloc_table_c6000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tramp_\(map\|action\|info\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/tidspbridge/dynload/tramp_table_c6000.c
+    defsnc 'unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(sbox\|dot[23]\)_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6655/aes_ccmp.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pll_map[ ]pll_value\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/via/hw.c
+    defsnc '[	][	]degrade_factor\[CPU_LOAD_IDX_MAX\]\[DEGRADE_SHIFT[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' kernel/sched.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]expected_result\[FIFO_SIZE\][ ]=' samples/kfifo/bytestream-example.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]expected_result\[FIFO_SIZE\][ ]=' samples/kfifo/inttype-example.c
+    blobname 'haup-ir-blaster\.bin' drivers/input/lirc/lirc_zilog.c
+    # New in 2.6.37, up to -rc5.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]epll_div\[\]\[6\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-s5pv210/clock.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]titan_gpio_cfg[ ]titan_gpio_table\[\][ ]=' arch/mips/ar7/gpio.c
+    blobname 'sdma-%s-to%d\.bin' drivers/dma/imx-sdma.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]def_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/tuners/tda18218.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]lme2510c\?_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*\([	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]lme2510_download_firmware,[\n]\)\?[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-lme2510c\?-\(lg\|s7395\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]s7395_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rca_initdata\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/xirlink_cit.c
+    blobname 'NXP7164-2010-03-10\.1\.fw' drivers/media/video/saa7164/saa7164-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]fsmc_ecc4_lp_layout[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/fsmc_nand.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pxa3xx_nand_timing[ ]timing\[\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/pxa3xx_nand.c
+    blobname 'ctfw_cna\.bin' drivers/net/bna/cna.h
+    accept '[#]define[ ]CARL9170FW_NAME[ 	]\+["]carl9170-1\.fw["]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/carl9170.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]carl9170_phy_init[ ]ar5416_phy_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/phy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]carl9170_rf_initvals[ ]carl9170_rf_initval\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/phy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]carl9170_phy_freq_entry[ ]carl9170_phy_freq_params\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/phy.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]CARL9170FW_NAME[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/usb.c
+    accept '[	]return[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(][^\n]*,[ ]CARL9170FW_NAME,' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/usb.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-100-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-1000.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-130-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-6000.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]cf83\(05\|8[15]\)\(_helper\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_cs.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]sd\(8385\|8686\(_v[89]\)\|8688\)\(_helper\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]gspi\(8385\|8686\(_v9\)\?\|8688\)\(_helper\|_hlp\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_spi.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]usb\(8388\(_v[59]\)\?\|8682\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+    accept '[	][/][*][ ]Try[ ]user-specified[ ]firmware[ ]first[ ][*][/][\n][	]if[ ][(]fwname[)][\n][	][	]return[ ]request_firmware' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+    accept '[	][	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(]\(helper,[ ]user_helper\|mainfw,[ ]user_mainfw\)' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]\(ldo5\|buck1\)_voltage_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/lp3972.c
+    accept '\([ ][*][ ]\(format\|information\)[^\n]*\|[#]define[ ]REG_DATA_FILE_A\?G[ ]*\)["]\([.][/]\)\?regulatoryData_A\?G\.bin["]' drivers/staging/ath6kl/include/common/regulatory/reg_dbschema.h
+    blobname 'ath6k[/]AR6003[/]hw[12]\.0[/]\(otp\|athwlan\)\.bin\.z77' drivers/staging/ath6kl/os/linux/include/ar6000_drv.h
+    blobname 'ath6k[/]AR6003[/]hw[12]\.0[/]\(athtcmd_ram\|device\|data\.patch\|endpointping\|bdata\.\(SD3[12]\|WB31\|CUSTOM\)\)\.bin' drivers/staging/ath6kl/os/linux/include/ar6000_drv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]DDR_SET_NODE[ ]asT3\(LP\)\?B\?_DDRSetting\(80\|100\|133\|160\)MHz\[\][ ]\?=' drivers/staging/bcm/DDRInit.c
+    blobname '\([/]lib[/]firmware[/]\)\?macxvi200\.bin' drivers/staging/bcm/Macros.h
+    accept '-[ ]On-chip[ ]firmware[ ]loaded[ ]using[ ]standard[ ]request_firmware[(][)]' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211\(/brcmfmac\)\?/README'
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm43xx\(_hdr\)\?-0[-0-9]*\.fw' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/README'
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm4329-fullmac-4[-0-9]*\.\(bin\|txt\)' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmfmac/README'
+    blob 'Firmware[ ]installation[\n]=\+\([\n]\+[^\n=][^\n]*\)\+\([/]lib[/]firmware[/]brcm\|\.fw\)[^\n]*\([\n][^\n=][^\n]*\)*\([\n][\n][^=\n][^\n]*[\n][^=\n][^\n]*\([\n][^\n=][^\n]*\)*\)*' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211\(/brcmfmac\)\?/README'
+    defsnc '[	]u16[ ]nrate_list\[4\]\[8\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmfmac/wl_iw\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_basic_t[ ]chan_info_all\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_cmn\.c'
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]ltrn_list\[PHY_LTRN_LIST_LEN\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_cmn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_cmn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 's8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_cmn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_cmn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_t[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_table_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]lcnphy_23bitgaincode_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy_t[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_radio_regs_t[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs_2064\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u16[ \n]*LCNPHY_txdigfiltcoeffs_\(cck\|ofdm\)\[LCNPHY_NUM_TX_DIG_FILTERS_\(CCK\|OFDM\)\][\n 	]*\[LCNPHY_NUM_DIG_FILT_COEFFS[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?nphy_ipa_txrxgain_t[ ]nphy_ipa_rxcal_gaintbl_2GHz\(_rev7\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?chan_info_nphy_\(radio\)\?205[5x7]\(_rev5\)\?_t[ ]chan_info_nphy\(rev[3-9]\(n6\)\?\)\?_205[5-7]\(_A1\|v\([5-8]\|11\)\|_rev[4-8]\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?radio_\(20xx_\)\?regs_t[ ]regs_\(SYN_\|[RT]X_\)\?205[5-7]\(_A1\|_rev\([4-8]\|11\)\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tbl_iqcal_gainparams_nphy\[2\]\[NPHY_IQCAL_NUMGAINS\]\[8\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]nphy_tpc_\(5GHz_\)\?txgain\(_[ei]pa\)\?\(\(_[25]g\)\?\(_\(2057\)\?\(rev\([3-7]\|4n6\)\?\)\?\)\?\|_HiPwrEPA\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]nphy_tpc_loscale\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u8[ ]pad_all_gain_codes_2057\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]nphy_papd_scaltbl\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '[	]s32[ ]poll_results\[8\]\[4\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '[	]nphy_txiqcal_ladder_t[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_gain_\(idx_\|val_\)\?tbl_\(rev[01]\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\|5G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_5G\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_gain_val_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(min_sig_sq\|noise_scale\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_sw_ctrl_tbl_\(4313_\)\?\(bt_\)\?\(epa_\)\?\(p250_\)\?rev0\(_combo\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_spur_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(unsup_mcs\|iq_local\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]lcnphy_tx_gain_tbl_entry[ ]dot11lcnphy_[25]GHz_\(extPA_\)\?gaintable_rev0\[128\][ ]='  'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_papd_compdelta_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]frame_struct_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]frame_lut_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]\(tmap\|tdtrn\)_tbl_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]pilot_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]tdi_tbl[24]0_ant[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]chanest_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]mcs_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]noise_var_tbl[01]\?_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]\(est\|adj\)_pwr_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]\(gainctrl\|iq\)_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]loft_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]ant_swctrl_tbl_rev3\(_[1-3]\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]mcs_tbl_rev3\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]papd_comp_rfpwr_tbl_core[01]_rev3\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]papd_\(comp_epsilon\|cal_scalars\)_tbl_core[01]_rev[37]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm43xx' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/sys/wl_mac80211\.c'
+    blobname '%s\(_hdr\)\?-%d\.fw' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/sys/wl_mac80211\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]crc8_table\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(util/bcmutils\.c\|brcmutil/utils\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]crc16_table\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(util/bcmutils\.c\|brcmutil/utils\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]crc32_table\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(util/bcmutils\.c\|brcmutil/utils\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]pmu0_xtaltab0_t[ ]pmu0_xtaltab0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/util/hndpmu\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]pmu1_xtaltab0_t[ ]pmu1_xtaltab0\(_880\(_4329\)\?\|_1760\|_1440\|_960\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/util/hndpmu\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]log_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(util/qmath\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_qmath\.c\)'
+    blobname 'ft[12]000\.img' drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-pcmcia/ft1000_hw.c
+    blobname 'ft3000\.img' drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_usb.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]u8[ ]ConnectionMsg\[\][ ]='  drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_chdev.c
+    blobname 'fw_sst_0\(80a\|82f\)\.bin' drivers/staging/intel_sst/intel_sst_common.h
+    # This appends a .bin extension, but without loading the firmware
+    # above, it will never arise, so leave it alone for now.
+    accept '[	]len[ ][+]=[ ]snprintf[(]buf[ ][+][ ]len[,][ ]sizeof[(]buf[)][ ]-[ ]len,[ ]["][.]bin["][)][;]' drivers/staging/intel_sst/intel_sst_dsp.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]sc_reg_access[ ]\(sc_acces[,][ ]\)\?sc_access\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/intel_sst/intelmid_v[012]_control\.c'
+    defsnc '[	]BYTE[ ]data_ptr\[36\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/keucr/\(ms\|s[dm]\)scsi\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]BYTE[ ]ecctable\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/keucr/smilecc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]MAC_REG_TABLE\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ][ ]*ZEBRA_AGC\[\][ 	]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]ZEBRA_RF_RX_GAIN_TABLE\[\][ 	]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]f_array\[122328\][ ]=[ ][{]'"$sepx$blobpat*"',[\n][}][;]' drivers/staging/rtl8712/farray.h
+    blob 'static[ ]u32[ ]rtl871x_open_fw[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*f_array[^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]' drivers/staging/rtl8712/hal_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]long[ ]frequency_list\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8712/rtl871x_ioctl_linux.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]Sbox1\[2\]\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8712/rtl871x_security.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]sbox_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8712/rtl871x_security.c
+    accept '[	]119,[ ]62,[ ]6,[\n][	]0,[ ]16,[ ]20,[ ]17,[ ]32,[ ]48,[ ]0,\([\n][	][0-9]\+,\([ ][0-9]\+,\)*\)*[\n][	]0,[ ]119' drivers/staging/speakup/speakupmap.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]\(h_prescale\|v_gain\)\[64\][ ]=' drivers/staging/stradis/stradis.c
+    accept '[/][*][ ]*\([ 1-4][0-9][ ][ ]\)*\(5[0-6][ ][ ]\)*[*][/]' drivers/staging/vt6656/channel.c
+    blobname 'west[ ]bridge[ ]fw' drivers/staging/westbridge/astoria/device/cyasdevice.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]gsm_fcs8\[256\][ ]=' drivers/tty/n_gsm.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]dispc_v_coef[ ]coef_v\(up\|down\)_3tap\[8\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c
+    blobname 'c[bt]fw_\(fc\|cna\)\.bin' drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad_im.h
+    # New in 2.6.38
+    blobname '%s%04x%s["][,][ ]["]fw_sst_["][,][ 	\n]*sst_drv_ctx->pci_id[,][ ]["]\.bin' drivers/staging/intel_sst/intel_sst_common.h
+    accept '[ ]*[*][ ]*0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1' 'arch/x86/crypto/aesni-intel_asm\.S\|net/l2tp/l2tp_ip6\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]aead_testvec[ ]\(aes_gcm_rfc4106\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/testmgr.h'
+    blobname '\(sep[/]\)\?\extapp\.image\.bin' drivers/staging/sep/sep_driver.c
+    blobname 'radeon[/]\(BARTS\|BTC\|TURKS\|CAICOS\|%s\)_\(pfp\|rlc\|[mc][ec]\)\.bin' 'drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/[ns]i\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(barts\|turks\|caicos\)_io_mc_regs\[BTC_IO_MC_REGS_SIZE\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/ni.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]types\[0x80\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nv50_vram.c
+    blobname '\(nouveau[/]\)\?fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_graph.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]v_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_dma.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]nec_8048_init_seq\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-nec-nl8048hl11-01b.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]mc13892_sw1\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/mc13892-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]dcdc[12]_voltages\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps6524x-regulator.c
+    defsnc '[	]\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u8[ ]init_hash_seed\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/qlge/qlge_main.c
+    blobname 'vxge[/]X3fw\(-pxe\)\?\.ncf' drivers/net/vxge/vxge-main.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ]\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?int[ ]poly\[\]=' drivers/net/pcmcia/nmclan_cs.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?int[ ]fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\][ ]=' drivers/net/s2io.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]efuse_map[ ]RTL8712_SDIO_EFUSE_TABLE\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/efuse.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ofdmswing_table\[OFDM_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]cckswing_table_ch\(1ch13\|14\)\[CCK_TABLE_SIZE\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8192cfw\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/sw.c
+    # This looks like pure data.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]reserved_page_packet\[TOTAL_RESERVED_PKT_LEN\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192[cd]e/fw.c'
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]RTL8192CE\(PHY_REG\|_\?RADIO[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\([21]T_\?ARRAY\|ARRAY_PG\)\[\(PHY_REG\|RADIO[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\([21]T_\?ARRAY_\?\|ARRAY_PG\)LENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/table.c
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ar9300_eeprom[ ]ar9300_[hx]11[236][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_eeprom.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]b43_nphy_channeltab_entry_rev3[ ]b43_nphy_channeltab_rev\([34568]\|7_9\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/radio_2056.c
+    blobname '["]softing-4[.]6[/]["]' drivers/net/can/softing/softing_platform.h
+    blobname '\(softing-4[.]6[/]\)\?\(\(b\|ld\)card2\?\|can\(card\|sja\|crd2\)\)\.bin' drivers/net/can/softing/softing_cs.c
+    blobna 'which[ ]you[ ]can[ ]get[ ]at[\n][	][ ][ ]http:[/][/][^\n]*[/]socketcan[/][\n][^-]*firmware[ ]version' drivers/net/can/softing/Kconfig
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regdata[ ]mb86a20s_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mb86a20s.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regdata[ ]s921_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s921.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]regval_list[ ]ov2640_init_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov2640.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]norm_7660\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_regvals[ ]bridge_ov7660\[2\]\[10\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]fr_tb\[2\]\[6\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]\(brit\|contrast\|colors\)_7660\[\]\[\(6\|7\|31\)\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    blobname 'radio-wl1273-fw\.bin' drivers/media/radio/radio-wl1273.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]scrubrates\[\][ ]=' drivers/edac/amd64_edac.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]uint8_t[ ]branch_table\[32\][ ]=' lib/xz/xz_dec_bcj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]_pll_div[ ]codec_master_pll_div\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/alc5623.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]coeff_div\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8737.c
+    blobname 'rpm_firmware\(_rev11\)\?\.bin' sound/pci/rme9652/hdsp.c
+    blobname 'mwl8k[/]fmimage_8366_ap-["][ ][#]api[ ]["]\.fw' drivers/net/wireless/mwl8k.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8168d-[12]\.fw' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    # New in
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]DEFINE_TEST_\(OK\|FAIL\)[(][^)]*[)][ ]=' lib/test-kstrtox.c
+    # New in 2.6.39
+    blobna 'printk[(]KERN_ERR[ ]["]r8712u:[ ]Install[^\n"]*firmware[\\]n["][)][;]' drivers/staging/rtl8712/hal_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]phy_reg[ ]exynos4_sataphy_\(cmu\|\(com\)\?lane\)\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-exynos4/dev-ahci.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]clk_pll_\(freq_\)\?table[ ]tegra_pll_[adpxm]_\(freq_\)\?table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra2_clocks.c
+    initnc '\.irp[ ]idx' arch/x86/include/asm/entry_arch.h
+    initnc '\.irp[ ]idx' arch/x86/kernel/entry_64.S
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]types\[256\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_vram.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]__u8[ ]keytouch_fixed_rdesc\[\][ ]=' drivers/hid/hid-keytouch.c
+    blobname 'dib9090\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dib0700_devices.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]\(dw\(210[24]\|3101\)\|s6[3x]0\)_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\|size_of_priv\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    accept '[	]\(p1100\|s660\)->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(p1100\|s660\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-lme2510c\?-s0194\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]technisat_usb2_devices[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\|identify_state\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/technisat-usb2.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-SkyStar_USB_HD_FW_v17_63\.HEX\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/technisat-usb2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]dib0090_pll[ ]dib0090_\(p1g_\)\?pll_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib0090.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]sine[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]fe_info\[44\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib9000.c
+    blobname 'dvb-netup-altera-01\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx23885/cx23885-cards.c
+    # These are suspicious, but the regularity suggests data.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(nw80[012]\|spacecam2\?\|cvideopro\|dlink\|ds3303\|kr651\|kritter\|mustek\|proscope\|twinkle\|dvcv6\)_start\(_\([12]\|q\?vga\)\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/nw80x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init_7\(67\|72\)x\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]color_tb\[\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]isprsz_coef[ ]filter_coefs[ ]=' drivers/media/video/omap3isp/ispresizer.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov9740_reg[ ]ov9740_defaults\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov9740.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]therm_tbl\[\][ ]=' drivers/mfd/twl4030-madc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]nandv2_hw_eccoob_\(largepage\|4k\)[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/mxc_nand.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485\(\(C\|_c\)ommon_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain\)\?_1_[01]\(_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_core\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485_1_[01]_\(mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485\(M\|_m\)odes_\(high\|low\|green\)\(est\)\?_\(power\|ob_db\)_tx_gain_1_[01]\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u\(8\|16\|32\)[ ]b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\?\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\(_r3\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]nphy_gain_ctl_workaround_entry[ ]nphy_gain_ctl_workaround\[2\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    blobname '\(ti-connectivity[/]\)\?wl1271-\(fw\(-2\|-ap\)\?\|nvs\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1271.h
+    accept '#define\([ ]_\?IWL\(4965\|[156]000\(G2[AB]\)\?\|1[03]0\|5150\|6050\|20[03]\?0\)_MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]api[)]\)\+' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-\([1256]000\|4965\)\.c'
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8192cufw\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu.sw
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8712u\.bin' drivers/staging/rtl8712/hal_init.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]\(RTL\|Rtl\)8192CU\(PHY_REG\|_\?\(RADIO\|Radio\)[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\([21]T\(_HP\)\?_\?\(ARRAY\|Array\)\|\(ARRAY\|Array\)_PG\)\(_HP\)\?\[RTL8192CU\(PHY_REG\|\(RADIO\|Radio\)[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\([21]T\(_HP\)\?_\?\(ARRAY\|Array\)_\?\|\(ARRAY\|Array\)_PG\)\(_HP\)\?\(LENGTH\|Length\)\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/table.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8105e-1\.fw' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(A_INT32\|s32\)[ ]wmi_rateTable\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/ath6kl/wmi/wmi.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]struct[ ]\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config[ ]\([{][^}]*[}][ ]\)\?\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config\(PAL\|NTSC\)\?\[\(256\)\?\][ ]=' drivers/staging/easycap/easycap_low.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]ccktxbbgain_struct[ ]rtl8192_cck_txbbgain_\(ch14_\)\?table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192e/r8192E_dm.c
+    defsnc '[	]unsigned[ ]char[ ]data_ptr\[36\][ ]=' drivers/usb/storage/ene_ub6250.c
+    blobname 'ene-ub6250[/]sd_\(init[12]\|rdwr\)\.bin' drivers/usb/storage/ene_ub6250.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]hdmi_timings[ ]cea_vesa_timings\[OMAP_HDMI_TIMINGS_NB\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap2/dss/hdmi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pll_config[ ]\(cle266\|k800\|cx700\|vx855\)_pll_config\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/via/hw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]char[ ]channel_map_unity_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\][ ]=' sound/pci/rme9652/hdspm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]log_volume_table\[128\][ ]=' sound/usb/6fire/control.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ][{][^}]*[}][\n]init_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/usb/6fire/control.c
+    blobname '6fire[/]dmx6fire\(l2\|ap\|cf\)\.\(ihx\|bin\)' sound/usb/6fire/firmware.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]BIT_REVERSE_TABLE\[256\][ ]=' sound/usb/6fire/firmware.c
+    initnc '[/][*][\n][ ][*][ ]\(cfa_coef\|gamma\|luma_enhance\|noise_filter\)_table\.h[\n][ ][*]\([^\n]*[\n][ ][*]\)*[/]' 'drivers/media/video/omap3isp/\(cfa_coef\|gamma\|luma_enhance\|noise_filter\)_table\.h'
+    blobna 'rocess_sigma_firmwar'
+    defsnc 'int[ ]process_sigma_firmware[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*\(request\|maybe_reject\)_firmware' drivers/firmware/sigma.c
+    accept 'EXPORT_SYMBOL[(]process_sigma_firmware[)]' drivers/firmware/sigma.c
+    accept 'extern[ ]int[ ]process_sigma_firmware[(][^)]*[)][;]' include/linux/sigma.h
+    blobname 'maxtouch\.fw' drivers/input/touchscreen/atmel_mxt_ts.c
+    blobname 'fm\(c\|_[rt]x\)_ch8\(_[0-9a-f]*\.[0-9]*\.bts\)\?' drivers/media/radio/wl128x/fmdrv_common.h
+    blobname '%s_%x\.%d\.bts' drivers/media/radio/wl128x/fmdrv_common.c
+    blobname 'vntwusb\.fw' drivers/staging/vt6656/firmware.c
+    # New in 3.0.
+    accept 'resume[/]restore[,][ ]but[ ]they[ ]cannot[ ]do[ ]it[ ]by[ ]calling[ ]request_firmware[(][)]' Documentation/power/notifiers.txt
+    accept '[	][	][	]interrupts[ ]=[ ]<\([\n][	][	][	][	]0xe[0-7][ ]0[ ]0[ ]0\)*>[;]' arch/powerpc/boot/dts/p1022ds.dts
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ]gzip[ ]-n[ ]--force[ ]-9[ ]--stdout[ ]["][$]ofile\.bin["][ ]>[ ]["][$]odir[/]otheros\.bld["]' arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper
+    defsnc '\(uint32_t\|u32\)[ ]nva3_pcopy_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nva3_copy.fuc.h
+    defsnc '\(uint32_t\|u32\)[ ]nvc0_pcopy_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_copy.fuc.h
+    accept '[	]struct[ ]nvc0_graph_fuc[ ]fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_graph.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]sht15_crc8_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/hwmon/sht15.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]stv0288_bsbe1_d01a_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/bsbe1-d01a.h
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]reg_val_mask[ ]tab\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/dvb/frontends/\(cxd2820r_\(c\|t2\)\|af9033\)\.c'
+    blobname 'drxd-a2-1\.1\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/drxd_hard.c
+    blobname 'drxd-b1-1\.1\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/drxd_hard.c
+    blob '[/][*][	]if[ ][(]\(reject\|request\)_firmware[(][&]state->fw[,][ ]["]drxd\.fw["][,][ ]state->dev[)]<0[)][ ][*][/]'
+    blobname 'drxd\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/drxd_hard.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]char[ ]init_values\[38\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/usbvision/usbvision-core.c
+    blobna 'www\.elandigitalsys[^\n]*download' drivers/mmc/host/Kconfig
+    blobname 'vub_\(default\.bin\|%04X%04X\)' drivers/mmc/host/vub300.c
+    blobna 'snprintf[(]vub300->vub_name[ ][+][^\n]*[,][ ]["]\.bin["][)][;]' drivers/mmc/host/vub300.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]flexonenand_oob_128[ ]=' drivers/mtd/onenand/onenand_base.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9340Modes_\(\(low\(est\)\?\|high\|mixed\)_ob_db\|high_power\|ub124\)_tx_gain_table_1p0\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9340_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9340_1p0_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_core\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9340_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9340_1p0_\(mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9340_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9340Common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_table_1p0\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9340_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]mwifiex_data_rates\[MWIFIEX_SUPPORTED_RATES_EXT\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/cfp.c
+    accept '[	]\.helper[	][	]=[ ]NULL[,][\n][	]*\.firmware' drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c
+    blobname 'mrvl[/]sd8787_uapsta\(_w1\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/main.h
+    blobname 'sd8787\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sdio.c
+    blobna 'Copy[ ]sd8787\.bin[ ]to[^.]*[.]' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/README
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8192sefw\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/sw.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]rtl8192sephy_reg_2t2rarray\[PHY_REG_2T2RARRAYLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]rtl8192sephy_changeto_1t[12]rarray\[PHY_CHANGETO_1T[12]RARRAYLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]rtl8192sephy_reg_array_pg\[PHY_REG_ARRAY_PGLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]rtl8192seradioa_1t_array\[RADIOA_1T_ARRAYLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]rtl8192semac_2t_array\[MAC_2T_ARRAYLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]rtl8192seagctab_array\[AGCTAB_ARRAYLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/table.c
+    accept 'Place[ ]isci_firmware\.bin[ ]in' drivers/scsi/isci/firmware/README
+    # This is not a code blob, it is just small data structures described in create_fw.[ch].
+    accept 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]blob_name\[\][ ]=[ ]["]isci_firmware\.bin["]' drivers/scsi/isci/create_fw.h
+    accept '[	][	]orom[ ]=[ ]isci_request_firmware' drivers/scsi/isci/init.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]ISCI_FW_NAME[)][;]' drivers/scsi/isci/init.c
+    accept 'struct[ ]isci_orom[ ][*]isci_request_firmware[(]' 'drivers/scsi/isci/probe_roms\.[ch]'
+    accept '[	]if[ ][(]request_firmware[(][&]fw[,][ ]ISCI_FW_NAME[,]' drivers/scsi/isci/probe_roms.c
+    accept '#define[ ]ISCI_FW_NAME[	][	]["]isci[/]isci_firmware\.bin["]' drivers/scsi/isci/probe_roms.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pll_limit[ ]\(cle266\|k800\|cx700\|vx855\)_pll_limits\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/via/hw.c
+    accept '[	][	]-e[ ]["][$]tmp_dir[/]lib[/]modules[/][$]KERNELRELEASE[/]modules\.dep\.bin["]' scripts/
+    blobname 'wm8958_\(enh_eq\|mbc\(_vss\)\?\)\.wfw' sound/soc/codecs/wm8958-dsp2.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8168e-[12]\.fw' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ephy_info[ ]e_info_8168e\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    blobname 'ti-connectivity[/]wl128x-fw\(-ap\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl12xx.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]tg3_tso_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    blobname 'ath6k[/]AR6003[/]hw2\.1\.1[/]\(otp\|athwlan\|athtcmd_ram\|device\|data\.patch\|endpointping\|bdata\.\(SD3[12]\|WB31\|CUSTOM\)\)\.bin' drivers/staging/ath6kl/os/linux/include/ar6000_drv.h
+    accept '[	]nvc0_graph_init_fuc[(]dev[,][ ]0x4\(09\|1a\)000[,][ ][&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)c[,][ ][&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)d[)][;]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_graph.c
+    accept '[	][	 ]*nvc0_graph_destroy_fw[(]&priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd][)][;]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_graph.c
+    accept '[	][	 ]*\(if[ ][(]\|[ ][ ][ ][ ]\)nvc0_graph_create_fw[(]dev[,][ ]["]fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd]["][,][ ][&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd][)]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_graph.c
+    blobname 'nouveau[/]\(nv%02x_\)\?%s' 'drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nv[ce]0_graph\.c'
+    blobname 'radeon[/]SUMO2\?_\(pfp\|me\)\.bin' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r600.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-\(105\|20[03]\?0\)-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-2000.c
+    blobname '__stringify[(]api[)][ ]["]\.ucode["]' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-\(3945.h\|\(4965\|[1256]000\)\.c\)'
+    # New in 3.1
+    blobname 'sdma-imx25\.bin' arch/arm/mach-imx/mm-imx25.c
+    blobname 'sdma-imx31-to[12]\.bin' arch/arm/mach-imx/mm-imx31.c
+    blobname 'sdma-imx35-to[12]\.bin' arch/arm/mach-imx/mm-imx35.c
+    blobname 'sdma-imx5[13]\.bin' arch/arm/mach-mx5/mm.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm43xx' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/mac80211_if\.c'
+    blobname '%s\(_hdr\)\?-%d\.fw' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/mac80211_if\.c'
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm4329-fullmac-4\.\(bin\|txt\)' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmfmac/bcmchip\.h'
+    blobname 'mrvl[/]sd8787_uapsta\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sdio.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]omap3_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/twl-common.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]InitRegs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SMapI[ ]m_RF_Cal_Map\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd_maps.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SMap2[ ]m_\(Main\|Cal\)_PLL_Map\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd_maps.h
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]For[ ]example,[ ]you[ ]might[ ]set[ ]CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE=["]whatever\.bin["]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]Then[ ]any[ ]request_firmware[(]\(["]whatever\.bin["]\)[)]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-xc4000-1.4.fw' drivers/media/common/tuners/xc4000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SMap2\?[ ]*m_\(GainTaper\|RF_Cal_DC_Over_DT\|CID_Target\)_Map\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd_maps.h
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval_list[ ]ov5642_default_regs_\(init\|finalise\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov5642.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]hdmiphy_conf\(27\(_027\)\?\|74\(_175\|_25\)\|148_5\)\[32\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-tv/hdmiphy_drv.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]filter_y_vert_tap4\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-tv/mixer_reg.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]char[ ][*][ ]const[ ]vui_sar_idc\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/v4l2-ctrls.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9331_\(1p[12]_\(baseband\|mac\)_postamble\|modes_\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_\(ob_db\|power\)_tx_gain_1p[12]\)\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9330_1p1_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9331_\(1p[12]_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_core\|common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_1p[12]\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9330_1p1_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u\(16\|32\)[ ]b43_httab_0x\(1[2abcf]\(_0x\(1\?c\|[12]4\)0\)\?\|2[0-7]\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_phy_ht.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]targetchnl_5g\[TARGET_CHNL_NUM_5G\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/phy.c
+    defsnc '[	]u8[ ]channel_\(5g\|all\|info\)\[\(45\|59\)\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/phy.c
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8192defw[.]bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/sw.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]rtl8192de_\(phy_reg\|radio[ab]\|mac\|agctab\)_\(\(2t\(_int_pa\)\?\|[25]g\)\?array\|array_pg\)\[\(PHY_REG\|RADIO[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\(\(2T\(_INT_PA\)\?_\|[25]G_\)\?ARRAY\|ARRAY_PG_\)LENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/table.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_basic[ ]chan_info_all\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_cmn\.c'
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_table_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs_2064\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]nphy_ipa_txrxgain[ ]nphy_ipa_rxcal_gaintbl_2GHz\(_rev7\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_2055[ ]chan_info_nphy_2055\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio205x[ ]chan_info_nphyrev\(3_2056\|4_2056_A1\|5_2056v5\|6_2056v6\|5n6_2056v7\|6_2056v\(8\|11\)\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio2057[ ]chan_info_nphyrev\(7_2057_rev4\|8_2057_rev[78]\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio2057_rev5[ \n]chan_info_nphyrev\(8_2057_rev5\|9_2057_rev5v1\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]radio_\(20xx_\)\?regs[ \n]regs_\(2055\|\(SYN\|[TR]X\)_205\(6\(_A1\|_rev\([5678]\|11\)\)\?\)\|2057_rev\([4578]\|5v1\)\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]nphy_txiqcal_ladder[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]struct[ ]lcnphy_tx_gain_tbl_entry[ \n]dot11lcnphy_[25]GHz_\(extPA_\)\?gaintable_rev0\[128\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]raw_edid\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/gma500/mrst_hdmi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]net2272_test_packet\[\][ ]=' drivers/usb/gadget/net2272.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]seq_setting\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/backlight/ams369fg06.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]adav80x_default_regs\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/adav80x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]sta32x_regs\[STA32X_REGISTER_COUNT\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/sta32x.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]mclk_ratios\[3\]\[7\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/sta32x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]vid_to_voltage\[32\][ ]=' tools/power/cpupower/debug/i386/dump_psb.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-terratec-h5-drxk\.fw' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    blobname 's5pc110-mfc\.fw' drivers/media/video/s5p-mfc/s5p_mfc_ctrl.c
+    blobname 'adau1701\.bin' sound/soc/codecs/adau1701.c
+    accept '[	]return[ ]process_sigma_firmware[(]codec->control_data[,][ ]ADAU1701_FIRMWARE[)]' sound/soc/codecs/adau1701.c
+    # Sources for these are in the corresponding .fuc files.
+    defsnc 'uint32_t[ ]nvc0_grgpc_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_grgpc.fuc.h
+    defsnc 'uint32_t[ ]nvc0_grhub_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_grhub.fuc.h
+    defsnc '[	][	][	]interrupts[ ]=[ ]<\([\n][	]*0x[ef][0-9a-f][ ]0[ ]0[ ]0\)*>[;]' 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/p\(2040\|3041\|4080\|5020\)si\.dtsi'
+    blobname 'dvb-netup-altera-04\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx23885/cx23885-cards.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8168e-3\.fw' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ephy_info[ ]e_info_8168e_1\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-135-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-2000.c
+    blobname 'c[bt]2\?fw\(_\(fc\|cna\)\)\?\.bin' drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad.c
+    blobname 'ene-ub6250[/]\(ms_\(init\|rdwr\)\|msp_rdwr\)\.bin' drivers/usb/storage/ene_ub6250.c
+    accept '[	][	]*dsp_code->pvt->firmware[ ]=[ ]' sound/pci/asihpi/hpidspcd.c
+    # New in 3.2
+    blobname 'ath6k[/]AR600[0-9.]*[/]hw[0-9.]*[/][^/"]*\.\(bin\|z77\)' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/core.h
+    accept 'userspace[,][ ]using[ ]the[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]function' Documentation/power/suspend-and-cpuhotplug.txt
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]sh_keysc_info[ ]keysc_platdata[ ]=[ ]' arch/arm/mach-shmobile/board-kota2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]rir_offset\[MAX_RIR_RANGES\]\[MAX_RIR_WAY\][ ]=' drivers/edac/sb_edac.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]tda10071_reg_val_mask[ ]tab2\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10071.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(ov965x\|ov971x\|ov562x\)_init\(_2\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534_9.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]DQT\[17\]\[130\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/topro.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]cmd[ ]tp6810_late_start\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/topro.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]cmd[ ]sensor_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/topro.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]gamma_tb\[NGAMMA\]\[3\]\[1024\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/topro.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]s5k6aa_regval[ ]s5k6aa_analog_config\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5k6aa.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(ar5416Modes\(_91[06]0\)\?\|ar9280Modes\(_\(backoff_[12]3db\|original\)_rxgain\|_\(high_power\|original\)_tx_gain\)\?_9280_2\|ar9285Modes\(\(_\(high_power\|original\)_tx_gain\)\?_9285_1_2\|_XE2_0_\(normal\|high\)_power\)\|ar9287Modes\(_[tr]x_gain\)\?_9287_1_1\|ar9271Modes\(_\(normal\|high\)_power_tx_gain\)\?_9271\(_ANI_reg\)\?\)\[\]\[5\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar\(5008\|9002\)_initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(ar9\(462\|580\)_\([12]p0_\)\?\(\(baseband\|mac\|radio\)_core\(_emulation\)\?\|\(common_\)\?\(wo_xlna_\|mixed_\)\?rx_gain_table\(_ar9280\)\?\(_[12]p0\)*\)\|ar9200_ar9280_2p0_radio_core\(_1p0\)\?\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9\(462\|580\)_[12]p0_initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9\(462\|580\)_\([12]p0_\)\?\(\(tx_gain_table_\)\?\(baseband\|mac\|radio\)_postamble\(_emulation\)\?\|\(modes_\)\?\(high\|low\(est\)\?\|mixed\|green\)_\(ob_db\|power\)_tx_gain_table\(_[12]p0\)\?\)\[\]\[5\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9\(462\|580\)_[12]p0_initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s32[ ]wmi_rate_tbl\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/wmi.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]lcn_tx_iir_filter[ ]tx_iir_filters_\(cck\|ofdm\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]b43_httab_0x1a_0xc0_late\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_phy_ht.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u\(16\|32\)[ ]b43_lcntab_0x[01][0-9a-f]\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc '[	]b43_lcntab_tx_gain_tbl_2ghz_ext_pa_rev0\[B43_LCNTAB_TX_GAIN_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]b43_lcntab_sw_ctl_4313_epa_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]VCORE_VSEL_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps65023-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]channel_list[ ]ChannelPlan\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192e/dot11d.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]Rtl8192PciE\(PHY_REG_1T2R\|Radio[AB]_\|AGCTAB_\)Array\[\(PHY_REG_1T2R\|Radio[AB]_\|AGCTAB_\)ArrayLengthPciE\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192e/r8192E_hwimg.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ 	]CCKSwingTable_\(Ch1_Ch13\|Ch14\)\[CCK_Table_length\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192e/rtl_dm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]XGINew_DDRDRAM_TYPE20\[12\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]XGINew_\(MDA\|[CEV]GA\)_DAC\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_setmode.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]\(power\|emif[01]\)_pins\[\][ ]=' drivers/pinctrl/pinmux-u300.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]pll_div[ ]codec_\(master\|slave\)_pll_div\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/rt5631.c
+    accept '[	]it913x_config\.firmware[ ]=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/it913x.c
+    accept '[	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]it913x_download_firmware[,][\n][	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]["]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/it913x.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-it9137-01\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/it913x.c
+    blobname '%s[/]bdata\.%s\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/init.c
+    blobna 'Used[ ][(]for[ ]now[)][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*["]bdata\.bin["][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/init.c
+    blobname 'mrvl[/]pcie8766_uapsta\.bin' 'drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/pcie\.[ch]'
+    blobname 'usbduxsigma_firmware\.bin' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/usbduxsigma.c
+    blobname 'as102_data[12]_[sd]t\.hex' drivers/staging/media/as102/as102_fw.c
+    blob 'u8[ ]Rtl8192PciEFw\(Boot\|Main\|Data\)Array\[\(Boot\|Main\|Data\)ArrayLengthPciE\][ ]=[ ][{][^}]*[}][;]' drivers/staging/rtl8192e/r8192E_hwimg.c
+    blobna '\([&]\|sizeof[(]\)Rtl8192PciEFw\(Boot\|Main\|Data\)Array\(\[0\]\|[)]\)\(,[ 	\n]*\([&]\|sizeof[(]\)Rtl8192PciEFw\(Boot\|Main\|Data\)Array\(\[0\]\|[)]\)\)*' drivers/staging/rtl8192e/r8192E_firmware.c
+    blobname 'imx[/]sdma[/]sdma-imx5[13]\.bin' 'arch/arm/boot/dts/imx5[13]-\(babbage\|ard\|evk\|qsb\|smd\)\.dts'
+    blobname 'libertas[/]usb8388_olpc\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8192cfwU\(_B\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/sw.c
+    blobname 'ti-connectivity[/]wl12[78]x-fw-3\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl12xx.h
+    blobname 'pcxhr[/]%s' sound/pci/pcxhr/pcxhr_hwdep.c
+    blobname 'mrvl[/]sd8797_uapsta\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sdio.h
+    blobname 's5p-mfc\.fw' drivers/media/video/s5p-mfc/s5p_mfc_ctrl.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8168f-[12]\.fw' drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.c
+    accept '[	]bp->firmware[ ]=[ ]NULL[;]' drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_main.c
+    blobna '[/][*][\n][ ][*][ ]AMD[ ]microcode[ ]firmware[ ]naming[ ]convention[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*amd-ucode[/][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' arch/x86/kernel/microcode_amd.c
+    blobname 'amd-ucode[/]microcode_amd_fam\(%\.2x\|[0-9a-f]*\)h\.bin' arch/x86/kernel/microcode_amd.c
+    # New in 3.3.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_mod_vals[ ]reg_mod_vals_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/hd29l2_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]adctable[ ]tab[1-8]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/it913x-fe-priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]af9013_coeff[ ]coeff_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]qtbl_\(lu\|chro\)minance\[4\]\[64\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-jpeg/jpeg-core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]hactblg0\[162\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-jpeg/jpeg-core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]b43_ntab_antswctl2g_r3\[4\]\[32\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]nphy_gain_ctl_workaround_entry[ ]nphy_gain_ctl_\(workaround\[2\]\[4\]\|wa_phy6_radio11_ghz2\)[ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]da9052_chg_current_lim\[2\]\[DA9052_CHG_LIM_COLS\][ ]=' drivers/power/da9052-battery.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]const[ ]vc_tbl\[3\]\[68\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/power/da9052-battery.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]PIO2_CHANNEL_BANK\[32\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vme/devices/vme_pio2.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]sirfsoc_baudrate_to_regv[ ]baudrate_to_regv\[\][ ]=' drivers/tty/serial/sirfsoc_uart.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]dispc_coef[ ]coef[35]_M\(1[123469]\|2[26]\|32\)\[8\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc_coefs.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]__clz_tab\[\][ ]=' lib/clz_tab.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]cs42l73_mclk_div[ ]cs42l73_mclk_coeffs\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/cs42l73.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8995_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8995.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]_process_sigma_firmware[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*\(request\|maybe_reject\)_firmware' sound/soc/codecs/sigmadsp.c
+    defsnc 'int[ ]process_sigma_firmware\(_regmap\)\?[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*_process_sigma_firmware' sound/soc/codecs/sigmadsp.c
+    accept 'EXPORT_SYMBOL[(]process_sigma_firmware_regmap[)]' sound/soc/codecs/sigmadsp.c
+    accept 'extern[ ]int[ ]process_sigma_firmware_regmap[(][^)]*[)][;]' sound/soc/codecs/sigmadsp.h
+    defsnc '[	]interrupts[ ]=[ ]<\([\n][	]*0x[ef][0-9a-f][ ]0[ ]0[ ]0\)*>[;]' 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/fsl/\(pq3\|qoriq\)-mpic\.dtsi'
+    # These appear to be identifiers within the device itself,
+    # used to get information from it.
+    accept '#define[ ]LANCER_\(FW_DUMP\|VPD_[PV]F\)_FILE[	]*["][/]\(dbg[/]dump\.bin\|vpd[/]ntr_[pv]f\.vpd\)["]' drivers/net/ethernet/emulex/benet/be_cmds.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]dib0090_wbd_slope[ ]dib7090e_wbd_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dib0700_devices.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-it9135-0[12]\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/it913x.c
+    accept '[	]*props->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw_it913\(5_v[12]\|7\)' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/it913x.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-hauppauge-hvr930c-drxk\.fw' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]brcmfmac\.\(bin\|txt\)' drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_sdio.c
+    # New in 3.4
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-xc5000-1\.6\.114\.fw' drivers/media/common/tuners/xc5000.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-xc5000c-41\.024\.5\.fw' drivers/media/common/tuners/xc5000.c
+    accept '[	]*nvidia,emc-registers[ ]=[ ]<[ ]\(0[ 	\n]*\)*>' Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/tegra/emc.txt
+    defsnc '[	]*interrupts[ ]=[ ]<[ ]\(0[ ]1[345][0-9][ ]0x04[ 	\n]*\)*>[;]' Documentation/devicetree/bindings/dma/tegra20-apbdma.txt
+    accept '[	]*nvidia,emc-registers[ ]=[ ]<[ ]\(0x[0-9a-f]*[ 	\n]*\)*>' arch/arm/boot/dts/tegra-seaboard.dts
+    accept '[	]*interrupts[ ]=[ ]<[ ]\(0[ ]1[0-4][0-9][ ]0x04[ 	\n]*\)*>[;]' 'arch/arm/boot/dts/tegra[23]0\.dtsi'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]clk_pll_freq_table[ ]tegra_pll_[cu]_freq_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra30_clocks.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]snum_init_[74]6\[\][ ]=' arch/powerpc/sysdev/qe_lib/qe.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u64[ ]camellia_sp\(10011110\|22000222\|03303033\|00444404\|02220222\|30333033\|44044404\|11101110\)\[256\][ ]=' arch/x86/crypto/camellia_glue.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[ ]_request_firmware_load[(]struct[ ]firmware_priv[ ][*]fw_priv[,]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'static[ ]void[ ]request_firmware_work_func[(]struct[ ]work_struct[ ][*]work[)]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	]fw_priv[ ]=[ ]_request_firmware_prepare[(][&]fw[,]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	][	]ret[ ]=[ ]_request_firmware_load[(]fw_priv[,]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	][	]_request_firmware_cleanup[(][&]fw[)][;]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(tahiti\|pitcairn\|verde\)_io_mc_regs\[TAHITI_IO_MC_REGS_SIZE\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/drm/radeon/si.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]fake_edid_info\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_drm_vidi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]hdmiphy_v13_conf\(27\(_027\)\?\|74_\(175\|25\)\|148_5\)\[32\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_hdmi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]char[ ][*]generic_edid_name\[GENERIC_EDIDS\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid_load.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]generic_edid\[GENERIC_EDIDS\]\[128\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid_load.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]edid_load[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw[,][ ]name[,][ ][&]pdev' drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid_load.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-terratec-h7-\(drxk\|az6007\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/az6007.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]az6007_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/gp8psk.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-lme2510c-rs2000\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]rtl2830_reg_val_mask[ ]tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/rtl2830.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]bw_params1\[3\]\[34\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/rtl2830.c
+    blobname 'dvb-demod-drxk-pctv\.fw' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(start\|page3\)_7302\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7302.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]vs6624_p1\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/vs6624.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]oob_\(2048\|4096\)_ecc[48][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/fsl_ifc_nand.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]fsmc_ecc4_\(256\|224\|128\|64\)_layout[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/fsmc_nand.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]dhcp_\(pattern\|mask\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/cfg80211.c
+    blobname 'fw-[23]\.bin' drivers/netwireless/ath/ath6kl/core.h
+    blobname '\(fw\.ram\|otp\|ath\(wlan\|tcmd_ram\)\|utf\|nullTestFlow\|data\.patch\|bdata\(\.SD31\)\?\)\.bin\(\.z77\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/core.h
+    accept '[	]hif_dev->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw[;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev\(0_1_2\|3plus_2ghz\|[34]_5ghz\|5plus_5ghz\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa\(\|_rev[56]\|_5g\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]brcmfmac-sdio\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_sdio.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]brcmfmac43236b\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/usb.c
+    blobname 'ti-connectivity[/]wl12[78]x-fw-4-\([ms]r\|plt\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl12xx.h
+    blobname 'TINfcInit_%d\.%d\.%d\.%d\.bts' drivers/nfc/nfcwilink.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]ab8500_\(charger\|fg_lowbat\)_voltage_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/power/ab8500_charger.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]parity\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sep/sep_crypto.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]SiS_MCLKData[ ]XGI\(340\|27\)New_MCLKData\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]SiS_ModeResInfo_S[ ]XGI330_ModeResInfo\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]dim_table\[101\][ ]=' drivers/video/backlight/ot200_bl.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]data_to_send\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/exynos/s6e8ax0.c
+    accept '[	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware\([(][&]firmware_p[,][ ]rproc->firmware[,][ ]dev[)]\|_nowait[(]THIS_MODULE[,][ ]FW_ACTION_HOTPLUG[,][\n][	 ]*rproc->firmware[,][ ]dev[,][ ]GFP_KERNEL[,][\n][ 	]*rproc[,][ ]rproc_fw_config_virtio[)]\)[;][\n][	]if[ ][(]ret[ ]<[ ]0[)][ ][{][\n][	][	]dev_err[(]dev[,][ ]["]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[ ]failed' drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_core.c
+    accept '[	]rproc->firmware[ ][=][ ]firmware[;]' drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_core.c
+    blobname 'ql\(2600\|8300\)_fw\.bin' drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]__attribute__[(][(]__aligned__[(]8[)][)][)][ ]test_buf\[\][ ]=' lib/crc32.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]test\[\][ ]=' lib/crc32.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]da7210_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/da7210.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm2200_reva_patch\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm2200.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8753_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8753.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8978_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8978.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8988_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8988.c
+    # New in 3.5:
+    accept '[	]*linux,keymap[ ]=[ ][<][ ]\(0x[0-9a-f]*[ 	\n]*\)*>[;]' 'arch/arm/boot/dts/spear\(13[14]\|30\)0-evb\.dts'
+    accept '[	]*nvidia,emc-registers[ ]=[ ]<\(0x[0-9a-f]*[ 	\n]*\)*>[;]' arch/arm/boot/dts/tegra-seaboard.dts
+    accept '[	]*interrupts[ ]=[ ]<\(0[ ]1[0-4][0-9][ ]0x04[ 	\n]*\)*>[;]' 'arch/arm/boot/dts/tegra[23]0\.dtsi'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]zero_message_\(hash\|hmac\)_sha256\[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/crypto/ux500/hash/hash_core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ast_dramstruct[ ]ast[12][01]00_dram_table_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_dram_tables.h
+    defsc 'static[ ]struct[ ]ast_vbios_stdtable[ ]vbios_stdtable\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_tables.h
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]minimode[ ]est3_modes\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid_modes.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]hdmiphy_conf74_176\[32\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_hdmi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]wrpll_tmds_clock[ ]wrpll_tmds_clock_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_ddi.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-af9035-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9035.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-it9135-01\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9035.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]coeff[ ]coeff_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9033_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]val_snr[ ]\(qpsk\|qam\(16\|64\)\)_snr_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9033_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_val[ ]\(ofsm_init\|tuner_init_\(tua9001\|fc0011\|mxl5007t\|tda18218\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9033_priv.h
+    defsnc '[	]*static[ ]u8[ ]color_tb\[\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]bridge_init\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]i2c_reg_u8[ ]\(soi968\|ov\(7670\|965[05]\)\|hv7131r\)_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]i2c_reg_u16[ ]\(mt9v[01]1[12]\)_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]hdmiphy_conf[ ]hdmiphy_conf_\(s5pv210\|exynos4[24]1[02]\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-tv/hdmiphy_drv.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int32_t[ ]tbat_lookup\[255\][ ]=' drivers/mfd/da9052-core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]atl1c_platform_patch[ ]plats\[\][ ]__devinitdata[ ]=' drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1c/atl1c_main.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]hw_config\[\][ ]=' drivers/nfc/pn544_hci.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]\(rgmii\|smii_0_1_2\|nand_8bit\|mcif\|pci_sata\|clcd\|arm_trace\|miphy_dbg\|emi\)_pins\[\][ ]=' drivers/pinctrl/spear/pinctrl-spear1310.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]long[ ]chan_freq_list\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/wl_util.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]data_to_send_panel_reverse\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/exynos/s6e8ax0.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]__devinitconst[ ]SiS_DRAMType\[17\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/video/sis/sis_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]lm49453_reg_defs\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/lm49453.c
+    accept '-[ ]Replace[ ]hard-coded[ ]firmware[ ]paths[ ]with[ ]request_firmware' drivers/staging/gdm72xx/TODO
+    blobname '\([/]lib[/]firmware[/]\)\?\(gdm72xx[/]\)\?gdms\(krn\|rfs\)\.bin' drivers/staging/gdm72xx/sdio_boot.c
+    blobname '\([/]lib[/]firmware[/]\)\?gdm72xx[/]gdmuimg\.bin' drivers/staging/gdm72xx/usb_boot.c
+    blobname 'mrvl[/]usb8797_uapsta\.bin' 'drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/usb\.[ch]'
+    # This is compiled and assembled out of actual sources as part of the build.
+    accept '[	]\.incbin[	]["]arch[/]x86[/]realmode[/]rm[/]realmode\.bin["]' arch/x86/realmode/rmpiggy.S
+    # Sources for these are in the corresponding .fuc files.
+    defsc 'uint32_t[ ]nv98_pcrypt_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nv98_crypt.fuc.h
+    accept '[	]nve0_graph_init_fuc[(]dev[,][ ]0x4\(09\|1a\)000[,][ ][&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)c[,][ ][&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)d[)][;]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nve0_graph.c
+    accept '[	][	 ]*nve0_graph_destroy_fw[(]&priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd][)][;]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nve0_graph.c
+    accept '[	][	 ]*\(if[ ][(]\|[ ][ ][ ][ ]\)nve0_graph_create_fw[(]dev[,][ ]["]fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd]["][,][ ][&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd][)]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nve0_graph.c
+    accept '[	]struct[ ]nve0_graph_fuc[ ]fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nve0_graph.h
+    accept '[	]memset[(][&]fw[,][ ]0[,][ ]sizeof[(]struct[ ]mwifiex_fw_image[)][)][;][\n][	]adapter->firmware[ ]=[ ]firmware[;]' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/main.c
+    # nouveau_vbios is a user-supplied parameter
+    accept '[	][	]snprintf[(]fname[,][ ]sizeof[(]fname[)][,][ ]["]nouveau[/]%s["][,][ ]nouveau_vbios[)][;][\n][	][	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_bios.c
+    accept '[	][	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]af9035_download_firmware\(_it9135\)\?[,][\n][	][	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9035.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8402-1\.fw' drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8411-1\.fw' drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.c
+    blobname 'bdata\(\.\(SD3[12]\|WB31\|CUSTOM\|DB132\)\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/core.h
+    blobname 'mrvl[/]sd8786_uapsta\.bin' 'drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sdio\.[ch]'
+    accept '[	][ ][*][ ]the[ ]isl3886[+]net2280' drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54usb.c
+    # New in 3.6:
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]mcf_host_slot2sid\[32\][ ]=' arch/m68k/platform/coldfire/pci.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]aead_testvec[ ]hmac_sha\(1\|256\|512\)_aes_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\][ ]=' crypto/testmgr.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]hash_testvec[ ]bfin_crc_tv_template\[\][ ]=' crypto/testmgr.h
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]bw_params\[3\]\[32\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/rtl2832.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm51\(02\|10\)_reva_patch\[\][ ]=' drivers/mfd/wm5102-tables.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar955x_1p0_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar955x_1p0_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar955x_1p0_\(\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_core\|common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_table\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/955x_1p0_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar955x_1p0_modes_\(no_\)\?xpa_tx_gain_table\[\]\[9\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/955x_1p0_initvals.h
+    blobname 'ti-connectivity[/]wl12[78]x-fw-5-\([ms]r\|plt\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/main.c
+    blobname 'ti-connectivity[/]wl18xx-\(fw\|conf\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/wl18xx/main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]\(ldo5\|buck1\)_voltage_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/lp3972.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]\(lp872x_ldo\|lp8720_ldo4\|lp8725_\(lilo\|buck\)\)_vtbl\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/lp872x.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]int[ ]lp8788_dldo1239_vtbl\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/lp8788-ldo.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]mc13892_sw1\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/mc13892-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]VCORE_VSEL_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps65023-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]VDCDCx_VSEL_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps6507x-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]dcdc[12]_voltages\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps6524x-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]tps6586x_\(ldo4\|sm2\|dvm\)_voltages\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps6586x-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]bcm_ddr_setting[ ]asT3\(LP\)\?B\?_DDRSetting\(160\|133\|100\|80\)MHz\[\][ ]\?=' drivers/staging/bcm/DDRInit.c
+    defsnc '[ ]*static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]arp_req\[36\][ ]=' drivers/staging/csr/sme_sys.c
+    defsnc 'omap4430_adc_to_temp\[OMAP4430_ADC_END_VALUE[ ]-[ ]OMAP4430_ADC_START_VALUE[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/staging/oma-thermal/omap4-thermal.c
+    defsnc 'omap4460_adc_to_temp\[OMAP4460_ADC_END_VALUE[ ]-[ ]OMAP4460_ADC_START_VALUE[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/staging/oma-thermal/omap4-thermal.c
+    defsnc 'omap5430_adc_to_temp\[OMAP5430_ADC_END_VALUE[ ]-[ ]OMAP5430_ADC_START_VALUE[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/staging/oma-thermal/omap5-thermal.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]vesa_mode[ ]vesa_mode_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sm7xxfb/sm7xxfb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]rdesc\[\][ ]=' samples/uhid/uhid-example.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]isabelle_reg_defs\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/isabelle.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-terratec-htc-stick-drxk\.fw' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8106e-1\.fw' drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8168g-1\.fw' drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]mac_ocp_patch\[\][ ]=' in drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.c
+    blobname 'rt3290\.bin\(\.[\n][	][ ][*][/]\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800pci.h
+    # New in 3.7:
+    blobname 'imx[/]sdma[/]sdma-imx6q-to1\.bin' arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6q.dtsi
+    accept 'AES_T[ed]:\([\n]\.word[	]0x[0-9a-f]*\([,][ ]0x[0-9a-f]*\)*\)*[\n][@][ ]T[ed]4\[256\]\([\n]\.byte[	]0x[0-9a-f]*\([,][ ]0x[0-9a-f]*\)*\)*\([\n][@][ ]rcon\[\]\([\n]\.word[	]0x[0-9a-f]*\([,][ ]0x[0-9a-f]*\)*\)*\([,][ ]0\)*\)\?' arch/arm/crypto/aes-armv4.S
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]cast5_s[1234]\[256\][ ]=' crypto/cast5_generic.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]cast6_s[1234]\[256\][ ]=' crypto/cast6_generic.c
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]Once[ ]it[ ]returns[ ]successfully[,][ ]driver[ ]can[ ]use[ ]request_firmware' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'int[\n ]cache_firmware[(]const[ ]char[ ][*]fw_name[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}][\n]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]If[ ]one[ ]device[ ]called[ ]request_firmware' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]mV_pos[ ]__cpuinitconst[ ]\(vrm85\|mobilevrm\)_mV\[32\][ ]=' drivers/cpufreq/longhaul.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]__cpuinitconst[ ]mV_\(vrm85\|mobilevrm\)\[32\][ ]=' drivers/cpufreq/longhaul.h
+    # Sources for these are in the corresponding .fuc files.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]nva3_pcopy_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/copy/fuc/nva3.fuc.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]nvc0_pcopy_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/copy/fuc/nvc0.fuc.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]uint32_t[ ]nv98_pcrypt_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/crypt/fuc/nv98.fuc.h
+    defsnc 'uint32_t[ ]nve0_grgpc_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/graph/fuc/gpcnve0.fuc.h
+    defsnc 'uint32_t[ ]nve0_grhub_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/graph/fuc/hubnve0.fuc.h
+    defsnc 'nv04_graph_ctx_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/graph/nv04.c
+    accept '[	]*ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(]&fw[,][ ]source[,][ ]&nv_device[(]bios[)]->pdev->dev[)][;]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/subdev/bios/base.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ][*]edid_load[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw[,][ ]name[,][ ][&]pdev' drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid_load.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]RegInitializer[ ]initData\[\][ ]__initconst[ ]=' drivers/ide/ali14xx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_val[ ]tuner_init_fc2580\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-frontends/af9033_priv.h
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]bw_params1\[3\]\[34\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-frontends/rtl2830.c
+    blobname 's5k4ecgx\.bin' drivers/media/i2c/s5k4ecgx.c
+    blobname 'v4l-coda\(dx6-imx27\|7541-imx53\)\.bin' drivers/media/platform/coda.c
+    blobname 's5p-mfc\(-v6\)\?\.fw' drivers/media/platform/s5p-mfc/s5p_mfc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]e4000_lna_filter[ ]e400_lna_filter_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/tuners/e4000_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]e4000_if_filter[ ]e4000_if_filter_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/tuners/e4000_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]fc2580_reg_val[ ]fc2580_init_reg_vals\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/tuners/fc2580_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]fc2580_freq_regs[ ]fc2580_freq_regs_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/tuners/fc2580_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm5110_revb_patch\[\][ ]=' drivers/mfd/wm5110-tables.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]lpc32xx_nand_oob[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/lpc32xx_mlc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]flctl_4secc_oob_64[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/sh_flctl.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]atl1c_platform_patch[ ]plats\[\][ ]__devinitconst[ ]=' drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1c/atl1c_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9565_1p0_\(\(mac\|baseband\|radio\)_core\|[Cc]ommon_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_table\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9565_1p0_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9565_1p0_\(\(mac\|baseband\)_postamble\|[Mm]odes_\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_\(ob_db\|power\)_tx_gain_table\)\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9565_1p0_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]r2057_rev[4578]a\?_init\[[45][245]\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/radio_2057.c
+    defsnc '[	]*tbl_rf_control_override_rev7_over[01]\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]pci_pins\[\][ ]=' drivers/pinctrl/spear/pinctrl-spear1310.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]array_soc\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/power/88pm860x_battery.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]mc13783_sw[12]x_val\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/mc13783-regulator.c
+    # remoteproc uses request_firmware, but it is generic and names
+    # no blobs of its own, so we change it to maybe_request_firmware.
+    accept '[	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(]THIS_MODULE[,][ ]FW_ACTION_HOTPLUG[,][\n][	 ]*rproc->firmware[,][ ][&]rproc->dev[,][ ]GFP_KERNEL[,][\n][ 	]*rproc[,][ ]rproc_fw_config_virtio[)][;][\n][	]if[ ][(]ret[ ]<[ ]0[)][ ][{][\n][	][	]dev_err[(][&]rproc->dev[,][ ]["]request_firmware_nowait[ ]err' drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_core.c
+    # This remoteproc client does name blobs, but we discard it
+    # with undefine_macro.
+    blob 'SPROC_MODEM_NAME[ ]["]-fw\.bin["]' drivers/remoteproc/ste_modem_rproc.c
+    accept '[	]if[ ][(]request_firmware[(]&fw_entry,[ ]fname,[ ]&ioa_cfg->pdev->dev[)][)]' drivers/scsi/ipr.c
+    blobname 'daqboard2000_firmware\.bin' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/daqboard2000.c
+    blobname 'me2600_firmware\.bin' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/me_daq.c
+    blobname 'ni6534a\.bin' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_pcidio.c
+    blobname 'niscrb0[12]\.bin' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_pcidio.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]SiS_TVData[ ]XGI_\(St\|Ext\)\(PAL\|NTSC\|YPbPr\(525\|750\)[ip]\)Data\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]XGI330_\(NTSC\|PAL\|HiTV\(Ext\|St[12]\|Text\)\|YPbPr\(525\|750\)[ip]\)Timing\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]XGI330_\(HiTV\|Ren\(525\|750\)p\)Group3\(Data\|Simu\|Text\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    accept 'static[ ]inline[ ]int[\n]\(maybe_\)\?reject_ihex_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(][^{;]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]' include/linux/firmware.h
+    defsnc '[/][*][ ]callback[ ]from[ ]request_firmware_nowait' sound/pci/hda/hda_intel.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]\(__devinit[ ]\)\?azx_probe[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*request_firmware[^\n]*' sound/pci/hda/hda_intel.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]da9055_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/da9055.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]sta32x_regs\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/sta32x.c
+    blobname 'wm0010\(_stage2\.bin\|\.dfw\)' sound/soc/codecs/wm0010.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm5102_sysclk_reva_patch\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm5102.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8510_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8580_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8580.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8776_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8776.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8900_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8900.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8960_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8960.c
+    accept '[	][	]priv->firmware[ ]=[ ]true[;]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/graph/nvc0.c
+    accept '[	][	 ]*\(if[ ][(]\|[ ][ ][ ][ ]\)nvc0_graph_ctor_fw[(]priv[,][ ]["]fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd]["][,][ ][&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd][)]' 'drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/graph/nv[ce]0\.c'
+    accept '[	][	 ]*nvc0_graph_dtor_fw[(]&priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd][)][;]' 'drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nv[ce]0\.c'
+    accept '[	][	]*nvc0_graph_init_fw[(]priv[,][ ]0x4\(09\|1a\)000[,][ ][&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)c[,][ \n	]*[&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)d[)][;]' 'drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/graph/nv[ce]0\.c'
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-xc5000c-4\.1\.30\.7\.fw' drivers/media/tuners/xc5000.c
+    accept '[	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]AF9015_FIRMWARE' drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb-v2/af9015.c
+    accept '[	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]AF9035_FIRMWARE' drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb-v2/af9035.c
+    accept '[	]\.firmware[ 	]*=[ ]AZ6007_FIRMWARE' drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb-v2/az6007.c
+    accept '[	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]EC168_FIRMWARE' drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb-v2/ec168.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]brcmfmac43\(143\|242a\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/usb.c
+    accept '[	]priv->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw[;]' drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54pci.c
+    blobname 'c[bt]2\?fw-3\.1\.0\.0\.bin' drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad.c
+    blobname 'gdmuimg\.bin' drivers/staging/gdm72xx/usb_boot.c
+    blobname 'CMV4[pi]\.bin\(\.v2\)\?' drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-tda10071\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10071_priv.h
+    accept '[	]st->it913x_config\.firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb-v2/it913x.c
+    blobname 'ar3k[/]\(AthrBT_0x%08x\.dfu\|ramps_0x%08x_%d%s\)' drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c
+    # New in 3.8
+    accept 'K_table:\([\n][ 	]*\.quad[ 	]*0x[0-9a-f]*[,]0x[0-9a-f]*\)*' arch/x86/crypto/crc32c-pcl-intel-asm_64.S
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]cast_s[1234]\[256\][ ]=' crypto/cast_common.c
+    accept '[ ]request_firmware[ ]can[ ]be[ ]called[ ]safely' Documentation/firmware_class/README
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]__initconst[ ]armada_370_xp_\(nb\|h\|dram\)clk_ratios\[32\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/clk/mvebu/clk-core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]__initconst[ ]\(dove\|kirkwood\)_cpu_ddr_ratios\[16\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/clk/mvebu/clk-core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]h_coef_8t\[GSC_COEF_RATIO\]\[GSC_COEF_ATTR\]\[GSC_COEF_H_8T\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_drm_gsc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]v_coef_4t\[GSC_COEF_RATIO\]\[GSC_COEF_ATTR\]\[GSC_COEF_V_4T\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_drm_gsc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]atl1c_platform_patch[ ]plats\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1c/atl1c_main.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]RTL8723EPHY_REG_1TARRAY\[RTL8723E_PHY_REG_1TARRAY_LENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8723ae/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]RTL8723EPHY_REG_ARRAY_PG\[RTL8723E_PHY_REG_ARRAY_PGLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8723ae/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]RTL8723E_RADIOA_1TARRAY\[Rtl8723ERADIOA_1TARRAYLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8723ae/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]RTL8723EMAC_ARRAY\[RTL8723E_MACARRAYLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8723ae/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]RTL8723EAGCTAB_1TARRAY\[RTL8723E_AGCTAB_1TARRAYLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8723ae/table.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]abx500_v_to_cap[ ]cap_tbl\(_[AB]_thermistor\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/power/ab8500_bmdata.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]rx51_temp_table2\[\][ ]=' drivers/power/rx51_battery.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]runnable_avg_yN_\(inv\|sum\)\[\][ ]=' kernel/sched/fair.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]base\[4\]\[10\][ ]=' net/wireless/util.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]init[1234]\[128\][ ]=' sound/isa/sb/emu8000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8750_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8750.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8770_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8770.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8971_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8971.c
+    blobname 'nouveau[/]nv%02x_fuc%03x[dc]\?' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/core/falcon.c
+    blobname 'ar5523\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ar5523/ar5523.h
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8723\(ae\)\?fw\(_B\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8723ae/sw.c
+    blobname '%s-dsp%d\.\(wmfw\|bin\)' sound/soc/codecs/wm_adsp.c
+    blobname 'fw-4\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/core.h
+    accept '[	]hdsp->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw' sound/pci/rme9652/hdsp.c
+    # ath9k firmware is now Free Software.
+    accept '[	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(]THIS_MODULE[,][ ]1[,][ ]name[,][ ]sc->dev[,][ ]GFP_KERNEL[,][\n][ 	]*[&]ec[,][ ]ath9k_eeprom_request_cb[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/init.c
+    accept '[#]define[ ]FIRMWARE_AR7010_1_1[ 	]*["]htc_7010\.fw["]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept '[#]define[ ]FIRMWARE_AR9271[ 	]*["]htc_9271\.fw["]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]FIRMWARE_AR7010_1_1[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]FIRMWARE_AR9271[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept '[	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(]THIS_MODULE[,][ ]true[,][ ]hif_dev->fw_name[,][\n][ 	]*[&]hif_dev->udev->dev[,][ ]GFP_KERNEL[,][\n][ 	]*hif_dev[,][ ]ath9k_hif_usb_firmware_cb[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept '[	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]hif_dev->firmware[,][ ]hif_dev->fw_name[,][\n][ 	]*[&]hif_dev->udev->dev[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept '[	][	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw[,][ ]hif_dev->fw_name[,][\n][ 	]*[&]hif_dev->udev->dev[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    # as in 2.6.39
+    accept '[#]define[ ]FIRMWARE_AR7010[ 	]*["]ar7010\.fw["]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept '[#]define[ ]FIRMWARE_AR7010_1_1[ 	]*["]ar7010_1_1\.fw["]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept '[#]define[ ]FIRMWARE_AR9271[ 	]*["]ar9271\.fw["]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]FIRMWARE_AR7010[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    # as in 2.6.35
+    accept '[	]ATH9K_FW_USB_DEV[(]0x\(9271\|1006\)[,][ ]["]ar9271\.fw["][)][,]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept '[	]dev_info[(][&]hif_dev->udev->dev[,][ ]["]ath9k_htc:[^\n"]*["][,][\n][	 ]*["]ar9271\.fw["][,]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept '[	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]hif_dev->firmware[,][ ]fw_name[,][ ][&]hif_dev->udev->dev[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    # New in 3.9
+    blobname 'imx[/]sdma[/]sdma-imx6q\.bin' arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6qdl.dtsi
+    accept '[	]*nvidia,emc-registers[ ]=[ 	]*<\(0x[0-9a-f]*[ 	\n]*\)*>[;]' arch/arm/boot/dts/tegra20-colibri-512.dtsi
+    blobname 'kernel[/]x86[/]microcode[/]GenuineIntel\.bin' arch/x86/kernel/microcode_intel_early.c
+    accept '[0-9][0-9]*[	][0-3][	][0-3][	]0\([\n][0-9][0-9]*[	][0-3][	][0-3][	]0\)*' Documentation/thermal/intel_powerclamp.txt
+    accept '[	]return[ ]_request_firmware_load[(]fw_priv[,]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[\n]_request_firmware_prepare[(]struct[ ]firmware[ ][*][*]\?firmware_p' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[/][*][ ]called[ ]from[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]and[ ]request_firmware_work_func[(][)][ ][*][/]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	]_request_firmware[(][&]fw[,][ ]fw_work->name' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	]put_device[(]fw_work->device[)][;][ ][/][*][ ]taken[ ]in[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(][)][ ][*][/]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]x[48]_vectors\[\][ ]=' drivers/edac/amd64_edac.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]hdmiphy_config[ ]hdmiphy_v14_configs\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_hdmi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]oland_io_mc_regs\[TAHITI_IO_MC_REGS_SIZE\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/si.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]sixaxis_rdesc_fixup2\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/hid/hid-sony.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_val[ ]tuner_init_fc0012\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-frontends/af9033_priv.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?struct[ ]linear_segments[ ]cnr_\(to_db\|\(64\|16\)qam\|qpsk\)_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-frontends/mb86a20s.c
+    blobname 'SlimISP_\(%\.2s\|..\)\.bin' drivers/media/i2c/s5c73m3/s5c73m3-core.c
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]i2c_rv[ ]ov965x_init_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/i2c/ov9650.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]vp7049_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-vp7049-0\.95\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    # The blob name is just the chip name, so no point in deblobbing;
+    # more so considering the number of false positives this would
+    # bring about.
+    # blobname 'lp5521' drivers/leds/leds-lp5521.c
+    # blobname 'lp55231\?' drivers/leds/leds-lp5523.c
+    blobname 'lattice-ecp3\.bit' drivers/misc/lattice-ecp3-config.c
+    defsnc '[	]*static[ ]const[ ]uint8_t[ ]rss_key\[UPT1_RSS_MAX_KEY_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/vmxnet3/vmxnet3_drv.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Modes_\(mixed_ob_db\|type5\)_tx_gain_table_2p2\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_2p2_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9340Modes_low_ob_db_and_spur_tx_gain_table_1p0\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9340_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485Modes_green_spur_ob_db_tx_gain_1_1\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9580_1p0_type6_tx_gain_table\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9580_1p0_initvals.h
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-\(7260\|3160\)-' drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/pcie/7000.c
+    blobname 'mrvl[/]pcie8897_uapsta\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/pcie.h
+    accept 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]mwifiex_pcie_device[ ]mwifiex_pcie\(8766\|8897\)[ ]=[ ][{][\n][	]\.firmware[ 	]*=' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/pcie.h
+    accept '[	][	]card->pcie\.firmware[ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/pcie.c
+    accept '[	][	]\.per_chan_pwr_limit_arr_11abg[ 	]*=[ ][{][	 0xf,\n]*' drivers/net/wireless/ti/wl18xx/main.c
+    blobname 'ti-connectivity[/]wl18xx-fw-2\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/ti/wl18xx/main.c
+    blobname '%s-dsp%d-%s\.\(wmfw\|bin\)' sound/soc/codecs/wm_adsp.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_addr[ ]\(idle_\)\?reg_addrs\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_dump.h
+    blobname '83xx_fw\.bin' drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic_83xx_hw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]dump_num_registers\[NUM_CHIPS\]\[NUM_PRESETS\][ ]=' drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_dump.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]pm2xxx_charger_voltage_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/power/pm2301_charger.c
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]comedi[ ]drivers\.[ ]The[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]hotplug' drivers/staging/comedi/comedi.h
+    blobname 'rp2\.fw' drivers/tty/serial/rp2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]seq_\(w\|rgb\)_gamma\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/backlight/lms501kf03.c
+    defsnc '[#]include[ ]<video[/]mmp_disp\.h>[\n]*static[ ]u16[ ]init\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/mmp/panel/tpo_tj032md01bw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]tegra_clk_pll_freq_table[ ]pll_[mpadcu]_freq_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/clk/tegra/clk-tegra[23]0\.c'
+    blobname 'ctefx\.bin' sound/pci/hda/patch_ca0132.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]\(voice_focus\|mic_svm\|equalizer\)_vals_lookup\[\][ ]=' sound/pci/hda/patch_ca0132.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]hda_verb[ ]ca0132_init_verbs0\[\][ ]=' sound/pci/hda/patch_ca0132.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]dmic_comp\[6\]\[6\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/max98090.c
+    ;;
+  */*freedo*.patch | */*logo*.patch)
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_libre_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch-3.8*)
+    # Present in 3.8 but patched in stable releases.
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_sw_ctrl_tbl_\(4313_\)\?\(bt_\)\?\(epa_\)\?\(p250_\)\?rev0\(_combo\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    # ath9k firmware is now Free Software.
+    accept '[	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(]THIS_MODULE[,][ ]1[,][ ]name[,][ ]sc->dev[,][ ]GFP_KERNEL[,][\n][ 	]*[&]ec[,][ ]ath9k_eeprom_request_cb[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/init.c
+    accept '[#]define[ ]FIRMWARE_AR7010_1_1[ 	]*["]htc_7010\.fw["]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept '[#]define[ ]FIRMWARE_AR9271[ 	]*["]htc_9271\.fw["]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]FIRMWARE_AR7010_1_1[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]FIRMWARE_AR9271[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept '[	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(]THIS_MODULE[,][ ]true[,][ ]hif_dev->fw_name[,][\n][ 	]*[&]hif_dev->udev->dev[,][ ]GFP_KERNEL[,][\n][ 	]*hif_dev[,][ ]ath9k_hif_usb_firmware_cb[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept '[	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]hif_dev->firmware[,][ ]hif_dev->fw_name[,][\n][ 	]*[&]hif_dev->udev->dev[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept '[	][	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw[,][ ]hif_dev->fw_name[,][\n][ 	]*[&]hif_dev->udev->dev[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    # Present in 3.8
+    accept '[	]-[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]hotplug[ ]interface[ ]info.' Documentation/00-INDEX
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]qi_lb60_ecclayout_[12]gb[ ]=' arch/mips/jz4740/board-qi_lb60.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]comp_testvec[ ]\(deflate\|lzo\)_\(de\)\?comp_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]minimode[ ]est3_modes\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid_modes.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar955x_1p0_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar955x_1p0_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar955x_1p0_modes_\(no_\)\?xpa_tx_gain_table\[\]\[9\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/955x_1p0_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pinmux_cfg_reg[ ]pinmux_config_regs\[\][ ]=' 'arch/sh/kernel/cpu/sh2a/pinmux-sh7203\.c\|arch/arm/mach-shmobile/pfc-sh73[67]7\.c'
+    accept '#define[ ]CONFIG_PATH[ ]*["][/]etc[/]vntconfiguration[.]dat["]' drivers/staging/vt6655/device_cfg.h
+    # For 3.8-to-3.9 patch:
+    accept '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?\(static[ ]\(void\|int\)[ ]\)\?_\?request_firmware\(_load\|_work_func\)\?[(]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	]ret[ ]=[ ]_request_firmware_prepare[(]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[ 	]*return[ ]_request_firmware[(]firmware_p,' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_val[ ]tuner_init_f\(c0011\[\][ ]=\)\?\(\([ ][{]\)\?[*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9033_priv.h
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]struct[ ]regdata[ ]mb86a20s_init\[\][ ]=\([ ]\?[{]\?[*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mb86a20s.c
+    accept '[	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]\(DW210[24]\|DW3101\|S630\)_FIRMWARE' drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    accept '[	]\(p1100\|s660\|p7500\)->firmware[ ]=[ ]\(P1100\|S660\|P7500\)_FIRMWARE' drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485Modes_green_ob_db_tx_gain_1_1\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar955x_1p0_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_pos\(tamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=\)\?\([ ]\?[{]\?[*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar955x_1p0_initvals.h
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar955x_1p0_modes_\(no_\)\?xpa_tx\(_gain_table\[\]\[9\][ ]=\)\?\([ ]\?[{]\?[*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/955x_1p0_initvals.h
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?u16[ ]MCS_DATA_RATE\[2\]\[2\]\[77\][ ]=\([*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/staging/\(rtl8192su/ieee80211/rtl819x_HTProc\.c\|rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware\.c\)'
+    accept '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]int[ ]do_mod_firmware_load[(]' sound/sound_firmware.c
+    # New in 3.9
+    blobname 'imx[/]sdma[/]sdma-imx6q\.bin' arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6qdl.dtsi
+    accept '[	]*nvidia,emc-registers[ ]=[ 	]*<\(0x[0-9a-f]*[ 	\n]*\)*>[;]' arch/arm/boot/dts/tegra20-colibri-512.dtsi
+    blobname 'kernel[/]x86[/]microcode[/]GenuineIntel\.bin' arch/x86/kernel/microcode_intel_early.c
+    accept '[0-9][0-9]*[	][0-3][	][0-3][	]0\([\n][0-9][0-9]*[	][0-3][	][0-3][	]0\)*' Documentation/thermal/intel_powerclamp.txt
+    accept '[	]return[ ]_request_firmware_load[(]fw_priv[,]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[\n]_request_firmware_prepare[(]struct[ ]firmware[ ][*][*]\?firmware_p' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[/][*][ ]called[ ]from[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]and[ ]request_firmware_work_func[(][)][ ][*][/]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	]_request_firmware[(][&]fw[,][ ]fw_work->name' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	]put_device[(]fw_work->device[)][;][ ][/][*][ ]taken[ ]in[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(][)][ ][*][/]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]x[48]_vectors\[\][ ]=' drivers/edac/amd64_edac.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]hdmiphy_config[ ]hdmiphy_v14_configs\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_hdmi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]oland_io_mc_regs\[TAHITI_IO_MC_REGS_SIZE\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/si.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]sixaxis_rdesc_fixup2\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/hid/hid-sony.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_val[ ]tuner_init_fc0012\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-frontends/af9033_priv.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?struct[ ]linear_segments[ ]cnr_\(to_db\|\(64\|16\)qam\|qpsk\)_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-frontends/mb86a20s.c
+    blobname 'SlimISP_\(%\.2s\|..\)\.bin' drivers/media/i2c/s5c73m3/s5c73m3-core.c
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]i2c_rv[ ]ov965x_init_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/i2c/ov9650.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]vp7049_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-vp7049-0\.95\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    # The blob name is just the chip name, so no point in deblobbing;
+    # more so considering the number of false positives this would
+    # bring about.
+    # blobname 'lp5521' drivers/leds/leds-lp5521.c
+    # blobname 'lp55231\?' drivers/leds/leds-lp5523.c
+    blobname 'lattice-ecp3\.bit' drivers/misc/lattice-ecp3-config.c
+    defsnc '[	]*static[ ]const[ ]uint8_t[ ]rss_key\[UPT1_RSS_MAX_KEY_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/vmxnet3/vmxnet3_drv.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Modes_\(mixed_ob_db\|type5\)_tx_gain_table_2p2\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_2p2_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9340Modes_low_ob_db_and_spur_tx_gain_table_1p0\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9340_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485Modes_green_spur_ob_db_tx_gain_1_1\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9580_1p0_type6_tx_gain_table\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9580_1p0_initvals.h
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-\(7260\|3160\)-' drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/pcie/7000.c
+    blobname 'mrvl[/]pcie8897_uapsta\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/pcie.h
+    accept 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]mwifiex_pcie_device[ ]mwifiex_pcie\(8766\|8897\)[ ]=[ ][{][\n][	]\.firmware[ 	]*=' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/pcie.h
+    accept '[	][	]card->pcie\.firmware[ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/pcie.c
+    accept '[	][	]\.per_chan_pwr_limit_arr_11abg[ 	]*=[ ][{][	 0xf,\n]*' drivers/net/wireless/ti/wl18xx/main.c
+    blobname 'ti-connectivity[/]wl18xx-fw-2\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/ti/wl18xx/main.c
+    blobname '%s-dsp%d-%s\.\(wmfw\|bin\)' sound/soc/codecs/wm_adsp.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_addr[ ]\(idle_\)\?reg_addrs\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_dump.h
+    blobname '83xx_fw\.bin' drivers/net/ethernet/qlogic/qlcnic/qlcnic_83xx_hw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]dump_num_registers\[NUM_CHIPS\]\[NUM_PRESETS\][ ]=' drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2x/bnx2x_dump.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]pm2xxx_charger_voltage_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/power/pm2301_charger.c
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]comedi[ ]drivers\.[ ]The[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]hotplug' drivers/staging/comedi/comedi.h
+    blobname 'rp2\.fw' drivers/tty/serial/rp2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]seq_\(w\|rgb\)_gamma\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/backlight/lms501kf03.c
+    defsnc '[#]include[ ]<video[/]mmp_disp\.h>[\n]*static[ ]u16[ ]init\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/mmp/panel/tpo_tj032md01bw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]tegra_clk_pll_freq_table[ ]pll_[mpadcu]_freq_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/clk/tegra/clk-tegra[23]0\.c'
+    blobname 'ctefx\.bin' sound/pci/hda/patch_ca0132.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]\(voice_focus\|mic_svm\|equalizer\)_vals_lookup\[\][ ]=' sound/pci/hda/patch_ca0132.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]hda_verb[ ]ca0132_init_verbs0\[\][ ]=' sound/pci/hda/patch_ca0132.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]dmic_comp\[6\]\[6\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/max98090.c
+    # Reverse 3.8-to-3.9 patch:
+    accept '0x102c[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]0x6151[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/et61x251.txt
+    accept '0x041e[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]0x4017[\n]'"$blobpat*" Documentation/video4linux/zc0301.txt
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]clk_pll_\(freq_\)\?table[ ]tegra_pll_[adpxm]_\(freq_\)\?table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra2_clocks.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]clk_pll_freq_table[ ]tegra_pll_[cu]_freq_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra30_clocks.c
+    accept '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?\(static[ ]\(void\|int\)[ ]\)\?_\?request_firmware\(_cleanup\|_prepare\)\?[(]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	]*\(\(fw_priv\|ret\)[ ]=[ ]\)\?_\?request_firmware_\(load\|prepare\|cleanup\)' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u_short[ ]geometry_table\[\]\[[45]\][ ]=' drivers/block/xd.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]hdmiphy_conf\(27\(_027\)\?\|74\(_175\|_25\)\|148_5\)\[32\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-tv/hdmiphy_drv.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]hdmiphy_conf74_176\[32\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_hdmi.c
+    accept '[	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]["][/][*][(]DEBLOBBED[)][*][/]["]' drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    accept '[	]\(p1100\|s660\)->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    accept '[	]p7500->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    defsnc '[	]#define[ ]WakeupSeq[ ][ ][ ][ ][{]' drivers/net/ethernet/i825xx/eepro.c
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?\(SiS\|XGI\)_[ME]CLKData\(Struct\)\?[ ]XGI\(340\|27\)\(\(New\)\?_[ME]CLKData\[\][ ]*=\|N\)\?\([ ]\?[{]\?[*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI340_CR6[BE]\[8\]\[4\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    ;;
+  */drm-qxl-driver.patch)
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]common_modes\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/qxl/qxl_display.c
+    ;;
+  */patch-3.7*)
+    # Removed chunks matched by entries that don't appear in the patch context.
+    initnc '[	]0x019806b8[,][\n][	]0x1427f116[,]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/graph/fuc/hubnvc0.fuc.h
+    initnc '[	]0xf1160198[,][\n][	]0xb6041427[,]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/graph/fuc/hubnve0.fuc.h
+    # Present in 3.7 and removed in the patch (for --reverse-patch).
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pinmux_cfg_reg[ ]pinmux_config_regs\[\][ ]=' 'arch/sh/kernel/cpu/sh2a/pinmux-sh7203\.c\|arch/arm/mach-shmobile/pfc-sh73[67]7\.c'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]cast5_s[1234]\[256\][ ]=' crypto/cast5_generic.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]cast6_s[1234]\[256\][ ]=' crypto/cast6_generic.c
+    defsnc 'unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(QUALITY\|STRENGTH\)_MAP\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8180_core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rtl8225\(bcd\|z2\)_rxgain\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl818[07]/rtl8225\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u\(8\|16\|32\)[ ]\(rtl8225\(z2\)\?_\(threshold\|gain_\(a\|bg\)\|chan\|rxgain\|agc\|tx_\(gain_cck\|power\)_ofdm\|tx_power_cck\(_ch14\)\?\)\|ZEBRA2_CCK_OFDM_GAIN_SETTING\)\[\][ ]\?=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8180_rtl8225z2.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]table_alaw2ulaw\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/telephony/ixj.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]table_ulaw2alaw\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/telephony/ixj.c
+    # Chunks matched by other entries that don't appear in the patch context.
+    initnc '[	][{][ ]19200000[,][ ]216000000[,]' arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra20_clocks_data.c
+    initnc '[	]0x16019806[,][\n][	]0x041427f1[,]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/graph/fuc/hubnvc0.fuc.h
+    initnc '[	]0x98069221[,][\n][	]0x27f11601[,]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/graph/fuc/hubnve0.fuc.h
+    initnc '[	][{]0x0000a284\([,][ ]0x00000000\)*\([,][ ]0x00000150\)*[}][,]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9462_2p0_initvals.h
+    initnc '[	][{]0x0000a574\([,][ ]0x9c1fff0b\)*\([,][ ]0x5e001eeb\)*[}][,]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    initnc '[	][{]0x0000a580[,][ ]0x00000000[}][,]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    initnc '[	][{]0x0000a584\([,][ ]0x00000000\)*\([,][ ]0x00000150\)*[}][,]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    initnc '[	][{]0x0000a0b4\([,][ ]0x00000000\)*\([,][ ]0x00000150\)*[}][,]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    initnc '[	][{]0x0000982c\([,][ ]0x05eea6d4\)*[}][,]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    accept '[	][	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(]THIS_MODULE,[ ]true,[ ]patch\[dev\],' sound/pci/hda/hda_intel.c
+    initnc '[	][{][ ]184[,][ ]0x00[ ][}][,]' sound/soc/codecs/lm49453.c
+    # Already present in 3.7.
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(__attribute__[ ][(][(]aligned[(]16[)][)][)][ ]\)\?bootlogo_bits\[\][ ]=' arch/m68k/platform/68328/bootlogo.h
+    accept '[	]-[ ]calls[ ]request_firmware[(]' Documentation/firmware_class/README
+    accept 'request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Modes_\(\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_ob_db\|high_power\)_tx_gain_table_2p[02]\[\]\[5\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485\(M\|_m\)odes_\(high\|low\|green\)\(est\)\?_\(power\|ob_db\)_tx_gain_1_[01]\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485\(\(C\|_c\)ommon_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain\)\?_1_[01]\(_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_core\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_sw_ctrl_tbl_\(4313_\)\?\(bt_\)\?\(epa_\)\?\(p250_\)\?rev0\(_combo\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ofdmswing_table\[OFDM_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]cckswing_table_ch\(1ch13\|14\)\[CCK_TABLE_SIZE\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]reserved_page_packet\[TOTAL_RESERVED_PKT_LEN\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192[cd]e/fw.c'
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]hw_config\[\][ ]=' drivers/nfc/pn544_hci.c
+    accept 'FIRMWARE[ ]LOADER[ ][(]request_firmware[)]' MAINTAINERS
+    blobname '\(comedi[/]\)\?jr3pci\.idm\(["]\.[\n][ ][*][/]\)\?' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/jr3_pci.c
+    blobname '\([/]lib[/]firmware[/]\)\?\(gdm72xx[/]\)\?gdms\(krn\|rfs\)\.bin' drivers/staging/gdm72xx/sdio_boot.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]sisfb_ddc[sf]modes\[\][ ]\(__devinitdata[ ]\)\?=' drivers/video/sis/sis_main.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]lms283gf05_seq[ ]disp_\(init\|pwdn\)seq\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/backlight/lms283gf05.c
+    blobname 'cxgb4[/]t4fw\.bin' 'drivers/\(net/cxgb4/cxgb4_main\.c\|scsi/csiostor/csio_hw\.h\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_[ME]CLKData\(Struct\)\?[ ]XGI\(3[34]0\|27\)\(New\)\?_[ME]CLKData\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI340_CR6[BE]\[8\]\[4\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI340_CR6F\[8\]\[32\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_StStruct[ ]XGI330_SModeIDTable\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_ExtStruct[ ][ ]\?XGI330_EModeIDTable\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?\(XGI\|SiS\)_StandTable\(Struct\|_S\)[ ]XGI330_StandTable\(\[\]\)\?[ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\([/][*]\)\?\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?\(XGI330\|SiS\)_LCDData\(Struct\)\?[ ][ ]\?XGI_\(\(St2\?\|Ext\)LCD\(1024x768\|1280x1024\)\|NoScaling\)Data\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?\(XGI330\|SiS\)_LVDSData\(Struct\)\?[ ][ ]\?XGI\(330\)\?_LVDS\(320x480\|800x600\|1024x768\|1280x\(1024\|768[NS]\?\)\|1400x1050\|640x480\)Data_[12]\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_ModeResInfo\(Struct\|_S\)[ ]XGI330_ModeResInfo\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]XGI_ExtStruct[ ]XGI330_EModeIDTable\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]SiS_MCLKData[ ]XGI\(340\|27\)New_MCLKData\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]SiS_ModeResInfo_S[ ]XGI330_ModeResInfo\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SiS_StandTable_S[ ]XGI330_StandTable[ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]int[ ]lp8788_dldo1239_vtbl\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/lp8788-ldo.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]\(__devinit[ ]\)\?azx_probe[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*request_firmware[^\n]*' sound/pci/hda/hda_intel.c
+    # New in 3.8
+    accept 'K_table:\([\n][ 	]*\.quad[ 	]*0x[0-9a-f]*[,]0x[0-9a-f]*\)*' arch/x86/crypto/crc32c-pcl-intel-asm_64.S
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]cast_s[1234]\[256\][ ]=' crypto/cast_common.c
+    accept '[ ]request_firmware[ ]can[ ]be[ ]called[ ]safely' Documentation/firmware_class/README
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]__initconst[ ]armada_370_xp_\(nb\|h\|dram\)clk_ratios\[32\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/clk/mvebu/clk-core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]__initconst[ ]\(dove\|kirkwood\)_cpu_ddr_ratios\[16\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/clk/mvebu/clk-core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]h_coef_8t\[GSC_COEF_RATIO\]\[GSC_COEF_ATTR\]\[GSC_COEF_H_8T\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_drm_gsc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]v_coef_4t\[GSC_COEF_RATIO\]\[GSC_COEF_ATTR\]\[GSC_COEF_V_4T\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_drm_gsc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]atl1c_platform_patch[ ]plats\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1c/atl1c_main.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]RTL8723EPHY_REG_1TARRAY\[RTL8723E_PHY_REG_1TARRAY_LENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8723ae/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]RTL8723EPHY_REG_ARRAY_PG\[RTL8723E_PHY_REG_ARRAY_PGLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8723ae/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]RTL8723E_RADIOA_1TARRAY\[Rtl8723ERADIOA_1TARRAYLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8723ae/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]RTL8723EMAC_ARRAY\[RTL8723E_MACARRAYLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8723ae/table.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]RTL8723EAGCTAB_1TARRAY\[RTL8723E_AGCTAB_1TARRAYLENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8723ae/table.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]abx500_v_to_cap[ ]cap_tbl\(_[AB]_thermistor\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/power/ab8500_bmdata.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]rx51_temp_table2\[\][ ]=' drivers/power/rx51_battery.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]runnable_avg_yN_\(inv\|sum\)\[\][ ]=' kernel/sched/fair.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]base\[4\]\[10\][ ]=' net/wireless/util.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]init[1234]\[128\][ ]=' sound/isa/sb/emu8000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8750_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8750.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8770_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8770.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8971_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8971.c
+    blobname 'nouveau[/]nv%02x_fuc%03x[dc]\?' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/core/falcon.c
+    blobname 'ar5523\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ar5523/ar5523.h
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8723\(ae\)\?fw\(_B\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8723ae/sw.c
+    blobname '%s-dsp%d\.\(wmfw\|bin\)' sound/soc/codecs/wm_adsp.c
+    blobname 'fw-4\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/core.h
+    accept '[	]hdsp->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw' sound/pci/rme9652/hdsp.c
+    ;;
+  */patch-3.6*)
+    # Present in patch for 3.6.4.
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]keyspan_pda[/]\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\)\.fw["][)][;]' drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.c
+    # Present in patch for 3.6.5.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Modes_high_power_tx_gain_table_2p2\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_2p2_initvals.h
+    # Specific to the 3.7 patch
+    accept '[	]\.firmware[ 	]*=[ ]["][/][*][(]DEBLOBBED[)][*][/]["]'
+    accept '[	]\(p1100\|s660\|p7500\)->firmware[ ]=[ ]["][/][*][(]DEBLOBBED[)][*][/]["]'
+    accept '[	]-[ ]calls[ ]request_firmware[(]' Documentation/firmware_class/README
+    accept '[ ]7[)],[ ]kernel:[ ]request_firmware[(]' Documentation/firmware_class/README
+    accept '[	][ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]returns[ ]non-zero' Documentation/firmware_class/README
+    accept '\(static[ ]\(int\|void\)[\n ]\)\?_request_firmware\(_prepare\|_cleanup\)\?[(]const[ ]struct[ ]firmware[ ][*][*]\?' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	][	]_request_firmware_cleanup[(]firmware_p[)][;]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[ ][*][	]Asynchronous[ ]variant[ ]of[ ]request_firmware[(][)]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'static[ ]inline[ ]int[ ]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(]' include/linux/firmware.h
+    accept '[	][	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(]THIS_MODULE,[ ]true,[ ]patch\[dev\],' sound/pci/hda/hda_intel.c
+    accept '[	][{]0x00009e1c,[ ]0x0001cf9c,[ ]0x[0-9a-fx{},\n	 ]*' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9462_2p0_initvals.h
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-391,17[ ][+]407,17[ ]@@[*][/][;][\n]\([ ]*[123],\)*[\n]\(\([ ]*[ 1234][0-9],\)*[\n]\)*[\n]\(\([ ]*[ 1234][0-9],\)*[\n]\)*\([ ]*1,\)*' scripts/dtc/dtc-lexer.lex.c_shipped
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-395,16[ ][+]423,16[ ]@@[*][/][;][\n][ ]*0,\([ ]*2,\)*[\n]\(\([ ]*[ 1234][0-9],\)*[\n]\)*\([ ]*2,\)*' scripts/dtc/
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-418,45[ ][+]446,68[ ]@@[*][/][;][\n]\([ ]*[2],\)*[\n]\(\([ ]*[ 12][0-9],\)*[\n]\)*\([ ]*[12][0-9],\)*[ ]*24' scripts/dtc/
+    # Already in 3.6, but changed or moved thus present in patch to 3.7:
+    initnc '[/][*][\n][ ][*][ ]\(cfa_coef\|gamma\|luma_enhance\|noise_filter\)_table\.h[\n][ ][*]\([^\n]*[\n][ ][*]\)*[/]' 'drivers/media/video/omap3isp/\(cfa_coef\|gamma\|luma_enhance\|noise_filter\)_table\.h'
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][/][*][ ]\(SQCIF\|QSIF\|QCIF\|SIF\|CIF\|VGA\)[ ][*][/][\n][ ][ ][ ][{][\n][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][{]'"$blobpat*" drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-nala.h
+    accept 'FIRMWARE[ ]LOADER[ ][(]request_firmware[)]' MAINTAINERS
+    accept '[	]INIT_WORK[(][&]fw_work->work[,][ ]request_firmware_work_func[)][;]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	 ]\+request_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]hit[ ]an[ ]OOPS' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]clk_pll_\(freq_\)\?table[ ]tegra_pll_[adpxm]_\(freq_\)\?table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra2_clocks.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]clk_pll_freq_table[ ]tegra_pll_[cu]_freq_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra30_clocks.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u64[ ]camellia_sp\(10011110\|22000222\|03303033\|00444404\|02220222\|30333033\|44044404\|11101110\)\[256\][ ]=' arch/x86/crypto/camellia_glue.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]s[1-7]\[256\][ ]=' crypto/cast5_generic.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]sb8\[256\][ ]=' crypto/cast5_generic.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]Tm\[24\]\[8\][ ]=' crypto/cast6_generic.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]Tr\[4\]\[8\][ ]=' crpto/cast6_generic.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]cipher_testvec[ ]\(aes\|anubis\|bf\|camellia\|cts_mode\|des3_ede\|cast6\|salsa20_stream\|serpent\|tf\|tnepres\|xeta\|x\?tea\)\(_\(cbc\|ctr\(_rfc3686\)\?\|xts\)\)\?_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    accept '\([ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]hotplug[ ]interface:[\n][ ]--*[\n].*[ ]\)\?-[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(][)][ ]is[ ]also[ ]provided[ ]for[ ]convenience' Documentation/firmware_class/README
+    accept '\(static[ ]\(int\|void\)[\n ]\)\?_request_firmware\(_prepare\|_cleanup\)\?[(]const[ ]struct[ ]firmware[ ][*][*]\?firmware\(_p\)\?[,)][^{]*[\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}][\n]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[ ]_request_firmware_load[(]struct[ ]firmware_priv[ ][*]fw_priv[,]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'static[ ]void[ ]request_firmware_work_func[(]struct[ ]work_struct[ ][*]work[)]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'EXPORT_SYMBOL[(]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[)][;]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	]fw_priv[ ]=[ ]_request_firmware_prepare[(][&]fw[,]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	][	]ret[ ]=[ ]_request_firmware_load[(]fw_priv[,]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	][	]_request_firmware_cleanup[(][&]fw[)][;]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    defsnc 'uint32_t[ ]nvc0_grgpc_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_grgpc.fuc.h
+    defsnc 'uint32_t[ ]nvc0_grhub_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_grhub.fuc.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]nv10_graph_ctx_regs[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/char/drm/nv10_graph.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]types\[0x80\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nv50_vram.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]types\[256\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_vram.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]samsung_tbmu24112_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/b2c2/flexcop-fe-tuner.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]alps_tdee4_stv0297_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/b2c2/flexcop-fe-tuner.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]hps_h_coeff_tab[ ]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/saa7146/saa7146_hlp.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]hps_v_coeff_tab[ ]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/saa7146/saa7146_hlp.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]bitrates\[3\]\[16\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-core/dvb_filter.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]ac3_bitrates\[32\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-core/dvb_filter.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]ac3_frames\[3\]\[32\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-core/dvb_filter.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]logtable\[256\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-core/dvb_math.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]af9013_coeff[ ]coeff_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]\(snr_table\|af9013_snr\)[ ]\(qpsk\|qam\(16\|64\)\)_snr_\(table\|lut\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]\(regdesc\|af9013_reg_bit\)[ ]\(ofsm_init\|tuner_init_\(env77h11d5\|mt2060\(_2\)\?\|mxl500\(3d\|5\)\|qt1010\|mc44s803\|unknown\|tda18271\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]reg_val_mask[ ]tab\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/dvb/frontends/\(cxd2820r_\(c\|t2\)\|af9033\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]coeff[ ]coeff_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9033_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]val_snr[ ]\(qpsk\|qam\(16\|64\)\)_snr_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9033_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_val[ ]\(ofsm_init\|tuner_init_\(tua9001\|fc0011\|mxl5007t\|tda18218\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9033_priv.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]au8522_register_config[ ]lpfilter_coef\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522_decoder.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]mse2snr_tab[ ]\(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]\(VSB\|QAM\(64\|256\)\?\)_mod_tab\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522\(_dig\)\?\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]stv0288_bsbe1_d01a_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/bsbe1-d01a.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u8[ ]init_tab[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/dvb/frontends/cx2270\(0\|2\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]dib0090_defaults\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib0090.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]dib0090_pll[ ]dib0090_\(p1g_\)\?pll_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib0090.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]sine\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    accept '[	]\+request_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]hit[ ]an[ ]OOPS' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]fe_info\[44\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib9000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]ds3000_dvbs2\?_init_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]dvbs2_snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_pll_desc[ ][^\n]*[ ]=[ ][{]' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]stv0288_earda_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/eds1547.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_mod_vals[ ]reg_mod_vals_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/hd29l2_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]adctable[ ]tab[1-8]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/it913x-fe-priv.h
+    initnc '[}][ ]itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]cnr[ ]cnr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mb86a16.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regdata[ ]mb86a20s_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mb86a20s.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]rtl2830_reg_val_mask[ ]tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/rtl2830.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]bw_params1\[3\]\[34\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/rtl2830.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]bw_params\[3\]\[32\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/rtl2832.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]init_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-frontends/s5h1409.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]vsb_snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-frontends/s5h1409.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]qam256_snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-frontends/s5h1409.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]qam64_snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-frontends/s5h1409.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regdata[ ]s921_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s921.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]serit_sp1511lhb_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/si21xx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]stb0899_tab[ ]stb0899_\(cn\|dvbs2\?rf\|quant\|est\)_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/stb0899_drv.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]stb6100_lkup[ ]lkup\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/stb6100.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]stv0288_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/stv0288.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]tda10021_inittab\[0x40\]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c
+    initnc '[}][ ]snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]tda10071_reg_val_mask[ ]tab2\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10071.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]InitRegs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SMapI[ ]m_RF_Cal_Map\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd_maps.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SMap2[ ]m_\(Main\|Cal\)_PLL_Map\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd_maps.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SMap2\?[ ]*m_\(GainTaper\|RF_Cal_DC_Over_DT\|CID_Target\)_Map\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd_maps.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]tda8083_init_tab[ ]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda8083.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]ves1820_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1820.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]init_1[89]93_w\?tab[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ves1x93.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]biphase_tbl\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval_list[ ]ov7670_default_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/i2c/ov7670.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]s5k6aa_regval[ ]s5k6aa_analog_config\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5k6aa.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]reg_init_initialize\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '[	][}][ ]vals\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]regval_list[ ]ov2640_init_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov2640.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval_list[ ]ov5642_default_regs_\(init\|finalise\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov5642.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov9640_reg[ ]ov9640_regs_dflt\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov9640.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov9740_reg[ ]ov9740_defaults\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov9740.c
+    defsnc '\(const[ ]static\|static[ ]const\)[ ]struct[ ]rj54n1_reg_val[ ]bank_[4578]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/rj54n1cb0c.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]vs6624_p1\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/vs6624.c
+    defsnc '[	]unsigned[ ]char[ ]saa7111_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/parport/w9966.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]miro_fmtuner\[\][ ][ ]=' drivers/media/video/bt8xx/bt-cards.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]int[ ]miro_tunermap\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/bt8xx/bt-cards.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]SRAM_Table\[\]\[60\][ ]=' drivers/media/pci/bt8xx/bttv-driver.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]init_bufs\[13\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/media/pci/cx88/cx88-cards.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u8[ ]samsung_smt_7020_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/cx88/cx88-dvb.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]mpeg_hdr_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    defsnc 'u8[ ]lgtdqcs001f_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/mantis/mantis_vp1033.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u16[ ]jpeg_tables\[\]\[70\][ ]=' drivers/media/pci/meye/meye.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u16[ ]tables\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/pci/meye/meye.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]ITUDecoderSetup\[4\]\[16\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ngene/ngene-core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]va1j5jf8007[ts]_\(2[05]mhz_\)\?prepare_bufs\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/dvb/pt1/va1j5jf8007[st]\.c'
+    defsnc '[}][ ]mxb_saa7740_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/pci/saa7146/mxb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]nexusca_stv0297_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110.c
+    accept '[	]const[ ]char[ ]\*fw_name[ ]=[ ]["]av7110[/]bootcode\.bin["][;]' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_hw.c
+    accept '[	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][^;]*[)][;][\n][	]if[ ][(]ret[)][ ][{][^}]*[}][\n][\n][	]mwdebi[(]av7110,[ ]DEBISWAB,[ ]DPRAM_BASE' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_fw.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]av7110[/]bootcode\.bin["][)][;]' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/av7110_fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]default_key_map[ ]\[256\][ ]=' drivers/media/pci/ttpci/av7110_ir.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]saa7113_init_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/pci/ttpci/av7110_v4l.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]saa7113_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]philips_sd1878_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-av.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]philips_su1278_tt_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]dvbc_philips_tdm1316l_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/zr36060\.c\|drivers/media/video/zoran/zr36060\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/zr36060\.c\|drivers/media/video/zoran/zr36060\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/zr36060\.c\|drivers/media/video/zoran/zr36060\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]isprsz_coef[ ]filter_coefs[ ]=' drivers/media/video/omap3isp/ispresizer.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]qtbl_\(lu\|chro\)minance\[4\]\[64\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-jpeg/jpeg-core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]hactblg0\[162\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-jpeg/jpeg-core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]hdmiphy_conf[ ]hdmiphy_conf_\(s5pv210\|exynos4[24]1[02]\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-tv/hdmiphy_drv.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]filter_y_vert_tap4\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-tv/mixer_reg.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mt2131_config1\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c # >= 2.6.26
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mt2266_init2\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c # >= 2.6.26
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]def_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/tuners/tda18218.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]iso_regs\[8\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/usb/cpia2/cpia2_usb.c
+    initnc '[	][	]u8[ ]buf,[ ]bufs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]dib0090_wbd_slope[ ]dib7090e_wbd_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dib0700_devices.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]init_code\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/friio-fe.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]opera1_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/opera1.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]s7395_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.h
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cx11646_fw1\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cx_inits_\(176\|320\|352\|640\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cx_jpeg_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cxjpeg_\(640\|352\|320\|176\|qtable\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]validx[ ]tbl_\(commm\?on\|init_\(at_startup\|post_alt\)\|sensor_settings_common\(_[ab]\|1\)\|big\(_[abc]\|[123]\)\|640\|800\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/gspca/gl860/gl860-\(mi2020\|mi1320\|ov9655\|ov2640\).c'
+    defsc 'static[ ]struct[ ]idxdata[ ]tbl_common\(_[a-e]\|5\|_\?3B\?\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/gspca/gl860/gl860-\(mi2020\|mi1320\|ov9655\|ov2640\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ][*]tbl_\(640\|800\|1280\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/gspca/gl860/gl860-\(mi1320\|ov9655\).c'
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]jlj_command[ ]start_commands\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jeilinj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]jpeg_head\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    defsnc '[	][	]\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]struct[ ]sensor_w_data[ ]\(cif\|vga\)_sensor[01]_init_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/mr97310a.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(nw80[012]\|spacecam2\?\|cvideopro\|dlink\|ds3303\|kr651\|kritter\|mustek\|proscope\|twinkle\|dvcv6\)_start\(_\([12]\|q\?vga\)\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/nw80x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]norm_7660\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov519.c
+    initc '[	]\?static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]norm_76[1247]0\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(y\|uv\)QuanTable51[18]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/\(ov511\|gspca/ov519\)\.c'
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_regvals[ ]bridge_ov7660\[2\]\[10\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]fr_tb\[2\]\[6\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]\(brit\|contrast\|colors\)_7660\[\]\[\(6\|7\|31\)\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init\(_2\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534_9.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(ov965x\|ov971x\|ov562x\)_init\(_2\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534_9.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]bridge_start_\([qs]\?v\|x\)ga\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534_9.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init_7\(67\|72\)x\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc '[	]*static[ ]u8[ ]color_tb\[\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(start\|page3\)_7302\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7302.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pac7311_jpeg_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(start\|page[34]\)_73\(02\|11\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]init_command[ ]\(spy\|cif\|ms350\|genius\|vivitar\)_start_commands\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c2028.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(int\|s16\)[ ]hsv_\(red\|green\|blue\)_[xy]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]bridge_init\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]i2c_reg_u8[ ]\(soi968\|ov\(7670\|965[05]\)\|hv7131r\)_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]i2c_reg_u16[ ]\(mt9v[01]1[12]\)_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]init\(Hv7131\|Ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|Pas\(106\|202\)\|Tas51[13]0\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(hv7131\|ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|pas\(106\|202\)\|tas51[13]0\)_sensor_init\(_com\)\?\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(adcm1700\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(gc0307\|po2030n\|soi768\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mt9v111\|sp80708\|hv7131[rd]\|mi0360b\?\|mo4000\|ov76\([36]0\|48\)\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]probe_tb\[\]\[4\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]\(spca500_visual\|Clicksmart510\)_defaults\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]qtable_\(creative_pccam\|kodak_ez200\|pocketdv\)\[2\]\[64\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]spca501c\?_\(\(3com\|arowana\|mysterious\)_\)\?\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca501.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__u16\|u8\)[ ]spca505b\?_\(init\|open\)_data\(_ccd\)\?\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca505.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u16[ ]spca508\(cs110\|_sightcam2\?\|_vista\)\?_init_data\[\]\[[23]\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca508.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ucbus_write_cmd[ ]\(icx098bq\|lz24bp\)_start_[012]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sq930x.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]capconfig\[4\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sq930x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__u16\|struct[ ]cmd\)[ ]spca504\(_pccam600\|A_clicksmart420\)_\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\(\[3\]\)\?[ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]qtable_\(creative_pccam\|spca504_default\)\[2\]\[64\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]n4_\(om6802\|other\|tas5130a\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]n4_lt168g\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]DQT\[17\]\[130\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/topro.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]cmd[ ]tp6810_late_start\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/topro.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]cmd[ ]sensor_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/topro.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]gamma_tb\[NGAMMA\]\[3\]\[1024\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/topro.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]eeprom_data\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/gspca/tv8532.c
+    initc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mi\(0360\|13[12]0\)\|po\(1200\|3130\)\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?_\?[iI]nit\(Q\?V\|SX\)GA\(_\(JPG\|data\)\)\?\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]poxxxx_\(init\(_common\|Q\?VGA\|_end_1\|_start_3\)\|gamma\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rca_initdata\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/xirlink_cit.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]usb_action[ ]\(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105a\(xx\)\?\|ov7630c\|mt9v111_[13]\|pb0330\([3x]x\)\?\|mi0360soc\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]gamma_tb\[6\]\[16\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]hash_table_ops\[64[*]4\][ ]=' drivers/media/usb/pwc/pwc-dec23.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]MulIdx\[16\]\[16\][ ]=' drivers/media/usb/pwc/pwc-dec23.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]Kiara_table_entry[ ]Kiara_table\[PSZ_MAX\]\[6\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]KiaraRomTable[ ]\[8\]\[2\]\[16\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-kiara.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]Timon_table_entry[ ]Timon_table\[PSZ_MAX\]\[PWC_FPS_MAX_TIMON\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]TimonRomTable[ ]\[16\]\[2\]\[16\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/pwc/pwc-timon.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]SN9C102_\(Y\|UV\)_QTABLE[01]\[64\][ ]=[ ][{]' drivers/media/usb/sn9c102/sn9c102_config.h
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u8[ ]jpeg_header\[589\][ ]=[ ][{]' media/video/sn9c102/sn9c102_core.c
+    accept '[	][	]\?err[ ]=[ ]sn9c102_write_const_regs[(]cam\(,[ 	\n]\+[{]0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F],[ ]0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][}]\)*[)][;]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval[ ]ov_initvals\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/usb/stkwebcam/stk-sensor.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval[ ]stk1125_initvals\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/usb/stkwebcam/stk-webcam.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]dvbc_philips_tdm1316l_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/budget-ci.c
+    defsnc '[	]u8[ ]b\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/usb/ttusb-dec/ttusbdecfe.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]char[ ]init_values\[38\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/usbvision/usbvision-core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]header2\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/usb/zr364xx/zr364xx.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]char[ ][*][ ]const[ ]vui_sar_idc\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/v4l2-ctrls.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]static_pad\[\][ ]=' drivers/s390/crypto/zcrypt_msgtype6.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]muxonechan\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/adv_pci1710.c
+    accept '#define[ ]_MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE[	]\\[\n][	]\(0,\)\+$' 'drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment\.h\|include/linux/map_to_7segment\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]yyconst[ ]\(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short[ ]\)\?int\)\)[ ]yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned[ ]\)\?\(short\([ ]int\)\?\|char\)\)[ ]yy[^[]*\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]__devinit[ ]azx_probe[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*request_firmware[^\n]*' sound/pci/hda/hda_intel.c
+    # New in 3.7:
+    blobname 'imx[/]sdma[/]sdma-imx6q-to1\.bin' arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6q.dtsi
+    accept 'AES_T[ed]:\([\n]\.word[	]0x[0-9a-f]*\([,][ ]0x[0-9a-f]*\)*\)*[\n][@][ ]T[ed]4\[256\]\([\n]\.byte[	]0x[0-9a-f]*\([,][ ]0x[0-9a-f]*\)*\)*\([\n][@][ ]rcon\[\]\([\n]\.word[	]0x[0-9a-f]*\([,][ ]0x[0-9a-f]*\)*\)*\([,][ ]0\)*\)\?' arch/arm/crypto/aes-armv4.S
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]cast5_s[1234]\[256\][ ]=' crypto/cast5_generic.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]cast6_s[1234]\[256\][ ]=' crypto/cast6_generic.c
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]Once[ ]it[ ]returns[ ]successfully[,][ ]driver[ ]can[ ]use[ ]request_firmware' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'int[\n ]cache_firmware[(]const[ ]char[ ][*]fw_name[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}][\n]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]If[ ]one[ ]device[ ]called[ ]request_firmware' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]mV_pos[ ]__cpuinitconst[ ]\(vrm85\|mobilevrm\)_mV\[32\][ ]=' drivers/cpufreq/longhaul.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]__cpuinitconst[ ]mV_\(vrm85\|mobilevrm\)\[32\][ ]=' drivers/cpufreq/longhaul.h
+    # Sources for these are in the corresponding .fuc files.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]nva3_pcopy_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/copy/fuc/nva3.fuc.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]nvc0_pcopy_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/copy/fuc/nvc0.fuc.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]uint32_t[ ]nv98_pcrypt_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/crypt/fuc/nv98.fuc.h
+    defsnc 'uint32_t[ ]nve0_grgpc_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/graph/fuc/gpcnve0.fuc.h
+    defsnc 'uint32_t[ ]nve0_grhub_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/graph/fuc/hubnve0.fuc.h
+    defsnc 'nv04_graph_ctx_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/graph/nv04.c
+    accept '[	]*ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(]&fw[,][ ]source[,][ ]&nv_device[(]bios[)]->pdev->dev[)][;]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/subdev/bios/base.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ][*]edid_load[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw[,][ ]name[,][ ][&]pdev' drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid_load.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]RegInitializer[ ]initData\[\][ ]__initconst[ ]=' drivers/ide/ali14xx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_val[ ]tuner_init_fc2580\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-frontends/af9033_priv.h
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]bw_params1\[3\]\[34\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb-frontends/rtl2830.c
+    blobname 's5k4ecgx\.bin' drivers/media/i2c/s5k4ecgx.c
+    blobname 'v4l-coda\(dx6-imx27\|7541-imx53\)\.bin' drivers/media/platform/coda.c
+    blobname 's5p-mfc\(-v6\)\?\.fw' drivers/media/platform/s5p-mfc/s5p_mfc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]e4000_lna_filter[ ]e400_lna_filter_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/tuners/e4000_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]e4000_if_filter[ ]e4000_if_filter_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/tuners/e4000_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]fc2580_reg_val[ ]fc2580_init_reg_vals\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/tuners/fc2580_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]fc2580_freq_regs[ ]fc2580_freq_regs_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/tuners/fc2580_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm5110_revb_patch\[\][ ]=' drivers/mfd/wm5110-tables.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]lpc32xx_nand_oob[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/lpc32xx_mlc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]flctl_4secc_oob_64[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/sh_flctl.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]atl1c_platform_patch[ ]plats\[\][ ]__devinitconst[ ]=' drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1c/atl1c_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9565_1p0_\(\(mac\|baseband\|radio\)_core\|[Cc]ommon_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_table\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9565_1p0_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9565_1p0_\(\(mac\|baseband\)_postamble\|[Mm]odes_\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_\(ob_db\|power\)_tx_gain_table\)\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9565_1p0_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]r2057_rev[4578]a\?_init\[[45][245]\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/radio_2057.c
+    defsnc '[	]*tbl_rf_control_override_rev7_over[01]\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]pci_pins\[\][ ]=' drivers/pinctrl/spear/pinctrl-spear1310.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]array_soc\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/power/88pm860x_battery.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]mc13783_sw[12]x_val\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/mc13783-regulator.c
+    # remoteproc uses request_firmware, but it is generic and names
+    # no blobs of its own, so we change it to maybe_request_firmware.
+    accept '[	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(]THIS_MODULE[,][ ]FW_ACTION_HOTPLUG[,][\n][	 ]*rproc->firmware[,][ ][&]rproc->dev[,][ ]GFP_KERNEL[,][\n][ 	]*rproc[,][ ]rproc_fw_config_virtio[)][;][\n][	]if[ ][(]ret[ ]<[ ]0[)][ ][{][\n][	][	]dev_err[(][&]rproc->dev[,][ ]["]request_firmware_nowait[ ]err' drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_core.c
+    # This remoteproc client does name blobs, but we discard it
+    # with undefine_macro.
+    blob 'SPROC_MODEM_NAME[ ]["]-fw\.bin["]' drivers/remoteproc/ste_modem_rproc.c
+    accept '[	]if[ ][(]request_firmware[(]&fw_entry,[ ]fname,[ ]&ioa_cfg->pdev->dev[)][)]' drivers/scsi/ipr.c
+    blobname 'daqboard2000_firmware\.bin' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/daqboard2000.c
+    blobname 'me2600_firmware\.bin' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/me_daq.c
+    blobname 'ni6534a\.bin' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_pcidio.c
+    blobname 'niscrb0[12]\.bin' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/ni_pcidio.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]SiS_TVData[ ]XGI_\(St\|Ext\)\(PAL\|NTSC\|YPbPr\(525\|750\)[ip]\)Data\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]XGI330_\(NTSC\|PAL\|HiTV\(Ext\|St[12]\|Text\)\|YPbPr\(525\|750\)[ip]\)Timing\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]XGI330_\(HiTV\|Ren\(525\|750\)p\)Group3\(Data\|Simu\|Text\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    accept 'static[ ]inline[ ]int[\n]\(maybe_\)\?reject_ihex_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(][^{;]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]' include/linux/firmware.h
+    defsnc '[/][*][ ]callback[ ]from[ ]request_firmware_nowait' sound/pci/hda/hda_intel.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]__devinit[ ]azx_probe[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*request_firmware[^\n]*' sound/pci/hda/hda_intel.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]da9055_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/da9055.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]sta32x_regs\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/sta32x.c
+    blobname 'wm0010\(_stage2\.bin\|\.dfw\)' sound/soc/codecs/wm0010.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm5102_sysclk_reva_patch\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm5102.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8510_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8580_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8580.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8776_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8776.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8900_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8900.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8960_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8960.c
+    accept '[	][	]priv->firmware[ ]=[ ]true[;]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/graph/nvc0.c
+    accept '[	][	 ]*\(if[ ][(]\|[ ][ ][ ][ ]\)nvc0_graph_ctor_fw[(]priv[,][ ]["]fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd]["][,][ ][&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd][)]' 'drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/graph/nv[ce]0\.c'
+    accept '[	][	 ]*nvc0_graph_dtor_fw[(]&priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd][)][;]' 'drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nv[ce]0\.c'
+    accept '[	][	]*nvc0_graph_init_fw[(]priv[,][ ]0x4\(09\|1a\)000[,][ ][&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)c[,][ \n	]*[&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)d[)][;]' 'drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/core/engine/graph/nv[ce]0\.c'
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-xc5000c-4\.1\.30\.7\.fw' drivers/media/tuners/xc5000.c
+    accept '[	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]AF9015_FIRMWARE' drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb-v2/af9015.c
+    accept '[	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]AF9035_FIRMWARE' drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb-v2/af9035.c
+    accept '[	]\.firmware[ 	]*=[ ]AZ6007_FIRMWARE' drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb-v2/az6007.c
+    accept '[	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]EC168_FIRMWARE' drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb-v2/ec168.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]brcmfmac43\(143\|242a\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/usb.c
+    accept '[	]priv->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw[;]' drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54pci.c
+    blobname 'c[bt]2\?fw-3\.1\.0\.0\.bin' drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad.c
+    blobname 'gdmuimg\.bin' drivers/staging/gdm72xx/usb_boot.c
+    blobname 'CMV4[pi]\.bin\(\.v2\)\?' drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-tda10071\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10071_priv.h
+    accept '[	]st->it913x_config\.firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb-v2/it913x.c
+    # Present in 3.6 but removed in the patch:
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]__\(cpu\)\?initdata[ ]mV_vrm85\[32\][ ]=' arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/longhaul.h
+    accept '[	][	]snprintf[(]fname[,][ ]sizeof[(]fname[)][,][ ]["]nouveau[/]%s["][,][ ]nouveau_vbios[)][;][\n][	][	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_bios.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]uint32_t\|[}]\)[ ]nv04_graph_ctx_regs[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/char/drm/nv04_graph.c
+    defsc 'uint32_t[ ]nv98_pcrypt_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nv98_crypt.fuc.h
+    defsnc '\(uint32_t\|u32\)[ ]nva3_pcopy_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nva3_copy.fuc.h
+    defsnc '\(uint32_t\|u32\)[ ]nvc0_pcopy_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_copy.fuc.h
+    accept '[	]it913x_config\.firmware[ ]=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/it913x.c
+    accept '[	]*props->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw_it913\(5_v[12]\|7\)' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/it913x.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rsshash\[40\][ ]=' drivers/net/igb/igb_main.c
+    accept '[	]hif_dev->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw[;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    accept '[	]hif_dev->firmware[ ]=[ ]NULL[;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]\(rgmii\|smii_0_1_2\|nand_8bit\|mcif\|pci_sata\|clcd\|arm_trace\|miphy_dbg\|emi\)_pins\[\][ ]=' drivers/pinctrl/spear/pinctrl-spear1310.c
+    accept '[	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware\([(][&]firmware_p[,][ ]rproc->firmware[,][ ]dev[)]\|_nowait[(]THIS_MODULE[,][ ]FW_ACTION_HOTPLUG[,][\n][	 ]*rproc->firmware[,][ ]dev[,][ ]GFP_KERNEL[,][\n][ 	]*rproc[,][ ]rproc_fw_config_virtio[)]\)[;][\n][	]if[ ][(]ret[ ]<[ ]0[)][ ][{][\n][	][	]dev_err[(]dev[,][ ]["]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[ ]failed' drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_core.c
+    accept '[	]if[(]request_firmware[(]&fw_entry,[ ]fname,[ ]&ioa_cfg->pdev->dev[)][)]' drivers/scsi/ipr.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]map_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/lirc/lirc_ttusbir.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SiS_\(LCD\|LVDS\)Data[ ][ ]*XGI_\(\(\(St\|Ext\)LCD\|LVDS\)\(1024x768\|1280x1024\|1400x1050\)\|NoScaling\)Data\(_[12]\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    accept '[	]if[ ][(][/][*]KEYSPAN_PDA[*][/]request_ihex_firmware' drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]sta32x_regs\[STA32X_REGISTER_COUNT\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/sta32x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8900_reg_defaults\[WM8900_MAXREG\][ ]=' sound/soc/wm8900.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8960_reg\[WM8960_CACHEREGNUM\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8960.c
+    # Specific for the 3.7-to-3.6 reverse patch:
+    accept '[	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(]&fw,[ ]patch,[ ]dev[)][;]' sound/pci/hda/hda_hwdep.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config\|[}]\)[ ]\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config\(PAL\|NTSC\)\?\[\(256\)\?\][ ]=' drivers/staging/easycap/easycap_low.c
+    accept '[ ]kernel[(]driver[)]:[ ]calls[ ]request_firmware[(]' Documentation/firmware_class/README
+    accept '[ ]kernel:[ ]request_firmware[(]' Documentation/firmware_class/README
+    accept '[	][	]\.firmware[ 	]*=[ ]["][/][*][(]DEBLOBBED[)][*][/]["]'
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-418,45[ ][+]446,68[ ]@@[*][/][;][\n]\([ ]*[2],\)*[\n]\(\([ ]*[1-4],\)*[\n]\)*\([ ]*[ 1][0-9],\)*[ ]*12' scripts/dtc/
+    ;;
+  */patch-3.5*)
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]void[ ]b43_request_firmware[(]' drivers/net/wireless/b43/main.c
+    accept '[ ][*][ ][ ][ ]3[ ]3[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[\n][ ][*][ ][ ][ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0' arch/arm/include/asm/pgtable.h
+    # Present in 3.5 and in patch to 3.6:
+    accept '[	]*nvidia,emc-registers[ ]=[ ]<[ ]\(0[ 	\n]*\)*>' Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/tegra/emc.txt
+    accept '[	]*nvidia,emc-registers[ ]=[ ]<\(0x[0-9a-f]*[ 	\n]*\)*>[;]' arch/arm/boot/dts/tegra-seaboard.dts
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]long[ ]shmedia_opcode_table\[64\][ ]=' arch/sh/kernel/traps_64.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9340_1p0_baseband_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9340_initvals.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9340_1p0_baseband_core\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9340_initvals.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9340Modes_\(\(high\|low\|mixed\)_\(power\|ob_db\)\|ub124\)_tx_gain_table_1p0\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9340_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485\(Common_wo_xlna_rx_gain\)\?_1_1\(_\(baseband\|mac\)_core\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485_1_1_baseband_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    accept '[	]if[ ][(]ret[ ]<[ ]0[)][ ][{][\n][	][	]dev_err[(]dev[,][ ]["]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[ ]failed[^\n]*[\n][	]*complete_all[(][&]rproc->firmware_loading_complete' drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_core.c
+    accept '[	]rproc->firmware[ ][=][ ]firmware[;]' drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]sh_clk_div6_divisors\[64\][ ]=' '\(arch/sh/kernel/cpu/clock-\|drivers/sh/clk/\)cpg\.c'
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]ModeInit[ ]VGAMode\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sm7xx/smtcfb.h
+    accept '[/][*][ ]*\([ 1-4][0-9][ ][ ]\)*\(5[0-6][ ][ ]\)*[*][/]' drivers/staging/vt6656/channel.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]long[ ]frequency_list\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6655/iwctl.c
+    accept '[	][{]\(0x0000a288[,][ ]0x00000220\|0x0000a430[,][ ]0x1ce739ce\|0x0000a540[,][ ]0x\(49005e72\|4e02246c\)\|0x0000a5f4[,][ ]0x\(6f82bf16\|778a308c\)\|0x0000a50c[,][ ]0x10000023\|0x00009e04[,][ ]0x001c2020\|0x00009e44[,][ ]0x62321e27\)\([,][ ]0x[0-9a-f]*\)*[}][,]\([\n][	][{]0x[0-9a-f]*\([,][ ]0x[0-9a-f]*\)*[}][,]\)*' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9340_initvals.h
+    # For reversal of 3.5-to-3.6 patch only.
+    initnc '\.irp[ ]idx' arch/x86/include/asm/entry_arch.h
+    initnc 'uint32_t[ ]nva3_pcopy_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nva3_copy.fuc.h
+    initnc 'uint32_t[ ]nvc0_pcopy_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_copy.fuc.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]__u8[ ]mode8420\(pro\|con\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/cs8420.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]__u8[ ]init7121ntsc\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/saa7121.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]__u8[ ]init7121pal\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/saa7121.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9331_\(1p[12]_\(baseband\|mac\)_postamble\|modes_\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_\(ob_db\|power\)_tx_gain_1p[12]\)\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9330_1p1_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9331_\(1p[12]_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_core\|common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_1p[12]\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9330_1p1_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9340_1p0_\(mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9340_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9340Common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_table_1p0\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9340_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485\(\(C\|_c\)ommon_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain\)\?_1_[01]\(_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_core\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485_1_[01]_\(mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485\(M\|_m\)odes_\(high\|low\|green\)\(est\)\?_\(power\|ob_db\)_tx_gain_1_[01]\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(ar9\(462\|580\)_\([12]p0_\)\?\(\(baseband\|mac\|radio\)_core\(_emulation\)\?\|\(common_\)\?\(wo_xlna_\|mixed_\)\?rx_gain_table\(_ar9280\)\?\(_[12]p0\)*\)\|ar9200_ar9280_2p0_radio_core\(_1p0\)\?\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9\(462\|580\)_[12]p0_initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9\(462\|580\)_\([12]p0_\)\?\(\(tx_gain_table_\)\?\(baseband\|mac\|radio\)_postamble\(_emulation\)\?\|\(modes_\)\?\(high\|low\(est\)\?\|mixed\|green\)_\(ob_db\|power\)_tx_gain_table\(_[12]p0\)\?\)\[\]\[5\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9\(462\|580\)_[12]p0_initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]ath_max_4ms_framelen\[4\]\[32\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/xmit.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]\(ldo5\|buck1\)_voltage_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/lp3972.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]VCORE_VSEL_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps65023-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]\(VDCDC[1x]\|LDO[12]\)_VSEL_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/regulator/tps650\(23\|7x\)-regulator\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]tps6586x_\(ldo4\|sm2\|dvm\)_voltages\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps6586x-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]vesa_mode_table[ ]vesa_mode\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sm7xx/smtcfb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]XGINew_DDRDRAM_TYPE20\[12\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_init.c
+    # New in 3.6:
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]mcf_host_slot2sid\[32\][ ]=' arch/m68k/platform/coldfire/pci.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]aead_testvec[ ]hmac_sha\(1\|256\|512\)_aes_cbc_enc_tv_template\[\][ ]=' crypto/testmgr.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]hash_testvec[ ]bfin_crc_tv_template\[\][ ]=' crypto/testmgr.h
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]bw_params\[3\]\[32\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/rtl2832.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm51\(02\|10\)_reva_patch\[\][ ]=' drivers/mfd/wm5102-tables.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar955x_1p0_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar955x_1p0_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar955x_1p0_\(\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_core\|common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_table\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/955x_1p0_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar955x_1p0_modes_\(no_\)\?xpa_tx_gain_table\[\]\[9\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/955x_1p0_initvals.h
+    blobname 'ti-connectivity[/]wl12[78]x-fw-5-\([ms]r\|plt\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/main.c
+    blobname 'ti-connectivity[/]wl18xx-\(fw\|conf\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/wl18xx/main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]\(ldo5\|buck1\)_voltage_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/lp3972.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]\(lp872x_ldo\|lp8720_ldo4\|lp8725_\(lilo\|buck\)\)_vtbl\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/lp872x.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]int[ ]lp8788_dldo1239_vtbl\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/lp8788-ldo.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]mc13892_sw1\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/mc13892-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]VCORE_VSEL_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps65023-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]VDCDCx_VSEL_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps6507x-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]dcdc[12]_voltages\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps6524x-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]tps6586x_\(ldo4\|sm2\|dvm\)_voltages\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps6586x-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]bcm_ddr_setting[ ]asT3\(LP\)\?B\?_DDRSetting\(160\|133\|100\|80\)MHz\[\][ ]\?=' drivers/staging/bcm/DDRInit.c
+    defsnc '[ ]*static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]arp_req\[36\][ ]=' drivers/staging/csr/sme_sys.c
+    defsnc 'omap4430_adc_to_temp\[OMAP4430_ADC_END_VALUE[ ]-[ ]OMAP4430_ADC_START_VALUE[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/staging/oma-thermal/omap4-thermal.c
+    defsnc 'omap4460_adc_to_temp\[OMAP4460_ADC_END_VALUE[ ]-[ ]OMAP4460_ADC_START_VALUE[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/staging/oma-thermal/omap4-thermal.c
+    defsnc 'omap5430_adc_to_temp\[OMAP5430_ADC_END_VALUE[ ]-[ ]OMAP5430_ADC_START_VALUE[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/staging/oma-thermal/omap5-thermal.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]vesa_mode[ ]vesa_mode_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sm7xxfb/sm7xxfb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SiS_\(LCD\|LVDS\)Data[ ][ ]*XGI_\(\(\(St\|Ext\)LCD\|LVDS\)\(1024x768\|1280x1024\|1400x1050\)\|NoScaling\)Data\(_[12]\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]rdesc\[\][ ]=' samples/uhid/uhid-example.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]isabelle_reg_defs\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/isabelle.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-terratec-htc-stick-drxk\.fw' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8106e-1\.fw' drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8168g-1\.fw' drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]mac_ocp_patch\[\][ ]=' in drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.c
+    blobname 'rt3290\.bin\(\.[\n][	][ ][*][/]\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800pci.h
+    ;;
+  */patch-3.4*gnu*3.5*)
+    # This is far too general for deblobbing, but ok for patch checking.
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[*][/][;][\n][	][{]0x0000\(9830\|a288\|a0b4\|a138\)[,][ ]0x00000[0-9a-f]*[}]\?[,]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9330_1p1_initvals.h
+    # Already present in 3.4, but moved or changed in 3.5:
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pinmux_cfg_reg[ ]pinmux_config_regs\[\][ ]=' 'arch/sh/kernel/cpu/sh2a/pinmux-sh7203\.c\|arch/arm/mach-shmobile/pfc-sh73[67]7\.c'
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]v_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_dma.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]reg_val_mask[ ]tab\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/dvb/frontends/\(cxd2820r_\(c\|t2\)\|af9033\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9331_\(1p[12]_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_core\|common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_1p[12]\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9330_1p1_initvals.h
+    accept 'struct[ ]isci_orom[ ][*]isci_request_firmware[(]' 'drivers/scsi/isci/probe_roms\.[ch]'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]MAC_REG_TABLE\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ][ ]*ZEBRA_AGC\[\][ 	]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]ZEBRA_RF_RX_GAIN_TABLE\[\][ 	]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]table_alaw2ulaw\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/telephony/ixj.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]table_ulaw2alaw\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/telephony/ixj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]XGI_ExtStruct[ ]XGI330_EModeIDTable\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]w1_crc8_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/w1/w1_io.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]fixp_t[ ]cos_table\[46\][ ]=' include/linux/fixp-arith.h
+    accept '[ ]*[*][ ]*0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1' 'arch/x86/crypto/aesni-intel_asm\.S\|net/l2tp/l2tp_ip6\.c'
+    # New in 3.5:
+    accept '[	]*linux,keymap[ ]=[ ][<][ ]\(0x[0-9a-f]*[ 	\n]*\)*>[;]' 'arch/arm/boot/dts/spear\(13[14]\|30\)0-evb\.dts'
+    accept '[	]*nvidia,emc-registers[ ]=[ ]<\(0x[0-9a-f]*[ 	\n]*\)*>[;]' arch/arm/boot/dts/tegra-seaboard.dts
+    accept '[	]*interrupts[ ]=[ ]<\(0[ ]1[0-4][0-9][ ]0x04[ 	\n]*\)*>[;]' 'arch/arm/boot/dts/tegra[23]0\.dtsi'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]zero_message_\(hash\|hmac\)_sha256\[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/crypto/ux500/hash/hash_core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ast_dramstruct[ ]ast[12][01]00_dram_table_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_dram_tables.h
+    defsc 'static[ ]struct[ ]ast_vbios_stdtable[ ]vbios_stdtable\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_tables.h
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]minimode[ ]est3_modes\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid_modes.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]hdmiphy_conf74_176\[32\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_hdmi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]wrpll_tmds_clock[ ]wrpll_tmds_clock_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_ddi.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-af9035-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9035.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-it9135-01\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9035.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]coeff[ ]coeff_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9033_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]val_snr[ ]\(qpsk\|qam\(16\|64\)\)_snr_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9033_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_val[ ]\(ofsm_init\|tuner_init_\(tua9001\|fc0011\|mxl5007t\|tda18218\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9033_priv.h
+    defsnc '[	]*static[ ]u8[ ]color_tb\[\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]bridge_init\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]i2c_reg_u8[ ]\(soi968\|ov\(7670\|965[05]\)\|hv7131r\)_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]i2c_reg_u16[ ]\(mt9v[01]1[12]\)_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]hdmiphy_conf[ ]hdmiphy_conf_\(s5pv210\|exynos4[24]1[02]\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-tv/hdmiphy_drv.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int32_t[ ]tbat_lookup\[255\][ ]=' drivers/mfd/da9052-core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]atl1c_platform_patch[ ]plats\[\][ ]__devinitdata[ ]=' drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1c/atl1c_main.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]hw_config\[\][ ]=' drivers/nfc/pn544_hci.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]\(rgmii\|smii_0_1_2\|nand_8bit\|mcif\|pci_sata\|clcd\|arm_trace\|miphy_dbg\|emi\)_pins\[\][ ]=' drivers/pinctrl/spear/pinctrl-spear1310.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]long[ ]chan_freq_list\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/wl_util.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SiS_StandTable_S[ ]XGI330_StandTable[ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]data_to_send_panel_reverse\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/exynos/s6e8ax0.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]__devinitconst[ ]SiS_DRAMType\[17\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/video/sis/sis_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]lm49453_reg_defs\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/lm49453.c
+    accept '-[ ]Replace[ ]hard-coded[ ]firmware[ ]paths[ ]with[ ]request_firmware' drivers/staging/gdm72xx/TODO
+    blobname '\([/]lib[/]firmware[/]\)\?gdm72xx[/]gdms\(krn\|rfs\)\.bin' drivers/staging/gdm72xx/sdio_boot.c
+    blobname '\([/]lib[/]firmware[/]\)\?gdm72xx[/]gdmuimg\.bin' drivers/staging/gdm72xx/usb_boot.c
+    blobname 'mrvl[/]usb8797_uapsta\.bin' 'drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/usb\.[ch]'
+    # This is compiled and assembled out of actual sources as part of the build.
+    accept '[	]\.incbin[	]["]arch[/]x86[/]realmode[/]rm[/]realmode\.bin["]' arch/x86/realmode/rmpiggy.S
+    # Sources for these are in the corresponding .fuc files.
+    defsc 'uint32_t[ ]nv98_pcrypt_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nv98_crypt.fuc.h
+    accept '[	]nve0_graph_init_fuc[(]dev[,][ ]0x4\(09\|1a\)000[,][ ][&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)c[,][ ][&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)d[)][;]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nve0_graph.c
+    accept '[	][	 ]*nve0_graph_destroy_fw[(]&priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd][)][;]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nve0_graph.c
+    accept '[	][	 ]*\(if[ ][(]\|[ ][ ][ ][ ]\)nve0_graph_create_fw[(]dev[,][ ]["]fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd]["][,][ ][&]priv->fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd][)]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nve0_graph.c
+    accept '[	]struct[ ]nve0_graph_fuc[ ]fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nve0_graph.h
+    accept '[	]memset[(][&]fw[,][ ]0[,][ ]sizeof[(]struct[ ]mwifiex_fw_image[)][)][;][\n][	]adapter->firmware[ ]=[ ]firmware[;]' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/main.c
+    # nouveau_vbios is a user-supplied parameter
+    accept '[	][	]snprintf[(]fname[,][ ]sizeof[(]fname[)][,][ ]["]nouveau[/]%s["][,][ ]nouveau_vbios[)][;][\n][	][	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_bios.c
+    accept '[	][	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]af9035_download_firmware\(_it9135\)\?[,][\n][	][	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9035.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8402-1\.fw' drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8411-1\.fw' drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.c
+    blobname 'bdata\(\.SD31\|\.DB132\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/core.h
+    blobname 'mrvl[/]sd8786_uapsta\.bin' 'drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sdio\.[ch]'
+    accept '[	][ ][*][ ]the[ ]isl3886[+]net2280' drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54usb.c
+    # Required for reverse patch only:
+    accept '[	]*interrupts[ ]=[ ]<[ ]\(0[ ]1[0-4][0-9][ ]0x04[ 	\n]*\)*>[;]' 'arch/arm/boot/dts/tegra[23]0\.dtsi'
+    accept '[	]*nvidia,emc-registers[ ]=[ ]<[ ]\(0x[0-9a-f]*[ 	\n]*\)*>' arch/arm/boot/dts/tegra-seaboard.dts
+    accept '[	]\.incbin[	]["]arch[/]x86[/]kernel[/]acpi[/]realmode[/]wakeup\.bin["]' arch/x86/kernel/acpi/wakeup_rm.S
+    accept '[	]\.section[ ]__ex_table,["]a["]'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    accept '[	 ]\+request_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]hit[ ]an[ ]OOPS' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]hdmiphy_conf\(27\(_027\)\?\|74\(_175\|_25\)\|148_5\)\[32\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-tv/hdmiphy_drv.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]mem_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/ethernet/8390/smc-mca.c
+    initnc '[	]\.initial_reg_values[	]=[ ][(]struct[ ]ixp2000_reg_value[ ]\[\][)][ ][{]' drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_rx.ucode
+    initnc '[	]\.initial_reg_values[	]=[ ][(]struct[ ]ixp2000_reg_value[ ]\[\][)][ ][{]' drivers/net/ixp2000/ixp2400_tx.ucode
+    accept '#include[ ]["]ixp2400_[rt]x\.ucode["]' drivers/net/ixp2000/ixpdev.c
+    accept '[	][/][*][ ]Try[ ]user-specified[ ]firmware[ ]first[ ][*][/][\n][	]if[ ][(]fwname[)][\n][	][	]return[ ]request_firmware' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+    accept '[	][	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(]\(helper,[ ]user_helper\|mainfw,[ ]user_mainfw\)' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]XGINew_\(MDA\|[CEV]GA\)_DAC\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_setmode.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_StStruct[ ]XGI330_SModeIDTable\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SiS_StandTable_S[ ]XGI330_StandTable\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]__devinitconst[ ]SiS_DRAMType\[17\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/video/sis/sis_main.c
+    defsnc '\([	]\)\?static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(unsigned[ ]\(short\|char\)\|struct[ ]SiS_[^ ]*\)[ ]SiS[^[]*\(\[[][ *0-9]*\]\)\+[ ]*='
+    ;;
+  */patch-3.3*gnu*)
+    # These patterns are *way* too broad for general use, but they're fine
+    # for patches between deblob-checked releases.
+    accept 'static[ ]\(int\|void\)[ ]_request_firmware' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'request_firmware[(]const' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	]*ret[ ]=[ ]_request_firmware' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	]*_request_firmware_cleanup' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	]INIT_WORK[(][&]fw_work->work[,][ ]request_firmware_work_func[)][;]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	]0x43[,][ ]11[,][	]0x00[,][0-9xa-f, 	\n]*' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7302.c
+    accept '\([ 	][{][ ]0x[12][02][,][ ]0x[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][,][ ]0x[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][ ][}][,][\n]\?\)\+[	][{][ ]0[ ][}][ ][/][*][ ]TERMINATING[ ]ENTRY[ ][*][/]' sound/usb/6fire/control.c
+    # Some of the above were present before, but not covered by these
+    # specific patterns.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]epll_div\[\]\[6\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-s5pv210/clock.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]clk_pll_\(freq_\)\?table[ ]tegra_pll_[adpxm]_\(freq_\)\?table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra2_clocks.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(__attribute__[ ][(][(]aligned[(]16[)][)][)][ ]\)\?bootlogo_bits\[\][ ]=' arch/m68k/platform/68328/bootlogo.h
+    accept '[	][	]ranges[ ]=[ ]<'"$blobpat*"'>[;]' 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(mpc8572ds\|p2020ds\|katmai\)\.dts'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp0222\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp1110\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp3033\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp4404\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]cipher_testvec[ ]\(aes\|anubis\|bf\|camellia\|cts_mode\|des3_ede\|cast6\|salsa20_stream\|serpent\|tf\|tnepres\|xeta\|x\?tea\)\(_\(cbc\|ctr\(_rfc3686\)\?\|xts\)\)\?_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    accept '\(static[ ]\(int\|void\)[\n ]\)\?_request_firmware\(_prepare\|_cleanup\)\?[(]const[ ]struct[ ]firmware[ ][*][*]\?firmware\(_p\)\?[,)][^{]*[\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}][\n]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	]fw_priv[ ]=[ ]_request_firmware_prepare[(]firmware_p[,]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]hdmiphy_conf\(27\(_027\)\?\|74\(_175\|_25\)\|148_5\)\[32\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-tv/hdmiphy_drv.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]viaLUT\[\][ ]=' drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]stufftab\[5[ ][*][ ]256\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/gigaset/isocdata.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]bitcounts\[256\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/gigaset/isocdata.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]byte[ ]capidtmf_leading_zeroes_table\[0x100\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/hardware/eicon/capidtmf.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]int[ ]exp_lut\[256\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c
+    accept '[	]*props->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw_it913\(5_v[12]\|7\)' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/it913x.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]table_alaw2ulaw\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/telephony/ixj.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]table_ulaw2alaw\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/telephony/ixj.c
+    accept '[	]INITCODESIZE[ ]=[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]INITCODEFILE,[ ][&]INITCODE[)][;]' sound/oss/msnd_pinnacle.c
+    accept '[	]hif_dev->firmware[ ]=[ ]NULL[;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    # New in 3.4.
+    accept '[	]*nvidia,emc-registers[ ]=[ ]<[ ]\(0[ 	\n]*\)*>' Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/tegra/emc.txt
+    defsnc '[	]*interrupts[ ]=[ ]<[ ]\(0[ ]1[345][0-9][ ]0x04[ 	\n]*\)*>[;]' Documentation/devicetree/bindings/dma/tegra20-apbdma.txt
+    accept '[	]*nvidia,emc-registers[ ]=[ ]<[ ]\(0x[0-9a-f]*[ 	\n]*\)*>' arch/arm/boot/dts/tegra-seaboard.dts
+    defsnc '[	]*interrupts[ ]=[ ]<[ ]\(0[ ]1[0-4][0-9][ ]0x04[ 	\n]*\)*>[;]' 'arch/arm/boot/dts/tegra[23]0\.dtsi'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]clk_pll_freq_table[ ]tegra_pll_[cu]_freq_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra30_clocks.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]snum_init_[74]6\[\][ ]=' arch/powerpc/sysdev/qe_lib/qe.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u64[ ]camellia_sp\(10011110\|22000222\|03303033\|00444404\|02220222\|30333033\|44044404\|11101110\)\[256\][ ]=' arch/x86/crypto/camellia_glue.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[ ]_request_firmware_load[(]struct[ ]firmware_priv[ ][*]fw_priv[,]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'static[ ]void[ ]request_firmware_work_func[(]struct[ ]work_struct[ ][*]work[)]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	]fw_priv[ ]=[ ]_request_firmware_prepare[(][&]fw[,]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	][	]ret[ ]=[ ]_request_firmware_load[(]fw_priv[,]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	][	]_request_firmware_cleanup[(][&]fw[)][;]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(tahiti\|pitcairn\|verde\)_io_mc_regs\[TAHITI_IO_MC_REGS_SIZE\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/drm/radeon/si.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]fake_edid_info\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_drm_vidi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]hdmiphy_v13_conf\(27\(_027\)\?\|74_\(175\|25\)\|148_5\)\[32\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_hdmi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]char[ ][*]generic_edid_name\[GENERIC_EDIDS\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid_load.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]generic_edid\[GENERIC_EDIDS\]\[128\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid_load.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]edid_load[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw[,][ ]name[,][ ][&]pdev' drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid_load.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-terratec-h7-\(drxk\|az6007\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/az6007.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]az6007_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/gp8psk.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-lme2510c-rs2000\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]rtl2830_reg_val_mask[ ]tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/rtl2830.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]bw_params1\[3\]\[34\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/rtl2830.c
+    blobname 'dvb-demod-drxk-pctv\.fw' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(start\|page3\)_7302\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7302.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]vs6624_p1\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/vs6624.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]oob_\(2048\|4096\)_ecc[48][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/fsl_ifc_nand.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]fsmc_ecc4_\(256\|224\|128\|64\)_layout[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/fsmc_nand.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]dhcp_\(pattern\|mask\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/cfg80211.c
+    blobname 'fw-[23]\.bin' drivers/netwireless/ath/ath6kl/core.h
+    blobname '\(fw\.ram\|otp\|ath\(wlan\|tcmd_ram\)\|utf\|nullTestFlow\|data\.patch\|bdata\(\.SD31\)\?\)\.bin\(\.z77\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath6kl/core.h
+    accept '[	]hif_dev->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw[;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev\(0_1_2\|3plus_2ghz\|[34]_5ghz\|5plus_5ghz\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa\(\|_rev[56]\|_5g\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]brcmfmac-sdio\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/dhd_sdio.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]brcmfmac43236b\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmfmac/usb.c
+    blobname 'ti-connectivity[/]wl12[78]x-fw-4-\([ms]r\|plt\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl12xx.h
+    blobname 'TINfcInit_%d\.%d\.%d\.%d\.bts' drivers/nfc/nfcwilink.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]ab8500_\(charger\|fg_lowbat\)_voltage_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/power/ab8500_charger.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]parity\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sep/sep_crypto.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SiS_MCLKData[ ]XGI\(340\|27\)New_MCLKData\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SiS_StandTable_S[ ]XGI330_StandTable\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SiS_ModeResInfo_S[ ]XGI330_ModeResInfo\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]dim_table\[101\][ ]=' drivers/video/backlight/ot200_bl.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]data_to_send\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/exynos/s6e8ax0.c
+    accept '[	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware\([(][&]firmware_p[,][ ]rproc->firmware[,][ ]dev[)]\|_nowait[(]THIS_MODULE[,][ ]FW_ACTION_HOTPLUG[,][\n][	 ]*rproc->firmware[,][ ]dev[,][ ]GFP_KERNEL[,][\n][ 	]*rproc[,][ ]rproc_fw_config_virtio[)]\)[;][\n][	]if[ ][(]ret[ ]<[ ]0[)][ ][{][\n][	][	]dev_err[(]dev[,][ ]["]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[ ]failed' drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_core.c
+    accept '[	]rproc->firmware[ ][=][ ]firmware[;]' drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_core.c
+    blobname 'ql\(2600\|8300\)_fw\.bin' drivers/scsi/qla2xxx/qla_os.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]__attribute__[(][(]__aligned__[(]8[)][)][)][ ]test_buf\[\][ ]=' lib/crc32.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]test\[\][ ]=' lib/crc32.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]da7210_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/da7210.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm2200_reva_patch\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm2200.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8753_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8753.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8978_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8978.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_default[ ]wm8988_reg_defaults\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8988.c
+    # Removed in 3.4, for --reverse-patch only.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]splash_bits\[\][ ]=' arch/m68k/platform/68EZ328/bootlogo.h
+    accept '[	]memcpy[(]src,[ ]["]\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00["].*PROGxxxx' arch/powerpc/platforms/iseries/mf.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]crc32c_table\[256\][ ]=' crypto/crc32c.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(u8\|struct[ ]i2c_reg_u8\)[ ]\(soi968\|ov\(76[67]0\|965[05]\)\|hv7131r\)_init\[\]\(\[2\]\)\?[ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]ar\(5416\|9280\)\(Modes\(_fast_clock\)\?\|Common\|BB_RfGain\|Bank6\(TPC\)\?\|Addac\)\(_91[06]0\(_\?1_1\)\?\|_9280\(_2\)\?\)\?\[\]\[[236]\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/\(ar\(5008\|9001\)_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_table_\(merlin_\)\?2p[02]\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9\(300\|200_merlin\)_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_core\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(ar5416Modes\(_91[06]0\)\?\|ar9280Modes\(_\(backoff_[12]3db\|original\)_rxgain\|_\(high_power\|original\)_tx_gain\)\?_9280_2\|ar9285Modes\(\(_\(high_power\|original\)_tx_gain\)\?_9285_1_2\|_XE2_0_\(normal\|high\)_power\)\|ar9287Modes\(_[tr]x_gain\)\?_9287_1_1\|ar9271Modes\(_\(normal\|high\)_power_tx_gain\)\?_9271\(_ANI_reg\)\?\)\[\]\[5\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar\(5008\|9002\)_initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(ar9\(462\|580\)_\([12]p0_\)\?\(\(baseband\|mac\|radio\)_core\(_emulation\)\?\|\(common_\)\?\(wo_xlna_\|mixed_\)\?rx_gain_table\(_ar9280\)\?\(_[12]p0\)*\)\|ar9200_ar9280_2p0_radio_core\(_1p0\)\?\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9\(462\|580\)_[12]p0_initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9\(462\|580\)_\([12]p0_\)\?\(\(tx_gain_table_\)\?\(baseband\|mac\|radio\)_postamble\(_emulation\)\?\|\(modes_\)\?\(high\|low\(est\)\?\|mixed\|green\)_\(ob_db\|power\)_tx_gain_table\(_[12]p0\)\?\)\[\]\[5\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9\(462\|580\)_[12]p0_initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]hdmi_timings[ ]cea_vesa_timings\[OMAP_HDMI_TIMINGS_NB\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap2/dss/hdmi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8753_reg\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8753.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]log_volume_table\[128\][ ]=' sound/usb/6fire/control.c
+    accept '[ 	]*return[ ]_request_firmware[(]firmware_p,' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[\n ]request_firmware_work_func[(]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	]task[ ]=[ ]kthread_run[(]request_firmware_work_func' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '-3[,]-2[,]-2[,]-1[,]-1[,]0[,][0-9,\n]*[}][;]' drivers/hwmon/via686a.c
+    accept '[	][{]0xa1[,][ ]0x6e[,][ ][0-9xa-f, ]*[,][ ]0x00[,][ ]0x10[}][,]\([\n][	][{]0x[ac]1[,][ ]0x6e[,][ ][0-9xa-f, ]*[,][ ]0x00[,][ ]0x10[}][,][}][,]\)*' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    ;;
+  */3.4.1-stable-queue.patch* | */patch-3.4*)
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]void[ ]b43legacy_request_firmware[(]s[^\n]*[*][/][;]' drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/main.c
+    accept '[ ][*][ ][ ][ ]3[ ]3[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[\n][ ][*][ ][ ][ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0' arch/arm/include/asm/pgtable.h
+    ;;
+  */atl1c_net_next_update-3.[34].patch)
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]atl1c_platform_patch[ ]plats\[\][ ]__devinitdata[ ]=' drivers/net/ethernet/atheros/atl1c/atl1c_main.c
+    ;;
+  */drivers-media-update.patch)
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-lme2510c\?-\(lg\|s7395\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-lme2510c\?-s0194\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    accept '[	]*props->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw_it913\(5_v[12]\|7\)' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/it913x.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]reg_val_mask[ ]tab\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/dvb/frontends/\(cxd2820r_\(c\|t2\)\|af9033\)\.c'
+    accept '[	]0x43,[ ]11,[	][0-9a-fx, 	\n]*' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7302.c
+    # Entries above are in 3.3; below are for 3.4.
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-terratec-h7-drxk\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/az6007.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-terratec-h7-az6007\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/az6007.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-lme2510c-rs2000\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-xc5000\(-1\.6\.114\|c-41\.024\.5-31875\)\.fw' drivers/media/common/tuners/xc5000.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]rtl2830_reg_val_mask[ ]tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/rtl2830.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]bw_params1\[3\]\[34\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/rtl2830.c
+    blobname 'dvb-demod-drxk-pctv\.fw' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]vs6624_p1\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/vs6624.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]coeff[ ]coeff_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9033_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]val_snr[ ]\(qpsk\|qam\(16\|64\)\)_snr_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9033_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]reg_val[ ]\(ofsm_init\|tuner_init_\(tua9001\|fc0011\|mxl5007t\|tda18218\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9033_priv.h
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]az6007_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/az6007.c
+    accept '[	]*\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]af9035_download_firmware\(_it9135\)\?[,][\n][	]*\.firmware[ ]=[ ]["]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9035.c
+    ;;
+  */brcm80211.patch)
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm4329-fullmac-4\.\(bin\|txt\)' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmfmac/bcmchip\.h'
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm43xx' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/sys/wl_mac80211\.c'
+    blobname '%s\(_hdr\)\?-%d\.fw' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/sys/wl_mac80211\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_basic[ ]chan_info_all\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_cmn\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs_2064\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_table_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]lcnphy_23bitgaincode_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u16[ \n]*LCNPHY_txdigfiltcoeffs_\(cck\|ofdm\)\[LCNPHY_NUM_TX_DIG_FILTERS_\(CCK\|OFDM\)\][\n 	]*\[LCNPHY_NUM_DIG_FILT_COEFFS[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]nphy_ipa_txrxgain[ ]nphy_ipa_rxcal_gaintbl_2GHz\(_rev7\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_2055[ ]chan_info_nphy_2055\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?chan_info_nphy_\(radio\)\?205[5x7]\(_rev5\)\?_t[ ]chan_info_nphy\(rev[3-9]\(n6\)\?\)\?_205[5-7]\(_A1\|v\([5-8]\|11\)\|_rev[4-8]\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio205x[ ]chan_info_nphyrev\(3_2056\|4_2056_A1\|5_2056v5\|6_2056v6\|5n6_2056v7\|6_2056v\(8\|11\)\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio2057[ ]chan_info_nphyrev\(7_2057_rev4\|8_2057_rev[78]\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio2057_rev5[ \n]chan_info_nphyrev\(8_2057_rev5\|9_2057_rev5v1\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]radio_\(20xx_\)\?regs[ \n]regs_\(2055\|\(SYN\|[TR]X\)_205\(6\(_A1\|_rev\([5678]\|11\)\)\?\)\|2057_rev\([4578]\|5v1\)\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tbl_iqcal_gainparams_nphy\[2\]\[NPHY_IQCAL_NUMGAINS\]\[8\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]nphy_tpc_\(5GHz_\)\?txgain\(_[ei]pa\)\?\(\(_[25]g\)\?\(_\(2057\)\?\(rev\([3-7]\|4n6\)\?\)\?\)\?\|_HiPwrEPA\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]nphy_tpc_loscale\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u8[ ]pad_all_gain_codes_2057\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]nphy_papd_scaltbl\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '[	]s32[ ]poll_results\[8\]\[4\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]nphy_txiqcal_ladder[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_gain_\(idx_\|val_\)\?tbl_\(rev[01]\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\|5G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_5G\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_gain_val_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(min_sig_sq\|noise_scale\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_sw_ctrl_tbl_\(4313_\)\?\(bt_\)\?\(epa_\)\?\(p250_\)\?rev0\(_combo\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_spur_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(unsup_mcs\|iq_local\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]lcnphy_tx_gain_tbl_entry[ ]dot11lcnphy_[25]GHz_\(extPA_\)\?gaintable_rev0\[128\][ ]='  'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_papd_compdelta_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]log_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(util/qmath\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_qmath\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]struct[ ]lcnphy_tx_gain_tbl_entry[ \n]dot11lcnphy_[25]GHz_\(extPA_\)\?gaintable_rev0\[128\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]frame_struct_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]frame_lut_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]\(tmap\|tdtrn\)_tbl_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]pilot_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]tdi_tbl[24]0_ant[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]chanest_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]mcs_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]noise_var_tbl[01]\?_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]\(est\|adj\)_pwr_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]\(gainctrl\|iq\)_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]loft_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]ant_swctrl_tbl_rev3\(_[1-3]\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]mcs_tbl_rev3\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u16[ ]papd_comp_rfpwr_tbl_core[01]_rev3\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]papd_\(comp_epsilon\|cal_scalars\)_tbl_core[01]_rev[37]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/\(staging\|net/wireless\)/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    ;;
+  */patch*-3.1.*)
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]ak4642_reg\[AK4642_CACHEREGNUM\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/ak4642.c
+    accept '[	 ]\+request_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]hit[ ]an[ ]OOPS' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    ;;
+  */media-DiBcom*.patch)
+    accept '[	 ]\+request_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]hit[ ]an[ ]OOPS' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-3.1-rc*)
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]t\[\][ ]=' drivers/bcma/sprom.c
+    accept '[	 ]\+request_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]hit[ ]an[ ]OOPS' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]reserved_page_packet\[TOTAL_RESERVED_PKT_LEN\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192[cd]e/fw\.c'
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]ltrn_list\[PHY_LTRN_LIST_LEN\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_cmn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_cmn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 's8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_cmn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_cmn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_t[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_table_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]lcnphy_23bitgaincode_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy_t[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_radio_regs_t[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs_2064\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 's8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'u16[ \n]*LCNPHY_txdigfiltcoeffs_\(cck\|ofdm\)\[LCNPHY_NUM_TX_DIG_FILTERS_\(CCK\|OFDM\)\][ \n]*\[LCNPHY_NUM_DIG_FILT_COEFFS[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_radio_regs_t[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs_2064\[\][ ]='     defsnc 's8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'u16[ \n]*LCNPHY_txdigfiltcoeffs_\(cck\|ofdm\)\[LCNPHY_NUM_TX_DIG_FILTERS_\(CCK\|OFDM\)\][ \n]*\[LCNPHY_NUM_DIG_FILT_COEFFS[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'nphy_ipa_txrxgain_t[ ]nphy_ipa_rxcal_gaintbl_2GHz\(_rev7\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_nphy_\(radio\)\?205[5x7]\(_rev5\)\?_t[ ]chan_info_nphy\(rev[3-9]\(n6\)\?\)\?_205[5-7]\(_A1\|v\([5-8]\|11\)\|_rev[4-8]\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'radio_\(20xx_\)\?regs_t[ ]regs_\(SYN_\|[RT]X_\)\?205[5-7]\(_A1\|_rev\([4-8]\|11\)\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tbl_iqcal_gainparams_nphy\[2\]\[NPHY_IQCAL_NUMGAINS\]\[8\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]nphy_tpc_\(5GHz_\)\?txgain\(_[ei]pa\)\?\(\(_[25]g\)\?\(_\(2057\)\?\(rev\([3-7]\|4n6\)\?\)\?\)\?\|_HiPwrEPA\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]nphy_tpc_loscale\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]pad_all_gain_codes_2057\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]nphy_papd_scaltbl\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '[	]s32[ ]poll_results\[8\]\[4\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc '[	]nphy_txiqcal_ladder_t[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_gain_\(idx_\|val_\)\?tbl_\(rev[01]\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\|5G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_5G\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_gain_val_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(min_sig_sq\|noise_scale\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_sw_ctrl_tbl_\(4313_\)\?\(bt_\)\?\(epa_\)\?\(p250_\)\?rev0\(_combo\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_spur_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(unsup_mcs\|iq_local\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]lcnphy_tx_gain_tbl_entry[ ]dot11lcnphy_[25]GHz_\(extPA_\)\?gaintable_rev0\[128\][ ]='  'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_papd_compdelta_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_lcn\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]frame_struct_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]frame_lut_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]\(tmap\|tdtrn\)_tbl_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]pilot_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]tdi_tbl[24]0_ant[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]chanest_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]mcs_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]noise_var_tbl[01]\?_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]\(est\|adj\)_pwr_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]\(gainctrl\|iq\)_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]loft_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]ant_swctrl_tbl_rev3\(_[1-3]\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]mcs_tbl_rev3\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]papd_comp_rfpwr_tbl_core[01]_rev3\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]papd_\(comp_epsilon\|cal_scalars\)_tbl_core[01]_rev[37]\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(phy/wlc_phy_n\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_n\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]crc8_table\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(util/bcmutils\.c\|brcmutil/utils\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]crc16_table\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(util/bcmutils\.c\|brcmutil/utils\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]crc32_table\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(util/bcmutils\.c\|brcmutil/utils\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]log_table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211/\(util/qmath\.c\|brcmsmac/phy/phy_qmath\.c\)'
+    defsnc '[	]unsigned[ ]char[ ]data_ptr\[36\][ ]=' drivers/usb/storage/ene_ub6250.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ]static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?unsigned[ ]char[ ]asso_values\[\][ ]=' scripts/genksyms/keywords.c_shipped
+    defsnc 'static[ ]yyconst[ ]\(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short[ ]\)\?int\)\)[ ]yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned[ ]\)\?\(short\([ ]int\)\?\|char\)\)[ ]yy[^[]*\[\][ ]='
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]struct[ ]cipher_testvec[ ]\(aes\|anubis\|bf\|camellia\|cts_mode\|des3_ede\|cast6\|salsa20_stream\|serpent\|tf\|tnepres\|xeta\|x\?tea\)\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]config[ ]FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL[*][/][;].*let[ ]firmware[ ]be[ ]loaded[ ]from[ ]userspace\.' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\(static[ ]int[\n ]\)\?_request_firmware[(]const[ ]struct[ ]firmware[ ][*][*]firmware_p,' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	 ]*and[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]in[ ]the[ ]source' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]vp7045_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/vp7045.c
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov9740_reg[ ]ov9740_defaults\[\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/ov9740.c
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    # for reverse patch
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]sdp3430_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-3430sdp.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]zoom_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-zoom-peripherals.c
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]So,[ ]for[ ]example,[ ]you[ ]might[ ]set[ ]CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE=["]whatever\.bin["]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]kernel\.[ ]Then[ ]any[ ]request_firmware[(]\(["]whatever\.bin["]\)[)]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '[	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw[,][ ]name[,]' drivers/firmware/sigma.c
+    accept '[	][	]pr_debug[(]["]%s:[ ]request_firmware[(][)][ ]failed' drivers/firmware/sigma.c
+    defsnc '[	]u16[ ]nrate_list\[4\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmfmac/wl_iw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_basic_t[ ]chan_info_all\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_cmn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]pmu0_xtaltab0_t[ ]pmu0_xtaltab0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/hndpmu.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]pmu1_xtaltab0_t[ ]pmu1_xtaltab0\(_880\(_4329\)\?\|_1760\|_1440\|_960\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/hndpmu.c
+    accept '[;]set[ ]executable[ ]["]2232\.bin["]' drivers/char/
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]a2232_65EC02code\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/generic_serial/ser_a2232fw.h
+    defsnc '[	]BYTE[ ]data_ptr\[36\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/keucr/\(ms\|s[dm]\)scsi\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]word[ ]convert_8_to_16_tbl\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/ebi2_tmd20.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]sharp_spi_data[ ]init_sequence\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/lcdc_sharp_wvga_pt.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]uint32[ ]vg_qseed_table2\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/mdp4_util.c
+    defsnc 'char[ ]gc_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/mdp4_util.c
+    defsnc 'uint32[ ]igc_\(video\|rgb\)_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/mdp4_util.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?struct[ ]mdp_table_entry[ ]mdp_\(\(upscale\|gaussian_blur\)_table\|downscale_[xy]_table_PT[2468]TO\(PT[468]\|1\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/msm/mdp_scale_tables.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int16[ ]mdp_scale_\(pixel_repeat\|0p[2468]_to_[08]p[0468]\)_C[0123]\[MDP_SCALE_COEFF_NUM\][ ]=' drivers/staging/msm/mdp_ppp_v31.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]rc_ioport\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/tty/riscom8.c
+    # this was a bug in an earlier deblob
+    accept '#define[ ]WL_4329_NVRAM_FILE[ ]["][^"]*["]' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmfmac/wl_cfg80211.c
+    # New in 3.1
+    blobname 'sdma-imx25\.bin' arch/arm/mach-imx/mm-imx25.c
+    blobname 'sdma-imx31-to[12]\.bin' arch/arm/mach-imx/mm-imx31.c
+    blobname 'sdma-imx35-to[12]\.bin' arch/arm/mach-imx/mm-imx35.c
+    blobname 'sdma-imx5[13]\.bin' arch/arm/mach-mx5/mm.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm43xx' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/mac80211_if.c
+    blobname '%s\(_hdr\)\?-%d\.fw' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/mac80211_if.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm4329-fullmac-4\.\(bin\|txt\)' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmfmac/bcmchip.h
+    blobname 'mrvl[/]sd8787_uapsta\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/mwifiex/sdio.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]omap3_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/twl-common.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]InitRegs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SMapI[ ]m_RF_Cal_Map\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd_maps.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SMap2[ ]m_\(Main\|Cal\)_PLL_Map\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd_maps.h
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]For[ ]example,[ ]you[ ]might[ ]set[ ]CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE=["]whatever\.bin["]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    accept '[	][ ][ ]Then[ ]any[ ]request_firmware[(]\(["]whatever\.bin["]\)[)]' drivers/base/Kconfig
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-xc4000-1.4.fw' drivers/media/common/tuners/xc4000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]SMap2\?[ ]*m_\(GainTaper\|RF_Cal_DC_Over_DT\|CID_Target\)_Map\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda18271c2dd_maps.h
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval_list[ ]ov5642_default_regs_\(init\|finalise\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov5642.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]hdmiphy_conf\(27\|74\(_175\|_25\)\|148_5\)\[32\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-tv/hdmiphy_drv.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]filter_y_vert_tap4\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/s5p-tv/mixer_reg.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]char[ ][*][ ]const[ ]vui_sar_idc\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/v4l2-ctrls.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9331_\(1p[12]_\(baseband\|mac\)_postamble\|modes_\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_\(ob_db\|power\)_tx_gain_1p[12]\)\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9330_1p1_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9331_\(1p[12]_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_core\|common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_1p[12]\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9330_1p1_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u\(16\|32\)[ ]b43_httab_0x\(1[2abcf]\(_0x\(1\?c\|[12]4\)0\)\?\|2[0-7]\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_phy_ht.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]targetchnl_5g\[TARGET_CHNL_NUM_5G\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/phy.c
+    defsnc '[	]u8[ ]channel_\(5g\|all\|info\)\[\(45\|59\)\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/phy.c
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8192defw[.]bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/sw.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]rtl8192de_\(phy_reg\|radio[ab]\|mac\|agctab\)_\(\(2t\(_int_pa\)\?\|[25]g\)\?array\|array_pg\)\[\(PHY_REG\|RADIO[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\(\(2T\(_INT_PA\)\?_\|[25]G_\)\?ARRAY\|ARRAY_PG_\)LENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192de/table.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]chan_info_basic[ ]chan_info_all\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_cmn.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_table_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs_2064\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'u16[]LCNPHY_txdigfiltcoeffs_\(cck\|ofdm\)\[LCNPHY_NUM_TX_DIG_FILTERS_\(CCK\|OFDM\)\][\n 	]*\[LCNPHY_NUM_DIG_FILT_COEFFS[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]nphy_ipa_txrxgain[ ]nphy_ipa_rxcal_gaintbl_2GHz\(_rev7\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_2055[ ]chan_info_nphy_2055\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio205x[ ]chan_info_nphyrev\(3_2056\|4_2056_A1\|5_2056v5\|6_2056v6\|5n6_2056v7\|6_2056v\(8\|11\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio2057[ ]chan_info_nphyrev\(7_2057_rev4\|8_2057_rev[78]\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]chan_info_nphy_radio2057_rev5[ ]chan_info_nphyrev\(8_2057_rev5\|9_2057_rev5v1\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]radio_\(20xx_\)\?regs[ ]regs_\(2055\|\(SYN\|[TR]X\)_205\(6\(_A1\|_rev\([5678]\|11\)\)\?\)\|2057_rev\([4578]\|5v1\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]nphy_txiqcal_ladder[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]lcnphy_tx_gain_tbl_entry[ \n]dot11lcnphy_[25]GHz_\(extPA_\)\?gaintable_rev0\[128\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmsmac/phy/phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]raw_edid\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/gma500/mrst_hdmi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]net2272_test_packet\[\][ ]=' drivers/usb/gadget/net2272.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]seq_setting\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/backlight/ams369fg06.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]adav80x_default_regs\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/adav80x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]sta32x_regs\[STA32X_REGISTER_COUNT\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/sta32x.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]mclk_ratios\[3\]\[7\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/sta32x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]vid_to_voltage\[32\][ ]=' tools/power/cpupower/debug/i386/dump_psb.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-terratec-h5-drxk\.fw' drivers/media/video/em28xx/em28xx-dvb.c
+    blobname 's5pc110-mfc\.fw' drivers/media/video/s5p-mfc/s5p_mfc_ctrl.c
+    blobname 'adau1701\.bin' sound/soc/codecs/adau1701.c
+    accept '[	]return[ ]process_sigma_firmware[(]codec->control_data[,][ ]ADAU1701_FIRMWARE[)]' sound/soc/codecs/adau1701.c
+    # Sources for these are in the corresponding .fuc files.
+    defsnc 'uint32_t[ ]nvc0_grgpc_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_grgpc.fuc.h
+    defsnc 'uint32_t[ ]nvc0_grhub_\(data\|code\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_grhub.fuc.h
+    defsnc '[	][	][	]interrupts[ ]=[ ]<\([\n][	]*0x[ef][0-9a-f][ ]0[ ]0[ ]0\)*>[;]' 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/p\(2040\|3041\|4080\|5020\)si\.dtsi'
+    blobname 'dvb-netup-altera-04\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx23885/cx23885-cards.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8168e-3\.fw' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ephy_info[ ]e_info_8168e_1\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-135-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-2000.c
+    blobname 'c[bt]2\?fw\(_\(fc\|cna\)\)\?\.bin' drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad.c
+    blobname 'ene-ub6250[/]\(ms_\(init\|rdwr\)\|msp_rdwr\)\.bin' drivers/usb/storage/ene_ub6250.c
+    accept '[	][	]*dsp_code->pvt->firmware[ ]=[ ]' sound/pci/asihpi/hpidspcd.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-3.0-rc*)
+    accept '[	][	]-e[ ]["][$]tmp_dir[/]lib[/]modules[/][$]KERNELRELEASE[/]modules\.dep\.bin["]' scripts/
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.39-rc*)
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]lme2510c\?_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*\([	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]lme2510_download_firmware,[\n]\)\?[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]\(u8\|struct[ ]i2c_reg_u8\)[ ]\(soi968\|ov\(76[67]0\|965[05]\)\|hv7131r\)_init\[\]\(\[2\]\)\?[ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mt9v111\|sp80708\|hv7131[rd]\|mi0360b\?\|mo4000\|ov76\([36]0\|48\)\|om6802\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'int[ ]tones\[2048\][ ]=' drivers/staging/easycap/easycap_testcard.c
+    defsnc '[	]BYTE[ ]data_ptr\[36\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/keucr/\(ms\|s[dm]\)scsi\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?u32[ ]Rtl8190PciE\?\(AGCTAB_\|PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|Radio[ABCD]_\)Array\[\(AGCTAB_\|PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|Radio[ABCD]_\)ArrayLength\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rtl8192e/r819xE_phy\.c\|rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware_img.c\)'
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]Rtl8192Usb\(PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|\(Radio[ABCD]\|MACPHY\|AGCTAB\)_\)Array\(_PG\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/rtl819xU_firmware_img.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vid_vop_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-v4l2-enc.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_DRAMType\[17\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_SDRDRAM_TYPE\[13\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_DDRDRAM_TYPE20\[12\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?\(struct[ ]\)\?XGI_[ME]CLKDataStruct[ ]XGI\(3[34]0\|27\)\(New\)\?_[ME]CLKData\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pll_map[ ]pll_value\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/via/hw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]char[ ]channel_map_madi_[sdq]s\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\][ ]=' sound/pci/rme9652/hdspm.c
+    # The above match the reversed patch
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]bootlogo_bits\[\][ ]=' arch/m68k/platform/68328/bootlogo.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]splash_bits\[\][ ]=' arch/m68k/platform/68EZ328/bootlogo.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]qi_lb60_ecclayout_[12]gb[ ]=' arch/mips/jz4740/board-qi_lb60.c
+    accept '[ ][*][ ]page[ ]tables[ ]as[ ]follows:[\n][ ][*][\n][ ][*][ ][ ][ ]3[ ]3[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]2[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[ ]1[\n][ ][*][ ][ ][ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0[ ]9[ ]8[ ]7[ ]6[ ]5[ ]4[ ]3[ ]2[ ]1[ ]0' arch/arm/include/asm/pgtable.h
+    accept '[	]\.incbin[	]["]arch[/]x86[/]kernel[/]acpi[/]realmode[/]wakeup\.bin["]' arch/x86/kernel/acpi/wakeup_rm.S
+    accept '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?\(static[ ]inline[ ]\)\?\(int[ ]\)\?request_firmware[(]const[ ]struct[ ]firmware[ ][*][*]\(firmware_p\|fw\),' 'drivers/base/firmware_class\.c\|include/linux/firmware\.h'
+    accept '[ 	]*return[ ]_request_firmware[(]firmware_p,' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]int[\n ]request_firmware_work_func[(]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '\(static[ ]inline[ ]\)\?\(int[ ]\)\?request_firmware_nowait[(]' 'drivers/base/firmware_class\.c\|include/linux/firmware\.h'
+    accept '[	]p7500->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    accept '[	]\+request_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]hit[ ]an[ ]OOPS' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_pll_desc[ ][^\n]*[ ]=[ ][{]' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power[ ]power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/iwlegacy/iwl-3945.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]gain_entry[ ]gain_table\[2\]\[108\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/iwl-4965.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ofdmswing_table\[OFDM_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]cckswing_table_ch\(1ch13\|14\)\[CCK_TABLE_SIZE\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]reserved_page_packet\[TOTAL_RESERVED_PKT_LEN\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_basic_t[ ]chan_info_all\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_cmn.c
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]ltrn_list\[PHY_LTRN_LIST_LEN\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_cmn.c
+    defsnc 's8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_cmn.c
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_t[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_table_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]lcnphy_23bitgaincode_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_rssi\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy_t[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_radio_regs_t[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs_2064\[\][ ]='     defsnc 's8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcm.c
+    defsnc 'u16[ \n]*LCNPHY_txdigfiltcoeffs_\(cck\|ofdm\)\[LCNPHY_NUM_TX_DIG_FILTERS_\(CCK\|OFDM\)\][ \n]*\[LCNPHY_NUM_DIG_FILT_COEFFS[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'nphy_ipa_txrxgain_t[ ]nphy_ipa_rxcal_gaintbl_2GHz\(_rev7\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_nphy_\(radio\)\?205[5x7]\(_rev5\)\?_t[ ]chan_info_nphy\(rev[3-9]\(n6\)\?\)\?_205[5-7]\(_A1\|v\([5-8]\|11\)\|_rev[4-8]\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'radio_\(20xx_\)\?regs_t[ ]regs_\(SYN_\|[RT]X_\)\?205[5-7]\(_A1\|_rev\([4-8]\|11\)\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tbl_iqcal_gainparams_nphy\[2\]\[NPHY_IQCAL_NUMGAINS\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]nphy_tpc_\(5GHz_\)\?txgain\(_[ei]pa\)\?\(\(_[25]g\)\?\(_\(2057\)\?\(rev\([3-7]\|4n6\)\?\)\?\)\?\|_HiPwrEPA\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]nphy_tpc_loscale\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]pad_all_gain_codes_2057\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]nphy_papd_scaltbl\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc '[	]s32[ ]poll_results\[8\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc '[	]nphy_txiqcal_ladder_t[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_gain_\(idx_\|val_\)\?tbl_\(rev[01]\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\|5G\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_5G\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_gain_val_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(min_sig_sq\|noise_scale\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_sw_ctrl_tbl_\(4313_\)\?\(bt_\)\?\(epa_\)\?\(p250_\)\?rev0\(_combo\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_spur_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(unsup_mcs\|iq_local\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]lcnphy_tx_gain_tbl_entry[ ]dot11lcnphy_[25]GHz_\(extPA_\)\?gaintable_rev0\[128\][ ]='  drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_papd_compdelta_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]frame_struct_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]frame_lut_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]\(tmap\|tdtrn\)_tbl_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]pilot_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]tdi_tbl[24]0_ant[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]chanest_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]mcs_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]noise_var_tbl[01]\?_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]\(est\|adj\)_pwr_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]\(gainctrl\|iq\)_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]loft_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]ant_swctrl_tbl_rev3\(_[1-3]\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]mcs_tbl_rev3\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]papd_comp_rfpwr_tbl_core[01]_rev3\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]papd_\(comp_epsilon\|cal_scalars\)_tbl_core[01]_rev[37]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm43xx' drivers/staging/brcm80211/sys/wl_mac80211.c
+    blobname '%s\(_hdr\)\?-%d\.fw' drivers/staging/brcm80211/sys/wl_mac80211.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]crc8_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/bcmutils.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]crc16_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/bcmutils.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]crc32_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/bcmutils.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]pmu0_xtaltab0_t[ ]pmu0_xtaltab0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/hndpmu.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]pmu1_xtaltab0_t[ ]pmu1_xtaltab0\(_880\(_4329\)\?\|_1760\|_1440\|_960\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/hndpmu.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]log_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/qmath.c
+    accept '[;]set[ ]executable[ ]["]2232\.bin["]' drivers/char/
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]a2232_65EC02code\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/generic_serial/ser_a2232fw.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]jpeg_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-jpeg.h
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]solo_osd_font\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-osd-font.h
+    defsnc '[	]unsigned[ ]char[ ]regs\[128\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-tw28.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]rc_ioport\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/tty/riscom8.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]Byte_t[ ]RData\[RDATASIZE\][ ]=' drivers/tty/rocket.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]DEFINE_TEST_\(OK\|FAIL\)[(][^)]*[)][ ]=' lib/test-kstrtox.c
+    accept '[ *	]*0[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]1[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]2[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]3[\n][ *	]*0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1' 'net/\(netfilter\|ipv4\)/ipvs/ip_vs_sync\.c\|net/sctp/sm_make_chunk\.c\|include/linux/scpt\.h\|drivers/staging/rt3090/common/igmp_snoop\.c'
+    accept '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]int[ ]do_mod_firmware_load[(]' sound/sound_firmware.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]yyconst[ ]\(flex_int\(16\|32\)_t\|\(\(short[ ]\)\?int\)\)[ ]yy_[^[]*\[[][0-9]*\][ ]='
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned[ ]\)\?\(short\([ ]int\)\?\|char\)\)[ ]yy[^[]*\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]\(yy\)\?const[ ]\(yytype\|flex\)_u\?int\(8\|16\|32\)\(_t\)\?[ ]yy[^\n []*\[[0-9]*\][ ]=\([*][/][;]\)\?' '.*\.tab\.c_shipped'
+    # New in 2.6.39 below, present in earlier versions above
+    blobna 'printk[(]KERN_ERR[ ]["]r8712u:[ ]Install[^\n"]*firmware[\\]n["][)][;]' drivers/staging/rtl8712/hal_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]phy_reg[ ]exynos4_sataphy_\(cmu\|\(com\)\?lane\)\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-exynos4/dev-ahci.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]clk_pll_\(freq_\)\?table[ ]tegra_pll_[adpxm]_\(freq_\)\?table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra2_clocks.c
+    initnc '\.irp[ ]idx' arch/x86/include/asm/entry_arch.h
+    initnc '\.irp[ ]idx' arch/x86/kernel/entry_64.S
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]types\[256\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_vram.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]__u8[ ]keytouch_fixed_rdesc\[\][ ]=' drivers/hid/hid-keytouch.c
+    blobname 'dib9090\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dib0700_devices.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]\(dw\(210[24]\|3101\)\|s6[3x]0\)_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\|size_of_priv\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    accept '[	]\(p1100\|s660\)->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(p1100\|s660\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-lme2510c\?-s0194\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]technisat_usb2_devices[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\|identify_state\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/technisat-usb2.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-SkyStar_USB_HD_FW_v17_63\.HEX\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/technisat-usb2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]dib0090_pll[ ]dib0090_\(p1g_\)\?pll_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib0090.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]sine[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]fe_info\[44\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib9000.c
+    blobname 'dvb-netup-altera-01\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx23885/cx23885-cards.c
+    # These are suspicious, but the regularity suggests data.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(nw80[012]\|spacecam2\?\|cvideopro\|dlink\|ds3303\|kr651\|kritter\|mustek\|proscope\|twinkle\|dvcv6\)_start\(_\([12]\|q\?vga\)\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/nw80x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init_7\(67\|72\)x\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]color_tb\[\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]isprsz_coef[ ]filter_coefs[ ]=' drivers/media/video/omap3isp/ispresizer.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov9740_reg[ ]ov9740_defaults\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov9740.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]therm_tbl\[\][ ]=' drivers/mfd/twl4030-madc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]nandv2_hw_eccoob_\(largepage\|4k\)[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/mxc_nand.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485\(\(C\|_c\)ommon_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain\)\?_1_[01]\(_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_core\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485_1_[01]_\(mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485\(M\|_m\)odes_\(high\|low\|green\)\(est\)\?_\(power\|ob_db\)_tx_gain_1_[01]\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u\(8\|16\|32\)[ ]b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\?\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\(_r3\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]nphy_gain_ctl_workaround_entry[ ]nphy_gain_ctl_workaround\[2\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    blobname '\(ti-connectivity[/]\)\?wl1271-\(fw\(-2\|-ap\)\?\|nvs\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1271.h
+    accept '#define\([ ]_\?IWL\(4965\|[156]000\(G2[AB]\)\?\|1[03]0\|5150\|6050\|20[03]\?0\)_MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]api[)]\)\+' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-\([1256]000\|4965\)\.c'
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8192cufw\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu.sw
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8712u\.bin' drivers/staging/rtl8712/hal_init.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]\(RTL\|Rtl\)8192CU\(PHY_REG\|_\?\(RADIO\|Radio\)[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\([21]T\(_HP\)\?_\?\(ARRAY\|Array\)\|\(ARRAY\|Array\)_PG\)\(_HP\)\?\[RTL8192CU\(PHY_REG\|\(RADIO\|Radio\)[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\([21]T\(_HP\)\?_\?\(ARRAY\|Array\)_\?\|\(ARRAY\|Array\)_PG\)\(_HP\)\?\(LENGTH\|Length\)\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192cu/table.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8105e-1\.fw' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(A_INT32\|s32\)[ ]wmi_rateTable\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/ath6kl/wmi/wmi.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]struct[ ]\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config[ ]\([{][^}]*[}][ ]\)\?\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config\(PAL\|NTSC\)\?\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/easycap/easycap_low.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]ccktxbbgain_struct[ ]rtl8192_cck_txbbgain_\(ch14_\)\?table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192e/r8192E_dm.c
+    defsnc '[	]unsigned[ ]char[ ]data_ptr\[36\][ ]=' drivers/usb/storage/ene_ub6250.c
+    blobname 'ene-ub6250[/]sd_\(init[12]\|rdwr\)\.bin' drivers/usb/storage/ene_ub6250.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]hdmi_timings[ ]cea_vesa_timings\[OMAP_HDMI_TIMINGS_NB\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap2/dss/hdmi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pll_config[ ]\(cle266\|k800\|cx700\|vx855\)_pll_config\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/via/hw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]char[ ]channel_map_unity_ss\[HDSPM_MAX_CHANNELS\][ ]=' sound/pci/rme9652/hdspm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]log_volume_table\[128\][ ]=' sound/usb/6fire/control.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ][{][^}]*[}][\n]init_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/usb/6fire/control.c
+    blobname '6fire[/]dmx6fire\(l2\|ap\|cf\)\.\(ihx\|bin\)' sound/usb/6fire/firmware.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]BIT_REVERSE_TABLE\[256\][ ]=' sound/usb/6fire/firmware.c
+    initnc '[/][*][\n][ ][*][ ]\(cfa_coef\|gamma\|luma_enhance\|noise_filter\)_table\.h[\n][ ][*]\([^\n]*[\n][ ][*]\)*[/]' 'drivers/media/video/omap3isp/\(cfa_coef\|gamma\|luma_enhance\|noise_filter\)_table\.h'
+    blobna 'rocess_sigma_firmwar'
+    defsnc 'int[ ]process_sigma_firmware[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*request_firmware' drivers/firmware/sigma.c
+    accept 'EXPORT_SYMBOL[(]process_sigma_firmware[)]' drivers/firmware/sigma.c
+    accept 'extern[ ]int[ ]process_sigma_firmware[(][^)]*[)][;]' include/linux/sigma.h
+    blobname 'maxtouch\.fw' drivers/input/touchscreen/atmel_mxt_ts.c
+    blobname 'fm\(c\|_[rt]x\)_ch8\(_[0-9a-f]*\.[0-9]*\.bts\)\?' drivers/media/radio/wl128x/fmdrv_common.h
+    blobname '%s_%x\.%d\.bts' drivers/media/radio/wl128x/fmdrv_common.c
+    ;;
+  */rtl8180*.patch)
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]sa2400_rf_rssi_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8180_sa2400.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.38-rc*)
+    # New in 2.6.38
+    blobname '%s%04x%s["][,][ ]["]fw_sst_["][,][ 	\n]*sst_drv_ctx->pci_id[,][ ]["]\.bin' drivers/staging/intel_sst/intel_sst_common.h
+    accept '[*][ ]*0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1' arch/x86/crypto/aesni-intel_asm.S
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]aead_testvec[ ]\(aes_gcm_rfc4106\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/testmgr.h'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config[ ]\([{][^}]*[}][ ]\)\?\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config\(PAL\|NTSC\)\?\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/easycap/easycap_low.c
+    blobname '\(sep[/]\)\?\extapp\.image\.bin' drivers/staging/sep/sep_driver.c
+    blobname 'radeon[/]\(BARTS\|BTC\|TURKS\|CAICOS\|%s\)_\(pfp\|rlc\|m[ec]\)\.bin' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/ni.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(barts\|turks\|caicos\)_io_mc_regs\[BTC_IO_MC_REGS_SIZE\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/ni.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]types\[0x80\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nv50_vram.c
+    blobname '\(nouveau[/]\)\?fuc4\(09\|1a\)[cd]' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_graph.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]v_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_dma.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]nec_8048_init_seq\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-nec-nl8048hl11-01b.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]mc13892_sw1\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/mc13892-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]dcdc[12]_voltages\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps6524x-regulator.c
+    defsnc '[	]\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u8[ ]init_hash_seed\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/qlge/qlge_main.c
+    blobname 'vxge[/]X3fw\(-pxe\)\.ncf' drivers/net/vxge/vxge-main.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ]\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?int[ ]poly\[\]=' drivers/net/pcmcia/nmclan_cs.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?int[ ]fifo_map\[\]\[MAX_TX_FIFOS\][ ]=' drivers/net/s2io.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]efuse_map[ ]RTL8712_SDIO_EFUSE_TABLE\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/efuse.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ofdmswing_table\[OFDM_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]cckswing_table_ch\(1ch13\|14\)\[CCK_TABLE_SIZE\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/dm.c
+    blobname 'rtlwifi[/]rtl8192cfw\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/sw.c
+    # This looks like pure data.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]reserved_page_packet\[TOTAL_RESERVED_PKT_LEN\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/fw.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]RTL8192CE\(PHY_REG\|_\?RADIO[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\([21]T_\?ARRAY\|ARRAY_PG\)\[\(PHY_REG\|RADIO[AB]\|MAC\|AGCTAB\)_\([21]T_\?ARRAY_\?\|ARRAY_PG\)LENGTH\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/table.c
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ar9300_eeprom[ ]ar9300_[hx]11[236][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_eeprom.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485_1_0_\(mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485\(Common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain\)\?_1_0\(_\(radio\|baseband\|mac\)_core\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9485Modes_\(high\|low\)\(est\)\?_\(power\|ob_db\)_tx_gain_1_0\[\]\[5\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9485_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]b43_nphy_channeltab_entry_rev3[ ]b43_nphy_channeltab_rev\([34568]\|7_9\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/radio_2056.c
+    blobname '["]softing-4[.]6[/]["]' drivers/net/can/softing/softing_platform.h
+    blobname '\(softing-4[.]6[/]\)\?\(\(b\|ld\)card2\?\|can\(card\|sja\|crd2\)\)\.bin' drivers/net/can/softing/softing_cs.c
+    blobna 'which[ ]you[ ]can[ ]get[ ]at[\n][	][ ][ ]http:[/][/][^\n]*[/]socketcan[/][\n][^-]*firmware[ ]version' drivers/net/can/softing/Kconfig
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regdata[ ]mb86a20s_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mb86a20s.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regdata[ ]s921_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s921.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]regval_list[ ]ov2640_init_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov2640.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]norm_7660\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_regvals[ ]bridge_ov7660\[2\]\[10\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]fr_tb\[2\]\[6\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]\(brit\|contrast\|colors\)_7660\[\]\[\(6\|7\|31\)\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    blobname 'radio-wl1273-fw\.bin' drivers/media/radio/radio-wl1273.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]scrubrates\[\][ ]=' drivers/edac/amd64_edac.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]uint8_t[ ]branch_table\[32\][ ]=' lib/xz/xz_dec_bcj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]_pll_div[ ]codec_master_pll_div\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/alc5623.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]coeff_div\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8737.c
+    blobname 'rpm_firmware\(_rev11\)\?\.bin' sound/pci/rme9652/hdsp.c
+    blobname 'mwl8k[/]fmimage_8366_ap-["][ ][#]api[ ]["]\.fw' drivers/net/wireless/mwl8k.c
+    blobname 'rtl_nic[/]rtl8168d-[12]\.fw' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    # Above is for patterns new in 2.6.38, below is for older patterns.
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\(\][ ]=[ ][{]\)\?\([*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pas202_sensor_init\[\]\[8\(\][ ]=[ ][{]\)\?\([*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Modes_\(\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_ob_db\|high_power\)_tx_gain_table_2p[02]\[\]\[5\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    initc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ar9300_eeprom[ ]ar9300_default[ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_eeprom.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]b43_ntab_framestruct\[\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?int[ ]tones\[2048\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/staging/easycap/easycap_testcard.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]\(yy\)\?const[ ]\(yytype\|flex\)_u\?int\(8\|16\|32\)\(_t\)\?[ ]yy[^\n []*\[[0-9]*\][ ]=\([*][/][;]\)\?' '.*\.tab\.c_shipped'
+    initnc "[	][	][	]interrupts[ ]=[ ]<\\(0x\\)\\?3[ ]\\(0x\\)\\?0[ ]\\(0x\\)\\?0[ ][ ]$blobpat*>[;]" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    accept '[	]p7500->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mt9v111\|sp80708\|hv7131[rd]\|mi0360b\?\|mo4000\|ov76\([36]0\|48\)\|om6802\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\)[ ]e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\][ ]=' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    defsnc '[	][	]*\(static[ ]\)\?\(const[ ]\)\?struct[ ]phy_reg[ ]phy_reg_init\(_0\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_mode[ ]rf5413_ini_mode_end\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/initvals.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rfbuffer[ ]rfb_\(511[12]a\?\|5413\|231[67]\|24\(1[37]\|25\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/rfbuffer.h
+    accept '[	]hif_dev->firmware[ ]=[ ]NULL[;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/hif_usb.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u\(8\|16\|32\)[ ]b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225\(z2\)\?_\(agc\|ofdm\|\(tx_\)\?\(power\|gain\)_cck\(_ch14\|_ofdm\)\?\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl818[07]/rtl8225\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rtl8225\(bcd\|z2\)_rxgain\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl818[07]/rtl8225\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]sa2400_rf_rssi_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8180_sa2400.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8187b_reg_table\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_dev.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]u8[ ]ConnectionMsg\[\][ ]='  drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_chdev.c
+    accept '[	]len[ ][+]=[ ]snprintf[(]buf[ ][+][ ]len[,][ ]sizeof[(]buf[)][ ]-[ ]len,[ ]["][.]bin["][)][;]' drivers/staging/intel_sst/intel_sst_dsp.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vid_vop_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-v4l2-enc.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]\(cis[/]\)\?\(PCMLM28\|DP83903\|3C\(CF\|X\)EM556\|MT5634ZLX\|COMpad[24]\|RS-COM-2P\|GLOBETROTTER\|SW_\([78]xx\|555\)_SER\)\.cis["][)][;]\([\n]MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]\(cis[/]\)\?\(PCMLM28\|DP83903\|3C\(CF\|X\)EM556\|MT5634ZLX\|COMpad[24]\|RS-COM-2P\|GLOBETROTTER\|SW_\([78]xx\|555\)_SER\)\.cis["][)][;]\)*' drivers/serial/serial_cs.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]v_table[ ]v_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_dma.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(init\|c\)_table\[\]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s921_core.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(u16\|struct[ ]i2c_reg_u16\)[ ]\(bridge\|mt9\(v\(11[12]\|011\)\|m001\)\)_init\[\]\(\[2\]\)\?[ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]struct_initData[ ]initData\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/usbvideo/ibmcam.c
+    defsnc '[	]\(static[ ]const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]reg_boundaries\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_mode[ ]rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]\(h_prescale\|v_gain\)\[64\][ ]=' drivers/staging/stradis/stradis.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.38*)
+    # New in
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]DEFINE_TEST_\(OK\|FAIL\)[(][^)]*[)][ ]=' lib/test-kstrtox.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.37-rc*) # up to -rc8-git3
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]epll_div\[\]\[6\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-s5pv210/clock.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]titan_gpio_cfg[ ]titan_gpio_table\[\][ ]=' arch/mips/ar7/gpio.c
+    blobname 'sdma-%s-to%d\.bin' drivers/dma/imx-sdma.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]def_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/tuners/tda18218.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]lme2510c\?_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*\([	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]lme2510_download_firmware,[\n]\)\?[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-lme2510c\?-\(lg\|s7395\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]s7395_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rca_initdata\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/xirlink_cit.c
+    blobname 'NXP7164-2010-03-10\.1\.fw' drivers/media/video/saa7164/saa7164-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]fsmc_ecc4_lp_layout[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/fsmc_nand.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pxa3xx_nand_timing[ ]timing\[\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/pxa3xx_nand.c
+    blobname 'ctfw_cna\.bin' drivers/net/bna/cna.h
+    accept '[#]define[ ]CARL9170FW_NAME[ 	]\+["]carl9170-1\.fw["]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/carl9170.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]carl9170_phy_init[ ]ar5416_phy_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/phy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]carl9170_rf_initvals[ ]carl9170_rf_initval\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/phy.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]carl9170_phy_freq_entry[ ]carl9170_phy_freq_params\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/phy.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]CARL9170FW_NAME[)][;]' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/usb.c
+    accept '[	]return[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(][^\n]*,[ ]CARL9170FW_NAME,' drivers/net/wireless/carl9170/usb.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-100-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-1000.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-130-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-6000.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]cf83\(05\|8[15]\)\(_helper\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_cs.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]sd\(8385\|8686\(_v[89]\)\|8688\)\(_helper\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]gspi\(8385\|8686\(_v9\)\?\|8688\)\(_helper\|_hlp\)\?\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_spi.c
+    blobname 'libertas[/]usb\(8388\(_v[59]\)\?\|8682\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+    accept '[	][/][*][ ]Try[ ]user-specified[ ]firmware[ ]first[ ][*][/][\n][	]if[ ][(]fwname[)][\n][	][	]return[ ]request_firmware' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c
+    accept '[	][	]ret[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(]\(helper,[ ]user_helper\|mainfw,[ ]user_mainfw\)' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]\(ldo5\|buck1\)_voltage_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/lp3972.c
+    accept '\([ ][*][ ]\(format\|information\)[^\n]*\|[#]define[ ]REG_DATA_FILE_A\?G[ ]*\)["]\([.][/]\)\?regulatoryData_A\?G\.bin["]' drivers/staging/ath6kl/include/common/regulatory/reg_dbschema.h
+    blobname 'ath6k[/]AR6003[/]hw[12]\.0[/]\(otp\|athwlan\)\.bin\.z77' drivers/staging/ath6kl/os/linux/include/ar6000_drv.h
+    blobname 'ath6k[/]AR6003[/]hw[12]\.0[/]\(athtcmd_ram\|device\|data\.patch\|endpointping\|bdata\.\(SD3[12]\|WB31\|CUSTOM\)\)\.bin' drivers/staging/ath6kl/os/linux/include/ar6000_drv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]A_INT32[ ]wmi_rateTable\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/ath6kl/wmi/wmi.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]DDR_SET_NODE[ ]asT3\(LP\)\?B\?_DDRSetting\(80\|100\|133\|160\)MHz\[\][ ]\?=' drivers/staging/bcm/DDRInit.c
+    blobname '\([/]lib[/]firmware[/]\)\?macxvi200\.bin' drivers/staging/bcm/Macros.h
+    accept '-[ ]On-chip[ ]firmware[ ]loaded[ ]using[ ]standard[ ]request_firmware[(][)]' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211\(/brcmfmac\)\?/README'
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm43xx\(_hdr\)-0[-0-9]*\.fw' drivers/staging/brcm80211/README
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm4329-fullmac-4[-0-9]*\.bin' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmfmac/README
+    blob 'Firmware[ ]installation[\n]=\+\([\n]\+[^\n=][^\n]*\)\+\([/]lib[/]firmware[/]brcm\|\.fw\)[^\n]*\([\n][^\n=][^\n]*\)*\([\n][\n][^=\n][^\n]*[\n][^=\n][^\n]*\([\n][^\n=][^\n]*\)*\)*' 'drivers/staging/brcm80211\(/brcmfmac\)\?/README'
+    defsnc '[	]u16[ ]nrate_list\[4\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/brcmfmac/wl_iw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_basic_t[ ]chan_info_all\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_cmn.c
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]ltrn_list\[PHY_LTRN_LIST_LEN\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_cmn.c
+    defsnc 's8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_cmn.c
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_t[ ]lcnphy_rx_iqcomp_table_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]lcnphy_23bitgaincode_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_rssi\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy_t[ ]chan_info_2064_lcnphy\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'lcnphy_radio_regs_t[ ]lcnphy_radio_regs_2064\[\][ ]='     defsnc 's8[ ]lcnphy_gain_index_offset_for_pkt_rssi\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcm.c
+    defsnc 'u16[ \n]*LCNPHY_txdigfiltcoeffs_\(cck\|ofdm\)\[LCNPHY_NUM_TX_DIG_FILTERS_\(CCK\|OFDM\)\][ \n]*\[LCNPHY_NUM_DIG_FILT_COEFFS[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'nphy_ipa_txrxgain_t[ ]nphy_ipa_rxcal_gaintbl_2GHz\(_rev7\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]chan_info_nphy_\(radio\)\?205[5x7]\(_rev5\)\?_t[ ]chan_info_nphy\(rev[3-9]\(n6\)\?\)\?_205[5-7]\(_A1\|v\([5-8]\|11\)\|_rev[4-8]\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'radio_\(20xx_\)\?regs_t[ ]regs_\(SYN_\|[RT]X_\)\?205[5-7]\(_A1\|_rev\([4-8]\|11\)\(v1\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tbl_iqcal_gainparams_nphy\[2\]\[NPHY_IQCAL_NUMGAINS\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]nphy_tpc_\(5GHz_\)\?txgain\(_[ei]pa\)\?\(\(_[25]g\)\?\(_\(2057\)\?\(rev\([3-7]\|4n6\)\?\)\?\)\?\|_HiPwrEPA\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]nphy_tpc_loscale\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]pad_all_gain_codes_2057\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]nphy_papd_scaltbl\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc '[	]s32[ ]poll_results\[8\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc '[	]nphy_txiqcal_ladder_t[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phy_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_gain_\(idx_\|val_\)\?tbl_\(rev[01]\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\|5G\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_aux_gain_idx_tbl_5G\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_gain_val_tbl_\(rev0\|\(extlna_\)\?2G\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(min_sig_sq\|noise_scale\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_sw_ctrl_tbl_\(4313_\)\?\(bt_\)\?\(epa_\)\?\(p250_\)\?rev0\(_combo\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]dot11lcn_spur_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]dot11lcn_\(unsup_mcs\|iq_local\)_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]lcnphy_tx_gain_tbl_entry[ ]dot11lcnphy_[25]GHz_\(extPA_\)\?gaintable_rev0\[128\][ ]='  drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]dot11lcn_papd_compdelta_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_lcn.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]frame_struct_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]frame_lut_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]\(tmap\|tdtrn\)_tbl_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]pilot_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]tdi_tbl[24]0_ant[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]chanest_tbl_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]mcs_tbl_rev0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]noise_var_tbl[01]\?_rev[037]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u8[ ]\(est\|adj\)_pwr_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]\(gainctrl\|iq\)_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]loft_lut_core[01]_rev[03]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]ant_swctrl_tbl_rev3\(_[1-3]\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]mcs_tbl_rev3\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]papd_comp_rfpwr_tbl_core[01]_rev3\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]papd_\(comp_epsilon\|cal_scalars\)_tbl_core[01]_rev[37]\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/phy/wlc_phytbl_n.c
+    blobname 'brcm[/]bcm43xx' drivers/staging/brcm80211/sys/wl_mac80211.c
+    blobname '%s\(_hdr\)\?-%d\.fw' drivers/staging/brcm80211/sys/wl_mac80211.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]crc8_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/bcmutils.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]crc16_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/bcmutils.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]crc32_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/bcmutils.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]pmu0_xtaltab0_t[ ]pmu0_xtaltab0\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/hndpmu.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]pmu1_xtaltab0_t[ ]pmu1_xtaltab0\(_880\(_4329\)\?\|_1760\|_1440\|_960\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/hndpmu.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]log_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/brcm80211/util/qmath.c
+    blobname 'ft[12]000\.img' drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-pcmcia/ft1000_hw.c
+    blobname 'ft3000\.img' drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_hw.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]u8[ ]ConnectionMsg\[\][ ]='  drivers/staging/ft1000/ft1000-usb/ft1000_chdev.c
+    blobname 'fw_sst_0\(80a\|82f\)\.bin' drivers/staging/intel_sst/intel_sst_common.h
+    # This appends a .bin extension, but without loading the firmware
+    # above, it will never arise, so leave it alone for now.
+    accept '[	]len[ ][+]=[ ]snprintf[(]buf[ ][+][ ]len[,][ ]sizeof[(]buf[)][ ]-[ ]len,[ ]["][.]bin["][)][;]' drivers/staging/intel_sst/intel_sst_dsp.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]sc_reg_access[ ]\(sc_acces[,][ ]\)\?sc_access\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/intel_sst/intelmid_v[012]_control\.c'
+    defsnc '[	]BYTE[ ]data_ptr\[36\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/keucr/\(ms\|s[dm]\)scsi\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]BYTE[ ]ecctable\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/keucr/smilecc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]MAC_REG_TABLE\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ][ ]*ZEBRA_AGC\[\][ 	]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]ZEBRA_RF_RX_GAIN_TABLE\[\][ 	]=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]f_array\[122328\][ ]=[ ][{]'"$sepx$blobpat*"',[\n][}][;]' drivers/staging/rtl8712/farray.h
+    blob 'static[ ]u32[ ]rtl871x_open_fw[(][^)]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*f_array\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*[\n]\+[}]' drivers/staging/rtl8712/hal_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]long[ ]frequency_list\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8712/rtl871x_ioctl_linux.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]Sbox1\[2\]\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8712/rtl871x_security.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]sbox_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8712/rtl871x_security.c
+    accept '[	]119,[ ]62,[ ]6,[\n][	]0,[ ]16,[ ]20,[ ]17,[ ]32,[ ]48,[ ]0,\([\n][	][0-9]\+,\([ ][0-9]\+,\)*\)*[\n][	]0,[ ]119' drivers/staging/speakup/speakupmap.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]\(h_prescale\|v_gain\)\[64\][ ]=' drivers/staging/stradis/stradis.c
+    accept '[/][*][ ]*\([ 1-4][0-9][ ][ ]\)*\(5[0-6][ ][ ]\)*[*][/]' drivers/staging/vt6656/channel.c
+    blobname 'west[ ]bridge[ ]fw' drivers/staging/westbridge/astoria/device/cyasdevice.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]gsm_fcs8\[256\][ ]=' drivers/tty/n_gsm.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]dispc_v_coef[ ]coef_v\(up\|down\)_3tap\[8\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c
+    blobname 'c[bt]fw_\(fc\|cna\)\.bin' drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad_im.h
+    # Above is for patterns new in 2.6.37, below is for older patterns.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]epll_div\[\]\[5\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-s5p6440/clock.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]clk_pll_table[ ]tegra_pll_[pxm]_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra2_clocks.c
+    blobname '\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x-e[12]h\?-["][ ]FW_FILE_VERSION[ ]["]\.fw' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x/\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobname '\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x-e[12]h\?-\([0-9.%d]*\.fw\)\?' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x/\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobname 'v4l-cx23885-enc\.fw' 'drivers/media/video/cx23\(1xx\|885\)/cx23885-417.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(adcm1700\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mt9v111\|sp80708\|hv7131r\|mi0360b\?\|mo4000\|ov76\([36]0\|48\)\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]int[ ]be_load_fw[(][^\n;{]*[)][*][/][;][\n][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*request_firmware' drivers/net/benet/be_main.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]ar9170\(-[12]\)\?\.fw["][)][;]\([\n]MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]ar9170\(-[12]\)\?\.fw["][)][;]\)*' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/usb.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Modes_\(\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_ob_db\|high_power\)_tx_gain_table_2p[02]\[\]\[5\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9\(300\|200_merlin\)_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_core\[\]\[2\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    accept '#define\([ ]_\?IWL\(4965\|[156]000\(G2[AB]\)\?\|1[03]0\|5150\|6050\)_MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]api[)]\)\+' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-\([156]000\|4965\)\.c'
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-\(3945\|4965\|[156]000\(G2[AB]\)\?\|1[03]0\|6050\)["][ ]IWL\(3945\|4965\|[156]000\(G2[AB]\)\?\|1[03]0\|6050\)_UCODE_API[ ]["]\.ucode' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl\(3945-base\|-\(3945\|4965\|[156]000\)\)\.[ch]'
+    blobname '%s%[dus]%s["],[\n 	]*name_pre,[ ]\(\(priv->fw_\)\?index\|tag\),[ ]["]\.ucode' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl\(3945-base\|-agn\).c'
+    blobname 'libertas_cs\(_helper\)\?\.fw' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_cs.c
+    blobname 'sd\(8385\|868[68]\)\(_helper\)\?\.bin\(["],[\n][	]*\.firmware[ 	]=[ ]["]sd\(8385\|868[68]\)\.bin\)\?' 'drivers/\(net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio\.c\|bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio\.c\)'
+    blobname 'wl1251-\(fw\|nvs\)\.bin' 'drivers/net/wireless/wl12\(51\|xx\)/wl1251.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]sh_clk_div6_divisors\[64\][ ]=' '\(arch/sh/kernel/cpu/clock-\|drivers/sh/clk/\)cpg\.c'
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?\(static[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI340_CR6F\[8\]\[32\][ ]*=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]translations\[\]\[256\][ ]=' drivers/tty/vt/consolemap.c
+    defsnc 'u_short[ ]\(plain\|shift\(_ctrl\)\?\|alt\(gr\)\?\|ctrl\(_alt\)\?\)_map\[NR_KEYS\][ ]*=' drivers/tty/vt/defkeymap.c_shipped
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]x86_keycodes\[256\][ ]=' drivers/tty/vt/keyboard.c
+    defsnc '\([	]\)\?static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(unsigned[ ]\(short\|char\)\|struct[ ]SiS_[^ ]*\)[ ]SiS[^[]*\(\[[][ *0-9]*\]\)\+[ ]*='
+    defsnc '[ ][ ]static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]asso_values\[\][ ]=' scripts/kconfig/zconf.hash.c_shipped
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)[ ]yy[^\n []*\[\][ ]=' '.*\.lex\.c_shipped'
+    initnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)[ ]yy[^\n []*\[\][ ]=[*][/][;]' '.*\.tab\.c_shipped'
+    blobname 'TIInit_\(\(%d\|[0-9]\+\)[.]\)\+bts' drivers/staging/ti-st/st_kim.c
+    blob '#define[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION\|COMPILE_FLAGS\)[ 	]*[0-9]\+\([\n]#define[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION\|COMPILE_FLAGS\)[ 	]*[0-9]\+\)*' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_hsi\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]int[ ]\(__devinit[ ]\)\?bnx2x_check_firmware[(]struct[ ]bnx2x[ ][*]bp[)][\n][{][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobna 'rc[ ]=[ ]bnx2x_check_firmware[(]bp[)][;]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(leadtek\|twinhan\|a_link\|msi\|mygictv\|kworld\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(avermedia\(_ks\)\?\|digittrade\|trekstor\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]__u8[ ]lgdt3304_\(vsb8\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/lgdt3304.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_table_\(merlin_\)\?2p[02]\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    accept '[	]*card->firmware[ ]=[ ]\(if_sdio\|lbs_fw\|fw_name\)' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio.c
+    defsnc '\(preview_snapshot_mode\|noise_reduction\)_reg_settings_array\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/dream/camera/mt9d112_reg.c
+    defsnc 'u16_t[ ]zgTkipSbox\(Lower\|Upper\)\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/80211core/ctkip.c
+    accept '[ 	]*[/][*][ ]*0\([ ]*[123]\)*[ ]*[*][/][\n][ 	]*[/][*][ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9\([ ][0-9]\)*[ ][*][/]' drivers/staging/otus/80211core/ctxrx.c
+    defsnc 'u32_t[ ]crc32_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/80211core/cwep.c
+    blob 'extern[ ]const[ ]u32_t[ ]zc\(DK\|P2\)\?Fw\(Buf\)\?Image\(SPI\)\?\(\[\]\|Size\)[;]\([\n]extern[ ]const[ ]u32_t[ ]zc\(DK\|P2\)\?Fw\(Buf\)\?Image\(SPI\)\?\(\[\]\|Size\)[;]\)*' drivers/staging/otus/hal/hpmain.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]u32_t[ ]eepromBoardData\[15\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/hal/hpmain.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32_t[ ]\(ar5416Modes\|otusBank\)\[\]\[[36]\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/hal/otus.ini
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32_t[ ]channel_frequency_11A\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/otus/ioctl.c
+    defsnc '[ ]\?static[ ]u\(8\|32\)[ ]\(MAC_REG_TABLE\[\]\[2\]\|[ ]*ZEBRA_\(AGC\|RF_RX_GAIN_TABLE\)\[\]\|OFDM_CONFIG\[\]\)=' drivers/staging/rtl8187se/r8185b_init.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]Sbox\[256\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/ieee80211/ieee80211_crypt_tkip.c
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]MCS_DATA_RATE\[2\]\[2\]\[77\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rtl8192su/ieee80211/rtl819x_HTProc\.c\|rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]Rtl8192SU\(PHY_\(REG\|ChangeTo\)_\([12]T[12]R\)\?\|Radio[AB]_\(\(\(to\)\?[12]T\|GM\)_\)\?\|MAC\(PHY\|_[12]T\)_\|AGCTAB_\)Array\(_PG\)\?\[\(PHY_\(REG\|ChangeTo\)_\([12]T[12]R\)\?\|Radio[AB]_\(\(\(to\)\?[12]T\|GM\)_\)\?\|MAC\(PHY\|_[12]T\)_\|AGCTAB_\)Array\(_PG\)\?Length\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/rtl92SU_HWImg.c
+    blob '[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*RTL8192SU[/]rtl1892swf\.bin[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192S_firmware.c
+    blob 'u8[ ]Rtl8192SUFw\(Img\|Main\|Data\)Array\[\(Img\|Main\|Data\)ArrayLength\][ ]=[ ][{]'"$sepx$blobpat*$sepx"'[}][;]\([\n][\n]*u8[ ]Rtl8192SUFw\(Img\|Main\|Data\)Array\[\(Img\|Main\|Data\)ArrayLength\][ ]=[ ][{]'"$sepx$blobpat*$sepx"'[}][;]\)*' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192SU_HWImg.c
+    blobname 'RTL8192SU[/]\(rtl8192sfw\.bin\|\(boot\|main\|data\)\.img\)' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192S_firmware.c
+    blobna 'case[ ]FW_SOURCE_HEADER_FILE:[\n]#if[ ]1[\n]#define[^#]*[\n]#endif[\n][	][	][	]break[;]' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192S_firmware.c
+    blobna '\([&]\|sizeof[(]\)rtl8190_fw\(boot\|main\|data\)_array\(\[0\]\|[)]\)\(,[ 	\n]*\([&]\|sizeof[(]\)rtl8190_fw\(boot\|main\|data\)_array\(\[0\]\|[)]\)\)*' 'drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r819\(2S\|xU\)_firmware\.c'
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(gc0307\|po2030n\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]\(=[ ][{]\)\?\([*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    accept '[*][ ]drivers[/]staging[/]ft1000[/]ft1000-\(pcmcia\|usb\)[/]ft[13]000\.img:[ ]Removed\.' 'patch-libre.*'
+    initc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ar9300_eeprom[ ]ar9300_default[ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_eeprom.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8753_reg\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8753.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.36.*)
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Modes_\(\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_ob_db\|high_power\)_tx_gain_table_2p[02]\[\]\[5\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9\(300\|200_merlin\)_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_core\[\]\[2\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.36-rc*)
+    accept 'FIRMWARE[ ]LOADER[ ][(]request_firmware[)]' MAINTAINERS
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]__\(cpu\)\?initdata[ ]mV_vrm85\[32\][ ]=' arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/longhaul.h
+    accept '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?\(static[ ]int[\n ]\)\?_request_firmware[(]const[ ]struct[ ]firmware[ ][*][*]firmware_p,' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[\n ]request_firmware_work_func[(]void[ ][*]arg[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*ret[ ]=[ ]_request_firmware[(][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}][\n]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?request_firmware_nowait[(]' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[	]task[ ]=[ ]kthread_run[(]request_firmware_work_func' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    defsnc '[	]*static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]sha256_zero\[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/crypto/n2_core.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]est3_modes\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?const[ ]u32[ ]r[67]xx_default_state\[\][ ]=\([*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r600_blit_shaders.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-p7500\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(\(megasky\|digivox\)-02\|tvwalkert\|dposh-01\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]struct[ ]regdesc[ ]\(ofsm_init\|tuner_init_\(env77h11d5\|mt2060\(_2\)\?\|mxl500\(3d\|5\)\|qt1010\|mc44s803\|unknown\|tda18271\)\)\[\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    blobname 'sms1xxx-hcw-55xxx-i\?sdbt-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/siano/sms-cards.c
+    blobname 'sms1xxx-\(stellar\|nova-[ab]\|hcw-55xxx\)-dvbt-0[12]\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/siano/sms-cards.c
+    initc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]struct[ ]idxdata[ ]tbl_common\(_[a-e]\|5\|_\?3B\?\)\[\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/media/video/gspca/gl860/gl860-\(mi2020\|mi1320\|ov9655\|ov2640\)\.c'
+    blobname 'bnx2[/]bnx2-\(mips\|rv2p\)-[-0-9a-z.]*\.fw' drivers/net/bnx2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]arb_line[ ]read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x_init_opts.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]arb_line[ ]write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x_init_opts.h
+    blob '#define[ ]FW_FILE_VERSION\([	]*[\\][\n][	]__stringify[(]BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION[)]\([ ]["][.]["]\)\?\)\+' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x/\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobname 'bnx2x-e1h\?-["][ ]FW_FILE_VERSION[ ]["]\.fw' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x/\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobname 'bnx2x-e1h\?-\([0-9.%d]*\.fw\)\?' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x/\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]void[ ]get_regs[(]struct[ ]net_device[ ][*]dev,\([^\n]*[*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/net/cxgb4/cxgb4_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]ar\(5416\|9280\)\(Modes\(_fast_clock\)\?\|Common\|BB_RfGain\|Bank6\(TPC\)\?\|Addac\)\(_91[06]0\(_\?1_1\)\?\|_9280\(_2\)\?\)\?\[\]\[[236]\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/\(ar\(5008\|9001\)_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u\(32\|_int32_t\)[ ]ar928[05]\(Common\|Modes\(_\(fast_clock\|backoff_[12]3db_rxgain\|\(original\|high_power\)_[tr]x_\?gain\)\)\?\)_928\(0_2\|5\(_1_2\)\?\)\[\]\[[236]\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/\(ar9002_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar928\(5Modes_XE2\|7Modes_9287_1\)_0_\(normal\|high\)_power\[\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar92\(87Common_9287_1_[01]\|71Common_9271\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar92\(87\|71\)Modes_\(\(normal\|high\)_power_\)\?\([tr]x_gain_\)\?92\(87_1_[01]\|71\(_ANI_reg\)\?\)\[\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9002_initvals.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_postamble\[\]\[5\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Modes_\(\(low\(est\)\?\|high\)_ob_db\|high_power\)_tx_gain_table_2p[02]\[\]\[5\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9\(300\|200_merlin\)_2p[02]_\(radio\|mac\|baseband\)_core\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]ar9300Common_\(wo_xlna_\)\?rx_gain_table_\(merlin_\)\?2p[02]\[\]\[2\][ ]=' 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ar9003_\(2p[02]_\)\?initvals\.h'
+    accept 'static[ ]int[ ]ipw2100_mod_firmware_load[(]' 'drivers/net/wireless/\(ipw2x00/\)\?ipw2100\.c'
+    accept '[	]*card->firmware[ ]=[ ]\(if_sdio\|lbs_fw\|fw_name\)' drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio.c
+    blobname 'rt\(28[67]0\|30[79][01]\)\.bin' drivers/staging/rt2860/common/rtmp_mcu.c
+    blob '#define[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION\|COMPILE_FLAGS\)[ 	]*[0-9]\+\([\n]#define[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION\|COMPILE_FLAGS\)[ 	]*[0-9]\+\)*' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_hsi\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]int[ ]__devinit[ ]bnx2x_check_firmware[(]struct[ ]bnx2x[ ][*]bp[)][\n][{][^\n]*\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobna 'if[ ][(][(]fw_ver\[[0-3]\][ ]!=[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION[)]\([ ][|][|][\n][ 	]*[(]fw_ver\[[0-3]\][ ]!=[ ]BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION[)]\)*[)][ ][{][^{}]*[}]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobna 'sprintf[(]fw_file_name[ ][+][ ]offset,[ ]["]%d[.]%d[.]%d[.]%d[.]fw["]\(,[\n][ 	]*BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION\)*[)][;]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    blobna 'rc[ ]=[ ]bnx2x_check_firmware[(]bp[)][;]' 'drivers/net/\(bnx2x[/]\)\?bnx2x_main\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?struct[ ]crb_128M_2M_block_map[ ]crb_128M_2M_map\[64\][ ]=' 'drivers/scsi/\(qla2xxx/qla_nx\.c\|qla4xxx/ql4_nx\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]MCS_DATA_RATE\[2\]\[2\]\[77\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rtl8192su/ieee80211/rtl819x_HTProc\.c\|rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]Rtl8192SU\(PHY_\(REG\|ChangeTo\)_\([12]T[12]R\)\?\|Radio[AB]_\(\(\(to\)\?[12]T\|GM\)_\)\?\|MAC\(PHY\|_[12]T\)_\|AGCTAB_\)Array\(_PG\)\?\[\(PHY_\(REG\|ChangeTo\)_\([12]T[12]R\)\?\|Radio[AB]_\(\(\(to\)\?[12]T\|GM\)_\)\?\|MAC\(PHY\|_[12]T\)_\|AGCTAB_\)Array\(_PG\)\?Length\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/rtl92SU_HWImg.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]*ChannelRuleTab\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6656/channel.c
+    defsnc '\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_DRAMType\[17\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_SDRDRAM_TYPE\[13\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_DDRDRAM_TYPE20\[12\]\[5\][ ]*=' 'drivers/staging/xgifb/\(vb_table\.h\|vb_init\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(USHORT\|unsigned[ ]short\)[ ]XGINew_\(MD\|[CEV]G\)A_DAC\[\][ ]*=' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_setmode.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?\(UCHAR\|unsigned[ ]char\)[ ]XGI340_CR6F\[8\]\[32\][ ]*=\([{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/staging/xgifb/vb_table.h 
+    blobname 'sd\(8385\|868[68]\)\(_helper\)\?\.bin' 'drivers/\(net/wireless/libertas/if_sdio\.c\|bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio\.c\)'
+    accept '[	]p7500->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-p7500\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    accept '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]\(megasky\|digivox_mini_ii\|tvwalkertwin\|dposh\)_properties[ ]=[ ][{]\([*][/][;]\)\?[\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-\(\(megasky\|digivox\)-02\|tvwalkert\|dposh-01\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]usb_action[ ]\(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105a\(xx\)\?\|ov7630c\|mt9v111_[13]\|pb0330\([3x]x\)\?\|mi0360soc\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    blobname 'myri10ge_\(rss_\)\?ethp\?_z8e\.dat' drivers/net/myri10ge.c
+    blobname 'iwlwifi-6000g2[ab]-' drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-6000.c
+    blobname '#api[ ]["]\.ucode["]' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl-\(3945.h\|\(4965\|[156]000\)\.c\)'
+    blobname 'c[tb]fw\(_\(fc\|cna\)\)\?\.bin' drivers/scsi/bfa/bfad_fwimg.c
+    blobna 'seq_printf[(]seq[,][ ]["][^"]*%s[ ]%s[^"]*["][,][ 	\n]*\(GB_RCV\|MOJAVE_\)UCODE_VERS_STRING[,][ ]\(GB_RCV\|MOJAVE_\)UCODE_VERS_DATE[)][;]\([ 	\n]*seq_printf[(]seq[,][ ]["][^"]*%s[ ]%s[^"]*["][,][ 	\n]*\(GB_RCV\|MOJAVE_\)UCODE_VERS_STRING[,][ ]\(GB_RCV\|MOJAVE_\)UCODE_VERS_DATE[)][;]\)*' drivers/staging/slicoss/slicoss.c
+    blobname 'slicoss[/]\(oasis\|gb\)\(rcvucode\|download\)\.sys' drivers/staging/slicoss/slicoss.c
+    blobname 'CMV[x9ae][yip]\.bin\(\.v2\)\?' drivers/usb/atm/ueagle-atm.c
+    blobname 'v4l-cx2341x-\(enc\|dec\)\.fw' include/media/cr2341x.h
+    blobname 'yam[/]\(12\|96\)00\.bin' drivers/net/hamradio/yam.c
+    blob 'If[ ]you[ ]need[ ]to[ ]use[ ]any[ ]of[ ]the[ ]above[^\n]*download[^:]*:[\n 	]*http:[^\n]*ixp4[^\n]*' Documentation/arm/IXP4xx
+    # New in 2.6.36-rc3:
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]clk_pll_table[ ]tegra_pll_[px]_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-tegra/tegra2_clocks.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]qi_lb60_ecclayout_[12]gb[ ]=' arch/mips/jz4740/board-qi_lb60.c
+    blobname 'qt602240\.fw' drivers/input/touchscreen/qt602240_ts.c
+    blobname 'lgs8g75\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/lgs8gxx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ucbus_write_cmd[ ]\(icx098bq\|lz24bp\)_start_[012]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sq930x.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]capconfig\[4\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sq930x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]sa2400_rf_rssi_map\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8180_sa2400.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]pwm_lookup_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/platform/x86/compal-laptop.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]tps6586x_\(ldo4\|sm2\|dvm\)_voltages\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/tps6586x-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]muxonechan\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/adv_pci1710.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config[ ][{][^}]*[}][ ]\(stk1160\|saa7113\)config\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/easycap/easycap_low.c
+    defsnc 'int[ ]tones\[2048\][ ]=' drivers/staging/easycap/easycap_testcard.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]map_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/lirc/lirc_ttusbir.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]jpeg_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-jpeg.h
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]solo_osd_font\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-osd-font.h
+    defsnc '[	]unsigned[ ]char[ ]regs\[128\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-tw28.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vid_vop_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/solo6x10/solo6010-v4l2-enc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rop_\(map1\|action\|info\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/tidspbridge/dynload/reloc_table_c6000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tramp_\(map\|action\|info\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/tidspbridge/dynload/tramp_table_c6000.c
+    defsnc 'unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(sbox\|dot[23]\)_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/vt6655/aes_ccmp.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pll_map[ ]pll_value\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/via/hw.c
+    defsnc '[	][	]degrade_factor\[CPU_LOAD_IDX_MAX\]\[DEGRADE_SHIFT[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' kernel/sched.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]expected_result\[FIFO_SIZE\][ ]=' samples/kfifo/bytestream-example.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]expected_result\[FIFO_SIZE\][ ]=' samples/kfifo/inttype-example.c
+    blobname 'haup-ir-blaster\.bin' drivers/input/lirc/lirc_zilog.c
+    ;;
+  */hid-support*.patch)
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]hid_keyboard\[256\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/hid/hid-input.c
+    ;;
+  */sched*)
+    accept 'CPU[ ]\+before[ ]\+after[\n]\([\n][01][0-9][ ]\+:[ ][0-9]\+[ ]\+:[ ][67]\)*'
+    defsnc '[	][	]degrade_factor\[CPU_LOAD_IDX_MAX\]\[DEGRADE_SHIFT[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' kernel/sched.c
+    accept '\(All[ ]CPUS[ ]idle[ ]for[ ]10[ ]seconds[ ][(]HZ=1000[)]\|One[ ]CPU[ ]busy[ ]rest[ ]idle[ ]for[ ]10[ ]seconds\|All[ ]CPUs[ ]busy[ ]for[ ]10[ ]seconds\)[\n][0-9 \n]*'
+    accept 'domainstats:[ ]*domain0[\n][ ]*cpu[ ]*cnt[ ]*bln[ ]*fld[ ]*imb[ ]*gain[ ]*hgain[ ]*nobusyq[ ]*nobusyg[\n 0-9:]*'    
+    ;;
+  */*-loongson.patch)
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]Sbox\[256\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/ieee80211/ieee80211_crypt_tkip.c
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225.c
+    defsnc 'u8[ ]rtl8225_tx_power_cck\(_ch14\)\?\[\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225.c
+    defsnc 'u8[ ]rtl8225_agc\[\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]MAC_REG_TABLE\[\]\[3\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225z2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ][ ]*ZEBRA_AGC\[\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225z2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]ZEBRA_RF_RX_GAIN_TABLE\[\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225z2.c
+    defsnc 'u8[ ]ZEBRA2_CCK_OFDM_GAIN_SETTING\[\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225z2.c
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225z2.c
+    defsnc 'u8[ ]rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\(_ch14\)\?\[\]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187b/r8180_rtl8225z2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]vesa_mode_table[ ]vesa_mode\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sm7xx/smtcfb.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]ModeInit[ ]VGAMode\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sm7xx/smtcfb.h
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.34-rc*)
+    # New in 2.6.34, should be duplicated in the main pattern set.
+    blobname 'cxgb4[/]t4fw\.bin' drivers/net/cxgb4/cxgb4_main.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]reg_ranges\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/cxgb4/cxgb4_main.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]int[ ]avg_pkts\[NCCTRL_WIN\][ ]=' drivers/net/cxgb4/t4_hw.c
+    # above in -rc5
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]epll_div\[\]\[5\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-s5p6440/clock.c
+    accept '[	]aru->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw[;]' drivers/net/wireless/ath/ar9170/usb.c
+    accept '[	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]fw_entry,[ ]["]broadsheet\.wbf["],[ ]dev[)][;]' drivers/video/broadsheetfb.c
+    # above in -rc2, below in -rc1
+    accept '#[ ]\(Usage:[ ]cxacru-cf\.py[ ][<]\|Warning:\|Note:[ ]support[ ]for\)[ ]cxacru-cf\.bin' 'Documentation/networking/cxacru\(-cf\.py\|\.txt\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]cdce_reg[ ]cdce_y1_27000\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-davinci/cdce949.c
+    defsnc '[	]u16[ ]map\[\][ ]=' drivers/hwmon/asc7621.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]az6027_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/az6027.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-az6027-03\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/az6027.c
+    accept '[	]p7500->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-p7500\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]ITUDecoderSetup\[4\]\[16\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/ngene/ngene-core.c
+    blobname 'ngene_1[5678]\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/ngene/ngene-core.c
+    blobname 'sms1xxx-hcw-55xxx-i\?sdbt-02\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/siano/sms-cards.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]samsung_smt_7020_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/cx88/cx88-dvb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init\(_2\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534_9.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]bridge_start_\([qs]\?v\|x\)ga\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534_9.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]init_command[ ]\(spy\|cif\|ms350\|genius\|vivitar\)_start_commands\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c2028.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]n4_lt168g\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    initc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mi\(0360\|13[12]0\)\|po\(1200\|3130\)\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?_\?[iI]nit\(Q\?V\|SX\)GA\(_\(JPG\|data\)\)\?\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]gamma_tb\[6\]\[16\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    blobname 'tlg2300_firmware\.bin' drivers/media/video/tlg2300/pd-main.c
+    defsnc '[	]u8[ ]pattern\[42\][ ]=' drivers/net/ksz884x.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]u8[ ]b43_ntab_framelookup\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]\(b43_ntab_tx_gain_rev\(0_1_2\|3plus_2ghz\|\([34]\|5plus\)_5ghz\)\|txpwrctrl_tx_gain_ipa\(_\(rev\)\?[56]g\?\)\?\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]tbl_iqcal_gainparams\[2\]\[9\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]struct[ ]nphy_txiqcal_ladder[ ]ladder_\(lo\|iq\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]loscale\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/b43/tables_nphy.c
+    blobname 'isl38\(86\|87\|90\)\(pci\|usb\(_bare\)\?\)\?' 'drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54\(pci\.c\|usb\.[ch]\)'
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]struct[ ]conf_drv_settings[ ]default_conf[ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1271_main.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]grtpkts\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/mimio/mimio.c
+    blobname 'rt\(28[67]0\|30[79][01]\)\.bin' drivers/staging/rt2860/common/rtmp_mcu.c
+    accept '[	]adapter->firmware[ ]=[ ]fw[;]' drivers/staging/rt2860/common/rtmp_mcu.c
+    blob '[/][*][^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*RTL8192SU[/]rtl1892swf\.bin[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]\+[/]' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/r8192S_firmware.c
+    accept 'MODULE_FIRMWARE[(]["]keyspan_pda[/]\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\)\.fw["][)][;]' drivers/usb/serial/keyspan_pda.c
+    # It's not clear that wm2000_anc.bin is pure data.
+    # Check with developer, clean up for now.
+    blobname 'wm2000_anc\.bin' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    blob '[ ][*][ ]The[ ]download[ ]image[ ]for[ ]the[ ]WM2000[^*]*\([*]\+[^/*][^*]*\)*[*]*[<][ ]file[^*\n]*[\n][ ][*][/]' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    # accept '[ ][*][ ].wm2000_anc\.bin.[ ]by[ ]default' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    # accept '[ ][*][ 	]*[<][ ]file[ ]\+[>]wm2000_anc\.bin' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    # accept '[	]filename[ ]=[ ]["]wm2000_anc\.bin["][;]' sound/soc/codecs/wm2000.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]\(clk_sys_ratios\|bclk_divs\)\[\][ ]=' 'sound/soc/wm890[34]\.c'
+    defsnc '[}][ ]clock_cfgs\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8955.c
+    blobname 'siu_spb\.bin' sound/soc/sh/siu_dai.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]poxxxx_init\(_common\|Q\?VGA\|_end_1\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    defsnc 'crb_128M_2M_map\[64\][ ]__cacheline_aligned_in_smp[ ]=' 'drivers/net/\(netxen/netxen_nic_hw.c\|qlcnic/qlcnic_hw.c\)'
+    # Pattern present prior to 2.6.34, or already adjusted for 2.6.34 in
+    # the main pattern set.
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ]Bit[ 0-7]*' Documentation/input/sentelic.txt
+    accept 'The[ ]hd-audio[ ]driver[ ]reads[ ]the[ ]file[ ]via[ ]request_firmware[(][)]\.' Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio.txt
+    accept '[	]\.section[ ]__ex_table,["]a["]'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/powerpc/lib/copyuser_64.S
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp0222\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp1110\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp3033\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]camellia_sp4404\[256\][ ]=' crypto/camellia.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(start\|page3\)_7302\[\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7302.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pas202_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(adcm1700\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    blob 'sub[ ]\(sp887[0x]\|tda1004\(5\|6\(lifeview\)\?\)\|av7110\|dec\(2\(00\|54\)0t\|3000s\)\|opera1\|vp7041\|dibusb\|nxt200[24]\|cx\(23\(1xx\|885\)\|18\)\|pvrusb2\|or51\(211\|132_\(qam\|vsb\)\)\|bluebird\|mpc718\|af9015\|ngene\)[ ]*[{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]\([\n]\+sub[ ]\(sp887[0x]\|tda1004\(5\|6\(lifeview\)\?\)\|av7110\|dec\(2\(00\|54\)0t\|3000s\)\|opera1\|vp7041\|dibusb\|nxt200[24]\|cx\(23\(1xx\|885\)\|18\)\|pvrusb2\|or51\(211\|132_\(qam\|vsb\)\)\|bluebird\|mpc718\|af9015\|ngene\)[ ]*[{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[\n]\+[}]\)*' Documentation/dvb/get_dvb_firmware
+    accept '\([/][*][*][\n]\)\?[ ][*][ ]request_firmware_nowait\(:\|[ ]-\)[ ]asynchronous[ ]version[ ]of[ ]request_firmware' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    blobname 'b43\(legacy\)\?\(%s\)\?[/]\(%s\|ucode\([2459]\|1[1345]\)\|pcm5\|[abn]0g[01]initvals\(5\|1[13]\)\)\.fw' 'drivers/net/wireless/b43\(legacy\)\?/main.c'
+    blobname '\(sep[/]\)\?\(cache\|resident\)\.image\.bin' drivers/staging/sep/sep_driver.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(mi1320\|po3130\)_initVGA_data\[\]\[4\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]request_firmware_work_func' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init_ov965x\(_2\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]bridge_start_ov965x_\(\([qs]\?v\|x\)ga\|cif\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]\(__u16\|struct[ ]cmd\)[ ]spca504\(_pccam600\|A_clicksmart420\)_\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\(\[3\]\)\?[ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    # above is in -rc1, below in -rc2
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pinmux_cfg_reg[ ]pinmux_config_regs\[\][ ]=' 'arch/sh/kernel/cpu/sh2a/pinmux-sh7203\.c\|arch/arm/mach-shmobile/pfc-sh73[67]7\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]ratio_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/misc/tsl2550.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]count_lut\[\][ ]=' drivers/misc/tsl2550.c
+    accept 'static[ ]int[ ]ar9170_usb_request_firmware[(]' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/usb.c
+    accept '[	]\(err[ ]=\|return\)[ ]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(][^\n]*["]ar9170\(-[12]\)\?\.fw["],' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/usb.c
+    accept '[	]err[ ]=[ ]ar9170_usb_request_firmware[(]' drivers/net/wireless/ar9170/usb.c
+    blobname '%s%[du]%s["],[\n 	]*name_pre,[ ]\(priv->fw_\)\?index,[ ]["]\.ucode' 'drivers/net/iwlwifi/iwl\(3945-base\|-agn\).c'
+    accept '#include[ ]["]ixp2400_[rt]x\.ucode["]' drivers/net/ixp2000/ixpdev.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.33-rc*)
+    accept 'static[ ]inline[ ]int[\n]\(maybe_\)\?reject_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(][^{;]*[)][\n][{]\([\n]\+[^\n}][^\n]*\)*[^\n]*\([\n]\+[}]\)\?' include/linux/firmware.h
+    accept '[	][	]ranges[ ]=[ ]<'"$blobpat*"'>[;]' 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(mpc8572ds\|p2020ds\|katmai\)\.dts'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]camera_ncm03j_magic\[\][ ]=' 'arch/sh/boards/\(board-ap325rxa\.c\|mach-ap325rxa/setup\.c\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vga_font\[cmapsz\][ ]\(BTDATA[ ]\)\?=' arch/sparc/kernel/btext.c
+    accept '[	][	][	]req_firm_rc[ ]=[ ]request_firmware_nowait[(][^;]*,[ ]["]dell_rbu["],' drivers/firmware/dell_rbu.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]nv17_tv_norm_params[ ]nv17_tv_norms\[NUM_TV_NORMS\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nv17_tv_modes.c
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]stufftab\[5[ ][*][ ]256\][ ]=[ ][{]\([*][/][;]\)\?[\n]' drivers/isdn/gigaset/isocdata.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(start\|page[34]\)_73\(02\|11\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/gspca/pac73\(02\|11\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals\(_3070\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/prism54/islpci_dev.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]uint32[ ][FR]Sb\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/\(md5\|cmm_aes\)\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]Sbox\[256\][ ]=' # 'drivers/staging/rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware.c' and elsewhere
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]MCS_DATA_RATE\[2\]\[2\]\[77\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rtl8192su/ieee80211/rtl819x_HTProc\.c\|rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]\)\?u32[ ]Rtl8190PciE\?\(AGCTAB_\|PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|Radio[ABCD]_\)Array\[\(AGCTAB_\|PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|Radio[ABCD]_\)ArrayLength\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rtl8192e/r819xE_phy\.c\|rtl8192u/r819xU_firmware_img.c\)'
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]Rtl8192Usb\(PHY_REG\(_1T2R\)\?\|\(Radio[ABCD]\|MACPHY\|AGCTAB\)_\)Array\(_PG\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rtl8192su/rtl819xU_firmware_img.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ]static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]asso_values\[\][ ]=' scripts/genksyms/keywords.c_shipped
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]request_firmware_work_func[(]void[ ][*]arg[)][*][/][;][\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)\+\([	]ret[ ]=[ ]_request_firmware[(]\|request_firmware_nowait[(]\)\?' drivers/base/firmware_class.c
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]af9015_properties\(\[\]\)\?[ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;][\n][	][	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]bridge_start_ov965x\[\]\[2\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;][\n]' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]bridge_start_ov965x_\(\([qs]\?v\|x\)ga\|cif\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mt9v111\|sp80708\|hv7131r\|mi0360\|mo4000\|ov76\([36]0\|48\)\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=[ ][{]\([*][/][;]\)\?[\n]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]ar\(5416\|9280\)\(Modes\(_fast_clock\)\?\|Common\|BB_RfGain\|Bank6\(TPC\)\?\|Addac\)\(_91[06]0\(1_1\)\?\|_9280\(_2\)\?\)\?\[\]\[[236]\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;][\n]' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/initvals.h
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]u_int32_t[ ]ar9271\(Common\|Modes\)_9271_1_0\[\]\[[26]\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;][\n]' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/initvals.h
+    defsnc '\(U\(INT\|CHAR\)\|u\(32\|8\)\)[ ]\(Tkip_Sbox_\(Lower\|Upper\)\|SboxTable\)\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/common/\(rtmp\|cmm\)_tkip\.c'
+    defsnc '\(RTMP_RF_REGS\|struct[ ]rt_rtmp_rf_regs\)[ ]RF2850RegTable\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/\(mlme\.c\|cmm_asic\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(FREQUENCY_ITEM\|struct[ ]rt_frequency_item\)[ ]FreqItems3020\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/\(mlme\.c\|cmm_asic\.c\)'
+    defsnc '\(UINT\|u32\)[ ]FCSTAB_32\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/common/\(rtmp\|cmm\)_wep\.c'
+    defsnc '\(UCHAR\|u8\)[ ]RateSwitchTable\(11B\?G\?\(N[123]S\(ForABand\)\?\)\?\)\?\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/mlme\.c'
+    defsnc '\(UCHAR\|u8\)[ 	]*ZeroSsid\[32\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/mlme\.c'
+    defsnc '\(CH_FREQ_MAP\|struct[ ]rt_ch_freq_map\)[ ]CH_HZ_ID_MAP\[\][ ]\?=' 'drivers/staging/\(rt2860\|rt3090\)/common/rt_channel\.c'
+    defsnc '\(DOT11_REGULATORY_INFORMATION\|struct[ ]rt_dot11_regulatory_information\)[ ]\(USA\|Europe\|Japan\)RegulatoryInfo\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/\(rt3090\|rt2860\)/common/spectrum\.c'
+    defsnc '\([ ][ ][ ][ ]\|[	]\)u_int32_t[ ]ralinkrate\[256\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/rt_linux\.c'
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]uint32_t\|[}]\)[ ]nv04_graph_ctx_regs[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/char/drm/nv04_graph.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]nv10_graph_ctx_regs[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/char/drm/nv10_graph.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]\(dw\(210[24]\|3101\)\|s6[3x]0\)_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\|size_of_priv\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]zoom2_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-zoom2.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(leadtek\|twinhan\|a_link\|msi\|mygictv\|kworld\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]usb_action[ ]\(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105axx\|ov7630c\|pb0330[3x]x\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\][ ]=[ ][{]\([*][/][;]\)\?[\n]' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]log10\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/zd1211rw/zd_chip.c
+    defsnc '[ ][ ][ ][ ]static[ ]UINT32[ ]MD5Table\[64\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/md5\.c'
+    defsnc 'ULONG[ ][ ]*BIT32\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt28[67]0/common/rtmp_init\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]UINT8[ ]WPS_DH_\([PRX]\|RRModP\)_VALUE\[1\(9[23]\|84\)\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rt3090/common/crypt_biginteger.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]UINT32[ ]SHA256_K\[64\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rt3090/common/crpt_sha2.c
+    accept '[ *	]*0[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]1[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]2[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]3[\n][ *	]*0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1' 'net/\(netfilter\|ipv4\)/ipvs/ip_vs_sync\.c\|net/sctp/sm_make_chunk\.c\|include/linux/scpt\.h\|drivers/staging/rt3090/common/igmp_snoop\.c'
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]ccitt_16Table\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3090\)/common/rtmp_init\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]USHORT[ ]Sbox\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/rt3090/sta/rtmp_ckipmic.c
+    accept '[	]len[ ]=[ ]mod_firmware_load[(]fn,[ ][&]data[)][;][\n][	]if[ ][^{]*[ ][{][\n][	][	 ]*printk[(]KERN_ERR[ ]["]sscape:' sound/oss/sscape.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]wm_vol\[256\][ ]=' 'sound/pci/ice1712/\(phase\|aureon\)\.c'
+    accept '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?\(static[ ]inline[ ]\)\?int[ ]request_firmware\(_nowait\)\?[(]\(const[ ]struct[ ]firmware[ ][*][*]\|[\n][	]struct[ ]module[ ][*]\)' include/linux/firmware.h
+    blobname 'isl38\(77\|86\|90\)' drivers/net/wireless/prism54/islpci_dev.c
+    accept '[ ]*#[ ]*define[ ]\(STA_PROFILE\|CARD_INFO\)_PATH[	]*["][/]etc[/]Wireless[/]RT\(28[67]\|307\)0STA[/]RT\(28[67]\|307\)0STA\(Card\)\?\.dat["]' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|3070\)/rt_linux\.h'
+    accept '#include[ ]["]rf\.h["][\n]#include[ ]["]firmware\.h["]' drivers/staging/vt6656/main_usb.c
+    blob '#include[ 	]*["]\(\.\.[/]\(\.\.[/]rt30[79]0[/]\)\?\)\?firmware\.h["]' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]\|309\)0/common/rtmp_\(init\|mcu\)\.c'
+    blobna 'Derived[ ]from[ ]proprietary[ ]unpublished[ ]source[ ]code' drivers/net/tg3.c
+    blobname 'atmel_at76c50\(2\([de]\|_3com\)\?\|4a\?\(_2958\)\?\|6\)\(\.bin\)\?' drivers/net/wireless/atmel.c
+    blobna '\(pFirmwareImage[ ]=\([ ]FirmwareImage\(_\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0\)\?\|[\n 	]*[(]\(PUCHAR\|u8[ ][*]\)[)][&][\n 	]*FirmwareImage\(_\(28\|30\)70\)\?\[FIRMWAREIMAGE\(V[12]\)\?_LENGTH\]\)\|File[lL]ength[ ]=[ ]\(sizeof[(]FirmwareImage[)]\|FIRMWAREIMAGE\(V[12]\|_MAX\)\?_LENGTH\)\)[;]\([\n	 ]*\(pFirmwareImage[ ]=\([ ]FirmwareImage\(_\(28[67]\|30[79]\)0\)\?\|[\n 	]*[(]\(PUCHAR\|u8[ ][*]\)[)][&][\n 	]*FirmwareImage\(_\(28\|30\)70\)\?\[FIRMWAREIMAGE\(V[12]\)\?_LENGTH\]\)\|File[lL]ength[ ]=[ ]\(sizeof[(]FirmwareImage[)]\|FIRMWAREIMAGE\(V[12]\|_MAX\)\?_LENGTH\)\)[;]\)*' 'drivers/staging/rt\(28[67]0\|30[79]0\)/common/rtmp_init\.c'
+    blobname '\(nx\(romimg\|3fw\(ct\|mn\)\)\|phanfw\)\.bin' 'drivers/net/netxen/netxen_nic\(_\(hw\|init\)\.c\|\.h\)'
+    # The above are covered by the main Linux patterns.  The patterns
+    # below are to be kept in sync in the 2.6.33 block within the main
+    # Linux patterns, until 2.6.33 is released.
+    accept '[ ]*just[ ]run[ ]["]cat[ ][/]sys[/]firmware[/]acpi[/]tables[/]DSDT[ ]>[ ][/]tmp[/]dsdt[.]dat["]' Documentation/acpi/method-customizing.txt
+    accept '[ ]*b[)][ ]disassemble[ ]the[ ]table[ ]by[ ]running[ ]["]iasl[ ]-d[ ]dsdt[.]dat["][.]' Documentation/acpi/method-customizing.txt
+    accept '[ ]*x=["]7999\([ ][0-9]\+\)\+["]' Documentation/blockdev/drbd/DRBD-8.3-data-packets.svg
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]zoom_batt_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-zoom-peripherals.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]x[48]_vectors\[\][ ]=' drivers/edac/amd64_edac.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]\(y\|uv\)_static_hcoeffs\[N_HORIZ_\(Y\|UV\)_TAPS[ ][*][ ]N_PHASES\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_overlay.c
+    accept '[	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]ec168_download_firmware,[\n][	]\.firmware[ ]=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/ec168.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-ec168\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/ec168.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]dib0090_defaults\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib0090.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]dib0090_pll[ ]dib0090_pll_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib0090.c
+    blobname 'dvb-fe-ds3000\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    blob '[/][*][ ]\(as[ ]of[ ][^\n]*[ ]current[ ]DS3000[ ]firmware\|DS3000[ ]FW\)[^/]*[*][/]\([\n][/][*]\([ ]\(as[ ]of[ ][^\n]*[ ]current[ ]DS3000[ ]firmware\|DS3000[ ]FW\)[^/]*\|[(]DEBLOBBED[)]\)[*][/]\)*' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]ds3000_dvbs2\?_init_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]dvbs2_snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/ds3000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]cnr[ ]cnr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mb86a16.c
+    defsnc 'u8[ ]lgtdqcs001f_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/mantis/mantis_vp1033.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov9640_reg[ ]ov9640_regs_dflt\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov9640.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]static[ ]struct[ ]rj54n1_reg_val[ ]bank_[4578]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/rj54n1cb0c.c
+    blob '#define[ ]_FW_NAME[(]api[)][ ]DRV_NAME[ ]["][.]["][ ]#api[ ]["]\.fw["]' drivers/media/video/iwmc3200top.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nand_ecclayout[ ]nandv2_hw_eccoob_largepage[ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/mxc_nand.c
+    blob '#define[ ]FW_FILE_VERSION\([	]*[\\][\n][	]__stringify[(]BCM_5710_FW_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|REVISION\|ENGINEERING\)_VERSION[)]\([ ]["][.]["]\)\?\)\+' drivers/net/bnx2x_main.c
+    blobname 'bnx2x-e1h\?-["][ ]FW_FILE_VERSION[ ]["]\.fw' drivers/net/bnx2x_main.c
+    blob '#define[ ]FW_VERSION\([ ]__stringify[(]FW_VERSION_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|MICRO\)[)]\([ ]["][.]["]\)\?\([	]*[\\][\n]\)\?\)\+' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    blobname 'cxgb3[/]t3fw-["][ ]FW_VERSION[ ]["]\.bin' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    blob '#define[ ]TPSRAM_VERSION\([ ]__stringify[(]TP_VERSION_\(MAJOR\|MINOR\|MICRO\)[)]\([ ]["][.]["]\)\?\([	]*[\\][\n]\)\?\)\+' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    blobname 'cxgb3[/]t3\(%c\|[bc]\)_psram-["][ ]TPSRAM_VERSION[ ]["]\.bin' drivers/net/cxgb3/cxgb3_main.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rsshash\[40\][ ]=' drivers/net/igb/igb_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_302x\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2800lib.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]conf_drv_settings[ ]default_conf[ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1271_main.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u16[ ]bios_to_linux_keycode\[256\][ ]=' drivers/platform/x86/dell-wmi.c
+    accept '[	]err[ ]=[ ]request_firmware[(][&]pm8001_ha->fw_image,' drivers/scsi/pm8001/pm8001_ctl.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]vpdb0_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/scsi/scsi_debug.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]vesa_mode_table[ ]vesa_mode\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sm7xx/smtcfb.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]ModeInit[ ]VGAMode\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/sm7xx/smtcfb.h
+    blob 'static[ ]const[ ]hcf_8[ ]fw_image_[1234]_data\[\][ ]=[^;]*[;]\([ ]*[/][*][ ]fw_image_[1234]_data[ ][*][/]\)\?' 'drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/\(ap\|sta\)_h25\?\.c'
+    blobname '[/]etc[/]agere[/]fw\.bin' drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/wl_profile.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]long[ ]chan_freq_list\[\]\[MAX_CHAN_FREQ_MAP_ENTRIES\][ ]=' drivers/staging/wlags49_h2/wl_util.c
+    blobname 'scope\.cod' 'sound/isa/\(Kconfig\|sscape\.c\)'
+    blobname 'sndscape\.co\([?dx01234]\|%d\)' 'sound/\(isa/\(Kconfig\|sscape\.c\)\|oss/README\.OSS\)'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(adcm1700\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    blobname 'ath3k-1\.fw' drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.27*|*/patch*-2.6.31.*)
+    accept '[	]request_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]hit[ ]an[ ]OOPS' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.30*)
+    initnc '[}][ ]bclk_divs\[\][ ]=[ ][{]' sound/soc/codecs/wm8903.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.28-rc*)
+    # new in 2.6.28
+    accept '\(static[ ]\)\?const[ ]char[ ]\(inv\)\?parity\[256\][ ]=[ ][{][	 \n01,]*[}][;]' 'Documentation/mtd/nand_ecc\.txt\|drivers/mtd/nand/nand_ecc\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]\(bitsperbyte\|addressbits\)\[256\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/nand_ecc.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]pinmux_cfg_reg[ ]pinmux_config_regs\[\][ ]=' arch/sh/kernel/cpu/sh2a/pinmux-sh7203.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]e_keymap\[\][ ]=' drivers/hid/hid-lg.c
+    defsnc '[	][	]*struct[ ]phy_reg[ ]phy_reg_init_[01]\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    defsnc 'DEFINE_DEFAULT_PDR[(]0x0161,[ ]256,' drivers/net/wireless/hermes_dld.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]isink_cur\[\][ ]=' drivers/regulator/wm8350-regulator.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s16[ ]\(converge_speed_ipb\?\|LAMBDA_table\[4\]\)\[101\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]addrinctab\[33\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(default_intra_quant_table\|\(val\|bits\)_[ad]c_\(lu\|chro\)minance\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]zz\[64\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc '[	]u16[ ]pack\[\][ ]=' drivers/staging/go7007/go7007-fw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(initial\|channel\)_registers\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/staging/go7007/wis-\(ov7640\|saa7113\|tw2804\).c'
+    defsnc 'u16[ ]MTO_One_Exchange_Time_Tbl_[ls]\[MTO_MAX_FRAG_TH_LEVELS\]\[MTO_MAX_DATA_RATE_LEVELS\][ ]=' drivers/staging/winbond/mto.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]\(al2230_txvga_data\|w89rf242_txvga_old_mapping\)\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/staging/winbond/reg.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]UINT16[ ]crc16tab\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/wlan-ng/hfa384x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]UINT32[ ]wep_crc32_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/staging/wlan-ng/p80211wep.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]wm_vol\[256\][ ]=' sound/pci/ice1712/phase.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8900_reg_defaults\[WM8900_MAXREG\][ ]=' sound/soc/wm8900.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]\(clk_sys_ratios\|bclk_divs\)\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/wm8903.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(leadtek\|twinhan\|a_link\|msi\|mygictv\|kworld\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]snr_table[ ]\(qpsk\|qam\(16\|64\)\)_snr_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regdesc[ ]\(ofsm_init\|tuner_init_\(env77h11d5\|mt2060\(_2\)\?\|mxl500\(3d\|5\)\|qt1010\|mc44s803\|unknown\|tda18271\)\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]stv0288_earda_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/eds1547.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]serit_sp1511lhb_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/si21xx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]stv0288_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/stv0288.c
+    blobname 'haup-ir-blaster\.bin' drivers/input/lirc/lirc_zilog.c
+    # Non-Free license in entire file.
+    blob 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]xilinx_firm\(_4610\)\?\[\][ ]=[ ][{]'"$sepx$blobpat*$sepx"'[}][;]' 'drivers/staging/me4000/me4\(00\|61\)0_firmware\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]struct[ ]PHY_UCODE[ ]PhyUcode\[\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' drivers/staging/sxg/sxgphycode.h
+    blob 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]SaharaUCode\[2\]\[57972\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' drivers/staging/sxg/saharadbgdownload.h
+    blob '#include[ ]["]saharadbgdownload\.h["]' drivers/staging/sxg/sxg.c
+    blob 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(Mojave\|Oasis\)UCode\[2\]\[65536\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' 'drivers/staging/slicoss/\(gb\|oasis\(dbg\)\?\)download\.h'
+    blob 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(GB\|Oasis\)RcvUCode\[2560\][ ]=[^;]*[;]' 'drivers/staging/slicoss/\(gb\|oasis\)rcvucode\.h'
+    # ok from earlier releases
+    accept 'for[ ]i[ ]in[ ][ 	0-9\\\n]*[\n]do' 'Documentation/specialix.txt|Documentation/serial/specialix.txt'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]yyconst[ ]flex_int\(16\|32\)_t[ ]yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\][ ]=' '.*\.lex\.c_shipped'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)[ ]yy[^\n []*\[\][ ]=' '.*\.lex\.c_shipped'
+    initnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)[ ]yy[^\n []*\[\][ ]=[*][/][;]' '.*\.tab\.c_shipped'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]cipher_testvec[ ]\(aes\|anubis\|bf\|camellia\|cts_mode\|des3_ede\|cast6\|salsa20_stream\|serpent\|tf\|tnepres\|xeta\|x\?tea\)\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]comp_testvec[ ]\(deflate\|lzo\)_\(de\)\?comp_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]hash_testvec[ ]\(aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\|hmac_sha2\(24\|56\)\|\(sha\|wp\)\(256\|384\|512\)\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' 'crypto/\(tcrypt\|testmgr\).h'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?RegInitializer[ ]initData\[\][ ]__initdata[ ]=' 'drivers/ide/ali14xx\.c\|drivers/ide/legacy/ali14xx\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]setup\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/ide/pci/delkin_cb\.c\|drivers/ide/delkin_cb\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6[ ]-[ ]XFER_UDMA_0[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' 'drivers/ide/sis5513\.c\|drivers/ide/pci/sis5513\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(act\|ini\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\][ ]=' 'drivers/ide/sis5513\.c\|drivers/ide/pci/sis5513\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]speedtab[ ]\[3\]\[12\][ ]=' 'drivers/ide/umc8672\.c\|drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672\.c'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(effects\|gamma\)_table\[\(MAX_[A-Z]*\|[A-Z]*_MAX\)\]\[[0-9]*\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t631.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]\(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\][ ]=' net/wireless/b43/phy.c
+    accept '#define[ ]_MAP_0_32_ASCII_SEG7_NON_PRINTABLE[	]\\[\n][	]\(0,\)\+$' 'drivers/input/misc/map_to_7segment\.h\|include/linux/map_to_7segment\.h'
+    accept '[ *	]*0[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]1[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]2[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]3[\n][ *	]*0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1' 'net/\(netfilter\|ipv4\)/ipvs/ip_vs_sync\.c\|net/sctp/sm_make_chunk\.c\|include/linux/scpt\.h\|drivers/staging/rt3090/common/igmp_snoop\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]wm_vol\[256\][ ]=' sound/pci/ice1712/phase.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]zr360[56]0_dht\[0x1a4\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/zr36060\.c\|drivers/media/video/zoran/zr36060\.c'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]char[ ]zr360[56]0_dqt\[0x86\][ ]=' 'drivers/media/video/zr36060\.c\|drivers/media/video/zoran/zr36060\.c'
+    # These are removed in 2.6.28, they're here so --reverse-patch tests pass.
+    defsnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]irq_xlate\[32\][ ]=' arch/sparc/kernel/sun4m_irq.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]logitech_expanded_keymap\[LOGITECH_EXPANDED_KEYMAP_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/hid/hid-input.c
+    initc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(read_indexs\|n\(set\)\?[0-9]*\|missing\)\[[0-9x]*\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u_char[ ]nand_ecc_precalc_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/mtd/nand/nand_ecc.c
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_\(11[ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\)[ ]' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath_hal[ ]ar5416hal[ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/hw.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]INIT_2\[127\][ ]=' drivers/video/omap/lcd_sx1.c
+    initc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]ov7630_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.27-rc* | */patch*-2.6.26-git* | */git-linus.diff)
+    accept '[	]\.section[ ]__ex_table,["]a["]'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'arch/x86/lib/copy_user_\(nocache_\)\?64.S'
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]cipher_testvec[ ]des3_ede_cbc_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    accept 'desc_config1:[\n][	]\.byte[ ]0x09,[ ]0x02'"$sepx$blobpat*" 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_mfg:[\n]\?\([;]\?[	]\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_mfg_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept 'string_product:[\n]\?\([;]\?[	]\.byte[^\n]*[\n]\)\+string_product_end:' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).S'
+    accept ':03000000020200F9[\n]:040023000205\(9B0037\|5F0073\)[\n]\(:050030000000000000CB[\n]\|:0400430002010000B6[\n]\)*'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n]:\(0E06E0006400670065007400060334003700F4\|0606A000060334003700E0\)[\n]:00000001FF[\n]' 'firmware/keyspan_pda/\(keyspan_pda\|xircom_pgs\).HEX'
+    accept ':100000000C004000000000000000000000000000A4[\n]'"$sepx$blobpat*"'[\n][/][*][ ]DSP56001[ ]bootstrap[ ]code[ ][*][/]' firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.bin.ihex
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]uda1380_reg\[UDA1380_CACHEREGNUM\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/uda1380.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8510_reg\[WM8510_CACHEREGNUM\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm8510.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]atkbd_set[23]_keycode\[512\][ ]=' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]short[ ]atkbd_unxlate_table\[128\][ ]=' drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]usb_kbd_keycode\[256\][ ]=' drivers/hid/usbhid/usbkbd.c
+    initnc '[	][	]u8[ ]buf,[ ]bufs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/cxusb.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_pll_desc[ ][^\n]*[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dvb-pll.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]int[ ]sysdiv_to_div_x_2\[\][ ]=' arch/powerpc/platforms/512x/clock.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cx_inits_\(176\|320\|352\|640\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cx_jpeg_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]cxjpeg_\(640\|352\|320\|176\|qtable\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/conex.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]quant\[\]\[0x88\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]huffman\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    initc '[	]\?static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]norm_76[1247]0\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pac7311_jpeg_header\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(start\|page[34]\)_73\(02\|11\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7311.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]init\(Hv7131\|Ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|Pas\(106\|202\)\|Tas51[13]0\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(hv7131\|ov\(6650\|7630\(_3\)\?\)\|pas\(106\|202\)\|tas51[13]0\)_sensor_init\(_com\)\?\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?__u8[ ]\(hv7131r\|mi0360\|mo4000\|ov76\([36]0\|48\)\|om6802\)_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]qtable4\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]\(spca500_visual\|Clicksmart510\)_defaults\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]qtable_\(creative_pccam\|kodak_ez200\|pocketdv\)\[2\]\[64\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca500.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]spca501c\?_\(\(3com\|arowana\|mysterious\)_\)\?\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca501.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__u16\|u8\)[ ]spca505b\?_\(init\|open\)_data\(_ccd\)\?\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca505.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]spca508\(cs110\|_sightcam2\?\|_vista\)\?_init_data\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca508.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]spca561_init_data\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca561.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]spca504\(_pccam600\|A_clicksmart420\)_\(init\|open\)_data\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]qtable_\(creative_pccam\|spca504_default\)\[2\]\[64\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(effects\|gamma\)_table\[MAX_[A-Z]*\]\[[0-9]*\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t631.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]tas5130a_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(read_indexs\|n\(set\)\?[0-9]*\(_other\)\?\|missing\)\[[0-9x]*\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(mi13[12]0\|po3130\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?initQ\?VGA_\(JPG\|data\)\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]usb_action[ ]\(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105axx\|ov7630c\|pb0330[3x]x\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_agc\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]t10_dif_crc_table\[256\][ ]=' lib/crc-t10dif.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]crb_128M_2M_block_map_t[ ]crb_128M_2M_map\[64\][ ]=' drivers/net/netxen/netxen_hw.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]crc10_table\[256\][ ]=' drivers/usb/serial/safe_serial.c
+    accept '[ 	]*\([ ]*0\)*\([ ]*1\)*[\n][ 	]*0[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]0[ ]1[ ]*2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7' 'Documentation/bt8xxgpio.txt'
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]int[ ]exp_lut\[256\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_audio.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]bf_pbox\[16[ ][+][ ]2\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]bf_sbox\[256[ ][*][ ]4\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_blowfish.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]sample_\(german_\(all\|old\)\|american_\(dialtone\|ringing\|busy\)\|special[123]\|silence\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'struct[ ]pattern[ ][{][^}]*int[ ]tone[;][^}]*[}][ ]pattern\[\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/dsp_tones.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\([au]\|_4\)law_to_\([ua]law\|4bit\)\[256\][ ]=' drivers/isdn/mISDN/l1oip_codec.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]banner_table\[\][ ]=' arch/sh/boards/mach-microdev/led.c
+    initnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]\(yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)\|\(unsigned[ ]\)\?\(short\([ ]int\)\?\|char\)\)[ ]yy[^[]*\[\][ ]=[*][/][;]' scripts/genksyms/parse.c_shipped
+    accept 'irq_prio_\([hdl]\|l[cd]\):'"$sepx$blobpat*" arch/arm/inlcude/asm/hardware/entry-macro-iomd.S
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]int[ ]desc_idx_table\[\][ ]=' arch/arm/include/asm/hardware/iop3xx-adma.h
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(hv7131r\|mi0360\|mo4000\|ov76\(60\|48\)\)_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath_hal[ ]ar5416hal[ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/hw.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?u32[ ]ar\(5416\|9280\)\(Modes\(_fast_clock\)\?\|Common\|BB_RfGain\|Bank6\(TPC\)\?\|Addac\)\(_91[06]0\(1_1\)\?\|_9280\(_2\)\?\)\?\[\]\[[236]\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/initvals.h
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-gspca-git.patch)
+    # Probably for 2.6.28 or .29.
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]ov\(534\|772x\)_reg_initdata\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mi\(0360\|13[12]0\)\|po\(1200\|3130\)\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?_\?[iI]nit\(Q\?V\|SX\)GA\(_\(JPG\|data\)\)\?\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    # Already in 2.6.27.
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]initOv6650\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    initnc '[	][/][*][ ]Some[ ]more[ ]unknown[ ]stuff[ ][*][/]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]ov7648_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    # No merge needed
+    defsnc '#if[ ]0[\n][	][{]0x30,[ ]0x0154,[ ]0x0008[}],' drivers/media/video/gspca/sunplus.c
+    ;;
+  */linux*alsa*.patch)
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]tas3004_treble_table\[\][ ]=' sound/aoa/codecs/tas-basstreble.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]wm_vol\[256\][ ]=' sound/pci/ice1712/phase.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm8900_reg_defaults\[WM8900_MAXREG\][ ]=' sound/soc/wm8900.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]\(clk_sys_ratios\|bclk_divs\)\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/wm8903.c
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.26-rc*)
+    initnc 'static[ ]u64[ ]vec2off\[68\][ ]=' arch/ia64/kvm/process.c
+    initnc "[	][	][	]interrupts[ ]=[ ]<\\(0x\\)\\?3[ ]\\(0x\\)\\?0[ ]\\(0x\\)\\?0[ ][ ]$blobpat*>[;]" 'arch/powerpc/boot/dts/\(cm5200\|lite5200b\?\|kuroboxHG\|pcm030\|tqm5200\).dts'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]crctab32\[\][ ]=' arch/x86/boot/tools/build.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u64[ ]sha512_K\[80\][ ]=' 'crypto/sha512\(_generic\)\?.c'
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]hash_testvec[ ]\(hmac_sha\(224\|256\)\|aes_xcbc128\|crc32c\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]cipher_testvec[ ]\(bf_cbc\|serpent\|tnepres\|aes\(_\(cbc\|ctr\|xts\)\)\?\|x\?tea\|anubis\(_cbc\)\?\|xeta\|camellia_cbc\|cts_mode\)_\(enc\|dec\)_tv_template\[\][ ]=' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc '[	][	]\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*=[ ][{"]' crypto/tcrypt.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]speedtab[ ]\[3\]\[12\][ ]=' drivers/ide/legacy/umc8672.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]cvs_time_value\[\]\[XFER_UDMA_6[ ]-[ ]XFER_UDMA_0[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]=' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]\(ini\|act\|rco\)_time_value\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/ide/pci/sis5513.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mt2131_config1\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2131.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mt2266_init2\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/tuners/mt2266.c
+    initnc 'u16[ ]e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c
+    initnc '\(uint16_t\|u16\)[ ]e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c # u16 on 2.6.26
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_11[ABG][ ]' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    oprepline '[	][{][ ]1,[ ]MODULATION_XR,[ ]1000,[ ]2,[ ]139,[ ]1[ ][}],[	]' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_mode[ ]rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]yyconst[ ]flex_int\(16\|32\)_t[ ]yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\][ ]=' '.*\.lex\.c_shipped'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)[ ]yy[^\n []*\[\][ ]=' '.*\.lex\.c_shipped'
+    # new in 2.6.26
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]mse2snr_tab[ ]\(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]\(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initnc '[}][ ]itd1000_\(lpf_pga\|fre_values\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/itd1000.c
+    initnc '[}][ ]\(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s5h1411.c
+    initnc '[}][ ]snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10048.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]biphase_tbl\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-av-vbi.c
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]mpeg_hdr_data\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/cx18/cx18-vbi.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]u32[ ]reg_init_initialize\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc '[	][}][ ]vals\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/saa717x.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]\(main\|gear\)_seedset\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_ROWS\]\[BACKOFF_SEEDSET_LFSRS\][ ]=' drivers/net/forcedeth.c
+    blob 'unsigned[ ]char[ ]\(IDX_ACTIVATE_\(READ\|WRITE\)\|\(CM\|ULP\)_\(ENABLE\|SETUP\)\|DM_ACT\)[ ]=[ ]'"$sepx$blobpat*$sepx[;]" drivers/s390/net/qeth_core_mpc.c # from drivers/s390/net/qeth_mpc.c in 2.6.25
+    initnc '[}][ ]pll_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
+    accept "[ ][ ][{][ ]0x00014284,[ ][ ]19688[ ][}],[\n][ ][ ][{][ ]0x00011104,[ ][ ]20400[ ][}],[\n][ ][ ][{][ ]$blobpat*[ ][}]," drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c # won't be necessary in rc3
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]wm9713_reg\[\][ ]=' sound/soc/codecs/wm9713.c
+    accept 'P[13]\([\n]#[^\n]*\)*[\n]*\([\n][0-9 ]*\)\+' drivers/video/logo/logo_blackfin_clut224.ppm
+    ;;
+  */patch*-2.6.25-rc*)
+    initnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]uchar[ ]sbox\[8\]\[4\]\[16\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]'
+    accept '[	][$]3[ ]=[ ][{][{]pge[ ]=[ ][{][{]ste[ ]=[ ][{]\(\([0-9][0-9a-fx{},\n 	]*\|\(pge\|ste\)[ ]=\|<repeats[ ][0-9]\+[ ]times>\)[{},\n 	]*\)*<repeats[ ]11[ ]times>[}]$'
+    initnc 'static[ ]yyconst[ ]flex_int\(16\|32\)_t[ ]yy_[^[]*\[[0-9]*\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]yytype_u\?int\(8\|16\)[ ]yy[^[]*\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]int[ ]bcomm_irq\[3[*]16\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]int8[ ]countLeadingZerosHigh\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]unsigned[ ]long[ ]shmedia_opcode_table\[64\][ ]='
+    initnc 'u_char[ ]const[ ]data_sizes_16\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u_char[ ]const[ ]data_sizes_32\[32\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	][	]\.\(digest\|entries\|input\|key\|output\|plaintext\|result\)[ 	]*=[ ][{]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ][^\n]*_testvec[ ][^\n]*_tv_template\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]nic_qp_map[ ]nic_qp_mapping_[01]\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]mt2266_init2\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval[ ]ov_initvals\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regval[ ]stk1125_initvals\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]bnx2x_stats_len_arr\[BNX2X_NUM_STATS\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]arb_line[ ]read_arb_data\[NUM_RD_Q\]\[MAX_RD_ORD[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]arb_line[ ]write_arb_data\[NUM_WR_Q\]\[MAX_WR_ORD[ ][+][ ]1\][ ]='
+    initnc 'uint16_t[ ]e1000_igp_cable_length_table\[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]='
+    initnc 'uint16_t[ ]e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE\][ ]='
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_11\([ABG]\|TURBO\|XR\)[ ]' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/ath5k.h
+    initnc '[	][	][}][ ]blinkrates\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini[ ]ar5212_ini\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5111\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5112\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5112a\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5413\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225_agc\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\][ ]='
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]\([ ]49,\)*[\n]\([ 0-9,]*[\n]\)*[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]\([ ]49,\)*$'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]wm_vol\[256\][ ]='
+    accept 'domain<N>[ ]<cpumask>[ ]1[ ]2[ ]3[ ]4[ ]5[ ]6[ ]7[ ]8[ ]9[ ]10[ ]11[ ]12[ ]13[ ]14[ ]15[ ]16[ ]17[ ]18[ ]19[ ]20[ ]21[ ]22[ ]23[ ]24[ ]25[ ]26[ ]27[ ]28[ ]29[ ]30[ ]31[ ]32[ ]33[ ]34[ ]35[ ]36$'
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    accept '[	]24[ ]=>[ ]\[[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*[	]\]\(,[ ][0-9]\+[ ]=>[ ]\[\)\?$'
+    accept '[	][	]'"[']"'0x[^\n]*[\n]\([^\n]*[\n]\)*[	]\]\([,][ ][0-9]\+[ ]=>[ ]\[\)\?$'
+    initnc 'const[ ]u\(8\|16\|32\)[ ]b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\][ ]='
+    ;;
+  */*drm*.patch)
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]cayman_io_mc_regs\[BTC_IO_MC_REGS_SIZE\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/ni.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]v_table[ ]v_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_dma.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]est3_modes\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]u32[ ]r[67]xx_default_state\[\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r600_blit_shaders.c
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]nv17_tv_norm_params[ ]nv17_tv_norms\[NUM_TV_NORMS\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nv17_tv_modes.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]atom_dst_to_src\[8\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/atom.c
+    blobname 'matrox[/]g[24]00_warp\.fw' drivers/gpu/drm/mga/mga_warp.c
+    blobname 'r128[/]r128_cce\.bin' drivers/gpu/drm/r128/r128_cce.c
+    blobname 'radeon[/]R\([123]0\|[45]2\|S6[09]\)0_cp\.bin' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r100.c
+    blobname 'radeon[/]\(R\(60\|V6[1237]\|S7[1378]\)[05]\|%s\)_\(pfp\|me\)\.bin' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/r600.c
+    # linux-2.6-drm-i915-modeset.patch, nouveau-drm*.patch,
+    # drm-fedora9-rollup.patch
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]filter_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/char/drm/intel_tv.c
+    defsnc '\(static[ ]uint32_t\|[}]\)[ ]nv04_graph_ctx_regs[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/char/drm/nv04_graph.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]int[ ]nv1[07]_graph_ctx_regs[ ]\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/char/drm/nv10_graph.c
+    defsnc '[	][}][ ]common_modes\[17\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_connectors.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]types\[256\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvc0_vram.c
+    # drm-upgrayedd.patch
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]\(y\|uv\)_static_hcoeffs\[N_HORIZ_\(Y\|UV\)_TAPS[ ][*][ ]N_PHASES\][ ]=' drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_overlay.c
+    # Although the developers of the drivers are not trying to stop
+    # anyone from modifying it or understanding it, they acknowledge
+    # these are bits of code, obtained through mmio interactions.
+    # This means these blobs are not source code, AND original authors
+    # of the blobs have power to stop others from modifying them.
+    # Non-Free Software, for sure.
+    # initnc 'static[ ]uint32_t[ ]nv\(4[013467ace]\|49_4b\|8[46]\)_ctx_\(voodoo\|prog\)\[\][ ]=' 'drivers/char/drm/nv40_graph.c|.*'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6*-lirc.patch | */lirc-*.patch)
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]map_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/input/lirc/lirc_ttusbir.c
+    blobname 'haup-ir-blaster\.bin' drivers/input/lirc/lirc_zilog.c
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6*-at76.patch)
+    blobname 'atmel_at76c50\(3-\(i386[13]\|rfmd\(-acc\)\?\)\|5\(a\(mx\)\?\)\?-rfmd\(2958\)\?\)\.bin' drivers/net/wireless/at76_usb/at76_usb.c
+    ;;
+  */v4l1*.patch)
+    accept '[(]at[ ]which[ ]point[ ]it[ ]should[ ]use[ ]request_firmware'
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-v4l-dvb*.patch)
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]hid_keyboard\[256\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/hid/hid-input.c
+  # post 2.6.37 fixes start here
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]dib0090_pll[ ]dib0090_p1g_pll_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib0090.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]sine\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    defsnc 'u32[ ]fe_info\[44\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib9000.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]regval_list[ ]ov2640_init_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/ov2640.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]technisat_usb2_devices[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*\([	]\.identify_state[ ]*=[ ]technisat_usb2_identify_state,[\n]\)\?[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/technisat-usb2.c
+    # present in 2.6.37
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]lme2510c\?_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*\([	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]lme2510_download_firmware,[\n]\)\?[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    accept '[	]\+request_firmware[(][)][ ]will[ ]hit[ ]an[ ]OOPS' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/dib7000p.c
+    # post 2.6.35 fixes start here
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]u8[ ]def_regs\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/common/tuners/tda18218.c
+    accept '[	]p7500->firmware[ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dw2102.c
+    accept 'static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ]lme2510c\?_properties[ ]=[ ][{][\n]\([	]\.\(caps\|usb_ctrl\)[ ]*=[ ][^",]*,[\n]*\)*\([	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]lme2510_download_firmware,[\n]\)\?[	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    blobname 'dvb-usb-lme2510c\?-\(lg\|s7395\)\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]s7395_inittab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/lmedm04.h
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]struct[ ]regdesc[ ]\(ofsm_init\|tuner_init_\(env77h11d5\|mt2060\(_2\)\?\|mxl500\(3d\|5\)\|qt1010\|mc44s803\|unknown\|tda18271\)\)\[\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/af9013_priv.h
+    blobname 'lgs8g75\.fw' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/lgs8gxxx.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regdata[ ]mb86a20s_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/mb86a20s.c
+    accept '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]struct[ ]dvb_usb_device_properties[ ][*][/][;][\n][	]\.firmware[ ]*=[ ]["][/][*][(]DEBLOBBED[)][*][/]["],[\n][	]\.download_firmware[ ]=[ ]m920x_firmware_download' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/m920x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]regdata[ ]s921_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/s921.c
+    blobname 'v4l-cx23885-enc\.fw' drivers/media/video/cx23885/cx23885-417.c
+    initc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]struct[ ]idxdata[ ]tbl_common\(_[a-e]\|5\|_\?3B\?\)\[\][ ]=\([ ][{][*][/][;]\)\?' 'drivers/media/video/gspca/gl860/gl860-\(mi2020\|mi1320\|ov9655\|ov2640\)\.c'
+    initc '[	]\?static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]norm_7660\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_regvals[ ]bridge_ov7660\[2\]\[10\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]fr_tb\[2\]\[6\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]brit_7660\[\]\[7\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]contrast_7660\[\]\[31\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ov_i2c_regvals[ ]colors_7660\[\]\[6\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov519.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pac207_sensor_init\[\]\[8\(\][ ]=[ ][{]\)\?\([*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac207.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pas202_sensor_init\[\]\[8\(\][ ]=[ ][{]\)\?\([*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(const[ ]\)\?\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mt9v111\|sp80708\|hv7131[rd]\|mi0360b\?\|mo4000\|ov76\([36]0\|48\)\|om6802\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ucbus_write_cmd[ ]\(icx098bq\|lz24bp\)_start_[012]\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sq930x.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]capconfig\[4\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sq930x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rca_initdata\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/xirlink_cit.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]usb_action[ ]\(cs2102\|hdcs2020xx\|icm105a\(xx\)\?\|ov7630c\|mt9v111_[13]\|pb0330\([3x]x\)\?\|mi0360soc\)_Initial\(Scale\)\?\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    blobname 'NXP7164-2010-03-10\.1\.fw' drivers/media/video/saa7164/saa7164-fw.c
+    defsnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]map_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/input/lirc/lirc_ttusbir.c
+    blobname 'haup-ir-blaster\.bin' drivers/input/lirc/lirc_zilog.c
+    # removed bits
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(leadtek\|twinhan\|a_link\|msi\|mygictv\|kworld\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(avermedia\(_ks\)\?\|digittrade\|trekstor\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]keyboard_layout_map_t[ ]keyboard_layout_maps\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/siano/smsir.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]\(u16\|struct[ ]i2c_reg_u16\)[ ]\(bridge\|mt9\(v\(11[12]\|011\)\|m001\)\)_init\[\]\(\[2\]\)\?[ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(gc0307\|po2030n\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]\(=[ ][{]\)\?\([*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    initnc '\([;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]\)\?static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]poxxxx_init\(_common\|Q\?VGA\|_end_1\)\[\]\[4\][ ]\(=[ ][{]\)\?\([*][/][;]\)\?' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    # post 2.6.33 fixes start here
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]i2c_reg_u8[ ]ov9655_init\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c20x.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(gc0307\|po2030n\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    # rebase-gspca-to-latest 2.6.33ish starts here
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init\(_2\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534_9.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]bridge_start_\([qs]\?v\|x\)ga\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534_9.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]\(start\|page3\)_7302\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/pac7302.c
+    defsnc '[	]struct[ ]init_command[ ]\(spy\|cif\|ms350\|genius\|vivitar\)_start_commands\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sn9c2028.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]initOv6650\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]ov6650_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=[*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]pas202_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixb.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(adcm1700\|om6802\|po1030\)_sensor_\(init\|param1\)\[\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]hv7131r_sensor_init\[\]\[8\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]po1030_sensor_param1\[\]\[8\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(mi1320\|po3130\)_initVGA_data\[\]\[4\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]poxxxx_init\(_common\|Q\?VGA\|_end_1\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]gamma_tb\[6\]\[16\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/zc3xx.c
+    # rebase-gspca-to-latest ends here
+    defsnc 'static[ ]u8[ ]af9015_ir_table_\(avermedia\(_ks\)\?\|digittrade\)\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/af9015.h
+    defsnc 'struct[ ]au8522_register_config[ ]lpfilter_coef\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522_decoder.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]mse2snr_tab[ ]\(vsb\|qam\(64\|256\)\)_mse2snr_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    defsnc '[}][ ]\(VSB\|QAM\)_mod_tab\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/dvb/frontends/au8522.c
+    initc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]jpeg_head\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/jpeg.h
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]\(bridge\|sensor\)_init_ov965x\(_2\)\?\[\]\[2\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/ov534.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]probe_tb\[\]\[4\]\[8\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/sonixj.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__u16\|u8\)[ ]spca505b\?_\(init\|open\)_data\(_ccd\)\?\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca505.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]n4_lt168g\[\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(read_indexs\|n\(set\)\?[0-9]*\(_other\)\?\|missing\)\[[0-9x]*\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/t613.c
+    defsnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]eeprom_data\[\]\[3\][ ]=' drivers/media/gspca/tv8532.c
+    initnc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]__u16[ ]spca508_vista_init_data\[\]\[3\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/spca508.c
+    defsc '[;][/][*]@@[ ]-[0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ][+][0-9]*,[0-9]*[ ]@@[ ]static[ ]const[ ]__u8[ ]mi1310_socinitVGA_JPG\[\]\[4\][ ]=[ ][{][*][/][;]' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    initc 'static[ ]const[ ]\(__\)\?u8[ ]\(mi\(0360\|13[12]0\)\|po\(1200\|3130\)\|hv7131r\|ov76[67]0\)_\(\(soc\)\?_\?[iI]nit\(Q\?V\|SX\)GA\(_\(JPG\|data\)\)\?\|rundata\)\[\]\[4\][ ]=' drivers/media/video/gspca/vc032x.c
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-modsign-mpilib.patch)
+    initnc 'const[ ]unsigned[ ]char[ ]__clz_tab\[\][ ]='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev*.patch | \
+  */linux-2.6.27-net-r8169-2.6.28.patch)
+    defsnc '[	][	]*struct[ ]phy_reg[ ]phy_reg_init_[01]\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/r8169.c
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-wireless*.patch | */linux-2.6-ath5k.patch | \
+  */git-wireless-dev.patch | */linux-2.6-zd1211rw-mac80211.patch)
+    initnc 'const[ ]u\(8\|16\|32\)[ ]b43_ntab_\(\(adjustpower\|estimatepowerlt\|gainctl\|iqlt\|loftlt\|noisevar1\|tdi[24]0a\)[01]\|channelest\|frame\(lookup\|struct\)\|mcs\|pilot\|tdtrn\|tmap\)\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]s8[ ]\(b43\(legacy\)\?\|bcm43xx\)_tssi2dbm_[bg]_table\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]struct[ ]iwl\(3945\)\?_tx_power[ ]power_gain_table\[2\]\[IWL_MAX_GAIN_ENTRIES\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]gain_entry[ ]gain_table\[2\]\[108\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_5222\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_5225_2527\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt73usb.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_5226\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt73usb.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2522\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2523\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2524\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2525\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2525e\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_bg_2528\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt73usb.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_noseq\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]rf_channel[ ]rf_vals_seq\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]t\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rtl8225bcd_rxgain\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225_agc\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225_tx_power_cck\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]rtl8225z2_rxgain\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5111\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5112\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5112a\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_rf[ ]rfregs_5413\[\][ ]='
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_11A[ ]'
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_11B[ ]'
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_11G[ ]'
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_TURBO[ ]'
+    oprepline '#define[ ]AR5K_RATES_XR[ ]'
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini[ ]ar5212_ini\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_mode[ ]rf\(5413\|24\(13\|25\)\)_ini_mode_end\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/ath5k/initvals.c # ?
+    initnc '[	][	][}][ ]blinkrates\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_agc\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_ofdm\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_tx_power_cck_ch14\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187_rtl8225.c
+    # git logs
+    accept '[ ][ ][ ]sudo[ ]modprobe[ ]ath5k[ ]debug=0x00000400[\n][ 	]*[\n]\([ 	]*Band[^\n]*[\n]\([ 	]*\(\(channels\|rates\):\|[- 	0-9a-f]*\|\[\.\.\.[ ]etc[ ]\]\)[\n]\)\+\)\+[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]540[ ]000c[ ]0000[ ]0000'
+    oprepline '[	][{][ ]1,[ ]MODULATION_XR,[ ]3000,[ ]1,[ ]150,[ ]3[ ][}],'
+    # Fedora 8ish kernel-xen builds
+    initnc 'const[ ]u16[ ]crc_itu_t_table\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]tkip_sbox\[256\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_mode[ ]ar5211_ini_mode\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]struct[ ]ath5k_ini_mode[ ]ar5212_rf511[12]_ini_mode\[\][ ]='
+    initnc '[	]static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]log10\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u8[ ]rtl8225z2_tx_gain_cck_ofdm\[\][ ]='
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u32[ ]rf_vals_abg_5222\[\][ ]='
+    ;;
+  */linux-2.6-netdev-e1000e*.patch)
+    initnc 'static[ ]const[ ]u16[ ]e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table\[\][ ]=' drivers/net/e1000e/phy.c
+    ;;
+  */deblob-check-testsuite/*)
+    accept 'accept[(][^)]*[)]'
+    blobname 'blob[(][^)]*[)]'
+    blobname 'blobeol[^\n]*[\n]'
+    ;;
+  esac
+# Regular expression that matches a literal constant.
+# Regular expression that matches a separator between consecutive
+# literal constants.
+sepx="\\([ 	\\n]*\\(\\([ 	\\n]\\|[,:{}LlUu\"\'\\\\][,:{} 	\\nLlUu\"\'\\\\]*\\)[xX\$]\\?\\|[.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[ 	][ 	]*[\$]\\?\\)\\)"
+# Regular expression that matches a continuation of a blob, after an
+# initial constant.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches the initial constant of a blob plus
+# its continuation.  *, \+ and \? can be safely appended to it without
+# \(\)s.
+# Regular expression that matches a blob with at least the number of
+# constants specified as sensitivity.
+# Regular expression that matches the beginning of the pattern or a
+# line break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in
+# replacement patterns.
+# Regular expression that matches the end of the pattern or a line
+# break.  It must be \(\)ed, such that it can be named in replacement
+# patterns.
+# Regular expression that matches a C-style comment.
+# Regular expression that matches comments typically used in assembly.
+# Regular expression that matches a braced initializer containing at
+# least one blob.
+initblob="[^\\n=]*=\\([ 	\\n\\\\]\\|$comment\\)*[{]\\([^;]\\|$comment\\)*$blobseq\\([^;]\\|$comment\\)*[}]\\?\\([ 	\\n\\\\]*\\|$comment\\)[;]\\?"
+# Regular expression that matches a C (possibly multi-line) #define
+# that contains a blob.
+defineblob='[ 	]*#[ 	]*define[ 	][^\n]*\([\\][\n][^\n]*\)*'"$blobseq"'\([^\n]*\\[\n]\)*'
+# Regular expression that matches an assembly label followed by a blob
+# without any intervening label.
+asmblob="[a-zA-Z_.][^\\n:;#/ 	]*:\\([^:{}]\\|$asmcomment\\)*$blobseq\\([^:]*\\|$asmcomment\\)*"
+# Set up the sed script that will go through the (processed) input,
+# looking for sequences of blobs and printing whatever was requested.
+# It accepts 3 arguments.
+# $1 is the action in case blobs were found in the input.
+# $2 is the action in case no blobs were found, not even false positives.
+# $3 is the action in case false positives were located.
+# $4 is the action for every complete input pattern.
+set_sed_main () {
+  falsepos=`${SED-sed} -n 's,^[+]\^*,,p' < "$regex_name" |
+    ${SED-sed} -n -e 's,[$]$,\\\\([\\\\n]\\\\|$\\\\),' \
+	-e '1h; 1!H; ${g;s,[\n],\\\\|,g;s,^\(..*\)$,\\\\(\1\\\\),;p;}'`
+  blobs=`${SED-sed} -n 's,^[-],,p' < "$regex_name" |
+    ${SED-sed} -n -e 's,[$]$,\\\\([\\\\n]\\\\|$\\\\),' \
+	-e '1h; 1!H; ${g;s,[\n],\\\\|,g;s,^\(..*\)$,\\\\(\1\\\\),;p;}'`
+  # Regular expression that matches one or more blobs without
+  # intervening line breaks.
+  sblobctx="\\(\\([^\\n]\\|[/][*](DEBLOB-\\nBED)[*][/]\\)*$blobs\\)\\+"
+  # Regular expression that matches the context for a long blob match.
+  lblobctx="\\($initblob\\|$defineblob\\|$asmblob\\|$sblobctx\\)"
+  if test "X$falsepos" != X; then
+    check_false_positives="$v:???falsepos
+/$bol$falsepos/!b blob
+# See if, after removing all matches, we end up without any blobs.
+  g
+  b falsepos
+  else
+    falsepos="$.^"
+    check_false_positives=
+  fi
+  $echo "#! /bin/sed -nf
+/^[\\n]\\?;[/][*]\\(end .*\\)\\?[*][/];$/{
+  $4
+  d
+# /^;[/][*]begin /!{
+#   : internal_error
+#   $v:internal_error
+#   s,.*,Internal error at\\n&[\\n]/*(DEBLOB-\\nERROR)*/,;
+#   q 2
+# }
+$v:reading file in
+: read_more
+/^;[/][*]end [^\\n]*[*][/];$/! {
+  H
+  n
+  b read_more
+$v:read all
+s/^\\(;[/][*]begin [^\\n]*[\\n]\\)*//
+s/\\($bol[\n]\?;[/][*]\\(end [^\\n]*\\)\\?[*][/];\\)*$//
+/$blobs/!b clean
+# Fall through.
+: blob
+: clean
+: falsepos
+: print_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:delete unmatching lines
+  h
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//
+  : print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b print_matches_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:narrowed to match
+/$blobs/ {
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  p
+: print_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_matches
+: print_marked_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  h
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//
+  : print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b print_marked_matches_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:narrowed to match
+  i\\
+::: $file :::
+  # s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g
+  s/$blobs/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g
+  p
+: print_marked_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_matches
+: print_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobs/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)/\\1\/*(DEBLOB-\\nBED)*\//
+    h
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\).*/\\1/
+    $v:matched false positive
+    : print_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      b print_blobs_match_loop
+    }
+    G
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+  /^$falsepos[/][*](DEBLOB-\\nBED)[*][/]/! {
+    s/^$falsepos//
+    b print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+/^\([^\\n]\|[/][*](DEBLOB-\\nBED)[*][/]\)*$blobs/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobs\\).*//
+  $v:matched non-blob header
+  : print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b print_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+::: $file :::
+: print_blobs_output_false_positive
+/[^\\n]*[/][*](DEBLOB-[\\n]BED)[*][/]/ {
+  P
+  s,^[^\\n]*[\\n],,
+  b print_blobs_output_false_positive
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_blobs
+: print_marked_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobs/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)/\\1\/*(DEBLOB-\\nBED)*\//
+    h
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\).*/\\1/
+    $v:matched false positive
+    : print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      b print_marked_blobs_match_loop
+    }
+    G
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+  /^$falsepos[/][*](DEBLOB-\\nBED)[*][/]/! {
+    s/^falsepos//
+    b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+/^\([^\\n]\|[/][*](DEBLOB-\\nBED)[*][/]\)*$blobs/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobs\\).*//
+  $v:matched non-blob header
+  : print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b print_marked_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+::: $file :::
+: print_marked_blobs_output_false_positive
+/[^\\n]*[/][*](DEBLOB-[\\n]BED)[*][/]/ {
+  P
+  s,^[^\\n]*[\\n],,
+  b print_marked_blobs_output_false_positive
+$v:narrowed to blob
+# s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g
+: print_marked_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_blobs
+: print_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobs/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)/\\1\/*(DEBLOB-\\nBED)*\//
+    h
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\).*/\\1/
+    $v:matched false positive
+    : print_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      b print_cblobs_match_loop
+    }
+    G
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+  /^$falsepos[/][*](DEBLOB-\\nBED)[*][/]/! {
+    s/^$falsepos//
+    b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//
+  $v:matched non-blob header
+  : print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b print_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+::: $file :::
+: print_cblobs_output_false_positive
+/[^\\n]*[/][*](DEBLOB-[\\n]BED)[*][/]/ {
+  P
+  s,^[^\\n]*[\\n],,
+  b print_cblobs_output_false_positive
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_cblobs
+: print_marked_cblobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:delete false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to print the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobs/ {
+    $v:delete false positive immediately followed by blob
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)/\\1\/*(DEBLOB-\\nBED)*\//
+    h
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\).*/\\1/
+    $v:matched false positive
+    : print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      b print_marked_cblobs_match_loop
+    }
+    G
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+  /^$falsepos[/][*](DEBLOB-\\nBED)[*][/]/! {
+    s/^$falsepos//
+    b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+/^$lblobctx/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|$lblobctx\\).*//
+  $v:matched non-blob header
+  : print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b print_marked_cblobs_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+::: $file :::
+: print_marked_cblobs_output_false_positive
+/[^\\n]*[/][*](DEBLOB-[\\n]BED)[*][/]/ {
+  P
+  s,^[^\\n]*[\\n],,
+  b print_marked_cblobs_output_false_positive
+$v:narrowed to blob
+# s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g
+: print_marked_cblobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_marked_cblobs
+: print_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobs\\)/! {
+  $v:delete non-blob header
+  h
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobs\\).*//
+  $v:matched non-blob header
+  : print_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b print_both_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b print_both_delete_to_eol
+::: $file :::
+$v:narrowed to blob
+: print_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b print_both
+: list_matches
+/^$falsepos/! {
+  $v:print unmatching lines
+  h
+  s/[\\n]$falsepos.*//
+  p
+  : list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b list_matches_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:narrowed to match
+  # s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g
+  s/$blobs/\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\//g
+: list_matches_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_matches
+: list_blobs
+/^$falsepos/ {
+  $v:print false positive
+  # This is tricky.  We don't want to deblob the false positive.
+  /^$falsepos[^\\n]*$blobs/ {
+    $v:print false positive immediately followed by blob
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\)/\\1\/*(DEBLOB-\\nBED)*\//
+    h
+    s/^\\($falsepos\\).*/\\1\\n/
+    : list_blobs_match_loop
+    /[\\n]/ {
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      P
+      s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+      x
+      b list_blobs_match_loop
+    }
+    G
+    b list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+  }
+  h
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)[\\n].*/\\1/
+  p
+  g
+  s/^\\($falsepos[^\\n]*\\)//
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+/^[^\\n]*$blobs/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobs\\).*//
+  p
+  : list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b list_blobs_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:narrowed to blob
+# s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g
+: list_blobs_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_blobs
+: list_both
+/^\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobs\\)/! {
+  $v:print non-blob header
+  h
+  s/[\\n]\\($falsepos\\|[^\\n]*$blobs\\).*//
+  p
+  : list_both_nomatch_loop
+  /[\\n]/ {
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    s/^[^\\n]*[\\n]//
+    x
+    b list_both_nomatch_loop
+  }
+  x
+  b list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:narrowed to blob
+# s/{\\($sepx\\)\\?$blobseq\\($sepx\\)\\?}[ 	]*;/{\/*(DEBLOBBED)*\/};/g
+: list_both_delete_to_eol
+$v:delete to eol
+b list_both
+" > "$scriptname"
+  scriptcmd='${SED-sed} -n -f "$scriptname"'
+  case $vp in
+  [01]) xv= ;;
+  2) xv='# ';;
+  esac
+  sedunbreak='
+: restart
+/[/][*](DEBLOB-$/ {
+  N
+  /[/][*](DEBLOB-[\n]ERROR)[*][/]/{q 1;}'"
+  b restart
+  scriptcmd2='${SED-sed} -n -e "$sedunbreak"'
+set_flex_main () {
+  adjust_rx='
+s,[+]$, { falsepos (); },
+s,[-]$, { blob (); },
+  echo '%%' > "$scriptname"
+  ${SED-sed} "$adjust_rx" < "$regex_name" >> "$scriptname"
+  echo '\n|. { unmatched (); }
+int falsepos () {}
+int blob () {}
+int unmatched () {}
+' >> "$scriptname"
+  scriptcmd=false
+set_python_main () {
+  adjust_rx='
+  cat >> "$scriptname" <<EOF
+#! /usr/bin/python
+import sys
+import re
+# Should we replace blobs and false positives with replacement?
+replace_blob = 0
+replace_falsepos = 0
+replacement = '/*(DEBLOBBED)*/'
+# Should we print lines containing blobs, false positives, and neither?
+print_blob = 0
+with_context = 0
+print_falsepos = 0
+print_nomatch = 0
+# Should we print the input stack if we find blobs or false positives?
+list_blob = 0
+list_falsepos = 0
+# Should we forget everything we know about false positives?
+falsepos = None
+no_falsepos = 0
+verbose = $vp
+# Which of the defaults above should we override?
+$@ = 1
+  if test "X$DEBLOB_CHECK_PYTHON_REGEX" = Xdebug; then
+    ${SED-sed} -e 's,^[+-],,' -e "$adjust_rx" \
+	-e "s,.*,re.compile (r'&'),g" \
+	< "$regex_name" >> "$scriptname"
+  fi
+  ${SED-sed} -n 's,^[+],,p' < "$regex_name" |
+    ${SED-sed} -n -e "$adjust_rx" -e 's,\^,,' \
+	-e '1h; 1!H; $ { g; s,[\n],|,g; '"\
+s,^\\(.*\\)\$,falsepos = r'(?P<falsepos>\\1)',;\
+"' p;}' >> "$scriptname"
+  ${SED-sed} -n 's,^[-],,p' < "$regex_name" |
+    ${SED-sed} -n -e "$adjust_rx" \
+	-e '1h; 1!H; $ { g; s,[\n],|,g; '"\
+s,^\\(.*\\)\$,blob = r'(?P<blob>\\1)',;\
+"' p;}' >> "$scriptname"
+  echo "\\($initblob\\|$defineblob\\|$asmblob\\)" |
+    ${SED-sed} -e "$adjust_rx" \
+        -e "s,^\\(.*\\)\$,cblob = r'(?P<cblob>\\1)'," >> "$scriptname"
+  cat >> "$scriptname" <<\EOF
+if no_falsepos or falsepos is None:
+    falsepos = r'(?!)'
+rx = '^%s|%s' % (falsepos, blob)
+if with_context:
+    rx += '|^' + cblob
+rxc = re.compile('(?<=.)(?:%s)' % rx, re.M | re.S)
+filenames = None
+s = '\n'
+for line in sys.stdin:
+    # Read into s all lines between begin and end.  An empty line, without
+    # even the '\n', flags the end of the input.
+    if line[:3] == ';/*' and line[-4:] == '*/;\n':
+        if line[3:9] == 'begin ':
+            nextfilenames = (line[9:-4], filenames)
+            if s == '\n':
+                filenames = nextfilenames
+                del nextfilenames
+                continue
+        elif line[3:7] == 'end ':
+	    #if print_blob and not print_nomatch:
+	    # from time import time
+	    # sys.stderr.write('%i %i %s\n' % (time(), len(s), filenames[0]))
+            assert line[7:-4] == filenames[0]
+            nextfilenames = filenames[1]
+        else:
+            assert filenames != None
+            s += line
+            continue
+    else:
+        assert filenames != None
+        s += line
+        continue
+    if verbose:
+            print('looking for matches')
+            sfilenames = filenames
+            while filenames != None:
+                if filenames[1] is None:
+                    print(filenames[0])
+                else:
+                    print(filenames[0] + ' within')
+                filenames = filenames[1]
+            filenames = sfilenames
+    if s[-1] == '\n':
+        s = s[:-1]
+    pp = 1
+    p = pend = 0
+    match = (s, p)
+    while match != None:
+        firstmatch = match
+        blobs = falses = 0
+        while 1:
+            if verbose:
+                print('found match')
+            what = match.lastgroup
+            if what == 'cblob':
+                if verbose: print('match is a blob context')
+                pend = s.find ('\n', match.end()) + 1
+                if pend == 0:
+                    pend = len(s)
+                p = match.start() + 1
+                blob_p = 2
+            else:
+                blob_p = what == 'blob'
+                assert blob_p or what == 'falsepos'
+                if blob_p:
+                    if verbose: print('match is a blob')
+                    blobs += 1
+                else:
+                    if verbose: print('match is a false positive')
+                    falses += 1
+                if blob_p and replace_blob or not blob_p and replace_falsepos:
+                    s = s[:match.start(what)] + replacement + s[match.end(what):]
+                    p = match.start(what) + len(replacement)
+                    if pend > match.start(what):
+                        pend += p - match.end(what)
+                else:
+                    p = match.end(what)
+                if p > pend:
+                    pend = s.find ('\n', p) + 1
+                    if (pend == 0):
+                        pend = len(s)
+            match = (s, p)
+            if match is None or match.start () >= pend or \
+	       (blob_p and not print_blob and not falses) or \
+	       (not blob_p and not print_falsepos and not blobs):
+                break
+        if print_nomatch:
+            sys.stdout.write (s[pp:firstmatch.start() + 1])
+            pp = firstmatch.start() + 1
+        else:
+            pp = s.rfind ('\n', 0, firstmatch.start () + 1) + 1
+        if print_blob and blobs or print_falsepos and falses:
+            if not print_nomatch:
+                sfilenames = filenames
+                while filenames != None:
+                    print('::: ' + filenames[0] + ' :::')
+                    filenames = filenames[1]
+                filenames = sfilenames
+            sys.stdout.write (s[pp:pend])
+            pp = pend
+        if list_blob and blobs or list_falsepos and falses:
+            while filenames != None:
+                if filenames[1] is None:
+                    print(filenames[0])
+                else:
+                    print (filenames[0] + ' within')
+                filenames = filenames[1]
+            exit (1)
+    if print_nomatch:
+        sys.stdout.write(s[pp:])
+    if verbose:
+        print('no further matches')
+    s = '\n'
+    filenames = nextfilenames
+    del nextfilenames
+assert filenames is None
+exit (0)
+  scriptcmd="${PYTHON-python} "'"$scriptname"'
+set_perl_main () {
+  adjust_rx='
+  # Add $ before arguments
+  set `echo "$@" | sed 's,\(^\|= *\),&$,g'`
+  cat >> "$scriptname" <<\EOF
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# Should we replace blobs and false positives with replacement?
+my $replace_blob = 0;
+my $replace_falsepos = 0;
+my $replacement = '/*(DEBLOBBED)*/';
+# Should we print lines containing blobs, false positives, and neither?
+my $print_blob = 0;
+my $with_context = 0;
+my $print_falsepos = 0;
+my $print_nomatch = 0;
+# Should we print the input stack and exit if we find blobs or false positives?
+my $list_blob = 0;
+my $list_falsepos = 0;
+# Should we forget everything we know about false positives?
+my $falsepos;
+my $no_falsepos = 0;
+  cat >> "$scriptname" <<EOF
+my \$verbose = $vp;
+# Which of the defaults above should we override?
+$@ = 1;
+  ${SED-sed} -n 's,^[+],,p' < "$regex_name" |
+    ${SED-sed} -n -e "$adjust_rx" -e 's,\^,,' \
+	-e '1h; 1!H; $ { g; s,[\n],|,g; '"\
+s,^\\(.*\\)\$,\$falsepos = qr'(?<falsepos>\\1)'ms;,;\
+"' p;}' >> "$scriptname"
+  ${SED-sed} -n 's,^[-],,p' < "$regex_name" |
+    ${SED-sed} -n -e "$adjust_rx" \
+	-e '1h; 1!H; $ { g; s,[\n],|,g; '"\
+s,^\\(.*\\)\$,my \$blob = qr'(?<blob>\\1)'ms;,;\
+"' p;}' >> "$scriptname"
+  echo "\\($initblob\\|$defineblob\\|$asmblob\\)" |
+    ${SED-sed} -e "$adjust_rx" \
+        -e "s,^\\(.*\\)\$,my \$cblob = qr'(?<cblob>\\1)'ms if \$with_context;," >> "$scriptname"
+  cat >> "$scriptname" <<\EOF
+$falsepos = qr/(?<falsepos>(?!))/ if $no_falsepos || ! defined $falsepos;
+my $rx = qr/^$falsepos|$blob/ms;
+$rx = qr/$rx|^$cblob/ms if $with_context;
+my @filenames;
+my $nfilenames = 0;
+my $nextnfilenames;
+my $s = '';
+while (<STDIN>) {
+    # Read into s all lines between begin and end.  An empty line, without
+    # even the '\n', flags the end of the input.
+    if (m:^[;][/][*](begin|end) (.*)[*][/][;]$:) {
+	if ($1 eq 'begin') {
+	    print "entering $2\n" if $verbose;
+	    $filenames[$nfilenames] = $2;
+	    $nextnfilenames = $nfilenames + 1;
+	    if ($s eq '') {
+		$nfilenames = $nextnfilenames;
+		next;
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    $nextnfilenames = $nfilenames - 1;
+	    print "processing $filenames[$nextnfilenames]\n" if $verbose;
+	}
+    } else {
+	$s .= $_;
+	next;
+    }
+    if ($verbose) {
+	print "looking for matches in\n";
+	for (my $i = $nfilenames; --$i > 0; ) {
+	    print $filenames[$i], " within\n";
+	}
+	print $filenames[0], "\n";
+    }
+    $s =~ s/[\n]$//;
+    my $pp = my $p = 0;
+    my $matchfound = substr ($s, $p) =~ /$rx/o;
+    while ($matchfound) {
+	print "found first match\n" if $verbose;
+	my $firstmatchstart = $-[0] + $p;
+	my $blobs = my $falses = 0;
+	my $matchstart = $-[0] + $p;
+	my $pend = -1;
+	my $blob_p;
+	do {{
+	    my $matchend = $+[0] + $p;
+	    print "found match $matchstart..$matchend\n" if $verbose;
+	    print "$&" if $verbose > 1;
+	    if (defined $+{'cblob'}) {
+		print "match is a blob context\n" if ($verbose);
+		$pend = index ($s, "\n", $matchend) + 1;
+		$pend = length $s if !$pend;
+	    }
+	    if (defined $+{'falsepos'}) {
+		print "match is a false positive\n" if ($verbose);
+		# $matchend -= $+[0] - $+[1];
+		$blob_p = 0;
+		$falses++;
+	    } elsif (defined $+{'blob'}) {
+		$blob_p = 1;
+		$blobs++;
+		print "match is a blob at $matchstart\n" if ($verbose);
+	    } else {
+		$blob_p = 2;
+		$p = $matchstart;
+		print "searching up to $pend\n" if $verbose;
+		next;
+	    }
+	    if ($blob_p ? $replace_blob : $replace_falsepos) {
+		substr ($s, $matchstart, $matchend - $matchstart,
+			$replacement);
+		$p = $matchstart + length $replacement;
+		$pend += $p - $matchend if $pend >= $matchstart;
+	    } else {
+		$p = $matchend;
+	    }
+	    $pend = index ($s, "\n", $p) + 1 if $p >= $pend;
+	    $pend = length $s if !$pend;
+	    print "searching up to $pend\n" if $verbose;
+	    $p--;
+	}} while (($matchfound = (substr ($s, $p) =~ /(?<=.)$rx/mso))
+		  && ($matchstart = $-[0] + $p) < $pend
+		  && !($blob_p
+		       ? (!$print_blob && !$falses)
+		       : (!$print_falsepos && !$blobs)));
+	print "last match before $pend\n" if $verbose;
+	if ($print_nomatch) {
+	    print substr ($s, $pp, $firstmatchstart - $pp);
+	    $pp = $firstmatchstart;
+	} elsif (($print_blob || $print_falsepos) && $firstmatchstart > 0) {
+	    $pp = rindex ($s, "\n", $firstmatchstart - 1) + 1;
+	}
+	if (($print_blob && $blobs) || ($print_falsepos && $falses)) {
+	    if (!$print_nomatch) {
+		for (my $i = $nfilenames; $i-- > 0;) {
+		    print "::: ", $filenames[$i], " :::\n";
+		}
+	    }
+	    print substr ($s, $pp, $pend - $pp);
+	    $pp = $pend;
+	}
+	if (($list_blob && $blobs) || ($list_falsepos && $falses)) {
+	    for (my $i = $nfilenames; --$i > 0;) {
+		print $filenames[$i], " within ";
+	    }
+	    print $filenames[0], "\n";
+	    exit (1);
+	}
+    }
+    print substr ($s, $pp) if $print_nomatch;
+    print "no further matches\n" if $verbose;
+    $s = '';
+    $nfilenames = $nextnfilenames;
+exit (0);
+  scriptcmd="${PERL-perl} "'"$scriptname"'
+set_awk_main () {
+  adjust_rx='
+  case " = $@ = " in
+  *" = no_falsepos = "*) falsepos='$.^';;
+  *) falsepos=`
+    ${SED-sed} -n 's,^[+],,p' < "$regex_name" |
+    ${SED-sed} -n -e "$adjust_rx" -e 's,\^,,' \
+	-e '1h; 1!H; $ { g; s,[\n],|,g; p;}'
+    `
+     case $falsepos in "") falsepos='$.^';; esac;;
+  esac
+  blob=`
+    ${SED-sed} -n 's,^[-],,p' < "$regex_name" |
+    ${SED-sed} -n -e "$adjust_rx" \
+	-e '1h; 1!H; $ { g; s,[\n],|,g; p;}'`
+  case " = $@ = " in
+  *" = with_context = "*) cblob=`
+    $echo "\\($initblob\\|$defineblob\\|$asmblob\\)" |
+    ${SED-sed} -e "$adjust_rx"
+   `;;
+  *) cblob='$.^';;
+  esac
+  xrs= nrs="# " eor="RT" eormatch='RT ~ ' eornl='[\n]' eornlsz=1
+  # Uncomment the line below to disable the use of a regular
+  # expression for the awk Record Separator, a GNU awk extension.
+  # Using this extension appears to save a lot of memory for long
+  # deblob-check runs.
+  # xrs="# " nrs= eor='$0' eormatch='' eornl= eornlsz=0
+  cat >> "$scriptname" <<EOF
+#! /bin/gawk --re-interval -f
+    # Should we replace blobs and false positives with replacement?
+    replace_blob = 0;
+    replace_falsepos = 0;
+    replacement = "/*(DEBLOBBED)*/";
+    # Should we print lines containing blobs, false positives, and neither?
+    print_blob = 0;
+    with_context = 0;
+    print_falsepos = 0;
+    print_nomatch = 0;
+    # Should we print the input stack and exit if we find blobs or
+    # false positives?
+    list_blob = 0;
+    list_falsepos = 0;
+    # Should we forget everything we know about false positives?
+    no_falsepos = 0;
+    verbose = $vp;
+    nfilenames = 0;
+    s = "\n";
+    # Which of the defaults above should we override?
+    $@ = 1;
+    # requires GNU awk RS extension:
+$xrs	RS = "[;][/][*](begin|end) [^\n]*[*][/][;][\n]";
+# requires GNU awk RS extension:
+$xrs { s = s \$0; }
+# does not require GNU awk RS extension:
+$nrs !/^[;][/][*].*[*][/][;]$/ {
+$nrs	 s = s \$0 "\n";
+$nrs	 next;
+$nrs }
+$eormatch /^[;][/][*]begin .*[*][/][;]$eornl$/ {
+    filenames[nfilenames] = substr($eor, 10, length ($eor) - 12 - $eornlsz);
+    if (verbose) print "entering " nfilenames ": " filenames[nfilenames];
+    nextnfilenames = nfilenames + 1;
+    if (s == "\n") {
+	nfilenames = nextnfilenames;
+	next;
+    }
+$eormatch /^[;][/][*]end .*[*][/][;]$eornl$/ {
+    nextnfilenames = nfilenames - 1;
+    if (verbose)
+	print "got to the end of " nextnfilenames ": " filenames[nextnfilenames];
+    if (verbose) {
+	print "looking for matches";
+	for (i = nfilenames; --i > 0;)
+	    print filenames[i] " within";
+	print filenames[0]
+    }
+    s = substr (s, 1, length (s) - 1)
+    pp = 2;
+    p = pend = 1;
+    if (verbose > 1) print "searching starting at", substr (s, p, 10)
+    matchfound = match (substr (s, p),
+			/[\n]($falsepos)|[\n]($cblob)|.($blob)/);
+    while (matchfound) {
+	blobs = falses = 0;
+	firstmatchstart = RSTART + p;
+	for (;;) {
+	    matchstart = RSTART + p - 1;
+	    matchlen = RLENGTH;
+	    if (verbose) {
+		print "found match", matchstart, matchlen;
+		if (verbose > 1)
+		    print substr (s, matchstart + 1, matchlen - 1);
+	    }
+	    if (match (substr (s, matchstart, matchlen), /^[\n]($falsepos)/) == 1) {
+		matchlen = RLENGTH;
+		if (verbose) print "match is a false positive of length", matchlen;
+		blob_p = 0;
+		falses++;
+	    } else if (match (substr (s, matchstart, matchlen), /^.($blob)/) == 1) {
+		matchlen = RLENGTH;
+		if (verbose) print "match is a blob of length", matchlen;
+		blob_p = 1;
+		blobs++;
+	    } else if (match (substr (s, matchstart, matchlen), /^[\n]($cblob)$/) == 1) {
+		if (verbose) print "match is a blob context";
+		pend = index (substr (s, matchstart + matchlen), "\n");
+		if (pend)
+		    pend += matchstart + matchlen;
+		else
+		    pend = length (s);
+		p = matchstart + 1;
+		blob_p = 2;
+		if (verbose > 1) print "range is:", substr (s, p, pend - p);
+	    }
+	    if (blob_p < 2) {
+		if (blob_p ? replace_blob : replace_falsepos) {
+		    s = substr (s, 1, matchstart)		\\
+			replacement				\\
+			substr (s, matchstart + matchlen);
+		    p = matchstart + length (replacement) - 1;
+		    pend += (p + 1 - matchstart - matchlen);
+		} else
+		    p = matchstart + matchlen - 1;
+		if (p >= pend) {
+		    i = index (substr (s, p + 1), "\n");
+		    if (i)
+			pend = p + 1 + i;
+		    else
+			pend = length (s)
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (verbose) print "search until", pend;
+	    if (!(matchfound = match (substr (s, p),
+				      /[\n]($falsepos)|[\n]($cblob)|.($blob)/)) ||
+		p + RSTART >= pend ||
+		(blob_p ?
+		 (!print_blob && !falses) :
+		 (!print_falsepos && !blobs)))
+		break;
+	}
+	if (print_nomatch)
+	    printf "%s", substr (s, pp, firstmatchstart - pp);
+	else if (print_blob || print_falsepos) {
+	    lastline = substr (s, pp, firstmatchstart - pp);
+	    sub (/.*[\n]/, "", lastline);
+	    if (verbose) print "lastline: " lastline "\\\\n"
+	    firstmatchstart -= length (lastline);
+	}
+	pp = firstmatchstart;
+	if (verbose) print "match set range:", pp, pend
+	if ((print_blob && blobs) || (print_falsepos && falses)) {
+	    if (!print_nomatch)
+		for (i = nfilenames; i-- > 0;)
+		    print "::: " filenames[i] " :::";
+	    printf "%s", substr (s, pp, pend - pp);
+	    pp = pend;
+	}
+	if ((list_blob && blobs) || (list_falsepos && falses)) {
+	    for (i = nfilenames; --i > 0;)
+		print filenames[i] " within";
+	    print filenames[0];
+	    exit (1);
+	}
+    }
+    if (print_nomatch)
+	printf "%s", substr (s, pp)
+    if (verbose)
+	print "no further matches";
+    s = "\n";
+    nfilenames = nextnfilenames;
+    next;
+  scriptcmd="${AWK-gawk} --re-interval -f "'"$scriptname"'
+set_flex_main () {
+  adjust_rx='
+s,[+]$, { falsepos (); },
+s,[-]$, { blob (); },
+  echo '%%' > "$scriptname"
+  ${SED-sed} "$adjust_rx" < "$regex_name" >> "$scriptname"
+  echo '\n|. { unmatched (); }
+int falsepos () {}
+int blob () {}
+int unmatched () {}
+' >> "$scriptname"
+  scriptcmd=false
+set_save_script_input_main () {
+  savename=`mktemp -t deblob-check-input-XXXXXX`
+  scriptcmd="{ echo saving input in $savename && cat > $savename && echo done; }"
+# Process an input file named in $1 and run it through the blob
+# recognizer.  Functions set_except and set_sed_cmd provide additional
+# arguments on a per-file and per-action basis.
+check () {
+  case "$#" in 1) ;; *) echo ICE >&2; exit 1;; esac
+  input=$1
+  # Add $1 to falsepos.  Its usage makes it implicitly anchored to the
+  # beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow the
+  # falsepos matches to files that match it.
+  addx () {
+    $echo "+^$1" >> $regex_name
+  }
+  # Add $1 to falseneg.  Unlike addx, it is NOT implicitly anchored to
+  # the beginning of the line.  $2, if present, will some day narrow
+  # the falseneg matches to files that match it.
+  badx () {
+    $echo "-$1" >> $regex_name
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';'.  $2 may optionally name the files in which this
+  # match is to be disregarded as a potential blob.
+  initnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*[;]\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Same as initnc, but require the terminating semicolon.
+  defsnc () {
+    addx "$1[^;]*[;]" $2
+  }
+  # Look for a multi-line definition starting with a line that matches
+  # $1 (implicitly anchored to the beginning of the line), and ending
+  # at the first ';' that's not within comments.
+  initc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;/]\\+\\($comment\\|[/][^/*;]\\)\\+\\)*[^;/]*[;]\\?" $2
+  }
+  # Same as initc, but require the terminating semicolon.
+  defsc () {
+    addx "$1\\([^;/]\\+\\($comment\\|[/][^/*;]\\)\\+\\)*[^;/]*[;]" $2
+  }
+  # Accept as a non-blob an expression $1 that would have otherwise
+  # triggered blob detection.  The expression must end in a way that
+  # would trigger the blob detection machinery.
+  accept () {
+    addx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match up to the end a comment started in $1.
+  ocomment () {
+    addx "$1[/]*\\([*]*[^*/][/]*\\)*[*]\+[/]" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 followed by backslash-terminated lines and a last
+  # non-backslash-terminated line.
+  oprepline () {
+    addx "$1\\([^\\\\\\n]*[\\\\][\\n]\\)*[^\\\\\\n]*$" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  Not anchored.
+  blobna () {
+    badx "$1" $2
+  }
+  # Match $1 as a blob anywhere.  $2 is just for documentation purposes.
+  blobname () {
+    badx "$1"
+  }
+  # Match $1 in $2 as a blob.  The expectation is a match in the
+  # beginning of line, but we don't do anchoring of blob patterns ATM.
+  blob () {
+    badx "$1" $2
+  }
+  regex_name=`mktemp -t deblob-check-regex-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$regex_name"
+  set_except "$input"
+  # Check that all regular expressions match our requirements.
+  ${SED-sed} -n '
+/\([^\\]\|^\)\(\\\\\)*\([{(|)}?+^$"'"'"'; 	]\)\|^$/{
+  g
+  i\
+BAD regular expression:
+  p
+  q 1
+}' $regex_name >&2 || exit 1
+  scriptname=`mktemp -t deblob-check-script-XXXXXX`
+  tempfiles="$tempfiles $scriptname"
+  scriptcmd=false
+  scriptcmd2=
+  $set_cmd "$input"
+  for f in $tempfiles; do
+    case $f in "$scriptname") ;;
+    *) rm -f "$f" ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  tempfiles="$scriptname"
+  # Choose the input source...
+  case $input in
+  -) in= ;;
+  *) in='< "$input"' ;;
+  esac
+  set fnord # shifted out below
+  # Decompress as needed...
+  case $input in
+  *.bz2) cmd='bunzip2' ;;
+  *.xz) cmd='unxz' ;;
+  *.lz) cmd='lzip -d' ;;
+  *.gz | *.tgz) cmd='gunzip' ;;
+  *) cmd= ;;
+  esac
+  if test -n "$cmd"; then
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+  fi
+  # Extract or otherwise munge...
+  case /$input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="tar -xf - --to-command='echo \";/*begin \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"; cat; echo; echo \";/*end \$TAR_FILENAME*/;\"'"
+    ;;
+  *.patch | *.patch.*z* | */patch-* | *.diff | *.diff.*z*)
+    if $reverse_patch; then
+      s=- r=+
+    else
+      s=+ r=-
+    fi
+    sedpatch="
+      /^[$r]/b testlastline;
+      # /^[*!]/ {
+      # 	s,^,context diffs are not properly supported\\n,;
+      # 	W /dev/stderr
+      # 	d;
+      # }
+      /^\\(@@ \\|$s$s$s \\|[^$s @]\\|$\\)/ {
+	x;
+	/^@@ /{
+	  s,^,;/*end ,;
+	  s,\\([\\n]\\|$\\),*/;&,;
+	  i\\
+	  P;
+	  s,^[^\\n]*\\([\\n]\\|$\\),,;
+	}
+	x;
+      }
+      /^\\($s$s$s \\|[^$s @]\\|$\\)/ {
+	x;
+	/^$s$s$s /{
+	  s,^$s$s$s,;/*end,;
+	  s,\\([\\n]\\|$\\),*/;&,;
+	  i\\
+	  P;
+	  s,^[^\\n]*\\([\\n]\\|$\\),,;
+	}
+	x;
+      }
+      /^$s$s$s / {
+	H;
+	x;
+	s,^[\\n],,;
+	s,^\\(.*\\)[\\n]\\([^\\n]*\\)$,\\2\\n\\1,;
+	x;
+	s,^$s$s$s \\(.*\\)$,;/*begin \\1*/;,;
+	p;
+	d;
+      }
+      /^@@ / {
+        H;
+	x;
+	s,^[\\n],,;
+	s,^\\(.*\\)[\\n]\\([^\\n]*\\)$,\\2\\n\\1,;
+	x;
+	# A number of patterns for patches depend on the ;/*@@ lines for
+	# context.
+	s,^.*$,;/*begin &*/;\\n;/*&*/;,;
+	p;
+	d;
+      }
+      s,^[ !$s],,
+      p;
+      :testlastline
+      $ {
+	x;
+	/^@@ /{
+	  s,^,;/*end ,;
+	  s,\\([\\n]\\|$\\),*/;&,;
+	  i\\
+	  P;
+	  s,^[^\\n]*\\([\\n]\\|$\\),,;
+	}
+	/^$s$s$s /{
+	  s,^$s$s$s,;/*end,;
+	  s,\\([\\n]\\|$\\),*/;&,;
+	  i\\
+	  P;
+	  s,^[^\\n]*\\([\\n]\\|$\\),,;
+	}
+	x;
+      }
+      d;"
+    cmd='${SED-sed} "$sedpatch"'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    cmd='cat'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  cmd="{ echo \";/*begin $input*/;\"; $cmd; echo; echo \";/*end $input*/;\"; }"
+  set "$@" "$cmd"
+  case $input in
+  *.tar*)
+    cmd="{ cat; cat > /dev/null; }"
+    set "$@" "$cmd"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Then run through the selected action.
+  set "$@" "$scriptcmd"
+  case $scriptcmd2 in "" | cat) ;;
+  *) set "$@" "$scriptcmd2"
+  esac
+  # test $# = 1 || set "$@" "cat"
+  shift # fnord goes out here
+  pipe=
+  for cmd
+  do
+    if test -z "$pipe"; then
+      pipe="$cmd $in"
+    else
+      pipe="$pipe | $cmd"
+    fi
+  done
+  eval "$pipe"
+  status=$?
+  $rm $tempfiles
+  tempfiles=
+  (exit $status)
+# If no input given, use stdin.
+case $# in
+  test -t 0 && echo reading from standard input >&2
+  set fnord -
+  shift
+  ;;
+# The lines below commented out out #list: can be used to get a list
+# of matching inputs.  ATM this is useless, so we just use a shell
+# boolean.
+#list: n=$#
+trap "status=$?; test -z \"$tempfiles\" || rm -f $tempfiles; (exit $status); exit" 0 1 2 15
+# Go through each of the input files in the command line.
+for file
+  case $process_arg in
+  "") ;;
+  --implied-prefix | --prefix | -i)
+    prefix=$file
+    case $prefix in
+    /*/) ;;
+    */) prefix=/$prefix ;;
+    /*) prefix=$prefix/ ;;
+    *) prefix=/$prefix/ ;;
+    esac
+    process_arg=
+    continue
+    ;;
+  *)
+    echo Internal error with process_arg=$process_arg >&2
+    exit 1
+    ;;
+  esac
+  case $sawdashdash$file in
+  --implied-prefix | --prefix | -i)
+    process_arg=$file
+    continue
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # If we print anything whatsoever (even a blank line) while
+  # processing it, we've failed.
+  if check "$file"; then
+    :
+  else
+    pass=false
+    #list: set fnord "$@" "$file"
+    #list: shift
+  fi
+case $process_arg in
+"") ;;
+  echo Missing argument to $process_arg >&2
+  exit 1
+  ;;
+#list: shift $n
+#list: exec test $# = 0

+ 319 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Alexandre Oliva <>
+# This program is part of GNU Linux-libre, a GNU project that
+# publishes scripts to clean up Linux so as to make it suitable for
+# use in the GNU Project and in Free System Distributions.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+# USA
+# deblob-main - prepare a GNU Linux-libre tarball out of a non-libre
+# Linux tarball.  It expects the Linux release (mver, say 3.0) as the
+# first argument, the gnu sub-release (extra) as the second optional
+# argument, and the patch release (sver, say .13) as an optional third
+# argument.  mver and sver are pasted together to form kver.
+# linux-$kver.tar.bz2 and deblob-$mver must exist in the current
+# directory, and the line that sets kver and extra in deblob-$mver
+# must match mver and extra.
+# The resulting tarball is put in linux-libre-$kver-gnu$extra.tar.bz2.
+# An uncompressed xdelta that produces linux-libre-$kver-gnu$extra.tar
+# out of linux-$kver.tar is put in linux-libre-$kver-gnu$extra.xdelta.
+# This xdelta can be distributed to enable third parties to easily
+# reconstruct the binary tarball starting out of sources downloaded
+# from, but without distributing non-Free Software
+# yourself, because xdelta (unlike patches) is not reversible: the
+# removed bits are not present in it at all.
+# xdelta version 3 uses different command line syntax, and it switched
+# to the more standardized but less efficient vcdiff file format.
+# This script will also produce a vcdiff file if xdelta3 is present,
+# and it expects the xdelta program to use the version 1 syntax.
+# To enable you to check the differences between the tarballs, a patch
+# file is generated in linux-libre-$kver-gnu$extra.patch.  This patch
+# file contains the non-Free blobs, even though in reversed form, so
+# its distribution is discouraged.
+# The tar files and binary deltas are finally compressed with bzip2,
+# and optionally with lzip and xz too, if the compressors are
+# available.
+# At the end, the script attempts to generate a digital signature for
+# the newly-created tarball.  This is the last thing the script does,
+# so interrupting it at that point to skip the signing won't fail to
+# do anything else.
+# It is safe to interrupt the script at any other point.  When it gets
+# a ^C (other than during signing), it starts cleaning up all of its
+# temporary and output files.  If you insist, it may leave junk
+# behind, and then it will refuse to run again before you clean it up
+# by hand.  It takes extra care to avoid overwriting useful files.
+# If deblob-$mver finds any unexpected situation, it will error out,
+# and then deblob-main will quit.  Pass --force to deblob-main, before
+# any other argument, for deblob-main to ignore any such situations.
+case $1 in
+--force) force=--force; shift;;
+*) force=;;
+# We don't want e.g. diff output translations to affect us.
+LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL
+mver=$1 extra=$2 sver=$3
+kver=$mver$sver gnu=gnu$extra
+deblob= dir=`echo "$0" | sed 's,[^/]*$,,;s,^$,.,;s,/*$,,'`
+if test -f linux-$kver.tar; then
+  zext=tar     zcmd=
+elif test -f linux-$kver.tar.bz2; then
+  zext=tar.bz2 zcmd=bunzip2
+elif test -f linux-$kver.tar.xz; then
+  zext=tar.xz  zcmd=unxz
+elif test -f linux-$kver.tar.lz; then
+  zext=tar.lz  zcmd="lzip -d"
+elif test -f linux-$kver.tar.gz; then
+  zext=tar.gz  zcmd=gunzip
+elif test -f linux-$kver.tgz; then
+  zext=tgz     zcmd=gunzip
+  echo linux-$kver.tar not found, tried .bz2, .xz, .lz, .gz and .tgz too >&2
+  exit 1
+if test -f deblob-$mver; then
+  deblob=deblob-$mver
+elif test -f deblob; then
+  deblob=deblob
+elif test -f $dir/deblob-$mver; then
+  cp $dir/deblob-$mver deblob
+  deblob=deblob
+  echo deblob does not exist >&2
+  exit 1
+x1="kver=$mver extra=$extra"
+x2=`grep "^kver=[^ ]* extra=" $deblob`
+if test "$x1" = "$x2"; then
+  :
+  echo deblob script does not match command-line arguments >&2
+  echo expected: $x1 >&2
+  echo found   : $x2 >&2
+  exit 1
+for f in \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.bz2 \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.bz2.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.bz2.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.xz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.xz.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.xz.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.lz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.lz.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.lz.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.patch \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.bz2 \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.bz2.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.bz2.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.xz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.xz.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.xz.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.lz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.lz.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.lz.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.bz2 \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.bz2.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.bz2.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.xz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.xz.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.xz.sign \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.lz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.lz.asc \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.lz.sign \
+; do
+  if test -f $f; then
+    echo $f already exists >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  cleanup="$cleanup $f"
+for d in \
+  linux-$kver \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu \
+  orig-linux-$kver \
+; do
+  if test -d $d; then
+    echo $d already exists >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  cleanup="$cleanup $d"
+if test -f $dir/deblob-$kver; then
+  if cmp $dir/deblob-$kver $deblob; then
+    :
+  else
+    echo $dir/deblob-$kver and $deblob are different >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+if test ! -f deblob-check; then
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    cp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check
+  fi
+  if test -f $dir/deblob-check; then
+    if cmp $dir/deblob-check deblob-check; then
+      :
+    else
+      echo $dir/deblob-check and deblob-check are different >&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+trap 'status=$?; echo cleaning up...; rm -rf $cleanup; (exit $status); exit' 0 1 2 15
+set -e
+if test -n "$zcmd"; then
+  echo Uncompressing linux-$kver.$zext into linux-$kver.tar
+  rm -rf linux-$kver.tar
+  cleanup="$cleanup linux-$kver.tar"
+  $zcmd < linux-$kver.$zext > linux-$kver.tar
+echo Extracting linux-$kver.tar into linux-$kver
+rm -rf linux-$kver
+tar -xf linux-$kver.tar
+rm -rf linux-libre-$kver-$gnu linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+echo Copying linux-$kver to linux-libre-$kver-$gnu
+cp linux-$kver.tar linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+cp -lR linux-$kver/. linux-libre-$kver-$gnu
+rm -f linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log.tmp
+echo Deblobbing within linux-libre-$kver-$gnu, saving output to linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log
+# We can't just pipe deblob into tee, for then we fail to detect
+# error conditions.  Use file renaming to tell whether we succeeded.
+if (cd linux-libre-$kver-$gnu && /bin/sh ../$deblob $force) 2>&1; then
+  mv linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log.tmp linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log
+fi | tee linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log.tmp
+if test ! -f linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log; then
+  mv linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log.tmp linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.log
+  echo $deblob failed, aborting >&2
+  exit 1
+rm -f linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.patch
+# Do not copy these scripts for now, deblob-check regards itself as a blob.
+# cp -p $0 $deblob deblob-check linux-libre-$kver-$gnu
+echo Generating linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.patch
+diff -druN linux-$kver linux-libre-$kver-$gnu > linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.patch || :
+echo Removing removed or modified files from linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+diff -rq linux-$kver linux-libre-$kver-$gnu |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\1/\3,p;
+  s,^Files \\(linux-$kver\\)/\\(.*\\) and linux-libre-$kver-$gnu/\\2 differ,\\1/\\2,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --delete -f linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+echo Adding modified or added files to linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+rm -rf orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+mv linux-libre-$kver-$gnu linux-$kver
+diff -rq orig-linux-$kver linux-$kver |
+sed -n "
+  s,^Files orig-\\(linux-$kver/.*\\) and \\1 differ,\\1,p;
+  s,^Only in \\(linux-$kver\\(/.*\\)\\?\\): \\(.*\\),\\1/\\3,p;
+" |
+xargs tar --append -f linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+echo Wiping out extracted trees
+rm -rf linux-$kver orig-linux-$kver
+echo Creating vcdiff between linux-$kver.tar and linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+xdelta3 -e -9 -S djw -s linux-$kver.tar linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff || : # don't fail if xdelta3 is not present
+echo Creating xdelta between linux-$kver.tar and linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+xdelta delta -0 linux-$kver.tar linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta || : # xdelta returns nonzero on success
+cleanup="linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta"
+echo Compressing binary deltas and linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+rm -f linux-$kver.tar
+if test -f linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff; then
+  bzip2 -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff
+  xz -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff || :
+  lzip -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff || :
+if test -f linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta; then
+  bzip2 -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta
+  xz -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta || :
+  lzip -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta || :
+bzip2 -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar
+xz -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar || :
+lzip -k9 linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar || :
+echo Done except for signing, feel free to interrupt
+for f in \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.bz2 \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.xz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.tar.lz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.bz2 \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.xz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.vcdiff.lz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.bz2 \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.xz \
+  linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.xdelta.lz \
+; do
+  if test -f $f; then
+    gpg -a --detach-sign $f
+    mv $f.asc $f.sign
+  fi
+rm -f $cleanup
+trap 'status=$?; (exit $status); exit' 0 1 2 15
+echo All set, please review linux-libre-$kver-$gnu.patch
+exit 0

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff